Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 28, 1853, Image 4

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    , ,tones
o £l,azton Leads eqltimn.'
A FT ER days and nights of oncoming toil
and trouble I have succeeded in "'narking
and arranging my now % stock of HA R D•
W A It S , and although tilers has been a tre•
mendous rush of customisre who know.where
to deal on reasonable terms, and Who appre
ciate my old habit of selling cheap without
making much fuss about the matter. lam
'constantly snaking room for new - bustomers to
'drop in and examine what is undoubtedly the
LARGEST AND BEST assortment of goods
aver offered west of Philaffelphin p and embra
cing everything usually found inn Hardware -
Store, from a needle to an anchor, ll of which
are of the best quality and will be sold at prices
which cannot•fail to give satisfaction. ,
I would say that my stock of cross cut. hand,
panel ripping and back Saws, bright, black arid
blue augurs, chisels, planes, locks, hatchets,
hinges, screws, strsight necked and bar oohs;
broad, pointing and chopping axes, iron and
steel squares, rules, 'tape measures; levels.t&c,
cannot tail to please the ,most fastidious.
Can be accommodated on the most reasonable
terms with Durkee's celebrated York plows at
85 37. Also Plank's, Craighead'a and others'
at manufacturers' prices; spades, rakes, forks,
'shovels, gr,nse and grain scythes. (Dunn, Dar
ling and Griffins make.) Patent and coalmen
'maths of half ri doxen different kinds. Grain
Ciadtes, (Gregbr s s, Plank's, Craighead's and
Crawbach's !naked at reduced rates. Also
grindstones. carting boxes, chain cistern and
force pumps, halter, breast and log chains, -sin
gle and double traces and spreads Cedar ware
such as tubs, buckets, bowls. water kegs, to.
gether with an everlasting assortment of table
and pocket cutlery, spoons, shears and sciz-
Bora, candlesticks, smilfers, shovdls and tongs.
kettles, pans, sad irons, waiters-, brushes, &c,
which will be sold by the wagon load, ton yard
bushel or in the ordinary way,.
'Flirts come friends, give us a call and see
for yourselves. We'll wait on yon with pleas
ure, and give you bargains of which you can't
complain. Remember the place, East High
Street, opposite Ogilby's
June 1, 1853. HENRY S'AXTON.
Elreshet Spring Supply!
VE Jus: reccived a fresh stock of Mod•
icines, Paints, Glass, Oil, &c., which
.bnving been purchased with groat care at the
best city houses, I can confidently neon - al - lend
to Fatnlies, Physidians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, as being fresh and pnro.
- - -
Patent Medicines, Ilerbsand Extracts,
7 Fine homi call, Spiccs,ground and whole
;',i,;lnstruments, Essences, •
Pure Essen': Dile Perfumery, &a.
Goa Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine.
Log and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol
I Lac Dye'
Wotherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
'Jersey Window Glass, Litrseed Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead.
All of which will be 'sold at the very lowest
market price, Also,a fresh and splendid as
sortment of
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for use and- otnatnent, all of wl.ich
are olliired at the lowest cash prier's, at the
--cheap D rug — Reolr - antl - Fancy - Sture - af - the sub - - -
scriber on North Hanover street.
May 28 1851
H E undersigned having purchased the
. right of Franklin and Cumberland coun
ties, Pa., and Washington county Md. for
MILL AND PRESS are new manufacturing
machines under the.immediate supervision of
Henry Shepler, a practical millwright. Orders
will be received and filled with promptness.—
All machines will be warranted.
, By this,machine, which can be conveyed on
a wheelbiurow, ono man end a boy can make
from five to eight barrgls cf cider ado with
ease, and the cider is thoroughly pressed from
the pomace. The labor is light and the -ma
chines are simple and permanent. /
This machine was eitTlibited e af the State
Agricultural Fair, ht Lanctister r and tested with
several °Merit, and the commitkee aivarded the
premium to it. The machines are warranted
to perform what is herein stated. Orders are
respectfully solicited.
N. B.—The press connected with the ma
chine can be used for pressing currants, and
cutting vegetables for feeding stock.
JA C 08. HOKE,
May 11, 1853. Gm
riviE, subscriber continues to carry on the
IL above business, in all itsvarious branches,
in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors
North of Leonard's corner, where ho intends
keeping on hand ageneral assortment in hipline,
Consisting of all kinds of lash
losable SADDLES, Bridles
martingales, Girths,Cir eingles
and tinkers, also
TRH NKS, tray- "VI
cling and saddle la lea
manufactures themost approved
Spanish Sp:qv. Saddles, ever
used in this country, those
wishing a handsome, durable and pleasant sad•
die will do well to pill and see Them. He also
manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars and
Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be
lieves from the general approbation of his cue
tomers, that he makes the neatest and best
gears, in all their variety of breadth, that is
made in the country. He also makes all kinds
of Matrasses to order, via: Straw, Husk, Curl
ed Hair and Spring Matrahses. All the above
articles will be made of the best .material and
workmanship, and with the utmost despatch.
irtnl4-Iv WM. OSBORN.
FIRE xresuaanTem.
The Allen and East Ponneborough Mutual
Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland ooun
ty, incOrporated by an AM of Assembly, is
now fully organized, and in operation under
the management of the following commission
ors, viz: •
Jacob Shelly, Wm, R. Gorges, Michael
Cocklin,'Molchoir Brenneman, Christion.Stay,
man, Christian Titzel,Jacob H. Coover, Lem..
Ryer, Henry. Logan, Benjamin H. Mustier, Ja
cob Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wicker
The rates of insurance are as low and favor
able as any Company of the kind in the,State.
Persons wishing to become members are in make application to tho agents of the
company, who aro willing to wait upon them
at any time.
BENJ. H. mossEß, President. .
HENRY LOGAN, Vice Preaidentj
Lewis flyer, Secretary.
Michael Cocklin, Treasurer.
Cumberland County.—Rudnlpli Martin, N
Cumberland; C. B. Herman. Kingstown, Hen
ry Zearing, Shlrentanstown • .Charlea 801 l
arllelo; Dr. S. Ahl, Churefitown ; Samuel
Graham, West Pennsliorough; James McDow
bl, Frankford ; Mode Grifrith,.South Middle
ton; Samuel , Coovor, Benjamin , Haverstick,
Mechanicsburg; John Shorrick, Lisburn; Da
vid Cobver, Shertherdstown.
York County.—John Bowman, Wishing;
Peter Welford, Franklin; John SMith ' Esq.,
Washington ; W. S. Picking, Dover ; Daniel
Raffensherger, J W.Craft,Paradise.
Harrisburg.—Houser do Lockman.
