xiculturui. 111 PLIMENTS During the loot yoor,,ll4,Ratents were gran ted for agrioultural implements, twouty-sove!o' of which were for harveaters•powor.s_ETK iivers, •o. Tho following abstract of — this interesting department of 'invention; as oshi bited is tbo relent Itepdrt, is given in the ta l oientiflo Ateericau:— Three patents were granted for borse-power potato-digging maohineC;.ibe models of two of thoso we have neon, but have not yet had the pleasure awing a large one in operatic., Fifteen patents wore granted for improvements --- in plows, and four for cultivators. No less • than 26 were granted for seed planters. This number is very large, considering that such machines aro of no recent origin ; it shows the importance of this, class of machines, and tile. dissatisfaction entertained with those already in use. The ffeviceit patented, however, were mostly confined to the mode of distributing-the seed—the novelties patented are stated to be small, but that of B. D.'S:lndere, of Ilollidays Cove, Va., for operating the shove rod to work the valves by friction rollers and rotary cam, is a very good ono. Three patents were grant ed for horse rakes, and eight for threshers and separators; one of the latter consisted in hav ing an inclined rotary Cylindrical straw carri er supported on friction rollers:. This cylinder is full of holes, and as the str'aw is carried up, the grain falls down through the' openings Ten patens were granted for hullert and smut machines—ono of them being for washing, scrubbing, and drying the grain. One patent was granted for, a weigher combined with a 1 winnower. The-weighing apparatus is secur ed in such a mannorlo the machine, that when the meahure is filled up to the proper weight, the balance tips the weighed grain, which is • thrown upon inclined wayes, and immediately starts off on . e railroad track to the grain de pot. Four 'patents were granted for corn-shel lers: in one the ears are allowed to accumu late to act, in the mass, as nn elastic bed against the spiral shelling projections. Three patents wore granted for straw cutters, and • nine for miscellaneous agricultural implements ono of them being for „a metallio tube scythe snath. TRANSPLANTING FRUIT TREES Ad experienced horticulturist, who was ask ed whether autumn or spring was best for transplanting trees, replied that it was imma terial which season was chosen—it was only important that.the trees should be planted.— On land which is sufficiently dry, trees may be set out from the time the leaves have fairly began to fall till the ground becomes frozen.— When, from any unavoidable cause, trench plowing is not to be accomplished, the holes for the trees should bo seven or eight feet in diameter, and fivm one and a half to two felt deep. The earth should be mixed with a lib eral allowance of well-rotted manure, or still better with a omspost made and worked over some'weeks previously, consisting of two or three parts of muck or pent, one of barn man ure, and a fifth tart of leached ashes. This is indeed an excllent manure for fruit trees, in all cases, with ordinary soils. If the subsoil is Sterile, It should be scattered out of the Way. We have knoin instances where, on a cold and wettish soil, trees have been planted im mediately en the Surface—the sward being previously dug up and left to root—the roots covered over first with a compost like that a bove described, and afterwards with good loam. They grew well. , As a protection against wind for trees, new ly set, many prefer raising earth round the trunk to the height of a foot or eighteen in ches, according to the height of the tree.— This is a protection also against mice. When the tree has got fairly to growing, the earth is 'removed to a proper level. 10,000 =CC= I •ff HAVE just opened the largest assortmeni of WALL PAPERS over opened in Car• lisle, consisting of about 0,000 picket; of the latest French and American &P rm. sanging price from 5 eta to $1 75, also ‘Vindow Pa• Pen and Fire Screens, Plain Green and Blue Papers, &c, Persons wishing to purchase any of the above can save at . least ; 25 per cent by calling at JOHN P.LYNE'S Hardware Store, West Side of North Hanover Street, Carlisle. Fish, Fish, 0 Fish ! A CHOICE lot of No. I MACKEREL, in whole, half and quarter bbls,also a lot of new No. 3 Mackerel for sale chemi' for cash at the family grocery store of - Juno 22.1853. J. G. WILLIAMS, Lined Buck Gloves. . • TILE subscriber lias7on hand Men's BIJCI GLOVES, lined wirh Sheep skin, suitable fo driving gloves. janl9 G. W. lIITNEB " WE STRIVE TO PLEASE," THE subscriber would respectfullyennounce to the citizens of this place, `and all persons, visiting the satne'during the Holidays, that be has now on hand and will continue to be Pup— plied with thb letesknoveltics up to thecloso of the season, comprising in part CONFECTIONARIES of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy Toys, -Jolly Cakes, Bon Bons, -Gum Cordial, Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit -Drops, Rose, Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French and ex ploding Secrets. Also all the common varie• tics, all of which will ho sold wholcsal,t and retail at low rates, at KRISS KINGLE'S OLD HALL, in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the Bank, where wo have ju,st received FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest importations such as Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Preens, Citron, Cur— rants,. soft and paler shelled Almonds, Fit ,berfs., Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. Also, TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of ovary kind from all parte . of Europe, man. ufactured df wood. glass, china, papier macho, tin and India rubber, 'zinc, &c., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and' Card Baskets, •• Work and Fancy Boxes,. Flcwer Vases, Motto Cups, Tea Setts_; Music Boxes, Pert. mounies;••Battle. Doors, Grace Hoops, Masks, Drams,Ouns, Trumpets, Dominoes, lotto and other games, &c. Fancy Soaps ono Hair Oita of every variety. In asnection with the above a large stock of At , such as pulverized; crushed and brown Su gars. of every grade, Coilee,Molasses, Starch, Green and Black Teas; Spices, Butter, soda, Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese, &c. The subscriber regime his. sitmere thanks to agonerous public for the patronage hereto fore bestowed on him, and hopes; by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the SWIM docls . • S., MON,YER, Plainfield Olmsted Academy • • -Year Carlisle, Pa. 1 1 " • . . E . 1 5th Session ( fi ve months) Will coin= mance Nev. 7th. The buildings are.new and extensiyo One ereeted•, lost k all). The situation is till..that can be desired for health fulness and moral pitrity Itemoved 4 from the eacitoments of Town or Village th.: Student. may hero prepare for Collego, Mercantile pus. sults, &c. All the branches are taught which go to form a •liberal,cdueat on. A conscien tious discharge of - duty has 'necked, under Providence, tho prettent• flourishing condition of the Institution.: Ito future prosperity shall be maintained by the same means. . ••• Terms—Board and Tuition (per • scsaion),. ®50:00 ' For Catalogues with frillinf motion address IL • BUIINS,'' PrincipaProprietar: • • Plainfield, Comb, Co:, Pa.. ..1". •• • Woodward if• Schmidt. PRODUCE DEALERS, COMMISSION & FOR WARDING MERCHANTS novl2 CARLISLZP b.:, . Awitt : doil to thld plaentrte atlhe.ralll.:of the Amtirlean Tnet I t nte', iNoitt7tatbilt, Oct. 18526 ,4t Diplom: tit 'the irranlcitn - iiietitute, Plitlattelphla. Fleet' Pieitiltitri at the State r j_ ark, .. F a i r , vtv.i.a; Now rk, blia.,at 1iii,...C6 ). 