Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 11, 1854, Image 4
Ot 'Kookier. imams rox CURING BEEF & POR _ correspondenta.hming desired. the editor of the GermantoWn Telegraph to repub lish.his-receipt fOr curing beef and pork, be ooMplies with the request, and not only inserts his oWn Which h• thinks ()enact be surpasseo, but sevenii' others, comprising altogether the 'try best known. The Germantown Telegraph Recipe, To 1 gallon of water, take I pounds of salt, / pound of sugar, and /oz. of saltpetre ; also, it will be better to add / oz. of penriash. 'ln this ratio tho pickle to be increased to any de sirable quantity. Let these be boiled together until the dirt from tho salt and sugar, (which Will not be a little,) arises to the top, and is skimmed off. Then throw the pickle into a large:tub,to cool, and when perfectly cool, tour over the beef or, pork, to remain the newel time, say four or five weeks, according to the size of the pieces. The meat must be woll covered with the pickle, and should not be put down for at least two days after slaughtering, during which time 'it should be slightly sprink led with powderedialtpetre, to free it from the blood, &e. This pickle has been tried, with• out boiling, and proved to be excellent. T. HI. Ilttanlllton , s Really(' The hams of Marylland and Virginia have long enjoyed a wide celebrity. The one which took the first premium at the late exhibition of the Maryland State Agricultural Society, was cured by Mr. T. E. Hamilton from the follow ing recipe: To every 100 lbs of pork, take 8 lbs of G. A, salt, 2 oz saltpetre, 2 lbs brown sugar, 11 oz potash. end four gallons of water. Mix the above, and pour the brine over the meat, after it has lain in the tub for some two days. Let the hams remain six weeks in the brine, and then dry several days before smoking. I have generally had the meat rubbed with fine salt, When it is packed down. The meat should be perfectly cool before packing. Now York Recipe , A correspondent of the Albany Cultivator, oommiinicates .the following recipe, which is regarded se very tine : Make a pickle with eight pounds of salt, six ounces saltpetre, two quarts molasses, and three gallons of water, to one hundred pounds. Boil and skim the pickle thus prepared. Then pack your ham in the barrels, and when the pickle is cold, pour it on to the meat, and in four weeks you have excellent ham, very ten der and sweet. Vile Newbold Recipe The following is the famous Newbold receipt, which has acquired eo much celebrity: Seven lbs. coarse salt, 5 lbs. brown sugar, 2 oz. pearl ash, 4 gallons of water. Boil all to gether, and scum the pickle wall when cold.— Put it on the moat. Hams to remain in 8 weeks—beef 8 weeks. The above is. for 106 lbs. weight. These recipes all differ—but we think that though all may be good, tho first will be found the beet. Boiling the pickle is a decided ad vantage, as it tends to clear it of all impuri ties, and adds to' the color and purity of the meat. If our friends cannot have good moat from the above, they may depend upon it the fault is their owe, and dot owing to the recipes. The ham should not be put down until the an imal heat is entirely removed. rauNos WORE. wE havo this day received from New Yon/ a very large assortment of Worked Ruffling, Jsconet and Swiss Edging, Inserting Untlerstoeves and Spencers, Embr'd Hand kerchiefs, &c., whicn will be - sold at tho lowest prices. &WEISE & CAMPBELL. HARDWARE-FRESH ARRIVAL ! ! ECENRY SAXTON. THE subscriber having returned from the sity would-call the attention of his friends and the - public 'gnerally to the large and well se lected assortment of Hardware which he has just received. consisting in Part of BUILDING MATERIALS, swill is nails, scrws, hinges, locks, bolts, . _ • glass, putty, paints, oils, &c. TOOLS— . edge tools. saws zrid planes of every deserip tion, with ' file, rasps, hammers, invils, A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS & SADDLERS TOOLS, together with morocco. Tiding and binding skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, ,harness mounting, saddletrees, j&c. COACH TRlMMlNG—canvass (plain, en amelled;-figured and embossed,) patent and en- Damelled leather, axles, springs, hubs, 'spoke, felines, ■hafts, &c, &c. Cabinet Makers will find a large assortnent of varnishes, mahogany end walnut veneer*, moulding. rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, kc. The stock of IRON is large and:well selcc ed, comprising all the kinds in general use, as hammered and rolled tire of calcium flat, bar and band iron, round, square and Loyal iron, horse shoe iron and nail rods, with a large lot of cast and spring steel, English andiAmerican blister steel, &c. Housekeepers and 'thetas about commencing will find it to their advantage to calllond exam ine our cutlery brittania and plated ware, pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, dsc. In addition to the above we have received a splendid assortment of WALL PAPER,!ma king the stock complete, and at stmh prices as cannot fail to give satisfuetion. We invite:all friends to call, knowing it will he to their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East High StrestNarrisle, P, Oct. 12, 1863. }I EN RY. SAXTON.r: m; s ub J 1 DOCTOR J. S. SEIBERT, Veterinary Surgeon, has returned to Carlisle, and lo sated himself permanently far the purpose of operating upon diseased horses, and pledge* himself to cure the most of diseases to which this noble animal is subject. He is able to cure Ring Bone, Tooth 'Bone and Bog Spavin, and all weak eyes which are supposed to be affected by hooks, without cutting the gland of the aye, and all eyes supposed to be affected with Wolf 'Teeth, without extracting the teeth. He can eoure a fresh foundered. horse .in forty-eight hours as sound as ever. He also cures all dis tempers hoof bound, sprung knees, sli—filder jams.-stritig,halt, fistulas and pole evil. Hitia,n remove all callous enlargtnents,andperform all surgical operations that may be required of him; Persons haiiing diseased horses who cannot leave them with him, can be-:supplied with all the medicines and directions foe use. He char. ges nothing for-eicamining a horse and locating their diseases. So, bring on your cripples. nHe may be found at Henry Glass's Cumber land and Perry Hotel; Carlisle, where those wishing to engage his services eves. quested to [Nov 2,1853. FRESH ARRIVAL! lIE subscriber has just returned from Phil T adelphia, and is now opening a large and elegant assortment of cheap - WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of clothe, caseimets, netts, Flannel,, blankets, jeans &c. Ladles+ Goode—A beautiful a'ssortmont of de Riney, French morinoce, aramettae, milks new style barred, cashmeres, riboneohawlej Frnoh worked collate. &c. . Domestics—Bleached and unbt'd checks, tickinge, canton flannels, &c. ' Boots and iSboasi—A large assortment" of men and boys winter boots. Also an entire new stock of ladies'egaitere, morocco