11l o' 47VC:0',i:.*.A.1)clii.o; AHEAD OP ',j:,:IOONFETIT/ON "'SastOn eads, the Oulumnt" . „. TTER days and .nights of unceasing toil troubloA` tiny lltave succeeded in marking sad arranging 'mynow stock of 'HA R D. WAR E, and - altnUttglt there has been a tro. ntendous rush of - customers who know where to deal on reasonable toms, and who appre ciate my old habit of selling:Cheap without nicking. much: fuss about the matter. .1 am criminally. making room for new customers to drop in and examino' what is undoubtedly the ,LARGEST AND. BEST assortment of goods over offered west cf Philadelphia, 'and 'embra cing everything usually found 'in a Hardware Store, from needle'to 'an anchor, all of which are of the best quality . and will be sold at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS, ' I would say that my stock of cross cut, hand, panel riopingolfdlitick. saws, bright, black and blue augurs, chisels, planes, locks; hatchets, hinges, surows, Straight necked and bar oohs, broad, .pointing and chopping axes, iron arid steel squares, rules, tape measuiree,'loiels. cannotfail to please the most fastidious. ARM EAI Can be aecommodeled on'the most reasonable terms with Durkee ' s celebrated — terk plows at $5,37. Also Plank's, CraigheaWa and others' at manufacturers' prices/ spades, rakes, forks, shovels, grass and grain scythes. (Dunn, pur ling and (*Wins make.) Patent.pncl common smiths of half a dozen different kinds. Grain Cradles, (Gregor's, Platik's,,Praighend's and Crawbach's, make,) nt reduded .rates, Also grindstones. cutting boxes, chain cistern and force pumps, halter, breast and log chains, - sin gle and cloubl_e_traces and spreads. Cedar ware such as tnbs,"buckets; bowls; waterke&s, to: gether With.an everlasting. assortment of table and pocket cutlery, spoons, shears and scis sors, candlesticks, snuffers, shovels and tongs. kettles, pans, sad irons, w...iters, brushes, &c, which will ho sold by the Wagon load, ton yard bushel or in the ordinary way, Then come friends, give us a call and see for yourselves. We'll wait on yon with pleas ure, and give You bargainiof which you can't complain. Retnember the place, East High Street, opposite Ogilby's• June 1, 1853, - HENRY SAXTON. DRUGS DRUGS,! RUGS rtohat Spripg,Stmply, HA VD just received 7 fresh - si ojk of Med winos, Glass, Oil; - iF,;whici avinl):e%phasedvthgr:atc;ratthe best ctty.-houses, I can confidently recommend to Famlies, Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and pure. ' DRUGS. 'Patent Medicines, Herbsand Ektracts, Iti. Fine hemi cats, Spices,ground and whole iil n struments, , Essences, . Pure Essen'l Oils Perfumery,. &c. Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine. • . • DY - E-STUFFS. ' 1 Indigoes, Maddors, Sumac Alum, Log and Cam Woods, Oil Vitriol Copperas, I Lae Dye• , PAINTS. • Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish - Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price, Also,a fresh and splendid. as eortment of FANCY GOODS, FRUITS —Confectionaryand—innumerable other—articles calculated for use and -ornament, all of wLicli aro offered at the lowest. cash prices, at the cheap Drag -Rook and -Fancy Store of- the sub-- ' scriber on North Hanover street. S. HAVERSTICk. May 28 1851. • CULP'S PATENT PORTABLE CIDER MILL ',AND PRESS, 91 it E undersigned having' purchased . the 1.. right_of Franklin and.qumberlond Colin• il l ties, Pa., - and- Washin'gtowlc unty Md. lot CULP'S PATENT ',l'OE-T BLE. - CIDER MILL AND TRESS - are tie manufacturing I li machines under the media a supervision el ' Henry Shepler, a pra , al millwright. Orders -will be received and with• promptness.— All machines will be anted. , By this machine, w -can be conveyed oii a wheelbarrow, one m and a boy can make from five to eight barrels of cider a daywith ease, and the cider is thoroughly, pressed 'from the pomace. Tho labor Is light and the ma chines are simple and permanent. This machine was exhibited at the State Agricultural Fair, hi Lancaster, and tested with several others, and the committee awarded the premium to it. The machines are warranted to perform what is heroin stated. Orders are respectfully solicited. N. B.—The press connected with the ma' chine can be used' for pressing currants, and cutting vegetables for feeding stock: JACOB HOKE: • , HENRY SHEPLER, Chanibersburg _ . . May 11, 1853. Gm \ SADDLE AND HARNESS DIMING. s . - \B ' .'THE subscriber continues to carry on the aboveiuswess'in-ali.virtous branches, n NorttanoverstreetvarisietwoLor; orth of Leonard's corner, whore he intends oeping on hand ['general assortmentin hipline -- ; . , Consisting of all kinds of, faith .__- , ionable SADDLES, Idles • I \--- :1'..1 . ,;= \ u,•mtiirrip . ga t lesi - Cythz;Cir glee 'll . 1 1 .I' TRUNKS, 'Tl l ttlNlMti• t a lB 99: Elt — b — iii .......- , (1 II tl a in g r , ant 0 5add 8 11 , 1 ,.. 7.4441 , • . \\\)ll l ' ' mitnufacturest • ' approved . • Spaniet, Spring' Saales, .over . ' 'A used in this country, those wishing a handsome,. durableand 'pleasant sttd• •dlo will do well to MI and see thorn. lie also • manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars and Whips in•all theirAarieties, and confidently be lieves from the gonor A lApprobation of his ens tamers,' that he make 9 the neatest and best . gears, in all their variety of breadth, that is muds ip the country. lie also makes all kinds , of Matrassesto order, viz: Straw, Husk, Curl. ed Nair and Spring Matrasses. •All the .above mrtieles will be a do of the best, Material and ':Workmanship, an with the utmost despatch. itinl4.lv WM. OSBORN. • • ~` • •- • VIRZI, zNstrnalven ,e Air . . . . . . --..,, 1 0 1 1 E, e Allen and East Pennsborough Mutual . s,„ FirrUnsoraricp Company of Cumberland coun ty,: ificorporMd ,by an Act of Assembly,' ia now fullY'Noriknizad, and. in operation -under the management of the follossing commission - ors, viz t . '- • : ;., . Jacob Shelly, Wm, P. . llorgas,. filicham eklin, ilfelehuir Brenneman; Christian Stay 4 , .. ' ' Christian Titan!, Jacob-H. Coover, - Lewl _ •-•,... .u . Henry Logan, Benjamin H.-Musser, Ju cot i: , • irk, Samuel Prowls% Joseph . Wickor ' 4111-, .T a t ' reiiee'ofinatir . ' ' '' ' arii, ea low ' iMilfaserl abliiipt,anx Cowe a . of the kind in tho State. fir 1 Persons 'Wlithin . g th'- acme' mealtime aro in• vited;,to Aloha application-to thoagonts of the company, who are Oiling to wait Upon them at any time. - •,• • ''' ' : • ~ . sBENY. H. MOSSEit; Preaident. = , Hamm LOGAN,. Vi,cp,Preaident] , • Lewis Ryer, Secretary. ' , ' • MichaulCooklln; Treatter'ak ' , . . Cism6ertrind County.---Rudolph. Martin; N. CuMberland; C. B. Herman. ifingetown ; Hen ry &ming, ShiraMenstown ; Chalice 8011, qarlislor. Dr. J. Abl, Churelitown ; Sainual. Graham, 'West Pennsborough; James.MeDow el, Fiankford ; Mode Griffith, South Middle tont Samuel Coovor, Benjamin' Huverstick; Mochanicaburg; ,John Sharrick, Lisburn; Da vid Coovor, Shopherdstown. • • Ydrk Coiinty.--Johtv• Bownian; Dilleburg; Peter )Volford,,Franklin; John. Smith; " Esq., Washington;'W. .Pleiting, :Dever ; Daniel D afilmaberger, .W. Craft, Paradise. • ITurrisburg.