,wores SL ..eilppo. B •afEs H.' WElss, WM. if...CAW:BELL ME IP STORE! WEISE, & CAMPBELL. 2. W. Corner of Bat:over and Louther eta. EG moat respectfully to call the early ethic .") lion of the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity so our new - and beautiful ashortment of Spring Goods, selected from the very been of the New York and Philidelphia markets, consisting el LADIES DRESS GOODS, Persian Cloths, Berne do lane, Blaek - Chan, Chali Barege Chainelion Silk, Bombazines. Alpacas. All' wool Deaines, Mous do bogs, French Chintiee, Ltiwns ' &c.. EiIIBROJIDERIES AND LACES, Collara, Undershieves,Cuffs, Spencers, Swiss and Jaconet Ruffling, Swiss and Jaconet Edging and Jneorting, Lille and Mechlin do do , Florentine . •do do Linen Bobin do • - do Valencenes Laces, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, • Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, Mohair and Cotton Gloves. White andplack Silk, and Blk Ingrain Hose Mixed and White Cotton do Mens• Half-Hose. D Gingham, Checks, Tiekinis, Calicoes, Wiitte.Muslins, Nankeen, Kentucky Jeam Blue and Fancy Drills, Vesting, Plain and twilled Linen, Fine Damask Linea Table Cloths, do "rowels. I do Napkdia, Bird Eye Diaper. ,a BOOTS AND SHOES. Black and Fancy colored Gaiters, (Willis), Shoes of alltlescriptions, (Willis' make)', Fine Calf Boots, Kip Pcg'd Boots, Mena Calf Congress Boots, Boys Boots, do Gaiters, do Shoes, All kind Chddrens Shoes and &alters. GROCERIES, Rio and Java Cofiee,Lovering's Syrup Alois& sos, Cuba Molasses, Sugar of all qualities Rice, Spices, Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine our stock bcrore 'purchasing elsewhere. as it isentirely new and we have for ourlmotto "quick sales and small profits. Carlisle, April 6, 1353. DRUGS ! DRUGS ! DRUGS 1 Preshet Spring Supply I HAVE just received a fresh stock of Med• Paints, Glass, Oil, &c., which having' been purchased with great care at the beat city houses, I can confidently recommend to Fandies, Physicians, Country . Merchants and Dealers, as being. fresh and pnre. . DRUGS. . L'Patent Medicines, If , erbsand Extracts, ' Fine hemi eals, Spices,ground and whole 'lnstruments, Essences, _ Pure Essen", Oils Perfumery, &c..• Cod Liver Oil—Warranted'Genuing D YE•STUFFS. Indigoes, Madders, Sumac Alum, Log and Cam Woods,. ' I Oil Vitriol ICopperas, Lac , Dyir PAINTS. • Wetherilt & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price, Also,a fresh and splendid as aortment of FANCY GOODS, FRUITS." Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated for use and ornament, all of wl.ich are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug Book and Fancy Storeirf. the sub scriber on North Hanover street. S. W. HAVE STICK: May 28 1851 CULP'S PATENT PORTABLE CIDER MILL AND PRESS HrE undersigned having purchased the 1. right of Franklin an Cumberland coun ties, Pa., and Washington county Md. for CULP'S PATENT PORTABLE, CIDER MILL AND PRESS are new manufacturing _machines_under-the immediate supervision Of Henry Shepler, a practical millwright. Orders will be received and filled with promptness.— All machines will be warranted. . . By this machine, which can be conveyed on a wheelbarrow, one man and a boy can make from five to eight barrels cf cider a daywith ease, and the cider is thoroughly pressed ' from the pomace. The labor is light and the ma chines are simple and permanent. This machine was exhibited nt the State Agricultural Fair, at Lancaster, and tested with several others, and the committee awarded the p l remium to it. Tho machines arc Warranted to perform what is herein stated. Orders are respectfully solicited: N. B. , —The press connected with the ma• chine can be used for pressing currants, and cutting vegetables for feeding. stock. JACOB fIOKR, HENR/ SHEPLER, Chomberaburg Mny 11, 1953, Gm MIIMWVITMMr I VIrM TE subscriber continues to carry on the above business, in all itsvartous branches, in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors North of Leonard's corner, where he intends keeping on hand ageneral assortment in hipline, Consisting of all kinds of fash iefirt - ble . SADDLES, Bridles martingales, Girths;Cir cingfes and Halters, also TRUNKS, tray. 4 attiFfil eling and saddle a1t4115.1 . , bags. He also - "' manufactures themost approved _Spanish Sprang Saddles, ever died in this country, those wishing a handsome, durable and pleasant sad dlo will do well to call and see them. He also manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars and Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be. !levee from the general approbation of his cue tamers, tkat ke makes the neatest and best geartk, all•their variety of breadth, that is made in the country: He also makes all kinds of, Matrasses to-order, viz: Straw, Husk, Curl e flair and Spring-Matraeses. All the above articles will be made of the best material and workmanship, and with the utmost despatch. ianl4-Iv WM. OSBORN. , 11 ~1 11 ,. .11(00 FIRE INSURANCE. The Allen and East Penneborough Mutual Fire Innuraneo Company of Cumberland coun ty, incorporated by an Act of Assembly, in now fully organized; and in operation under the management of the following nomruiseion era, viz: Jacob Sheßt, Wm, R. Gorgas, Michael Cocklin, Melohoir Brenneman, Christian Stay man, Christian Titzel t Jacob H. Coover, Lewis Hyar,_Henry Logan, Bonjamin.H. Musser, Ja cob Kirk, Samuel Prowoll, Joseph Wicker.. sham. The rates of insurance are as low and favor able es any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing.to become members are in• tiled to make application to tho agents of the company, who are willing, to wait upon them at any time. BENJ. FL MOSSER, Preaident. HENRY • L 00411,, :Vice Presielenti Lewis Ryer, Secretary. Michael Cocklin, Treasurer. AGENTS. Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin, N Cumberland; C. B. Herman. Kingstown ; Hon ry Zearing, , Shiremanstown ; Charles 801 l Carlisle; Dr. .J. Ahl, Churchtown ; Sainutr Graham, West Pennaborough; James McDow el, Frankford ; Mode Griffith, South .Middle ton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Haveratiek, Mechanicsburg,; John Sherriok, Liaburn ; Da vid Coover; Bheplierdetown. York County.—John Bowman, Dillsburg ; Pater Wolford, Franklin; Johnllmith, Esq., Waahington ; W. S. Pfeking, Dover; Daniel Eaffenaborger, J W.Craft,Paradise. Harrisburg.—floeser & Loohman. Membera of the company having. policies .ificint to expire can have them renewed by making application to any of the agents. Nov. 24. ly. Cheap Ilia Gloves; • The subscriber has 'Nat opened another in. voice of the best quality ' NHS Kid Gloves, at the low price et 62k cts. per pair. QK O. W:HITNER, • Fret% Trenton Crackers:7 --- J UST received,* :lot Of 'Trinton Crackers . Cleo *leo Wate:, Butter and Soda Crockpreh ai the eheert Procecy • I anti lir ISM" tu.noTnEns • .„whor, 0 FIFTY berreisi of ,p'rime V And 9 M 6610414 in whole, lief an& querrer , Wirral/ , jus( reCeived ip ewe and for,'esto at ,the 'lowest prices ar cas4 • , . • , mnr,l7' " • :L' 'w4iLtAtvis. 