boots, bus. dine and slippers, children'oshoes in great,ra riety, gum over shoes of all descriptions. Groceries—A fresh lot of sugars, coffee, teas, molasses, spices, &c. As my winter assortment is new and full, we cordially invite all our did friends and'eusto mem{ And the public in gene'ral. to call and ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we will take pleasure in showing our goods. and will sell as cheep if not cheaper than any other store in the county. Recollect the old stand—East Main' Street. CHAS. OGILBY. Nov 16 1853 4 ORN W. BELL, DENT. [WWI" I TOB7I~ W . BELL a. co., ummacptcruct, • •ND, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS HOWARD STREET, Opposite Centre, ty BALTIMORE. - lor.q Bz, ..1),0)30. USEFUL, FRAGRANT and GOOD. to J. KIEFFER has just returned from Phil; adelphia with an additional supply of Om& DRUGS,-which-in connection -with his former stock will make his establishinent complete in this department. In addition to-the above-he-has-also‘opened-a fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts, Peseta and Fancy Articles of every descrip tion. The attention ot•the Ladies is especially invited to his extensive assortment of Fanny Aaricics, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps .and Perfumes of every variety. Gentlemen are invited to examine his fine assortment of Fancy Articles-xSegars, Chins and Porcelain Pipes, Tobacco oti all kinds, Shaving and Toilets' Soaps. of superior.. quality, Canes. Riding and Carriage . Whips, and many other articles which more especially inters.' gentlemen. A number of superior • Woollen Maus on hand. The proprietor will be very happy to have his friends cal! and examine his goods whether they may wish . to purchase or not. July 6 1853 B .1 KIEFFER. SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1853„,, ArIFORGE KELLER respectfully announ. %NCOs to his old Patrons and the public gen• orally that he hasjust received the SPRING STYLE OP GENTLE MEN'S HATS, manufactured at one of the best establishments in Philadelphia, to which ho invites special attention. Lie has' also constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of his own manufacture as ,va II as city made PLATS AND CAPE. suitable for he senson,comprising every vari cyl of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats, finished in the latest style, together with a full assortment of Caps of every shape and des. cription, and at every price. He particularly invites the public to call and examine his exten sive assortviont, which in style, material and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market, and which he is able to put at prices lower than ever. ir:r Remember his old stand on North lisnover street, between Homer's and Senor's store. [June 17 FIRE INSURANCE. The Allen and East Penneborough Mutual Fire insurance Company of Cumberland coun ty, incorporated by an Act of Assembly, is pow fully organized, and in operation under the management of the following commission era, viz: Jacob Shelly, Wm, IL Gorges, Me Intel Cocklin, Ilielchoir Brenneman, Christ dStay. man, Christian Titzel, Jacob EL Coov Lewis llyer, flenry Logan, Benjamin 11. M,enr, Jai cob Kirk, Samuel Prowoll, Joseph Wicker sham. The rates of insurance are as low and favor ■blo as any Company of the kind in the Slate. Persons Wishing to become members are in• vited to make application to tho agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. BENE H. MOSHER, President. HENRY Loonii, Vice President; Lewis Llyer, Secretary. Michael Cocklin, Treasurer. AGENTS. Cumber/and Courtly.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cumberland; C. B. Herman. Kingstown ; Hen ry Zearing, Shircmanatown ; Charles Bell, -,arliale.; Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown ; Samuel Graham, West Penneborough; James McDow el, Frankford ; Mode Griffith, Smith Middle. ton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Haverstick, Mechanicsburg; John Sherrick, Lisburn; Da vid Coover, Shopherdetown. York County.—John Bowman,' Dillsburg Peter Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington ; W. S. , Picking, Dover ; Daniel ) Raffenaberger, J W. Craft, Paradise. Ilarrisburg.—Houser & Lochman. Members of the compjay having policies *clout to expire can hav7 them renewed by making application to any ofthe agents.' Nov. 24, 1 y, JVew Goods! Xew Goods! The subscri er has just received a large and well selected lot of Winter Goode at his Store m.the corner ofCentre Square. Afine lot of NAPOLEON CRAVATS, ust opened, and for sale at the lowest gure DRESS BUTTONS. A very ;largo and full assortment of Ladies' Dress Buttons, embracing a new style. PORTMONNAIES, A great variety of Portmonnaes, (of the latest patterns. I) WORK BOXES, just opened a low Ladies' Work 'Boxes and Gents' Shaving Cases, suitable forllChristmas. FURS; F-URS,' Just opened a few Lots of Furs, with a lisle lot of Woollen Comforts, and all for sale by -- 11 V GEO. W IifTNER. Carlisle, Nov 31, 1853, First Arrival of Fall Dry Goods, At the New-and Cheap Store. Weise IV Campbell wo U L D respectfully announce to their friends and the public that they have just r4ived from New York and Philadelphia a large,and handsome assortment of FALL AND WI NTER GOODS, consisting or the latest styles of Dress Goods, .Freripti plaids, cashmeres, mous de lames, all -wool, mous de beges, Persian cloth, plaid, brocade and black silks, al paces, and Mourning Goods. .DOMESTICS Bleached and unbleached Muslin, checka, Ginghams, tickings, wht and cl'd Canton Flannels, table linen,table cloths,Napkins Damask -towels, wool flrinnels, &c., &c. {) LACES AND EMBROIDERIES cambric and swiss ruffling, edging and insert ing, lisle mechlin and florentine laces, collars, undersloceves. spencers, cull's, &c. HOSIERY AND GLOVES Silk, cashmere and Saxony hose, merino half hose, white and black silk, hose, black, white and mixed cotton hose. ladies and gents ,ilk;', kid, fleecy lined silk and cotton gloves ' CLOTHS AND CASSIMERRS A largo assortment of cloths, cassiincres, sati nets, Lentucky jeans, merino, satin and black silk vestings, • BOOTS AND SHOES A large ass irtmcnt of ladies and gentlomens shoos, slippers and boots, childrens shoe?, from the best manufacturers. FAMILY GROCERIES, Rio and Java Coffees, New Orlean,, Cuba and refined sugars, Loverin's, Syrup Molasses. Cuba do., and Spices of g kinds, Their goods have all been selected with great care from the best New York and Philadelphia houses, and eanuot rod to Suit purehasers both in quality and price. sepl4' PALL AND WINTER Styles of Hats!! • . • & .1. KELLER desire respectfully to in 'llll' form their customers and friends that they are now supplied with a great varie.y of • HATS"AND CAPS/ for Fall arid Winter wear. In addition to a beautiful spring style of Silk Hats and their Mt:music° assortment of. light and coloured Hats just received from the cities. Their as sortinontie large and for beauty of style.excel lance of finish and lowness of price they ean• not be surpassed. A large assortment of %Jays. exclusively for, summer wear, constantly on hand. Also a earefu:lv selected assortment of CHILDREN'S HATS. We most respectfully invite the citizens of Carlisle Our vicinity to call and examine our assortment at the old stand, opposite to the Telegraph Office. may 11 Window Shades,• Oarpets and Oil Cloths. 