Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 21, 1853, Image 3

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    New 3butrtionneuts.
A MALE TEACHER.. Competent'' to take
.t charge of the primary department of the
common BC holls'of the borough of Carlisle,
is•ivanted. - To comimenee on the let of Oc
tober next, J. E. BONHAM, .
30% 1 XCEI.
A Lli PERSONS •indebted on the books of
Charles Ogilby'are , hereby notified to call
at the store, and pay thoir acaonnts, as longer
indulgence cannot be given. . neP2l..
Plainfield Classical. Academy
Near Carlisle, Pa.
1111-IM• 15th Session (fitie months). will com
mence Nov. 7th. The. buildings are new
and 'extensive. (one erected last Fall): The
situation is all that can bo desired fur health
fulness and moral purity Removed .from the
excitements al Town or Village the Student
suits, &c. All the branches are taught whieli
.-ga to•form a liberal cducia On. A conecien.
netts discharge of duty has secured, under
Providence, the •present flourishing condition
~of the 'lnstitution. Its future prosperity shall
be maintained by the same means.
Terms—Board and TuitiOn (per
session), $5O 00
For Catalogues with full ihforthation address
- Principal / 4 Proprietor.
Plainfield, Cumb, Co., Pn. .
Asszamings NOTICE. . •
M [LEL N. DI VEN of Papertown by-deed
1.7 of voluntary assignment, for the benefit of
creditors, has transferred to the undersigned all
his property real and personal. The under
signed Assignees hereby give notice to those
having claims against said assignor to present
them for settlement, and these indebted to
Make immediate payment to either of them,,
the first residing near Carlisle, and the other
near Churehtown Monroe township, Cumb.
Assignees. •
A ep2l6w
Notice to the dredetop s',of .Andrea Herr, dee' d,
The'untieraignod appointed auditor by the
Orphan's Court of Cumberland county to mar.
shall and dietributo the asset:to in the hands
of Robert McCartney, administrator of And•
row Herr, dec'd, among the. creditors of-said
de"edont, will attend to the duties of his said
appointment, at • his office in Carlisle, on
Thursday the 15th day of October next,'at 10
o'cloc's, A. M. ' ' J. S. COLWELL,
sep2l. Aleditor.
Distilling and Flouring Mill
rrllfF. subscribers offer as above their estate
fishment recently built and located on the
York turnpike road, fourteen miles fiom the
city of Baltimore and within one mile of the
Baltimore and Susquehanna Cockeys
ville. ' This is one of the most eligible sites
near Baltimore, with fohrteen.feet fall.on the
Western Run, tributary of the groat Gunpow
der Falls—a stream remarkable for its steady
and uniform flog of water, anions el the seve
rest draught having but little effect upon it.
Or they will sell upon low terms the Distil,
lery fixtures, .consisting of steam boiler, stills,
pumps, copper 'warm, Pipiii — rind fermenting'
ttibs all'erranged in the betit manner for an
operatiol of 100 to 200 bushels per day.' Or a
practical Distiller or Miller would be taken in
to co-partnership to work the concern. For a
particular .description thokiefer to Col. Wm.
M. Hendersoti,Carlisle, whb is acquainted with
the property, or address the undersigned at
Cockeysville, Baltimore county, Md.
sen2llmol LOVE & WEBSTER.
Oh SATURDAY-, tin; :9th of, October.
/SHE 'subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on
1 the at 10 o'clock — A hl: a-val--
bable LOT OF 'GROUND, situate in South
Middleton township, about one mile west of
the Boiling Spring„on_the•road_leading fiom
York and Shippohsburg, containing about
three fourth of an acre of Limestone land,
and having thereon eructed a ono and a Inilf
'story Weatherboard HOUSE, an ex•
cellont shop, suitable for any . meeltan-
ie, a stable, &c, with a first rate well I ■
of water and a variety.of choice fruit
trees*. Terms will be,inade known
on day of sale.
Election Proclamation,
H n—
A E ss ift e ElS y ,
o ir f ir Id
( 1;
o y m ti m n
o a n c , t v o e
a f
I t tt r o ? e p n e e n r n a
sylvania,entitled "An Act relating to the election
of this Commonwealth," passed the 2d day of
July, A. 1). 1839, it is made the duty of the She •
riff of - every county within this C ommoin
to give public notice of the Giineral El ecti and
in Such notices to enumerate:
1. 1 lie officers to bdelected.
2. Designate the place at which the election
is to be held.' •
1,30 S. McDARNIOND, High Sheriff of the
county of Cumberland, do hereby make known and
give this public n 'lice to the electors of the county
of Cumberland, that on TUESDAY, the 11th
day of October next, en election will be held at
the several election districts established by law
_lasaid..county.,_at_svhidLtime_they . will vote_by.
ballot for the several officers Itt ft r named,
for Canal Commiisioner of the Sfa
for Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylva—
for Auditor General of the State of Penney-I va.
uia , ,
for Surveyor,Generat of the State ofyennaylva
to represent l the counties of Cumberland and
Perry tutite;Senate of Pennsylvania.
to represent the Oonnty. of Cumberland io the
House of Representatives of Pennsylvania
for Treasurer of the Comity of Cumberland
fot' Commissi9ner of the county of Cumberland
for Distriet.Attorney of (the county of Cumber
for SUrvoyor of the — do u lity of Cumber
for Director of the Poor nod of the Ilonse of
Emp_l_Pyment of_the_countyirollegmberland.
or Auditor, to settle the public accounts of the
comity of Cumberland
The said election will be held tki.oughotit the
'comity, as follows:,
The election in the election district composed
of the borough of Carlisle and the townships of
North Middleton, South Middleton,Lower Dick
inson, Lower Frankford and ! . ...ower West Penes
borough, will be held at tho Court House,in•the
borough of Carlisle.
,The election in the election district coral osed
of Silver Spring township, will be held at the
public house of George Duey, in Iloguestown in
'said township.
The election is. the election district composed
of Hampden township, will be held et the house
formerly occupied by 11. Bressler:in said town
The election Ili the election district composed
of the township of Upper'Allen will be held at
the public house of David Sheffer in Shepherds.
town. • ,
The election in the election district composed
of the township of Lower Allen will be held at
the wagon-maker shop of Jonas ilunchbarger ,
on Slide flilL •
The election in tile electicin district composed
of East Petinsberottgli township, will be held at
the . house now occupied by C Dolson, at the
west end of the Harrisburg Bridge.
The election in the district composed of New
Curaberhunl, will be held at the public house of
Wit Dahl, in the borough of • :New Cumber
land. ,
The election in the district , composed Of the
borough of ttireclianlitsburg; will' be hold at the
public house of John Hooter, in said borough'.
