Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 27, 1853, Image 2

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cAILxsLE, r*•
WEDNESDAY; JII . LY - 27. 1853,
Terms-Iwo Dollars a "year, or One Dollar and
Fiftygpts, if raid punctually in Advance.
$l .- ;7 sif paid within the year. - • •
Democratic _'Whig Nominations.
MOSES rowNALp, of Lancaster County
AL:iANDER . K..IkfcCLURE, of Franklin Co
_of_ Clarion__Counly
The Members of the Whig Standing Com
mittee, (composed of the following
„ ere requested to meet at the publio house of
John Henan, in Carlisle, on SATURDAY, the
80th Met., at 2 o' lock P. M., - tolppoint the
time of holding the Ccunty Convention.
Punctual attendance is requested.
Geerge Chapman, Upper Allen.
Matthias Bitner, Lower Allen.
William Bent; East Ward, Carlisle.
William M. Porter, West Ward, Carlisle.
Anthony Fishburn, Dickinson.
Matthias Kremmerer, Frankford.
Thomas B. Bryson, Hampden.
Col.,Peter Lecher, Hopewell. •
Moses Moirett, Monroe.
Robert Wilson, Mechanicsburg. ,
Nathaniel Brown, Mifflin.
Rudolph Martin,New Cumberland.
George Clark, orth Middleton.
Archibald Bricker, Newton,
Thotnas Stough, Newville.
George S. Saltoman, Shippensburg.
- Philip Koontz, Shippensburg Township.
Joseph Maxwell, Southampton.
William M. Malley, Silver Spring.
J. W. Craighead, South 'Middleton.
Henry Bear, West Pennsborough.
Capt. George RUpley, East Penneborough.
Orb Mr. pounEnasn, having got into more
profitable business, has disposed of his interest
In the; Shippensburg Nem to his partner, Mr.
ser Rev. Gao. Durrumn, of Dotroit, Mich
igan, who has been travelling in Europe and
the East, returned to this country last week.
per' The annual address before the Wesleyan
Female Institute in
.Wilmington, Dol., was
delivered on Friday evening last, by Professor
TIFFAIIT, of Dickinson College.
The Whig State Committee met in Philadel
phia last Tuesday week, and fixed on Hunting:
don, for the meeting of the State Convention,
to nominate a candidate for Supreme Judge,
and the 25th of August as the time. The
attendance of members of the Committee was
quite large, and the old Whig fire would seem
to be burning brightly as over in the most
palmy days of the party. We - Subjoin tho
proceedings: '
Pursuant to notice, tho Pennsylvania Whig
Central Committee met at the American House,
in the city of Philadelphia, C. THOMPSON
JONES, ,Esq., of ...Philadelphia, in age Chair,
And HMV! S. Evams, of Chester county, was
appointed Secretary.
On motion, John Price Wetherill, Esq., was
elected Treasurer of the Committee.
The following resolution was, on motion,
unanimously agreed to:
Resolved, That a Whig State Convention of
Delegates, to be chosen by the several counties
and Senatorial Districts, bo held at HUNT
INGDON, on the 26th of August next, at 11
o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of nominating
a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court.
. Resolved, That these proceedings be pub
lished in the Whig papers of the State.
HENRY S. EVANS, Secretary.
Wm. Fisher, the fugitive slave of Mr. J. C.
Howard, of Cecil county, Md., arrested in
Philadelphia, last week, was, on Saturday,
ordered into the custody of his master, but
immediately afterwards a writ of habeas cor
pus was \ sued out and the case hrought.before
the Court of Quarter Sessions, where a ques.
(ion of jurisdiction was raised. The gaited
States Matchable whose custody the slave
had been committed, it appears, .refused to
comply with the writ by bringing him before
the court, and was thereupon : arrested for
contempt.. Mr. Howard was also arrested,
but as the slave was not in hie possession, he
was subsequeotly discharged. The final de
cision in thai case has not yet been made.
' learn from the Philadelphia papers
of yesterday, that op Monday the 11. S. Die•
trial Court issued a writ of habeas corpus for
tho body of Marshal Wynkoop, find afterwards
quashed it, acknowledging the power of the
lower :court in the premises. The Marshal
afterwards appeared and having receded from
his positicn was released from the - custody of
the Sheriff. •
lOWA Native American State Convention,
composed of delegates from various parts of
Pennsylvinia, wift assonible in the city'' of
Philadelphia', on the 10th day of August next,
to.agree•uPon eendidates for the offides of
Canal. Commissioner, Surveyor General, Audi
tor Getioral, and Judge of the State Supreme
Court, to be voted for' at the enetiing election
on the eeeond Tuesday of October next. '
We learn from . the Staunton (Va.).Vin
dicator,,that our friend, Rev. Jens Witsox,
form43oY Of this place, has been appointed
Principal of the Wesleyan Female institute in
that piece. ,
The Vindicittor does but simple
justice .to his merits in saying that " ho is in
every way, tjualitled to meet the requirements
of the important pest le 'ishibh he has boon
called." •
Silirlohn Price Wetherill, ono of( the Most
prominent and 'wealthy citisons of Philadel
'phis, - and a lending and 'popular Whig, died
on Sunday morninglasi, of a violent attack of
dysentery. Be had accompanied, as one of a
committee' MO' CouiSoils; the 'President to
Now , york„ and. returned slok. ;lie death Is
uniforiallylaihentedis one of the most Useful
mon lathe city. •
wOO3Oll named CATtmitinu.Brunolo
Mod in.Froyotown, adjacent to York.'ott Thurn.
, doy
,or last wi3ulr; aged - ono • hundred, and one
years and
.seaenmont4. So nays the Gamic.
ret:.llr, "B, Thomoi.has sold ttio
York Adootais to MeOors,M.-B..ltOiand,,l;k: C.
Btoir and Compbell,.by. Who" thii pi t o?
'London - Globe' of tbo Bth node:.
Pt lOW that lloi:lsfejeety'e, visit to . Debilii le
poetponed;,oving to Prinoe Albert, havlng-tbo
tnelleolu. . • '
'— At' the lecofoco 4th tot' July celebration In
Philadalphio, r 'which has .kialso . d , ttp , such a
storm lit'the iolitioal • world, 'lto following
aniong. o other :very signllicent. Waste, were
By, ff. Baker-Goo. "Brilliant Bigler;—Ales
Alasl hew th'e mighty haie fallen. ' "
By Lf..klioe-41en. , Lewie Case,iof Michigan.
