Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 20, 1853, Image 4

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' erlitt .I,l7:an* of the Soil
• Under,the abiwe leading the Centre
littiv Valley Farm: ard - Mechanic says :
." At preseri;, not far fronithree-fourths
:of. the ,entire labor and , capital of "the
United States-are employed, either • di
rectly, or Indirectly, in the great work of
robbing' the soil of the few things that
Got' placed luitleir.the support of veg
etable and,aninial life, without making,
•or pretending to, any:adequate restitu
,All:4llage- is a most Unnatural
operation and the maiter. removed in
crops by no Means' indicates the whole
•ot the loss , of the elements of fertility
that araied _fields ',sustain. _ An' inteligent
wheat in Wisconsin writes io the
agricultural tfepartment of the patent pf
Act., that lands which have been cultiva
ted twelve'years;in that rieW State, now
yield but half fir annual harvests, that
they did when first saaded, An ei9w
ravo. corn grower in. Indiana informs yettir
memorialist, that the rich river bottoms
of that State now ;'yield only . thirty five
boAds per- ficre;.Which Mace produced,
with an equal amount of dingo, seventy
bosliels per acre. !Maize being by far
Ow. most impriant crop grown in-.this
country. much pains have been taken to
the commercial value, nf-the'raw
necesmit :consumed,,to form
a ,)ushel of that..goiti.i,of. which,. over
fr handfed millintibaslials are . iinrmally
sit': cied frorAkiuMicati..soil,
• A gentleman in COnnecticut wri•.es,
they, his farm, of some trim hundred 4 and
/ fifty acres, had been cultivated two cert•
turics w and conSequently: has reached
what may be regarded as the normal con
dition of, long tilled earth. Flo 'finds it
nocessery to apply ten Cord's of compost £1:r1 acre, to' raise fortY bushels.
The - manure costs, him a • dollar a cord,
and twenty-five .cinits
,per bush4,_of his
crop: '''A'corn - grower •ol Virginia has
tried ,na'any experiments with guano, and
finds/thattme 'hundred lbs. which costs
two dollars and fifty cents, will generally
—add-fon-'beshels-to his barvest,-.---The
martere, like that. uited in Connecticut,
costs a quarter of a dollar for enough to
produce a bushel - of corn. Many letters
from :practical.nni n..of ,close,observation,
end large experience; have been received
at the agriculturedepartment of the Pat
ent Offide. going to Show that if one
draws not upon the natural fertility of
land to form his corn plants, the raw ma
erial to, make a bushel of corn can rare
ly_ be obtained for a less suit than twen
t v-five cents. There is • collateral evi
dence worth naming, that corroborates
- this estimate. Long experience in France
end Belgium establishes the fact, that the
excreta from an - adult persofi are worth
five,dollars a year for agricultural pur
poses. The night soil Obtained from the
human species is equal to the productim\
of twenty bushels of corn to each inhab
itant; and from the obvious reason;that ,
no animal has the power to annihilate a
--single atom consumed in its daily food,
nor _to _ createone, if needed 'to prevent
starvation. Field laborers at the South
consume about thirteen bushels of corn
in al, and as much bacon as frorin ten to
thirteen bushels of corn will make, as
the mearly allowance to each. Children
consume less, but often waste more, than
adults. _ Taking ourentire population of
25,000,000 at this time into accountoind
each consumes, in one form and another,
fertilizing atoms drawnTrom 'the bosom
of the earth, equal to those contained in
twenty bushels of maize : showing an,
aggreget- annual comsu'nption of 500,-
000.000 bushels, which , the soil loses as
effectually as it would if that
,amount of
grain were cast into the.sea every year."
minim XNSU&ANCD.
Tho Allen - and East Ponnsboriaugh Mutual
Fire insurance Company of CuMborland coun
ts', incorporated by an Aot of Assombly,,is
.1 AN fully-organized end in operation under
• . .o.soagement Ogle following commission
Wm, R. Gargas, Michael
lelohoir BrennOman,Christian Stay
;+.~u; ~:~nia ion ritzel,Jacob.H.Coover, Lewis
is car, 13,.0ry Logan; Benjamin H. Musser, Ja
.• etamuol .Piowell, Joseph Wicker.
yho ofinsuranee are as low and favor
ir;:: CIA
. 110 Company of the kind in the State.
Pprlions• ` wishing to become inenibere aro in
. ritod• to make application to the ago to of the
papy , who .are. willing to wait upon thera
'any aide. • • • : •
BENJ. N. MOSSES,. President.
• • • •
.gENRY'LOGAN, Vice President;'
T.Or+ll; Secretary. .
, Treasurer.
Candierlanti County..—Ltadolph Martin, N.
Ouroborknri ; C. B. tiernitin. Kingstown ; Hen
ry . Slilienianatown Charles Boil,
; Dr. J.. Ahl,' ClintehtoWn Samna]
r ai) m, West Pcansbatough; Jaines:MeD,Ow
•-•:,isr Fr ankfoid ;'-
too,. Seunuol Coover; Benjamin
Aiechaniceburg; John phorrick, Lisburn
.ci CooVer, Shopherdatown, - • • .• •
York Catirity.--John Bawman, • -Dillsburg ;
Peter Wolford, Franklin; John Smith,
Washington ; W. S.. Picking , • Boyar; Daniel
Raffonsbergar, I W.Craft,Paradise:
Harrisburg.--liopeor Lachman:
,of the. company hiving Fuilibies
adout to expire can hay() them renowed-by
making application to any ofthe agents.
. Nov. 24,.1y.. ~ . '
E. • 3 . •
rsuccEssou, To A.
No. IG4 ,Chegnut St., Strainer //eliding, Phila.
E Music Publisher, and Deal ,
-WI or in Musionl 'lnstrunients of every de.
ioription. '; '
Exclusiviiiigent !bit to Balser Haller. Davis
'Co's.l'atent Suspension Bridge /Bohan and
• .PIANOS, •
L. Qrilbort'aßOu'doir Pianos, Melodeons, Mar.
tin's .Guiters,. slurps,' •Violins, Sheet Music,
Maine Books, &c. • ' ' •
• Residents orthe country will be supplied - by
mail or otherwise,' with music they may wish',
as low as if purchased in person.' *laving one
' Ol the largest' etockein the United Staled, X
feel oenfident 'eatislyinvall who may favor'
with( a call otorder. , „
Dealers in Music supplied on the moot liberet
,terno' let. •.SacendAllnd,Pinnes for
Anat. 20 1853151
Gas riitaiiir
lipaNEar, ;8 5 1111.0., No 221
4,"+"S tour ;Vino, Philo ~ having
44 , 4000 : t/r0,01100.1* o;poriento lu.the
",bgqiness Auili . olt work )3y au io mood
„.,tiged"wildorour:tipmodlour outterviskin,•loklic
iniabt44 0
offer io.roFOlialuire.,6operior' t
tironoh. of our oUrr.attio
overr., at
0041 OlVA:44,LimictiiiN bgiAgßaY y
D V.1.1 4 4Ac KeiT5,..1i0;2.13411;
111. c; tioolluprovud,Phrio Oil &Anvils;
",rpgediee.:l , yith,ofirui'lziloottinoniAliFloid. Lord;
Touirgio, GirioLidoloa Parlor, igtit ond
" "(tending Lolups, e,floqubt 7.ll6kletei; our, : , . - Dr,
ha ;Wicks, Oudot e to;
li,.urork., urOrrootod,,,or. onto,. Pactory,llo:
Vtr i Noolii,olroot; V00r.04.1 Romeulluir4,
No 221. N., 2,i Si., next door to j , Stomitif
pep u e m ,,p ci
iikpet, ottn..! Pflir.2.ol
or oramit:4rxt 'Ea:amalgam
• Dry, (goods
At the afore of thS subecriber, the great Mart f or
Dry Goode, Groceries, Boots t t. Shoes, a-c.
