tu fitlllelit 5. BER I N LOT 11—A .11CW and•t;illendid to.ttet i a for .0 veremits.'ljust rcretvcd by G. W. lIITNEIL. ;:!I 1.0 Nt4 St{ A WLS—Just n.l• Lolg and. Sparc !koala , and ler s ileiby \ • loor Sale or /Wig. THE (Joust!! •oeeupied by J. NV, l' AT PO N, in Lont bet Stree'. ' t For terms encittire of (Le above. C 111, le, Dec 7 , 1853-SW l ii : TIIN large ROOM on the corner :cr,;;:. of High and Pitt streets, cow occu !,it,l,:;, pied liy Win. li. lirctr.. us n Drug ,•,i. , SZOTC, Also the Bidet:smith Soup, ' ini Piit• Stri et, now occupied by iii. lirteze. Apply to !,...71 1 1 IiOnSIZT NOBLE. Valuable Town Froperty FOR SALE. be sold at private sale, a * Wo'lstory ERICK HOUSE, ♦'orb th but *mashed, snouted on West X X Ltii Street in this borough. :r his •• ti 14 no .vin the occupancy of IL • lodglnOS. For loans apply to dce74l] W. M. PliliNtiOSE. 'E'alarable .ffiCeal Estate AT PRIVATE SALE: ihs,iindersigned executors of the estate of R. . IL Stevenson, dee'd, offer at privato . „ sale, mllowing real estate, in West;;Pennsbeto p, Cumberland county, fate the ~ ,roperty of icaaCd IL Stevenson, late of the borough of a. !isle, dee'd, tliat PARA situate in West Pennsbnro aforesaid, about one mild fretiLthe no glt of Newville, bounded by fonds of J. I :Go I tell, \V Laughlin and others, and CONTAINING 112 ACRES, ire n. 7 lugs. The land is first rate limestone to 1, in good ctiltiv,ition and ;well fenced, pfi .ic.which are clear and the reatlin umber. improvements arc a large double stone and • dick Dwelling HOUSE, two tome; li i,, italorge and sithstan , , I'ON F. BARN, a good well 3, 11 , g . d Limo...tone Water, and cisterns " : 2 ...,t!F„, rain renter. There is on the • on &chord of well selected fruit trees. Ivo, n lot of WOOD LA NI) that tins neon .toed With this form, situate about one-lourthol a mile hum the. Doubling Gap Springs, and ad , onnog , hat property, containing about 22 acres. 1' •ranut wiunin.T to examine the farm con do so Iry calling on hlr. Long, the tenant on the place. T , rtnsfirlade easy to purchasers. Possession and .1 good title will be given on the Ist of A pril,lBsl cou,r\r STEVENSON.' JAMES W. MA RSHALL, Ex'rB or R. 13 Stevenson o;cember 7..1 H. 51 Great attp•actionf HO! FOR. THE HOLIDAYS KINGLE'S OLD HALL, is now 11 and ...-111 cot - mane to be gapphed with the novelliet, up to the doss of this season, cotopri.ing in part • CONFECTIONARIES clioieest varielies, such as Fine Candy Tope, Jelly Crapes, Bon I3ons, Gum Cordial Li nnm, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose Va•ulla and Burnt Almonds, French and ex plt,iniq :4ecr - ets. Also all the common vatic VIII of Which will be sold tehotes a / 3 aru rce.,it at low "rates. We have just received 112U1T9 AND NUTS of the latest importations such ns Oranges Lemons. It sign's, Figs, Pr urns. Civet), Our rants, snit and paper shelled Almonds, Fti hurls, Cocoa, Cream and IGround Nuts. It connection with the above the largest assort mem of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS or cv i7y kind from all parts of Europe, man ufactured uiwood, glass, Lilian, pupiermache, tin and India rubber, zinc, &c., such as Fine kid and joipted Dolls, Sewing and Card 134-31ce ts, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Music Boxes, l'ort Monaies, Battle Doors, Grace Hoops, Masks, Drums, Guns, Trumpets, Doin;noes, Lino and other games, &e. Fancy Soaps and Hair Oits nl every variety. In connection with the above a large stuck of FAMILY GROCERIES, as pulverized, crushed and brown, Su of every grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch Green and Black 'Fees, Spices, Butter, soda Sui.;.is, \V at er and o, her C`raelters, cheese, &c 'fiw subscriber truants his Nibeere thanks in a g:ni•roas public for tllO patronage bereto• for, bestowed on him, slid hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the slime. P. MON VEIL. Carlisle. Decent qr 7, 1853. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION ! `•Zazt/on Lends the Column." b' days andmguts of unceasing toil trduble i l have succeeded in marking, no nreangtnz toy now stock of AR D• W E , and although there has beerra - tre= lee. lour rush of customert who know whero to deal on reasonable toms, and who apprb vivo my old habit of selling cheap wtithout makins; much- fuss about the matter. coostantly 'nuking room Mr new customers to drop an an I examine what is undoubtedly the LA Itl E a AND BET!' assortment of goods ever offered.west cl Philadelphia, and embra cing everything usually found an a Hardware trom a needle to an anchor, all of which are of the best quality and will lie sold at prices which cannot fail to, give satisfaction. TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS, would 8,4 that my stock of cross cut, hada, p I ripping and buck saws, bright, black and blue augurs, chisels, planes, locks, hatchets, hinges, screws, straight necked and bar colts, brash, ',inning; and chopping axes, iron and steel sqwtres; rules, tape measures, levels, &c. cannot tai,l to please the most fastidious. ' FARMERS Cin be accommodlted on the mat reasonable terms with Durkee's celebrated York plows at S 3 37. Also Plank's, Craiglised'A l and cohere' at manufacturers' prices; spades, rakes, forks, sh grass and grain scythes, (Dunn, Dar liti4 and Gin alas make.) Patent and common snit hi of half a doxen different kinds. Grain Cradles, (Gregor's, Plank's, Craiglruffirs'and Crawivieh's make,) at reduced rates. Also grin Intones. cutting bOres, chain cistern and fares pumps, halter, breast and hog chains, sin gle and doable traces and spreads Cedar' ware such as tulii, buckets, bowls, 'water kegs, to get her with.an everlasting, assorim en t of table and pocket cutlery, spoons, Misers and rein vars. candlesticks; snuffers, shovels and longs, 'coffins, pans, sad irons, waiters, brushes - &e, which will be sold by dm wagon load, ton yard bushel or in the ordinary way, • Then Mints- friends, give us a call and see for yourselves. We'll wait on yon with pleas ure, and give you bargains of which von can't einplain. Remember the place, East High 1953. . • HEN R Y SAXTON. DRD:GS DR UGS I DRUGS . . r reshst gprilig Supply! ii- HA VN . juet reemed a fresh stock Of MOd• lejnOS. eallthit Glass, Oil, &e., which giaving been purchased with groat yarn at the host city houses, I 'can confidently 'recommend no Fauilies, Physicians, Country Merchants and Dualers, - ue being fresh and pose. - • DK. U GS. p,ite, si,diories,Horbeand Extracts, 1 Pine he in i, nuts, Spiees,ground and whole Instruments, : ' , Essences, . '. Pure Essetel,Oite I Perfutnery; Lee. " Cod Liver Oil-rWarronted Genuine..' ~ .11 YE,STUFFS. I Log and CandWoode, 1 Oil Vitriol ' r . ......- • I Copperas,. - - 1 - Lic Dye. _ • . PAINTS. ,:•"?;.-: ,'• Wetherill.k. Brother's' 't'Afie*Lidad; Chimps ilroott and )(allow, Paininild Vl:in - da Brushes, Jersey iVindow Glass, Linseed Oil, 'Dimon. rim), (lapel alitl."ConcliArarnish, ohd.'ned Lead. All of ‘vhielt will be cold. at filo. very lowoot inarlcet:price, Arso,a frosts and splendid as sortinent of . •. e. • a • • . - 'F:vi\TCY GOODS, FRVITB,7!,• Confectionary, and innumerable other 'articles, a ilaolated for tine aiId,,,OrIISIO , ICIII, MI of Wt.iell arc ofli.roaat the lowest cant prices, at, the eltc-ip Rioty, [look' and Fancy Store of the sub. ( Northscriber onlianover street. ,r • ,- ,---- •'• ~ 6. W: 11AVE*OTICli; may ,ft r:SF.Si; . .• •-•"•••'-' • '‘• • ~., • •• t • Indigoes, ilLlltere, Sumac A hint, PRODUCE C ON ftliSSlON'it. I URIVARI ) INC 7 IR_E.R.CJIAWFS, nnv ; C 1, PL;14....L‘• • • • • , . • - pzA;z4:oo; , ,, .10.L.41/ ,,, h. ;:, : ~! A-very ha nclannio!lot 0F4,61.fti1l Eaehm'erojust ,r evei v'd at Abu, new me-. 1 I quinprFt4 re' sjf *: , , , I. MiSN 6Z. CA10.13 ELL. . , . Sl)ppo, Lined Mick Gloves. A fall nqsortment or Lined suck Gloves, nlso Runkllii.tons. and other Gloves jest ,rbeeived by 0. W. lIITN E! .;„," . VAN N' IRTABITOP: YABLN“ M.2.VILwho is thoroughly ac gnaniuted wi:h the DryGlib - ds - bugmessi. wanted immediately by 110031] G. W. I.llTiggllt, —RIT--N-cie S' MilViT 'W'AN'TED The subscriber will pny Cri . sh for STRAW of any kind delivered at Middlesex. Farmers will find it to their interest to sell their straw and purchase other manures. E. SIIRYOCK, • nov3011) Agent., Atm Goods: Arew . Goods • The subscriber has just received a large and ,well selected lot of Whiter Goods at his Store on the corner of Centre Square. A fine lot of NAPOLEON CRAVATS, ust opened, and for sale at the lowest figure. DRESS BUTTONS. A very • large end full assortment or Ladies' Dress Buttons, embracing a new style. RORTMONNAIES, - A great Variety of Portmonnaes, (of the latest patterns. WORK BOXES, just opened a few Ladies' Work Boxes and Gents Shaving Cases, suitable forflChristmas. FURS; FURS, Just 'opened a few Lots of Furs, with a largo lot of Woollen Comforts, rind till for sale by GEO. W IIfTNEIL. Carlisle, Nov 31, 1853, TO FARMERS & HORSE DEALERS ,N L OCTOR J. S. SEIBERT, Veterinary 'II' Surgeon, has returned to Carlisle; and lo cated himselt permanently for the purpose of operating upon diseased horses, and pledge[: himself to :ore the most of diseases to which tins noide animal is subject. Ile is able to cure Ring Bone, Tooth 801113 and Bog Spavin, and all weak eyes which ale supposed to be affected by gooks, without cutting the gland of the eye, and all eyes supposed to be affected with Wnlf Teeth, without extracting the teeth. Ile can enure, a fre.di foundered Worse .in forty eight hours as sound as ever, lie also cures all dis tempers hoof bound, sprung knees, shoulder jams. string halt, fistulas and pole evil. lie can remove all callous enlargments, and perform all sumeal operations that may he requirtd of him, Persons having diseased horses who cannot leave them with him,-can be supplied with all the me Betties and directions for use. He char gas nothing for examining a horse and locating their diseases. .So, bring on your cripples. lit may be found'at Henry Glass's Cumber land and Perry (Intel, Carlisle, where those wishing to engage. his services are requested to call. [Nov 2,1853. Court Proclamation. IitirfIEREAS the Honorable J. GRA,' Banc, President Judge of the severtil Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Combo-land, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylva nia, and Justice of the several Courts , ot Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delßery in said counties, and lion. John Rupp and Sam uel Woorthern,JUdgeaof the Court of Oyer and Terminer end General_Juil Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said county orCumberiancl;by their precepts to me directed, dated the 15th of November 1853,, have ordered, the Court of Oycr and l'erminer and Generaliail Delivery, to lie holden at Car lisle, on the 2d MONDAY of January, 1854, (being the Sth day) at 10 o'clock in 'the flare noon, toenntinue two weeks. NOTICE; 'is therefore hereby givcn,to the Coroner. Susticos of the Peace and Constables of the said County of Cumber' tad: that they' are by the said precept commanded to he then and there in their proper persons, with. their rolls, records. inquisitions, examinations and all other remembrances, to do those things, which-to their otiices appertain to be dOne, and - all those thAt arc bound bY recogniminees, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of said county, aro to be there to prosecute them is shell he just. NIc,DARNIOND, Sheriff. SLIER I FeB OFF/OE, Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1853. Fresh .Drugs, Medicines, &c. &c. / I have just received from Philadel• - phis and New York very extensive ,61= r additions to my former stock, calibre cin nearly m every article of Alediee `` tH4 " use, toge:aer with Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle;— Bruhes of almost every descriptiort, with , n endelss variety of other articles, which I am de termined to sell at the VERY LowEr, prices. All Physicians; Country Merchants, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested not to pass the OLD STAND, so they indy rest assured t hat every article will be sold of a good quality, 4nd upon reasonable terms. illny 30 - 'NZ RTE'S AND LIQUORS. NIA DIN Tenerilre, Malaga, Lisbon, SI t 3 .at, Grape J 11410,, Port and Annhor brand Gnainp Igoe Wiaes, Boston Burn, Ginger Brandy, Clurry Brandy, Pale Cognise and Dirk Brandy,!loll ind Gin and Wino Bitters. SI)I•ral C Me per pound, Syrup an 4 ilaug iIIOLALSE-3, Washing Soda, superior yllysou,lrnoerint and Black TEAS, priu,i,)e., Regalia and Cuba CIGARS, for sale by Lila box or retail, bring on your pipes and (re burn. (my?,e/)"CIf BARNITZ• DRUG STORE WOE. SALE. raIt.IF,•DRUI; STOUP, on the corner of Pit I and West Hanover streets. with fixtures is offered ftir sale—on reasonable terms. Ad dress GEORGE Z BRETZ. Carlisle, Pa. Nov 16 tf HENRY J. WOLF, .ITTORJIrEr .11T Ojice, No. 2, Beetem's Row. ALLprofessional business strictly attended to. The German language-spoken.as read= ily as the English, [Sep 14. 1853 THE Store of the silbscriber. embracing TEAS, GROC Queenswyre, and ail (he Varieties venally hep by hint, ih removed to his ~O w buildin., No's 2 & 3, MARION lIALL, West Maio St March 30, 181 - .33 J. W. EBY• FRESH TEAS, &c. JENKINS' Best Brand of Tons, Green and Black, in metallic packages, also in bulk and in original packages. A large sad general no• sortment oldie hest winTE: 'RON STONE AN IJ GRANITE WARE, with in variety of Glass Ware, and Common Ware of every de scription, in setts or otherwise to suit the par, chaser, together with . CEDAR WART,' WILLGW — WARE,' and,a vartetyLof Fancy Ware always in store and for sale tho "Family Grocery" of Juno 8.1853. J, W. EBY. avALL AND ViTZWITER of Hat.J! I Stlles: --4,. r. „44 ... .tr - .-...-petiv..-,_;.::, i., • A 14.45,-5,1" '. ----_± , -.-..„_ 0 , ....,:::, fr---....i. ....-...-- , , - & J. KELLER desire respectfully forni their customers and friends that they •are now supnlied.with u great variety of - • ' L , lIATS AND CAPS , 4rJ , ; for .Fall and .;Wri nter 'w'ear. In. addition to a be spring style of Sill( Hata and their eXrens;vo arulrtment ..chlottred Hais jtisl received from the cities. Their as sertmentis largo anti for,benuly of,etyle.exeol, lence of fioish.atid lowness of price, they can net he km - nosed:, -441nrge assernnent Cays. exelnsively for 'euminer wear; , conntantly og halo. Alen 'sele'cled assort-Omit of CHILDREN'S HATS. • ' WWII - Wet respectfully invite tho .citize ns of darliale and' 'leiffi(y . to 'call and ekantin'e our, nenoritnent nt the old attofd,ThppoaitO fo the Teingraoh Office. ,1,1„; Littrulburt. „ • . • C I i)rthe best ' , :uttlity . Ostlreceiving• und for sal 6 . by D. 01.Ey ir,i.,•0ri1y.62.,40.p0r. ton. ~ • ,'! Garlisli3,fMarch , lll,lB.s3. , • , "--Viu'ODWIIRLP S. ELLIOTT, - Main street. FLEAIOVAL. fl ll `itCllttltC 011 Farm erif,.oo oper gi LOOK TO YOUR IN TERY:STS 150000 t e a u k t en P f l i o . o u m r n o rr b e e l e SoTar 1000 vx(ra fine CEIESTN UT POSTS. The above Staves ere u be roved at ;Middle. _sex,_.North_Middletort_tw.vioiM. . lily way of . c.\ recommendation, we would p ly say, we are selling them, ,from 'their 43 leder quality,) to coopers Who have Ireretolore r fused using cut staves, also to others - who ate distant, and in the midst of stave cutting establishments, PRI E—ss 50 per 1000, or 20,0 0 For $lOO. All dash, or rk sauslactory reference. 'Apply to the subscriber, or to-JOHN RA lI NEW, Middlesex. Also, WANTELT, 300 bundles of good, long, well cured RYE STRAW. The market price will be paid at the premises of the-owner• Apply to the subscriber through Carlisle P. 0., box ti . o. 10, or. at his residence, ono mile south of Middles( x. Octl93t DAVID AIILLER, Jr. First Arrival of Fall Dry Goods, Al the New and Cheap Store. IPelse Campbell wo U 1) respectfully announce to their friends and the public that they have just received from New York and Philadelphia a large and handsome assortment of FALL AND %VI:ITER GOODS, consisting of the•latest'styles of Dress Goods, French plaids, cashmeres, mous do lames, all wool, moils de lieges, Per i t:tien cloth, plaid, brocade and black silks, al-. paean, and Mourning Goods. DOMESTICS Bleached and unbleached muslin, checks, Ghigharns, iickings, wht and cl'd Canton Flannels, table huen,table cloilis,Napkins Damask _towels, wool flannels, &c. LACES ANI) EMBROIDERIES cambric and swiss ruffling, edgiii2 and insert ing, lisle inechlin and Florentine laces, collars, undersleeeves. spencers, culls ' &e. HOSIERY AND GLOVES Silk, cashame and Saxony hose, nerino half hose, white and black silk hose, black, white and mixed cotton hose, ladies and gents silk, kid, fleecy lined silk and cotton gloves CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES A large assortment of cloths, cassimeres, sati nets, Lentucky jeans, merino, satin and black silk vestings, BOOTS AND SHOES A large ass wtment of Indies and gentlemens shoes, slippers and hoots,*childrens shoos, front die best manufacturers. FAMILY GROCERIES, Rio and Java Coffees, New Orleans, Cuba and refined sugnrs, Loveritia's, Syrup Molasses. Cuba do., and Spices of all kinds, Their goods have all been selected with great care from the,beat New Yorkand Philadelphia houses, and cannot fail to stilt purchasers both in quality and price. sepl4 Illardware, hardware. Tasubseriher wishes to draw the linen lion of the puhlic t to their own interests, which they may consult to good advantage by examining the elegant and complete assort ment of Hardware of every description, which he is now reeeiviugat his uld stand on North Hanover street. COACIIMAKERS. We have - n large supply of springs, hubs, bands, laces, curtains, niid floor oil cloths and drab cloths, of &Grunt qualities, in fact every ilii lig in}.our TO GA. BIN ET-MA E R We offer complete setts of veneers, knobs and mouldings of walnut-and mahogany, to sui Loth the taste and the purse, CARPENTERS EXAMINE the splendid assortment of tools in your line as also it - complete stock of building materials, ruck as locks, hinges, screws, latches, glass, paints,.oils, varnishes, turpentine. &c. and va rious carpenters tools cheaper ,han ever, as has been acknowledged by aearpcuter who . has seen them. BLACKSNIITIIS cannot - go wrongin giving us a call for a sup ply of hammered, rolled, slit and other iron genet ally used, as also. cast, shear American and English blister steel, &c. &c. OUR FARMER FRIENDS will also consult their intmests by looking at our cheap shovels, forks, trace Chains, homes, and every other article front a .cradle to a plough,to suit them in price m u d quality. - TIIE PUBLIC, GENERALLY . _ - - - -are.also-invited to examine the quantity and quality now on hand of cedar ware, tubs, churns, buckets, oils, such as fish, sperm and flaxseed oils, width will be sold at the lowest cash prices. I would also roll attention to my splendid assortment of WA LI: PAPERS, pre , enting n numberless variety of Patte'rns at prices from 6 cis. upWards. Remember there is no mistake hcre, ns all articles will be sold at the lowest cash prices nt tbd old and well known stand en North Hanover street. East sine, betweee McGlauglifin's and Nell er's lint Store. JACOB SENER.. march 16 Prepare for Birinterl PARLO i AND COOKING STVEO. r 1!E subscriber at his old stand on North L Hanover Street, Carlisle, the sign of the "Mammoth Red Coffee Pot," •debires to cull the attention of the uublia to his large assort. ment of ,S TO V E S. of•the newest and most fashionable styles, Iroin ihe best manufacturies in the country, and ut all prices Irons, S 3 to 8.15 Among his PARLOR/AN D C HAM SER . STORES are the. Mirror Stove, the Arctic, Revere, Star, Persian, Union and "'Etna Air Tight, together with other patterns which he has of all sizes for Parlors-or Chu:fibers, and calculated for burn ing either wood or coal. Also the Etna, Globe, Astor, Albany, Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOKING STOVES, comprising the latest improvements in kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.— Also the Dining Room Cooking Stove—n new and elegant article', to which he invites the par ticular attention of families. His cookibg stoves range in price from $lO to 25, with all the fix tures.cornplete. Also Nino Plate Stoves of various patterns an at alt prices. Also 'ENAMELLED AND TINNED WARE foe Cooking Stoves,Brass Kettles, &c. Also, every article in the line of TM and Copper Ware. The politic a c respeethilly invited to call as h e is confident with his large stock, va riety and cheapness, al 'being able to l give entire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and are. M. MORRIS. Oct ob r 19,,1853-3m rznE zursultarzczi. Tho Allon and East Pennsborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland court: tyy• iniierporated• by-an-Act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the management of the following commission ers, viz: • , Jacob Shelly, Wm, R. Gorgon, Alo bael Mulakair. Brenneman, Christ dStny. man, Christian 'Fuze), Jacob H. Cimv Lome Oyer, Ilchry Logan, Benjamin 11. 111,enr, Jai Gob - ICiek,'Samuel .Prowcll, Joseph Wicker Bi 30113." 1 Tha talus of insurance aro aa low and favor. able aa'any Company of tho kind in tho State. Pomona wishing to become inctubora aro in vited to make appllcation to (Ito agents of .the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. MO,SSIMV, President. : . '• • ,lli iit LOOAN, Vied President ' Ldwis flyer, Secretary: Michael Cucklin, Treasurer. • • •;• i•'•. • . Cumberland Comify.--.Redefph. Merl CumharlaCrl; C. IL flameri.Ringstawnillem: ryZenring, ShiremitiOtdwn ; Cluirles erliale.; Dr. J. A 111, Samuel Graliotn, Vest Pennelmiefigh; Jactiee.Mellew- Fr!9klcford ;, Murk,. Suatlt tan; Samuel Cenecro.dliMjamln flavermick, Meclmpicsburg;• John Sherriik Lisburn ; Coe'ver, Shopherdstovm. • York County.--John Bowman, DillAmrg Peter Wulferd, Franklin; -Jahn. Bier, Washington; Picking, ,Dover; Ditch)! Jtalreneberger, .1 W.Craft,Paradise.. Ilarrisburg.—=ll.ouser &i Lachman. • Momboro of the cornpgy having poltotoo utlitot to expire con have thorn, run ' ewed by moking oriplicution to any .tirtboagezito; • Noy. 24, . ItaaatiVOlßS, CULSZIME4ES.' jtidt. 111116DEVDD at:[lio Now and. Cheap Stoic 411:Wajoh & • Capipnell n large,lut, of P RENCEI Jutrti N 0118. ; '. c4 '§ m : 1 •: noai'tin Enna :frean frne,Pliiladalphia, and ROI 4: ^ ia o tt , WINO; N,..P.AMPIEW4I.'S. I filtbicincs. THE WONDER OF THE AGE. For the Cure of Saltr'mom; Chilblains, Corn•' mon Sores, Chapped or Cracked Hands, Burns i• Scalds, Cuts or 'Wounds,. Piles, billaminntien the Breast, bites of insects; Sore Lips, Pito-. .les'on the Face and' Breaking Out and Sara. ,in ChildreS; oak all diseases at .the Skin. --- Tliis- O i lament- wi 11-eure -the -5.4 I trheum Maras, or Chapped hands. quicker sod surer Utah any other inediciticiof the kiiid.,before the' abbe.• - . To substantiate (lie above, - I can give hundreds f certificates: but I consider it no use, as (any emit can' n the 4nme, it they have friends, for j veil R worthless article) - [ r,-ly solely on the ierits of the,Ointinent for the public patronage. N. lI.—A single box of this Ointment will ecp any Blacksmith's, Farmer's, Sailor's, or [entombs's hands, let them chap dr crack ever is bad, sound and in good Working order all i•interi Prepared mod snlilly MONROE TERBEL, Naugatuck, Conn, Sold also by the principal Druggists, and Country Merchants. Price '26 cents per (MY. Nov. 16, 185:3-13 , , `CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. din infallible remedy for Scrofula, ging's Evil,- Iteummism, Obstinate Cutanecus Eruptions, llt mples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, 11 tits, , Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or 'Vet 1+ r, Scald' !lead, Enlargement nod Pain of tha It rues and Joints, Stubborn UlLterB, Syphilitic isorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints :mil all It iseases arisitig ft inn an injudicious use of Men. pry, Imprudence. in Life, or Impurity of the ot:d. This valuable Medicine, tvhich has become eelebrated for the' number of ex traordiumw owes effected through its aginey, has induced It e proprietors, at .111, ,argent request of their f'.ends, to olfer it to the public, width they do M t, t the utmost confidence in its virtues awl mderful curative properties. The folio w big ei:rtificates selected from a large nitymber, are litwever. stronger testimony than the mere it nal of the droprietors ; and are all from 'lgen itetnen well known In their 10C1diti,s and of the highest respectability many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Va. E. BOYDEN, Esq. of the Exchange hotel, lain - amid, known every' where, says he 'las seen fie Medicine called CARTEICH SPANISH All Tgae administered in over a hundred eases, in mainly all the diseases for which it is recdmmen 'led with the most astonishingly good'results.— liic says it is the most extraordinary medicine Le has ever seen. „RIOF, ,IND FEV ER -Great Cure.—l here lty..certify that fur three years' I had Agile - and ,j ever of the most violent-description. L !tad 1 , carol Physicians, took large quantities of QM ?tine, Mercury, and I believe all the Tonics ad naised, but nll irdhotmany permanent relief. ."t last I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two hattles of which effectually cured me and I am _hippy to say I have had neither Chills of ever owe. I CCHlSiller it the best Tonic iththe world and the only medicine that ever reacheilmy Case. JO lIN LON GrIEN: — Beavertdam near Richmond Va. , C 13 LUCK Esq now in the city of Richmond. P.. 111 for tunny years in the l'ost Office, has such infidel= i ii the astonishing ornoooy at .Cor , er's rianish Mixture, that he has bought upwards of bottles which has given away td the afflicted. fr Luck say s he has never known it to fail when, tAch,itocord login direetions Dr MINCE a practising physican and former— ii of the City Hotel in the city of •Itichmontl, ,y-s he has witnessed in a number of instances t. le circa's of Carter's Spanish Alixture which • ere most truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the sod effects were wonderful indeed. SAMUEL M :DRINKER of 'the firm Drink. & "Morris, Richmond, was cured of Lit cr liomplaint of 8 years standing-by - the use of two hittles of Carter's Spanish .Mixture. GRCAT t_,UILE OF SCROFULA—The edi t ws of the Richmond Repel>Henn had n servant mployed in their press room cored of violent crofula combined with Rheumatism, which cm. t rely disabled him from.workt 'two bottles of 'arter's Spanish Mixture made a perftwt cure o irn, and the editors in a public notice sity they "cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted tit' , any disease of the blood " STILL ANOTHER. CURE OF SCROFO ' A—l had a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula y Carter's Spanish Mixture. I consider it truly valuable medicine: ,lames Al aylor Co:einemit n the It F & P R H Co Ric:la - lona Va 311. John Thompson residing iir the city of ;Lichrocud, was cured by three bottles of Carters Punish Nlisture,of Salt Rheum y. which lic,had .early 20 ye-rs. and which all the plrysiciiiii - s nt ,he city would not cure. Mr Thompson is a well merchant in the city or Richmond, v a ,, nd his core is most remarkable. Principal Depots at M.,WARD, CLosF Ec Nlaiden Lane, New Vork 'l' W I)YOTT br. SONS,Iso 136, North 241 ;treed, Philadolnhia. BENNE IL' BEERS,No 125 Main street, Vn. And for sole by.S Elliott , S V linverstick, Day.Nlenhaniesburg; J II Herron, :leo/vine; .1 0 Aida, Shimiensburg, and by dea• ter s in marlinines everywhere. Attention, Limeburners ATP" , • fr Buy yo - ur COAL or E. BrDDLE. tIr*ONLY'S`2 . 4.0 por ton for Cash. [Octs TALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 4g South Second street, !Philadelphia. ARE now opening for the FalliTrade a well snlooted ossorunont of - SILKS RIBBONS FEATHERS, FLOWERS, AND MILLINERY GOODS IN GENERAL. Confining - themselves exclusivety to lloti branch of the trade, and Importing the lorgor, fart of their stock., enables them io offer an as.' :ortment nnsorpassed in eNtent and variety, whichwilf. be told on the meet favorable terms. 'September 14, 18532,11 SOLIS, PILOT KE S, Thiporters and Manufacturers of every kind of =llMl=32l SG Avail street (below Third et) Philadelphia, and , at 1.78 Water street, Nekv..Yorist.. A S our Goods Imo all been selected in Eu. A foph by one of the firm, and manufactured uursolves . in the moat elegant and lashiona. ale manner, we can otler, thorn at a price(taking theirsaparior quality into consideration) that Will defy :compation. • Sliver Modals awarded for superiority by the Institutes of Ponnsylvanitt andWarylalid. I3ADPLE AND HARNESS NAKNG ,lirittE subscriber continacelo carry qn the 2.. abort) business,. in all'rievarionehrenclies; 4 1 North' Hanover street, Carlisle; two doors ~ilorth of •Leonard'a corner, whernhe intends 'ir,Caping on hand apparel astiortment in litr line, :•' '''',•.„,.": , - C i onsinting'of all kindir'of lash , . imiable SADDLES, Bridles,V:sl , •,., niai•thi,6ilcs, Girtlis,CiTeingles itt N and pAlLere, oleo . : 1 - tt% • 1 ; ill. Wogs. , Ile. also '''', ~ ',, ' ••• .„ 1 l rnanoldetureathemest approved Spyliteh'Sprtiw ' SW/Wear, 'ever a natal dri' this, coiintry, those wishing a' handsome,' duratileaMrplatistint,sricl: die will-do well id call anireeti;tllent„lle Mao mannfacturee'..llarne'es, 'l3rid led,: Collars. and Whipain all theAr variti live, and cOnfidently,tie:i liovos from tho geherlil approbation of. his MM . Joiners, that he Malicia the neatest ' and hest gears, in, alrd.hoirl.Varimy-. el, ,breadth, that, is! muds in The vouqtry, - lie also.inaltes all kinds of Nla'irasses to order, viz i Stiitw,,liinak, Curl. od flair arid Spring•Matroestis,., All- tlie-.al?ove• (alleles will be inartkoNtfoliat: matriritil elld', wordzinanship,4nd with the. litmVst &smack s . • iarit4.lv- -, ' - -, '- WM. OSII•ORN:'H • alnable • ro rot', : s TtlE'omtba.lriber Wore; hip intOroie (ono halh• 111311 Q HAGERSTO WN ' FOUrN, , DR Y. '"For• oortioutors.fte lo Tbrino which. wull lie , trade occommodating, loisinese focilties apply to' tita.aulAtioriltpt EiKliogorOtoaVnAlil, • • bwjß. LA WIEUENCE., 4~~l'l~iCi[tC, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSTF;F::IA.;JAU....DIEE, CIIRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY. DIS. EASE' OF THE KIDNEYS, AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM 4 'DISORDERED LIVER OR S T MAC A C Such as' Constipation, inwarkpiles, fulness of - blood to the lioad, aoidiiy al the - stomuelr; notifies, heartburn, disgust ter food, fulness - tit, weight intim stomach, emir eructations, sink. , ing or fluttering at the pit of tile stomach, swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in'u lying postuie, dimness of Vivien, dots or webs before the 'sight, fever and dull pain in the hood, defic iency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, blink, 01100, limbs, &c., sudden fl ushes of beat, burning in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and. gm' I depression of spirits, 1, CAN BE TeFECTUALLY CURED 171 , ' , DR. E-10011LANWS CELEBRATED, GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by DR, C. M. JACKSON, Nu. 120 Arch Strtet, Their power over the above diseases is not excellodof equatied, by any other preparation in the -United States, as . the cures attesCi-iii many cases , after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters arc worthy the attention of invalids.' Possessing great - virtues in the rec tification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in 'weakness and affections of the digeitive or gans, they are Withal safe,t ertain and pleas ant. • READ AND RE CONVINCED Testimony of the highest character! HON. GBO. STROOP, Judge of the District Coilit in Perry county, Pa., Nov: 15th, 1852 said: ' , your 'lloolland's German llillers'•liae been in use in our piece over a year past, and to the astonish ment of many has performed wonders. We may notice a few instances that have - cOme under own immediate notice:—almost every person who has stopped at the hotel of Wm. Lackey, one year since, predicted ,rom his e maciated. countenarice and debdity; that hs could not live much longer. He was unable to attend to his bniness, and • for the greater port of the time confined to his room'. We rcc• ommended film to try the German Bitters; he did; and to the surprise of all his friends he ie now able to attend to his 'usual husincss and perform manual labor. The case of Henry Asper a stone mason; whom no. one supposed would ever recover from the debility of his system, but was loultc.l upon us fast aKiroach ing the grave, took eight or nine 1).406 of the Bitters during the last winter, and this sum. rem lie has been fto the surprise of all who knew his case] following his trade. Toe case of William Murphy is no fess astonishing.— He too was so far reduced us to induce the general belief that the grave alone would be hie only remedy. Mr. Lackey reemninended him to tr,y the Hoofland's German Bitters; he is now apparently a well man, and able to do - a hard day's work. Wo could mention many other cases'ef a similar character. if it were necessary. I myself derived much benefit frmn their use. I lir.ve given considerable of it a way, not for your benefit alone, but to relieve suffering -humanity ; rind- let me assure you I am pleased to sco the happy result. To the afflicted we say, try them fairly and I will warrant relief." These Bitters aro worthy the attention of invalids, possessing great power in the resto ration of a healthy action of the liver and the lesser glands, giving tone to the stomach-and nervoug system, and bringing the system gen -orally-to—a—high state o, health. Far sale• by S. W. Haven:tick and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; J. 11. Irer rom-Newville; J. S. 'Attic, Shippcnsberg, and by - dealers in medicin is every where. ~A01)C1119C111C11Tv. 'LEATHER. FRITZ & HENDRY, Slore, 2D N. 361 sl., Meroceo M.nulaet,nrers, Curriers, Importers, Commission rind General Leather Business, MioLEsALE & HEPAIL Manufactory .15 Murgarettu:street. scp7ly DAVIS di. czrzazr; Dealers in Lamps La' .terns andtlandeliers, N E Corner Fourth and CherrsNts., HAVING enlarged and improved their store, and having the largest assortment of lamp, in Philadelphia, :key are now prepared in tar nish Cruhphine, Pine B RN IN G - FLUID Ethereal OiL, Pitosg•me Gas and Lard Oil.— Lamps. Lanterns of all palerns, Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandelieus, thrandules and Candelabras, and Brittania LaMps,at the man ulacttirers fewest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over auction p.i ces. Being large MAN 13 F.V.ITUR EltS of Pine Oil; Burning Fluid, Ethereal Ail, Amu -1101 and (the only trite) Phosgene Gas ' they can furnish these articles nt such prices that Mer chants will find , it to their advantage to buy.— Call Wore going elsewhere, if you want bar. gams Also the Safety Fluid Lamp for sale. October 5, 1853—ty Tpirs, TOYS, FANCY GOODB I ' ViTRLLX/DIVE T1ia142212. ' AS just received his Fall Importations of int. TO YS, D OD LS, Work Baskets andßox es, articles fur COnfectioners, Druggists and To blecouists, also FANCY G GUS of every 'description, such "as Toys of wool, chins, learl,"tin, &a, 1000 styles. Jointed, kid, wax and dressed polls, all sizes. Doll Heads with teeth, moving eyes, &c. Aceordeons, har.n onieas, violins, trumpets, Warches„optics„ rings, waggons, &c, ThirbleSof chins, agate, glass, common, cold, German slates and pencils, all sizes. PercusSitin Caps, G D.. 'l' CI, and other maths. Cornets, bortbon and, cracking secrets, &e. Fancy BasketS and boxes, dressing cases, 'Alabaster articles, Jewelry boxes, Inkstands,. Toilet boxes, Perfumery, Teeth•brushes. Druggists' tancy drtinles,Ctirmine,C.H. Pencils Tobacco and Snuff boxes', Seger - cases. '1%010., 'l'urkisls and : Veiman Pipes.; 'of Porculuiti, Bronze, vie. • , With an endless variety of newest styles of 'Fancy. Goods. Dealers will find it to their'advantoge ig make an early erntininat ion of this stock, as the Goods are all new and Will be offered' it the very low est rates. , W. TILLER, Importer. ' 1 Commerce St.. Philadelphia. Penny "Toys, 50 kinds. Cases of assorted Toys, at $5; 10, 20, per case: seps-91n I ' 11.A . Y E E N TUBULAR OWl;llll'49'4' AIR RANGE Various Sizes, ko Families, Boarding Rouses and Hotels. frillOSE in want of a- superfor'Cooking paratus aro invited 'to call:at out Ware hens° and examine thii Hansa. For durability economy and simplicity in operation-it stands unrivaled. Itites-11 perfect hot air ventilation -.Lend Meats baked in this liven Twill retain their juice and II aver equal to that roasted betore en open' and- pastry- cooked- at-the same time without onwetlastitig the other:. It will supply sufficient heated' air to heat addi tional rootnit fur the coldetit , :wenther. It has no descending oe 'return flues, and is equally' •well adapted' to bituminous 'or common hen' coal. The stentwyelve•oVerthe-boiling part of the feenger eniries the annuli end scent of Conking, as well as heat in 'summer.t Every Range sold warranted to give satisfac tion', or no - expenSeTollie purchaser. ' • HAYES' VENtri.LATOR, For Public Rai, Factories; Railroad Cars, Clumilies,nites Shys, Steamers, Pure air is a subjeel'elaim,ll4 the fillendoo 'of every individual, heirdlags'should provided wittfthe•kuparnieans of veiltilatiell. Also,firpowerful ~". . Vlarnning anaLVentilating Furnace, For Dwellings, School Houses, Churches, Mails, - 7 . 7 • Stores, flietories,*, IA large ti,..sorturent of iifrieeilliill;and Cook ing Stovei, :Niger l'irittee,•. !legislate; Wholosalts'aed Retail, • ; •;; • •., : • ; •••• ' it; • ItA•X D3t 'ITAY ES, •• .t'' H 82 North Sixth street, P/u/a X 0.7,`. pp giv)p.lP,,)vaireitig and ,vonfilafihg.hoth.palille.antl,,private:bpliatitge. , • 1301;ttlq cethers. • • - THOsabseriber has juatopenad nain , vaibe of Ost dli and olher:Boencai•leathera, at Oa. batlike' tilual prico.r . Also a viral cheap lot of Fancy [cos Silka.T.i ilnr6 GE ! O,,W. HIT NEW. drat .dstate Onto. Valuable Town F'ro - pertil. FOR SALE. !' • 11 - WILL sell at private sale a IL Two Story Brick ..110 USE s's and Lot of Ground, situated on I Nortyllanover street extended, in this borough. 'Chia 'house is r - ' ,7o '""""'''' .double with back buildint, nll in good eontlnion. v`flip7Lot - i3 - 60 - . - oetin - frontliy - t u the 'Ka rn ises is a stable, and the Wholtepropei tyls eligible and convenient. 'r.Als;), a small Two Story BRICK lIOUSE and Lot of Uround; 15 feet (rent by . 119 deep, on-Nurtli street_near to Ilanover, It these p•openiwo aro not sold; by - the Ist of linivar) rest. they will be rented :for,the emu • its.„; year: JO [IN 13. 'PA 11K. /12. Co lisle, Nov CO, r VILLITAIBLE PRIVATE SALE THE subscriber being desirous of Moving to the West, offers at private sale the FARM on which he now reside; in Monroe twp., Cumb. Co about ono mile south wcst of Churelnown, on the'Yellow Breeches creek, end adjoining lands? of Moses Bricker, Joseph Brandt and others, • CONTAINING fl i t ACRES, strict measure, of a first rate quality .of,laod, about 110 acres of which is cleared end in a high state of - eultivatidn, the remainder is covered with young and thriving. timber. The improve• meats are a two story Dwelling HOUSE, 80 feet square,, with basement fitted up for a wash house, a stone bank :./1 ' , e BARN 81 feet trent and 40 back, : 4 ' 7 % `7 . . a stone spring house with a never• failing spring of excellent water at the door, wagon shed, corn cribs, cider press, and other out buildings, an apple orchard, an oil mill and water newer sufficient to propel any machinery. ALSO 583 ACRES of Mountair Lurid, near Cookstown in thesnme township, lands of Messrs Samuel and Richey Clarks, M. Ege's heirs and others. The above property will be sold in parts or the whole, and lerms made to sou purchasets. Any person ivishing In 1:113W said property can do so by calling on the subscriber. JAMES CLARE. November tg, 1R53-1w *.*Lanraster Examiner copy (1w) and send bill to this office. roz Et.EAT'll. A Two Story BRICK HOUSE situate on the Mirth east corner et A. 44 I, - Louther and P,tt Streets, and a 1 !1.•;• Two Story Sonin House on Lou- . titer Street, no r occupied by the r' Rev - Mr Kremer. Also several smaller dwel lings for rent. Enquire of • ner923) JACOB SrNER. HOUSE ARID LOT FOR SALE. TILE tivo Story FRAME HOUSE. and Lot of Ground in South Hallo ver street, now:occupied by Charles Flarnitz, immediately opposjte BenVz a R Store, is altered at private sale. For terms enintite.of the subscriber, Attorney lot the owner. nov9's3tfj R. M. HENDERSON. .17.AVNIVZ X'oll. S.A.E. The subscriber rams at private sale his FARM, situate about two miles.north of. Car. lisle, lying between the Canodoguinet Cree't and the Sulphur Spring road. It isjoined by farms - of Wise-and Natcher, and CONTAINS 71) . : ACRES, all cleared land,ltlinty.:of which are mead Ow. It is-well limed. and in alhigh.state of cultiva tion, The improvements are a- Two Story FRAME II 0 USI.I, a well of wa . t , ter with pump.at the il,or, frame :a . 1 4' Rank Barn, die. There is also a young orchard of ehoici3 fruit - ."'"lrees. Also, will be sold with the 'same iC diA.red, n'tract of AIOUNTAIN LA.N•I). Persona _wishing to purchase eaii learn terms•by calling, upon li. .N 1 Ilundurson, Esq., in Carliide...l JOHN SANDER SON November 1 1653--tf vaLuA.zar.,r.PIIOREIRTY At Private Sale, TfIF, subseriher intending to remove \Vest offers at private sale, until SATU It DAN, the 10th or December, next, tho note and cornice dioug Three Story BRICK 110 t. SE, situate in West Moin Street, Carlisle. Pa. ci The house is new and in complete iiii order, containing Ten Rooms, its Is I eluding:the Store room. There is also on tho promises a first rate Wash and Rat:if House., The above 1 - 9111 . the Most business part of the town and is a very de9irabic place fur any bus inesa. Duo' sold privatelyit will time be ot- Area, on S ultr) AY the 10th day of Dec ember, at pubic sale. Any person desirous of viewing :he property will please call on the subberiher, when ;erne will be made known. Al/GUS ['US S. V/ °RAMEY. N v 9. 1859 —ts CEIURCIITOWN rnoPEnimr FOR SALE TM] subscriber Offers at private sale a lot of ground, situate in Churchtown, Comb. co., 33_ feet in funt by 203 Feet deep ,. having thereon eructed a - doubly: two story - FRAM E.IIWEI.- LIN 0 HOUSE, 30 leerin front by 21 :m deep. with eight rooms it two kitch .ens. The house is newly built and well finished throughout. Also a lot adjoining the above, on which is erected a two story Frame (louse, 20. ft square, now' used as a Cabinet Maker's Shop. but can be easily converted into a dwelling house. It is a good stand for the above or any other bus iness. For terms, which will be made easy, enquire of the subscriber in Carlisle. aug3tif JAMES R. WEAVER, SZE4I.I%or 511.17 V zvzxx z. THE undersigned owning 'a iarge Steam Sae: , Mill, recently built, on an improved plan, with a .eiren!ar saw - capable of sawing with great rapidity, Ideated thredmiles west of Pa• poi town,Cumberland county, al the base of the South Mountain, on Spruce Ran, mitt having io possession near one thousand acres of the best timber land, in the Southern part of Penn nylvanlu, aro now prepared to sew and furnish lumber to order, at the shortest notice of the various descriptions used for mechanical pur poses. They ,can furnish frainc.stuff for barns and houses of any length end size thht may be required, weather-huarding,,lltiuring;and boards, poplar and oak boards and plunk, shingle and plastering laths, oak and chasnut shinglet, eocper bluff, pitch pion pints, and chestnut rails and posts. They have now on band several thousand feet of• lumber, ehesnut rails and posiii fur fence, oak and pinewood by the cord, and dm engage to be delivered in Its season several hUndred cords of chcnnut oak bark fur tanning purposes. The proprietors having availed themselves of the -natural advantages of their locatuni, which abounds in a variety of the (West timberland having also u. practical krn.wiedge of tire busineas, are enabled' to furnish lumber lower to the citizens of Cumberland count• , than can be done by any subtler establishment —and as they wish and expect.to do a large buiinOssi will no pains to accommodate the piddle at the shortest notice. Trio various descriptions of limit:mr. will be. delivered in Carlisle or elsewhere us may ;be desired. All orders addressed.to the' propric. tar's, Divert & Haskell, living in Puportowni or WM. D. Seynuitir, Jr. in Carlisle, will secure prompt al t cation. ' • . • LIVEN, HASICELL S1;YI1,1(.. UR.... Nov.lo, ly. FRESH ARRIVAL! subs riber has just•re:ur.ned from Phil .lll adelphia, and is now opening •a large and elegant assortment of cheap • WINTER GOODS, ~ t';onsistirig. in .part of clothe, casein-tars, easel netts, flannele, hlaal F eth; j aa hs•S r fe. • Ladles' , Conds—A• benatilul• oesortment do !nines, french inerinces,•parritiferfas, aslkof now style barrel, eaalimaros, rill 0113 ; plitiwla,, liaf nada worked collaiioSte:; ! • Domestics,—llleaafted and aml)Vd • ninsiins, cliceks;aiekings, canton flannels, &e, ...! foals, nud Shoos--A larga assortment of men and boys winter boots, Also an entice new r ,l oc g or ladies', gaiters: morocco boots, ban. dinsonall slippars t , ohihlren's shoos in groat va riety,. gum over shoes of all (lescrintiona. • Groennles-:-A fresh lot of etigaigi, 'Coffee,. leas, .mulasseV,.spices,Rc: • • • • • • wintar assortment: is new elhl 1- 1 11 1.wo. invite nit °art.:old triiendettatiti' inteto:- more, and thu 'public in gonoral to call aini , ext 'amino our MO before ;purchasing elsewhere, "dß' WO will tall Measure in allowing our goods , and wiliteell cheap if not cheaper than any inlierafore in , tlmmonty.., lecollect liai old stand , -Goer nain Street. • t.' ~ • • , •1 ." CHAS. 0G1L13.1(., •11• Nov 16,1853 itu iCcgat aub Ott)er Noticc-o. • Estate ofJohniEberly,dee, --- 6 - , E 111112. S Testamentary- on ihe - estate of A.. 1 John Eberly, lato of Silver Spring town— ship, have'becu issued to the subscriber, reel dine . Ilaimalen -township, Ctimb. county, to whom all persons having claims against said estate will present them-for settlement, and nil indebted will make payment to SAMUEL Executbr. Nov 31 NOTIOE. TEI election for Directors:of tire Carlisle Batik advertized to be 'held on Monday, tho Ist inst, not having beeri held on Said day, an election for Directors of said Bank will be held, agreeably to charter, on MC ND tY , the 19th or December next, between 10 o'clock, A. kl% and '2 o'clock P. M'., at the Carlisle PepOsito Batik. non 63,vi GEO. A. LYON, Pres NOTICE. UR SCR 111 ERS to the stock of the Carlisle., (.;:u and tVatur Company are required to pay to Wm. M. Beetem, Esq., Treatmrer, at the Carlisle Deposit Bank, on, or be Thnra day the 15th day of December, next, the (tiled instalment of ONE DOLLAR upon each share by•thent subscribed. •By order of the Board. N0a.23 FRED'K WATTS, Pres. Estate of A. Williams, dee'd• N°3FICE is hereby given that Letters Tes tamentary nn the estate of Abraham Nil. hums, late' of Monroe township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to the subscribers, re siding in Upper Allen township in the same county, All persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate are regumted to make immediate payment, and dingo having claims to present them for settlement to MICHAEL COCKLIN, ALEX. CA THCA nov‘r.l6pcl Exr's. Estate of Dr. A. LI. Raisell, dec'd. IkTOTI CM is hereliy given that Letters 'reca ll meat try on the estate or Dr. .11. 11113- sell, late or %Vest Pennsboro township, Cum • berland county, deceased, lirive been granted by the Register or said county, to the subscri ber, residing in the same township. All per. sans knowing themselves indebted to said estate ere required to Make immediate payment and those having claims to present them for stile ment to SUSAN RUSSELL nov'r,l6pd Ex, DIVIDMISTD. Carlisle Deposit Bank, Nov. I, 1853. The Board of Directors have this day deefn . 3d a dividend of FOUR PER CENT, which /ill lie paid t.) the ste.dtholdere or their legal mresentativee on demand. W. M. BEETEM, Cashier QM NOTICE 'I'llE books of NI 0 tuns ce HERSHEY ere in my hands for settlement end collection. All •re ins knowing themselves indebted or having counts to settle with said firm will do well to ill at my offi and pay or settle (heir account I y the loth of November 1853, or they will bo ,Iroceeded against according to law._ Octobek 6, 1853 'ilState of Alichael Livingston, dec'd NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of i.d mnistration An the estate of Michael Liv ingston, late of East Pennsboro township Cum trland count y,decoased. !lase been granted by lis Register of said cunty to the• subscriber 'siding in the same, township, All persons towing themselves indebted to said estate are gaited to make immediate payment and those tving claims to present them to STEPHEN O. LIVINGSTON, A din.r MED Estate of James Eckles, sr dec. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad: inistration have been issued by the Register (,1' Cumberland county, upon the estate of James Eckles, sr., lute of Upper Allen twp., dttc'd,to the subscriber residing in the same .vuship. time having claims„rmainst Fl estate will present them for settlement, tit d 01050 indebted will make payment to WILLIAM M. ECKLES, Adm'r. nov9f•.v NOTICE. ro the heirs and legal representatives of Joseph Barton, late of York connty, deceased. Take Notice that by virtue of a Writ of Par irton and Valuation issued out of the Orphan's ourt of Cumberland county and to me direc• tl, 1 will hold an inquest,to divide, part, or a' due the real estate of said decedent, on the treatises in the town of Lisburn, Cumb. co, on El U RSD Y the. 2'2d day of December. A. 1:.. 1853, nt to o'clock, .A. M, when and where ym may attend if you think proper. ieritrs Office Car- ?J (I S , McDARMONI,), lisle, Nave 9,1852 . Sheriff:. NOVVICII 10 . 0TICE is hereby given that application will be made_ to the_mext I,egisitaure,. recahly to the constitution and laws of this U immattwealth, fur an alteration in the charter c; the Carlisle Deposit° Bank, so as to confer ul.on said Bank the rights and privileges of a Li nit of issue, and to change the name to that the " Carlisle Bmik." By order of (119 Board of Directors. W. 61. BEETEM, Cashier. June en, 1853-6rn NOTICE. NOTICE is herby given that the."C umbers I id Valley Savings Institution," located in ,citinson township, Cumberland'county, will rt the imp:Motion' to the next Legislature of the t 1 .mmonweelth 01 Pennsylvania for an Act of It corporation, with a capital of not less than 'ten nor more than Thirty Thousand Dollars,f I-. the purpose of receiving deposits of money . I th transitory and on interest, and of making It ins and discounts, with such other privileges n l aro usually granted to' Savings Institutions. B'y'order of the Directors. 4.. • %VAL GALBREATH, Treas. D. L .BEELIIAN, Seer pe9.26m) Extensive Furniture Rooms Cl--cT itilL ES RAVE:I.II'ER would- respecttplly v:1 call the attention of House Keepers and hoi p all to his extensive stock of ELEI.IANT FIJILN IT RE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Ci etre and other Tables, Dressing and plain 13i mans and every other article in his branch el b 1 iinesS. Also, now on hand the largest ari a. ruinent of C Uri IRS in CarDsle; or the It west pq ccs. Ilt-C6ll - itis made at-the shortest node ri I a Hearse provided for funeralic—.Boasolie it.t t call at his establishment on . North -Dance v.r.street, near 'Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur n't ore hired out by'llio month or Year - Edrlisle, March 10, 1850.7-Iy. Lzrezzirstrxtawar. II VS HE undersigned having been the agent o `4 4 11L : the Keystone Life Insurance Company, el rlarrisburg; Pa., continues to act in that ca p i city, by mithority,'„of said . Company,. 1.10 ‘mould respectfully,inform the community that lii will lotOnd to ouch persons as may signify tit fir desire to insure their lives, and thuogivo s tie proteet ion to their bereaved fernlike Mid i 'fi mods, in dose of death. O ffi ce In West• rM O. ft t Street, Carlisle. •.' -• , Alav2fr tf J. WATIIiNGON. C.ULP , S PATENT ,pORTABLE IDMIt Awn PRESS. having 1 111 E u nd e rsign e dnrd. in purchased the ~ _ ~r i g h t,;,of Franklin and Cumberland coon c• . ~, pa„ ;'and 'Wishington county .11,1 d,• for: GULP'S PATIOT pOPTABLE: CIDER ' r ILL AND PRES,S ardnew manufacturing' i ; 'chines under the immediate Supervision ml I l :ark Simpler, a practicalMillivrikhr. Orders' Nl.ll be received and filled with prompteesa.— ' , III machines will be warramcd: , ~, ~ ~ By this machine, which. con,be, convoyed bh ' .n wltnelborrOw cien man and a borbart make 'lrtim five to aig'llt 3 wrote cf cider a davy,iiii, el me v antk the titter.'''. horonghly pi - eased, Om , t - 11'3 tibilince. , The labor is li ght and the qua. • ci inns ate...simple and permanent. . This machine. was ,exhibited at the State, . Prtricultural Fair, at Lancaster, and tested with , s I 4ernl ethers, andthe committee, awarded the Osmium to it., The machines arc warranted t iperforni what-is,herain stated. Orders era •, r tmincifidly solicited. N. IL— Phis pros& connected with the Ma'. &Hue cadim !used. forprossipg clip-ante, and C'm 'tin' vegetables for leeding•litnek. - , • •-... • • fJACOII' HONIM° iiloy.11; 1853. Gm' HENRY SUEH'LERI , • ' Cliambersburg. MILL • -THE unde(eigned oliore. iie Merelient the) Corth!le , lion Worki, forterit:Atiynuthe iof .April mixt. - oil • .TETBItIF. EGE, G. B. COLE,