Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 27, 1853, Image 3

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    'sllistellatteattg. ,
. .
'Estat.o_of 141u6r .F. McGuire decid.
11 - I T FERSof Administration, on - the Us—
deuM. late of Hampden township Cumbeeand
county. hays been issued to the subscriber Ye',
siding in the, same township. 'All - persons hay•
ing olaiiits against the Estate will present them
fur settlement„ and tltogo indebied• will make
pnytnent to
. • THOS. B. BRYSON, •
• Adm'r
- Estato,of .Mary. NoVic, dee'il.
IIVOTICE is her-014 given hatiletreretesta
.111 mentary on the estate of IVIAVMN ODLE,
late of the beronfth of Carlisle, deceased, have
bean duly granted by the Register of ,said
county, to the subscriber residing in,the same
place.. All persons haying claims against the
Emno will present them ler settletnent, and
those indebted will make payment to
-414)y-27, 1853;
/PUP, subscriber offers at private sale the
FARM at present him, situat—
ed in Monroe ,townsltip, Cumberland county,
nbaut four and a half miles from Carlisle and
one mile a nd a half ir . oin Churelttoun, on the
Lisburn road, containing 52 acres more or less.
The land-is in-a-high-state of-cultivation, podia
well stocked withfrnit of all kinds, there being a
good orchard of pruned apples,
peaches, plums, Pea. The itn•
01; n g ,
provementi being a TWO
RY LOG 111./USE, log barn and
other out houses. There is a well
of excellent miter at-the door and also a good
cistern. For further information apply to the
subscriber on the premises.
Carlisle; Jai), 27, 1853. ti.
ATEACHER, for the High Free School of
the luirotiffh of Nowyille, Cumberlona co.
Pa. Application should he made soon, as the
school is to commence on the 22d of August
A libtaal,salary will be giten.•
By order of the Board.
1. 111. DAVIDSON, See'y.
jy ,'0,.-3w
A FIZESIT supply of B. Goodwin & Bro's
rSartiaparilln Mixed, and Yellow 'flank Fine
Cut Tobaccoe's, Just rpecived at the new and
cheap Grocery of
July 20, 1833. W. A. CATZOTHERS.
d'i AME to the premises or the subscriber, nt
tj Middlesex Crossings, about three rrtles
east of Carlisle, on the railroad in North Mid
dleton township, on Ow '2711i of June, n two
0 14 [MIN DIA:
."ft.cpx, F wit!' it white
,• Lee. There are no
other murk 3 a boutltor
41116 to mention. The O%V.
a ll • nor is -requested •to
0111,7" /" T1'ra:_own, forward, prove
properly, pay charges nod she har away.
July 20, 1853. _ fl Nit Y Slll'l'll.
FAMILY parties Sabbath Schools and Pic
arc parties in going to the country will do well
try calling at the cheap Drug Store of I, J.
Rieffer, where they can, be aupplied with ar
ticles at the lowest rates and bt the best qual
ity. CA NDlES—retatt price, 20 acute per
p tnncl. A general as t-tmont of Patent Alea•
iciges constantlY On band. iY2O
FRESI - 1 supply of puints, oils, varnishes
ill dye stuffs, glass, putty, sash fouls, &c.
fur sale cheap.
11A KIN G SODA—A fresh stpply just to
- BRYAN'S ruotoNw WAFERS for
coughs, colds, amlima, consumption and all
diseases 01 the lungs.
•WINES, prime article of Yrench
brandy, port, minion - a told sherry wines lur
medicinal purposes. ,
COD Li 011,—A tresh supply, fuf
the cure of coughs, colds, consumption and
COLOGNES, Ate— Bay seater, cologne, ex
tracts, pomades and oilier perfumery.
1111 EU NI ATM: unit sprain mixture, mean•
rail at- Kieller's Drug and Chemical Store.-
00e of the best 'remedies liar-riteumatitm, or
sprains or lameness in horses.
"A penny saved is a penny made." Do you
believe it 1 then come to Kieffer's D ruff and
Chemical Store if you want to save mopy and
buy your drugs, chemicals - and metliMies, such
us castor oil, sweet oil, worm medicine, cough
drops, pills, strengthening plaster. liniments,
l t air-d!e, hair tonics and regenantors, cordials,
essence looms. cinnamon, peppermint. spices,
eiktVO4 &C. CLI 111 Ain°, I, urtung fluid lamps,
lk•C.. all for sale at the cheap Drag Store
'' 4 ,
of B. .1. h . E ha t.
Segars and Tobacco.
Persons feeling themselves disposce to in,
dulge itt goo. Segars are requested to call at
the Drug Store of 13. J. KIEFFER, where
they may obtain an article which he hesitates
not to recommend as being die best in Carlisle.
Perions visiting Carlisle should not leave
fore t ,k.j a cr a ghtttett at 13. J Kieffer's Drug and
Chemical Store, South Hanover street. Ile has
out hand a variety of fancy articles,..such as
ltitLelothes,..tleA and moth brushes, co
logne bottles, furniture dusters, portfolios, note
paper, .worked and card baskets, visiting cards
on.l ca4e:i, a line variety of tans, aceordeons,
The' ladies are invited to call and examine
t•updrior Ism ta. Call soon, as he Is determined
to sell bargains. • 13. J. KIEFFER.
July 20, S. Ilrotover st.
E heretofore existing firm of M. &, MAW - been dissolved for a shell
tune and hake again united under the firm of
Steiner & Bros. S S Cot-nerd Market Square.
Hoping antler the increased firm of Steiner
& Bros. to have an increase of their former
business. They have now every facility and
will snare no efforts to please their customers
they having made arrangements with Abe lar•
"gent importing houses of Baltimore and New
York so as to receive the first styles of Goods
that come to those markets, and ut the LOW
Thankful for pist patronage they solicit a
confine:l'lMo from their old customers, and
, respectful', invite all others to extutine their
new style'of superior
all of their manufacture; and malting as com
pinto art assortment as can he found in any
store in the Uhited States•. As fellows:
.of the_ best qualities of English and French
Cloths, made and trimmed in the very best
style ; single breasted Albert COMP', a new
style, well adapted to business men, of French
black and colored cloths, at very low"priCi , s ;
stogie breasted Frock coats of French cloths,
close imitation of the fine dress frock coats at
hall pricer udring Sack__Coats of cloths-nasal
xneres and t weeds„vaiious colours and pikes.
French Black Doeskin add Fancy Cassimqrs
of ei.ery deicription.
Rich Fancy Silks and Satins, Plpclt do, Dom
bszines, Vulenciaa, hlnramllos , and ChaHies
at all prices.
