'Slort,7= St. 1540 pi , :11 4 10110j2, I!.° - - 4 1111riNE beielpfore ei(ating firsn-o$ ad JL L. ateiner, hie,bien - diesolved fore sport time and have: again united under the•firnrof 'Bteiner'ds 8r05..2 E Corner of Market &Mare. • Hoping under the increased firm of:'Bteer ts,Bros.. , to, have an increase of their-for mer • business. • . They have now every facility 'and willsnare no efforts to please their customers they having snide arrangements with the lar• • goat importing houses of Baltimore and Now York so as to receive the, first styles of Goods flint comb to those markets, and at the LOW- EST PRICES: I: . Thankful for past pdtronage they solicit a continuange'.from the," old customere, and respectfully invite .all °there to adenine their now style of auperier SPRiITG'& SUMER CLOTHING, tall of their. manufacture, and making as corn plete an assortment as, can be found in any store in the United Stoma, As follows; f ,;DR.EgS .&. FROCI~ COATS, of 'the. best qualities of English and French Cloths, mlido and' tribune(' in tho vary beit -style;' single bremited Albert Coats, a new _style, well adapted tO bisiness men; of French blablvand colored'oloths , , at , very low pric.ee single breasted Frock coats of French clothe, clooeimitation oi the'firedreas frock coats at halt pricei spring Sack Coats of cloth, easel mores and twoods,various 'colours and prices: PANTALOONS, Frenith Blade Vonakin and Fancy Caseimera of e . leyy.deacr!ption. VESTS I:VESTS ! ! VESTS!! ! Rich Fancy Silks and Saone, Black do, Bom bazines, Valencias,s • Mareellles, at all prices. • • - • ' , l3oY'g CLPTHING. A full assortment of/Bore;Clothing4 FANCY DRESS ARTICLES, embracing all the new styles of Fanci Silk, Cravats, English Satin. do, kc. ' .• Gloves=yy /Isle and cotten of every description, ''frr.d es and Carpet Bags of superior finish an/ •it prices: • Suspenders of superior Frew h, glish. and American 'manufacture; • Uni,er. shirts.and Drawers of fine Merino, ad's, not jean and niuslin, , oyery description. 1. In [wallas of silk and cotton. very cheap. 'All of which trill be sold at , the kiwest p - rices whole sale or retail. • • irritemOmber 1116 Stone House; corner of the Public Square. - STEINEIVeSIIOB.II Carlisle,. May 18,1853. • . CULP'S PATENT PORTADLE ctspzin ram. AND DRESS. ', 4 " 1 11 - 1E undersigned having purchased the ;;; - .IL right . of Franklin and Cumberland eosin tam Pa.; and Washington county , Md. for 'CULP'S PATENT YOB TAIILE' CIDER MILL AND PRESS are new manufacturing. machines under the immediate supervision of Henry Shep . ler, zi practical millwright: 'Orders will be received and filled with promptness.— All - machines will be warranted. By this machine, which can be conveyed on a, wheelbarrow, one man and a boy can make from five to eight barrels cf cider. a day ,With ease, and the cider is thoroughly Pressed' from the pomace. The labor is light aed,the ma-, chines are simple - and permanent. This machine was exhibited at the State Agricultural Fair, at Lancaster, and tested with several others, and the committee awarded the premium to it. The machines are warranted to porform what , is herein stated.' Orders are respectfully'solicited..' • -N. B.—The Press connected with the ma 'chine can be used for pressing currants, and cutting vegetables for feeding_etock. _- _ JACOB HOKE, HENRY- SHEPLER, Ohambersburg. , May 11, 1853. 