=l==l==fi New abt'iiliAnteitte. • ,•,.;. Ect.ll::'SA LE.' •-• ' • s: Ott SATURDAY,. the . .lttiof SOteMber,', WILL be sold ivithent A: DI: ; it firm rata 'GI MA,S TON p FARAL'aifueteln . Perry couitty; abotit 2 mileci eciAt ot.:the Woim'Springs, timid ono Milo north of Gibson's Mill, lying - about half way betWeett B loodifielditnd . Landistiiirdv.; • - - :CONTAINING: 300 ACRES ••• ono-half of Which is cleared 'and tho remaindef' in good timber land. '•The farm is well watered , ' and suitable for• grazing purpbaes, -having!' latgo oxtaiu ot fine treadutV. The iinprovenunts ore a LOG 110 USE and_l43n t _with a nevor- golni jailing Spring of TelfliW" UV mient: •'rhis tract will divide so es to mako two farms, and will be - sold to auk purchasers, either in one ar.t*o tracts: ?An indisputable title will be, given and pnyments made to suit. - pui•chasers...Jernis made !mown do said day by • • ' " W, • M.:HENDERSON._ lutist - 6 . Mrilerry Freeman and Advocate copy Iratesable'Reat . .Estate AT PRIVATE. , SALE. 'IFXE subsdribers 'will offer nt 'private halo in South. Middleton twp Cumberland county; the hilihwing real estate, late. the .property.of David Krysher.dee'd, about four miles east of Carlisle on the Lisburn road, bounded by lands of Robert C: Sterret, Abraham Ilariulcr,-Jolui . Solcohnrger, Samhel Etter-and others, CONTAINING 130 ACRES of first rite hmestotio* laud, about 90 acres' of which aro Cleared and under good fence and in a high state of cultivation. .The remainder is cOyerekwith..fitto .young .timber-and about 95- acres-in clover, The -improvements ore two good DWELLING .1710USES;the one a two story lo.g . house, with* a ' kitchen attached, p.antered In and ;el I!,[,' , outsitlevwidithe - necesiarrouthitil= - dinge-7oven, smolt° bobs°, corn crib .thog stable, and a never failing well of water ai the door. The .other, a new two story frame house, well finished;; , with all the necessarrout. buildings—wash house. oven and oven house, who.. atable,well and pump near the door; al so n'dOulile lOg einft, corn cribs, carriage house, shedponplo' mill, cider press and press house. apple orchard of about ftwolhundied trees of Choice grafted fruit.. 'Also a number of peach, cherry and plant iteesi-with a never tailing well-of-41)1er r lining out nearly all the, time ,with a pump -in convenient for watering, Any person wishing to view the said property can do so by willing onD avid R. Kryslier. who resides on said farm. . The properly will bo sold in part or the whole, to suit piirchnNers. DAVID 12 KRYSEER, JOHN DILLER, nug3l 2m .Executors. PUBLIC SALE TN pursuance •of. an order of the Orphan's 'Court of Cutnberland county. I will expose to public sale on the promises, on SATURDAY the 24th of September, at 10 o'clock,A, M., - The FARM which belonged to Peter Hunts berger,,Alec'd, in Southampton tp., Cuthb. co., bounded by lands of Rudolph Ileherling, James DaOdself, Ab'm Reefsnyder's heirs. Samuel Eichelberger and others, and the Canadoguinee creek, CONTAINING 113 ACRES, more or less, alf of which is cleared and in a .good state of ettlijvation, hut about ten acres of woodland.' The improvemenis are a two story STONEI_.HOUSE. Log. garn, Wash 'Douse,. Cooper Shop, Spring, Ilouso and a good Orchard of grafted Ia I fruit. The farm is - situated - on the I I - Stnte Road from Carlisle to Ncwville - —about one milli from Newville. The terms of sale will be made known on the dity - . The oldest - Bon woo is of age will join in making the title perfect, . • PETER GANTZ, aug3tts - Guardipn of minor Children. CHURCIITOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber efferent private sale:a-lot of ground, situate in Churchtown, Comb: co., 33 feet in Iv nt by 200 feet deep. having thereon erected a double two ,story FRAME DWEI.- in LING fiOUSE, 30 loot in front by 21 deep, wits eight 'rooms and two kitch ens. Tlie house is newly built_ and well finished throughout: - • '' Also n lot adjoining the above, on which is erected a Iwo story . Frame HauSis, 20 h square, how used as a Cabinet Maker's Shop. but can be gasify converted into a dwelling house. It is a good stand for •the above or any otherbus iness. For ternitr; , vrhich' will be nindo - easyi: enquire of the subebriber in Carlisle. aug3ltf. ' JAMES R. WEAVER, runLxc SALE, . I will expose to Public sale on the premises, on FRIDAY• the 30th of September, 1853, by an ordei °edit! Orphan's Court -of Comb. co., The Farm of the-late Jacob High, situate in Mifflin twp, bounded by lands of Isaac Christ leib, A.llliddleton, John High's heirs ard John Henry, ' e P i CONTAINING 227 ACRES, 81 perches: more or less, all of which is cleared and in . good cultiiation, except about 85 acres which is well covered With timber. .Thelm provements are a double LOG - HOUSE' and double Log Barn, wagon shod, well of water at the I I I door and good orchard. A cinfv 3 40 , 4' I I orr4 siderable portion of ;the land is • •• good-meadow,-The farm-is pleasant lyaitualeit on the great road from Newvillo to the Three Square Hollow; about three miles from New.. villc. There is running water on the farm, and generally it iq well watered. Terms of salm—Five percent to be paid at .time of sale; one ballot the purchase money to he paid on the be of April 1859, when posses sion will be given, and the balance in two an• nuni payments without interest, to be secured by a lien On the land. KNETTLE, aug3lll3 Trustee appointed by Court. VALUABLE 'REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE, • On THURSDAY the 29th of September, By. virtue of the last will and testament ol James H. Wallace' doc'd, 'mem Shippensburg twp, Cuinh. co, the subscribers will sell at pub lic sale, on the premises--in said township, the mansion farm ol said deceased, CONTAINING 195 ACRES of liniosteme laid; a good proportion of which is meadow and timber land. Tho' improve ments aro a STONE MANSION Ii OUS E, with a never-eWrx ing well of water at the doors large ir Bank Barn and outhuillings attach- II It ed, a Brick House . and dog `Anent House. Thoro is on sato term a good 0 ft- CHARM and a stream of water. As it will suit to divide, it will be offered together or in parts do suit luirehasers. AN DREW FRAZER, SAMUEL WHERRY, Executors, oug 3lto • . Orphan's Court. Sale' On SATURDAY thenth otOctober, 1853. • • :IN pursuance of an order of tfie Orphan's Court of Cumlierland enemy, ,willt'be. sold at public sale, thetollowing propert'yt late the; es-; tate oflultn rownawell, of Silver Spring twp, in Said county, decrase,d, vizi . . ' • • A valuable FARM situate in said township. on thb Spring. Road, about twp miles West of Mechanicsburg, ' ' • • CONTAINING, 114 ACRES'," . an d .sp porches, adjoining ianda of Jacob Rost; I tenry . Spera,.Geo.. Copver and others, all of which is cleared but about ton acres which is in good timber: • The land is of the best quality • alums:one land, and under good fences. The , improvemetita"eonsiattorti''. • • two stdi,y D WELLING ROUSE: lit Stone Bank Partr,'Wegen Shad, and other necessary ourhuildings: Thorn is a never failing well of water nearthe honer. Also ane,young or clin}d with a choice .aasertmant of. fruit trees. ("croons wialting to 'examine the ,place will call, on John •llrownawellyrosiding.onllto place. iTERtI.97-Five peraphi of the purchase me. nay to be paid when the property is sold—the interest of tho one: third; less , the canonic): of sale, to' .be•:pald , .tailte.