. The election in the districtscoreposed of Mont
roe township, will lie held of the public house of
P. B. DoOtlyear itaChurektowii, in stild townalliK
3 he election in ilM•distrietioinppied 'or Upper'
Dickinson, township, will be, bold at: the house
ttow occupied tiYtilitlettaiailoffinati in' stddltown
eht• : ••t
_ 'he ,election in tho
_district composed of tbe
( Borough of, Newville, And townships' of
Upper , Pritikforit;iind that part of Newton Own.
ship, not included in thoLeesbult. election :die.
tilet herein tiller •mentioned. will' be held,at the
BOA Solteol'.lHfuse,,in the• twang!' otNewville:
The elpotion in the distri c t OttinpOsed of Hope •
well township, willbe holdat tlWaehool House
in Newburg; in said towiiship.•':•lt•t , ,- 7 •• ,
' The eleotion to • OS 'district "coretnied•Oflin
borough of, ShiPpensburg. filtintionsburg town-,
ship,und that port of soothAllaptoritownshipttot •
ip - slutiedi in the litectiltOrg electinntliatitiot, wilt
ke held hi the PiihhOl 110h59; "liaLthe boi,ough;ef
• • • •• •
- • • ••
And in and by no not °film General Assembly
of this Commonwealth'; passed' the 2d July, 11139,
it is thus providedi ”Tinit the ifunlified electors
of 'flirts otNewt MI and 'Seutlitimpton tewnshin,
in the county ofeumberlatid,bounded by the for
. lowing linesand.distances,vizt.. Begiumn4 at the
Adams county thence along the line dividing
the townvhips of Dickhison and Newton to the
turnpike road; thence - along said turnpike to Cert.
•• tre School llouseon said turnpike, in Southamp
ton township i thence to a point on the Walnut
Bottom Road at Reybunk's, including ycybuck's
Farm, thence in a straight ,direction to:.the Saw
Mill of the heirs of George. Clever, thence
[Wong Krysher's rim to the Adams, county line,.
thence along the line of Adams county to the plit6e.
of beginning, be and the same it liereby,declared:
a new and separateelectfon distriot,,theMlection
'to be held at the public couse of Wittaitaxwel.l
in Leesburg, Southampton township.'t- •• •
MAW) is Hereby Given,
That every person,excepting. Justices of the
Peace, who shall , hold any office or appointment
of profit or trust under the :United Staten, or of
this State, or any city or incorporated district,
whether a commissmped officer or otherwise,
subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be
employed under the legislative,'exeautive,orju
d emu- departments of this-State, Or•olthe-Uni ted
states, or,, any city. or of any incorporated dia.
riot; and illso that every member of Congress
and of the State Legislature, and of the Select or
Common Council of any city, or commissioner or
any incerporated, district, is by law incapable of
bolding or exercising at the same Bine, the office
or appointment'ofjudge,inspector, or clerk Of any
elections of thiti Commonwealth, and that no in
•%pector, judge or other officer of such election
shall be eliphle to be (hen voted for.
And the said act of Assembly. entitled an act
relating to elections of this Commonwealth,passed
duly 2d, 1839, further provides as follows, in will
"That the inspectors and judges shall meet at
he respective places appointed for holding . the
election in the district to which they respectively
before 9 o'clock in the morning of the
Second Tuesday of October, and each of - said i
spectors shall appoint one clerk, who shall be
qualified voter of such .district. •
4 .‘111 case the person who shall have received the
'second highest - number - of - votes - for - hrspectorT. -1
shall 'not attend on the day of the election, than
the person who shalP have received the second
highest number of votes for judge at the next
preceding election shall net as inspector in his
place. And in coon the person who shall have
received the highest number of. voteiffor inspec
tor shall not attend,the person elected judge shall
appoint on inspector in his place; nod In case the
person eiceted,n judge shall, not attend, then the
inspector who, receiVed the highest number of
votes shall appoint' a judge in his place; or if any
vacancy shall continue in the board For the space
of one hoar , alter the time fixed by law for the
opening of the election, the, qualified voters of the
township ward or district .for which such - office.'
shall have beep elected, present at the pleat of
election, shall 'cleat one of their number to lit
Ouch vactuniy,
qt shall be the duty of the several A59C5901.9
of each district to attend at the place of holding'
every general special or township election, dur
ing the whole time said election is kept - open, for
the purpose of givi nn information to the inspectors
and judges when called on in relation to the right
of any person assessed by them to vole at such
election, or such other matters in relation to the
assessment of voters as the said inspectors or
either of them shall from time to time require..
"No person shall be perMitted to vote at any
&cation as aloresaid, than a while freeman of the
age twenty one years or more, who shalt have
resided in this State at least one year . and in the
election district where he offers his vote at least
ten days immediately preceding such election
and within two years.paid a State or county tax,
which Anil have. Veen assessed at least ten days
before the . election. But a citizen of the United
States, who has - previously. been a qualified voter
of this State, and removed therefrom and ret urn
epland who shall have resided in the election
district and paid times aforesaid, shill be entitled
to vote after residing in this State six, months;
Provided, That the white freernen, citizens oh'
Mc United States,qietween the ages of twenty
one nd twenty two'years who have resided in
nu el , Lion district ten days as aforesaid, shall
be enti ed to vote although they shall' not have
paid taxes.
Isfo' pergen shalthc permitted to vote whose
name is not contained in the list of taxable in
habitants furnished by the commissioners, unless
--First, he-produce-a-receipt for- the -payment
within-two years, of a state or county tax asses
sed agreeably to the constitution, and . give setts
_ factory evidence eitr_onhis_onth or affirmation,
or the oath or affirm "on of another that he has
- paid suck a tax,orhii f. pure to produce a receipt
shall,make oath to the phyment thereof, Second,
if die claim a right to votediy beingan elector be-,
tween the age of twenty one and twenty twoyears
he shall depose oh oath or affirmation that lie has
resided in this State at least - ors year next before
• his application, and make such proof of residence
ri the district as is required by this net and that
he does verily' believe from-the secountgiven him
that he itrof the age aforesaidTand-such other ev..,
idence - as is required by this net, whereimOn -the
name of the person so admitted to vote shall be
inserted in the alphabetical list by the inspectors,
and a note mile opposite thereto by writing the
word .tax,' if he shall be admitted to vote by
reason of having paid tax,or the word 'age,' be
he shall be admitted to vote by reason of such age,
shall be called out to the clerks, who shall make
the like notes in the lists of voters kept by them.
'ln all cases where the name of the person
claiming to vote is found'on tho list furnished by
the commissioners and assessor, or his right to
vole whether found thereon or not, is objected to
by'any qualified citizen, itshall be the duty of the
inspectors to exaMine such persons on oath as to
his qunlifications, and it lie claims to have resided
within the Stoic fur one year or more, his oath
shall be sufficient proof thereof, but shall make
proof by at least one competent witness 'who shall
be a qualified elector, that lie has resided within
_the _innedi
ately preceding said election, arid shall also him.
sell swear that his bona fide residence, in perso
nnel of his lawful calling, is within the district,
and that he did not remove into said district fee
he purpose of voting therein.
~....fevery person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof if required, of his residence
and payment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be ad
mitted to tote in the township, ward or district
in' which he shall reside.
•If any person shall prevent or attempt to.pre,
vent any officer - of any election .under this a4t_
from holding such election, or tremor threaten any
vicilencele anyanch Officer, or shall interrupt, or
improperly interfere with film in the execution of
of his duty, or shall block up the window or nye
. nue to oir. window where the same may be hold
ing, or shall riotously disturb ' the peace •at such
- election, or shall use or practice any intimidating
threats, forte or violence, with design teinfluenee
unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him
from voting or to restrain the fiefdom of choice,
such persons on conviction shall he fined in any
sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and be
imprisoned for any time. not less than three nor
more than twelve months,and if it, shall be shown
to court, where the trial of such offence shall be
bad, that the person so offending was not a. resi
dent of the city, ward, district or township where
, the offence was committed, and not entitled to vote
therein;then on conviction he shall be sentenced
to pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor
more than one thousand dollars, and be impriso
ned not less than six month nor more than two
years. . ...