A itollosoritnent of Boy's Clothing.
embracing all the- new — style - s — errenci Silk
Cravats, English Satin do. tee. , -
Gloyes—•White black and colkl 1,
Lisle and cotton of every description. 'Fri - nis
and Carpet Rags of superior finish an 1 .t low
prices. Suspenders of superior Fre
glints and - American manufacture, Ulmer.
shirts and, Drawers of fine Merino, ittc, not
jean and moslin .of eyery 'description. tn
breilftA of silk and cotton, very cheap.
which will be sold at the lowest prices whole
sale. or tetait.
Krßornember the , Stone ffonse, corner oi
the 'Public Square. ;STEIN ER & BROS.
Carlisle, Altiy 18,1853.
THE undersigned having been the agent of
the Keystone Life
,insurance Company,
31. Harrisburg: continues. to act in that ea
aacity, by atithovity. or-said 'Company. He
would respectfullyonform the community that
ati wilkattend to such•persons as may signify
:heir desire to insure their lives, and thusgive
f oam protection to their bereaved fainilir a and
'riends, in ease of death. 011 ice in West Porn
'rot Street, Cerliffle..: • - • , .
Dlaveri If - _J. WORTIIINGTMN.
r HC sabacrilier will; pay the'cliiheat
- price in CASH for •sintAc4 . property :
cured and delivered io'Carlislo. For a good,.
3 atiele,; - froo- from atoms .$l - 10 par' 4uralrao:
pounds will bo paid, oodia - propartiOrifor other,
quaiitica. , J ACOII: $11.11.0M,'
: •
• _ .~ i ta'..4.ii "ay r Orr .
Second - Arrival of Summer--Dry-Goode.
,THE subscriber respectfully inTornts hi
iriends.nnd' oitmerotis. eustotners. that ho has
.reluened from Philadelphia with a largo assort•
meat of Summer Gaud?, which will be Bahial
astonishingly low prices
CI ;this, Cussitneres, Vestings. Muslins 7.
Cilicoes, Gingliatn.3, Bonnets, and flats,'
ltittbons,.Glaves, Simmer Cloths, Lawns,
Mitts, Pant SitilA, Bcragos, Inserlings,
Collets, Edgings, Ilanakerchiefe, Laces,
Stockings, Saintlier
_Silks.Papas°la, &c.
A largo assortment of Metes Women's and
13hildrows Boots and Shoes, Jenny Lind and
Buskin Shoes at very low prices.
'Colored 'and White CA itroT
A largo retsortment ol caocov.tos, such
'as Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &c.
'Pik attention of all who wish good bargains
is solicited, as great inducements can he-uttered
to purchasers.
• Don't forgot the old stand, nomerich's cor
ner, North llanover Serest, •
0-11.1itter, Eggs, Rags and Soap taken at
market prices. N. W. WOODS, Agt.
Carlisle, June 9, 1853.
Java and Marnenina Coffees, Green—and —
Rousted do., Orleans and Clarafied
Brawn Sugars. Pulverized, Crushed and
Leaf do, Solt Crushed (preserving)do.
Rice, Purina and Corn Starch. firma.
Cocoa. Chocolate, Vanilla Bean,
Mace, Citron, with Spices of every hind, .
Sperm, Mould, Adamantine Candles,
Orleans and Sugar H. Syrup Molasses,
Loverittg's fittest quality Syrltp.
*". - 1 fresh assortment of all the above arti
cles, and a general supply of ether articles
usually Itcpt by us, nil just opened and for sale
at our new store rooms.
Juno 3, 1853. S. W. EBY.
fifys J. KIEFFER has just returned from Phil'
adelpina with an additional supply of fresh
DRUGS, which in connection with his former
stock•willlnake his establishment complete in
this department.
In addition to the above he has also opened a
(rob]] supply of Confectionaries, Fruit, Nuts,
Pesos and Fancy Articles or every deseripz
tien. The attention of the Ladies is especially
invited-to his extensive assortment of'Fancy
Auricles, Ladies Toilets', Fancy Soaps and
Perfumes of every variety.
Gentlemen are invited to examine his fine
assortment of Fancy rticles—Segars, CllOll
and Porcelain, Pipes, Tobacco of all kinds,
Shaving mil Telleat Soaps of superior quality,
c line s, Ridin g and Carriage %Villas, and many
other articles which more especially inter° t
gentlemen. A number of superior Woollen
INlatts att hand.
The prooriotor will Le very happy to hove
hipAiiends cal' and examine his goods whether
they may wi.:ll ourchJse or sot.
Joh/ G 1953 13 J KIEFFER.
A -4E1011.0E KELLER respectfully annotm,
dices to his old Patrons and the public gen.
orally that ho has just received the
MEN'S HATS, manufactured at
~-----, . one of the best establishments in
f t .F.2--•\:. Philadelphia, to which he invites
special attendee.
Ile has also constantly on, hand a large and
varied assortment of his own manufacturyte
well as city made
suitable for he season,eomprising every vari
ay! of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk flats,
finished in the latest style, together with a full
assortment of Caps of every shape and des
cription, and at every price. lie particularly
invites the public to call and examine his exten
sive assortment, which in style, material and
finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market,
and which he is able to put at prices lower than
ever. 10 - Remember his old stand on North
Hanover street, between 1 - humor's and Sencr's
Rune 11
s„„ t h /4.,,,0rer Street, Near the Court House.
ill I. KIEFFER, druggist, would respect..
. lily inform tie cillZell3 of Carlisle and
vicinity that he has opened a new .
Ilia stock is entirely new, and his been selec
ted with great care. As litany. of the articles
in daily use byphysiciutts and families deteri-
orate by age and exposure, great care will be
taken not to allow such articles to accumulate
in such quantities,
Attention is especially invited to his stock of
Medicines, Essential Oils, Oils, Tinctures,
Wines, Extraeti - , Conlection9, Chemicals.
&e. To4ether with the above lie has a lull
assortment of Paints, Varnishes, Dye—Stulfs,
Paint and Varnish Brushes, and
of every variety. lie has also Oil hand a splen-
did as,,ortment of
Perfumeries, Soaps ° Extracts, Fancy, Hair.
Clothes and Fles h Brushes, Supporters,
Dr oust Exhausters, Nipplo SWields,
Tooth Washes and Paste!!; of,o
01 the best quality. SEGA RS, front the beet
11-avana and Spanish houses . , or every flavor,
front one cent-upwards.
Ail order to ensure - his customers against
mistakes during any tempormay absence of
the proprietor,, the services of an experienced
and co n priori assistant have been .9CCUfell,
which will be felt to be important, in view of
the resnonsibi lilies which are kilo we to devolve
upon the draggist.
will be faithfully and promptly attended to.—
Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the
country will be filled with care, and at prices
which must prove satisfactory. •
officinal preparations made in
strict accordance with the directions of the U.
S. Pharmacopoeia.
A liberal share of public parronage is.res•
pecttully solicited. Terms Cash.
May 11. 1853. B. J. KIEFFER.