-witlaw:animallyr-the ptincipal at "her death the. heirs •of John Brownawellthe rentnindor, less: the ten pr ct, to be paid nit the lint day of APril 1854, when the deed' and possession will t inagiven, and , the bal. RING' to be,paitbin two oquaL annual payments ; with interest, properly secured. t. • Sal.z.:lo Mho, place at 12 ,- o'cicick,M.i . Whorl attendance !will be giyen by:, tho undertagned,lfoiro ef:age,: and guardians of minor heirs of John. ffriownawell, deed: `," TITZET..;•• . • ' • DANIEL comrowr ;. .• Gear dine :•••• - • WMAIROWNAWELL . , SA:NM • sgowNAvvELL;- , nitg4l4 . • • Hairs Of Age., • *.est.anctiater In& *Thie cep) , . t.111...ai110 and send bill to this °lam / 3011 4eu natheri. THE subictibOrlhositiatliPetiod':ati 6t,thittioh and othey•Beiral,kOnitittgi at ot l 9 hikif Aim usual pride:, .41oe tvity. chop; ifft Folicy Dree . Silk ' G 8 NCtii 'l'biii),:tiiiiiiiitts:., • - OTintlitt'S : 444ol, aiNLE.• On SATOit.p&V . :ihnith'tlay of Octolusr, - ;363. IN- itursunnee ii•docredoirthe•rOrphan's iiiiiiiii Gufraieilalid.cii.Aiiillbc Sold . af, public 4alb'en'the - prelpises;fat Le. e Clock,l4;4lm,fol loWintedeafcribed :rfialieitatisiliitethe property 'Giorgelthite dec'd,•eititated in•South7Rd, •'• . ,01e1511 , ,twp; iidloming.Papertuiyrs, • '" • ; CONTAINING 4 anel di perches; i ric t measure, bound ed on'the south by R Givin, on the north by .1 _Bennet; east by (.I_, Nagle and Joseph _Culver, •baving, • thereon erected a LOG HQII•SE,.'. . Frame Stable, a nit other enibuilda• slio logs, also a . wellof excellent water- L., arthe door and some fruit trees;. ie , ,Worthy the attention' of persons . desiring .a comfortalulelhOme, TER I.9—One third, of the purchase money be paid on the Ist day .of April 'next, si hen pussession-will liven and the 'deed made— one third to remain in the land during• the life • time of the widosr,the interest lo'be paid her and the remaining one third in three equal year ly -payments, hearing iintereselronr the let day of April 1834, interest to be paid yearly. All taxes assented after the Ist ofJanuary,lB.s4.l6 •be paid by the: purchaser, and payments to be socuredivjudgmentand mortgage • • • JA.OO B RITN ER, • atig3lts . Guardian of the minor Children. FOR SALE; /SHE two story STONE DWEL.' . ., A. LING fi 0 0,.5 . E buildings now occupied:by N. W, • ■ NI ;Woods, on North Hanover st, ndjsin- B ing property' of 'James Guthrie, and opposite the Hardware store of .Ineob Senor is offered. at private sale. Payments to suit pur chasers. J. W. EBY. AuB 17, 1853. IrAtitrADLzi AT PRIVATE SALE. ' rVIIP. subscriber offers at private sale the EasnviimP.O.p_gLty of Ann Diller. situnted iu Monroe' township, Cumberland county, a • mile and a half west of Churehlown, adjoitung lands of Peter and Joseph Diller, - • •. CONTAINING 20 ACRES . of limestone land in a high state of cultivation, and about' five acres in timber. The improve• motile are a good one story LOG 'HOUSE, and a young orchard of[TE V !2 choice fruit. Persons wishing to W 7 examine the property will please z• 2 ,',s. „. call on the subscriber, living at Boiling Springs. D. J. LEI DIGIT, • aug. 24, Agt for Ann Diller. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. . %MID following FARM and yract of Wood. AL land, the property of Miss Martha Duncan of Carlisle, will be sold at private sale, viz: - All that Certain Farm. situate in Sou•liamyiton township; Cumberland county. bounded by lands of Robuck's and Hunter's heirs, Francis Fulton, Benjamin Kimmel, Peltz and others, CONTAINING 185 ACRES, strict measure. This Farm, which is situated on the Walnut Bottom Road, within two miles of the borough of Shippensburg ' is of a first• rate quality of land, well cultivated and fenced, Mid nearly all cleared, with suitable DWELL LING HOUSE, BARN and out- buildings. There: is a fine young orchard of well selected apple trees iiiilTr • on the premises together with other Milli •+.'. fruit trees. a"fract of Woodland, about three quer ters of a toile from the Farm,bounded by hinda of Adam Warner, George Clever's heirs, and Conrad Clover, containing about SIX'T'Y A'. C RES. This land is well covered With young Chesnut timber There is also on it a conifer. ,table . l'enant .Houso and Garden. -Persons' wishing to examine these properties can do so by railing on Mr, George Matthews. who re. sides]m the ruin. For terms and conditions of 'sale: apply to WM. M. BIDDLE. in - Harrisburg Telegraph and Lancaster Ex aminer publish six weeks and send bill to this office. • aug 9.4.6 w • .. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT - PUBLIC-SALE 113 Y Virtue of tho last Will and .Testament ji) uf Thomas Craighead, cee'd. lately of Sonthmiddleton townshiprDumberland county. I will expose to publie sale on tho promises at the Mill. on TJIURSDAY, the 15tlieif SOp. tember, at 12 o'clock M. viz :Tie Stone NIERCHANT MILL, PLASTER MILL and SAW i; 5 O situated in said- township, on the ' Yellow - Breches Creeli, with a bout 6 acre of land, having there on erected a Two Story BRICK HOUSE and all other convenient. buildings. All the Ma chinery is of. the first class and calculated to do work. piofitably. The property is situated five miles from the Railroad at Carlisle and about one mile from the Baltimore Turnpike, The power consists of the whole Creek below the mouth of Mountain Creek. Also—At the same time and place will be sold the Plantation or Tra tof Land across the creek from the Mill, called the " PINE P.Anat,"' CONTAINING ABOUT 125 ACRES, One half 'of which is cleared and cultivated and the other half ip the finest Timber. The lm provements areja Log Hough and Barn. Also—At the same' time and place a tract of Lt.nd on the Adams County line in Dickinson .township; CONTAINING 121 ACRES more or loss, having about if, acres cleared, with-n small•Log - House and Stable on it. The titles to these properties are unexcep tionable. The terms of Belo, whi h will be easy, will be Made known on the day.• RICHARD CRAIGHEAD, Exe utor of Tho's 'Craighead, do 'd. August 10, 1853.—t5, *,*Lanoaster Ind. IVhig pubdsh till sale and send bill to this Office. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE The Hagerstown Brewery. . . Situated in Franklin et., near the Market house. subieriber. desirous of retiring from IL. business, offers for salmtlie above proper. ty. The improvements are a fino, largo • 613 •. ' TWO-STORY BRICK i. • Atee. 111 DENELLLArG MOUSE; ! Two Stabler, Carriage House, Smoke House, Wood lions() and ' •' Corn Crib. Tit BEEWERY is laree and roomy, with two fine, largo arched Cellars under it, and two largo Malt floors.