Members of the- company haiing polipies
adout to expire can have them renewed by
making application to any of the agents.. •
Nov. 2 4, I Y. •
Cheap. ICid Gloves.
- ,
Th . () subscriber has just 'opened another in.
voice of the best quality Paris Kid Gloves, at
the low price of 621 eta. per pair.
To Builders & Honskeepors. •
who are building, or about corn.
mewling tousokaoping will bo sure to
find at all times an assortment to 'select from.
Looks of oil sorts and sizes, with brass, argil
lo, mineral and white knobs, with jepanned or
plated furniture. holt, hinges; test end wrought,
window glass fit/MB:10 to 20x28.beite,iierown
&c. You who are about to bo aserriod and
going to housekeeping, we have everything,to
',please. such as fancy waiters and
trays, ivory
handled knives and forki, in setts or by the
dozen, common knives and forks, butter knives
with:plated and IvOry handles filing and bread
pine, limpotfring irons, tubs, churns,
Carliale ; March 9,1853.
Awarded to' this Ides:111m atThe Fair of the Amerlenrilnetttitte, New York, Oct. 11309,,
A Diploma at the Franklin Institute, First Premium at the State
Fair, Utica, New York, and at the Coltpnalda and Rensselaer County (New York) Fairs,
and a the Westchester Chitinty Fate at Mikitti
In thepresent arrangement of this highly approved and
valuable lilill, the labor is divided by arranging a cuttipg
Cylinder to break the ripples, and thou deliver them to Cho
lower Cylinders to be reduced to pomace. By this ar
rangement the work Is perlbrmed faster and with much
less labor.
Tho Press is arranged with a much larger screw than
formerly, and by a very ingenious device the use of tine bag
to dispensed with and the Tub made to open at will to. de
liver the pomace, while at the same time the Cider is left
clear and the work can be done with much less labor than
by tine old method. The Cylinders are covered with heavy
sheet Zino, both on their peripheries and ends; the wand
in them is arranged so as not to swell; and the whole work
on the Mill and Press made In the very best manner and
arranged with especial now to their durability and service.
• No Farmer who wee the 31111 carefully and according
to directions will be disappointed, but on tine other
band he will find this ono of the most valuable and efficient
machines on his them.
. .
Tho machine is made to run by horse, steam, or hand
power, and when the apples ore ground, a small boy of 14
years of ago can press the pomace with all ease.
In all former times It was supposed that n large quantity
of Cider could only bo made by using a.ponderous machine,
that slowly crushed the apples without grinding them fine.
They were then made Into a massive cheese In straw, and a .
most severe and long pressure was required to extract a
portion of tho Cider, a considerable quantity being absorbed
by the draw and the mass of pomate; and to obtain this
unaltisfactory result the farmer had to take all his hands,
and perhaps his six-horse team, and devote a whole day that
could have been more profitably employed, to make from
six to eight barrels of Cider. 'Co obviate the difficulty the
Partners, have heretofore labored under, this Machine hos
been invented, and the statement of a few facts will prove
that it Is not only the beat Machine of the kind In existence,
but it is the most profitable that a man can have on his
farm. The tipples are by this Machine grated up into a fine
pulp, no that it requires 'but a comparatively light pressure,
and that but a minute or two, to extract all, the Cider, it
being ascertained by practical experiment that One-Fourth
rnoreluice can he obtained than by the old process. 'Be
sides this, it only requires two hands to grind up and make
into Cider a larger quantity of apples than can he possibly
done on the old-fashioned machines. On this press, owing
to the compactness of the - pomace in the tub, and the com
plete mannealn which it is ground, a pressure of from 3 to
b tons—that can easily be obtained—will produce in more
favorable result than fifty tons pressure on the ordinary.
Entered aceordleg to dot of Coegrees, In the year 1852, In
THE sobecriber, continuesto Menutacture iii
his Foundry in East High street, having
on hand a great variety of good patterns, and is
- m - prepared to furan IRON AND BRASS
CASTINGS, which will be executed to order
(if not on hand,) at the shortes• notice, such as
Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil
Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, &c., Plough
Castings. Cutters. Point Shears, Wagon and
Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car
Chairs. &c. Steam Engines buili,to Order and
repaired. All kinds of- machinery in Paper
Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired at
short ncitice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned.
',is°, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines,
ouch as Bevel Gear Four Horse power ; Hor
izontal Gear Four Horse Power.44lorizontal.
Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn Shel
lers and Corn Crushers.. Threshing machines'
and horse powers repaired and Job Work dont
at the shortest notice. Patterns of different
kinds on hand and mnde to order.
He also baton hnnd.a largo supply of Phila
delphia and Troy Cooking Stoves, and is con;
stan ly malting Cooking Stoves of various im
proved patterns, (or..coal or wood. Ten Plate
Stoves, Grates, &c.
Repairing done to all kinds of Machinery.—
All kinds of o'd Iron, Brass and Copper taken
in exchange for work.
J. KIEFFER has just returned from Phil;
adelphin with an additional supply of fresh
DRUGS, which in connection with his former
stock will make his establishment complete in
this department. •
In addition to the above he has also opened a
fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts,
Peseta and Fancy Articles of every descrip
tion. The attention of the Ladies is especially
invited to his extensive assortment of Fancy
Auricles, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and
F erigroeaelevers_varicty
Gentlemen are invited to examine his fine
assortment of Fancy A rticles—Segars, China
and Porcelain Pipes, Tobacco of all hinds;
Shaving nod Toilent Soaps of superior quality.
Canes; Riding and Carriage Whips, and many
other articles which more especially inhere t
gentlemen. A number of superior Woollen
Mans on hand.
The proprietor will he very happy In have
a friends cal' and examine his goods whether
cy may, wish to purchase or not.
July 6 1853 B J KIEFFER.
mow. CLOTRING 11001 VIS
Opposite the Rail Road Office, We High Street,
rff H. SKILES deeires to inform hie old
J. • friends and the public that he has opened
a general clothing establishment. and hoe now
in store an extensive stock of the best and
cheapest gocdo ever offered in Carlisle.
Men's, Youth's and Bore clothhig,
for Spring, Summer end Winter wear, now on
hand of every variety and furnished at reduced
rates. Ile has also a large and well selected
assortment of Piece Goode, of - English, French
and Gorman Fabrics. of now and beautiful pat.•
ter', for coats pants and vests, which will bo
made to order in the most approved and fasb•
ionable manner and in a superior style' f work
manship. A full and elegant stock of Gentle.
men's Furnishing Goode, much as gloves, plain
and fancy shirts, collars, handkerchiefs, ties,
&c., constantly kept on hand. Also Indio
Rubber Overcome and Leggin'. • - • •
Feeling confident from the reputation which
It has been his constant aim for a course of
years to secure for his establishment, of his a•
bility to please, he respectfully invites en ex
amination of his stock,which for quality,work
manabip and low prices cannot be surpassed.
