Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 04, 1854, Image 2

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    -6Vi-r-t,11..-40- . Cing'it,g.i'i
or ; pßopmeanNal:)
ITAquirraTox, Aier..27
In the Sbnitti, Mr:Seward introduced
to Provide fey the notAtruction of a military
and potted Rid'rend, through the
to CaßPoinie:which was referredto the Com ,
Warn on Post Offices.- A supplement timend
41kg_th'e River and Harbor bill of lest year,
ntriking out the $60,000 approprintiorito con
struot a break-water at Albeniarl Sound, which
was passed. 'kir. Slidell introduced bills for
the improvement of the mouth of the Minnie:
sippi; and for the establishment' of n Navy_
Yard at New Orlenhal. The death of Mr. Camp
bell:member of Congress from Tenneaste, was
then announced, and after the customer? rose
hitions the Senate adjourned. In the House,
- albs death of Mr. Campbell was announced,
and after several eulogitime, of the'deceased,
- lhe usual resolutions were passed and the
House adjourned.
There 1W nothing done in the Senate to
day. The funeral of Hon. Mr. Campbell, took
place to-day, from the 'louse of Repretientit
tires. There was a largo number of spectators
in the galleries. Mr. Slicer, Chaplain of the
Senate, read the nineteenth Psalm, and part
it the fifteenth ohnpter of Firet Corinthians,
and delivered a prayer. Mr. Millburn, Chap
lain of. the Mouse, then addresied a fetr solemn
words to the assembly and then pronounced
the benediction, when the funeral procession
moved from the Hall to the Southern boat with
the corpse. When the, rnembere returned to
the -Hall, the Itouso adjourned till Saturday:,
Senate.—The session was short and the bu
'sincss unimportant. Mr. Sumner presented
the petition' of the American Peace Society,
urging the establishment of arbitration ns
'means of settlement of national disputes. Mr.
Dawson preianted the petitio of Cyrus Mc-
Cormick for the renewal of his slant for a
reaping machine. Mr. Atchison rred a bill
granting lands to Missouri, Illinois, ndiana
and Ohio for a Railroad through those .Intes.
After some other unimportant business the
Sonata adjourned. No session of the House.
IVAsinNcrox, Dec'r. 31
The Senate did not sit to-day. In the House
the Erie Railroad troubles came under discus
einn, the proceedings of a public meeting in
Indianapolis on the subject being presented by
a member from that section. After making a
speech in which he denounced the Brie rioters,
and argued that the Government ought to put
down the insurrection by military force, be
moved that the memorial be referred to the
Committee on Military affairs. Several of the
Pennsylvania members defended the citizens
of Erie. The memorial woe referred as moved.
Mr. Bisset reported a resolution conferring the
thanks of Congress end a sword upon Gen.
Wool for distinguished servicestit Buena Vista.
Laid over. No other builness of importance.
bleastroup Defent of the Turke--A Gen
eral War Inevitable.
The steamer Pacific, which arrived at New
Ycrk on Monday week brought intelligence of,
a highly interesting and exciting character: -- A
naval engagement; it appears, occurred be
tweerhhe Russian and Turkish fleets in the
Thank Sea on the 30th of Noveinber, which re
sulted disastrously to the Turks, all their‘ves
eels engaged being either captured or destroy
ed. There is a discrepancy in the accounts
as to the number of Russian vessels engaged
in the contest. What would seam to be the
most reliable account, however, puts their
number at twenty-four, ;while tho Turks had
but fourteen. With.thie disproportion of force,
the victory reflects no credit whatever upon
the Russian arms; but the practical result is
the same as if the opposing forces had been
more fairly matched. The battle lasted one
hour, and resulted in the destruction of the
whole Turkish fleet engaged. The Russian
.fleet also Buffered severely, seven vessels hav
ing been sunk or burned, and the remainder so
badly crippled that they could with difficulty
Make tileir way back to Sebastopol, whence
they had sailed. The news of this battle cre
ated intense excitement throughout Europe
and being regarded as even lees defensible
than the occupation of the Principalities, this
unexpected step of Nicholas appears likely to
drive the English antrthe French into active
measures for the defence of Turkey. • The
London Times, which has hitherto thrown its
great influence in favor of a pacific solution of
the Eastern question, has now assumed a war
like tone, and counsels effective steps for the
protection of the Porte.
By the arrival of the Africa on the 80th, we
Lave still - later intelligence. The report of
the loes of the Turks in the:recent naval en=
garment with the Russians was greatly
exaggerated. The accounts, however, are
exeeedingly vague and contradictory. The
latest accounts etc ° that the Russians • lost
two of their largest ships in the engagement,
teed that the town of Sinopo was totally de
stroyed. '
Lord Palmerston has_resigned his position
in the English Cabinet, private advicee
state; owing to the state of the Eastern ques
tion. It was reported that the English and
French Fleets had been ordered to enter' the
Black Sea. At Liverpool Flour bad advanced
two shillings, Wheat two pence, and Corn bad
en upward tendency.
M., The Cincinnatti papers of 'the -28th
lost., give the particulars of a riot which took
'place in that city on, the evening previous
'Some offence had been taken by the members
of the Freemen's Society, et some remarks of
Bishbp Bodin', the Pope's Nuncio, made from
the pulpit in the morning, and about eleven
'o'clock fn the evening: they met in a body to
"the numbbr of some one thousand men, armed
with clubs, - sworde, knives, pistols, &e., And
were proceeding towards the Bishop's house,
threatening to bang the Nuncio and burn the
'Church, when they were encountered
. by the
police, and after a short melee, Were dispersed.
Sense sixty of the rioters were arrested and
lodged In the watch-house. In the Melees
watchman wee shot in the leg, Ilu d moral of
the orowd were badly Injured. The Society
Of Freemen is domposed i of Germane, and it is
said several inflammatory had recently
been published in a Ger Man paper of that
oily, and. which doubtless contributed to in
crease the excitement.
INVOINNATTI, Jan. I.—Alt the Germane
, Atisieeted;
hat Sunday night, -charged with
•eaccaptad violence to At. Bodin', have been
eetrittedi spit the , evidence, shows the 'eon- .
dmoF the folime to have beenAutrageous and
utijuitThvbis), ratitto vympatity, iq , now with ,
We Goma," Pd Os Wide Ave, itrorigil
, )14
•4 ; .