—The patriot, . statesman and sage; deeply
imbedded in rho heart of* nation. .
biped by many—Moro the horse that
earns tho oats, and never gets them.
By, john Tholabot:er:ht worthy of
his hire'," and he . Who 'should "not be
forced 'to feed the sluggard, nor should he
who has earned honors see them wortrby him
who did not. ,• -
• *lt. Parscntillon. Charleißrown-:-The
.g tinder box!' has ignited the match of politi
cal and personarfrionds and enemies, and the
character which once auetained him, even'to
the dotvnfall of friends,
,has now triumphed in
reducing him to that level which his prim!.
pies and acts'hae marked out.
--- By G.- A. - Balzer-The Executive of Penn
sylvania—With the veto in liiirrght hand and
ihe_Girareand Mechanics'_Danks_in iS left. .
Governor, why do you balancez en you
should chassez
By Charles Burns—The Supreme edbh—lf
Democratic Conventions follow in t e wake 'of
the-Governor's appointments, it renders invalid
the not passed making Judges elective—the
Governor holds the 'substance, the people the
By Roswell Parsons—Gov. Wm. Bigler—A
true representative of the " Keystone State."
Ito is too good a Democrat to ask for more than
By head o.4trynnt—llona Edmund Burke
The fearless advocate of pr,inciples, under all
circumstances. Every Court abounds in flat
terers, but it takes a, man of 'courage and
virtue to tell the truth.
Among the regular toasts, those to the
President of the United States and Governor
of Pennsylvania, were drank in silence, while
the above were , drank with great applause!
Charles W. Carrigan, Bash Frazer, Benjamin
Champtioys and others, were speakers on the
000asioa. There"are evyently rough "break
ers ahead " for Bigler. -
The new fiscal year of the General' govern
ment commenced on the. first of this month,
says the Hartford Courant, and all the accounts
and estimates were closed on the last day of
June. During the past fiscal year, our im
porta have amounted to about $253,000,000;
Our exports, exclusive of specie, to about
$208,000,000. During the ye4r. ending Juno
80, 1852, our imports were $212,600,000, and
our - exports, $161,000,000, leaving about
$45,000,000 each year as a balance against us,
to be paid for in specie and stocks.
This process has been going forward ever
since 1846, and we present the curious ano
maly of a nation running in debt abroad for
that which, we might as well snake at home.
We pay, for all this excess of imports by our
California Gold,. The labors of our miners
goes to dischargeyyr indebtedness to Europe.
lnetenfof retaining the gold for our own use,
we transmit ft to Europe for perishable goods.
Since 1848, California has paid our debts
abroad to the amount:of $300.000,000. Had
it not been for this gold, where should we
have been ? Had we consumed our own man
ufactures, where would the gild have been.
The articles for which we have thus exchanged
out gold , are such that, with the encourage
ment which would have prevented foreign
competition, we could kayo made ourselves,
and what we could not make could have been
ne rOdily obtained by our agricultural pro
.duets as by gold, while the farmer would have
found a nearer market for theee products at
Our policy has been otherwise arranged,
and we have nothing to do but submit. But
pay-day must come. Our stocks and bonds
must come to maturity, and payment be re
quired, All these obligations aro increasing,
most rapidly, and the day of reckoning is ap
The Lancaster Expresa toile us that no
such " impracticable idea" as prohibiting the
manufacture of spirits has ever been entertain
ed by the friends of Prohibition—consequent
ly could not have been abandoned, as we men
tioned in our notice of the Cumberland county
resolutions. ye can scarcely be mistaken,
Mr. Express, in speaking of it an abandoned
idea. Not to speak of individual expressions
to that effect, we remember very well that olte
of the bills before the Legislature, and sup
ported by the friends of Trohibition, proposed
that tho manufacture of liquor should be con
fined to a limited number of persons, such as
should be appointed by the Court of Quarter
tillssions of nit, district. A. more odious pro
•vildon. than that could scarcely bo Imagined,
and we are mush mistaken if a majority of
the people of Pennsylvania could be brought to
munition it. The use of Spirits enters so large
ly into many of the necessary and useful pur
poses of life that to speak. of the prohibition
of its manufacture seems to us a mere chimera
of fanaticism. The small traffic is another
matter. The world may well rejoice when it
is done array wish. -
Board of Visitors to West Point Military
Academy have made their revolt to the Secre
tary of War. The Board express their grati
fication because of the proficiency. of the
cadets in their studies, and also their unani
mous opinion in favor 'of the Institution, na
the beat method of diffusing military science
and attaining skill in the art of war. They
recommend .the erection of a new building
for a ThidingSchool; the enlargement of the
Cadet's Hospital ; new buildings for fhfficera'
quarters; and other purposes. They 'also re
commend an inoroaso in the number of Cadets
to two from each. State, - to be recommended
by the United States Senators. 'An extension
of the period of instruction to five years is
recommended, and also an increase of cadets'
pay from 28 to $BO per.month.
—A meeting of the Democratic State Commit
tee of Now York, was held at the Astor lioese,
on Friday wiening, at which resolutions sere
passed endorsing the Baltimore Platform, af
firming the .constitutionality of the Compro
mise measures,, end calling a ,Convention In
Syracuse on the 18th of September next to
nominate candidates for State officers. Tho
Albany Argus (Hunker) has a despatch, in
regard to the proceedings of the Convention,
which states that the Barnburners seceded in'
a body. Tho Now York Iforaldisays the two ,
notions of the party are far front Yoing,ant.
An individual in Philadelphia, %dui *is shoat
ad by grooor out of pound of sugar, by
that quantity of sand being mixed with the
inatorial,.pnt on a4ortisomont in the papor,
:80 6 411.010kIrtip.rasoal who uhoaied him did
not, oake! restitution by Bonding seven
pounds, of ; good (sugar' lie would.Pexpose, biu
.ralowiti.,•,;o4:v - neat •day, , be resolved from
nine ditre!*l44r9c;4oll4 'paok
Cf,,Allitkrl. • tc"u4Re?4i,4***,P9ls`9lloerg
sometlEnoß very forcibly ,
THE ratio!, Taximacss•
_ . . .
