a 3:l3irlfinnlouo . 4 1 • Doadl . all his wealth not sufficient to bury hie ith proper decency. Died, &Add. log to the last, poor old gray headed Atheist! Years ago his home wad , a pAlace. his daugtersh wore beautiful; h s sous stately and noble. fle gloried it; his unbelief. "His eye!. stood out with fatness." It seemed hard to the Chrlsgos, and ono was tempted to say, "It is better with! the wicked than with the good." • But by these net clods; on which the rain drops dianrhlly, lice his pine 'coffin. The sex ton strikes.it with his shovel, and coarse jests profane ttito "garden of God." " "Nor old Atheist!" One daughter lies.bro ken hortried in sn early grave. One in a for eign land wanders-under the weight if his curso The youngest eon, the "old man's, darling' rots in jail; the other died drunken. All were Atheists: Prosperity kept .them company long. Their orchards were never blighted. Sickness tainted not their ben uty ; care and disapointment lett their hearts alone. Bat to-day' where are they, with the wealth nn I glory of prosperity ? Ayo is it trua! 'rho mill of Goil griu•]s I.:te—but it grit..'a to pander,! A TrIUTII FOR PA ItL:NTS, The Bev. Dr Duff, a man of eminent prncli-' cal wisdom, no well an of eminent piety, says: ol am prepared from experience to say, that , in nine cases; out of ten the hoards of accumu lated money given to children, by whom they were never earned, and who ucqnited no habits of industry„oe thrift, or labot iousness, prove, in point of fact, rather a curse than v ble:sing. I am prepared to substantiate that, ns a matter of fact, not merely from my own knowledge of the subject, but funt the statements of men who have been of watchful and observant lab its, cultivated not only in Great Britain, but 'n America. But it is a melancholy fact that no halo do parents know or the masa 'of misery the — are accumulating f,,,r their children, in heaping up there hoards for them—so little do they think bow big, with wisely these hoards Are. EL= •"The rest of the Sal.batli lit as necessary after the engagement of the week, as is the night's rest after the work of the day. To the one we go instinctively, forced by fatigue, It is well if we ohserve the other, impelled by morel consideration, before Buffering the penal ty attached to its violation; of which no incliner gives us warning. After sir (I , iys of labor out strained muscles.need a season to renew their elaitioity—our irritallin nerves to recover their moral state—our fettered spirits to rescue their equanimity." OPPOSITI0A„-".1. certain amount of opposi tion," says John Neal, “is a great help to a man. Kites rise against and not with the wind. Even a' head wind is better thou none. No man ever worked his passage anywhere in n dead calm. Let no man wax polo, therefore , because of,oppositibn. Opposition is what he wants, and must have to be good for anything. 'Hardship is the native soil of manhood and self-reliance. Ile that cannot abide the storm without flinching or quailing, strips hiMielf in the sunshinepand lays down by the wayside, to be overlooked and forgotten. He who but braces himself to the struggle when the wind bfows,Tives up when they have clone, and falls asleep in the stillness that follows. HARDWARE--FRESH ARRIVAL ! ! ELENRY SAXTON.-- Subscriber having ft:1111113d frcm the city would the attention of his friends `and the public gnerelly to the large and Ve. lceted assortment of Hardware which Lo has just received. consisting iu part of BUILDING MATERIALS such as nails; scrws, holia. g I ia.3, tinily, pninis, nlls , f‘c,.. 'TOOLS— ed.;e h,ols; save and planes of every deserip lion, ivnli file, rasps, hammers, anvils, &c A general assort nCin of SHOEVIAIiE RS & SADDLERS TOOLS, together with morocco. hning and binding skins, shoe thread, wan, pegs, lasts, harness mounting, saddletrees, &e. COACH TR I MAHN a—canvass (plain, en amelled, figured and embossed,) patent and en- Eltnelled leather, axles, springs, hubs, spoke, felines, shAlts, &c, &c.' ''Cabinet Makers will find a large assormcnt of varnishes, mahogany and wCinut Fencers, moulding. rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, Ere. The stock of IRON is large and:well selec ed, cehtprising all the kinds in general use, as hammered and relied tire of ull .szcs, flat, bar and band iron, round, square and ; oval iron, horse shoe iron and nail rods, with a large lot of east and•eprin4 steel, English and, American blister steel, &c. Housekeepers and those about commencing .will find it te their a haulage to callfand clam ins our cutlery brit:am:l and plated ware, pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, sze. In addition to the above we have received a splend:d asaertment of WALL PAPER,..mn• king the stock complete, rind at stp.h prices as cannot fail to give satisk.ction. We itivitelall friends to call, knowing it will be to their gun livantege. Remember the old stand,' ids( High Street . ;:C - drri'sle, P, • HENRY SAXTON.' Oct. 14, 1853 TO FARMERS & HORSE DEALERS DOCTOR 7. S. SEIBERT, 'Veterinary Surgeon, has returned to Carlit•le, and cuted htinsell permanently for the purpose el . operating upon diseased horses, find pledges himself to :tiro the most of diseases to which this' noble animal is subject. He is able to cure Ring Bone, Tooth Bono and Bog Spavin, and nll weak eyes which arc supposed to be allbeted by hooks, without cutting the gland of the eye, and all eyes supposed in he afleeted with. Wolf, Teeth, without extracting the teeth. Ho can couro a fresh foundered torso tin forty-eight hours as sound on ever. Ho also cures all Eris. tempers hoof bound, sprung, knees, sh older jams. string halt, fistulas and pole evil. He con remove nll callous enlarginents,und perform all surgical operations that may be required ofthint, Pprsons 1110411 g diseased horses who cannot leave them with Min, can be supplied with all the medicines and,direct s ions for use. He char. ges pothing•for examining, a horse and locating their diseases. So, bring on your cripples. • Ho May be found at-Henry Glass's Cumber. land it id Perry Hotel, Carlisle, where those wishing to engage his services are requested to call. IN ov 2,1853. FRESH ARRIVAL! , /in subs[ribor has just returned from'Phil ['dolphin, and is now, opening a largo and elegant assortment of cheap WINTER GOOD, Consisting in part of chubs, cassitners, casii• netts, .11annels, blanketb, jeans Ladles' Goods—A beautiful nssortment of (10 Mince, French luminous, paramettas, silks new elylo barred, cashmeres, ribons, shawls," Frnch worked collars. &e. Doitostics—Bleached and'- muslins, checks, tickings, canton flannels,. &c. • Boots aml Shoes—A largo assortment.7of mon and boys winter boots: Also an entire new stock of ladica';,,gaitors, morocco boots, bus. dins and slippers, childien's shoes in groat,va rimy, gum doer shoes or all dosoflotioaa. Groceries—A fresh lot °of sugars, Coffee, teas, molasses, spices, &c. q Ae my winter assortment is new and full, we cordially invite all our old friends and custo• mere, and the public M g'cneral:th call and ex• amine our stock before , purchasing elsewhere, no we will take pica'sarc - in showing our goods , and will 'eoll-v(e-cheap if not cheaper than any other store in the coanty. Recollect the old eland—)Just Main Street. CHAS. 