" ..,•• •
• 1t
• Dollars a year, or ar, One Donar . .and
Fjfik Conic, if paid punctually-in Advance.
$1,75 if paid within 'the Pecir. • •
COUNTY 11111:10TiNG1
•A meeting of the Whigs of Cdniberland
eoutity will be held nt the Dublio ]louse of
John Hannon, in Carlisle, on Monday evening
the Oth of January, to niftwint Delegated' to
thd State Convention which meets' at-Harrier
burg; on the 1601 of March 'next.
MANY wmas.
iiNiirOur paper is detained a few hours be
hind time to give the Governor's Message.—
We are indebted to the courtesy of our neigh
bors of the Volunteer andDernecrot for the
means of giving the Message so promptly to
our readers. Otherwise we WI uld not have
been able to publish it until our next.
The State Legislature assembled yesterday
and we learn that both Houses were duly or
ganized. Maxwell 111.Cn,lin, of Greene comi
ty, was elected Speaker of the Senate, and E.
B. Chase, of Susquehanna, Speaker of the
House. The Governor's Message was deliver
ed to day at 12 o'clock.
fPnitannrrna, Dee. 30.—A meeting of Na
tional Democrats, opposed to the re-nomina
tion of Uov. Bigler, woe held this evening,
there being about 1000 persons in attendance.
ResolutiOns were adopted deprecating the
interference of federal officers in State or lo
cal elections, and condemning all dictation on
the part of Cabinet officers as usurpation and
tyranny, meriting universal condemnation. •
The resolutions also condemn the course of
the Washington Union. nod nppinud the posi
tion and course of the Washington 'Sentinel
They also denounce Gov. Bigler for sustaining
the rail road guago law, which tale caused so
much difficulty at prio.
Speeches were delivered by Col. Small,. Gus
tavus Welsh, wnd others. Mike Walsh nod Mr.
Cutting declined speaking, in consequence of
the denunciation of the gunge law.
MARINE. DISASTEII.B.—We have further news
of the del lorable sufferings of mariners during
the recent storm - at the East. A largo num
ber of vessels have been either wrecked com
pletely, or elso - dismasted and driven ashore.
The most melancholy portion of this sad intel
ligenceds that a great number of Eves are
known‘to.bave been lost, and it is believed that
some vessels had gone down with all on board.
Probably the most heart-rending disaster no•
corredAto Capt. Stout, of the schooner Eliza
beth. His vessel was wrecked off Yarmodth
On Wednesday nig'st. He succeeded in get
ting his wife ashore, but she died on the beach
in his arms. His child perished while lashed
to the schooner.
%. Thorn was a terrible snow storm at
Boston on Thursday last, and the wind blow
almoet a hurricane. The latest dispatch that
night says, the snow was then two feet deep
on a level, but in many places was drifted to
the height of ten, fifteen and twenty feet, and
the weather• intensely oold. The railroad
traoks were blocked, and no . traine nor steam
boats arrived that Ay, and kill travel was
suspended. The tide rose to nn unusual
height, overflowing the wharves, and destroy
ing much property.—So severe a storm has
not been experienced for many years.
the Philadelphia Ledger that the National Con
vention of the Soldiers of the war of 1812 will
assemble in Independence Mill, on the 9th of
January, at 12, M. This arrangement ha's been
made to suitthe convenience of many delegates,
who will thus he enabled to reach the city in
time, by the morning conveyannces. Prom
present appearance there will be a large as
semblage of the soldiers of the second war of
Sdf-The railroad difficulty nt Erio is far
from being nettled yet, - if we may judge from
the excited state of feeling still existing there
On Tuesday a number of the officers of the
railroad company who went to Harbor Creek
to superintend the repairs of the track, were
attacked by an armed party and, forced to
leave the ground and retreat to the care, when
the train was started, and not stopped until it
reached the State line.
ington, Jan. 2 —This day is observed as a
general holiday here. The public offices,
banks, Sze., are all closed, and Congress is not
in session. The White House and the resi
dences of the Heads of Departments and of
some of the distinguished citizens. are all open
to receive Visitors, and they aro much throng
ed. The weather is delightful, cold with con
siderable midi - sron the ground.
ART Timex DRAWING.—The drawing of the
Philadelphia "Art Union" took place on Sa
turday evening, at the Musical
Prior to the drawing, an eloquent na,dress on,
the subject of the fine arts was "deliVered l - by
lion. Robert T. Conrad. The 25th prize —ii
Winter Scone by W. B. Boyle—fell to the lot
of Wm. M. Watts, Req. Carlisle. , There worq
fifty prizes in all.
tiE9.,.,The President's House, the Ng tonal
Intelligepcer says, is now completely •finished,
and in full order for the radeption of visitors.
No previous time in its history has the Presi•
dentist mansion equalledits present condition
for comfort, taste, an d style. . •
Our Carrier regulate us to return his
warm: Thanks to our petrone who so .hindly
and liberally remembered him' on Monday
morning, on the oieaslon of presenting his ad•
Stir Telegrapbio dispatches from Cleveland
Chicago, and lililwaukie, on Thursday night,
state that a furious snow stormo urns then ra
ging in those places, with a tremendous gale
of Wind, and tho weather was intenstly.cold.
Ater.4. B. Vaehou, the well known oohrrod
abolitionist at Pittsburg; died soddenly on
Thursday night, of apoplexy, at the Railroad
itta„.The Crystal Palace, theliew York Tri
bune says, le to be a permanent institution,
devoted to the Exhibition of industrial and
artistia prodoetions of all nations. - •
;./plutt qlofottrifil' ....g.ititufp:,.
