0 Nap -..iloacrtioinents LOST r{ 6 T Monday . the 16th inst., on the ji A pablic road between Carlisle and the Cove hfills, a• pair of - 4.40L1) SI'EC'J ICLKS, in.a grey( morocco ease.. The fitider will he suita bly tewertled by keying the 1 at this (Alice. ,azomurr . W NTED, persons indebted to the subscriber aro desirbd to settle without delay, so flint lie ittay dv likewiSe to his crediters• Attention to this notice is earnestly solicitrd. Jan 18,1 G, W. lIITNER. WAti3T - WANTED immediately. a HOY from 15 to 17 Sears of agc, as n clerk in a loannly Green y. Ono tram tha cdtintry who can speak Getman Inferred Jan IS J. G. W ILL.IAMS sEnmoN for the Times, by the Rev . A Alex. J. McGill, 11, D., received and for , eale at )V1 1,1,1 A MS' Jan 181 fr‘atuily Grocery.. • 1" 0 4 E 3NT . TI-111 ROOM on Centro Square, ((lectern's Role) now oettorned by Major Lire for the man• ufneture of Chairs, Cabinet Wstre,i&e.'l Also two OFFICES,ju the ss me row , . They are in tile !float public part of Ole borough, and the bestelocathn for business. Possession given , on the lot of April, 1851. Jon 181 CHARLES OGILIIY• 1 1- 111 - 1: surgeons' Bandage Xnstitute REMOVED to No. 4 Ninth street. 4664'41".2 eixlh IVETTl'ojPai\telanrtkfrr.ndußriliiC. g Pressure Trt u SS, for the cure of Rupture; Sliolder Braces, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Sit•pensUry, Hemorrhoidal, cud Banduges for del'ormiLics. Jan. 11-Iyr. . CLOTHING: CLOTHING! 'l'lllF. subscriber is now having made up a.lot of Fashionable IA nd Substantial Clothing which he will se4t as c:lieoplf no 4. cheaper than any en- Cablishaint in the borough. The stotilt will eons's' or OVERCOATS,. Fi Ile D R.F.SS CO A TF, SACK COATS, . ~ PANTA LO'ONS, VESTIN GS, &e TlieClothing will be made out of none but the best quality or goods; cut out by an expe l-rowed and good cutter, and the work gm up the best meaner yid by the best of hands— We hue note onthatel-a lof i tir choice Clothing, and all WO ask is for purchasers to give its a call and they will be pleased with the work and ',rives. At the old stand : On East Main Street, Jan 181 CHARLES OGILBY. ELEGANT GIFT BOOKS I !! ME,RSO NS wishinu to purchase cimisT 2. - Ai AS PRES E N TS, such as Annuals, Gift Books. , • 1 Ilustrat er - floets, • Standard Wot ks, Bibles, . Prayer Books, , hymn Books, ~ Juyeniles, , . Port nonaies, Port Folios, Fancy Stationery and Finley Articles generally, will find a free ass ortinent at the Cho p,Boult Store of A. M. PIPER. AHEAD OF ALL COAPETITION. ! `•Salton Leads the Column." 't FTblt. .days tom nights ul unceasing toil and trouble I have succeeded in marking aad ,nrrangimr my new stock of IA Alt D. W A It Ii , and altnough there has been a ire• mentions rush of customert who know whero to deal on reasonable terms, and who upine elate my old habit of s el ing cheap without snaking much 11188 about the minter. I um constantly making room lor 110 , w:customers to trop "in and examine what is undoubtedly the LARGEST AND BEST assortment of goods ever ofkred west cl Philadelphia, and cmbra tcing everything usually found in II hardware Store, Irons a needle to - an anchor, - all of which ate of the best quality anti will be sold ,it prices which cannot radio give satisfaction. - TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS, - - - - 1 would-say that my steelc of cross cut, hand, panel ripping and back saws, bright, black and blue augurs, chisels; 'planes, locks, hatchets, hinges, screws, straight necked and bar ~olts, broad, pointing and chopping axes, iron and steel squares, rules, tape measures, levels. &e. cannot tail to please the 'nest fastidious. FARMERS Can be accommodated on the most reasonable' terms with Durkee's celebrated York plows at ,93 37. Also Plank's, Craighead'a and others' at manufacturers' prices; spades, rakes, forks, shovels, grass and grain scythes. (Dunn, Dar ling and Grtllins make.) Patent rind common smiths of halls doxen different kinds. Giant Cradles, (Gregor's, -P C raighend's and Crawbach's make,) at reduced rates. Also grindstones. eluting boxes, chain cistern and tome pumps, hnitor, breast and log chains, sin gle and double traces, and spreads. C.ctlyr Were such es tuba, buckets, bowls, water kegs, to• gether with an-everlasting assortment of table and pocket. cutlery, spoons, shears and sciz.. Born, candlesticks, snuffers, shovels end tongs. kettles, pans, sad irons, waiters, bru-ilies, &c, which will lie'sold by the wagon load, ton yard bushel or in the ordinary way, - -!;berm coma friends, give us a call and see lot yourselves. We'll wait on yon with pleas urn, and give you bargains of which von can't complain. Remember the place, East High Street, opposite Ogilby's ° June 1, 1853. :HENRY SAXTON. STOVES!' STOVES! STOVES! JOHN I). GORGAS, Rr 0U LD inform the public that he has now on hand at his establishment, on Main turret, next door to - Marion llall, the largest nd most complete assort ment.ol COOK, OFFICE & PARLOUR STOVES to be found in this county, w h ich will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit. Ills stock consists of a large assurimbnt of new and'highly approved PATENT COOKING STOVES, Finished in tho most complete manner, and or or - both. All the Old standard patterns, which have stood the test of o..perience, may be found at his estab lishment. Also a great variety of the most ap proved and beautiful -? .PARLOR AND OFFICESTO VES, Including a number of new styles, possessing very superior advantages over those herelolore in see. Families and housekeepers are respeet• fully invited to give'him a call before purchn• sing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to any part ul the county and put up at the shortest notice. lie continues to do all kjnds oh TIN 'AND SHEET IRON WARE, and Copper work, and has constantly op hand' or will :nuke to order every article required by housekeepers or edict Sin this line. Ills stock of Tin and Gupper:wiire embraces every kind of household and kitchen utensil; warranted equal Col the best manufactured. Persons in want cif articles in his line may always be sure of being accemodated to their satisfaction by giving him a call. fOctl9 I livOmEß GREAT ARRIVAL! FA L. AND WINTER -DRY GOODS, At the Store.of Y. W, WOODS. second Arrival of Winter Dry—Goods. Tll5 subscriber respectfully informs his friends . an,d . ,ni ma runs cuttome to. that tie has returned from Philadelphot with a large assort• mont of Pull and Winter Goods, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings. IthlPlll.B, tit:k ings, checks, flannels, Hussy, cravats, suopen• dore, gloves, Ew. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, . Silks. hombazitica: morinoos, coburg cloths, lig'd plain and changeable poplins, ginglta:ns, calicoes, alpacas, shawls, hosiery, &c. • HATS AND CAPS, , -: Men's and Boys —a very large assortment, al so Bonnets and kiPbone. BOOTS. AND SHOES. .