'dGILBY Nov 16 1853 IBERJAN CLOTH—A flew and•splendid n~ material for Overcoats. just received by. HITHER., A .carted to this Machine at the Fair of the American Ineiltatei iile'tvltorh, Oat. 1882. t Diploma at the Vierik. Phile:delphlai First Premium at the State F Ur, Utica, New York, rind at the Columbia and I usseleer County (New York)FalWit ml a Diploma at the Westchester County-Fair at White Plnlne. HICKOK'S PATENT 11l the present arrangement of this highly approved nud • tillable Mill, tho labor is divided by arranging a cutting I vlinder to break the apples, nod then deliver them to the ) woe Cylinders to- ho reduced to pontace. Ity this nn ingement the work Is performed faster and with much as labor. The Press in arranged with n much larger screw titan .rmerly. cad by n very ingenious device the use of the hag dispensed with and the Tab made to open at will to de : ver the pomace, while at thillisaine thrfe the Cider is left ear and the work can be done.q with much less labor than ,y,the old method. -The Cylinders are cOvert9 with heavy .tekt Zinc, both on their peripheries anti ends; the wood I them is arranged so no not to swell; and the whole work n the Mill and Prove made in -the very best manner and rrnnged with especial view to their darnbility and service. No Farmer who noes the Mill carefully anti according 'directions AV 111 be disappointed, but on the other nud he trill find this one of the most valuable and efficient whines on his %rm. The machine is made to run by horse, steam, or haligi error, and when the apples are ground, a small boy of 14 cars of nee can press the pomace with nil ease. . In all former times it was supposed that n large quantity f Cider could only be made by using a ponderous machine, het slowly crushed the apples without grinding them .fine. 'hey wore then made toll a massive cheese in straw, and a soil severe and long presonrs Wan required to extract n .ort inn of the Cider, a cemiderablo quantity being absorbed iy the straw and the mess of permute; And to obtain this 'insatisfactory result the farmer had to take nil his hands, 'ind perhaps his six-horse team, and devote n whole tiny fluent nal hare been more profitably employed, to-minim from in it eight barrels of Cider.' 'To obviate the difficulty the haters have heretofore labored under, this labtehino has een invented, and the statement of a fuse facts will prove :hat it is not only the best MInAlltIC of the kind In existence, hilt it is the ain't profitable lint n man ran have on Ids farm. The tipples are by this ltinehine grated up into'N fine Pohl, Fe that It requires but n empnret ively light pressure, nrol that but n minute or tire, to extract all the Cider, it being ascertained by practical experiment that One-fourth more juice can be obtained than by the old process. Ile. sides this, It only requires twill:ends to grind up anti make Into Cider a larder tumidity of apples than can be possibly done on the old-fashlrined nu:chines. tin this press, owing to the compactness of the pomace in the tub, end the com plete manner in which It is ground, a pressure of from 3 to b can easily be obtained—mill produce a snore favorable result than fifty tons pressure en the ordinary nolered according to Aet or emigre., In mho year Itir,3, In lECOLLECT THIS JS TB-lEI CARLI6LE IOUNDRY&MAgiIIATESLEOP. t pUIE sabseriber egntinuesto manufacture di Ins Foundry ii,East high street; having hand a great variety of good patterns, and is 'epartto to furnish IRON AND BRASS • ASTIN GS, which will be executed to order tint on hand;) atilt° shortest notice, such as t' ranks nth Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil, /heels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, oo , Plough' astings. Cutters, Point Shears, Wagan and ouch Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels,. Car hairs, &e.' Steam Engines'buih to order and tpanted. All kinds of machineryL,in Paper hilts, Bt ist Mills and Factories repaired at • tort notice. MAI ndles dressed mrd turned. !so, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, 'telt as Hovel Gear Pour Horse power; Hor ontal Gear Four Ijorse Power ; Horizontal ear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn Shel ' is and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines t td horse powers repaired and Job Work done the shortest notice. .Pmterns or different nds or, hand tobj made to order. _ . Heil also has on hand a largo supply of Min Iphia and Troy Cooking Stoves. and is-noll ra n Iv making Cooking Stoves of various im• roved paverns, for coal or Wood. Ten Plate .oves, Grates, &c. clano , to all kinds of Machinery.— II kinds ofwel Iron, Brass and Copper taken exrliange fur work. nnr'3lil PRA NK LIN A R DN-FI?• USEFUL, FRAGRANT and GOOD. DT. K KFFER has just returned from Phil; adelphia with an additional supply of fresh ItIlt;S, which in connection withAus lorn.er t.. ,, 0e1t will make his establishment complete in ' .ts department. In addition to the above he has also opened U . I PL-11 supply Of Confectionaries, Fruit,„N.,uts, :mots and Fancy Articles of everk,Jesent, I en. The attention of the Ladies is especially' t vied to Iris extensive assortment of Fancy tricks, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps.rind crlumes of every variety. Gentlemen arc invited to examine his fine stunt [cent of Fancy A rticles—Sogars, Chinn id Porcelain ,Pipos, Toba2ce of all kinds, having arid Toilent Seaps,o_o superior quality, 'tines, Riding and Carriage Whips, and many titer articles which more especially micro t entlemen. A number of superior ,Weellell lasts on hand. 1 The proprietor will he very happy to have is friends cal', and examine his geode whether icy cony wish to purchai.c or hot. July Ii 1853 II .1 .KIEFEER. SPRING IFASHIOIVS FUR 1853, NEORGE KELLER respectfully announ. l, 'cos to Ins old Patrons and the public gen• orally that helms just received the SPRING STYLE OF GENTLE -- MEN'S HAT.y, malMfartured at ' 4 , onr - 74" - the best establishments in , " • - I Philadelphia, to which he invites 5.1 t special attention.. He has also conststntly on hand a large and aried assortment of his own manufacture as 'ell as city made 113 ATS AND CAPS. tillable for- lie seasonotommking every yeti • yt of Russia, Beaver, Moles'tiMand Silk lints, -visited in the latest style, touchier with a full isortment of Caps of every shtipo and des • ription, and at every price .110 particularly I witos the public to call and exatiiinc his ext en 've assort went, which in style, material ad niel4cannot he surpassed by any in market, nd which he is able to put at prices lower than vor. Krßomomber- 14s .old stand on North lanover street, between Humor's and Boner's . :ore. _l.lntin II , :F.,'. IRE INSUMANCII. The Allen and.Easi ,Pennsborough Mutual 'ire Insurance Company of Cumberland coon. y, incorporated by an Act of Apseraly, is ow fully organized, and in operation under 4 ho management of thO following commission- o:Ezi Jacob Shelly, Wm, R. Gnrgos, Me haul !oeklin, 6lolchoir Brenneman, Christ ilStay. - tan, Christi an Titzol, Jacob IL'Coov Leivis Iyer, Henry Logan, Benjamin IL ftl,rni, Jni ob Kirk, S umuel Prowoll, Joseph Wicker ham. The rates ofinsuranec are as law and favor blo as any Company ol tho hind in the State. 