Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 18, 1854, Image 1

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pimipaptr,---Bisaulrb - tax yiteraturP, Clutrafitat, Agrientiurt, noinP itnh Centrtil sffiartmlfifin.
Co RE4TTY 9 iPpdprictor.
0.1. a r 0 53 .
Molt. C. S. 321.1E.EM
g ESPECTI'L'I.I.I" offers his prefessional
st,vi. es to the cilizeils Curlisle and sur •
Ilieo 11,11.1e11 0 C in SOill it Hanover erred,
dircrtly opposite to the Volunteer Office." r .
G:1111,10, .Cpl id, 1453
Dr. O.I.IORGE Z. ERMTZ, ';) •
W ILL perform al
. operations' upon the
teeth that may be re—
re, vaired Gir their preserytttion. Artificial teeth
trtei, from a single,f2otit to an entire set, of
the soientilic pritteiiiies. Diseases of the
ot ite Ctl trret,itlerities careful ] ) treated. 01
li •a a the residence of his Mother, on North
Pitt Carlisle
1J ['ICE O
I: at his fesidence, corner •If Main 1. , ireet
/1 , 1 lln Ptlbtle Square, opposite Burlsholder's
'tot. in addition to the duties of Justitte al
the 'Peace, will attend to all kinds of writing,
t'l as deeds, bonds, mortgages, indentures,
a Holds of agreement, notes, dr,e.
so 8'49.
Ft - 7---7 7 WILL perform nil
\,-,o s .l4 s lZivt"'Z --1 operations open the
Teeth that are requi •
re I for Llvir preservation, such as Sealing. Filing,
I 4ging, r, or will restore the loss of them
by inseritng Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth
ti a fit!! sett. in — ollice on Pitt sired, a few
d 'ors south of the Railroad tlctsl. Dr. L. i s at
t iris the last ken days of evert'
DR. S. B. .7.-E3Epr
iTPICE in North Ilinnoversitrect adjoining
Ilr \Vol f's 'store. (Witte hours, more par—
twat irly from 7 to 9 o'clock, A. Yl.,and from
5 to 7 o'clock. I'. M.
Dr. 3031 TAT S. srzuGGs,
OFFERS his prole4sional scrvicoo to the
people of Dickinson township, and vicinity.—
Rcsidenee—on the Waldol Bottom Road, ono
mile cast of Centreville, feb2 ypd
G. Xi. (iOLC,
PTO ItN EY AT LAW, wil! attend
A_ promptly to ail business entruFted to hint.
ofn, in the room formerly Occupied by Wil
liam Irvine, Eiq,, North Hanover St , Carlisle.
Office, .No. 2, Beetenes Row.
A LL processional business strictly attended
to. '.l'W Gerinarelanguago spolt en as read
ily 'as the English, [Sep 14. 1853
Carlisle Female Seminary. °
ILS ‘ s t y ) i : 1 4 1
oicomm ethei rnce the
on tae second Mondayin April, in a new end
commodious school room, next door to Mr.
Leonard's, Nwth Ham - pier street.
• I Wraction in the languages ant 'taming, no
extra charge.
MUIR:L.I ight by an experienced teacher,at
en extra charge. (”pr.3tl)
Plainfield Classical Academy
Near Carlisle, Fa.
/VHF; 15th Session (five months) will corn
mintec Nov. 7th. The buildnigs are new
and extensive (one erected lest I all). The
situation is all that ens be desired for health
fulness and moral purityl t —ReMovuil front the
excite items of 'Pawn or Village th , • Student
m ty here prepare fdr College;Mercantile pur
suits, &c. All the branches are taughr whteh
go to term a liberal c ducat on. A conscien
tious discharge of duty has secured, under
Providence, the present flourishing condition
of the Institution. Its future prosperity shall
be in untamed by the same means.
, Terms—Board and Tinition (per;
sesion), $5-0300
I or Rarlogues with lull information address
Plainfield, Cumb, Co., Ps.
Theee . saki Wegt of Hariishot, Pa:
rgo HE SIXTH SESSION will commence on
Jel_ Monday, the seventh of Novetriber next.
Parents nna attardians and others interested
are requested to inquire into the merits of this
Institution. Hie situation is retired. pleasant.
healthful and copvenieni et access; the course
of instruction is extensive and thorough, and
the accommodations are ample.
fJ9D. Denlinaer, Principal,fand teacher of,l,an
guages and Mathematic=„
Dr. A. Dinsmore, A. 4.11., teacher of Ancient
Langunees and Natural Sciatica.
E• 0 - , Dare, teacher of Mathematics and
Nature! Sciene , ts.
Iftwlt Guyfe, Teacher-of Music. -
'P. Kirk Whi:e, teacher of Plain and Orna-
mental Penmanship.