May 4, 1853-Iv. •
iriEORGE KELLER' ros'pecflully announ.
1.31 - ces to his old Patrons and'ilio nubile gen.
• orally that he hae just received the
MEN'S HATS, manufactured at
ono of the best establishments in
Philadelphia ; to which' he invites
special attention.
He has also constantly on hand a large and
varied assortment of hia own manufacture as
well as city made
mcAirs AND cars.
ankable for , he season,comprising every vati.
oyt of ftnasia, fleaver,,Moleakin and Silk Hate,
finished in the latestetyle, together wi t h a lull
assortment of Caps of every shape and doe
criroion, and at every price Ile particularly
invites the.public to call and examine his exten
sive assortment, which in style, material end
finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market,
and, which ho is able to put at prices lower than
ever: ferßomember his old stand on North
Hanover street, between Homer's and Sener's
store. - [Juno 17 ,
Extensive Furniture Rooms.
TAMES It.WEAVER would respectfully
call the attention of House Keepers and the
patina to his extensive stock of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre end other, Tables, Dressing
.and plain
Bureaus and every.orbr article in his branch of
hutsittoss. Also, now on hands the largest as
sortment of CHAIRS' in
.thirlisle, at 'the!' owes,
prices. IKlrCoffins made at the shortest notice
and a Hearsti - pro,Vided for funerals. He solic
its a , call at his ustabliThment on ' Muth •Banct
voetreot, neer a HOTEL.' -NA:to-Fur. .
,niture hired out by the month or year]
Carlisle, March 20, 1850,..—Jy •
Cider Press, even if the apples wore ground as finely as ma
tho improved AIM; and if tho fipples were merely crushed,
no on the Nut Machine, it would require a pressure of one
hundred tone to produce the result accomplished by this
Patent Mill. Tho following maybe adduced es the deddsd
advantages of this Mill.
First—lt will make more Cider than any other 'Prose, with
a given quantity of apples, in a given time, and with much
less labor and ex pense.
Second—r' ,'
Third—You can make the Cider as you wont It, and when
you want ib—and In quantities from ono gallon to 0 or 10
• Fourth—With tt you can press your Curratits, - Cherriee,
Berries, CheeFo, Butter, Lent, and Tell°,
Flfth—With it you can save one-fourth of your
time in making Apple-butter. --
Sixth—With. its ono you can at all times have Fresh
and Sweet Cider.
With all the advantages resulting from the possesalon and
use of such n =chino-4—a a price so low that it is within
the ranch of nil—can it be that any intelligent Farmer
would do without It?
Do you wish to have In your house atoll times Cider that
Is sweet and fresh, the only time it is really healthy and alt
for use--and do you wish to save a great portion of the
hard labor attending the nuthlng of
Apple-butter 2 If so, buy this machine, and our word
for it, you will not be disappointed.
This 11111 is warranted superior to any 'other portable
Mill in existence , and the Proprietor is ready at any time,
(en fair notice being Orem) to test It with any Portable
Mill that is not an infringement on it.
Partners, *examine this newly IMPROVER
MILL, before you buy tiny other.
' One great advantago of this machine over all others, is,
that ft will not choke up, and hard or soft apples
can be ground, and yet the Cylinders will always remain
clear and in grinding order.
All orders will ho filled In the order In which they aro
received, and all persons wanting them would do well to
send their offers early, and state at what time they want
the Mill sent.
This 31111, ottanded by. 2 men, will, when properly worked
according to directions, make 6 to 12 barrels of elder a day—
and Will grind aiono by horsepower from 100 to 300 bushels
of apples a day.
bs-The Prico of the Mill is $4O, free of freight.
lIARRISBURO, PA., May, 1863. W. 0. B.IOICON.
the District Court of tho Easloin Dietrict of Pennsylvania
THE subscribers, in Ilddilloll I 'heir exten-
sive Grocery,' have connected therewith nn
_GR4,/_W=WLAL WARE M:IL L -SE—:m(l
SEEEV.9. TORE, 110, Market street, near the
railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and are prepared M
fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, of all
kinds of Agricultural Implements, Vegetable
--- and Flower Seeds &c: Country merchants
. with reasonable discounts to sell again. •
--- • Horse-powers and threshers, wheatAriills
and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva
tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter , grain fans
corn shelters. vegetable cutters, hand grain
mills, (dorm shelters, horse rakes; churns,grind
stones and impr'Oved hangings, hay, straw and
manure forks, farmer's boilers, ox yokes and
bow, patent bow-pins, cow chains, spades, hoes
and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain
cradles, scythesand seythestones, potatoe drags
post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags
. grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and
budding Itnivms,_grass and grain sickles, screw
wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole
traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry
combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees,
guano, plaster, poudrette, bone tclust s lime, gar.
den, field and flower seeds.
A Ise. a large and fresh assortment of GRO
CERIES, TEAS, &c., all cheap for cash.
0:7 - Grain and produce of all kinds_receitred,
n exchange for implements. ,
April 13, 1853.—1 v,
Zermans Celebrated Tooth Wash:
mills valuable preparation has long been used
in New York and Philadelphia, where it lots
attained an immense popplarity, for cleansing,
preserving and beautifyinE the teeth. It is an
excellent remedy for sore,soft or bleeding gums.
It also imparts a delightful freshness to the mouth
and agreeable odor to the breath.
Read the folloaanse from Dr. Murray.
I can, with the utmost confidence, recom•
mend to the public, Zerman's Anti-Scorbutic
Tooth Wash as the best in use. In my practice
as a Dentist, I have used and recommended it for
me last five years, and have found it to give sat
isfaction in every instance, as the Waila does not
contain sod, or amythaag injurious to the teeth or
c rary
n the practice, and therefore, would recommend
he nse of it; not only to those who wish to pre
serve th e i r teeth and gums,land haven wholesome
ibreath, but also to [lime who have diseased gums
for teeth. The use of th, Wash, fora short time,
will insure a return to their healthy state,
No 61, S. Eleventh st., below Chestnut Phil's.
1)r. Dendel, of Carlisle, says;" Mr. Zer
man, I not well pleased with your Tooth
it not only cleanses and whitens the teeth without
Injuring them,bot it cures sore or bleeding gums.
