Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 23, 1853, Image 3
0 Xctu r.ll bvatiscnicuttN. 170TiCE. , 6 :24 üBSC RI B EitS to the steel; or the Carlisle (:as and Water Company Ma re:mired to. pay tO Wm. M. Beetem, heq. , 'l'reastirer, nt the Carlisle Deposit Bank, on or before Thura ,Aay the 15th day of Deeemher, o3xt the thirp i.stalment of ON DOLLAR up , 411 each share I ".Ythern substribod___By-orildr-01-tlie-Board— ... . . *rain. STORE FOR 7 4.1113 MHO STORE on the corner of Pit Q and West Hanover streets, with fixtures I altered for sale—on reasonable terms. Ad et , s GEORGE Z lIREDZ. Carlisle, Pa. Nov 16 tf NOTXCE THE for Directors the Carlisle 'flank advertized to ho held on Monday, the, 21st intt, not having, been held on said day, rjj election for Directors or Said Dank will be hell" t"' t eltsrer, on (11.0 N Y, Ole 191 var December nest, between 10 o'clock, A. NI. n•id 2 o'clock P. \L, at the Carlisle Deposita Bank. tiovlritwr GEO. A. LYON", Pres. VALUABLE FARM AT Ural VATE SALE] subserieer being desirous of moving to the %Vest. offers at private sale the FARM on which he now resides in Monroe twp., Curnb. Co about 0/1.3 mite south met of Churehtown, o n the Yellow Breeches creek, and adjoining mls of Mateo Bricker, Jose,M Brandt and o hrrs, CONTAINING IQ ACRES,' strict measure, of a first rate quality offend, a'iout d le acres of whi.4l is cleared and in a high stale of cultivation, the remainder is covered with yourg and thriving timber. The improve ,men-s are st . two story Dwelling HOUSE, 80 feet square, with basement fitted mgt. . lart, for a wash house, a stone bank BARN 84 feet front and 40 back, a stone spring house with a never • - failing spring of excellem water at the door, wager sited, corn cribs, cider press, -a id other out buildings, an apple orchard, nit oil mill and water newer sufßcient to propel any machinery-. ALSO 543 ACRES of .Ifountaitt Land, near Cusltstown in the same tow .ship, adminiog dal Is of Messrs Samuel and Richey Clarks, AL Ege's 'heirs and others. The :they° property will be sold in parts or the w'dolc, and terms mold to suit parchase.s. •Any'permM lvishing to View said property con cl I s t by calling un the. subscriber. JAMES CLARE. November lii, 1453 —A te "lialc tster Examinee copy (Iw) and send bid in this olf.m. FRESH ARRIVAL! rpITE snbs riber 1123 jiti•-•t ro:ttrned from Phil St adelpiria, and is now opening a large and ele,gant ilsoortiasint of cheap WINTER. GOODS, in pail of cloths, cossimers, cassi ne;t:, biankete, joauti, &e. Ladies' Goods—A boannful assortmCnt of do lames, Freud manitoos, paramenni, now SI ylc b tree.l, casMncres,nb'ru is ,! skit w Is, Flrools worked collars. &c. Domestics—Bleached and unb!'d muslins, cheeks. tiekings, capßon Boats and shoes—A large assortment of men and boys winter boots. Also an entire neW stoak of bidies' gaiters, ' morocco, boots, bus. duns and slipper {'children's shoes in great va riety. gum over shoes of all descriptions.-- - Groceries—A. fresh lot of sugars, coffee, (cue, mnlasseS, spices, lice. :\s toy winter assortment is new and full, We cardiaily incite 01l our old friends and custo mers. and the 'public is general to call and ex ample our stock hefare purchasing eliewhere, ne will take pleasure in showing our goods. nod will sell as cheap if not cheaper than any other shire an the comity, Recollect the old etand-7Easi Main Street. CHAS. OGILI3Y , Nov IS 1853 FRENCH woruc. w-E have this day received from Now Yon! .t" V a very large assortment of Worked Ruining, lacunet and Swiss Edging, Inserting Uu lersteeves and Spencers, E I nand kelt !fiefs, &c., whirr wiil he sold at the lowest prices. S. CAM. ['BELL IItEZ:MEINTOMS, CASHMERES. {UST RECEIVED at the New an d Cheap. eil St re of AVCiFt) & Campbell 'a large lot of FRENCH MERINOES. C A S H 111 E It E S ; - MODS DE LAIN E, , . &IA %VIA, &e'„ - now:nn hand fresh from'Phdadelphia, and set hue lo w at WEISE & CAMPBELL'S. HENRY J. WOLF, arromirEr Oliicr, No, 2, Bectena's Row. A LL-professional business strictly attended to. The German language spoken as read ily as the English, [Sep 183 THE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE . Of the State of Pennsylvania. South West Corner of Market Street and West Pena_Sqaare, THIS Gallego, incorporated by the Legisla ture, April, 1653, is designed to afford a thor ough Profe,sioahl.qducation to students inten ded for ENV.INEERING, MINING, AGRICULTURE and the Mectt.tzticAL and CHF:mit:At. ARTS. The Trustees announce that the Lectures on Chemistry and its application to the Arts will he commenced in the Lecture Room of the Col:eje by Peof. ALFRED L. KENNEDY, M. D., Tuesday Nova:Woe: let, at le o'clock, M.. and be continued an Mondays, Tuesdays, Thus days and Fridays, throughout the session. The Atialytical Laboratory is also open for Students in Practical Chemistry. 111A1`TIIEW N Pres't Beard of 'Trustees. JWIN McINTYRE, See' y. :Trustee in Cumberland county JAS, lIA M. 11..T0N, Esq. (nov2's3 PALL AND IitrINTED. Styles of Hats!! sUiret" , 4‘ 6 . fiOr' 7 . & J. KELLER desire respectfully to in iliff form their customers and friends that they are now supplied with a great varM.y of HATS AND CAPS) for Fall and Winter woer. In addition to a toe tutifel Sluing style of Silk Hats and their extensive assortment of light and coloured Hats just received from the cities. Their as aurtment is large and for beauty or style.exeel lence of tinish_and lowness of price they con not he surpass d. A large assortment of k:ays. .exclusively for'spintner wear, constantly on hand. Also a careftt:lY-selected assortment of CHILDREN'S HATS. We most respectfully invite tits citizens of Carlisle and vicinity to call and examine our apartment at the old stand, opposite to the Telegraph Office. may 11 STEAM saw 1161.8 LL: 'TUC undersigned owning a large Steam Saw Mill, recently built, on on improved plan, widi a 'circular saw capable of sawing with great rapidity, hicated three miles .west et_ Pa peitown,Cumberland county, at the base of the South Mountain, on Spruce Run, and having in possessiun near one thousand acres of the best timber land, in the Suathern part of Penn sylvania, aro now prepared to saw and furnish limber to order. at the she/test notice of the various descriptions used for mechanical par poses. They can furnish .fraina plait' fur barns and houses of any length and size that may be required, Weather-boarding, Souring, and len eing boards, poplar and oak boards and plank, shingle and plastering laths, oak and elieiniut shingles, weeper stud; pitch pine pouts, and eliestuut rail and posts. They have now on Land several thouland feet of luniber, rails and posts fur fence, oak and pine wood by the cord, and can engage to he delivered iii its season scroral,hundrod curds of clicanut oak bark for - terming perpOses. Ttie proprietors -having availed themselves the natural advantages of their locaticin, which abound° •in. a variety of the finest timber, and having elso a practical- .knowledge ,of the business. aro enabled to furnish lumber fewer to dip citizens of Cumberland count; thin can Wilton:, by any similar establishment —sod as they err and expect to_ do a large - business, will spare no pains 'to acctimmodato the public at the shortmt notice. The various dinicriptions Of lumber' will he delivered in Carlisle or elsewhere as may be desired. All orders addressed to the proprie. tors, Diven Sr. Ilaell3ll, living in Papertown, or to Win.