Water Company Operations
The Car Hole Gas' and Water Company has
a couple Of notWs in our advertising - Willa:ins,
oheinrelotton to the borough loan, and the
other inviting propoanls for funtiohing,n large
quantity of brick; which ate of intermit to
man'Y'of our renders. The company hi puth ,
itig its eporittionsmoat successfully and rapid
ly, the prospect is that no may have, on
the neat Alb - of July, o• of
' the introduction of Water into. our ttnaient
colored- man. of, good, character, nonied
John Winter, while stending'at the door of his
hou . se, in' west Chapel Alley, late on SAM."
day ev,cninglest, wasetruok on the head with
hatchet, once with the edge inflicting a so
i•ero and dangerous wound, and t*ico with-iho
handle, by which he was knOcked down in a
senseless condition. The nerpetrator of the
dastardly assault could not be distinguished
in the dark end made good his' escape. It is
to be hoped he may 34t be discovered. Hun
ter boo been lying since in a very critical con
The lee Crop
The weather for some days past has been
exceedingly cold, with a fall, of snow about
four inches in depth. The "Ice crop" conse
quently promises to be abundant, andlof the
best quality, thick and firm. Owners of ice
houses are busily engaged laying in their sup-,
plies for the coming season, and if they man
age properly there will be no danger of their
stock falling abort next summer.
We are glad to learn that the Water Compa
ny, which will have, after the erection of its
works on the Canedoguinet, peculiar facilities
for laying up a large 'stock of ice, Rioposo sup
plying the article to families at a ralc. so cheap
that none will be obliged' to forego the enjoy
ment of this great summer luxury. Their ar
rangement will nut however be carried into
effect until next summer a year.
The Holidays
Tho holidays are over—of the feasting and
junketing nothing new remains but delightful
metnol•ies—the sohoois aro re-:opened and every.
body has settled down to business again.—
And judging from what WO hear,, all elitsses; .
old and young, have had '• a good time." But
iow CASCO of es tessivo disipation fell under our
eye, and there was no Public disorder to mar
the festivities.
The holiday' season was taken advantage of
by several of our Sabbath Schools for holding
their annual celebrations An exhibition by
the Lutheran School took place on Christmas
Eve—a similar one by the German Reformed
School on New Year's Eve, at each of which
addresses by different gentlemen and by the
scholars, with music of a superior order, con
stituted the attractive exercises and were lis
tened to by crowded audiences. On Monday
morning last a celebration by the Second Pres•
byterian Church School also took place, at
which several interesting addresses were de
livered with other appropriate exerciaes.
— Za
At Marlon Hall For Three, Days
The Panorama of_the Mammoth Cave, Falls
of Niagara and the Crystal Palace - CoMbined,
with a Grand Concert by the Misses Avondale,
has just arrived from a most - brilliant engage
ment in Washington. Gentlemen and Ladies
of the highest distinction in literary and fash
ionable life, Members of Congress, Heads of
Department, and Ministers of the various do
nominations, hair(' crowded the largest hall in
Washington again and again with increasing
'delight, and will bear testimony, not only to
the superior merit of the Painting,'but of a
Concert of dulcet voices unsurpassed by any
in America. The extreme youth of the vocal
ists is the only cause why their reputation has
not placed them at the head of their profes
The Panorama was among the first of the
kind ever exhibited in this country, and while
its cotemporaries have ceased to attract atten
tion, this is the last -to leave the field. It must
fail to draw enthusiastic crowds only when the
spacious crystal halls of the Mammoth Cave
cease to be a wonder in nature, and when the
stupendous thunderings of the world's only
Cataract shall fail to command the awe-struck
wonder of admiring millions.
While in Washington n few years since, it
made mare money during the earns number of
weeks on exhibition than any other painting
ever exhibited in that city ; yet its recent visit
for the second time was longer than the first.
fi,SX..lll.hibitions each evening nt 7,1 o'clock;
and Priddy and Saturday afternoons at 8
o'clock, Admission 25 cents: Children un
der 12, with their parentiOntlf price.
and Schools are invited to the afternoon
exhibitions, no they are fully nxintnresting
and the audience more helect. Then the
Schools are admitted at rediiced price's.
An odjourood meeting of the Commissioners
and friends of York, Dillsburg and Greencastle
Rail Rend, was held et Boiling Springs, Cum
berland county, on Saturday, December 17th.
Addresses wore delivered by Gen. T. C. Mil
- James M. Shearer, showing °polo
eively the importance and the peactibility of
the construction of the said road. On motion
it was
Resolved, Thnt Thomas B. Craighead and
Col. Chestnut bo added to the Committee of
Finance of Cumborlan.l county. '
On motion of A. O. Miller, Esq , it was
Resolved, That the Greencastle and Fayette
villa Committee of Finance be authorised to
answer the communications - received from
those places ns they may deem most expedient.
On motion of Dr. Shearer, it was
Res°lvedo That a meeting be held in the
borough of York on the first Saturday in Jan
uary, and that the following, gentlemen be ap
i.ointed a committee to make the necessary
arrangements therefor: Judge Fisher, Dr.
Alexander Small, Samuel Small, Col. Daniel
Motter, , Jacob IC. Sidle, James M. Anderson,
and A. at J. Wells, of York County, Den. T. C
Miller, A. O. Miller, Jacob Ilemminger, John
T. Green and Johnson Williamson orCumber
land County.
On motion of 'Mr. 111illcr, it.was
Resolved, That a meeting be held nt Paper
town, tit the house, of Wm. Soaker, at 10 A.
M., on the secaild Saturday in Jenunry, and
that,ifie,Oommittwe of Fitisnee be reque ed to
report at said meeting.
On motion of James M. Anderson, It was
ILsoluel, That the committee appointed to
confer with an engineer be nutholized to en
pp one ns soon as sufficient money ho collect-,
ed to defray the expeusd.Of the survey.
On motion, it was
. ,
flesoked, That these proceedings be signed
by the President and Secretary, and published
in.the paper 4 or York and Cumberland.
Tho meeting then adjourned to meet so
above mentioned,
T. C..MILLBR, Preet,
G. L. Saco.
TLc population of Ot+ Territbry of Or
ogon is stated to be 40,00.
Qn the. 224 ultl4,hy the Iter. AOl. Krorier
111r.'F./tillieL FLOYD LO Min SAILAIL'ANII &tux
On the 29th &IL, by the enmo Mr. JACOB
• •
this county.
,On Tuesday d''o 27th by J. A Murray, of
Dilleburg, Mr. JACOB. Zuo, of -Allen, to Miss
LEvutit. ZOOK, of Monroe township.
Governor's Message.
. . . . .
' , .