The subscriber respectfully inforrashistriondd
and numerous customers. that he has returned
from Philadelphia' with n largo and ed as.
,tiorttnent of Spring and 'Summer Go od, con—
sisting in part or. Cloths, Consimvs, Sat-.
Oasts, Vostings, biuslins, 'Pickings( Linsovii,
Velvet Cords, Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves,
Silks, flarnhazines, Fig'd, Plain,and Change.'
able I.l.l.onelin de Lames,. Ginghams,
Calicoes, Ali:Mame; iVlerineleis Shawls, •floss-.
ory, &rt.
A very largo *sediment, enthracing every
style and• quality. A largo assortment
Bonnets, Ribbons, Umbrellas. and Parasols.'
An extensive variety of Men's, Women's and
Children's Boots and Shoes; Guns Shoes, from
the most cetobratdd manufacturers. Also,
colored and white Carpet-Chain.
Such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, &c.
Choi m Teas front the'wel(known tea dealers,
&e. 'Jenkins & Co., &c., e.
All who visit our establightnent Oro free to
'acknowledge that we are selling .Foreign and
D medic Dry Goods'; BOots,`Shoes; Sic., at Its•
tonishtngly IoW prices. Oar .ow prices has
already uttricted a large tiumberof people.—
The attention el all who wish good. bargains
is solicited, as inducements can bo offered to
purchasers. Don't forget the corner opposite
Leonard's old stand, North Hanover street.
• . Butter, Eggs,, rags and soap, taken at mar
ket prices. • N %V WOODS,
rip 6 ' Agent.
• Fresh Spring Supply?
RAVE . just received a fresh stock of IVled•
icines,Paints, Glass,. Oil,. &c., which
having been purchased with . great care at the
best city houses, I can confidently recommend
in . Fairiilies, Physicians, Country Merchants
and - Dealers, as being fresh and pore.
‘: • :• DRUGS.
Patent Medicines, Herhsand•Extracts,•
Fine homi eats ; spices,ground and whole
Instrumento, • • Essences,
Pure Essen': Oils Perfumery, &c.
God Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine.
I Log and Cam Woods,
. 1 Oil Vitriol .
i Copperas,
Lac Dye•
4. ' PAINTS.
Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and - Varnislr Brushes;
Jorcoy Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen
finer Copal-and coach Varnish, anti Red Land.
All of which will be sold .ta the very lowesr
market ptice; Alsai,n fratt and splendid as
!torment of
• Indigoes,
ISuinae •
Confectionary, And, innumerable other articles
calculated for use•and ornament, all of whieh
are offered at the lowest cunii prices, at the
cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub
scriber on North Hanover street.
nay 28 lesl.
jLC subscriber Continues to carry on the
above business, in all itevarions branches,.
in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors
North of Leodard's .coruer-, where he intends
keeping on hand agenmal assortment in hipline,
Consisting of all kinds of fash
hinabIe — SADDLES, Bridles
martingales, Ctirths,Cir eingles
and Halters, also
TRUNKS, tray- WV
eling and saddle. t
bags. He - also
manufactures themost approved
Spanish Spring Saddles, ever
- used -in --this -country , z-those
wishing a handsome, durable and pleasant sad
.dle wilt do well to call and' seo them. He also.
manufactures Harness, ,Bridles, Collars and
Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be
lieves froth the ghnlral approbation of his cue
'fathers, 'that he makes the neatest and beet
gears, in all thoir- variety-- ot --breadth, that Is
'mode in thetsountry. He also makes all kinds
of Matrasses to order, viz: Straw, Husk. Curl.
ed Hair and Spring Matrasses, All the above
articles will be made of the best material and
workmanship, and with the utmost deepatch.
janl4-Iv WM- OSBORN.
rril-IE subscriber continuesto 'inanalacture ut
JL his Foundry in East Hii:ll , street, having
on hand a - great variety'of good patterns, and is
'prepared •to furnish IRON AND' BRASS
- C - ASTING'S, - which will be order
(if-not on hand,)'atthe shortest • notice; such. as
- Cranke and Mill Goering,. Spur ,and Bevil
Wneeli„Glidgeons for Saw Mills, &c., Fliyugh
C,astings.'. Cutters, Point' Shears, Wagon and
Cdsah Bozos,' Spindles, Car Wheels, Car
Chairs. St.c. Strain Engines built to order and
repaired. Alt kinds of machinery in Paper
Mills, Grist Mills and Factories repaired at
short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned.
N. leo, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines,
such as Bevel Gear Four I - horse power; Hor
izontal Gear' Four Horse Power ; Horizontal
Gear Two Horse Power, Ploughs Corn SlMl
lore and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines
and Horse powers repaired and Job Work ions
at the shortest notice. Pa..terns of different
kinds on hand and made to order:
He.also has oit hand a large supply or Phila
delphia and Troy Cooking Stoves, and is con
man ly making Cooking Stoves of various im
proved pat'orns,for'boal or wood.. Ten Plate
Stoves,. Grates, &c. •
Repining done to all kinds of Machinery.—
All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken
in exchange for work.
FIFTY barrels of prime No. 1, Zund 3
Mackerel, in. whole, half and quarter barrels,
just received instdre andfor sale at the lowest
prices for cash by, , .
rrstrl7 ti J. G.' WILLIAMS.
Window Shades, Carpets and Oi
A T 223 North 2d Street, above Wood
•.ta. Philadelphia, would most rospeothil.
ly cull the attention of his friends and the
public in general, to his large and well se,.
elected stock of Carpet:, Oil Clothe, Mattinr , s,
Window Shades, Door Mats, Stair Rode,
ano' Covers, Table Cotters. Cocoa alattinv, ir
„.."1. yards wide, for Public Houses, Counting
Houses, &e.
Also-7to my branch Store, 131', Springl Gar
den Street; above etb
Two Women Foully Butchered J 11
A .
.• TriLl greatest, excitement prevails ,in Phils. !
delphia on account of the inhumtin nupssacro
of • two helpless females : but a greater and
mom intense excitement exists since the arri
val at : Rentz dr, Brothers; of a spier:did forof
handsome -
which we are selling off to the public al very
low prices. -Among the lot are Dress Goods,
ever, kind, - Bonnets, very deep, BMWs,
Chintzes, -Muslins; and a great stock of Clothe,
'Caseimeres, Vostinge, Summer stuff, and a
general Variety: Further particulars hereaf
mnrch 16
' COAL!.'