% Seymour. frOit C I will Imo ar s e, prompt attention. • iveu. uAS LEPLL & UR: Nov. 10. iy, • ' , AZ'I'EMINITIOE WANTED. AN Apprentice to the 11 , 1a - rblo and Stone Cutti , ng businesn'is ranted by the subscriber. A stout boy of good eliaracicr and habits may find a good situation. oct 19 GPO. W. RICHA RDS --- GUEltitE 0 T-IrP-B 11,„a y. 11. A. REYNOLDS, Dnguerrean JIL Artist, South East corner of Hanover and Loather Streets. Rooms, those formerly. oc cupicd'by Mr. Wm. Fridley. Sho cordially in vited her friemls. and tho public generally to give her ocall,confident of being able to render entire satisfaction; for if she may not claim su periority for her pictures, she mar at least claim equality with any taken in this place. Carlisle, Cctober 19, 1853. Prepare for Winter! PARLOR AND COOKING ST vr.a. Wall 3 subscriber at his old stand on North I Hanover Street, Carlisle, the sign of the "Mammoth Red Coffee Pot," desires to call the attention of the musk to his large assort. meat of ST 0 V ES ~of the newest and most fashionable styles, kola the best manufacturies in the country, and at all prices from S 3 to $l5 Among his PARLOR 'AND CHAMBER STOVES are the Mirror Stoic, the Arctic, Revere, Star, Persian, Union and /Etna Air Tight, together with other patterns which he has of all sizes for Parlor sor Chambers, and calculated for burn ing either wood or coal. Also the Etna, Globe, Astor, Albany, Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COONING STOVES, comprising the i filest improvements in kitchen stoves, and in Gilded (or either wood or coal.— Also the Dini it Rooin Cooking Stove—a new and elegant . rtiele, , to which ho invites the par. ticular attention el fnmiiies. His cooking stoves relive in price from 510 to 05, with all the fix tures complete. Also Nine Plato Stoves of various patterns and at all prices. Also ENAMELLED AN D TINNED WARE for Cooking Stoves, Brims Kettles, &c. Also, every article in the lino of Tin and Copper Ware. • The public, a c respectfully invited to call as he Is confident with his large stock, va riety and cheapness,ef being able to give entire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see. M. MORRIS. Octob r 19, 1853-3 in Classical and Literary High School. NE"vATI'ILLD, PA. THE 'Winter Session of this Insfitu: " lion will commence on , TUESDAY, the Igt of November next, and continue 5 months. laittic department of Instruction the Principal will Pe aided by compel cot Assistants All care nail diligence will be used to prepare youths uitheet,r teachers, or or Ito ordinary busi— nesses of life, or for College. TEE:MS—For Tuition, Hoarding; and Lodging, @SO All oilier expenses extra. For further particulars address the under signed, at Newvillle. RODENT NIeCACIIREN, Oct 12 Principal. FRESH TEAS, &e, JENKINS' Best Brand of Teas, Green and Black, in metallic packages, also in bulk and m original packages. A large and general as• sortment of the best WIIITE IRON STON E -A-ND—GRANITE, WARE, with a variety of Glass Ware, and Common Ware of every de• scription, m setts or atherWise to suit the pur chaser, together with CEDAR WARE, WILLOW WARE, and a variety of Fancy Ware always in store and for sale at the "Family Grocery" of June 8,1853. J, W. EBY. CULP'S PATENT PORTABLE °MDR. mm 6 AND DRESS, mill , : undersigned having purchased the right of Franklin and Cumberland noun ties, Pa., and Washington county Md. for GULP'S PATENT PORTABLE CIDER MILL AND PRESS aro new manufacturing machines under the immediate supervision (.1 Henry Shepler, a practical millwright. Orders will be received and filled with promptness,— All machines will be warranted. By this machine, which.can be convoyed on a wheelbarrow, onn man and a boy. can make from five - to - eight 3 •rrels cf cider a day,wiili ease, and the eii:er r horoughly pressed from the pomace. Tho labor ja light and the ma chines are simple and permanent. This machine was exhibited nt the State Agricultural Fair, at Lancaster, and tested with several others, and the committee awarded the Premium to it. 'Fite machines are warranted to perform what is heroin stated. Orders are respectfully solicited. N. 13.—The pre'ss connected with the ma• chine can be used for pressing currants, and cutting vegetables for feeding stock. JACOB HORF,," HENRY SHEPLERI May 11. 1853. Gm Chambersburg. anal mrsußANcil The Allon and East Pennsborough Mutual Fire insuranco -Company- of-Cum bcriand .coun ty, incorporated by an Act of Assembly,' is now fully organized, and in operation under the management of the following commission ers, viz: Jacob Shelly, Wm, ft. Gorgon, nha e I Coeltlin, illolohoir Brenneman, Christ M Stay. man, Christian Titzel, Jacob FL Coov a Lewis Flyer, Ucnry Logan, Benjamin FL M r,er,Jai cob Kirk, Samuel Trowel!, Joseph Wicker sham. Tho rates of insuranco aro as low and favor able as ariy Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are in vited to make application to tiro agents of the company; who aro willing to wait upon them at any time. BENJ. 11 MOS 3E lt, President. iiINItY LOGAN, Vice Praideta l l Lewis flyer, Secretary. Coeltlin, Treasurer: AGENTS. Cumberland Cottsty;—.Rudolph Martin, N. Cumberland; C. B. Herman. Kingstown ; lien ry Zcaring, Shiremanstown • Charles 8011, ~urlislo; Dr. J. All, Cluircitown ; Samuel Graham, Met Pennsborough; James McDow el, Fiankford ; Mode Griffith, South Middle. ton; Samuel ,Cnover, Benjamin ilaversticic, Mechanicsburg; John Sherrick, Lisburn; Da vid Cuover,. Shopherdstoem. Fork Colunty.—John Bowman, Dillaburg Peter Wilford, Franklin; John Sinith, Seq., Washington; W. S. Picking, Dover; Daniel Raliensberger, J W. Craft, Paradise. Ilarrisburg.—flouser & Lockman. Meinbars of the company having policies admit to expire can have them renewed by making application to any of the agents. Nov. i 4, ly. Plainfield Classical Academy Near Carlisle, f~ilIC 15th Session (five months) will corn-. 