At OGILIIYIS Wholesale mid" Retail
ir A ill now a-encwing my second supply of
'Summer Goods, and will sell thorn elk:beau
cr than any other hotiso in the county. I t is
impossible to enturieratesullican it to ray, that
our stock of Dry Goods is immense ; ombra
cing every article in the lino, and at prices
astonishingly low,
"The hullos particularly arc invited to call and
c..etnine our new stock of elegant DRESS
GGODS—Crapo Shawls, Bonnets, Ribbons,
Needle Work,,&e. &c
Our assortment 01 . Gentlemen's Wear is full
and email:dem, consisting or
Glothe.'Cassimeros, Cashmarots, Vestings,
Cottonnades, &e, &c.
A full assort vent of Imperial, Ingrain, Court'
and Venitian (Jamming,
Mailings a every quality and width.
Also a hew and large assortment of Ladies
and Children's 4aiters, Jonny Lind and Rue
kith Shoe's at very ,ovt- prices.
Recollect the )Id stand." East Main street
Juno 853: GUNS. OGILIJY.
rin ri E •undersigned haVing purchased the
ii. right OVEraultliti and Cumberland coun
ties, Pa., and Washington county Md. for
MILL AND PRESS aro new manufacturing
machines under the immediate-supervision of
Henry Shepler, a practical millwright. Orders
will be received and filled with promptness.—
All mnehines . will be warranted.
By this machine, which can be conveyed on
to wheelbarrow, one Mae and a boy enn make
from five to eight barrels ...f cider a day,with
ease, and the cider is thoroughly pressed from
' the pomace. The labor is light and the ma
chines gre simple and permanent. '
Ttil machine was exhibited at the State
Agrieu tural.Eair/ 6
o.tLaneasterolid tested with
several there, and tlio committee awarded the,
premiuth to it. Tito niacliines are warranted
to perform what is heroin stated.' Orders are
respeetbilly'solicited: -
N.B.—'Vito press connected with Bottum
chino can be need for pressing currants, and
cuttineyegotablestfor feeding stock. i
. . . . 11EN.R 11 . SHEPLER,
May 11, 1853. Gnu - Chatribersburg.
JENKINS" Beat Diana of Tons, Green and
'Black, in metallic packages, ulsojn bulk and
in original pm:twos. A largo and.gonoral as•
aortment of the bestiVIIITE tttO.II,t3TONE
AND . GRAN ITE WAItE, within variety of
Glass Ware, and Common. Ware of, ovary. de
scription, in sotto or otherwise to atilt the pur
• chaser,. together with..." •
CIF.PAjt• _w4,Lovv_ r wArtE;
I alvartaty of. Fancy Ware .alway ! store
ed for sale ,at the.uramily Grocery ! of
3 uno 8.1853. . 3, 'FY: EBY.
drat (e.ttite Salo.
Real Estateiai, Private Sale,.
rfc H E subscriber . ' offers ai-Private Sale the
• Farm on Whikh lie-neW•lives,:situalcd
,South Middleton township, Cutnbetland court.
ty . , 'about t r vo. miles& South of Carlisle; Celt
taming- 3.) acres more or- lesX, of fiest.rate
limestone land,'nll undo.: good fence a 44...
:high state of cultivation. The improvements
arn,u'doublc -two story Stone Holten, lately to
paired, a Bank flare, Stone Spring House and
other • outbuilding,s. There to aleb.a fine or-,
chard of choice knit.- R &ening water through'
the WllOlO Nape; It to a very doArable prop
erty in every.-resp?et, especially fur a dairy
farm.- Persons- desiring, to -pprehune are re.
quested tti - cell and examine it.
Mrty2s, 4853-9 w: ELI AS JOHNS. •
Tavern Stand for Sale.
'OFFER for sale the property on the North'
.EL West corner of Unilever and Pomfret ate.
The lot fronts 3D foot on Hanover street by 340
on Pomfret, having erected on it a well, built
- three Otto"; BRICK HOUSE, with
neeessary stabling. The property
a a has been n tavern stand for many
IN years, and is at present occUpled as
- such. Price three thousand dol..
tars, [p3ooo]. Apply to the subscriber.
June '22, 1853. B. GIVIN.
= - 111 - E - aut - serilier ofilifs tor sttliThiTi BRICK
HOUSE and Lot, 25 feet front by 2.40 It deep,
now occupied by Mr. Henry' Keller, in North
Hanover street. The house and all the im
provements ere nearly new. The dwelling
contains thirteen coiled rooms, including dou
ble parlors. 'Attached le a eititern. Stroke
House and - Stable. For further information
apply next door to thb premises to
Jul° 13 1853
THE subscriber offers at private sale the
following valuable property, situated on
Louther Street, .Carlisle, viz :
No. 1. A Lot of Gronn - d, having a
front . of 24 feet on Louther street, in the [tor
°ugh of Carlisle, and extending, 240 feet back to
Locust Alley, having thereon erected a two story
~„I,lit and a half story back building, and
Ins cellar under both, all in good order.
h t.! ktri.r The house contains eight looms, and
an excellent garden.
t• - •?- •
No. 2., acijoininethe above, is, a lot o
12 lest front by 240 feet deep to saidhav
ing ea ected On it 0 two story Plastered douse
containing (our rooms, and having a good garden
and a variety of choke trait trees.
No. 3., adjoining the above, 24 feet in
front and 240 teat sleep to said alley, with a two
story Plastered noose, With cellar and garden. '
No. 4., a lot of 12 feet front by 240 ft
deep_ to_saill_alley,, with -a two -story -Plaitered
House, well I fiaished and a good frame stable on
the back: . of the lot. Also a variety of fruit trees
in die garden.
No. G., a lot of 52 feet in froht, by 240
fret deep to said alley, on which is erected a two
story plastered Clouse, with hack'huildings ' bake
oven; wash hollsp,cisterti and pump. The Lome
is finished in flint rate style. There is a stable
and sheds on the hack of the lot. ,The lot con-
whist' great deal of alirtthhery with over one hun
dyed choice grated fruit trees.
No. 6,, a lot of 16 leot in front by 240
feet dedp to said alley, with a new two story
Brick ease, and bask buildings, with cellars
under tl7iln all.
No. 7., a lot of 16 feet front and 2 , 10
deep, with a new Brick noose, same . as the a
bove, nod stable.
No. 8., a lot 3:3 _feet .in,lront and 240
ile,q), with a large two story House, well finish
throughout, With tune large rooms, large kitchen,
stable, mid other out buildings. flue garden is
large and contains a vartety of fruit trees, 'flue
one half of a will and pump iieueliro 8 will be
All the above properties Alre in' good reiciir
and most of them newly built. They will In.
sold very low and on reasonable turns. Poi
further information enquire of either of the sub
scribers. lt. E. SHEPLEY, sr
Julie 8 1853 R. SIIEPLEY,*.