Bumlinr, CVtithing, and Tuition
in Enii;li.9ll per session (5 months),
Instruction.,in Ancient or Modern
Languages. each, .5 00
Instrumental Music, 10 00
For Circulars and other infoimation address
llarriaburg, Pa.
in% OCTOR J. S. SEIBERT, Veterinary
All Surgeon, has returned to Carlisle, and lo
cated himsell permanently for the purpose of
operniing upon diseased horses, and pledges
himself to •.;nro the most of diseases to which
this noble animal is subject. He is able to cure
Ring Bone, Tooth Bone and Dog Spavin, and
all weak eyes Which are supposed to be affected
by honks, without cutting the glaqd of the eye,
and all eyes supposed to lie affected with Wolf
, Teeth, without ottracting the teeth. Ho Can
come a fresh foundered horse fit foity-eight
hours us sound as ever, He also cures all die.
tempera. hoof bound, sprung knees, sh older
jams. string halt, fistulas end pole evil. He can
remote all callous enlargments,andperferm all
gical operations that may ho required of him.
Persons having diseased horses who' cannot
leave them with him, dan be supplied with all
the medicines and directions for use. He char•
gee hothing for examining a horse and locating
their diseases. So, bring on your cripples.
He may be found at lienry,Glass's Cumber
land and Perry Hotel, Carlisle, where those
wishing to engage his services are requested to
call.. • [Nov 20853,
THE undersigned offers his 'Meretient Mill,
ni the Carlisle Iron Works, for rant
_from the
Ist cf April next
env' (ii]
ir UST RECEIVP.I) ot tho Now end Cheap'
0 Store of tVeit-e 4 Campbell a large lot of
now'omimd:fresh from and
low ut . NV EI,S P. 4 CAM.PI3Iq,,I,'Li.
Valuable' Foundry For pale.
.TIM subscriber •offore for seta Winter:cal
(ono hell) in the HAGERSTOWN FOUN
DRY., For particultrie aoroTcrina which will
be made accommodating; huaineCi faciltics
pply to iho,liatisoribot at Hagerstown,Md. •
s'4'l 11. LAWRENCE."
1\ 111 . ti,
Wild is the night! for winter reigns;
The north-wind sounds its fiercest Hra!ns;
The shaking doors and window ;nines
Make furious din;
And through the chinks the powdering grains
Come sifting in.
111 mend the the e'er it Ispys,
ou the 'wood and make it blazot
Thin in one, surely, of the days
Of which we've read,
Or rather nights, when the Fiend :strays
On errands dread !
There lies my (log, his brains making,
Awl fierce gesticulations malting;
In dre,tas the snow-bill fox lie's slinking
With mortal spite;
Or else is giving or is taking
Fits' in a fight.
Strange voices out of lobes I hear;
The shout of rige, the howl of fear;
Indeed, 'nod mmtls from regions ilrear
In furious haste
Have broken loose, on wild career,
To lay earth w ante
Some scein nn awful organ thrumming:
Son;, , on.the roofs and walls are drumming;
And one, .11,01:e choke•l or singed in coining
Down the hot flue,
Is off, and Bets the chirann . l,i humming
Wi ill n ,gq to it-c-
(_' - 1 (E.upitilt ‘sto.icti
A few miles from Boston, in Masstichnsetts,
tl e, a is a deep inlet, winding several miles in
to the'emintry, from Charles Boy, and termi
nating in a thickly wooded SWAMI) or Tora , s.
Ott the side of this inlet is a beautiful dark
grove; end un the opposite side the laud rises
ato aptly from the water's edge into a high
w Link grow• a few scattered. oaks of
great age nod immense size. It tray under ono
of these gighntie trees, according .to old:sto
ries, that Kidd the pirate hurried his treasures.
The inlet allows a facility to bring the money
in a boat secretly, and at night, to the very
foot of the hill, The elevation of OM place
permitted a good look out to lie kept that no
one was at hand, while the remarkable trees
formed good land marks, by which the place
might he easily focnd•ngain.- The old stories
add moreover, that the devil preside 1 ut the
biding of the money, and took it under his
guardianship ; ,but this, it is well known, he
always dues with buried treasures, particularly
when it has been ill gotten.. Be this as it may,
Kidd never returned to recover his wealth ;
being shortly seized at Boston, sent to England,
and there ',longed for piracy.'
About the year 1727, just 1101 re-dime when
earthquakes Were so prevalent in" . . , .iew England,
and shook many tall sinners down on their
knees, there lived near this place a meager,
miserly fellow by the name of Tom l'alker.-
I.le had a wife as miserly us himself; and they
wore so miserly that they even conspired to
cheat each other. Whatever the woman could
lay her liands on, 'she hid away ; a hen could
not cackle but she Wlt3 on toe alert to secure
a new-laid egg, rtes husband was continually
prying about to detect her secret hoards ; 1111111 y
and fierce were the conflicts that took place.
about what ought to have been common pro
perty. They li•!*fil'it. forlorn locking house,
that stood alone, and had an air of starvation.
A fete struggling savino trees, emblems of
sterility grew near it; no smoke ,ever curled
from its chimney; no traveller ever stopped at
its - door. A miserable horse, whose ribs were
as articulate as the gridir'on, stalked about a
field where a thin carpet of moss, scarce cov
ering the rugged bed of pudding stone, tanta
lized and balked his hunger; and sometimes
he would lean his head over the fence, look
- pi teon . 4ly at the passer by, and seem to petition
his deliverance front the land of famine. The
house and its inmates had altogether a bad
name. Tom's wife was a tall termagent, fierce
of temper, loud of tongue, end strong of arm.