1110.11ost and Cheapest In the Market for
Family Use. '
;; . - .4/ . .."
200 TONS of the Rouseh Gap
`••• ' DOilphin . :coubo; -. end Gftp
Coal, glauylicill'coitrity, just `received and for
stalitiv , pricee from 48,25 to ill)3ittlpkr ton, by
p ,. . , 1J1D4111 E Jr. it the.'werstiquere'forraerly
i " °o wifei l .e ., Gy'o,,l l ll. Ito - Over.' ' • '
` ; " -- "Dtr 'Coat van . he-delilreieit an •
y:vibere along
4 41. -Or.4 l lst;Pflid) *PDX. Vou4od
. , ;rnactirilng', and for ,;
ki 4. .411:63 ti 11 ii ;Zit !ti
Fish, Fish, 0 ! Fish.
~~ ,
~:Y a ._. r .,.~. r,.{fin '~A'frvv
~~~t~~~~~~~t~3v _
1 4 4 tl 4
,i : Through by. Repress.•
Mitt We have, been 'Using your MEXICAN.
MUSTANG LINIMENT with . the moat per.
feet success. One of our •rnost val uable Express
horses bad been much troubled by large swellings
or tumors on the fetlocks ; they had grown lar
ger than hen's eggs.'. Besides being disfigured
by these appendages, the limbs and joints ap
peared quite stifiened, swollen and lathe. We
had tried manylAaaments and other remedies,
but nothing appeared to produce any effect upon
them. We would willniglY .DA yr. GIVEN
TWENTY•FIVE DOLLARS - to have bad them
removed, - ; and the horse restored to soundness.
Our hostler obtained some of yourdLiniment, and
applied it without kno*ledge. few days ago
he called' our attention to the horse, and to our
surprise and gratification, his legS were perfectly
Lt DISAPPEARED! - We asked him by what
magic he had effected such a remarkable cure ?
isreply was that he had been using the MUS
TANG LINIMENT on diem about ten days,
and-the - result was the entire -removaUolthe tu
mors without Pieducing any soreness oyleaviog
it sear. , ,
• •
Wo Alterefere take great pleasure in ,ecom
mending the. Liniment, and shall continue to use
it whenever occasion requires, in preference to
any °aux preparation, so long as it produces such
remarkable results
uner90,1052. 111NSLEY, .;
Southern and 'Eastern express, No 1 Wall st.,
corner of Broadway, New 1 ork-
. Since the above certificate was given, Messrs
Einsl.y & Co have informed uti that one of his
(It teem was thrown from his wagon in the upper
part of the city, and very badly bruised, the
'wagon passing over his body. He was taken into
a Doctor's office close by,and 1 RE PHYSIC
LINIMENT, na he had recently tried 41114
similar case with great success: He did so, rind,
`all - theaoreness, - lameaess, and stiffness Has,re••
moved, so that the next day be was about his
business as usual.
• " We take great pleasure in recommending the
our friends and customers. as the.besr artieln we
have ever used' ler sores,. bruises; sprnins..or
golds in horses. We have used it , extensively
and alu ays effectually. Some of our men have
also used it for severe bruises, and sores, as well
as riteutnatio pains, and they all say it acts like
magic—we can only say that we have abandoned
the use of any other Liniment,
Stable Keeper to the American Express Co.'
and for Hamden's Express."
. • ' NEW YORK, July 31, 1852.
We hereby-certify-that-we have used the com
pound known as . the MUSTANG LINIMENT
and have no hesitation in-recommending it-as the
best article we have ever used for the cure of
sprains, gall's, cuts. bruises!, Sc on horses. All'
who doubt this, will please call on the undersign
ed,and they - will be , happy -to afford all other
information in their Osier as regards its efficacy,
&c. LUTZ. DA LL fv CO.,
Proprietors Manhattan Stage Co
Extract from a letter dated
SACRAMENTO CITY, Cal. Aug. 15,1852.
I believe the MUSTANG LINIMENT most
an excellent article. My wife brought a couple
of bottles Ei ith her, which I must thank you for.
Since she came here, MY HORSE , FELL
DOWN WITH ME;and injured me consider
ably, but broke no bones. 1 had recourse to the
Mustang, and the relief, and in bic , cure was
-astonishing._ _ (Signed) '„'D .RANSOM.
- Extract from a tetterdatod
Prrrsaurto, Pa„October sth, 1852.
AnOther circumstance which I noticed n few
days agn, I thon,,,ht spoke highly of the virtues
of the Mustang. Being in the oilice - of a Plysi
ciao of high standing, I noticed as lie opened a
door of his book-case, several bottles of Mus
tang, alongside of which - was an UMPTY Mustang
bottleond a twoouncepreseriptiim vial FILLED
was the following directions : " flub the throat
well night and morning with the Liniment, and
wrap a-woolen cloth
WILLIAM H. BRETz, Agents for-Carlisle.
General Depot, NO. 5, Phoenix Block, corner .
2d and Dock streets, Philadelphia. '
A. O. ANDREWS Gen.-Agent. .
WHATEVER coneerriethe health and happi.
ness of a people is at all times of the most
valuable importance. take it for granted that
every person will do all in their power ,to Save the
liver of their children, and that every person will
endeavor to promote their own health nt all sac
rifices. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly as
sure you that WORMS ,acoording to Me opinion
of the most celebrated Physicians, are the prima
ry causes of a large ninfority of diseases to which
the children and adults are liable,if .you haze
an Appetite continualychatigeable Om one kind
of food to another, lad Breath, Pain In the
Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and
Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow reVer
Pulse irregular—remember that all these denote
WORMS, and you should at once apply the rem
An article =founded on Scientific Principles,
:compounded — wlth - parely - vegetable - substances,
being perfectly safe when taken,and can be given
to the most tender infant" with decided beneficial
effects where . Bowel Complaints and Diarrhoa
have made them weak and debilitated ; the Tonic
properties of My Worm. Syrup are such, that 1t
stands without an equal in the catalogue of med
icines-, in giving tone and strength to the Stom
ach, which makes it an infallible remedy for
those afflicted, with Dyspepsia; the astonishing
cures perlormdd by this Syrup atter Physicians
have failed, is the best et idence of its superior
officacy above all others.
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy o
all that infest the human system, it grows to an
almost indefinite length, becoming so. coiled and
fastened in the Intestines and Stomach ;affecting
the health so sadly ns to cause 'St, Vitus' Dance,
Fits, &c., that those afflicted seldom if ever sus.
pect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
early grave, In order to destroy this worm, a
very energetic treatment must he pursued, it
would therefore be proper to take 6 to 8 of my
Liver Pills so ns to remove all obstructions. that
the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the 'Worm,
which.must be taken in doses of 2 Tablespoonfuls
three .e.mes a day. , These directions follow, d
have never been known to fail in curing the moat
Obstinate rase of TRIM Worm.