— There is - also on, the 'premises an excellent MASHING MILL, With three first rate- Wells el, ,Wator,•two of which.aro irfihtt Bravlery., • A further.description is deemed unnecessary, as persons wishing - to patches° will call and examine for themselves. . Er'REAL ESTATE in or near Hageratown wit be taken in exchange, GEO.V. GELWIOKS, Aug. 17th 1853. 3t. Hagerstown, Md Valuable Town Property PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned Executor - of David S. Forney, de'e'd. wiii• expose to public sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Carlisle. at 2 o'clock, -P. on SATURDAY, the 10th day of September 1853, all - that 'valuable LOP OF GROUND, 'situated .on Alio East side of North Hanover street, in aid borough, now in tho occupancy of Philip Arnold TN) • •• Improvements. on saidCLot of .:;;:t • 'Ground, consists . of, a two 4109 1 , - ;a HTON E, - ; RON'At'otk-i.;: , • !' : ' 1 : 0 ••w. ,, range work, 44 feet by 34 '.feet:'4'boolt•Haiitil2 ing 64 frt _by '29 feet: • a -Ware' House 'and Smoke ouse 24 •fect. by 22 feet a frame Sta.. We and Earriage. :House, recently,erected,",- Said Lot'is 290 feet. deep by 44 fo nt in front, hotindedin the rear by, a private 'alley, and by Mulberry alley. , Terms made known on the day of' sale " JAEOB.SIIBOSI f ,' E.'r. of D. S. Forney, ilec'd; Aug. 17, 1853..'--ts., • , TOMTIV...IPROPEZti'Iir AT I'UBLIC BALE. 1 - • 1111',Y 'Virtue of the'powers contained in •the 111,,Last ,Will and .Testainent of Michael Matthews,; dee ••d. ,I will expose lie Imblia safe at the Court 'Rouse in. Carlisle, op 'THIIII.SDAY,,. the 224 "of - Sept ember. los3, • •at 11 aolOek M ; - . _ TWO • ':.;.;.'11 13 . 1 . 01 Fit Alvin and , . pLAsT nut) • • utousr.? _ and 'Lori ar 'Craotriso, on South Street in Carlisle, containing 60 feet infrOntand 240 Teat, in 'depth, baying a Well of Water at the door. ,The Lot is suit.' contible ,of :division into:two equal.parts of 30ffeet ettoh“and maybe sold seperatelytoouit bidders. , , , , The "term el eale.wlll , be .one• heir. of the .pueehaeo money be...paidletof April; 1854 whert4oodeeseion will 'be,:gifen, , end the bet. 'i n c e in ono' ye.nr therettfletWith intereeti whit gocured, hy t he. proper( lee. , t Theltiqperty,,will he sold. • , • JAC.OI.I, SITR0141; ) 4 . 'Ailnt'r..with the willlinnexed..— Carliele Aug,47tlt 1859.—te. =C=M MMEIIONIIMEffiIii (titag '" -- • - v-Azewrz• • „ • ON:PATI/RliArit;'!holiii 'or Ontiioett.los3. :the 4ititiacribitf; E34ecutor of John Bokir, deed. at public pare; on tliniprinnisea a Valutittlo Farm, aittntitd in - Mtinroitittow"tishiii Combortanil ncianty, nrilte•croEising:ilirtli'it'llle cliatticaburkinild Lisburn rands : .. , , a •inite:.lom CONTATNII4d 10a Al RGB . - , - - -- more oriessinf first 'rate limestone land, in-s, high state aterilthintion and under goodfene% a' , • &c. - The' ithproVements are 1: e ms, n large tweratery STON El HOUSE ; , . . ,r .... Log Barn and other .necessary ~.,_....: out buildings. : Also *a well of ----- . -- c•':' - -;: - . water-near the door, and 'a thiiv. ing young Orchard with,every variety of choice fruit. •It is a desiieable farm in every respect, being one,of the'best in the township. Persons desiring to purchase are requested to ca 4 on Jo,lin Baker, residing on the premise's, Who will give all nocesenry;information. , Sale to 'cotta: mence at. 1 o' \ lock, P..- 111.,,when• terms will be made known by , • - - ' •-- - • ' GEORGE BRINDLE, - August 10, 1853.—t5. . • - -Ker.— __ VALUABLE FARM .AT. PRIVATE SALE. IHE subscriber olTeus at private sale a rB Xaluable FARM, situated in Hampden township Ciduberland county, about one end a fourth miles east of Mechanicsburg, adjoining lands of Peter 'Barnhart, David Ebberly, Peter Gantrand Henry Scavely, CONTAINING. 128 .A C RES of limestone land, inn. high State of cultivation under goad fences, a large portion of Which is, locust posts and chestnut rails.- The rend from Mechanicsburg - to - the' turnpike; bounds the northland the load trom Silver Spring Church to Lisburn bounds the east side of. said farm. The improvements are a two inn • • ;G•¢ ;r ry weatherboarded DWELLING qrsh — House with an excellent arched cellar , n large ; • Bank Barn; Wagon Shed,' Corn .Crbs4Graperies• and other•neessary out build• Ingti. -. '4.•:welF of never failing water in the yard ;-aketecelldrit Orchard of:Apple trees, also a variety.of ‘chnicii fruit trees; such as Peach, Penr.•&o., &ce , .:•Thitr•Farm isloaated within a short distance; of.e7(Pellent mills and convenient to churches and sOhools.,, - Persons wishing to view the farm , willldense.to call'.` on the sub• scriber living in.Mechtinieshiirg.. '; • JACOB CO()VER. Aug. 10, PUBMO - SALE itlE! A FAION, N pursuance of the last Will and Testament I of J'ehn • Wolf, decedied, late of Silver Spring township Cturtheiland county, 1:will expose to public salk on the. premises,cin THURSDAY, the 15th day " ol.Septomber next, at one o'clock, P. M., alGifio rarm of John Wolf, deu'd., situated in Silver Spring township,. Cumberland county, containing a boUt ' . 212 ACRES OF LAND, partly slate and partly limestone.' The land is of good quality, well fenced and improved, 'and about 30 acres in timber. This term is on the bank of the Canodoguinet Creek, about B Miles from Carlisle, and 10 miles from Hat'''. riaburg, and one am' a hall miles froth the turn ike. The dwelling is Argo kr•Mfliii 'l' \ V 0 sTott 1( IL 0(I 11 , LCA ST 110 USE. There is a large and nearly new bank Barn, Sprin - "v-•" 7 ' . ' house, and a first rate Orchard o n the premises. The terms of !salewill, be: 'Five per cent. of the purchase money to be paid qr secured to be - paid at the time of sale, the residue of one half on the, Ist of April, 1854, when the possession and title will be_givcn, and the bal ance in four equal annunl payments without in terest to be secured by bonds and a mot tgage on the land, „ • „, HENRY BERKIIEIMER, Executor of John Wolf, deed VALUABLE FARR( AT PUBLIC ALL. ON FRIDAY the 83(.1 of September.. 