Ncw abuittiotinenio Drug Store at Public Sale. VHF. U t..;r .STO lit on the tcorner et Pitt 1 and %Vint' Main ' street'. with fixtures, will beoffered at public axle, on Saturday, the 31si e t. Dpeember,. without reserve. Sale to commence at 1 o'click, P. M., whcri terms .will-be-made known-by , GEOAGKZ BRETZ, Carlisle, Pa. I)ec 9.1 , AV TICE N°Tic F; is hereby given thatan election for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of the Cold berlund Valley Saving Institution will he held at the olliee of iho Institution, agreeably to the constitution and' by laws, on Saturday the 31st of December, 1853 D. L. BtEI.SIAN > K 2 dec3l - Secrocary ELEGANI I GIFT BOOKS ! !! 113ERSONS wishing to purchase CHRIST MAS PRESENTS, such as Annuals, Gift Books. , Illustrated. Poets, • Standard %Yolks, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Juveniles, Miscellaneous. • • Part Manatee, Port Folios, Fancy Stationery and Fancy Articles generally, will find a fine assortinent at the Cheaplßook Store Of , A. M. PIPER. NEW GOODS !' NEW GOODS !! JUST Received an assortment of fi rst quali•y Gam Shoes, also a an assortment of Wil lis' Ladies' winter Boots and Shoes. Also a full assortment of Men's and Boy's water proof and fine call skin BOOTS AND SBOES. Also an assortment of elegant bar'd and li,•'d DEIiAINKS• AND CASIDIERS, • of the newest styles.. A lot of tan col'd French DIERINDES,. end Paramettas, and other fashionable colours. Alan an aisortment of elegant needle worked Collars, Chemizetts, Under,:leaves and Cuffs CARPE l'S ! CARPETS ! ! Some, prime Carpets still on hand. Intending to relin-plish this branch of my business I will sell oil the stock uncommonly low. CRAItLES OGILIPI• - .Carlisle Dec 21, 1853. JUST REGEIV ED, • vrrLIE, subscriber has jest opened another lot of Woollen Plaid Cashmeres, Plaid Mous de Lainei, Paramettas and other Dress, Goods. FURS. FURS—Another Invoice of Victori nes, Muitees, Woolen Corno'rts, Baarlst'&e — Alao atitithee.let-of Lined Buckskin Gloves, 13.t.k.Mitts, with gloves and hosiery of every description. POI N LTD - VELVET RIBBONS, &c- SOSt opened an assortment of Pointed Velvet Ribbons with a fresh assortment of Dress:Ft-lin. mina, buttons, &c. BEAVER CLOTHS—On hand a large as sortment of Beaver Clo'hs for Overcoats, Su per. Broad Cloths, Cassimers,:Satinets, Velvet Cords, &c, and foi sale by . _ ciEoRuF, W. lUTN!R Carlisle, Dec 21, 1853. -MERKY OHRISTAIAS Fancy Goods, Gift Books, &c„ Rie„ &c. W. li IVERSTICIC has just received from the cityand i 8 now openings spier:- dad display of FANCY GOODS, suitalbe for the approaching Ilolyday Season, to whibli he desires to cell Md . attention of his friendS and the public His assortment in this linecannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and both in quality and price of the articles, can not fail-to please purchasers. It would be im possible to enumerate his , HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS, which compritie every variety of fancy article o limo most novel styles and „exquisite shape such as , Pap ter Mache Goods,_ Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card casph, , Ladies' Fauey Baskets, Fancy Work Oases, with sewing instrunete. Pprt Monnaies, of every varioty,3 Gold .pens and pencils, Fancy paper'weights, Papeterios, with a largo variety of : k iddies Fancy stationery, Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead' purses, • Ladies'isd.:ng whips, - hlegantly finished, Ladies' firib cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags,B Brushes of every kind for the toilet, Roussel's perfumes of the various kinds, Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all prices, together with an innumerable variety of urtieles elegantly finished and suitable for ho lyday presents, to which ho invites special at tention. ALSO, an extensive and elegant collection of KOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS, comprising the various Engßah and American A NNUA.LS for 185 i, richly embellished and illustrated POETICA L NV 0 RIC S, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL B 0 0 KS, for children of all ages, than which nothing can be more appropriate or . leasing as holiday gifts. His assortment of School Books and School Stationery is also complete, and com prises every thing used in College and the Schools. lie also desires to call the particular attention of Families. to his elegant display of LAMPS, GIRANDOLES, &c. from the extensive establishments of Cornelius. Archer and others of Philadelphia, - eomprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, ferburning either lard, sperm or ethe real oil, together with - Flower Vases, Fancy Screens:lw. flisussortment in thisline Is un equalled m the borough. Also, FRUITS. 'FANCY CONFEICTIOARY'—' N U 'l'S P RESERVE!) FRUITS, &c., • in every Variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh, such as can be confidently recommended to his friends tiond the little folks. Ills stock embraces everything in the line of Fancy Goods, with many other articles useful to homolteepers,which tho public are especially invited to call and see during tho holidays.— BeMember the Ora Stand,• nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover street. ilech. 1853. S W. H I,VERSTICK. Great sittractiont _ HO' FOR THL HOLIDAYS. liliF4S ICING LE'S OLD HALL la' now and will continue to be supplied with the greatest novelties up to the close of the season, comprising in part CONFECTIONARIES of tho choicest varieties, such as Fine Cand Toys, Jolly Cakes, Bon .Bons, Gum Cordial Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, Frenohhand ca ploding Secrets. Also all the 'common vatic. ties, all of which will ho sold teholesals au retail at low" roes We have just reccivod--- FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest importations such as Oranges, lonians. Raisins, Figaartions, Citron, Cur— rants, auft and paper shellediAlmonds, Fil berts, Cocoa, - Cream and 'Ground Nuts. In' connection with the above the largest assort ment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of ev.)ry kind from all parts of Europe, man ufacteirod of wood, glass, ”hina, papier macho, tin and India rubber, zinc, &c.,' such as -Fide W.tx,' kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card. BSskots, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower VUROS, Motto Cans, Tea Setts. Music Boxes, Pore Monaies, Battle Doors, Grace Hoops,: Masks, Drums, Gods, Trumpets, Doniinoes, lotto and other games, &c. Fancy- Soaps ana. ,Hair Oils of every variety: . In connection, with the abovcra large stock of • FAMILY GROCERIES, each as pulveriied, crushed and brown :Su. gars, of every gr tdo. Coffee, Molasses, Starch, Green and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda, Sugar, Water and °Mir. Crackers, cheese, & c . The..subseriber