Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 27, 1853, Image 4

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iieavirr.sw nYntN'..
' ' •• . ,• ,
Harvest, with its fsoo of golden " hue, ite
head crowned with peace and
. plenty is With
us. 'The husbandman rejoices in the reocipi
Qt nature's gifts,-a9 the Great Diver of all
good bath boon plotised , to reviard his laboi
and toil: WO can find no more epPropriatb
time than the present to' introduco to our read
'ors the "harvest Hymn," •
God of the rolling year 1. to Theo
Our song shall rise—whose bounty pours
Xn many a goodly gift, frith - free
• And liberal hand'our Autumn stores;
No firstlings of our flooke we slay, •
No soaring clouds of incense rise,—
But on thy hallewed shrine we'lny,
Our grateful hearts in•saoritiee.-.
Borne on thy breath; the lap of Spring '
Was heaped with many a blooming flower
And smiling Summer joyod to bring
The' sunsline and Me gentle shower;
And Autumn's rich luxuriance now,
o The ripening seed—the bursting shell,
Tho golden sheaf, and laden bough, ,
The fullness of thy bounty toll.
No menial throng, in princely dome,
Here wait a titled lord's behest ;
But many a fair and peaceful home
Bath won thy peaceful dove a guest;
No groves of palm or fields adorn—
No myrtle shades or orange bowers—
But rustling meads of golden corn,
And fields of waving grain are ours.
Safe in thy care, the landscape o'er
Onr flocks and herds securely stray ;
No tyrant master claims our store—
No ruthless robber sends away,
co fierce voloano's withering shower—
No fell simoon with poisonous breath—
Nor burning sun, with baleful power, .
Awake tlio"fiery plagues of death.
And here shall rise our song to Thee,
Where lengthened vales and pastures lie,
And streams go slinging wild and free,
Beneath a blua.and smiling. sky,
Where ne'or was reared a mortal throne,
Where crowned oppressors never trod,
Hera—at the Throes of Heaven alone,,
Shall man in reverence bow to God.
soap suds as a Fertilizer.
The value of this liquid as a stimulant
of vegetation does not appear to be gen
erally appreciated by our agriculturists,
many of whom make no use of it. In
a state of incipient putridity, soap suds
is replete with the element of vegetables,
in a state of actual and complete solution;
the only condition, indeed, in which it
is susceptible of absorption and assimila
tion to the, roots of plants. Besides its
value is a powerful stimulant, it posses
ses, also, very potent athe:minhe prop
erties, and when used in the irrigation of
garden and field crops—the„ best way,
perhaps, in which it can be applied to
.vegetables—operates as a remedy a
gainit the ravages of bugs worms, &c.
Every farmer should have a largo tank
or vat, capable of holding from three to
tour cart loads, it should be constructed
in some place easy of access, and to
which, without difficulty, the wash from
the fink and laundry can be regularly
conveyed. In this reset-vier all the. wash
matter produced on the farm should be
thrown—bones, refuse, ashes, muck turf,
rich soil, and chip manure from the wood
shed ; in short, every substance capable
of absorbing the rich fertilizing liquid,
and retaining it for the benefit of the
soil on which it is to be applied. Na
ture has everywhere supplied in munifi
cent abundance, the means of fertility,
and we have appropriate and ap
ply them judiciously, to secure the best
and most flattering results. Some agri
cultural writers have estimated a value
of a hogshead of suds, in a state of in
cipient putridity, to be very nearly equal
to that of a cord of prepared manure,
but as its value depends entirely on the
grease or fatty acids, • and the soda or
potash of which it is composed, nonni
trogenous materials, its virtues may be
Over-estimated.—Smen tific American.
The - Apon and East Pormsborough - Mutual
Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland coun
ty, incorporated by an Act of Aseombly, is
now fully organized, and in operation under
tho management of the following commission-
ere, viz:
Jacob Skelly, Wm, R. Gorgas, Michael
Cocklin, Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Stay
man, ehristian Titzel, Jacob H. Coover, Lewis
Hyor, Henry Logan, Benjamin H...Museer, Ja
cob Kirk, Samuel Frownll, Joseph Wicker-.
-The rates - of insurance are as low. and favor
ebb° as any . Company of the kind in the State.
Persons wishjng to become members aro in
vited to make application to the agents of the
company, who are willing to wait upon them
at any time.
BENJ. H. MOSSE ft, President r ;
HEW/ LOGAN, Vice PM:tidal/2
Lewis Hyer, Secretary.
Michael Conklin, ,Treasurer.
• Cutnberland County.-- 7 1tudolph Martin, N.
• Cumberland ; C. B. Herman. Kingstown ; Hen
ry Zearing, Shiremanstown; Charles 8011,
Carlisle ; Dr. J. Abl, Churchtown ; Samuel
Graham, West Pennsborough; James McDow
el, Frankfard... ' ....Mode Griffith, South Middle
ton; Samuel. Cooveri -Benjamin Haverstick,
Mechanicsburg; John Shorrick, Lisburn; Da
vid Coover, Sheplierdstown.,-
York County.—John Bowman, Dilleburg;
'Pater Wolford, Franklin; John Smith,
Washington; W. S. Picking, Dover; Daniel
RafTensbergor, J W. Craft, Paradise.
Ilarriaturg.—Houser & Loe!mien;
' 'Members of the company having" policies
adout to eapke can have them renewed by
making application to any of the ogonte.
Nov. 24 - , ly. '
. ,T. $. GOULD,
No. 164 Cheslma ,St., :Stoairres Building, Philo
IMXNENSIVE Music Publisher,
and Deal-
LI er in Musical .Thstrurnente or every do.
ecription. •
Pao'atty.:, agent for t to sale of Ballet, Davis
Co's Patent Suspension SridgolEolian and
other'' '
Gilhert'sl3oudoir Iquitos, Melodeons, Mar-
tin's Guitars, 'Harps, Violins, Sheet Music,-
'Music 'Woke, &c.
Residents of tho'country will be supplied by
nail or otherwise with music they may wish,
as low as if purchased in person. Having one,
or the. largest stocks in the United States, I
feel confidant of satisfying all who may favor,
me with wean or order. •
Dealers in Music supplied on the most libera
terms. Pianwto let." Second•hand Pianos for
solo. ' ; '•.:;tuay 20 1853 ly)
. .