Her voice was often heard in wordy,;warfare
with he• husband, and his fate, sometimes
showed signs that Their conflicts were not con
fined to words,__No one. 107 ever, yantured to
interfere between them ; tho lonely wayfarer
shrank within himself at the horrid clamor and
clapper-clawing, eyed the den of disorder
askance, and hurried on his way if a bachelor,
rojoioing in his celibacy.
$5O 00
. - Ono day Tam Walker had been to a distant
part of the neighborhood; he took what he
considered n short cut...homewards, throinth a
swamp. Like most sharp cuts,,it was an -ill
chosen rout. :The swamp was thickly grown
with gloomy pines and hemlockS, sonieg t , them
ninety feat high, which made it dark at noon
day, and a retreat for all the owls of the neigh
borhood. It was full of pits nod quagmires,
peal:) , covered with weeds and mosses, where
the green surfiro often betrayed the traveller
into a gulf of4lack,-serothering mud ; there
were also dark and stagnant pools, the abodes
of the tad-pole, the bull-frog, had the water
snake, and -Where the trunks of pines and hem
locks ley hall-droithed, half-totting, locking
like alligators sleeping in the mire. .
Tom had long been picking his way cautious
ly through this. treacherous forest, stepping to
tuft to tuft, of4uslies and roolsochich nitord
ed:preenrious fOotholde, among decp slough, or
pacing direfully, like a one along the prostrate
trunks of treesolow end then startled by the
screaming of the bittern, or the,qoulthig of the
walk- dirk, rising on the wing from some soli
tary Tool.- At length ho arrived at a piece of
firm ground, which ran nut liken peninsula in
the deed bosom or OA' swamp. It ha d been
ono of the sit-9110104n of Abe Indians during
their wars with the first colonies, flere they
had thrown nria kind, of fort. which they had
looked upon es almost impregnable, used . it as
a place of refuge for their snnaws and children.
Nothing now remained of the old Indian- - fort,
but a few embankments, gradually sinking to
th'aievelaf the atirroanding earth, which Were
already. oyergroWn in part by onits„and other
tirest trees, the foliage of which formed, a
contrast to the dark pines and hemlocks of the
' • It wito,tate in tho dusk, of ofoninit that Tons
%tither reached Um; Old fort, and he paused
there awhile to re•t himself. Any one but:he
Ironic] have f. It unwilling to linger, in this
lonely, melancholy place, for the common peo
ple hail a bad opinion of it, from the stories
handed down from tl a time of the Indian wars,
when it was asserted that the savages, held in
cantations here, sod made sacrifice to the evil
spirit. Tom Walker, however, was not a man
to be overcome by any fears of this kind.
fie reposed himself ,for some time on the
ft unit of a fallen tree,- listening to the boding
cry of the tree-food, and delving with his
walkitig-staff intoa mound of black mould at
his feet. As he turned up the soil unconscious
ly, his staff struck something hard. lie raked
it out of the vegetable mound, and lo! a cloven
skull with nn Indian tomahawk hurled in it,
lay before him. The rust of the weapon
showed the titer that had elapsed since the
death blots had been given. 'lt was a dreary
memento of the fierce strugg:e that had taken
place in this last foothold of the Indian war-
"Tfmnp! said 'l"cmt Walkor, ns he gave the
skull a kick to sha';e the dirt from it.
"Let that skull alone:" said a gruff voice.
Tom lifted up his eyes and beheld n great black
man seated directly oppsite him on a :dump of
a tree, Ile was exceedingly surprised. baying
neither seen nor heard any one approach, and
he was still more perplexed on observing, as
well as the gathering- gloom wo old permit,
that the stranger was neither negro nor 'lndian.
It is true he was dressed in a rude, half-Indi
an garb, and had a red belt or sash round his
body, but his face was neither black or copper
colored,- but swarthy and dingy, hegrimmeal
with !mot, as Jr be had been Ikecustamed to toil
among tires and f uges. a shock of
coarse black hair, that stood out from his head
in all directions, an:l bore an axe call his shoul
Ito Eerowled at Tern for n moment with it
pair of great red
" What are you doing in my grounds?"
said the black man, with it huarse:groWling
" Your grounds," said Toib with 11. sneer;
'• no inure your grounds than mine, they be
long to Deacon Peabody."
_ " Deac'on Peabody be !" !said the
stranger, " ns 1 flatter myself lie will be, if ho
does not look more to his own sins and less to
his neighbors. Look yowler, and see how Den:
con Peabody is faring." Toni 100,,ed in the
direction that the stranger pointed, and beheld
one of the great flees, fair and flourishing
without, but rotten at the sore, and saw that
it had been nearly sawed through, so that the
first high wind was likely to blow it down.—
On, the back of the tree was s cored
./ the name
of Deacon Peabody. Ile new looked round rind
found meat of the tall trees marked with the
same of some great man of tha colony, and all
more or less scarred by the axe. The one on
which he had been seated 'bore the name of
Crowningshield, and he recollected a mighty
rich man of that name, who hail made a vul
gar display of his wealth, which it was whis
pered he had made by buccaneering.