3. STEW ART inorvir, , AAT 223 North 2d Street, above : Wood, Philadelphia, would moat "impel:4l.ll - call the attention of his friends and the public in general, to his large and well se elected stook of Carpet/ ' Oil Cloths, Mailings, Window Shades, Door Mats, Stair Rods FT. onto Covers, able Covers. Cocoa Matanqa, 11'0171 yards wide, for Public Rouses, Counting Muses, tke, , Also—to mylbraneh Store,l3l',Sprhgl Gar .denStreet, above 9tb Valuable Foundry For Sale. , *THE eubscritiereffere for sale his interest (one half) En the HAGERSTOWN FOUN DRY. For particulars as to Terms' which will be made accommodating, huaineas fecihiee pply to the •übeeribet at Heaeratown,litd. • bad It. H. LAWRENCE. liithorellatteouti. AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE THE*Subscribera, in addition to their*exfon. sive Grace 6 have 'connected therewith an AGRICULTURALI WAREHOUSE . and SEED STORE, 110,_lyarket street, near the - railrorrit - Hurrisburg. - Ya. - ,- and-are !prepared - 10 fill all - orders', by wholesale and retail, of all kinds of Agricultural Implem ate, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants with reasonable discounts ten:sell again. Horse-powers and threshers, wheat.drillls and seed -planters, plow's, harrows and cultiVa. tore,fodder. hay, anfi - Sfraw-entter, grain fans corn shellers. vegetable .cutters, hand grain mills, clove! shellors, horse rakes, cburns,grind stones and improved hangings, hay, straw and manure forks, farmer's boilers; ox yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cow chains, spades, hoes and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain cradles, seythesand acVtliestones, potatoe drags 'post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags, grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and budding knives, grass and grain sickles, screw' wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole traps, cattle' cards and horse brushes,-curry combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, plaster, poudrette, bone dust, lime, gar• den, _field and flower seeds. A leo, a large and fresh assortment of GR CERIt:S, TEAS, &c., all cheap for cash. , BOYER br. HALL. ittr - Grain and produce of all kinds received n exchange for implements. April '1 3,1853.—1 v PRESERVE YOUR TEETII BY USING Zermans Cele brated Tooth Wash. Dins valuable preparation has long been need 1 in New York and Philadelphia, where it hall attained an immense popularity, for cleansing, preserving and beautifyiss die teeth. It is an excellent remedy for sorc;soft or bleeding Gums. It also imparts a delightful freshness to the mouth and agreeable odor to the breath. 4}Read die following from Dr. Murray. " I can, with the utmost confidence, recom mend to the public, Zerman's Anti-Scorbutic Tooth Wash as the best in use. In my'-practice as a Dentist; I have used and recommended It for me last , Me years, and have found it to give sat isfaction in every nistance li as the Wash does not contain acid, or anythinkinjurious to the teeth or gums; but, on the contrary, is the hest antiseptic n the practice, and therefore, would recommend he nee of it, not only to those who wish to pre serve their teeth end gums, and have rt wholesome ibrcath, but also to those who have diseased gums tor teeth. The use of the Wash, for a short time, will insure a return to their healthy slate. GEORGE E MURRAY, Dentist, No• 61,5. Eleventh st., below Chestnut Phil's. lie. Mendel, Carlisle„says Mr. !Ler man, I am well pleased with, your Tooth Wash : it not only cleanses and whitens the teeth without Injuring them ,but it cures sore or bleeding gums. cheerfupy recommend it to the profession and public, as the very - hest preparation that ean he used for cleansing and preserving the teeth, healing the gums, and giving sweetness to the breath. JOHN NV, HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist. Price 25 cents per bottle. Prepared only Francis Zerman, Druggist and Chemist, corner of Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia. i For sale by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Cat lisle, octl2 • Iv.l CARLISLE FOUNDRYBr.DIACHINESHOP. ! ,i ,; r2,- z.'; 4 • 7 :: 4, 7..t, • ‘..^Pl-4-1 enbscribercontinueetp manufacture tit hie Foundry in East High street, having on hand a great variety of good patterns, and is prepared to furnish IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, which will be executed to order (if not on hand,) ntthe shortem notice, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, &c., Plough Castings., Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Conch Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, &c. Steam Engines built to order and repaired. All kinds of machinery in Papcm Mills, Grist Mills and FaCtories repaired al short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. Ilse, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, ouch as Bevel Gear Four Horse power ; Hor izontal Goar Four_ Horse Power ; Horizontal Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn Shel. lers and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines and Horse powers repaired and Job Work done at the shortest notice. Patterns of different kinds on hand ant.: made to order. He also has on hand a largo supply of Philo delPhia and Troy Cooking Stoves, and is con stantly making Cooking Stoves of various im proved patterns, (or coal or wood. Ten Plato Stoves, Grates, dt.e. Repairing done to all kinds of Machinery.— All kind. ofoid Iron, Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work. anr2l tf FRANKLIN GARDNER. IMRDW.IRE. A LARGE SPRING ARRIVAL! WHICH surpasses in quantity' onality and prices any that has ever yet been opened in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety of all kinds of Hardware, such as, Shoe Fin dinge, Saddlery, Conch TriMmings, Taints Oils, Varnish, Glass, Nails, Files, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Springs, Axels,'Bows, Felines, Veneers, Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar and Rolled Iron, Steel, &c., with a thousand more articles unmentionable. . . Having purchased largely! of Heavy Goods previous to the advance in prices, I am enabled to sell goods at eld prices. Persons in want o Hardware are invited to call end examine my goods and hear my prices, and you will be sat - asfied where the Cheap Hardware is to be had . cc).My stock of WALL • PAPER is nnap proached by any in the Borough. Thankful for the former liberal patronage, a continuance of the same is solicited by JOHN P. LYNE. Wait Side of North Hanover Street, Gullet Fresh