6m Mineral Water, Sarsaparilla, Ike THE subscriber would respecifully announce to the citizens 'of Carlisle and the community at large, that he has.commenced the manufac ture of Mineral Waters and Sarsapazilla - of the very beet flavor and quality, and the . bottlitig of Porter, Ale Cand Cider. He is fully and amply prepared to furnish all orders promptly end with.deepatch; and hopes by strict attention to liminess, to receive that attention due to enterprist, which he respactfully asks: -Resi dence in - Maid Street near the Rail . RoastCrEORGE W. BRANDT. _ marah.l6,-,Sm, Extensive Furniture Rooms. - TAMES R.WEA.V.ER would respectfully el call the attention of House Keepers and the public to hie ektensive stock of ELEGANT FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables, Dressing anti plain Bureaus and every other article in his branch of business. Also, now on hand •the largest as. aortinent of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. Or Coffins made at the shortest notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. -Ha. solic.. its a call at his establishment on North Hone vor street, near Glass's HOTEL. N.8.-Fur niter° hired out by the month or year! Carlisle, March 20; Gas Viztures and Lamps HEIDRICK, HORNEY- &BRO., No 221 N. 2d Street, near Vine, Phila , havritg bad many years practical experience in thp business; and'all work sold by us is manure& tured under our immediate supervision, we are enabled to offer to purchasers superior articles , -in every-branch- ot-our-- trade.---At.our-Store may be found in every variety of style and 'finish. Gas & Larnt , CHA.NDELIERS, P EN• DAN ,T S. SID BRACKETS for Halls, Churches, &c; the Improved Pine oil Lampe, together.with a firmassortment of Fluid. Lard.' and Oil Lamps, Girandoles, Parlor Night and Reading Lamps, Boquet Holders, etc. On hand Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wicksahades etc, All work warranted, or no sale. Factory No. as Noble ?trim, near Fourth. :Remember— Store No 221 N. 2d St., next door t0 . .1 Stews) Depuy's Carpet Store. • may2Or Beechen . Iffatehies' o Cordial. THIS medicine has neve, known folfail in curing Cholera Morburriin from 10-to 15 minutes; Cholera Infantumor summer cam. plaints of children, Dysentery, Diarrhea, &c., sn'frotri le to 24 hours. It is certain and wife under all circumstances, having been fairly tasted in upWardslof four hundred cases with. out a single failure. Let every family provide liftoff with at ham oneliottlis of this invaluable remedy. ' Try . it, andit will'recommend itself his prepared upon purely, scientific principles, and cannot be Justly termed a rick Medicine,' unless science bo quackery, ..kor'sale by . • H..:J.KIEFFEH, Druggist, • South Hanover Street,- 'A feWdoors south of the Court House, 'June - 32,' , , Carlisle. pram zarstritArren. The Allan and Dist Pefinsbcirough Mutual Fire, insurance Company'ofCanihcrland noun ty, incOrporited, by 'an Aot of Almond)ly, is now thlly .organised, end in operation under . the inanagement-AW the following commission. .— , erti,-vis 2 7 . . ' 'Jacob Shelly, Wm; H. Gorges, Michael Cocklin, *Moir Brenneman, Christian Stay man, Christian rittelaticob H. Coover, Lewis Hyer,_Henry Logan, Benjarnie,H.• Musser, Ja cob Kirlti Samuel' Provvidi, Joseph Maier. sham. The 'rates of influence are as low end favor able as any Company °Ube itind in the State. Persons wishing to .become members are in vited to mako application to the agents of. the company.' who ate willing to wait upon therti at any time. • , , • • BENJ. it. mobsra, President. litiums, The President -Lowje Hyer; Secretary. Michael Cooklin, Treasurer.. . , . AGENTS. • .;Cumberland County.—Rudolph liteirtin; , N. Cumberland; C. B..Kersnan. Kingstown ;'Hoti- Yrs,. , ' Shirenuinito ;• ; Chsrlos garllslis; • 1314' 'AM: Clnirchtown "Sainiitil ,Grahain' t ,Weit. ritinaborcitigh; James MsDow. 'ers - rfinitroid so , 4'ol . lffith; South Middlei ' tonr , SiunueV'iConvor, Bsnjiiniin Mechanicsburg ;' John Sherriek;Lisburn vid Coovet; Shepherdstown. • - • •-• Fork. counly.'