'Li Zhaeburaer's.Coal. 1000 TONS Eitnelkurner'e ' Coal or die , beet :..tualtty just receiving end for ettl m by,E. f 13.1,0. , Only llP2,4o'per ton. Cecil.!. March 18, IBM • . ' ; • „ -- SILVER MEDAL .. : • . . Awaidcd to this flinching) at the Fair of the Amorlosist Institute, Ne t virliork, Oct. 180% A Diploma at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia.* First Premium at the State . Fair, Utica, New York, and at the Columbia and Rensselaer County, (Now Yerk)Fairs, and a Diploma at the Westchester County. Fair, at White Plains. • HICKOK'S PATENT.IN In, the present arrangement of this highly approval and valuable Mill, the labor is divided by arranging n cutting Cylinder to break the apples, and then deliver them to iho lower Cylinders to be reduced to pomace. By this ar rangement the work is performed fagot and with much , less labor. The Press Is arranged with a much larger screw than formerly, and by a very ingenious device the use of the bog Is dispensed with and the Tub made to open at will to de liver the pomace, while at the same time the Cider is left clear and the work can be done with much less labor than by the old method. The Cylinders aro covered with heavy sheet Zinc, both on their peripheries and ends; the wood in them is arranged so ne not to swell; and the whole work on the Mill and Press made in the very best manner and arranged with especial view to their durability and service. No Farmer who uses the Mill carefully and according to directions will be dianuipointed, but oh the other band he will find this ono of the most valuable and efficient machines on his firm. . ' The machine Is made to rub by horse, steam, or band, power, and when the apples aro ground, a small boy of 14 years of age can press the pomace with all ease. In all former times it was supposed that a largo quantity of Cider could only be mode dry using a ponderous machine, that slowly crushed the apples without grinding them fine. They ware then made into a massive cheese in straw, and a most severe and long pressure was required to extract a portion 'of the Cider, a considerable quantity being absorbed by the straw and the mass of pomace; and to obtain this unsatisfactory result the farther had to take roll his hands, and perhaps his eta-horse team, and devote a whole day that could have been more prof: 41)1y employed, to make from six to eight barrels of Cider.':ilo obviate the difficulty the Farmers have heretoforb labeied under, this Machine has been invented, and the statem6nt Or a few facts will prove that it is not only the best 31actible of the kind Su exislemq, but it is the most profitablothat a man can have omhis farm. The apples are by this Machine grated up into a fine apulp, se that it requires Mot a comparatively glad, nti that but a minute or two, to ettract all Cider, it being ascertained by practiCal experiment tihtt One-Fourth more juice can be obtained than by the old process. Be sides this, it only requires twb hands to grind up and make into Cider a larger quantity of apples than can %possibly done on the old-fashioned machines. On this press, owing to the compactness of the pomace in the tub, and the corn-. pieta manner in which it is ground, a pressure of from 3 to 6 tans—that ran easily be obtained—will produce a more favorable result than fifty tens pressure on the ordinary Entered eheordlog to Act at Congrees, t the year 1852 RECOLLECT THIS IS THE CARLISLE' • FOUNDRY SE MACH 1N E S P " - /FIG snbscriber continuesto manufacture at his Foundry in East High street, having on hand a great variety of good patterns, and is prepared to furnish IRON AND' BR ASS CASTINGS, which will be executed to order (if not on hand,) at the shorten* notice, such ne Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Sic ..,•Plottgl , Castings. Cutters, Point Shenrs, Wa gon and Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Cnr Chairs, &c. Steam Engines built to order and repaired. All kinds of machinery in Paper Dfille t Grist Mills and Factories repaired at short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. Aso, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, such as Bevel Gear Four Horse power ; Hor izontal Gear Four Horse Power ; Horizontal Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn Shel lore and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines and Horse powers repaired and Job Work dOlll. artild shortest notice. Pnderns or different hinds on hand and made to' order. . . . . . He'also has on hand a Ingo supply of Phila delphia and Troy Conking Stoves, and is con stan ly making Cooking Stoves of various im• proved patterns, for coal or wood. Ten Plate Stoves, Grates, &c. Repairing done to all kinds of Machinery.— All kindd of Old Iron, Brass and Copper taken in exchange for work. apr2ltf FRA NfiLly GA RDNER. USEFUL, FRAGRANT and GOOD. B J. KIEFFER has just returned from Phil' rulelphia with an additional supply of fresh DRUGS, w hich in connection with his former stock will make his establishment complete in this department. , In addition to the above hehas also opened a fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts, Peseta and Fancy Articles of every -descrip tion. The attention of the Ladies is especially invited to his extensive assortment of Fancy Aaricles, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and Perfumes of every variety.' Gentlemen aro invited tssexamine his fine assortment of Fancy Articles—Sugars, China and Porcelain Pipes, Tobacco of all kinds, Shaving and Toilent Soaps of superior quality, Canes. Riding and Carriage Whine, nod mapy other articles which more especially inter° t gentlemen. A number of superior Woollen Matts on hand. The proprietor will be very hoppy to have a friends calf and examine his goods whether ay may wish to purchase or not. July 6 1853 13 .1 KIEFF ER. THOMAS 11. MILES' NEW CLOTHING'it.OOIVIS ANDFURNISHING STORE, Opposite the Rail Road Ogee, West High Street, Carlisle. m H. MULES desires to inform his old • friends and tho' public that ho has opened a general clothing establishment. and has now in store an extensive stock of the best and cheapest goods over offered in Carlisle. Men's, Youth's and Bors•clothlng, for Spring, Summer and Winter wear, now on hand of every variety and furnished at reduced rates. He has also a 'large and well selected assortment of Piece. Goods, of English, French and German Fabrics, of new and beautiful pat. terns, for coats pants and vests, which will be made to order in the most approved and lash. ionable manner and in asuperior style of Work. manship. A full and elegant stock of Gentle men's Furnishing Goods, such as gloves, plain and fanny shirts, collars, handkerchiefs, ties, &c., constantly kept on band. Also India Rubber Overcoats and Leggintr. Feeling confident from the reputation which It has been his constant arm for a course of years to