‘ A. largo assorttnant of Mea's Womon'a and Childrairs' Boots and Shona. Jenny Lind ani Buskin Sheen at very low prices.. Colored and White CARPET CHAIN, G It 0 C E It I E S , A large asso . ihnont of GROCERIES, such as Slgar', Coffee, Molasses, Rico, Tone, &c. All who visit our establishment are frac to rteltnomiledge that we are • selling Foreign arid Pottlestie bcry tlentls, , Boots, Shoes; &c, at as. tonishingly low prices! Our. low palace have already attracted a largo number of people. The attention el all' who wish good bargains is Solteited, as great inducements can he ()tiered to purchasers. Don't I orget the old stand, Durnerialea kor ner. North Ilanotmi . Street, • • Batter. Huge, Raga met Soap talton at market prices. " " N.••W. WOODS. Dec '28,1853. Lined Buck Gloves. A full afeeetment'of Lined Bunk Gloves; idso Runk Mittons. and tither Cloven .jusr reue i ved by , G. W. , . -----, . N ,Tors rZbapEi. 111apatvate, Hardware. f li E subscriber wishes to draw the 'Litton lion ()l i the public to their own interests, Winch theymay consult to good - advantage - by ` examining the elegem and complete assert mem of Mid waro - ot every description, which he, is now receiving al has old stand on North Hanover street.- . . TO COACIIMAKERS. •We have a large sup'ply of springs, hubs; bands, laces, commis; and floor oil cloths and drab cloths, of differont qualities, in fact every thing to your line. I'o CABINET-MAKERS We offer complete setts of veneers, knobs and mo uldi ngs 0 1 walnut and mahogany, to sui both the taste and tho purse, ' CARPENTERS EXAMINE e splendid. occurs ment or t0(118 in your line no also u complete stock of building materials, cud] ns locks, hinges, screws, latches, glass, paints, oils, varnishes, turpentine. &c. and va rious carpenters tools cheaper Man ever, us has been acknowledged by a carpenter who has seen 13 LACKSMITIIS cannot go wrong in giving us a. call far a sup— ply of hammered, rolled, slit and other iron gone' ally, wed, as also cast, shear American and English blister steel, &c. •Ct c. OUR FARMER FRIENDS will Also consult their interests by looking nt our gheap shnvrlls, forks, trace chains, banter, and every other article Irem a .cradle to a plough,to suit them in price and quality, TILE PUBLIC GENERALLY are also invited to examine the quantity and quality now on hand of cedar ware, tubs, churns, buckets, oils, such as fish, sperm and flaxseed oils, which will lie sold at the lowest cash prices. I would also call attention to my splendid assortment or WALL PAPERS, pre-enting a numberless variety of Patterns at prices from fi etc. upwards. Remember there is no mistake here, ns all articles will be sole at the lowest cash prices at the old and well known stand rn North Hanover street, Eukt sire, betweee MeGlaughlin's Hotel and Kell er's t h at Store. JACOB SEAER. march 16 Prepare for Winter! PARLOR AND COO RING STVE2. r}l HE subscriber at his old stand on North L Hanover Street, Carlisle, the sign of the ''Mammoth Red• Oho Pot," ,desires to call the attention of the totblie to his large assort• went of o V E S .of the newest and most fashionable styles, Irmo the hest manufactories in the country, and at all prices Irons $3 to $l5 Among his PARLOR 'AND CHAMBER STOVES ore t h e Mirror Stove, the - Arctic, Revere, Star, Persian, - Union and 'Etna Air Tight, together with other pattern which he has of till sizes for Parini s or Chambers, and calculated tor burn ing either wood or coal. Also the Etna, Globe, Astor, Albany; Elitt-top and Bandbox or Poor Nlan's, with other comprising the latest improvemenh, in kitchen SIOVei, and intended (or either wood-or coal.— AL ~ the Dining Room Cooking Stove—a new and el,gant article, to which he invites the par ticular attention of families. II is cookingstoves range in price from SIC to '25, with all the fix ures complete. Also Nine Plato Stoves of various patterns aunt all prices. Also 11 Isce !Inn eo us ENAMELLED AND TINNED WARE- 7 - for Cooking Stoves, Bra?s Kettles, &c. Also, ivory article in the line of Tin and Copper Wore. The ',oldie at) r ectlully invited to call as he Is confident with his large stock, va— riety nod cheapness ; ul being able to give entire satisfaction to every purchaser. Coll and son. M. MORRIS. Octobr 19, I 853-3 m FRESH ARRIVAL! rvIIE subs Ober has just returned from Phil. adelphia, and is now opening a large and elegant assortment 2l cheap WINTI R' GOODS, consisting in part of cloths,' enssimers, CrISSi ii,lllllOS, binnkct , , jentl.9 Ladies , Goods—A benuriful assortment or do lames, French merinocs, paramettas, silks now style barred, cashmeres, rdiutis,ishaAiqs„r Frneh worked collars. &c. Domestics—Bleached and unbl'd muslins, checks, tickings, canton flmnels, &c. Boots and shoes—A .large assortment 'of men and bkys winter boots. Also an entire new stock of ladies"gaiters, morocco boots, bus dins and slippers, children's shoes in great.va riety, gum over shoes nf . all descriptions, Groceries—A fresh lot of- sugars, coffee, teas, molasses, spices, Etc. As tny winter assortment is new and full, we cordially invite all our old friends and custo mers. and the public in general to call and ex• amine nor stock before purchasing elsewhere, us we will take pleasure in showing our goods, and will sell Os ehettp if not cheaper than any oilier store in the twenty, Recollect the old stand—East Main Street. CHAS. OGILBY. Nov r 853 J 6 em Goods ! The subscri er has jest received a large and jwell eelected lot of Winter Goods at his Store 911 the corner of Centre Squark A fine lot di NAPOLEON CRATATS, ust opa ed, and for sale at the lowest g ure. D.O..ESS BUTTONS. A very !large and full assortment of Ladle's' Dress Buttons, embracing u new ',Lyle. I'ORTIIONNAILS, A great variety of Porttnonnaes, tof the latest patterns. WORK BOXES, just opened rt few Lathe's' Work Boxes and Gents' Shaving Cases, suitable forEGhristmas. FURS, FURS, Just opened a few Lots of Furs, with a largo lot of Woollen Comforts, and all for sale by •y GEO. W 111'PNER. Carlisle, Not• 31, 1853, IIE subscriber has just opened another lot of Woollen Plaid Cashmeres, Plaid Moos do Laines, Parameter's and other Dress Goals, F-U1273. FLlRS—Another invoied-of-Vietori nes, Muitees, Woolen Comorts, Scarfs, &e•— Also another lit of Lined 13nelesitin Gloves, Beek Mitts, with gloves and hosiery of every description, , POINTED VELVET RIBBONS; &e— -1 Joel opened an assortment of Pointed - Velvet Ribbons Within fresh assortment of Dresa . Trim mings, Buttons, &c. BEAV LOTIIS—On hand a large as sortment of Beaver Cloths for Overcoats, Su per. Broad Cloths, CdssiMers,:Satinets, Velvet . Cords, &e, and Cot sale by — GEORGE Carlisle; Dec 21, 1853. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! - RUST Reeeivod an assortment of first quali.y el Gam Shoes, also a an assortment of Wil lis' Ladies'• winter Bdots and Shoos. A lso a fall assortment of igen's and Boy's water proof and fine call skin BOOTS AND SHOES Also an assortMent of 'elegant bar'd and fled --DELAINES AND GASJIME'RS, of the novest styles, A lot al tan col'd French I lIIERINOES, amkParttmettas, and other fashionable colours. tisshrtment 'of elegant needle worked Collars, Chemizetts, tindersleaves end Cuffs 'CARPETS 1• CARPETS ! ! Some prime Carpets still on hand. Intending to relinquish this branch of my business I will sell off the stock uncommonly low. CHARLES •OGILB Y • Carlisle Dec '21,1853. FRUIT, CANDIES, eS4c. FAMILY partieg - Sabbath Schools and Pic nit: parties in goitig:to the country will do well by calling tit tho cheap' Drug Store of 11, J. lielTer, where they can be supplied with ar ticles at the lowest rates and of the beet CANDlES—retail, price, 20 cents per pound. A general nutriment of,Patent ,Mh,th •clnos constantly' on hand. Jy2o WALL PAPERS. /111EIE sulnicriberis just now receiving and U opening an unparalleled assortment of WALL PAPERS.. 'Phose desirous of trans forming the interiors of their old dwellings into, now. .opos, and giving additional emhelL, iSlitnenta to .their new ones, at n comparative ly trifling cost: will do well to call and examine for I can sell' them from 61 upwarda.' Re membre the old stand, East Math at opposite 'Ogilhy's Flom). By the wny. I would any to those who also Want to improve the 0:Bailor of their houses, that I can lornish them with Wotheril!'s tarp antifreak ground White Lead, together with various oihor:colours, blue. or.. a l ,go,.yellow. various shades of green, &c., in short e.yerything . caletdaled to adorn and ,dec-• orate your Mansions. mar 2 , BENR - 1 , SAXTON IHIPATA N. CLOTH—A new ond•splendtd knatcrial.for Overcpais. jurn received by , • , G. WAHTNER, C OM Gt&TO Ar ES, .Vetv Goods JUST RECEIVED, {ll~iicinc, THE WONDER OF THE AGE. For the Cure of Saltrheum Corn wall Sores, Chapped_of Crueller! tlands, Burns nt.'Scalds, Cuts or Vounds, Pi les, , lnflatninaiicn of the Breast, bites or insects; Sore Lips, Pim ples on ITle I'oce, and Breaking Out and Sores on Childre.t ; and all diseases of the Skin. This Cliittment will cure the Saltrlielin and Burns, or Chapped hands? quicker and surer than any other medicines of the kind, before the public. To substantiate' the above, I can dive hundittls of cer•tilicaies, but I consider• it no use, as (env person can do the same, it they have friends, for even a 'worthless article) d- rely valets on the merits of the Ointment Inc the public patrunage. N. B.—A single box of this Ointment will keep any Blacksmith's, farmer's, Sailor's, or Mechanic's hands, let them chap or crack ever Se Lael, sound and in gond working order• all whiter• Prepared and sold by AIONROE TER.Rm„ N;ltigatuck,Cairn, "Sold at .° by the principal Druggists, and Country Merchants. Price '26 cents per boy. Nov. 16, 1853—iy CARTER'S SPAhISH, MIXTURE, K toK e.'.."'' rr 4 .. ,' ."' ./ } 1144• ' '/ ,; , ,--•• ,'; it -if V157,,,..--1 ~,- ~ ,i., i 0 l ii , '':-:--- r l -I ' ' 4 gT.::: ... EAj , l Wag 4t4o:allja THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD, Not a Particle of Mercury In it inf.tllible remedy for Scrofula, li ing's Evil, Wieurnatism, Obstinate Cutanecus Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or , Tel— ler, Scald I lead, Enlargement. and Pain of the Bones and insists, Stubborn' Ulcers, Syphilitid Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints ant all Diseases :irking lions an injudicious use or,iller envy, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the This valuable 'Medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraurtrancy cores effected through its agcncy, has induced the proprietors, at Om urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues 1111'1 wonderrtil .curative properties. The following certificates selected from a large 'number, are hoWeves. stronger testimony titan site mere word of the proprietors ; and are all from gen— tlemen well known in their localitias and of the highest respectabiliry many of them residing in the city a Richmond, Va. F. IiOYDEN, Lotsq. of the 'Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known every where, says he Lias seen the Medicine called RI Eli's SP A I , ISII Tun E. ItChlliniSt erect in over a hundred lases',l clearly all the diseases for which it is reconsnien (led with the most astonishingly good results.- - Ile says it is the most extraordinkry medicin he-has ever seen. AGUrAND FEVER—Great Cure —I here liv certify that for tlu•ee'ye:rrs I had Ague anal Fever or the most• violent deseription. I had several Physicians. took large guantillespi Qui— nine, screwy, and I believe ali the Tonics ad— vertised. but all tv.thout any permanent rend . . At last I trio I Carlrr's Spanish Nlixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me and I am happy to say I have had neither Chills or Fever since. I consider it the hest Tonic in-the world and the only medicine that ever reached my case. JOHN LONGUE:N. Beaver dam near Richmond Va. G li LUCK Esq now in 'the city of Richmond and for many years in the Post office, has such confidence in the astonishihg.Ldieney of Carter's Spanish Mixture, that he has bought npwords of bottles which has given nwny to the afflicted. Mr Luck sacs he lets never known it to fail when taken according u, direetions Lir MINCE a practising physican and 'former ly or the City lintel in the cite of Richmon says he has witnessed in a number of es the effects of Carter's -gpairish-- Mixture which dire most trelyisurprising. De says in a case of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the good of were wonderful indeed. SAMUEL 1%1. DRINKER of the firm Drink er & Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver Complaint of 8 years standing by-the use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish Nuance, GREAT LURE OF SCROFULA—The edi tors of the Richmond Republican hail n servant employed in their press 'room Cured of violent Scrofula combined with Rheumatism, whieh en ((rely di snbled him from work. Two honks of Carter's Spanish Mixture merle n peri'iet mime: nod the editors in a public nolie: say they "cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted will` any disease of the blond " STILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROVU LA—I had a 'very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mixture. I consider it truly a valuable medicine: James M nyler Conductor on the It F & P It lt , Co Rie!Miond \L• John •I•ltnmpson residing in the city or Richmond, was cured hr three bottles or Carters Spanish MiXIIIre of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly '24 ye-rs. and which all the physicians 01 the city would runt cure. Mr Thompson is a well known met•clnunt in the city of Richmond, Va., and his