'arsons wishing to become members nra`in• itcd to make application to the agents of the ompuny, who are Willing to wait upon them t any time. _ _ BENJ. If. M033E12, President. HENRY LoaAN, Vice Presidenil Lewis flyer, Secretary. • Mich cc I Cociclin, Treasurer.' AGENTS. Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin, N. 'umborlarid ; C. B. Herman. Kingstown , Hon. y Zearing, Shiremanstown; Charles Bell, ,:arlisle ; Dr. J. AM, Churclitown Samuel !traliarn, West Pennsborough; James ItleDetv- Franliford ; Mode Griffith, South Middle -in; Samuel Coovor, Benjamin Havcretielr, 4eclianimiburg; John Sherriek, Lisburn; Da.' id Cuover, Shophordstown• Yor . k County.-461in Bowman, Dillsborg Wolford, Franklin; John Smith,Esq., Vaellington ; W. S. Picking, Dover; Daniel Itnfreneborgor, W.Craft,Paradieo. Harrisburg.—Houser & Lachman. Members of the bompy having policies Idont to oxpiro can haviv'them renewed by making application to any of the agents. , • Nov. 24, 1 y. • 111 ROCIIA LONG BHA WLS—Juet II calved a few Long and Square Brueha Shaw e,and for sale by G-. 7 W. lIIITNEft. MI SILVER MEDAL '~f,, .. az :,~t~•=A'_~'~_ il:r y.—yam _i fir. PROVED CIDER MILL Cider Press, even If the apples wore ground as finely as of the Improved 31111; and if the apples wore merely crushed, as on the Nut Machine, it would require a pressure of ens hundred tons to produce the result accomplished by this Patent 31111. .The following may be adduced 0.13 the decided advent/Igo:: of this Mill. Fire.t—,lt will IliftlielOre Cider than any other Pree, with n given 'quint titS , rt oppleN, inn given time, end with much 'ern labor nod expense. Second—lt will make cleaner and sweeter Oder than any Other Mill. Thlrd—Von ran make the Cider as you want it, and when you want it—and in quantities from oho gallon to 0 or 10 barrelx. Fourth—With It you con prom your Currants, Cherries, I:terrify, Cher,e, ituttnr, turd, nnd 'fnllow. Fifth—With it you can snvo one-fourth of your tithe In ranking Apple-butter. ffi_•th—With itF UFO you can ut 01l timed bate Fresh and Sweet Cider. , With all the advantages resulting from the pos,esflou and use of such a nmeltino—at n Ingeo so low that it is within tho reach of all—ean It inn that any intelligent Farmer .would do without It? , Do you with in hare in poorhouse at all times Cider that Is sweet mid fresh, the only time It is really healthy and fit for llPV—rold do you with to Man n great portion of the hard labor attending . the maklag of (114114 c-but ter .1f FO, boy this machine, and our wont for it, woo will not ho disappointed. ViiissUll In waiNtoted superior to any other portable Mill 111 existence, Ad the Proprietor is ready at any time, (on fair mil, being given,) 19 test it with any Portable dill that is oat on infringement on it. . . Forme rg, examine t his newly IMPROVED MILL, before you buy any other. One great inlvantage or thiq machine over all others, Is, that It ,t . lnt not e hake up, and herd or soft apples ran be ground, and yet the Cylinders w ill always remain clear anti hi grinding order. All orders will by filled in the order in whielt they are rereived. and all persons wonting them 'would do well to send their orders early, and state nt What limo they want the Mill sent. Mill. attended by: men. 1011, then properly worked according to illtingstions, make f to 12 barrels of elder a day— and will grind alone brborbe-power from 100 to 300 bushels of mild., n day. The Price of the Mill is $lO, free of freight. RARlllStibittb Po., May, ISfill. W. 0. IipECOS. tba District Court of the Lastern District of reannylrant. EW AND IMPROVED MILL ICU.'UUI 1 L WAREEOUBE SWL'I:3 SiI'OELE "f HE , mliiticribei - s, in addition to their extolls site t tome, hair connected therewith an AG RI C It Ell 0 U6lii and I 4 EI-11.) STORE, / lt, Markct street, lien the Harrisburg, and are /prepared to lid all orders, by holes:de and retail, Mall kind:: of Aglicußucul Incident tits, Vegetable and Flower Seeds. &c. Country metchanis with reasonable discounts to sell again. Horsc - c'ott'ers and threshers, wheni.drillls and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultrva tors, fodder, hay, and straw-ctitier , grain fans corn thellers, vegetable cutters, hand grain mills, el., -tellers, horse rakes, tiburns,g rind stones and improved hangings, hay, straw and juncture forks, , farmer's boilers, ox yokes and bow, patent linty pins, cow chains, spades, hoes a n d rakes, post diggers, NI liven:arra soli, grain cradles, scycliciiandiseythestones, put❑tne drags post •sugars, axes and hatchets, grain bags, grain measures, garden .trowls, pruning and budding knives, grass anif grain sickles, screw wrenches, pi seers nnd gimblets, rat and mole traps, cattle- cards and horse brushes, curry combs, '2:Crden reek, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano, idaster, pion] roue, bone dust . liritc, gar. den, field and flower seeds. A sic. a large :mil ['rush assortment of GRO CERIES', TEAS, foe., :ill cheap for cash. BOYER& HALL. In - Grain and produce of all kinds received n exchange for implements. Apnl I 3, 11-Ir.:l.—lv - • PRESERVE YOUR TEETII BY USING Mermans Celebrated Tooth Wash. 4 roils valuable preparation has long been used 2. in New York anti where it has :Attained an immense popularity , far cleansing. preiet•ving and braittifs inf, the teeth. It is at. excellent retneil for sat e,soft or bleeding thous. I( alsd imp:lrisa itelighttal freshness to the mouth and agreeable odor la the breath. Read (hr foliolving from Dr. Illuri•oll. ‘' I can, m ith the utmost confidence, recoil.: nuatil to the Zertliall'S Anti-Seorbune Tooth Wash as the best itettse. In my practice RS a Dentist, I have used and recommended it Mr nte last five years, nail have orbit it to give sat isfaction in crew itistante,,ns the-Wash does not contain acid, or anything inpleions to (lie teeth or glints; but, on the contrary, is the best antiseptic . it the practice, and therefore, would recommend he use of it, not only to those who wish to pre eery e their teeth and gams, and have a wholesome ihreath, but also In those who have diseased gams tor teeth. The use al the Wash, for a short time, will itisttre a return to their hearth' state, til•.01 It MURRAY, Dentist, 'Nit fit. S. Eleventh it, below Chestnut Phil'a. Iletidel, al Carlisle, stij ',fer ia:to, I 11111 well pleased Tooth Wash it tun ugly cleanses :Ind whitens the teeth tyil bout Juin' log Melanil it cures sore or bleeding glints. I i•htmunilly recommend it to the profession and pantie, as the ter) best preparation that can be itSed for cleansing and preserving the teeth, holing thegunts,tuul giving sweetness to the breath. • Jolt N W, MIEN DEL, Stirgeoti,Dentist.. Price 25 cent s'per ball le. Prepared only ' FratiriS Zi..rlittin, Druggist am] Chemist, cornet of Ninth anti Calltanitte sit eels, Philadelphia. For sole by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Cat lisle, act I:I iigiw 'iil. A LARGE SPRING ARRIVAL! va-rli IC surpasscs in quantity q uality. and V uriees any that ha's ever yet I,een (mimed inCnrhrle,cousistivgof the prenicrt variety or all kinds of Ilnrclware, such ns, Shoe Fin dings, Saddlery, Co;ivif Trimnuage, Paints Glass, Nails, Files, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Sprin g s, Aiels, Bows, Felines, Veneers, Cednrwaie, Farmin g Utensils, Bar and Rolled Iron, Steel, &e., with a thousand More articles unmentionable. Having purehrired largely of Heavy Goods previous to,the Revenue in prices. I am enabled to sell goods at eld prices. Persuns in want o' Hardware are invited to call urd czamille my goods and hear my prices, and .you will be sat. :shied where the Cheap Hardware is to be had. Nly stock of WALL PAPER is nnap prom hed by, any in the Borough. Thank lei for the lot mer liberal patronage, a continuance of the satire is 61.1ielled by JOHN P. 