Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 21, 1853, Image 4

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Fresh Drugs; hiedicines, ac. &c
-jh I have just received from .Philndel•
pine and New York: very extensive
additions to my former stock, embra•
eing nearly every article of Medicinc .
,rrovr -in use, tegmacr- with Paints,
Oils, Varnialles,-.Turpantine, •Perfumery, Soaps,
Stationery, Fine • Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,—
Bruhes of almost every description, with
ondelas variety of other articles,whicli I am , di •
tormifted to sell at the vra'st . "WE" Prices:
All Physicians . , Country Merchants, Pedlar;
and others, arc respectfully requested not in pass ;
the' OLD STAND, as they may rest assured
that every hrtiele'will be sold 0; a good quality
and upon reasonabln terms.
Alnitl street. . nrlisle.
May 30
THE'subscrilier havine• returned from the
city would call the attention of his friends and
,the public gnerally to the large and well se•
meted assortment of Ittudwate which he has
just received. consisting iu hart of
such us nails, hinges, locks, bolts,
glass, putty. paints, oils, TOOLS
edge tools; saws tmd planes of evt ry dese , tp
Lion, With file, rasps, ImmoterA, 1111Vi19, &C
A general nsgorttnent of
together with moreeco, lining end binding
skies, Shoo titres t, wax, pegs, lasts, harness
mounting, saddletrees, &c.
COACH TittlimiNG—canvass(pinin, en
amelled, figured end embossed,) patent and im-
Rtmelled leather, axles, springs, hubs, spoke,
felines, Shafts, &c, 64e.
Cillinet Makers will (i• 1 a large assorment
of varnisho.i, mahcigany and i wali.ut isneerb,
moulding. rosenes, hair cloth. curled hair, &c.
The stock at'IHON is large and well selec
ed, comprising all the kinds in gcaeral use, as.
hammeied and riled tire of all sizes, flat, bar
and ;,and iron, round, square and oval iron,
!Mese shoo iron and nail - tads, with a large lot
of east and springy steal, ii:oglish and American
blister steel, dna.
ll.tusekeepers and at )se about r , mtnenclng
will find it to their a Ivatitrigt to call and exam
ine our cutlery britia iin. and p tiled ware,
pans, kettles, cedar wive,haskets, &c.
' In addition to the al»ve we have received a
splond,d assortment of WA p ma •
king the stock complet end tit sum.ll pi ices as
cannot fail to give satisf,tion.invito all
friends to call, knowing it will iie to their ,Nen
advantage. Itomentlwr the old . stand, East
High SIITCI, Car,isle, '1
Oct. Id, 1;453 SAX .•ON.p
Yreshst Sprxng Supply!
11A.Vc; Jos received a fle'Sil ,10“ ii of Med•
L eindis, Wass, Oil, &sq., which
haiing Leer purchased with great care at the
best city houses, I can conlidently recommend
to Fa•iilies, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, as being tresh and pure.
..sPatent Medicines, Ilerbsand Extracts,
I 1 Fine he mi eels, Spices,g,round end whole
Instruments, Essences,
Pure Essen"; Oils I Perfumery, &e: -
Cod Liver Oil—Warrnnted Genuine.
Indigoes,bog and Cam Woods,
-Madders, I Vitriol
Sumac Copperas,
Alum, I Lac Dye*
Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine,' COOlliad coach Varnish, and Red Lead.
All of which will. bb sold at the very !owest
market price, Also,a Roan and splendid as
sortment or
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
-calculated For use and ornament, all of wl.ich
are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub
scriber on - North Hanover street.
May 28 'lB5l.
rptlE subscriber continues to carry on the
above business, in all itsvarious branches,
in North ilanover , street, Carlisle, two doors
North of Leonard's corner, where he intends
heaping on hand aqoneral:assortment in hisline,
Consisting, of all kind ,1
Tunable SADDLES, Undies
martingales, Girths,C rcingles
and Hailers, also
TRUNKS, t rnv L 71
oling • and saddle,.J o • un ,
bags. lie also "
manufactures themost approved
Spanish SpOng Saddles, ever
used in this country, those
wishing a, handsome, durnbleand pleasant cud
dle will do well to call end see thorn. He also
manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars and
Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be
lieves from the general approbation of his cos
writers, that ho makel the neatest and best
gears, in all their variety of breadth, that is
mule in the emrhtry. He also makes all kinds
of Nlatrl3sCS to order, viz: Straw, Husk, Curl
ed Hair and Spring Matrasses. All the above
articles will be male of the best material and
workmanship, and with the utmost despatch.
• ianl , l•lv WM. OSBORN.
Tho Allen and East Pennsborough Mutual
Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland coun
ty, incorporated by an Act of 'Assembly, is
now fully organized, a'nd in operation Under
the management of the following commission
ers, viz:
Jacob Shelly, Wm, R. Gorgas, hrc bad
Cocklin, illelehoir Brenneman Christ clStay.
man, Christian l'itzel, Jacob el. Cony Lewis
Byer, Henry Logan, donjamin Al,enr. Jai
cob Kirk, Samuel Trowel!, Joseph. Wicker
The rates of insurance are!ps low and favor
able as any Company of the kind in the State.
Persona wishing to become members aro in.
cited to make application to the agents of the
company, who are willing to wait upon them
at any time.
BENJ. FL M.OS3E 7 F, President.
HENRY LOG 4N, Vice President]
Lewis Flyer, Secretary.
uel Coeklin, Treasurer. -
Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin, N.
Cumberland ; C. B. Herman. Kingstown ; Hon
ry &tiring, Shiremanstown; Charles Bull,
3arlisle ; Dr. J. Ahl, 'Clnirchtewn ; Samuel
Graham, West Pennsberaugh; James McDow
el, Frankford ; Made Griffith, South Middle
ton; Samuel Coover ; Benjamin Haversack,
Mechanicsburg; John Slicyricic; - Lisburn ; Da
vid Coover, Shapherdstown.
York County.—John Bowman,Dillsburg ,
Pnter Wulford, Franklin; John Smith,
Washington ; W. S. Picking, Dover; Daniel
Raliensberger JW. Craft, Paradise.
Ilarrisburg.—flouser & Lachman.
-Members of the comply !mink policies
adnut to expire con have them renewed by
making application to any of the agents.
• Nov. 24, ly.
Various Sizes, to suit Families,' Boarding
'louses and Hotels. •
MHO SElin want of a superitir Cooking Ap
paratue are invited to call at out Ware
house and examine this Mange. For durability
econonfy and simplicity in operation it stands
unrivaled. It has a perfect hot air ventilation
—and nests baked in this oven will retain their
juice and flavor equal to that roasted betore an
open fire. Meats andpastry cooked at the
same time without one ntectin,q the other, It
will supply sufficient heated air to heat addi
tional routne for the coldest weather. It has
no descending , return flues, and is equally
well adapted ter bunminous or common-htad
coal. The steam valve over the boiling part of
the Range careica off the steam and'seant of
cooking, as well as heat in seminar.