'lrony person or personssball make any bet or
wagerymon the result of any election within dm
Commonwealth, or shall offer to • make any such
bet or wager, either by verbal proclamation there
-of, orhy any vnitten 'or printed:advertisement
challenge or invite nay person to make such bet
or wager- upon conviction thereof he or they shall
f i rfelt and pay three times the amount so bet or
to be bet. • , ,
;It any person not by law qualified, shrill fraud
ulently vote .at any election in'this Common
wealth, or being otherwiseqtailified shall vote out
of his propei' district, or if any person knowing
the want of such qualifications, shall aid or pro.
cure such person to vote, 'the person offending
skill, on conviction, be fined in any sum not. ex
ceeding two,hundreedollars, and be imprisoned
. for any term not exCeeding three months,.
'li' any person shall vote at more limn one elec.
lion district, or otherwisli 'fraudulently vote more
than once on the sante day, or shall fraudulently
fold or deliVer to the inspector two' tickets to
gether, with the intent illegally to vote, or shell
procure another so to do, lie or they offending,
, shall on conviction be fined iii any sum not less
Until fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, and
. be imprisoned for any term not less than three
nor more than twelve months• .
.1f any person not 'qualified to vote in this Com
monwealth,agreenbly to law. (except the eons or
mutinied citizens) shall appear at any place of
election roe the purpose of :swing tickets or of
influencing the citizentetputlitied to vote •shall
mt convietton forfeit and pay any sum not exceed,
in one hundred' dollars for every such offence,
and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding,
three months.'
Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty-fire.
' section of said net, every General 'and Special
Election abaft. bei opened between t h e hours of
eight and.ten in.rbo forenoon, hnd shall Continue
~witheut interruption or ruljonriuncnt until seven
r in the.Oyening,, When the poIIsAIRII he
And the Judges of the'respective dietriots afore
“ Said, are.hy,tho laid act required to meet. at. the.
COUrt liouce,W.the hoTough.M. Carlisle on. the
third day afttr:Che 'said-, day.. of 'eltation',', bong
.:I!Tiday the ,14th day of 'Clamber, then andllieTe to
`'perform thallilaks requiretl'ottliern
The •rettirrs s- Judge of , 'llie.-Sertalorial dist : riot
Meet at the' Poutt llotterelari Alcif.t.qtrOugli of
.Clarlicle, on-'Tuesday; the '24(11. dak,!Of , octobOr ,
then and there to perform' the (lotto requited 431
,tiremby law.: •
Gtvem_ under My. '
19LIfik11113, - *113:
slay of.,§optenilter, 1853, ,
• `. j ttmoN.p,
lisle, ?I i •
STptaucheel,:lBs.s. - 3 • ,
•viii fCllrnict ti,
FIE subso'ribef offers et.private sale rm
H situated in N-irth Middleton Awl!, .C i rimb:
co, four miles cast of Coldish), and. fourteen
west of Hariiiburg, on the turnpike road; ,
of":first,rato limestone land, clearrd - ;atuander
cultivation: ,Also 30 auras of Wo o :dia:01 con
venient to, supply the farm with wood: • The
improvements are a new two story,.S.TONE
• ••
HOUSE, 43 feat front - ,,n,elv brick
S• 11111 Barn, 75 feet *out, wagoit shed, ';4 corn crib and other necessary
fir —I . : outbuildings now. A.well ornev.
or failing water tit .t,lte door, and
an excellent orchard of choice yiiiingfruit trees.
Tho farm is in ovary way a desirable one, and
parsons wishing to purchase would do well to
call and see it. Terms made to snit purchasers.
scp2l6m, J. E. COBLE.
o:rLancastar 'Whig copy and send bill to this
Y virtue of Ali order of sole, in action of
lit partition to mo•directed, I will expose to
public sale, on the pielnipes, on THURSDAY
the lath of October next, at 10 o'clock, A, 111,
the following real estato, Into the property of
Joseph Irwin, doc'd•
situated in Newton township. Cumberland co.,
bounded by lands of Sidles Woodburn. Henry
Miller, Wm. Gracey and others, containing
144 acres 31 perches nea measure, about 20
• acres of which is iii go,o d- er. The improve
ments are a double two - story •
'STONE HOUSE; Bank Barn, .•;g o ,[l/1 •
90 40 ft, a double -.Wagon
, rn crib, carriage house,
. en and all other necessary."
outbuildings. There - is also Js never-failing
stream of water at.the door, a, large orchard of
'young thriving apple trees, and a great variety
of other fruit. The soil is limdstone of a first-.
'rate qua.ity, and the fonceS in the besi order,
and nearly all post and rail. This property is
situated about 4 miles from the C. V. R. it., 1
mile west of Stoughstown, six miles east of
ShiPpensburg, and 13 west of Carlisle.
Tamils OF Ss La.—One third of the purchase
money to remain in the land during the life
time of the widow, interest of i•hio, to. be paid
annually4,,,,,Egle.hfilf the residue to be paid on the
let of .Apllll 1854, when possessi.oh will be
iven, and the balance in Three annual pay.
eras thereafter without interest, to be secured
by 'a lien on land.
sepelts lligh Sheriff.
On-SATURDAY the let day of October; 1853
- DIY an order of the Orphan's 'Court of Cum -
II Borland comity, there will be exposed to
public sale at the Court House in Carlisle, at
it o'clock, A. M.. the folloWing property:
A two story BRICK HOUSE w" 1
and Lot of Ground on Main St, Ai* . • a
bounded west by Heiser's hotel, I.p . ; ;
north by a twentrfect elley, east
by the heirs of Teem Bell, dec., - -14 -!
and south by Hanover street, containing 30 ft
front by 240 feet in depth,
This house is situate in a convenient and
besiness part of the town, and a very 'pleats:lnt
and convenient residence.
It will lie sold without reserve• on terms
which will 40 made known on day of sale.
Trustee for the - sale of the est of; Sarah
Carlisle, Sep. 7, Iks3'
cheap IPittc es 6' Jewel).
la at• tho ' Philadelphia Watc 1
_,and JON y Store," • Numbe
96 Noll S‘cond Street, corker
- -4( - of Qum. 'luladelphia.
c:4 , -.-;3 , -' Gold or - Watches, 1111
~ ,O.: ositAn.:' jewelled, arat cases, 520,01
x .
Gold Lopicto, 18 carat , $24, 00
Silver do jewels, , i ..,p oo
Silvei- Lover, - fulrjetii c Is.oo
S orior Quartiors, ' l 7 00
G Spectacles, /7 00
1 , 1
Fin Si Spectacles,' 50
G'ol of . 00
Ladle ' G toils, / ' 00 •
Silver ea . p ' s, set, 5(((!!! 111111 00
Gold Pen with Pencil and Rye I ldcr,-1 00
Gold Fi or Rings 37i c met , S ; Watch
Glasses, ii n, 12i cents ; atent, 181 •, Lanett
25 ; other articles in , proportion. All gocids
warranted to be what they are sold , ,for.