To. ibi L'Onoriible-the Senators and Members
eif;:the Ilintse of Refiresrentatives of the Gen
-oral aitembly:
, G kiIITIEN :---A, beneficent.' Providence
has favored the people of our Commonwealth'
with a. high degree of health and 'general
.' prosperity during the year, Just closed, and
• .With many other causes of pleasure and
gratitude. Humbly acknowledging these
blessings, let us-ask His .divine direction in
'the discharge of our official obligations.
It affords me unaflheted delight to wel,
come the representatives of the people to
-- thesearof government, aihrtely - forurtiine; -
, upon the aid of their combined wisdom in
~' the administration of public,affairs ;. "as it is
" also a grateful task to perfbrm the constitu
tional injunction that requires the executive
to " Pom Municate to the General . ASSetubly
information of the state of the Conimon- -
wealth," and make such suggestions and re-.
commendations as thewellare of the people
and'the exigencies of the tithes may seem to
demand ; and to the discharge, of this obliga
tion I 'new Proceed.
The receipts 'of the treasury for the yea
1853, exclusive of loans, and including the
actual balance in the treasury on the first
day of December; 1852, (being $071,081 72,)
amounted to the sum of $5,952,474 47.
.- The payments forthename period, exclu
sive of loans and other extraordinary expen
ditures make a total sum of $4,134,048 47,
biting $1,818m6 to less than the receipts.-
-.Of this excess $505,057 55 was paid to the
Commissioners of the S•nking Fund, and
$589,000 toward the paS•i
' s ent of old debtsn
and the construction of new work on the ,
North Branch canal and Portage railroad,
being part of the temporary loans authorized
by the act of the nineteenth of April last ;
which,. together with the balance in the
treasury applicable to the redemption of
outstanding loans, reduces the actual bal
ance on the first day of December last, to
the sem of about six hundred and twenty
five thousand dollars, to be used in the pay
ment of the February interest.
The receipts for the vac 1864, including
.the balance in the treasury on the first of
December; 1855, may, in - -my opinion, be
safely estimated at $5,846,417 34. •
The expendithres for the same period, in
cluding $250,000 for the payment of old
debts on the public works, and $300,000 for
the sinking fund, should not, and if proper
care be taken, will not exceed the sum of
$4,500,000, leaving a balance in the treasury
on the first of December, 1854, of $1,340,-
117 34. Deducting from this $625,000, the '
amount that should remain in the treasury
to meet the interest due February 1, 1855,
and we have a surplus revenue of over $700,-
• It is thus made apparent, to my mind, that
the treasury will have the ability, during the ,
e,oming year, to redeem the entire amount
of the temporary loans now outstanding, and
pay the &Wale which I have already re
thrred. But no.additional drafts should be
made upon it, without prevision being first
madedor their payment. '
At the, time of my induction into office
the liabilities of the State were as follows,
viz :
Six per cent. bonds $2,314,023 51
Five . ~ . 36,704,458 03
Four and ono- „
half per cent.
'bonds .T 198,200 OF
Relief !iota, per act of May -
4, 1841 650,103 000
Cert ificatea.for unpaid inter
est carthe public debt, for . .
the years 1843, '44, and
'45, with their accumula
ted interest 204,680 20
Domestic creditors' certifl,
cater 82.932 74
Total liabilities, Doe. 1, 3 51, $40,154,457 48
Add loan of April 2, 1852,
for the, completion of the
North Branch canal, 850,000 00
From which take the fol
lowing payments :
To the sinkingfund $381,439 - 83
Interest on outstand
ing certificates 50,70 01
Total amount of funded debt
at this time
To meet this apparent increase of $ll7,
777 53 . of,Aie_ public debt, it should bo ob
served that; by the cancellation of six per
cent. bond.,. we have a saving of $20,000
annually.-to the. treasury, which is equivalent
Ma virtual puma of $400,000 of :tlio
par cent. hoods. The amount thus saved
will be a pelmanerit resource, without mak
ing exaction from the people, and constitute
a su,bstantiat - addition to the sinking fund.—
It wine a virtual reduction of the public
debt to the amount of $28`2,222 47.
The floating liabilities and current de
mands nvo the Treasury, at the period I
have indicated, were as tbllows
Damages,, balances on con
tracts,' nod for labor and
materials on the public
works, prior to January,
1852, and sinco paid, as
appears mine books of tho
Auditor General 8381,752 15
Temporary loans 398,000 00
Unpaid appropriations 621,838 00
Total $1,401,090 16
The floating liabilities of the
Commonwealth, and . current
• ,
deniands upon the treasury at
this time, are:
Railroad and canal
debts $327,734 00
Temporary loans' 690,000 00
Unpaid appropria- -
lions 305,696 00
Diff. between the two periods $177,601 15
It will ,rhus appear that the floating liabil-*
itiosare $177,661 15 less than when I as
sumed the duties of my present station. It
should be remarked that floating debt as.
above stated, is no new thing. It hes al
bays existed to a greater or less degree, but
has not usually been exhibited in this form.
A balance of unpaid appropriations is un
avoidable, and has not been so small for
many years as at present.
During the years 1852 and 1863, the fol
lowing appropriations and payments have
boon mado, towards the construction of new
For re-laying thnnerth track
of the Columbia railroad $365,600 00
For the construction of a now
road to avoid the inclined
planes on the Allegheny
mountains 056,034 90 .
For the completion of the
• Western reservoir 52,380 411
For the North Branoll canal 1,000,000 00
For the new locks on tho
Delaware' Div ision
Prom the forgoing figures it is apparent
that the• Operations of the treasury have ex ,
ceeded our most,. sanguine expectations,
yielding over a' nfillion of dollars annually
above the ordinary charges .and expenses;;
and showing, that if no now improvements
had been in progress, two millions,.,at least,
of the public debt could have beetepaid du
ring the last two years. In addition to these
'extraordinary expenditures, there was paid
out of the treasury during said period, in
pursuance of laws passed prior to 1862 for
the State Lunatic Asylum, $70,700; for the'
publication ,of the Pennsylvania Archives
and Colonial Records, $23,168 62; for the
improvement of 'the State penitentiaries,
$85,000; for the publication , of:Prolessor
Rogers' geological survey $16;000; for the
preparation of registration ; books, $12,190
19; to the. Sugar Valley and Doer Creek
Turnpike CoMpany, $B,OOO.