'nonce Nov. 7th. buildings are new and extensive Pule erected last Fall). The situation is all tliat can be - de&reil for health fulness nod moral purity Rcanctved from the excitements of Town or Village dm Student may hero prepare for College, Mercantile pur suits, &c. •All the branches are taught which go to form a liberal t ducat on: A conscien-. tious discharge of_ duty has seemed,- under Providonce.,the present flourishing condition of the Institution. Its future prosperity shall he ntaintained by the same means. Terms—Board and Tuition (per session), -- 550 00 For Catalogues with lull information address It. K. BURNS, . , Principal Sc.Pi.oprietar. Cumb, Co., Pa. WALL PAPERS. • Ilus subscriber is just now receiving and opening an unpartilleled assortment of A'LL PAPERS. Those desirous of trims• rnining the interiors of their old dwelling's into now ones, and. giving additional onabei ishmonts io their new ones, at a comparative ly trilling cost, will do well to call and examine for can Roll them from GI cts Upwards. Re membris the old. stand, East Mum at oppositii Ogilby's Store. By the way, I would soy to thoeo who also want to improve the ektorinr of their 'houses, that I can furuieh.titcil. with Wetherill'a p are and fresh ground White Lead, together With various other colours„ blue; or aligo, yellow, various shade's of groan, &c., in short everythingcalculated to adorn and ; dec orate your mansions. mar 2 • ' HENRY SAXTON FRUIT, CANDIES, VANM,Y 'parties Sabbath Schools and Plc nio parties in going to the country will,de'well by calling at the cheap Drug Store of 8, J, Hieffer, , ,where they can be supplied •with at tidies at the loweet rates and of the besqputl .ity. CAN VMS—retail price, 20 coots per ' A general atil , lntent.of Patent Med. einee:comtantly en hend. Jy2o ;ii i 011anioti9.v: -''' Farmers, Coopers & Millers, ~_ LOOK PO YOUR INTEIZESTSI .150.000. t c zktn P f l r o o u nk r N i n o T e l e t S,;Ta 1000 extra fine CHESTNUT POSTS The above Staves aro found at NI Iddlo -seaT.ts: ortli -- Middloton — rowndrin — Sr -- Wai - C - Of recommendation, we wound only say, we out selling them, ,from their ,superior quality,) to coppers who.have heretofore refused using cut staves, also to others who are distant, Lind. in thelmidat of stave cutting establishments. ISItICE—SS 50 per 1000, or 20,0 0 for 0100. All cash, or a satisfactory reference. . . - - Apply tOilie subscriber, or to JOHN KAH HEY, Middlesex. Also, ,'6 ETA 300 bundles of goOd„long, well cured RYE STRAW. The market price will be paid at the promises of the owner. Apply to the subscriber through Carlisle P. 0., box No. 16, or at his residence, one mile south of Aliddlesc x. DAVID MILLER, Jr Octl93t First Arrival of Fall Dry Goods, At the New and Cheap More. Weise le Campbell wO LI. L D respectfully announce to their friends and the public that they have just received from New York and Philadelphia a large,and handsome assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of the latest styles of Dress Goods, French plaids, cashmeres, mous do Nines, all wool, moos de beges, Persian cloth, plaid, brocade and black silks, id paean and Mourning Goods. hOMESTICS Bleached and unbleached muslin, checks, Ginghams, tickings, wltt and cl'd Canton Flannels, table linemtable cloths, Napkins Damask towels, wool flannels, &c., &c. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES cambric and swiss ruffling, edgirg and insert ing, lisle muchlin and flerentine laces, collars, undefsleeeves, spencers, culls,&r. HOSIERY AND OVES Silk, cashm,,re and Saxony hone, merino half hose, white and block silk boon, black, white and mixed cotton hone, ladies and gents silk, hid, fleecy hoed silk and cotton gloves CLOTHS AM) CASSIMERES A large assortment of cloths, oassimcres, sati nets, Lent ucky jetnNnerino, sada and black silk vestings, SOOTS AND SHOES A large ass n•tnieut of ladies and gentlemens shoes, slippers and boots, childrens shoes, from the best manufacturers. - FAMILY GROCERIES, Rio and Java,Coflees, New Orleans, Cuba and relined sugars, Levering's, Syrup Molasses. Cuba do., and Spices of all kinds. Their goods have all been selected with great care from the best New Y'brk and Philadelphia houses, and cannot fad to suit purchasers both in quality and price. sepl4 HARDWARE-FRESH ARRIVAL ! ! HENRY SAXTON TILE subscriber having returned from the city would call the attention of his friends and the public g noisily to the largo and well se lected assortment of Hardware which he has just received. consisting in part of it' 73 BUILDING NIATERIALS, such as nails, scr ws, binges r locks, bolts, ' glass, putty, paints, oils, &e. TOOLS— edge tools; sates and planes of every descrip tion, with 'file , rasps, hammers, anvils, &c. A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS & SADDLER:B TOOLS , together with morocco. lining and binding skins, shoo thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mounting, saddletrees, &e. COACH TRlMMlNG—canvass (plain, en amelled, figured and embd'ssedd patent and en- Eamelled headier, axles, springs, hubs, spoke, lelloes, shafts, &c, Sze. Cabinet Makers will find n large" assormertf of varnishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding. rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, &e. The stock of IRON is la?go and well selec ed, comprising all the kinds in general use, as hammered and rolled tire of all sizes, flat, bar and band iron, round, square and oval iron, horse shoo iron and nail rods, with n large lot of cast and spring, steel, English and American blister steel, &c. Housekeepers stud those about commencing will find it to their advantage to call and exam ine our cutlery brittania and plated ware, pans, kettles, cedar were, baskets, &c. In'addition to the above we have received a splendid assertment of WALL PAPER, ma king the stock complete, and at midi prices as cannot fail to give sati,sh,ction. We invite all friends to call, knowing it will be to their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East High Street, Cardsle, P, Oct. 12, 1853. HENRY SAXTON. DRUG !. DR UGS I DRUGS i rroshst Spring Supply! r nAVE just received a fresh stock ()Lilted ' Paints, Glass, Oil, &0.,1 which having been purchased with great carp at the best city houses, I can conlidently recommend to Fannies, Physicians, Country Merchants and - Dealers -us-being- fresh and pure, • I) ft uurs Patent Nedicinas, Ilerbsand Evtacts, Fine howl eels, Spices,ground and whole Instruments, Essences, Pure Essen': Oils Perfumery, &o, Cod,Liver Oil—Warranted Genttine. DYE-STUFFS. Log and Cam Woods, Loll Vitriol Copperas ; I Lac Dye' PAINTS. Indigoes, ➢luddcrB, Sumac ME Wetherill & Brother's Pere Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow,. Paint and Varnish Brushes, It - r! sey ‘Vindow Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price, Also,a fresh and splendid as sortment or FANCY GOODS, F. tirrs,n Confectionary, and innumerable other articles cilculated for use and ornament, all of wLich aro offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug Boob and Fancy Store of the sub scriber on North Hanover street S. W. - HAVERSTICK. May 28'1851. . • - SADDLE AND HARNESS PIAKNG .rr subscriber continues to carry on the 11. . above business, in all itsvartons branches, in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors North of Leonard's. corner, where ho intends keeping on hand ngeneral assortment in hie line, Consisting of all kinds of lash ionable SADDLES, Bridles martingales, Girths,Circingles \- ' • and [haters, also 'PR U NKS, tray -4 ,--- . 