.4olin Boainutti . ,Dilleburz; "Paler Wulforicl, 41 1 ,rinklin John Omitli. , Wlislilggton.,' REV. J. S. LOOSE, t. Thl. Principal. Institution will hereafter oceupy the T'now, and ortiaroodious'edifice just erected for its ::4.nt15 1 171,0,441i 0n . The, bu t ding : culiarlratlaten4eme,elAe wants, el both de. penmen*" TheirOn4...are large and well ventilatedV,44 tfigt wyelil l otice, is warmed with a Intatadfair ftnitaect4lty - 0 . is especially healthful' i=g4 It is itinaidOn an'ollinee tut the ough of ma'..4 6 4!,4 l ?iiree Pa.,'with anwleVn`nnds;.'l" OdentriedMitti.out andOrnamentedt'..ttutroundiniOrf. : , ,inVittne ph Ye i cal exereia . ef runt to am nee nienttn. O l e open': air. every facillo:l6r air aaeomnliakettnn,), claisieta education: is' hire ofrered, -that can he' round at any aintilerlnctitntion in this State. TERMS.' . • Board_and Tuition, per session, $5O OD .Music and-Ornamentaillriiiiches, extra ' The Sitnmer Session mill open on the 2d c May,. and continuo twenty one weeks, BOARD OF INSTRUCTORS. Rev. J. S. Loose, A. M.,PrOfessor of Moni Science and Ancient Languages. , Iftanry Com fort,. Assistant I Miss L. C: Walker, Principal of Female Deportment and' teacher of Music, Mr. Edward Fells, Professor of Modern Languages J. B. Her oing M. D., Lecturer on Physiology and Laws of Health. • • For." Circulars" containing referencce and rther particulars address the Principal, - Mechanicsburg, • , Cumberland Co.; Pa. March :VI f 853. ' ...savor apannvions article of lirdoini; at 14 a 7AC c o e rt n it e Per pound, Efuneh do, a good article, . Bnices, Brandies, Lemons, Oranges, Preserved Fruits, Dines, Sugared: and Dried' Prunes, Figs, • Tamarinds, Crackers, &a &e, ' in eonitaotiore . 6 ith all...kindsof: Pcialbotiona riesotiLer: which' will', be disposed of , dry the most'aceornmodatingterrne. ' 4 1 P,: 1 0 0. r, • • JP§PFER MOLOIR;ERZarw bplty n a Tollti r nd l H e tf. barrels, nor ~.I , rev,tic;'l' WARD Y U : SMITH. j - r AiWerIIO;MCIItv. s, E. " , tsUCCESSOR TO A. FIoT;1 Arbi 164 Chelptut St., qtaa7m's EsEX:N EN SI VEi Music Puldieber, and Deal er in, Musical Instruments of•'every de - Exclusive agent roi tto sale of Millet:Davie El Co's, Patent, Suspension BridgelEalian and • . •;. PIANCi„S. Gilbert'sßoudoir Pianos, - Melodeons, Mar tiit's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Must's; Music Books, &c.. . • , Residents of the country.will be supplied by mailor.otherwise,with music they may wish, as low as if purchased in person. Having one of-the- largest efocke in- the- , United-States. it feel confident of satisfying all_whu may;favor me with a call or order.. . Dealers in Music supplied On'the most libera terme.•Pianos to lot. Second-hand Pianos for sale. • ,mss 261853 ly)1 °heap Watches and lewell WHOLESALE and RETAIL f', ' .. at the " Philadelphia Watch 'and Jewelry Store," Number JOI 96 North Second Street, corner 'l.\ , of _Quarry, Phtladelphia. ,_l___. / : ' ,7 - ' Gold Lever Watches, lull lo.i.:iiFtil3l/ , jewelled, 'Seurat caSes, $30,00 Silv'rdo fullfd, sl2' Gold Spectacles $7 . 00 Silver Le'pe jtvls,.lo Fine Silver do. - I 50 do do do 9 Gold Bracelets. -3 00 Superior Quartiers, 71 Ladies G'd P'la 100 Imitation do 5 S'r Tea S'ne, sett,s 00 Gold Pens with Penci and Silver Holder. 100 — Gold - Fingrer - Riliger373 - e - Fold ; Waleti - Glasses, plain, Pa cents t Patent, 181 ; Llano,' 25 ; other articles in',.proportion. All geode_ warranted to be what they are sold for: ',•'-'' S,TAUFFER IIeHARLE:f; - , septS/y .:---• ' Successors tre (i t:',Ciiitrad. ' , ) On hand, some - Gold anOilim:r teivers and Lopinee, still lower 11111;1,0e aboveprices. KRUPP'S ESSENCE= OF COFFEE' • MAN UFACTURED and for sale by ELI . KRUPP, No 639; North Third street, Ph ladelphia,is warranted to render enure India• faction, and is' beyond doubt the best and most wholesome preparation of Coffee ever known.