FIRMS R: 'T a • lEO' •
JENKINS' 4eitrkimand of.Toal, Groan and
Black, in thetalha•Pa4kcagon; Also In 'bulk, arid
in original packagoo..' A large and general na•
'mamma of thelost WRITE IRONItTONG
- A ND GRANITE W ARE,' with rOvariety,or
'Glass Warp, acid Common' Ware of-evtly de
tiociptlOtiOn setts :or ottterwioo to snit tho pu`y=
ghttoori together with'
'and a variet y of..F.andy Wire itivrays in store
and for
,ealo at the "Fainily Grocery" of:'
Juno 8 1853. J. • W; EBY.
ViIJI,eZI LULU ,70 ruin,-
off' /SPRING, AND summon
• = - Dry 45Mods • ' '
A.A. the stOreof the eubsceiber, - the &eat Mart for
• if:// Mods, Groceries, Boots 4- Shoes, 4c.
Tito eubecyiboi respectfully ipforms his friends
an numerous customers. that he has returned
from Philadelphia - with ' a large and varied as
garment of Spring and Stemmer Goods, con—
sisting in: part of Cloths, Cassi Meres, Sat
tinets, Vestings; ' Linsoys,
Velvet Cords,'.eretials, Suspenders, Gloves.
Silks, Bambazines,Fii'd, Plain and Change
able Poplins, AlM'Slin do - Laines,, Gingham,
Calicoes, 'Alptichae, Morinoes; ShayOs, Hog. ,
my, &c. _ '
A very largo assortment, embracing every
style and quality. A large assortment el
•Bonnets, Ribbons, Umbrellas, and 'Parasols.
An extensive variety of Alen's, 'lromen's and
Children's Boots and Shoes; Guns Shoes, from
the most celebrated manufacturers. Also,
colored and white Carpet Chain. •
Such as'Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, &c.
Choice Teas from the well-known tea dealers,
Jenkins Sc Co., &c., &e.
AB whUvisit our establishment aro free to
acknowledge that we'are selling Foreign and
Domestic Dry Goode, Boots, F.hoes,&c., at as
tonishingly low prices. Our ow prices has
already attracted a large number of people.—
The attention of all who wish good bargains
is solicited, as inducements can be offered to
purchasers. Don't forget the corner opposite
Leonard's old stand, North Hanover street.
Butter, Eggs, rags and soap, taken at mar
ket prices. N \V WOODS,
ap6 Agent.
rresh Spring Supply!
t[ EVE just received a fresh stock ofMed•
icines, Paints, Glass,
Oil, &e., which
having been purchased with great care at the
boat city houses, I can confidently recoMmend
to Families, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, as being fresh and pore.
Patent Medicines, nerbsand Extracts,
Fine homi eels, I Spices,vound and whole
Insiruinents, Essences, -
Puro Essen'l Oils I Perfumery, 81. e. .
Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine.
- I Log and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol
I .
Lae Dye'
Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Orman and Yeßaw, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
J ersuy - Window Glass --- Linseed -- Oil,• Tarpon
tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead: -
All of which will be sold at the very lowest
market price, Also,a frcsn and splendid as
sortment of
- • -
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for use and anamont, allot wl.ich
are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Drug (look and Fancy Store of the sub•
scriber on North Hanover street.
May 28 1851.
T .
IIE subscriber continues to carry on the
above buitiness, in all itsvarious branches,
in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors
North of Leonard's corner, where ho inteddii
keeping on hand agoileral assortment in hipline,
Consisting of all kinds of lash
ionable SADDLES, Bridles
v i martingales Girths Circinglcs
111 1
1 3, an d H alters, ' l '
•1 i, . and I , t `g! Ron
0111 tling and sadc i lld AM :
Ull Ml' i . nl g n s nfactut ? es n th s entost approved
Spanish Spring Saddles, aver
It used in this country, those
wishing a handsome, durableand pleasant sad•
dlo will do well to call and sae them. He also
manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars end
I,Vhips in all their varieties, and confidently be•
Neves from the general approbation of his cue
Somers, that he makes the neatest, and beet
ova, in all their variety tit breadth, that is
mudo in the country. Ho also makes all kinds
- et Mammies to order, viz: Straw, Husk, Curl.
•Od Hair and Spring Matrassos. All the above
articles will be made of the best material and
workmanship, and with the utmost despatch. WM. OSBORN.
0 -
rIFIHE snbscribor continuesto manufacture at
his Foundry in East High street, having
on hand a great variety of good patterus, and is
prepared to furnish IRON AND BRASS
CASTINGS, which will bo.executed to ordor_
(if not on hand,) attileAliortesi notice, such as
Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil
Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, &c., Plough
CaStings. Cutters. Point Shears., Wagon and
Conch Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car
Chairs, &c. Steam Engines built to order and
repaired. All kinds of machinery in Paper
Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired ni
short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned.
Ilso, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines,
such as Bevel Gear Four Horse power; Hors
izonial Gorr Four, Horse Power ; Horizontal
Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs, Corit_Shol.
lers and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines
and Horse powers repaired and Job Work done
at the shortest notice. Palterns or different
.kindi on hand and madeitb order.,
He also line on hand a of Phila
delphia and Troy Cooking Stoves,'ond is con
stably making Cooking Stoves of various im
proved pavorns, for coal or wood. Ten Plate
Stoves, Grates, &c.
Rnpiring done to all kinds of Machinery.—
All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken
in exchange for work.
atir2l tf FRANKLIN G A RDNF.R.
Fish, Fish, 0 I Fish.
FIFTY barrels of prime No. 1, .? andl 3 3
Mackerel, in whole, half and quarter buret ,
just received in Store and'for sale at the - lowest
prices for cash by
inarl7 J, G. WILLIAMS.
Window Shades, Carpets and 0
. A P'223 North 2d Street, above Woo
Philadolphia, would - most respectbd.
ly call the' attention of his friends and - the
public in general, to his large and well se.
elected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattingly,
Window Shades, Door Mats, Stair Rods, Pi.
Ono Covers, 'Pablo Covers. Cocoa Mailings, f rem
yards wide, for Public Houses, Counting
Tremßee; &e.