1731 a andiltennttelcier Contxty,(Ne yelrer*at,ol e.e.e. 0. - 711,11sleatia at thl3 . Wttitelieetei Ceality" Fair at . Viihtte Plaine: •'' .' . U '; i HICKOK'S PATENT IN In the present arrangement of this highly approved and valuable Mill, the labor hi divided by arranging a cutting Cylinder to break the apples, and then deliver them to the lower Cylinders to be reduced to. pomace. By this nr. rangoment the work is performed faster and with much leas labor. The Press' is arranged with' a much laiger screw than formerly; and by a very ingenious device the use of the bag is dispensed with and the Tub made to open at will to de• liver the pomace, while at the mute time the Cider is loft clear and the work can be done with much lets labor Mail by the old method. The Cylinders aro covered with heavy sheet Zinc, both on their peripheries end ends; the *clod in them is arranged so as not to swell; and the whole work on the Mill and Press made in the very best manner and arranged with especial' view to their durability and service. No Farmer who uses the Mill carefully and !mending to directions will be disappointed, but en the other band ho will find this ono of the most valuable and efficient machines on his Earn. The machine In made to ran by horse, steam, or hnnd power, and when the apples are ground, a small boy of 14 years of ngo can press the pomace with all ease In all former times It was supposed that a large qunntity of Cider could only be mnde by using a ponderous machine, that slowly crushed the apples without grinding them fine. They were then mule into a massive cheese in straw, and n most severe and long pressure wan required to extract a portion of the Cider, a considernble quantity being absorbed by the straw and the mess of pomace; and to °idea; this unsatinfitctory - result the firmer had to take all his hands, and perhaps his slx.borso team, and devote a whole day that could have been more profitably employed, to ;nale from six to eight barrels of Cider. To Obviate the difficulty the Farmers have heretofore labored under, this Medlin° has been invented, and the statement of a few facts will prove that it is not only the beat Machine of the kind in existence, but it Is Old most profltablethat a man can have on his farm. Thu apples aro by this Machine grated up into a fine pulp, no that it requires but a comparatively light pressure, and that but a minute or two, to extract all the Cider, it being ascertained by practical experiment that OneTourth more juice can he obtained than by the old process. Ile. sides this, it only requires two hands to grind up and mkt) Into Cider alarger quantity of apples than call be possibly done on the old-fashioned machines. On thth press, owing to the compactness of 4 .14 pomace in the tub, and the com plete manner in ridden' it is ground, a preesuro of from 3 to tons—that ran easily ho obtainel-,will produce n more favorable result than fifty tons pressure on the ordinary Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, In RECOLLECT THIS IS THEi • CARLISLE FOUNDRY &MACH IN ESHOE j_ r:7ltsft' MITE subscriber continnesto manufacture to ..kL his Foundry; in East High ..street, having on•hand a great variety of gooil patterns, and is prepared to furnish PEON AND BRASS CASTINGS, which will be executed to order (if not on It and,) at the shortes• notice, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing, -Spur and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Snw Mills, Szc., Plough Castings.'Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, &c. Steam Engines built to order and repaired. All kinds of machinery in Paper Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired at, short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. \ Igo, Horse - Powers.and Threshing Madhines, such ns Bevel Gear Four Home power; Hor izontal Gear Four horse Power ; Horizontal Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn Slick lers and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines and Horse powers, repaired and Job Work lone at the 'shortest notice. Patterns of different kinds on handmni. made to order. He also Ims on hand n large supply or Phila delphia and Troy Cooking Stoves, and is eon stan.ly making Cooking Stoves of varirus im prnved pat'crns, (Or coal or wood. Ten Plate Stoves, Grates, &c. Repairing done to all kinds of Machinery.— All kinds of o!d Iron, Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work. _ FRANKLIN GA RAYNER ❑ur2lif USEFUL, FRAGRANT and GOOD. IDJ. KIEFFER has juet returned from Phil: adelphia with an additional supply of fresh DRUGS, which in connection with Ins former stock will make his establishment complete in ihis_deparunant. In addition to the above he has also opened a fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts, Peseta and Fancy Articles of every descrip lien. The attention of the Ladies is,espqcially invited to his. extensive assortment of' Fancy Articles; Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and Perfumes of every variety. Gentlemen are invited to examine his fine assortment of Fancy Articles—Segars, China and Porcelain Pipes, Tobacco of all kinds, Shaving and Toilont Soaps of superior quality, Canes, Riding and Carriage Whips, andmany other articles which more especially inters, t gentlemen. A number of superior Woollen Motto on hand. The proprietor will ho very happy tiihave hie friends cal! and,examino his goods whether they may wish to purchase or not. July G 1853 B .1 KIEFFER. SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1853, VirEORGE KELLER respectfully announ. cos to his old Patrons and the public gen• orally that ho has just received tho Alt SPRING STYLE OF H GENTLE— MEN'S FIATS, manufactured at ono of tho host establishments in Philadelphia, to Mach ho special attention. Ho has also constantly on hand a large and varied assortment of his own manufactuvo as woll as city made IZATS AND ClirS. suitable For. he season, compising every yard eyt of Itussin, Beaver, Moles kin and Silk flats, finished in the latent style, together with a full assortment of Cape of every ehapo and des. cription, and, at every price. He particularly invites the public to call and exarifine his exten- My() assortment, which in style, material and 'finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market, and which he is able to put nt prices lower than over. 0:7 - Remember.. his old stand on North Hanover street, between Humor's and Sonar's store. [Juno 11 DEEP. AND ILAN'S 111 ECEIVED this day, direct from Cincinnn• ti., n lull supply of tho following, celebra ted brands: 100 Sugar Cored Davie & Co's Beef Hants, • 100 " Gardner,Phipp & Co's Ibund, 100 " " Darnell° Westplin lin do. This last brand gained the Prize 111edel at the London World's fair. Also a Inrgo supply .01 Country-Hums, Bacon, Shoulders sod Solos o" of which will bo sold very lowAreatth J. G. WILLIAMS, Family Grocer. B.IIIIMOVELL. THE Store of the subscriber, oThrneing TEAS, GROC RIES, - Queonsware, and all tho Varieties usually kOT by him, to removed. to, his -ow building, No'a & 0,, MARION HALL, West Main, St, Carlisle. March 30, 1813 TICANSPORTATiON. ;IFI undersigned aro now propared to freight o; ir - morehandize from " " " ft Philadelphia and slab " 'ltttocl rates, with regularity and dospatch. DEPOTS . , ?rood, Ward & Proud, .Illarkot Street, Philadelphia ' %. 