"lie's just ready foe . burning !" said tho
black man with a scowl. of triumph. " You
see I rim likely to bairn a good stock of fire
wood for winter.
" But what right have you," said Torn. "to
cut down Deacon Peabody's timber?"
"The right of prior claim," said the other.
This wo,,dlaml belonged to are lOng before one
of your IN hite-faced race put foot upon the
And pry who ore you, if 1 may bo
bold?" said Tom.
ff 0, I go by various names. I am wild
lluntstnan in some countries, the Black Miner
in others. In this neighborhood I.:tran known
by the name of the Black Woodsman. lam
he to whom the red man devoted this spot,
and now and then roasted a white man, by way
of sweet smelling sacrifice. Since the red . men
have been exterminated by you white savages,
I amuse myself by presiding At the persecu
tion of Quakers and Anabaptists; I am the
gratid patron and prompter of slava dealers,
and the grand,•ataster of,the Salem witches."'
"The upshet'of allavhich is, that if I mistalco
act." said Tom surlily, you are comonly
'Old Seratch.' "
'"-The same at your service," replied. tho
black man with a civil nod.
Such was the opening of the inter View, ac
cording to the old story, though it has most too
familiar nu air to bo credited.. Ono - would al
most think that to meet such 11; singular_per
sonage in this wild - ronely pilot) would have
shaken any man's nerves ; but Tom was a very
hard minded fellow, not easily daunted, and hoT.
had lived so long with a termagent wife, that
ho did not even fear the devil.
It is said after this commencement, they 'had
a long and earnest , conversation together, as
Tom returned homewards. The black man
told him of the great sums of money whiCh had
bben buried by Kid, the pirate, under the oak
trees on the high ridge, not 'far from tho mo
rass. All these were under his command,,atkl
protepted by his power, so that none Could
find Them, except such as propitiated his fa.;
A These he offered to place within Toni Walk.
er's reach, having conceived au especial kind
ness for him, but they were to he had only on
certain conditions. ' What these conditioirA aref,
n',ny' ho easily surmised, though ToM never -
disclosed it publicly. They must have been
very hard, for Ito required time to.think over
them,'end he wasmot a man to stick•at trifles
when muncy:iVlls in view., When they bad'
reached thit edge of the .swamp,.thti stranger
What proof hove I that. what you lavo
said is truer said Tom.
" There hi my signatui:e," said the black
man, pressing his lingers. ou Tom's forehead.
So tidying, ho turned off among the thieltestoT
the swamp, and seemed, as Tom mild, to go'
down,:down, into the earth, until nothing tnit
his hoed and shoulders could ho seen, and tic
until IM.totally disappeared. .
Whotr:Tuin - ,rcturnad borne, bo found lb°
black prititkif 'n (Ingo! burnt; no it were, into
Ida furebead.'oldidi notbinrg uciddopblitorati. '
Tho first news hie tilts. had to toll was the
don th of Absolom Crowairtgehteld,Aho *it hu
anneal.. It 'teas,the pipers with
t4e usual flautist); ~t hata graat
lon in Israel." .
'Yarn recollected the tree which, his black
friend had just hewn down, and which was
reading for burning.
"Let the freebooter roast," said Tom, "who
cares ?"
Ile now.felt that what ho had heard and seen
wos no illusion. t.
Ile was not prone to let h i s wife into his
confidence ; but es this was an uneasy secret,
he willingly shared it with her. All her rival'
rice was awakened at the mention of hidden
gold, and she urged her husband to comply
with the black man's terms, and secure what
would make them happy for life.
,i,However disposed Tom felt to sell himself to
the devil, he was determined not to do so to
oblige his wife; so that lie flatly refused out of
the inero spirit of contradiction.. Many were I
the bitter quarrels they had on the subject,
but the more she talked the more resolute Tom
became not to be damned to pltese her. At ,
length she was determined to drive the bargain
on her own account, and if she succeeded to
Itee6 all the gain herself. '
The next evening she set off again for the
swamp, with her apron heavily laden. • Toni
waited and-waited for hen but. in vain; mid
night came, but she did not make her appear
ance; morning, noon and night returned; but
still she did nut come. Toth grewimneasy for
her safety, especially as he found that she had
carried off in her apron, the Silver teapot and
spoons, and every other portable article of val
ue. Another night el ipsed, another morning,
lint no wife. In a word, she was never heard'
of more.
. What was her real fate n ,body knows, in
consequence of so many pretending to know.
It is one of those facts that have been con- '
founded by a variety . 4 historians. Some as
serted that she lost her way anfong the tang
led mazes of the :•wamp, and sunk into some
pit or slough; others, niece uncharitable, hin
ted that she It ad eloped with the household
booty, and made off to some other province,
.bile others aaserted that the tempterdecoy
ed her into a dismal quagmire, on the top of
which her hat was found lying. In confirma,
tion of this, it was said that agreat black man
with an Ilse on Lis shoulder, was seen that
very evening coming out of the swamp, carry
ing a bundle tied in a check apron, with an air
of nutty triumph.