Mao—to my branch Store, QC, Spring) Gar
den Street, above 9th
Two Women Foully Butchered I I
THE grSatest excitement prevails in
delphiaon account of 'the inhuman massitore
of two helpless femalehi but a greater.tind
more intense excitementotists since the urri 7
vat .nt Bentz & Brothers of a' splendid lot of
which No are selling off to the public at very
low prices. Among the lot are Dress Goods,'
ovary kind, Bonnets, vary cheap, Ribbons,
Chintzes, Mdeline, and a great stock of Cloths,
Cassimeres, Vostings, Summer stuff, and a
general Variety. Further particulars hordel
, march 16 - IT:fl
The Best anti Cheapest in the Market for
, ; Family Use.
• F:4,01
:;;;;;F 7: • ig.M. "
200 TON'S of tho celebrated Ranch Go
'Dauphin county, and Gold Alino Gap
Coal,,Sohuylltill county. just received :and for
saloat , prices from 03;20 to • $3,50 per ton, by
k7./13IDDLEI jr.-at..tho warolummo formerly
'owned by.S. 111.•.Hoiier.• • • .
VOCoal can be dellinired any -Whore along
•;tholiaaof the .CutiaboilandiValleY,Rail .Road.
Ordori by letter (post. paid),promptly attended
wzNx:s•ANkr‘EslfttrOß,Eii . *-
MADEIRA, Tendril ''Malaga, Lisbon,
Muscat, 'Grupe: Juice, Port and An°ltor'brand,
Champagne ,Wioae. Boston* Ruin, Ginger
Btandy, Cherry, Brandy,. Palo Cogniac and
• 7-77 • „ Hark'Brandy, Holland Gut and- Wino Bitters.
Sperm OANDLES , 3IO per .pound, .Syrui)
MAIOICER*L., - andlYlialauga. MOI,ALSES, ',Washing Soda,
200 B o u ri p rr o o r i r Hysmijniperial and Blaolt.TEAS,
e; Regalia :and Cube CIGARS, for
WoODwARD . saloy.the boxor retil. 'bring ni,your for
--- • ` and trr him ' CraygG) 0119:4.:'BAliNkTZ
El', 4 k r 4 . 3
. . ,
Thimcmgh by, Expre:ss..
MESSRS. A - 6 BRAGG - s.St;.bib.—GEtrrit.7
iriwr We ' hat O . been using your MEXICAN.
MUSTANG LINIMENT with the moat per..
feet 'success.' One of our moat valuable Express
horses had hem; much tronbled by large swellings
'or tumors on the fetlockii; they had grown lar.r ,
ger Alain •;htni's eggs.- Besides being- disfigured.
by - appendages, the limbs and joints Sp
ite:wed quite stittene'd, swollen and lame. ,
had tried many Li aiments Mid other remedies,
but nothlng'appeared to produce tiny effect upon
them. We would willinglynlAVE GIVEN.
TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to have had them
removed, and the horse restored to soundness.
Our hostler obtained some of your Liniment, and
applied it without knowledge. — A few days ago
he called our attention to the horse, and to our
surprise and gratification, his legs were perfectly
LN DISAPPEARED ! We asked him by what
magic he had effected such a remarkable cure
His reply was that he bud been using the M US
TANG LINIMENT on them about ten days,
and the result wawthe entire removal of the tu
mors without producing any soreness ot.leaviog
U scar.
- • -
We therefere take grent:pleaanve in !Teem
mending the Liniment, and shall continue to use
it whenever occasion requires, in preference to
any oth preparation, so long as it prutluecs such
remarkable results.
June 300052. I{ INSLEY 4.1 CO,
Southern and Eastern express, Nn I Wall st.,
corner of Broadway, New 1 ork•
Since the above certifich'e was given, Messrs
Kinsh:y & Co have infm-med us that one of his
differs was thrown front his wagon in the uppir
part of the city, and very badly bruised, the
wagon passing over his body. ate was Mimi into
n llcutor's office close by, and
LINIMENT, as he had recently tried it it a
similar case with great success. Ile did. so, and
all the soreness,• lameness, and stiffness was re
moved, so that the next day he was about his
business as usual.
" We take great pleasure in recommending the
our friends and custiumrs. as the best article we
have ever. used lor sores t lulling; 91rainS. or
golds w horses. We have used it extensively
and always effectually. Sonic of our men have
also used it for severe hi uises and sores, as Ivell
as rheittnittle lthal, soil they all soy it acts like
magic—we call only say that we laire abandoned
the use of any other Liniment,
Stable. Beeper to the American Express Co.'
and fur Haruden's Express."
NEV YORK,,lnly 31, 1852
We berebx,cerli'Y thaßue have used the com
pound known as the Al USTANG LINIMENT
and Intecuo hesitation in recommendinn , it as the
best article we—Erse - ever• used for the-cure of
sprains, galls c us bruises, bee on-horses. All
,who doubt this, will please call on the undersign
ed, and they will - be happy td afford all other
information in their power as regards its efficacy,
&c. LUTZ. DALL be CO.,
Proprietors Alanlowan Strge Co
Extract from a letter dated
SACIIAMENTO CITY, Gal. Atte:. 15,1952.
I believe the MUSTANG LINIMENT most
an excellent article. My wile brought a couple
of bottles with her, which I must thank yon Mr.
Since she came hure, MY HORSE FELL
DOWN WITH ME; and injured me consider
ably, but broke no bones. I had mecum to the
Mustang, and the relief, and in low cure was
astonishing.' (Signed) 1) RANSOM.
Extract from a letter dated
PITTSBUNG„ .. 006ber sth, 1852.
Another circumstance which I noticed a few
days ago, I thou i , , ht spoke highly of the virtues
of the Mustang. Being in the race of a Pl.)
chin 01, high standing, I noticed as he opened a
door of his bookose, several, bottles of Mus
tang, alongside of which wiraSirti nstrry Mustang
bottle, nod a two ounce prescription vial FILLED
was the following directions : " Bub the throat
well night-nnd morning Ns ith the Liniment, and
Wrap a woolen cloth around it."
WILLIAMAgents for Carlisle.
General DepoOViii.:KPlioenix Block, corner
2d and Dock streets, Philadelphia.
A.O. ANDREWS Gen. Agent.