' Every Ringo sold 'warranted to give eatisfac-
Hon, or no expense to the purchaser.
'Patented Octobo'r, 1848,
For Public Halls; Factories, Railroad Cars,
Cittinntes i Flues; Ships; •Sleamersi (5.e.
Pate air is a subject the attention
of every individual,. and all boil : dings should ne
provided whit the propor moans of ventilation.
Also, a powerful' • - ; • • .
Warming and Ventilating Furnace;
For Dwell:AO, School Rauses, Ch.qrches, Batts,
• 'Stores Factories, 4.0.
(*A largo at,sort metit of Moo. Holt and Cook;
in Stoves, Parlor armee, Reaistoto, &c.-4
',Wholosolo and Itotail.
82 North Si;th' etreet Phila. I
. .
Or-Personal attention given to warming and
ventilating boll public and private buildings.'
• ''•-• -• SILVER
Asrnrded to this Machine nt tits Fair of the Atuerlean.lnst hide, Nets Y0rk,'0et...1852.
A DiOloinatiit the Franklthlinstitista, Philadelphia. First preminsismt the State
Pair, Utica, Nesv,Yorir,,and . at the. Columbia and Itenssela V 131.04 York) Fairs,'
and a Diploma at the Yiieetellester, county , Fair at White Ph i 9 e., • •
In the present arrangement of this highly approved and
valuable Mill, the labor in divided by arranging n cutting
Cylinder to break the apples, and then deliver them to the
lower Cylinders to be' reduced to pomace. Ily thin ar
rangement the work Is performed foster and 15 Ith much
lens labor.
.- • • .
The Press Is arranged with a much larger screw thalr
formerly, and by a very ingenious device the use of the bag
Is dispensed with and the Tub made to open at will to de
liver the pomace, while at,the same time the Cider is bat
clear and the work can be done with much less labor than
by the old method. The Cylinders aro covered with heavy
sheet Zinc, both on their peripheries and ends; tho wood
in them Is arranged so ns not to swell; and the whole work
on the Mill and Press made In the very best manner and
arranged with especial view to their durability and service.
No Farmer who uses the Mill carefully and according
to dimctions will be dleappointed r buton thootber
heed he will find this one of the most valuable and efficient
machines on his &rm.
The machine is made to run by - horse, steam, or hand
paver, and when the apples are ground, a small bey of 14
years of age can press the pomace with all ease.
In all former times it was supposed that a large quantity
of Cider could only bo mode by using a ponderous machine,
Opt slowly crushed the apples without grinding them flue.
They were then made into n massive cheese in straw, and a
moat Rivers and long pressure was required to extract a
portion of the Cider, a considerable quantity being absorbed
by the straw and the meal of pomace; and to obtain this
unsatisfactory result the firmer had to take all his hands,
and perhaps his six-horse team. and devote a whole day that
could have been more profitably employed, to make from
six to eight barrels of Cider. To obviate the difficulty the
Farmers have heretofore labored under, this Machine has
been invented, and the statement 6 of a few facts will prove
that it is not only the best Machine of the kind in existence;
but it is the most profitable that a man can have on his'
ham. The apples are by this Machine grated up Into a tine
pulp, cc that it requires but a comparatively light pressure,
and that but minute or two,-to extract all the Cider, it
being ascertained by practical experiment that One-Fourth
more juice can be obtained titan by the old process. Ile.
sides this, it only requires two hands to grind up and Make
into Cider a larger quantity of apples than can be possibly
'done on tho old-fashioned machines. On this press, owing
to the compactness of the pomace in the tub, and the com
plete manner in which it is ground, a pressure of front 3 to
o toms—that can easily be Obtained—will produce a more
favorable result than 'fifty tons pressure, on the ordinary
Entered according to Ant of congress, in the year 1622,
r ,-
T"snbscriber continnesto manufacture at
his Foundry in East High street, having
on hand a great variety of good patterns, midis
prepared to furnish IRON AND BRASS
CASTINGS, which will be executed to order
(if not on land,) ratite shortest notice, such as
Cranks and .Mill'uGenring, Spur and Devil
Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, &e., Plough
Castings. Cutters; Point Shears, Wagon and
Couch Boxes, Spindled, Car Wheels, Car
Chairs, Scc. Steam Engines built to order and
repaired. All kinds of machinery in Paper
Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired at
short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned.
%Is°, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines,
such as Bevel Gear Four Horse power ; Ilor
izontal,Genr Four Horse Power; Horizontal
Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn Shol
hers and Corn Crushers. Threshing machined
and Horse powers repaired and Job Work dont.
at the shortest notice. Patterns of different
kinds on hand and made to order.'. '
. . . .
He also has on hand n largo supply of Phila
delphia and Troy Cooking Stoves, and is ono
wordy making Cooking Stoves of various im
proved pat.erns,-for coal or wood. Ten Plate
Stoves, Grates, &c.
Repairing done to all kinds of Machinery.—
All kinds ofold Iron. Brass and Copper taken
in exchange for work.
ID J. KIEFFER has just returned from Phil:
adelphia with an of fresh
DRUGS, which in• connection with his farmer
stock will make his establishment complete in
this department.
In addition to the above he has &so opened a
fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruit,. Nuts,
Peseta - and Fancy Articles of every deserip
tien. The attention of the Ladies is especially
invited to his extensive assortment of• Fancy
Aaricles, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and
Perfumee oLcvery variety.
Gentlemen are invited to examine his fine
assortment of Fancy Articles—Segars, China
and Porcelain Piptit, Tobacco of all kinds,
Shaying and Toilent Soaps of superior quality,
Canes. Riding and Carriage Whips, and many
other - articles - which more especially inters
gentlemen. A number of superior 'Woollen
Matte on hand.
The proprietor will Lo very happy to have
his friends cal! and examine his goods whether
they may wish to purchase or not.
July 6 1853 .B 3 KIEFFER:
EORGE KELLER:respectfully announ.
Ur cos to his old Patrons and tho public gen
,. erhlly that he has just received the
' MEN'S HATS, manufactured at
ono of the best establishments in
. Philadelphia, to which he invites
special attention. -
Ire has also constantly on hand ri large and
varied assortment of his own manufacture as
well as city made
suitable for• ho season,comPrising every vat+.
eyt of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats,
finished in the latest style, together with a lull
assortment of Caps of every shape and des
cription, and at every price He particularly
invites the public to call and examine his exten
sive assortment, which in style, material and
finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market,
and which he is able to put tit prices lower than
ever. Otrßomemben„ his old stand on North
Hanover street, between Humer's and Sendr's
store. [Juno 1]
ECEIVED this day, direct from Cincinna•
111 ti, a full supply of thefollowing celebra
ted brands:
100 Sugar Cured Davis & Co's Beef Hams,
100 " " Gardner,Phipp & Co's Hama,
TOO " ", Dulliello Westphalia do.