11. Barnitz '76 North Street, Baltimore. - Itielmol Iforri . North Strom,' Baltinioro.. . J. Sr. B. RHOADS. HOUSE AND LOT roll, SALE, rrIHE Einhearibor °Ars for solo tho FRAME • 1 i nt:lust!: and' Lot, 24 fen t'front by. 240 toot in depth, now oacuptoil•by. David Sanith,, , De(l4, D i n o t main street, ~ 'The dwejling'4ontaina. eight coiled , roornaJaCluding :donble parlors' Attached Is a etsteirn i atholte honae.nnd otabla For further inforpation apply to - . 1 • ' A. STURGEON, 4gt for;;Ka Sop el V.+ Cz., • SILVER IVIED.&L IZ7ZI PROVED CIDER MILL, Cider Press,'even if the ripples were ground as finely as en tho Improved Mill; and If the apples were merely crushed, as on the Nut 3inehine, It would require a pressure of one hundred tons to produce the result acoomplished by this Patent MIII. The following may be adduced as the decided advantages of this Mill. First—lt will melte more Ciddr than any other 'Press, with a given quantity of apples, in a given time, and with much less labor end expense. Second—lt will make cleaner and sweeter Cider than any other Mill. Third—You enn mako the Cider as you want It, and when you want It—and In quantities from ono gallon to 0 or 10 barrels. Fourth—With It you Gan press your Currants, Clierrlos, Berries, Cheese, Inittor, Lard, and Tallow. - it you can save one-fourth of your time in making Apple-butter. Sixth—With Ita uso you can at all tlmca have Presit and Sweet Cider. With all the advantages resulting from the possession and use of such a Machine—at a price, so low that it to within tho reach of all—can it bo that any iiitelligont Farmer would do without it? ' Do you wish to barn in your house at all times Cider that is sweet and fresh, the only time it Is really healthy and fit for use—and do-you wish to save -a groat portion of the hard labor attending the snaking of Apple-butter I If so, buy this machine, and our word for it, you will not ho disappointed. This Mill is warranted superior to any other portable Mill in oxistence, and the Proprietor is ready at any tinie, (on fair notice being given,) to test It with any Portable Mill that is not nn infringement on it. Farmers, erafnine this newly IMPROVED MILL, before you buy any other. Ono great advantage of this machine over all others, is, that It will not choke up, and !lord or soil apples etin bo ground. and yet the Cylinders will always remain clear and in grinding order. All orders will be filled in the order In which they aro iceeived, and all persons I'i - tinting them would do well to send their orders early, and state at what Limo they want the Mill mint, . Thio Mill, attended by: 2 loon, will, when properly worked according to directions, make 0 to 12 barrels of rider a day— and will grind alone by horse-poweefrom 100 to 300 bushels of apples a day. At rif The Price of too ➢llll in $4O, Ikea of freight. HARMER:FRG, PA., Ploy, 1853. W. 0. MORON. the District Court of the Modern District of Pennsylvania. EW AND IME.'ROVED MULL A GRID ULTUAAL WAREHOUSE AND THE subscribers, in addition to thcii exten sive Grocery, have connected therewith an AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE ' and SEED STORE, I 10, Market street, near the railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and arc prepared to fill ald orders, by wholesale and retail,, of oil kinds of Agricultural Implements, Vegetable and Flower. Seeds, &c. Country merchants with reasonable discounts to sell again. Horse-powers and threshers, wheaud Hulls and seed-planters, plows,harrows and cultiva tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter , grain fans corn shellers, vegetable cutters, hand grain mills, clover spellers, horse rakes, churns,grind stones and improved hangings, hay, straw, and manure forks, farmer's boilers, ox yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cow chains, spades, hoes and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain cradles, seyt hes and scythestones, potatoe drags pcist augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags, grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and building knives, grass and grain sickles, screw wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry combs, garden Tech, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano, plaster, poudrette, bone dust, lime, gar. den, field and flower seeds. A Iso, a large and fresh assortment of GRO CERIES, 'PEAS, &c., all cheap for cash. WO Y HALL. and produce of all kinds received n exchange for implements. Apr.l I 3, 1H53.—1v PRESERVE YOUR TEETH BY USING Zermans Celebrated Tooth Wash valualde preparation has long been used IL in New York nod Philadel:lin, where it has attained an immense popularity, for cleansing, preserving and beautifyinE the teeth, It is tin excellent remedy for sore,soft or bleeding gums. It also impartstl delightful freshness to the mouth and agreeable odor to the breath. Rend the fellowlys from Dr. 2117trrry . b . " I can, with the utmost confidence, recom• mend to the public ' Zerman's Anti-Scorbutic Tooth Wash its the best in use. In-my practice as a Dentist, I have used and recommended it for me last five years, and have found it to give . istaction in every instance, as the Wash does not contain acid, or shy - thing injurious to the teeth or gums; hut, on the contrary, is the best antiseptic n the practice, and therefore, would recommend he use of it, lint only to those who wish to pre-. serve their tenth and gums, and have n, wholesome ibreath, but also to those whohave diseased gums tor teeth. The use of tLo Wash, for a short time, will insure a return to their healthy state,. GEORGE II MURRAY, Dentist, No• Cl, S. Eleventh st., below Chestnut rhil'a. ISr. Heinle], ol Carlisle, says; —.