—.Dousei & Lochinan. • Members of the company . haVing , .policles adett to 'expire can have them renewed by making application, to any cif the agents. Nov. 24, ly.••• • - • . - Che 4. ; road elkiees& The ' subscriber lute just open ed' another in voioo 01. the beet quality' r arid Kid Tom, o the !cm' vie° of 62i: etc per pair. '• • • , ' GEO.' W. Ouilderif. HonakeePors. HOSE who' aid building. Or' about 'own • Madelog • liatiselieopintr will bo • suro I • Via 'at all tilos on aseartmoat to.soloot *Me', Liikccif, oil aortal arid nice,,; with brase, argi ; •'' s •ho mhiornl and . while.knobe,;,n,iik : • • plated teiraltaro. bait bingos; et • wbidow, glosd from Bxlo to 201 arm. aref . ab,oot ti saint to' , liouitekoispinewa: hip; pleasol.euoh se•funrii waiters s hondled - kultos - .7arat-lbrloriltr deism, common kiwreiraiti4 fork with plated bud Ivory handle/ ; I pans', aitmotliiiiercts; tubti, of , Cull& ;14iiroli 18.53:. El Awarded to thisAgibmtiifo - nt the ratrefrtheArnerleawinethente,'NeerTorkiDet. . A:Diploma 'at the w k;tti t , St** Fatr,Dttect, New York, and at the Columbia end ttenexeleMCClOnnty (rfew.ltierk)ralree and a Diploma nt the Weeteheiter County Fair at While: Phdtun . ' . . . . . . . . _. 'HICKOK'S PATENT Thl -Tn the present arrangement of ibis bighly . approved end valuable Mill, the labor ifl divided by 'arranging a cutting .Cylinder to break the apples, and then deliver them to the lower Cylinders to be reduced topomace. By this an the work is performed aster and with much m esa labor, . The Press In arranged -with a much larger screw than formerly, and by a very ingenious devicelbe_use of the beg 'is dispensed with and the Tub made to open at will to do. liver the pomace, while at the same time the Cider is. left Blear end the work can be done with much leas labor than by the'ola method. The Cylinders ere covered with heavy sheet Zinc, both on their peripheries and ends; the wood in them is arranged so as not to swell; and the whole work on the Mill and Press mado.ln the very best manner And arranged with especial view to their durability and service. - No Partner who uses the Mill carefully and according to directione will be disappoimiteftl but on the other band he will find' this one of the most valuable and efficient machines on his Pam. The machine is made to run by horse, steam, or band power, and when the apples are ground, a small boy of 14 years of age can press the pomace with all case. 'ln an former times it was surprised that a large quantity of Cider could only be made by using a ponderous machine, that slowly crushed the apples without grinding them flue. They ware then made into a massive cheese in straw, and a most severe and long pressure woe .reqiiired to extract a portion of the Cider, a considerable quantity being absorbed by the straw and the mass of pomace; and to obtain this unsatisfactory result the farmer had to take all his hands, and perhaps his six-horse team, mid deVotea whole day that could have been more profitably employed, to make from slit to Sight barrels of Cider. To obviate the difficulty the Farmers have heretofore labored under, this Machine has bilm invented, and the statement of a few Meta will prOve thatit Is not only the best 3lnchine of the kind in existence, hut it is the most profitable that a man can have on his farm. . The apples arsby this illachinegratetLup into alma pulp, AC that it requires but anoniparatively Tight pressure, and that but a minute or two, to extract an the Cider, it being ascertained by practical experiment that One-Fourth more juiee can be obtained than by the old process. lie- Bides this,it only requires two hands to grind up aftd make into Older a larger quantity of apples than can be possibly done on the old-fashioned machines. On this press, oiving to the compactness of the pomaceirsthe tub, and the com plete manner in which it is ground, a.pressure of from 3 to tans—that can easily be obtainedwill produce a more favorable result than fifty tons pressure on the ordinary Slotered eaeor/Ilog to Aet Genre., to the year 1831, In RECOLLECT THIS IS THE N CARLISLE • • FOUNDRY Er.-11 A C E Ii OP. - - - •111 T • 'VFW subscriber continuesto manufacture di „IL his Foundry in East High street, having. - on hand a great variety of good-patterns, and is 'prepared to• furnish IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, which.will be executed to order (if not on hand,) at the shortes• notice, such as Croke and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Eve , Plough Castings. Cutters, Paint Shears, I.Vogon and Coach Boxes, S.Pindles, Car Wheals, Cnr Choirs,- &c. Steam Engines built to order and repaired. All kinds of machinery in Paper lfittr, Grist Mills and Factories repaired at host notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. leo, Horse Powers Tied Threshing Machines, 'inch ne Bevel Gear Four Home power; Hor jzontal Gear Four Tiorse Power; Horizontal Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn She!. hers and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines and Horse powers repaired and Job Work 30111:: at the shortest notice._ Paocrns of different hinds on band end mode to order. Ho also hoe on hand ix largo supply of Phila delphia and Troy.cooking -SiOVVB, and is con slimly making Gew i l:ifin Stokes of ...was im-, m.tovest ead pat' . • s, fo coikl or wolicht . - % Nrkf kids of ,o, Repairin. done . 0 kbids of M c: .4cr. All kinds .. 41 Lei? I I , dip d Cop 'taken in excWank. ..e. l'' ii\ ‘,, ...,..._ analtf .1. I , 'LI , 10 1 111140 t 1... _ . :uBEtrui,---, BJ. KIEF,FER haSjitst rotor ed from Mil: adelphia with an additi ply afresh 'DRUGS, which in con. tie former stock will make hi ' me mplcte in 'this department. . In. addition, to the above he has ak o ti ll it ed a fresh supply of Cobfectionaties, Falai'. its, Paseta-and-Fancv---Articles-of-avery-- ,- crip. , tien. The attention.ot the Ladies is'especially iinvitedito-his extensive assortationt of Fancy i.O s\ 1t4 4414 oi k t. i leiti c i i a t adie e s ry T v e a lt r tf;, "Fancy Soaps and '', k 'llinen are - Invitad to examine. his fine a vof Fancy ArtieloS—Segars, ClOna 4 1tti . rbolain . Pipes, Tobacco of all Rini arta, Lod I Went Soaps of superior quality, CanceNtliding end Carriage Whips, and many other articles which more especially intent t gentlemen:, A number of superior Woollen Malts on hand. Theproprietor will 1M very happy to 'have his friends, mil' and eimmine his goods whether they may wish to purchase or rot. July 6 1853 n: KIEFFER. N.IIW CZEOTHING.33.O OW'S, ANDEugilisifiNG STORE, Opposite the Rail Road Oflice g West Iligh Street; TTT. SHlLES•desires to inform his old • friends and the public !balm has opened a general clothing 'establishment. and has now uttstore an extensive stock of the best and cheapest goods ever offered in Carfisle.• Dim s% Youth's arid-Boy's solotiang, • for Spring, Summer and Winter wear, now on hand of every Variety and furnished at reduced rates. He has also a large and well selected :assortment of Piece Goode, of English, French and German Fabrics, of new and beautiftil gat. terns, for coats pants and vests, which will be 'made to orderm the Most approved and lash; ionable . to and in asuperter,style of work• mrinship. 