I cheerfully recommend it to the profession and
public, an the. very best preparation that can be,
used for cleansing and preserving the teeth,
healing-the gums,and giving sweetness to the
Price 25 cents per bottle. Pre;prell only
Francis Zernum, Druggist nail Chemist, corner
of Ninth antl.Cisthnrine streets, Philatlelphin.
for sale by SSITU . KL ELLtorr, Carlisle,
Pa octl
ViHIGH surpasses in quantity quality and
prices any that has ever yet been opened
in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety
`of all kinos of Hardware, such us, Shoe Fin
dings, Saddlery, Gesell Trimmings, Paints
„Oils, Varnish, Glass, Nails, Files, Anvils,
Vices, Bellows, Springs, A *els, Bows, Foliose,
Veneers, Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar
and Rqlled Iron, Steel, &c., with a thousand
more articles unmentionable.
Having purchased largely of Heavy Goods
previous to the advance in prices, I am enabled
to sell goods at eld prices. ['arsons in want of
Hardware em invited to call and examine my
goods and hear my prices, and you•will be sat
isfied where the Cheap Hardware is to be lied.
- - .
1:0 -My stock of WALL PAPE[t is nnnp
preached by any in .tbe Borough. • ,
Thankful for the former liberal patronage, a
continuance, of tse same is solicited by
Waal Side of .North Hanover Street,
MADEIRA, 'Naar;llb, Malaga, Lisbon,
Muscat, Grape Juice, Port and Ano!tor brand
Champagne Muni:: Boston Rum, Ginger
Btandy, Cherry Brandy, Palo Cogniae and
Dark Brandy,'Holhind Gin and Wino Bitters.
Sperm CANDLES 31c per pound, Syrup
and,Nialaugn MOL - ALSES, Washing Soda,
superior Y Ilyson,lmperial and Black TEAS,
princine,..Regalia and Cuba CIGARS, for
sale by the box or retail, bring on your pipes
and tie hem. (my2fi) CFIAa. BARNITii..
• .
FRUIT, O.4IIrDIES,' &c.'
FAMILY parties Sabbath '•Schoole and Pia
nk parties in going to the country will do well
by calling at the cheap Drug Store of B; J.
Kieffer, where they can be . supplied with tar
ticks at the lowest rates and of ;behest qual
ity,. CANDlES—retail, price, 20 "cents per
pound. A general asortment of 'Patent Med•
winos constantly on hand. , 020
MCEIVED this day, direct fretn,Citicinna•
ti, a' lull supply of the / following cclobra..
tad brands: • • . ,
-- - .
100 Sugar Cured Davis 4r,. Co's Hoof Hams,
100. Gardner,Phipp & Co'SHams,;
100, " Darnell° Wiptplialia do.
This last brand gained the PriZe Medal at tho
London World's Fair. Mao a largo supply of
Contiiry Hams, Bacon; Shoulders and Sides all
of which will ho'sold vary low for cub.
Family Grocer.
;Juno 21,1853.
ntl—it wilimake cleaner and sweeter Cider than any
JOHN W. HENDEL, Surgeon Duettist
813 1P .AND 3:IAIVIS.
Through by Express..
MEN: . We have. been using your MEXICAN
MUSTANG LINIMENT with the most per.
feet success. One of our most valuable Express
horses liad'becn much trohbled by large swellings
ot , tumors on the fetlocks; they bad grown
'ger than hen's eggs. Besides being disfigured
by these appendages ' the limbs and joints. ap
penred nuke stiffened, swollen and lame. •We
had tried many Li uments and other remedies,
but nothing appeared . to produce any effect upon
them. We would willinglv"HAVE GIVEN
TIVENTY.FIVE DOLLA ltS to have had them
removed; and the horse restored to soundness.
Our hostler obtained some of your Liniment,. and
applied it without knowledge. A few days ligU.
he called our attention to the horse, and to our
surprise and gratification', his legs were perfectly
LN DISAPPEAREIi! • We asked him by what
magic lie land effected pleb ti remarkable cure /
His reply was (list lie had Inch using the M VS.
TANG LINIMENT on them about ten days,
and was entire—removal'ofthe tu ,
more without producing any soreness or leaving
u BCur.
We therefore take great pleasure in eecom
mending the Liniment, and shall continue to use •
it whenever occasion requires, in preference to
any othx•preparationoo long as it produces such
remarkable results.
June 30,164. • KINSLEY & CO,
Southern and Enstern express, Nn 1 Wall fn.,
Corner of Broadway, New %btk-
Since the above certificate was given,, Messrs
Kinaloy &Co have informed us that one,of his
(Invert was thrown from his wagon in the - upper
part of the city, and very badly bruised, the
wagon passing over his body. Ile was taken into
a Dector's office close by, and PHYSIC-.
LINIMENT, as he had recently tried it inn
similar case with great success. He did so, and
all the soreness, lameness, stud stiffness was re.
moved, so that the next day he was .about his'
business as usual.
" We take great pleasure in recommending the
our friends-and
,custnmera. as the best article we
haw° ever used Mr sores, bruises, sprains. or
gable in horses. We have used it extensively
and always effectually. Some of our men have
also used it for severe bruises mid sores, as well
ns rheumatic pains, and they all say it nets like
magic—we, eau Only say that we have abandoned
the use of any other Linimeht,
Stable Entper to die American Express Co.'
and int. Harmlen's Express."
NEW YORK,JuIIy 31, 1852.
We hereby certify that we have used the cons
pound known as the MUSTANG LINIMENT
and have no hesitation in recommending it as the
best article we have ever used for the cure of
sprains, galls, cuts. bruises, &c on horses. All
who doubt this, will please call on the•undersign
ed, and they will be happy to afford all other
information in their power as regards its efficacy,
kc. LUTZ. DA LL & CO.,
Proprietors Manhattan Stage-Co
Extract from a tatter dated
. .
SACRAMENTO CITY, Cul. Aug. 15,1852.
I believe the MUSTANG LINIMENT most
an excellent article. My wile brought a couple
01 bottlett, with her, which I must thank you to r .
Since she come' here, MI .HORSE FELL
DOWN milt NIP.; and injured me consider
ably, but-broke no bones. 1 had recourse to the,
Mustang, and the valerian(' in maw cure'was
Extract from a letter dated
Pti-rsnorto, Pa-October sth, 1852.
Another- circumstance-which-I-noticed -a-few
days ago, I Moo n lit spoke highly of the virtues
of the Mustang. Being in the office of a PLysi
cian of high stilton ug,l noticed as he opened a
door of his book-case, several bottles of Mus
tang, alongside .of which was an UM PTY NI tithing
bon le, and a two ounce preseription vial FILLF.II
was the following directions: HA the throat
welrtiight and morning with the Liniment, and
wrap n woolen cloth around it."
_ .