secure for his establishment, of his a• bility.to please, he respectfully invites en 'ex amination of his staak,which for quality,work. ntanship and loik pricespannot be su'rpa'ssed'... May 4, 1853-Iy. SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1853, EGRGE KELLER respectfully announ. Illgoosto his old Patrons nod the public gee. brolly that he has just received the 111, SPRING STYLE OF GENTLE-. MEN'S HATS, manufactured at one of the boat establishments in l Philadelphia, to which' he invites special attention. Ho has also constantly on hand a large and varied - assortment of his own manufacture no well as city made ' . • HATS AND CATS, suitable for he season,comprisinreverk vari eyt of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats; finished in the latest style, together with ,a lull assortment of Caps of every shape and dos cription, and at every price. Ho , particularly' invites the'pliblic to call and examine his exten sive assortment, which In style, material and' finish, cannot be surpassed by any-in market, and which he is able to put at prices lower.than ever. Wrßemetnber..his old stand ,on North Hanover street, between Humor's and Soner's afore. • . [Juno 11 Extensive Furniture Rooms. TAMES R.WAVER. would resrectlully 21 , call the attention of Roues Keepers and the fiddle to bier extensive stock of ELEGIANT YU,ItiITURE. including. Sofas, Wardrobes, lHodt and other Talks, Dressing' and pinin :Hares s rind every othsr article in his branch of •3011shiess, , , Also; now oniltandl the' largest mi. sortment,of 01- ALKSjirEarlislo, at the lowest .ittriCoffins. triode at the shortest:notice und a Hoarse provided for•funeride,'• He Yeelie• ,rte scull Ohio establishment' oh 'North 'Hems vor etreet,isear Glaes'At HOTEL. 8.-Ear itituro h red opt'by , th • month or year? .-; !,Carlisle, March 20, '18011;-.1y r-'"`" G 23 PROVED CIDER MILL Cider Press, even if tho apples were ground as finely as on the improved Mill; and if the apples wore merely crushed, , as on the Nut Machine, it would require a pressure of ono ' hundred tons to produce the result accomplished by this Patent Mill. The following may be adduced as the deckled advantages of this Mill. First—lt will make more Cider than any other Press, with a given quantity of apples, in a given time, and with much less labor end expense. Second—lt will make cleaner and sweeter Cider than any other Mill. . . . Third—You can make the Cider WI you want It, and whon you want it—and In quantities from ono gallon to 6 or 10 barrels. Fourth—With It you can press your Currants, Chortles, Berries, Choose, Butter, Lard, and>Tallow. Fifth—With it you can coca one-fourth of your time in making Apple-butter. Sixth—With Its uno you ran at nil Limas have Fresh and Sweet Cider. With all the advantages resulting from the possession and use of such a machine—at a price so low that it Is within the reach of all—can it be that any intelligent Farmer ,7.oltid do without it? 110 you wish to have in VourbeuSe nt all times Cider that is sweet and - fresh, the only - time it is really healthy and tit for use—and do you wish to save a groat portion of the hard labor attending the making of Apple-batter If so, buy this machine, and our word for it, you will not be disappointed. 1 • This Mill is warranted superior to any other portable Mill in existence, and the Proprietor is ready at any time, (on fair notice being given,) to test it with any Portable Mill that is not an infringement on it. . Farmers, examine this newly IMPROVED MILL, before you buy any other. I,:,f)ne great advantage of this machine over all others, is, that It trill not choke up, and hard or soft apples can be ground, and yet the Cylinders will always remain clear and in grinding order. All orders will be filled in the order in which they are received, and ell persens wanting them would.do well to send their orders early, and elate at what time they resat the Mill sent. This Mill, attended by 2 men, will, when properly worked according to directions, make 6 to 12 barrels of cider a day— and will grind alone by horso-power from 100 to 300 bushels of apples a day. The Price of the Mill is $4O, free of freight. Ifsmuseeno, PA., May, 1853. W. O. moms. tho District Court of Ito ElWern District ofpcoursirostis, LTV AND IMPROVED! MILL PRESERVE YOUR TEETH BY - USING Zermans Celebrated Tooth Wash %VMS valuable preparation has long been used .11. in New, York and Philadelphia , where it has popularity, an immense impulaty, tor cleansing, preserving and beautify inE the teeth. It is an excellent remedy for sorc„soft or bleeding gums. Il also imparts a delightful freshness to the mouth and agreeable odor to the breath. Raul the following from Dr. Murray. I can, with the utmost confidence, recom mend, to the public, Zerman's Anti-Scorbutic Tooth Wash as the best in use. In my practice as a Dentist, I havewsed and recommended it for 'me last five yearn, nod have lound it to give sat istlicti on in every instance, as the Wash does not contain acid, or anything injurious to the teeth or gum's; but, on the contrary, is the best antiseptic ri the practice, and therefore, would recommend he rise of it,, not only to those who wish to pre serve their teeth and gums, and haven wholesonie ihrelith, but iflab to Ouse who have diseased gums for teeth. 'fhb bsc of tin , Wash, for a short time, will insure a return follicle healthy state. GEORGE) F. MURRAY, Dentist, No 61,'S. Eleventh st., below Chestnut flendel, of Carlisle, says Mr. Zer man, 1 am well pleased with your Tooth Wash : it not only cleanses and whitens the teeth without injuring them ,bat it cures sore or bleeding gums. I cheNifully recommend,it to the profession and public, as the. very best preparation that can lie ivied for cleansing and preserving the teeth, healing the gutns, and giving sweetness to the breath. .1011 N NV. lIENDEL, Surgeon Dentist. Price S 5 cents per bottle. Prepared only Francis Zermatt, Druggist and Chemist, corner of Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia. For sale by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Cat lisle, Pa octl3 Iv) A LARGE SPRING ARRIVAL! wHIC II surpasses in quantity quality and prices any that has ever yet been opened in Carlisle, consisting of the greatest' variety of all kinds of Hard Ware, sucli as, Shoe Fin dings, Saddlery, Coach Trimniings, Paints Oils, Varnish, Gla'ss, Nails, Files, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Springs, Axels, Bows, Felines, Veneers ' Oedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar and Rolled Iron, Steel, &c., with a thousand more articles unmentionable. Having purelicsed largely of Heavy Goods previous to the advance in prices, I am enabled to 'sell goods at cid prices. Persons in mint of Hardware are invited to cull and examine my goods and hear my prices, and you will be sat isfied where the, Cheap Hardware is to be had. (0 -My stoel(of WALL ,PAPER is nnap proached by any in the Borough. Thankful for the former liberal patronage, a continuance of the same is solicited by Window Shades, Carpets and Oi Cloths. SirIiWART DEPIIY; Ak T 223 North 2d Street, above W o lA. Philadelphia, would most respectful ly call the attention of his kfriemdi and the public in general, tolls large and well .sc.. elected stock of Carpet' , Oil • Cloths, Mailings, Windcru Shades, Door Mats, Stair Rods, Pi. Otto Covers, Table Covers Cocoa Mattin Ts, Iron * yards wide, for Public Houses, Counting Houses. &c. Also—to my branch Store, IS., Spring . . Ga rden Street, above 9th WINES AND LIQUORS. MADEIRA, Teneriffe,, Malaga, Lisbon, Muscat,-Grape Juice, Port and Anohor brand Champagne Wi.tes. Boston Rum, Ginger Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Pale Cogniac and Dark Brandy, Holland Gin and Wino Bitters. Sperm CANDLES 31c per pound, Syrup and Malaugn MOLALSES, Washing Soda, superior Y Hyson,lmperial and Black 'PEAS, principe, Regalia and Cuba CIGARS, for sale by the box or retail, bring on your pipes and tre bem..