No part of the system is more liable to disease
than the LIVER, it serving as a filterer to purify
the blood, or giving the proper secretion to the
Bale so that any wrong action of the Liver af
fects the other important parts of the system. and
results variously, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
llyspepele, tee. • We should therefore, watch ev
ery symptom that might indicate a wrong netiofi
of the Liver. Those pills being composed ,al
Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heal the
sick: Namely, Ist. An EXPECTORANT,
which augments the secretion from the Pulmo•
nary mucous tuembtitne, or promotes the dis
charge of secreted matter. 4d. An ALTERA
TIVE,: which changes in some inexplicable and
insensible manner the cerium morbid action of
the system. Sd. A TONIC, - midi give tone and
strength to the nervous system, renewie+ ' health
and vigor' to all parts of the body. sth..'l C.d.
THAR EIC, which nets in perfect harmony with
the other ingredients,anA operating on the bow,.
ks, and expelling the whole mass of corrdpi and
, itieteil matter, and purifying the Blood, svhicb,
destroys disease and restores, health..
. .
You tell find these pillstm invaluable medicine
in many oomph - lints to whiCh you nrc subject. In
obstructions either total or partinl, they have
been found of an inestimable benefit, restoring
their functional arrangements to ii,beatlttik action
purifying Ike blood and otltd• fluids so*effectually
as to put to flight all complaints which May arise
front fellatio irregularities, as beadach..eiddieess,
dimnese of sight,,, the side, back, hie;
None genuine unless signed-J. N. Iloliensack,
anthers being base ,
D;:r .B g ents wishing new
. 54plies, anit Store-.
litepem desirous of 'beetniung gents Must nd 7.
dress , the Proprietor, N, Hobensack, Phila.,.
d4l l iltir, Pa. .
aU EDT 8 roi •Cirnutir.Ani 'Conn*: S Yir
S Elliott, and . S Ilubbaid;Carlisle:
Lloyd;Lisbumj I flay, and .1-I , 3pnbr, Meehan.
lesburg ; Coyle; • Hoguestown t Haverstick
Strohm,- Kingstown; Senheri Churebtownt
Hayes, Sbippenshurg Din n. Papertown :
'Greason, PlainFtold !Mosel Ic ]lira, Dickinliims
Nv e4 ki ey Centreillle Donaldgcm.S.;
Green; PalinstoWn Ithum,Nki Wherry, New;
. . • .. . -
cent, . •,, • , • „
W=Z l3, Alr) UQUOAEI.
MADEIIRA; Tonorare,v,
Aloolitt;43rotro . .Juico; Port Eincl 'Anal:tr . :brood
Chomptttne: - Wi,tos. lioston. allow'o,ltigor
13tand v. C hefty '.l3rontiyk.Polo and ,
clark,i3 rand Gin-and-Witte t ors.
-. Speri t C,AN.I)J 4 3lc 'per ttotattl; :Syrup
and 0 11 / 41 ; Soda ,
auperioy,y: Hymn ! bop et,irii;oPui , l3 Inc It t , p s ,
phqdrip, -1 -Rmoila - . And ", Cci11, ) %910,413.Pt for ,
olttalittricibott-Ar .2.Yotirmitott
tortlritt , ''; ; tottte. ,:‘intir46VlUll4..ctpli..:kg,ll;kv.‘";',,
.. • . „,.
,Zprutans pletebratod,,Toiiih Wash:
. .
mins, vhliable prepiiration has long been used
I.";:ini New xii,tctil Pliitudelphia,Where it has
nitained'an initneiiiolspopillarity; . fdi —ble . an ! sin v
i preserving and beautify-int- the teeth: it: 18' au
• excellentiretueily for sore;soft or bleeding gums..
it-a/86 delightful freshness to the mouth
and alpmeable.odor to the breath.
'Read thelidlowinn•front Dr. Murray. •
.'lman, with the' utmost confidence, recom• - -
mend to the , 'public, Zerman's A.Ml•Scorbutio
Tooth Witilfss the hest,iii.use. In my practice
:lea Dentist; I have died Mal recommended it for
last five years, and have found it to give nat.:
isfaction in every Mat:nice, nsllie Wash does not
contain acid, or anytlung injurious to the teeth or
' gums ; hut, on the contrary, is the best antiseptic
n-the- practice, rind therefore, Would recommend
he nse of it, not only to those who wiali to pre
' serve t heir teeth and gums, and haven wholesome
ibreath, but also to those who have disensed gums
tor teeth. The use of the Wash, for a short time,
will insure a return it, their healthy state. .
No- fit, S. Eleventh it., below Chestnut .
Dr. Gentle), ot .says ;--.* Mr. Zer
- 1-11M,W,Ell-plellEled with yam. Tooth Wash;
it no t ' only clehnses and whitens the teeth. Without
injoring thein,but it cures sore or bleeding . gums.
I cheerfully recominendit to the profession and
%public, as time very best preparation that" can he
need for cleansing and preserving the teeth,
holding the gutne,antl giving. sweetness to the
, breath. ' •
JOHN W. HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist.
'Price 25 cenft per bottle. Prepared only
Francis 'Lerman, Dreggist and Chemist, earlier
of Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia.
For sale by SAMMIE, ELLIOTT, undiste,
Pa octl9 is)
NovEmnir =ON "ORES.
intifi: undersigned is prepared to manufacture
L steam engines and boilers, blowing, cylin
:ere, gearing for rolling.; grist and saw ntille.
•- a4ll. screws, lathes and
s s pianos, shafting, hangers
and - pulliessand - every- vari•
uty of MACHINERY and CASTINGS,subb
as hot blast pipes, gas and water pipes retorts
md lamp poste r , car wheels and ax les, fire
lugs and hydrants,' cellar grates and water
pouts, wall coupeing, and a very, handsome
ssortment of new style paterns for patent feriae
taking, poste and gates, cast bathing cisterns,
trgestze, and,a number of:new patterns for
ook, nine plate-and Pnrlorstoves, horse pow.
_rs and threshing machines of improved plans,
lough castings, cast columns and fronts fof
Mill owners and millwrights arc respectful
, solicited to call and examine my new and
••tproved aseortment of mill gearing patterns.
'atterns and smith work made to order and
tachinery repaired promptly.
N. B• Railroad , care - of all diniensions
uilt and repaired,
_ liarrishurz_May 26. : J. R.JONES.*
I. W. Corner of N. Ilanover and Lonelier at:.
BEG most respectfully to call the early atten
tion of the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity'
.) our new and benutitul assortment of Spring
:nods, selected front the very hest of the New
York and Philadelphia markets, consisting of
,Persian Cloths, Barege de lane, Black Chilli,
Chali Barege, Chameleon Stik, Bombazines.
Alpacas. All wool Dehtittes, Mous de boo,
French Chintzes, Lawns, &c.
Collar 4, Undersleeves, Cuffs, Spencers,
Swiss' and Jaconet Ruffling,
Swiss and Jaconet Edging and !naming,
Lisle and Mechlin do do
Florentine do . , do, ...