'A full and elegant stock Of Gentle men's Furnishing Goods, such as gloves, plain and fanny shirts, collars, handkerchiefs, ties, &c., constantly kept on' hand. Also Indio Etibber'Overcoate and Legging. Feeling confident front the reputation which it has been his -constant aim for a course of years to secure for his establishment, of. his a. billty to' please, he respectfully invites on ex. ammation of his stook,which for guality,work. minship and low prices cannot be surpassed. May 4, 1853-Iv. . SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1853, GEORGE HELLER, resitabtfuily anneun. cos to hisold' Patrons and the public gen. . ' '• ernlly that he hesjust received the 'SPRING STYLE OF GENTLE --,.-.--- 'MEN'S HATS, mknufectuted at ono' of the best establishments in Philadelphia, to' which ho invites special attention, "-He has also constantly on hand a large and varied •aturortment ol hie own manufacture as .Well as city-made RATS , AN.D CAPS, ' • - suitable for , . ho scaeon,comprislng' every verb. ey!' of Russia, 13onier, Moleskin and Silk Hats, finished in the latest style, teirether, with a full 'Deportment of Capp of every shape and des cruition, and at ovary price. Ho paiticularly invites the public to call and examine his:'einen= sive assortment, which 'in style, materiel • and finish, cannot, be , surpassed by anyin :_market, and which he able to put at prices lowerthrin ever., lltritamember • hitt old - stand' on'Horth. :Hanover Street, between' Hamer's end-Sense° store. ' • Enonsive Furniture-Roortio. TAMES R.VVE..O ER - reeneafhifli tir , nail the attention agouti° Neonate and, the to hie. exteattive stool& of. ELEPANT. FURNITURE. tneteding , Sofaa, Wen:Unties, 'Centre and:othar Tablue, Diestanvantl,plain It aientni:ati.iyery oth.ln artiele;in.hie branch Of thleineett. Moo, novV , ,ea hand ‘'tbe :ietgaet. 'net' part*ltt in Collate; it:tho 'lowest .pyipea'-' , littrUclirtne • made. - ar.the'shoiteet.notice .and op . ll9oen provided for funetaJc.: soliO• eiVeatt "Lao t. - j:ot , v rf,Pec oituri) boreicrogOktinii - ,mpton,'or yikan • ate,.—. THOMAS ;H. MILES' PROVED CIDER KILL. Cider Press, oven if the apples were ground as finely as on the improved DIM; and if the apples wore merely crushed, as on the Nut Machine, it would require a pressure of ono hundred tons to produce the result accomplished by this Patent SIM Tim following maybe adduct:dam the decided advantages of this MIII. First—it will make more Cider than any other Press, with n given quantity of apples, in a given time, and with much less labor and expense. Sissond—lt will make cleaner and sweeter Cider than any other Mill. Third—You eon make the Cider as you want it, andwhen you want It—and in quantities from one salon 10.0 or 10 barrels. Fourth—With It you can press your Currants, Cherries, Berries, Cheese, Butter,•Lord, and Tallow. Filth—With it you can savo one-fourth • of your time in making dv,ple—butter. Sixth—With its nso you can at all times Imo Fresh and Sweet Older. With all the advantages resulting from the possession and usoof such a machine—at a price so low that it is within the reach of all—can it be that any intelligent Farmer would do without It t Do you whit to have in yourbtruse dull times Cider that is sweet and fresh, the only time It is pally healthy and fit for use—nnd do you wish to MVO a great portion of the hard labor attending the making of Apple-butterl if so, buy this machine, and our word for it, you will not be disappointed. This Mill is warranted superior to Any'ethar portable' -MU in existence, and the Proprietor is ready at any time, (on fair notice being given,) to test it with any Portable Mill that is nottin infringement on Farmers, examine this newly IMPROVED .1111_LL, before yon. buy any other. Ono great advantage of this machine over All ethers, is, that It will not choke up, nnd herd or soft apples ..ran bo ground, and yet the Cylinders will always remain clear and in grinding order. All orders will bo tilled in the order in which they are received, end all persons wanting them would do well to send their orders exikand state, at what time they want the 61111 sent.. - This Mill, ettient m en, will, when properly worked according to directions, nooks 0 to 12 barreld of cider a day -and will grind albite byborsepower from 100 to 300 bushels of apples a day. ire. The Price of the 111111 is $4O, free of freight. Ilmuusnunp, Pi., May, 1653. W. 0. SIOIIOIC. the District Olurt of the P.sstorn District of Pennsylvania. EW AND IMPROVED MILL AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE N SEED STOLRE. sive Grocery, ,have Connected therewith nu AG RIC ULT URAL WAREHO USE ard SEND ETORE, 110,14nrket street,mear-the. railroad, Harrisburg; Pas, and aro • prepared to fill all orders, by whotegule and retail, of all kinds of AgriCultural Implenunts, Vegetable and 'Flower Seeds', Ste. Country merchants with reasonable discounts to sell again, Horse-powers and thresherS, wheat•drillis and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva tors, fodder; hay, and straw-enttcr -,- grain fans corn sliellers, vefetabki cutters, band grain mills, clam Ateliers, horse rakes, chnrns,grind stones and improved hangings, lay, Straw and I • manure forks, former's boilers, ex yokes and - , bow; patent bow pins, cow chains, sptidaN, hoes end-rapes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain cradles, scythesaml seythestones, potipoe drags post augers, axes and hatchets, grain bags grain measures, garden- trowls, pruning and' b u ddii.g knives, grass-and grain sickles screw wrenches, pincers and gimblets,'ret and mole cattle cards and horse brushe.s; , comb's, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano, plaster, poudretto bone dust., lime, gar =den, field and flowet seeds, itleo,,fl large and fresh nssortment of 'RO AERIES, TEAS, tic., nil deep for elm BOYEIt Sr. ,00.74rain'Pipld soduce of all kinds mired 11 ex ningc for implements . . C 3, 1853.-1 PRESI VE YOUR .ro t o o r USING ZeNta' Celebrate Tooth Wash i t , .. —. /VMS v u able preparation has long been turd -- .1. - iiiNenliYork and Philadelphia, where it has a Elbic4l t. n irntniVisel wmularity, for cleansing,. pt t vii t t nod bk . naiiiint the teeth. . It is an ex A iTipirsimi.•;sdre.r or bp.iling gums. ‘ It ti ct i AnAktioir,t4 eshne otitis moitli ant i:lie I II bdon to the bi , nth, • t' • chg. f p i lo w ing fr om Dr. :Hurray. I , " I elm, N till' the ntingist confidence,yecom• mend to th pudic Z9511111'8. Anti-Scorbutic ______Touth_WasliAle bLit_lmuse.