— One package at 121 cents WILL SAVE four pounds of ordinary Coffee. Try it and be con vinced. A-number of Essences of Coffee were deposited at the Franklin Institute in 1852. and the Judges decided Krupp's to be THE BEST in the exhibition. Friends, it you wish to enjoy a goodicheap and healthy Cup of Coffee procnee Krupp'a Fssenee of Coffee. It is for sale by nearly all the principal Grocers and Druggists throughout the einted States. • April 20, 1853. WM. BAIL'S" & SON, ' ) importers seed Dada" in =Mag. TRENCR At SWISS IiaTCIM. JiIifILLIIT. MUM-WA= IFIATIZ WAIL; AND SMICT AIMCLIS. ' ^" Are constantly Fes:Wring the latest otylos of the ahoy* Goods, Which are oared at_ wholesale or retail, at No. 216 Market Street, above Sirtknear Decatur Street, Philadelpina.' es ,:.0,,, - XISTAIIIMILII IN 111111. _ ..... >r .. 5 .. ......_ -'44 sesewmied le Macaw they sr" -,.., ;t ; I Uti: i: i . I ' AND • SEED STORE. THE subscribers, in addition to their exten sive Grocery, have connected therewith an AGRICUL'T'URAL WAREHOUSE and SEED STORE, HO, Market street, near the railtoad, Harrisburg, Pa., and are prepared to fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, of all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, &e. Country merchants with reasonable discounts to sell again. Horsp-powere and threshers, wheat-drillts and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva tors, fodder. hay and straw-cutter ,grain fans corn shelters, veretable cutters, hand grain mills, clown shelters, horse rakes, churns,grind stones and improved hangings, hay, straw and manure forks, farmer's boilers, ox yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cow chains, epades„ hoes and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarioWs, grain cradles, scythesand scythestones, potato° drags post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags, grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and budding knives, .grass and , grain : sickles. screw wrenches, pincers and gimblem, rat and mole traps, cattle cards and bar's() brushes, curry combs, Vaiden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano, planed', poudrette, bone dust, lime, gar r den, field and. flower seeds. Also, a large and fresh assortment of GRO CERIES, TEAS, &c., all cheap for cash. BOYER & HALL. it:rtirain and produceof all kinds:received n exchange for implements. April 1 3,1853.—1 V Plainfield Classical Academy. • • • Near Car4ale, Pd. IHE 14th Session (five months) will coni menco May 2d. The buildings aro new and extensive (ono erected last E all). The situation is all that can bodes red for health fulness and moral purity. Removed from the excitements of Town or Village dr: Student may here prepare for College, Mercantile pur suits, dec. All the branches aro taught which go to form a liberalx ducat on. A ,conscien nous discharge of duty ,has secured, under Providence. the presenc•Rourishing condition of the Institution.. Its !inure prosperity shall be maintaned by the same - means.•' Terms—hoard and Tuition (per . session), - - 850200 For Catalogues with lull information address . R. IL BURNS, • • Princol & Proprietor. Plainfield; Cuml;;Co., Pa. • Cumberland Valley Institute. 41`11- 7113 I ; • - s , .t_ CHERRY' .-PECTORAL: For roe Curti . . ..sultan . coraiis rimansbrziss i 1111.0 - . . • '.OBITIS,: .A.S.TH -4VIAi-:W4OOPIDTG-CiOUGH CIONSITIVIPTI'ON., Of all the numerous medicines extant, [and Seminal them:valuable . ; for the cure of put.. nionary complaints, nothing has ever been found which could compare in its effects with this preparation... Others cure sometimes, but at all times and in all - discuss of the lungs and throat where medicine can givo reliefohis -will do it. - • It. la pleasant to take, and. perfectly hare in accordance with the directions. We do nut, advertise for the information' of those vOho "have tried it btu those who have not.