01"1 cling and saddle _ .% 11 5:11 kit. . 110 also ME mantifact tires themost approved Spanish Spring Saddles, ever used.. in this country, those wishing a handsome,•darable and 'pleasant sad• dle will do well to call and see them. Ile also manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars and • Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be lieves from the general approbation olihiscus tamers, that ho makeii the neatest and beet gears, in all their variety at breadth, that is made in the country. Ile also makes all kinds et Matrasees to order, viz: Straw, husk, Curl ed flair and Spring INlatrasses. All the above nrticlos will be made of the best material and .workmanship, and with the utmost despatch. . . OSI3ORN. ' 'WINES AND LIQUORS. MADEIRA, Tonerilre,' Malaga, Lisbon, Muscat, Grape Juice, Port and Anoluir brand Champagne Wiees. Boston Iluim, Ginger Btandy, Cherry Brandy, Pjilo Cogniae and Dark Brandy, Holland Gin and Wino Bitters. Sperm CANDLES ale por pound, Syrup and Maimign MOLALSES, Washing Soda, superior Y Ilyson,lmperinl and Black TEAS, 'principo, Regalia, and Cuba CIGARS, for ale by the box or retail, bring on your pipes snd hem. (rink 36) CHAR.. BARN IYIILL FOR RENT. THE undersigned offers hie' Merchant Mill, at the Carlisle Iron Works, for rent from tho' lot of April next. . onvlZ Gri ,* PETER F. EGG, Valuable Foundry For Sale ',CITE. subscriber, offers for sale his interest! (one hall) to the HAGERST OWN, , FOUN - D '• For patticuirirs as to Torms.which will he 'made neoommodating, business facilites Etc., apply to the subscribet at Ifogerstown,Mil. - sed • - R.. 11. LAWRENCE. 'Rzwr,ovAL. ,• , THE:Store of the aubooribar, Ombracing '• • ' ; i t,EAS,.OII:OOC„RIES, . • Quaanawaro, and all thoVarimido uguall3i by him,.ia romovod new buildina, Nola 2k 3 MARION' .HALL, Woar. Main St. Corbel°. 'VIAL, • , March 30, 16:,33 111 Lilt CO3:, THE - WONDER OFTHE AGE, For the Cure of Saludieum, Chilblains; Cent .'snow Soros, Chapped 'or Cracked Hands, Burns' or Scalds, Cuts or Wourids, Piles, Mammal'On ot the BreaSt, bites of insects 1 Sore Lips, , Pim: on the Face, nail Breaking Ont amlS_o_reir __on _Children g and alliliseases'ot the Skin. This- °lamed - Wilt cure the Salirbeinn `and Burns, or Chapped ,hands. quicker and shyer thou any other medicines of the kind, before the, public. • To substantinte The above, Ican give hundreds of certificates. but .1 consider it no use, as (anv parson can do the same, if they have friends, for even a 'worthl'ess, article) I rely solely on the merits of the Ointment for the public patronage. N. 13.—A single box, of this Ointment will keep any Blacksmith's, Farmer's, Sailor's, or Mechanic's hands, let Owns chap or crack ever so.bnil, sound and in gond working order all winter , Prepared and sold by ' MONROE TERUEL, Naugniuck, Conn ~ Sold also by the principal Druggists,' and Country Merchants. Price 26 cents per box. Nov. 16, 11151-7-ly CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE, an infallible remedy for Severnla,King'sEvil; Rheumistisin, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or 'Pustules on the Fame, Blotches, Boils, Chronic' Sore Eves, Ring Worm or Tel ter, Scald I-fend, Enlargement and Pain of the If ones and Joint,, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints acid all Diseases arising Ii om an injudicious use of Mer cury, Imprudence in Life, or impurity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine, Which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinmv_ cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friend's, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderful curative Pimperties. The. following certificates selected from a huge 'number, are gowever. stronger testimony than the mere word of the ?ropmetors ; and are all from kten, theme,, well known in their localitius and of the highest respectability many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Va. 130YDE1, Esq. of the Exchange hotel, Ttiehmonsli known every where, says he `bas seen the Medicine called CARTEUN SPANISH MIX TURE administered in over n hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases for-which ithurecommem ded with the most astonishingly good results.— lie says it is the most extraordinary medicine he hiss ever seen. .411 UP, dIN;) FEVER—Crest Cnre.—l here by eertily that for three years I. had Ague and Fever of the most violent description. I had several Physicians, took large quantities of Nlereury, andl believe nit - the l'onies ad— vertised, lint - all prrmanent - relieF t last Ltrie I Carter's Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectivally cured. me and I am happy ta i say I have had neither Chills or ever since. I consider it the best Tonle in the world and the only medicine that eves-reached my ease. JOIN LONGDEN. Bearer dam near 121 chmo ad Va. G 11 LUC IC Esq now in the city of Richniond and liar many years in the Post Office, has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish Mixture, that he has bought upwards of 511 mitten which has given away to the afflicted. Mr Luck says - he has never known it to fail when taken according to direetimm Dr MINCE a practising physium and former ly of the City lintel in the cify of Riclimnad, says he has witnessed in a number of instances the effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture which were most` fflly surprising. lie says in a ease of Consumption-, depcsuletit (AP - the Liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed. SAMUEL M DRINKER of the firm Drink u• & Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver Complaint of 8 years standing by the use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA—The edi tors of the Richmond Republican had n servant employed in their press room cured of violent S....volute