S. W. HAVERSTICK, 1)1.. S. ELLIOT, and
WILLIAM. H. BRETZ, Igente for Carlisle.
General Depot; No. 5, Phoenix Block, corner
2d and Dock streets, Philadelphia.
- A. O. ANDREWS Gen. Agent.
VlTHATEyEßconcernsthe health and bappi•
V neat: of n people is nt all tames of ths most
valuable importance- take it for granted that
every person will do all in their power ,to save the
lives of their ch ildren, and that every person will
endeavor to promote their own health at all sac
rifices. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly as
sure you that WORMS ,according to Hie opinion
of the most celebrated Physicians, are the prima
ry causes of a large majority of diseases to which
the oh ildren and adults are liable, if you have
LW appetite continualyclumgeable from one kind
mP food to another,. Dad Breath, Pain to the,
Stomach, Picking the Nose, Hardness and
Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever
Pulse irregular—remember that all these denote
WORMS, and you should nt once apply the rem
An article founded on Scientific Principles,
compounded with purely vegetable substances,
being perfectly safe when taken,nnd can be given
to the most tender infant with deeided'hencficuth
effects where Bower Complaints and Diarrhoa
have mole them weak and debilitated ; the Tonic
properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it
stands without an equal in the catalogue of med
-ieines.,:in—gi ving—tone omlistrength-to- the-Slam=
ROI, which makes it an infallible remeAy for
those afflicted with Dyspepsia; the astonishing
cures periurmdd by this Syrup alter Physicians
have failed. is the best evidence of its superior
oflicaey above all others.
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy o
all that infest the human system, it grows to an
almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and
fastened in the Intestines and Stomach offeeting
the 'health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus' Dance,
Fits, &c., that those afflicted seldom if ever lum
ped that it is Tape Worm 4netening them to an
early grove. In order to fe - stroy this worm,a
very energetic treatment must be pursued, at
Ayoub! therefore he proper to take 6 to 8 of my
Liver Pills so as •o remove all obstructions. that
the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm,
which must be taken in doses of 2 Tablespoonfuls
three , times a day. • These directions followed
have never been known to fail in curing the most
obstinate rase of Tane Worm.
No part of the system Is more 1 bible •to disease
than the LIVER, it serving ass filterer to purify
the blood, dr giving the proper secretion to the
Bile; so that any_wrong action of-the-Liver al
feels the other important ,parts of the system, and
results varieusly, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsle, &c. We should therefore, watch ev
ery symptom that might indicate a wrong folio:.
of the Liver. Those being composed of
Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heal the
sick: Namely, lat. An EXPECTORANT,
which augmebts the secretion from the Pulmo
nary mucous membrane, dr promotes - 11M dis
charge of secreted matter. 2d. An A LTP.R.4-
TINE, which changes in Some inexplicable and
insensible manner the certammorbid action of
the system. 9d..4 TONIC, midi give tone and
strength to the nervous system, renewing health
and vigor to all parts of the body. atit• a CA
THARTIC, whichacts in perfect harmony with
the other ingredientsomil operating on the bow
ies, and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and
vitiated matter,and purifying the Ihlood, which
destroys disease and restores health.
You will find these pillion invaluable medicine
in any complaints to which you are subject. In
obstructions either total or partial, they have
been found of an inestimable benefit,'restoring
their functional arrangements to a healthy action
- pu r ifyi ng the blood and other fluida'so effectually .
as to put to flight all complaints which .. may arise
from female irregularities; as headacli. r raildiness,
dimneps of sight, pain in the side; back, Ike,
None genuine unless signed J. N. Hobensaek,
all others being base imitations,
finr• Agents wishilig new supplies, and Store:
'keepers' desirous of becoming Agents must ad
dress the Proprietor, J. N, Hobensack, Philn
dnl thin; Pa.
Haverstiek, El Elliott, and 9 Hubbard, Carlisle:
Lloyd, Lisburn{ I Dar. and J FSpahr, Meehan.
lesh 'Coyle; Hoguestown Haversack Fe
Strohm, Kingstown ; Senher, Churchtown
Hayes, ShippensburgPtipertow n
Grcason; Plainfield , Russel Ic Dice , Dickinson:
Weakley & Sl:river, Centreville; Donaldso n §,
Green, Palmstown ; Ithortis . St:Wherry, New;
gurgi S.
Prioo 25 eenti each, •
JENICINS'JIeat Brand of' Teas, Green and
Blank, in metallic packages, also in bulk and
in originalmelcagas. A largo and general as.
aortment of the host WHITE IRON STONE,
AND GRANITE WARE, with•n variety of
Glass Ware, and Common Ware of every do•
scription, in setts or otherwise to emit the pm ,
chaser, togmher with • . I .
and a variety of Fancy Ware always, in l atoro
and for sale at the "Family Grocery" of
Juno 8,1853, • J,
otn)- 'Aouetrtententv.
No. 164 Chestnut. St., Sionint's Building, Philo
EXNENSIVE Music Publisher, and Deal.
er in Musical Instruments of every de
Exclusive agent for t to sale of Billet. Davis
fg - Co's Patent Suspension Bridgo,../Eoliiin and
oilier •
L. Gilbert'sßoudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Mar
tin's Guitars,' Ilarps, Violins, Sheet Music
Music Books, &c.
Residents or the country will bq 'supplied by
mail or otherwise with music they may wish,
as low.-aoif.porchased in person... Having one
of the largest stocks in UM United Stama. It
feel confident of satisfying all who may favor
me with n call or order.
. -
Dealers in Music supplied on the most littera
terms. PianoPto let. Second-hand Pianos for
sale: ' .may 9.0 1853 ty)
NIAN UPAUTUREU mat for bate by . r.LI
KRUPP, No 630., North Third street,
Ph Indelphinds warranted to render entire satis
faction, and is beyond doubt the best and most
wholesome preparation of Coffee cver known.—
Ono.packnge ut 121 cents WILL SAVE rour
pounds of ordinary Coffee. Try it and be con
vinced. A number of Essences of Coffee were
deposited at the Frankliin Institute dill/352. and
the Judges decided Erupp's to be THE BEST
in the exhibition. Friends. it you wish to enjoy
a good, client) and healthy Cup of Coffee prosily,:
Krupp's Essence of Coffee. It is for sale by
nearly .11 the principal Grocers and Druggists
throughout the (hated States:
April 20, 1853.
Window Shades, Carpets and 01
.Y. 5T101.17.412EM DEPUS,
A T '2."