'NNE. 'Wan: Sido of North Hanover Street, Corliol Fresh •Drugs,Eadicines gr.o. he t-- •„ / t , I have just received frOm Philade'. phia and New York very extensive tr, additions to my former stock, embra cing nearly every srtiele of Medicine now in use, togemer with Paints, Oils,. Varnishes; Turpentine, Perfumery, Soups, Stationery, Filto Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,-- Bridles of almost every description, with . a e"enticlas variety of other articles, which I am di - tumbled to uellmt the VERY LOWI:ry prices. All Physicians, Country Alerehants, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested not to pass the OLI) STAND, as they may rest assured that ovary article will basold of ,a good quality, and upon reasonable terms. S. ELLIOTT, May 31) + Main street. ...arlisle. WALL' PAPERS. - • THE subseriber.is just now receiving and opening no unparalleled assortment of WALL PA PER Si, Those desirous of trans forming the interiors of their old dwellings into new ones, and giving additional mullet ishments to their new ones, of a comparative ly trifling.cost, will en well to call and examine for I can sell them from ft: ets upwards. Re -mcaihre the old stand, East Main st opposite. Ogilby's Store, Ilythe way, I would any to those who also want tit improve the exterior their 'houses, that - I, eon turitish them with WetheriP's pure and fresh ground White Lead, together with vnilotts oilier colours, blue, or si various shades of green, &c., in shorleveryibing cnlculated to adorn met dec orate your mansions, mar 2 HENRY SAXTON M LEHI These Bitters are, worthy the attention of possesstng great power in the resto ration of a healthy action of the liver and the 164ser glands, giving tone to the stomach and nervous sykteni, and bringing the system gen orally ton high stale o, health. Far sale by S. W. qlaverstiek and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; J. 11. Her ron, Newville; J. S. Attic, Shipprnsburg, and by dealers io rnedicin:A every where. South Ltunovu Strect, _Veal. the Court House. J. ICIErI. , EIt, drul.v4ist, would respect . fully Inform Elm calm:ill of Carlisle and vlconty . that Its has opened a new Iris stock is entitely new, “i • fir has been selec ted with great earl. As many of the articles Ili daily uso by physicians and lumilies deteri orate by age and oxposure, crest cur. trill be taken not to allow such articles to accumulate in sucli At tent Lot is•espeeially invited to his stock of Aledieiqne, Esse."( Oils, ils,l um:tures, ‘Vittes,4,,, , :tractf, 4 Rr,e l'oglther with tics above he has a full assoittnentiel Paints, Varri;shies, Dye—Stutrs, Paint and 'Varish Brushes, and of every variety. Ile has eke on hand a splen did ass6mar at at Perromaritn, Soaps, Extraets( ., Fancy, Hair Clothes and "Flesh liruothes, Supporters, ant Evliausters, Nipple Shields, Tooth Washes and Pastes ; aka MEDICINAL, nI.VES AN I) Is! NDI ES, of the hest !plenty. SEGA IS, horn the best Havana an,l Spanish houses, of every flavor, from ono cent upwards. • In order to ensure his customers against mistakes during any temporaraybSe." cc of the proprietor, the scry.pcs of on experienced and-competent assistant have been secured, which will he felt to he important, in view of the responsibilities which aro knows to devolve upon the druggist. [j PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfully and promptly attended to.— Orders from Physicians and Alerchents in the country - Will be filled with care, and at prices which must prove satisfactory. N B.—All officinal preparations made in strict accordance with the ifirectionsfol the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A liberol share of public patronage is res• pocttully solicited. 'Penns Cash. May 11. 1853. B. J..KIEFFER. Persons feeling thamselves dispose(' to.in. dulge in good segars are requested, to coital the Drug -Store of B. J. KIEFFER, where:, they any obtain an article which he'llesitatcs not to recommend an being the best in Carlisle. Persons visiting Carlisle should not leave be fore tnlting a globe,' at B.J _Kieffer's- Drug and Chemical Store, South 111 - mover street. Ile has on hand a variety of fancy articles, such as hair, hat, clothes, Ile.sh and tooth brushes, co logno bottles, furniture dusters, portfolios, mote wiper, worked and card basket n, visiting cards and canon, a fine variety of fans, accordeons, Sc.% , The ladies are invited to call and examine superior mails. Call soon, ns he indetermined to sell bargains. . B. J. KIEFFER. July 20, 1'451. S. Hanover et. A PRIM article of Sugar; Raisins nt di. cents per pound, Bunch do, a good article, at 15 cents, Citrons, Mace, Spices, Brandies, I.emons,l.l . Oranges, Preserved Fruits, Dates, Sugared and Dried Prunes, Figs, • .Tapar'inds, Crackers, &c &c, in connection "lin all kind .4 of Connieliona ries, all of which will he disposed of on the most accommodating terms. June I, less B. J. K lEFFF, I? Java and MUracaiha, Coffees, Green and f, Roasted do., Orleans and Clarafted‘-^ ,, Brown Pulverized, Crushed until Loaf do, Solt Crushed (preserving) do. Rice, Farina and Corn Starch. promo. Cocoa, Chocolate, Vanilla Bonn, Mace, Citron, with Spices of every kind, . , .• Sperm, Mould, Adamantine Candice, °Henna and Sugar IL Syrup Alolasens, ' o.Lovering's futoat qualit y . Syrup. tr'S".\ fresh assortment of all the above nrti• clog, and a general supply , of ether articles usually kept by us, ell just opened and for Halo , st our new store rooms. Jane 8, 1853. J. W. EH V. TilE undersigned having been the agent o the Keystone Life insurance Company, oI Ifarrishurg. Pn., continues to net in that ca pacity. by authority of said Company. Ile would respectfully inform the community that ho will attend to such persons ns stay signify their desire to insure their lives, and thus give some protociion to their bereaved feMilies and friends, in case of death. Office in NVest Porn ,fret Streq, Carlisle. Mav2s tr J. •WORTHINGON. r . EcELVED !hie day, direct from Cincinna• ti, a full supply of the following cclebra ted hrtt"da: t _ _ . 