T 13.11 Nwarrolvw ItaILLS
rtIIIIE subscriber will,sell by Private Sale,
• the following described Mill Property, to
Nino acres of Lanti situate in Oliver
township, Perry county, adjoining the flour
ishing borough of Newport. Tho improve:
menttrare a Three and a half 'Story
with two water wheels, propelled by Little
Bullet° Creek, a never-failing stream, with
four run of pones, smut machine, merchant
and country bolts, Plasier Screw and all the
necessary maeltinery betonging_thercio, Saw
with an excellent pump at the door, stable and
all the necessary out houses. The said im
provements, with the exception of the Milt,
have been made new within the last two years.
The' Pennsylvania Rail Road passes through
this property, and the Pennsylvania Canal pas
ses within five or six porches of it. Salt' pro,p•
y is Within sixty perches of the R It Depot
in Newp rt, and nature has mode Newport the
depot of Perry county, As a beaufilui home,
or a profitable investntent no property so deal
rabic has over been °floret] for sate io this
June,l3, 180- 2m.
"Saiton Leads the Column."
4FTER days and oizlits ofunceasing toil
and trouble I have succeeded in marking
aid arranging my i new stock of 11 A R U•
VI A R L , and altuough there has been a tre
mendous rush of customers who know where
to deal on reasonable teruw, ane who appre
ciate my old habit ot• selling cheap without
making much fuss about the,' matter. I ant
constantly making room for new customers to
drop in and examine) what is undoubtedly the
LARGEST AND IlFN'Pssortment of goods
ever offered west cf Philadelphia, and e mh ro .
eing everything usually found in a Hardware
Sture,Trom a needle to an anchor, all of which
are of the host quality and will bo sold•at prices
which cannot fail to !nye satisfaction.
I would say that my stock of cross ca. hand,
panel ripping and back saws, bright, blaelt and
blue augurs, chisels, planes, lucks, hatchets,
hinges; screws, straight necked and bar oohs:
broad, pointing 'and chopping, axes, iron and
stool squares, rules, tape measures, levels. &c,
cannot tail to please the most fastidious.
Can be accommodated on the most reasonable
terms with Darker:o's celebrated Yokk plows at
85 37. Also Plank's, Craighcad'a and others'
at manufacturers' prices; spades, rakes, forks,
shovels, grass and grain scythes. (Dunn, Dar-
ling-end (,rillins•inakc.)• Patent' and sommon
smiths of hallo doxon different kinds. Grain
Cradles, (Gregor's, Plank's, Craighend's and
Crawboch's 'milked tit reduced, rates. Also
grindstones. cutting boxes. chain cistern and
lOrco-pumps halter, breast and log chains, sin
gleand double traces and spreads Cedar ware
such as tubs, buckets, bowls. water kegs, to
wither with nil everlasting, assortment of table
and pocket cutlery, spoons, elicars and sciz
ears, candlesticks, simians, ;hovels and tongs,
bottler, pans, sad ircns, waiters, brushes, Scc,
which will be sold by the wagon load, ton yard
bushel or in the ordinary way,
Thon_come friends, givo_us call; and sec
lot yourselves. We'll wait on yon With pleas•
urn, and give you bargains or which you can't
complain.. Remember the plays, East High
Street, opposite Ogilby's
.June 1, 1 85 3. HENRY SAXTON. •
Wlif. IL HAIM would respectfully - an
mimics to the citizens of Carlisle Amt. he lu t e
recointnenced his business of House Painting,
Glazing, and Paper flanging. in all its various
branches. His shop. is in the rear of
Grammar School. Thankful for past favors
ho hopes by afflict attention to business to share
a portion of publicPalrofinge• He will also
attend to the trimming and painting of Venitlafl
Stka. , Prices made to suit th e t i tuesun
all work warranted good or no pay, ,
•‘ 1852—itt
directly opposite the old stone, to the eii
louder five story stove, No 8, Thlrd 'Stveet,.anti
Ore now fully • prepared to exhibit-to the public'
ea unsurpassed variety of ,Wisl:l4, PAPEItS,
from the lowest mice(' A meriesn inamilltetnre;
to the English and Prenelt, from the well-known
houses of Delaeourt; ?Alter and otheis. Cell 411 . 111
see bolore,pnrobasing. The most polite nod of--,
beient work Men employed to hang the pager,
• , Philadelphia, May 11 4t
< `l . ..ltachurner , a Coal.
1000 TONS' LintOburner'P donl of die boot
vality . lnat receiving 811(1 for sale by E. 1131
Le., jr..,Only 52,40 per ton. ' •
Cfirilele,Mitrcit 16,:1953. •
urzirzsi sulavan tarifurciaz
Lttibltng Gab. Attnbertand lConnly,, - Penne
TIER popular and ,ilc),ightTul SuMMer: Re
trofit, so Invorably'lmcipni
,ts Situated ill;Doub.
ling Ow, in thi'moulttains - - which form - the
rnortharft boundcry of ihe,Ciarberland Valleqq
about 30 iniles southweiti:of
,Rarrisburg. The
Spring's are accesni bid -from the Enstern cities
lay Railroad to Nowytilr, yin Lapeneterillar
risburg and'Carlinle. I to the,
Springelhere 43 milasmf good singing . . —run
eengera ; l ea vi n g, philtidolphia or
the,morning, will arriyO at the- Springs almm 6
P. u coat of front $3 50' to -CIA. Ninny
iMprevoinents - •hare been made (luring ilia last
your, which render the. piano Will more aurae
true. There is a wide Geld fur the
riont-fishing in the:l3ig'Snrne iat 4\fewitille is
Ihe bent iit the country. , 'or further Partieu•
lars, please Address • •
rr coy LE,
Juno 21. 1853
'T" p r opricioro this pltieVfeeling highly
gratified with the success vvhich.ltas atten
. his management of the above establish
ment during ' the 'pait. season, bas further
increased his efforts , to render , the place and
accommodations still More itivitiveitodi com
fortable, by adding a new
• large Bath Douse,
_with,Summer-!louses , c 3 te.
These Springs' nrCaittiated• on the banks of
Sherman's, and ernmr . into Sherman's Creolt r
a stream associated with the thrilling scenes
bet Ween the early settlers of that part el,Penn
sylvan's. and Aborigines, whose hunting ground
lay on its margin. The qualities 01 the watet
of. the Warm Springs are most extraordintirk,
indeed, so' much so, that none has over been
ascertained iu the United States for the speed)
and permanent cure of all eruptions oldie shin,
and every species of Cutaneous Diseases. Hun
dreds of Certificates aould be in educed and
published,. if requisite i? the many cures lilies
performed. The, Bathing Housesere so arran
ged as to use the water of the different Springs:
some of which throw Our ninety gallons of wa
ter to the minute.