Drugs, Medicines &c, &c / I have just received from Philadel phia and New York very extensive • ;$ additions to my former stock, embra i cing nearly every article of Medicine now in use, togetner with Paints, Tile, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,— Bruhes of almost every description, with endelss variety of other articles, which I am de termined to sell at the vxuv LOWE'''. prices. All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested not to pass the OLD STAND, as they may rent assured that every article will be sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable terms. S. ELLIOTT,. Minn street. May 30 W - ALL PAPERS. HE subscriber is just now receiving and 1. opening an unparalleled tuisortment of WALL PAPERS. Those desirous v of traria forming the interiors of their aid dwellihge into now ones, and giving additional embel iehments to their new ones, at a comparative ly trifling coat, will do well to call and examine for I can sell them from cta upwards. Re membre the old stand, East Wu et opposite Ogilby's Store. By the way, I would say to those who also want to improve the exterior of their houses, that I can furnish them with Wetherilre pure and fresh ground. White Lead, together with various other colours, blue. or, yellow. varioua shades of green, dm, in ohort everything . calculated to adorn and dee orate,, , yoer mansi ons. rriWl • HENRY SAXTON SADDLE AND HARNESS DIAHNG pHIE subscriber continues to carry on the above business, in all itsvartous branches, in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors North of Leonard's corner, where ho intends keeping on hand ageneral assortment in his line, Consisting of all kinds of (silt ionable SADDLES, Bridles martingales . , Girths,Circingles and Halters, also TRUNKS, trav-- cling and saddle' bags.. Ho also manufactures themost approved Spanish Spring Saddles, ever used in this country, those wishing a handsome, durable and pleasant sad dle will do well to call end seo,them. He also manufdeturee Harness, Bridles, Collars and Whips in all their varieties, and 'confidently be lieves from tho general approbation of his cus tomato, that .he makes the neatest and best gears,in all their variety of breadth, that is muds in the sountry. - 1 - fe also makes all kind's et_ Matrassas to order, via: Straw, Husk, Curl ad' flair and Spring lilatrasses. All the above articles will be made of the best .material and. woikmanahip, and with the utmost 'despatch. lanl4-Iv , ' • WM. OSBORN, ittirri",. . .. 0 . , ,,%,.\., ttil\lllo ~ i!• . .ik Bonnet Feathers. , THE subscriber lutetium opened . an invoice Ot Ostrich and other Bonnet keathere at one. half the usual nriee.f.sAlso 'v,r' *top lot of Fairy Dres Sag. 100 GEO IA ". itiMciitc; LIVER COMPLAINT, • DYSPEPSIA', JAU:s DICE, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DIS EASE OF THE KIDNEYS, . AND ALL ' • DISEASES ARISING FROM 4 DISORDERED LIVEROIt .., . S T 0 - M AC 11 . S na Constipation,' inward piles, fulness of boo to the head, acidiiy of the stomatli, th,. nausea, }ldes - lburn, disgust for food. fulness or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sink ing . or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or. suffoCeting sensations when in a lying posture; dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, defic iency ofv perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the • side, back, chest, limbs, &e.. sudden flushes of-heat, burning in the rflesh, constant imaginings of evil, and ,grey depression of spirits, , CAN 514 EFTECTUALLT ' CURED DT DR. 730orzauttra CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by DR, C. M. JACKSON, • No. 120 Arch Street, -Philadelphia. Their power ever the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as ,the cures attest, in many cases alter skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec tification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers its weakness and affections of the digestive or gans, they arc withal safe, cerlain and pleas ant. . READ AND DE CONVINCED Testimony of the highest character! HON. GEO. STROOP, Judge of the District Court in Perry county, Pa., Nov. 18th, 1852 said: "your •Hoofland's German Bitters' has been in use in our place over 11'year past, and to the astonish ment of many has performed wonders. We may notice a few instances that have come under own immediate notice:—almost every person who has stopped at the hotel of Win. Lackey, one year since, predicted ,rom his o. maciated countenance and debility; that lie could nut live much longer, He was unable to attend to his buinese, and for the greater part of the time confined to his room. We rec ommended him to..try the German Bitters; he did; and to the surprise of all his friends he is now able to attend to his usual business and perform manual labor. The case of Henry Asper a stone mason ' whom no ono supposed would ever recover from• the debility of his system, bp was looked upon as fast approach rug the grave, took eight or nine bottles of the Bitters during the last winter, and this sum. mar be has been fto the surprise of all who knew his case] following his trade. The case of William Murphy is no less astonishing.— He too was so far reduced as to induce the general belief that the grave alone would be his only remedy. Mr. Lackey recommended him to try the Hoofland'e German Bittersi he is now apparently a well man, and -able to do a hard day's work. Wo could mention many other cases of a similar character: if it were necessary.. I myaelfderived much benefit from their use. I hsve given considerable of it a way, not for your benefit alone, but to relieve suffering humanity, and let me assure you 1 am pleased to see the happy result. To the afflicted we say, try them fairly and I will warrant relief." These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids, possessing great power in the resto ration of a healthrnetion of the liver and the leaser glands;"giving tone to the stomach and nervous ayatem, and bringing the system gen erally to a high state o, health. Far sale by S. W. Ilaverstick and Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Day, MeChanicabmg; J. If. Der ret, Newville; J. S. Attic, Shippensburg, and by dealers in medicimis every 'where. NEW DRUG STORE I ! South Hanover Street, Near the Court Horde. 