100 Sugar Cured bay's & Co's Beef Hams. 100 Gardner,Phipp & Co's Hama, 100' " Danielle Westphalia do. This last brand coined the Prize Medal at the London World's Fair. Altiota largo supply of Country llama, Bacon, Shoulders and Sides all of which will be sold very low for cash. J. G. WILLIA 3181, June 21,1853. Family Grocer. ,~~gctlzrinc, LIVER COMPLAINT, , DYSPEP:SIA, JAU:v PIGS, ' 0111VONIC 'NEItVOII: 4 3 I)EB,ILITY, INS . EASE 1.11."1111.1 RIDNE S , AND ALL DISKASES AItISING ,FROM .d • DISORDERED LIVER Oil ST 0 Such as ,Constipotion;lnwardmles,.fulness of blood to the lioad,'acidily of the stomach, nooses, heartburn, disgust' for fend, fulness or weight in the stomach, soul-eructations, sink ing fluttering et the pirel t h e stomach; swilittning .of tho head, hurried and difficult -breathing,-fluttcring-st-the-hearti T eltriking-or aufliScating sensations when in dlying posture, dimness Of vision, dotator webs before the sight, fever and dull pain ly the heed, defic iency of perspiration, yellowness of the akin and oyes, mitt, in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c., sudden:, flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and drea depression of spirits, CAN nu EFFECTUALLY' ft:P.LD BY ISOOrLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN- BITTERS , Prepared Dy DR, C. M. JACKSON; No. 12.0 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above direness is not excelled, if - mm[llW, by hey other preparation in the United Suites, es ,the euree attest, in many cases Ow physicians had failtid. These Bitters are worthy the attention of Possessiag. great virtues in the rec tification of diseases of the Liver and lAsser glands, exerei3illg the most searching powers iu weakness and afreethi the digestive Or gans, they ere withal safe, certain and pleas aut. READ AND RE CONVINCED Teskimony nj tho hightyt character HON. GEO.`IiTHOOP, Judge of the District Court in Perry county, Pu., Noy. Itch, 1852 void: "your `Hoollsnd's German Bitters` has been in use in our place over n year past, and to the astonish tnent of many like performed wonders. %Ve may notice a few instances that liave come under own immediate notice:—almost every Person who has stuff pcd at the hotel of Wm. Lackey, nue year since, predicted awl) his c• muciated countenance and debility, that hs could'uot live much lonizer. He was- unable to attend to his buincss, and far the greavir part of thc time confined to his room. We rec ommended hint me try the German Bitters; he did; and to the surprise of all his friends he is now able to attend to Ids usual business and perform manual labor. The case of Ifenry Asper a stone mason, whom no one supposed would ever recover from the debility of his system, t lyt was Make I upon as fist approach log the grove, tank eigl.t or nine lodtles of the Bitters durin the loot winter, and this nom. tier he . has been Ito the surprise of all who knew his case] following his tilde. Toe case of William Murphy is no less astonishing.— He too was so far reduced es to induce the general belief that the grave alone would he his only remedy.. fir. Lackey recommended him to try the floofland's German .otters; lie is now apparently a avell tnan, and able to do a hard day's work. We could mention many tither cases of a similar character, if it were necessary. I myselfderi vett much benefit Iroiri their use. I lo.ve giv, ti considerable of it a way, not for your benefit alone, but to relieve suffering humanily, and let mu assure you am pleased to see the happy result. To the afflicted we say, try tliFin fairly and I will warrant relief." NEW DRUG STORE ! ! ! CHEMICAL-AND DRUG STORE CoNFIXTIONARIES Sogars and Tobacco arayami ralczxyza); IVEARIOIq 1211,XaL J. W. EBY'S FAMILY GROCERY LIFE IBTSU/E.AZZOM. 311113EP ANDEatias pl)opp - , 5T037105 ! 5T017.1..5 I STOVES ! , ' . JOIIN D. GthiGiAS, lar 0 0 0 6 1 1 . a 1) ,, i o n . fo t r B th e e s p ta u b bhi s c h t i h n ti e t n i!e ( 1 7 i n sta il tr i, e , atreet, next door , to Marion flail, tie larLest nd most complete assortment of • cook, OFFICE & PAIif,OUF STOVES to he tuned in tine county,, which will be sold at the l.tjvcal prices ler ea,ll or approv e d cr e dit, lie stock GOi.SIOIO of a Inter: ossortniont of neW and highlv•approved PATENT COOKING STOVES, , Finished in the most complete matinee, and calculated fur either wood ur coal • or hulk. All the old standard piinerne, which 'Hive stood the test of C 41/CHCCOC. ilia), be round at his estati•' lishment. Ako a ;veit vat icty ,o 1 the 111001 proved and heamilul • PARLOR AN I) OFFICE STO VES, Including a number of new styles, possessing verrsuperio advantages over IboPe heretofore in use. Fannlies and housekeepersme respect• fully inviied to give loin a nail before purcha sing ilscwittre— i'3C)VCA delivered to any part o f ,the county and,put up at the shortest notice-. Ile continues- 1 / 4 o In al. binds ul TIN AND SHEET IRONiIVAIIE, and fiutmer walk, and tins consuAttly on hand or v. ill make to order every acttele requited by houseke4crs ur ohms iu Qv: , line. 11 is stock of Tut and Collter- ware embraces every kind or household and- Itw hen utensil, N\arrantod equal to the best ninotattettired. Persons in want of artidt'S in his line may ultras he SUM of Ming accomodated to their Eatistaction by Ltiviog h sail. 10111/ fhetep Bralches ei!earelry. NV 11...1L12,:aA,1.E and III:TAIL ; io r -- ( 1- \'') ' at the n l'hiladt Iplua Watch 1 . 1 .. "'; ,—, and J ewelry 810 1 - 0 ," IN: m i ,h e r ( . 4 _ ~1• : : I\ 96 *trill Seeond Street, curlier , i‘,,„ke. 4 of Quarry, l'luladelploa. -,`!Nt4:4111. 1 .-3''..N (lull Lever Watt lies, lull '•:tri t.gjewallud, 18 carat cases, 890,00 Gold Lepric, 18 carat cases, $.21 00 StlY'er du jeuld s , 9 00 Sires Lever, lull j welled, I`2 CO Superior Quartiers 7 00 (.ld Spectacles, 7 00 , Fine Silver Spectacles, . 150 . ( told Iltareleis, - 3 Co Ladies' Gold Pencils, I 00 t , ilver Tea Spoon., bet. 5 00 Gold Pens mini Pencil and Silver Holder, 100 Gold vittivir Ii in' Tr!, c.•iitt- :".4t+; Glasses, lila it, 111 ettlit4 ; Pais nt, le? • Lane!, 25 ; other artieles 1:0 irtn. All goods warranted to ee what then are s old fur. 5'1'.11 PI I:R IL\I:I,b;T, sept7lv Sucee:eior....ie O. Conrad. .0r) hand. some Geld and Sm vim LI Brie and Lepines,:itill !ewer Ilium , the ahoy , pliers. THE EIGHTH st: SILK STORE .1, Nordi L'i,q/eat Strut, Ph ill. JV. PEP Li Yi retort's his thanks to his nu moron, otnw, to I:slid/I hind county for their iikeral patronage doriuu the tart sea- Son 1111 d is now prepsted supply 'hens lit re.. ,0 ! 10 •10 tairrs, with every des-ription of F,ley Dry His stock comprises a lull assortment or Rich Plaid Silks" , Brie:lda do Plain do Change:kble do Sat liks and Fiore na Riles Embroidered Collars Fine Frenoli Illerinoes 1:1.11 Plaid Cohtneres Paris tie litotos Plain, :01 Wool do dt Tinints ltopot ted CotO t ttnis Chintzes Nini.nns Flan. Sleeks Chernizeltrs =I AliO, n inn hnc ul fill the B EST BLACK SILKS, with Shawls. Mani ib• Cloaks. Velvets, Cloaking Cloths, iSta., in greet variety. His goads are boodht low, in large Ines, from first hands. .1. V. 4)I',PI'V, 41, N l'l.llEt ,ep7 am JULITIS ,Vo. 171 ...1 . 