returns _his sinoore_thanks to a gen trols public fOr the patronage hereto• fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a. coatinuance of the same. MONYER. Carlisle, December 7, 103. . Christmas Goods-- AT WuncuLa.; Dollars will nod it to their advargitgeto call. . German Goods—toys.dells: firnms t hellbent (3 (utei•••.All the new game, building blocks, ii've, fools, dominoes, &e. • ilery (Mem iferMew . atyle'oretri roid.tred and other .Faney Berke's, CliiHran'e Beekete French (goods—Pener, weights of the lateit steles, Orysial Paine°, &e, Al. slimmer Gooch—New Styles, a largoeSsortmenh, Pearl 'Goads, Pin cushinns,Nawl meentres, Tend ;other notions. Together with _French oys and Pitney . Artteles, (Weshillitea in the „Louden tind 'lsreyv yok Wqrld . eith Wane.' Iti traci, our assortment it,Wonti be ROBERT' , kWIFT;' • " ,•Impprtay Marfuramut*,'3l2 Market Sr„, wo Ninth Philatleptita: ',•. ' 'tclactuto 'ltusccuancous.' • . ~Sheriffls Safes. • virtue of sundry . writs of Venditioni Ex ' Pohas issued out of the, Court of Common - Pteas of Cumberland county, and to me direc ted, I will expose by public scintilla or outcry, at the Court House tit the borough of Carlisle, on TI! UKS DAY, the sth day of anuary, 1054. -at 10- o'cluck,-A.-14.-the-following , .described_ .!teal Estate, viz; . A Lot of Ground' situate in the hor -ougli of Shippensburg, port of a lot No. 50 in the general plan of said borough, bounded 'on ,the' north by King street. on the east by a lot of J. 'Gish, ou the south by un alley and on the west by 'a lot of the heirs of Wm. Russel. dee'd con taiding/41 loot in trout and 157 feet in depth, more or less, having thereon mooted a two sto ry Brick House, brick back buildings, 'stable, wash house and other out houses, &c.—Also, Lot of Ground in the borough of Shipponsburg, bounded on the north by Prangs street, on the east by the Lutheran Church, on the south . by a 10c .. - t_if.felin Carey's heirs anti on the west by containing ono-Mali acre more or loss. . A an allay, ila Lot of• Ground in Shippenaburg town ship, bounded on the west by the Cumb. ley It. R. on the north by George Flouting, on the east by an alley and on the, south by a lot of David Waggoner's heirs. containing 59 feet in trout and 16U feet in depth more or less, hav ing thereon erected a brick and frame building' used as a foundry, with steam engine, Also a Lot of Ground in Shippensburg town• ship. bounded on the north by a lot of Solomon Thrush, on the south by other lot of A F Wolf, on the east by a lot of Adam Classier and on the west by a public road, containing one acre more or hiss.—Also a lot of ground in Shippensburg twp, bounded on the north by . Adam Classier; on tho south by George Batts, on the east by Philip Kuntz, on the west by a public road and containing 4 acres more or lees.—Also a lot of ground in Shippensburg twp, bounded on the north by George Butts, on the south by other lot of A F Wolf, on the east by lot of Philip Kunizrand on the west by a public road, con• mining 4 acres more or less.—Also a lot of ground in Shippensburg twp, bounded on the north by other lot of A F Wolf, on,the south by lot of Simpson's heirs, on the east by lot of P, Kuntz and on the west by public road, contain ing 4 acres more or lois. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Anthony F. Wolf. Also n Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing 60 feet in front and NO feet in depth more or lees, bounded on Inc north by Samuel Elliott, on the east by Dnnbar's heirs, on the west by. Henry Burk holder and on the south , by Mulberry al ey, having thereon. erected a two story Weather boarded House, a two story shop, stable an other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execu tion as the property of Patrick Culp. Also a Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing 140 feet in front and 140 feet in dent)) more or less, bounded on the east byjot of Jacoa Zug. op the south by a lot of,Wm. Breese, on the north by rtlain street • and on the west by East street, having thereon erected a two story Stone House, hack bUilditig log stable, frame tenpin alley, log blacksmith shop, Cee. Seized. and taken in execution as the property of Robert S. Alcorn. Matt a Lot of Ground, situate in North Middleton township, containing 40 feet in front and 1.10 feet in depth more or leas. having thereon erected a two story Frame Stable and and slaughter house, bounded on the north by lands of Michael Mi ller, and 03 the east by Miller, on the south y an alley and on the west by a public rood. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Eli Bear, and all to be sold by me. JOSEPH MeDARMON d , &miff. - Slie - rifri Office, Carlisle,? December 14, 1859. Tavern License, To the Honorabie the Judges of the 'Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Cumberland county, at January Sessions, A. D. 1854. THE Petition of Alatthew Mcore respectfully 'iebresenta that your petitioner is provided with the necessary requisites fbr keeping a house of public entertainment, in the house he now oc cupies, in South. Middleton township: Your petitioner therefore'prays your Honors to grant him a license for the 514310 ensuing year, com mencing on the 2d Monday of January next,as in duty bound he will ever pray, &c. - MAT PILE W . MOORE WE, the undersigned citzens of the township of South Middleton, in the county of Cumber. land, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named Matthew Moore, that ho is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room conveniences for the accommodation, of strangers and; travel lera. and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain stran gers and travellers. Abraham Bradley John Shupp, Sam'l Smith, T B Craighead,. E F Haskell, Nathaniel Brou e:er,J M Bortwmr, George Wallin, P Shieslo John Plonk Alfred Moore, W S TAVERN LICENSE NOTICE is hereby given that I intend ap plying at the ensuing term of the Cd.urt of Quarter Sessions of Comb. Ce., for License to keep a public house in' the stand now occupied by him as such, in the township ot Upper Al len, in said county, being an' ld CALEi3 UNDERWOOD WE the undersigned citizens of :Tipper Al len township, i I the county of Cumberland, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named Caleb Underwood, and that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and is well provided with house room and conveni. enees for the lodging and ervertainment of Ira-. yellers and strangers, and do' therefore recom mend him to your-Honors as well deserving of a license, and further say, that a tavern at this stand is an accommoda•ion ,ro the public. Mi4hael Cochlin, D IC Noall, J B U hrich, A Mcllhenny, Charles Dingman, George Beet. man, Sam'l Smaller, John II Gbtoweiler, James McClure, Allen Floyd, Wm M Echols, John Moctie. T L Ca.heart, Wm