1011 J. KIEFFER, 'druggist, winild respect. . folly inform Me citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that he has opened a new CHEMICALJAND DRUG STORE," His stock is entirely now, and has boon selec ted With great taro. As many of the articles in daily use by, physicians and families deteri orate by age-and - exposure t - arem -care will , be taken not to allow such articles to accumulate in such quantities. Attention is especially invited to his stock of Medicines, Essential Oils, Oils, Tinctures, Winos, Extracts, Confections, Chemicals, , &o. Together with the above ho has a full assortment of Paints, Varnishes, Dye—Stulla, Paint and Varnish Brushes, and • , CONFECTIONARIES of every variety. He has.also on hand a splen did assortment of Perfumeries, Soaps,Extracts, • Fancy, Hair, Clothes and Flash Brushes, Supporters, Breast Exhauster°, Nipple Shields, Tooth Washes and Pastes ; also MEDICINAL WINES AND BRANDIES; of the best quality. SEGA RS. from the best Havana and Spanishhouses, el every flavor, from one cent upwards. In order to ensure hie customers against mistakes during any temporaray absonconf the proprietor, the services of an experienced and competent assistant have been secured, which will be felt to be important, in view of the'responsibilities which are known to devolve upon the druggist. IePHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfully and promptly attendpasto.— Orders from Physicians and Merchan t the country will be fitted with care, and at prices which must prove satisfactory. N 13.—A1l officinal preparations made in strict accordance with the directions of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. • A liberal share of public patronage is Teen pecttully solicited. Terms Cash. May 11. 1853. 11. J.,,ICIEFFER. Segars and Tobacco. Persons feeling themselves disported to in dulge in good angora are requested to call at the Drug Store of B J. KIEFFER, where they may- obtain an article which he hesitates not to recommend as being the best in Carlisle. Persons visiting Carlisle should not lea Vie be fore taking a glance at B.J. Kieffer's Drug and Chemical Store, South Hanover street. Be has on hand a variety of fancy articles, such as hair, hat, clothes, florb and tooth-brushes, co logne bottles, furniture dusters, portfolios, note paper, worked and card baskets, visitingicards and cases, a fine variety of fans, ticcordeons, ar.c. The ladies are invited to call and examine superior, matte. Call soon, as he isdaterminod to soil bargains. B. J. KIEFFER, July 20, 1853. S. Hanover at. MST_ RECEIVED ! A PRIME article of Sugars Raisins . nt 23 cents per pound, Bunch do, d . good article, at 15 cents, Citrons, Mace, Spices, Brandies, Lemone,ll Oranges, Preserved Fruits, Dates, Sugared and Dried Prunes, Figs, Tamarinds, Crackers, ks &c, in connection ..ith all kinds of Confectiona ries, all of which will be disposed of on the most Secommodating terms. June I, 1852 • • 13. • 3. KIEFFER MARION SELL J. W. EBY'S FAMILY GROCERY Java and MartiniOa Coffees, Green and Roasted do., Orleans and Clarafied Brown Sugars. Pulverized, Crushed and 2 k, Loaf do, Solt Crushed (preserving) do. Rice,Farina and Corn Starch. (preserving ) Cocoa, Chocolate, - Vanilla Bean; Mace, Citron, with Silicas of 'every kitidoi • Sperm, Mould, Adamantine Candles, Orleans and Sugar H. Syrup Molasses, ILovoring's finest quality Syrup. st 9 il4r'A fresh assortment of all the above arti cles, and a. general supply of other articles usually kept by us; all just °Mead and for sole. et our now„store rooms. June 8, 1853: SAW. EB Tarn INSURANCE. 7CHE undersigned having been the agent o the Keystone Life insurance Company, 7C arrisburg. Pa , continues to actin that ca. ',city, by authority of said Company. Ito' would respectfully inform the community that he will attend to such persons its may signify their desire to insure their lives, and thus give some protection to their bereaved (*make+ and 'friends, in case of disiith. Office in West Pont 'fret Street, Carlisle. • Mavtts tf J. •W,ORT,HINGON. BEIELF AND DAMS ECEIVED tine day, direct from Cincinna ti ti, a full supply of tho;following eclobra. ted brander 100 Sugar Cured Davie do Co'e Beef Runic, - 100 • • " :Gardner,Phipp & Co's Harm 100 "•• " • Dullialle . Westphalia • do. This last brand gained the Prize Medal it the Ltindon.World'e Fair. Alsofa lm supply of Country llama, Bacon, Shoulders and 'Stflas4lll of which will be 'Mid very low for cash. J. GWII.I.4AV ~. S,' ' Jon. 21,1859. Family Grocer. . tlnn) r .rziou critormenT HAYES' PATENT TUBULAR oym HOT AIR RANG•; Various Sizes, to suit Families, Boarding _.l.louses and , Hotels. . , nrCIOSE,in want or a superior Cooking Ap i: permits aro invited to call-at out 'Ware heuse and examine fltin•Range. For durability economy - and simplicity in. - operation - it-stands unrivaled. It has Is perfect hot air ventilation —and meats baked in thin oven will retain their juice and flavor equal to that roasted helore an open lire. Meats and pastry cooked at the same time without ono ;dice:trig the other. It "will supply sufficient heated air to heat addi tional rooms fur the coldest' weather. It has no descending or return flues, and is equally welt adapted to bdatnitious or common hard. coal. The steam valve over the boihng part of the Range carries off the steam and ',cent of cooking, as well as heat in summer. Every Range sold warranted to give sattsfac tion,,or no expense to the purchaser. HAYES' VENTILATOR, Patented Octobor, 1818, For Public Balls Faclortes, Raih•oarl Cars, Chin - Lies, Flues; Ships, Slecimas, Pure air is a subject claiming the attention of every individual, end all buildiags should be provided with the proper means of•ventilation. Also, a powerful Warming. and Ventilating Furnace, For Dwellings, School Houses, Churches", Halls, ►Slores, Factories, A Ingo assortment of Office, Hall and Cook ing Stoves, Parlor Grates, Registers, Ste.— Wholesale and Retail. RAND & HAYP.S, 82 North Sixth street, Phila. Personal attention given to warming an evgliinting both public and private buildings. Christmas Goods , -AT WIIOLESALH. Dealers will find it to their advantage to call. German Goods—toys dolls drums, baskets, Games—All the new, games, building blocks, boxes, tools, dominoes, &.c. Very beautiful new style of embroid.tred and other Fancy Baskets, Children's Baskets French Goods—Paver weighteoP Clan, the latest styles, viz—the Crystal Palace, &c. Al. abaster Goods—Now Styles, a largo assortment. Pearl Goods, Pin cushions, Yard measures, and other notions. Together with French Toys and Fancy Articles, as exhibited in the London find New York World exhe , itions. In fact, our assortment it wou.d be impossible to enumerate. . ROBERT SWIFT, Importer and Mantilacturor, 314 Market St., above Ninth, Philadelphia. Idecl4lrn DAVIS 8t curxm, peaky. in Lamps, Lai terns and Chandeliers„ NL Corner Fourth and Cherry sts., UrJIVING enlarged and improved their store, and having the largest assortment of lamps in Philadelphia, they are now prepared to tar nish Camphinc, Pine Oil, BURNING FLUID, Ethereal Oil, Phosgene Gas and Lard Oil.— Lamps. Lanterns of all paterns, Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliros, Girandoles and Candelabras, and Brittania Lampe,at the man. ulacturers lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over auction pti cos. Being large MA ly UPAWFURERS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alco hol and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, they can furnish these articles at such prices that Mer chants will find it to their advantage to buy.