This last brand gained the Prize Medal at the
London World's Fair. - Alen a'largo supply of
Country Hama, Bacw; Shoulders and Sides all
of which will bo sold Nery low for cash:
June 21,1053; Family Grocer.
undoraignodttrenew proparod to freight
o.' 1:%•5.e... merchandizo from
Philadolphia and
": Arc" • "AZ: " Baltimore, at ro•
ducod rates, with regularity ond•despatch.
Freed, Ward & Freed, 315 Market Strout,
A. H. Barnitz 76 North Street, Baltimore.
Michael Herr, North Street, Baltimore.
aop226m . J. & D. RHOADS.
7 liE subscriber offerafor Belo the FRAME .
, j HOUSE, and Lot, 22 feet front by. 240 toot.
in depth, now micupied by.'Devid Smith, Esq.,,
in East Main street., •The dwelling contains'
eight coiled rdoms,"ineluding double parlo a:
Attached is a cistern; smoke house• a nit stable ,
For furtherinformatioh apply to ' • I
Sepli tf • • 'Agrfor ra Anti Day,.
~, . . ,
di.c. •
FAMlLY.pacticti Sabbath Schools nhd Pic
sic parties in going to the golintry will do well
[+y calling'at,,tlie cheap DTtig.Storo of 13,4,
[(Wirer, Whore, they 'can 'lfo.supplied
ticks artho lowest rstop,and off Iho liestquol..!
ity. pilpe' t " 20,:eonts jinn
pound. A gonerplisortme;it vfYikterit - Med.;
cineabonatently on.bane. " Jy2o'
Cider Press, even if the apples were ground en finely ite
the improved Mill; 'and if the apples were merely crushed,
as on the Npt Machine, it would require a pressure of ono
hundred tons to produce the result accomplished by this
Patent Mill. The following may be adduced as the decided
advantages of this Mill.
Fivst-.:lt will maim more Cider than any other Press, with
given quantity of apples, in n given time, and with much
CPS inhor and memo.
Second—lt will make cleaner andliwooter Cider than any
• .
.ther Mill. •
Third—Yon can make the Cider as You want it, end when
you want it—and in quantities from ono gallon to 0 or 10
Fourth—With it you can press your Currants, Cherries,
Berries, Cheese, Butter, Lard, and Tallow.
Fifth—With it you can taro one-fourth of your
time-In.making . Apple-butt or.
Sixth—With its usa you can at all Limos havoavrealt
and Sweet Cider.
With all tho advantages resulting from the possessloh and
use of such a rooehluo—nt a price so low that it is within
tho ranch of all—ean'it be that any intelligent Farmer
would do without it? ,
Do you wish to lui4eiri yourhouse at all times Cider that
Is sweet and fresh, tho only time it is really healthy and fit
for use—and do you wish to save a great portion of the
hard labor attending the making of
Apple-buttert If so, buy this machine, and our word
for it, you will not be disappointed.
This Mill is warranted superior to any other portable
Mill in existence, and the Proprietor Is ready at any time,
(on 'fair notice being giren,) to test it with any Portable
Mill that .1,1 not on infringement on It.
Farmers, examine title newly IMPROVED
MILL, before you buy any-other.
Ono great edvnntage of this machine over all others, is,
that it will ndt choke up, and bard or soft apples
can be ground, and yet the Cylinders will always remain
clear and in grinding order.
All orders will be filled in the order In which they are
received, and all persons wanting them would do well to
rend their orders early, and state at what time they want
the Mill sent.
Thin Mill, attended by 2 mon, will, wlien properly worked
according to directions, make 6 to 12 bnrrels of cider n day—
and will grind alone by horse.power from 100 to 300 bushels
of npples n day.
40? The Price of the Mill is $4O, free of freight.
Ilaniusnuno, PA., May, 1653. W. 0. R 103108.,
the District Court of the Eastern Metric! of Pcurisylvistilu.
THE subscribers, in addition to their eaten.'
site Grocery, have connected therewith an
SEED sToltli, 110, Market street, near the
railroad, Harrisburg, ra., and are prepared fto
fill all orders, by wholesale and retail; Mall
kinds of Agricultural linplem tits, Vegetable
and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants
with reasonable discounts to sell again.
Horse-powers and threshers, wheat•drillls
and seed-Ma - niers, plows, }farrows and cultiva
tors, (odder, _hay, and straw-cutter., grain fans
corn shelters, vegetable cutters, hand grain
mills, clover shelters, horse rakes, churns,grind
stones and improved hangings, bay, straw and
manure forks, farmer's boilers, ox yokeesnd
bow.oatent bow pins, am chains, spades, hoes
and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain
cradles, scythes and seythestones, potato° drags
post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags,
grain measures, garden - trowls, pruning and
budding knives, grass and grain sickles, screw
wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat 'and mole
traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry
combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle - trees,
guano, planter, poudrette, bone dust, lime, gar
den, field and flower seeds. . •
Also. a lame and fresh assortment of GRO
CERIES, TEAS, &c., all cheap for end'.
_ _
nnil produce of all kinds renewed
n exchange Inc implements.
April l 3, If+s3.—lv .
Zermans Celebrated Tooth Wash.
valuable preparation has long•been used
Jh in NnwA r nrk sail Philadelp:iia, where it has
at tabled an immense popularity., for clean sing,
preserving and beitutifyint, the teeth. It is an
excellent remedy for sore,soft or bleeding Gums.
It also , imParts a delightful freshness to the mouth
and agreeable odor to the breath.
.Read the follawmg from Dr. _hurray.
" I can, with the utmost confidence, recom
mend to the public, Zerman's Anti-Scorbutic
Tooth Wash as the best in use. In my ?ractice
as a Dentist, l have used and recommended it fir
me last five years, and have Mond it to give sat
islitetion in every instance, as the Wash does not
contain acid, or anything injurious to the teeth or
gums; put, on the contrary, is the best antiseptic
n the practice, and therefore, would recommend
he use of it, not only to those who wish to ,'pre
servetheir tenth and gums, and have a wholesome
i breath, but also to those Who have diseased gums
tor teeth. The use of tint Wash, fora short-time,
will insure a return do their healthy state.
No• 61,'S. Eleventh st., below Chestnut Phil'a.
lir. Ilendel,, of Carlisle, says;" Mr. Zer—
man, I am well pleased with your Tooth Wash ;
it not only cleanses and whitens tilt:deed' without
injuring them,but it cures sore or bleeding gems.
I cheerfully recommend it to theprOfession and .
public, as the very best preparation that con be
need foe cleansing and• preserving the teeth,
healing the gums,antl giving: sweetnesb to the
JOHN W. HENDEL, Surgeon Denttst.
Price 25 cents per bottle. Prepared only
Francis Zerman, Drum Oat and Chemist, corner
of Ninth and Callatrine streets, Philadelphia.