* Mr. Zer man, I am 1411-pleased with your Tooth Wash ; - it not only cleanses and whitens die teeth without injuring theni,ltt it cures sore or bleeding gums. I cheerfully r . ecommend it to the professmn and . public, as the very best preraration that 'can be - used for cleansing nod preserving the teeth, healing the gUltris,anil giving sweetness to the breath:' JOHN IV, HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist. Price '25 cents tier bottle. Prepared only Francis Zermnn, Druggist and Chemist, corner of Ninth and Cntharine streets, Philo&lphin. For sale by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Cm lisle, Pa octl3 iv) A LARGE SPRING ARRIVALS WHICH surpasses in quantity quality and prices any that has ever yet been opened in Carlisle, consisting or the greatest variety or all kinds of Hardware, such as, Shoo Fin, dings, Saddlery, Conch Trimmings, Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass, Nails, Files, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Springs, Mole, Bows, Foliose, Veneers, Cork:aware, Farming Utensils, Bar and' Rolled Iron, Steel, &c., withla thousand mordtarticles unmentionable. . _ purebts c .4,,largeilx„of Heavy Goode previous to the ivlvance tifprides, I nun enabled to sell goods nt old prices. Persons in want of Hardware aril invited to call cud examine my goods and hear my prices, and you will be sat. • [stied where the Cheap Ibtrdware is to be lied, stock of WALL PAPER is nnapx 'preen hied by city in the Borough. Thenknit for the former liberal patronage, tr continuance of the canto is solieited by ' JOHN P. LYNE, West Side of North Hanover Street, - Carlisle. MILE subscriber is just now receiving and 111 opening an unparalleled assortment of • WALL PAPERS. Those desirous of trans- forming tits interiors of ,thaie old dwellings Into now ones, and giving additional embel ishmonts,.to their now ones, at a comparative ly trilling cost; will do well to call and examine fcir I can soil thorn from 61 cts upwards. Re membre the old stand, East Main et opposite ~iogilby's. Store. 'By the way, I would say to 'those who•also want to improve the exterior of their houses,: that I can furnish- them with W.otherilPs pure and fresh ground White Lend; together with, various other colours, blue, or , ohm yellow,.inirious - shades of green, &c., in short everything calculated 'to adorn and dee ointo,your mansions. mar 2' •'• • Il ENRY SAXTON, J. W. EBY ' Bonriot Fethprs. • ttin Subscriber:basil.; at opened an invoiao of o,strielt and other•lionnot Feathers nt one. , juifF•fho. nsual pried.' Also : a vc-rehsap, lot of .raney Proo 4111(P.• - • CE O. W. • dEp.,w, PRlrElc‘ CANDIES, stc. FANDLY'ntirtion'Sabbath sohnOln rind Pll3 Ink! partlao in going to tho.country will do well nt the,aboap Drug storo of 11, J. 'HistrorAwboie:Alloy •on'n be aupplied with or. ,tioloa,at the lowoot-ratoa and of, lho hoot clunk ity. CAND/119--rfatail 2() soots per. poliad..-,44 o aoratasortmontior Patont..Mod•, .clnos constantly on hand:" (jyRIT" • ; . .';'t :4 MEM SHERD STORM ILIAITDIFAIRRA% WALL PAPERS. MN ,iiitOCClltillCO it . , NEW'DRUG — gTORt . s•oulli'llano6ei'Street, , Neisi;i/4 I 1f.2 13 araggiiit, would retliedt.. (ally iufgr,n t to, anizonspt Clarlialo and v,id1 , 47 1 , that lid has opondil a now • . AND DRUG STORE. •:. ?is stock is entirely new; and has been spice ..,t.tid with , greut'eare. As many of the articles eird;t4,l3kitso by physicians and fathilies detdri— ' .it;ate by ii:Rand exposure, g.roat cure will be. „taken wit to allow such articles to accumulate in : • A: mntionis especially invited to his stock of P,ssoethil:Oils; Oils, Tinctures, Wines, liNtract7, Confection=, Chemicals, •; 'See. Ingot her with the - aliove Ito , has a lull aslortMent of Paints, Varnishes, Dye—Stuffs, Point and Varnish 13rushes, and CONFECTIONAI4SS of every variety. lie has tilso on.liaird a splen- did assortment Of PerfUtneries, Soaps,Extracts, Fancy, Hair, Clothes and Flesh Brushes, Supporters, Br. ast &hamlet:a, Nipple Shields, • Pnmh Washes and-Pastes; alto MEDICINAL IVINES AND BRANDIES, ol tlie,best quality. SEGA RS, from the best Havana and Spanish houses, of every flavor, from ono cent upwards. order to ensure his. Customers against mistakes during any temporal-ay absence of ilia proprietor, the services of an experienced and co npment assistant have been secured, which will ho felt to be important, in view of thoresponsibilities ehiclt are knovio to devolve up;in the drugtrit.t. d*PLIY•SICI.INS' PRESCRIPTIONS Will be faithfully and promptly attended to.— Orders free . ] Physicians and Merchants in the country will be filled with; care, and at prices whieh. must prove Satislitctory. N' B.—All officinal ,preparations made in , strict accordance with the.clirections of the U. S. Pharmaeopocia. A liberal share of public patronage is res. peettully solicited. Terms Cash. May 11. 1853. B. J. KIEFFER. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. 'Through by Express. MESSRS. A G BRAGG At CO.—GEN-rut mat : We have been using your MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT with,the 4 - nust per fect success. One of our most valbable Express horses had been ouch troubled by huge swellings or tumors on the fetlocks; they haa grown lar ger than lieu's eggs. Besides being disfigured by these appendages, the limbs sod joints an pc .red quite stMened, swolleir and lame. We had tried si llily Li lemmas and other remedies, lint nothing appeared to liroduce any effect upon them. We would willingly HAVE GIVEN TWENTy FIVE DOLLA RS to have had them removed, and the horse restored to soundness. Our hostler obtaitiod sonic of your Liniment, and, applied It-without knowledge. A few days ago he called our anClitiOn to the horse, and -to our surprise and gratification, his legs were perfectly smooth, THE fUMORS HAVING ENTIRE. EN DISAPPEARED! We asked him by what ning'e he had effected such a remarkable cure ? Ilis reply was that he had been using the M US TANti LINIMENT on them about ten' days, and the result was the entire realm al oldie tu mors without producing any soreness or leaving u scar. e. We therefere take great pleasure in -ceoni nietkliit the Liniment, :toll shall continue to use it whenever ozeasion rcquil.es, ill preference to any oth .r preparAtion, so long us it produces such remarkable results .1 ope 30,10533. Kt NSLEr & Southern and Eastern estwess, No 1 \Vull s corner of Broadway, New 1 ork• . Since the above certifieWe wait given,- Messrs Icinsl4 & Co have informed us that one of his dorm was thrown from his win,. in th e 'viar part of the city, and very haiily bruised, the wagon passing over his body. Ile was takt:n into a Doctor's office close by, sod l'IlD lAN TO E TItE MUSTANG LINIMENT, as he had reeentiv tried it in a similar ease with great success. lie did so, and all the soreness, lameness, and sit (These seas re moved, so that the next tiny he was about his business as usual, "'We take great pleasure in recOmmending the_ MEXICAN - MUSTANG LINIMENT- to all• our friends and customers. as the best article we hallo ever - user!