The Springs are accessible the Central
Railmad to Daucannon, where a fine new coach
is in readiness on the arrival ofthe ears to eon
vey passengers who desire to visit the Springs,
fourteen miles N. IV of - Deneannon. .All
sons laming -Philadelphia in the morning train
of cars arrive at (he Springs at 5 o'clock
the sameevening. The coach Will c0mn ,,,,„,
running, daily on and ofter the loth of June,
and continue daily during the season, leaving
the Springs every morning so es to reach fire
cars going East and West. All coninninien.
lions for the Springs should be directed to Don
cannon P. 0., and will arrive at the
daily. The terms of hoarding will he made
moderato, and the hoarders can depend upon
every attention paid thorn. gliernum's Creek
affords delightful fishimvas well TS lied sailing
-i boats, and horses and carriages on lianit for
riding out. ' , The country alhirds fine roads for
riding., and the scenery is beautiful. The dis
tance front Philadelphia to the Springs, la
-miles.. Pare $4 -00.
fCrA coach will run, every 'Wednesday and
Saturday to the Springs, leaving Carlisle en the
arrival of the cars from the East. The coat h
will Start from Burkholder's Hotel, but those
Who leave their names will be culled for at their
re s idences. it' they desire it. Fare 01.
jog , ' 11. 11. ETTER., Proprietor-
,Slaerill's Sales.
y virtue of sundry writs of Vendifinni Ex
_LP ponas, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Cumberland County, and to me
directed, I will expose to sale by public vendee
or ontety,.a; the Court [loose in the - to,rough
of Carlisle. on FRIDAY the 12th clay of Au
gust 1853, at 10 o'clock A. NI., the I•3lltov,ing
described real comic, viz; - --
A LOT OF GROUND, situate in the bor
ough of Car.isle, containing 80 feet in Trout and
170 feet in depth , more or less, bounded by the
i Chanihersburg turnpike on the
'north, a lot of J Abrahams on he west.
Mateer - op the east and an alley on the south,
haying thereon erected a two story BRICK
HOUSE and Stable. Also a Lot ci Ground,
situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing
30 feet in front and 119 feet in depth; In - ore e r
less, bounded by North sir el on the
by a lot of Miss Wise's on the west, other
property of Peter Homer on the east and MI
alley on the north, having thereon erected n
two story BRICK [LOUSE, ke, Also a Lot
of Ground situate in the borough of
containing 11 feet in front and 119 ft in depth,
more or less,"bolindett by North street 'oh At'
south, other property of. Peter flamer On the
west, J b 1 Gregg,on the cast and an alley on
the north, having thereon erected n too story
Brick Rouse. &e. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property of l'etcr Homer.
Also all the interest of Jacob Chronister iu
the. lands and tenements descending to hint
from John Chronister, deceased situate in
Monroe hey., bounded by !Innis of Henry'
Ilrownawell on the west, John Curtis on the
on the soutli,,Dfivid Clark on the east and the
Trindle Spring road en .lie north, containing
12 acres more or less, haying thereon erected
a two story FR AMR - fIOCSE• and a stable,
nod n one story Fl . lllllO 'House and stable, &c.
Seized and taken iu execution as the vfoneriy
of Jacob Chronicler. and all to be sold by me,
Sheriff's Office, Car- ' S OO3. AIeDAIISI( 11,
Julylake, 14. '53. Sheriff.
WHEREAS the honorable ,1. 11. Gas
ties, President Judge of the several
Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of
Combo-dant!, Perry and Juniata,in Pennsylva
nia, and Justice of' tlic.soveral Courts of Dyer
and Terminer and 'General Jail Delivery in
said counties. and lion. John Rupp and Sam
oat Woodburndudges of the Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivefy for the
trial of all capital and other offenders, in the
said comity of Cuniberlamkby their precepts to
me directed, dated the , 11 th of April, 1853,
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery; to be holden at ('Cr.
lisle, on the 9th MONDAY of August, 1853,
(being the 22d day )'at 10 o'clock hi the
noon. to continue ono week.
NOTICE is therefore horeby' given, to the
Coignes, Sitstices of ,rhe. Peace and Constables
of thiksaid County of Cumber' that they
are by the said precept commaiided to be the
and there in their proper persons, with their
tolls, record's. Inquisitions, examinations and
all other remornbrances, to do those things
which to their oflicesappertain to In done, and
all those that
,are bound by recognizanees, to
prosecute against the prisoners that are or then
shall ho in the Jail of said enuoty, are to b.,
theis for prosecute them so Nil 111 be inst.
Sirtm,sy's Orme, Carlisle,
July •13, 1853. , (
NrOTICE . is herehy given to nll Patrons in
..Aero, , ied, that the tolloiiing at cutlets have
.been filed in the Prothintotitry',6 utliee, fur the
examination of the necountantti therein minted,
and will be presented to the Court ol Common
Pleas of.Cumborlattil County, for contirmation
and allevianee, on Wednesday tho 23d day of
Augdak, A. D. 1P53
1, Account oh John Ro*.lt and Daniel Ilnuff.
man, assignees uod f ix deed ol voluntary Huai •n•
meat for benefit of creditors et tleurga Sailor,
of South Middleton Township, Cumberland
• 2, Second account orllon. John Rupp, tom-,
mitten of rho person and estate of Peter Zim !
merman, a lunatic., •
3. Assignee or trust hccooSt, of Moses Mer
rell, assignee under n deed of volontaly iissigr
mont for the benefit j•if eiedi.ors of John
• Zoll,late of ChurchtoWll.
• pr.o. Z IN N , Protley.
' July 19;185 a, Atist.• : •
DrzaW CiaOlet
Opposite the Rail flood Wipe, West.iligh Strec
I - - '. • ' Carlide.
Tr{ . I.I..SKILUS tire to , inform his ;old
it • friends and ;Ito' p blio that ho has °period
a general e:othimg,esta lishment. and has flow
in store. an esionsive of' Ate best End
alto - attest -gpeds e'if - or offered in Carlisle. ' •'
''moms, Youngs alinfloPs Clothing,
for Spring, Sornmeraed Winter wear, new Op
,handlof every varitty sud furnished nt reduced
ratesly. Ile has also a argo and -well' releeted
assortment at rico' Gods, of English, Fran&
and German Fabrics; f nOw and , beautiful pat
terns, for coats yants.unevests, )vbioli,ivill - li
made to order in the Most unproved rind fasli
ionablo manner and in itsuperior style of work
nunishin,' , A full 'and legont stoey .of Geniis
/ 1
men's.PtirnisliiingGo de,'.atteh as gloves, : ptal _
-and fanny sliirts, collo 8,1 handkerchiefs, ' ties,
&a., constantly' 'Op on • band; • Also' ' India '
Rubbor 0 vereon;s an Loggias -'- . ' ' ' '
Fooling confident* rn . the roptttation 'which
W hai boort his',.oonst - t - aim- 'for a. -course hi
years to senora' for,bi establishment, of , bia 0
. bility to
.plintsZi, lie' r lipscifully invites, an 'ex.