It .will readily he perceived, therefore,
that Should .the appropriations hereafter be
Confined' strictly to , tho 'ordinary "expenses'
of government, We shall have an annual sur
plus revenue exceeding ono million of dol
lars, applicable to the payment of the funded
debt. That such should be the policy of
theStafe, after tho completion of the works
now in progress, ,will not be!dpubted. The
importance of such economy in view of the
great end to ho Attained—the liquidation of
the public debt.--and consequent relief of
the people from4axation for State} pOrposes,
is too rennifeatfor -argument. Entertaining
these views, I could not give my assent to
any new schemes of improvement by the
State. - . • ' •
The operations,on the public works for
the year just (dosed do not present a very
flattering picture, so far as relates to :net
revenue. _Mu aggregate amount of business
was larger by twenty per cont. than that oP
airy farmer year,- and the gross receipts am-
otufted - ,t6!the sum of $1,932,496 3J, being'
an excess of but $35M83 21 over the receipts
,ot 1862:- . This inorease of tonnage. without
'corresponding. increase. of receipts is the
c - onaequenCe of a very great reduction of
u•meatiure, in the opinion' of the Canal
Conunissioners, demanded by public. pol
icy; .and' it maybe 'said that whatever
has been lost to the treasury was given' to
'extend commerce and %trade. The ex
penditures for the year according to the
report or the Canal Commissioners, amount
-ed-to-the-sunr-of - $4177;742 reaving a
net balance. of $761,752 58; bet as this
~.stun'does not: include 'any portion of the
cost of new locomotive engines and the erec
tion of farm bridges, the deduction of the
proper projiortion of these will lefive the sum
of $704,752 48 as the actual net balance.
The receipts and expenditure's and gener
al operations' on the Columbia railroad ex
hibit an encouraging state of allisirs,as they
also do on ON .N malt Branch canal and Del
aware division; on the other divisions of
the canal they are tolerable ; but on the Al
legheny Portage railread,, the condition of
affairs is entirely unsatisfactory. The sys
tem of management butetofore practised on
that complicated and difficult work, would
seem to demand a speedy and radical change.
! But the Executive, under the laws as they
now are, having no control or direction over
! the public worsts, it -is right and proper that
I should leave the explanation of the details
of their workings and management to the
people's agents, Who have charge of the
whole subject.
I am, however, still entirely sanguine that
with the necessary' change in the system of
management; the public improvements can
be made to yield a very handsome revenue
to the treasury; indeed, even for the last
year, had the expenses of the mountain di
vision been confined to a reasonable sum,
the net revenues would have reached near
one million of dollars. Relieved Rom these
absorbing demands by the construction of
the new road, or in some other way, and we
shall realize, by the year 1855, a net profit
equal to the interest on twenty-two millions"
or more of the public debt;
The work on the railroad to avoid the in
clined planes on the Allegheny, mountains,
has not progressed as vapidly as had been
anticipated. 'lt is the opinion of the engin
eer, however, as will appear on relerene°
to his report, that should the necessary
means lie promptly furnished, the entire
line could be completed during the coming
year. The grading thr a double track is fin
ished with the exception of four miles, and
the cost of this balance, together with the
expenses of laying down a single track, is
estimated et six hundred and live thousand
dollars, in addition to the value of the old
track. The engineer also estimates the an
nual saving as compared with the expendi
tares on thekold road, on a business equal
to that of 18'32 at t v -.hundred and ninety
thousand dollars. also states that the
road between plano , No. 1 and Hollidays
burg, with a double track, will cost about
eight hundred thousand dollars less than the
rent:Sylvania railroad, for a like distance.
Viewed io every aspect, it must he con
fessed that this branch of the public anhirs
presents an embarrassing alternative. The
prompt completion of the new work will in
volve the expenditure of more capital than
the State cum command without resorting
to farther teMporary loans; whilst, on the
other hand, the maintenance of the old
road, at a cost of. four hundred and tiny
thousand dollars per moat, is 1111i10 out of
the question. Its exhausting d°mands un
the treasury must be speedily obviated, :inch
for my part I call Sec no mode of doing this
except by the completion of the new road.
At the time I :Issunied the duties of my
present station, I found this a orb in progress
of construction ; the western slope up to 11101
summit. having been placed under contracC
during the slimmer of 1851. On referring ,
to the reports of the Canal Commissioners
and the Engineer, the only data v. Mull I
could properly consult as to the policy of
the measure, I found that the total cost of a
single tract]wag estimated ut tit 1,0175,0110.
The materials on the old rdad were valued
at $218,650, which tugether-with.the appro
priations previously made, reduced the
amount to be provided to, complete the ,
work to the meagre sum of :'i.591,350. • With
these calculations before me, and even add
ing a larger amount for errors it the esti
mates, and the enormous expenditures of
the ell road in full view, I could not doubt
the expediency and economy of the measure.
But the unusual, advance in the price of
labor, material and subsistence, added to
the obvious errors iii. the estimates, has
changed the entire aspect of this enterprise.
The stun of $OOO,OOO has been appropriated
since that time, and over six hundred thou
sand dollars is still required with the value
of the old road, to bring the line r into use.
The estimated cost of completing the
North Branch Canal, at the period already
named, was $772,000. One Million of dol
lars has since been paid, and a :311111 exceed
ing one hundred and hilly thousand dollars
is still required to pay for its completion.
With such miexpected demands upon the
treasury within the short space of two years,
it would not be unreasonable to expect an
indrease of the liabilities of the State; but
it is alike gratifying and astonishing to
know that this has not occurred.
$41,004,157 48
$40,272,235 01
Tho Junction anal, extending from the
New York line to Elmira, will be ready for
business during the present,month, and the
State work from Pittston to the dam at
Athens, a distance of ninety-three miles,
has been completed. The only unfinished
part of the work lies between Athens and
the State line, a space of about two and a
half miles, the construction of Which was
delayed by an effort of the Canal Commis
sioners and the Governor, under• an act of
Assembly, to negotiate with :ite• Junction
carnal company for its completion. But;
evijn this suction, I am assured', 'will be
ready in adiple time for the spring trade.