North 2d Street, above NV
Philadelphia, would most respectfid
ly call the attention of Ida trientrs ad a thn
public in general, ,to Ids large and well se..
elected stock of Curpett, Oil Clothe, Illatange,
hoar illate, Stair libliB, Pi.
ano Covera, 'Male Covera. Cocoa .111attinge, from
yards wide, for Public. Houses, Counting
i7ouses, &c.
Also—to my branch Store, 13c, Spriegj Gar
den Street, above 9th
Klyr/ wfia,
Located No 127 Baltimore Street, Baltimore,..llld.
-_The datensible object of -this Institution in to
place in the reach of individuals proper facili
ties for obtaining a thorough and prectical
Mercantile Education-_:_Nothing -indeed •has
been omitted that is calculated to produce the
desired result.
The rooms of the College are well fitted up,
conveniently arranged, and situated in the
most desirable part of the City. Connected
thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in
connection with familiar Lectures on Commer
cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a•matter
of the highest importance' to• all - who desire to
become Accountants oldie first order, and oc
cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A
young man can here obtain n more con eta
knowledge ut general business matters in a
lew weeks than can be acquired in as many
years in any one Counting Room.
The course of study embraces Double Entry
Bookkeeping, and its adaptation to vat ions
departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercan
tile calculations taught according to the most
approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com
bining rapidity of execution with beauty of
construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law,
upon various important Mercantile subjects
beside many other points necessary for a book
keeper or business man to understand. The
time necessary for an industrious student to
complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks.
There being no vacation, applicants can enter
at any time and attend both day and evening.
Examinations t are held at stated periods and
Diplomas awarded to those who g•aduate.—
For terms, &c., write and have a Circular for
warded by mail. •
March, 23. t 853. ly.
A PRIME article of Sugar; Raisins at 18:1
L - 3l cents per pound, Bunch do, a good article,
at 15 cents,
Citrons, Mace, Spices, Brandies,
Sugared and Dried Prunes, Figs,
Tamarinds, Crackers, &c &c, -
in connection milli all kinds of Confectiona
ries, all of which will be disposed of on the
most accommodating terms.
June 1, 1852 B. J. KIEFFEB.'=
THE undersigned owning a large Steam
Saw Mill, recently built, on an improved plan,
with a circular saw capable of sawing with
groat rapidity, located three miles west of Pa
per town,Cumberland county, at the base of the
South Mountain, on Spruce Run, and hiving
in possession near-ono thousand acres of the
best timber land, in the Southern part of Penn
sylvania, are now prepared, to saw and furnish
limber to order, at the shortest ndtice of the
various descriptions used fur mechanical pur
poses. They can furnish frame stuff for burns
and houses of any length and size that may be
required, weather-boarding, flooring, and icn.
cing boards; poplar and oak boards anri plank,
shingle and plastering laths, oak and chesnut
shingles, cooper stall; pitchl pins posts, and
chestnut rails and pinta. They have now on
hand several thousand feet of lumber, chesnut
rails and posts fur fence, oak and pine wood by
the cord, and can engage to ha delivered in its
season several hundred curda\of•cliesnut oak
bark for tanning purposes. \
Tito Proprietors having availed thensselves
of .the natural advantages of their location,
which abounds In • a variety of the finest
timber t nnd having also a practical kni.wledge
of the business, are enabled to furnish lumber
!ow& to - the citizens of Cumberland count 7
than - can be done by any Similar establishment•
—and as they wish and expect to do a largo
business, will spare no pains to accommodate
the public at the shortest notice.
The•yarious descriptions of lumber; will bo
delivered in Carlisle or elsewhere an may ha'
desired.. All orders addressed td the • proprie
tors, Divers & Haskell, living In Paportown, or
to Wm, D. Seymour, jr. Carlislo, , will secure
Prompt attention.
Nov. 10, ly.
Mineral Water, Sarsaparilla, &e.
MT HE subscriber would respectfully announce
to the citizens of Carlisle tiall-the , community
atlarge, that he has commenced the manufac.
lure of Mineral Waters and - Sarenpat ilia of the
very best flavor and quality, and the bottling
of Porter, Ale and Cider. He is fully 'and
amplyprocared to furnish all orders promppy
and (w it h despatch, and hopes by strict attentnni
to tinniness, to receive that attention due to
enterprise, which hevesp.mtfully asks. Resi
dence in Main Street near the Rail Road
march 115—Cm,.
MIRE' subscriber is Met now- receiving and
• opening an • unparalleled assoritnent of
.Those desirous of mins
forming the interiors of their old• dwelling°
into now ones; and giving additional etnbel. ,
liehmente to their new ones, at a comparative ?
ly.trilling coot, will do well to call and examine
(berm) sell them from eta upwards. Re--
member the old stand, East MOB et opposite
Ogilby's Store. fly tho Witty I would say to
those who also'want to iniprove the exterior of
their houses, that I can Mulish them with
Wetherill'ulture and fresh ground-White Lead.
together with -various other colours, blue. or
ange, yellow, various shades of green, &c.; in.
short everythhig . celculatod to, adorn and dee
()rine your mansions ' - -
, mar 2
'An Invaluable Remedy for all Scrofulous Dia•
eases, Indigestion, Salt Rheum, Sick•liead
ache, • Cancer, Nursing .Sore Mouth,
and General Debility, and as a
Purifier of the Blood it is
The Rock Rdee has gained a reputation at
home and abroad, which no other medicine
has" ever done •in the same length of time.
A‘cliording to the opinions of eminent Physi-'
mane, the Rock Rose Plant is unequalled in
Curlng,Sertifulain its Various Forms f
(faster of the 2d naptiettburch,New London
Ct. ) relative to Myers' ,Extract Retie.
To The American Public.,
As my name has been used in connection
with .recommendations-elf Mr. -Myers' Rack
Rage Syrup, in various advertisements by the
matiufacturer,l beg leave to make the follow
ing statement V. ith reference to my acquaint
, mice with the remedy and tests to which I have
subjected it, and the reasons for having intro
duced the notice:of private friends in the
• connnunity in width I reside, long before the
medicine was advertised. I make this state
ment freely, because I have, as a principle,
withheld toy name from all potent medicines,
and sedulously abstained from recommending
them to the public, believing them frequently
'the spawn sf quackery and humbug, and as
tending to increase, instead of lessening human
disease and suffering. Such, I 'fear, is the
character of a large portion of the patent pana
ceas of this medicine making age. "Their
name is and from their influence, on
from the demoniacal spirits, we have reason
to pray for'a safe deliverance.