combined with Rheumatism, which en, tircly disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixtirenriatle a Perfwt cure of him, and the editors in a public notice say they "cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicy wit! , oily Ili sense of time blond " STILL ANCYI'HER CURE OF SCROPU- L A—l had a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mixture. I consider it truly viii aable medicine: James M aylor Conductor on the It F & P It It Co Riennond Yn Mr Jahn Thompson residing in the city of m a mond , 11%15 mired by threeltiffles of Garters Spanish Mixture of Salt Rheum, which he hail nearly '2O ye-ca. mul which all the physicians ot the city would not cure. Mr Thompson is a welt known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his cure is most remarkable. Principal, Depots at M. WARD, CLOSF CO, No 83, Maiden Lane, New York W DY(Yrir Sr. SONS, No 132, North 2d street, Philadelphia. BENNE FT & BEERS, No 125 Main street, Richmond, Va. And for sale by S Elliott, S W Haversack, Carlisle: Ira Day, Mechanicsburg.; .1 . (terror, Newville; .1 C Akin, Shippensburg, and by dea ler sin medicines everywhere. SELLING OFF AT COST! 815,000 wo l r n th a o d d f i G t 0 0 n GOODS 0 8 , 11 . 1 l s o t n o c h k a n w d e . have received and are now receiting a large lot of Fail and Winter Goo ilr front two of our branch stores. • • As all of this stbalt was purchased before the present groat advanced price in goods, and will be sold at COST, 'purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent us an Carly 'cull. We now hove Black Silks, Long Shawls, Ticking, Check ' Blankets, Cassinets, Cloths, - Muslins, &c., a ll of which we were out •of previous to yesterday's arrivb). Also Carpets, and a lot of Boots and Shoes just received. Call soon and receive the bargains before they are all gone. fk'''f'l.3argatits still to be had at the Clothing Store near Burkholder's Hotel. • • CHARLES OGILBY. sep2B3w Attention, Limeburners ! giA Buy your COAL of • E. BIDDLE. KTONLY 82 40 par ton for Cash. Iocts .11.LL'IYIILLItIgRY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, • No. 45 South Second street, Philadelphia, A RE now opening for the Fall Trade a well selected assortment SILKS, • • 1 • BBONS, • - FEATHERS, FLOWERS, AND MILLINERY GOODS IN GENERAL. Confining themselves exclusively to this branch et the trade, and • Importing the larger part of thoir.itock, onnblas•thom loafer an as. sortment unsurpassed in extent and—variety, which will-be sold on the most tavorableterms. Septoniber 14, 1853-2 m lIIROSCHEIRS, ' Importers and Manufactorere of every kind o LADIES', FURS, 86 /Leah street (below Third rt) Philadelphia, and at 178 Water street, New York. A S our Goods have all been selected in Eu rope by ono of tho firm, and manufactured by ourselves in the most elegant and fashions. hie manner, we can offer them at a price(taking their superior qualify into consideration) that will defy competion. Silver Medals awarded for superiority by the Institutes of rennsylVania and Maryirind. cr.'a Corner of lionousr and Loather Ste., Carlisle ei undorsignedhas'always oti hand a large X •Istoch-of superior. Cabinet all the ilferent styles, which he is PrOParod; to sell at to lowest prices. Ile invitee attontion partic lady to the Patent Spring , Bottom Bedstead, a , inst useful article, which entirely obviates all 'tjections., The ottom can be attached to old :editeads. They havo given entire .satisfac- I all who have .them in use. DI-COFFINS made to order althe shortest JA 41 E i t y. F TIER eqz Carl islo Jan'y:22, jkftincl LIVER COMPLAIN.T,- • • •• DYSPEPSM, JAUNDICE, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILUYY. DIS .EASE OF THE KIDNEYS, ANI) ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM ./1 • DISORDERED LIVER OW • A_Czt I Such as Constipation, inward, piles, fulness of blood to Me bead, acidity of iho stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fulness or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sink ing or, flutior‘fig at the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breathing, fkittering at the heart, choking or 'sullbpating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the hend, dello ien4 of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the" side, back, chest, limbs, Sze., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and ,grea depression of spirits, CAN BE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY DR. 1160PLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by DR, C. M. JACKSON, No.. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if quailed, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases altar skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters aro worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec. tification of dioceses of the. Liver and lesser glands, exorcising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive or gans, they aro withal safe, certain and, pleas ant. • READ AND BE CONVINCED. -Testimony of the 'highest tharicter .1 HON. GEO. S'I'ROOP, Judge of theiDistLiet Court in Perry county, Pa., Nov. 18th, 1852 7- kaid: "your 'Huoiland's Gorman Bitters' has beekin use in our place over a year past, and to the OStonish ment of- many has performed wonders. We may notice a few instances that have aunts under own immediate notice:—almost every pe'rson who has stepped at the hotel of Wm. Lackey, bno year since, predicted ;rom his e maciated countenance and debility; that his could dui live much longer. He was unable to attend to his buinep, and for the greater part of the time confinfid to his room. We rec. ammended him to try the German Bitters; he did; and to the surprise of all his friends lie is now able to attend to his usual business and perform manual labor.' The case of Henry Asper a steno mason, whom no one supposed wuuld ever recover front the - debility of his system, hilt was looked upon as fast approach lug the grave, took eight or nine bottles of the Bitters during the last winter, and this sum mer lie has been Ito the ifurprise of all who knew his case] following his trade. Tim case of William Murphy is no lesg astonishing.