1853. by force of the powers contained..irt:the last will of Jacob North, dce'd, the subreribers will offer - at public sole on"tlte premises, ' - The PLANTATION of the lite Jacob Naih deed, situato Fk Comb. I-cc - lying about six miles North West of Nowville. boun ded by lands or George Landis, Abm Whisler, John Neigley, - Robert Adams altd John Mis ter, contikining.about ACHESI; ho the same more or less, all of -which -. is cleared and under good-cultivation and fences. The improvomente are 4' two story double'L 0 G HOUSE, Bank Barn, Born Crib --- 4 and Wagon Sited find an Orchard; tilt There is a never failing 'mineral spring on the premises and running water through them. IrlThere will be sold at the same time and place a TRACT OF WOODLAND,. which lies about one mile from the farm and contains 24 acres , mor4 or less, and which is well adap ted to furnish the farm with wood and rails. . The terms of sale will be, one-third of the whole purchase money to be secured upon the farm, the interest of which to be paid annually to the widow-one half of the residue to bo paid on theist pf April, 1854, when possession will be giveti, and the balance in three annual pay mtlnts without interest to be secured by mort2 gage. On account Of the -hand- money the pur e chaser will be required in pay five per cent of iho purchatie money at time of sale, or secure the same to be paid in ten days. DANIEL WHISLER. Executor. EMANUEL SNORE, Guardian. lIMM Tavern Stand for Sale. I OFFER for sale the property on - the North A West corner'of Hanover and Pomfret sts. The lot fronts 30 feet on Hanover street by 240 on Pomfret, having erected on it a well built three story BRICK HOUSE, with nocessary,stabling. 'The property . has been a tavern stand for many jicars,-and is at present occupied as such. Price three, thousand dol lar,, P33000]. Apply to tho subscriber. June 1853, R. GIVIN. HOUSE. AND LOT FOR SALE. T FIE suL scriber offers for sale the BRICK HO 035 and Lot, 25 feet front by 2 40 It deep, now occupied by Mr. Henry Koller, in North' Ilhnover street. The house and all the im provements are pearly now. The dwelling contains thirteen boiled rooms, including doll-, ble parlors. Attached is a cistern. Smoko House and itable. ' For further information apply next door to the promises to • J R WEAVER. Agent. Juld 13 1853 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY ' FOR SALE. MINE subscriber Wrens at private sale the • following valuable propbrty, situated on Loather Street, .Carlisle, viz : ' No. 1. A Lot of :Gronnd, having a ft;ont of 24 feet on LoutherL.ntr:ent,..m,AV4 , Bor'., ough of Carlisle, and' etithildln24)2ofeettlick to Locust Alley," having t4OO tneotett . 3hlp: story ,',. i - PLAST7OII:KtIOUSIDA , ilia one ti.. , ' ''.:slitli' . and a : hit :cSfOriittaekAiinl ttiiig,' and s• aI: la 1 .. Cellato" OrUitt; all,l.0100: order. 15 I '.' . li e iiii4CertkOjitains eiVittOifins and anexeetklOtigkice: - .V. , .:',04vA.z'. ~ p' . .4i2i'iedii4iii.th4litio gie: a lot- of 4,..lle'iffirintiis44o`reet - de4l,lo;sgtit- alley, hay.' liiit, OtitigeOnl4t a two.Stery;Mlattered House . '9ooikhiliectur.rotnits;tinil.htiting a good garden' . :iiiidn'• variety OVeholee frult*es. .. 'NO :',:adjinning.ttle4l?Ove, 24 feet in front and 240 lea deep to said alley, with a two story Plastered ;ionise; with cellar and gardeh. - . . N0.,4.. 'olot,.pe 12 feet front by 240 ft deep to said' alley, with • a two story Plastered Houle, well finished and a good frame stable on the buck of the lot. Also a variety of fruit trees In the garden. • ' ' • No. 5., a 'lot of 52 feet in'front, by 240 feet deep to laid alley,,Onwhieh is crested a two story.plastered.liense, with back buildings, bake oionoraeli house,cistern and pump. The house is finished In firat• rate style, • There is a stable arid 'sheds on the back of the lot. The lot eon:,' tainia.great deal of shrubbery . with over one hun, ' dred choice gralted fruit trees.. • ' . y,.;.:, ... . No. 0., a lot of 10 fee,ljo,linnt by 240 feet drep to °aid alley, .'witli ft;..aew two mot,' Brick 'l l , uuse, and back buildingeivvallt.Cellava under th e m all. ~, :. ~ ~.;oi .Ng. 7:, a hit' of 10 ',feet fr0a(051, ,, ..2,1p , deep,. with a new Beick.Hottle, marrip:ai4ioio bove,and stable. a . • - t hi' I tobt apd 240 lot " ee • Honso, %VAC finhilt larie two story ' ' kitchen' k l la i t e l ar r e l iioPer;ag: with .W itt with . 1 ra n , i o n i j, i , 3r ty ab l a ur r tii k tt a yi r o : gr a s 6; n1 ..; u e I r t. :. e re ein.h 1 The aro. hi good.. 2raPittr. Tall °Fa and tiaa:Pl:6 - ,E;t'iyip be All the .abavklkilnie, • „101 l be., ,ificist,of. dicro Bold N ury , low a9d:' 61.4."",1 f P tto ..furtherthat infaraattati , aa9lE , l f ;lol* r th sr,jbtl' 6t tepi t y . nue , CiJ ~.. ~.. , liti:atitbt*....,o4ltl-3:: . . VAXATAVIMILEITi•MSTATE • • AT‘PciBLICs 4 Oe 0.4,1.18..04Y the.littleof Octbes r. - Wilr he 'staat . .ottblic folloiving iefiVestate; in Wdet Penneboro twit, Cutnherland cohnty,..late the prop4ty Ofli.4,ch artl B. Stevenson,, of the berough•of Corbett); VIII that 'Farm eituate in West;Petineboro township, aforesaid, about one mile from the Iforough of Newville,'boumled by lands of J. McCullouch, W. Laughlin and others and •' CONTAINING 112 i ACRES, more or loss: , The land is.first-rate limestone. • , lond, in good cultivation end well fenced, 95 acres of•which , ore clear and thd rest in timber. The improvements nrer, large double stone and brink. DWELLING. HOUSE, two stories high, n large and substantial STONE BAItN, a good well of lime . 11 stone water. and cisterns for rain we- c II ter. There is on the premises en orchard of well selected fruit trees. At the same time will be'soni lot or woodland that has been need with - this form, situate ebout one fourth of n mile from the Doubling9atiSprings and adjoining ithat proprrty, ecifitainingabout 22 woes. Persons wishing to examine the farm can do so by cellmg on Itle,Long,the tenant on, the place. .The terms and conditions of sale will be made Itnotvn on the day.of solo by T. COLLINS STEVENSON, • JAMES, W. MARSHALL, En'rs of It. 13, STEVENSON. Carlisra, Aug ^4, 1858.—ta ItY'ffarrieburg Union and Lancaster Whig copy and send bill to this. office. ORPHAN'S 00•17Al2 SALE. On SAURDAY, the Bth day'ef October; . .TOE following lots or piece.sof land, Into the property of Georgo ft.oppoi Lower Allen twp. Cumberland-county, deceased; .will -- be sold by public vondue or outcry, on ,the,preinises, at 12 o'clock, Al., One - pieco, situate id said Lower Allen twp, bounded by I.mils'of Savid Eberly, Simpson's road,-and-othor-ianttof-eaid-George 7 Ruppoiee- i • . 'CO NTAINLNIG 21 AORES'aod 15 Perches. strict measure. The- other:piece bounded' by lands of the heirs of 3obn RuPP,'-dee, son a road, and other land of said (3eorgoi Rupp. doe, and; CONTAItNIN•G 5 ACRES-and - ,35 Perches, strict measure. These lots are closed and in•rashivation, the land being good limestone,land. • Tlie conditions of sale will be Made known on day of saln. JOHNS SHOPP, . Aug246t adln'r of GEO; RE PP. VALVAL'E REAL ESTATE; AT PUBLIC BAtB. ON FRIDAY, the AO of September, 1853. Will be sold at pulac sal b,. och the promises of John S. Snavoley. in Hampden township, Cumberland county, two miles North cf Kreitzer's Tavern, a:odlo and a half from T. B. Bryson's arpl_ three miles North of the Cureberlandlrelloritailroad, the following property, viz.:- A Tract.' of Land, CONTAINING 21 ACRFS, • with thereon erected- n-:urge B ick. MER ,,.,; • ' CHANT MILL, three stories high, a BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and • Stable, Tenant House- and Cooper' Shop: The Mill has four lade of burrs,, and the entire machinery is in good order.. The dam is now and it has ti never frujing stream of water. Alai" a Kiln for drying co: n and ma• chinery