The' Johnstown _Echo' a Lneefoco journal,
,makes,tho following'disolosure - au 011ie man ,
tt&ment'of our' State improvements; which aro
. ,
wall calculated to 'Startle:the honest Liieofece
• • - • -• . •,-
tai payers of :the, comMonwehltli, and should
, . .
induce themlo go to werk in earnest this'fall,
.- .
and secure the election of Moans PoViniat, the
•vihig eundiclaie 'fdi•Canal COmmissioner;'to
watch and carrel:lt, the' misdeeds of the Locota•
cos,..whom they have aided to put in potter; -
• .g We Invite 'not'heard. a single statement in
the abovo addreee'contradicted, In this cora
ninity; Where ilia :facts IWO'. kliC/WII. no man
would hate the effrontery to deny'the•truth of
this.addrese, :Weave credibly infornied, that •
instead traxteen thousand dollori"of, claims
Itaiimg found : their way`into the Slate Treasu
•ryi 'withont passing through the liandti of the
Superintendent of the toad,..the amount 'swells
to the enormous sum of eighty four Oousand
dollars. The manner, in which,payMents have.
been made upon the road has long been the
subject of universal complaint. Our mor
eiants and mechanics aro more or less depend.
ent upon the laborer, and art:en the State does
not meet her'engegtonente with those who toil
=for- her,- hew-ean- they- comply-with ; theirs.?
That a gyeat State'should thus treat her ope
ratives, is most disgraceful. Robbery of the
laborers has been reduced to a system, and
the only individuals to whom the system has
proved a blessing, ore a
,few of the check-roll
speculators along the road, who, somehow,
have always plenty of money to buy the Brno
of the laborers at a discount of from 10 to 15
Per cent. Where do these check-roll sharks
get the money they employ in this unrighteous
traffic? How comes it that the check-rolls
purchased by these,speculators always find
money to meet them , at Harrisburg, while
those for which our merchants have given a
fair equivalent are never paid? Why it, it
•that n-few individuals are in favor at the Treo
sury df the State, who receive thousands of
dollars upon check rolls, when the laborers
are turned oway without a penny?'ls the
'Treasury a portner in this infamous shaving?
Are speculations in Schuylkill coal lands pro
fitable? and must money be hod to carry on
these, and the speculations in check-roll? It
is said that one individual on the Portage
(toad purchased cheek-rdlls to the amount of
,fifty thousand 'clonal( Where did he get the
money-?• Wits it hi 'Diva, or was lie only an.
agent ? Perhaps, if an answer pas obtained
to these questions, and a few others informa
tion .would warrant us in asking the poor la
borer on the Portage Railroad, who had been
fleeced of the proceeds of his labor, wo would
soon asce . 11 where the blame lies. -
On Mond ' /last week a thrilling and
fatal casualty occurred at Niagara Falls. A
despatch says:
"Throe mon, belonging to a scow wl jolt
came down the river last night, got• into a
skiff alongside the scow, and it is supposed
fell asleep, when the boat got separated from
the scow, and was hurried on by the current
with fearful rapidity toward the falls. This
happened about 'J o'clock last evening. Two
of the mon, one named Andrew Hannaman,
the other a stranger, were hurled at once'over,
the foaming sheet;
. the third,-Joseph Able,
caught hold of a Stump in his fearful passage
and clung to it." . .
' We learn further from the Buffalo papers
that Able, when near the verge of the foaming
cataract, succeeded in reaching a rock, to
which he clung till about six o'clock on Tues
day evening. The anxiety of the people on
shore tg rescue the unfortunate man from'his
perilous situation was most intense throughout
the day. But if the feelings of the spectators
wore aroused to such a pitch, what must have
been the thoughts of him 'who was almost
certain of eventually becoming a prey to the
roaring torrent? Every scheme that human
ingenuity could devise was resorted to; life
boats were brought from Buffalo, and proyis
ions were floated to him, on' rafts. Late in
the afternoon he succeeded in placing himself
on ono of these rafts, and was on the point of
stepping from it into a lifeboat, when, to the
dismay and horror of the spectators on shore,
the boat come in collision with the raft with
BO much violence, as to pitch poor Able into
the water. Still- undaunted ho struck out
boldly.for a small island in the vicinity; but
the current overpowered his already exhausted
physical energies, and, after thus desperately
struggling for life, and tenaciously clinging
for twenty hours to a slippery rock, which
itself could scarcely withstand the impetuous
force of the stream, the victim was swept into
eternity. At the fatal point he raised himself
up to his full height, gave a piercing shriek,
waved his arms wildly and disappeared.
In Dr: O'Meara's works, published some
thirty years since, entitled " A Voice from St.
-Helena," the following Is given as
prediction, uttered shortly before his death,
respecting the ultimate fate of Turkey :
"In the course of a few years Russia will
have Constantinople, the greatest part of Tur
key, and all Greece. This I hold to be as cer
tain as if it bad already taken place. Almost
all the cajoling and flattering which Alexander
practised towards me, was to gain my consent
to effect this object. I, would not consent,
seeing that the equilibrium of Europe would
be destroyed. In the natural course of things
'Turkey must fall to Russia. The greater part
of her population are Greeks, who you may
say are Russians. Tho Powers it would injure,
and who could oppose it, are England, Franco,
Prussia and Austria. Now, as to Austria it
will be very easy for'Russia to engage her as
sistance, by giving her Sortie and other pr0 .91113C08
.91113C08 bcirdoring upon the Austrian dominions,
reaching near to. Constantinople. The only
hypothesis, that Franco and England may over
be allied with sincerity, will be in order to
prevent this. But oven this alliance would not
avail ; France, England and Prussia united
cannot prevent it. Russia.find Austria can at
any time effect it."
It may not ho out of place to mention in
this connection, as confirmatory of what Na -
poleon said regarding the designs' of Russia
upon Turkey, that by the articles of a secret
treaty entered into between NaP'eleon and
°sender at Tileit,luly 7th, 1807, it was agreed
thatßussia should take possession of T,urkoy
in Europe, and pursue her, conquest in Asia,
as far as shq saw fit. It was also . made'part
of the same arrangerohnt that Russia should
assist Frandin obtaining posseseion of IlgyPt s
the Wand of Malta, 'and the fortress of Gib
raltar; and 'all other • rissole except French,
Russian,-Spanish and Italian, were to be ex
cluded froni the Mediterranean. It is quite
probable that the evident unwillingness after
warde,:ort the part of Napoleon, to comply
with the wishes of his Imperial brother, die-
Solved their mutual agreement -and hastened
the downfall of the forrner;b3; arraying against
him the,gigantio power of Russia, in conjunct
tiod with that of England: 7 llule. Ameridari.