Mechling. Tavern Licence. NOTICE is hereby 'given that' I intend ap• plying at the ensuing term of the Court of Quarter Sessions, ot Cumb. Co. ' for License to keep a public house in the stand now occupied by him, in Newton township. said county; being. an old stand. , HENRY HURSU. W E,the undersigned *citizens of the township of Newton, in the .county of Cumberland, do certify that ..ttie aro well acquainted whit the above named Usury Hursh, that he is of good repute for honesty and temperanca, and is well provided - with house room and conveniences for the accommodation accommodation of strange 11 6 and travellers, and that sub Inn or Tavern is necessary to ac. oommodate the public and entertain travellers and strangers. Joseph Diehl, Daniel Kendig, Henry Ken dig, Daniel Barrick, %V Y B vd, .1 II Spriggs, Saud. Waggtner, Isaac Waggoner, Joe, Wag gone, Samuel Baker. David Baker, Wm Leh man. Jacob Miller John Wealcline HAYES' PATENT TUBULAR OVEN' HOT AIR RANGE Various Sizes, to suit Families, fdoarding . nooses and hotels. -T"PS.Olin want.of a superior_Oooking Ap paratus are invited to call at out Ware house and examine this flange. For durability econoiny and simplicity in operation it stands unrivaled. It has a perfect hot:air ventilation —and !nears baked in this oven will retain their juice and flavor equal to that roasted before on open fire. Meats and pastry cooked at the tame time without one affecting the other. It 'Will supply sufficient heated air to heat add:- tional rooms for the coldest weather. It has no descending or return flues, dad is equally Well adapted to b,tuminous or common hard coal. - The steam valve oier the boiling part of the flange carries off .the steam and scent of xpking, as well 'as heat in summer. Beery !tango sold warranted to give satisfac tion, or no expense to the purchaser. t e - •° • HAVES' VENTILATOR,, . Patented Octobor, 1848, For Public Halls, Factories,' Raitroad'ears, Chemntes, Flues,-Slups, Steamers, (5.c Pure nir is a subject claiming. the attention of every intiivirlual, end all buildings sheuld lie ,provided with the proper mane of ventilation. Alen. a powerful - Warming - thid — V6ritilathlg - Farnit ce, For Dwellings, &Mot Houses, Churches, Halls, ?Stores, Factories, 15'e. • A large nssoritnent•of Off The, Hall and Cook. ing Stoves, ,Parlor Grates, Registers; St.e.— Wholeeale find Retail: • RAND & HAYES, • , • • 82.Nortit Sixth street, plata .„ irrPerzonal attention , given,to warming' nn evntilitting both publiovind privatelbuilchngs. Importors'and fqnnufactnrers of evoiy kind of LADIES' SG Arnh street' (below Third et) .PhiladelPhia, • and at Int Water etroc•,. Now York. aour Goods have sill been selected in En fano by one of the firmVand manufactured ity °alewives in the most elegant and fashiona ble manner, we can offer thorn nt a prine(takind their superior quality into consfderation)'.that will defywompotion. • - , Bilyer Medals awartled foraPperiority by the insiitutol pf ,Plapiyivanin and blarylithd., • .• ' Xew. Xew Goods.:, the subscri er has just received a large and vial selected lot of Winter Cootie at his• Store in the corner of Centre Square. AJine"lot of NAPOLEON CRAVATS, oat opened, and for sale at the lowest •gure.• DRESS - BUTTONS; A Tory large' and full assortment of Ladies' Dress Buttons, •embracing"a new styles PORTMONNAIES, A great variety of Vortmonnaes, ;of the latest patterns. . • WORK BOXES, just opened a lone Ladies'. Work Boxes tied" Cents Shaving Cases, suitable for Christmas. FURS, FURS,. Just opened a few Lots of Furs, with n large. lot of Woollen Corrilials, and'all for sale by GEO. W MTN Ell. Carlisle, N0v . 31, 1853, First Arrival 'of Fall Dry Goods, At the New and Cheap Store. Wei s e Campbel l WO U L D ;espectfully announce 4til_eir friends and the public that they haVe just received Irons New York and Philadelphia a large and handsome assortment of FALL AND WI.4TER GOODS, consisting of the latest styles of Diess Goods, Ifrencli plaids, cashmeres, mous de lames, all wool, mons do beges, Persian cloth, plaid, brocade nhd black silks, al pacas, and Mourning. Goods. DOMESTICS Blenched and unbleached muslin, checks, Gingliarns, tickings, wht and erd Canton Flannels, table linemtable cloths,Napkins Damask .towels, wool flimnels, &c., &e.' LACES AND EMBROIDERIES cambric and swiss rufflnig, edgine and insert ing, lisle mechlin and flat-amine laces, collars, underslereves. spencers, rufis &r. HOSIERY AND aLOVES Silk, and Saxony hose, merino half hose, white and black silk hose, black, white and mixed cotton hose. ladies and gents silk, kid, fleecy lined silk and cotton gloves . --- "OTIIS AND CASSIMERES A large assortment of cloths, CaSbillnlTS, anti nets, Lentucky jeans, merino, setts, and black silk vestings, BOOTS AND SHOES A large assortment of. ladies and gentlemen. shoes, slitipors and boots, childrens shoes, from the best manufacturers. FAMILY GROCERIES, Rio and Java Calicos, New Orison , Cuba and refined sugars, Lovering's, Syrup Molasses. Cuba do., mind Spices of altkinds. Their goods have all been selected with great care from the best New York and Philadelphia !Muses, and cannot fah to suit purchasers both in quality. and price. litardware, Hardware. THE subscriber wishes to draw the atten tion of the public to their own interests, which they may consult to good advantage by examining the elegant and complete assort ment of Hardware of every description, which he is now receiving at his old stand on North Hanover street. TO CO ACIEVI AKERS. ° We have a large supply of springs, huhs, bands, laces, curtains, and floor oil cloths and drab cloths, of different qualities, in fact every thing in-your line, TO CABINET-MAKERS We offer bomplete setts of vent , ers, knobs and mouldings of walnut and mahogany, to sui both the taste and the purse, CARPENTERS EXAMINE t esplehdid assorment of tools in your line as also a compleie stock of building materials, such as locks, hinges, acres a, latches, glass, paints; oils, varnishes, turpentine. &e. and va rious carpenters_tords cheaper than ever, as has been acknowledged by a carpenter who has seen them. ' • ' LACKSAI ITIiS cannot go wrong in giving its a call - for a sup ply opsharriincredirollet - Mit and other iron generally used, as also cast, shear American and English blister steel, &a. Arc. OUR FARMER FRIENDS will also consult their interests by looking at our cheap shovels, forks, trace t chains, hamee, and every other article from a .cradhi to •a plough,to suit themin price and quhlitv. THE PUBLIC GENERALLY are also invited to examine the quantity and quality now on hand of cedar ware, - tubs, churns, buckets, oils, such as fish, sperm and flaxseed oils, which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. I would also call attention to my splendid assortment of WALL PAPERS, presenting a numberless variety of Patterns at prices trore 6 els. upwards. Remember there is no mistake here, ns, all articles will be sole' at the lowest cash prices at the old and well known stand rn North Hanover street. East nice, betwece Hotel and Kell er's flat Store. JACOB SE:4ER. march 16 Prepare for Winter! PARLOR AND COOKING STITEB. rp H E subscriber at his old stand on North ! 