1.,th 2d 2W, ( C the Camel _ Eutel„ Ph,ladapi".t. AIZING in Stole :troll and eXtellEiVe no g nor/went it! Altillottry artteles,Trium togs, Hod .Ftl hey Goods ninth n. Ha t ba n d s , L OCUS , DIMM, c; /Hen Florence=, Hamlet Frnmen. nod n large asmrtment of 'Neerile•werked Collor,Caps, 1118121 . IiIIRS, &f . ., together v 1111-a great viirtely of other or ticlen•to tom line too numerous to memotn, at WIit,LESALE AND RETAIL. N. 8. I request all suet us are about malting their porrhases to give me a call. I.lit:S2aa KRUPP'S ESSENCE OF . COFFEE urAcTu 1? El) and for pile by ELI A K l', No North 'Fird street, Ph ladelphia,is warraiJiii to render ent.re satis factio, and is doubt the !wt.! 1110S1 1 :v10,4,011W 1,1:1411:4101 01 Coffee tierktTOWll Cur pat kage 14 I'2l cents \\ ILI, SA \ lour pounds of ordinary Coffee. Try it and be con vinced. A untidier of Essences or I °fru,. s, LTC 411,0%4111 :11 the Franklin Institute in 1(52. and the J decided Krtipp's to be TII I.; BEST in the cs6thitinu. Friends, it )oti Sc ish to'enjo, o good, etwai, and healthy i.up or Gay . ... proviire Fssence of Coble.is Cur Nile by iicorly .‘ll the principot Grocers and Druggists throughout the Chits d States. April 520, 5.i. C~~i ~; i ~~~~~~ CommEnciAL CULLL•'G T:~ Located So 127 Ilulib:lore Serra, Bonin:exc, 10 , 1 The ostensible object of this Institution is to place in the reach of individuals proper ties for obtaining, a thorough and prpetteOl Mercantile Eiltieition. Iss °thing or mid lint+ been omitted that is cukulaiLd to produce the' desired result. The I'oolllt ,' Or the C allege are well fitted up, eogveniently at ranged, and shunted in the most desirable part of the City. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in conneciimi with bundler Leettires on Commere mat Law and Alercantile Science, is 0 mailer of the bulkiest importance to all who desire to become :le:comments of the first order, and oc cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A young anti van late obtain a mere eor knowledge: of general business mailers in n few weeks titan 'run be acquired in as many years in any cite Counting Room. The course of study embrace s Doable Entry Book keeping, and its adaptation to velluus departments ol Commerce and Trade, Wrenn tile calculations taught according to the most approved methods. Paejetienl Penman:deli), com bining rapidity of ekeeution - with 'beauty of construction. ' Lectures nn Mereantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects onside many other points necessary ror a book• lceeper or business man to understand. The time 'necessary rm . rut industrious student to (menders the connel i ; veries , ,lrem 5 Intl 'weeks. There being no vumtion, applicants CMn enter at any time and ;mend both (Inv and cveneng. Eaeinimemini . are held at stated periods and Diplomas awarded to tbos - e who a aduata.— For terms, &e. ' Mile and have a Circular for. warded by mail. March, 23. 1F53. - To Builders & Houskeepers. rOI.IOSE who are building, or abut cum. meneing hoisscseeping will he-sureto find at all times an assortment to select from, Lochs el oil sorts and sizes, with brass, argil , 10, tind while knobs, n ith japanned or plated fuitiiture, butt binges; east and wrought, window phi. from Os I 0 to ^oz B.ldtc, carrion &O. Yoll Wit,' are a rota to be awrriod and going to housekeeping, we have everything to please. such as fancy waiters rind trays, ivory bandied litrivos and forks, in setts or by the itozon, common knives and forks, !oilier knives and ivory handlgi frying and bread pans, smoothing irons, tubs, churns, gc, HENRY SAXTON CarliNlotAfia69,lßs3 liVagigr:l wm-Y^ i ' • Fir 3; E. GOUXD, ucci.smon TO A. MOT.] .No. 164 Chestnut St., Swnint's Bid/ding, Phila N EN SI V F, Music Publisher, uml Deal er in Musical -liistrunitots of every de. pc:Option.. Exelusive agent for t sale of Millet, Davis tVe Patent Suspension 13ridge &alien ikud other PIANOS, L. GilberOnlioucloir Pianos. ;Vlelocicons, Mar• tin's (.4tiitars, Harps, V iblilll3, Mlloe. Books, Residents Drills country will bo supplied by mail Or otherWiso with musk: theY way as low nu if purchased in person. Having fine 'of the largest 'stocks in the United Slates. Ii feel confident of satisfying all who inay;ftner me 'With n call or orator... Deolojs in Music pupplind on the meet liborn terms. Pianos to lot. :,-locond-hatol l'inn‘us for sal°. . ,may BO 1853 ly) 91:1=C ezzmnE 6 ‘IPAIVKORITE: 99 MYERS' EXTRACT 'OF ROCK ROSE . An Invaluable Remedy for all Scrafulon.T Die eases, Leligendion, ;Fall Rheum, Read-ache, Cancer; 11'w...sing Sort - . Mouth, and General Debility, and no a of the Plood it is Uneyuailed, Tito 'Rock Rose has gained a reputation at borne and abroad. which nu other, has ever done in the saute length of time. - Aet,t,irding:To the einiliona of eminent Yhysi ctane, the Rock Rose Phut is unequidied iu Curing Scrofula in its 'Various Forms! STATEAIENT OF REV. WARREN, (Pastor of the 2d Brepl.istrt'lltiteli,New London. ' .( . .1.,) relative t r ei Myers' E.:area Rose.,, To The American Public. , .. 4Aii_rny name has been used in connection with recommendations of Mr, Myer s ' fire); Rose Syrup, in various adYerthrenients by the manufacturer, I beg leave to rouleil the follow ing statement with reference to my acquaint ance with the remedy and teats to which I have subjected it, arid the reasons for having intro duced it to the noticeof private friends in the community in whirli I reside, long before the medicine was adveitised. I malur this state ment freely, because I Love, as a principle, withheld icy irame'frorn all puteot medicines, and sedulously abstained from recommending them to the public, believing them frequently , the „spawn tf quarkoy rind 'humbug, and as looting to Am:tease, instead ol lessening human disease and suffering,. Such, I tear, is the character of a large portion of the patent pana ceas of this medicine making age. "Their name is legion," and from their influence, no from the demoniacal spirits, we have reason to pray for a safe deliverance. The First Taal. } 1 had myself suffered )-oc casionally with sit den attacks of Sick Head ache, and.-Ifilliot s Diarrhea, and I had sought a great verierf of curative agents to out little purpose ; and sulliu Mg from this disease (dial . - rhea) at this time, I determined to test the new Syrup first ilium myself. The resblts were be yond my expectations. It was a powerful alterative, nod the ninriiir' action of the se stem was changed, and the functions of.Seeretijiit were. restored to a healthy state. It gave tune and elasticity to my system, and corrected the derangement ofthe digestive organs, and gave me that inestimable blessing—health. This test was not determined in a week, or a month; bat .1 took lour or live bottles in perhaps as many month's. Since that (line I have suffer ed hot slightly from these derangements. -My .Sick Headache is en'irety Cured. Other Tests.