Tho most current and probable story, how
ever, observes that Tom Walker grew so anx
ious about the fate of his wife and property,
that he set out at length to seek them both at
the Indian fort.. ' During the long.surnmer's
afternoon, he searched about the gloomy place,
bet no wife was to be found. He called her
i t
name repeatedly, but she w .; nowhere to be
hoard. The bittern Mont, - eiepotided to his
voice, Ile he flew sereamine t n the bull-frog
croaked dolefully from a neig. ~rifling pool.
At length, it is said, just it the brown of
twilight, when the owls begin to hoot and the
hats to fly alma; his attention was attracted
by the clamor of carrion crows :hat Were hov
ering about a cypress tree. *die looked and be
held a bundle tied up in a check npron ; and
hanging in the branches of a tree, with a great
"vulture perched hard by, as If keeping watch
upon it. He leaped fur joy, for he recognized
his wife's 'apron, mid supposed it to contain
household valuables.
" Let us-get hold of the property," said he
to himself consolingly, "and we will endeavor
to do without the woman."
As he scrambled up the tree, the vulture
spread it's wide wings, and sailed off screaming
into the deep shadows• of the forest. Tom
,the check apron, but woful sight! he.
found nothing but a heart and liver tied up °
in it.
Such, according to the most authentic old
history, was all that could be found of Tom's
wife. She hod attempted to deal with the
black man, as she was accustomed to deal with
her husband, but, though a female scold is
generally considered a match for the devil, yet
in this instance, she appears to have had the
worst of it. Shd must have died game, "how_
over, fOr.that part which remained was uncon
quered. Indeed, it is said that Tom noticed
many prints of croven feet deeply stamps
about the tree, and several liandsful of hair
thatlooked as if it had been plucked from the
coarse black shook of the woodman.
Tont knew his wife's prowess by experience.
11 , 3" shrugged his shoulders as he looked at the
signs of fierce clapper-clawing.
“Egad," said he to himself, "'old Scrotal,
must have lied R tough time"
Tom consoled himself for•the loss of his pro
perty by the loss of his wife, for he was a little
of a philosopher. He even felt something like
gratitude towards the Wack Woodsman, whom
he considered to have done him
,a Kindness--
Ile sought, therefore, to unitive te a further
acquaintance with him, but for sonic time with.
out success; the old blackleg played shy, for'
whatever people may thivic, lie is 'not always
to be had for calling ; he knows how to play
his minis when pretty sure of his game.
At length, it is said; when delay had whet.
ted , Tont's eagerness to the quick, and prepay
ed hlin'to agree to anything,rather than again
lose the promised treasure, he met the black
man one evening, in his usual leoodinim's
'dress, sauntering along the edge of the swamp,
Mil - ming a tune. He affected to receive Tom's
advances with indifference, made brief replies.
and want on humming his lupe. .IV-degrees,
however, - Torn 'brought him to business, and
they began to haggle about . thc terms on which
the former was to have the pirate treasures.
There is oho condition whiclineed nit be men
tioned, being generally understood in all oases
where the:devil grants favors'; bat -there were
others, abOut Which, t ‘ hclugh of leis importance
he 'Was obitinate: , 'li'd Insisted that tho money
found through hismitans -should be employed
in the_ black traffix. This, however, Toni ab
solutely refused i ho' was bad enough • in, all
conecieutio, - but.the devil himself could not
tempt him to, turn
Finding Tem•eo squeamish on this point, be
did not Insist upon it, he propoied instead ho
should turn usnrer, the devil being exoeedioG
iy tho increase &Usurers, looking
upoh them as bia.peouliar peeple.'
.To Ibis no objeothin was made, for it mos
just to Tom!e Mete: •-•
!'.You shall -Open a broker's' shop io Doecton
llost toontb,!'.said the blaok man.
°NIA° ' It tomorrow, if you, said
Tom ;. - : -
" You shall lend money at two per cent a
month." , •
"Egad charge foUrr replied Tom.
"You are the usurer for money!" said
the black•leg with delight. " When do you
want the rhino I"
" This very night."
" Done I" said the devil.
" Done !" said Tom Walker; so they shook
hands and struck a bargain.
A few days saw Tom Walker' seated behind
his desk in a counting-house in Boston. His
reputation for a ready monied man, who would
lend money out for a good consideration, soon
spread abroad. Everybody remembers the
days of Governor
,Belcher, when money was
so particularly scarce. It was a time for 'paper
credit. The country had been deluged with
government bills ; banks lintlyeen established;
the people had run mad with schemes for new
settlements, for building cities in the wilder
ness; land jobbers went übout with naps of
grants and townships, and Eldorados, lying
nobody knew where, but which everybody was
ready to-purchase. In n word, the great
speculating fever which breaks out now and
then in the country, had raged to an alarming
degree, and everybody was dreaming of sud
den fortunes for nothing.
As usual the fever had subsided P the dream
had gone,off, the imaginary fortunes with it,
the patients were left in a doleful' plight, and
the whole country resounded with the cry of
.' hard times."
At this particular state of distress did Tom
,Walker Oct up as usurer in Boston. his door
was soon .thronged with customers. The
needy and the adventurous, the gambling
speculator, the land jobber,- the thriftless
trades Man, the merchant with cracked credit;
every one driven to raise money by desperate
sacrifices, hurried to Tom Walker.