(my6) CHAS. BARN.Ir".. FAMILY parties Sabbath Schools and Pic tic viatica in going to the country will do well by calling at the cheap Drug Store of B, J. Kieffer, whcCe they can be supplied with ar• ticks at thcf.liiWast rsieS,and of the best qual• lig. CANDlES—retail price, 2p cents par pound. A general asortmcipt of,Tatont Mod• mince constantly on hand. ' jy2o Mineral Water, Sarsaparilla, &c. EITHE subscriber wbuld respectfully announce to the citizens of Clirlisle and the community at large, that he has commenced the meinufac lure of Mineral Waters and Saestipatilla of the, very best ,flavor and quality, and the bottling of Potter, Are' and Cider. Ho is fully' and amply probated to furnish all orders promptly and with despatch, and hopes by strict attention, to businesa, to receive that attention duo to enterprise, whiclFhe resmiftilly asks; Resi dence in Main 'Street • near the Bail Road Bridge. • GEORGE W. BRANDT. mach' 11111JE ,aubscriber is just now receiving .and 11, ,opening an unparalleled assortment of WALL PAPERS. Those desirous of trans forming the interiors , of their old dwellings into new ones; and giving . idditioital ember ,lishmonts to,t,heii new. ones, at a comparative= IY trifling cost, will do well tde s ll'and examine, for I can sell them from eta upwards. 'Re member the old ,stund, East Main at opposite Ogilby's Store. By the way. I. would, say to those who also want to improve the exterinr,of their houses,- that I can furnish theni with W,etherilra Pure and fresh 'ground White Lead: together With various other colours, blnevor ' site, yellow, various shades of given, &c., in short everything calculated to' adorn and dec orate your, munsione... rnttr'2 HENRY...SAXTON 111.1R.D1IFV1.1M1E. • JOHN P. LYNE. \Vast Side of North Hanover Street, Carlisle. PRUIT, C.ANDIES, &c. WALL PAPERS, . ~ ... ~~ ~ MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT Through by Express. • 'MESSRS. Al 4 BRAGG & CO;--GatrrtE- War': We'•have been using your' MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT With the Ilion per fect success. One of our most valuable Ex prdss horses bud been much troubled by large swellings or tumors on the fetlocks ; they had groWn lar ger than hen's eggs.' Besides being disfigured by three appendages, the limbs and joints ap poired quite• stiffened, swollen and lame. M'e had tried minty LI meddle - and other remedies, but nothing appeared to produce any effect upon them, We would willingly HAVE GIVEN TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to have had them removed, .and the horse restored to soundnss. Our hostler obtainod some of your Liniment, and applied it without knowledfe. A few day s ago Ile called our attention tp the horse, and to our surprise and gratification, his legs were perfectly smooth, Ttn, TUMORS HAVING ENTIRE. LI DISAPPEARED! We asked him by What magic he bad effected snob a remarkable cure ? His reply was that he had bee,, using the M US TANG LINIMENT on them about ten days, and the result was the entire removal of the tu mors without producing any soreness or leaving n scar. We 'therefore take great pleasure in "ecom mending the Liniment, and shall continud to iise it iiiienever occasion requires, in preference to any oth_r preparation, so long as it produces such remarkable results. . .. . . . June 30,1052. A INSLEY & CO, Southern and Eastern express, No 1 Wall s Corner of Broadway, New York- Since the above certificale was given, Messrs Kinslay & Co have informed us that one of his drivers was thrown from his wagon in the upper part of the city, and very badly bruised, the wagon passing over his body. He was taken into a I/actor's office close by, and ME PHIYSIC• lAN TOLD HIM TO U: E THE) MUSTANG LINIMENT, as he had recently tried it in a similar case with great success. lie did so, Ma all the soreness, lameness, and stiffness was re• moved, so that the. next day he was about his business as usual. " We lake great pleasure in recommending the MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT to all our friends and customers. as the best article we kayo ever used "for sores, bruises, sprains. or galde . tri horses. Ve have used it extensively and always•effectually. Some of our men have also used it for severe bruises and sores, as well as rheumatic pains, and they all say it acts like magic—we can only say that we have abandoned the use of any other Liniment/ 'J. M. HEWETT, • Stable Keeper to the American Fxpress Co' and for Hatmden's Express." NEW YORK,JuIy 31, 1852. AV,e hereby certify that,we linve used the con pound known as the m usTA Nc LINIMENT and have no hesitation in recommenaing it as the best article we have ever used lotAlle. cure of sprains, galls, cuts. bruises, Am on horses All who doubt this, will please call on the undersign ed, and they will be happy to afford all other information in their power as regards its efficacy, Std. LUTZ. DALL & CO., Proprietors Manhattan Stage Co Extract from a letter doted _ . SACRAMENTO CITY, Cal. A 114.15,1852. believe the MUSTANG LINIMENT most an excellent article. +My wire brought a couple of bottles' with her, which I motit thank you l'or. Since she came here,- MY HORSE `FELL DOWN WITH ME; and injured me consider ably, but broke no bones. I had recourse to the Mustang, and the relief r and in taw cure was' astOniEbing. (Signed) D RANSOM. Extract from a letter dated PITTSPIURO, Pa.. October sth, 1852. Another circumstance which 1 noticed a few days ago; I thought spoke highly - ot the virtues of the Mustang. Being in the office of a Physi chin of high standing, I noticed as he opened a door of his book-case, several 'bottles of Mus tang, alongside of which was On mum Mustang bottle, and a two ouneepreseri ption vial FILLED KITH MUSTANG LINIMENT, on which was the following directions Ruh the throat well night and morning with the Liniment, andC wrap a woolen cloth around it." - S. W. lIA.VERSTICK, Dr. S. ELLIOT, and WILLIAM 11. BRETZ, Agents for Carlisle. General Depot, No. 5, Phoenix Block, corner 2d and Dock streets, Philadelphia. A. O. ANDREWS Gen. Agent. 