curly is most remarkable. Principal Repot a at M. WARM, CLOSE E.r. CO, No 83, Maiden Lane, New lark • 'l' \V DMET, lit BONS, No 13:3, North 9.d street, Philadelphia. BENNE rr bt BEERS, No 125 Main street, Vn. , And for sale. by S Elliott, S W alinverstiek, Carlisle: Ira Day.Meehaniusburg; J II Herron, Newyßle; .1 C Attic, Shippenshum and by dea lers in medicines ermywhertl. JIB Attention, Limeburnere ! Buy your COAL or B. BIDDLE. KrONLY $2 40 per ton for Cneli. [Oetf, --REMOVAL. THE Storo of the subscriber. embracing TEAS, GROG RIBS, Queensware, and all the Varieties usually he l d by him, is removed to his •'ow budding, N'o's rir, 3, MARION HALL, West. Main St. Alareh 30, ISC3 J. W. ERY• FRESH TEAS', Er.o., JENKINS' Bost Brand of Tens, Green and Black, in metallic packages, bleu in bulk and titi urigintil - peeltigree.7A gen - efel ns• sortment of tho hest WHITE IRON STONE AN 1) GRANITE' WARE, with a variety of Glass Ware, and Common IVnre of eery de• scription, to setts or otherwise to suit the pur chase!, together with CEDAR WA K E, WILLOW WARE, . and a variety of Fancy Ware always in store and for sale at the "Family Grocery" of Juno 8.1853. J, W. EBY. e-U 0. 411 \ ‘. a v l: 3 IC A- Corner of lianprer and Louther t Carlisle, undersigned has always anknud n large stock of superior Cabinet. Ware, in all the different styles, which he is prepared 'to sell at the lowest prices.tie invites attention portic• ularly to the Patent Spring. Bottom Bedstead, a most useful article, which entirely obviates all objections. The bottom can be attached bold liodsteads. ,Tltoy have given entire satismc• inn) to all who have them in use. Int-COFFINS 'node to order attho shortest notice. JACOB FETTER Carlisle Jaley. 22, 1851,—1y.• KRUPP'S ESSENCE OF COFFEE MANUFACTURED. and for sale by ELI ERUPP, No 630, North Third street, rh , ltulelphis,is warranted to render,enttre satin. fautimi, and Is beyond doubt' 'the best and most wholesome propnratios of Coffee 'ever known.— One package nt 121 cents WILL SAVE four pounds of ordinnry'Coffee. Try It and be con vinced. A number at Essences of Coffee' were deposited at the Franklin Institute in 1852. and the indt , , , cs decided ICrupp's to be T BEST iu the exhibition. Friends, it you wish to enjoy tt. Ood, cheap and 'width) , Cup of Coffee procure Brupp's Essence or Colle. If is for salehy nearly the ,principal' Crocers 'and Droguitdi thrtmOont - the United St 2 es, ' April 20, tss3. ROSENSTMEL, OVSE, Sign, Fancy nod Ornamental 1111, Painter, Irvin's (lormerly Harper's) Row, noxt door to Trout's Hat Storo . , Ho will at. toad .promptly to all the above. doSoriptiona of Painting, at rengonable prices.. 'rho various kinds of graining attended to, such as mohog any, oak, walnut, &e., in the improved styles. Carlisle, July i 4, 1852-1-y. Übidittø, Shriner's Balsamic Cough Syrup. THE GREAT COUGH - REMEDY I . Four years' experience In almost every form of Pulmonary Disease, 'has proved to the du doubted.satisfaetioilof till - wholiave become an- qoainted with this great yemedy, that it Is far superior to any, other remedtin the .world for all diseases of the ' 'BREAST, THROAT ik 'LUNGS, This syrup is pur_ly a Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant, to hike, and never does , But owing to its purifying qualities, must do,good. under any circumstances. Its effects are witty . wonderful, soothing, calming, laud allaying the most violent coughs; purify-Ng, strengthening and invigorating the whole system, calming mid soothing the nerves, aiding and facilitating ex.-, • pectoration, and healing the DI:EASED LUNGS. Thus striking at the root of disease and driving it froth the system. If properly and perseveringly used, it never fails to'cure Coughs mid Colds, Consumption, Bronchitis Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Bleeding at the LUICLS, Difficulty of Breathing, • Pain and Weakness of the-Breast, Boars ness,, Wh . ooping Cough, REND CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCE. LinEtrrY, Frederick Co. Mil. Oct Ifi, 1849• Mus. Sonmtt —At your request I have exam. ined the composition of your "Balsamic Cough Ss rap," and from my knowledge of the ingre. (hems, and having iiiimessed its gOod effects, can recommend it t lila public us a Inluable compound for Coughs, Colds, and alt clm - onic pulmonary affections. THOS SIM, M D `' ~~ Head' the following letterlrom REA' M P len UN losTowr; $ Dec 23, 1852 Mr 1V is SmurtErt—Dear Sir-1 have given your ','Llalsamie Cough Syrup" a tiny trial and am happy to say. that l have never tried any thing that relieved me So soon 1 have MAO given it insmy pAmily with the sa . the good circa in every in tance. It is certainly a most excellent reme dy, and oughtao be in every family The ex ceeding low price at which, it is sold places it within reach of Pardon the liberty .1 have taken in thus giv ing Inv experience in the use of the Syrup .un solicited by you. Respectfully yours , ll P JORDON Mr SHRINER—Dear Sir—l have been afflicted with a disease of the throat for n number 'of years, and for eighteen months past have been much troubled with a cough, during which time •I have tried many of the popular remedies for such diseases, without finding any lasting bene fit. At rout- suggestion was ',minced to try your "Balsamic Cough Sr , u p," and lam hap py to inform you that. 1 find it Va be stipetior, 'to any I; have taken. From my wledge of I•s Mgr edientt, and my experience of Its tificacy, take pleasure in recommending it to to the pub• lie for the purposes Specified in your circular. Mr Suatrlna—l).:ll. fir -1 received your communication in due time Mier it was mailed and- now.takemp my pen to reply to • your en quiries in regard to the effects -of your "Bal samiu Cough. Syrup." For fifteen months previous to last March, I was troubled with an affection of the throat, mulch originated from severe cold and cough, tale caused me much difficulty in speaking. died several preparations professing to be reme dies, but they all failed to produce the good de., sired. My throat grew worse and worse, so much so that my friends became alarm oil„ and I became learMl lest it ,shuuld terminate in Bron chitis. While home last Spring in Triadelpnia, 1 heard of many astonishing cures perfonmed by the use of your •tßalsamic Cough Syrup" and having overcame my prejudices against patent medicine, resolved to try it, and 'used two bot. ties ; 1 found myself entirely cured. feel pre pared to•say flint believe begs superior remedy to any before discoYered dertain it is superioe to any I have ever used. Yours respectfully TiIEOPIIILUS BURTON, Minister at Meth Pi olestant Church Mr Editor—The impsralleled success which has attendecifthe use of "Shriner's 'Syr up" in all c:wes•that have come under my ob, servation, and- the very gratifying effects of its use in my own fainily induct:3 me to