—Modinglhis medicine on rise fill to mysell, I at once gave it to several inva lid friends. About this time, I was earnestly solicited to grve ridcleo in reference to a child, some eight years of age. This child was severely afflicted with a Scrofula humor, of a very severe type, the humor showing itself on all parts of the surfaes, arid then suddenly dis appearing. The child was very sick, arid it , was thought doubt fill whether she:a...mild lire, The humor resembled black specks of mortified flesh. In additi ii to sonic other remedies, it gave the child this Syrup for about six weeks, whorl She had sufficient strength to go old to school occasionally. 'rhe swelling elf her Hollis ceased, and she was restored to health. The family feel that they owe her life, with G.t.l's blessing, to my remedies. - ~ -Shin frat sati•lied tile that the Rock 'Ewe possess, it specific powers fur Scrofulous fat morn. I then tested it in caves of Cutancti.s Eruptions, in 151easles, Chicken Pox, renew, Sore 'Mouth, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, Piles, te.ter ' Ter an these casts with perfect success. Ailey testing this Syrup far more than ti year, 1 write .11r. Myers (October 7th, 1850) erithusi• astieally, not expecting my letter would be publismid, that his Syrup was a " Paaltorite," althe'ating, and I gave him the result' of its operations in oeveral instances. I stated in that letter that "it was invaluable as...a remedy in Cutuneohs Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and other disorders, included in the varied family of diseases known as Scrofula, See.: that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder ful efficacy." My opitoon of its value for the nti we named diseases, remain unchanged, and the same as when I wrote hlr Myers in Oct. 1850. 1 do not recommend it, fir all the ills of our suffering humanity ~; but I unhesitating ly Say, that no a remedy for Setoltilons-affee lions I believe ii superior to any known cura tive agent. It. has been sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its adoption to extensive usellibiceis in mitigating Woman suffering and remit jog diseases. But What is the Rock Rose? The following, history of the Rock Rose plunt and Its medicinal praiierti,, are take from the New Haven Patudium, AI and ! 1852. "The inereasn.rl interest manifested in the Mx]; Mess plant, in eallgt-griellee of the many wonderlul cures'effeeted by Myers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' calls fur a brief history of it, in order to correct any Ermine r IS opin ion that may have bean entertainedc nneera ing it ; and also to set in a true halt the na ture Dia plant which promises to be univer sally beneficial. , "%Ale are led( bled In the United States Die penal:tory of 1647, for the Ibllowing dcrivrip lion of il. 'lt entirely different from the common Rose. is a red-stemmed, oblong leaf plant, having h bitter taste. In addition to remark able peculiarity of the plant,sitrilseviug_two mons of flowers in one reason, it also has ano ther interesting and beautiful properly. Dr. Elam' snye, - tlffir in the months of Nos somber rind December, he has seen hundicd ol these ['laws, sending out near their roots, broad. thimleurved ice-crystals, about on inch in breadth: which melted during the day, and wet-el repulsed in the a morning. For a wore minute and anthentical description elk, the reader is referred In Toney adli Gray's Buten- ' Mal works. Its Diedical History and Properties Are fae the mast important, :`lnca. upon those depends Its value to thu community. Pr, Lou. /lon says that in 1799, it was Els valuable in England, th it it was cultivated from seeds. Ever since 1806, Professor Ices of Yule C3I -I,cc, has habitnally med it with greet success n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, ono thromfli him its virtues ware made known, until, as Dr. Tyler ouys, " it is noW In this section (New Haven) a common article in domestic practice for the cure of tierellrla and Cutaneous Ms. cases." Dr. IVhitlaw, a Sco'cli Botanist of notoriety, whilo,tray..;lling in America in 1814, learned its use in Canada. Returning to England, he employed it in medic:atm. , his baths, wh ich . became greatly celebrated Lho cure of simi lar diseases. Dr. J. 11. Thompson, of the same place, pre scribed it in had oases of Scrofulous patients at Nils'-Hospital. Ills success attracted the attention of senior physicians, 110 reports the fullua ing remarkable case of white swelling of the lop, in February, 1814:—The lad was mccii years old, and had the disease three years, 'rho, hone was dislocated both upward end outward. There was a large opening in On hip leading, to the hone; into which I could thrust my linger. • I counted three ulcers. He had been under several physicians, who had .given hits up, I ordered a decoction Of Reck Rose. In two days his night sweats ceased I then ordered a teasphonfut of Rock Rose throe' times a day. Thirtpriine Jays after he was entirely umll. Dr. Webb, of Madison, CI., testifies to the value of Rock Hone, as evinced in the cure of numerous macs of the Scrofula, esFeclallY in Manufactured by Irm Franklin & Co., New Haven, CI. * htr. %Warren, though a minister of the Gorr:. pet, hal fi q a period br 15 years, given Wen bowl. tho oubpet of medical ecicacc,tti'mml. ily him to administer tn the sick, in connection with-hie pastoral duties, EDWIN P.: WARREN. New Ltrlon. April 2; 1851. Agents In Cumberland County.--;S. W:Hay nrstielc, S. Enna and W. A • 14lso, Ihrervtielt l Stroll ii, Kingstown; J. Swisher, Meclinniesburg ; 11. Ililhcr, Shneinunednwn ; Eppley & Cellar Swing; J. Higliain Stocretep Cup; Thomas Cream!), Plainfield 3. IT. Heron, Newville ; :J. u. Wiley, Green Spring; Whekv X Eisenhower, Newburg ;W. I). E. Heys, Shinuctmlnirg ; 'Dice; ; ',Sc Mullen, Pe pertown:. Dr. L. 11; Letilier, Churolitown. • , fcL~itillCs. EPILEPSY CAN BE CURED. VOgetoblo Compound, • ' FOR Tilt Mtn OF EPILEPSY. on FITS! A performing more wonderful Mei . than any other 2nethcine yet known'or before /e intblze. TRICE FIVE DOLLAIIS A BOTTLE. The ITC Fittol . II:4S In 1054 1 111 Wa.BSi011 ntinlerous , certificates, 1 . .:11.1...tir g the ..4.luni*.i4b ui and ifiracurou., cur.! rrech,d by ibis nudiciue. HT! ,14.,t5uttehti,..1. the fullowiog only, lo nssutc 11,05 e aLn nre fa; 1.11;- 11,11.1111:1ta to he alllietvil a il6 the Ineretufi,re regarded incurable, that LARE't. pue inivaliOn LS ALMOST /NFALLILLE IS ITS CU E! }row Airs, Brooks, willow of .Maj. Jas. Brook e, late of Conneaut, tt. • CONNEAVT, Fel/. 3,1853. NIC.'LAKE—Sir Please rend toe nom bottle of Fit letlicine, as It; o tint like In Lc u ithout it N& ben I comment gking the na divine to my soli Edi., tit hail from one to three tits per 1111 y. lie lutes 1101 V link. n Ilse cliche! over live months, and has Lad, I 11111.5. but 1.011111 1 . 