Linen Bobin do de•
Valencenes Laces,
Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, Mohair and Cotton
loves. _ .
White - andißlack Silk, and Blk Ingrain Here
Mixed and White Cotton '• do
Mena -Half-Hose. -
Ginghame, Checks, Tickings, Calicoes,
White tlualine, Nankeen, Kentucky Jeans,
Blue and Fancy Drills, Vesting,
Plain and twilled Linen,
Fine,Damask Linea Table Clothe,
- do Towels,
drt Napkins, $4
Bird Eye Dialer.
Black and-Fency colored Gaiters,
Shoes of all descriptions, (Willis' make)..
Fine Calf Boots, Kip Peg'd Boots,
Mess Calf Congress Boots, Boys Boots,
•do Gaiters,. do Shoes,
All kind Childress Shoes and Gaiters.
- Rio and Java Coffee,Lovering's Syrup Molas
ses, Cuba Molasses, Sugar of all qualities,
Rice, Spices, &e.
Purchasers will find it PO their advantage to
call and examine our-stock before purchasing
elsewhere. as it is entirely new and we have for
ourjmotto "quick sales end small : profits.
Carlisle. April 1353.
S - cau - aod by-The- great-daily --RUSH -FOR
N EW GOODS at that old, and established
CHEAP STORE. Now opening a splendid
assortment of
• !.. .SPRING GOODS, viz:
ChaMos Cloth, Barrsize 'do Lainee, 13 armies,
Elegant dress Silks, Mous de Boge,
Chintzes, Calicees,•Ginghame,
Needle worked Collars, Undereleeves,
An immense assortment of Bonnets from 37
cents toss. Beautiful Mid Offal) - Ribbons,
Artificials and Bonnee Linings in grout variety,
A big tot of now and cheap Carpetinge, not to
be excelled in price andboauty in the State.
Mcompleto neeotimeni of Parasols and Sun
Shades very low.
1 have added largely to this departmont,:and
will sell them cheaper than ever.
A fresh lot of cheap 'hrocories jitst received.
Come on wit I your CASH and save a profit
by selectink your purchases from - this magnif
icent assortment of Cheap Goode. 81-Rem
ember the old stand, Thiet Main et, Carlisle.
April 6, 1853., CHARLES °GELB Y:
1=8:: .8.. (18.ROTIZER'S
High St., tFoodoors East of .Xarket House,
, South Side.
ryl suiisiriber kitankrul . for past fa
vors would inforiir 'his old cuetomersand
the conimu, ity.jn . generel. that ho - has just re
turned from the s etty:Witlfa large and full as—
sortment of Groceries, consisting , in part of
superior Rio; ;lava:. Lagusyra, and Roasted
Coffees, Loverieg's:Lump, Sand and Pulver
Neil Sarre, Brown Sugars at pll prices, Mo•
!toes at all qualities and prices. • '
of every description, including French and-En
glish China,•in setts or by die piece; also,
Stone China and common ware of every de
scription, and atoll assortment of Glass ware.
each as Clothes; Market. Travelling, Sowin g ,
ICoifo Ttitnbler and Childron's Fancy Bas•
..hets,.Tubs, • Fainted and Cedar Boohoo, -Iron
and•Bi•ass.bound ,Wooden Bowie, Buttes Fir-
Grecorr,Poxes, &c. • • ,
superior. Black, 'lmperial: and Yiong Dyson
Teas, Chocolate, greparcd Cocoa..
Of foie. qiiality, together with enperioi'Dry
"'Oft- Smoked "carting, GrOund Altura. and
fine table Salt, Spices of, pll kinds.
'F RU: I T ,
suCcii.rie'Orringaa, Lemons, Figs;.Prunee,ltai
t .
. ,
a full iopplir of MO, Oil and Fluid Lamps;
Safety. Fluid Lampe. • '
'fiemits'and•TiSbacco.of fine. 'qualitiMiand at'
prieeti;; • Pleaaircalt and examine foryour•
I actives at . iho old Mend. '
4.. -slovrTir333). t4Bi
' • ' 'sittil.a; It.r
ilr i Rait""s Utield,
, ,
riicio of•,§lhg-do, a good ar liclo,
1 ' ' ril*!pnoundt /4". - hu mans.
,-A oorda • P-: pound,
at 0 OPRilkligaeS, gOCe:a •Fruits Figs, l '
tlftraaa,g, ?rosary . d Prunes ,
tt orarig
to ' 0 and i Dcr,mreckera, &c &o,
. ' ' ntaar Il k . 'll kinds 9( d of-,on 1110
, '.. y,' von o'4ll°ll ho diaPoen , .
in oonna,o , i4hlidt. w ilt
terms-.; ..ittitiPEß.
ie; all Q tittadliting ..',13.4,1'
m,ost'llocq -• 0 ' , 3' - • , .'.: i
i unk)l l ..4Mr; j,
, "
ottp. aituernoemettiv.,
iii..&'IIFACTUILED anti for - suie ELI
KRUPP,_ No 039, .Nortit . Third street',
I'h ludelphis,is warranted to render entire satis
faction, noel - is beyond doubt the best and most
wholesome proparal,io - t of Coffee ever known.--,
One package at 121 cents WILL SAVE four
pounds of ordinary Coffee. Try. it nod be con
vinced. A number of Essences of Coffee were
depositeitat the Franklin Institute .in 1852. and
the. Judges decided Krupp's to be THE BEST
in the exhibition. Friends, it you wish to enjoy
a good, cheap and healthy Clip of Coffee procure
Krupp's - Fsgenee — of Coffee. It is for. nale;by
nearly....llthe - principal Grucet's nod Druggists
'throughout the United States.
April 20,1953.
Irmo-ids Fair Pre'in, Safes.
More proof of their superiority.—The late fire
in Jersey
Mft..S(LAS C. HERRING-7:AI' It gives us
much pleasurp ewe that a Sole of your
make was the means of- preserving our books
and valuable papers, together with a lot of
Silver Spoons, Forks, &c.. from destruction
by the fire that occurred in our store on the
night of the 27th .ult. at No a 6. Montgomery.
street. - The lire commenced near the Safe,
which, owing to its situation on a wall, did not
fall into t h e cellar, but was exposed to the full
heat of the fire from its commencement,, and
when — taken from the ruins-had-all the -blase
plates and knobs completely melted ofT. -
Yours, R. B. EARLE & Co.
Jersey City, Feb 3, 1853.
Great fire in Strawberry st.—Letter from Lewis
Co.-1 1 / 4 iladelphia, March 29,1852..
Mr. Joust FARIIEL7 — Sii: It afforde me much
satisfaction to inform you that the "[]erring
Salamander Safe" which we purchased' of you
a short time since. preserved 'our books and
papers in good - condition, during the severe
°Tart, through Which irpassed at the disastrous
conflagration that took place at our warehouse
on the morning of the 28th iitst., when the sale
was exposed to the most inteneo heat for some
hours, And when dragged from the flames was
red hoLon several sides. We make thismate•
meta by way of bearing testimony to the worth
of -theme valuable. hire_Proofs
Very llospectfully, LEWIS & Co.