1 Hanover Street, Carlisle, the sign of the "Mammoth Red offee Pom,3' desires to call the attention of the public to his large assort. Mont of STO V E S. of the newest and utmost fashionable styles, mom the best manufacturies in the country, and at all prices Irom $3 to $l5 Among his PARLOWAND CHAMBER STOVES are the Mirror Stove, the Arctic, Revere, Star, Persian, Union and /Etna Air Tight, together with other pattern which he has of all sizes lor Parlors or Chambers, and calculated for burn ing either wood or coal. Also the Etna, Globe, Astor, Albany, Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOKING! STOVES, comprising the latest improvements in kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.— Also the Dining Room Cooking Stove--n now and elegant article, to which he invites the par -ticUlar attention of families. His cooking stoves range in price from $lO to S 5; with all the fix tures' complete. Also Nino Plate Stoves of various patterns an at all prices. Also ENAMELLED AND TINNED WARE for Cooking Stoves, Braes Kettles ) &c. Also, every article in the lino of 'Fin and. Copper Ware. 'flu, public a r ectiully invited to calras he IS confident with his large stock, va riety and cheapness, of being able to.give,entire satisfaction to every purchaser. -Call and see. M. .NIORRIS. Octob r 19, 1353-3 m I'. N. IXOSENSTEIEL; - - - n ri P li ai S n E te'r, B l l rM's F jo n r c m y er a l; d llaPp r r n ' a s al l ITo l next door to Trout's Hat Store. He will at• tend promptly to all the above descriptions of painting, at reasonable prices. 'l'ho various Trinds.of graining attended to, such as mahog walnut, &c., in 'the improved styles. Carlisle, July 14, 1852—iy. A full 'intendment of Lined Buck Gloves, also BuckMittans. and other GloVas just received byla G. W. lIITNEE ,sr, "" • a ••EISIVIAN 'WANTED. AYDUNG, MAN who is thoroughly ne quaninted wi;h the Dry Goods business, wanted immediately by nov3l], G. W. HITNER, The subscriber will pay Cash _for STRAW of any kind delivered at Middlesex. Farmers will find it to their interest to sell their straw and purchase other manures. " , SHRYOCK, novaCla- Agent. PLAIDS, PLAIDS. A very hnndeome lot of Plaid Cashmere just received at the new and cheap Fiero of -' WEISE & CAMPBELL. .1000 TONS Linieburner's Coal of the beat 'utility:just Yeeoivbig - andibt eariby 014 E, jr. Only .2,40 per ton. Carlisle, March 15, 1853. , " !MACKEREL. 200 b,b15,1,n Whole rind Half barrels, lime reecovung and for mile by WOOD WARD Corner of llanover and Lowlier ate., Car lisle, rinflE undoreigned has always on hand it large• L stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in,all the different styles, which he to orepareff to sell at the lowest prices. Ifo inviter attention partie , ularly to the Patent .Spring. Ilcdstead, n most useful article, which entirely obviates all objections. Tho bottom ban be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given antis no w in to all who have them in atm.' WrBOFFINS made to order at thcraliorteet, notice...-.. •• JACOB EEtT.EIL. , • , Cailfolo Jan'y. 22; 185 • , ' FURS, tors='&, gb0139. Lined Buck Gloves. STRAW ' WANTED Limeburner's Coal. . ' •fl idiics. THE:WONDER OF THE AGE, . For 'die Cure of Sallelleum, Chilblains. Com 'mon Sarni, Cluipped or Crocked Honda, Burns or SMilds,,Cuts o Wounds, of the Menet, bites of insects; Sord Lips, plei on the %Puce, and Breaking Out nail Sores on - t; - t . ;'nt ot ul - all - disennes the Skin. This Ointment will cure the Saltrlienm and Burns, or Chapped hands. (Mickey 'and outer than any other medicines of the kind, before the public.' To substantiate the shove, f can give hundreds of certificates, but I consider it no use, as (any person. can do the same, it they have friends, for even a • worthless article) I r, ly 4oleh on the *merits of the Ointment for.the public patronage. N. 11.—A single bon 'of this Ointment will keep any Illackeniith's, Farmer's, Sailor's, as' Mechanic's hands, let them chap or crack 'ever so bail, sound and in - good working order all winter' Prepared Mid sold by MONROE 'TERREL, - . • Naugatuck,Conn, Sold also by the principal Druggists, and Country Nierehants. Frice 'a cents per boy. Nov., 16. 18.58-1 y • • • CARTER'S SPANISH' MIXT RE. THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD. Not a Piirticlo of Mercury in it inL.llible remedy for Scrofula, E ing's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutanertis Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worn or , 'Fet ter, Scald Heed, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and. Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Luintyp, Spinal Cotnplaims avid all Diseases arising limn an injudicious use of Mer cury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blond. This valuable Medicine, which lint become celebrated for the • number of extraordina v cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their fricnds, to offer it to the public, which they do With the utmost confidence in its virtues awl wonderful curative properties. The following certificates selected limm a large 'number, are however. stronger testimony %than the mere word of the poprictors ; and are all . from gen tlemen well known in their locnlitins.and of the highest respectability many of them i•Csidiu;; in the city of Richmond, Na., F. BOYDEN, Esq. of ,the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known eve!) , where, says his 'ms seen the Medicine called f:ARTEit'S SPANI9II 111IX TORE adilliniStered . lll over hundred cases, in nen* all the diseases for which it is recoinaien dthrtrith the most astonishingly gond result s.— He says it is the most„extraordimry medicine lie has ever seen. U N D - PEV - ER , =Createure - .