-., Successors to 0. Corirdtli
\Gold and Silvor-lievers'af
than the above prices.
On hand,
Lopines,stig I
Three mites West of Harrisburg, Pa.
911111 SIXTH SESSION will commence
Monday, the seventh of November next.
Parents and Guardians and others interested
ars requested to inquire into the merits 'of this.
Institution. The situation is retired, pleasant,
healthful and convenient of access; the course
of instruction iS extensive anti o gh, and
the accommodatious are ample.
D. Denlinger, Principal,rend tench of Lan
gauges and Mathematics.
Dr. A. Dinsmore, A. M., teacher of Ancient
Languages and, Nritural Science.
E. 0. Dare, telcher of Mathematics and
- Natural Seionns.
Hugh , Coyle, Teacher of Music.
T. Kirk .Whke, teacher of Plain and Orna
mental Penmanship.
Boarding, Washing„ and Tuition
in English per.session (5 months),
Instructiod in -Ancient or Modern .
Languages, each,s 00
Instrumental Music, ' .•. .10 00
For Circulars and other information address
Harrisburg, Pa.
-- sep7
- No. 4, North
V 7 DEPUY retur
o morous customer
for, their liberal patrol
son, and is now prat
reasonahlo prices, wi
Fancy Dry Goods. II
assortment of
Rich Plaid Silks Fine French Morinpos
Brocade do Rich Plaid Cashmeres
Plain do Paris Mous do Laines
Changeable do Plain, all Wool do,
Satins and Florence Cheap do Lnines
Parisi() Beggs lorported Gingham;
Embroidered Collars I Chintzes Mutlins.Flan-
Sleeves:Cbomizettes nals and Sackings. •
Also, a lull line of ell widths of rho BEST
BLACK SILKS, with Shawls, Mantillab, Rib•
bone - Clonlo, Velvets, Cloaking Cloths, Ste:,
in groat variety.
Ilia goods are bought low, in largo lots, from
first hands.
rre hie thanks to his nu.
rs 10 Cumberland county
sago duriug the sea.
pared to supply; them at
alt every description of
[is stock comprises a full
41, N. Si h at., Phila.
Various Sizes, to suit Familiei,"Boarilag
louses and Hotels.
TIIOSE in want of a superior Cooking Ap
paratus aro invited to call at out Ware
house and examine 'this Range. For durability
economy and simplicity in opeibtion it' stands
unrivaled. • It has a perfect hot air ventilation.
—and meals baked in this oven will retain their
juicoMnd flavor equal to that roasted betoremn
open fim. Moats and pastry cooked at the
ammo time 'without one effecting the other. It
will supply sufficient heated air to haat addi
tional rooms for the coldest weather. It has
no descending or return flues, and is equally
well adopfdd to bituminous or common hard
coal. The steam valve over the boiling-part of
the' Range carries off ;ho steam turkee fit of
cooking, no well as beat in enamor N.' ', '
Every Range oolckwarranted to gi ' iiifac
tion, or no expense to the purchaser ,-. •
• Patented October, 1848;
For Public - flails,- -Factones,- Railroad ..Cal‘a'.
Chumucs,Flues, Slaps, 54412108 '.c.
Pure a subject claiming..theattention
Or every individual, end all buildings Litould be
provided with the proper moans of ventilation.
Also, a powerful .
Warming and Ventilating Furnace,
For' Dwellings, School houses; Churches, Halls,
• • Stores, Factories, roc,•
A large atoort merit of 011 i Il
e°, an' and Coolr.:
ing 'Stoves; Parlor Grates, Regletere,
, Wholeeale, and Retell. • • . • '
• . - AND' Se HAY ES;• '
, . 82 North q;lit,' street
,Wpereanal itttontion givett.te wirnaniOtd,
venOleting both pablie and prirUta budrdinge.„
.4? yki ri",; ".
Arly444-#l4y4 - 40417.'
2411Vbbitif:InWill0/03ktid 114 ifiniiratlioloiv
coo g and'. ror pita . 14y.;2;
1 ;
. . . .
A 13ESIttAl3LE LO &T. lON 701(A PllllralblAN. .
IiniTILL he sold sat'pablie ealoi-on FRIDAY
the 7th-of Octohet;, 1t3.U . , on the .preratz
amin the :own of Cmitroville, ..Ctirak. co, thti:
property of 11..." C • gOo'yei, ' • •
LOT OF;OROO . ND, • .„
marked No. 2 iii•the general Plot . of said town,
fronting on Main street GO feet by 147 ft. deep,
whereon is• erected a two story BRICK 4
HOUSE. with a brick 'shop attached, IN
• suitable for a Physician or 'a Mechanic, t llit
a well'of excellent water nsar the.door, with a
'pomp, an excellent stable, Cortreiff:e, nog nen,
carriage house, &c. Also a lot of choice fruit
trees on the premises. Any physician Wishing
to change his location will do well in often - ding
the sale, as the property is situated in a weal
thy section of the county, and a very desirable
location. 1=4%::::
Fifty dollars to be paid immediately witch the
property is sold, one half the balance on the lot
pril 1854, when a deed will be mode to tho
purchaser, and the balance on the Ist of April
.payments to be secured" by judgment, -
mortgage or surely. The property -may be of
fared first for cash; to he paid on the let of A
pril 1854. In either :case fifty dollars must be
paid on the sale.'
Persons wishing to view the property can do
so by; culling on, Dr. Woods, who resides on the
premises, or on J. Buhl, Csii., near the same.
Sale to commun.() at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said
day. whets attendance will he given by
Assignee of Dr. R, C. Hoover, and residing at
Newburg. (sepl4te
Y virtue of a power of Attorney from all
Ur the heirs at law of Andrew Quigley, doe,
I will expose to public sale on the premises,
On SATURDAY the Bth day of October,
at 11 o'clock, A. M., all that Plantation, or
Tract of Land situatosn North Middleton twp,
on the public rood Irons Waggoner's road to
the Sulphur Springs,containing 78 Acres more
or less, about 8 acres of which is Woodland and
tho residue cleared and under good fence. The
impfovetnents are a two story LOG HOULE,
double Log Barn Spring House . .
and other outbuildings, with a
spring of Sulphur Water and a Ittp I I
running stream through the place
wills live acres of good meadow,
Also, a tract of Mountain Land iaitoto near
the big bend of the road over the mountain at
Wagoner'a containing about 18 Acres
more or less, well timbered. The Alo.iander
road bounds this tract on the smith.
The whole will be sold together o_rseperate
ly, as-will best-suit- the purchaser and upon
easy terms.