ErA new species - of gra'esbopper hni beeM
very deetruotied to herbage' of every bind thiis
season in the vicinity of liforoersburg: Pa.' it
Jo of a:light: yellow color, forger :than the
ordinary speol6e, and moss.volmolma, devotir.
log grase,''eorn, potatoee, onions, to.' Far
mers aro obliged to take up their vegetables
to eavo thein fretn.,destruotion, as Allis army,
of insects entirely 'Orli tho gardens, end not
only out the leaves,ritaorn; but atallui an inch
in diameter aro oaten off Folose to the ground.
Gsi A Itsnr...4-,Tenny Ooldsobml4is
the happy Mother of a, tlne and healthy dough. ,
; ter.'. Jenny..who, has treated the• world, to
musta.tinil made it pay roundly for it, 'will,now
he treated: to MUSIC', herself, and. _pay roundly
~ 'wo• 'Warrant.. As Ityren says,
,li . .ttrao at:last opts all.thioge eyen."
Evan!Aid - al
.at 7i a'ahra
it,loll fig:pealed to preach in the
uthoitin Church, on next
1 Also in the evening
, LaylOg of Corner-Stone.
The Corder Stolle of the new' Methodist E.
•Chuyola in qedianicaburg, will be'laid on"Hat
urday, July 130th, at 2 o'clock P. M. An-ad
. dress will b 3 delivered on the occasion by the
Hoy. Mr, Ceoktnan, of Harrisburg. The pub-,
lie getiorallyire invited'respeetfulli to attend.
Our Witifirrn
Tim Poiry Waim .springs. are enid to be
crowded with visitors. :The accommodations
- at the Garyslit and'Doubling Gap Spriiigs hav
ing been ycrymuch enlarged reeently,imither,
of these,placesja, entirely full, although both,
have iayge'anst plensant - parties' of visitors...—.
We have tato letters from Doubling Gap; which
will be found in to•days paper, speaking in
warm terms df the enjoyments and recreations
of the Wompany there. Having spent a couple
of days with them recently we can add our
testimony, to that of our correspondents,
The IVater Works:
The Water Conitinny has purchased the bill
on the Canedognit et creek known as LechMr's
Bill, as a location for the reservoir of:the
Water Works. Twenty acres have been put ,
chased at. 449 - per 'acre.' Water power has
also been'efferet for amoderate equiitdent by
31r..Jolin 'genders - on, some distance further
down the . ereek; 'lt is the intention of the
Company, we understand, to invite proposals
at once for the construction of the reservoir
and the dam, and to hasten the erection of.tho
works as speedily as possible. Mr. 'IA. T.
SMITH; 'the' efficient Superintendent of the
Vqllsy rail road, and a gentleman of high
scientific) acquirement and practical experience,
has been chosen to superintend the Work.
The Hippodrome In Carlisle
Gen. %%I's Parisian Hippodrome, whieh
was opened in- Philadelphia several weeks
since, and has drawn nightly crowds of ad
miring spectators, will exhibit in Carlisle on
Wednesday next, the Eld of August. The
performances are — a - revival, upon
,n splendid
wale. of the ancient Olympian (lames, and
TOurnaments of the Middle• Ages, which have
for some years fOrmed-a main feature in the
equestrian spectacles of Paris and other Ea.
ropean cities. The papers of Philadelphia
unite in pronouncing the performances at the
Hippodrome to be the most splendid and ex
citing spectacles ever offered in that city. The
exhibition is entirely free from the grosser
features which have caused a large portion of
the community to shun the old fashioned Cir
cus. It will undoubtedly attract an immense
crowd.. - . -
'The Democratio Standing Committee of this
county have appointed Saturday the Gth day
of August, as the day to elect delegates, and
Tuesday the oth forth° meeting of the County
Convention to nominate a ticket. A warm
%struggle, 'we understand, ii going on between
the numerous aspirants to nominations, erpel
cially for the Senate. '
nefroshlng 11 nine
The drought of the present season, which
has now lasted nearly two months, has been
most extraordinary. Flowers and vegetables
have been almost entirely destroyed, and the
Corn and potato 'crops have suffered severely.
Heavy rains have however fallen in the last
two days, which we hope may yet save the
latter crops. As dry a season has not been
known for many years. Our borough com
munity has felt the necessity of a supply of
water, such as we hope to have by the time
another summer rolls around.
Something New Every Day.
Out of curiosity wo called at Mr. Tunas's.
Daguerrean Rooms, in Marion Hall, to see his
'Mammoth Camera, and sureenough we gave
it up and. concluded, like the_ old,coon .with
. Capt. Smith, to come down without shooting.
We have undoubtedly seen the elephant in
different shapes and at different times, But we
never saw such a shooting iron before, or• in
other words we never soli the real simon pure
original Camera before. Just call and take a
look at it. It won't hurt you a bit, although
it may " take you off" inn daguerreotype
• • •
Codey's Lady' r Book, for August, is on
our table, with the accustomed amount of
valuable reading Matter, and the usual beau
tiful embellishments.,
Godey always has a corps of first rato con
tributors. Alice B. Neal, still continues hen
.popular sketches. We are glad to sec that
other cares do not interfere with the use of
her pen. There aro also articles by Mrs.
Hall, T. S. Arthur, and other favorites. For
sale at Mr. Piper's-25 cents.
Extract of a letter 'from a gentleman at
Doubling Gap to Lis friend in Carlisle, dated
• JULY 21, 1853.
It is an occasion of painful flnd
among te - ir
healthyfind accomplished petiole
' Hon of Cumberland county, such an unpardon
able apathy le the popularity rind patronage
of Doubling Gap. They take their flight to
mere disttuat • and exciting watering places,
possessing not a tithe of the elements of health
and pleasure that this charming place affords,
at,half the cost. Magnificent scenery; shaded
• walks;
mountain rambles to the Lewis' cave
and the Flat Rock—the latter sixteen hundred
feet high,- 7 -and all full of romance ; pure and
elastic "air; sulphur , water—in our opinion
unsurpassed is medicinal virtues ; cool and
refreshing •breezes. loaded• with health and
6:Literati= from the summit of Oh donntains
that environ it; with all the addenda of •clear
chambers, obliging servants, a first rate table,
one of the tlevereat -follows in the world,.(a
widower, ladles, mind that!) as an host Land
last, but. not Nast, Bomb of the prettiest and
most animated dear young ladies in the world,
—they have torn our heart's into tatters;—rill
united richly entitle Doubling Gap to general
,notice, but Imperatively claim the patronage
of the tomtit and country of Cuinhorland coon.
ty, unless the amor loci is totally' extinet..l;
We entreat, you ~to send ypur bachoters.