' antination'of lira so ,which for 'qutillty oVork.
nianabln and low Pr se cannot bet surpassed.
May 4, 1853!-- 1 10. ,
Ancient Sports, Games and Ceremonies of the Greeks and Romans.
.flair WILL EXHIBIT AT CARLISLE ON WEDNESDAY, August the 3de1853. For ono day
only. PRICES: Boxes'2s eta. Reserved Seats, 50 cts. Children -under 10,.t0 Reserved Seats,
Half Price. Doors opmfat 2,1 in the Afternoon; and 73, in the EveuinA. Performanee tuwommenco
half-an-hour idler.
Largest Establishment in Um World,' comprising One IlnndrLd on-1 Sixty-Thriwldale
and Female Artists and Auxiliaries, and 'a
Stud of 200 HORSES, 'PONIES end other trained
animals,' The Pavilion composing tho Hippodrome proper, islthe'largust in the World; and is
constructed l so as to he alwayscool and comfortable. It is built after a plan of the Gymnasium of
Ells, and contains seats for 000 J persons. During the evening it will be ,brilliantly' iLuminated
with Gas, from an apparatus _designed expressly for supplying the enormous amount required in
this nihibition. THE ENTRANCE into town will be observed by a Grand Procession, led by
Post's Celebrated Brass Band, and followed by the Cars, Chariots, Wagons, Horses, &c., &o.
The Entertainments will:bn ° putieularly NOVEL AND CLASSIC in their character, entirely
dissimilar from any presentation ever made in the country, consisting of Triumphal Entrees,
Charlot'Enoing, Hurdle Leaping, Cars of Juno. LA COURSE DES SINGES! 13y a troupe of
Apes, Monkeys and Baboons, on Lilliputian Pon os. Scenes on the Turf, by 0 Parisian Ladies,
PERCLIE EQUIPOISE abil other Feats in -the Arena ' on
tho Course, in the Stadium, and on
the Tilting Ground. The whole concluding with a scone from the ITALIAN CORSO, in which
12 'BLOODED HORSES will be let liaise ut the Aretwat one time.
For further particubirs, see illuminated posters, lithographs, &c., at the principal hotels.
iter”The Hippodrome will exhibit at York, August 2d, and at Harrisburg on the 4th.
Al oats, barley, Indian cern, timothy seed, ete. This machine .11S patented July 2d, I s5O.
Its operation during the three past years has Leen 11 , eltly siteeessftili wherever it has been thor
oughly tested, its good auttliti, s hove been universally tick now!, dgedi,,atitl not witlistandrog dui
grant incrense of comertition, it stilt 12011011111 . N10 maintain its tmpetterttty over all others yet in use.
During the (cars t- , 50 and I#sl i , reel kid the Itiehyst premium at six different Agricultural Ex-
Itilytions, ns follows —Two in the Sta.e of Maryitittd, tine in Afichigrut; ontrin Delaware:and Iwo
in 'Pennsylvania; while within the past vent it was awarded the first and high.:st,preiniums at each
of the county exhibitions of Chester, Berlts and Schuylkill.,
The•fact that in _receiving the above premiums, this machine was brought at several different
times inn fair and open competition with ail the Grain Drills of any note, yet in use,, and alter a
careful examination and investigation, 11 the auiltorized committee, was in every instance awarded
the highest premium—is 11 , m:titer woolly the considenttimi of the purchaser.
Its principal , points of recommendation arc, Ist —lts durability, 2d its perfect simplicity of con
struction, 3d the easy manner of reguliring to so , al l y floored quantity of seed. 4th the exactness
with distributes the sited, opera' ng equally. well fin tmven and sidling ground lie on an
even surface, sth its easy droug hi. heidg about 25-per cent lighter than most other seeding machines
now ill 11.0. •
All letters for information. as well ns orders for mschines , •N ill lie promptly attended to.
The manufactory hitherto limier the firm of Lee, Piety.° Lee. has been changed, and is now
conducted by LEE, PEIRCE & THOMPSON, to Vllll3lll till orders thotild be addressed.
••-•-•• If, 141. NIELDS Agent.
Fircildoun Post Office, Chester county, Pa.
July 20. 1R5.1
Awarded to. this Maehttto at iika Pair of the A narlcan Institute, New York, Oct. 1852.
A Diplome. at the Franklin Inetitate, eltiltulelphin. First Premium at tho State;
11 4 ftir, Utica, NOvvltork, and at lino Col bla and Itengsolaor County (Now York) Fara,
and a Diploma at the Airestehester County Fair at White Plains. ' ' ,
In the present arrangement of this highly [nproved and I
valuable DIM, the labor is divided by err...Ong n rotting
Cylinder to break tie apples, 0,01 then deliver them to the
lower Cylinders to be reduced to Immo, By this ar
rangement the work Is performed hater and with much
lees labor.
Tho Press Is arranged frith n much larger screw than
formerly, and by a very Inge:flews device the use of the hag .
is dispensed with and. the Tub made to open at will to de.
liver the pomace', while at the same time the Cider it left
clout And the work eau be done with much leas tutor than
by the old method. 'rho Cylinders ore covered with heavy
sheet Zino, both on their peripheries and Vl:dA;le wood
In them is nrrengal so no not to swell; and the whole work I
on the-Mill and Press made inn tine very last summer anal
arranged with especial view to their durability 101,i service.
No Farmer wino uses tho 11111 carefully and according
to dtrocUous swill be dianISPOIIII.IMI, but on the other
hand 110 Will find this ono of line nest valuable-and etlielent
machines 011 1113 Ilsrm. . - - -
The machine Is made to run IT horse, stout, or land
powor, and %slain the apples are ground, no small boy'of ld
yearn or ago mu press tho 'pomace with all sate.
In all formertimes It WILY supposod thatn.lorgo quantity
of Chien, could only las made by using ponithronis Wilelllllo,
that 'dolly crushed the apples without minding them flue.