offer this testimony iii its favor. ✓ About three months sinew Mrs Evans was taken with a very severe chal.l, ;vnich in a short time settled on her breast, causing the most dis• tressing cough, pain in the breast, &n. The usual remedies were made use of, but she cons t inued to grow worse, until it wa3 deemed pru dent to call in the family physician, who attended hoer for some time without and-apparent benefit .l innlly the persuasion of friends, we vere induced to make a trial of "Shinier's Cough Syrup." I procured a bottle, and she w3minenced taking I' on Sunday, and by Thurs. day was entirely relieved. Th.) obstinacy or the ease, and the promptness of the relf &Maled, causes me to think this one of the greatest remedies of the kind in use. Yours, tut, LEVI ILYA Westminster, Jan 10, 1852. [Sm. prince-37 1-2 cents per Bottle, or three Bot• tics for sold by all Druggists and Dotty). Storekeepers, MERRY CHRISTMAS Fancy Goods, Gilt Books, Cc„ • %Y. 11A VERS'riClil has just received k.. 7• front the city midis now openings splen did display of FANCY GOODS, suitable for the approaching Holyday Season, to which he desires to call the attention of his friends and the public-. His assortment in this line cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and both in quality trod price of the articles, can not fail to please purchasers. It would be im possible to enumerate his • HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS,' which comprise every variety of fancy article o the most novel styles and exquisite shape such as Papier Macho Goods, • Elegant alabaster and pcircelain ink-stands and - trays, Fangivoryaearl and shell card eases, - Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instrunete. Port Monnaies, of every variety,24 Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, • Papotcries, with a large variety of r.lodies Fancy stationery, Motto seals rind wafers, Silk and bead purses, Ladies' riding whips, °le:gently finished, Ladies' fine cutlery, ' Perfume baskets and bags,l Brasties of every hind for the toilet, ._ ussolls ; Pe r mes of .the_various Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all prices, together with tin innumerable variety of etrtieles elegantly finished and suitablc,for ho lyday presents, to which lie invites special at ' &cation. Also, all evonsive and elegant collection o: HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS, comprising the various English and American ANNUALS for 1854, richly embellished and illustrated POETICA L W 0 It K. S, with CIIILDREN'S PICTORIAL 800 IC , for children of all ages, titan Which nothing can be more appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. His assortment. of School .Books and School Stationery is Also complete, and corn prises every thing used in College and the Schools, Ile also desires to'call the particular attention of Families to his elegant display of LAMPS, GIRANDOLES, &c. from the extensive establishments of Cornelius. Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor,' Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning either lard, sperm or ethe real oiLtogother with Flawor Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. Ilia assortment in thisline is 'un equelled in the borough. Also; FRUITS, FANCY CONFECTIOARY— . NUTS—PRESERVED FRUITS, &c., • in every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh ! Mich as can be confidently recommended to his friends and the little folks. Ills stook enthrones everything in The line of Fancy Gootts„with many other articles useful to housphoopers,which the public are especially invited to cell and Soo durin& the holidays., Remember the• Old , Stand, naarly, , o.ppesitothe Penh. on North Hanover street. dean, 1853. &NV. HAV,ERSTICR.' SAI I MSII,IIAisT WANTED. AYOUNG MAN who jis thoroughly .se• oust - tinted with the Drjl Goods business. wanted immediately by . • • • nov3ll . G. W.. DI TN R The enbeeriber'.will, pny Cakelt.;.fer ,STR of anyjcind deliv,ered of Middlesex.. „Farmers will find it to 'their interest ip . sell 'their straw purohneo other renthurein nov2Otf). •E SE4YQCK; , ' Agent,, . • -• • PLAIDS, PLAIDS. . • A vary handsome lot of Plnid:Cashmera just toceivod at the new and cheap store of ..•. •• ' WEISE & CAMPBELL. ' LIBEILT.Y, Frederick Co 111dt Nov 6th I 849" \V ROBY, Pastor Methodist Protestant Church I,ounEN Co,.lrn, June 10th, Leso For the Carroltonian W WA.ZirI'ED lira! (Estate. Zalcs. STORE MOH TO RENT THE Large and Capacious STORE ROOM on East High street, lately, occupied by Mr. Carothers as a Grocery Store. It is very elk. gihly_siinated for.husiness_Possessionwill be given at any time. For terms enquire of .JACOB ZUG. • Jnn 11,.18.54 . . FOR RXINT. TliE largo ROOM on the corner t• or Fligh and Pitt streets, now occul— t= 1,' , 1 pied by Win.- 11,..Bretz. nen Drug 111 11 11 4 t Sterc;;. Aldo the Blacksmith Snop, =""'"--"'" on Pitt Strpot, rbw occupied ,by Win. Brceac. Apply to deeflti ROBERT NOBLE. FOlt R.T.EN A Two Story BRICK HOUSE..a., situate on the north east corner of ',Mk4 g Loather and Pitt Streets, and a .. 4 ,41): E Two Story Stone / House on Lou- 511,4„ u , titer Street, no ,v occupied by' the Rev Meliremer. Also several smaller dwel lings for rent. Enquire of novl's3] JACOB SENER. HOUSE M.IID LOT FOR SALE. TFIE two Story FRAME HOUSE and Lot of Ground in South Harm.,„ ear street, now: occupied by Charles .eart 13arnitz, immediately opposite Bent'z 04 B Store, is offered at private sale. For terms comfit° of the subscriber, Attorney for the owner. nov9's3tfJ 1 R. M. HENDERSON. Valuable Town Properly FOR SALE. EWILL sell at private sale 4 Two Story Brick HOUSE'.Air „ „ and Lot of Ground, situated on ,S.6l' I North Hanover street extended, r ye y. : in 'this borough. This house is double with back budding, all in good condition. The Lot is do ,net in front by 17.04 n depth. Od the promises is a stable, and the whole proper ty is eligible and convenient. Also, a small Two Story. BRICK HOUSE and Lot of Ground, 15 feet front by 119 deep, on North street near to Hanover, It these preponies`nee not nold by the Ist of .January next, they will be rented for the emu ing year. JOHN 13. PAREFIL. Callisle, Nov . 29, 1,53. VALUABLE FARM. AT PRIVATE SALE THE subscriber being desirous of moving to the West, oilers at private sale the• FARM on n'hich he now resides in Monroe twp., Cuknb• Co about 0110 mile south %VLSI. of Chorobtown, on the Yellow Breeches creek, odd adjoining lands IA Moses - Bucker, Joseph Brandt and 'others, CONTAINING 161 ACRES, strict measure, of a first rate finality of land, about 110 acres of which is cleared and in a high slate of cultivation, the remainder is covered with young and thriving timber. The 101 prove• mentsaro a two story Dwelling HOUSE, FO ' feet square, with rnisement fitted , g g no for a wash house, stone bank •' BARN 35 leet front and 40 back, . ,105,5 a stone spring house with a never fuilhtg spring of excellent venter at the door, wagon shed, corn cribs, cider press, and other out buildings, an apple orchard, an oil mill and claw, newer sufficient to propel am machinery. ALSO 585 ACRES of Mouhtair Land, near Cookstown in thesame township, adjoining lands of Messrs Samuel and Richey Clarks, M. Ege's heirs and others. The above property will be sold. in parrs or the whole, and terms-made to suit purchasers. Any per-on wishing to view-said property-can do so by calling on the subscriber. JAMES CLA,II.K. November It, 1853-4 w ".