WHATEVERconcernsthe health rind !sapid
nese all people is at all times of the most
valuable importance. - take it for granted that
every person will do all in their power,to save the
liver of their children, and that every person will
endeavor to promote their own health at all sac
rifices. 1 feel it to be my duty to solemnly as.
sure you that WORMS ,accord ing to the opinion
of the-most celebrated Physicians, are the ;slim
ry causes of a large majority of diseases to which
the children and adults are liable , if you have
an appetite continualy changeable from one kind
of, food to another, Bad Breath, Pain in the
Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness rind
Full Ass of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever
Pulse irregular—reinember that all these denote
WORMS, and you should atonce apply the rem
An article founded on Scientific Principles,
compounded with purely vegetable substances,
being perfectly safe whets taken,and can biigiven
to the most tender infant with decided beneficial
effects where Bowel Complaints and Diarrhon
have made them weak and debilitated ; the Tonic,
properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it
stands without au equal its the catalogue of med
icines, in giving tone and strength to the Stom
ach, which makes it an infallible remedy for
those afflicted With Dyspepsia; the astonishing
cures performdd by this Syrup atter Physicians
• iIFIVC failed, is the bestotidcaceof its superior
allicaey shove till others.
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy o
all that infest the human system, it grows to an
almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and
fastened in the Intestines and Stomach,affecting
die health so sadly as to cause St,Witus' Dance,
Fits, ke., that.those afflicted seldotn if ever sus.
poet that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
early grave, In order,. to destroy this Worm,a
very energetic treatment mast be pursued, it
would therefore he proper to take 6 to 8 of my
Liver Pills so as to remove all obstructions, that
the Worm Syrup may net direct upon the Worm,
'which must be taken in doses of 2.l'nblespoonfuls
three tames is day. These directions tollowzd
have never been known to fail in curing the most
obstinate rase of Tone Worm.
No part a the system is more liable to disease
than the LIVER, it serving as a titterer to purify
the blood, or giving the proper secretion to the
Bile ; so that any wrong action of the Liver af
fects the other important parts of:the system_ and
results variously, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
llysp,ersle, ko. We should therefore,watch ev
ery symptom that might indicate a wrong actiot.
of the Liver. Those pills being composed •of
Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heal the
Namely, Ist. An EXPECTORANT,
'which augments the secretion from the Pulmo
nary mucous membtane, or promotes the dig=
charge of secreted matter: 2d. An ALTERA
TIVE, which changes M, some inexplicable and
insensible manner the certain morbid action of
the system. 3t1.,A TONIC, wnich give tone and
strength to the nervous system, renewing health
and vigor to ,all parts of the body. 4th. A CA
TE-Lawn°, Which acts in perfect hartriony with
the other ingredients,and operating on the bow
ies, and expelling the'whole mass of corrupt and
vitiated matter, and purifying the Blood, which
destroys disease and restoecti health. 4.
You will findthcseliAllszin invaluable medicine
in,many complaints to which you arc subject. In
Obstructions either fetal or paean), they have
jicen found of an inestimable benefit, restoring
their functional arrangements to a healthy action
purifying the blood and other fluids so effectually
na to put to flight all complaints which may arise
from female:lrregularities, ns hendach.' giddiness,
ilimnean of sight, ialln in the side, back; ke; • ,
" None genuine unletis signed J. N. 'llobelisnek;
all others being base imitations,. -
0:7" Agents wiahilig new, sttl,plies,,nnd . Store,
.keepers desirous or becoming; agents must ad
'dress the, Proprietor, J. Al, Illobermck, plate
d-11)11in, Pa.
Ilaverstick, S Elliott, and S Itubbnial„Cnrllide:'
LloydLisburn.3 I Dar, and .1 lloSiudir,Alleelinn
lesburg llop;uestown ; Dowered& to
Strolim, Kingstown ' Seidler, Churchlowna,
Hayes; Shippensburg t Divin, Papertown't
Grcason, Plainfield naiad & Dice, Dickinson*
Weakley Shriver, - Centreville t Donaldson &
Green, : Palmitowtri ;Mardis IlL:W-herry , New;
(lure) • ••,, '
Num 2..eents each • ' ;- 1
Zerm ans „Celebrated • ToOth Wash.;
Ton le preparationitas long ben
A. in New "York and IMllinlelphinovhere
an itninetnio r popularly, for ifeanaing,
preserving and ti . eautifytuE teeth: It ,is. an
exoqlient reme4y.fdr soru:sort hlee
Halo input is a delightful frualutestrto the mouth,
tlin'g gains: -
and agrceahle odor to the,breath. ' • •
Read the refloweag fromDr: 'Murray
I can, with , the utmost Confidence,Tecem
: mend to the public, Zerman'a ;Anti-Scorbutic
Tooth Wash as the best hi nm. In nay practice
as tt Dentist; I have used and recommended it far
Me last five years, and have teund it togive sat
isfaction in every instance, nerthe Wash does not
Contain acid,,or anything injurious to the teeth or
gums ;-but, on the, contrary; is the hest antiseptic
n the practice, and therefore, would recommend
he - nse of it, not only to" those - whO wish to pre
sery et heir teeth and gums, and Imre a wholesome
ihreei),. but also to those who hove diseased Rums
ter teet h. 'use use of the Wash, fora short time,
will insure a return to their healthy state.
No• GI, S. Eleventh st., below Chestnitt Phil'a.
lir. (feudal, of Carlisle, rap t—" Mr. .Zer
man, I am well pleased with pate Tonth.Wash :
it not only cleanses and whitens the teeth without
-injuring thetn,but iheures sore or bleeding, gums.
11J cheerfully recommend it to the profess.on and
public, as tile very best preparation that can be
naafi for cleansing. and preserving the teeth,
healing the gums,and giving sweetness to the
JOIIN W. lIENDEL, Surgeon Dentist.
Price 25 cents per bottle. Prepared only
Francis Zerritan, Druggist and Chemist, corner
of Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia. '
For sale by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Carlisle,
Pa octl3
grill F. undorsignod is. repared to manufacture
IL steam enginesnd boilers, blowing cylin
ders, gearing for ro ling, grist 'rind saw mills. -
.... ....,_ ,F.% till screws, lathes and
Li planes, shafting,. hangers
' ' ''''% = • and pullieriond every vari•
oty of Al ACHIN Ella aml 0 ASTINGS,such
as hot blast pipesigas and water pipes, retorts
and lamp posts, car wheels and axles, fire
plugs and hydrants, cellar grates and water
spouts, wall coupeing, and a very handsome
assortment of new style paterns for patent fence
making, posts and gates, cast bathing {.interns,
largo,size, and a number of new patterns for
cook, nine plate and parlor stoves, horse pow
ers and threshing machines of improved plane,
plough castings, east columns and fronts for
houses. ,
Mill owners and mill-wrights are respectful
y solicited to call end examine my new and
mprovod assortment of mill gearing patterns.
l'uttorns and smith work made to order and
machinery repaired promptly.