They 'IMO then made Into n MUSSIVO 0110,0 inn !drone, anti a
'Most severe mid long pressure IV 11.4 rcgiuiral to extract 'a
portion of the Cider;a eonsiderablo quantity being n bsorbetl
by the straw. and the mass of pomace; and to obtain finis
un.satleilictory result the flamer hull to hike oil Ids Minds,
mid perhaps ids six•horso team, [nal devotee whole day that'
could have been more profitably employed, to make from
[Mao eight barrels of Cider. To obviate the Ml:lenity tie
Vermont have horotofore labored under. this Machine 1. , e
boon invented, and tho staternont of arose filets will prove
that It Is not only the best}lash no of the hind In existence;
but it 13 the most profitable that a num can Imo on his
farm. The apples ore bq this Machine grated Atrial° a flue
pulp, so that It requires but a comparatively light pressure,
and that but a minute or two, to extract all the Cider, It.
beingascertained by practical experiment that OnaVourth
More juice can be obtained than by 'the old process. Pe
llicles thle i tt only requires two hands to grind up and make
Into Cider a larger quantity of apples than Con bo possibly
done on the old-fashioned machines. On this press, owing
to the compactness of the pomace In the tub, and the com
plete manner in which It Is ground, a pressure or from 3 to
tone---thatpan ovally be obtained—will produce a more
Womble rosult,thaetlfty than pressure on 'the ordinary
' Eatorodoelidrgingio got of Congress, lo 140 gem. 1852, to
Ec Et VED thus day, direct from Cineintha•
t ti, a lull supply of thejullowiag c - elebra..
tad broods:
100 Sag!!! Cured Davis & Con's Tltvi Dams,
100 GlardneKPltipp & Co's Dams,
100 ••• Darnell° Westphalia do.
- Chia lastlheand gained the Prize Aledal at the
London Mold's Fair. Also u•linti supply of
Country !lains; Bacon, Shoulders and aides all
of which will bo:sold very low for cash. '
J, 0, ILI.IA via,
. 11 1) , O, 21.1F.5 3 . F Family Grocer.
IN'G P• 0011120
David, ,Landreth's ,t
v`' • Aolitous.our,AL Ario:iion-:‘''
Itnli/OpiOnt 41 , Elo,edWarellouse:
Chesnut Strecii„T. hi!a ' . •
, .
• 1 ,!.1 Til su li serOber o ff ers rpr extor.Biietig-
• E-lootopfatrunt.
Govillen e arties' Field,and Viewer Soachi,'
Agrjeultuhl,.noKtionitutai and Botannieal
~P ' -
Inivleimmt.and Sen'tl,,Catplognes, Landreth's
Rom Unifier "andM =Zia c fur 1553, iltrui.,h
el &mit inn pereanal:tit.repaid application.
May 1.0, 1353.3tt5.. ' • Phila.
„j4 l (
Cider Presa, even If the ripples wore ground as finely es on
the Improved Mill; and If the apples were merely crushed,
nx on the Not 'Machine, it would require a pressure of ono
hundred tows to produce the result accomplished by this
Patent Mill. The following may be adduced AO the decided
edrentoges of this Mill.
First—lt will me Lee more Cider than nay other Prom , ' with
n given quenlity °reputes, in a given time, and with much
loon Inhor null expense.
Staantil—lt will oaks cleaner and sweeter Cider than any.
nth. Mill:
Third—You (OM Make the Cider es you want It, and when
you want It—and In quantities from one gallon to 0 or 10
Fourth—With it you can press your Currants, Cherries,
I 'lorries, C 1,,".,, Butter, Lard, and Tallow.
rine—Wilt it you can sere one.fourtlt of yotir
inte In making Apple-ibutter.' ,
Hvtli—iVitli Its use you can et all times bare Fresh
and Sweet Cider.
Willi all the advantages result Mg nom the possession and
sec of Slid/ n unteltine- , nt ik price so low that it ie within
Ile road, of nil—rill, it be that any Intelligent Farmer
would do without it?
• Do you wish to have in your Imam at all times Cider that
IA sweet and fresh, the only Onion is really healthy aslant
fir do you wish to save a groat portion of the
bard labor attending the making. of ,
Apple.but tort If so, buy OW machine, and our weld
far it, you It 111 not lie disappointed.
This Will is wart:lobs& suporior to soy other portable
gill in existence, and the Proprietor Is reedy at any time,
fen fair notice being given) to test it with any,Xertable
11111 that Is not an infringement , on it.
farmers. examine this newly luarnovicri
MILL, before you buy any other.
'One great adventitgo of this winching over all Own, is,
flint it will not choke up, and hard or soft applet
can be ground, and yet the Cylinders will always remain
clear end in grinding order,
All orders will be Plied In the order in which they aro
received, and nil persons venting them would do well to
send their orders early, and state at what time they want
the 11111 sent.
This li ill, ationtleU by 2 men,will, when properly worked
Recording to directions, makelo 12 barrels of cider a day—
and will grind Mono by horropower from11:10 to 300 inoshela
of apples n day.
The - Prlca of thelfilllitt), free of freight.
ILAILItIOWOR(1, PA., May, 1851. W e 0. MOWN.
orbs District court of the Eastern !Adria,. of Penokylvanta.
New and Ohoico Publications.
e ra l
HOME LIFE 114 GERMANY., by tha
C. L. Ilrace • ,
MCDP:ItN FLIRT/010V% b 9 Calb°rin e
LAa'r Liox orsUNNY stop,
by 11. 'Frusta.
USOFUL, r 'RoV. Dr. Cox..
AMAD El,. a Family [Jittery,
rtairl other new a n d latsrestiag works just co•
solved and for Bala nt the Cheav Doak Stare.
.' A. M 'WED, Ant.
4.0 u
4 5 , 2x4, 1 1
cp. W %IR( ,
. , . .
Qorner ol.ilarthuir'and Llather
lTulidoroigtiod has always on hand . ° large
T.etockof superior 'Cabinee , Ware. in all the
different styles; which item proparediro salt at
the lowest prices. , Re invites attention Dame•
uteri); to the Paton' gpring, lintiom Bedstead, a
most usefutartteloOvhieh entirely obviates, all .
objections. .The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads, They', have given entire aatisfac.
I.uon to all - who havolitem in use. - ".•
made to order oldie shortest
Cellist° 22, 1851,- , -ly.' ' •
legai,,ao pilier-toticto
‘ToTIGE is hereby' given that thd CALM,
.; rITUTION, iodated in Dickinson township,
'timberland county, ,will make application to
hu neiti . Legislature or'the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania for an tiet of Indurporatlon, with
capita) dr cot }ebb than 'ren nor more than
Thirty Thousand Dollars,' for the purpose of
'receiviag . deposiis of money both transitory and
on Interest, arid of making loans and disconnts,
with such ()their fpritileges as are usually gran
,ed to Savings Instifutions.• Hy order of the
Dire,•torii. ' , WM. GALBREATH , Tolls.
D. L; BEELIVIAN, Sec'y . fje22,6ml
iIIaaTICE is hereby given • that application
111 ' will he made to the next Legislature.
agreeably to the constitution and laws of this
Comnionweallh, for an alteration in the charter
of the Carlisle Deposita Bank, so as to•confer
upon Said Bank the' rights and privileges of
hank of issue, and to change they name to that
of the '! Carlisle flack."
By order of 'the Board of Directors. " '
Jule 29,.1853—Gm
Estate of Eliza liowman, dec'd
II\TOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad-
IA ministration on the Estate of Elizabeth
Bowman, late of West: Pennsboro township.