— Call betore going elsewhere, if you want bar gains. Also the Safety Fluid Lainp for sale. October 5,1853—1 y Cheap Watches IP Jewelry. WHOLESALE and RETAIL d li AL .. "l, \ at the " Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store," Number 96 North Second Street, corner Ak 4 of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, lull 10.efiFattiC:. jewelled, 18 carat cases, 620,00 Gold Lepi..,e, 18 carat cases, 624 00 Silver do jewels, 9 00 j Silver Lever, full welled, 12 00 Superior Quartiers 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, I 90 Gold Bracelets,3 00 Undies' Gold encils, 1 00 Sikier Tea Spoons, set, 5 00 Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver fielder, 1 00 Gold Finger Rings 373 cents to $8 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 121 cents t Patent, 181 ;'Lunet, 25 . ;_other. articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for: STAUFFER & HARLEY, sept77l• Successors to 0. Conrail. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines,still lower than the above prices. ,i N 24 7I.COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Located No 127 , Baltimore Stied, Baltimore, Md. The ostensible object of this Institution is to place in the reach of individuals proper facili ties for obtaining a thorough and prsctical Atercentile Education. Lathing indeed has been omitted that is calculated to produce the desired result. The rooms of the College are well fitted up, conveniently arranged, and situated in the most desirable part of the City. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in connection with familiar Lectures on Commer. cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter of the highest importance to all who desire to become Accountants of the first order, and oc cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A young man can here obtain a more correct knowledge of general business matters_in a few weeks than can be acquired in as mtiny years in any one Counting Room. The course of study embraces Double Entry Book keeping, and its adaptation to vedette departments of Commerce and Trade, Moreau tile-calculations taught according to the most approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com bining rapidity' of execution with beauty of construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects beside many other points necessary for a book keeper or business man, to- understand. , The time necessary for an industrious student to complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks. There being no vacation, applicants can enter at any . lime and attend both day and evening. Examinations are held nt stated periods, and Diplomas awarded to those who g• aduate.— For terms, &c., write and have a Circular for warded by mail: March, 23. 1853. ly. • ) - • •a. E. GOULD, [SUCCESAOR TO A. F.1.07`,) No. 164 Chestnut St., Stuaint's Building, Phila. EIXN EN SIV E Music Publisher, and Deal er in Musical Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive agent for t to sale of Millet, Davis Ed Co's Patent Suspension Bridge /Eolian And other PIANOS, L. GilbertEalloudoiO Pianos ',Helotloons, Mar tin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Shoot Music, Music Hooks, &c. Rosh:lento of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise ,wlth music. they may wish, as low as if purchased in person. Having one of the largest stocks in the United States, I feel confident of satisfying all who mayilfavov mo with a call or order. - Heelers in Music supplied on the most 'fibers terms.- Pianos to let: Second-hand Pianos to sale. .ma, 20 1899 ly) LEATHER. FRITZ & HENDRY, - Store, 20, &lat.; Phila. Morocco Msnulaetttrers, Carriers, Importers Commission and General Loather Business, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Plllandamory. 15 Margaretha streot. To Builders & Houskeepers. THOSE who are building, or about corn manning himsekeeping will be sure find at all times an assortment to ardent from. Locks of oil sorts and sizes, with brass, argi' 10, mineral and white knobs, aith japanned plated fudniture. butt hingps; east and wrong!, window glues from Bxlo to 20x16,bolta,serev &c. Sac. You who aro about to be marriod a, going to housekeeping, we have, everything' please. each as fancy waiters and . troys ' War ' handled knives and forks; in setts or by tl , dozen, common ,kmves and forks, butler knlv with plated and ivory handles frying and bro,,,J pane, smoothing irons, tubs, churns, Zfe, . HENRY SAXTON. . ;41arch 9.1e53. dtitsrellancoug ac PANKORITE.99 MYERS' EXTRACT OF EOCK ROSE, Atiinvaluable , Ronedy for all ,Scrofulou: Lis eases, Adigestion, Salt Rheum, Sick head 'ache, Cancer, Nursing Sore -Mouth, and General Debility, and as a • Purifier of the Blood it is Unequalled, The Rock Roan has gained a reputation at borne and abroad, which no oilier medicine bps CVQr_ done in the enure-iength of time. According to the opinions of eminent Physi cians, the Rock Rose Plant is unequalled 'in Curing Scrofula in its Various i'Orinsl STATEMENT OF REV. E. R. WARREN, (Pastor of the 2d Ruptist Chureh,New London Ct..) relative to Myers' Extract Rose. • To The American Public. As my name Ins been used in connection with recommendations of Mr. Myers' Ruck Rase Syrup, in various advertisements'by the manufacturer, I beg leave to make the follow ing statement with reference to my acquaint. mice with the remedy and tests to which 1 have subjected it, and the reasons for having intro. duccd it to the notice:of private friends in the community hi which I reside, long before the medicine was advertised. I wake this state ment freely, because I have, as a principle, withheld my name from all patent medicines, and sedulouslyAbitTiined from recommending them to the public, believing them frequently the spawn of quackery and humbug, and as tending to increase, instead of lesbening human disease and suffering. Such, I fear, is the character of a large portion of the patent pana ceas of this medicine making age. "Their name is legion," and from ,their influence, sa from the demoniacal spirits, we have reason to pray for a safe deliverance. • The First Ttuf.l had myself suffered oc casionally with sudden attacks of Sick Head •ehc, and Billions Diarrhea, and I hod sought a great variety of curative agents to but little purpose; and suffering from this disease (diar rhea) at this time, I determined to test the new Syrup first upon myself. The results were be yond my expectatiend. it was a powerful alterative, and the morbi,' action of the s , stem was changed, and the functions of secretion were restored to a healthy state. it gave tone and elasticity to my system, and corrected the derangement of the digestive organs, and gave me that inestimable blessing—health. This test was not determined in a week, or a month; but I took four or five bottles in perhaps as many months. Since that time l'have suffer— ed but slightly from these derangements. My Sick Headache is entirely Cut ed. Other Tests.