—ln.sny—prectice. as a Dentist, p -cused and recommended it for me Init five ycar , and lurve.lourid It to give ant , isfaction_in every instance, as the Wash doestot contain acid, or anything injurious to the teeth r gums.; but, on the contrary, is the best antiseptic n the practice,and therefore, would recommend' use or it, not only to those who wish to . pre . •Vellicir teeth Mill gums, and linve a wholesome e reath, but also to those who have diseased gums r teeth. The use of the Wash, for n short time, will insure a return to their healthy state. G EORGE• E . it 1 U It RA V, Dentist, No 61, S. Eleventb st.,l-clew Chestnut Phil's. Dr. Dentle4, of Carlisle, says i-- , * Mr. Zer num' I. am well pleased with your Tooth Wash it not only cleanses and whitens the teed, without injuring them,but it cures sore or bleeding gums. ' I cheerfully recommend it to the profession and. public, ns the very best preparation that can he . used for cleansing and preserving the teeth, healing the guros,and giving sweetness to the - breath. ' . f.s, • . JOHN W, HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist. Price 25 cents per bottle. Prepared only Francis Zerman, Druggist and Chemist, corner of Ninth nod Catharine streets, Philadelphia: , • For sale by SAMUEL ELLIOTT,„Parlisle, Pe - octl3 .. Iv) , ~i IM~ID6'.9I~G~. A • LARGESPRIIII4 ARRIVAL! , . , wiIICII surpasses in quantity quality and Yr prices any Outline ever yet been opened in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest variety of all kinds of Hardware, such as, Shoe Fin dings, S.addlery,. Coach Trimmings, Paints Oils, Varnish, Giese, Npi Files, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Springs,Airels;-Bews;Felloes, Venders Cedarware,!Farmiftglltensils, Bar and Rolled Iron, Steel; Sce., with a thousand more articles unmentionable.„ • - Having purchered largely . of Heavy Goods previous to thq advance in prices, I am enabled tasoll gopde at old prices. Persons in want of Hardware are'invited to call and examine 'my goods and healiny prices, dad you will be sat ssfied where the Cheap Birthrate is to be hod. o.my - s t ac k of WALL PAPER in .nnap prom bed by any in the Borough. Thankful for the former liberal patronage, a centinuance of the same is Solicited by JOHN P..LY NE. West Side of, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, ..WINES AND LIQUORS. • iltAtintgA, Teneriffe, Maloga,. - Liabon, Muscat, Grupo:Attics, Port and Anohor brand Champagne Wiaos, Boston• Rum, Ginger Btandy, Cherry. Brandi, Polo ICogniac and Dark Brandy, Holland Gin and:Wino Bitters. Sperm CANDLES. 310- per , pound, Syrup and Melange MOLALSES;AiVoehing ,Sodn, superior Y HYoon,lmperial and Black 'TEAS, principo.. Regalia end , Cuba .CIGARR, for sale by the box or retail, bring. on • your pipes and Er , born. Imr26) Cipq: BARNITit.. FRUIT, CANDIES. dia. -FAMILY particti Sabhut,lt'• St:4loos'4nd Pic nic pprtictrln going OA hc.:rpttetry tic_uoll by', onllin et:, tlie,.cltitOrtaitisug Store of If; J. where , ..they., :ciatt,bit'supplied with are: at the roWest rata and Cf the bee! qua- Ity.. c 2O cents per general asortro c rit.,of. patent ,Med, ''.lcicticl'occotantly. ct(ltan'd. ....nitcbtvED; thae.`tiajr;4llrect-fren - fbineinea• ;,1134-if:o. ouppty 01 die/allowing eelebra.' ;-;104) Sugar eured.klaiie Ar, Co's lieef Hanna. ~ Gardner,Phipp & Co'a Mom; " -Noslpha lie , • • gained the Priac Modal ot the; L ondon -Warld'a Fair: .- , A leo, a Jorge pupa? of Pountrk;Hamq,oaelin; Shouldero and Ogden all •1 14. which bo sold - ery-low for • • ' 1 ; Family : - • ,, , , -;.,:.: , .,,,, , : - .. - ..:‘,.:,‘,,,:: , 14 , . , , , i• ,, ::: ,;ittiort;tangel.zo',,,.• EWE - . . mIOAN.IIEI3II4IITG - num= • ThrOgkbv:Express.' & CO.GEtrxr.r.- We beim; been .using your IVIEXICkN , MUSTANG with-the molt p . m'. Rot stMcesi; • -One of our niost.valtirible,Eitpress horses.bad been much trohbled by large swellings or tumors on the fetlocks; they had. grown lar ger than hen's -eggs.. Besides being disfigured by these appendages, the limbs and joints np .penied stiltened, swollen and lame. We • had-tried many Li nments, and other remedies, but nothing appeared to prothice any effect upon them. We would willingly HAVE GIVEN TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to have had them removed, and the 'horse restored to soundness. Our hostler obtained some of your Liniment, and applied it-without knowledge. A few days ago he called our attention to the horse, and to our surprise and gratification, his legs were perfectly smooth, THEI'UMORS HAVING ENTIRE , - LN DISAPPEARED! We asked him by what magic he hail effected such a remarkable bare ? His reply was that_lie Irail been using -the Niers- TANG LINIMENT on them, about ten slays, and the result was the entire removal of the tu mors without producing any soreness or leaving IS sear. We therefere take great pleasure in ,ecom mending the Liniment, and shall continue to use ii.whenever occasion requires, in preference to any oth.r preparation, so long as it produces such remarkable results. June .30,1052. • •Kt N§LEY CI CO, ' Seuthern and Eastern express, Nn 1 Wall corner of IlroadtvaY;New York.: 'Since the above certifica!e was given, Messrs Kinsky & Co have • infbrined. us that one of his tit were was thrown. from his wagtm - in the upper part of the city, and very badly bruised, the wagon passing over his body. He was taken into is Doctor's Mime chin Uy,ui u l E PHYSIC. lAN TOLD HIM TO' U . : E TH K MUSTANG . LINIMENT, as he tied recently tried-it in a' similar case with great success. Ile did so, and all the soreness, lameness, and stillitess was rev moved, so that the next' day he was about his . business as usual. " We take great pleasure in recommending the MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT to nil nur friends and customers. as the bestartiele kayo ever used for sores, bruises, sprains, or galds in horses. We have.used 'it extensively and always effectimlly. Some of our men have also used it for severe bruises and sores, as well as rhetunatitt pains, and they, all say it acts like magto , --we can only say that the have ulitindoned the use of any other Liniment, .1. M. lIE . WETT Stable Keeper to the American Express CO.' and for Haruden's Express." NEV YORK, July 31; 1852. We hereby °Wiry that we have used the corn. pound known 119' the MUSTANG LINIMENT and, have no hesitation in r6oonnnetiding it 1 1: se best artiste we have ever met? for the sprains, galls, cuts. bruises, on horses who doubt this, will please call on the undef ed, and „they will be happy , to alGn•diall'other information in their power sisregards itt efficacy, LuTz. ',ALL E.: Co., , Proprietors Manhattan Stage Co txtract from ii letter doted SACRAMENTO CITT, Cal. Aug. 15,1152. I believe the MUSTANG LINIMENII most I excellent article. •My wile brought a couple t bottles with her, which I must thank you for. ince site came here, 'MY HORSE - VIf.LL ; SOWN WITH M hl; and injured me eonsider hly.,..but.brOku-no-hone&--1-hrul-rccourPe-to-the- tustang, and the relief, and in lac , 'cure waa ; donishing. (Signed) 1.1 RANSOJIr - Extract from a letter dated - • PITTSMItra, Pd.. October sth, 1852. Anojhbr eAumstance which 1 noticed a few iy3140,1 Ittop h lit spoke highly of the virtues tdie~Maniang. Being in the office of a Plysi. tan df thigh, standlng,l-noticed as he opened a oar or his book•case. several bottles of Mus ing, alongside of which was an amrtv 311190'11g nile, and a two ounce preseri 'llion vial FILLED /Till MUSTANG LINIMENT on which as the following directions : " Halh the throat ell night and morning with thelLiniment, and rap a woolen cloth around it." • FLENIING. S. W. HAVERSTICK, Dal S. ELLIOT, and rILLIANI B. BRETZ, A to for Carlisle. eneral Devil, No. 5, Pho Block, corner I and Dock streets, Plidad A. 0. ANDRE Gen. Agent. . . 