The *Proprietor - of the genuine "
Salamander Sales '
!' challenges the whole world
in the sum of One Thousand Dollars. to produce
their.equal.___AWarded•the PRIZE m,EDAL,
at the WORLD'S FAIR, London, and the
GOLD MEDAL by the American Institute.
Over 8000 or theso Safes have been sold and
are now in use, and more thin 10. - 1 have passed
triumphantly through accidental fires
Second hand Safes and " Salamanders" of
other makers, having been taken in part pay
for "Herrings." for sale nt cheap rates.
31 Walnut St., Philadelphia,
'Marbleireil Iron Mantles, Table Tops, 4-c
trom the t'orks of the celebrated "SALA
MAN DER MARBLE CO," on hand in grea
.variatit, mar 30',im
Importers and Dealers ip French Millinery
Goods, No. 4.5 'South Second Street,
Philadelphia, •
AVING received 5y late arrivals a largo
and well selected assortment of
are now prepared to offer their customers, at
the lowest market prices- -
Glace Silks for Bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons,
French and American Artificial Flowers
Crapes . ; all'coll re,
Fancy Nets and Laces.
Togethir With every article appertaining to
the Millinery trade.
March 9, 1853.
1,500 Doz. BUCKETS, Assorted Colors:— -
- 800 . CEDAR CHURNS, -'
The largest stock ever offered in Phila
delphia, end the cheapest in the world. Or—
ders promptly filled.
M...%; J. M. ROWE,
March 9,1853 PHILADELPHIA.
. •
Cheap Watches and Jewelry,
. , t, , , i •at tho "-Philadelphia Watch
ti Jewelry•Store,” — Number
. ( 1 96 North Second Street, corner
lk , 4 ' of'Quarr, Phtladolphia.
~t r>
* ---- •it 's• Gold Lever Watches, lull
rc.,o, t Dr,'
_jewelled, 18 carat cases, $20,00
Silv'r do Itillrdl, $l2l Gold Spectacles $7 00
Silver Le'pe jwls, 10 Frio Silver do. al 50
do do do 9' Gold Bracelcts.t 300
Superior Quartiers, 71 Ladies G',d P'la 100
Imitation do ~,5 I.S'r Tea S'ns, sett,s 00
Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00
• . .
Gold Finger Rings 3ri cents to $B-; Watch
Glasses, plain, 121 cents ; Patent, 183 ; Lunet,.
2.5 ; other articles in prnportion. All goods
warranted to be whnt ;hey aro gold for.
soptBly . Successors to 0. Conrad.
On hand,-some) Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepinee, still lower than the above prices.
WM. BAIL Y & SON, , t
"f r '=M N 7ti ' ;;X:,
! Aro constantly mmlring the Wag styles
th.'nbr,ve G<NAs,.wN6 are onro nt
wW=Io or ntail..ltt
M Nuka Street, above Mrth,hou
m=tur Stroa, PMMwAU,
m A umitw to rela % ,y
wzm.,twa to ly ..A4lt Ney ore_
VIE subscribers, in addition to'thsir exten
sive Grocery, have connected therewith an
SEED ST UL ORE; 1100Warket stroel; near the
railroad, Harrisburg, Pa.; end are prepared to
fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, dell
kinds of 'Agricultural Implcm nts, Vegetable
and Flower Seeds, &c: Country merchants
with reasonable discounts to sell again.
Horse-powers and threshers, wheat•driP•s
and seed-planters, plows.harrows and cultiva
tors, fodder, laity, and straw-cutler , groin funs
corn shelters. vegetable cutters, band grain
'mills, clown dallers, horse rakes churns,grincl
stones and improved hangings; ;my, straw and
manure forks, farmer's boilers, ox yoltes and
bow, patent how pins, cow chains; spades, hoes,
and rakes, post diggers,' wheelbarrows, grain
cradles, scythcsand soythestones, potatoe drags
post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags,
grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and
budding knives, grass nod 'grain sickles, screw
wrenches, pincers and rat and mole
traps, 'cattle cards end horse brushes, curry
combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees,
' guano, plaster, poudretto bone ust lime . ; gar.
den, field and flower nee'ds.. •
- - - . ,
• A leo. a largo and f'resh, ass o rt ment of GRO
CERIES, TEAS, &C., all Cheap far cash.
• - BOYER & LIAM,. •
firrtilnin and produce of ail kinde receiveti
n p;olningo foe iniplenienlii; •
.•-• - •
-April 1 3: 1853,.--4v,
North Ilanovai4ool, and next deer OGl(lsee
. - • •
-THE. undereignad Would,reapeatfally interne
iho citizens of . Carlittle and the ptiblie goner.:
411 y, That he notiPhne on hand.ii,ltirge and ele;;
gent aatiortrtiont ef. FURNITURE, - consisting
in part 'of Wardrobes,' Gard and other' Tables:
Seine,. Bureaus, .Bedeteade. plain and fancy
Sowing Stands, manurociurod Of the beat
material and quality warranted. ' -
:Also e.getiornl .ageortment ' of , CIIAIRS at
the; lowest prices., Venitinitllii»da • made to
order, and repairing• promptly attended .
grEeliiria made at the shortest notice, and
having aplendid beam he will attend Inner:.
els in town nr.counkry..
; 0-Remember, the etand- , door to Fi.
clltioe'affloteN.' :"`nov2l , SMILEY.
£I cclttlitcciu .
p i 9 vp u ro -. 1 , 5) 9 gl-7
‘ ~
4 J,.,, 4 NJ ~PIF.-.• ,i}„ . l.'" , : .1 I ‘
For Use Cure of
Of ell the numerous medicines extant, fund
seine of them valuable] foi• the cure of lll_
monary complaints, nothing has ever. been
found Witch could compare in its ['Meta with
this preparation. Others core sometimes, hot
at all tirade and in ell diseages et the lungs
and throat where medicine ens give relief, this
...will do it. - his - Pleasant to take, end perfectly
safe in accordance - with the directions. W,e,
do mot advertise for the inforinntioi, of those
who have tried it bin dame' who have net.—
Families that-hove known its value will not,be
Without it, end by its timely use, their/bre
secure from the -dangerous consequences of
Cotighs and Colds which neglected, ripen into
fatal consumption
Thu Diploma of the Massachusetts Instititte
was awarded to this preparation by the' Board
-of Judges in September 16.17 ; alan, the medals
of the three great Institutes of Art, in this
country; also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute
at Cincinnati, has been given to the CHERRY
PECTORAL, by their Government in comodera •
lion of its extraordinary excellence and useful•
nese in curing affections of the• Lungs and
Read the following opinion founded on the
long experience of tho - eminent - Phyricien - of
the port and,eity of
ST JOHNS, May 8,1851.