The First Test.-1 had myself suffered oc
cbsionally with sudden attacks of Sick Head
ache, and 'Billions Diarrhea, and 1 hod sought
a great variety of curative agents to but little
purpose; and suffering from this disease (diar
rhea) nt this time, I determined to test the new
Syrup first upon myself. _ The results were be
yond my expectations. It was a powerful
alterative, and the morbid action of the arstcm
was changed,, and thd functions of secretion
were restored to a healthy state. It gave•tone
and elasticity to my system, and corrected the
derangement of the digestive organs, and gave
me that inestimable blessing—health. This
test was not determined in u week, or a month;
but I took four or five battles in perhaps as
many months. Since that time I have suffer
ed but slightly from these derangements. My
Sick Headache is en'irely Cured.
Other Tests.—Binding this medicine so use
ful to myself; I at once gave it to several inva
lid friends. About this time, I was earnestly
solicited to give advice in reference to n'cliild,
--some- night - years of -age: This - child was
severely afflicted With a Serofula'hurner, of a
very severe type, the humor showing itself on
all parts of the surface, and then suddenly dis
appearing. The child was very sick, and it
was theoght doubtful whethor she would
The humor resembled block specks of mortified
flesh. In addition to some ether remedies, I
gave the child this S y, up for about six weeks,
whon she had sufficient strength to go out to
li nibs
ceased, and she was restored to health.. The
family feel that they owe her life, with
blessing, to my remedies. •:-
This test satisfied ine that the Reek 41039
possessed specific powers for Scroll]] us hu.
morn. 1 then-tested it in - cases of Celan, ous
Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox, Can. Of,
Sure Mouth, Erysipelas,Salt Rheum, Piles, he.
In all these cases with perfect success. Allot
testing this Syrup -for more than a year, 1,
wrote Mr. Myers (October 7th, 1550) enthusi•
astically, not expecting my letter would be
published, that his Syrup was a Pankorite,"
all healing, and I gaim him the result of its
operations in several instances. I stated in
. . .
that letter that "it was invaluable as a remedy
in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt
Rheum, and ether disorders, included in the
varied family of diseases known as Scrofula,
rdiat in'Dyspepsia it acted with wonder—
ful efficacy." My opinion of its value for the
above named diseases, remain unchanged, and
the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct.
1850. 1 db not recommend it for all the bits
of our suffering humanity ; but I unhesitating
ly say, that as a remedy for Scrofulous affec
tions I believe it superior to any known cura
tive agent.
It has been sufficiently tested by domestic
practice to establish its adoption to extensive
usefulness in mitigating human suffering and
,v iemoving diseases.
But What is the look Rose ?
The following history of the Rock Rose
plant and iti - Maleinal properties, we fake
from the New Haven Palladium, March 1052.
"The increased interest manifested in'thc
Rock Rose plant, in consequence of the many
wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound
Extract of-Rock Rose,' calls for a brief history
of it, in order to correct any "erroneous opin.
ion that may have been entertained concern
ing it; and also to set in a true light the na
ture of a
sally beneficial.
`•We aro indebted to the United States Dis
pensatory of 1847, for the following descrip
tion of it :
his entirely different from the common
Bose. his a red-stemmed, oblong leaf plant,
having a bitter taste. In addition to remark
able peculiarity of, the plant, of bearing two
crops of flowers in one season, it also has ann.
ther interesting and beautiful property.
'Dr. Eaton says, that in the months of No
vember and December, he has even hundreds
of these plants, sending nut near their roots,
broad, thin, curved ice-crystals, about an inch
in breadth: which melted during the day, and
were renewed in the morning. For a more
minute and aulhentical description of it, the
reader is referred to Torrey and Gray's Botan
ical works.
Its Medical History and Properties
Are far the most important, since upon those
depends its vulue to the community. Dr, Lou.
don says that in 1799, it was so valuable in
England, that it was cultivated front seeds.
Ever since 1806, Professor Ives of Yale Col
lege, has habitually used it with great success,
n Scrofula and Chronic diseases, ono through
him its virtues were made known, until, as Dr'.
Tyler says, "it is now .in this section (New
Haven) a common article in domestic practice
for the cure of Scrofula and Cutaneous this.
Dr. Whitlaw. a Screch Botanist of notoriety,
traiciling in America in 1814, learned
ite use in Canada. Returning to England, he
employed it ins medicating hie bathe, which
become greatly celebrated for the cure of simi.
lir diseases.
p Dr. J. H. Thompson, of the same 'place, pre
scribed it in bud eases of Scrofulous patients
at Wills' Hospital. His success attracted the
attention of senior physicians, lie reports the
following remarkable case of white swellhig of
the hip, in February, 1814 lad, was
seven years old, and had the disease three
years. The bone was dislotated both upward
end outward. There was a largo opening in
the hip leading , to the hone; into which I could
taust my finger. I counted three ulcers. He
had beer, under several pliyeicians, who had
given bins up, 'I ordered a decoction of &oh
Rose. In two days his night sweats ceased :
I then ordered a teaspoonful of Rock Rose three
times a day. Thirty nine days after ho was
entirely well.
Dr. Webb, of Madison, •Ct., testifies to the
value of Ruck Dose, as evinced in the cure of
numerous vases of the ScrofUla, espelally. in
children. .
Manufactured by IV'm Franhlin & Co., New
Raven, CF:
Mr. Warren, though a minister of the Gas
pe), has fora period of 15 yen's, given often.
Lion to the subject of medical science, to qual
ify' him to administer to the sick, in connection
with his pastoral duties.
Net London. April 2, 1853. • .
Agenta in Cumberland Gounty.—S. W. Hay
,Orritick, S. Elliutt and .W. A. Kelso,
_ I . laverstiok & Strohm Kingstown; J. Swisher,
• Mccharilesburg ; M. ' Sillier, Shiremanstown;
• Eppley & Ernst, • Cedar. Spring;, J. •Elighom.
Sterrett's Gap; Thonios Greasonc Plainfield;
' J. H. Heron, 'Newville ; WHey, Green .
Spring ; Wherry, &Eisenhower, Newburg ;W.
D. E. Hays, Shipponsburg; Russel &I' Dice;
Dickinson ; Alexandra , & Mullcti, Pa iertow n,
Dr. L. H. Ldubor; ChurohlOwn,'
.For the catreof
CHIT'S-, °Roux., .asTEE.
MA, larnoopura.voulazi
Of all the numerous medicines extant, [and
some of them valuable . ' for the cure of mil.
memory complaints, nothing has ever been
found which could compare in its effects with
this preparation. Others cure sometimes, bat
at all .times and in all ; diseases of -the lungs
and throat where medicine can give reliocthi ß
will do' it. It is pleasant to take, and perfectly
safe in accordance with the directions. we
do not advertise for the information of those
who have tried - It but those who have not._
Families that have !mown its value will not be
without it, end by its timely use, they are
secure from the - dangerous conseque hers of
Coughs and Colds which ncalected, ripen into
fatal consumption.