These works will complete .the last link
in : continuous water,conimunication
tween the Chesapeake bay and the northern
lakes. The struggle for this achievement
hits , becn long and arduous, covering nearly
- a quarter of a century. But the tr•ien[ph is
still a brilliant one, and must be cause of
gratification to the peoplq of the
1,2A429 00
Most auspicious and promising is it for
the enterprising inhabitants of Northern
Pennsylvania, to whose untiring efforts its
final constutudion may be unduly attributed.
: Through this channel, in the early part of
next season, and (luring oaeli succeeding
year, 4'ennsylvatilti . will send greeting, .to
the people of n• neighboring state—the evi
dence of fraternal allOction—the assurance
of political fidelity, and the blessings of an
extended commerce, in the shape of inland
vessels, freighted with her richest minerals,
and review in return as she will certainly
be olibred,lrom the i-atevallies of, the Em
State, now teeming - with wealth in6ll
its variety, at-ntrances of full reciprocity; in
atlbction, fidelity anti commerce. And in
(Inc time the coffers of tho State, I am con-
Ild'ent, will receive an ample reward from
I these new relations of trade. andbed, on
this point the large increase of profits on the
old line for the year just closed, furnishes
the most reliable indication of what we may
anticipate from the, new. The, constantly
increasing demand for coal, outrunning, as
Rhos done tor years past, the means of sup
ply, justifies, if it does not force upon ns the
conclusion, that so soon as boats can he
constructed, and proper business connexions
formed; this - canal will ,be patronized up to
its full capacity. A•glitnee at the vast, rich
and popidous section of country which it
will be called upon to, supply with coal,,for
every imaginable purpose, domestic, MU
chattical and maimfitcturing, and at the fa
cilities offered by the Nov York canals and
the lakes, to reach all points of that court
try,-unist satisfy the most sceptical as to the
value and 'importance:of this improvement.
I, congratulate you, therefore, upon the
consumation ofati enterprize which will be
tuns profitable to the State, and beneficial
to the people. ;'
The expediency of selling the public
works has boon a topic of discussion in the
press of the Stato, for sonic months past,
and withoutindicating a Policy for the Gen
eral Assethbly, .or intending this slightest
discourtesy to the people's agents to whom
thw management of this brach of public af
fairs has been confided, I have deemed it
my duty to discuss some of the considCra
flops incident to and growing out of thopro
pOsition. -
4,ndeed, it would be unreasonable to as
sume either tho affirmative or negative of
tho question, and expect to be properly
understood,:without some explanation as, to
the price oflthe„works and the conditions of
sale. •
1 80,000 00
$2,113,016 81
It is fair "to presume that. those who adv-
tate thifidtirmative haveTestitmt ideas as 'to
what thif , price should be, and' that unless
'such' considerationi.. can lie realized they
would,not agree to fief). .
The first inquiry therefore is, why should
these work's 1i& sold? The answer usually,
giv - en. is, that the Measure is necessary to:
reduce the Shite debt and To relieve the
people from taxation. These aro great ob
jects indeed, tind.shouldots I have no doubt
•they.will, receive your ehrnest considera
. tien ' • their realization however, must depend
mainlr upon the price obtained. ,
Should the interest on the public debt
jiqilidated by the _sale be less. than the net
profits arising from the works, then it AvAjd
be falso!cconomrto that ease the
measure would not he one - of relief to the
people, but must necessarily increase their
yearly burthens.
5 . * And 'Mitt reason is there to suppose that
more can he obtained 7 Capitalists, it will
13, conceded, When weighing the question
of a 'purchase, will make the net profits of
their investments the basis of all their cal.
culations. They will look at the past oper
ations of these works,. im connexion with
their prospectsin the future—carefully con
sidering every fact and circumstance bearing
on , their real value; and, it is scarcely ne
cessary to remark, will only buy When per
fectly satisfied that they have the best of
the 'bargain. In attempting to determine
The question of value, it will he perceived,
therefore, that the inquiries, examinatiods
and motives of the buyer and seller, must
necessarily he identical.
It is apparent then, thafthe effect of com—
petition on the value of these works; the
inroads which may be made by science and
mechanic:4,lTM on every description of trans
portation realties now in existence ; the
casualties that may result to them from the
elements; in short, the mutability of human
structures, and the propriety of simplifying
he duties of goVernment, must constitute,
tmainly the considerations in favor ea sep
aration between the State and her,,,improve
On the other hand will lie presented the
hopes of future business and increased
profits to the treasury, predicated upon the
rapid growth of the Commonwealth; her
vast and varied resources, and the influence
of these upon transportation within her lim
its; the increaing demand for facilities to
transmit her products to market; the endless
consumption and unlimited supply of her
great staples of coal and iron, and their
prOximity'to her works at all points; the`
enlarged products of agriculture, and the
rich- variety • of manufactures, so rapidly.
multiplying in crery part of the State, con
stituting at once a home business, with ages
of duration before it, which no human agen
cy can disturb, and which must contribute
at all times a fair income to the government.
In addition to these considerations against
a sale, may be urged . the necessity v. hick
would ho presented for the creation of a
number of corporations, hiving a communi
ty of interest and feeling is ith similar bodies
already in existence; and the danger of thus
inducing the organization of a controlling
power in the Commonwealth.
But it is said that companies can - manage
these works with greater skill and economy
than the State, and for that reason they
would be most valuable in the hands of tie
former, and that the State can.realice this
difference by a sale.. It must be confess..d.
that it is to these considerations, and these
only, that we can look for argtiments to sus
tarn the idea that the State can gain any
thing, pecuniarily, by a sale of her impr'oye
melds. That the difference in the expenses
of the management of the works would
amount to a fair per centage, in the estima
.tion of some emitalists, I have no donut,
brit it is not so great as est Milted by some,
Indeed, certain portiOns of ear own - works
ark. now well managed, and it is hoped and
believed that such changes can .11,e made in
the system of direction now imicticed by the
State, as to lead to general skill and econo
my. .
Bit the main question will be the minimum
price that shall be fixed un these hill/rove
ments ; tuna the proper disposition .of this,
it roust• bereadily ‘ seen, will demand much.
careful examination. And in reference to
this point, the I,isest and best may honestly
diller, for the issue belongs mainly to the fu
ture, and can only be anticipired from the
results of thin past. Ts these WO may look
for a moment.
For the 3-etirs 18:i2 and 1853. the net re
ceipts may he put down as equal to tile an
nual interest upon :dnt fifteen millions of
the public debt ; and P am inclined to be
lieve that. without any increase of trade ex
cept on the North Branch, the net profits for
the ensuing year (nay be estimated at a sum
equal to the interest oil seventeen or eigh
teen millions of the debt, and that the com
pletion of the road over the mountains, or
relief' in some other way, from .the leeching
demands or (hat portion of our improve
ments, will see the net revenues, Iron this
source, swelled too sum equal to the inter
est upon twenty-two millions of the State
If it be desirable so sell the public works,
we should not miderrato their inmortam•...
nor is it just to ‘lispiragc the wisdom it Muir
founders. We are prune to DM MUM' agobuit,
the policy that' dictated [belr construction,
because of the debt we have thus incurred,
and yet, it the proposition were submitted to
cancel this liability by their destruction ur
disuse, we shotibl be 'compelled to reject it.
At the time of its adoption, this policy was
necessary and proper. Avenues of this kind
through the body, of the State, to convoy her
vast productions to market, are as indispen
sable to her vigorous growth and physical de
velopmont as are the veins and arteries
to the human system, to give circulation to
the blood and consequent health and vigor
to the body. To stop or clog these, in ei
ther case, would produce stagnation and ul
timate destruction.
Without reference to the abstract ginist ion
of a sale, I may say, that under no circum
stancetashould we entertain the proposition
to part with , the public works by the crea
tion of a joint stock company, as heretofore
repeatedly proposed, by Which the Common
wealth is to remain a large shareholder, lint
the ditection to be hi the hands of individu
als or corporations, associated with her in
the ownership. I haVe always regarded this
as a most dangerous and insidious measure.
If the proposition to sell he seriously enter
tained, under the present condition of the
Money market, it should be based on the
idea of a bona fide sate, fora fall compensa
tion, in exchange for the bonds of the State,
and under such salutary reservations and re
strictions as the interests of the'people may
- -
But it is urged by many that the State's
system of managing the public works is st
ceptible 'of improvement—that much can 4, be
done by judicious reforms to augment the
receipts to the treasury, and fficilitatir ;the
business of trapsportation ; and, as mitcli of:
this system results froin positive law, it may
not be deemed officious on my part to make
- suggestions on the subject.
In to specie,' message, communicated to the
General Assembly, soon atter m y induction
into office, I Advocated the policy of making
ccialt payments for labor and materials, and
the interdiction by law of the creation of
debt hy the officers on the public works, and
made, allusion to other radical.defficts in the
system, which could scarcely be reached by
the Cana loard. To some of these 1. shall
now briltfly
Lu the first place, it is impossible to ayoicl,
the creation of debts', if the appropriations
Be insufficient Br meet Unavoidable expend
' ittires. The 1111,Silli3SS of' transportation and
travel on these highways must be kept, up,
whether the expenses be paid or not. These
circumstances have defeated, to some extent,
the administration of the law of May, 1852,
requiring cash payments and prompt settle
ments by the officers on thesy Works, and
'prohibiting the creation of debts. This re
sult, I - regret, for I am still decidedly of
opinion, that no other change in the system
is so likely to beget economy, purity and er
ficioncy in their general direction. For the
last year, however, this' law was strictly car
riotl out on some of the divisions, end it is
lincierely desired tlytt hereafter, the practice
,nay be extended to all.
I peed apt di., loss the consequences of the
tilstoftpt of' making debts" on thy' public
vdtits—its . errors - are too palpable to need
-efutation by argument ; and I shall only re
eat what I.stdistantielly said to the General
ssembly„on it tbrmer occasion, that in midi-
iioq to the opportunity it allorded fur extor
,r ion ow the Stile, if not actualTrand upon'
he - treasury, thu idea that otlieurs z for the
. .me being, should be allowed to scatter the
edit of the Commorovoalth 'broatleast, to
' .0 discovered and.redeomed, at 50010 future
cried, by their suceessors, is a monstrosity
in the economy of public
Them seems to be Some plausibility, if
not actual truth, in the allegation; that - the -
State's management of these works is expen.
sive and ineflicient; . and . yet it is not dear to
my Mind,. that, treattitl tis ;1 4 ,reere business
afilmir, her supervision wbuldrimot be'as cheap
and officiynt as that•of corporations and indi
viduals. But the, instability of her agencies•
renders, accuracy_ awLecone r ny exceedingly
difficult. Ifer periodical change of Incurs
'has always .dept ived her of the bdiellt of ex
perience in this work ; and this, in apy hu.,
siness, you Will agree with me, brequivalent .
to a fair profit; and that it is, eminently so in
the repair awl general supervision of rail
roads and canals.' - This shifting practice has"- ,
had the effect Of making her works a species.
of Normal eel oohs f'o'r the educatioh of engi
neers and supervisOrs to take charge °Umber
improvements. This inslability results frmn
be recognition of places on the Stale works, '
al political nilicea, instead of seen title and
mechanical work-shemsi and bringing to
Lams on their control and direction, our no
tions of rotation and short tenure in office.'
Then(' ideas are sound and republican, and
should never be 'disregarded, in rellamice to
the Mikes appertaining to oar political or
ganization as a government; but it must ho'
conceded that a. mere busiriess , operation to ,
make money, in competition• with the crea
tures of government' and the efforts of indi
viduals, was not contemplated rzm an ollice ire
the organic!' law of the State; mid: hence. it
is not strange, that the prine.iplc9proper for'
one - tlb not apply usefully to the' other..
What, I would inquire, would be the condi
tien of Reading railroad „the Pernusylva-.
nia railroad, and other similar works., were ,
they required to change their engineer 3 and
superintendents, at short periods, and bring
strangers into iheir employ ? The answer
may be readily discovered in time State's ex,
perience. I have long been of.opinion that;
in ireference to all the subordinates of the;
Canal Commissioners, changes should not be*
periodical and prefixed, but should be made
as demanded by the exigencies of the public
service. Tim' delinquent in any one of the
obligations of duty should be dismissed at
once, and the only guaranty of continued em
ployment should be'found in the superiority
of tlfb services rendered the State. All oth
-1 er rules for appointment and dismissal shduld
lig , speedily obliterated from the system.
The present practice depries the State, to a:
great extent, of the benefit of that incentive
to excel, which actuates all men where cha
racter, position and emolument are at stake.
or course, my suggestions in reference to the
importance 'of experience, will not be under
stood as applying- to all the agents on the
works ; for instance, it requires but little ex-,
perience to make a collector, but it has nod
always will require this to render an agent
efficient in the construction and repair of
railroads and canals, t°rent) exigenies and
give harmonious direeti. n to the current op
orations of tills complica ed branch of publle.
service. In short, the nanagement wants
the application or hos' iwss organization and
principles. A system of books should sup
plant the use.of chuck rolls. and the opera
tions be so systeniatized that - the reepipts
and expenditures of each month*, as the 'sea
son passes by, could be announced to tho
public. _ .
, Confusion, obscurity and rearilatney in
our annual volmne of laws—vexatious in upon private rights—attempts at the
usurpation of power ;nut consequent strivings
and litigation, are, in my opinion. the legiti
mate frail, of our sysiem or special and Mnlli
bllS legislation. Indeed. the truth of these
propositions is (00 palpable to admit otargu
ment. It is manifested in every year's ex
perience, and in some instances the govern
ment, as it I . ollS.lllellee, has been Mreed into,
the humiliating position of becoming a
gut against her own crehtnres. Its demor
alizing Militelie, is Marked and tl , llllitl,l nn
ell hmids and imperiously demands an effi
cient remedy. That the present General
Assembly may be distinguished and blessed
for apidying the axe at the root of the evil,
and marking the era of its Mud termination,
jitniv ... sillecre hope.
A prolific source of misehierconsists jn the
practice of passing a Dumber of laws, entirely
dissimilar in their characteristics, frith° same
bill, or 1w what ,is.rantitiarly known as the .
•• Omnibus System." The , inevitable,' and
indeed the frequently lamented effect of this
mode fit - legislation, haft been to facilitate, the
passage or through the General A s"sem-
Itly, awl to secure the sanction °elite Execu
tive without that critical examination so
11spensablE'to a clear comprehension of their
true import. Its illustration of the difficul
ties which the practice imposes upon this
branch or the government, it is only necessa
ry to state. that within two days preceeding
the final adjournment otthe last latOslature,
no less that one hundred and six bills were
presented for Executive consideration, COll
- three hundred and thirty-rm diffitr
ent subject's. Some of these bill contained
as many' as twenty dissimilar itcm of legis
lation • mud of these, some were not even in
dicate by the transcribed title.
In addition to-the difficulty of comprehen
ding the import or such a heterogenious mass
of matter, the Executive frequently finds
himself' forced into the dilemma or signing a
law which his judgment rejects, or return
ing seedier which he really approves. Neith
er alternative. you will agree with ate, is in
strict accordance with the mandates of tho
Constitution. Great inconvenience also re
sults to the people, under this system, in the
payment at' the enrolment tax upon private
lasys. In bills, such as I have already de
scribed, may be found a number of items,
some taxable, and others Ind, and the bill ,
must be enrolled under its proper number
and title, and the tax be first paid. 'One par
ty interested in this legislation May pay his
share, another will refuse to do so, and a
third, on seeing tire amount nettle tax, con
cludes that he cam liVO without the lair; turd
thus it has been no uncommon thing for per
sons to he forced to pay tax on laws in which
they have ho interest, in order to avail them-'
selves of what fire Legislattn•e had expressly
granted. Such n state of affairs is scarcely
conistent with the dignity of a great State,
and certainly demands an efficient remedy.
Saha ofmy predecessors have urged the
General Assembly, to change this system,
runt in several previous communications, I
110'6 suggested the propriety and justice of
passing each prolitnsition separately, at least
so ffir as the object whre dissimilar. But
the evil still exists, aud i t am deeply sensible
of the difficulty which the application of a
prompt and ellbctual remedy must always
present to the General Assembly. After
emelt reflection on the, magnitude of this
evil---its vexatious inroads upon private
rights, and its demoralizing tendency upon
till: interests of the people. and the more el
evated purposes of legislation, 1 have deter
mined to co-operate with the General Assem
bly in the application of the most efficient
means which their wisdom may devise for its
removal ; but in the mean time, as a restrain
ing part'of the law-making power, I must beg
to be indulged in el:tinting the privilege of
' considering each subject of legislation set
arately, stud on its own met its, as contem
plated by the 'spirit of the' Constitution.
Henceforth, therefore, bills containing a vs-,
riety of subjects of legislation, dissimilar in
tliuir character and purposes, cannot receive
the sanction of the•preSent Executive.
Another branch of the evil, turd irpostAblet
a still greater one, consists ()especial and lo
cal legislation. It is to this practice that wo
awe mainly indebted for itn annual volume of
laws of most ueseendy dintentious, and for
a separate rode for nearly every locality in
the state. Trio remedy for this must be found
in the adoption ,pf a few more general laws,
and the rigidatitlii4istration of those already
in existence. •SpeOtal acts, you will agree'
with are; should inThe instance be passed.
where the object can be reached under gen
eral laws.
Tim law of 1791 and its several stipple
mints make provision for tho creation and
amendment of corporations fur literary,cluo
itable mut religious purposes, and to croato
beneficiary societies and tire engine and-hoso
companies, through the instrumentality of
the Attorney General and the Supreme
Court. The act of the thirteenth of Octo—
ber, 1829, extended titis power to the courts
of the several counties: The acts„of 1836
and 1838 make provision for the association
of individuals, through tho instrumentality
of the Attorney General .and the Governor,
for the purpose of manufacturing iron from
.mineral coal.. In addition to these acts, the
law to enconrage•manntlicturing, passed in
1819, arid its supplements, provide for asso
ciations for the purpose' Ot manufacturing
woollen, cotton, ltac and silk goods, or for
'making iron, glass, salt, paper, lumber oil
frOm rosinonitieral paints, artificial slate;
and Ihr printing and publishing ; and the sup
plement 011853 extends its provisions, in a
modified term,the business of mining of
almost every oseription,
On tho subject of ere - ding now townships
and incorporating boroughs, the courts have
unlimited power; and in the matter of selling