Five yours trial of your (II ERRY - PECT.O•
RAL in my practice, has proven what I fore
sew from its composition, must ho true, that
it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs
to which wejn this section are peculiarly
Imhle._ _
I think its equal has not-yet been discovered
nor do I know how a bettor remedy can he
made ler the distempers of the Threat and
Lungs. J J BURTON, DI D, F It S.
Sec what•it hue dono on a wasted constitu
tion; not only in the following — eases; but u
thousand more :
&Jimmy, Jan-24th-lflGl. -
D9' Ayer-t the month of July, last I Watt
ettriolted by a violent diorama in .the mines of
California.' I returned to San Frarinersco in
hope of receiving 'benefit from a change of
dintate and - diet. - My dinrrirma ceased, but
was followed by a devere cough, and much
soreness. 1 fintitty started for horne, but re
ceived no benefit from the voyage, My cough'
continued to grow worse raid when I arrived
at New York, I was at once marked by nip
acquaintances as a viet,m of consumption.
I must confers that I saw no sufficient reason to
doubt what my friends all believed: At this
time I commenced taking your truly invaluable
medicine with little expectation of deriving
any . benefit horn its use, You would not re
ceive these lines did I not regard it my duty to
state to .the afflicted,- through you, thatmy
health, in the spay:: of eight months, is fully
restrired. I attribute it to the use of your
CHERRY PECTORAL, Yours truly, -
WASIII.Nt/TON, Pa., April 12, 1848.
Dear sir r Feeling that I have been spared Iron,
a premature grave, through }our instrumental.
Ay by the providence of God, I will take the
iberty to express ma gratitude. -
cough and the :damning "syrnidoins - of Cian:
surription had reduced me too low to leave Inv
anything like hope, when my physician brunch•
me a bottle--of your PECTORAL. It seemed to
afraid immediate relief, and nnar in a few weeks
time Iris restored me to sound health It it will
do for others what it has done for me, yen are
certainly one of the benefactors of mankind,-
- Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I am
Very respectfully yours,' •
JOHN .1, GLA 5E,43,
Hector of St. Peter's Merit,
With such - assurance, and from such
men, no stronger proof can be' adduced'
unless it be froin its•effects upon trial.
Prepared and Sold by
Sold in Carlisle by Dr S. Elliott, and S. W.
Havel-Stick—in Mechanicsburg by , Dr Ira Ray
—in Newville by J. S. Herron—hi Sluppeile•
burg b}• J. C. & I_ITB. Altirk, and by Drug—
gists generti'lly throughout he Slate.
d i
Localed No 127 Baltimore Sired, Boliitnore, Md.
The ostensible object of this Institution is to
place in the reach of individuals proper facili
ties for obtaining a thorough and practical
Mercantile Education. Nothing Pinked has
been omitted that is 'calculated to produce the
desired result. ' ----
The rooms of the College are well fitted-utf;
conveniently arranged, and situated in the
most desirable part of the City. Connected
thereto is a Commercial bibrary, and this, in
connection with fainiliarLecturestin Commer.
cial Law and Mercantile Science, is a matter
of the highest importance to all who desire to
become Accountants ()fame first order, and oc
cupy stations of profit and responsibility. Al'' , ;•
young man can liere..obtain.4, more correct
knowledge of general businesir
low weeks than can be acquired . in as MOO.
years in any ono Counting Room.
The course of study embraces Double Entry'
Book keeping, and its adaptation to stations
departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercan
tile calculations taught according
,to the most
approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com
bining rapidity of, execution with beauty of
construction. • Lectures on Mercantile Law,
upon various important Mercantile subjects
basidd many other points necessary for a book
keeper or business man to understand. The
time necessary for an industrious student: to
complete The course varies from 1 to 8 weeks.
Thera being no v ication, applicants' can enter
at nay time and attend both day and evening.
Examinations bre hold at stated perioo____and
Diplomas awarded to
, tpirre who •aduats.—
For terms, &c., write ea have u Ciao lar for
warded by mail.
March, 23. 1853. ly.
THE undersigned owning a large Stenm
Saw Mill, recently built, on an improved plan,
with a circMar saw capable of auwing With
great rapidity, located three miles vest at Pa
'peitown,cumberlond county, al the base of the
South Alountaiii, on Spruce Run, and having
iu possersion near ono thousand acres (if- the
beat timber lend, in the Southern part of pima
e. Amnia, aro now prepared to saw and luruiah
limbos to order, at the dialled notice of tie
various descriptions used for mechanic.' put.
poacs. They can fuCribtlt (came stuff far barns
and houses of any length and size that may be
required, Weather•boarding, flooring, and fen
cing, bdards, poplar aind,oult boarda and. plank,
shingle and plastering laths., oak and eliesnut
-shingles, cocpor stuff, pitch pine posts, and
chestnut rails and. posts. They have new oil
hand several Ointmend feet of lumber, cheiinnt
rails and -poitie for fence, milt and pinewood by
the cord, and can engage to be delivered in its
pennon selicralliundred curds of eheenut -oak
bark for terming purposes.
• The proprietors . having aveifed themselves
natural advantages of their location,.
which ,ebuiinde -in a variety of the finest
. timber, and baying also a practical lin.wledic
of the bosiness, are enabled to furnish lumber
leibte'r'te the- citizens of Cumberland county
thunman be'done by env similar establishment
'-.-and no they Wish end expert to do a large
business, will spare no.paitis to accommodate
the i'mblio at the shortimt nntipe.,
Tito various descriptions of liinibce . will be
delivered in Carlisle or • eleewhere %int_niey be
.deeired:,. All orders addressed to the' prop.rie
tors; pivot! Haskell, living in Papertown,-q
be S'eyinpur,jr.. in Carlide, will rSetire
prompt,nttantibm • • " -
IjtVFN, 11ASKT.I.Lt & SEY lilt'. UM
12, •
O .: I ITPCBANICS''' • •
. ,
T'N'STORE and for tau. - uf Otje' Mor.
' firing Mtictlint..7!with Mal? attachment.
This being , decidedly du ) b&d,innchirie in, mirth
to Well worthy, the ettentlon Carpet)! ere'ind
Cattail. Metiers,. will, be sold,'very tart , ',far
Xamity pr.i o
cary f,.
4 ;;• •
Splendid Fancy Goods, if.legaat
o Books, &c., Sic - . -
NV. fl A V IIinSTLGIS. had just receivcc!
tl cCO now opet . p a cps n•
di cli4lay ul l• Ut..) 01: curable lot
the rit;bk‘ll, to ehit lt i.e
desires to cell die' attention of his hit vdc m d
the puldie Ills e ' tbufltni'llrill iLib
be surpassed in, ',welly ahtl
hod' in quality and price of the (midi s, cot,
not tail to please put chasers. It would be int
, possible to viontlct at, e
coat prise every vat iciy of tent y article
the moat hovel styles and ext,hisitt ay'
Papier Illache Goods:.
Elegant alabaster and -stat.ds
and trays,
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card carts,
Ladies' Fancy Baskets,
• Fancy Work Boxes, with 'sewing insttunt'ts,
Port Mummies ; of every varlet),
Gold pens and pencils, .