For sale by SANIUF.I. ELLIO'CT, Cat lisle,
Pa • octl3 Iv)
VETHICH surpasses in quantity quality and
VT prices any that has ever yet been opened
in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety
of all kinue of Hardware, such as, Shill; Fin
dings, Saddlery, Conch Trimmings; Paints
Oils, Varnish, Glass, Nails, Files, Anvils,
Vices, Bellows, Springs, Axels, Bows, Felines,
Veneers, Cedarwnre, Farining Utensils, Bar
and Rolled Iron, Steel, &c., with a thousand ,
more articles unmentionable.
Hering purchtsed largely of Heavy Coods
previousqo the aovonce in prices, I am enabled
to sell goods at eld prices. Poisons in want of
Hardware are invited to cull cod e my
goods and hear my prices, and yE u will to El 11.•
Isfied where the Cheap Hardware is to he had.
1:11k1y stock of WALL PA PER is nnap
proachcd by any in the 11°1,10. )
Tliankfut for the former liberal ilottonrge, a
continuance of the same issol;ei , cd by
Woes Side of North Hanover Street.
MIZE subscriber is just now receiving and
opening an unpmalleled oseoroment of
,WA LL PAPERS. Those desirous. of trans
forming the,interiors of their old dwellings
into new ones, and• giving additional °rubel
ishmenie to their new ones, at a comparative
ly triflingcost, will 46 well to call' nd examine
for I can Loll them front 61 cis upwards.' Re
inembre the'.Old stand, East Main si apposite
Ogilby's Store. By the way. . I Would say, to
those,whit also want to itnptovo the exterior of
their houses, , that I can furnish' them w ith
WetherilPsonure midiresh ground White Lead,
together with vutious oilier colours; blue, or.
tibget, yollow; .vgrmus shades of gteen,,&.; in
' short everything calculated "to adoin and des
orate your mansions. •
-mar 2 . • lIENRY SAXTON -
,wO~aw ,
. , .
' - corner of lionotier'etn“outVii• eta., Carlial
Tundersigned has always on hend'a large
IL, stock of superior .Cakinct W.are, in all the
ilifferent styles, Which he,teprepared ::to sell at
• the lowest prices. Ile.invites ,ettention Partic
, ularly to the ,Po4ent. Spi* - ,flottoßitedetead,,n,
,most.useful ent'rtlY,ohylates all
objections, ,The bottom can hoattachell to plo_
.13adeteatis. • They „have glyen entire Sethi id.
strop to AIL who haye thorn 'it use.. •
IrrGOEF,INS math! to order:salt° 'ili?rippit
Carlisle_ Jaa•y. • - •
• ' S H .
Silo,li ,ounstiPstion, inward Mee, Moose
.•I blood to. if • head , it o' tontacli
. act .o s ,
• .ausea, heartburn, disgust ler ; food, fnltiess or
ecight in the stomach, sour eructations, stuk
ig: or, fluttdriprat' the pit of the stemoch,
wimmlng of-the head', hurried end diffitult
breathing, fluttering at the hart, choking or
uffocating sensations when in shying posture,
linmelis of disioit, 'dot's webs before 'the
sight, fever end dull pain' in the head; defic
. of poropirOtion, yelloO:.tioiti of time skin
and oyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs,
Ste., sudden flushes of heat; burning in the
flesh; constant imaginings of evil, and gran
depression of spirits,
DR. nootramirs
• Preporce by"• '
No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their power over the : d ubovo diseases is not
.excelled, if equalled, by ony other preparation
in the Milted States, as the cures attest, in
,inane eases alter skilful physicians had foiled.
Three BilinTs are worthy the •attentien of
invalids. l'osticonitig great virtues in the rec
tification of diseases of the Liver and lesser
glands, exercising the most searching powers
in weakness and affe'etions of the digestive or.
ganscthey arc withal safe, certain and pleas
ant. ' •
' Testimony of the highest character!. DON.
GEO.'STROOP, Judge of the District Court in
Petry minty, Pa., Nov. 18th, 1852 said:„"your
`llooliand's Gorman Bitters' has been-in use'in
our place over a year past;Und to the astonish
ment of many' has performed wonders. We
may notice a few instances .that have come
under own immediate notice:—almost every
person who /lag • stuvind at (lie' hotel of Wm.
Lackey: one year since, predicted rrom his o
macinted countenance and debility, that Its
could not live much longer. Ile was unable
'Yii attend to Ids buiness, and for the greater
part of the time'confined to his room. We rec.
°emended him to • try the German Bitters; he
did; and to the surprise of all his friends he is
now able to atiend to his usual-business and
perform manual labor. The case of Henry
Asper a stone mason, whom no one supposed
would ever recover from the debility Of his
system, but was looked 'upon as fast approach
ing the grave, took eight or nine bottles of the
Bitters during limiest winter, and this sum
mar lie has been its the surprise al all who
knew his case] following his trsdc. The .cane
of William Murphy is no less astonishing.—
lie tan was so fur reduced as to induce the
general belief that the grave
,olone would be
his only remedy , . Mr. Lackey recommended
him to try the Hoofland's German Bitters; Ire
is now apparently a well man, and able to do
a hard day's work. Wo could mention Many
other cases of a similar character. if it were
necessary. I inyself derived much benefit from '
their use. I hove given considerable of it a
way, notior your benefit alone, but to relieve
suffering humanly, and let me assure you I
am pleased to see the happy result. To the
afflicted we say, try 4 . 1 . 1 .01 'fairly and I will
warrant relief.'.' •
Thiene Bitters nro worthy the attention of
it.valids, pensessing great power in the resto
ration of a healthy'action of tho liver and the
lessor glands, giving.tone to the stomach and
nervous syt tern, and bringing the system gen
rally to a 1011. state o, health.
Far Gala by S. W.. never:dick- and S. Elliott;
'arlisle; Ira Day, Mechanicrburg; J. H. Her
on, Newville; J. S. Altic, Shippcneburg, and
dealer!' in modicin:a every '
South - Haholier BireeG - Wear the Court House.
T. KIEFFER, druggist, would respect
. folly inform the citizens of Carlisle and
ictnity that he leas opened a new
fie iron% in (mutely new, and has been selec
ted with great care. As many of the'articles
la daily use by physicians and ramifies deteri
rate by age and exposure: arrest care will be
taken not to allow such articles to accumulate
in such quantities.
Attention is especially invited to his stock of
Medicines, Essential Oils, Oils, Tinctures,
Wines, Extract.t . , Conlections, Chemicals,
&c. Together with the above he has a full
ssortment or Paints. Varnishes, Dye—Stuffs,
''aint and Varnish Brushes, and
every variety. Ho has also on Band a splens
id assort mental
'orfumeries,.Sulips ' Extracts, Fancy, Hair..
Clothes and Flesh Brushes, Supporters,
.Br,Jast Exhausters, Nipple Shields,.
Too,h Washes and Pastes I also.
I the best quality. SEGARS, from the best
layette and Spanish houses, of every flavor,
acorn one cent upwards.