=l - lie by certify that for three years I find Ague and Fever of the most violent description. I had several Physicians, look large quantities of Qui nine, Mercury, and I beliebe alt the Tonics ad, vertised, but all w.thout any permanent relief. -It last I trie I Carter's Spanish Mixture, two botfiel of which effectually cured me and I am happy to say I have had neither Chills Or Inver since. I consider it the best Tonic in the world and the only medicine that ever reached my case. JOHN LONGDEN. Beaver damlicar Richmond. Va. G Ii LUCK Esq now in the city of Richmond 'and for many years in - the Nat Office, has such confidencenli the astonishing cfficacy of Carter 'l Spanish Mixture, that he tins bought upwards of 50 bottles which has given:away to the afflicted. Mr Luck soya be has never known it to fail when taken-according to directions Dr MINCE a practising physican and former ly-of-the City hotel in the city of Richmond, says he has witnessed in number of instances the effects of Carter's Spanish %fixture which were moartridrsurprisiiimg.sys in a case of - Consumption, .dependent on "tne'tiver,oie goad effects were wonderful indeed. SAMUEL M DRINKER of the firm Drink er & Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver Complaint of 8 years shuttling by the use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, ..GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA The edi tors of the Richmond Republican hail a"Bervatit eniployed in their press room cured of violent Scrofula combined with Rheumatism, whirl, Co. Lively disabled him from work. Two bolt La of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of him, and the editors in a public nodes: siv they "cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with any disease of the blood " STILL ANOTHERiGURE OF SCROFU LA—I hail a very valuable boy cured of Scrof u la by Carter's Spanish Mixture. I consider it truly a valuable medicine James M l aylor Conductor on the R F & P It It Co Richmond Va Mr John Thompson residiia.; in the city of Richmond, wits cured by three bottles of Carters Srmish Mixture of Salt Rheum, which he hail nearly 20 ye-rs. and which all the physicians ot the city would not cure Mr Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his care__ is most remarkable. Principal Depots at .M. - WAIiD, CLOSP 8t - CO, No 83. Maiden Lane, New Iprk T W DVOTT Si; SONS, 1\ o'fl2,,North 2d . street, Philadelphia. HENN E rt. & BEERS,No 125 Main streel, Richmond, Va. - And for sale - hys Elliott, S—VV Haverstiekl, Carlisle; Ira Day, Meehaniesbueg; J H Herron, Newville; .1 C Altie, Shippensbure„, and by dea lers in medicines everywhere. Attention, Liineimrners ! p --= Buy your COAL,of E. BIDDLE. inrONLY 40 per ton for Cush. [Oets REMOVAL. THE Store of the subscriber. embracing • TEAS, G ROC RIES, Queensware, and all the Varieties usually kept by him, is removed to his O:ivi buildini, No's; Sr. 3, MARION HALL, West Main St. Carlisle. March 30, 1853' J. W. EI3Y• FRESH TEAS,..Eici JENICINS' Best Brand of Teas, Green and Black, in metailie'paekages, also in bulk and in original packages. A large rind general as• . aortment of the best WHITE IRON - STONE AND GRANITE WARE, with n variety of Glass Ware, and Common Ware of every ; de• suription,in'sette , or otherwise to suit the. par chaser., tegctiter•.with CEDAR WARE, WILLOW WARE, and a variety of Fancy Ware always in store and for sale ai the "Family Grocery". of Juno 8.1853. 3, W. EBY. PALL AND- WINTER Styles of Hats:! • & J. KELLER, desire respectfully to in- N.llt form their customers and friends that they aie now supplied with a great varie y of HATS AND CAPS, for 'FA and Witmer wear. In addition to a beautiful spring style of 'Silk Hats and their extensive • assortment of light and coloured 'ats just received from the cities. Their as sortment is large and for beauty of styl s .eam. _knee of finish ands lowness olpriee_they can not be surpassed. A largo assortment of nays exclusively for summer we..r, constantly on hand. Also a earefu:lst selected assortment of ' CHI LD RE N'S HATS. We most rewetfhlly invite the citizens of. Carlisle end vicinity to call and examine our assorimont at tho old stand,, opposite to the Telegraph, OITIce. • may 11 'Bonnet Fee.tiers. THE subscriber has just opened en invoice of Ostrich and oiher.flonnet kesthers, at one• — half the usual priest A G ls E o o n . s l e v. y i e u h x ea ls p iE lo ß t . ol , Fancy Dros Silks. ' rillnitc.CANDI;CO, &c. FAMILY penis's Sabbath :Schools an d pl c nie portioe id the country will do ivell by • calling pt the cheap Drug .9toria of D, J. ~vhero they, can by supplied with nr. ticies nt the loniost raies,and of, the ny. . CANI)IES--vetdil, ,tWeo, "cents per .p ..kgoasral ats - rimont,nf,Paiont.-Med• ,elnpardonstaptly , Lea l liand. ,• jy2e ° • ; WIT!) `,RO.Uttlt9Clllelltv. ;LEATHER."- F R Z Sr, 1-IE - ND RY , • Store, 29 3cl Abroad° 51. , inulacturcrs, Carriers, Importers, Commission and General Leathar Business, WHOLESALE RECAIL. Manufactorf 15 MargareotkstrOat.• sep7ly •DAVIS & cxrior, Dealers in • • • ' Lamps, Lai .terns and Chandeliers. N R. Corner Fourth and Cherry sta., Phila. thA n A d ' I having thea enlarged t a daa c cl sonn improvedtheir iioim lamps in Philadelphia, they are now_ prepared to tur nish Camphine, Pine Oil BURNING FLUID, Ethereal 0;1, Phos n , *•ne Gas .and Lard Oil.— Lamps. Lanterns of all paterns, Fancy Hotel and !tall Lamps, Chandeliros, Gtrandoles and Candelabras, and Brittania Lamps,at theman. ulatiturers,lowcst prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over auction wi ces. Being large •MA N'UFA!...:T U R CBS' of Pine Oil, Burning — Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alco hol and (the only true) 'Phosgene Gas, they can furnish these articles at auch.prices that Mer chants will find it to their advantage to buy.— Call Wore going elsewhere, if you want bar gains. Also the Safety Flayi Lamp for sale. October 5. 1853—1 y ' TOYS, TOY 2, FUMY GOOD 2 ! VIT/i'LLIAIViC TELZEIB. ill AS just received his Pall Iniii - nriations of TO YS, D OLLS, Work Baskets and Box es, articles for Confectioners, Druggists and To bacconists, also FANCY GOODS et every description, such ss Toys of weoi. china, lead, tin, &e, WOO styles. Jointed, kid, wax and dressed Dolls, all sizes. Doll !leads with teeth,' moving eyes, &c. Accordeons, hernonicas, violins; trumpets, Watches, optics, rings, waggons, &c, Morbles of china,. agate, glass, common, col' d, Ge,rman slates and pencils, all sizes. Percussian Caps, G D., T 13, and other marks. Cornets, bonbon and cracking secrets, &e. Fancy Baskets ar,d boxes, dressing, cases, Alabaster articles,Jewelry b.,xes, Inkstands, Toilet boxes, Per fumery, 'ree:h.bruslies. Druggists' fancy articles, Carmine, C.H. Pencils Tobacco'and Snuff boxes Segar eases. 'Finfoil. Turkish' and German . Pipes of Porcelain, Bronze, etc. 