Fancy paper_weights, •
Papcteries, with a large variety .ol
Fancy stationery;
Motto seals and wafers,
Sills and bead purses,
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished,
Ladies' line cutlery,
_Perfume baskets and bags,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
ilbussers peifumes of the various kinds,
Musical instruments, of all kinds• and at all
prices, together with an innumerable variety of
e:rticles elegantly finished and suitable for he
lyday presents, to which he invites special at
-Also, an extensive and elegant collection of
comprising the various English and Arnerit an
ANNUALS fit - 1'1853, richly embellished •and
illu6trated POETICA L IV 0 R-E 5, with
for children of all ages', than vs liie-h nothing
can be more appropriate-or-pleasing-as-holiday
His assortment of School Books .ard
Sehool Stationery is also complete, snd com
prises every thing used in College and the
Schools. Ho also desires to call the particular
attention of Families to' his elegant display of
from the extensive establishments of Cornelius.
Archer and others of Philadelphia, romtrising
every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study
Lamps, for burning either lard, sperm or ethe
real oil, together with Flower Fares, Fancy
Screens, &c. His assortment in this line is 'un
equalled in the borough. ' Also,
fn•every variety and at all urices, all of which
are pure dud - fresh ! such us con be eenfeently
recommended to his friends and the little folks.
Ilis-stoeh -embramis-evenyklihig-in-the. of
Fancy -Goods, with many other articles useful
to housekoopers;which the public are-especially
invited to 'call and see during the holiday s.—
Remenilier the Old Stand, nearly opposite the
Bank on Nor:lt Hanover street. • .
decls 1852. S N17.-BXVF.RSTIcK,
TlTZsul , scriber would respectfully our:rim / a
to the enizem of this *CO; and all venous
visiting the'same during the Holidays. then he
has not, on hued und IA ill continue to he 'up—
plied with the littet.l novelties the elute of
the season , cptrnprisutg 111 pun
01 the choicest variet ies, snob:as-Fine - Cfillli y
'Toys, Jelly Cokes, Bon Bons, Gum Cord inl,
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rase,
'Vanilla and Burnt Almonds., Fret,th and -ux•
plading Ferrets_ Also all the Common yank.
Hes, all of which will be sold wholesale awl
rttail at low rates, at
in North Hanover street, a few doors 'north
of the Bunk, where we have just received
• " - — FRUITS 'AND NUTS' • .
01 the latest importations such ns Oranges,
Lemons. Raisins, kips, Pruens. Citron, C ur—
rants . soft and paper shelled Almonds, il
t.ertS, Co, on, Cream and Ground Nuts; Also,
of- every- kind-from-all-parts, of- Europe; mon
proctored of wood. glass, thine, papier maybe,
tin and India rubber, zinc, &c.. such as Fine
Wnx, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card
Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flcwer
Vases, Motto Cups,Teri Setts, Mfisio Boxes,
Port Monaies, B attle Doors, Grate Doors,
Masks, Drtims, Gime; Trumpets, Dominoes,
lotto and other games, &c. patio , Soaps one
Hair Cite of every variety. In connection
with the above large slot kof
- such as pulverized. crushed and brown Su
gars. of every grade, .Collee, Molasses, Starch,
Green and Black Tess, spices, Butter, soda
Sugar, Water and o.ber Crackers, cheese, &A
-k The subscriber returns his sincere thrills
to a generous public for the patronage hereto
fore bestowed on hint, and hopes, by a desire
to please, to merit a continuance of the saute.
docls MON YER.
FrIHE subscrilor is just now receiving and
_opening an'_.unpstalleled - assortment of
WALL PAPERS. Those desirous of trane•
forming' the.intoriors of their old dwellings
into new ones, and giving additiOnal embel
lishments to their Hew ones, at a comparative
ly trifling cost, will do well to call and examine
for I can sell them from 61 cts upwards. Re
member the old stand, East Main et opposite
Ogilby's Store. By the way I would say to
those who also want to improve the exterior of
their houses, that Lean furnish them with
Wetherill's pure and fresh ground White Lead,
together with various other colours, blue. or, yellow, various shades of green, &c., - in
short everything calculated , to adorn and dec
orate your mansions.
mar 2
for 25 cents, by means
s PIUS, •or ' Every One
the thirty-sixth
with one hundred en
rings, showing Private
teases and Aialforma
as of the Generative
'tern, in every. shape
I form to which is ad
;eases at Fendrs,in.
only (see Page 1 . 90),
being Of the highest importance to rriarricil-peei
'le, or those contemplating marriage. By M.
YOUNG, M. D., Graduate of the Univertli) cf
Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, London ' and Honorary Member ot the
Msclicas society. The various
forms of Seciet Diseases, Seminal Weakness,
Diseases of the Prlistrate Gland, Impotency, soli.
tatty habits of youth; are faithfully described, and
all the 'recipes given in plain. language. The
chapter oil seihnizuse anti in Weness is
worthy of InTlicolnr attention, and should he rend
by every one. Young rucn who have been nufpr.
innate in contracting dhgeriec, previous to placing
}ourselves under the care ofany doctor, no mat.
ter what his pr e tensions May be, get a copy of
,f this truly Valuable work.
Captains a n d persons going to sea,' should
possess lir. Young's Treatise on Mnrilage, the
Poeltet iEsetilapius, or Every , one 1413 own Pity
Let no father be 'ashamed to present a
espy the Esculapius to his cl ild. It may
save him moot all earls grave. Let no young
mull or ,wornan enter into the. FCCIet oblicatielib
inurriedliV, wiiimizt reading the pocket /Esti
'culitizius.' Let no one suffering from a hacknied
cough, pain in the side, restless nights. nervous
feelings, and the whole (rain of Dyspeptic,senss
thins, and given up by their physician, he an
other moment
,without consolting the /sculls.
thus. Have,the nourish or those abOut to be
marrii. , d tiny impediment, read this wily useful
Hook, as it has been the lilelllll3 of saving thou
sands of unfortunate creatures froth the toxy
jaws 0(111.11111. Upwards of n MILLION collies
of this celebrated work bite been. sold in this
cannily and Ettriipe since 1898, when the first
edition won issued..
(Cr Any person sending TWF„INTY.FIYE
cents enclosed in a letter, wlll receive , one copy
nithis bunk hy or five cepieu will be Bent
for Addrtiss Dr. WILLIAM,' YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce Street,' Philadelpitia,":, Post
Twenty yeara practice in.the'city or Kiladel.i.
phial certainly entitles Dr.' Young to the Confi
,ticiire of the afflieted,•and he may he conitiltsil
on soy of the diseases describeilin (NM! cot
publications, nt his. office 152 Spruce Shatet,
every day,between .9 and 9 o'clock (Sunda?
crptcd)'nnd persons at .any, distance can consult
Or. Young by letter, POST . ' ' .
l'4E: star° of the subecribor; , emb*lng
Queenswiro, And all Clio Vdrieliee µminify kept
by him. is removed ,to his -ew:lntililing, Nos..
284 3, MARION 'HALE, Main Sty
Mardi' 80; 18.15.11•