61500 CHALLENGE. ...._ - ATEVERconcernsthelienttli and !APO. :. A H I v nets uf a People is at all times of the most iluable importance, take it for granted tind -errper,son will do all in their poWer,to save the vel , of their children, and that every person will 'deli'voi• to promote.their own health at ntl sac flees. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly as •re yon that WORMS ,oeeording to rhe opinion ' the most celebrated Physiciansore the piima-. Onuses of a large majority of diseases to which to children' mittzdulta are liable ; if 'you have i Appetite continualychangeable from one kind C.food to another, Bad _Brenth,-Pain in the tomach, Picking - at the Nose, Hardness and tintless of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever : ulse irregular—remember that all these denote i trOlt NI S, and you should at once apply the rem 1 ly t HOBE,NSACC'S - worm SYRUP. An nrticle founded on Scientific Principles, l, impounded with 'purely vegetable substnnces, I eing perfectly safe when taken, and eon be given the most tender infant with decided beneficial ...feetaLwbe.re....l3n.wel_Complaints__and.Diarrhoa I,ive made them weak and debilitated ; the Tonic. roperties of my \Voila - Syrup arc such, that it 1 ands without an equal in the catalogue of Med i dues, in giving tone and strength to the Stoni ; di, which makes it an infallible rmnedy for I, toss afflicted with Dyspepsia; the astonishing tree perfornadd by this Syrup alter Physicians ive failed, is the best cadence of its superior fficacy above all others..;'9 ' , - - i,. - aii, Tim- "'APE WORM , dThis is the most difficult SWorm to destroy o that infest the human System, it grows to an imost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and 'stencil in (he Intestines and Stomach offecting ..hollealth so sadly—as to cause St. Vitus' Dance; (lint those afflicted seldom if ever sus• !pea that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an 'early grave. In order to dpstroy this worin,a very energetiC treatment must be persued,, it would therefore he proper to take 6 to 8 of my Liver Pills so as .13 remove all obntructiops..that the Worm Syrup may net direclmpon the 'Worm, which must be taken in doses of 3 Tablespoonfuls three times a day. These directions follow,d have never been known to fail in curing the moat .obstinate rase of Tape Worm. HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No part i.f the *Meth . is riloriliable to disease than the LIVER, it serving ash filterer to purify the blood, or giving the proper secretion to the Bile ; so that any wrong action of the Liver af fects the °thee important parts of the system, and results varicusly, ,In Liver Complaint,jitundice, llyspepsle, &a. We should therefore, watch ev-t cry symptom that migitrindicate a wrong actior, of the Liver. Those pills being composed of Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heal the .sick: Namely, Ist. An EXPECTORANT, which augments the secretion from the Pulmo nary mucous, membrane, oe.'prornotes the dis charge of secreted matter; 2d. An ALTERA TIVE. which changes in some inexplicable and insensible manner die certa.n morbid action of the system. Sd. 4 TONIC, wnielt give tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all parts of the body. Atli! A CA THARTIC, which nuts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients,and operating on the bow ies, and expelling the whole masa of corrupt and vitiated mattcrond purifying the Blood, which destroys disease and restores health. ' tto FEmeIL,EVI You will find these' pills an invaluable Medicine in. tininy complaints to which you ore sUbject. In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found . of an *namable benefit, restoring tinar functiOnal arrangements to a healthy nation purifying the blood and other fluids so ellbetually air to pat to flight nikicomPlaints which may arise from female irregularities, as licadneli,'iridiliness, .. dimness of siglit,'inun'in the side, back, &to, , .. . None genuine tinted signed. T. N. lioliensfick, . all others bein linseimitations, • . ' . . ' irir:Akints ishilig [Air ,stipplies, and Store . lc( epers fiesit sof -beep tug Agents must ad dress • the pr rietari 1 ; , HubeUsack, Phila- ' &lipids, Re. . ' _. . ,Imprit iop CUMIIM AWD;UOUNTV: S W Haversack', SlElliott, a d; S•Hubbaril, Carlisle t Lloyd, Lisburai I 13n: and J., I , sl)Rbr, Meehan. lesburg ; .DoyIF - , Hoguestown t• Haversack f..s ' Strohm, ' Kingstown 1 Seidler,. -, Churolitown i, 'Hayes, Shippenshurg t - won . . Papertoun : '.(reason, Plainfield -, Russel & Dice; Dickinson; .Weakley & Shriver i .rentrevllle ; 'Donaldson 'fic Green; Palipstown ; Shards ISt:Wherry, New; . - Pc co 25 cents each, za - t, 00:,. TA A P:;',: kci.;::' 7ENICINS • Dest Brand Teas, Given nevi 11111,131 c; in rnatidlie,packagim, also irc.bulh . and in original p ackag es.. .A largo andgeneral aa; !torment at the best:WHITE 'ID 0 N'ST 0 E 'AND GRANiTE;ARE; mhh, a xarielY of Glass Wareiand,lCotnnidkyitare,of every •00.. stiription,Th cotta or otb rwieo to suit the pair. ntinnari together with' „ . CEDAR; WARE , .WIt.LOW urmiE and'a vitidetY'Of Fenul:Wavt: alwayi in itore and fer-arde at the ',FitmilY Vroce 3, .IL 4 E l l ' • • :; ( tbito.j*'oiiiiiiietiteilt 3. E. GOVian, • [Sunman To A. FIOTJ ' • No. 164 Chestnut St., •Stoehn's Building, Philo. MIXNENSIVE Music Publisher, and Dual ..llo •or in Musical Instruments or • every dr.. scription E'schisivo 'agent for tie sale of Ballet, Davis E 9 Co's Patent 'Susponsion Bridge /Eolian end other • PIANOS, L. Gilbert'sßotidoir Pianos, Melodeons, Mar. tinre Guitars, Harps, Violins,. §liget Musi.:, Music Books,lic. Residents of the country will bo supplied by mail orotlierWisre With music they cony wish, as low as if thlrchased in person. }laving one Of this largest stocks in the United States. It feel confideht of satisfying all who may favor, me with n call or order. „ . Dealers in Music supplied on the most littera terms. Pianos . to lot. Second-hand Pinnos for ,may 20 1803 ly) PP'S ESSE MANUFACTURED and for sale by ELI KRUPP, No 639, North Third street, ladclphia,is warranted tpiventlee enttre satis• factine, and is beyond llopriMhe beat and roost wholcsorne,proparatiiria Coffee ever known,— One package at I'2l cents WILL S N A.Valo'four pounds of ordinary Coffee. Try it ithillTe con vinced.. A'Ounther 'Essences of Colfee Were deposited at the Evanklin Institute in I 832. and the Judges decided Krupp's to be THE BEST in the exhibition. Friends, if you wish to enjoy a good, cheap and healthy (up of Coffee pronnre Krupp's ESSellet! of Coffee. It is' 11,1• silk by n6rly Al the principal Grocers and Druggists throughout the,United States. April 20, 1853. ndow. Shades, Carpets and .0i Cloths. ~'• STEIVETA.XLT lopricrw, 223-North t2el Street, above W Philadelphia, would most respeetf.if ly call the attention of his (trend's and the public in general, to his large and well elected stock of Cuipeti, Oil Olathe, Mailings,- lrindow _Shades, Door -Mats, Stair Rode, Pi. any Covers-, 7'able Cbvers Corsa :Melissa Iran) yards wide, for Publtc. Houses, Coun'ing Tiousei. &c. - ' , COIIIIiIERCIAIC, •COLLECE. ~. . s Located No; .7 . Baltimore Street, - Baltimore, Md, The ostensible oluect o hie Limitation isle, place in the reach of incl . uals proper facili ties for obtaining a t ough and practical Mercantile - Eductitio Nothing indeed has been omitted-that f,t; plated to produce the desired metal!. ~ plated The rooms • f the Ollkge are' well fitted up, conveniently,' d, and situated in - the most desirable of the City.. Connect thereto is d Cati cief,l'Library, anal Pis n connection with itti LoCtured'on otn er. clef Low end Mc made, ' • Seience is is matter of the hilihest importance to all'tvho deeorre to become Accountants of the first order,ind oc cupy stations of pro fi t anti responsibilW. A young man can here obtain a more cor: ect knowledge of general, business 'matters in a I weeks, than can •bo acquired in as many' 34 1 11qa.,ineny one Counting Room. 