Zoning ,
and oldi—the ladies would prefer the
yenner orderer such things,—say from forty
to fitty.five, lftbey should be able to crawl to
r i a ,je s i ) l i d them, we nay, to Doubling'
131tp. , • We lineiv two or three in Carlisle alone,
• .as noble gentlemen as ever madqu lady's heart
palpitate. Solid them all here. Personal in
Weak should excite you to the attempt. House
Oat Will rise ; farms .will be-in demands-and
populatton—fiel—that is, I'• mean', domestic
happiness would be vastly, multiplied—l mean
Mere genendlidiffused ; and teeny a 'desolate
r. and Gold heart tatty Ito warmed into vitality by
the genial,fervers of love.. .
Cumberland, ny patireeountyl kindle your
energies, and*wipo away' the ,reproaith of a
noble poptirlatlon, , insensible Ao the sublime
Sone* With which the Althighty Architect
- had...invested thle favored plaoe..
A report haeigained currently that Doubling
,'Gap ideated with, mosquitoes and. gnats.
lit may have been , the cane, for the ladles say
so; apd,no amulet; for ell insects loin sweet
rhingo, : bat .we ;have ttelther seen nor •felt one
in our chamber the open air, 'during
sojourn of three weeks. .
P. 8:, I forgot to' mention„ amongthe at-
Om:Hittite r.tliie Place, ,fino shooting and -fish
ing—for ladies hearts. Queer kind of fish,
thoso hearts; something like•tbe sting,- ! ..very
.daog4roue to 'approach. Fact, we', toll yoo;
so botikte,young. gents,.7-bachelore of forty
or fifty. nia' in less
filr, Editor : I see there are plenty of cor
respondents, for Your own and other papers,
who have given- the public most graphioand
pectiwtlescriptions of the external, and natural
beauty of.this delightful summer resort; Nor
Itave their sketches been overdrawn. „Its wild
beauty and - - grandeur are almost. beyond do.
scription. , At least I don't intend attempting
it. But I think its time the fiublic heard botne
thing of '‘ animatednaturea here. Be it' Ine,
then, to tell you something of the fair beings'
who give life 'and enchantment to this fniry
seclusion in the forest. There are some Bev
oily 'of us most pleasantly domiciled in Mr.
Coyle's spacious and well furnished hotel, and
.if you saw no, you would find us as united; as
fraternal, ns social and as merry a sqt,ns ever
happened together. In truth, when. we look
-around our-joyous eircle.-we wonder-at,-while
we tire prompted to, bless, the Lapp} , instinct,
or impulse, or whatever else you may choose
to call it, which brought us from localities'
hundreds and thousands of miles apart, from
the north, the west, and the. sunny south, to
make up tide happy gathering of persons all
unknown to emelt other before:- Itie-quite a
singular thing to me. bill probably, with your
practical ideas of things i , Mr. Editor, you
would simply explain it by saying. "Oh no,
only another illustration of the benefit of ad
vertising—Mr. Coyle advertised for you in the
newspapers—ho told you Doubling Gap was
the place, and you came." Well, that's the
practical suddenly upsetting the sentimental,
but be it so, Mr. , Editer. We have not been dis
appointed in °buying the disinterested invita
tion at any rate.
But you wishme - to - remember that news
paper space is precious, and that the public
would like to be briefly informed "how we do
kill time," r at Doubling Gap. We don't know
any such fashionable phrase as that hero, I
assure you. Nobody suffers from ennui This
mountain air is too pure, and its strength too
invigorating for languor and indolence. Do
you see that merry party with "pilgrim staff
and sandal spoon," defiling'off into the moun
tain paths—that young pair in the rear, very
much suspected for a few days past of indulg
ing in the " tender passion," slily lagging be
hind the old folks—do you hear the echoing
shout, and the reverberating laugh that ring
through the grand old woods—do you bear
soft music amid the,groves—do yo 4 see the
gay throng anon gathered on the-green sward,
and hear the lively sallies and brilliant repar
tee- which - enliven -- conversation—do - you ob
serve with what cheerful energy they bend
their steps to the common residence, when the
din of the "gong" summons to a welcome
duty? Such are some of the items of morning
enjoyment. In the drowsy afternoon, some
probably take a "nap," while a book and
shady nook profitably disposes of the afternoon
to others. Then after tea,
" Vllhen eve Is purpling cliff and cave,
Thoughts of the heart how sweet ye flow;
The few we like,the one we love,
And the whole heart la memory."
At a later hour, when night has drawn her
sable curtain on the scene of the day's enjoy
ments, take a glance'at our parlor party. Novo
yoU seen a more brilliant assemblage of '‘ fair
women and brave men" lately 2 - Musio and
song aro the enchantments of the hour; but
the stirring violin is about to supersede the
piano, and now
"On with 'the dance! let joy be unconfined
When yowl) aid pleasure meet
To chase the glowing hours with flying feet."
But this is not continued beyond a reasonable
hour. Last evening the usual routine of
amusements was changed, however, a number
of our party having determined on an-exhibi—
tion of - Tableaux. 'Preparations were accord•
ingly made—the scenes decided upon—the
characters cast—and the_ ingenuity and:skill
of the ladies set busily to work in the proper
tion of costumes, &.43. In the evening the large
audience - was duly assembled in the parlor;
but how each brilliant, beautiful, and striking
scene was successively pictured- by the fair
amateurs, I confess My inability to give any
adequate description. The audience were
enraptured, and testified their admiration by
the most tumultuous applause. I send you a ,
programme of the entertainment, from which
you will see what a happy combination of
scenes was presented. The lovely persona
lions of tho female characters I cannot unfor
tunately_so, readily convey to you. •
The Confessional.—Lady, Mrs.' G. of Read
ing; Priest, Mr. M. of Baltimore.