— Families that have known its value will not be 'Without it, cnO by its timely use, they are secure from the dangerous consequences of Coughs and Colds which neglected, ripen into fatal consumption. The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Board of Judges in September 1847 ; also, the medals of the three great Institutes of Art, in this country; olsothir Dipiema of the 011iolnatitute at Cincifinate, has been given to the Cittuny 'PECTORAL, by their Government in constdera lion of its extraordinary excellence and useful' nese in Curing , - affections of the Lungs and Throat. _,Rend-thy-foilowing-opirrion - founded - otrtlw :..,Ipilgrxperiencq'ortho eminent . Physician of 2 ,, the port and city of. C Ann . Five yeara trial of your CHERRY PECTO RAL in my practice, has proven, whet I fore saw from its composition, must 'be true, that it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs to 'which we, in this section aro peculiarly liable. , I Think its equal hati not yet,bcen discovered nor do I know how a •better remedy can be made for the distempers of the Throat end • . 'Lunge. J J BURTON, M D, S. See what ih,hus done on a wasted conalitu ' tiou; not- onlydn the folloWing cases, but a 'thousand mhrgt: SUNBURY, inn 24th ;851. •,Dr Ayer: In the month of July last I was ' attacked by a violent diarrhcea in the mines of California. 'I returned to San Frani - 16.Si° in hope of receiving benefit from a change of climate and diet. My diarrigea ceased, but was followed by a severe cough, and much aorenesg. I finally started for hoipe, but •re ceived no benefit from the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse, and when I arrived at New York, I was at once marked by my acquaintances as a vict.m of consumption. I must confine that 1 saw no sufficient reason to doubt what my friends all believed. At this time I commenced taking your truly invaluable m - edidine, with - little E.:peel:omi' of deriving any benefit from its use, You would Pot re• ceive these lines did 1 not regard it my duty to state to the afflicted, through_you, that .rny health, iii the space of eight months, is fully restored. I attribute it to the use of your CHERRY PECTORAL, Yours truly, WILLIAM IV. SMITH • • W•entROTON, Ps., April 12, 1848. Dear sir Feeling that-Lhave been spared from a premature grave, - through your instrumental ity by the providence of God, I will take - the iberty to express my gratitude. JI cough and the alarming _ symptoms of Con 'gumption had reduced me too low to Jena° me anything like hope, when my physician brought me a bottle 'of your Prortuto. lt- seemed to afford immediate relief, and now in d few weiki time has restored - me to sound health' it will do for others -what it has done for me, - you:are certainly one of the benefactors of mankind; - Sincerely !letting you every "blessing, I am Kery reapeetfully_yours, 'JOHN J, CLA-SKS, • • Rector of St. Peter's Chnrch, With sucb:_assurance, and from such men, no stronger proof. can be adduced. unless it be from its effects upon trial.. Prepared and Sold J A MPS O. AYER, • PRACTICAL CHEMIST, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Carlisle by Dr S. Elliott, and S. W. Haverstickt—in MeChanicsburg by Dr lia Day —in Newville by .1. H. Herron—in Slurpens. burg by J. C. dr, U. B. Altick, and by Drug— gists generally throughout the State. =oft COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Located No 127 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. The ostensible object of this Institution is to place_in,the reach of • individuals - proper-facill ties for obtaining a thorough and_ .prpctical Mercantile Education. Nothing ideed has been omitted that is calculated toproduce the desired result. • The rooms orthe Collegdare well fitted up, conveniently arranged, and situated in the most desirable part of the City: Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this; in connection with familiar Lectures din Commer cial Law and Mercantile Science', is' a matter of the highest importance to all who desire to become Accountants of the first order, and Oc