N. B• Railvied cars of all dimensions
built and repaired.
Harrisburg. May 26. J. R.SONS.
S. tr. Corner of N. Ilanover and Loather Vs,
IT9 G most respectfully to call tho early alien
.ll))Lionn of the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity
to our new and beautiful assortment of Spring
Goods, selected from the very best of the New
York and Philadelphia markets, consisting of
Persian Cloths, Barege do lane, Black Cliali,
Chnli Barege, Chnmelion Silk, Bombazines.
Alpacas. All wool De:nines, Mous de bugs,
French Chintzes, Lawns ' &c.
Undersleaves, Cuffs, Spencers,
_Swiss and Jaconet Ruffling,
"Swiss and Jaconet Edging and Inserting,
Lisle and Mechlin do - do . --
Florentine do • :do,
Linen Bobin do do
Valencenee Laces,.
Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, Mohair and Cotton
Gloves. _ - • _ -
White andil3lnek Silk; and Blk Ingrain Hose
Mixed and White Cotton do
Mons Half-Dose.
Ginghams, Checks, Tickinps, Calicoes,
White Nluslina, Nankeen, Kentucky Jeans,
Blue and Fancy Drills, Vesting,
Plain and twilled Linen,
Fine Damask Linen Table Cloths,
do Towels,
do Napkins, N •
Bird Eye Diaper.
Black and Fancy colored Gaiters, (Willis),
Shoes of all descriptions, (Willis' make) ,
Fine Calf I3c,ots, Kip Peg'd Boots,
— Mena Calf COhgress Boots, Boys Boots,
do Gaiters, do Shoes, •
All kind - Childrens Shoes and Gaiters.
Rio and Java Coffee,Lovering's Syrup Molas
ses, Cuba Molasses, Sugar of all qualities,
•Rice, Spices, &c.
Purchasers will find it to their advantage to
call and examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere, as it is entirely new and wo litive for
ourimotto "quick sales nod sinalljprofits. •
Carlisle, April 6, 1353. •
4T OCI ILlirl S .10.410011177.71
NS caused by the groat daily RUSH FOR
It NEW GOODS at that old and established
CHEM' s (ME. Now opening' a splendid
assortment of
Challios Cloth, Barraizo ldo Laines, Barrazies,
Elegant dross Silks, pious do Bege,
Chintzes, Calicoes, Gingham,
Noodle-worked Collars, Undersleevos,
An immense assortment of Bonnets from 37
cents to $5. Beautiful and Cheap Ribbons,
Artificials and - Bonnet Linings in great variety,
A big lot of new and cheap Carpotings, not to
be excelled in price andbeauty in the State.
Afcompleto assortment of Parasols and Sun
Shades very low.
1 have added largely to this department ;and
will sell them cheaper than ever.
A fresh lot of cheap Groceriesust received.
Come on with your CASH. and' save a profit
by selecting , your purchases from this magnif
icent assortment of Cheap Goods.l, 11:7Rem
ember the old stand, East Main sty,'Carlisle.
April 6,, 1853. CHARLES OGILB Y.
• Higlt St., ttoo doors East of Market -Housei
South Side.
THE subscriber thankful for past fa-
Jo- yore %voodooism his old customers and
the community in . general. that he has just re
turned from the city with a large and full as—
sortment of Grocerrs, 'consisting in part of
superior Rio, Java„'Laguayra, and Roasted
Coffees, Lovering's :Lump,,Sand and Pulver.
load Sug•rs, Brown Sugars at all prices, Mo.
!wee at all qualities and prices. -•
of every doscriptton; including French and E
nglish China, in semi or by the piece; also,
Stone China and coMmon ware of every do.
ecription, and a lull assortment of Glass ware.
such as Clothes, Marital, Travelling, Sowing,
Knife, Tumbler and Children's Fancy Bas.
hots, Tubs, Painted Bnd Cedar Buckets, Iron
and Brass-bound -Wriotlen Bowls, Butter Fir
kins, Grocery Boxei; &c.
auparior Illack?i r m r lf . ria A l ,S and . -Young Hyson '
Teas, Chocolate, P,r pared Cocoa..
of fine-. quality, together • with superior Dry
Beef, Smoked Herring, Ground Allum and
fine,tahle Salt, Spica of, all kinds.
such as'Oranges, LEO - ions. Flge, Prunes, Rai
ft full supply of Pint Oil and 'Fluid Lamps
SafatrFluld Lampa.i
Segura and 'robacaq of lino . quairtios and at
ail prkoa. Flamm cit andoxamlno for,your•
I.olvott at tho old:stan.
SITEPZ'A , CtIVED!: -.- •' .
PRIME. Oro* .1 Sugar', I 8
," 2 . 1. cants per pound, : 'mkt do, a good article,
at 1,6 cents:
_.i• • '. .
,Citrons,Mace, Spi as, Drandioe, Lamella, •
- , Qranges; , Preset ad ,'Fruits, 'Dates,' •-. •
Sugared' and ' 0 ied Prtmea, Figs • ‘ •
•''''• ' • 'I aniarindo, I *tam SL
,&a c '
• .
in conneatiert. , , , Pith alllnds, of Cortfectiona
riga, all,o(„Witlch 'will be,dieponed,Of an
c r,.
most'aceomniodatingt roe., • ' - ' Ori
June l, rus? • , ' 11, J . KIEFFER.).
Otip citinntligentenity.
Ph ladelphia,is NVIIITLITIted to render enure satis
faction, and is beyond doubt. the best and. most
wholesome preparation of Coffee ever knoWn.-7.
One package at 121 cents WILL SAVE- filer
pounds of ordinary Coffee. Try it and be Con
vinced. A. number of Essences of Coffee were
'deposited at the Franklin Institute in 1852. and.
the Judges decided Krupp's to be THE BEST
in the exhibition. Friends, if wish to enjoy'
a good, ebony and healthy Cu of Coffee proonre
Krupp's Pounce of Coffee. It is for sale by
nearly all the
Grocers' and Druggists
throughout the Coiled States, '
April Di, 1853.
Importers and Dealers in French Millinery
Goods, No. 4.5 South Second Street, '
. Philadelphia,
AVING received by late arrivals a large
and well selected assortment of
are now prepared to offer their customers, at
the lowest market prices
- Glare Silks for Bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons '
French and American Artificial Flowa rs
Crapes, all colors,
Fancy Nets and Laces.
Together with 'every article appertaining to
the Millinery trade.
t March 9, 1853.
1,500 Doz. BUCKETS, Assorted Colors.
The largest stock ever offered in Phila
delphia; end the cheapest in'the world. Or—
ders,promptly filled.
:%Ircreli 9,1853
Cheap Watches and Jewelry,
01'• at the " Philadelphia Watch
f -- --- ,
and Jewelry Store," Number
i 1 96 North Second Street, corner
'1 ': of Quarry, Philadelphia.
+',' ,'w 1-:," Gold Lever Watches, lull
t... 4 01f IL -AD44 jewelled, 18 carat cases, 5'20,00
Silv'r do lull j'd, $l2 Gold Spectacles , $7 - 00
Silver Le'pe jwls, 10 Fine Silver do.' iri 50
do do do 9 Gold Bracelets: 300
Superior Quaniers, 7 Ladies G'd 'Pls. 1 00
Imitation do 5 S'r Tea S'ne,sett,s 00
Gold Pens with Penci and Silver Holder, 1 00
Gold Finger Rings 37i cents to $8 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 121 cents ; Patent, 18) ; Lunet,
25; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they ore Fold for.
septBly - .Succesers to 0. Conrad.
Oil hand, some Gold and Silkier Levers and
Lepincs, still lower than the eboveprices.
) WM. BAItY Sc SON, ..
• Inipsrlva mut looters in
JEWELRY, sibvns..wann. PLATE. 1 1
Are constantly receiving tho latest styles
of the above Goals, winch are offered at
wholesale or retail, at
No. 216 Market Street, above Sixth, near
Decatur Street, Philadelphia ' ,
',,L5,....,.:L °40 wasvantsd to La tad may era.
THE subscribers, in addition to their exten.
sive Grocery, have connected therewith an
SEED STORE, 110, Market street, near the
railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and are prepared to
fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, of all
kinds of Agricultural Implements, Vegetable
and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants
with reasonable discounte to sell again.
Horse-powers and threshers, wheat•drillis
and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva
tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter , grain fans
corn shelters. vegetable cutters, hand grain
mills, clove' shelters, liorse rakes, churns,grind
stones and improved hangings, hay, straw and
manuro forks, farmer's boilers, ox yokes and
I bow, phew bow pins, cow chains, Spades, hoes
I and rakes, post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain
cradles, scytkcsand scythestones, potatoe drags
post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags,
grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and
budding knives, grass and grain sickles, screw
wrenches, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole
traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry
combV,--garden reels, cow bells,r whiffle trees,
guano, plaster ; pdudretto, bone dust, lime, gar
den, fi eld and flower Heeds.
A Iso, a large and fresh assortment of GRO
CERIES, TEAS, be c., all cheap For cosh.
oz:rfivain and produce of all kinds received
n exchange (or implements.
April 13, 1853.-ly
Plainfield Classical Academy.
Near Carlisle, I/a.
FNIIIE 11th Session (five months) will com—
i_ !nonce May Yd. The bilildings are new
and extensive (one erected last Fall). The
situation is all that can be desired for health
fulness and moral purity Removed From the
excitements ,d ,Pown.or Village th , i Student
may hero prel hi for College, Mercantile flpur
suits, &c. A tho branches are taught which
go to forM n liberal c &teat on. A conscien
tious discharge of ditty has secured, under
Provalence....Alic present flourishing condition
of the Institution. Its future prosperity shall
be maintaned by the same means.
Torino—Board and Tuition (per
session),. $50.00
For Catalogues with full inforanntion address
Principal & Proprietor.
Plainfield, Cumb, Co., Pa. . .
Cumberland' Valley Institute.
A select Boarding School embracing two diatinEi
and seperateDepartments, Male if• Female.
REV. J. S._ LOOSE, A. M. Principal.
IVIES Institution will hereafter occupy the
new and commodious edifice just erected
for its accommodation. .The buildingilis:pe
culiarly adapted to meet the wants of both de•
partmonts.. The rooms, are lug() and well
ventilated, and tho wholo house is warmed
with a heated air furnace. which is especially
healthful. • " •
It is located on an eminence near tho bor.
ouch of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County,
Pa., Midi ample grounds, handsomely laid out
and ornamented, surrounding it ; . inviting to
physical exercise and to amusement in the open
air. Every facility for an accomplished aol
classical education is hero offered that can be
found at any similar Institution in this State.
- -
Board and Tuition, per session, - er,coo
Music and Ornamental Branches, extra
The Summer So Sion will open on the 2d c
May, end continuo 'twenty ono weeks.
Rev. J. S. Loose, A. Ill.,Professor of Mora
Science and Ancient Language's, Henry Com
fort, Assistant; Miss L. C. Walker, Principal
of Female Department and teacher of Music,.
Miss-. Assistant; Mr. Edward Fells,
Professor of Modern•Langthiges r J. 13. Her-
M. D., Lecturer on Physiology and Laws
of Health.
For." Circulars" containing references and'
urther partleuhirscaddress the,PrincipaL•
••' • 'Mechanicsburg, '
, Cumberland Co., Pa.
March 30
Fish, gbh, 0 Fish •!
whole, ball' and iiiiarter'bble, also a lot of
new No, S Mackerol for solo cheap' for, cash at
the family grocery otoro of •
Jnne 22.1853. . J. G. WILLIAMS,
Ladies Dress Goods.
UST . ibcoiyed.a largo lot of Burettes,ipge . do Lanes,. Lawns, Silica, &c., and tor
Oak at very lbw prim; at the new and chomp
gore olk WEISE & CAMPBELL,
Apl 20,53
• •
7 1 ,- ATEM, I ( 9 SP
-, ;7,
For llio.esire of
Ecors.rtsmikrEps, BROW
Of all the-numerous medicines extant, [and.
some of them valuable] for the cure of pul..
monnry complaints, nothing has aver .been
found whiCh could compare in its effects with
this preparation. Others cure sometimes, but
at all times and in all diseases of the lungs
and throat where medicine can-give relief, this
will do it. It is pleasnnt to take, and perfectly
safe in accordance with the 'directions. W e
do not advertise for the information of thos'e
who have tried it but those who have net.—
Families that have known ltd value ,will not be
without it, End by its timely use, they - are
secure from the dangerous consequences of
Coughs and Colds which neglected, ripen into
fatal co urn tpri.
it tp
The iplomal of the 11, untie 'lnstitute
was aw c o this prop alien by the Nord
or Judges in September 1647 ; also, the medals
of the three great Institutes of Art, in this
country; also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute
at Cineinnati, has been given to the'CriEußv
PECTORAL, by their Government in-considers.