for manufacturing corn meal. This property oilers rare inducements to capitalists. and others wishing: to embalk e„targe husi. netts. Salto commence at 10:o'clock, A. M. nn aaid day,- when terms of sale will be male knoWn by HENRY RUPP. - — Assignee of John S.Snavekty. August• 17, 1853 —is. - York Republican and. Lancaster Ban-flitter; ,pleas copy _ . - MARION HALL ! J. W. ERY'S -FAMILY- GROCERY. • (Java and Maracnihrt Coffees, Green and Roasted do., Orleans and Clnrafied — Brown Sugars. Pulverizedv Crushed - and Loaf do, Solt Crushed (preserving)do. Rico, Paritia and Corn Starch. Brame. Cocoa, Chocolate, Vanilla • Sean, Mace, Citron, with Spices of every kind, --- --Sperm; Mould, Adamantine-Candlesi---- _ _Orleans -and Sugar_ll--Syruit—Melasses,L- Lovering's fittest quality Syrup. - Il r 3. fresh assort ment-olall -theabovo arti cles, and - a general - linjaply of other el-tides usually kept by us, all just opened and for Nile at our now. store rooms. June 8, 1853. f , W. EB Y.. AHEAD OF ALL: OOMMITION `S azton Leads the Colump." tFTER days and nights of unceasing toil and trouble I kave succeeded in marking And arranging my new stock of HAR D. W ARE E, and altnaugh there has been a tre• mondous rush of customers who know where to deal on reasonable terms, and •who appro. chile my old habit of selling cheap without making much fuss about dm matter. lam constantly making room for new customers to drop in and examine what is undoubtedly, the LARGEST AND BEST assortment of goods .ever offered west of Philadelphia; and embra cing evefything ualiallv found in a Hardware Store, from a needle - to an anchuroll of which aro of the best quality . and will be sold at prices millets cannot fail to give satisfaction. TO CARPENTERS-& BUILDERS,• would say that 'my stick cif cross hindcut., y panel ripping and back saws, bright, black and blue augurs, chisels, planes, locks, hatchets, hinges, screws, straight necked and bar oohs, broad, pointing and chopping axes, iron and steel squares, rules, tape Measures, levels, &c. cannot tail to please the most fastidious. ' FARMERS Can be accommodated on the most reasonable terms with Durkee's celebrated York pietism at $5 37. Also Plank's, Craighead'a and others' at manufacture's' prices; spades, rakes,lorks, shovels, grass and grain scythes. (Dunn, Dar ling and Griffin's make.) , Patent and common snaths of !mica dozen different kinds. Grain Cradles, (Gregor's, Plank's, Craighead's and Crawbsch's make,) at. reduced rates; Also grindstones. cutting boxes, chain cistern and hares pumps, halter, breast and log chains, aln gle and double traces and spreads. Cedar ware such' as tubs, buckets, bowls, water kegs, to• • gather with an, everlasting neseiffinent of table and pocket cutlery, spoons, ohms and sele ctors, candlesticks, snuffers , shovels and ton's, kettles, pans, sad irons, waiters, brushes. dee, which will Be soldby•the wegonlocid, ton yard bushel or in tho ordinary way, " Then come friends, giro us a call and see fof yourselves. We'll wait on yen with pleas. urn, and give, you bargains of which veuean't complain. • Remember the place;'East High Street, opposite Cgilby'S June I, 1853. . HENRY SAXTON. STORE .FOll SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER; Wishing to remove west to engage in other pursuits, offers nt pri vats sale, on reaconableterme his STOCK OF GOODS, embracing tbe,usuak-TarliitY kept in a country Store; .• , • : Any person wishing 'to engage iii'the Met cantile businesirwould 'do well to eirthracethis OppOrtunitf, Mr' thestocit will COM pr."' fOVO bly with'any etecli' , cif•goetiain - the county, and the location for busin4s' is - ene..of the best in the county, being 'eituitte#o , :the 'heeltliy and romantic •village of. Springfient-tmil in the midst of afertile end productive neighborhood. For particulars addressithe.undernlgned at Big Spring P. 0. • JOiI.NpiOOD.! July 37. 1853- tf../. GarkilActurepaid Lamps,! . ' LIMO RAM, Hog SkY 'B4 BRO., No 221 11..N.-2d Soot, near.TinePhilla r having had many years practical experience in` the 'business and all work sold by rue' is manufac tured under our immediate supervisfon, we are enabled to offer to purchasers superior articles in every branch of our trade. At our, Store may be found, in 'every variety of style and finish. Gas & Lamp EHANDELIERS, PEN• OANT 8, BRACKETS 100 f-fall; Churches, &c; the linproved. Pine oil Lamps, t °goalie with'a.fine 'assortment of Fluid; Lard. and Oil Lamps,.Girandoles Parlor Night and Reading Lamps, Bonnet Ilolderly etc.' On hand Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wicks. shades etc, All work warranted, , or no sale. Factory No. 36, Noble streoti Deur , Fourth: • Remember— Store Noglil Elt...next door to J Stewat Depuy's Carpet Store. • tatly2Or ... ~ ... . ~„ , „ Beecher% Mat,clilep:Coplial, . ;,,.V. ,ii,„l:oMedic'lries'hati'rietim.kaiiwitjci'4,ll in tw,litring:Chnlera Morbus, in from 10 to 15 • t ' fill 114/Wee,' .C il olefil,lntanturnior, Bumpier Com. . plainWof uhifdroa, Dyeontoil; Diarrhea, &c, "I;lrt , froa IC to. 24 hours. ..lt la cortain and sal° under -all aircemstances. having , ; b een' fairly ,feated in ;upwards : or font liustaicd . catnts with. ' . .,9114 Waimea' l'ailitre.• 0 litik a tiarylamily provide -;with' at least'aneirettla:of thatiinVidaalge li''. I . l ptiir , - Try 'sti Abd.it,lll,ll) r,aca - mtriend wolf Wi l l, A . ,prepared upon , pdreli'sciontific prinbitolea; : litidlntrtnot baiumly'AerMad 'a JaiteVriiedioniii, i ji . 4l 0* OiolApkiio ;II tilioliorYvc_ - ror , i4leAlit! l - ', 4 -,..;', ...:, ~...; ..:',i11...3 ) . l!c lEP k .. 1 S- D Ful l .okatt -' ''' .. i. ,. ,, ' , ..t.'..' ,- .' ': . '. '..., ~Satttli:flanover ,ilitratit,' , " • , ...t9:lltA f ew 'daortitiotlllkof.•,ttio Clink. Mateo, '1111un0.32, 1839." r;‘,7,4 'lttitt Carlisle. ::~t..M;;"SrPI,, k%•::~ ,ao-a~,r"~::~53^ ~n".-:.rTq`!...w. . . , . • - .. It4OORE'S PATENT GRAIN DRILL AND SEED PLANTER; for planting wheat, rye, al. oats, barley, indian corn, timothy seed, etc. This .machine. wits patented July 2d, Ibso. . .- lts operation duringthe three pest years lias been highly. suceMisitil; wherever it has been thor oughly tested, its good qualities have been universally acknowledged; 'and notwithstanding tho great increase of 'competition. it Still continuce to.maintnin its superiortity over all others yet in use. During the years' 1850 and 185 t it received the highest premium at six different Agricultural, Ex hibitions, as folkit - vs —Tw o in the Mate of maryliinti, one in Michigan', ono in Delaware. and two lit Pennsylvania while within the past yea' it woe awarded the first and highest premiums at each of-the county,exhibitions.of Chester, Berks'and Schuylkill. ' .