'FM. course of study embraces' e Ewe,/ B ookskoeping, end its adaptat• ' o vatious de, departments of Commerce and ' de, Mercan tile calculations tau.ht according- to the most approved - methods. Practical Penmanship, com bining rapidity of execution with beauty of construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law, upot various important Mercantile subjects beside many other points necessary for a book. keeper or business man to understand. The time necessary for no industrious student to complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks. There being vacation, applicants can enter at any tint riPattend both day and evening. Examinau s•rare held at Stated periods. and Diplomas a rded to __these. who g-aduate. i no For terms, c., write and have a 'Circular for, warded by mail. March, 23. 1853. ly. JUST itMCIIIVMD! RlME—art icle7of - S LS. cents per pound, Bunch do, a good article; at IS cents, - • • Citrons, 'Mace, Spices,l3randies, Lemons,TF Oranges, Preserved Fruits, Dates, Sugared' and Dried Prunes, Figs, • Tat Marinas, Crackers, &c &c, - I in connection with all kinds of Confectiona ries, all oh which will ho disposed of on the most accommodating terrim. June I, 1t352 11, J. KIEFFER:3' S'IC.ZAIVII SAW IVILLL. THE undersigned owning a largo Steam Saw Mill, recently built, on an improved plan, with a circular saw capable of sawing with great rapidity, located three miles west of Pa. peitown,Cumherland county, at the base of the South Mountain, on Spruce Run, and having in possession near one thousand acres of the best timber land, in thi Southern part of Penn irylvanta, era now prepared to caw and furnish !amber to order, at the shortest notice of the various descriptions used for mechanical pur poses. They can furnish frame stuff for barns and house. of any length and size that may be required, weather-boarding, flooring, and fen eing boards; poplar arid oak beards rani plank, shingle and plastering laths ouk-and Chesnut shingles, cocpet stuff; 'pine poets, and cliestuut rails and posts. They' have now on hand several thousand feet of lumber, Chesnut rails and posia fur fence, oak and pine wood by the cord, and chn engage to be delivered hilts season several hundred cords of Chesnut' oak bark for tanning purposes... - The proprietors having availed themnelves of the natural advantages of their location, which abounds in 4 variety QC the ',finest timber, and having also a practical km.wledga of the bitsinees, are enabled to furnish lumber sower to the citizens of 'Cumberland 'coon() than con, be donri by any. similar establishment i--and as they-whit and r oxpect to do 'a. largo business, wiliapore no pains tn . 'acerimmodato' tho public at the shortest notice. The 'various descriptions of limber: will be delivered . in Carlielo or elsewhere, as may ho &Sired. All orders addressed to the: proprie tars, Divan & Haskell; living in Plipettown;'or to Wm. D. Seymour, jr. in Carlisle, will scour° prompt attention. DIVER, HASKELL &. SEYIW. UR. ' Nov. 10; Mineral, liTator, Sars aparilla,, Etc. eTH pir ' periberwould resneetfullynnnounee /tithe • kens or Cdrligle appthe community at lar That lie him commenced the manufdc— lure of*Mincipl •Wateisand,Sarsaparilla of the very flavor and quality, and , the bottling of.tr orter, Alet end. Cider. He -'a fully and , amply . prouared to furnish all orders promptly end with despatch, and bonen by strict attention to tinniness, to receive that uttentionAtio to enterprise, which he resroctfulry asks. : Reiii. f , donee ,in Main Street neer..the hall head Bridge. .. GEORGE W. BRANOT.... — triaroh-16-4m, -, _.- ' WALL - PAPERS. 11111.1 E. eubserther is lust now, receiving And AI opening, an unparalleled . ataoriment ,of WALL PAPERS. •Thole . deairous of tram• forming. the interiors of their:'old:'dwellinge Into 'now' glving ; ,additional,•emhor.. Bailments to their new ones, at a comparative ly trillitmeotir, will, dovell te call and examine for !can•Atill .thom :from 61. els upwarda., 'member ,theeld-ritand,' East Unfit at oppoiaito ogi thy' Sterol y the way .;I 'Would- any. to -thotio wholthio want to. improve: dm exterinrof. their hipaes;',.:that 'nen killifish • tithn Wothe rare .nureand !filth rimund W Itite.Lead, ,together w i t h .c fo r i po a other•'enlonre;. bine, or.. et.gc, yellow.Varinus ...Ando `,to 'arrant, &c.' Alert everything ; ealculated ' adorn rind des 'orate your. mansions.' • • , ••• :; • • finer •1 HENRY:64XI4OI,t•-• “PANKORITE.“ MYERS' , EXTRACT OF RdeK ROSE,' An imiciluable Remedy for- all Scrofulouer'Dia. earls, Indigestion, Salt Rheam, Sick Read ache; Cancer, Nursing Sore 'Mouth, -and General Debility,: and as a . ' Purifier of the -Blood it •is Unegualled. .Tho Rook Rosa has gained a rektation at home and khroad, which no 'other medicine has over ~Adist, in the same length,of time. Acaord . inglollm opinions dominant Phyd mane, the'Rock Rose Plant is unequalled in Curing Scrofula in its Various Forme STATEMENT OF REV. E. R. WARREN, (Pastor_of the 2d Baptist Church Nov London, Cl. ) relative to Myers' , Extract Rose, To The American Public. As my name has been used in connection with !commendations of Mr:, Myers' . Rock 'Rose Syrup, in various advertisements by the maimfacturer, I lieg leave to make the follow ing statement Ishii:reference to nsY'acqnaint. ante with the remedy and tests to.which I have subjected It, and the reasons for having intro• duccd it to the notice' ; of private friends in the community in width I reside, long before the medicine was advertised. I' make this . ; state , freely; 'bemire 1 have, as o principle, seta my.namo from all patent medicines, 3cdulously abstained. from. recommending to the public, believing them frequently spawn of quackery and humbug, mid -as ng to mosdase,instend'ul lcm.enisig human in and suffering'. ,Suelt, I • fear, is the later of a large portion - of the patent pane d' this medicine making Sage. "Their' Is legion," and from their influence, so the 'demoniacal spirits:, wo have reason Ly for a safe deliverance. The First .Tat.