Lion of its extraordinary excellence and useful
ness in curing affections of the Lungs and
Read the Mowing opinion founded on the
long experience of the eminent Physician of
the port and city of
ST JOHNS, May 8,1851.
Five years trial of your CIIERRY PECTO
RAL in my practice, has prixen what I fore
saW fiorn its composition, must ,be true, that
it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs
to which we, In this section are peculiarly
1 think its equal has not yet been discovered
nor do I know how a. better remedy can ho
made for the distempers of the Throst and
Lunge. J J BUIVON, 111 D, F II S.
See what it has dond on a wasted constitu
tion; not only in the following cases, but a
thousand more:
SUNBURY, Jan 24th 1851.
Dr Ayer: In the 'month of July last I .was
attacked by_ayielent diarrheea in the mines of
California. I returned to San Franneisco in
hope of receiving benefit froth a change of
climate and diet. My diarrhoea ceased, but
was followed by a severe cough, and murk
soreness. I finally started tar home, but re
ceived no benefit from the voyage. My cough
continued to grow worse and when I arrived
at New York, I was ut once Marked by my
acquaintances as a vict it of consumption.
I must confess that 1 saw no sufficient reason to
doubt what my friends ell believed. At this
time I commenced taking your truly invaluable
medicine with little expectation 'of deriving
any benefit from its use, You would not re
ceive these lines did I not regard it my duty to
state to the afflicted, through you, that icy
health, in the space of eight months, is fully
restored. I attribute it to the use of your
CHERRY- PECTORSE,- Yours truly, --
VI Amu.;lyrortr, ['a., April 12,.1848.
Dour sir; Feeling hit I have been spared from
a premature grave, through your instrumental.
ty 'by the providence of God, I will, take the
liberty to'expreqs ms gratitude,
cough and the nfarming symptoms of -Con
sumption had reduced rim too low to lease nue
anything like hope, when my 'physician brought
me n bottle of your PECTORAL, It seemed to
afford immediate relief, and now in a few weeks
time has restored me to sound health, II it will
do for others wiltit it has done for me, you are
certainly one of the benelbetors of mankind,
Sincerely wishing you every biasing, I am
Very respectfully yours,
Rector of St:Teter's Clime
"With such' assurance, and from such
men, no stronger proof can be adduced'
unless it b& from its elects upon trial.
Prepared and Sold by -
''Sold in Carlisle by Dr S. Elliott, and S. W.
Rayon - stick-1n Mechanicsburg by Dr Ira Day
—in Newrilla by J. 11. Ilerrcin—ia :htppens•
burg by J. C. & U. D. Altick,' rind by Drtig
gists generally throughout the State.
/ #/%4'
Located IVo S'ireet,Balthoure, Md.
The ostensible object of this Institution is, to
place in the reach of individuals proper Mai
ties for obtaining a thorough and practical
Mercantile Education. Nothing indeed has
been omitted that is calculated to produce the
desired result..
The rooms of the College are well fitted up,
conveniently arranged, and situated in the
most desirable part of the City'. Connected
thereto is a Commercial Lilirary, and this, in
connection with familiar Lectures on Commer.
cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter
of the highest importance_ to all .who desire to
becoMe Accountants of the first order, and oc
cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A,
' young man can here obtain a more cor: ect
knowledge al general business matters in a
le w weeks than can be acquired in as many
years in any one Counting Room.
The course of study embraci.s, Double Entry
Book keeping, and its adaptation to yellow'
departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercan
tile calculations .tnus,lit according to the most
approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com
bining rapidity executi on with beauty et
construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law,
upon various important Mercantile subjects
basilic many oilier points necessary for n book-
keeper or business man to understand. The
time necessary for an industrious student to
complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks.
- There being no vacation, applicants can enter
'at any time and attend both day and evening.
Examinations are held at stated periods affil
Diplomas Awarded to those who gmclunta.—
For terms, &c.,
write and have a Circular for
% warded by mull. •
March, 23. 1853. ly.
THE undersigned owning a large Stadia
Saw Mill, recently built, on an improved plan,
with a circular saw capable of sawing with
groat rapidity, located three miles weft of Pa•
poi totitn,Ctuanberland county, at the base of the
South Mountain; on Spruce Run, and having
in posaession near ono thousand acres • of the
best timber land, In the Southern part of'Penn
sylvania, aro now prepared •to saw and furnish
lumber to order, at the shortest notice of the
various descriptions used fur mechanical pur
poses. They can furnish frame stuff for burns
and houses of any length and size that may be
required, weather-boarding, flooring; and fen
cing boards, poplar and oak boards and planh,
shingle and plastering laths, oak and uhosnut
shingles, cooper' stuff', Pitch pine posts, and
.chestnut rails and posts. They Intro now on
hand several thousand feet of lumber, chesnut
rails and peels for fence, ouk Mid pinnumed by
the cord, and can engage to be delivered'in its
season several hundred curds of chesnut oak
bark for banning purposes.
The proprietors having availed themselves'
of the natural advantages of their localion,
which abounds in a variety of the finest
and having also a practical kro.wledgo
of the business, are enabled to furnish lumber .
:ewer to the citizens of Cumberland Count;
than can be done_by any similar cstublishinent
—and as they wish and expect to do a largo
business, will pains to ,accummodato
the public at the shortest notice. •
Tho variouOdescriptions of lumber ' Will bo
delirorid 'in Carlisle or elsewhere ahniq be
deeirod. All orders addressed to the proprie
, tore, Diveir & Haskell, living In Paportown, or.
to Wm. D. Soymciur r jr. in Carlisle, will ensure
prompt attention. • . .
SMVX.A.O, Vinalarltin
THE 80bacri6er:will pay, the
prico in CASH‘.,,for, SUMAC, properly .
cured ,and delivorod in Carlisle.. Fora good,
'aaticle, frpa 'from ,stems ISO per-hundrea
pounds will be paid, and in'propertion for other,
qualities. • ••, • JACOB SHII.O.M.