Than Torn was the universal friend of the
needy, and he acted like a " friend in need V
that is to say, he exacted good pay and good
security. In proportion to the distresses of
the applicant was the boldness of his terms.
lie accumulated bonds and gradu
ally his customers closely, and at
length sent them as dry as a sponge from his
In this way ho made money hand over hand,
became a rioh and mighty man, and exalted
his cocked hat upon 'change.' He built him
self, as usual, a vast hduse, oat of ostentation,
but left a greater part unfinished, out of par
simony. Ho set up a carriage in the fulness
of his vain glory, though he nearly starved
the poor horses which drew it, as the ungreas
ed wheels groaned and scree6hed on the axle
(lmes, you would have thought you heard tho
souls of the poor debtors ho was squeezing.
As Tom waxed old, however, ho grow
thoughtful. Having secured tho good things
of this world, he began to fool anxious about
those of the next.
He thought with regret on the bargain Ito
had made with hie black friend and set his
wits to work to cheat hlm out his conditions.
Ile became, therefore, al a sudden, a vio
lent church-goer. Ho p ayedioudly and streu
nously,"as if heaven we o to be carried by the
force of lungs. Indeed, one might always tell
when he had sinned most during the week, by
the clamor of his Sunday devotion. The quiet
Christians who had been modestly end steadily
travelling Zionveard, were struck with elf
reproach at seeing themselves so suddenly
outstripped in their career by this newly made
convert. Tom was as rigid in religious as in
money matters; he was a stern supervisor,
censurer of his neighbors, and seemed to think
every sin entered up to their account became
a credit on hie page, Ile
. even talked of the
expediency of reviving the persecution 'of th . e
Quakers and the Anabaptists. In - a word,
Tom's zeal became his riches.
Still, in spite of his strenuous attention to
corms, Tom had a lurking dread that the devil
after 'all would have his duo. That he might
not be taken unawares, therefore, it is said he
always carried a Small Bible in his pocket.
He also hod a great folio Bible in his counting
house desk, and ho would lay his green spec
tacles on the book to mark the place, while he
turned round to drive some usurious bargain.
Some soy tiled Tonlgrow_a_littlacrack-braiu
ed in his older duys, and that fancying his end
approaching, he had his horse new shod, sad
dled and. bridled, and buried feet uppermost,
because at the last day the world would be
turned upSide down, in which case he should
find his horse ready for mounting, And he was
determined at the worst to give his old friend a
run for it. This, however; is probably a morn
old wife's fable. If he did not realy. take such
a precaution itovas totaly superfluous, at least .
so says the authentic old legend, which closes
his story in the following manner:
Ono hot afternoon in the dog days, a terrible
black thunder-gust came up. Toni eat in his
counting-house, in his white linen cap and In
dia silk morning gown. lle was on the point
of foreclosing a mortgage, by which he would
complete the ruin or all unhappy speculator,
for whom he had professed the greatest friend
ship. The poor laud jobber begged him to
giant him n few months indulgence. Tom had
grown testy and irritated, and refused another
day .
."My family w:111 ho ruined and' brought up
on the parish," said the land jobber.
"Charity begins at home," replied Tem.—
"' Oust take oars of myself these hard times.'
"You havo made so much money out of me,"
said the speculator.
Tom lost his patience and the piety. "The
'Dovil take me," said lie, • "If I have made a
farthing.". ' •
Just then there were three lend knocks nt the
street door. Ito stepped out tenet) who was
there. A hlnolt man was there holding a black
horse, which neighed and stamped With imps
•'Tont you're Come , Air," said the biaok
low gruffly . • •-
• TOM , alirettk back tnit • to . late: • He bad left
his littleitible at the butte mnf,his coat piioket;
and his big Iliblo on the dealt lutridunder the
mortgage , he was about te forhelesei‘nOver'was
a sinner more ttilten Unawareo: :The bhiek man
whisked hiin like a child astride the liorse, and
away ho galloped in the• midst of ti thunder
stortn. The clerks- • stunk: their pens behind,
their:ears, .and•stared; after him from, the
Away went Tom Welker, deshing dein
the etreete,' hie nhito cap bobbing up and dolyu
his morning gown fluttering in the wind, nod
his steed striking fire out of tho pavements,at
every bound. When the olerks turned to look
for,ihe black man be had disappeared.