— lie too was no far: reduced as to induce the general belief that the grave alone would be his only remedy. Mr. Lackey recommended him to try the Boatload's Daman Bitters; lie is now apparently ti vpll man, and able to do a hard day's work. Wo could mention many other - casesof a Similar character. if it were necessary. I myself derived much benefit train their use. I have given considerable of it a way, not for your benefit alone, but to relieve suffering humanity, and let me assure ycnt I am pleased to see the happy result. Td the afflicted we say, try, them fairly and I will warrant relief''' . - These Bitters aro worthy the attention of ii.valids, possessing great power in the resto ration of a healthy action of the liver and the lessor glands, giving tone to the stomach and nervous system, and bringing the system gen orally to a highltate e, health. Far sale by S. IV. Haverstick,and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; J. 11. Her ron, Newvillc; J. S. Akin, Shippensherg, and by dealers in modiein :a every where. %DUD AWJetTISCIIICIII:o. LEATHER. FRITZ & HENDRY; Store, 29 N. 8d st., Phila. Morocco Manufacturers, Carriers, Imparters, Commission and General Leather Business, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Alanufactory 15 Margaretta:street DAVIS di. CU.T.AIN, Dealers in - Lamps, La , .terns and Chandeliers, N Corner l'ourth and Cherry sts., _HAVING enlarged and improved their store and having, the largest assortment of lamp in Philadelphia, they are now prepared to fur nish Cauiphine, Pine Oil, BURNING FLUID, Ethereal Oil, Pitos;.; tne Gas and Lard Oil.— Lamps. Lanterns of all paterns, Fancy lintel and; I lal I Lamps, C handeliros, G trandoles and Candelabras,_tuld.Brittanizt Lam ps,at the man. ufacturers lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over auction pri ces. Being large MAN UF.V.ITURERS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid,' Ethereal Oil, Alco hol and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, they can furnish these articles at such prices that Mer chants will tied it to their advantage to buy.— Coll Wore going elsewhere, if you want bar gains. Also l tlle Safety Fluid Lamp for sere. October 5, IBsa—ty* TOYS, TOYS, FANOTGOODS WaiLl/LIVI WILBER EIAS just received his Fall Importations o TOYS, D OILS, Work Baskets and Box es, articles for Confectioners, Druggists and To bacconists, also FANCY GOODS of every description, such as Toys of wool, china, lead, :in, &c, 1000 styles. Jointed, kid, wax and dressed Dona, all sizes. Doll llleads with teeth, moving eyes, &c. Accordeons, harmonicas, violins, trittnpets, Vittchcs, optics, rings, waggons, &c„ 'Nlorbles of china, agate, gloss, common, col'd, German slates and pencils, all sizes. Percussion Caps, G D., T 3, and other marks. Cornets, bonbon and cracking secrets, &c. Fancy Baskets and boxes, dressing, cases, Alabaster articles, Jewelry boxes, Inkstands, Toilet boxes, Perfumery, Tec:h•brdsltcs. Druggists' fancy articles,Carmine,C.H. Pencils Tobacco and Snuff boxes. Seger cases. Tinfoil, Turkish and German Pipes of Porcelain, Bronze, etc. With an codices variety of newest styles of Fancy Goods.. Dealers will find it to their advantage to make nn early examination of this stock.lts the Goods are all new and will ho offered nt the very low est rates. W. 'FILLER, importer, 1 Commerce St., Philadelphia. Penny Toys,' 50 kinds. Cases of assorted Toys, at $5, 10, 20, per case. seps.2na HAY ES' •PATENT TUBULAR OVEN HOT AIR RANGE Various Sizes, to suit Families, Boarding Bonzes and Hotels.'. rwillOSE in want of a superior Conking Ap- , paratus are . invited to call at out Ware house and examine this Range. For durability economy and simplicity in operation it stands unrivaled. ' It has a purl oat hot air ventilation —and meats baked in this oven will retain their' juico and•flavor equal to that roasted before an opon fire. Meats and pastry cooked at the samo time without cntocting the other. It will supply, sufficient heated air to hoot addi tional rooms for the coldest weather. It has no descending or return flues, and is equally well adapted to bituminous or common hard coal. The steam valve over the boiling part Of tlio Range carries off the steam and scent of cooking, as well as heat in summer. ' Every Range sold warranted to give satlsfac .tion, or no expense to the purchaaor. pAYES' VENTILATOR, Patented Octobar, 1848, For Public Halls, Factories, Railrbad Cars, Chonnies, Flues, Ships, Steamers,4c. Pure air is a subject claiming the attention of every itulividual,,,nnd all buildings should be provitiod Vith the proper moans of ventilation. Also, a powerful . Wa.rming and' Ventilating Furnace, For Divelltags, School Rouses, Churches, Halts, Stores, Factories, 45c. TA largo atsori mem of Office, flail and Cook,' ing Stovos, Parlor Crates, Registers, Wholesale and Retail. ' RAND 'Bc HAYES, • 82 North Sixth street, Phila. , [kr Personal attention given to 'warming and vontilining. both publintand private buildings. pOunet :Feathers.. TILE subsesibeilhas just opened an invoice Ostrich and other Bonnet eathers atone. hnti r tiko usual prieot Also a vrty 4haop. lot of Faneyt'Dres Ulm .• • ' • •. Oa.") GEO. W. HITHER. drat Ostate • OItrELAN . 'S OCIUMT sALL:„. . On TUESDAY, the 29th of NoVember, 1853 IN pursuance of an ,order of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland county, I will olfer at publie sale, the interest of the minor cliildi en of Jonathan Neidig .and Jacob Ilersho, in a small Tract al Land, situate in N orth_Mitidles_ - ton - township; IStifiig on the,Letart Spring about two miles oast oteatlisle, nel the Carlisle and Harrisburg Turnpike.. It contains FIVE. ACRES, more or leas, and includes the, property known . arr Ifershe's 'Chureh 'rho othdr , ito - ovements are u Two 'Story Ail ' 1 8 ' - ' ll lilt p CK HOUSE and Bank Barn, ,G ' itoth of them recently built and one story Log ROOM 'F lier is Miter convenicri• to both homes. Thera aro also upon this land-n number of gralted trees of choice fruit.AThis property is well shunted for a Dairy and would be a very desirable situ. anon fur a person who win es to follow the mar: hot business. Tho Church property will be sold separate if desired. Salo 10 commence at „II o'clock, A. M. on said day, when terms will bo made known by JEREMIAH GRlNER,Guardian, &c. Yl will also at the earrie time sell upon the same termslithe interesr of the other Devisees in the above described property, who are above the age of twenty-one years, so that the p: r e aim• will obtain the whole claim and title of Abraham Hershe, dec'd. JEREIHAII G INER, Au'y in fact, hoc 12011311 T IVICCARTAIEV, Auctioneer. FOR RENT. A Two Story BRICK HOUSE situate on tint north east corner of Loather and Pitt Streets, and a Two Story Stone House on Lou ther Street, no ,v occupied by the !tev Mr Kromer. Also several smalle4 dwel lings for-rent. Enquire of n0v9'531 JACOB SEINER. ROUSE AL al LOT FOR SALE. THE two Story FRAME HOUSE and Lot of Ground in South Hano ver street, note; occupied by Charles 13arnitz, immediately opposite Bent'z = I I Store, is offered at private sale. For lerniS enquito of the,subseriber, Attorney for the owner. n0v9'.53t(3 