—Fiailing this medicine so use ful to myself, I at once gave it to several inva lid friends. About this time, I was earnestly solicited to give advice in reference to a child, some eight years of age. This child was severely afflicted with a Scrofula humor, of a very severe typo, the humor showing itself on all parte of the surface, and then suddenly dis appearing. The child was very sick, and it was thought doubtful whether she would live, The humor resembled black specks of mortified flesh. In addition to some other remedies, a gave the child ties Syrup for about six weeks, whan she had sufficient strength to go out to school occasionally. The swelling of her limbs ceased, and she was restored to health. The family feel that they owe her life, with G...d's blessing, to my remedies. • This test satisfied me that the Rock Rare possessed specific powers for 'Scrofulous hu mors. • 1 then tested it in cases of Cutancols Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken .Pox. Cancar, Sure Mouth, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, In all these ruses with perfect success. .elflal testing this Syrup for more than a year, I wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) cnthusi. saliently, not expecting my letter would he published, that his Syrup was a " Pankorite," all.healing, and 1 gave 'him the result of its operations in several instances. 1 stated in that letter that "it was invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, end etherdisorders', included in the varied family of diseases known ae Scrofula, Sr.e.: that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder— ful efficacy." My opinion of its value tor the above named diseases, remain unchanged, and the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct. 1850. 1 do not recommend it for all the ills of our suffering humanity ; but !unhesitating ly say, that as a remedy for Scrofulous affec tions I believe it superior to any known cura tive agent. it has been, sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its adoption to extensive usefulness in mitigating bunion suffering:and rental ing diseases. But What is the Rock Rose? 'The following history of the . Rock Rose plant and its medicinal properties, we lake from the New Haven Palladium, March 1852. The increased interest manifeked in the Rock Rose plant, in consequence of the m a ny wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for d brief history of it, in order to correct any errono r Is opin ion that may have been entertainodr camera ing it ; and also to set in a true light the na ture of a plant which promisee to be univer sally beneficial. "We are indebted to the United States Die peneatory of 1847, for the following deserip lion of it : ", It is entirely different from the common Rosa. It is a red-stemmed, oblong leaf plant, having a bitter taste. In addition to remark able peculiarity of the plant, of hearing two, crops of flowers in one season, it also has ano ther interesting and beautiful properly. ,;, 4Pr. Eaton says, that in the months of Nris vember and December, he has seen hundred ot these plAnts, sending out near their roots, broad, thid;curvod ice-crystals, about an inch in breadth: which melted during the day, and were renewed in the morning. For a more minute and aulhentical description of it, the reader is referred to Torrey and Gray's Botan ical works. Its Medical History and Properties Are. far the most important, since upon those depends its value to the community. Dr, Lou. don says that in 1799, it was so valuable in England, that it was cultivated from seeds. Ever since 1806, Professor Ives of Yale Col lege, has habitually used it with_great success n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, anti through him its virtues were maild known, until, as Dr. Tyler says, i! it is now Im this section (New Haven) a common article in domeetic practice. for the cure of Scrofula and Cutancoual - dis. eases." " Dr. Whitlaw.o Scotch Botanist of notoriety, while travelling in America in 1814, learned its use in Canada. Rctuining to England. he employed it in medicating "his bathe, which became greatly celebrated for the cure of simi lar-diseases. Dr. J. H. Thompson, of the same place, pre scribed it in bud spies of Scrofnlous patients at Willa' Hospital. His success Attracted the attention of senior physicians, He reports the • following remarkable cane of white swelling of the hip, in February, 1814:—The lad' was seven years old, and had the disease three years. The bone was dislocated both Upward end outward. There was a large opening in the hip leading to the hone; into which I could thrust my finger. I counted Him ulcers. Ile had been under several physicians, who had given him up, I ordered a decoction of Reck Rose.• In two days his night sweats ceased I then ordered a teaspoonful of Rock Rose three times a" day. Thirty.aine days after he wan entirely well. Dr. Welsh, of Madison, Ct., jestifiee•to the value„of Rock Rose, as evinced in the euro of numerous, eases of the Scrofula, cap:daily in children. ManucActured by.lV'm Fronfilin & Co.. New Ilavem Ct. * Mr. Warren, though a minister of the Pos. pet, hoe for a period 'of IS yours, given atten. Lion to the subject of medical science, to qual ify him to administer to the sick, in connection with his pastoral duties. , - EDWIN R. WARREN Ner London. April 2, 1853. Agents rn Cumber/and County.:—.S. W. Ma rwick.. S. Elliot and W. A. Kelso, orlislci Haverstick & Strohm, Kingstown; J. Swisher., Mechanicsburg ; M. Sillier, Shiremanstown; Eppley ,& Ernst, Cedar Spring; J. Dighem Sterrott'a Gap; Thomas ,Greason, Plainfield 3. U. Heron, Newville ; J. 11. Wiley, Green Spring ; Wherry & Eisenhower, Newburg ; W. D. E. Nays, Shipponsburg ; Russel & Dice; Dickinson ; Alexandra & (Stunt's, Papertown. Dr. L. 11; Lenher, Churohiown. • ;~Yrl~iflllCs. EPILEPSY. CAN BE CURED. hake's Vegetable Compound, volt TIIC cunr. OF EPILEPSY do FITS'! Is performing more tooliderAl ewes than any other medicine yet known or Befo re the piddle, PRICE FIVE ,DOLLARS A BOTTLE: The prcprintor has in his possession numerous certificates., narratiog the 21.stonishing and Miraculous Caves! .„ effected by this medicine,nod Ail erts :mewl( nto the 'following only, to assole those n for are so un fortunate to he afflicted %%jib the terrine lisease heretofore regarded incurable, that LAXE's pre paration IS A1.3165T INTALL/DLE 22V ITS CTBT! From Mrs, Brooks, witlotf Itlaj. Jas. Brooks, late of Conneaut, ft. CONNEAVT, Feb. 3,1853. Mr. Z. Letts:—Sir: Please send MC alibi her bottle of Fit Aledichie, as 1 ito not like to Le without it on band. hen 1 commeticigil git ing the medicine to my son Edgar, he bad from our to three fits per day. He has now taken the me dicine over five months, and bus bad, I think, but two litsjA; that t me, and those very light.' His body-dud mind arc very much improved; and by the blessing of God, I feel, that the medicine will restore his body and mind to their touted activi ty. Ile is 2.8 years old, and has had fits over 12 years, which have been very frequent, and very destructive to Isis constitution and mind. Hun dreds of dollars have Vemaexpended for medicine to "CUILE rrrs," but nothing has relieved him un til he used your medicine. Respectfully yours, POLLY BROOKS. From Judson Landon, County Superintendent a the Ashtabula County Infirmarv. KIiCiGSVILLE, Feb. 4, 1853. Mr Z• LANE—Sir: I'lease send a few more bottles of your t'Ftt Medicine ;'' I mny not need it, but think safer to keep it on hand. Your me dicine has done wonders. I gate it to Miss Jane Delano ; she has had fits for 26 years, brought rn by having the measles tt hen but four }cars old, which could not be brought out to the surface.