In order to ensure his customers against
mistakes during any tomporaray absence of
he proprietor, the services of nn experienced
ad competent assistant have been secured,
/Melt will be felt to be;important, in' view of
t he responsibilities which - are known to devolve
pon,the druggist.
pill be faithfully' , amid promptly attended
infers from Physicians and Merchants in the
tuntry will ho filled with care, an d prices
thich fillet prove satisfactory.
N B.—All officinal preparations made in
trict accordance with the directions of the U.
liberal share of public patronage is res
ectlully solicited. Terms Cash.
May 11.1853. B. J. RiEFFER.
Sogars and Tobacco.
Persons feeling thornselves disposed Lo
dulgo in gooti segars. are requestpd to call at
the Drug Store of B. J. KIEFFER,• where
they may obtain an article which he hesitates
not to recommend as being the best in Carlisle.
Persons visiti'n'g Carlisle should not leave be.
fore tilting n glance at B.J. Kieffer's Drug and
Chemical Store, South Hanover street. Ile has
on hand a variety of - fancy articles, 'such as
hair, hat, clothes, flesh and tooth brushes, co
ogno bottles, furniture duster;s, portlolioe, note
riper, worked and card baskets, visiting cards
rid canes, n fine variety of fans, accordeons,
,c.c. Tho Indies are invited tonsil and examine
s uperior matte.' Call soon, as Ice its determined
o sell bargOns. • B. J. ICIkFFER,
July 20, 1853. . S. Hanover at.
APRIME article of Sugar; Raisins at IBi
cents per pound, Bunoh do, a good article,
et. 15 cents.
Citrons, Mace, Spices, Brandies, Lemons All
Oranges, Preservid •Frulte, Dates, ,
Sugared and Dried - Prunes, Figs, -
Tamarinds, Crackers, &e &c,
in connection •Mth all kinds of Confectiona
ries, all of which will be disposed of on - the
most accommodating toms.
Juno 1. 1852. . B. J. KIEFFER.
Java and fifaracalba C offees, Green and
•Roasted do., Orleans and Clarefied
Brown Sugars, Pulverized, Crushed and
Loaf do, Solt Crushed (preserving) do.
Rico, Farina and Corn ',Starch. .13)-cna,
Cocoa, Chocolate,. Vanilla 13enn,
Mee°, Citron, with. Spices of every kind, '
Sperm, Mould; Adamantine Candles,
Orleans and Sugar El. Syrup Molasspe ;
Lovering's finest quality Syrup,, ,
Mt fresh assortment of all the aboyoarti. l
clan,•and a general supply of other. articles
.usually kept by us, all just'opened and for sale
our new store rooms.
Window Shades, Carpets ` l and Oil
4 T 223 North 2d 'Street; :above Wood; .
Philidelphin, would most reepetabil
ly cell :tha etteniiPn , of hie friends and the
public in gendial, .to hie large ,and se.
elected' erock'of Citipitii Oil Cletlie.:ll.failinge,
Wintleyu',Wiles,.Dons. - .Alate,
ano Covell, 'rabic Covers. Coco pi . Jlfatilriv,from
.7¢ yartle wide, for Public ifitueee, donating.
Nome. &o. ' • • .
§!pri pf, Spring! Gar-
Stroet,'fibovir9tl): ' - •
• , :rztrison•Wcauc.. .„ • •
• 117E7, hadii tide day ToCedad.frorn No'w 'v on
9-V'. large' assortment of Work e j
'Rufiling;'Jaaonau and Swift Ed . girgislnsarting•
thidaralanYea and - Spaneare,',Embed
kaßbiefili kd. Wan will bo sold 'tit the le , oat
prices. - I'VVEISE dc.CAMPBELL.
pipv,o.,: $r:::..;;:,.1).141.6.;
STOVES F. , ST ov,zal ;STOVES!
t! d Dlict . infam the public that he has'new
on hand at his ebtablishincni;en Main
aireet, dopeto Mmien Half, th e largest
nd most complera'asthetment of
'C 0 OICIO PF - 1 Car:& — PAIII7OI.IR- -- STCrV ES
. i
to be fond in lifis:ceenty, which will be sold
at the lowest prices for Cash or approved credit.
llis stuck consists of a large asbortmon of \.,
end highly ppproyed • , . . , -•
Finished in the most complete manner, and
calculated for either wood or coal, or 1/001. All
the old standardpiuterns; which have stood the
tent.of-e:,perience, may be Mond at Its csiab ,
bailment'. ishon great variety of the Most ap
proved and beautiful , ; ,' • •
Including it number of new styles, possessing
very superb!) . advantages over those heretofore
in use. Families and houselteepeis are respect
fully invited to give him a call before purcha
sing elsewhere.'Sieves, delivered touny Tart
of the enmity and put up at the Shmtes! notice.
Ho continues al. kinds of '
and ,Copper work, and fins constantly on hand
or will make to order every article required by
housekeepers or ot het sin this line. llis stock
of Tin and Copper-ware embraces every kind
or household and kitchen utensil, warr anted
equal to the best nonturnetured. Persons in
want of articles in Ins line may always be sure
of beilig, accomodated to . their satislaction by
giving him a call. [Oen!)
Cheap litWiches A' Jewelry.,
at the •• Philadelphia Watch
and Jbwelry Store," Number
56 North Second Street, corner
of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches, lull
jewelled, 18 carat cases, 5t10,00
Gold Lept.,e, 18 carat cases, . $2 , 1 00
Silver do jewels, ' 9 00
Silver Lever, toll j welled, / 4 12 00-
Supqrior Quartiers 7 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 00
Fine Silver Spectacles, • 150
Gold Bracelets, . 3 00
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1 00
Silver Tea Spoons, edt, 5 00
Gold Potts With Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00
.Gold Fine,Or Rings 37-3 cents to qid; Watch
Glassed, plain, 121 cents ; Patent, lEti, Lunet,
`.5; other articles in proportion. All goods
,warranted to he whet. they are sold for.
sept7Le Succ'essetv'to 0. Conrad.
On hand. some Gold end Silver Levers and .
Lepines, still lower then the above prices.
No. 4, North Eighth Street, Phila.
V. DE PUY returrs his thanks to his nu
e morons customers to flumberland county
for their liberal patronage during the last sea
son, and is now prepared to supply thFra at
reason.6le prices, with every degcription of
Fancy Dry Goods. His stock comprises a full
assort men t of
Rich Plaid Silks
Brocade do
Plain do
Changeable do
Satins and Flo retie
Paris cle Segos I imported Ginghams
Embroideretl.collnrs Chintzes Aluslins Flan-
Sleeves Chenrizdtes mils and Sackings.
_ Also; n lull line of All widths of the BEST
BLACK SILKS, with Shawls, 11,IantiIlse, Rib
hobs, Cloaks, Velvets, Cloaking Cloths, be.c.,
in great variety:'
His goods aro bought low, in large lots, from
first hands. ..