The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute
was awarded to this 'preparation by the Board
of Judges in September 1647 ; also, the medals
of the three- great Institutes of Art, in this
country; also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute
at Cincinnati, has been given to - the Cmmni
PECTORAL, by their Government in considers
lion of its extraordinary excellence and meld.:
nese in curing affections of the Lungs and
Throat. -
, 4 )
Read the following opinion founded on the
long experience of the eminent Physician of
the port and city of
ST JOHNS, May 8, 1851.
Five yours trial of your CHERRY PECTO
RAL in my practice, has proven what I fore
sow from its composition, mu'rt,. be true, that
it eradicates and cures the cola and coughs
to which we, in this section arc peculiarly
I think its equal has not yet been discovered
nor do I know how a better remedy can be
made lot the distempers of the Throat nod
Lungs. J J BURTON, M B, F It S.
. Sea what it haadone on a wasted constitu
tion; not only in the following Caves, but a
thousand more:
• Su Neon; Jan 241.1 i 1861.
Dr Aycr: In the month orJuly last I wee
attacked by a violent ditirrbera in the mines of
California. I returned to San Franneis«. in
hope of receiving benefit from a change of
climate and diet. ply_ diarrlicea ecased m but
was followed by severe cough, and Much
sorendss. I finally started for home, but re
ceived no benefit from the voyage. My cough
continued to grow worse, and when I arrived
at New York, I was at once marked by my
acquaintances as a victim of consumption.
I must confess that 1 saw no sufficient reason to
doubt what my friends all believed. At this
time I commenced taking your truly invaluable
medicine with linle_expeetation—of—deriving
*any benefit from its u'e, You would not re
ceive these lined did I not regard it my duty to
state to the afflicted, through you, that my
health,--in.the space of eight months; - is fully
restored. I attribute it to the use of your
VI ASHINGTON, Pa.; April 12, 1848.
Dear sir: Feeling that fhave been spared from
a premature grave, through your instrumental
ly by the providence of God, I will take the
iberty to express my gratitude.
.'2 cough and the alarming symptoms of Con
sumption had reduced me too low to lea - ,e me
anything like hope, when my physician brought
me a bottle of your PBc-ron4L. It seemed to
afford immediate relief, and POW in a few uecks
lime has restored me to sound health 11 it will
do for others what it has thine for me, you are
certainly one of the beriefsmors of mankind,
Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I am
Very respectfully yours,
Rector of St. Peter's Church,
With such assurance, and from such
men, no stronger proof can be adduced'
unless it be from its effects upon trial.
Prepared and Sold by
_ -
Sold in Carlisle by Dr S. Elliott, and S. W.
Iraverstick—in Mechanicsburg by Dr Ira Day
—in Newville by J. B. Herren—in Shtppens•
burg by J. C. & U. B. Altick, and by Drug
gists generally throughout the State.
Beecher's Matchless Cordial.
THIS medicine has novel known to fail in
curing Cholera Morbus, in from to to 15
minutee• ' ,Cholera Infantum, or summer com
plaints of children, Dysentery, Diarrhea, &c.,
in from 10 to 24 hours. It is cei lain and sale
under all circurestames, having been fairly
tested in upwards lof four hundred eases %rid'.
out a single failure. Let every family_proyuls
itself willrat - leaSt — oinflieffle - of this invaluable
rembdy. Try it, and it will recommend itself
It is prepared upon purely scientific principles,
and cannot be justly termed a quack nudicine,
unless science be,quackery. For sale by
^B. J.ICIEFFER, Druggist,
South Hanover Street,
A few doors south of the Court Douse,
Juno 32, 1833. Carlisle.
LY, for 25 cents, by means
of the POCKET .tESC U
LA PIUS, or,
Every One
' —The thirty.six di Edi
tion, with one hundred en
twasings, showing Private
Diseases and Malforniu-
Hone of the Generative
System, in every shape
and form : to is bleb ea ad
of Females, in
females only (see page 150),
being of the highest importance to married peo
ple, or those contemplating nairringe. By NN M.
YOUNG, M. D., Grnduate of the University of
Pennsylvania,Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, Loalon ' and Honorary Member of the
Hhiladelphia Msdieas society., The various
forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness,
Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli.
limy habits of youth, are faithfully described; and
all the recipes given in plain language. The
chapter on selfsabeise and Seminal
worthy of iirrticular attention, and should be read
by every one. Young men who have been untie.
((mate in contracting disease, previous to placing
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no map
ter what his pretensions may be, get a copy 'of
of this truly valuable work :
Sea' Captains and persons going to sea, should
possess`Dr.'s Treatise on !tinning's, tho
Pocket .2Esculapius,..or Every one Ills own Phy
;go-, Let no father be aimed- to present a
copy of. the' ./Esculapins to his el ild. It may
save him front an early grave. Let no young
man or woman enter into the scoot oblleations
of morel& life, witi.ont reading the pocket JEss
culapius. Let no one suffering from a !included
cough, pain in the side, restless nights. nervous
feelings, mud the whole train,of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given up by their physician be an
other moment without consulting the jr.scrila
dins. Have the monied or those about to be
married any impediment, rend this !rely, useful
Book, as it has been the means of saving !lion
sands of unfortunate creatures from the vv.ry
Ljaws of death. Upwards of a MILLION copies
of this celebrated work has been sold in this
country and. Europe since 1898, when the first
editioil was issued.
0 ::7. Any, person sending TWENTY-FIVE e.
cents enolesed hi n letter,will receive ofie'copy
of this book by mail ; or five collies will be sent
for $l.- Address Dr.' WILLIAM YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia** Post
Twenty years practice in the city of Philadel.
phia,certninly entitles Dr. Young to the confi
dence of the afflicted, and lie may he consulted
on any of di - 6 diseases - describediti his different'""' '
publications, at his office' 152 Spruce Sheet,
every day bU,ween 9 and 9 o'clock, (Sundar ex
cepted) tin parsons at any distance can consult.
Dr. Young by. letter,. POST PAID, ,
Fish, Fish,' 0 Fish !
- . A i CHO/et la of No. TMA.C.ILETIEL,.in
wholo, half and goatteizbble„illeo a lot of
No.-3 Mackerel for rale elleaplOrcaeli at •
the family grocery store of.
June 22.1853. J. G. WILLIAMS.
Bonnet Feathers.
- THE subscriber has just opened•, ari invoice
of •Ostrieh and othqr Bonnet' keethere of one
half the usual price. Alsire vet) , cheap lot at
Fancy Dres Silks.
jtnry , s GEO. W. .11.ITNER.