8500 CHALLENGE. It eo c p o l n e c s r n a s t t a h l 7 I t t i e n a , l e t s tix t d h h 3 a rr p , r o t valuable importance. take it for granted that every person will do ell in their power,to save the liver of their children, and that every person will endeavor to promote their own health at all sac rifices. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly as sure you that WORMS ,according to Die opinion of the most celebrated Physicians, are the prima ry causes ore large majority of diseases to which the children and adults are liable , if you have an appetite continualychangeable loom one kind of food to another, Bad Breath, Pain in the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever Pulse irregular—remember that all these denote WORMS, and you should at once apply the rem edy : HOLINNSACC'S WORM SYRUP. An article' founded on Scientific Principles, compounded with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when taken ,and can be given to the most tender infant with decided beneficial complaints 'and Diirilion have made their weak and debilitated ; the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it stands without an equal in the catalogue of med icines, in giVing tone and strength to the Store. Itch, which makes it an infallible remedy for those afflicted with Dyspepsia; the astonishing cures,performdd by this Syrup alter Physicians have failed, is the best et idence of its superior aflicacy above all others. .f.:4:1„ THE TAPE WORM This is the most difficult Worm to destroy o all that infest the human system, it grows to an almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and fbstened in the Intestines and Stomach,affecting the health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus' Dance, Fits, &c., that those afflicted seldom if ever sus• poet that it is Tape Worm hastening diem to an early grave. In order to destroy this worm,a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore he proper to take 6 to 8 of my Liver Pills so as *o remove all obstructions, that the Worm Syrup may act' direct upon the Worm, which must be taken in doses of '2 fablespoonfuls. three tames a day. 'These directions follow,ul have never been known to fail in curing the moat obstinate ease of. Tare lIOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. . - No part 1,1" the system Is more liable to disease than the LIVER, it serVlng as n filterer to purify the blood, or giving the proper secretion to the title ; so dint any wrong action of the Liver af fects the. other important parts of the system, and results varicusly, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepile, hen. We should birrefore.watch ev ery symptom that might indicate a wrong actin,. or the Liver. Those pills being composed of Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heal the sick: Namely, Ist. -An EXPECTORANT, which segments the secretion from the Pulmo nary mbcous memlnime, or promotes the dis charge of secreted matter. .9.d. An ALTER.¢- TIVE. whlch changes in some inexplicable and insensible manner the eerta.n morbid action of the system. Bd. TONIC, wnieh give.tone and strength lo the nervous system,renewhi health and vigor to 'all parts of the body. Ch. Jl CJI THAR Pic, which nets in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and operating on the bow ies, and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, rind pOpiryirig theplood, which lestrovs disease and restorealtealdr., • FE VALEDI You will find these pills an invaluable medicine in-many complaints to which you ore subject. In obstructions either total or partial', they have been found of an inestimable benefit, restoring' their functional arrangements.to a healthy action purifying the blood and other fluids so effectually, 'to put to flight all complaints which rqay arise from female irregularities, as headach. riddiness, (Barmen of sight, pain in the side, back, Ike, None genuine unless signed J.' N. Ilobensack, ' , all others being base imitations, KT Agents wishilig new supplies, and Store-, ktepera desirous of liecom'ng Agents must ad— dress the Proprietor, N, Hobeniack, Phila— delphia, Pa. . .ffeENTs TOIL CUMILIERVAND bOUNTIL S W Haverstick • S Elliott, and, S Hubbard, Carlisle : , Lloyd, Lisbura3 I Day. and J F Spahr, Meehan iesburg ; . Coyle; Hoguestown i Haversack Strohm, , Kingstown ; ' Seidler, Churclitown Hayes., Shippensburg Papertown Greason, Plainfield • Russel & Dice, Dickinson: %Veakley 4 Shrivel., Centreville Donaldson Is Green, Palmstown Ithords KWherry • New; qurgl , Priem 25 sent, each; • , ".... • ° S T WAIS' &a • JENKINS' Best - Brand of Teas, Green and Black, in 'metallic packages, also in bulk and in originalpackages. A !ergo andeneral as sortment Of the best 'W HITE IRON' AND GRANITE WARE, white variety of Glass Ware, and Common Ware of every do scription, in setts or otherivise' to suit the pur chaser:together, with - • • CEDAR WARE, WILLOW WARE, Mule variety of Fan ylare always in store and for sale at the "FilWtly Grocery" of , .;une 8,1853. W.'EBY. E) ' 1 • a . . E. 0017 LE, • • [SUCOE'SSOR TO A. FIOT,] MI. 164 Chestnut St., Stosint's Building , Phila triXNENSI VE Music Publisher, and Deal er in Musical Instruments of every de scription. , Bxelusivu'agent for t 'to sale of Hallet. Davis Ei Co's Patent Suspension Bridge /Eolian and other L. Oilbert'sßoudoir Piano;;, Melodeons, Mar tin's Guitars, Ilarps, Violins, Sheet Music, 11 , 1usieBooks, Ste.' ResidtMts of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise with music they may wish, as low as if purchased in person. Having one of the largest stocks in the United States. Ii feel confident of satisfying all who may favor me with a call or order. • . - Dealers in Music supplied on the most fibers terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for sale. ,may 20 1853 ly) MAN UFACTURED and for sale by ELI KRUPP, No 639, North Third street, Ph ladelphin,iii warranted to render ent:re satis faction, and is beyond doubt the best and most wholesortte pt•cparation of Coffee cver,known,— One package at 121 cents WILL SAVE four pounds of malimiry Coffee. Try it and be con vinced. A mfrober of Essences of Coffee were deposited at the Franklin Institute in 1632. and the Judges decided Krupp's to be THE- BEST in the exhibition. Friends. il yen wish to enjoy a goad, cheap and healthy imp of Coffee procnre Krupp's Essence of Clace. Ills for sale by nearly all the principal Grocers and Druggists throughout the eniteo Stake. • April 20, I 553. WM. BAILY & SON, Importers and Dookra in 112 f GUSH, FRENCH ac SWISS WATCHES, JEWELRY. RILVEIGWASE. PLATED• • ' W.E. AND FANCY ARTICLES. • Are constantly receiving the latest etyles of the above Goods, which axe offered at wholesale or retail, at ifo. 216 Market Street, above Sixtly near Decatur