11 that t ice, and those vs 1-3 Il is boil). and mind are very much improsed; and hy the olessing of God, 1 reel that the medicine will estoreillis body and mind to 'lair ....toned activi ty. lie is '2 rears old, and has had Its over 12 years. is loch have Leen levy fermium, and very ile , tructise to his constitution and mud Iltiti di yds 01 dollars have 11l en expended for medicine to "cuno slls," lint nothing has reticle,' hint un lit lie used your medicine. Licspectlitlly 3 ours, IA 131:00 KS. - - • From Judson Landon, County rintemleht 0 the A sitt:Aboh t C ouuty 111111111;111. KINC , VILLE, Feb. 4, 18;3. Z. LAKE— l'lt-ase send a few more bottles or your'; ' 1 rely not aced it, but think sitfor to keep it nn hand. Your me dicine has 1101 w 510allet F. 1 gore it to Al iSs Delano site has hail fits for 211 3 ears,,lirotight 111 113 haring the measles %%lien but lour years which could lint be brought out to the sot rare.— Alter taking the medicine a fen tin; S, SHE lIAO A ri NE incur or 31E0 LES, still has bad Lb tits She had fits or symptoms almost daily. She and her rather eO,lOll. With the iu Sal Mg that We lie liter the trtetlicine has or N 1 ill Work a perleci core. I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane 1.1-ader son and Aris Carhy, elm hate had fits :4111165t tinily, for it number of years., ''heir fits hare ceased, anal I believe the tat:divine will have the dewed ellect. Much money has lieen.,expentleil the friends of the above patients far all to tie purpose. The cure was left tor .) p ui . millit-ine to per and e au elic e ei tt fi, re , 0,, metal it as a Nalltable Jl'l/SON LASIIUN, Superintendent'Co. lidirumcv. Prepared and sold at wholesale b; Z. LAKE, Comicaut, Ohio. traveling agent.. Sold by S \V Ilitverstiek, Carlisle ; E II Thomas, Aleeltanitsburg ; 1) ‘V Gross, Italt•is burg• oet 5-10 Betehers :Matchless Cordial. medicine hos styet known to fail in 11. curing Cholera Alorlins, in Iron. 10 to 15 minutes; Clisleta Inlanunu , ur tununur cant. plaints of oltililton, Dysentrry, Uiauhca, Lc, tutu to 12.1 hosts. It is cm tam and coin under all cirourpiltamies, been taiily 10:ited 111 11111,:ildS . ot tour lundn d au es troll out a single lailure. Let r‘eryLamil) proviile itself with least one beide of dos iti‘alualile remedy. Try it, and it will re(orutered It, It It is prepared upon purely scientific prolciptee ‘t and cantiet minted a n s 5.111 c, unless science lie gem hety. r Bale liy 13..1.1ilEhTER, Denceibt, South Ham, rr A few doors south of the Court Ho us e, June 32, 18113. . 0 ., . 4 " .P OCTOR YOUR .' SELF-PRIVATE- jA, tor rent;:', 1;3 vorans of the POCK F,T ;ESC U LA PIUS, or, Ever) One 1115 OXVN ! =The tliirt3 th lidi timt, a ith one hundred en tracings, shelving Pri‘ ale Distaises anti Alallornot tiohs or the Generative System, iii evert eh:gic and form : to v. hid, as :nC fled a Treatise on the Diseases bl Yuma!, ii, in. tended for the use of females only (etc page being of the highest importance to married pen. pie, or those contemplating marriage. Ivy \\ Al. 1 . (JUNG , I)., Graduate Urdu: 1:n . 1,1,1h cf Pennsylvania, Member. of The Rap] College of Surgeons, London, and Honor:tr . ) ot the hiladelphia dicas society. The various tarots of Secret Dist ices, Seminal Weakm Es, Diseases at the Kostrate Gland, Impotent:), son. l;u•_y habits of youth, ate faitldully described, and all the recipes giN en in plain lanpuage.. 'rite chapter on selGabuse and Seminal Weakness is worthy or prrticnhn• uttrivion, and shEadd he read by every one. Young men oho have lieu unlor- Mow in contracting disease, motions to placing yourselves under the care of any doctor, no mol ter what his pretensions may he, gt.t a cop,) of of this truly valuable work. Sea Captains and 11121,1115 going to sea, ghould possess 1)11:, YOl.llO lii abbe on Marriage, the rocket itsculapins, ei Curry one Ilia own Phy sician. Let no father Ire ashamed In preFetst copy of the ,T.,:colapitis to his cl ild. h It may cave him host an early prate. let 'no rung matt or it mono enter Into the scot rt oldie:160os of married life, u ithont riatlithe.dhe prrkt! ./Ess col:This. Let ISO tole hollering Isom a 118(1,14cl cough, pain ill the side . I evils is nights. nu-tOll3 reClillp,S, 111;11 then hole train of I/3 spy pile sensa tions, and given up by their siciais, Lean. l oo mc ol, M 101011 i consulting the ilisrola tilos. !lave the married or :hose about to be married any itupedituent, read ibis it rly ustlul ' Hook, as it has been the totans of sating'thati sands of utifortinaite creatisiTs from Ilse eery jaws of death, Upstart's of n NIII,LION copies of this celebrated stotk has Leen sold it Olio -Coll 11(1-3.--111111---E rtrope- si nee - h58, - wltett - the - first edition {COS issued. crf Any person sending TWENTY-FWD ecidseAlosed in a leiter. will receive one copy ortl44stiok by mail ; or tile copies mill be w o t far t. Address Dr. WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia," Post paid. enty years practice in the pity of Philadel phia certainly entitles Dr. Young to the confi dence of the afflicted, and lie may be consulted on any or t Im diseases desevibed in his difltt„ent thiblications, at his (ace 15'2 Spruce Sttect, euer'y day between J and 3 o'clock, (Sundar: ei cepted) and persons at tiny distanEe eau consult Dr. Young by letter, roar PAID. 11.0ZERT B. SIVIZZIESr, A BIN ET MA'KER AND UNDERTAKER North Hanover Street, and next dap:. to Glass's hotel THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citi4ens of Carlisle and the public gel ("r -ally, that he now has on - hand ,n large and ele gant assortment of FUR N TUR E, consist i g in part of Wardrobes, Card and other Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads. plain and fancy Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured of the . Vetit material and quality. .warranted. Also n general assortment of CHAIRS nt the lowest prices. I'enitian _Winds made to order, nail repairing promptly attended to. nrCollins made at ,the shortest notice, and having'a splendid hearse he will attend funer als in town or country. . . Krßemember the stand— next door to 11. Glass's Hotel. , nov24 DRUGS DRUGS I DRUGS 'reshot spring Supply! HAVP: just received a fresh stock of Med fit 'lams, Paints, Glass, Oil, &c., which having been purchased with groat care at the bast city houses, I can, confidently recommend to Famlies, Physicians, Country—M - erchants and Dealers, as being fresh and pore. DRUGS:. Patent ,Medicines, Ilerhsnnd Extracts, Fine hemi cats, Spices,ground and whole Instruments, Essences, Pure Essen'l Oils Perfumery, &c. Cud Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine. DYESTUFFS. Leg and Cam Woods, , • Oil Vitriol, Copporas, Lac Dye. • PAINTS. WahorilL & Brother's Pure Lend, Chrome Groon and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Gloss, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead. All of which will ho sold at the very lowest market price; Also,ti fresh and splendid as tortmoot of FANCY GOODS, F R U ITS," Indigoes, Madders, Sumac Alum, Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated for ono and ornament, nll at allich nro offered at the lowest cash priers, nt the cheap . Drogßook and Fancy Store of the nub scriber on North Hanover street. S. W. HAvintsTicK. May 213 151. - Fish, Fish, 0 Fisk! A CHOICE,' lot of No. 1 MActtnytEL, in Z.A. whole, half and qua , ter hide, also n lot of new No. 3 Mackerel fur sale cheap (ogees'''. at the family grocery store of , June 20.1853.. 3. G. WILLIAMS.