-for sores, hruicest, sprains. on golds in horses. We have .used it exteusively_ and always effectually. Some of our men have also used it for severe bruises and sot-es, as well as rheumatit pains, and they all say it acts like magic—we can only say- that we have aliaittloned the Use of any other Linimebt, J. At. inmETT, Stehic Necper to Ike American Fxpress Co and for thirtiden's Express." NEV IrORK,July 31, 1852 IVc hereby ceril that we have used the corn. pound known as the MUSTANG LINIMENT sad have no hesittition in recommending it as the best article we have ever used for the cure of sprains, gall 4; cuts. Itittises, &.c on horses. All who doubt this, will please call on the unilersign ed, and they—still be happy to afford all other information in thcir.puwer as regards its efficacy, &c. LUTZ. DA LL & CO Proprietors Manhattan Stage Co Extract from a letter dated SACRAMENTO CITy . ,Cal. Atig..15,1352,_ I believe tiIe — IDUSTAND . LINIMENT moat an excellent article. My wile brought a couple or bOttles with her, which I must thank you tor. Since she came here, MY HORSE FELL DOWN WITH ME; and injured me consider ably, but broke no bones. I hind recourse to the Mustang, and the relict; and in face' core was astonishing. (Signed) D RANSOM. Ectract from a letter dated Prrrsßun°, Pn..October sth, 1852. ,Another eirtchmstance which 1 noticed a row day3no, I thou„ht spoke highly of the virtues of the Mustang. Being in the office orn Plysi elan of high standing, I noticed as he opened 'a door of his hook-case, several bottles of Mus tang, alongside of which was an num Mustang bolt le, and a two ounce prescription vial FILLED Nvrri I MUSTANG LINIMENT, on which was the following directions: " Ruh the throat well night and morning with die Liniment, and wrap a woolen cloth around it." J P FLEEING. S. W. ITAVERSTICK, Dr. s. WILLIA•\I 11. BRETZ. •\gents fot• Carlisle. General Depot, No. 5, Phoenix Block, corner 2(1 and Dock streets, l'lnladelphia. A. O. ANDREWS Gen. Agent. Sogain and 2sobacco. Persons feeliiiilhomselves disposed to in• dulge in geed Began arc requested, to cull nt the Drug Store of B. J. KIEFFER, where they may obtain an article which he hesitates not to recomMend as being the best in Carlisle. Persons visitine Carlisle should not leave be fore t Mina; a glance at B.J. Kieffer's Drug and Chemical:Store, South Hanover street. Ile has on hand a variety of fancy articles, such as hair, hat, clothes, flesh and tooth brushes, co logne bottles, furniture dusters, portfolios, note paper, worked and card baskets, visiting cards and canes; n fine 'Variety of fans, accordeons, Sec. The ladies are invited to call and examine superior Ina:ie....Call soon, as he is determined to sell bargains. .B. J. KIEFFER, - July 20, 1853. S. Hanover at. TUTS itECEIV.Ein ! A ) PRIME article of Sugar j Rnieins at 18.1 errata per pound, Bunch do, a good Article, at 15 Cents, Citronal' Mace, Spices, Brandies, Lomons,U Oranges, Prinerved Fruits, Dates, Sugared anSDried Prunes, Figs, Taraarinde, Crackers, &a &e, in connection olth all kinds of Confectiona— ries, all of Mild' will ho disposed of on the most accommodating terms. , Juno I, 1h152 11. J. KIEFFER. IVIJSUREOAT BALL ! JEW. VW'S FAMILY GROCERY Java and Maraaaiba Coffees,Grean and Roasted do., Orleans and Clarafiod Brown &oars, .Pulvorized, Crashed and Loaf do, Soft'Crushed (preserving) do. Rica, Farina and Corn Stara, Brom. Cocoa, Chocolate, Vanilla Benn, Mace, ,Citran, with Spices of ovary kind e 'Sperm', Wald, A darnantirio Candles, Orrennnand Sugar 11, Syrup Molneses, fLovoring's f r inelt quslity Syrup. iier.l fresh assortment of all tho above nrti. clos, and ri'aoneral - supprf ,of ,oilier oracles usually.kopt by us, nll just oponod and for sale at our now storo rooms. Juno 8; 1853. " . .T. W. EDI-. • Window: Sto es, "Carpets 'and Oi . Jy. Cloths. . - • . .T. STEWAAT . D.VPIT.IT,. T:ti2,3" Nerth — Qd 'Street,' ohmic !M.. ;- would most reapectfid. ly.call the: attention :of: his friends and the public hi general to his large and' well s'e. 'elected stock' of Carpet, y Oil Clotho,' Ilittlinoe, 4Viadcrra Shades, Daer •illfatsi• Maim Rada, Ph. ano llovare; , -Tablo Cqvcra. front yards widoefor 'Public: Ifousos,! Counting Rouses. &o, ' • , Also—to my branch Store, WV, Spring, Gar. , don Straw', bloOve' 9th, , - • STOIT.ES S'rEO'ITES SOON •GO . P.C, AS, V' 0 ULD inform the miblic that , hehns now VV• on baud at his estahlishincm, on Main ntret, next door to Marion,' flail, t. e la.gest nd most complete assortment 01 - C 0 - 0 0141 C E ',OUR STOTES to bo'found in this rouni hith will be sOld at the'loWCAL prices for eash or approved credit. Ills stock , consists of a large tins , rilllollt of ne`w and highly approved PATENT COOKING STOVES, Fiiiiithed in the most contplcic HUO.ner, and calculated for either wood or coal. or both: All testold standard patterns, which have stood the test Of OSpeliellCC, may ha found 'at his e b tah. lishment. Ale it great variety of the 111091 ap proved end beautiful PARLOR AN D OFFICE STO VES, Including a number of new stylcs, , possessing very superb- advantages over those heretofore' in use. Families and lionseherpci s are respect• fully invited to give him n cal6pefore purcha sing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to any of the comity and put up , at•the ehortist notice Co continues to do al, hinds ; ol TIN AND SHEET MON WANE, and Copper work,, and has cbustautly on hand or sill make to order every article required by - hoimokerprrs or oiling in thh• - line. -- Ills bled: of Tio and Copper•ware embraces every kind of household nod kit, bra titenstl, uarrrnred equal to the best manufactured. Pereons in want of articles hchis line Inny ntwnye be sure al being uecomodated to their satisinetion by giving him a rail. fOrtl9 Me inytchcs 65' Ocii.eiry. 1 - WIIOI.,ESAI,E and lIETA IL -, - ,A a a t t ld ' J li e e w ' r ' l l l; l" S li t 'd o t ii i,P ,' l ' ln lA Wa h te e l : If/ "., 95 North Second Street, rpet tti.ll , :,# of (burry, Ph: ladelphia: ...\ \ 44 411;... , .. Gold Lever I‘,'at, hes, lull Diltii 6 rar 4 iAjewelled, :8 carat eases, E 140,00 Gold Lepko; IS carat cases, .. .021 00 tst Silver do jewels, 9 00 h Silver Lever, fell j welled, 12 1,02 Superior Qua rliers, 7 00 -- Gold Spectacles, _ 7 00 Flue Silver Spectacles; I 50 Gold Bracelets, . 3 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils, - 100 Silver Tea Spoons, set, 500 Gold Pens with Polled and Silber II older, 1 00 Gold Finger Rings t 7 cents to 68 ; 'Watch Glasses, plain, 12i cents ; Patent, ; LUDO, 2.5; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to he what they nre calif for. STAUFFER & HA RLEY, enpi7ly SUCC , SSOI'S In 0. Coors,!. , On hand. some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines,st ill lower than the above prices. ' THE EIGHTH- st: SILK STORE No. 4, Xorth Eighth Stre;;l, If V. DEPUY secures his thanks to his nu tx,4l morons customers in Cumberland county lor their liberal 'unroll:Igo during the last sea. son, and is now propmed to supply them at rertsona4le prices, with every des:tription of Fancy Dry Goods. His stock comprises a full assortment of Rich Plaid Silks Fine French Merinoes Brocade do ielt Plaid Gashitieres Plain (I.) • Pat is Mous de Laines Changeable do I'lain, all Wool do Sothis and ' , formic Chcnp de Laincs Paris dc urges Impormd Elnglmtns Embroi 'Pre,' Collars I Chimers Nlnstitis Flan- Sleeves Ches.iv'ttes n.tls lue, Sackings. Ako, a lull line of till widths of the 131ST BLACK SILKS, with Shawls, Alma ib• bons, Cloaks, Velvets, Cloaking Cloths, in great variety. fdis goods aro.bought low ; in large lots, front-, first hands. sepllm JU}LIIETS STERN Y. l7l .Arorth street; oppovte the Came hotel„ Philadelphia. InFAVING in Store a 11111 and extensive ' as -11-1 sort tnent 01 'Millinery artieles,Trimnf ago, tun] Fa oey Goods:such' Tibbonds,-Laces, Blond, GJoccSillcs , Florences,Bonnet Frames, and a large as ortment of Needlo•werltrd Ildfs, Collars, Caps, Flounces, Insertings, Edgings, .te., together riii a great variety of other ar ticles in our line