No. 171 North 2d street, oppovre the Camel
hotel,, Philadelphia. -
HAVING in Store a full and extensive as
sortment of Alillinery articles, Trimn ings,
- iind — Faricy Goods, suck as Ribbonds, Laces,
Blond, Glace Stlks,'Florencce, Bonnet Frames,
and'o large as ortment of Needli?:werked Hdfs,
Collars, Caps, Flounces, Insertings, Edgings,
&c., together a ill, a great variety of other ar
ticles in our line too numerous to mention, at
N. 13. I request all suet' us are about making
their purchases to give rre n call. isep2l32m
MANUFACTURED and for sale by ELI
KIHJP , P, No 030,„North Third street,
Ph ladelphin,es warriinted to render entire satis
!little's, and is beyond doubt the best and most
wholesome prcparatiol of Coffee ever known.—,
One package at 194 cents \\ ILL SAVE four
pounds of ordinary Coffee. Try it and be con
vinced,- A number - Or Essences - of - Coffee - were
deposited at the Franklin Institute in 1852. and
the Judges decided Krupp's to he THE 11 Est
in the exhibition. Friends. it you wish to enjoy
a good, cheap and healthy Cup of Coffee. procure
Krupp's Essence cif Coffee. II is for sale by
nearly A ll the prineipal Grocers and Druggists
- throughout the United States.
April 20, 1850.
„, 44,
Located No 127 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.
The ostensible object of this Institution is to
place in the reach of individuals proper facili
ties for obtaining a thorough and prvctical
nere'tintilti Education. Is. tithing indeed has
been omitted that is calculated to produce the
desired •TC61111:
The rooms of the College are well fitted up,
conveniently 'arranged, and. situated in the
most /desirable part of the. Cily. Connected
thereto. is a Commercial Library, and this, in
connection ivith familiar Lectures on Comma ,
vial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter
of the highest importance to all who desire to
become Ahcountdnts di the first order, and oc
cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A
young man can here obtain, a more correct
knowledge of general business matters in a
feiv weeks than can be acquired in'as many
years in an one Counting Room.
The cour s e of study embraces Double Entry
Book keeping, and its adaptation 'to vat ions
departments of Commerce and Trade. Mercan
tile calculations taught according' to the most
approved methods. Practical Pennionship, com
bining rapidity of execution with beauty of
construction. Lectures on Mercantile Low,i
upon various important Mercantile subjects'
beside ninny other points necessary for n book.
kipper or business man to understand. The
timq ' , necessary for an industrious. student to
complete thelcourse . varies from 5 to 8 weeks.
There being no vacation, applicants pan enter
at any limo and attend bOth day and evening.
Examinations are held at stated periods. and
Diplomas awarded to those who ii7oduato.—
For terms, &e.,write and ha4e eCircularfor
;worded by mai.
March, 23. 1953. Iy.
To Builders 8c Houskoopoxs:
Ir'lrflOSE who are building, or about nom
manning houeelceeping will be aura to
find at all times an assortment to select from.
Locks of oil sorts•and sizes, with brass, argil
lo, mineral and while knobs; kith japanned or
plated furniture, butt hinges; east and wrought,
windoW glass from Bxlo.te .20x28,holts, screws
&e. &c. You Who are about to be married and
going to hotisokeepingvwe have everything to
please. Such as fanny waiters and trays, ivory
handled knives and forks, in, sottwor by the
dozen, common knives and forks, butter knives
with plated and ivory handles, frying.and bread
pans, smoothing irons, tubs, churns, &e. •
Carlisle; March 9,1853.
Crz - ;:llif,;•- - -1 ....—..,
, mi,..-,,,•-----..7,--___ l 1,47 i
$ illt.
AC 1
• i
' '
J. ;,}V... Ely
. - • 3. E. GOULD, . -•
• ' [SUCdCS 4 OII: TO A. PIOT,11;••'
No. 164 Chestnut St., . Swaint's Building "; Philc. MlX NENSIVfr. MUsie Publisher,-and Deal.
.11—V er tut Musical Instruments of every de.
scriptiOn.• ,
Exciusivo agent-for he sale of Hallet, Davis
'S./ co's Patent Suspension •Ltridge /Eoliari and
tither '
• ''P I A KO g,
,L:Gllberi'elfoudOirTionos. Melodeons, Ninr.
tin's, Guitars, 'Harps, ' Violins. Sheet Music,
' • •-•• .
Reuiclanteaf the country will by supplied by
mail or .pilterwise with , music they may wish,
as low as if. Purchased ht Person. Racing one'
of the' largest; stoplia , in , tlio United •States,
fe,el confident' of i satisfyitig all wlic may layer,
me'ivith a call or order. : •
, • Dealers , in hltssie supplied on the midst Mornterm's:
terin's Pianos Oi•lol. Second-hand Pianos Idr
sole. ' • :. ,may 201853'1,¢)
Fine French Merinoca
Rich Plaid Cashmeres
Paris Mourde Laines
Plain, all Wool do
Cheap do T.oinpo
41, N. Bth st., Phila
'i•2 i . f AlCbifinCO.,..
`t . P*NKORITIE'. , !
4n linial‘ialdi Buried!, for all Sciojufajta, Dia. k
cases, Indigestion, Salt .12heune, Sick Bead
ache,_,Oanccr,--Nursing-Sore —Mouth,.
- and ,General Debility; and as is
Purifier of the Blood it is
The Rock Rose has daiiicOt remitation at
home and shoed, which Ain, other medicine
has ever. done in, the same length of time.
According to .the opinions of eminent Physi
cians, the Roek.Rose Phnt is unequalled in
thiring !..'Scroftilit In It& Various Fornist
(Pastor of the 2d 13aptist Church New London.
Ct..) relative to Myers' Extract Rose:
To The. Ameiican Public. •
As my_ name hoe been used in etinneetion
with recommendations of Mr. Myers' Rack
Rose Syrup, in 'various advertisements by tIM
manufacturer, I 'beg leave to make the follow
ing.ntaterneet with reference to my acquaint.
once with the remedy and tests to which I have
subjected it, and the reasons for having intro.
dueed it to the noticekof private friends in the
rr.'community in which I reside, long before the
medicine was advertised. 1 make this state
ment freely, been - use 1 Pave, us a principle,
withheld my name from all patent medicines,
' and sedulously abstained from recommending
them to the, public, believing them frequently
the spawn :of quackery sad hum pug, and us
tending to increase, instead of lessening human
disease and suffering. Such,. I fear, is the
,character of a large portion attic patent pana
ceas of this medicine making ego. "Their
name is legion," and from their influence, as
from the demoniacal spirits, we have reason
to pray for a safe deliverance.
----The-First-Test.-1-had-myselfsuffered oc
casionally with sudden at tacks 'or Sick-Head
, ache, and Billious Diarrhea, and I had sought
a great variety of curative agents to but little
purpose; and suffering from this disease (diar
rhea) at this time, 1 determined to test the new
Syrup first upon myself. The results were be
yond my expectations. It was a powerful
alterative, and the morbir' action crthe system
was changed, and the functions of secretion
were restored to n healthy state, It gave tone
and elasticity to my system, and corrected the
' derangement of the digestive organs, and gave
me that inestimable blessing— health. This
test was not determOed in a week, or a month;
btel took four or 'five bottles in perhaps as
many months. Since that time I have suffer
ed but slightly from these derangements. My
Sick Headache is entirely Cured.