'ith an endless variety of newest styles of Fancy Goods. Dealers will find it to their advantage to make an early examination of this stock, as the Goods aro all new and will be offered at the very low est rates.. W. TILLER, Importer, 1 Commerce St., Philadelphia. Penny Toys, 50 kinds.. Cases of as ortod Toys, at $5, 10, 20, per case. seps-2sn FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE Sc SONS, - No. dB South Second street, Philadelphia. ARE now opening foi• the F4lllTrade a well selected assortment of SILKS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLO WE RS, AND MILLINERY GOODS IN, GENERAL. Confining themselves exclusively to this branch o: time trade, and Importing the larger -part-of their stock, enables them to offer an as sortment unsurpassed in extent and variety, which will be sold on the most favorable terms. September 14, 1833—,2m ST.FIAIVX SAW WILL THE undersigned owning a large Steam Saw Mill, recently built, on an improved plan, with a circular saw capable of sawing with sreat rapidity, located three miles west of Pa. pet town,Cumberlernicounty, al the base of the SOiith Mountain, on Spruce Run, and having in possession near one tlinusand acres of the •hest timber lend, in the Southern part nf Penn sylvania, are now prepared to saw Grid furnish lumber to order, at the shortest notice of the various descriptions used for mechanical per pos;:s. They can furnish (mine stuff for barns and houses of any length end size that inay be required, weather-boarding, flouring, and fen cing boards, poplar and oak boards and plank, shingle and plastering laths, oak and cheanut ehingler.coeper, atoll; pitch pine pouts, and ehostuut rails and posts. They have now on hand several thom,and feet of lumber, chesnut rails and posts for fence, oak and pine wood by the Gard, and can engage to be delivered in its ,season several hundred curds of chesnut oak bark for tanning purposes. The proprietors having availed themselves of the natural advantages of their location, which abounds in' a variety of the finest timber, and having slab a practical Icni.wledge of the business, aro enabled to iernish lumber lower to the citizens of Cumberland count: , than-can be done by any similar establishnient —and as they with and expect to dq a large business, will spare no pains to accommodate the public at the shortest notice. The various descriptions of lunihdr; will he delivered in Carlisle or elseivhere as may be desired. All orders addressed to the proprie- tors, Dive° & Haskell, living in Papertown, or to Wm. D. Seymour, jr. in Carlisle, will secure prompt attention. DI YEN, HASKELL & SEY Mt:. UR Nov. 10, Iy. TO FARRIERS $t HORSE DEALERS DOCTOR J. S. SRIBERT, Veterinary -Surgeon, has returned to Carlisle, and lo cated Innis°ll permanently for the purpose of siperating upon diseased horses, and pledges himself to lure the most of diseases to which this noble animal is subject. He is able to cure Ring Bone, Tooth Bone and Bog Spavin, end all weak oyes which are , supposed i to be affected by hbiks, without cutting the gland of the eye, and all eyes supposed to be affected with Wall Teeth, without extracting the teeth. lie ens court, a fresh foundered horse •in forty-right hours as sound as ever. Ile also cures all dis tempers hoof bound, sprung knees. sh alder jams. string halt; fistulas and pole evil. He can remove all callous enlarginents,tuld perform all su•gical operations that may be required of hint, Persons having diseased horses who cannot leave them with him, can be supplied with all the medicines and directions for use. He char gee nothing for examining a horse and locating their diseases. So, - bring on your Cripples. He may be found at Henry Glass's Cumber land and Perry Hotel, Carlisle, where those wishing to engage his services ore requested to call. INov 2.1853. CULP'S PATEN'i PORTABLE CXDE a ~ rdILI, AND PRESS, rin II El undersigned having purchased the right of Franklin and Cumberland coun ties, Pa., and Washington county Md. ler CULP'.S PATENT POP'PABLE CIDER MILL, Aq l / 4 1D-PRESS are new manufacturing machine's under the immediate supervision 01 Ilenry Simpler, a practical millwright. Orders will be received and filled with promptness : — All machines will be warranted. ' By this machine: which can be conveyed on a wheelbarrow, on-i man and n boy can make from five to eight a ;rids cider a daywith ease, and the cider r kciroughly pressed ' from the pomace. The labor is light and the ma chines are simple and permanent. ' . This Miielime was exhibited at the State Agricultural Fair, ut Lancaster. and tested with several others, and the committee awattled the' premium to it. 'rho machines are warranted to perform what is herein stated. Ordera are respectfully solicited. N. o.—The press connected with•the ma. chine can ho' used for pressing currants, and 1 1 cutting vegetables for feeding stock. JACOB IMRE. • StIEPLER, May II , 1953. Gm Chambersburg. '.e.inable Foundry For Sale. THE subscriber offers ftir sslo his interest (one half) au the -lIAGERXFO WN—FO UN— DRY. For particulars as to 'Forms which wall he made accom !titillating, business faciltieo ke„ apply to the subseribet at Ilogerstown, 5w.1 11.11, LAWRENCE. MORINOES, CASHMERES. j[ .a & UST RECEIVED nt the New and Cheap TRENCH Stern of Wel Campbell a largo lot of bI?ENCII MERINOES. ~ C.AS II M ER ES, MOUS DE LAINE, SHAWLS,, &e., tiow'on hand fresh from'Philadelphia, and Bel ling low at - WEISE St CAMPBELL'S.' HOUSE, ANW:LCIT FOR SALE. . ApitEsobscriber offers for sale tho FRAME ■ HOUSK and La, 251 feet front by 1310 trot in depth, now occupied by ,David Smith, Es q ., io East Alain street. 'rho dwelling 'contains eight coiled 'roiims, including double part° m -Attached is, n'iustern, smoke himse and stable For further information rtivly to 11. A: STURGEON Sep 2L if Agt forya Ann Day. drat Ostate Salts. Paluable Real Estate AT PRIVATE' SALE. . irthe,undereigned executors of the estate alt. 4_ B. Stetfenson, dee'd, offer at private sale, the following real °sure, In West Pet - Irish:zit) twp, Cumberland county, late the property of Rio nu r d ll ..Stevensoni-later , Ol- the - borough of Carlisle, doe'd, viz: All that FARM situate in, West Pennsboro township, aforesaid, about one mile from the boro gh of Nowvilte, bounded by lands of J. \V Laughlin and others, and CONTAINING 142 ACRES, more or less. The land is first rate limestone land,,in good cultivation and:well fenced, ill acres al - which aro clear and dm rest in timber. Tho improvements are aiarge double stone mid brick Dwelling 110118 E,, two stories high, a forge and substan dal STONE BARN, a good well , of Littietitone• Water, and cisterhe for rain water. There is on the premises an orchard of well selected fruit trees. Also, a lot of WOODLAND that has neon Used with thisfarm, situate about one-lourth of a utile from the Doubling Gap Springs, and ad- Joining that property, containing about 22 acres. Persons Wishing to examine the farm can do so by calling on Mr. Long, the tendnt on the • I erms made easy to purchniern. Possession and a good title will be given on the let of A pril,lBs4. T. COLLIN' STEVENSON, JAMES W. MA ESII ALL, Ex'rs of R. 13 Stevenson December 7. 1954. Valuable -Won't& Property FOR SALE. IWILL sell at private bale a Two Story Brick HOUSE-4:4i. and Lot of Ground, situated 0n7.t!,7g . ■ II North Hanover street attended. J'At; - . 