-I had. myself suffered oc casionully, with sudden attacks or Sick head ache, and Rjllious Diarrhea, and I had sought a great variety of curative agents to but little purpose ; and suffering from this disci* (diar !ilea) at this time, I deterniined to test the new DE OF 0 Syrup first upon myself. -The results'wero bo- yond my expectations. It was a :powerful silo -gave, and the morbid action of the sestom was changed, and the functions of secretion were restored to a healthy state. It gave tone 7 and elasticity to my system, and correctcd,lhe derangement of the digestive organs, and gave me that inestimable blessing — health. , This _ test tuns not determined. in week, or a month; but I took four or five bottles in perhaps as' many mnnths. Since that time I have suffer ed but slightly from these derangements. Ilk Sick Headache is entirely Cured. Other Tests.—Fitiding this medicine so use- - fel to myself; I at Mme gave Wt.° several invar lid friends. About this time, I was earnestly ' solicited to give advice in reference to a child, some 'eight years of age. This, child wris severely afflicted with rt 'ScrofultOmmor, of a wry severe type, the ItomorShowing itself on all parts of the surface, and. then suddenly dis apppring. • The child-was very sick, and it was thought doubtful whether she Would The humor resembled black specks of mortified fled]. In addition to some other 'remedies,3_ fliiirS'y• up for about six weeks, when she had suacient strength to go, one to, school occasionally. The swellineof her limbs ceased, and the was restored .to health. The family feel - tbat - thex'etvo herllfb, with God's blessing, to my remedies. . • This test sati,fied Jae that the Rock Rose possessed specific powers fur Scroful. hu mors. 'I then tested it•in _cases of Cutaneous Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox, Cancer, • Sure Mouth, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Piles, Bte. Ia all these cases with perfect ISUCCCEIB. After testing this Syrup for more than a year, I wrote Mr. Myers (Oetuber . 7th,lB.so) entbusi• aslically, not expecting my letter - would - be published, that Ilia Syrup *air a " Pankorite,". ail healing, and I gave him the result df its operations in several instances. I stated in that letter that " it was invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and other disorders, included in the varied family of diseases known no Scrofula, See,: that in Dyspepsia it, acted- with wonder ful efficacy." my opinion of its value for the abcve named diseases, remain unchanged, and the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct. 1850. 1 do not recommend it fin' all the ilis• of our suffering humanity.; but I unhesitating ly say, that as a remedy for Scrofulous race- Aland' I belipve it superior to - any-known - ante= tie° agent. It hoe been sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its adoption' to extensive usefulness in mitigating human suffering and removing dioceses. But What is the Rook Rose ? Tho following history of the Rook •Rose plant and its. medidinal properties, we take from the New Haven Palladium, March 1852. The increased interest manifested in the Rock Rose plant, in consequence of the many wonderful cures effected -by Myers' Compoußd Dttract df Rods Roses' callsfig niltiuLhiutory of in order to correct any 'erroneous opin ion that may have been entertained concern ing it ; and disci to edt in n true light the na ture of a plant. which promises to be 'BOIY - beneficial. "We are Indebted to the United States Die pcnautory of 1847, for the following &seri!). tion of it: "' It is ,entirely, different from . the common Rose. It is a red-stemmed, oblong leaf plant, having a bitter taste. In addition to remark able peculiarity of the plant, of-hearing two crops - of flowers in one season, it also has ens, ther interesting and beuntiful property. Dr. Eaton says, that in the months of No. anti December, ho hos seen hundreds of these plants, sending out near their roots, broad, thin, curved iemerystals, about an inch in breadth: which melted .during the day, and worc,renewed in the morning. - Fur a more rnibute and authentieul description of it, the reader-is referred to Toney and Gray's Buten, ical works. Its Medical History and Properties Aro far the most important, since upon these depends its value to the community. Dr, Lou. dowsers that in 1799;1t - was so valuable in England, that it ivas cultivated from seeds. Ever since 1806, Professor Ivee of Yale Dul• lege, has habitually input it with rout slime's n Scrofula and Chronic 'diseases, arm through him its virtues wero made known,.until, as Dr. Tyler says, it is now .in this section (New Haven) a common'artielo in domestic practice for the cure of Scrofula 'and Cutaneous dis cuses." - Dr. Whitlaw, a Sco'cli Botanist - of trtitoriciy, while travelling in America in iBl4, learned ite Ina In ,Cenedet. Returning to England, lie employed it .in medicating ilia' bathe, which' !meanie greatly colelirated fur the cure of simi lar diedeece. 15r..1. H. Thommon, of the same place, pre scribed it ,in bud eases of Scrofulous patients at Wills' Hospital. His success attracted the attention of senior physicians, He reports the following romoricsble case of white swelling of the hip, in February,. I1§14:7-The - lad. was seven years ,old, and had the disease three years. The bone was - dislocated both upward end outward.. There was a largo opening in the hip leading to the bone; into which I could thrust my finger. I counted three ulcers: 'He -had been under several physicians, who had• given him up, I ordered a, decoction of Reck Rdse. - days his eight sweats ceased r. I then ordtrod'a teaspoonful of Rock Russ three' , times a day. Thirty days : - atter 'he :wan entirely tar 11. • .Pr. Webb, of 14.ladlised;!cl.; tostifies,lOthe osh l s i .of.fiooh, , Rose,-es evinced In , the,curo of numereus - C.1:1808 oftho §crofulei , . :Manufactured by. Wm' Franhiin & Ow , Now Mr:' Warren, though a minister of tbo Gee.. pel, has for a Period of 15 yesto, -. glven .atten. : tlon-to the subject, of medical science, to goal- - lfy hint to adininister to the siCh k iri emmeetren with his pastoral duties,:• • - . • EDWIN R. WARREN.;:.; New London, April 2; 1853.- Agents in Ctintliertand ' °rot 8: Ellitht. 'and Holicirolick Sr; -Biiohni. glnielown; lklochtailbebnic ,DI;;: Dither, ,81;oomanoicnitr i t -Epploy - -& ,Ernst. , Cedar aping S terrott)l,9,9o'),Tbovoi.Grcebon;:,PiOln.B.ol4/4 3; Etron t 'Neivigol 41.:,..wi1di., , 9reen Spiibti; WhorrikVisechnvy.eFe,NAirtnt ;W. /14 8 . Skil , l 36l l4bliirg Rtuntel".4 Dico, l'atfcricwn; Dr.l. Lonlior,...ClnirlOhOion: : • HES Mtbicinca, =ME EMIE h 93. . 7 11 s : • . cHE4 v- Al Un nil " rR EeL- For the Cnro of cortaxas, COLEs, HOARSENESS, BROM CHITIS, OROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING- CIoUGIT AND OCINSUDIPTION, . • Of all the numerous medicines extant, [and some of them vuluablej for the cure of , pul munnry complaints, nothing has, ever been found which could compare in its effects with ildepreuaration; . Qthers.core sometimcs, - but at all times and im all diseases of the lungs and throat where medicine can give relief, title i It is pleasant to take, and perfectly safe in accordance with the directions: Wo do not adireritee for, the informn4or, of Mom who have. 'erica •It bet those who have not.