IVAILIVZ FOR SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale his FARM., situate about two' miles north of Car. lisle, lying between the, Ganodog,uinet Cree't and the Sulphur Spring road. It is joined by farms of \Vise and N etcher, and CONTAINS 70 ACRES, all cleared land,`thirty :of which are meadow. It is well limed and in a ‘ high state of cultiva tion. The improvements aro a TsVo Story FRAME HO USE, a well of we -4.Y4114] ter with pump at the door, frame !ip,!AT Bank Barn, Sz.e. There is also a young orchard of choice fruit trees. Also, will ho sold with the same if detored, tr tract of MOUNTAIN LAND. Persons wishing to purchase can learn terms by calling noon It AI Henderson, Esq., in Carlisle. '4 JOHN SANDERSON. November 1 1853--tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. On FRIDAY the 2(1 of December. WILL be sold at public sole on the farm of Henry flock, dae'd „Mt Southampton township, Comb, co., at 11 o'clock, A. M., in pursuance of an order of* Orphan's Court of said coati— ty, the following real estate, A PLANTATION in Southampton town , . ship, comb. county, bounded;by Joseph Ilnch, James Beatty, James Kelso and Ni c ,„ Gene's heirs, aid about one mile from:: t.ces. burg on the turnpike road, and lour miles irom Shippensburg, CONTAINING 150 ACRES of first rate lime-tone laud. about 12A acres of •wirch arc cleared and highly cultivated, and .the residue in good timber, having a good two • Plastered House and ^ Log Barn 10*, •gi . thereon erected, with never-. • •g g tailing water convenient, all the 44L. 1 . 1 .- . .1„ :1 -, necessary outbuildings and a fine ' you ig orchard of excellent graf ted fruit. Also a House and Lot of Ground, con taining about, One Acre, adjoining the abive. Also Four Tracts of Wood or Moun tain Land. all in 1.".:a same townshi r p;'containing front 11 to 13 cres cash, situate about 4 miles south of the. above described farm and which are envered - With fine chesnut timber, well cals ciliated to furnish tensing and fuel fur farms in the valley. whole of thti above property will be sold upon the iollowingl Terms:—One third of the purchase money alter payment of costs to• re main in the. land during the lifetime of the widow, the interesqof which to be paid to her and the principal at her death. One half of the residue on the Ist of April 1851, and the bal ance in two annual payments, without nterest, to be secured' hYli4xmen,t bonds and ilc,rtp,nge en the land sold. The purchaser w Ibe re quired to pay fire per cent of the purches money when the land is confirmed to him, to be de ducted out of the hand money. GEORG g /I OCK —-- Nov 9,'s3—ts Adm'r. CIESEI vazu.e.331.33 At Private Sale. THE subscriber intending to remove West offers at privdte sale,'untiL _SATURDAY, the 10th of December, next, t he new and commo dious Throo...Stery BRICK HOL SE, situate in West Main Street, Carlisle. Pa. Tho house is new and in complete NIP; . order, ca raining Ten Rooms, in kit oluding:the Store room. There is "" --- " 6 " ---- also on the premises a first rate Wash and ,Bake Douse. The above is in the most business part of the town and is a very desirable place for any bus ideas. If not sold Privately it will then be of fermi, on SATURDAY the 10th day_ol Dec ember, at public sale. Any person desirous of viewing the property will please cell-'on the subscriber, when terms will be made known. AUGUSTUS S. WORiVI.LY. N. v 2 1853—ts PUBLIC SALE or TOWN PROPERTY. EIE subscriber will offer at public sale, on SATIIIIDAY the 3d of Decembor, neat, at 10 o'clock, A. 31., the property occupied by hint, situittd near AIM west end of Dickinson Alley, adjoining lots of Isaac 11. Parker and John Halberf: The LOT is 30 feet front and l'2o feet deep, and has on its Two Story FRAME. HOUSE • with Kitchen,, all newly roofed and i nhe good repair , fr g a r T i e m sje • corn cri b , & c. hli been cultivated as a garden and there are a number of choice fruit trees, a fine grape vine4hrubbery, &c., on the lot. This is a very cAveniont and comfortable 'property, and in ii good neigbor hood. The terms el sato will be $l5O on the let of April, neat, when possession will be giv on, and the balance in four annual patinents, With interest, secured by a lien. The sale will be held at the 'Court House an the borough of Carlisle. - WILLIAM BItOCK. November 21), 1853—t0 • VALUABLE nanrix AT PRIVATE SALE fiubscrihor offers at private sale a limn situated in ligrth Middleton twp, co, four miles east-'of Carlisle, and fourteen west of Hart ishurg„ on the turnpike road, CONTAINING 130 ACRES of first rate limestone land, cleared and under cultivation. Also 30 acres of Woodland con venient to supply the' form with wood; The improvements are a new (We .stary -STONE • HOUSE; 43 feat front, new brick Barn,7s feet front, wagon shed, corn crib and other necessary ! 4 ~„,,c o r m f b a r l h l, 't il ,s a tn e e r w a . ; A thc wall dj o c l. l n a e n v d . oh excellent orchard of choice young fruit trees. The form is in.overy way a desirable ono. and persons wishihg to purchase would do wall to call and Ban it. Terms'tnatle to snit purchasers. sop2l6tn B LE. fer Lancaster Whig copy and send bill to this _ office. CECURCHTOWN PROPERTY' FOR SALE TUF A subscriber offers at priVatcleale - n - lotof grotindfsituate in Churchtownt-Cumb. Co., 33 feetin.frent by 200 feet deep. basing thereon erected a &labile two story FRAME.DW GL = LING HOUSE, 30 loorin (Pont by 24' UE deep, witheight rooms and two Ititch• ens, The house is newly built and well finished thrdughOut. • . Also a 'lot, adjoining the above, on ivhicli is emoted a two story Frame House, 20 ft square, now used as,a Cabinet Maker's Shop. but can ho easily converted into a dwelling house. It is a good stand for the abovior any other bus . - iness. For teims,"whieh will be made etitty, enquirti'ol the subsoriber in Carlisle. aug3ttf - JAMES IL WEAVER, R. M. HENDERSON Legal anb Otl)er Naito, . Estatea it . Williams, dec'd• lub ricE is hereby given they Letters Tex 11\ismontary en the estate 511:Abraham Wit.. - hume,Ustg,,,,A,slonroo townpfitp, Cumberkind countY.: dobeased; have bash granted by the itgi"Ata_..oLsaid_county__to_the_subseribers, re- - telling fit Upper Allen township in the same • county, All persons knowing themselies in debted to said estate ere requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims la prompt them for settlement to - A NILCAA . I e tIL AI C I LIC I L tT IN , • no r.lfipd Exr's. Estate of Dr. A. H. Russell, dec'd. orricm is hereby given that Letters l'esth , 11 mentary on 'the estate of Dr. .H, Rao sell, late of West Penneboro township,,Cum • berland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to the