Cumberland County:, deeessPd,,ltave been gran
ted by, the Register of said county to the sub
scriber, residing in the same township. All
porsons - indelited to said estate are requested to
make payment, and those having
,ciaime will
present them for settlement to ,
Juno 23,1853
Estate of Robert lirabatn, dec'd.
LI EI'TERS of Administration on the eF,tate
of ROBERT r GRABAN, Leto of South Mid
dloton township, Cumberland County,
have been granted to the subsariber, residing
in Dieiknson• township,.in said county. All
persons having claims ogaiast said estate will
present thorn for settlement, nod those indebted
[re requested to make imtoodinte payment to
Adult' r..
Juno 8 ,
Estate of Anna :Eberly, deceased
,ET'rERS of Administration on the
ILA Estate of ANNA EBERLY, laid of Sil-
Yin Silting twp„ deed, have .been granted to .
:he subscriber. residing in the same township.
All persons indebted to said estate are-reques
ted to make lmniediate payment, and those ct
having claims will present them for 'Settlement
July 15 pd
- -
LL persOns are hereby notified that I have
applituLbylvetition "Id the lion. JA7IE73 H.
GRA itAin. president Judge oldie Court of Com
mon Pleas in and for the County of Cumber
land, for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of
this Commonwealth and that the said Judge
Ins appointed MONDAY, the t2ed day of Au
gust next to hear me and my creditors, at the
Court House in Carlisle. Of which ynti will
please take notice, 'SAMUEL DAILII.
July II 1853 St
THE undersigned having bedn,appointed art
auditor by the Court ol Common Pleas of
Cumberland county, to make distribution of
the alance of money in . tlre !rands of the as.
signeesof Paul Martin amongst the creditors
or the said Paul, will meet for that purl ose n:
his office in the borough of Carlisle, on I
DAY the 12th day . ' of August next, at 10 o'-
clock, A. Drl, All mterested wilt therefore take
July 13 1853
Estate of ,E. Donaldson, dee'd.
LETTERS of Administration on tht estate
County, Ohio, deamsed, have Leon granted to
the subscriber residing in Cat lisle. Ali persons
having . claims against said estate will present
them" Mr settlement, and those indebted are
requested to make immediate payment to
SAM' LS. SAII Tfl, •
A dm'r.
June 6
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Cumberland county.
Catharine Elichelbergerl
by her next friend Levi I , No 3 Jan term 1853.
Eberly y Subpena
'vs_ I sur Divorce.
Jacob Eichelborger,
Same party Apl term 1853.
vs. Alias Sabi - mita
Same. . Bur Divorce,
The said subpcna and alias subpena having
been issued out of said Court and prool made
that the said Jacob gichelberger the defendant
could not be found to thh said county of Cum
Now the said Jacob Eichelbergsr, tbo de•
rend:wt. is hereby notified and required to ap
pear on the first day of the next August term,
—Monday the 2`2d of August next, to answer
y the said complaint.
July 11, 1853
In the - Court of Common Pleas of
Cumberland County.
Susan Peters Ity her next No 4 Jan term 1853
friend Jacob Smiler, / Subpcetta Sur Di
vs vorce.
Samuel Peters.
. .
Same party Na 4 A pl term 1853
vs , Alias Solipaato Sur
Same. Divorce.
The said sablitena and alias subpaina having
been issued out of said. Court, and proof made
that the Said Samuel Peters, the defendant,
coold,;not be found i the Said county of Cum . -
Now the paid Samuel Peters, the defendant,
is hereby notified and regtired to appear on the
first day of the next August term,—Monday
the 22d of August next to tinFWerthe said com
plaint. .)OS .81e1)AR5IOND,
July I 11852. ' Sheriff.
'T"EDuplicate of School Taxes of. the
Borough of Carlisle for the pteeent year.
have been issued to the undersigned School
Treasurer. Notice ha therefore given that he
will attend in the Commissioners ofice; nt the
county Court House; on SATURDAY the
30th of July next: between the hours of 9 and
12, 2 and 5 o'clock of said day, for the purpose
of rec e iving she school taxes so assessed agree
ably to the proiiisons of the• common. school
tax. The dollar rate on allproperty is 31 mills,
and on professions, oc c up a tions .5L.e. 4 mills.
• All persons paying their school taxes on or
before said 30th of he allowed a 'de
duction of five per cent, and those paying alter
that date, and on or before the 30th el Septetn
bar next, a deductioi of 'Ouse per tent, tanir
which last date a warrant for the speedy coffee
tion of all said taxes as remain' unpaid, will be
placed in the hands of a proper officer duly op
pointed for that purpose.
3. W. EBY, Treasurer.
Carlisle June 22, 1833. St•
In the Court e'r ontuipa: Plelasi - of ^
Cumberland County, to wit;
Ne.G4.Apri)Torm, - •
April 12. 1853. The paritien of William
Trough, presented to. the Comet of Common
Plena of Clumberland County; represeeCng that
on the 23r1 day of 0, tober,. 1841 lie pail:based
at Sheriff's Sala the' property of.,lohd Treugh .
for thikaumol...,sl29o,"end•tbat onthe
of November, 1541, Phol• Mortio, he then
Sheriff, executed and delivered to said piwhi
ner a deed' tar the premises sold, with a receipt
for the ptirchnee money...• :Said deed, .for 'sumo
cause unknown to. said . petitioner, never was
acknowledged or ,rocorded as provided for by
the Act of Assembly: 'lle therefore mays.the
'Conti to grant a Rule • on the said, Paul M ar lin,
Sheriff; and upon sod John .Trough or his heirs•
at law, to show canoe Why the said deed should
not now bp acknowlodgedaad recorded tweet..
ding to law.
April 52,18.0. Rule upon Paul Martin to
appear at the next adjonined eobirt, and show.
cause why the deed +wield not ba ocknowled
god, and also upon, the heirs' at law te,she,v
coos°. if any they have, why the prayer of the
petitioner elieuld not be granted. •
,7 Notice to ho served", , pUblioation two
newspapers (or four weeks, previous to the
Court. • • •
Comberioutl Count* as.
(1 . 1 George Zinn Proth'y of the Court of
,L.S Common .Pleas of stud County, do car.
tify that t h e ulwvo is ;a true copy of the
Docket entry orthe above case, token front the
records of sold Court. r
Given under ray howl end tlse.seal of tho
said Court. at Carlisle the 16th 'day of Juno,
A. 13,1853. ' GEORGE4•ZINN:
le 294 t ' . : . —Protley.
Ladles Dress too . - •
.. , .. ... ,
TUST rocolved'it ititveltit'of ittititaist; Ba
,lo* rage Op'Ltincti„l.4tektithiSitkitilttl.,,tind far
ante at ve.ry_,lpvt_privoi At tbe-extv Anti chßup
Ettore of - • ;!gF,P3„e [44" Vititirpcia, ,
.Apv2,0,53 .: , . L,,,,,,,,