• i - - The fact that in -receiving the above premiums; -this i machine Was brought at several different i times inn fair'and open competition with all 'the Grain `Drills of any note, yet in use, and after - a careful examination Mid investigtction,•by the ou:herized committee, was in every instance awarded the highest premium—is a matter worthy-the consideration' of the purchaser. Its principal points of recommendation are, hat —lts- durability,-2d . its perfect simplicity of con." struction, ad the easy manner of regulatiogio sow any .desired tratintity of.seed,-4th the exactness with which it distrititites the seed, operating equally well on uneven and sidling ground es on an even surface, sth its easy drought. being about 25per eont lighter than most other seeding machines now in use.. . . . All letters for information, as well as orders for machines, will be,promptly attended to: Tho manufactory hitherto under the firm of Leo, Pierce & Lee. hat. been change d , and iii now -conducted-by-LEE,,PEIRIP.E.-&-T/11-ofilraoN-00-wlib-nrsilliirderifilic7Md-billiddressed7r. - - 13; Itil.• NIELDS Agent. . , . Ercildoun Pest Offica.Ckester county, Pa. • July 2CI, 1853.-dw • ' • SILVER MEDAL Awarded to this Machine at the Faired' the American Institute, New York, Oct. Ighale A Diplcima at the Franklin Instittite,Pllllsdelphia. First Premium at the swim N'air,,lltion, NOW York, and at the ColittOda and Rensselaer County (New York) Pairs, and a Diploma at the . Westchesteir - Connty Fair' tit White Plains. HICKOK'S PATENT -1n the present arrangement of this' blghly - apiraved and valuable Milli the labor is divided by =engin n cutting Cylinder to break the apples , and then deliver mto the lower Cylinder!! _to be reduced to pomacia By this ar: =gement the work is 'performed faster and with much less The - Press is arranged with a mach larger serew.than finmerly, and by a very ingenious device the raiser the bag la dbipensal.with and the Tub made to open at will to de. liver the pomace, - while at the same time the Cider is left char and the work can be done with much loss labor than by the old method. TheCylindera are covered with heavy attest Zino, both on their periphorki and:ends; the wood in them la arranged eons not to swell; and the whole work on the Mill and Press made in the very best manner and arranged with especial view to_ their_durabllity and service.. Ifilti Farther who uses the Mill earefUlly and according , -to directions will-be disappolntad t bat 9a the other ' bead lee wilt end this one of [helmet valuable end efficient - The machine is made - to - run by horse, steam, or band • power, and when the apples are groundo smell boy of 14 years of age can press the pomace with all ease. In all former times It was aupposultbut a largenuantlty7 - of Cider could only be made by using a ponderous machine, that slowly crushed the apples without grinding them fine. -Thar namrtiotarrondo Edo a truienivercheten in Anew, and a Most severe and long pressure Was required to extract a • portion of the Cider, a comidemble quantity being absorbed by the straw and the mass of pomace; and to obtain this unsatisfactory result the Armor, had to Lake all his hands, and perhaps his slx-fiorso team, and, devote awhole day that • could have been more profitably employed, to _Mak° hum six to eight bameb; of Cider. •Toribvlate tho.dlHlcnlty the Farmers have heretofore labored under, this Machine bee been invented, and the statement of a few facts will prove that it is not only the best Machine of the kind in existence, but It is the moat profitable that a man can have-ern his Slum. The apples are by this Machine grated up Into a flee pulp, se that it requires -but a comparatively light pressure, • anti that but a minute or two, to extract all the Cider, ft being ascertained by practical experiment that One-Fourth montjuice can be obtained than by the old process, Be. sideefthis, it only requires two hands to grind up and make into Cider a larger quantity of apples than can be possibly done on the old-fashioned machines. On this press, owing to the compactness of the pomace in the, tub, and the com plete manner in which It is ground, pressure of from Ito 6 toms—that can easily be obtained—wild produce a more fimortible result than fifty tons pressure en the ordinary Entered according to dot of Cowie., m the year 1652,1 n -RECOLLECT THIS -IS-THE"'N NEW DRUG STORE!!! SOulh Hanover Street, Near the Court louse. ED J. KIEFFER, druggist, would respect.. . (ally inform tile citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that he has opened a new CHEMICAL AND DRUG STORE. His stock is entirely new, and has been selec ted with great care. As many of the articles in daily us e physicians and families deteri. orate by age and exposuitq'great care. will be taken not to allow such articles to accumulate in such quantities. Attention is especially invited to his stock of Medicines, Essential Oils,,Oils ; Tinctures, , Wines, Extract;, Conlections, Chemicals, Vine: Together with the above he has a full assortment of Faints, Varnishes; Dye—Stuffs, Paint and Varnish Brushes, and CONFECTIONARIES of every variety. Ho has also on hand a 'Tien 'did assortment of Perfumeries, Soaps, Extreme,' Fancy, Heir, Clothes and Flesh Brushes,Supporters, Breast ,Exhausters, Nipp le'Shidlds, • Tooth Washes end Pewee 2 ..also - MEDICINAL WINES - AND ' BRANDIES; of the.best. quality. SEGARS, from the beak, Havana and Spanish houses,'of every flavor, . from one cent upwards: ' In order to ensure his customers against mistakes during any rompormay absenctof ' the proprieteT, the services of an experienced and competent assistant have been , secured, which will be felt to be important, in view of theresponsibilitiee which aro known to devolve upon the druggist. goisIPHYSICIANS7 .PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfully and, promptly., attended, to OrdorifromiThvaitilane 'and , IVlerchantajn the • oountry will be filled with sum; and ai'lmica . Whidh must prove ealittlecteryi.,,,,ifi, , • NI-AL—All Officinal • propainnues •marle , ila 3 ',i , strict aciordance with the direettons 'of BMA :;V S:.Pharmaeopoela. , • li bp ral share, of public•.pr4oUrige ppCtitlllysolicited.. Tornio Catiti;>: , • May 11. 103, '• B. JcirlEFFEß...!..,k:'i •• • DEW AND tells. . • ' no, F:,C PAVED. this day i tilreci &sin cinainns- JIX gl, n , lull supply of.tho.fullowing cclelna. Ioo,Sugar Cured Davis & Co's Beef Hams, '• 100 •"• • Oardner,Plipp & Co's Hams, ; 100; . 1 Dulfelle. Westphalia •• do: • , 'Phia, last brand salniad.the Prize. Medal at 'the London WOrld's Fair.' Also .a largesimply of country:Haw; BaCon, Shoulders and Sides all . of which will bo sold very, low for cash. - " J. G. WILLIA 51&,• ' Family Grocer. • =1 Dailit Aonicur.trunkr. Ann. UDR TICULTURAL • Zmplement & Seed iffarehouse.- ' No' 65, Ohistiul .s"treet, Phi i a• THE subscriber offers for Bole an extensiYeas, . , . AGRICULTURAL • IM I'LEMEN CO.? ' ••• • • IliiVtiourrunAr.• Toolt.a • • • • Gardeti.',Gtitiii;:rtiitd,:ting•Pia , kit)36iidEl, • ; horticultural and Boannwall • UB L I• 0 T'l O'N 8 , .• • • - '-‘ 4 •l' • ; • Implaiiionl%tidaiiiiir:CattilolUes.