P It A r''l tt' l y V Oit U d 9 th l e 'r' ll Y ei'rs,
LRSOAY. the 29th of September,
imill k
ue of the last will and testament ol
Wallace' deed, late oi Shippensburg
• twit, 'Mb. co, the subscribers will sell at pub
lic salm'ellt the premises in said township, the
mansion farm of said deceased,
it limestone land, a good proportion of which
i meadow and timber land. The improve
news are a STOW'. MANSION
I 0 U SiE, with a never Hi-
lig well nt water at the door; large er eist iy
lank Barn and outbuildings attac. • I I 5-1-i
•d, a Brick House and Loi , Tenant
louse. 'aro is on sant artn a good -
:HARD, and a stream of water. As it will
... _..
mile and a half west of Chnrehtown, adjoining
lands of Peter and Joseph Diller, .
. _ .
of limestone land in a high state of cultivation,
and about 'five acre in timber: The itnprove•
merits are a good oi o story LOG .T y,
HOUSE, and a y orchard of ~Egt[lli
choice fruit. Po wishing to vig , !
examine the piu viii
call on the subscriber, living at
Boiling Springs. ' D. J. LEIDICI,
aug 24 Agt for Ann Diller.
/111 HE two story STONE - DWEL.
At, - LING HOUSE, with back
buildings now occupied 'by N. W, ,
Woods, on North Hanoveret, adjoin-
ing property of James Guthrie, and
opposite - the Hardware store of Jacob Sc 07 , 15
otrered at private , solo. Payments to suit pur
chasers. J. W. Ellll - .
Carlisle, Auß 17, 1853.-
No. 45 South Second street, Philadelphia.
ARE now opening for the Pallgrado a well
selected assortment of
Confining themselves exeltiirieTY — t - ii — ifiiii
branch of . ..the trade, and Lffporting the larger
Part ut their stock, enables them to offer nn as •
sortment unsurpassed in e.tent and variety,
which wilt be sold on th&most favorable terms.
September 19, 1853-2 in
$5O 00
First arrival of Fall Dry Goods,
At the New and
_Chiap Store
In/se JP Caziwbelt
WO U L U resrectPly announce to their
friends and the public that they hay.
just received from Now York and Philadelphia
a largo and handsome assortment,d—
Their minds have all been selected with moat
care from ihe best New York and Philadelphia
houses, and cannot fail to suit purchasers both
in quality and oleo. sepl4
.ITTOR./TrEr .4T L✓H
Office, No. 2, Bectenei Row.
"professional business strictly attended
to. The Gorman language spoken as read
ily as the English, - [Sep 14,-1853
North Han Over Siroct, and next door. to' Glass's
THE undersigned would respectfully inform
the citizens of Carlisle and the public gotten
ally, that lie now has on hand a large and etc
gent assortme&of-FURNITURE, consisting
in part of Wardrobeso Card and other Tables,
Sofas, Rumens ' ...Bedsteads; plain andfancy
Sowing Stands, &c. manufactured of the best
material and quality warranted.
Also a general assortment of CHAIRS at
the lowest prices. Venitian made to
order, and repairing promptly attended' to. •
• wrconins made at the shortest notice, and
having a splendid hearse he will attend funer
als in town or country:
, ~OTRemember the stand,- next door to 11,
Glass's Hotel. nov24 R. B.,..SMIIaRY.
Store, 2 . 9 N. 8d at., Phila. •
Morocco 11(1.4.nutriourors, C rriors . , Importars
Commission and General bather' Business,'
Manufactory gargarri
Imporiorsand Manama rem of overy kind, of
it Al) IF 8 ~ P RV ,
86 Arab street. (bolo Third et Phi adolphia;
and at 178 .Wat weir,. w °Ht.
A S our Goode It o 11 loion dee d irt , Ed:
./ - 1. rope by one o th kin, and Ma ufamored
by ourselves iit the mo elogant aura *Won't,
hle manner, wo oan °fro them at a price(taking
their superior quality in o conalduration) that
:will defy compotion; . , . '. - . - - ,r', !
Silver Modals awarded for superfority by OM
Institutes of Ponnsylvaida and fllaryland. ~,..:
;IA:CKERCI , , 71 Conetantiy oiviiand
1 , 11 SHAD,' • ' . nod, for side by . ' r
' ließitiNGSi r.' : •,,, rTRAtA,IER 46 co
:Pl)hl~jlr rl _ - ' if.k Mt E *HARP; :
4risx'lll.lsiSHCitlLDE RS : PHIXADELPtifet:
. 1 .PA.11.D A : CHEESE j,,,solit .7,;.,:4853,'3ni...
... ~. _..
Queioniwnrii4, p„sV
by ►iinj is r ni 0 v&I
2,sF' ;•• ru;)4,41, 1 14 , tyitKaAtiall, LI
' -
/11.4rith • I ,3l , ?*.rinYff •••
•. .
ORPEA.N'S 'COURT Slpr.M.. , : ,
OnSATlNlDAtthelith day of Oetolier,lB63:
IN •"pureuance of •a decree of thif OiphOn's
Court of Cdtriberliid&co. will be eold at public
sale, on the premium at t 2 o'tilock, - Al; the fol
lowirig described' real estate, late, the propeily
of George Rhin dee'd„eituated in SoutitiAlid;
dleten twp, adjoining Papertown,• •,-
itna 21 perches, strict measm'e,hounded on the
south by R Givin, on tho north by'.l Bennet;
easthy G.Nagle and Joseph' Culver, having
thereon erected a LOG HOUSE;.
Frame Stable and other outbaild
ings, also a well' of excellent water iv I
at the door Mid, some fruit treat'. It 11_1
is worthy the attention of persons
desiring a comfortable home., `
TERMS—Onethird 017 the purchase money
to be paid on the tat day of April . next, vs hen
possession will-be - giyon and the deed made—
one.third to remain in the hiicetluring the life
time of the tyidou , ,the interest to-be paid her
andthe remaining one third in throe equal year
ly-payments, hearing interestTrom the-let day
of April i 854, interest to be paid yearly. All
takes assessed after the let of January, 1854, to
bo paid by the purchaser, end payments to be
secured by judgment and mortgage.
THE subscribers will offer al private solo in
South Middleton tWri.. Cumfferiand county,
the following real estate, late the proporty,of
David Krysher, dec'd, about four miles east of
Carlisle on tho Lisburn road, bonnded by lands
of .Robert C. Sterrot, Abraham Ilartzler, John
Solenbarger, Samuel Etter and others,
of first rate limestone land, about 90 acres of
which are cleared and under good fence and in
a high state of cultivatiop. 'rho remainder is
covered with flue young timber and about 45
acres in cloVer, Tho improvemenis are two
good DWELLING lIGUbES, the
one a two story log house, with a
kitchen - attached, plastered in and Mil
outside, with the necessary outbuil
dings--oven; smoke - hot:Se, corn crib
hV, stable, and it never failing well of water at
the door. The A uthor., a new two story frame
house, well finished, with all the necessary out
buildings—wash house, oven and oven house,
a hog stable; well and , pump-near the door;
so a 'double log liars, corn cribs, carriage house,
sheds, aople mill, cider press and press house.
Also an apple orchard of about gtwo hundred
trees of elioice grafted fruit. Also n numberof
peach, cherry and plum 'trees, lyith a never
tailing well of water'r jming out nearly all the
tirrie ,with'n pump in convenient fonavatering.
Any person wishing to view OKI said property
can do so by culling on David It. gitysher. wits
resides on said farm. The property will be
sold its part or the whole, to suit puwlithcrs.
ir N pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
IL Court of Cumberland county, I will (mobs°
to public sale °utile premises, on SATURDAY
the 24th of September, at 10 o'clock,A. M.,
The FARM which belonged to Peter Hunts
berger, doc'd, in W. Pennsboro tp., Cumb. co
bounded by lands of Rado th lieberling, Jam()
Davidson, Ali'm Reefs der's heirs. Samuel
.E.lchelberger and-oche „and.thei,anadoguineV
creek, •
more or less, all o which • cleared and in a
good state of. cultivation,- i-about-ten-acres
of woodland. The iropr emertts are a two
story•STONE HOUSE. og Barn, .. -
Wash [louse, Cooper hop, Spring jr"` ---
etil- use and a good Orchard of grafted 0111/11
it. The term - is situated on the glfl 1!
ate Road from Carlisle to Newville " '''' "
—about ono mile . front Nowville. The terms
of sale will be made known on the day. ~The
oldest son wno is of ago will join in making the
title-perfect,' PETER GANTZ,
• aug3lts ,Guardian of minor children.'
THE subscriber offers at private sale a lot of
ground, situate in Churclitown, Qumb. c0.,.33,
feet in fret by 200 feet deep• having thereon
erected a double two story FRAME - DIVEL,-
14N O HOUSE, 30 feet in front tiy 24
deep; with eight `rooms:and two hitch.
, ens. The house is newly built and well
finished throughout. , ..
Also -- lot adjoining_ the_ altrve, on.wll i ch s
erected tt o story g i orne,Hise, 26 ft an tir ;
new use a Cabinet ink 8 sit .bu,c n,
bid easily v led into a dv,e'lVn use. t
is a goo s for the above orlt y her b -
loess. or terms/vhich will be made ea ,
-enquire of the subs
j er in Cerfisle.
aug3ltt ' .1k /Es R. WEAIt R,
"It f
‘ . Lire SALE!
I ill exp E o ' sYt l o l 'publie saloon tl . lo ilemfees,
on F I.IDAY; the 30th of Septembe r 853, by
a o rfir t i ll o ci f i tt r el i aatne'B-IGaQu I
. i l i a i l t t l"
- iMi twp, un n del o l. , ) -a l ,
le L , ,eli
I ib, .Mi ' . 1
I,enr ~ •
Nl \ , I 7C ' I
i ,' I
81 Pere v; more or Malik( o w) l (
and ilLg . d cultivation, iceel) -, it, . ores
- iw.6l; is i - 11 covered wit teribnr. — ' he im=
provements ore a double LOG , • .: •
HOUSE and doable_ Log Barn, ~:;* I s ;i
wag shed, well of water at the1:11t1; 1 I rj' .
don and good orchard. A con- -,..10L,,V,7,4: . ,'
, sit ruble . portion of die land is '-'''''-'-" 42 ‘'"''''''"
g d meadow. Thn farm is pleasantly situated
o the groat road from Nowvillo to the Three,
guar° [follow, about three miles from Nov.
ille. There is running, water hid- (Ito farm, and
enerally it is well watered.
Terms of sale:—Five per cent to , ' be paid .
time of sale; one half of iho purchase Money to
be paid on the ltt of April 1851, when posses.
sion willbe given, and tho balance in two an..
noel payments without interest, to be secured
by a lion on the land. Will. KNETTLE,
aug3lts . . Trustee appointed by Court.
On TIRIRSDAy the 13th - of October, 1853.
IN pursdance of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Cumborland county, will be sold at
public sale, the following property, late iho_os- ,
tato of John Brown:1%5011, of Silver Spring twp,
in said county, decrased, viz:
A valuable FARM situate in said township.
on the Trindle Spring • Road, about two miles
west of Mordtanicsburg, ' -
and 86 parches, adjoining lands of Jacob Kok;
ilenry . Sperst, Geo. Coons and , others, all,of
which is cleared but about ten agree which is
in good timber. Tho.latid i.Sof the best quality
of limestone land, and under good folicnc,
The improvements consist of a . )
two atm D W ELLIN G HOUSE..i'f.i.c,7un
Stone Bank Barn, Wagon Shod,
and other necessary ohrbuildings. ,
Thorn is neyer failing well of
water near the, honse. Also a fine young or—
chard with a choice assortment of fruit 'trees.
Persons wishing to.examino the place s will call
on Johh Brownaivell, residing on the.,plaeo.
TERNS-ITen per conyiEllio purchase'ihm
ney to birpind urban the property is sold_-the
interest of toh'ono third, loss tho oxperiso of
sale, to bo paid to thn widow annually—the
principal at liar delth, to. the heire ,of John
BroWnawell,hall the remainder. less the ten pr et
to be paid qn the let day of AprillBsl; when the
dead igid, possession will be given, and the bal•
onto to bo paid in two equal annual payments,
with interost;Troporly secured. Sale took°
place at 12 o'clock, 63., when attondanco will hg
given by
. the undersigned Heirs of ago, and
guar di ans o f miner heirs of John Brownawell,
_ _
ttE rntL.
is street
send bill to this
On .SATURDAY, tho.94th`lcd September,
*ATIL4. e sold nithout rosary() nt 10 o'clock
V 11
' '' A. ~ tr L. first redo INI E S) 3T N E
ri t
FARM; al ato in Perry county, about 2 miles
oak of the Warm Springs, and ono mile north
olGibion's Mill, lying about half way between.
Blooinfield find Lendishurg. '- .. •:'. .. •
one-half of whi9hi_l.o,llo,ahro° caamndjohwP-o:l°lhrawaaavtlielnirdidar
in good timbE7fiournuwazing• P 71"",
„a Oriittlbitif foippeadoZLii6•7'
iar„•ex.toV••,. vonienterarXE• Y- )11
'rho" tIO
rn iyith a. novo • ;••
H.O lMg Un a, ' nft ' ewotor conv,:(l
--ThuOPri:o;,.°„t will : dEviOt -„ - -;,"
uiotit." 1 o itoCwilor, `ol4re;nol
las to "Pke'swriarobatorxt,elh,t,ll,lol itiv°"shO
,80id,. 1 0 • t'au4 ovoinhiglif„lsgaboorA-T,•,IT°C
tree* • i•,-1.4.0 n inot , • ^
`IOqe`PLEYOETu joaidhq, 6 libEltßgi s E •
r 4 9 °, • 4 .• • - ••••67-
(6git• •1-4,,, d y °onto copy.
V *an and A
? l F' E
flea! estate Sales-.
ang3 Its Gwedimi oF.tlio minor Children
Paluable Real Estat
Orphan's Court Sale.
Guardians of Minor Hairs.
. . ,
taral estate .oalco.
vaxitranim REEL' MOTATt
On SATURDAY the Ist day ofOctbes
'Will be sold at public sale on the premise' the
folliiwing real estate, in West Pennsboro
Cumberland county, late the property.of Rich
ard 13. Stevenson, of the borough of Carlisle;,
deed:, viz; ' ,
. All that Farm situate in Woet Pcnnsboro
township; aforesaid, about 'one taile from the
borough of Ncwville, bounded by lends of J.
McCullouch, W. Laughlin and others. arid '
more or loss. -The'land is first-rate limestone
lond, in goad cultivation and well fenced, 95
acres of•which are clear and the rest in timber.
Tho improvements are a large double atone and
stories hi h, a largo and substantial 444 - .
STONE RN, a 'goad well of lime
stone water, an cisterns for rain wa- bir d
ter. 'There is on the promises an
orchard of well selected fruit trees. Rt the
pomp time will' be sold a lot of woodland that
has boon 'teed 'with this fernt, situate about op)
fourth of a mile from the DoublinglGap Springs
and adjoining -that property, containing about
22 acres. Persons wishing to examine the farm
can do so by calling on Mr. Long, the tenant on
the place, Tlie terms and conditions of sale
will be 'made known on the day of sale by ,
Eters of It. R. STEVENSON.
Carlis,e; Aug "4, 1853.--ts,
Ortllarrieburg Union and Laneastez Whig
copy and send bill to this office..
VAXatt.&BLEI ran=
(l N SATURDAY, the let of October,lBo3;
41.9 The subscriber, Executor of John Baker,
doe'd. will oiler at public sale, on the premises
a Valuable Farm, situated in Monroe township
Cumberland county, at the crossing of the Me
chanicsburg and Lisburn reads,•a mile from
mere or less, of first rate limestone land, in n
high state of cultivation and under good fences,
&c. The. improvements re a
;51_41111 . large two story STONE OPSE
-4P- 1 •• ii4 l ; Log Barn and oth emissary
14,-A r ril out buildings. Also h wolf of
.-7 i & water near the door, and a thriv
ing young Orchard with every variety of choice
fruit. It is a desireablc farm in every respect,
being one of the best in;tlie, township. Persona
desiring to purchase are requeSted to call on
John Baker, residing on the premises, who will
give all neceshary;informntion.__Salo to ;com
mence at 1 o'clock; P. M., when terms will
be made known by
August 10, 1853.—t5. Ex'r.
rIIE subscriber offers at private sale a
Valuable. FARM, situated in Hampden
township Cumberland county, about one and a
Rauch miles east of Mechanicsburg, adjoining
lands of Potor Barnhart, David Ebberly,, Peter
Gantt and libnry scavely,
of limostMic land, in a high state of cultivation
under good fences, a large portion of which is
'locuse.posts and chestnut rails. The road from
Mechanicsburg to the turnpike, bounds the
north and the r ad from Silver pring Church
t9_l4isburn, ho ds tho east side of said faun.
v , s ,.
;, improvements are a two te ;
' ; ‘,;-&-t-st - weatherboarded DWELLING
HOUSE, Wash House, with an
~,g, excellent arched cellar,-a -large
Bank — Harn, Wagon Sirml; - Corii -
Cribs—Graneries and other necseary put build.
logs. A well of never failing viabir in the
yard; an excellent Orchard of Apple trees, also
a variety of choice fruit trees, such /Id' Peach,
Pear. &0., &c. . The Farm is loclitrid within a
short distance of, excellent ralliand convenient
to-churches and schooln.....crersons wishing Jo
view the farm will pletige to call on the,sub
scriber living 'in 1110Mihicsburg. . '
- • ~,,,,' JACOB COOVER.
. Aug. 10, 18 J ; 'f -
.• • • A.I3,LV. ARIL
k?be paid in ten dnye.
lIL following FARM and Tract:of 1
IL land; the property of Miss Marßta % tusCan
of Cai•lislo, will be sold at private aide, viz:
All that certain Farm, situate in Southampton
•township, Onmberland county, bounded by
lands of Itebuck's and,linnter's•heirs, Fraticis
Fulton ' Benjamin KfinYnel, Peltz and others,
strict measure. This Farm. which is•situatod
on the Walnut Bottoin,Read, within two miles
of the borough of Shtpponsburg, is of a first
rate quality of land, well cultivated and fenced,
and nearly all cleared, with suitable DWEL.
• LING ROUSE, BARN and out.
bnildings. There is a fine young • II
ordhard of wollielocuid apple trees
on the premises together with other 111 a •
fruit trees.
' , Also a Tract of Woodland, about three quar
ters of a' mile from the Farm, bounded by lands
of Adam Warner, George. Clever's heirs, and
Conrad Clever; containing about sirry A
CRES. Tideland is well covered with young
cliesnut timber There is also on it a comfor.
table 'Tenant House and Garden., Persons
r wishing to examine these properties can do so
`by calling oii Mr, George Mattliewsr who re
sideslon the farm. For terms and conditions
of sale aptly to WM. M. BtDDLE.
tr - Harriaburg . Telegraph and Lancaster Ex
aminer publish six weeks and send bill to this
omen.. _ aug 24 6w
JY Virtee of the powers contained in tho
,Last Will and Testament of Mielmol
Matthews, doc'd. I will exrposo to public
sale at the - •Court House in Carlisle, on
THIIRSDAY, the 22d of Sep'tember. 185 3.
at 11 o,clock, A. M. A TWO
. . ,
add box ov GROUND, on South
Street in Carlisle, containing 60
feet in 'front and, 240 fact in depth, having ti
Well of Water at the door. Tho Lot is sus
ceptible of division into two equal parts of
30 feet each and may bo sold separately to suit
Tho terms of said will be ono half of the
Ipso money to 143 paid Ist of April, 1854
Lion.will be given,'And the .bal•
thereafter with interest; to bo
the propertios,
local la o
titiocured )I , '„ a It,
- The property
Caplido/Aug. 17th 1853..
- .OILVELAt3" -. C2O l /4*, CP.
On SAC Rp gth da y , of
TI-IE . , following lots or Mecca of hind, Ito the
property of George Rupp,of,Lower Alleetwp,
Cumberland, oounty, deceased', Will be sold by
public conduct' or outcry,' on the prantieesv • arlO;
citelook:: - .lllf., ; Cist • ; . • %x:
:One in said ,LoWerl,*lien twr4 ,
bciundoil.briands• oltlavidSimptionys
rond,and Other land of said .Getirge Rupp, [foci
ittilat9ndristire: ThtLothorfpicee bdUnded by
hoirei-ot'Johnj , ROpp, dim; -
.sorritiroad';:tiod other land 'of maid George Rupp.'
frgf.tincl''C.O.AP.ArNN9. 40 .RAS
1 prottaiWntrict•nieastiro.;; , -
frki te.cinditiOni. of solo will " he mride'liiiiiwn
on dity,deale;t • ' ' JOHN : SIIOPP,A±."
aiir,246c -.lidol'r of GEO.'RUPP:.:
. . ,
013 SHROM;
will unnoxe4!
tegal anb Other Notici*,
'AN 4 ELECTION for OffieetkitandManagera
f tho'Cumberland Whey Rail Road Company
Ilt ba hald , at: the Ciimpany's office, in Chant:
1 ereburg, 'MONDAY the 3d day - of October,
1 3twoon the hours of 10'.A.. M. and 4 P. M,
• • E. BIDDLE, Sew.'
Sept. 14, Eq.— . • .1 , .