*Laneasier Examiner copy (4w) and send bill to this Mike. rAXLIVX FOR SALE The subscriber offers at private sale hie FARM, situate about two miles north of Car• lisle, lying between the Canodoguinet Greet and the Sulphur Spring road. It is joined by farina of Wise rind Nateher, and CONTAINS 70 ACRES, all cienred land,lthirty ,of which aro meadow. his well limed and in a high state of cultiva tion. The improvements aro a Two, Story FRAME 110 USE, a well of wa tde ter with pump.at the door, frame 4 , * Bank Barn, &c. There is also a orchard of choice fruit trees. Also, will be sold ,with the same if oesired, a tract of MOUNTAIN LAND. Persons wishing to perchaso can learn terms by calling upon It M Henderson, Esq., iu Carlisle. • JOHN SANDEItSON. November 1 1853--tf Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE. The ' undersig,ned executors of the estate of R. B. Stevenson, dee'd, offer at private sale, the lollawing real csta:c, in West Pennsboro twp, Cumberland county, late the property of Richard B. Stevenson, late of the borough of Carlisle, dee'd, All that FARM situate in West Pennsboro township, aforesaid, about one mile boot the boro glt of Newville, bounded by lands. of J. McCulloch, W Laughlin amd others, and " CONTAINING 142 ACRES, more or less. The land is'first rate limestone land, in good cultivation and :well fenced, 55 02res of which are clear and the rest in timber. fthe improvements are a large double stone and brick Dwelling HOUSE, two stories high, n large and substan , . tial STONE BARN, a good well N of Lime Stone Water, and cisterns 10 t 1- for rain water. There is on the - promises an orchard of well selected fruit trees. Also, a lot of %VOL/OLAND that has been used with this farm, situate about one-fourth ol a mile from the Doubling Cap Springs, and ad joining that property, containing about 22 acres. Persons wishing to examine the farm can do so by calling on Mr. Long. the tenant on the place. Tc , rms made easy to purchasers. Possession and a good title will be given on the let of A pril,lBs4. _ • _ T. COLLIN' STEVENSON. • - s JAAIES--W.- 1411111.SfIALL, Ex'rs of R. B Stevenson December 7. 1854. ORPHANS' COURT SAL M. On SATI RDA Y, January 21, 1854. ITNDER nn order of sale from the Omitslts' 9../ Court of Cumberland County, the subseri. her will offer at public sale on the premises, at 1 o'elcek P. M., the following property, late 'the real-estate of George 'famish, deceased: A two story FRAAI I.: HOUSE • and Two LOTS OF GROUND, containing shout mu—fourth of an-Q` S acre, situated at Boiling Sprinr.T.iti South Middleton .ownship.. 'll, O lot on- which the house is situated i- on the Forge road, bounded by Mary Brechbil, Adorn Leidy rind nit alley. Theother lot is bounded by the Shipponsburg road and Dan'l Kauffman. The lots will be sold separately or together, no may suit pereloisers. . Terme of Sate—Five per cent of the purchase money to:be paid on day 'of .sale, one hall cl the residue on the Ist of April. 1554, when posses sion will Mt given, and the residue in one your therenfter without interest, to be secured bya lien on the kind. LOUISA STONER, Adm'x of Georgelfamish, dcc December 28, 1853. USEFUL, FRAGRANT and GOOD. • • no J. KIEFFER has just returned from Phil: 'adelphin with an additional supply of fresh DRUGS, which ln'connection with his former stock will make his establishment complete in this department. In addition to the above ho has also opened a fresh supply of Confectioneries, Fruit, Nuts, Paseo and Fancy Articles of every ,deticrip. tieti. The attention of the Lattice is;especially invited to his cxiensivo assortment of Fancy Aarieles, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and Perfutnes of every variety. • Gentlemen are invited to examine his fine. asiortment of Fancy A rtieles—qegars, Chinn and Porcelain Pipes, Tobacco of all kinds, Shavin,g Mitt Toilent Soaps of superior quality Cancs;Riding and Carriage Whips, and many o!her articles which More esneciallF intere gentlemen. A number of superior Woollen Maus on hand. - , • The' proprietor will he very •hsPny to liner his friends cal! end examine hie goods whether they may' wish' to purchase or not. • • Juiv,B 1853 . 11 J KIEFFER— ISll2lobUror 9l .l . , 1000 TONS Linieburner'i Coal et' the' best reebivirig.nnd lbr sal e by E. 131:11 °LC, Only $2,40 - par ton: - Carlisle, Marekl6,lBs3,' ' Fish, nib. 0 , wish • A CHOICE lot of NO'. 'I;MACKEREL, in tv whole,: lira and gliarterbbla, also n lot •ol mon No.'9 Mackerel for solo' cheap for cull at thosThroily grocery store of • Jnnole.lBs3. • J. G. WILLIAMS, 15 wnriLukrix BRoomm, SEALER OF WEIGHTS ..,AVD MEASURES FOR CUMBERLAND COUNTY Dar Offloe near Shirethanstown. Scfeci, School for Young Ladies. F..bOWNING lutc to inform those who may wish to secure her ser vmethat olio intends to commence the in- struetien of a select class of young ladies, at her rooms at Mr, McCartney's Ilotel, on MON DAY, February G. Instruction will he given in the various bran ches or a thorough Enesh education; also, in French, Drawing, Fancy Needlework, &c. Carlisle, Jan 4 1853-3( JUST RECEIVED, rzsz-x-- Lake White -Fish, Pultled.Herring haddock Mackerel, No. 1,2, 3, Codfish. The'above has been selected with strict ref erence to family use and lc,r sale low. Also TOIESAdCO-- Fig Leal—mild and agreeable Yellow Bank Fine Cut, Cavendish—of fine quality, Congress, Grant's and Race Horse. Smoking Twist, &c. Srea.A.XLS-- Yara, La bullten brands (imp'd) ' La Josetiitta and,Plantat ion Sixes, Hall Spanish and Common, All the above articles on hand at the Family Grocery. J. G. WILLIAMS, SPLENDID .71 EViTELRY ! holiday Presents, &c. THOMAS CONLYN West High street, a few doors west of Burkhol ,, ' der's Hotel, Carlisle. is just received the irgest and most elegant ..isortment of SUPERIOR JEWELRY ever offered in Carlisle, consisting in port , Gold and Silver Watches of every variety, and at all prices, eight-day CLOCKS, Silver table and tea spoons, silver table forks and busier knives, gold and silver spectacles, ladies' and gentlemen's gold pen and pencil, gold chains of everydescription, ear and finger rings, breast puts, &e. at all prices. Also Accordeons and Musienl Boxes, with a great variety of Fancy Anieles, ,, seleeted expressly