4 ! , ,1 1 ,4. , in this borough. This house is doubleiwith back building, all in good condition. The Lot is 60 ieet in front by 170 in depth. Od , the premises is a stable, and the whole proper y is eligible and convenient. Also, a small Two Story BRICK HOUSE and Lot of Ground, 15 lbet front by 119 deep, on North street' near to Hanover, It those properties are not sold by the Ist of January next. they will be rented for the ensu ing year. JOHN 13. PARKFR Cal lisle, Nov 29, 11,53: VALUABLE rAnzta, 'AT PRIVATE SALE THE. subscriber being desirous of moving to the West, ofibrs at private sale the FAR - 711 on which he now resides in Monroe twp., Comb. Co about one mile south west of Churchtown, on the Yellow Breeches creek, and adjoining lands, of Moses Bricker, Joseph Brandt and others, CONTAINING-161 ACRES, strict measure, of a first rate quality of land, about 110 acres of which is clearedand in a high state of cultivation, the remainder is covered with young and thriving timber. The improve. meets are a two story Dwelling HOUSE, BO feet square, with basement fitted r:."1111 up for a weal' house, atone bank BARN 35 feet Iront and 90 back, n stone spring house with a never spring of excellent water at the door, wagon stied, corn cribs, cider press, and other out buildings, an apple orchard, an oil mill and water power sufficient to propel any machinery. A LSO - 5Sh ACRES of :Mountain Land, near Cookstown in the sa'irTe township, adjoining lands of Messrs' Samuel and Richey Clarks, M. Ege's heirs and others. The above property will be sold in parts or the whole, and terms made to salt purchasers. Any perstin wishing to view - said property can do so by calling on the subscriber. _ _ JAMES CLARK. November In, 11353-4 w •*Ltotensier Examiner copy (4w) and send „, bill to this office. POS. RENT THE large ROOM on the corner , T of High and Pitt streets, now occu- VI l ied by Wm. 11. Bretz. as a Drug btore. Also the Blacksmith Snop, s=-4 on Pitt Street, nos' occupied by Wm. Breeie. Apply to dec74tl IROBERT NOBLE Valuable ''own Property FOR SALE. V ILIA be sold at private sale, a t. V V TWO Story BRICK HOUSE, With Lot attached, ined on West t. II 1 I Right Street in this- borough. This, 1.11 housetis now in the occupancy of It. ' Snodgrass. Fur terms apply to dec74 t) W. Al. PENROSE. hr.) A Two Story BRICK HOUSE situate on the north east corner of Loather and Streets, and a 9,Vt: Two Story Stone House on Lou titer Street, now occupied by the Rev Mr Kremer. Alan several smaller dwel lings for rent. Enquire of nov9's3] JACOB SENER. HOUSE AND LOT FOR:SALE. THE two Story FRAME HOUSE and Lot of Ground in South Llano. ,',7"--: - ver street, now occupied by Charles Barium, immediately opposite Benez Store, is oiler& at private sale. For • terms enquite of the subscriber, Attorney for the owner. noo's3tf l 8.. M. HENDERSON. r.anzrz FOR SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale his FARM, situate about two! miles north of car. lisle, lying between the Canodoguinet era.? end t h e Sulphur Spring road. It is joined•by farms of Wise and N etcher, and _ _ CONTAINS 70 ACRES, all cleared land,lthirty :of which ore meadoW. It is well limed and in apigh state of cultiva tion. The improvements are a Two Stlary • ;z ; .; FRAME HOUSE, a well of we, 11t"r with pump at the door, frame 2 Bank Barn ; &e. There is also a young orchard of choice Irian trees. • Also, will be'sold with the same if desired, a tract of MOUNTAIN LAND. Persona wishing to purchaie sae learn terms by calling upon It M Henderson, Esq., in Carlisle. JOHN SANDERSON. Novembpr 1 18.53--if AHEAD OF ALL COALPETITION • hSazton eadgthe Columg.” FT El& days and nights of unceasing toil tl ; and trouble I have succeeded in marking uad arranging my new stock of HA R I). W A It E , uad altnough there. has been a tre mendous rush of custontert who know whom to steal on reasonable terms, and who appre ciate my old habit of selling cheap without I making much fuss about the, matter. lam constantly snaking room for now:customers to drop in and examine what is undoubtedly the LARGEST AN D • BEST assortment of goods ever offered west cf Philadelphia, and embra cing everything usually found in a Hardware Store, from a needle to an anchor, all of which, aro of the best quality . and will be sold at prices which cannot fails(' give satisfaction. • TO CARPENTERS'S& BUILDERS, I would say that my stock of cross cut. hand, panel sliming and hack saws, bright, black and blue augurs, elffsele; planes, locks, hatchets, hinges;serews, stesitglit necked and bar oohs, broad, pointing, and chopping axes, iron and steel squares, rake; tape measures, levels, &c, cannot tail please the most fastidious. • FARMERS Can ho acebminodated on the moat reasonable terms withOurkee's celebrated York plows at $5 37.' Also Plank's, Craighead's and others' at manufacture's' prices; Spades, rakes, forks, shovels, grass and grain scythes. (Dunn, Dar ling and Griffins make.) .Patent and common snaffle of half a desert different kinds. Grain Cradles, (Gregor's, Plank's, Craighead's and Crawbach's , make,) at reduced rates. Also grindstones. cutting boxes, chain cistern and force pumps, halter, breast and log chains, sin gle and double traces and spreads'. Cedar ware such-as-tubs,-buckets, bowls, water kegs, to , gethef with an everlasting assortment of table and 'pocket cutlery, spoons,. ()hears and scis sors, candlesticks, snuffers, shovels and tongs. kettles, pans. sad irons, Waiters.•brushos. &c, which will he "old by tho wagon load; ton yard bushel or in she ordinarrway, Then e , erm friends; give. us a call and see fm yourselves. We'll wait On yon with pleas ure, and give you bargains's& which you can't complain. Remember the place, East High Street, opposite Ogilby's June I, 1853, - HENRY SA'XTON. ornit.NsgonT.A,TxoN. VIE undersigned arenow prepared to freight r- o i t a me re and i v.o front •-.• • 'Philadelphin end mat , eato lialtimpro; at re duced rates, with regularity and despatch'. j DEPOTS. Freed, Ward & Freed, 315 - ntirket,Straot, Philadelphia N. 11. [lariats 76, Nertlf Street, Balthicire. Michael Herr, ...orth Streeti Baltimore. isap426m' ' . J.. tr,l D.. RupADs. Legal' einb CoMet Noticed. Auditor's Notice, rnITE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of Cutnition Pleas 01 Cumb. Co.; to marshal! and distribute the balance in the bane of George B. Hewett, assignee of Daniel Meats of Dickinson township, to and'among_the_cred itors, gives notice that- he will attend for that - Durpone at his °Mee, in Carlisle. on SATUR AY, the 7th of .lantiary next. decl4) R. M. HENDERSON. 'Court Proilantatian. WHERE - AS the Donorable Grew iissr, President Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Combo-June, Perry and Juniata, in Pounsylva. nia, and Justice of the several Courta ol Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said counties, lied Hon. John Rapp 'and Sam uel Woodburn,Judgesof the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said county of Cumberland,by their precepts to me directed, dated the 15th of November 1853, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and GencralJai I Delivery, to be holden at Car. I isle,on the 2d MONDAY of January, 1854, (being the 9tli day) at 10 o'clock in the cure noon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE is therefore hereby given,to"tha Coroner. Susticas of the Peace and Constables of the said County of Cumherlind: that they aro by the sai.l precept commanded to be, then and there in their proper persons, with their !MIN - records, Inquisitions, examinations and all other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done, and all those that arc litiund by recognizances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of said county, are to btSI there to prosecute them as shall be just: JOSEPH ItiIcDARMONO., Sheriff. Strum FP'S OFFICE, Carlisle, Isiov. 28, 1853. Estate of John Eberly, dee, LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of John Eberly, late of Silver Spring town ship, have been issued to the subscriber, resi ding in Ilauipden township, Carob. county, to whom all persons having claims against said estate will present them for settlement, and all indebted will make payment to SAMUEL EI3ERLY, Executor. Nov 31 ' Estate of A. Williams, dec'd• xr ['ICE is hereby given that Letters,Tes- LV tamentary nn the estate of Abraham NVil. liams, late of Monroe townsldp, Cumberland county, deceased, have beet Panted by the Register of said county to the subscribers, re• siding in Upper Allen township in the same county, All persons knowing themselves in. defined to said estate era requested to , muilte immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to MICHAEL COCKLIN, ALEX. CATHCART, Ear's. nov'r.lGpd Estate of Dr. A. [-I. Russell, dec'd IVOTIC - F. is hereby given that Lette'' Testa /..1 mmitary. on the estate of Dr . 4 e . Reg. Sell, Into or West Pennshoro -townsh , Corn • berland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to the subscri ber, residing in the same township. All per. sons aims knowing,then selves -indebted- to said estate are required to a e immediate payment and thnse aims to present them for side cr_.6c ment to SUSAN RUSSELL, Exo'x nov'r.l6pd Estate of Michael Livingston, dec'd NOTICE is hereby given thnt Letters or Ad illustration on the estate of Michael Liv ingston, late of Eait Pennsboro township_ Cum. berland county, deceased, hp e been granted by the Register of said cuntyoo the subscriber residing in the same tOwnship,. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them to , STEPHEN H.LIVINGSTON, nov2st Adm'r Estate of James Eckles, sr., an NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad. ministration have been issued by the Register of Cumberland eounty, upon the estate of James Eckles, sr.. lee of Upper Allen twp., dee'd,to the subscriber residing in rho same township. All those having claims against said estate will present them for settlement, and those indebted will make payment to WILLIAM M. ECKLES, Adm'r. MEE NOTICE. To the heirs and legal representatives of Joseph Barton, late of York connty, deceased. "Take. Notice that by 'virtue of a writ of Pa - tiiton and Valuation issued out of the Orphan's Court of Cumberlanil county and to me direc ted, I will hold an inquest to divide, fart, or value the real estate of said decedent, on the premises in the town of Lisburn, Cumb. co, on TIIIJItSDAY the 22d day of December. A. D. 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. NI, when and when* you may attend if you think proper. Sheriffs Office Car- ? JOS.AIcDARMOND. lisle, Nova 9,1852 - Sheriff. NOTICE, AJOTICE is hereby given that application ,111 will be made to the next Legislature, agreeably ,to the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth, for an alteration in she charter of the Carlisle Deposito Bank, so as to Confer upon said Bank the rights and privileges of a bank of issue, and to change the name to that of the " Carlisle Bask." By order of the Board of Directors. W. M. BEETEM, Cashier, June 29, 1658—Gm NOTICE. NOTICE is herby given that the "Cumber. land Valley Savings Institution," located in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, will make app;mation to tho next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act of Incorporation, with a capital of not less than Ten ttor more than Thirty Thousand Dollar for the purpose of receiving depot:its el menoY both transitory and on interest, and of making loans and discounts, with such oilwr privileges• as are usually granted to Savings. Institutions. By order of the Directors. WM. GALBREATII, Treas. D. L BEEIZIAN, Seer I [te226m) Extensive_Earniture Rooms. TAMES R.WEAVER,wouId resr.ecitully call the attention of House.Reepers and the public to his extensive stock of ELEUANT FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centro and other Tables, Dressing anti plain Bureaus and every °Bier article in his biatich of buskiess. Mee, now on hand the largest as, aorlitiont 'of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. it made at the shortest notic and a hearse priivided for funerals. lie colic. its a call nt his establishment on ' , Neill Hance nor street, near Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur niture hired out by the month or year , Carlisle, March 20, 1850.—1 y FRESH ARRIVAL! rwillE subs rif er has just returned from Phil. _ attd is now ; opening a large and elegant assortment of cheap WINTER GOODS, • consisting . in port of cloths, cassituers, nasal notts,'flannels', blankets, jeans &c. - Ladles' Goods:—A beautiful'assortment of de Mines, French merinos'', paramount', Silks now style barred, cashmeres, rib one, shawls;;" Fr nett worked collars. Sic. Domestics—Bleached and unbl'd muldina, checks, tickinga, canton flannels, &c. • Boots and Shoes—A largo assortment of men and boys winter boots. Also-fie entire nes stock of ladies'. gaiters, morocco boots, bus. dips find slippers, children's shoes in groat va. riety, gum over shoes of all descriptions. Groceries—A. froth lot of sugars, coffee, tea; molasses, apices, &c. As my winter assortmenlis new and full, we cordially invite oil our old - friends and cueto mera,,and the public in general to call and ex amine 'our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we will take pleasure in showing our goods, and will sell as cheap if not cheaper than any other store in the county, Recollect the old eland—Edst Main Street. CHAS. OGILBY Nov 16 1853 Fish, Fish, 0 Fish ! A CHOICE lot of No. .M CW2 in• LA. whole, half and gamier Mils, also a lot of new No. 3 Mackerel for sale cheap fer.caali at 'the. family grocery . atore Of - J Imo 23.1853. J. G WILLIAMS. tit ROCIJA. , LONG ~ SUAWLS—Juat 111 eeified a lbw Long and 'Square Brodie Shawlai and rot ealelby• • .• • . • • .• W. ituTxgre,