.A LL persons:indebted to the subscriber ate
hereby notified, to cOme.forward and set
t .0 off their accounts, as no; longer indulgence
I 10 be given, and if not settled before, the let
iy of October, 1858; they. will be, placed in
tle hands of a Justice for collection. ,
aug3l. .141 ES GALLAHER, Agent. •
:state of Mrs. Ann Low, deceased.
iVOTICE is hereby given that letters of
.1 administration on thaostato of Mrs. Ann
ow; dooM; late of Upper Allen Township,
(aye been.issued subsoribor residing-in
Ito same township, to whom all persons in.
'ebted will make payment, and those having
dolma will present 4 them properly authentioa
4 forA g ifOn .. g ••," •
. RUAPMAN,,Admr.
, Estate of Philip Lantz; dee'd.
ILLL persons are hereby notified that Letters
of Administration on the estate of Philip
an tz, late,of East Ponnabore township, Cum
erland county, deceased, have been issued by
•e Register in and for said county, to the sub.
Tiber, residing in the same township. All
arsons having claims against said estate are
quested to present them for settlement, and
lose indebted will matte immediate payment
sep7 Et pd Adm'r.
Estate of Joseph Witmer,-dec'd. •
JoTim': is hereby given that Letters of Ad •
II ministration on the estate of Joseph Wit.
,er, late of North Middleton township. Cum..
'arland county, dec'd, have been duly granted
y the Register of said . Jacob Wit
er, of Southampton township, and Abraham
fitmer, of North Middleton township, in, said
minty. An personstnowing themselves in
ibted to said estate are required to make im
ediate payment and those having claims to
•oeopt thorn to • JACOB WITMER,
Estate of Philip Long, sr., dee'd..
kTo LICE is hercdy given that Letters 'Pea
tamentary on the estate of Philip Long.
~ late of Mechanicsburg, Cumb. county, dee,
we heed granted to the subscriber, residing
the same place. All persons knowing them-
Ives' indebted to said , estate are requested to
the immaiiiate payment, and those having
dm to present them for settlement to .
Estate of It 11. Stevenson, dee'd; ---
aoTtcE is hereby given that Letters Tee
. tamentary on the estate of Richard B.
evenson, late of the borough of Carlisle, de
-1 teed, have been granted by the Register of
unherland county to the undersigned; resi•
ig in the same place. All person- indebted
said estate are requested to make, immediate
ymont, and those having claims will present
em for settlement to
Lug 2461
Estate of Jacob Wise,-jr:,-dec'd. ~.
jOTICE is herebyegiven that letters to
mentary on the estate of Jacob Wise,i'jr...
to of South Middleton toivnship Cumberland
, snty, deceased, have been granted tly the
igister of said county to the subscribers, re - .
ling in the same township. All persons In
bted to said estate aro t• uested to make
t tiodiste- payment, and tkb having , claims
111 present them for se,..ln tto
--,.#, WI L WISE,'
~ ? ;.s BE, J AUFFMAN. '
4. Executors,
Estate of Fred't Gr; et, dee'd.
joTros is hereby,given Letters of ad
ministration on the be of Fred. Gar,
t, Into of Monroe townshi timberland co.,
ceased, have-been geante the-Register of
id county, to the subscribers the first residing
Silver Spring township nd the letter in
:onroc. All persons indebted to said estate
o requested to make immediate payment, and
oso having claims will present them for set-
Jment to
aug.2l pd 9t
' kTOTICE is hereby givon that the CUM..
S PITUTIO N, located in Dickinson township,
umborland county, will make application to
t ,13 next Legislature or the Commonwealth of
1 annsylvania for an act of Incorporation, with
a capital of not less than Ton nor more than
Thousand Donau', for the.,purpose of
r I ceiving deposits of money both transitory and
at interest, and'of making loans and discounts,
ith such other !privileges as artiusually gran.
dto Savings Institutions. By order of the
1 iroctors. Wlll. GALBREATH, Treas.
wri-cr. is here, given that application
will be ma. fo .the next Legislature,
-eably to the itution and laws of this
onweahh nltoration in the charter
carns,,o su ... - .ite Bank, so as to confor
; 0 41. • id Bank. to rights and privileges of a
P of issue, and to chango the name to that
I the " Carlisle Bask." r -
r gt
By order of the Board of Di tors.
June 29, 1853—Gm ' Cashier.
1 X i. I
HE undersigned having been^the -agent o
- . the Keystone Life Insurance Company, '
it, arrisburg. Pa., continuos to act in that ea
icily, by authority of said Company. He
-ould respectfully inform the community that
13 will attend to such persons as Thay signify 7
heir desire to insure their lives, and Thus gilt() /
ame protection to their bereaved.fnmilies
....;v ,
i lends, in case of death. Office in West Po
I.ot Street, Carlisle:
Mav2s if - - S. - WORTHINGEON.
. •
• JOHN D. GORGAS hereby infor hit
lends and customers that ho has re t •ed his
nom lately occupied by Mr. J. W. Boy as a
frocery Store, on Main street, where no virll„,
t heretofore manufacture and il.eop constup
state ovory descrip ion of
hide in the best style. an the very•To,.. ,, ,
rices. Good v orkmen and e very-
omplood, so as to eorl --- ori tire
ttisfactiou. SPOUTEL t -WORK
ono at the shortest tt in a superior mar...
er, and'ut fair prices. Also, in store at-all
cottons a largo and uttraotivo variety 'of .
emprising every new and fancy stylo, of all
rices and sizes, adapted to .burning either
good or coal. Ilia assortment of stoves ho M
ends shall not be surpassed by any other ren
tblishment; comprising a sear,o or more of
iff.ront styles to suit all tastes. Thankful to
.is friends for the patrOnage so long.bestowed
pot' him-at his old stand
. he respectfully in
ttes a call at - his new catablishment, confident
hat his large as sortrdeht cannot fail 10 ji so.
April 24, 1859. ... SOHN D. GORGAS.
3pring & summer Styles of Hats !
- 75 . _ ---,--•=s .
,-. ..............- : , - 7 - ' X . -z......
. 1 7.....,
& J. KELLER desire respectrully to in•
1.311 form their eustomere and friends that they
' .re now supplied with a great iariely.of
. ,
or Spring tind Suin . mer use IP addition to
,'beautiful spripg style of Silkilats and their
txtensive ablortment of light and colonred
douolt, hats ,they would call particular (mou
ton to their ilanama, Leghorn,. Chip and Straw
Efate just received, from the° Their as
tortniontis largo and for beaufyrof stylit,excel:
enco of finish and lowness of price they can
tot bo' surpassed. A largo assortment of
,tolubively for'Aumnior, wear, constantly on
sand. Also a carefully selected , assortment 'of
.011M , DREN'8 HATS. ,•
:',;',lVO'roOat.. , rosnoctrully : invite tlio 'citizens Of:
- Carlile and -TiMnitY to call and oxamino.our
asoorttnont at , in) old :stand; ,:opaoaito'to the
Telognittli 0 1 co' , ' , ~. 0 .- ..'.• 'l..moY .fli',
rams ItitAO4:ZIWE.;:
~!S" MAGAZINE' foi Sopiernbarc
Ckived I;it Oboawßailv,And PA*
1646t-9itollatian Han.
.A.; At) . • .Asti
. . .
: ~ : ',1 0 4,1 : 1
4 1 :04.4V
i t 4i!:.4_1
' .. '::•l;..iA..',