Court Scene.-111nry Queen of Scots, Mips C.
of Doubling Gap: Lady Seyton, Miss G. of
Baltimore; Douglass, Mr. W. of Philadel
phia; rags, Mr. K. of Norfolk, Ira. A strik
ing and - elegant soon°.
&eve from David - Copperfierd.—Betsy Trot
wood by Mr. IL of Baltimoro,—(ourdadies very
characteristically declining to attempt person
ating Betsy's extreme homeliness l)—Mr. Dick,
with his kilo, by Mr. G. of Doubling.Oap, and
David, by Master K. Quito a vivid illustration
of the seal C—from that well known novel,when
David arrives Miss Trotwood's:—" What
shall wo do with him, Mr. Dick V Wash
Jim," said Mr. Diok, with his sententious wis
Scene front the Corsair.—Conrad by Mr. S.,
of Philadelphia; Medora by Miss S., of Balti
more. A beautiful picture:
" Now to Medora—oh my sinking heart,
Long may her own be lighter time thou urt.
• •
Thus wirh himself communion held he, till
, Ile reached the summit of his tow'r crowned bill.
There at the portal paused—fur wild and soft
lie heard those accents never hoard too oft;
Through the high lattice, fur yet 'sweet, they rung,
The plaintive norm his bird of beauty sung.
Taking the Veil.—Ludy Abbess, Mrs. R. of
Philadelphia; Novice, Ana's C. of S. C.l Priest,
Mr. M. of Baltimore. Admirably performed,
Scene from the Lady of the Lake.—Fi tz James
by Mr. 11. of Baltimore; Blanche of Devon by
Mitts P., of Philadelphia,
" She sat beneath the birchen tree,
Iler elbow reAing on her knee • •
She had withdrawn the fatal ainfl,
and gazed on It and feebly laughed ;
lier wreath of broom nod feathers gray, .
Draggled with blood, beside her lay.
The Knight to staunch the lifestrcum tried,
"Stronger, it is in vain:" she cried.
See•l thou this !rest? OIS, nail Pro worn
This iittin'tress of yellow link. - - - -
Through danger, frenzy. and despair!
It once nue bright and clear us thine.
;But blood and tears have dimmed he shine.
I will not tell thee when itwns shred,
Nor from what guiltless victim , . head—
My brain would turn I—but it shall wave
.Like plumage•on thy helmet brave,
fill sun and wind Anti bleach the stain,
Turkish•. Scene—Sultan, Mr. H. of Dauphin
county; Ladies, Miss C. and Miss P. of
Carlisle. A witching picture, and personated
to perfection. ,
Tho series of tableaux were concluded amid
shouts of—applause, by the presentation of a
humorous and laughable scene in which-seve
ral ladies and gentlemen appeared. The whole
party then adjourned to. - the ball-room, to
enjoy again the pleasures of the mazy dance.
And-thus, Mr. Editor, I have given you a mere
outline of a day's recreation at Doubling Gap.
Do you think there is any difficulty about
" killing time?" lam sure there is not with
at least . . ONE or US.
filar It is now stated that F. C. Gray. who
committed suicide at Now Rochelle, was in
trouble on the subject of a.bigamy that he lend
committed. Ife had left a wife, it is said in
California, and married another-here, and his
first wife had followed him to Now. York.
Mar Kossuth and Idaszinl arc reported by
a foreign journal to have loft Lcridon some
Weeks since, unanhounced, and no ono hnowii
trherailtoy arm • Tho Boston .4th:a surmises
that hiaraini. has gone to Italy, and Kossuth
to, e ltirhey, - to prepare to mix In • the Wive
Scenes now promised'ln eastern Europe.
, .
Mir Another accident happened . at the
New York :Hippodrome ou Thurfakty evening.
While the horse of one of the female riders in
a hurdle race was attempting ttilsop a hurdle,'
he stumbled, and fell upon the Orl, one of his
hoots striking her head. She woe picked up
inienslble, and carried from the ring. .
Ve,bays liadj.wo arrivals From Euroie
the forepart of the week, and :the news is of
omimiderable imPortanee.r The steamer Frank
' lin arrived at York on.Tuesdny . morning,
with dates frOm Liverpool' to the 7th JOY.
At the sailing of the Franklin the Turkish
question was still unadjusted, and the, aspect
of offals Was decidedly warlike. , The Run
shins had crossed tlMPruth, and the Emperor,
had issued a decree, announcing his intention
' to oceopy the Danubian provinces—by way
! of intimidating the Sultan. Ho, however,
disclaims any design to conquer Turkey, but
professes Merely to protect the rights and ,
privileges of the members of the Greek Church
in_ that, ,00untry. _lf, however, the Porte
should persist, the Cznr threatens to move
"forward on behalf of the orthodox faith." It
i stated that the Porto will be able ° to muster
250,000 men—and' that the most zealkus
prpparations were in progress for defence. It
is intimated that &Until a collision occur, Ad
,miral Dutdas,' of' the British Navy, would
have command of the-fleet—while one of the
French Generals would command ling force
that might. land. The warlike character of
Turkish affair's occasioned nn advance in the
price of flour and grain to 4 a. 1 14, _G shillings
per quarter. -
Later from Europe
The steamship Arctic arrived at New York
on Saturday with four days later ad% ices.—
Breadetuffs wore in less demand, with prices
slightly declined. The news is fullof inter
est. Count Nesse'rode has issued a new eir
cular,-more impudent than the last; yet the
Bourses manifested no particular alarm. Mat
ters appear to be becoming raore._and _more
complicated, yet the publio of Europe will not
open their eyes to the possibility of war.—
Austria has seized the opportunity of again
demanding froth Turkey thacoucessions refus
ed to the late mission of Count do Leiningen.
This, if authentiO, forbids the idea of Austria's
neutrality in any coming struggle.
The steamer Northern Light arrived at New
York on 111onday, bringing over $30,0r10 in
gold. The mining news continued favorable,
but business generally was dull. I "Slinst.t city
was destroyed by lire on the 14th. Loss es
timated at $227,090. The Democratic State
Convention assembled at Benecia on 'the 21trt.
of June; and after a stormy session of three
days succeeded in nominating their candidtries.
Very strong effot ts were made to throw Gov.