for the Holidays. Persons desiring to purchase are invited to call and examine the asmottnent. We are prepared to sell at very reasonable pi ices, Quality-of all goods warranted to be ns fine as sold for. THOMAS CONLYN, Dec 28, 1853 West High Street.. THE EEGHTR st: SILK STORE ' No. 4, North Eighth Street, Phila. y V. DEP U Y returrs his thanks to his no d; merous customers it. Cumberland county for their liberal patronage during the but sea son. and is now prepared to supply them ut reasonable prices, with every description of Fancy Dry Goods. Ills stock comprises a full assortment of sra Rich Plaid Silks . Fine French. Merinoes 13roendo do Rich Plaid Cris[nacres Plain do Paris Moos de Laines Changeable do Plain, nil Wool do Satins and Fiore n e Cheap de Lnines foris.de Beres imported GlllOl9 lil9 Embroidered Collars' Chintzes Muslins Flan- Sleeves Chemizettes mils mid Sackings'. Also, a lull line of till widths of the BEST BLACK SILKS, with Shawls, Mantillab, Rib• boss, Cloaks, Velvets, Cloaking Cloths, &c., in great variety. Ills goods are bought low, in large lots, from first bands. J. V. DEPUY, 41, INT • Bth st., Phila riep7'm SOLIS, BROTHERS, Importers and Manuflietnrers of every Rind of LADIES' 8G Amdi street (liclow - Third Ft) Philadelphia, and at 178 Water street, Now York. S our Goods have_ all been selected in Eu rope by one of the firm, and manufactured hr of m:lives in the most elegant and lashiona bliFfnannor, wp eon offer them at a price(taking their superior quality into consideration) that will defy competion. Silver Medals awarded for superiority by th,e Institutes of Pennsylvania and Maryland. JULII7S No. 171 North 2d street, opposite the Camel llotel„ Philadelphia. HAVING in Store a full and extensive as• n sortmenVolDtillinery articles, Trinin legs, and Fancy Godds, such ns Ribbonds, Laces, Blond, Glace Silks, Florenecs, Bonnet Frames, and a large as ortment of Needle•werked Collars, Caps, Flounces, Insertings, Edgings, &c., together rid, a great variety of other ar ticles in our line too numerous to mention, at WHNLESALE AND RETAIL. N. B. I request all such us are about making their purchases to giverm a call. Isep2B AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, AND SEED STORE. THE subscribers, in addifib,n to their Wen. sive Grocery, have connected (herewith an AGRICULTURAL IV A REH 0 USE and SEED STORE, 110; Market street, near the railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and are prepared to fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, of all kinds of Agricultural Implem nts, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants with reasonable discounts to sell again. Horse-powers and threshers, wheat-drifils and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva.. tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter , grain fans corn shelters, vegetable 'cutters, hand groin mills, clovetttthellers, horse rakes, churns,grind atones and improved !longings, hay, straw and manure lerks, farmer's boilers, ox yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cow chains,sspades, hoes 'and rakes, poq diggers, wheelbarrows, grain cradles, scythes and soy' hestones, potato° drags post augurs,. axes and hatehr.s. grain begs grain measures, garde.' trowls. pruning 'and bedding knives. grass end grain sickles, screw wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole traps, eattln-cards-and-horso-brushek-curry•- combs, garden repls, cow bells, whiffle trees, glum°, plaster, poudrette, bone dust, lime, gar den, field and flower seeds. A Iso. tx largo anti fresh assortment of GRO CERIES, Sec., till cheap Mr ensh. . _ BOYER & HALL. .Grain and produce of ail kinds received n exchange for implements. April 1 3. 1853.-1 v PBBSERVB YOUR TEETH BY USING Zermans Celebrated Tooth Wash. . _ • rpHIS-valuable-preparation-Imo long been used in New York and PhiladelOia, where it has attained an immense popularity, for cleansing, !reserving and heautityiq the teeth. It is an excellent remedy la sore,soft pr bleeding Gums. It also impartsa delightful fres h ness to the mouth and agreeable odor to the breath. Read the fullownw from Dr. Murray.'' I can, with the utmost confidence, recom mend to ,the public;, Zermatt's Anti-Scorbutic Tooth Wash as the best in use. In my practice as a Dentist,l have used and recommended it for me last five years, and have toned it to give sat isfaction in every instance, as the Wash tines not contain acid, or'anything injurious to the teeth or gums; but, on the contrary, is the best antiseptic n the practice, mid therefore, would recommend lie tune of it, not only to those who wish to pre servetheir teeth aunt gums, and have is wholesome ibreath, but also to limn who have diseased gums tor teeth. The use of the Wash, for a short time, will insure a return to their healthy SIW, GEORGE kl MURRAY, Dentist, No• 61, S. Eleventh st., below Chestnut Phil'n. Dr. Ilendel, of Carlisle, sap i=^ Mr. Zer matt, I om well pleased with your Tenth Wash it not only cleanses and whitens the teeth without tajuring,them,but it. curse BOIT or bleeding gums. I cheerfully recommend it to the professmn anti public, as tits, very best preparation that can be need for cleansing and preserving the teeth, healing the inms, and- giving sweetness to the breath. , JOHN O. HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist. " Price 35 cents per bottle. Prepared only Francis Zeman, Drttstist nod Chernist, corner of Ninth and Catharine streets; Philadelphia.. For sale by SAMUP... ELLIOTT, Cal lisle, 'ti6tl:l "Irl• r' OMR AN s o A.TZ ON. THE underaigned are now prepared to freight .. , , js6 , ri p t Merchandise frein lKi. Vtitti ?O.::: 1 Philadelphia and " s r 2t. Baltimore, of re-', deceit rates' with regularity and despaich.', Freed, Ward & Freed, 315 •Market Street,l Philadelphia • A. H. Barnitr. 76 North Street, Baltimore. 'Michael Herr, North Street, Baltimore. • dep323in J. 3f. I). ItHoApc' , . 1111ROCTIA. LONGpr,WLS—Juat. re. ct i y .,ia ~:f... non and Square"Troolia 0 \ Sti w ii.p...? iur sale blic • ••- • .. • _. .. ~, . G. W. lIITN.En Legal anb (AI tl)er Natircs. TITOTECEL. BOOKS nail A'ccountn or William Breo.9e tranglerred to llonvy Glass,arc in !he hands o f Maw & Purk,r fl,r colloation• LIEN It-Y-- GLASS: Jan 11, 1851 Estate of Jos. .13. Stevenson, dec. 7kToTicE is hereby given that letters of nd. ministration on the estate ol.loseph B Ste venson, Into of the borough of ' Comb. county, Pa., bay:: this day hi.en issued by the Register in and for said county, to the subscri ber, residing in said borough. All persons having claims' against said estaie are regnired to present them for settlement, and those indebted to make immediate pa3Pment to • JAMES W. MARSHALL, • Jan 11,1 1841 Estate of Jacob Creamer, deseased. NrOTIcE is hereby toms that letters testa ./..11 meat:try on the estate of Jacob Creamed late of Southampton township, C;umb• deceased, have been granted I y the Register of said county to the subsrinber, re,iding in tho the same) township. All peroons indebted to said estate are required to metier immediate pay , ascot, and those havtng claims to present them J/ Olt CREAMER, P E (It EM ER, (JEURGI:CREAMER. Executors. jinlirgpd PROPOSALS ram. sraolE, pROPOSA LS will he reef , teed until the 20th 11 January 1854, '1::r furnish:no 10 the Carlisle Gas & IVater Confpany ';00.000 BRICK., well burned and shaped. To be in size ‘.:.4 by 4 by 9-255,000 ol lovhich nr.