Tom Weiker never returned to foreclose the
mortgage. A countryman who lived near the
swamp, reported that in the height of the
thunder gust, ho heard a great clattering of
hoofs and howling along the'road, and when be
ran to the window he just caught sight Of a
figure such I have described, on a horse that
galloped like mad across the hills, and down
into the black heml3clc swamp, towards the old
Indian fort, and that shortly` afterwards a
thunderbolt fell in that direction which seemed
to set the forest in a blaze. The good pooplo
of Boston shook their heads and'shrugged their
shoulders. They had been so accustomed to
witches and goblins, and tricks of the devil, in
all kinds of shapes, from the first settlement of
the country, that they were not so much hor
rified as might be expected. Trustees were
appointed to take charge of Tom's effects.—
There was 'nothing, however, to administer
upon. On searching his coffers, his bonds and
mortgages weie found reduced to cinders. In
place of gold or silver, his. iron chest was filled
with chips and shavings; two skeletons lay in
his stable instead , of his half starved horses,
and the very next day his great house took fire
and was burned to the ground, •
Such was the end of Tom Walker and his
ill-gotten wealth. Let all gripping money bro
kers lay the story well to heart. The truth is
not to be doubted. The very hole under the
oak trees from whence he dug Kidds money is
to he seen to this day, and the neighboring
swamp and the old Indian fort is often haun
ted in stormy nights by a figure on horseback,
in a morning gown and white cap, which is
doubtless,the troubled spirit of the usurer. In
fact, the story has resolved itself into a prov
erb, and is the origin of that popular anyingso
prevelant throughout NeW England, of "the
Devil and Tom Walker."
I Q Nan sheen to hide thy tiny toe,
Nue steekin on her feet;
Her suppie ankles while as snow,
As_earlyjdossoms sweet.
Her simple di•ess of sprinkled pink,
11cr double dimpled chin;
her puckered lips and balmy mouth,
With nae one tooth within.
Her oen sae like her mither's ten,
Ttya gentle, liquid things:
Hor face-•lwas like an angel s face;—
We're glad she has nse wings,
She is the blidding of our loves,
A girth, God has gilen us,
We maun nno hive tho•gift'ater wool,
"rived bo no blessing thus. •
The noble Circassians who have been fight-''
ing against Russin,"independeCitly of Turkey,
and who have so long set at defiance the whole
power of the- Autocrat, have within a short
time been taken into the Turkish army. A de
scription of this remarkable cavalry maybe
interesting at this time, as they are probably
to Oily a conspicous part in the present war
between Turkey and Russia. It is by a Rus
sian officer, who seems familiar with them and
their mode of warfare. Ho says, they wear a
pointed steel helmet, with a long horse tail
pendant from it. A net of steel work hangs
down from the lower part of the helmet, pro
tects the front and naps the neck, and is
looped together under the chin, underneath a
short vest, out in the Polish fashion. Ho is
clad in a species of coat of mail, consisting of
small bright rings of steel intervened. His
arms, from his wrist to his elbow and his legs, •
from the front of the shinbone to the knee, are
guarded by thin plates of steel. He also wears
close pantaloons - and lured bootS. Two long
Turkish pis'tols as well as s poignard, are stuck
into his girdle. Ile has s-leather strap With a
noose like a Mexican lasso, hanging at his
which In throws .with great dexterity
-over-the-head of his enemy. -- A Turkish sabre
and a long Turkish musket ace slung behind
his bank, and two csrtri'dge holders across his
breast. The ;kill with which the Ciroassians
use their weapons is eally beyond belief. Ho
states ho has seen them repeatedly fire at a
piece of card lying on the ground, at full
Speed, without ever missing. They will pick
up a piece of money from the ground while
executing a charge, by bending themselves
round under the horse's belly, and after seiz
ing the piece, suddenly throw themselves -into
the saddle. o;
They ruin the choicest body of cavalry in
the Turlti . sh service, and when charging they
attack their opponents with j a sabre in each
hand, mamigiti their reins with their mouth;
they will spring out .f their saddles,. takeaim
and fire from behind their horsk then jump
into their saddles again, wheel around and re
load their guns as they,, , rotreat in career.—
They aro perfect inadin*in the attack, and
few troops could wilhstand tho utter reckless
ness of danger they oyit?dc, .
WALKING S:ribxs.Hlralking sticks were first
introdudod into fashion byte effeminate Hen
ry oelFiatice, but did not becone a requi
site appondage',to,the gentlemen of fashion
England till the icor 1655, at which time they,
wore formed sith'en indented bead, in order
to afford's moro easy pressure of the hand
which they- supported. Ingenuity; wide!' in
:natters of faialicen; is• over on 'the alert, now..
crowned it with the addition of the round and ,
h Blow top, which sometimes contained nutmeg '
or 'ginger, to warm the'etomaelt of the vaietu..
dinarian, and sometimes sugar candy for the
astliMatio ; .but snuff, soon after coming.into
universal use among the bon ton of 'Moiety,
the cavity was 'exclusively appropriated to its
reception; nod the meeting of . two friends Was',
invariablY.mtrked, after • tho first. salutation,'
by the unscrewing: of the tops of , their walk. ? .
lug ettoks. . . '
fl A..gontlemen . troielliag
~in Irelurid,
said to, n' importunate beggar, "you have
lost your teeth:" The beggar answered, ,'An
it's time I'd perked wid 'whoa I'd notlliik'
• • ' •
for em to do.'