too numerous to mention, at WiItILESA - A ND RETAIL. - N; - 8 - 1 request all such us arc about making their purchases to sive rye a call. isep2B2in , mr . • 3. E. GOULD, [SUCCESSOR TO A. FIOT,] No. 164 Chestn ut St. , Swaim's Building; Phila EIXNENSIVE Music Publisher, and Deal. cr in Musical Instruments ot every de seription. D.xelusive agent for tie sale of Millet, Davis & Co's Patent Suspension Bridge ilielian'aud - PIANOS, L. Gilbert's(loudoie Pianos, Melodeons, Mnr. tin's Guitars, Ilnrps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music Books, &c. Residents of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise with musiif they may wish, ns low as, if purchased in person. Having one of the largest stocks in the United States, It feel confident of satisfying, all who may favor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied on the most lihera terms, Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for .may 20 1853 ly) KRUPP'S ESSENCE OF COFFEE 3 /A NUFA CTU RED and for sale by ELI KRUPP, No 639, North Third street, Ph lade Iphin s warranted to render enttre satis faction, and is be) and doubt the best and most wholesome preparatitrt of Cotlbe CVCI' know th--- 0 tie package at I'2l cents WILL SAVE four pounds olovilitutry CoWee. Try it and be con vinced. A nit mber of Essences or Coffee were deposited at the Franklin Itistitute in 18'52. and the Judges decided Keu pit's to be 'EDE BEST in the exhibition. Friends, it you w iSh to enjoy a good, cheap mid healthy Cup or ukaee Krupp's Essence of entice. It is Mr sale by nearly All the principal Grocers and Druggists throughout the duited Stittce. April 20, I 053. 3%43 COMMERCIAL CatLEGE, Located No 127,Bultimore Street, Bultimbre, Md. The ostensible object of this Institution is to ,place in the reach of individuals proper facili• ides for obtaining a thorough and practical Mercantile Education. Nothing indeed has been omitted that is calculated to produce the desired result. TIM rooms of the College are well fitted up, conveniently i arranged, and situated in the lutist desirable part of the City. ' Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in connection with familiar Lectures on Common., clot Law and Mercantile Science, is a Matter ,of the highest importance to all who desire to become Accountants of the first order, and oc cupy stations of Path and responsibility. A young man can here obtain a, more correct knowledge at general business matters in few weeks than can lie acquired in asimnny years in any one Counting Room. ' The course of study embraces Double Entry Bookkeeping, and its adaptation to vat ions departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercan tile calculations taught according tolhe most approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com bining rapidity' of execution with beauty of construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law; ' upon various important' Mercantile subjects .basido many other points necessary for a book, keeper or business man to Understand.' The tinie necessary for an, industrious student t. complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weekik, There being no vacation, applicants can enter at any ante and attend both day and_evening. 'Examinations, aro held nt. stated periods; and Diplomas awarded to those who, g - aduate. Per terms, dse. write and have a Circular for warded by mad. March, 23. 1853. ly. :To Builders Ir,Houslreepers. "111110 SE who arc building; or ticotit cum.. C inonoing houtioltoeping ' will be sure to find" stall' tintea'an assortmoot to talent from. •Ldolre of 01l aorta and slime, with brass, argil rniiioral and 'white knobo, \/, ith n pnnlicd or plated furniture. butt hinges;onst snot Opught, windoW . glass front,Bxlo to 20x28;bella, screws Egc, 40z., y..ou whO aro anoutto,homarriodand, going to Irousolceeping, wo have everything to , please.-suolt aa funey .wallorS and trays, ivory `.handled ' lcnivda forks;' sate' oririthe ,dozon, commonilintves and forke, bettor knivoe .w4hrrlated and ivory handles frying and Woad smoothing v ironstlubs,lehurns, 4.e r . • • • • REN/ELY;SAXTON:-: Carlialo Mitch 9,1843:. 4 (Pastor of the 2d Ilopttst Chet uh,Rew London, Ct. )`' relative to Myers' - Extract Rose. • To The American Public. -• As my name him been used in connection 'with recommendutions-of Mr. Myers' R.ck - Rose Syrup, in various advertilemenis by the manufacturer, I beg leave to make the follow ing statenient tw ilk re ft ;Ince to my acquaint• since with riff remedyand tests to which .1 have subjected it, and the reasons for having intro duced it to the netice,of private fricoda in the community in which I reside, long before the medicine was advertised. I make this state ment freely, because I hove, ns a principle, withheld toy namo from all patent Medicines, and sedulously abstained frem recommending diem to the public, believing them frequently the spawn if 'packer!' uad humbug, and us tending to inereasu, HMCO d of leseening holonn disease end suffering. Such, I fear, is the character of a large portion cif tho patent pima ceus of this medicine milking ugc. " Their name - is legion," and from their inllucuce , sa from the demoniacal spirits, we have reason to pray for a safe deliverance. The First Tsl.-1 had myself suffered oc caSiontilly with sudden attacks of t 'Siek Head-, ache, and !Whom' Diarrhea, and I had sought a great variety of curative agents to hut little purpose; and suffering from thisdisease (dins rhea) at this time, I determined tole:m.olc new Syrup first upon inrelf. The results were be yond my expectations. It was n powerful. alterative, and the morbid action of the 13''e tent was changed, and the functions of secretion were restored,lo a healthy state. It gave torte und,elastseity to My system, and corrected the derangement oft Its digestive organs, and gave me that inestimable bless ing—health. This ti-st was - not determined in a week, iir Illnntli; but I toed: lour or five bottles in perhaps as many months. Since that time I have suffer ed but slightly,from these dere ngements. lily Sick Headache is en'irely Cth ed. Other Tests.