Bigler overboard, but without success. The
only names presented to the Convention for
the nomination of governor, besides that of
Gov. Bigler, were Richard Roman, the present
State Treasurer, and Henry P. Haven, of Ma -t,
rysville. A fierce battle between the Bigler
and anti-Bigler men for the first two days
argued little for the harmony of the party.
But Bigler was nominated by a decided ma
jority on the first ballot, and several who had
been most earnest in opposing hint cams for
ward and pledged themselves to support the
nomination. Samuel Purday was renominated
for the office of Lieut. Governer.
The Whigs throughout the State are prepa-
ring for the fall election.; Delegates to the.
Convention to be holden at Sacramento on the
' - "Gttroflnly, are already chosen it. Many coun-_.
tics. Capt.. William Waldo has the best pros
pect now of being the nominee fur Governor.
Gen. David Douglass and F. A. Cobb, of
San Joaquin, are also understood to be iu the
field for the same nomination.
111711.DE1l i& LUZEILNE COMM.-A bruthl I
murder was committed in the town of Wood-
Block, Luzern° county, about ten days ago, by
a man named George A. Wentworth, a shoe
maker, who cut his wife's throat with a razor.
The murderer has been arrested and is now
confined in jail.- About the same time, James
Quinn, a boatman, murdered a young woman
by tire name of Maltala Wiggins, on board it
canal boat at Nanticoke. They were both em
ployed on the boat, and getting into a quarrel
he struck her several times on the head with a
hatchet. lie left her lay on the fluor covered .
with blood and made his escape. -
The "harmonious Democracy". in
Maine aro by no
. means satisfied with their
nominee for Governor. Pillsbury was selected
from his known hostility to the Maine Law,
and the Democrats who support that law, can
not, they say, support Pillsbury.
Ncw 2bucrtic3i.inentg
' At a stated Orphans' Court, began on Tues
day, the 22d day of March, 1853, and holden
at Carlisle in and for Cumberland County, be
fore the llon. James 11. Graham, l'res't Judge
of said Court, and Samuel Woodburn and John
Rupp, Esquires, Associate Judges of the same
Court, &c., the following proceedings were
Lad, to wit :
- The petition of George Kimmel, executor
Of the 'last will and testament of Elisabeth
Kimmel. Site of East Pennsborol township,
respectfully„ represents: That the said
I .lilizabeth Kimmel. by her said last will and
testament, after the bequest of certain specific
legacies to her son in law Jacob Zugg, her
grand daughter Maria, her son Samuel's chili
dren, her daughter Susan, her son George, and
a legacy of throe hundred dollars to John
Coover, in trust for purposes in said will men
tioned, did bequeath the balance of - her estate
to her son Samuel's children, and directed the
said balance to be retained in the hands of her
executor during the lifetime of said Samuel
. and, his then_present _wife,,atiiL the interest to
be paid yearly towards the support of salt
children if needed, and tit the death of Samuel
and wife,. the principal to bo divided 'finicing
all their children. That your peiitioner Set
tled an account of Lis administration of said
estate in the ori bans' Court of said County,
the. sth day of February, 1858, by, which a
balance was found in his Lands of $9lO 10,
leaving a fund aftir the payment of $3OO to
John Coover in trust, of $5lO 10, to be held
in trust according to the provisions of said will
Your petitioner further represents, that helms
settled an account of his management of said
trust fund in the Orphan's Court of said Conn
ty, the 223 of March, 1853, by which ft balance
Is found in his bands of $552 00. That by
reason of increasing age, and other causes, he
is desirous of being dis barged from his ap
pointment of executor of the last will and tes
tament of the said -Elisabeth Kimmel, deti'd,
dirt.' from the care of said fund. Ile therefore
prays . your Honors to disbharge hitu from Lis
said eipoutership; on the payment of the but,
auto in Lis hands to such person as shall be
appointed administrator de herds non, with
the will annexed of said Elizabeth Kimmel,
deceased.. -•- •
Npw, to wit, 2211 March, 1853, rule granted
on the parties Interested to appear at the nos
Orphans' Court; and show cause why the Said
George Kimmel shall not be -disoharged,from
. his appointment of executor of the last will
and testament of Elizabeth Kimmel, deceased.
Notice to ho served personally on dhose resid
ing in the county, and-by publication for three
. - successive two newspapers, published
'ln. the County of Cumberlarall notice to be
served on Samuel Kimmel for Lis' minor obil
droti. '
Cu berldnd eoynty:u
~ ',. In testiuway that - the foregoing
~,c1 . • is a true ostraet • taken (min. the
((r l } \ rileoids'of thO peoooodings 'of 'the
s t ( `,1).):: Orphans' Court of sald - County,is
'‘,\-.7" . --- , ' aboye stated,' I have hereunto set.
-. .• my Signature, and affixed the iord
of said Court in Otisliste, Cumberland.Counly,
"aforosaid,. this 22d day.of'hlaroh,lB s2 , :
. , . SAMUEL 'MARTIN, Crk O. 0' '
TIM RoauksCAUCIRT.--WO observe by the
'Pottstille papers, thrall the property of the
/ 1 0 1 3 6. 111; and others;
.who nra implicated in
the coal frauds nt y cheating the
Rendint Railroad company out: of, it is sup
posed,. about $3OOOOO, has been'' Seiied by
the Sherifl. A:heso people, it is said, have
been for 'leers in the habit of Making . false
returns of the amount of vial transported
over the road, thus evading the payment of
toile, and luxuriating upon these frauds,
whilst, at the same time, they wore breaking
down honest, honorable' and worthy emnpeti
torsovho bad to 'pay tip full tolls. Justice,
however, has at length overtaken them , end
now all their property is in the hands of the
Andrew Miter, eon of A. J. Ritter, n youth
seventeen or eighteen years old; in nn eptlepCo
fit fell from a hig, into Elk river, Md., near ite
'mouth. Mo went directly to the bottom', in
deep water, where lie remained from fifteen to
twenty minutes, before he was brought up.—
He, in a few minutes, recovered, nsfrom a 7 oz.-
ulnait. He And taken no water into the lungs.
Dal - The Democratic State Cunitention which
met last March, Is to re-Assemble at Harris
burg, on Thursday, the 28th day of July hist.,
for'the purpo e of nominating a candidate fur
the Supreme Bench, in place of Judge Gibson;
ftiO—ln Missouri, the State organ of tbo
Dentonian Democracy openly exhorts every
Democrat"—that is, every Bentonian— to
vote for Whigs whenever that shall be necessa
ry to defeat a Rotten"—that is, an Anti
-Benton Democrat.