END OF A ORESIINAL LIFE -A • eyifforerser re
cently died at the Hospice do la Pitro, whom
they called Countess. This womati, notwith
man ling the withering effects of suffering and
debauch, was still possessed of some . poor re . -
mains of beauty. In 1834, nearly twenty years
ago, she was one of the most followed and ad
mired hones. After having ruined several lov
ers, she finally induced a young mon of good
family, who was desperately enamored, to
marry her. Two years after his marriage this
young fool, to provide for the exaggerated ex
penses of his wife, blew out his brains at a
police office, on failing in an attempt to rob
the bank of Frrinee. It is said that the Coun
tess, in the days of her prosperity had °itemises
of linen cambric, so fine that they could be
drawn through a finger ring; and that after
her elegant suppers she would have °ham
pligno brought in a vessel of chased gold, to
.-wash her feet in. Such are the luxuries in
which depraved woman in Paris often indulge,
and such is generally their melancholy end.—
Many chi Priers have in their youth shone in
their splendid equipages and diamonds; but
orgies and debauch have soon caused them to
decline, and step by step, they have finally-at
tained the lowest depth of misery.
KlNDNet.9.—Would it not please you to
up a string of pearls, drops of gold, diamonds,
and precious stones, as you pass along the
street? It would make you fool ,happy for a
month to come. Such happiness you can give
to otliers, flow, do you ask? By dropping
sweet words, kind remarks, and pleasant
smiles as you pass along. These are true
pearls and precious stones which can never be
loot. of which none can deprive you. Speak
to that orphan child—seuthe diamonds drop
from her cheeks. Take the hand ar that
friendless boy—blight pearls flash in his eyes.
Smile on the sad and dejected—a)ey suffuses
his check mo,recbrillitint than the most splen
did precious stones.. By the wayside, mid the
city's din, and at the fireside of the poor, drop
words and smiles to cheer and bless. You will
feel happier when resting on your pillow at
the close of day,- than'if you had sickea up a
score of perishing dismantle. The latter fade
and crumble in time—the former grow brighter
with age, and produce hakvier reflections for
A Monti Srzickt t —We commend the fol
lowing speech to the careful study of all chn
didatetobefore the people. It was delivered
in Illinois, bya candidate for the Legislature,
is brief and pithy, and the man who made it
was elected, as ,he desired to be.: "
citizens; I axno speech-maker, but what I
say, - I'll do. I've lived among you twenty
.yeers, and if I've shown myself a clever fel
low, .you know it without a speech ; if I'm not
a clever fellow, you know that too and would'nt
forget it with a speech. I'm a candidate for
the legislature ; if you . think I'm " the clear
grit," vote for me ; if you think Major 11.--L,
of a better "stripe" than I am, vote for him.•
The fact is, that either of us will make a dev
ilish good representativci,,,„
Mrs. PARTINGTON'S LAST—"WeII, said that
old lady, the Other day, as eho was engaged ,
with. hdr - knitting work' "I wonder if 1 ever
shall bo able to express myself correctly. It
seems to' me I never can use the right word. -
livery time I undertake to say anything, I
make some blunder or'other. Whenever I open
my mouth I am suro to put ray foot into it!"
—and-she drew a deep sigh as she. spoke, in
dicating that her mortification was inexpressi
gerThere is a tree in Mexico, called the
ohijol, a very fine wood which becomes petri
fied after being cut, in a very few years,
whether left in thd open air- or buried.—
From the timber, houses could be built that
would in a few year become fire proof, and
last as long as those built of stone. The weed
in's green state, is easily worked, is used In
building wharves, forts, etc., and would be very
good as rail sleepers, or for plank road string-
116y-The whole race of the sons of Crispin
get nothing more ; than their deserts in the
following: "Bo'at-makers have great faith in
their shoe leather. A tight pair of boots was
never tried on yet, but that the suffering
martyr was ossured,"that it would ali \ iight
a day-or-two—the leather would be sure to
stretch.' But whilst.. the leather is coolly
stretching itself, you are sowing the seeds of
a plentiful corn crop."
Tae Losr ARTS —The art of making the Da.
masons blade is lost. It is said that they were
made by welding together alternate steel and
gold wires and twisting theta in the process.—
Their elasticity and keenness are almost fabu
lotis. Wti all rememper the scene in Roott's
novel, in whieh Richard divided a thick iron
bar with a blow of his sword, end Sandia out
in two parts n silk scarf floating in the air,
'with his Damascus blade. , •
ma. A Yankee and an Irishman riding
along together, came across a gallows, t hen
the Yankee addressed the Irishman • thus:
Pat, if daft gallows had its due, whore
would you--bo?" "Faith, and be jabere, I'd
be riding to•town by-mysolf," WAS the Irish.
man's:prompt inutoutting reply. • The Yanke♦
remained silent the rest of tho journey:
va„, The man 'Olio , boat .the drum for the
"March ot.Tlme," has gone to play on the
"horn aplenty." The man who attempted to
look into' the fature . , had the doorelammed to
hie - fate, damaging hie proboscis badly.(
JO"' If o dent `46, titul the real object Of
o young Ind yen ea ons, alio hunt up bar look
tiounet And kids. Young calico 'lnvests her
affections in thOse instfint:ione, as naturally u
• Frenchman hikes to soup, revolutions anal
ballet girls.. •
. .
gerito eieellent writer has very truly said
that " looking at a asap of the ..IThited States,
one might' almost fahey 'ancient history and
modern geography had ,\ been chopped up and
pat iu R bag, p 44 glen scattered' abroad oar
.the land. • '