• to he delivered at the reservoir—one toile north Ctirl.sle. and the residue within the borough. and the whole on Or be'ore the Ist day ol June neat. lt EDI: WATTS, President. Jan 2 1851 CARLISLE 'BOROUGH XIOAN IIE Bonds or the Boroulth el Carlisle, with imtlpon attached Itn- t he payment of inter est half yearly, on the ht Mies ot July and January each year, at 'he Carlisle Deposit Bank, in sump ol $lOOO, 5..)10) n1,1 , 6 . .4100. will be ems posed or,pt present In the nnionnt ol - $12,500 to applicants at par: either that whole amount to gether or such sums us may be anted. In• VeSIMCIII9 in this loan by art Assembly will not be subject to any Itmoot,ll. school of county tax. Application to be made at the Carlisle Deposit Dank to W M. 111.:ETEM, Jan 2 1051 Treasurer. Esfate ofJohii atkor, dee OTICd is hereby given that Ittri.,3 of ad - lllilligiralloll, Wllll the roil /111111'1)i, on the estate of-John Baker, late til ',lnmte twp, dee. nave been . granittd in the witiserliter, residing in the same town-hip. A'l persons indebted to said estate are required in slake immediate pay nien, and those having I.lini , in present them CH RISTI A N BAKER, Adm'r. der 9 SG‘v Estate of John Eberly, dec. jT ril'TEß3t i 'restiontinisry on the estate or John Ethel lv, late to .-itiver Spring town -814, have been istitio to t.iti subscriber, resi ding in Ito ninten' county, t? whom all 'pers.inJ havit,z el:inns against eatd estate iv II twesent the it tor .tettlemen ! ,ond all indebted will make paytoeiniiio El. EBERLY, Executor. MEE Estate of A. Wiiliams, dec'd• %To ftCE is.ht.reby gown that' Fetters Tea. , Lament try nit the estate Abraham Wit Lams, late of Monroe tow c skip, (.:umberland . county, deceased, have lwen granted by the Register of said county to . 1 be subscribers, re siding in Upper Allen township in the same °polity, All persists knownc,: themselves in debted to said estate are requested to" make immediate payment, and tic,se having claims to present them for SPin if'111 , ! , 11 to MICH .1 EL cocKLIN, A LEX. CATHEA WI', Exr's. nny'r 16pd F U R- S , Estate of. Dr. A. 11. Russell, deed VOTICFI is hereby given I hat "tette"' Testa mentary on the 001010 4)1 Dr . . Rus sell, late of West Pennsboro townsh , Cum • berintsd county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said Comity, to the subscri ber, residing in the same ion iiship. All per sons knowing themselves intlinited to said estate are required to make immediate payment and those having claims to prcs-nt them for stile metit to now'r.l6pd Estate of Alichael Livingston, dee'd NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate ol Michael Liv ingston, late ol East l'ennsboro township Cum.. berland count y,thieeased. hate been granted by the Register of said eunty to the subscriber residing in the same township, All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are required to make immedinte payment and those having claims to present them to ' STEPLIEIN 11. LI VINGSTON, novnt " H Adm'r Estate of Jatnes Eckles, sr., dec.- NOTICE is herby given that letters oc ad ministration have Levu issued by the Register of Cumberland Comity, who) the estate of James Brides, sr.. I.its r,r 'Upper Allen twp., deed, to the subscriber re,iiling in the seine township. kll 111030 Matins against said estate will present for settlement, an d th ose indebted wi I malt , payment ix) WILLIAM. M. ECKLES, Adm'r. novo6 w NOTICEis Itere'ty giventhat applicatiaa will be made to the next Legislature, agreeable to the constitution arid laws of this Commonwealth, rot' so alteration it the charter of the Carlisle Depomtc Bank, so as to confer tipon'snid Bank the rights n d privileges of a bank of issue, and to change the narno - to that of the Carlisle Ditak." By order or ili9ltoard or Directors. 'W. BEETEM, Cushier, June 29, 1853—Gm Ncrrfc F is herby gives !bat the "Cumber land Valley Sayings Insinittion," lobated in Dickinson township, Cunitimland county, will make npnlicittion to the livid Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania fur an Act or UneUrporation;ivith mr,sprint of not less than - Teti nor more than 'flirty Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of receiving neposits cl money both transitory and on interest, Mild of making loans and discounts, siith .nelt other privilege, as arc usually granted to Savings Institutions. By order of the Directors. — VrAI. -- 0 - A - I:I3I:EATII,Trens D. L BEELINIANSevf. De226m) 01IN W. BELL, BENJ. DARBY .70.11 N W. r,:m2yz, Co., A ): 1) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HOWARD STREET, Opposiiv . Centre, 1y BAL.TIMORE. SPRING FASRIOATS FOR 1853. eIiEORGE ICELLEIL respectfully Minoan. IJITcos to his old l'atrans and the public gen erally that he has just received the SPRING STYI,Ii OF H,ENTLE— ,MEN'S HATS, manufactured manctured at r i g ono of the bout ostablishmenia to Philadelphia, To which he invitee special attention. Ho lute also constantly no hand a.large and varied, assortment of his own insmilucture as well as city made 17C ATS anti Oar.% suitable for he senseti,:Minprising 'every vari oyt of Russia, Beaver, Mastic and Silk Hata', finished in,the latest style, tei,te,ther with a lull assartrrient of Quint of every shape end chm- • cription', and at (Merg price lie 'particularly invites the public to cal) and exittnine his exten sive assortment, which' lb stkle,-triattirial and linish,Chnnot be surpassed by any jr, market; and which ho is obit) to' put nt priceklower than'' over. irriteincenber' his old faded,' on' North ' Hanover street, hotweon and - Senor', • state.'i [June !] Extensive Furniture Rooms Il rIAMES. , R.WKA 12: VID. would' rearmcon 4 i ti call tho attention Of lfouso Kco freGANT ( iiblio.to his extonsivestoolsonfs, Wardrobes; UH.NITU RE. Dressing and plain onus : sad f tl klaifrulmi. tido in his branch ok llurq t "? 4° Abto, now on. hand-the' largraf fl i TlflOtt of CII,A IRS in. Carlielo; at the lowest Micas. CerCollins mode st the shortest natio Intim flearaN,provido forfulterala. , ' He solic. its a call at lila ‘intthltsbutorit on fietth. Pans, Vor street, near. Qltimea It OTITI.tf.t. nintre-birod•out by iho month dr y;etur." Carlisle, March 20,181), ::7 I::y . ',: • '• • ' • . ! . rm SUSAN RUSSELL, - NOTICE. =MEI