10S,,The Boston Post says:—"Naomi, ther
daughter of Enoch, was 580 years old when
she was married.. Courage, girls P
Cill)c illarlictEi.
MusDAy, July 23, 1833:
FLOUR.—The flour market market to-day
was unsettled. Soleil eta few hundred barrels
Howard street fresh,hraisids Cl 12,1 II 1,1,
Buyers, however, e,„iientl o refused, to otter
ovtr.Ss. .Sales 01'10(10.1as. fresh gratin,' City
Mills Flour, from now wheat, nt ti 3 •d 5. We
quntii Bye Four nt $d 81'111 hi. The send),
of Floirr on hand is very light. The tendeney
of ~prices is downward under the Arctic's
MEAL—Corn Meal wo,quote at $3 37e,
$3 50' hl.
GRAlN.—There VIIS quite a spirited Una'
full attendance at: the Corn and Floor Ex—
change this morning. The offerings of Grain
were quite large. About 21,000 tandiels of
_Wheat offered, and mostly sold at $l 10(i%
$1 12 for red, and $1 180 . ,..51 10 for good io
prime white._ These prices show a decline of
2to 4 cents bushel. About 15,000 bustle's
Corn offered, and sales of white at 00c , and
.yellow at oGe,o7c.`itl' bushel—a decline of 3
to 4 cents 11 bushel. Sales of Maryland and
Virginia Rye at 72,73 cents, and Pennsylva
nia do. 83(04 c. 70 bushel. Maryland Oats
30610 cents, and Pennsylvania do. 93 e) 14c.
SEEDS are dull, and prices unchanged.
FLOUR;—The advices by - the - Arctic have
unsettled and depressed the market forth
article, and buyers are holding' off.for lower
prices: Old stock, including Western end
Pennsylvania, is offered at $5 12i 7tl id.,
and a sale of 1000 bls. is reported. On terms
not public; fresh grdund flour is scarce, and
generally held at $5 370i55 50 %1 bl , ac,
cording to brand. Sales of 1000 ble. selected
brands, strictly - fresh ground, were made, in
eleding 500 bts: on Saturday evening at $5 50,
and 500 Ws. today at $5 44 g 1 Id.; buyers
generally offer_less. The home demand has
also been limited, nt about .previons quoted
rates. ltyo Flour is quiet at previous prices.
MEAL.—Corn Neal is quiet and prices re
main unchanged:
GRAIN.—The market is depressed, cud
Wheat is loWer since the receipt of the foreign
news; some 8000P.901 1 0 bushels fLund buyers
' far shipment and milling at 1100 ; 112cents fur
new Southern red, nccerding to condition, in
cluding a cargo of old l'enn'a white at a pie()
not public, ltye—There is none offering.
Corn is dull, end held at 70c. fur good Smith
ern yellow, wi h limited- receipts and sales.
Oats—Several cargoes of new Southern sold
at 353(i5,36 cents, and one, a prime lot, at 87.1
In this bormgh, on Thursday the 2lst inst.
after a short illness, Mrs., MA Ill' NOBLE. relief
of the late James Noble, Esq., decented, aged
75 years and 1 mouth.
On Sunday evening the 24th inst., of
sumption, after a protracted illness, Mr. Etc. -
Ann B. STEVENSON, of this borough, ag•d.
about 25 years.
In this bniough, nn Saturday the I rAii inst.
Mr JOHN LEIILEY., Sr., aged 88 years.
New '2bu.iiit-icinctitEi.
subscriber linteing c , otuplied with the re•
quirments of 1110 ar.t if the Lew:dater° of
Pennsylvania, of the 20thday of Ai vit. It.L3,
cautions all persons agutitst or
lini n g hi s bottles, under the regality ot Tiny
cents, for each bottle•boulo, sold, ..r fide d, tar
the first offence ; and $5,00 ler a udb t ot.le
bought, - sald, or filled, I r the-gd elk e. I
hereby announce/Mr determination to int. Ico
the penaliv of [lie in all eases of
its nfringment. '1 five in) botilea are becom•
log pubs property, to the clisadautt go
of Iny business. ••
Description —Nos. I. 2.. and 3. Two hun
dred Gross Mineral and Ale bottles, green
shade,. Dyet•eville make, with the !mute of G.
-W.-Brandt, - Carlisle, thereon., •
Carlisle, July 27, 1853. fit.
BY- a young, married man, a siluntion re
Principal or assistant teucher in a clus-cul
Academy or Seminary. lie lea had several
years e xperierice in teaching, and hue, for sonic
lime, been connected with it lbutrishaig Aced
-env in central Pennsylvania. He will produce
unexceptionable tcfereatos illid thrlilll. I ials,
but is nevertheless very willing to be strictly
examined as to his qualifications. A slated
salary would be prefeied to an income stib'ect
to contingencies, cotti though it be less then
might other" ise be rercivi d. Ile %%mild via y
much prefer going west, but coy commtunt.atioll
which may ha received will meet with duo
rittudion. Aiidress immed ately.
Newv lie, Coned- Co, Po.
July 27
Heard of Directors of
I want to employ a competent Teacher to
take chug° 'lt uclit rs
wishing to apply will pleas aUund the exaction
don on snturday, the 3Uili ,of August, Dt thu
School House in said borough, nt l o'elotk, P.
-al. Branches .required, Rending, Writing,
'Arithmetic,.Geogrophyi •Ettglish (Gummier,
't lebr a, lonimraiguo, History and Naturtil
Philosophy/ Saltily 030 per • month, cud the
term notion) titan six. 'months.
Ju1y . 9.7, Is.o. Sect. 01 'hoard.
TIIE SUBSCRIBER t wishing to remove
West to ongago in other .pursuits, offers nt pri
vote Sole, on renatinable ttrms his STOCK OF
GOODS, embracing the usurd, variety kept in
S country Store, .
Auy person wishing to engage in the Ater
cantilo business would do well to embrace this
opportunity, its the stock will compere (Motet
bly . .with any Stock of e o toda 111 the county, and
the location for 'businesi is one': of the best in
the county, bGing.situated'in the healthy
romantic village or , Springfield, and in ,he
midst or a fertile And productive neighborhood.
For particulars address, the Undersigned. at Big'
• , ,
•• ' ' jOIIN
: July 127,