subscri ber, residing in the same township. All per. eons knowing themselves indebted to said estate afe required to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them for tittle- ment to • SUSAN RUSSELL, nov'r.l6pd Eae'x Davipmrn). Carlisle Deposit Bank, Nov. 1, 1853. The Board of Directors have this day decla red a- dividend of FOUR PER CENT, which will be paid to the stockholders or their legal representatives on demand, _ _ _ W. M. BEETEM, Cashier OM NOTICE. THE books of MORRIS ei HERSHEY are in my hands for settlement and collection. All persons knowing themselves indebted or having accounts to settle With said firm will do well to call at my office and pay or settle their account by the 10th of November 1853, or they will be proceeded against according to law. ' _ _ October 6, 1853 Estate of Michael Livingston, dec'd NOTICE is hereby- given that Letters of Ad nmistration on the estate or Michael Liv ingston, late of East l'ennsboro township Cum. berland count y,deceased. base been granted by the Register of said cunty to the subecriber residing in the same township, All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them to ' STEPHEN , IL LIVINGSTON', nov2st Ad m'r Estate of James Eckles, sr., dec. NOTICE is hereby given that lettersi of ad• ministration have been issued by the Register or Cumberland county, upon the estate of James Eckles, sr., late of Upper Allen twp., dec'd,to the subscriber residing in the same township. A. II those having claims against sail estate will present them for settlement, and those indebted will make payment to WILLIAM M. ECKLES, Adm'r. novqG w Estate of John Creamer, dec'd. NoTicE is hereby given That Letters o 1 Administration on the estate of,J no Gres. liner, late of Silver Spring township, Cumb. co. doc'd, have been granted by the Register of said county to - the subscriber, residing in Dick inson township. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to JOHN GARMAN; oct26 Estate of Wm. Fulton, clOc'd. !NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of 1.11 Adminttration on the estate of Willliam Futon, late of Upper Allen twp.,- Cumb. co. de'ed, have been granted by the Resieter of slid county to the sabsd - riber,,,residing in the same township. All persons lirrowing them— selveA indebted to said estate are required to mike irnatudtme payment, and those,:,having claims to present.thenzler settlement to JOHN B. COOVER, Adm'r. El= Estate of Mary Basehore, dec'd. NTJTICE is hereby given that Letters 'Fes tamentary on the last will and testament of the said Mary Basehore, late of the borough of .Meehanicscurg, Cumb. co., deceased, have been granted by the Register-of said county to the subscriber, residing in Hampden twp., said county. All persons lcnowing themselves in debted to said estate are' required to make im mediate payment, and those havink claims to present them for settlement to SAMUEL BASEHORE, r. oct26 Estate of John Wonderly, dec'd. XTOTICE is hereby given that letters tests inentury on the estate of John Wonderly, late of South Middleton township, Climb. c 0.,, dee lased, have been granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing in the borough of Carlisle. All persons knowing thromsclves indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to DANIL WONDERLY. Eer.""A Octs Gw Estate of Wm. P. G. Ecker,•dec'd. - rk - roTtcF. is hereby given that Letters Tel 11 tsmentary on the estate o I William P.D. Ecker, late of Newton township, Cumberland county, deed, have been granted to the sub scriber, resldirrr in the same township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay. ment and those having claims to present them for settlement to • • — 'oorl2fit ' Dr. DAVID ECKER NOTICE. To the heirs and legal representatives of Joseph Barton, late of York connty, deceased. Take' Notice that by virtue of a writ of Par tiiton and Valuation issued out of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland county and to me direc• toil, I will hold an inquest to divide,. part, or value the real estate of said decedent, on- the premises in the town of Lisburn, Cumb. co, on THURSDAY the 22d day of December. A. D. 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M, when and where you may attend if you think proper. Sheriff's Office Car- ?JOS.MeDARMOND, lisle, Novo 9,1852 5 Sheriff. NOTICE. XTOTICE is hereby given that application IA will be made to the next Legislature, agreeably to the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth, for an alteration in the charter of the Carlisle Deposita Bank,'so as to confer upon said flank the rights and privileges of a bank of issue, and" to change the natne to that of the Carlisle Bank." By order of the Board of Directors. W. M. BEETEM, Cashier, tine 9.1.1, 1853-6 m NOTICE,• tater. is herby given that tho "Cumber land Valley Savings Institution," located in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, will make application to the next Legislature of the Commonwoalth of Pennsylvania for an Aot of Incorporation, with a'eapital of not less than Ten nor more than Thirty Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of receiving-deposits of money both transitory and on interest, and of malting loans and discounts, with such other privileges ns are usually granted to Savings Institutions, By order of the Directors. ^ WM. GALBREATH, Trees. D. L DEELMAN, Seer rpti226mr! Extensive Furniture -Rooms. ,TA,Arp o 'S R.WEAVEIt would resractfully call tho attention ofdlouse Keepers and the public to his extensive stock of ELEGANT F URN IT U RE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centro and other Tables, Dressing and plain Bureaus and every other article in his branch of business. Also, now'on hand the largest as•, Bortmont of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest' prides. 'os'Cotfins made'at the shortest node , and ni Hoarse provided for funerals. Ho solic its a call at hls'establishment on North Hance . vor street, near Glaes'ellOTEL. N. B.—Fur nituro hired out by the month or year ' Carlisle, arch 20, 1850,-1y =TM INSITRANCII. ofTHE Undersigned having beet the agent 'e ' the ICoystone Life .Inburance 'Company, t arrislairg, l'a., continues to act in that ca pacity, by authority of Company. Ile would respectfully inforrethe community that lie will attend to such persons ns may signify their desire to insure their lives, end thus give soineprotoction to their bereaved families and friends, in case of death. .0111ce in West Pam. ['rot Street, Carlisle, Mav2s If. . • --' IltrOßTlfilsralabl. • • ntrAolcmitErd. ,GOO. in Whole-and Half k.arrols; ptiw, ,GOO.repel ing and 114 I ' ald by Ii v VVOODWARD 6; SMITH, G. B. COLE, MEE