Street, Philadelphia. ISTARLISIIIED IN ISIS warranted fa 1. visa [hey are a 0 AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE SEED STORE. THE subscribers, in addition to their extort.. sive Grocery, have 'connected therewith an AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE and SEED STORE, 110, Market street; near Ilia railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and are prepared to fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, of all kinds •of.. Agricultural Implem. nta, merchants and Flower Seeds, &e. Country 'merchants 'with reasonable discounts to sell again. Horse-powers and threshers, wheat-drillls and seed-planters, plows, harrows and .cultiva tors, fodder, hay, and straw cutter, grain fans corn shellers, vegetable cutters, hand. grain mills, dorm shelters, horse rakes, churns,grind stones and improved hangings, hay, straw and manure . lurks, farmer's bolters, ox yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cow chains, spades, hoes and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain cradles, scythesaadfscythestones, potatee drags post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags, grain measures, garden trawls, pruning and budding knives, grass and grain sickles, screw wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano. paver, poudrette, bone (dust, lime, gar. den, field and flower seeds. J P FLEMING Also. a large and fresh assortment of GRO CERIES, TEAS, &c., all cheat) for cash. - 'BOYER E.: HALL. inr - firain and produce of nil kinds received n exchange for implements. April l 3,13.53.—1 V Plainfield Classical Academy Near Carlisle, Pa. FTILIE 14th Session (five months) will l. com mence May 2d. The buildings are new and exteneivo (one erected' last Fall). The situation is all that can be desired for health fulness and moral purity. Removed from the excitements of Town or Village the Student - may hero - prepare for College,'Mercantile pur suits, &c. All the branches are taught which go to form a liberal (ducat on. A conscien, tious discharge of duty has secured, under" Providence. the . present flourishing condition of the institution. Its future prospefity shall be muititaned by the same means. Terms—Board and _Tuition (Per session), $5OlOO For Catalogues with lull information address R. K. BURNS, Principal & Proprietor. Plainfield. Climb, Co., Pa. Cumberland Valley Institute. A select Boarding School embracing two distinct srmid seperate Departments, Male 6- Female. REV. J. S. LOOSE, A. M. Principal. TillS Institution will hereafter occupy the new and commodious edifice Just erected for its accommodation. Tho culinrly adapted to meet the 'wants of both de• partmonts. The rooms are largo and well ventilated, and tho whole house is warmed with a heated air furnaCe, which ip especially healthful. It is located on an eminence near the bor. ough'or Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, Pa., mkb ample grounds, handsomely laid out and ornamented, surrounding it ; inviting to physical exercise and to_amusement in the open air., Every facility . for an accomplished and classichl'education is here offered that cart be found at any similar Institution in this State. TERMS. Board and Tuition, per session, $5O 00 Mitsic and Ornamental Branches, extra The Summer Session will open on the Sd May, and continue twenty one weeks. BOARD OF INSTRUCTORS Rev. J: S. Loose, A. ?,;Professor of Mora Science and Ancient Languages, Henry Com fort, Assistant ; Miss L. C. Walker, Principal of Forniale Department and teacher of Music, Miss Assistant; :Mr. Edward Tells, Professor' f Modern Languages ; T. 13. Her. oing; M. D., Lecturer on Physiology and Laws. of Health. For " Circulars" containing'referenees and urther particulars address tho Principal, Mechanicsburg, CUmberland Co.; Pa. March 30 1853. A PRIME artiele'of Sugar; Raisins at 181 A cents per pound, Buneh do, a good article, at 15 rants, Citrons, Mace, Spices, Brandies, Lemons,il Oranges, 'Preserved Fruits, Dates, • Sugared hnd Dried Primes, Figs, Tamarinds, Crackers, &e &c, in connection .'ith all kinds of Confectiona ries, all of which will bo disposed of on the most accommodating terms. June 1, 1852 13. J. KIEFFER.II New and ,Choice Publications, • • • • • 1.00&; • 116AIE LIFE IN GERMANY, blr the Rev. C. L. Brace. - MODERN FLIRTATIONS, by Catherine Sinclair. _. SAM SLICK'S. NEW WORK, " THE LAST LEAF ' OF SUNNY SIDE, 4 H. Truata. '•. INTERVIEWS MEMORABLE A I D USEML, by Rev. Dr. Cox: AMAB Eti,.a Family History, and other new and . interesting works jtist M. ceived and for sale at the Cheap Book Store. A. M PIPER, Agt. Lined Buck Gloves, THB subscriber Nation - Imnd liden's,„BUClC GLOVEIS, lined Triiii.Slieep suitable for driving glovoss_janl9' . • reAcitintzr.. . 200 Rae, Whole aand Bolt bprrolo, no% IVI receivin an d r L‘Vb smrrn, mni rAouernsemenit,. PIANQS, Cal ESSE CE OF CO MIMI ,nrsue RECEIVED! „iiiisceitanciyuu AT ENE') 11 ciftiaini.thibiAL For. the y Cure of COtTGRS, COLDS, IZIOARSENESS, BRON;., CECITIS, CROUP, ASTEI . MA, lATECOOPINO-COUOII AND CONSUMPTION. Of all the numerous'medicines extant, [and some of thorn valuable . ' for the cure of pul_ monary complaints, nothing has ever been fOund which could compare in its effects with this preparation. Others cure sometimes, but at all times and' in all diseases of the lungs and throat'where medicine can give relief, this will do it. It is pleasant to take, and perfectly sale in accordance with the directions. We do not advertise for the information of those who have Xtried It but those who have net.—. Families that Julie known its value will not be without It, end by its timely use, they are secure from the dangerous consequences of Coughs and Colds which neglected, ripen into Mal consumption. The Diploma of the Massachusetts Distitute was awarded to this preparation by the Bodrd of Judges in September 1847 ; also, the medals of the three great Institutes of Art, in this country; also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute at Cincinnati, has been given to the CHERRY PECTOBAL, by their Government in considers lion of its extraordinary excellence-and useful' ness in curing affections of the Lungs and Throat. BMI Read the following opinion founded on the long experience of 'the eminent Physician of the port and city of ST JOHNS, May 8, 185 Dr 3 C AYER Five years trial of your CHERRY PEOTO RAL in my practice, has proven what I fore saw from its composition, must be true, that it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs to which wo;'in this section are peculiarly liable. I think its equal has not yet Leen discovered nor do I know how s better remedy chn be made for tho distempers of the Throat and Lungs. J J BURTONM D, F R S. See what it has done on a wasted constitu tion; not only in the following eases, but a thousand snore: SUMILITLY, Jan 24th 1851. Dr Ayer: In the month of July last I was -- attacked by a violent diarrhoea in the mines of California. I returned to San Fraancisco in hope of receiving benefit from a change of climate and diet. My diarrhoea ceased, but was followed by a severe cough, and much soreness. I finally started for home, but re ceived no benefit• from thcfvoyage, My cough continued to grow worse, and when I arrived at New York, I was at once marked by my acquaintances as a ,victim of consumption. I must confess that I saw no sufficient reason to dotibt what my friends all believed. At this time I commenced taking your truly invaluable medicine with little expectation of deriving any benefit from its uso, You would not re ceive these lines did I not regard It my duty to state to the afflicted, through you, that my health, in the space of eight months, is fully restored. . I attribute it to the one of your CHERRY PECTORAL, Yours truly, WILLIAM W. SMITH WASHINGTON, Pa., April 12, 1848. Dear'sir t Feeling that I have been spared from a premature grave, through your instrumental ity by The providence of God, I will take the iberty to express m 3 gratitude. .4 cough and the alarming symptoms of Con sumption had reduced trii4 - too low to leave me anything like hope, when my physician brought me a bottle of your PrcronAL. It seemed to afford immediate relief, and now in a fCw' weeks time had restored me to sound health ,I 1 it will do for others what it has done for me, you are certainly one of the benefactors of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I am Very respectfully yours, JUH .1, CLARKE, Rector of St. Peter's Chnrch, With such assurance, and from such men, no stronger proof can be adduced. unless it be from its eflects upon trial. Prepared and Sold by • JAMES C. AYER, PRACTICAL CHEMIST, Lowell, Mnss. Sold In Carlisle by Dr S., Elliott, and S. W. Haverstick—in Mechanicsburg by Dr Ira Day —in Newville by .1. H. Her?on—in Sluppens. burg by J. C. & U. B. Altick, and by Drug— gists generally throughout the State. ' yi'4 z ' • COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Located No 127 Baltimore Street„Baltimore, Md, The ostensible object of this Institution is to place in the reach of individuals proper facili ties for obtaining a thorough and practical Mercantile fyducation. Nothing indeed has been omitted that is calculated to produce dm desired result. The rooms of tHe College are well fitted up, conveniently arranged, and situated in the most desirable part of the City. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in connection with familiar Lectures on Commer• cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter of the highest importance 'to all who desire to become Accountants of the first order, and oc cupy stations 'of profit and responsibility. A young man can here obtain a more correct knowledge of general business mattors in few weeks than can be acquired_ - in as many years in any one Counting Room: The course of study embraces Double Entry Book keeping, and its adaptation io various departments of Commerce hod Trade, Mercau tile calculations taught according to the most approved methods. Practical Peninanahip, com bining rapidity of execution with beauty of construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects Imelda many otlier points necessary for s book keeper or business man to understand. The time necessary for an industrious student to complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks. There being no vacation, applicants can enter at any timo and attend both day and evening. Examinations, are held at stated periods, and Diplomas awarded to those who g - aduate. For terms, &0., write and have a Circular for, warded by mail. March, 23. 1853. .ly. smuarvz SAW MILL. TVE undersigned owning a large Steam Savellill, recently built, on an improved plan, wiilra - circular saw capable of sawing with groat rapidity, located three miles west of Pa peitown,Cumberland county, at the base of the South Mountain, on Spruce Run, and having in possession near one thousand acres of the bear timber land, in the Southern part of Penn sylvania, are now prepared to saw and furnish lumber to order, at the shortest notice of the various descriptions mod for mechanical pur poses. They can furnish frame stuff for burns and houses'of any length and size that May be required, weather-boarding, flooring, and fen cing boards, poplar and oak boards awl plank, shingle and plaateriing lathe, oak and ulieentlt shingles, cooper stuff, • pitch pins peals, and chestnut rails and posts. They have now on bind several ihnusand feet of lumber, Chesnut rails and poste fur / fence,'oak and pine wood by , the cord, and ean`engage to be delivered injts season several hundred cords of chesnut.' Oak . bark fur tanning purposes. The proprietors having availed themselfes of the natural advantages of their location, which abounds in a variety of the finest timber, and having also ' a practical knt.wledge of the brininess, are enabled to furnish lumber lower to the citizens, of Cumberland count; than can be done by any simitar establishtnent —and as they wish and aspect to do a largo business, will spare no pains to accommodate the public at the shortest notice. The various deseliptione of lumber: will be delivered in Collide nr elsewhere oe may be desired: All orders addressed 'to the proprie. Mrs, Diven'SL Haskell, living in Papertown, or td Wm ; IX ,Feynnuur, Jr. in Corliele,vill secure prompt attention. DIVEN, HAEIKEL4 & SEYMICun, Nov. 10, ly. REEMOVALL. Tllll Store of tlio subscribor. et4rooing TEAS,' GROCERIES, ' Queenswarei and all the Varielies usually ke l t; bhim, is removed to his now building, No's. 2 & 3,, MARION lIALL, West -Matn. So p Carlisle. March 38, 1869 HARDWARE -SPRING SUPPLY. • , 'THE subscriber wishes to draw the atten tion of the public to Huth own inietcsts, which they may consult to good advantage by examining the elegant and complete assort ment of Hardware of every description, which lie is now receivieigat lite old e land on• North Hanover strOet. TO COAOHMAKERS. We have a large supply of springs, hubs, bands, laces, curtains, and floor oil cloths and drab cloths, of different qualities, in fact every thing in your line. TO CABINET-MAKERS Wo offer conipleto setts of veneers, knobs and mouldings of walnut and mahogany, to sui both the taste and the purso, CARPENTERS EXA . - the splendid assor!ment of tools . iy; your line as also a complete stock of building materials, such ns locks, hinges, screws, Intehts, glass, paints, oils, varnishes, turpentine, &c. and va rious carpenters tools cheaper ilm,ever, as has been acknowledged by a carpenter who has seen them. • cannot go wrong in . giving us a call for a sup— ply of hammered, rolled, alit and other iron genet ally used, as alio cant, shear American and English blister steel, &c. &r. OUR FARMER FRIENDS will also consult their interests by looking at our cheap shovels, forks, trace chains, homer, and every other article from a .cradle to a plough,to suit them in price and quality. THE PUBLIC 'GENERALLY are also invited to examine the quantity and quality now on hand of cedar wore, tubs, churns, buckets, oils, such as fish, sperm and flaxseed oils, which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. I would alFo call attention to my splendid assortment of WALL PAPERS, pre , cnting a numberless variety of Patterns at prices trout .6 eta. upwards. Remember there is no mistake here, as all articles will be sold at the lowest cash prices of the old and Well known stand en North Hanover street, East nice, betweee McGlaughlin's Hotel and Kell er's Rat Store. , JACOB SE..3E.P. march 16 Spring & Summer Styles of Hats !! • . : • ..,..---- If -- f g•eirmQ...... ____, --"" -- , , : . -' 77 .--- , . 0. .-:_-_. r-. i. e := 4.' . ." ; - ,V e" ).......4 "- - ' 1 _.....-- . ir''' ' "..\% • tri & J. KELLEtt. Aleeire respectfully to in -11.3- lorrn their eustotners and friends that they are now supplied with ha great vane y of HATS AND CAPS for Spring'and Summer use In addition to a beautiful spring style of Silk Hats and tlxir extensive assortment of light and coloured slouch hats they would call part Kolar alien fion to their Panama, Leghotn, Chip Dnd Straw Hats just received from the cities. ,t but as sortment is large and for beauty ,al slyly ; excel lence of liuish and lowness of Mile they ran not be surpfissed. A large assortment of o.ys. exclusively tor summer wear, constantly on hand. Also a eneelu:lv selected assortment of CHILDREN'S HATS. We most respectfully invite the 'citizens of Carlisle • and vicinity to call and exuntine cur assortment nt the old stand, opposnoto the Telegraph Office._ n.ay 11 FASHIONABLE Clothing House. THE subscriber is now haying made up a large lot of ..very superior CLOTHING, which he is determined to sell as kw if, not lower than any other house in the. country.-- His stock will consist of— Fine Dress; Sattinett, Sack and Overcoats Cassimere,Sattinett and Velvet Cord Prints, Satin and :achmere Vestiugs, &c. Also, Gloves. Hosiery,Suspenders, Cravats, Shirts, Shirt Collars,Umbrellas, lists, Cups. Merino Shirts and rawers, &e. I will at all times keep a good assortment of Cloths Cassimeres and Yeatings on hand, which will be made up to order in the best arid most fashionable style. 'I have as foreman of this establishment a practical tailor, one who has had considerable experience in' the busi ness, and is not surpassed as n'cutter in the borough of Carlisle. All garments made to order warranted to fit and well made, if not, no sale.. I am now receiving direct from Philadelphia a fresh assortment of Cleths, Cassimeres and Vestings, to which I invite the attention of my numerous old customers and the public in general. All im want of cheap and good garments will do well and' ave money by calling and exlminingthisstock be fore purchasing elsewhere., No trouble to show the goods. Recollect the stand next door to Burkholder's lintel. Make no mistake just one door from the corner. sep:l9 CHARLES OGILBY. REMOVAL - JOHN D. GORG AS hereby informs his aid 'riends and customers that he has removed his I'IN WARE AND STORE Roolll.' to the room lately ,occupied by Mr. J. W. Eby as n Grocery Store, on Main street, where ne as heretofore manufacture and keep constantly in stoic every descrip ion of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Trinde in, the best style and at the very lowent prices. Good t‘orkmen and Ate very best ma terial always emploed, so as to ensure entire satisfaction. SPOUTING and JOB-WORK done at the shortest notice, in a superior man ner, and at fair prices. Also, in store at all seasons njarge and attractive variety of . PARLOUR AND COOKING STOVES, •comprising every new and fancy style, of all prices and sizes ~- adapted 'to burning either wood or coal. Ills assortment of stoves he in tends shall not be surpassed by any other es tablishment; comprising a score or morn of diff4i'aiirstyles to suit all tastes. Thankful to his friends for the patronage so long bestoued upon him at his old stand, he respectfully in vites a call at his new establishment,- confident that his large as sortment cannot fail to p so. April 25, 1853. JOAN D. GORGAS. i)OCTOR YOUR SEI,F—PRIVATE. Y, for !?.,,5 cents, by means the POCKEi . ./ES-CU t PIUS, or, Every One IS OWN PHYSIAN ! • n "lie 'thirty...sixth FAN ,, with one ImndruJl en wings, showing Private leases 'arid Mulforms is of the Generative 3tern, in over 'shape I form : to which is ad seases of Females, in miles only (see page 190), _..ne _oportance to married peo /e, or those contemplating marriage. By' Wll,l, fOUNG, M. D., Graduate of the University cf Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lontlon,and Honorary Alember ot the Hhillndelphia ,Al 4 dießs society.. The vat-lona forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, and all thp.recipes given in plain language. The thapter on selti3abuse and Seminal Weakness is worthy of prrticular attention, and should be read try every one. Young men who have been un(pr tunate'in contracting disease, previous to placing yourselves under the care of any doctor, no map ter what hia pretensions tiny be, get a copy Of of this truly valuable work. Sea Captains auti persons going toten, should possess Dr. Yohng's Treatise out Marriage, this - Pocket ./Eseulapius, or Every one His own Phy- fi:r Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the Laculapius to hie el ild. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman•enter into the sect et oblications of married life, without reading the pocket ./Ess' eulapius. Let no one suffering from .a lineknied cough, pain in the side, restless nights. nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, ho an: other moment without. eonsulting the Ennis- • dins. Have the married or._ those about to he. • married any impediment, read this !My literal Book, as it has been the means of saving thou. sands of unfortunate creatures from the verf jaws oldest's. Upwards of a MILLION copies._ of this celebrated work has been sold in this country and Europe since 108, when'the fled edition was issued. • ° a zy. Ariy. ;Om sending TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed inn letter, will receive one' opy of this book by mail; or fiviseepies will be sent - for SI. Address Dr. WILLIAM YOUNG, No. LSO • Spruce Street, Philadelphia " Post paid' Twenty years practice in the city of Philindel. Milli certainly entitles . Dr. Young to the confi dence of the afflicted, and lie niay he Consulted on any'of the diseases described in his diffettut publications, nt his office 152 Spruce Sts,Oet,, every day' between t and S o'clock', (Sunder ex , oepted) and persons at any djstnnee can consult Dr. Young by letter, roar . Fish, Fish, 0 Fish! A CHOICE lot of No. 1 MACKEREL, in A wholo, half and quarter bbls, oleo a lot of new No. 3 Mackerel for eale•cheap for cash . at tho family grocery - cloro of • • • Jane 224853. . J. S. WILLIAMS, J: EI3Y ;ztiicelltulicitto. BLACKSMITHS