-toindritilt!ii: ' 'floral'lteedsierAnd,Airtionaa.for 1833 0 foireleh—;';' all' ' Or'eti.ititiotilierepifel 'or prepaid itpplicatiO4;; • ' I * Mil )14 41 - 4 .. 4 ., 0 3 14 t ,041 IAL'J ° t n 9 ttuoW OLcorea,:iiiied with Sheep - cltifiVlittitabla.cor' tidying gloves \ .jarsl9 G. W. HITNEJ) • ' GRAIN_DRILLS , FOR '1853. 1:=1 ROPED CIDER MILL. Cider Press, even if the apples ware ground ea finely as ott the improved Mill; and if the apples wore merely crushed, as on the Nut Machine, It would require a pressure of one hundred to to produce the result aocompliabed by this Patent Mill. The following may be adduced as the decided 'advantages of this MU- _ YFirst-It will make more elder than any other Fre . ak with a given quantity of apples,. in a given time, and.?vith Inuit less labor and expense • • &eon d—lt wlll make cleaner arid, senator Cider that any other • . : • Third—You can make the Cider as you want it, and when you. wane It—and in quantities from one gallon to 6 or 10 barrels. o Fourth—With It you can press your Currants, Cherries, _ Berries, Cheese,`Butter, Lard, and Tallow.- Fittb—With it you can save one-fourth of your time in - making Apple.bulter.... Sixth—With its use you can at all times have Fresh and Sweet Cider, • _ - • - With all the advantages reeniting from the poem:lake end use of such mmachina—at a price so Tow that it is within the reach of all—can it be that any intelligent Farmer wouhl do without it? - De you wieb td have in your house at alltimea Cider that is sweet and fresh, the only time it is really healthy iknd fit for use—and do you wish to Nava o gre a t portion of thee • herd labor attending 'the ' .malting .of Apple -butter: , .T!' 80, buy this nmblne,ablour Idllward ' for it, you will not be disappointed. ' This iEs warranted superior to any other po rtable Mill in existence,. and the proprietor Ss ready at any time, (on fair notice being given,) to test. It with any Portable I Mill that is not an infringement on it. ; Shimmer:l f - examine tilde newly am knovED • MILL, before yon Any any , other. • One great advantage of this machine over all others, is, that it will not choke up, and bard or eoll apples can be ground, and yet the Cylinders will always - remain • clear and in grinding order. Allprders will be filled In the order in which they are received, and all persons wonting them would do well to send their orders early, and state• at what time they want - the DM Bent. This MUT, attended by 2 men, will, when properly worked according to directions, make 0 to 12 barrels of cider 6day-- end will grind alone by horse-power from 100 to 800 bunbels of apples a day. 440- The Price of the Mill la $4O, free of freight. lismusouno, Pa., May, 1821. W. 0. MOWS • nutria Corn of the Eastern Dliirtst of Penoeilvszla. SAND I.3IPROVE I) MILL. HOME LIFE IN GERMANY, by tho Rev; C. L. Brace.. MODERN FLIRTATIONS, by Catherine Sinclair. SAM SLICK'S NEW WORK, • • THE LAST LEAF OF SUNNY SIDE, by IL 'Prawn: INTERVIEWS MEMORABLE A Ist D USE...UL, by Rev. Dr. Cox. &MABEL, a Faritily History, find other new and interesting, works just to. soiree and for sale at the Cheap Book Store. A. M PIPER, Agt. Corner of Ilaaaver and Lputher Sid, Carlisle rintlE undersigned has always on band a large mock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all the different styles; which prepared to sell at the lowest prices. He invites attention partic ularly to the Patent Spris4, Bottom Bedstead, a most useful article, which , entirely obviates all objections. The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have gi ven entire satisfac tion to all who have them in use, Kr-BOFFINS made to order althe shortest notice. , . , JACOB FETTER,. Carlisle Jarey: 22, 1851.—1 y. coAL: °GAL - - The Best and Cheapest In the Market for Family Use. p • -• uo— Ce:dit Y00,170' ITC" "zrre ,TONTS of iho celebrated Rouich Gap ' iGntilF4-Veuphin °minty, and Gold. mina Gap. .qtaltr,SOhnyjkill county"; just received and for aide ar , Prjo,os .frem $3,25 Jo 83,50 per, ton. by t; .- BItIG,40100"nt the .ivarehouse, ,lorrnerly owned 4 , 1 V Ver. IVVi floo ' KrCoal cad he Actititeie'd ' any the line of thOlittroberlatid Valley , Lltomir. ' Orders by letter (pon'paid) promptly attended to. • (March ' Gt2GAT.,REDUGTIO.N IN . GOODS!,!' THE subseribei is now selling large and splendid siock S NM Fift.',GOODR; at astonishing low prices. •• Elegant Lomita. for 6, 10 ani 12 forego do •Lainesitl2 worth 25. Superior !hinge,' 18' . ;4. • 37. • •• Summer 4. 3% , '•' Elegant Tissues;;37....• , 41 . 62. Calicoes. 5,6, 8 and 10:. Linen . ;Lustiesi`only, Sidakinis, 6, le andlii.• , 'Meek - Stik, 50 . 62::78 ; ,Td.100; • - Citirpi3linee:,all4 ,11V411..11111gp. 14 greatly, in- Mined priens. - Sagari 5 7 ,6 'and7. ::Prin".lo" lan r :Lieqris 19,-, " - Shoes cram 05 'cents 16.161.1. • t" n'orn. 01, irr,4113.:',,, 'Pal:Gaels tram;lo earns 'te' 02:50- iind,qo,l.4liPbeir itil'orr at *.i,cry 16W 'Oonie. One and ; and.'seetore: tro Reaalle 41d mind; TlPA'B!TePlcsti Anglist - 10 • qn,io,..otrlL—Y' . i. TOMACCON,I • " FRESH , 'euritdi !of , 13):•Goodwin i3ars'aprilla LIDA ""Fined; , Out Tolmcaoos, jutt rat:telt/ea tirl the, , n'tiw ' • chdtip Grdeeiy.bf f • . • 1•:. . SJ UI Y 2 °. 1 8 53.: W. A. CA.II6THERS.. New and ,Choice Publications. NI 10 0 1 ' ' U C Pe 1%. 'pgic4i,Eupc.E'D,l ONEIM . --- ~..:: tgitrttitb-sZtliet'Notiter :-.. . , , muacuzine:. • THE ! School:1D itectoris 01% North; Middleton distiict will timer at the Lamm of Henry Glass, in on. Saturday the ad day ofSeptent her next, at JO o'clock,..A.• M., torthe purpose of examining 14 teacher; to takeeharae or the Common Schoelsef said District for the ensu. ing term. By ardor of .the Board. aug24 , 4Ar - , JOHN MILLER, Seti...l TB/LONERS WANTED.' ' TEACHERS are iviinted for the South J. Muldleten District. 'The Direetors will mcemo examine epplicantsatrhe School house at Boiling Springs, 'on:Saturdayalte . 17th day of September, near, nt I o'clock , IN By order of the Board. . 'D4l%l'h Estate, of -R. It Stevenson dec'd. . - Nroripe is liereby given thatletters Tee- • Stevenso tatne n n, t lat e ery of the on,,thborough of Carlie-'estabit of Richardsle, . de ceased,s have been granted by_the_Registerof.— Cumberland- doutity to the undersigned, resi ding in the sante place... All person- indebted to said eatato are requested to make immediate payment, and these having claims will present them for settlement to • - . • .'..COLLINS STEVENSON, JAMES W. MARSHALL, - aug,246i • . • , Executors. Estate of Jatob Wise, jr.idee'd. N OTICE is hereby given; that letters testa on the estate of jacob • Wise, jr.. late Of m South y Middleton township. Cumberland county, deceased,: have been granted by the Register of'saidjcounty 'to the subscribers, re. siding in the same township. • • Alt persons in debted to. said.-estate 'aro remfested to make immediate payment, and those. having claims will present , them.for settlement -to • WILLIANUWISE. ."•• =-=, ' • 13CDU, KM:EEMAN • . - Dteeriters. Estate of 'Fred'k Garret; dec'd. ouct: is hereby given that Letters, of ad ministration on- the- estate of Fred. Gar ret, late of Monroe township, Cumberland co, deeerised; have , been granted by the.Regisler of said county, to the subseribers, the first, residing in Silver Spring township, and the latter in Monroe. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for set tlement to . . Vii' JACOB. MUMMA; - ANDREW GARRET, .• aug 24 pd 9t Adm're. NOTICE is hereby 'given that en election will be held at the office of the Cumberland Valley Mutual, Protection. Company, in Dick inson twp. Curnb., cp.,on MONDAY the sth day of September next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A.. M• and 4 o'clock P. M., for the purpose ofelectingc),9 directors of 'said comps- , ny, to serve for the ensuing year. Test, aug3 JOHN T. GREEN, Sec. • OTICE is hereby given that the CUM.. N BERLAND VALLEY SAVINGS IN STITUTION, located in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, will make application to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of ,Pennsylvania for an act of Incorporation, with a' capital of not leas than Ton nor more than Thirtt•Thousand •Dollars,- for the purpose of receiving- deposit's of money both transitory and on Interest, and of making loans and discounts, with - such - mheripriviloges as areusually gran ted-to Savings Institutions: By order of the Directors. WM. GALBREATH, Tuns. D. L. BEELICIN,Sec'y , _ .(je22,6mJ IVOTICE is hereby given that application .01 will be made to the next Legialaturei, agreeably to the--constitution- and laWs of this' Commonwealth, for an alteration in the charter of the Carlisle Deposit° Bank, so o - 13 to confer upon said - Blink,the righte - and priVileges of a bank of issue, 'and to change the name to that of the " Carlisle Bank." • By order-of, the Board of Directors June 29,4853-6 in• Egfate of Mdry: F. McGuire, deed. Adininistration ori the •Es, ij tate of MARY FISHER • IiIeGIARE, dec'd. late of Hampden township Cumber/and county : ll(6 , 6lnen issued to the - subiCribes re• siding in the same township. All Persons hay. ing claims against the - Estate will present them for settlenient, and those indebted will make payment to ' ETHOS.. B. BRYSON, July 57, pd. , Adru'r Estpte of Mary NoNeolec'd. I%TOTICE is hereby given • that letters testa ld mentnry on the estate of MARY. N OBLE, late of the berough of Carlisle, deceased, have been-duly granted by the Register — of :kid county, to the subscriber residing in the seine plaeo. All persons having claims agaitist the Estate will present them for settlement, and those indebted will make payment to ROBERT NOBLE, '9 July 27, 160. NOTICE. • THE subscriber having comPlied•with the re quirments of the act of the Legialaturd_of - Pennsylvania, of the 20th day of April, 1853, cautions all persons against buying, selling or filling his bottles, ender the penalty of fifty cents, for each bottle bought, sold, or filled; for the firer offence.•, and $5,00 for each bottle bought, said, filled, for the 2d offence, hereby announce fitly determination ^to inforMe the penalty of the aforesaid acts, in all eases of its infringment. l find my bottles are becom ing public property, greatly to-the disadvantage • of my business., Description —Nos. 1. 2: and 3: Two hen- . Arad Gross Mineral and Ale, bottles, green shade, Dyot.eville make; with the name of G. W. Brandt, Carlisle, hereon. • . G.. W. BRANDT lisle, July 27, 1853. M. --. . ZIFII XNBVRANC OAIHE undersigned havingleen the agent o ,; • the Keyatone Life Insurance Comnitiiy, . lirrisburg. Pa., continues to act in that ca. ' pacity, by .authoritKof said Company. He - would reapectfully inform the community that he will attend to such persons as may signify ~ their desire to insure tbmi lives,.and thus give some sprotection. to their bereaved families and - frionds,"in case of death. Office in West PM- . • fret Street, Carlisle. , .''' • 1141,25 er J. WORTHINOVON, ' mosses . R. SMOZZEIV, • • . . _ ABINET MAKERANE's UNDERTAXER North Hanover' 4fireet and net doer. to Gla:ra'• THE undereigned would respectfully inform the-citizens of Carlisle and' the public goner ally, that he now has on hand a large and ele gant assortment of FURNITURE, consisting, m part of Wardrobe's, Card and other Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedeteade, plain and fancy Sowing Stands, &c. mantlfactured of the best material and quality wallowed. • -. Also a general assortment: of CRAMS at the lowest prices. Venition. Blfaids made to order, and,repairing.promptly.attended to. • igrCoffins madir at the shortest notice, Rod having a splendid' hearse he will attend fusel • els in town or count - tat.. ' tXr - Remember thy-stand— neat dtior to If: Glass's Hotel.'. nov24 R:11. SMILEY: Segars and Tobacco. Persopa',feQlitlg thornielvos.. diatiossil , to is dulge in goon , slogan', are, requested las coil at the -Drug titore,vor, -31- 7 KIEFFER', where Siloy, may „ obtain an , arable ishreh he hesitates niit to recommend' as biking the, best in Carlisle. ' Persona visiting Cashed° should not - lbere be- • fore hiking o glance at B.J Kieffer's Drug and Chemieil ,Itore.„ South fianowor street. fie has on band a var iety of Saner ustielee, mash as hair, Ito t,. elothea,fiesb and tooth, brushes,.:ao logo° 'bottles, Furniture duaiars, portlolioa , ogr e paper,' worked. and' card baskets, "yisitirtg. cards. nod cases; %a, Rho t variety,' of (One, aceardisoss, ' Throlidios are' invited to call end examine inperior'mbi Boon 'as he astieternutted ' 'twaell bargains. , , KIEFFEk • July'2o;slgs3,- S. Hanover at. • ; • , OEM .. . , To Builder* k Houskeepere, , .-.., ~.. . , T ill:113g taho.:nte tniitdiiir,' . ni iltiftit" Ow» : !. monoing - Ithusetiecptog .w Lit be suit/ to fin at all. (Wwi an' assortorntiich eitinit'elitti;: Looks' of oil' aorta end "sittno.Vitfilitniiia; ',Anil. - lii;ininetal aria *hitt, - Istiotior; v:liihi : lipiirineli or Oiled furhitrire -butt 016*i:4;14411Po ndiviough t i , window ONO tiamatilik tii2Of 214.1:440;octeiva F.so. ate,: You who awl about.tO be, nierrio4 and going tct:h o 4 B PkiteritgiyO;),ittxtt everything to tderico, iunh - aii .fhnoy woiterti ittia trtt7,o, ivory Inindlo4 . :iintvon. •onitt:fottila, ju,', eats or by t4o. . 'dOzi•n; common knives iiiidilWl4l4 butter linlyeo with 0119i:tend lioriliandleirfry int and bread ' Pg lllo , smoothing it'PA,i,t,uhliiebtirniti• kill. - - , ,• •• •,,••• • :•• • , ; ;Y , • ••• . •:,, ' ''' - - 141411 Y• f4,k1c`,0..., v , --- •ilitilliletriiterrh,o; , ll342 ,„•:' I ''.',;:.'• ':, ,• . . ' „' '•',- '..'•'•,•;!:1-!:, Al!llitaCilKlßßlElis%'',;:.'ri:h''v,•!:•- • • ' 4, 00 .iiii i ,t,.,..w.tititi,..04air,t,i,ti,,,0,.,„„ ? %,.,. , ~ico e vthigrandifoi.....le.bk,....;..;. ~., .. :44 , 7 ,.„,:.,, 0 .1. w 00Dw A RD,14. SM:llliy.'j . .- , 't , 4,,:;:e.q: 7 'Y - :l.‘ ' ''' - '',. ' . '•''' ' ' '''' ' '' 1 , ,,, , NOTICE NOTICE. NOTICE. W. M. I.3EETRI3I, EM