Other Tests,—Fiuding this medicine so use
ful to myself, I et once gave it to several inva
lid friends. About this time, I wad, earnestly
solicited to give advice in_ reference to a child,
some eight years of age. This child was
severely rifllieted with a Scrofula healer; of n
very severe type, the humor showing itself on
all parts of the surface. and then suddenly dis
appearing. The child. was very sick, and it
was thought doubtful whether she would live,
The Minim resembled black specks of mortified
flesh. In addition to some other remedies, a
gave the child this Syrup for - about siic Weeks,
whon she had sufficient strength to go out to
school occasionally. The swelling of her limbs
ceased, and she was restored to health. The
family feel that they owe her life, with G d'a
blessing, to my remedies.
This test satisfied me 'that the Rock Rose
possessed specific powers
_for Scrofulous hu
mors. I then tested it in cases of Cutaneu.ra
Eruptinies,in Measles, Chicken Pox. Cancar,
Sure 'Mouth, Brysipelas,Salt Rheum, Piles, &O,
Jo all these .cases with_perject success... 4 net
testing this Syrup for more than a year, I
wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) enamel.
astica I ly, not expecting my letter would he
pebliahed, that his Sy rup was a " Patikorite:'
althealing, and I gave him the result of its
operations in several instances. 1 stared in
that letter that " iOvas invaluable as a remedy
in Cutaneous ErUptions,. Erysipelas, • Salt
Rheum, and other disorders, included in the
varied family of diseases known as Scrofula,
&c.: that in Dyspepsia it acted .with wonder
ful efficacy." My opinion of its value for the
above named diseases, remain unchanged, and
the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct.
1860. Ido not recommend it for all the ills
(dour suffering humenity ; but tunhesituting
ly say, that as a remedy for Scrofulous affec
tions I believe it superior to any known curs
- 'it lies been sufficiently tested by domestic
practice to establish its adoption to extensive
usefulness in mitigating bunion suffering and
removing diseases.
But What is the Bock Rem ?
The folloWing history of the Rock Rose
plant and its medicinal properties, we take
from the New Haven Palladium, March 1852.
rr The increased interest manifested in the
Rack Rose plant, in consequence of the many
wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound
Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for &brief history
of it, in order to correct any snore i is opin
ion that may have been entertained it sneers
ing it; and also to set in a tfuo light the na'
lure of a plant - whieb: pro Mises to be univer
sally beneficial.
"We are indebted to the United States Die
pensatory of 1847, for the following deecrip
lion of it: A
It is entirely different from 'the common
Rose. It is a red-stemmed, oblong lest plant,
having a, bitter taste. In addition to remark
able peculiarity of the plant, of4paring two
crops of flowers in one season, it also has ano
ther interesting and beautiful property.
Dr. Eaton soya, that in the months of Dios
vember and DeceMber, hs has seen hundred
ot these plants, sending out near their roots,
broad, thin, ouived - ice-erystals, about en inch
in •breadtb: which melted during the day, and
wore renewed in' the morning. For a more
Minute and atillientical description of it, the
reader is referred to Tolley and Gray's "totem.
heal worki.
Its Medical History and Properties
Aro far the most important, since upon those
depends its value to the community. Dr, Lou:
don says that. In 1799, it was so valuable in
England, that it was cultivated frem seeds.
Ever since 1809, Professor Ives of Yale Col
lege, hae habitually used it with greet enemies
n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, uric through
him its virtues were made known, until, us Dr.
Tyler, says,•.. it is now in •this section (New
Haven) a
article in domestic practice
for the of Scrofula and Cutaneoub die.
DriAyhltlaw, a Scotch Botanist of notoriety,
while travelling in` America in 1814, learned
its use in Canada. Returning to England, he
employed it in medicating his bathe, which
became - greatly celebrated for the cure of aims.
lar diseases.
Dr. J. H. Thompsou r of the same place, pre
scribed it in bad, cases of Scrofulous patients
at Wills' Hospital. His success` attracted the
attention of senior physicians, lie reports the
following remarkable eilbe of white tfOiolliog of
the hip, in February, 'lBl4 The lad woe
seven yearn old, and had , the disease three
years. The bone was.dislocated both upward
end outward: There was a large opening in
the hip leading to the hone; into which / could
thrust my finger. I daunted three alma. He
had been under several .physicione, who, had
given him up, I ordered ti decoction of Rock
Rose. In two tlayd his night motile ceased
I then orderebrateaspoonful of Rock/tette three
times a day., Thirty :line days . oiler fie was
entirely well.
Dr. Webb, of 'Madison, Ct., teetifiCe to the
value of, Ituult!Roseven evinced, )11 the cure of
numerous caeca of the Scrofula,
,csFecially in
children. ' ,
i..Manufsaturiitl Franlilin & Co., Now
Haven, C 1; ,
* Mr. Warren, theiigh a minister of the Goa.
Mil, 'Ws for n.'period of 15 years, given diem
thin to tho antijo'ct of medical science, to qual•
'ify him th adniinistcrto the sick, in connection
with his pastrorgraits: „ „
London. April , 1853. , ,
:Agent') tit Cufaerland • Catint&i.-:-.S. IV. Hatt :
• ersiick, .8. Elliot ong IV. A. Kelso,. • nrlielc;
Haversack & Simko). Kingstown; J. Swirilier,
Mechanicsburg; M. Ditocr, Shiromrstoivo;
Eppley &, Erred, Cedar .Spring; 34 nighlllll
Sterrott's Gap; Thomas Gammon, . Plainfield
,Heron, Newville; J. 11. Wiley, Clean
Spring ; , Wherry . & Eisenhower, Newburg; IV.
D., E.. Hays Shlppenehurgt• Russel & Dice;
DieltinsionYAlnzandei & Paiittr town'
'Di. WI!! Loidi ori . Churchiove b.: : . I
- 41iP.cmalicons.
take's Vegetable Compound:
Is performing more frondoint rules than any
°then medicine yet knoien or Lrfore tbr
The prcprietoritas in his, 006E01'316:1116'1110'0ln
certilicates, • narratting tltc
. -4slonishing and Miraculous Cures!
effected by this medicine, tool directs attentimi to
the followitf only, to assut e those if ho tire so Uth
fortunate to hmttfilieted with the It rrilfk diLease
heretofore regarded incurable, that LANE'S pre
From,Mrs. Ithocks; willow of Maj. Jas. Brooks,
.lato of Conneaut, O.