—Finding this medicine so use ful to myself, I at once gave it to several inva lid friends. About this time, I was carnes:tly solicited 10 give [III VICO in reference to o child, some eight years of age.,This child was severely afflicted with's Scrofula humor, of a ry severe - type, the humor showing itself on all parts of the surface, and then suddenly dis appearing. The child %vas very sick, and it was thought doubtful whether she would live, The humor resembled black specks of mortified flesh. In addition lb some other runt dies, gave the child this Fy•up for about six weeke, whan she had sufficient strength to go out to school occasionally. The swellinu offier limbs ceased, and she was restored to health. The family feel that they owe her life, with . Gpil'a blessing, to my remedies. - This frit satisfied me that the Rock- Roc° possessed specific powers for Scroful us I:ti mers. I then tested it in casts of Cutancxx Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox, Cane ri",- Sore Mouth, Erysipelas,iS'alt Meant, Piles, Ml' In all these cases with perfect success. - Alta testing this Syrup for more than a year, I wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1850) enthusi• aslically, not expecting my letter would he published, that his Syrup was n Pankorite," all healing, and I gave him the result of its operationsin_several instances. I stated in nut letter that " it was invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and other - disorders, included in LEM varied family of diseases known an Scrofula,. re.: 'that in Dyspepsia it acted with wonder ful efficacy." illy opinion of its value for the above named diseases, remain unchanged, and the same es when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct. 1850. Ido not recommend it for 011 . the ills of our suffering humanity ; but I unlieSituting ly say, that as a remedy for Scrofulous affec tions I believe it superior to any known cura tive agent - . It has been sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its adoption to extensive usefulness in mitigating human suffusing and remot ing discuses. But. What is the Rock Rose ? The following history of the Rock Rose plant and its medicinal properties, we Mice from the New Raven Palladium, March 1652. "The increased interest manifested in the Rock Rose ,liFOritTin consequence of the many wonderful - cures effected by 'Flyers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose,' calls for a brief history of it, in urder•to correct any canine I is opin ion that moy have been entertaineda nueern ing it ; and also to set in a true light the na ture of, a 7 plant which promises to be univer sally beneficial. "Ws ore indebted In the United St es Die pcnsatory of 1847, for the follow log csorip lion of rl : J. V. DEPUY, 11, N. Sib " It is entirely different (ruin the common Rose. 'lt is a red-stemmed, oblong Teat plant, having a bitter taste. In addition to remark able peculiarity or the plant, of bearing two crops of &wets in one-season, it also has ano ther interesting undfbeantiful propel ly. Dr. Eaton says, that in the, months .of No vember and Deeenntier, he hes seen hundreds of these plants,•seuding out near their roots, broad, thin, curved ice-crystals, about an inch in breadth: which melted during the day, and were renewed 'in the morning. For a more minute and a uthetitical description of it, the readenis referred to Toney and Gray's Bolan. ical works. Its Medical History and Properties Arc Dir the most important, since upon .these depends its value, to the community. Dr, Lou. don says that in 1 , 759, it was so valuable in England, th it it was cultivated from seeds. Ever since 1806, 'Professor Ives of Yale 0:1- lege,lms habitually used it with groat success. n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, snit through him'its virtues were made known, until, as Dr. Tyler says, 4 , it is now in thiFi section (New Haven) a commonArtielo in domestic practice fur the cure of Serf:lulu and Cutaneous cases." Dr. Whitlow, a Sco'ch 13utanist of notoriety, while, travelling in America in 1814, learned its use In :Canada: Returning to England „lic employed it in medicating his baths, which became greatly celebrated for the cure of simi lar diseases... Dr...J. H. Thoinpeo;)(tho same place, pre scribed it in bad cash oi)Scr4ulotio patients of Willa' Hospital; Hislareese attracted the attention of senior physietans, lie reports the 'following romarknble cave of white swelling.of the hip, in February, 1814.:—Tho lad was seven yours old, and lied the disease three years. The bone was dislocated both upward end outward. There was a largo opening in the hip lending to the bone; Into which I could thrust my finger. I counted three ulcers. He ,• had been under several physicians, who had , given him up, I ordered a decoction of Reck Rose. RI two days his night sweats Bensed I then ordered,a teaspoonful of Rock Rose three . times a- day. Thirty nine days after ha was entirely watt. Welib,'of CI., testifies to the value of Rock Rose, no ciiitioed in the cure c: numerous capes of the Scrofula, es facially in childr6n. . Manufncturcil by IV'm Franklin & Co., Now 'Nyco, CI, * Worren, though n minister of the Gos pel, hoe for a period of 15 putts, given atten tion to the sulti-ct of medical Science, to,qual ify hint to administer ta the sick; in conheetion .with his pastoral dillies, t. ' s' EDWIN R. WARREN. New London.,April Agenia tit Cuntherland Colinty.--S. N. Ilevr errejek, S. Elholt end, W. A. Kelso, arIlleli; Haverstich & Strohm .gingstewn .;.T. Swisher, MeelinylesLurg ; bt. Ditpor, Shiremanstown; .gPI4 6 Y & Efeet, Ce4rr, Spring; ' , Sterrett's Gee; grifomas ,Gree'son. P 1 01 1604, .4..11. - ; Isrowville ; . J.. IL Wil9y,.,Gyeen .Spring; .Wherry & ISisonhower, Isfewburg'i Ifuye Shippensburg; , Russel 4 Diet; Diainsoti r Alasand9i Br—ldullen,Papertown pr. L. llLeither,:Churehlown: • BE ti, , oCCIIL1111:0110. PAiiK nuvro,,, MYERS" EXTRACT OF FUKIOSEI An Involnablc ItCardy for all - 'seroftdotis cases, I»diht.vtibn, Salt Plicam, licad ache, _Cancer, I_l:lll_4l . J.g SW:O MOti - and C , ncral IJeGiliry, and as a l'urifiec of Mc D.'»od ft is • The Rock Rose has gnined a reputation at home and •a broad. which nu other medicine has ever done in the same deogth of tune. According to the opinh us ut cininent• rlmyei maner the Ruck Ruse PI int is unequalled in Curing Scrofula In Its f'uriou's Finn's? STATEMENT or REV. E. ,R. WARREN, b SllLl~lllllC9, ILEPSY gAll '.GUEEDrI .. . , • rake's Vegeta - • poi ,4 7 - • FOIL Ti! .t."1;1; -Of - EPIL-EP6Y F-S! Is performing more irondeVul ewes than a other medicine yet blown or trAre Ihr utile PRICE PINE, DOLLARS A BOTTLE. Thc, lircprittor tors in his possession imeitiro eeetifielltes, nerentirig the Astonishing and",lliractilons ClllOl dieeted by this medicine, and Air refs aimminn the following onll , Io assets those tr ho are so holmium to lieratilitted A% ith the tcrrit Ir Aiwa horntolorc regarded incurable, Om' LAKg's ',oration IS ALTICST INVALLIIILF: IN ITS CUIIE! , From M '' if s, Brat It ' s, w iilifie of Muj. Jai. Ilrook late of emmenta, O. , CONNEAUT, Feb. 3,lfllift. Mr. Z. .c ater.—Sir: Piease send me ami., !tattle of Fit Alt dicine, as 1 do net like to I u itheut it on hand. NI lien I commenced gii it the medicine to any son E4ll. at . , lie had from or to three its per Clay. Ile has itolV litkril Zhu no dicine over lite months, aril) as laid, I think, la two fits in that I me, and those very light. II hotly end mind are very muill improved; and li the olessing of God, I feel that the medicine wi restore his bon y:m(1 Mind to their %t outs(' aeliV ly. Ile is :Ili tears ohlointl lute 11041 fiteoVer I 3 ears, ii loch have Loin ores I ' m - yield, and icy ilioitructiie to Ins cul.stilitlien and rmi.il 1f , ,; drede 01 clellarS hare lam expend, it for tnetliein to "CIIIII: riTs,'' but nothing has I elieved him to tit lie used your thedieine. Resin ctrull j'ours, I'o l LV /IIttfORS. from Judson Loudon, Cctlitt) : ' ... Uperiitteluleilt C the ASlttahula Count) Infirmary.- .. liiNGSI'II.I•E, Feb. 4, 1853. M r Z. LAN E— sire vi,..., send a few 0101' bottles nt'your ' Fit 4 1 .1 c -il k -Me ~• ' I !nay net see it, but think Safer to keep it on hand. rol l ,. Inc diebie has (ionic senders. I gate it to Miss Joe Delano; she has had fits for 21i 3 ears, bronoit , i 10 liniing the measles when hut !bur 3 ears old Which could not In' brought out to tl.e surtitee.— After takiog the altedieine 0 few dal s, SUE um. , I'IN I: cant . (it , iiicAst.r.s, end leis laid no fits since 'Shelled fits or S 3 mpitions almost daily. Fite ani her father concur with me in Ea) lug dad it e be .:Lievo theltil , (lleine hits or w ilkiiitmk a potent cure I also pave the Medicine to Miss Jane Mender son and Aris Carlin, ul.o Lai e bad fits :,,,,,,, . daily, for a nombir nil p ars Their fits liaii ceased, and I Iml , ii - ie the amiliitine will hove ti, domed i hect. film Ii ilinne)•lem been expend!. i 10 ilie friends of dm:slam liaticets fin . deciniiin g all In no liurpose• The cure was left for 3 out medicine to pit fom, and 1 van el-it-Hull) leenlie 111( . 1111 It as a saluable (list:m(ly. Itespectfully yours. JUDSON LANPON, : 4 tiperiffictidelit Ashtabula Co. kiirmlicr. Prep:wed mill sold at udiolesale by Z. LAE Conneaut, Ohio. I 1 LLF:I2, traveling agent. So'd S .111,1r:14.1, Carlistr F. I Thomas, :11Lrlialiirslitirg 1) \V Gross, 11:o ris burg. net 5-1)", Beccher's Elatchless Cordial. rpIITS medicine has neve, known to rail in A curing Chokin Alet bus, in It. nt fri t o 15 minutes; Cholera Ininuturn, or ,in c lu cr plaints of childiew, ll3rt piety, Diaill:ca, die, in fronr 11' to 21 hours. It is ecitain sod retie under all circuntstaiwes, hitvicg been kitty tested in upwards . 01 . fur Lundrid cures with out a einele failure. Id t every family provide itscll with at least one I ottle of this invaluable remedy. Try it, artil it will recommend it,clt. It is prepared upon purely scientific principles, nod' fainter Ide jllHly tt d a y(iir n., dit 11 C, unless science be quaciteir. Fur sale by - 13. J. IC lEF - FER, Druggist, Ilanover Street, A few floors south cl the Court Douse, Juno 32, 1P33, DOCTOR YOUR SELF—PRIVATE- LY, for 35 cents. by nienns of the POGKE'f': JESCU EAPIUS, or Every (Joe (HS 'OWN I'llY:SIAN! thi rty.sis t h tion, with one hundred en aravi ngs, shooing Private Diseases and Malforma tions of the. Generative System, in every shape and forma to 'which is ad- Diseases of Eemales, in- Uri - I ' ll4'S Only (see page IVO), Icing of the highest importnMee to inserted pen ile' or those coatemplating, marriage. fly \\ 11. YOUNG, M. D., Graduate rui,u,sii,of Pennsylvania, Member or the Royal College of Surgeons, London,and honorary Neo.herlit the Illiiladelphia dieus society. The sarions forms of .S'eei et Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diseases 01 the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli tary habits of youth, are litithfully describul, and all the recipes given in plain language. "rho chapter on ,selfsabuse and Scounal Weakness is worthy of prrticular attention, and should be read by et cry one., Young men who have hero unfpr tunate in contract big disease, pre . % iOns to placing 3 ourselves under the care of any doctor, bit mat ter what his 100tensionS may be, get a cop) of of this truly %alto,h, cork, _..Sea•CAptanuLtalul.persons going to se. a, should possesl„Dr. Yoang's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket fEsculapins, or Es cry one his 01111 Pli)- sician, 4- .r" - Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the .lEsoulapius to his el iltl. It 111:y save him loft 511 early prat c. IA no )(Aug man or woman enter into the Sect Ct. Oblienth.l 5 of inarried lily, tvitlaint rending the pocket Ills .culapins. Let no 011e . t tffering from n hacknitil _cough, pain in the side restless nights . nC,,,,ns feelings, and the whole train orDy speptie sensa tions, and given up by thehr physician, he an other moment without consulting the ..Ihlscula dins. Ilatu the match...4l or those about to be march d no) impediment, lead this (rely useful Book, as it has been the means of sat lug thou sands of tinforturate creatures from the l'sry jaws of death. Upwards of a MILLION copies or this celchrated motk has been sold in this cnanliy set Europe since 1839, when the first edition was issued. Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed in a letter, will receive One copy Of Iliis buck by mail ; or five copies Will be sent foe Si. Address Dv. WILLIAAI YOUNG, No. 15'2 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, — Post paid. Qat Twenty years practice in the city of Philadel phia certainly 'Antes Dr. Young to the confi dence of the sifilictol, rind be may be consulted on soy of the (list ores described in his (Intent publications, at' his tfller 1542 :Spruce Stioct; every day between I) and S o'clock, (Sunda! ex. ceptvd) and pet sons at any distance can consult Dr. ,Young COST PAM. Cumberland Valley Institute. A select Boarding School embracing too distinct and seperate Dtpartments, Male S. Female. REV. J. S. LOOSE, A. M. Princtpcd:: T"'' 'ln,ffintion hereafter occupy tho now end contruedimmedifice just meetc.l for its accommodation. The buildingi'islpe. culiarly adapted to meet the wants 01 both ..e• partments. The rooms are largo and well ventilated, and the %%hole house is wairoull with a heated air furnace, wf.it h is especially healthful. It is located on nn,-ernincncc near the Ur ouEll of Mcchnnicsbure Cumberland County, Pn.;`-N, ith ample grounds, handsomely laid out and ornamented, surrounding it ; hiving' to physical exercise ynd to amusement in the open air. Every facility for an accomplished anl classictl education is here offered that can 15 . e found at-any similar Institution in this State: TERMS. Board and Tuition, per cession, sro 00 Music and Ornamental Branches, extra The Summer Session will open untkc o May, and continue twenty one weeks. BOARD OF 1 NSTRUCTOBS Rev. J. S. Loose, A. M.,.Profersor of Morn Science and,Atteient Longunges, Mork . corn fort, Assistant ; Miss L. C. Walker, Principal of Female Dcperitrent end teacher of Music, Miss---Assistant; Mr. Edward Fells, Profesimr of Motion LoiMunges ; .1. li. Iler cling, M. D., Lecturer on Physiology and Laws 01 Ilenith . • . For " Circulars" containing refererece and lather pahletilers address the Principe', .• Mechunicsburg, Cumberland Co., P. March 30 1855: , , • . . ROBERT 13. S • IVICIZrart , ARIN I , j'r AIAKEIt AND UNDERTAKER North NalloverS'irrot li i mlp4; door to Glare, . . „ WSW: - •,, . - ' . . I ' . ...`,ThE undersigned would respectfully intorrp' file citiscne of Carliele,tud the public get et ally, that he now has.on hand a large and de 'aFnUd R o l l ' i: e c i o It ic e n i b e 1 i i i n e g , a o 1 1 u.' j. s '' , l2 Cl lZ a .N r d i in p g ant 6r a t e o eo f ir w im 4 e i n d t r , Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain - andlancy.. Sowing Stands, &c. manufactured 'or the , best. malarial and quality warranted. • ' - . t Also dgarierat -assortment 'of CHAIRS at, the lowCsf prices: reddens illindi made to. order, and fenniring . proMptly attended to. ~..• 130" Collins mods at the Shortest notice, land liasingra splendid hearse he will offend &net.. ale in town or Calintry, r 4 . _ , .. ~. •„, -: i:a!bßernember the stand-'Twit doer.! to" 11. Close's Hotel. noti24 R. B. SMILEY"! 11