— Families that have known its'valito will not be udthoot it, end ,by its timely use, ,they ate secure- from the dangerous canny/times of Coughs end Colds.Vviiieli neglected, r ipen,into fatal consumption. The Diploma of the Mneerichusette Institute tvas awarded to this prepuration by thelioeriir of hidges in September 1b47 ; also, the medals of the tires great Insatutee of- Art, in ibis country; also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute ot Cincinnati, has been given to'llie CHEIIRY PECTOEAT„ by theirGmernment in cnnetclera tioe,of its extraordillai,lt excellence and useint• nein' in curing affections of the Large and Thront, _ Read the 11,110taing opinion founded on Ike long experience of the eminent Physician of the port and city of _ _ • : ST JOHNS, Tlay 8, ISM. Dr J C AYER: „fink ' Five years trial of your ('H Y PECTO RAL in my practice, has jiroyen tvbnt I. fore saw from, its composition, must be true, that it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs to which we, in Alas section nro peculiarly I think its equal has not yet been di.covered nor dollinow bow a better rcinedy can he made lor.t.he distempers of The Throat .end Lungs. • J J BURTON, M D , F It S. , See what has dv...a on a - wasted constitu tion; not - only in . the foil - owing cases, but a thousand more: , SUNBURY, Jan 24th 1851. Dr.Ayei: ,In •the month of July hit I weir attacked by 'IV violent . diarrheeti in the miries of California. I. returned to San Frannciito in hope of receiving benefit - froin a change of climate and diet. My ditirrhtea tensed, but was followed by a severe cough, and nit-li soreness. I finally started fur home, but re cmvcd no benefit from the voyage, My cough continued...to grow worse and when I arrived at -New York, I was nt once morbid •by toy acquaintances ns a victim of consumption. I must confers that I saw no sufficient reason to doubt what my friends all believed. At this ,timo-I-commenced-takingyeurtrulyinvalimble— medicine with little expectation of deriving any benefit from its use, You would not re ceive these lines did I not regard it my duty to state to the afflicted,' through : you, that my hearth, iti the Sluice of eight months, is fully 'restored. I tillable it to the use ot. your CHERRY ITC ORAL, Yours truly, ' ' ,„ ' • . WILLIAM W. SMITH _ - ' WASIIINGTOZT, Pll., .401 12, 1848. ' • Dear siry Feeling that t have been spared Tram a premattfre grave, thrOugh your instelimental - • ty by the providence of Cott, "will' folic the liberty to express my gratitude. •. ' . A cough and the alarming symptoms 4.-Dom. sumption had reduced me tot) low toJeave mu anything like hOpe, when my physieinn brought me- n bottle of. 'your PECTUDAL, It see - Sped to afford immediate relief, and new in a few vet he time lets restored me to sound health. It it will do for - rah - 6.s what it hactlonesfor rpeoyott are certainly one of the benefactors of mankind, Sincerely wishing you every blessing ; I am Very respectfully yours; JWIN J, OLA AKE, Rector of St. Peter's Clmren,. With such assurance, and troth such men, no stronger .proof can be adduced' unless it be from its eflicts upon trial. Prepared and Sold by TAZIES-CATERT PRACTICAL CHEMIST, Lowell, Sloss Sold in 'Carlisle by Dr S. Elliott, and \V. Havorstick - - - -in MoChanieshurg by Dr Ira' Day Newvillo by J. H. Herron—in Flurpens • burg by If C. & U. B. Aliiek;and by Drug— gists generally throughout the Slate. 4ieeeher , s 'Matchless Cordial, nnIS medicine has novel known to fail in jl., curing Cholera Morbus, in from 10 to 15 minutes• ' Cholera Infantum; or 'summer com plaints of children, Dysentery, Diarrhea, &c., in from 10 to 24 hours. It •is certain and safe - EifdEF — rili — e - ireomstances, - Ihiv - in'g been fairly jg tested hi u sward of four hundred rases with out a sing fail . Let every family provide itself wit at I at one bottle of this invaluable remedy. - Try it, and it will recommend welt. It ls prepared upon purely scientific principles, and cannot be justly termed a quack medicine, unless scianoe, be quackery, For sale by. - . --- B. J.KIEFFER, Druggist, •----, _ SoOth Hanover Street; A few doers south of the Court House, ' June 32, 1833; . - Carlisle. OCTOR YOUR ' SELF—PRIVATE , for 25 contr., by means llie POCKET JESC,IJ iPIUS, or, Every One S; OWN PHYSIAtkI! the thirty,six th HJi a, with one hundred en- Oilks, showing Private eases' and 111nIforinn of the — Generii ave demi In every' shnpc Form :to whiuli is nil, ienies of Fematee, in. , only (see page i 9 0),1 being of the highest, importsnce to married peo ple; or those conternPlating marriage." By Nt M. YOUNG ; 51: D4Grailliate of the Univer.isity el' Pennsylvnnia, Member of-the Royal Collrge of Surgeons, London, and Honorary Member et, the libiladelptila Mt diens ' society. The various forms of Secret Diseases. Seminal Weakness, Diseases cot the Prostrate Gland; Impotency; soli. tary. liabita of youth, are faithfully.described, and all the rec ipes e given in Wain language. The chapter on selfsabuse and Seminal Weakness• is worthy of prrtionlar ittlention; ansfalcoultl - bi read by every, one. Young men AVIIO . IIRVO been itisfiir tsinntelii contracting, disease, previous to placing yourselves under the care ,of any doctor, no may ter 'what bio,pretensions may be, get a copy of atlas tr u ly valuable work. Sea 0,06166 and' persons going to sea, should possess Dr.. Yor.ng's Treatisiron Marriage, tho Pocket lEsculaplus or Every ono His own Phy , , , • !gr. 'Let no iiither be - ashaMed to present a , copy of the..lEscislaphis,to Isis el ild. It may save him. front an early grisve. - Let no young intm ai woman enter into rho secret üblicatimis of married life, willsont reading the pocket Ipso culapius. Let no one 'suffering froinsa Isacknied cough; painin .the side, restleas ni ghts.' nervous feelings, mot the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given tip by 'their physiclisObe an. other moment without ceinsulthig the Ik:smile. dies. Have the married or those about to be married any inipetfirnenti rend this witty useful -Book,' asit hits ;been the means of Saving then.: sands .of, unfortunate creatures frosts the very. joie Of death.: Upwards of a":MILLI ON copies of this 'Celebrated; work boa .been sold' in this eountrY Europe 'llt3B, when (ho first edition' asjoinfeil.' Aity , perseivt:sending' TWENTY-FIVE. itentocnolosed twit letter;will receive one Copy of this bmilk by - Mail Vim five copies will'be sent' for' I. - Address Dr. WILLIAM YOUNG, No; •155r.Speuee Street; Philadelphia;* Post Twenty :years practice in the city Of-Philadel. 'Otis cerininlyentitles:Dr, VOung to the'canti *nen of thin affiletett: and he ,ttioy•he, consulted' On may. Of the ilitrases kik" illfft t Publicatiens ' at Ills i'efllee I sP . ..SpiecO. , Sttiset, be'iwe6,9 - tintl 3 'O'Clock,(Sunlayli ex. centeil)and"pgainioat.ithY disfoutie min` consult • N Or s Young...by:letter...ttor -0. CHOICE foinf 'l`,M Rtl XCICAI4 in , Whitio`,Ainar,tind r ilOtir:to'n . bbln, also a, lot of tient. No: 4,.l)lockenot,4or t ,nolo OVtiop . : fotgish at the family Orontiniii, Mono of MrAlibrAVIS, onnetreathersj. • Tl.l'M'sub - oribee i tiitejuat cinanad: 'an invoice of ,Ontiinliancl.ofhat Bonnet •*enillera °""°' half the %lanai tiiico..e-4180,aviodrq:c!uniti,161 01 Fikney ' ' • '•' W flrrinß •