cupy stations of profitand responsibility. A young man can here obtain a more cor: env knowledge of general business matters in a few weeks than can be acquired in as,many years in any one Counting Room. ' The course of study embraces Double Entry Book keeping, and its adaptation to vatious departments of Commerce and Trade, Me rcau tile calculations taught according to the most approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com bining rapidity of execution with. beauty of &instruction. • Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects baside many other points necessary fora book, keeper.or business man to understand. - The time necessary Pm. an industrious student to complete the , course varies from 5 to 8 weeks. There beingno •Y leaden, applicants min enter at any limo and attend both day and evening. Examinations are held at stated periods. and Diplomas awarded to those who g - aduaia. For terms, &c., write and have a Circular for 'Warded by mail. • . . March, 23. 1859. ly. EMI STESIIT SAW NULL, TTHEundersigned owning ` ,a largo Steam Saw Mill, recently built, on arninproved plan, with a circular saw capable of sawing with great rapidity, located three. miles west of Pa , peitoivn,Cumberland county, at the base of the South Mountain; on Spruce Run, and having in possession near one thousand acres of the best timber land, in the Southern port of Pene , sylvan's, are now prepared to saw andfurnish limber to order, at the shortest notice of the ,various 'description's used for: mechanical pun. •.Imies They can furnish.frame stuff for barns niphozreir nianyleagth 'Mid - size that may be I.intjajied;:,,WeithhOmardirig, flouring, and len- . "eltiebeards4iiiilai Ind oak boards and plank,' ...shingle and plastering laths • oak and Chesnut .-shingles, cooper stud; pitc h pine goats, and Chestnut rails and-posts. They ' have . riovron hand several thousand . feet of lumber, „Chesnut rails and phsta fur fake, oak and pine wood by the cord , and can engage to be delivered in its titration several hundred curds of chcsnut oak bark forraYning purposes. • The proprietors having' availed 'themselves „of the: natural advaninges of their:location, which abounds In a variety of the finest timber ' and having alio a practical km.wledge . of the business, are enabled to furnish lumber • liower to the citizens of Cumberland. count.? than cad be done by any similar eatablishment , --and se they, wieb'and °sped to do a . large business, will spare no pains to accominodate the publics at time shortest notice.' The various descriptions of Ittrober 4 , will, he deliverud , in Carlisle or elsewhere.' is may .be desired: - All orders addressed tti the.. 'O O O O , torsi-Diveir& Haskell, living In Paper br ' to Wm. D. Seymour, jr. in Carlisleovill See* prompt attention.. • ' ' DIVEN. HAsl ELL dt SE int(' UR. N0v..10. - • - RE Oven, • THE sfor3 9 1 " , TEAS,tiGIIPCERIEI3, 'A • Quiensware, kept y him, is remoiedr hicniviffituildinr, Nos 2bc 9. MARION Mein Si. ltiunu•so..wi , •;,',:' , '°.!::.:''. , '-:,:s;*•.'4tiri ST JOHNS, May 8, 1851 made in the best style and at the , very lowent prices. Good workmen and the very best ma lerial-al way ererriplo - c1;16 ti tire satisfaction. SPOUTING and JOB-WORK 'done at the shortest notice, in a superior man ner,.and at prices. Also, in store at all seasons a large and attractive variety of • PARLOUR AND COOKING STOVES, comprising every new and fancy style, bl all prices and siges, adapted to burning either wood or coal. His assortment of stoves lie in tendeshall not be surpassed by any other es. tablishment; comprising a score , or more of different styles to suit all tastes. Thankful to his friends for the patronage so long bestowed upon him at hie old stand, he respectfully in vitee a call at his new establishment, confide . nt that his large as sortment cannot fail to p se. April 25, - 1 853. JOHN D.' °RDAS. ,00TOR YOUR SELF—PRIVATE for 0 cents, by means he POCKET /ESC U. PIUS, or,Every One OWN IiIYSIAN! 