CONNEAUT, Feb, 311853:
Mr. Z. LA IZE—S ir Plea cc semi n"• !Mailer
fivilte of Fit Medicine,' as I Ito not like to be
a idiom it on hand. M ben I COIRMINIrriI gthing
the medicine to my son Riker, he 'had from one
to three'Ns per day. He has now ink, n the me
dicine over• five mouths, and has Ind, I think, but
two fits in that t me, and chose rE ry light. His
body and mind are rely much improvll and by
the blessing of God, I leel that the medicine will
restore his body and mind to their a Onled aetivi
ty. He is Oil years old, and has had fits over 12
years, which have been very frequent, and very
destructive to his constitution and mind Hun
dreds of dollars have been expended for medicine
to "CURE ' but nothing hes relieved him un
til he used your medicine. Respectfully yours,
From Judson Landon, County Superintendent o
the Ashtabula County lufirnwty.
KiNGSVILLE, Feb. 4, 18.53.
Mr Z• LANE—Sir: Neese send n few more
bottles of your 'Fit Medicine;'' I may not need
it, but think safer• to keep it on band. yo ur
dicine has done bondrrs. I gave it to lilies Mine
• Delanol-shchas had fits t0r.26-yenrs, brought oh
by having the measles vi hen but lour yrars old,
which could not be bronglit'out to the surface.—
After taking the medicine a few day 5, sue HAD •
PlNE.cuor OF ➢, end fns had ne tits since.
She had fits or symptoms almost daily. She and
her hither concur• with the in saying that we be 7
lieve the medicine line o• will work a perfect cure,
I also gave the medicine to Miss Jane 11ender
son and Aris Carby, o Ito have had fits almost
daily, fora number of years. Their fits hove
ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the
desired elect. Much money has been expended
by the friends of the above patients for doctoring,
all to no purpose. _ The cure was left for v r our
medicine to perform, and I VIII cheerfully return
mend it as a valibible discovety. Respectfully
Superintendent Ashtabula Co. J utirmacv.
Prepared and sold at wholesale by Z. Lesce,
Conneaut, Ohio. ,
E F WELLER, trnveling ngeut.
Sold by S Hsverstiek, Carlisle •E H
Thoma4ll4elianieskurg ; D W Gross, Iffirris
blirg. net 5-Iy•
Beecher's matchless Cordial.
THIS medicine has never known to fail in
curing . Cholera Morhus, in from 10 to 15
minutes• ' Cholera Infantum, or Eurinmer com
plaints of children, Dysentery, Diarrhea, ar..e.",
in from 11" to 24 hours. It is certain and sale
under all circumstances, having, been fairly
tested in upwards lel four.hundrul eases with
out a single failure., Let every family provide
itself with of least one bottle of this invaluable
remedy. Try it, and it will recommend it,ey.
Tt is prepared upon purely . scientific principles,
and cannot be justly ,termed a 7um./. n t cheine,
unless science be quackery. lor sale by
B. J.KIEFFER, Druggist,
South Hanover Street,
A few doors southof the Court House,
June 32, 1433.
, lot 2 5 emits, by means
i PIUS, or, Every One
I, with one hundred en
wings, showing Private
senses and Atalforma
ins of the Generative
stem, in every shape
forma to which is ad-
.ease:: of . Females, in
les only (see page 90),
being of the highest importsnce to married peo
ple, or those contemplating marriage. By WM.
YOUNG, M. D., Graduate of the University of
Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, London,and Honorary Member at the
Hhilndelphia Ni diens society. ,The various
forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal 'Weakness,
Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli
tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, and
all the recipes gisenin plain language. The
chapter on selfsnbuse and Seminal Weakness is
worthy of yrrtieular attention, and should be read
by every one. Noung men who have been unfor
tunate in contracting disease, pees lons to plating
yourselves under the care of sty doctor, no mat
ter what his pretension's may be, get a copy of
of this truly valuable work.
Sea Captains and persons going to seat, should
possess Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the
Pocket .Escula plus, or Every one Ills own Phy
• .
tier Let no father be ashamed to present a
eopy of the .iEsculapius to his el ild. ,It may
save him. from an early grave.. Let no young
manor woman enter Into the scud ohticutiono
of married life, without reading the pocket /Esti
culapius.. Let no one.suffering from a haebnied
cough, pain in the side, restless nights. nervous
feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and -given up by their physician. be an.
other moment without consulting the .lEscitla.
dins. Have Pie married' or those about to he
married any impediment, rend this truly useful
Book, as it has beep, the means of sating thou
sands of unfortunate creatures' from the vt.ry
jaws of death. Upwards of a MILLION copies
of this celebrated work ,has been sold in this
country and Europe
. since .1838, when the first
edition , wasissued. _
Any person. sending. TWENTY-FIVE
cents,enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy
of this book by mail; or five copies will be sea
for $l. Address Dr. 'WILI.IAIII YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia," Post
Twenty years practice in the city of Philadel
p his certainly entitles Dr. Young:to the coui
d care of the afflicted, and he may be consulted
on any of t he diseases described in Ids ditht cot
&lineations, at, his office 158 Spruce Sheet,
every day between Wand 3 o'clock - , (Sunday '.•
cepted) and petsons at any, distance can consult
Dr. Young by letter, POST PAID. •
North Hanover Street, and nest door, to Glass's
THE undersigned would respectfully inform
,she citizens of Carlisle and Ibe pudic pet (r
-ally, that he nbw has on ,hand a large and ele
gant assortment of FURNITURE, consisting
in part of Wardrobes, Card and other Tables,
Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured of the best
Material and quality warranted.'
Also a general °seuin - lent of CIWES at
the lowest prices. Yenitian Wade to
order, and repairing promptly attended to.
ler Coffins made at the shortest notice, and
having a splendid hearse Ito will attend furor•
ale in town or country.
l:lrßemember the stand— next doer
GlessAs.iTeitnl. :nov24 R. B. SMILEY.
THE sutseriber offers for solo the BRICK
HOUSE and Lot, 55 coot front by 540 It deep,
now occupied byllr: Henry .Keller, in North
`Hanover street. The house and all the im
prevemetila, aio nearly new. The dwelling
dontains ihitteen celled rooms, including dou
ble parlors. Attached is a cistern. 'Snick()
House and Stable. For further information
apply next door to the prem ises to
Jul° 131853
THE undersigned haVing been the 'agent o
the Keyttono Life Insurance Company,
of flarrisburg, Pa., continues to act in that en.
pacity, by authority of said Company. Ir e
would respectfully inform the community that
ho will attend to such persons ne may signify
their desire to insure their lives, and thus give
sbine'protection to their riereaved familir.s and
friends, in. case of death: ' Office to West Porn.
fret Street, Carlisle. - '
Mav2s tf
• sausi, snownmaa, '
tmPortcrs and Manufacturers of eyery . kind of.
86 Arnh street (below Third tit) Philadelphia,
.and at:'l7B Water street; Now York.
AS our G"do biro till been selected in Eu•
rope' by, ono Of the firm, and menutnolured,
by ourselves in the tnoat elegant arid. (seldom'•
ble manner, we can offer them at a Price(talcing
their superior quality- into conidderation) that'"
will defy compotion,
Silver Medals awarded for aiiperloritY by the' •
Tristitutes of.Pehtisylvatilti end Maryland: