New 'Abvoctikinetits. 011aN.1) VII.NORAIVE.A.! Tintildez; ? Lightnhig, Storm, Deluge 1 DR. E. BEALES' PANORAMA AND 'DIO RAMA OF CREATION AND DELUGE IS NOW OPEN for exhibition in MARION HALL, to remain for a few days, This. work 'of superior excellency and skill is from the lands of that prince of American Artiats,,Mr. George Iliolge, of Philadelphia, end is declar ed his masterpiece. It has mot with universal admiration, having recently 'closed in Wash ington, Richmond, Lynchburg and many Other large places, where it has disiwn crowded and intelligent audiences, who witnessed:lb° pass-, ing scenes with. delight, heaping the highest encomiums upon it. It cannot , fail to please wherever exhibited. It fully comports with the snored volume. The representation of .chaos, the diffusion of - tight, the expansion of .the firmament; „the placing of the. tights, the generating of the waters, the formation of beasts, the creation of man, all have a tendon cy,to direct the mind to the great Disposer of all good. The numerous recommendations it Las received from Ministers of different de nominations, where it has been exhibited, is proof of its real merit. „ t . - 6,-Exhibition (Ivory night this week.— Sourdayafternoon'for schools. . fr , irDoors open at 'I o'clock.. Exhibition to commence at 8. Admission 25 cents, Children half-price. ' U 7 .a nted INIMV.DIATELY, a Bay 15 or 16 years of age to attend a Family ,Grocery &Ore in this Borough. Testimonials as to honesty and so , brie'ty required. Ono from the country pre• ferret!. Esquire at the othe of the " herald." August 3, 1553. ItTOTXCE ME members of the Cumberland Valle D'lutual Protection Company of Dickinson Town ship are hereby notified that the ASSESSMENT .No. 5 will be called for early in the month of Augu,t, and that 5 per cent. abatement will be made far prompt payment. W3l. NVOOIiBURN, Collector itTOT IC E. TUE CARLISLE GAS AND WATER Gt]'ii Y will receive sealed proposals us. til MONDAY, the 15th of August, inst., at 9 o'clock, A. M., for building the reservoir, dig gind tha trenches tor water pipes 'tom the crock at Sanderson'sue the reservoir. and from the reservoir to Olt; town• And also, for Oak Timber necessary for the erection of edam a trots the Catiedogninet creek at Sanderson's. Plans and specifications of the work may be HO3ll at toy olliea at any time after Monday, the Bth - of Amt . ost, inst. Aug 3 - , - i855 FREDW WATTS, Pre't. To Teachers T Irv] Schaal II rectors of Dickinson district will meet at the house of -J Redsecker,( Stone Tnyern) on SATURDAY the 27th day of Au gust, ins't, at 10 o'clock, A.. 11., for the pur pose of examining and employing 14 learners, to take eearge of the common schools of said district, for the ensuing term,. By order of the Board. JACOB LEF.rIVER, Aug 3, 1853 Secretary. Z . gOt2 I .ICIM NOTICE: is hereby given that aft election will be held at the office of the Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Company, in Dick inson twp. Comb., co.,un MONDAY the sth day of September next, between the hours of Mods. A. 51. and 4 o'clock P. ,11„ for the purpose of electing 13 directors of snid compa ny, to serve for the ensuing year. Test, ung3 JOHN 'P. CIIREN,Sec,• RARE CHANCE, ANY einSrpri:ting busineSs men having from $lOOO to tz , 2o',hy In invent, and would h e wi lli ng ta_travel. can hear of a situation that will pay 151 per eint-fin the inNeetinent; by applying to J A NIV..3SEVNIOURE, at AlcCastney's Howl, Carlisle, for a few- days.. VALUABLE FARM AT. PUBLIC SALE. OT FRID \Y the did of September. 1,953. by force of the pdwers contained in the last -u-CI of f,l - th North, ilea'd, the subrcrihers till otftr at pubiie sale on the premises, Tao \.N PATIO N of the late Jacob Nath d j twp,-.Cumb. en, lying ab oft six miles North \Vest or Newville, boun ded by lands o!" George Lindis, Abm Wh'sler, John Neigley, Robert Adams and John \\This ler, containing about NINETY ACRES, be the same more or less, all 01 which is cleared and under good cultivation and fences. The impravement a are a two story double L 0 11.01. 1 5 E, Bank Barn, Corn Crib Ptand Wagon Shed and en Orchard, - - Thcre is a never . Oiling mineral 7 fit ' sprmg 00 the premises and running water through them. ClThere will he sold at the same time,and place a TRACT OF -WOODLAND, whit h lies abantone mile from the lam and contains 21 tiered , o - pri or I,ton, and whielt is well adap t, , tent with womrand rails. The terms of sale will he, one-third of the v-11 de trtrc'etss miter to be secured upon the farm, the interest of which to lie paid-annually -rod ho -tv ndf of-the residue- to be-paid on Pie Istof A ortl, 1951, when possession will be given, and the bat nce iu three annual pay 1-ats ,y,thout, l interest to be secured by mart . - On account of the hand money the chaser will be required to pay five per pent of ilia pun-hi - lie twine , ' at :line of sale, or secure the sante to he crud in ten day_' _ I) . I ,r. I .VI I ISI;EA . Executor. \I •\ f, Er. S !C I , `„ (7,111,1ifm MEI segars and Tobacco Peraras feeling tharnt,elves dispnsed to in. dulge in gam ; cigars me requested to call nt the Drug Store . of B. J. KIEFFER, where they may obtainan article which he hesitates an: to recommend no being the best in Carlisle. Persona visitino. Carlisle should not leave be. fore tilting a glance at B.J. KielTerlo Drug apd Chemical Stare, South llnnover street. lle has on hand a 'variety of fancy articles, such as hair, hat, clothes, flesh and tooth brushes, co logee battles, furniture flanges, portfolios, note piper, worked and card baskets, visiting cards and cacao, n fine variety of Inns,. aecordoons, Jc The ladies are iniritel to call and examine superior tnat to. Call scion, as be to determined to sell linmnins. 11. J. KIEFFER, July 20,'1853; S. Hanover st. XUST. nrozzvra), A FRES!! supply of paints, oils, varnishes, .11. dye sitars, glass, putty, sash tools, &e., for sale cheap.' BAKING SODA—A fresh supply just re ceived. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS for coughs, colds, asthma, consumption and all discuses of the lungs. ANINES, prima article of French brandy, pott, madeira end sherry wines for medicinal nurposos. COD LIVER OIL.—A fresh supply,?for the mire of coughs, colds, consumption and bronchitis. .• COLOGNES, Fre— Day water, cologne, ex tracts, pomades and other perfumery. KDEUMATIC and spruim mixture; preps . - red at Kierler's Drug and Chemical Store.— Ono of the best remedies for theumatitm, or sprains or lameness in horses. "A pehnyenved is a penny made." Do you believe it? then come to Metier's Druff and Chemical Store if you want to an v c money and buy your drugs, chemicals and medicines, such ns castor oil, sweet oil, worm medicine, cough d:opo, pills, strengthening plaster. liniments, hair.dyb, hair tunics and regenerators, cordials, essence lemon. cinnamon, peppermint. spices, cloves &o. Campli l ne, burning fluid lumps, CA:, all for said at the cheap Drug Store_ of • J. ICIEFFEIt. . • zrBr.l9 xaysunarocm, fAI :. HE undersigned having . been the agent of the' LeystoneLifb Insurance Company, 0 1 arrisburg. l's ; continues to act in that'cn. pocky, by•ttlit,flority of said 'CompnnY, flu would respsetfully inform the community that he will attend to such persons ns may signify their. desire to, insure Ihe iv lives, nod 'tints give some their bereaved, an-lilies and friends, in ease of sleuth. 011 ice in West Porn hot Street, Carlisle., 1t1av"2,5 if. .j. WOItiIIINGTON. To -Builders & Houskeepers. 1 711110S1;'who aro huilding.'or about corn.. thenoing houdoiraqping Will he aura to find at all' thnerl'arr nesortment to nOtent from. 'Loelta of - oil aorta and plies. with braair, argil lo, mineral and whitePhobe, withjepantied or plated furniture, butrlilitgex; cant and wrought ; - window glues from Bxlo to 20x88,bblts, screws „Feu. tice.- You who aro about to inarriod and going -to hounoltedping, wo juive,evrrything to "'please. such aa fancy waltera; and'unYa ' liypry bundled' 4nivtie -and ,forkß,, iotta or by the dozen-, common knives and Orbs', butter knivee . with platert.und ivory ,It'atialen frying vid 6rOad , peon, Brno?thipg irons, tuba, oliorna,4o. - I.JENRY SAXTOIsT. 'Carlisle - 044;E0,, 1853: , • „torcts CANT BE BEAT! Second Arrival of Surniner" Dry.-Goods. ' TUE subscriher respecilully informs hi . friends and auinurons cast - on:ors, that he has returned frem Piiiladelphia with a largo assort• meat of Sala nee Goode, which will he sold at astonishingly low prices - S(nhs, Cas.simeres, Vest ings. Calicoes, Gingliams, Bonnets, and fiats, Ribb ons , Glares; Summer Cloth:, Lawns, Mills, Paat Stain, Warages, .Cellars, Edgings, ltandlierehiefs; Laces, . Stockings, iiti h nner • BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Men's Women's and Childron•s, Boots and Shoes, Jenny Lind an/ 13 Shoes•at very low prices. Colored and White CA R PET CHAIN, A large. ass3rtinanCol_GßO CE RI ES, -such. as Sagas. Cu6re, ,Nlolasses,, Rico, Teas, &c. Till( at reation of all who Wish good bargains is solicited, ns great inducements can he offered to nurehasers. • Don't forget the old stand, Humerich's cor ner, NOrth Hanover Street, ikrßutter, Eggs, Raga and Soap taken at market prices: N. W. WO 01)8, Agt. CaTli:3le, June 9, 1953. IVE it.R;ON ITEAL ! J. W. EBY'S FAMILY GROCERY Java and Maruenihn Coffees, Green and ' Roasted do., Orleans and Clarafied Brown Snuars. Pulverized, Crushed and Loaf (1 , ), Solt Crushed (preserving) do, Rice Farina and Corn Starch, 'thoma. EMI GE= Mace, Citron, with Spices of every Icind, Sperm, Mould, Adamant* Candles, Orleans and Sugar 11 , Syrup Molasses, Luvcring's tineqt qullity Syrup, fresh assorimant of all the ohovc,arti• Glee, and a general supply of other articles usually kept by us, all just opened and for sale at oar new slurs rooms. June 8, 1853. J. W. ED V. USEFUL, F.RAGRART and GOOD. pi-p J. KIEFFER has Met returned from Phil: IL) adolphih wnh an additional supply of fresh DttUU which in connection with his former etocic will make his eatahlishment complete in this department. In'addition to the above he has - a!so opened a fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts, Pasets and Fancy Articles of every descrin. lien. The attention of the Ladies is especially invited to his extensive assortment of Fancy Aarie.les, ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and ) Perfumes of every variety. Gentlemen nre.invited to examine his fine astortment of Fancy Art inies—Seg,ars, China -- an d. Porcelain - Pipes, Tobacco of all kinds, Shaving end Toilent Soaps of superior quality. Canes. Riding and Carriage Whips, and many other articles which inure especially inter° t -- gentlemen: - A - nundii. , r of superior Woollen Matts on band. The proprietor will he very happy to have his friends eat' and examine his g,nods whether they may , vi , ll to purchase or not. July (l 13JJ 13 .1 KIEFF'ER. NEW DAUG STORE South ILinorer Street, .Year the Court House. R 3 J. KIEFFER, druggist, would respect . tnEmn the r.nieenv of Carlisle and vicinity that he has opened a new CHEMICAL AND DRUG-STORE. 1 0.1is-sback is entirely new, and has been selec ted with alreat care. As many of the articles in daily use by physicians and families deteri orate by age and exposure, iciest care will be taken not to allow such articles to accumulate in such quantities. Attention is especially invited to his stock of Medicines, Essemial Oils, Oils, Tinctures,' Wines, Extracts, Confections, Chemicals, &e. Together with the above he has a full as,sortmcnt of Paints, •Varnishes, Dye—Stuffs, Paint and Varnish Brushes, and CONF ECTIO NA R I ES of every varietV, lie has also on hand a splen• did assortment of . Pernitneries, Simps, Extracts, Fancy, Hair, Clothes and Flesh Brushes, Supporters, 13r. aot Exhausters, Nipple Shields, Tooth W111+110:1 and Pastes; also ME DI CIN.I. I, 1 l'iNE /3 A ND BRANDIES, of the best quality. SEGA ItS, from the best Havana and Spanish houses, of every , flavor, front one cent upwards. In order to ensure his customers against mistakes during any tetnporaray absence of the proprietor, the services of an experienced and competent assistant have been secured, which will lie felt to be important, in view of the respoosi ',Unica which are Imp we to devolve upon the druggist. PREStRIPTTONS will he faithfully and promptly attended to.— Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the country will be filled with care, and at prices which mtr prove satisfactory. N. B.—All officinal preparations made in strict accordance with . the directions of the U. S. Plifirmaropneia. A liberal share of public. patronage is res• pecttully solicited. Terms Cash. May 11. 1853. B. .1. KIEFFER. 1311.23.GAMTSTS! 2 ~5.11.C.T.A.X1TS II OGILIIV'S Wholesale and Heta E IPOIIIUII. IA M now - renewing my second supply o A Sommer G00 , .N, and will sell them oil client, enthan -any other house--it, the county. It-i impossible to enumerate—suffice it to say, that our stock of Dry Goods is immense; umbra cing every article in the hoe, and at prices astonishingly low. 'rile !Ales 1/31iieldarlY1 , re invited to eall.and Os amine our new stock of clegant GtlOD. 4 —Crope . Shawls, Bonnets, Ribbons, Needle Work, &e., &c Our assortment of Gentlemen's Wear is full and cumulate, cdosisting of Cloth,, Casino - tures, Coshmarets; Vestings," Cottonnades, &c. &c. CAR I' ETINGS & MA'rTIN GS. A full assortment at Imperial, Ingrain, Cotton and Venitian Carpet I ngs. Mattings .4 . every quality and width. Alai a new nad largo assortment of Ladies' and Chitdron's ;attars, Jqnny Lind and Bus kin Shoes at very .ow prices. Rea.dloct'the ..11d stand." Enst Main street June 1, 1353. CIIAS. OGILBY. GULPS PATENT PORTABLE ozroxin. MILL AND rnEss, r II E undersigned having purchased the right of Franklin and Cumberlmid coun ties, Pa., and Washington county ibid. for CULI"S PATENT PORTAIILE CIDER MILL PRESS nre,ner. , manufacturing machines upder tho flirne4l . ime sußeripion of . Henry Sher.Ter,tieprUCtOT,MiliWiagrrl.`fpfilers will be reeeii , cd and filled fvith prOrripliless,— All mai:11)111es will be warranted. By this machine, which can be conveyed on a wheelbarrow, one man and a boy can make front five to eight barrels cf cider a dey,with easa, and the eider is thoroughly pressed from the 'pomace. The. labor is light and the ma chines are simple and.nermanent. This machine was exhibited at the State Agricultural Fair, ut - Lancaster, and tested with several others, and the committee awarded 'the premium to it.. The Machines are warranted to perform what is herein stated. Orders aro respectfully/inlicited. N. 13.—Tho„press connected with the ma chine used for pressing currants, and cutting vegetables for leading stock. JACOB HOKE, ' HENRY" SIIEPLER, May 11, 1853. Gni „ . Chambersburg. TEACHER WANTED pHE Board of Directors of Mechanicsburg, want to'employ a competent Teacher to take charge of the High School. Teachers wishing to apply will pleas attend the examina tion on saturday the 13th of August, at the School House in said borough, of 1 o'clock, P. M. Branches required, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, English , Grammer, Algebra, Mensuration; History and 'Natural' Philosophy; Salary .$3O, per month, and the term not less then nix months•, JOSEPH 111013SER, .July 27, 1853, St, Sect. of Board. ci7.4.ZPREI A TEACHER, for the High Frei° School of the borough of Newvillil. , Cumberlanu co, Yu.. Application should he inail6 soon,na the school IC to commence on the 22d of August Aliburel salarOvill be given. Lly order of the Board. jy 20, 3:v • —I; M. DAVIDSON, Sec'y. 51 :174111VEliD. Y a young, married man, ,a -situation. as . Principal or assistantheacher liPtuelasicel Acadorni , or!Setninary. .1.10 has bath overfill years txperience in lobbing, and has;for borto time. been connected with a flourishing Aced -emy in central Penriffylamniii: will produce unexceptionable reran:niece and lesiimotiials,. but is nevertheless very,willing to be strictly c.raminatl as, to his imalificationsi A stated .salary would be pickled to an itymma nubji;nt to contingonnip.. ()Veil- though it he 'los than m i g h t mhtlnytim•be received. Ile • would very mita prefor'gbing west, hot enrcommuniimtion which may. do received .NVIII mect"With die attention. Address immediately. "ACADE,MUS." • ,„ July 27. . Cutn!d..Co, P. .61t.a1..,1 - iptiitc : _-Zalcs : . . Real Estate - at -Frivolo Sale. 7dli. II E - Subscriber 'offers at Private Sale the , Faftn`on which-he now lives, situated in th lliddleton township,:autuberland coun ty, abbUt t Aro miles South of Carlisle, con taining 3) acres -more or'-less -of first•rate limesteneland,, all undo , . good fence a d in a high state of cultivatien. '`.l be improvements an, a double two story :ileac - House, lately re -paired, a Wank' Barn, Stone Spring House and other 'outbuildings. 'Thera is also a fine or chard or choice fruit.. Running Water through the It is a very desirable prop arty in ovary respect, especially for a dairy, farm. .Persahs. desiring to parchnue ore re• quested tweall end-examine it. Mar23,1853-9w. . ELIMi JOHNS: . . , . if OFFER for sale the property on the North a West corner of Hanover and Pomfret sts. The lot fronts 30 foot on Unilever street by 240 on Pomfret, having erected on it a Well built ..,i three story BRICK HOUSE, with • 1 necessary stabling: The prope - rty "ON 1 iti e . lies been a tavern Stand for many I I 1 .2 :1 years, and is at present occupied as ---"` such. Price three thousand dol.. lams, [il3ooo]. Apply to the subscriber. June '2:'2, 1853. . P. GIVIN: HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE sulscriber offera for sale the BRICK HOUSE and Lot, 25 feet front by 24011 deep, nosy occupied by Mr. Henry Keller, in North Hanover street. The house and all the im provements are nearly new.' The dwelling contains thirteen ceded rooms, including dou ble parlors. Attached is a cistern. Smoke House and Stable. For , further information apply next door to the premises to • • Vanilla Bean Julo 13 1853 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale the ,valuable property, situated on Lumber Street, Carlisle, viz : No. I. AqLot of Gronnd, having, a front or 24 feet on Loather street, in the nor ough of Carlisle; and extending 240 feet back to tocustAlley, having thereon erectetra two - story PLASTERED HOUSE, with a one and a half story back building, and oie cellar tinder both, all in good order. 01 ' 4 The - house contains eight reslts, and MI excellent garden. No. 2., adjoining the above, is a lot o is feet front by tati Met deep to said alley hay ing.erected_ on it a.tivo story Plastered lionse . containing Tour rooms, and having a good garden and a variety of choice Iruit-trees. No. 3., adjoining the above, 24 feetin front and 240 lea deep to said alley, with a two story Plastered llouse, With cellar and garden. No. 4.. a lot of 12 feet front by 240 ft deep to said alley; with a two story Plastered Ilouse, well Imished and a good frame stable out the back of the lot. Also a variety of fruit trees in the garden. No. 4., a lot of 52, feet In front, by 240 fuel deep to said alley, on which is erected a IWO story plastered House, with back buildings, bake oven, wash house, cistern and pump. The house in finished in first rate style. There is a stable and sheds on the back of the lot. The lot eon tainsa great deal or shrubbery with over one hun dred choice gral ted fruit trees. No. 6., alot of'lo feet in front b.y 240 feet deep to 'gaid alley, willt`a IleW two story Brick 06e, and back buildings, nub cellars under tlicf m all, 'No. 7., a lot of 16 feet front and 21Q deep, - with anew Bricl. Ilouse , eame as the a bove, and stable. No. S., a lot 33 feet in front and 210 deep, with a large two story House, well finish throughout, with nine large rooms, large kitchen, stable, nnil other out buildings. The garden is tairgatiel contains a variety of fruit trees.-- The one half of a. will and pump near No S will be sold. • . .. \ All the of of properties are in good repair cod most of win newly ,built. They will be sold very low sod on rensinethle terms. Pot further inform:lu n enquire or - either of the sub scribers. R. G. S UV:PLR V, sr June El 1853 R. B. Sit EPLEY, jr. Ti r lEMlSTEltirrOar2 MILLS rifiHE aubgeriber , will sell by Private Side, the follosiing, deaciibr•'d Mill Property, to wit Nine acres of Land situate in Oliver township, Perry county, adjoining the flour ishing borough of Newport. The improve• meats ere a Three and equal Story MERCHANT AND GRIST MILL, with two water wheels, propelled by Little Belittle Creek, a never-failing stream, with Pout` run of stones, smut machine, merchant nod country bolts, Plz,ster Screw and all the necessary machinery belonging thereto, Saw '2. story Frame DWELL! NG DOUSE, with an excellent" pump at the door, stable and all the necessary out houses. The said im provements, with the exception of the have been made new within the last two years. The Pennsylvania Rad Road posses through this property, and the Pennsylvania Canal pus ses within live or six perches of it. - Said prop, ' -Oft hin-Fixiy-perche of the R R:Depot in Newp rt, nail nature has mado r Newport the depot of Perry county, As a besof iful home, or it profitable investment no property so desi rable has ever been °tiered for sole in this county. ABRAHAM RISSER. Juno 8, 1853- 2.m. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION "Saxton Leads the Column." . • .4 Fr ER days and nizlits of unceasing toil a_ and trouble I have succeeded in marking and arranging, my new stock of ITA It D• W A R E , and altnoitgli there has been a ire. inundous rush of customer, %Ow. know where to deal on reasonable term;, and whO appre ciate my old habit or selling cheap without making much fuss about tha matter. I am constantly making room for ne4 cuseomers Ut drop in and examine what is undoubtedly the LARGES AND BEST assortthent of,goods ever offered west of Philadelphia, anti embra cing everything usually found in a Hardware Store, front a needle to an anchor„ill of which are of the host:quality and will be sold at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. TO CARPENTERS & BUILDP,RS i .. • 'I would say that my stuck of cross cut. hand, panel ripping and back saws, bright, black and blue augurs, chisels, Planes, - looks, hatchets, hinges, screws, straight necked and bar colts, broatl, pointing and chopping axes, iron and steel squares, rules, tape measures, levels. &c. cannot tail to please the lima fastidious. Can be accommodated on the most reasonable terms with Durkee's celebrated York plows at $5 37. Also Plank's, Craighead's and others' at manufacturers' prices; spades, rakes, forks, shovels, grass and grain scythes. (llunn,,llar ling and Griffins make.) Patent and common smiths of Italia dozen different kinds. Grain Cradles, (Gregor's, Plank's,Craighead's and Crawbach's malted at reuced rates.- Also grindstones. cuithil - ,- boxes,- chain cistern and force pumps, hither, breast and log chains, sin gle and double traces and spreads Cedar ware such as tubs, buckets, bowls, water kegs, to. gether with an everlasting assortment of table and pocket cutlery, spoons, shears rind sciz. sors, candlesticks, snuffers, shovels nnd tongs, kettles, Pens, ead -irons,' waiters, brushes. 'Ste, / which will be sold by the wagon load, ton Ord bushel or in the ordinary way, Then coma friends, give us a call and see fot yourselves, We'll wait on yen with pleas tiro, and give you bargains of which vpu can't complaint Remember the place,l)ast High Street,-opposite Ogilby's , June 1, 1853. HENRY 'SAXTON. WALL_ PAPERS, subscriber is Just now receiving and 15 opening an unparalleled assortment of WALL PAPERS.. Those desirous of trans• forming the interiors of .their old dwellings into now ones, and giving additional ontiel lishments to their now noes, at a comparative ly trifling coat, will dd well to call and examine for I can sell them from fib cm upwards. Re momber. the old stand, East Main at opposite Ogilby's Store. fly tho way. I would any to Alm's° who also want to improve the exterior of their houses, that I can lurnish them with Wetherill'sVure and fresh ground White Lend, together with various other.. colours, blue. or yellow, various shades of green,"&e., in short everything, calculated to adorn find dec orate your mansions. • 'mar 2 ItENRY SAXTON A FRESH, supply ..of E; Sro's Sarsaparilla Mixedoinilflew Dank Fine Cut ' 7 robliecoo 3 , Just received at the new and cheaitGrocery of July 20,-1853 Limoburnoes Coal. 1000 TONS'Liniabuilnor's Coul aP.tbo beat ‘uality , jaaf radeiviog and for Biqa by 'E. !B.f. D DLE, ir, Only VAC , ' par ton. Carlisle, March 10, 1853... Tavern Stand,foeSale. J IL wP,Avsn, 4:kgont FOR SALE LMMTEI TOBACCO. W. A. CARQTHEYS .51111111Irt LS °rig-. WILIMUDEI ZUL. l PrEVA•Brl3axiraz Doarnig. 'gap; Ct9nberland County, Penns THIS popular and delightful Stimm'er Re treat, lavorably.known, is charmed at, Doub,:. ling Gap, in thi mountains which form ' die northornrboundery-of the Cumberland Valley, about 30 miles southwest'of Harrisburg. The Springs are accessible from the Eastern cotes by Itailrcitid ter Newville, via Lancaster, Her risburg and Carlisle. Fritim . Nelvviilo to the Springs there 8 miles of abed staging . . Pas sengers - Philadelphia or Bahl:yore in the morning, will,arriyo at the Sp figs about 6 P. M., at a -cost of rom $3 60 to 64. Many improvements hays been made during the last year, which render the place' still m ore calm ,- rice. There is a wide field for huntica—and the Trout-fishing, in the Dig Spring at gewv ilk is the best iwthe - country, - --.eur farther rartieu• lure, please address „. 'SCOTT COY LL, Proprietor. June 29, 1653 PERRY COUNTY WARM SPRINGO, T"E proprietor ofthis place feeling highly . gratified with the success which bus inten ded his management of the above eStablish intuit - during ' the t season, has Amite] increased his efforts to render the, lance and accommodations still more inviting , and cont. fortahle, by adding a new large Bath House, with Summer (louses, Sec. Those Spring s are situated on the banks of Sherman's, and empty into Sherman's Creek ; stream associated with: the thrilling scenes 1)006011 the early settlers of that part of Penn sylvania and Aborigines, whose hunting ground lay on its margin. The qualittu of, the water of the Warm Springs ammost dgianor di nary indeed, so much so, that none has ever been ascertained iu the linited•States for the speed) and permanent cure of all eruptions of the skin, and every speciesof Cutaneous 1) ;senses. .11Un. , dreils of Certificates could be pi educed and published, if requisite'to ilte"many cures it hes performed. The Bathing (louses era so titin] gad as to use' the water of the different springs: some of which throw out ninety gallons of it a ter to the minute. The Springs are necessiblo by the Central Railroad to Dune:moon, where n fine MAY couch is in readiness on the arrival of the ears to con vey passengers wile desire to ViAit the Springs, fourteen miles N.IV of Duneannon. All per• bons leaving Philadelphia in the morning train of cars can arrive at the Springs at 5 o'clock the same evening; The coach IA ill commence running daily on and offer the 10th of June, and continue daily during the season, leaving the Sp:ings every morning so es to reach the cars going East and West. All communice. lions for the Springs should be directed to Den-. cannon P.-0., and will arrive. at the Springs - daily: The terms of tidarthng will bd made • moderate, and the boarders can depend upon every attention paid them. Sternum's Cteelt, affords delightful fishing, as well as fine sailing i n - boats; and - horses - amt — curriws lllur rtdihg out. The country affords fine roads for riding, and the scenery is beautiful. The dis tance from 'Philadelphia to the Springs, is miles. Fare 84 00.. iKrA coach will rim every 'Wednesday and Saturday to the Springs,leaving Carhnle on the arrival of the cars from the East. The conch will start from Burkhoider's Hotel, but those who leave their names will be called for at their residences. it they desire it.- Fare $1: jels U. 11. ETTER, Proprietor. , Sheriff's Sales: virtue of sundi'y writs of Venditinni Ex ytoaas, issued out of - tho Chun of Com mon Pleas of Cumberland County, and to me direeted,, I will expose to sale by ['abbe vendue or outcry, a: the Court. House in the borough of Carlisle, on FRIDAY the 12th day of Au gust 1853, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described real estate, viz; A LOT OF GROUND, situate in the bor ough of Cordate, containing tin feet in front and 170 feet in depth, more or less, bounded by the Harrisburg uni Chainberaburg.turnpiko ou the north, o lot of J Abrahams on ho west, 1.1 W Meteor on the cast and alt alloy on the south, having thereon erected a two story BUICK HOUSE ned Stable. • Also a Lot of (round, situate in the bermtglfof Carlisle, containing 30 feet in front and-119.-feet in depth, more or loss, bounded by North street on the south, by a lot of Miss Vise's on the West, other property of Peter Harriet' on the east and an alley on the north, haling thereon erected two story BRICK HOUSE, !ie.- Also a Lnt of Ground situate in the -borough 'of Carlisle, containing li feet in•-fran.t., ne..44.3g It in depth. more or less, bounded `by North street on the south; other property of Peter Burner on the west, J ill Gregg on the, east and Oil slick -on the north, having - thereon erected a two story Brick House, &c. Seized and taken in execm• lion as the property of Voter Hunter. Also all the interest of Jacob Chronister in the lands and tenements descending to hint from Jelin Chronister, deceased Ovate in Illonroo twp., bounded by lmtis of II mry, 13rownawoll on the west, Jolm Corns en th, on the south, David Clark on the east and the Trindle Spring toad cu 'be nortb,cont a i t.i tiO 12 acres mire Or - less:hiving' thereon erected two story FR kME HOUSE and a stable, and a ono story Frame House and stable', &c. Seized and taken ill execution no the property of Jacob C hronist cr. and nll to be s..ld by me, Sheriff's Office, Car- JOS. 31eD A R... 11 NI), lslie, July it, '53. C PROOL.EIDIATZON. WHEREAS The Honorable J. IL GILA• 11,151, President Judge of the sue, ral Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylva nia, and Justice of the . several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in inlet counties. urd lion. John Rupp and Sion. not Woodburn, Judges - of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said county of Cumbarland,by their precer ts to tno directed, dated the 11th of April, 1853, have ordered the Court of pier and Terminer and General.TailDelivery, to be holden tit Car. lisle, on the 4th MONDAY of August, 1853, (being the 2.2ddaylat 10 o'clock in the titre noon, to contintreeno week. NOTICB is therefore hereby given, to th: Coroner. Sustices of rho Peace and Constables of the said County of Cumberl4nd: that they are by the said 'precept commanded to be thel and there in' their proper persons, with Itch tolls, records, Inquisitions, ,examinations end all other remembrances, to du those things which to their offices appertain to La dune, and all those Iliut are Emend by reeogniz,inees ' to prosecute °kunst the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of said county, ore to ha there to prosecute them us shall liejust. JOSEPH McDARMON I), Sheriff. SIIERIFF's OFFICE. Carlisle, July 13, 1853. • . ( .• NOTZCZI, XTOTICE is hereby given to idl permos tereeted, that the !Winning at-counts have been filed in the Prothonotary's eflice, for the examinatiodol the accountants therein named, and will be presented to the Court.of Common Pleas of Cumberland County, fur corifiymatien and allowance, on Wednesday the 23d day of August, A. D. 1853 I. Account of John Robb end Daniel 11auff man, assignees under deed of voluntary assign. meat for benefit of creditors of George Sailor, or Singh Middleton Township, Cumberland county. 2„ Second account alien. John Rupp, com mittee of the person and estate of Peter Zim merman, a lunatic, 3. Assignee or trust account of Moses Mor rell, assignee under a deed of volurnmy assign ment for the I:tient of tredt.ors of John D. Zell,late of Churehtown, Cumberland County. GCO. ZINN, Protley. July 19, 1853. 4w. THOMAS It SIDLES' MOW ettouenskrd ROO MS AND FURNISHING sToitE, , Opposite the Rail Road Office, West High Street, SKIT:WS desir6 .to infirm his old' ' IL. • friends and the public that ho has opened •a gonol'al clothing . osmblishment. and huh now in store an axioms° stock of the best and cheapest goods ever offered in Carlisle. V. 0.11008 and clothlngi •-• , r for Spring, Semmerand Winter wear, now on hand of overy.variotio and furnished at reduced rates. Re has also a large and well 'selected, assortment of Piece 'Goods, of English, French ,and Gorman Fabrics, of tiew - and beautiful pat. (army fur coats peels end ,yenta, which will bo made to add in rho Moat approved and faster .ionable inntroar andlti usupetter style of ;wink. manship. full and 'elegant stock of Gentle. 'mon's Furniehing,Oooda, sugh es glnVea r pfoi n and fanny shirts, coltare, hainikorchiefs, ties, munstantly "kopt.,en hand,: „Afars • Indie :,,Itablier Overcoats and. T.:cgdins. • • Feeling confident from' the repOtatian which at has been his' ()aslant - airn• •for a course of years to aoeure' for Ins, estanlisliment , .ot his , pleifes.:ll6 ratipingtfully invitee, an cx ' Of lils•stook,whkelt for quality,winlc, 'uniwahip 'and lOW Pricseparinotbe surpassed,. May 4,1853—?-I,yi' . ; - ~• WELCH'S PARISIAN HIPPODROME. • GRAND ftESTORATION OF TOE - Ancient Sports, Games and Ceremonies of the Greeks and Romans. pgmll'lLL , EXHIBIT AT clutusur, 'ON WEDNESDAY, August the'3d, 1855. For one day. only. PRICES: Boxes 25 eta. Reserved Seats, 50 etc. Children under I0,•to Reserved Seats, Half.Pricn. Doors open at .2i in the Afternoon, and in the Evening. Performance to commence half-an-hour after. . This is the Largest Establishment in the World, comprising Ono Hundred an I Sixty-Three Mal( and Female Artists and Auxiliaries, and a Stud of 200 HORSES, PONIES and other trainer. animals. - The Pavilion composing, the Hippodrome proper, is the largest in the World, and is constructed so as to be nlways cool and comfortable. It is built after a plan Of the Gymnasium of Elia, Hid contains seats for 0000 persons. Daring the evening it will be brilliantly illuminated with Gas, from an apparatus designed expreSsly for supplying the enormous .ittnount . required in this exhibition. • *THE ENTRANCE into town will be observed by a Grand Procession, led by Post's Celebrated Brass Bard, and followed by the Cots, Chariots, Wagons, Horses, &e., The Entertainments will: be particularly NOVEL AND CLASSIC in their character, entirely dissimilar from any presentation ever made in the country,, consisting of Triumphal Entrees, Chariot Racing, Hurdle Leaping, Cars of Juno. LA COURSE DES SINGES! By a, troupe ca Apes, Monkeys and Baboons, on Lilliputian t'on'es. Scenes on Hui Turf, by 0 Parisian Ladies, LA FEIICEIE EQUIPOISE. and other Feats in the Arena, on the Course, in the Stadium, and of the Tilting Ground. The whole concluding with a scene from tho ITALIAN CORSO, in whial) 12 BLOODED HORSES will be let loose in the Arena at one time. For further particulars, see illuminated posters, lithographs, Stc.,.at the principal - Hotels. • ,i3W--The Hippodrome will exhibit at York,' August 2d, and at Harrisburg on the 4th. OORE'S PATENT GRAIN DRILL, AND SEED PLANTER. Dr planting wheat, rye, Ila oats, barley, indian earn, timothy seed. etc. This machine t u ts patented July 2d, 15.90,. Its operation - during the three pest yenrs has been highly successful; wherever it has been thor oughly tested, its oed qualities have been universally .aekne‘vlt dgril; and not is ithstandirg ths 1 great incrense.ol e impetitiori, 'it still continues to maintain its superiortity ov, , r all others yet in use. Lturing the 3 e'er - 1850 and 1851 it reerivid the highest premium at six different Agricultural Ex lath_tions,•as followis -T wo in the State of Maryliiiiii,nne in Al ichigan, one in Delaware, and two in Pennsylvanin;'•u hilt, Within the past vent it was awarded the first and Inglnst premiums at each or the county exhibitions ol Chester, Berlis and Schuylkill. The fact that in 'receiving the above premiums, this machine - was brought at several different times in n fair and open competition with at! the Grain Drills of fny note, yet in use, and slier a careful 'examination and investigation, by the atrliorized eommittea, was in every instanao awarded the highest premium—is a matter win thy the eonsidei anon of th'e p,trehnser„ De principal points ol receminendition are ; Ist —lts durability, U its perfect simplicity of con struction, 3d the easy manner of regill i ving to son any desired quantity of seed, 4th the exactness with which it distributes the seed,'-operuning equally well on une‘len nail sidling ground as on an even surface, sth its easy drought. being about 25 'per rent lighter tli most other seeding tnacknes now in use. \ Alf !quell for inforeirition s ;',ns well no orders for nwhines, will be promptly mended to. The inanufsctorr hitherio t i nder the firm of Lee, Pierce & her. ha, been chnnued, and in now conducted by LEE, PEIRCE & 'I'IIOMP.SON, to ahem all orders rhould be nddressed. July 20, 1A53.6w ,Sward,cd. to MO Machin. al the Pair of the American Institute, New York, 0et.1852,, A Diploma at the Franklin Inelitute, Philadelphia. FitFi Premium at the Stat. I'air, Utica, New York, mud at the Columbia nod lie 118Selner County (New Vork)Fatrit, and a Diploma at the Westchester County Fair ni White Plaint. . .-.‘'_ ,l •