'he thirty-sly th hdi with one hundred en 'logs, showing Private eases anti !Uniforms s of - the Generative tem; every' shape form: to which ts ad. aeases of Females, in: mlett only (see page 00), thg.cif the high„ ..mportsnce to married pee. ple, or those contemplating marriage. By \A M. YOUNG,-M. D., Gendunte of tlie University of PennsYlvania, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons London,and Honorary . 7 .llimber nt the Hhiladelphia dieas society. The various forms ot .Yeeret DiSeinies, Seminal Weakness, Diseases of the prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli- I lacy habits of youtb,,are faithfully described, end all. the recline; given in plain language. The ettaider:on selleabuse and Seminal Weakness is worthy of prkicular . attention, and should he read by every one. 'Young Men who have beeu imam. Innate In contracting disease, previous to placing yourseiVes under the Care of any doctor; no mat. ter What his pretensions may be, get a copy of ..of this truly valuable work. ' Sea Captains and persons going to sea, should possess. Dr. Yot.ng's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket /Esculapius, or Every One His own Phy-' sician, " • ' ' oar' Let no father' be ashamed to present a eopy of the-,lEsculapins to his el ild. It may nave him from an early grave. Let no'young manor woman enter Into the sect et oblications of married life, witl.ont readinrthe pocket Era culapius. Let no one suffering (coin n briniest congb, pain in the restless nights. nemesis feelings, and the whole train ofOyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, be nn. other, moment ;without consulting the /Bosnia. dins. Have the Married .or those' Alm' to lie Married any impediment read this trrly useful Book, as it has been the means of saving thou minis of unfortunate creatures 'from the vary jaws of death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of tbin celebrated 'work', has been sold in this aonntry and. Europe since 1938, when the first edition,was issued. • '• ' o:7°. Any ..person sending TWENTY-FIVE Cents,enolosed,in a letter, wills'soeive one copy of this book by. mail ;'or live copies will be sent for, $l. . A ddresi Dr. 'WILLIAM 'YOUNG, 152 ~S prueer Street, Philadelphia," , Post "Twenty yyeaie practice in tha cif of Philadele Plata certainly entitles 'Dr. Young to, the cent- Octice.of ;thesalilicted, and lop may be 'consulted on any of the diseases described in his dußcl ent pliblicatitins; at chili' office 152;Spruce- Signet, every, day-between 9 and 3 o'clock (Sunday's ex. eepted) and. persona at - any distance can sunsuit Irtr.nYounk byletteri.rowr , Fhk o.'F l eht . AL bllOlOkibtof jklo. 1 MACKEREL, in 474- and quertier bit's, oleo aloe of neav No.'3•Moolgorel for sale obilop for earth at thrt farbily.grocery /tore of, • • " A• 42 0 .o. WILLIAMS. ~, t :4oolccllowcius. - HARDWARE-SPRING `SUPPLY. MOE subscriber' wishea to draw the it tten. , T lion of thopuhlio to their own ipterests, which they may ronsuit.tO good advantage hy examining the elegant and complete atnn,rt— mentOf flardWpre of every deicription, which he Li now reeeiviugat his old stand on North Hanover' treet., TO,COACHMAKERS. • • . • We • haiitO ['nig° supply of springs, hubs, bands, laces, cuijatos, and. fl oor oil cloths and. drab cloths, of different qualities, in fact eve: y thing jn yopOine. . TO CAMINET.WAKER S Wo °Tar oomplete`eotta of ilenteie, knobs and mou Ingo of walnut and mahogany, .to eui bOth ihe.taste and the onion. • CARTENTERS,EXAMINE . . thp splendid . assoement of tools in your fine as'also a coMplete stock of building materials; pelt eilopys, hinges, screws, latches, glees, paints; °HS, 'varnishes, turpentine, dre. and va rious