— After taking the medibine it few days, stir nen A runt CROP OF 31Eiti.Liti, soil has had no fits since. She hail fits or symptoms almost daily. She and her father concur with me in saying that we he - lieve the medicine hos °lrwin work a perfect core, I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane ll•mtler son and Ails Corby, who have had fits almost doily, for a number of years. Their fits hove ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the desired effect. Much money has been expended by the friends of the above patients for doctoring, all to no purpose. The cure was left for your medicine to perform, and I can cheerfully recom mend it as n valuable discovm y. Respectfully yours. JUDSON LANDON, Superintendent Ashtabula Co. lnfirniev. , Prepared and sold at wholesale b.) Z. LArE, Conneaut, Ohio. E F WELLER, traveling ageM. Sold by S W fraverstick' ' Carlisle • E H Thomas, Mechanicsburg ; D W Gross, Harris burg. Oct 5-1 r • Beecher's matchless Cordial. THIS medicine has never known to fail in Y. curing Cholera Norbus, in from 10 to 15 minutes• ' Cholera Infanturm or summer COM. plaints of children, Dysentery, Diarrhea, do c., in from IC to 24 hours. It is certain and sufe under all circumstances, having Leon fairly tested in upwards [of four hundred ores with out a single failure. Let every family provide itself with at' least' one bottle of this invaluable remedy. Try it, and it will recommend hell It is prepared upon purely scientific principles, and cannot be justly termed s evasA nit dieise, unless science. be quackery. For Fain by B. J.K I EFFER, Druggist, South annoyer Street, A few doors south of the Court House, June 32, 1833. • Carlisle. OCTOR YOUR SELF-PRIVATE- , for 25 cents, by means be POCKET /ESC U PIUS, or, Every One OWN PHYSIAN ! 'he thirty.sixth Edi with one hundred en rings, showing Private eases and 'Atalforma ks of the Generative tern, in every shape form : to which is ad- teases of Females, lu tes. only (see page IN), being of the highest importmiee to married peo ple, or those contemplating marriage. By N%' YOUNG, M. D., Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons, London ' rind Honorary Itlember 01 the flhiladelphia Aledicas society. The various orint, of Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, and all the recipes given'in plain language. The chapter on selfsabuse and Seminal Weakness is worthy of prrticular attention, and should be read by every one. Young men who have been unfor tunate in contracting disease, pre% ions to placing yourselves under the care of any doctor, no mat ter what his pretensions may be, get a copy of of this truly valuable work. Sea Captains and persons going to sen,.should possess Dr. Yoiing's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket .lEsculutlius, or Every one His own.Phy simian. 1)7- Let no father . be ashamed to present a copy of the Lsculapius to his cl ild. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the sect et oblications of married life, witl.ont reading the pocket Los culapius. Let no one suffering from a hocknied cough, pain in the side ; tintless nights. nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given' up by their physician, be an. other moment without consulting the JEscnla dius. Have the , merried or those about to he married any impediment, read ibis trily useful Book, as it has been the means of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of this celebrated work has been sold in this country and Europe since 1898, when the first edition was issued. . _ • Any person sending TWENTY,-FIVE cents enclosed in n letter, will receive one copy adds book by mail; or five copies will be sent for $l. Address Dr. W11.11A91 YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia," Post pnid. Twenty . years practice in the city of Philadel phia eeriatnly_entitles Dr. Young to the confi dence of i 1 0 nfilicted, and he may be consulted on any of t Ile diseases described in his (fillet Out dublications, at his office 152 Spruce Sheet, every day t,efusgn 9 and 9 o'clock, (Sunday': ex, cepted) and - persons nt any distance can consult Dr. Young 14 letter, POST PAID, ROBERT B. SMILES, ABINET hIAKERAND UNDERTAKER North HanoverStrcet,'andnest door to Glass's OM THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public gercr. ally, that he now has on hand a large and ele gant asaortment of FUR N TUR E, consisting in part of Wardrobes, Card and other Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads. plain and fancy awing Stands, dr.c. manufactured of the best material and quality warranted. Also a general assortment of CHAIRS 'at the lowest. prices. l'enitian Blinds made to order, and rerNtiring promptly attended to. litrEoffins made at the shortest horice, and having - a splendid hearse he will attend' funer als in town or country.-0 Wrßememfier the stand— next door to 1 - 1. Glass' s Hefei. . nov24 R. B. SMILEY. DRUGS 1 DRUGS I DRUGS ! ' rreshet Spring Supply! 17 HAVE just received a fresh stock of Med ieines, Paints, Glass" Oil, &c., which having been purchased with 'groat earn at the best city houses, I can confidently recommend Famlies, Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers,.aa being fresh and pore. • DltU Patent Medicines, Herhsand Extracts, Fine homi mile, Spicmground and whole Instruments,... Essences, ' . Pure Essen". Oils Perfumery, &c. God Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine. DYESTUFFS. . Log and Cain Woods, Oil Vitkial ' I Cdpperaa, I Lac Dye' PAINTS. Indigoes, Madders, Sumac Alum, Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed ,Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Load. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price, Alpo,a fresh and splendid as sortmont of FANCY GOCIDS,'FRIJITS, Confectionary, and, innumerable other articles calculated for use andornament, all 01 wl.ich are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug Book and Fancy-Store of the sub scriber on North Hanover street. May 28 1851. S. W. HAVERSTION; ' • Fish, FitiN 0 Fish ! A CuoIC4 to of N. I MACkgREL, in EX whole, half and quarter bbla, also a lot of new No. 3 Mackerel for sato cheap for cash 'at the family grocery atoro of Jnne 22.1858. , G. WILLIAMS,