Carlisle. May 18, 1853 3m,
mratz:sr o xtisfaciiaas
Splendid. Fancy Goods,. Elegant' Clft .
- , • Books,
W. lIAVERSTICIC has .just reesived
'from the City , and is now opening a splca•
did display of FANCY GOODS, suitable to
the approaching liolydoy Senon, to width 1.0
desires to cell the attention of his,hicndit did
the Public, His assortment is 'his lire cannot
be surpassed 'in novelty end elegance, and
both in quaiity and price of the articles, cnn•
not fail to please parelinsei 2. It vt (mid be im
possible to eninneratc'his
which comprise every variety of fan( y crikle
o the most novel .styles and
.extpdene ELLTu
such as
Papier Vlachs Goods,
Elegant alabaster 'find porcelain ink•stands
and - trays-,
Fancy ivory, pearl amilshell card cases,
Ladies' Fancy Baskets, •
. Fancy Work Boxes, With sewing instrunt'is,
Port Monnaies, of every variety,
Gold pens and pencils, •
Fancy paper weights,
Mimicries, with' a large variety :of ;ladies
Fancy stationery,
Motto seals and wafers, ,
Silk and bead purses, •
Ladies' riding Whips, elegantly finished,
Ladies' fine cutlery,
Perfume baskets and begs,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
ltoucsol's perfumes of the various kinds,
Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all
prices, together with an innumerable variety of
urtieles elegantly finished and suitable for ho•
lyday presents, to which he invites fpecial at
Also, an extensive and elegant collection oI
comprising the various English tmd Amer it n
ANNUALS lor 1853, richly embellished and
illustrated POETICA L w ORR 8, with
fon children el all ages, than m 'deli nothing
can he more appropriate or pleasing as holiday
gifts. Ilis assortment ol 'School Potics at.d
School Stationery is also complete, r.i.d
prises every thing.used in College to,d the
Schools. Ile'also desires to call the particular
attention of Families ; to his elegant display of .
from the extensive establishments of Cornelius.
Archer and others of Philadelphia,. con I,thiug
every style of Parlor, 'Chamber and Study
Lamps, for burning either lard, sperm, t.r ell.,
real oil, together with Flower Vases, Fr.r.ty
Screens, &c. Ills aisortment in this line is un
equalled m the borough. Also,
in over} variety and at all prices, a ll of w hit h
are pure and fresh, such 1113 can be eonkl e mly
recommended to his friends and the little lolls.
His stock embraces everything in the lit e
Fancy Goods, with many other articles ni.thtl
to housekeeper sitrhich the public are especially
invited to call and see during the holidays
Remember the Pld Stand, nearly opposite the
Bank on Norh Hanover street.
THE subscriber would respectfully nuricri,e
to the CiIiZCIIE of this placil, and till rrttu,s
visiting the same during the Holidays, that be
has now pn hand and will continue to 4e :ul•—
plied with the latest novelties up to the CiCle c,f
the season, comprising in part
of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy
Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons, Gum Cordial,
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drays,,
Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French at d
plat:ill's Secrets; Alen all the cc mm ,n
ties, air of \Mich will - 11 - sold id,a/csai., nrirl
retail at low rains, at
ir.Northllairov:ersircci, a few doefa north
of, rho Bank,. where n e have lust received
of the, latest importations such ,no (Droners,
Lemons. Raisins, 1 tps, P: urns. Citren,,Ci r—
rants, solt and pal er shelled A Nitwit's,
bens, Cocos, Cream and Ground Nuts. Al,u,
of ovary kind from all parts ol Europe, n-r 0-
ufactured of wood. glass, i.bina, pal it r mache,
tin and India rubber, rine, &c., such 119 Fine
Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card
Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flex, er
Vases, Motto Cups, 'Fen Setts, Music Boxes,
Pori Monnies, Battle Doors, G l a re iloobe
Masks, Drums, Cline, Trumpets, DurnMocs,
lotto and other games, &c. Fancy Soaps ann
Hair Oils ol every varibTy. In conlicetion
with the above a lqrge stock of ••
such as pulverized. crushed nrd - brown Su.
gars, of every grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch,
Omen and Black Teas, Spices, bum r, soda,
Sugar, Water and Mier Crackers, the ef.e,
The subscriber retains his :itiec re that.ts
to agenerous public for the patronage bet cm
fore bestowed on him, nod hopes, by a di Ore
to please, to merit a continuance of :be FcallV,
(leen 1 3 .. MON Y Ell.
, rENIIE subscriber is just now rcerivirg az d
opening nn unparalleled assormeot or
WALL PAPERS. _Those desirous ollters• .
forming the interiors of their old dwellings
into new ones, and giving additional ett,l,el
- to their new ones, at a contrani ,,,,_
ly trifling cost, will do well mean nod examine
' for I can sell them from 61 cts upward a. 11,-.
Member the old stand, East Main et opposite
og,ilby's Storm" By the way. I'would any to
those who also want to improve the evict f
their •houses, thlit I tan lur h i s h th e m w i t h
Wet herill's our and fresh ground White 1,, mi,./
Js_tgolier %yid] various other colours, I,lne.,, yellow. various abodes of green, &c., in
shorresory thing ealculan d to a t a matAl
orate your mansions,
mar d
for 25 cents,
by means
to rouliET C -
'I US, or ' Every One
le thirty-sixth Edi
with one hundred en
opt, diem big Petiole
ISCS 111111 111111101 -11111-
or the Generative
m, in every shape
:arm : to which
of Feniales,
:a only (see page 1 901,
nig). am. lAnee to married peo
ple, or those contemPlating marriage., 11) 'l5 151.
YOUNG, [um., Graduate of die Universh) ef
Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, London, and Honorary Member of the
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feelingsottol the whole train of Dyspcptie sensa
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er Any person sending •TWENTY-FIVE
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Twenty years practice in the city Of Mimicl
phia certainly entitles Dr. Young to the coat
donee of the afflicted; and' he may be consulti ,
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Dr. Young by letter, PORT PAID. '
THE Store of tho suhserlher, opbracing,.
Queensware, and'all the Varieties eseally ktN •
by him, Th.romoved to his ~ow.huilding. No
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Carlisle.- . • "..011
March 30;185,9. . .• " (J. W. EBY' .