carpenters tools cheaper ilidn ever, 'as haii been' acknowlddged by A carpenter who has - seen 'thorn. BLACKSMITHS cannot go wronghi giving us &call for a sup ply of hammered, tolled; slit - and other' iron genetelly,ueed, as oleo_ cat, - shear American and English blister-steel, Ace. At . c. OUR FAR6IEIV.FRIENPS will also consult their interests by .looking at our Cheap shovels, forks, trace chains, hamer, and eVoirother article, from .ti .cradle to a plouqh,to suit them in priee.iind • THE PUBLIC GENERALLY are also invited to examine the quantity and quality-now—on •hand 'of ceder ware, tube, churns, buckets, oils, such as fish; sperm and flaxseed oils; which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. I would also call attention to my splendid assortment of WALL PAPERS, pre%enting numberless variety of Patterns at prices from 6 eta, upwards. Remeniber there is_no_mietrike - hereratkall - articles — wilrh6 - lEdif at the lowest eash . prices at the old and well known stand en North Hanover street. East Bice, betweee Hotel and Ken. er's Hat Store. JACOB SE:4 ER. '-march 16 •••-• Spring & Summer Styles of Hats !! . _ . . . • _. ..----,-...- ... Z. - --- - . r---: .. ..? .„-_,.-. S . .Y a ff, - --- . --r.,- L. - - , -.---- ~,.,..--.›.-•••••:;,,..,, . , --....-- , c; . . . . G& J. KELLER desire rest:4011;11y to in form their customers and friends that they are now supplied with a great variety of HATS AND CAPS for Spring and Summer use In addition to a beautiful spring style of Silk fiats and, their extensive assortment of light and coloured slouch hats they. would call particular atten tion to their Panama, Leghorn, Chip, and Straw Hats just received from the cities. . Their as sortment is large and for beauty of style.exccl• lence of finish and lowness of price they can not be surpassed. A large assortment of Cays. exeltisively "for summer Wear, constantly ,on hand. Also a carefully selected assortment of CHILDREN'S HATS. We most respectfully invite, the citizens of Carlisle and' vicinity to call and cetinire cur assortment at the old stand, opposite to the Telegraph °Mee. may 11 FASHIONABLE • Clothing House. HE subscriber is now having made' up a T largo lot of very. superior 1 31.0,THLNG, which heir determined to L sell as It.w if not lower than any other:house in - the country:— Hie stock will consist ot— Fine_ Dress,Sattinett,Sack_and. Overcoats Cassirnere, Sattinett and Velvet Cord Pants, Satin and Cachmere Vestings, &c. Also, Gloves. Hosiery,Suspenders, Cravats, Shirts, Shirt Collars,Umbrellas, Hate, Caps, Merino - Shirts and rawers, &c. I will at all times keep a good assortment of Cloths Cassimeres and Vestings on hand, whithi will be made up to'order in the best and most fashionable style. I have as foreman at this establishment nyractical tailor, me who has hand 'coriiidefable.olPerieriee in the busi ness, and is not surpassed - as a cutter in the borough of ,Carliste. „AlLgarments,made to. eider werranted to fit and well -made, if not, noMale. I am now receiving direct from - Philadelphia a fresh assortment °U.( lochs, Cassimeros and Vestinge which• linvito the attention of mr mumeious old customers and - the - public - in — general: - All - in - want of cheap and good - garments will do well and save money by calling and erirniningthie stock be lore purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to sh9vo the goods. 'Recollect the stand neat door to - Burkholder's lintel. Make no mistake just one door from the corner. sop 29 s - CHARLES OGILBY. REMOVAL JOHN D. GORGAS.hereby informs his old friends and customers that he has removed his TIN WARE AND STORE ROOMS to the room lately occupied by Mr. J. W. Eby ne a Grocery Store, on Main street, where ne will as heretofore inanufacture and keep constantly in stik e every descrip ion of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE,