Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 06, 1853, Image 4

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    4.14ral gritnct.
• Tho,follOwin ietory chile Reek 1100er and
Itspiedioal:pri ties, we copy from the New
Tiileatioreased Inttlieskmanifeelefl. ll ithe
agOck Rose, owing to the .virtues of ite,inedloal
lardputties,retillerfora,brief.‘,.hiatery ,, of
writer to -dorreat .any erroneous onician that,
11110 lm Tiers he adorn/Int obneerning it t .tind
~lepg'type : light thepature eta pleat
Wonders,- mad
to Ue, -uniVeraally'
We4lo ,iiet.'nrapfute ,to'glie a 'complete
Idslor,teL,;lti c h'etatitcal rpropertlet4 4irlo cult
Doerate.ewero ,titho of; the, cans in. withal( it
Saalmen auceeeefolly used,, and which', have
Doddered it.wortby,of the confidencethe public. *
aara'ropoeod it. •We shall accomplish our
wbjeet aadleel fully •repaid of we may be the
peons - 6C do nitontrio a tlpg Owe et inforni ation '
oodoeruinfit'platif -vrhtiih pessoseee • valuable
remarkable peculiarity of
tho.P)aut „ of ,beariri: two ,erops of flowers 111
onemsasoct, Itali); has smother interesting and
tiestatifikproperty. „ We are indebted to the
Unitei ,Strotes:Diapensutory of 1847, for the
folloviittgtleseription of it : ' .
" Eaten itays• that in the months of Nevem
lber'and :December,'he has Rein hundrede of
these :Plants, alluding out, near their roots,
breed; thik•OurVed lee -crystals, about an inch
libce,idth, which' molted'during day, aid were
wen:Owed in the morning.'
Had. we space, we could show that there
lhaii.been a scientific, classification of the plant,
which plums .heyond all further doubt any
misapprehension of It, or•clitager of confound with any other plant that cornett under
the Felieral term Roae. It is-entirelyolitlerent
teem the common Rose. It is a red stemmed,
oblong leaf plant, having a bitter taste. For
a more minute ,and analytical description of it,
the reader referred to Torrey & Gray's Bot
anical works. Its medical history and proper,
'ties; are:fur . the moat important, since upon
these depends its value to the community. Dr.
Loudon says that in,1709. it was so valuable
in Enghind, that ityvas cultivated from seeds.
Ever.siOce Ink Professor Ives, of Yale Col:
lege, habitually used it with great success in
Scrofula 'and Chronic Diseases, and through
hitults virtues were made known, until, RS Dr.
Tyler. gap, his known in this section (New
Ilaece) a common article in domestic practice
for the cure of Scrofula and Cutaneous
diseases.' , Dr. ,Whitlaw, a Scotch 'befoul:it oft
notoriety, "While travelling in America in 1814,
learned its use in Canada; Returning to Eng:
lank he employed it in medicating his baths,
Which became greatly 'celebrated for the cure
of eh:idler dismies. Dr. Parish, of Philadel:
phia, re - marks, that., ft. has been , successfully
need In bad cases of Scrofulous diseases. Dr:
Thompson, at the same place preebribed,
,in bad oases of Scrofulous patients at Wills'
Hospital; His success attracted much atten:
tlon•of..Senior physicians. He' reports the
following remarkable WOO of White Swelling
of the hip, in Fehruttiy 1844 ;, the lad was
seven years old, and had the disease for three
'years. "-The hone was dislocated upward and
outward, . 'There 1949 a largo opening on the
hip-leading to the bone, into which-I could
thrust my.fingt3r. —
I counted three ulcers. He lead been under'
•severalphysiciane; who had given him up. ,
ordeied a- decoction of Rock Rom. In two
dave hie night sweats ()enact' ; I then ordered
11 teaspoonful °illogic-Rom three times a day.
Thirty-nine (Jaya after he was entirely well. Dr.
'Webb, of Madison, Ct.,testifies to the value of
Rook Rego, aevincein the cure of numerous
asses of. the Scrofula, especially in children.
S. Faller, of Hartford, administered the
'Rock Sou to a Scrofulous female, in, which
the'antlailrofulous remedies had been applied
Without enema. The disease was fully
arrested by it. Dr. D. A. Tyler, of New Haven,.
CI., says'that Mrs, C., of delicate constitution,
when nineteen years of age ; was afflicted with
flicough, - abed' ,her neck wee ' thiculy studded
. kith tuoiore., free use of. the decoction of
. ;ince of this remedyher health was reatored - ,'
_ .and 'she , has not. been affieted with any such
symptonsi since,
- ';-• He also relates the following; Mr. C., from
..",,.. child 'was afflicted with the Scrofula, and
• .bad silao•Glanclular Swellings'on the neck. At
'tithe . age of sixteen he wa s much worse: had
eight abscesses on the neelc, three ulcers on
. ithe_shotildir,9and.three - on the He con;
d' .Dburst.
alt il ! t O O % o o n p. 'uarpndos.;!..pailTnlgBl7o,f when New
, arty- years of age, M r . Smith, 'a farmer frdm
pug Island, obserVing Mr. C., with his bead
`. awn on One able, and unable to labor, advised
• ino tc.try the Hoek Hose regularly, which he
t .
d for, four 'wreaks. The ulcers broke, die!
~ „ ohargod and :adept. - The tumors leesened is
atan; -his• - hend resumed its :natural position, '
..alad ho went regularly to work. Neglecting
' the use of tho Rock Rose, Serofdlous syrup:tome
lighln returned, and he also bled at tlidstunge, '
'for tvbialt Prof. Ives proscribed the Rook Rose.
TO .Used it again with the same beneficial .
pm:4a. Dr. Sperry, in his medical worki
,Ipublielul in 1847, quotes the strong o . cimene'n:-
,slettiOn . of Dr. Dli lies, Professor of Yale Col-
,Ine, who, in' his. medical lectures to tho
inadioal,students, 'recommended the use of ther
=Rook Rose, even in'otises lyhere tho disease is
;Uncertain., .. • - . • ..
The value of it has alp° been ebt forth by
r. 'Tyler, of Nei Haven, Ct., la a dlssertatitin
,allowedly prepared for that purpose,,which
44nm:wards, at the renUest of '
several of his
4nsdical brethren, was published in a pamphlet.
, !\Yet.quote;from the preface. He says that
,since the..deliVery of this address, that ' the
41ant'under consideration has been more fully
itssied, itl‘.virtnee evolved, its character better '
7 establiskeq. , . This dissertation is published by
-' the advice bud .approbation of. several mediCal
iltrieuds..,- The object of it lay before the
iprofeasloo; and the' public, the .virtues of a
. plant, tcti..much.wlesilacted. , I ask for this plant
; up impartial trial.' .At the close of his, ad
.slress ha says: ' I hero other interesting testi
mony,. and might readily collect still more,
but I will conclude by asking only of.the pro
-41basion and , Ahe publio, aqmiro exteaded trial
I of, the Rock...gefe.'.7 ' • --, • . • . .
, ..
' "
surpassen in quantity quality and
V-V • prieturany that:has ever yet been opened
Carlisle,•consisting or the greatest variety
elf all-hinds-of' Hardware, such as. Shoe'Fin-'
•tilirige, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, Paints .
;Vile,- Varnish, Ohms, Nails:' Files, Anvils,'
Vises, Bellows, Springs, Axelsi Bows, Felloes,
Veneers ' Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar
avid .Roll ed Iron, Steel, &c., with a .thouiand
Lore-articles unmentionable.
Having'purchased largely of Heavy Goods - thp ad.vance in prices; I am enabled
sell goods nt cid prime. Persons in 'went of
llardware'ari invited to call and examine my
oods'and hbar hty Priec e , and 'You will be sat
'hfied who're lite Chesp'Hardware is to be had.
'etpDly stock: of WALL' PAPER is nnap
itdarlied by any in the !Through.
Thankful for, the former liberal palmtop, a
sontintiantie'elthe'sanie ib solicited by .
, .
'Weil Side of North Henoyer Streel.
•,• ... • ' Carlisle.
•-- • citniraci D,,
OA. F•10:1 - ,)'
SAaabif's BoUdins,
ACIXN.OpISIVgi mei° Publiskir, nud Real
: :ex . in Alludes ' instruinonta of ,overy,de
tLiqrjOion*,. '
exolusivo egotitiforitio ,
of.Hallet. Davin
1; . Le,
,o , A,,Patan! iviimnoion.ti tidgf 3 /4949 a n d
.- 0 . 1 4 . 9 E
,Guilscsi , , , 114 ioiir l 4:l3ll99t Aluptd.
irlatlitlo3;49l4, ,
• , gusidento ar{her"opuntrk will be supplied iby
loW , *l if - POrphased in pereon.:,,flev.iugune,,
~ ,f ett i bg4 : filk•,Bl9o,o th. p States, I
... ; - ; lool,4an Os ti tiof . " ,ol 4l4fyinit„:lll'Who.tribiyv.fO or
; irro, *kw ft COI , /
, to, let.''.l:6.pooilitrhtind Tioneriort
.;'•?), ; rf4nr4* 2W1853 , Iy)'
• Kul))) U,C,E, J. , C CiMMIEI3IOI4..
o vl3 " SV
C I Attila ' :0 1 1.1.1Ve
altetr AItRIVAL
, Ornr o r4 Arfn SPO E MIIR
'EOPY' erPads '
Al 'the storietf Mb subscriber, the sreat t for
G ° GA °eeda , B°°i B 4 ere.
. ,
:The• subscriber_ rospootfully:inforriia his friends
:and numerauh.custoniere. - that helots returned
,from Philadelphia with a .large , andtvevied
nortment of Spring. arid. Summer Goods con- aiiiting . ..-ia.!.part of Clothe,' Chesitheree, , Sm.
tinete, Meetings;" Mastitis; 'ilokingeirLineeysi:
,Velvet corde,.Cravata r Suepoodom GlOves,:
Bilks; Bumbazinis, Fig'd, Plain and Chnn.g-.
able Poplins; Moushn ilo Laines,, Pinghaute,
CalieooS,,Alpachas; Merinocu,
A very largo assortment, embracing every
dyle and quality. A largo assortment cf
Bonnetsk Ribbons, - Umbrellas and Parasol's.
An extensive variety,Of ; Men's, Women's and
Children's Boota'and Shoes;•Gum Skies, from
the most celehreied manufacturers:
colored and while Carpet Chsin. ; ;
Such as Sugar, - Caffeo, Molasses, Rice, &c
Choice, Teas from the well-known tea deniers,
Jenkins & Co., &c.,
All who visit our Ostabiishment are free to
acknowledge that We 'are selling Foreign and
flmestio Dry Goods, Boots, Elioca,ke.-, at as
tonishingly IoW prices. Our ow prices Imo
already attracted a largo. number of people.—
The attention of all who wish good bargains
is solicited, its inclacenients can be ciffereld to
purchasers. Don't forget the corner opposite
Leonard's old stand, North. Hanover street.
Butter, Eggs, rags arid soap, taken at mar
kot prices. N W WOODS,
apG Agent.
Fresh Sprmg Supply!
HAVE just received u fresh stock of Med
icimes, Paints,• Glass, Oil, Sac., which
having been purchased with groat care at the
best city houses, I can confidently recommend
to Families, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, as being fresh and pare.
Patent Medicines, flerbsand Exttacta,
Fine hemi'cals, Spices,ground and whole
Instruments, Essences, • ,
Pure Essen': Oils ,I Perfumery, Bic.
cod Liver Oil—Warrnteted Cenizine.
Log and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol...
I Copperas, ..
Lse Eye* • . _
PAINTS. 1' '
Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window Gloss, Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal and roach Varnish, and Red Lead.
.411 of which. will be sold at the very lowest
market, price, Also,,afres i n and splendid as
sortment of
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for use and •ornament, all nt wLich
are offered- t the lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Dru Book and Fancy Store of the sub.
scriber on orth Hanover street.
May 28 1851
IliE subscriber continues to' carry on the
above business, in all Ravenous branches,
in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors
North of Leonard's corner; where ho intends
keeping on hand ageneral assortment in his line,
Consisting of all kinds of (ash
ionablo DDLES, Bridles
martingales, Girlhe,Circingles
and Halters; also •
TRUNKS, tray-, SlBtri
cling and - saddle Q.• ual, •
bags. Ile also
manufactures themost approved
Spanish Spring Saddles, • ever'
used in ~ tllis. country, those
"Wishing a handso. - ne, durableand pleasant sad
dlo will do well to calf and see them. !teals°
--manufact uies—Herneter-Bridles-r-Goliars—and-
Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be
lieves from the general approbation of biscuit
tomers, that he makes the neatest and beet
gears, in all Altair -variety of breadth, that is
mudo in the country. Ho also makes 0111:Rids
of Matrasses to order, viz, Straw, husk, Curl.
ed Hair and Spring Mistresses. • All the above
articles will be tnade of the best material and
'workmanship, and With the utmost despatch.' WM. OSBORN.
. 411
_. ra,
rs • t.
i ' , ";i4y •
M ,
RE anbacnber continumito mhoutacture tit
his Foundry in East High street, having
on hand a great variety of good patterns, and is
prepared to Bunion IRON AND, BBASS
CASTING,s, which will be executed 'co order
(if not on hand:) atthe faience' notice, such ati
Cranks and Mill Gearing, 'Spur and Bevil
Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, &c., Plough
Castings. .Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon anti
Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car
Chaire,,&e. Steam Engines built to order and
repaired. All kinds of machinery in 'Paper
Mills, Giist Mills and Factories repaired at
short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turnctl;
‘lso,'Horse Powers and Threshing Mfichines,
such as Bevel Gear Four Horse power ; Hor
izontal Gear Four Horse Power; Horizontal
Gear Two Horse Power,- Ploughs Corn Shel.
leis and Corn Crushers. Threshing machines
and Horse powers repaired and Job Work lont .
at the shortest hotice. Pa.ierns of different
kind's on hand and made to order.
Ile also hi on hand a large supply or Phila
delphia and 'Prof Cooking - Stoves, and locum
man Iv making Cooking Staves n 1 various im•
proved parorns,lor coal or watt!. Ten Plate
Stoves, Grates,-&e.,'
Fenosiriwr done to nll kinds of Machinery.—
All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Coppor taken
in exchange for work, '
aur2iif PRA N K LIN GA lIDNRR.
• . Fish, Fish, 0 ! Fish..
.FIFTY barrels of prima No: 1,1, and 3
Mackerel, in whole, half and quarter barrels,
just received ineoro and for sale at MC lowest
prices for cash by •
. .
-Zoa.A CHERIti.
200 bbls, yitho:e and Halfbarrela, nor ,
rearming and far sale by
Window Shades, Carpets and Oi
A'IC 223' • North 2d• Street, above Wood
• 'Philadelphia, would moat rospect(tl.
ly call the attention of hie friends and the
public ih general, to hie lame and 'well tre,.
elected stock bf Caqiett ' Oil Cloths, Mailings,
Window Shades,' Door Mats,
.fltio .Covers,Table Covers. Cocoaifattin.s,ltom
yanla wide; for, Public Houstre,A/Ounting
Mouses, &e. ,
Aleo—tO my branch Store, .13f, Springl Gar
ileh Street, above gth
4MnOTtirs TAti•G:riirir
Two' Women Foully Butchered i I
.THEtreatest excitement prevails in.Phila.
dolphin on account of the inhuman massacre
of two.: helpless - females ; but d.'greater and
more intense 'cicciternant eifsts' since the
'vat at •B'entx Zr.:l3rothers; of , at splendid to( of
-'". - simprora
'which , 00 arc 'selling ofE•so then:labile atlvOry
low prices. Among the lot are: Chess Goode,.
every:l4d, , Ilonnats, very chimp. Ribbons,
Chintzes, AlualinO, and•a great stock or, Cloths,
Cassimerea Voatinga, Summer • stuff, and a
.itopetal.Varlatir. Furthbr particulate hetoal=
Slioniabll6 ;
, ,GOAL I , 00.4911
Tate Moot aud 'Chttapoot the Market for
•- --, • , it'aculiy Use. ,
44 7 7--21011
200'iTONS-ofiho Colo rate Rausah Gap
-C dat.'"Pabl)itt•;ch - antY, - (ttEft "Gold, Mine Gep
Coal, Bottuilitill county .jail received and for
I •eale at_pricas ryoul 1i5,23,10,11a440 Per; en. by
E., BILIDLD-ir o at the+ 4,lvarohouno lor,rnorlY
owned bit 94 M, 4nover,..n 2 , 4
ikreont'ean be dolivotedliftnr. Whet%
. ":•14931P0 prolkw QatOtserland alley litaaltacti.
ureters by hitter (post paid) promptly at4uded
to. Cantrell 164 '
- _
, 4••• - i'q • ~,z i - •-•*.•'- .
- 11MXIOADT...11uTANcttiraVIENT,
- ,: , - unirookti)3i:Exoress; -, :,_ •
11t1E.§12."..dt: G ;llltAGl.4l.4ciar . - PittrriLE.,
'trhti.-,i We bassi- !mot:using, your /tIEXICAN,
SI USTA NG! : I,INIAIEN,I' wi0,!:1%,1404 air:
feet sue:near. ,Onom) oueimost valtiable ExpresttL
41 reos had been Much trottlili,:.tlby.largo sys t ellingi:
o tumors on.tlpfnagekt4.theibed growrkltt,r;'
g. r • Mau ,ben'i,e.-gs. .12e4d , esit •ing - trislikured"
. 14 t..ll*.se • appeMl4-,tis, 'OM Jintbia atuljtaiimi'iti..
0 grad quite atittened , sviultieu .ti c1 , 1amc...-AV e,
had tried •many I.d nments ;awl of Letzt.::istuVictii
'hut nothing appeared to produce a y effect UpPn
them..' Me -,,WoUld , .willilgiv .11AVE GIVEN'
T‘li ENVY-FIVE; DOLLARS tiihnie - innt theni
'removed, and the Norge reatoned •to soundneas.
Our hostler obtained some of your Lioirnentototi
applied it without knowledge. A fen- days 'ugn
lie called Mir- attention to theltorse,htid, - to our
'surprise and gratificution, hie tete were perfectly
-Li DU, A PI" EARED ! - We asked him' hy , y; hid '
ntag , e he had effented inch'li-'rentarkaliie eure - ' ?
His reply was that lie had been atiiat the Si tJS'-'..
.TANG Ll4Vimr.N . r no them ,about ,ten days,
and the rtsult•was the-entire retornal.ef the tn.
more without producing" any:soreness or leaving
We ilterefel'e take great pleasure
mending the Linhnent i and, shall continue't&tiao
it whenever ozeasioti requires, in preference to
any oth r preparation, so Jong as it proeuees such
.f.mlarkati le results
June 30,105'2. K INSLEY & CO,
Southern and Eastern express, No 1 Wall
corner of Broadway, New York. .
-Since the above certifiett!e was given, , Messrs
Kinsl y & Co have informed us • that one of his
di treys was thrown from his wagon iii the upper
part ,of the city; and very badly bruised, the
augon over Idis hotly. lit was taken into
a Deetbr's office akin hy,and l'IlE
LINIMENT, as he had recently tried it iii a
similar case with great success. He did so, and
nll the soreness, lameness, and stiffness was re
moved, so that •the next day he was about his
business as usual,
‘. We lake great pleasure in recommending the
Our friends and custothers. as the hest article we
havo ever used for sores, bruises, sprains.:tut,
golds in horses. We have used 'it extensively
and sinus effectually. Some of our men have
also used it for seyerebruises Mid sores, as well
as rheumatic andlhey all say it acts like
magic—we can only say that we have abandoned
the use of any other Liniment,
Stable Kegler to the American Fxpress
and for Haruden's Express."
NEW YORK,JuIy 310852.
- We hereby certiq that we have used the corn•
Pound known as the MUSTANG LINIMENT
and have no hesitation in recortnending it as the
best,artiole we have 'ever. used for the cure of
sprainsaalls, cuts. bruises, Ste on horses. All
who iloubt this, will please call on the undersign.
ed, and they will be happy - to'afford all Other
information in their power as reards its efficacy,
Proprietors Manhattan Stage Co
Extract from a letter dated
I believe the MUSTANG !LINIMENT most
an excellent article. My. wife brought aeuuple
of bottles
,with her, which must thank )ou for.
Since she came here, MY HORSE FELL
,JDO,WN WITH M E; and injured me consider
ably, but broke no bones.' I had recnm•se to the
Mustang, and the relief, and in ham cure was
astonishing. (Signed) 1) RANSOM
Extract from a letter doted
l'irrEnutto, Pa-Octuber 51h, I 85?
Another ciicumstance which I noticed a few
day! ago, I thou„ ht spoke highly St the virtues
oldie Mustang. Being in the office of a Plyai.
ciao of high standing,l noticed as Ire opened n
door of his bookcase. several bottleff of Ales
tang, alongside of which was an nmrrY :gushing
bottle, and two ounce preseliptionFlLLF;ll
on which
was the following directions : Rub the throat
well night and morning with the Liniment, and
'wrap a woolen cloth around ' .
S. W. DAVERSTICK,DrI S. 1114,101lood_ !
WILLTA — Iit Dr.IDEETZ. Agents fork. Carlisle.
General Depot, No. 5, Phoenix Block, corner
2(1 and Dock streets, Philadelphia - .
A. D. ANDREWS - Gen. Agent.
WH ne ALE r V a t
people to a t t : 1 , 1 1 7
t h . e m n a li s b o a t ur
valuable importance: take it for that
every person will do all in their power,to save die
liver of their children ' sod that every person.will
endeavor to promote their own health at all sac
rifices. I feel 'it to be my duty to solemnly as
sure you that WOR MS,secortling to the opinion
of the most celebrated - Pity siciana,are the mime;
ry causes of a large majority sit ttiseases to which
the children and adults are liable,. if you bare
an appetite multiunit changeable Mom one kind
of food to anothel, had Breath, Vain in the
Stomach, Pieking at the Nose, Hardness and
Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough,Slow Fever
Pulse irregular—remember that sil dick denote
\VOItII 5, and you shoidd at once apply the rent
city :110BENSACC'S WORM SY R. u '
' An article founded on Scientific Principles,
compounded with purely
,vegetable stlbstances,
being perfectly sale when tiikei,and can tie given.
to the most tendeelttlinit with decided beneficial
effects where Bowel I 'omplaints antlDiarrhott
have made them weak and debilitated ; the Tonic
properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it ,
stands without an equal - hi the catalogue of Med
icines, in giving tone and strength to the Stool
itch• which makes it :nn iulhiliisle remelt for
those afflicted with Dyspepsia; the a..totiaitog
cures perlortndd by this S rup alter Physiciaus
have tailed, is the best e‘iticeee of its superior
riffle:icy above all others. •
This is the most difficult Wnrm to destroy 0
all that infest the human system,-it grows to no
almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled And
hisiened in the Intestines and Stomach ,Affecting
the health so sadly as melting Si. Vitus' Dance,
.Fits, etc., that those afflicted seldom if ever sus•
peat that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
early grave, im.order to destroy this werm,a
very energetic irmitment .nr:st, be Mirsued, tl
would therefore Sc• proper to take 6 to 8 of my
Liver Pills so as .o remove all obstructions that
the'Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm.
Which must he taken in doses of 3 fa tilespoonfelii
three EnMs a day. These directions
have never beiM known to fail in curing the most
obstinate rase of Tune Worm. .
No p.stl cithe system Is more liable Millar/me
than the LIVER, it serving as a titterer to purify
the blond, or giving the proper secretion to the
ARM ;; so that any wrong action the Liveraf
leas the other important imPts of the systetmend
results viwicusiy, to Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
byspepsle, kit. We should therefore. watt:leer
cry symptom dint might indicate a wrong action
of the Liver. Those pills being composed of
Mots - OW - Plants furnished by nature to heel the,
sick:- Nnmcly , tat; An - EXPECTBRANT,
which segments the secretion from the Pulmo•
nary mucous - rnenditaticor, promotes the Ms=
charge of secreted matter.. An -A ur
TIVE. which changes'in. some inexplicable and
insensible manner the , certam morbid action of
the-system. 3d..1 TONI . , witich give foie and
'strength to the nervous system retieumg health
and vigor to all parts of the nify. CA
fIC, which sets it perfect harmony with
the other ingredients, and operating on the how•-•
tes, and expelling the whole moss of elieriffirand
vitiated Mater, and purifying the Blood, which
destroys disease and restoresheatth,, • •,, '
You will find these.pills nit invaluable medicine
in many complaints to-which you are subject. In
obstructions either total 'or partial, [bey have
been found of atiineittireable benefit, restoting
their functional arrangements to a healthy potion
purifying the blood- lid other fluids So effectually
as to patio flight all , eomplaints which may arise
from Icamlclrregularities, as headuch. riddiness,
-tfimnesa Of sight, pain in Ihe side, back. bto,
'-'Notte.gentane unless signed J. N.' Ilotieniaick,
all others,being base in - Mations,
' - '01" Agents' wishillg new "stiii.pli ea; and 'Store
ktepers desirous of-beet:m-I'4r ;. , 4geitts misted—
'dress- the • Propriettiii J. Ni;liobettrattelt
, - -, 'l4otivrti :roll GitPtigiit.AND , -Coittery i
linVerstick;l3l:lllott, and 13 Ilithbard; et;I;lis10.
'Lloyd; Llsbura,, LDay.'and t l PElpPlth; Meeliati
lesburg Coyle,- Iloguestowti Haverstiok''
Strohm;'' Kingstown ;- Keleher, -• elturchtotiitY
'fliiyes, • ,'Shippettishurg t • Divin:', •Pa pettown
Greason; Kassel It, :Dice, GickfitiOnt.
Weikley /It' Shriner, GentieVllla ; Dona Matta
Green, -PatimstoWn Ithords ti;Wherryi
emits each;.•
. .
Dpa R. Itelege, Lisbon;
tiusdatf,Gl:riipe 3111116;', Po rt: A n 014oi'bran'd
Uheitio n gni iWi;teit.? 7 -11oston,
Brand y;,; Cherry;. Bittridt,2 Pale 7t; ogn vie :tn nd
park' Brendy, - 13n113nd cytittinii Winn 'littera.
sper , ofoANDE.ol.3. ate. per pottnii,'. solip
and 'NfalitusPi' . MOLALS ES , •Watihing''Sodc'
superior Y Hyeon,inipeiintotld Itlatik TEA '4,‘
cioAlts; f4r
Aftle, by,the box or retail . bring on vour pipee
Rn4.trr jkom. ,, On y 26) BAR NITZ.
ni_i l UtIU Viruitm
1 . Yab *EET'H'
. _
„..13ermass Ce/ebrated Mooth Wash.
S ialuable'prerini.'atitMlitts loligbeetrtmed
York ond_PhilittlelphisisiVile.e
'ottalifed itnithittense pipularity, for'cleatisrog o
•• ymerving. antl - beautifyiq . the teeth: lt,ls eon
.remCily;fitraorc.saft. bluoding,gurns.;
(lf also !lii1 ),1 1 . , tleitAlititil freslineSSO dm mouth,
, Httitd agreeable odOtetothelii.entli.
7--161211 ehe filtaiwiti from' D'r.'llliirras,:.
`' with' the', utmost - cOurlenee,.recOin•
mend to .the jtublio , Zerman's •Anti-Scarbittid
:•,:ToodyWrislims the Lestin use, 'l9 my • practic'
tte it Delttlit, have usmi and reentit,mumled it foi ,
me fait five yeAra; iitullutve lotintrit to'o, , e eat,
• iisfaotlon in every. instinee,•uS'tlic NArtish does not
• contain acid, tirmitything injurious to the teeth or:
• guinst:hut, on 'the ecOlitravy; is the best 'antiseptic .
it the preotice;and• therefore, wonhireoorrintemi•
he use of it, not only to those who Wishto pee.:;
servelheir te`dll4llill gums, and haVe'n Wholesome
ibrenth, but also tO those who have diseased'gums
t o e teeth.' The utt . Ol tho Wash, !Or's short time,
will insure a return. to•thelrliealilly•state.
No. 61, S. Eleventh st., telow• Chestnut
.: lir. Heinlel, of Carlisle, sap Mr. Zer
min, I am-Well "pletised with your Tooth Wash :
it not only cleatises.and whitens the teeth Without
- ithring them,but it cures sore or bleeding. gums.
1 cheerfully recommend it to ihejirofessmn and
PUbliOas,theVeil best preparation, that can be
need for cleansing and, preserving the teeth',
bealinCtbe gnms,,and giving sweetness to the
bfeatL -•
Price Cl cents per bottle,
Frimeis Zermatt, Druggist nud Chemist, earner
of Muth mut Catharine streets,Thilatielphia.
For stile by SANIPAI, ELLtoTT, Cut lisle,
Pa potl3 IV).
NOVELTIC zpoN worms.
t E1 a E undersigned is.pvepared to manufacture
sle , m en&ines and boilers, blowing eylin
era, gearingor rolling, grist and saw mills.
mill screws, lathes and
.'• •planett; shaft ing, hangers
` 4 " tigtand pullies, and every vari.;
; tylplArp.Ol-11,4 E CY end CASTINGS,such
.s hot blast pipes, gas and water pipes, 'retorts
an lamp posts, ear wheels and axles,. fire
'ring's and hydrants, cellar grates and water
?outs, wall copeing, and S very -handsome.
Isediment orneW style interns for patent fence
salting, 'hosts and gates, cast bathing cisterns,
urge size, and a number of new patterns for
ookonne plate and parlor stoves, horse pow-
re and threshing machines of improved plans,
; l'ough•caatinga cast columns and, fronts for
ltouses: •
. 'Mill owners and mill-wrigkts are respectful
y solicited to call and examine my new and
mprovod assortment of Mill gearing patterns.
!atterns and smith-work' mnde to order and
nachinery..repaired promptly.
13• Railroad cars of all dimensions
Atilt and repaired.
florrisVarg, May 26. J , R.J ONES.
. .
, i Tr. Coma: of A: liadover. and Loather am.
SG most respectfully, op call the early allot--
LP Lien of the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity
a ournetv mud beautiful assortment of Spring
ciuods, selected from the very best of the Now
fork and Philadelphia marlocts, consisting of
Persian Cloths, Barege do lane, Illack
Chali Barcgi, Chamelion Silk, Bombazines.
I Upacas. All wool De:eines, Mous do bags,
French Chintzes; Lawns '
' Collars, Undersleevos, Cuffs, Spencers,
' Swiss, and Jaconct Ruffling,
Swiss and jaconet Edging and Inserting,.
Lisle and Mechlin do . do
- Florentine do do •
ne'n Bobiti do do,
Valencenes Laces, •
Kid, Silk,t,islo Thread, Mohair and Cotton
Gloves. Ltr
White andliißlnek Silk, and Blk Ingrain Hose
Mixed and White Cotton_ do
'Mons Half-Hose, -
—Ging.4ll l B,-Chocki4—lickinjo.L.nlicoen,
White Mualins, Nankeen, Kentucky Jeans,
Blue and Fancy Drills, Vesting-,
- Plain and'twilled - Linen,
Fine Damask Linea Table Clothe, ,
do . Towels,
-do Napkins, '‘rifitii
Bird Eye Diaper.
-130,0 TS SHOES;
Black and Fancy colored - Gaiters, (Willis),
- Shoes othtilliiscripricirm; (Willis' Make) , "
Fine Calf Boots, Kip Peg'd Boots,
Mena Calf Congress Boots, Boys Boots,
do 'Goiters, do Shoos,
All kind Childrens Shoes and Gaiters.
. Rio-and Java Colfee,Lovering's Syrup Mons.
l•es, Citbe :lionises, Sugar of all qualities,
Rice, Spices, &c.
, Purchasers will find it to their,advatitage to
'rail and examine our stock before purchasing
l:lsewhero. as it is entirely new-and we have for
our:motto ." quick sales and small ',fats..
Carlisle, April 6, 1353.
.1 P Lp..M.I
S - cnu:;ed'by - tlie great .daily . RUSH FOR
N EW GOODS at that old•and established
CREAF., STORE. , Now opening it'splendid
astiort.nient of
(Manias Cloth, Barrsiie 'de !nines, Earrazies,
Elegant dress Silks, Mons de lege,
Chintzes, Celiceee, Oilighams,
Needle worked Collar's; lincinreleeves, fgc
An immense assortment of Bonnets .from 37
conts to $5. Beautiful and Cheap Ribbons,
Artifimais and Bonnet Linings in great variety,
A big Pit of new and uheap Carpotings; not to
be excellotlinprice end beauty. in the State.
Mcomplete assortment of • Parasols and Sun
Shades vory,,low.
1 have added , largely- to'Ahis departmant,:end
will sell them cheaper than ever.
A fresh lot of cheap Groceriesjust received. :
Como on with your CAStI a tiretit
by selecting your purchases Irons this magnif..
leant assortment of Cheap Goode. Rem
ember the old stand; East Main et, Carlisle.
VA Ll', OA 0 C Epx.sTo RE,
..nigh St., two' doors East 'of . .111iirlief Hauls,
TElg subscriber thankful for past fa
vors would inform his old customers and
the community , irkgeneral, thdt he has just re
'turned from tho city with a largo and full as—
sortment of Groraries, consisting in part of
superior Rio, Java, Lagusyra, and Roasted .
Coffees, Lovering'uLutnp, Sand and Pulver.'
iced Sug•rs; Brawn Sugars at all prices;lllo,
Noose( all qualities and prices. •
ofeVery description, including French and En
glish Chine, in setts or, by the piece; also,
Stone Chlutr - and etinfinon warn of every de
acription, and aidll nisorinient of Class .ware:
- W11,1,0W Ss CEDAR-WARE,.,:
, .. ,
such es Clcithee;'Market;:-Traveiling. Sewing;
Knife; .Tutribler end'.Childran'e IFt(noy Bea•
;kilter Tube; Painted land Ceder Buckete,,lron
and Braes-bound Wootlen:Bowle, Better Pir
kine, Grocery Jinxes, &c. • • , •
superior Black, Imperial'! and Young pyson
Teas; Choeelare, Prepared Cocoa.
. ,
of, fine quality,' tokothei %%lib .'superiqr,pry
Hoof. 'Smoltod Harting, ;t:Around .Alldin and
fine tabla,Salf,..Spiaos of all kinds; --•••
„ •-„;;
such as 0 ra.ogoo, omoies rigs,runee, Rot;
a full . annply 'or Pino Oil and - Fluid Lampot
pnfoly Fluid•Lttnii. .; • ° • •
, Seg44 • Old T.iliacop of , fino qualitioirond
oall'anti examine for -yourf
eglyeti at the attind.•& - '•• •
• ;
.tltf E-aktililci of .figgari,l'lsisiot , otlst
0- c
c° bh ,A'")id„
, ,
Eiteo*l,lVltip.otaloboo; tsrantlfee,'-Liemons, ,
z Optiri,;- - Fiotidrvoof v"Fruiti t . , Datia; '
" Eli o,od aid riadf-Prunoe; Figs,.
' a'riatirliiilk, ErOOkori; iku&o; 1
:in' 664 1 1 3 t iini off-. , ,kindir of
'4104'411-44:4,01ch bet,: iflsipOodlOl% - im thp
' mast ,lioNithroOdatlog tonne._ -
Juno - 1, J. KIEFFER.
JOHN W. HENHEL, Surgeon Dentist
Prepared only
SP [UNG GooDs, viz
South Side
EA S ,
~._ NI!! to uetixtscrn ni..:
oy L.
KRUPP, o 639; North 11101 street,
Ph ladelphin,itt warranted to' render ent:re satin.
Ilictinn, and is beyond doubt the Best and most
windesumti Proparatioi of Coffee ever known.. 7—
Onerkage at 121 cents ,WILL . SAVE four
view 'kW ordinary Coffee. Try it and be con
vinced. A number
,ot Essences of Cot Tee were
deposited at (the Franklin Institute • in 18.52. and
the Judges Decided Krupp's to be THE EIF•ST
itr the exhibition. Friends, it yon wish to enjoy
n goodicheap mid healthy Lop of Coffee procnre
Kropp's Essence of Coffee`.. Iris • Ihr - Sale by
nearly ,11 the principal Giocers and Druggists
throughout the United States.
April 20,1853.
Worlds. Fair .Pre'ne, Safes.
More proof of their superiority.—The late Piro
in Jersey City.
. ,
• Mn. Sitis C. Ilenntna--ISih It 'gives us
much pleasure to state, that a :ale of your
melte - was the means of preserving our, books
and valuable papers, together with a lot of
Silver Spoons, Forks, •St..c., from destruction
by the fire that occurred in our store on the
night of the 27th ult. at No G Montgomery
street. The lire commenced near the Safe,
owing toils situation On a wall, did not
fall into the cellar, but was ocricaed to the full
heat of the fire from its comniencoment.yand
when taken from the' ruins hurt all the brass
plates and knobs'completelv 'melted
Yours, ft. IS . lf,L 13 & Co.
Jersey City, Feb 3, 1853.
'heat fire in. Strawberry St.—Letter from Lewis
Ca.—Philadelphia, March 20, 1852
Mr. Jonx•FAausr.—Sir: It affords me much
satisfaction to inform you that the "Herrin , "
Salamander Safe" which tve purchased of you
a short time since, preserved our books and
papers in good condition,. daring the severe
ordea, through which it pasSed at the disastroui
conflagedtion that took lance at our warehouse
on the morning of the 28111 inst., when the sale
was exposed to the most intense heat for sumo
home, and when dragged from-the (lames was
red hot on several sides. We make this state
ment by way of bearing testimony to the worth
at these valuable Fire Proofs
Very Respectfully, LEWIS .&.• Co.
The Proprietor of the genuine " Herring
Salamander Sales," challenges the whole world
in thmsum of One Thousand Dollars, to produce
their equal. .Awarded the PRIZE Af EDAL,
at the. WORLD'S FAIR, London, and the
SOLI) MEDAL by the American Institute.
Over 8000 of these Safes•have been sold and
are now in use. and more than 100 , have passed
triumphantly ihraugh‘oceidental fires
• Second hand Sales and " Salamanders" of
other makers, having been taken in part pay
for "Herrings." for sale nt cheap rates
F, 34 Walnut St., Plaladelphia.
ig&.'llfarbleized Iron Mantles, Table Tops, 1 5-e.
tram the vorkil of the celebrated “SALA..
MANDF,R MARBLE CO," on hand in great
variety. mar 303 m
Importers and Dealers in _French Millinery
Goode, No. 45.50uth Second Street,
9 AVING received by late arrivals a largo
and weAl solo - clad assortment of
I are now prepared . to offer their customers, at
the lowest market prices—
Glace Silks for Bonnets, •
---- 7Foncy - Bounet - and - Cap - Ribbons,
French and American Artificial Flower!'
Crapes, all colors,
• Fancy Nets and Laces.
Together with every article appertaining to
the ,Millinery trade.
- '•March 9, 1853.
1,500 Doz. -BUCKETS. Aiiiorted Colors.
' The largest slOCk ever offered in Phila.
delphia, and the cheapest in the world. Or—
ders promptly filled. •
_ _
111, Ac J. M. ROW E,
%larch 9,1853 PIItLADELPIIII.
Cheap Watches and Jewehy,
itt i
- .'''' at the "Philadelphia Watch
-",, and Jewelry Store," Number
\ ' 96 North Second Street, correr
••I • of Quarry', Philadelphia.
~,"1•=- Gold Lever %Vito:heti, "lull
ti:o:l2'o7VirAthh jewelled, 18 carat cases, 580,00
Sily'r do tullj'd, 812 Gold Spectacles $7".04
SilverLe'pe jwls, 10 Fi”,o Silver do. 11,1'50
do .do do 9 Gold Bracelets.. 300
Superior Quartiers, 7f 'Ladies G'd Ply 100
Imitation du 5 I S'r Tea S'ns,sett,s 00
Gold Pens with pencil and Silver Bolder, 1 00
• Gold Finger Pings 3710001E1 10 88; Watch
Glasses, plain, 126 cents; Patent, 18i • Lunet,
25; other articles in proportion. All. oods
warranted to be what they ate sold for.
septBls. - Successors to 0. Conrad.
On. hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepines, still lol,Ver'then the abort prices. _
WM. BAILY & 80 N,
• Lny.orlm
Moum. raim'cu & ems. wArm,,,.
Wmt% AND rhNcy
• M . e . wmW,My m,..wfn . i the lg., gyi oe
a the shove Om de, which aro o*ftd at
Wholmle or mullit,*: ,
M Muke)t Stmot, share Sixth,
D•xuster Street,
iimmw=o m,
uamsnndroL ,e,h4f the a.°
THE subscribers, in addition to their extort.
sive Grocery, have connected therewith an
AprucuurumAL wmtEHoun . and
SEED STOEE,IIO, Market 'street, near the
railroad, Harrisburg, Pa., and aro prepared to
fill all orders, by whofesslo and retail, of all
kinds of Agricultural Implements; Vegetable
and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants
with reasonable "discounts to sell again.
Horse-powers and threshers, wheat.drillle
and soed-pluntera, plows,harrowa and cuativa
tore, fodder. hay, and straw-cutter , grain fans'
corn shelters, "vegetable cutters, hand grain
clovetshollere,horso takes, einirne,grind
stones and improved hangings, hay, straw and
manure forks, ,farmer's boilers, ox yokes and
bow, patent bow pins, cow chains, spades, hoes
andrraltes, post diggers, ,whoolbarrowe, grain
cradles, soy dies and scythestones, potable drags
post sugars, axes and hatchets, grain bags.,
grain •rneasures, "garden trowls,
.pruning and
'budding knives, grass and staid etcklee, screw
',wrenches, pincers and gimblete, rat and mole
traps, cattle cards and Item brushes, curry
combs, garden reels,' dow bells, ivhillie trees,
guano, plaster, poudrette, bone 'dust, lime, gar
den, field andflower Hoods. • • •
. .
" A leo; lama inn] fresh , assortment,o.GßO
GEßMS, TEAS, Ike., till cheap tor:cash. .
• • 13.01( ER 8i HALL.
ltrCirain:'wo proddee of, ell Ithh4 4 .l o colve4
exclitinge., for, implentems, . • .•• • .•
- I I , 3,
• L
UNDE - RT AK'S . it
.Ifaiteroe..Scrept, anknexi:dooli co Gia i ei
„ .
41tEldidefeiriod'ivneld'reaii.ectfdlly inferni,
'ajly;•ahat he now has en - hond•elarge and elo-
PagrAeaOrimeal, I,,LlR4.lTußE,colfelisting
.in part of Wardiebee; Card and Oher.Teldes,
B etaai'ltereauE 4 ': l 3edatenita;' , Plioin'lttd'tati6Y
'Se'vring Stabile: dte:: rnandfactured, of the %herd
iitaterial ; and qUelit'y waireinted.
- tothio'a"geiteral ; Aseimment !MAIRS
'the toivoat nitido to
'order; 'and Fepairing'prominlY. attended '
' wrCoffine piade at' Ito ahorteat notice, and
. havidg a splendid !Jennie he will atiynd timer:
alii.irkaw nr.,country. .. •
• 4-
'DI , Remember the eland— , next' door to . It.
Glue's Hotel. - nov24 R B. SMILEY.
1 , IVVI 7P tiny, .17'
41 ?;''f?,, '" '\ ', ..,. l'hti id. ' . 0 ' ,,, , i v ,•_'N_ ~, ,
r .. , • ii.,„;pr
h ~
. .
730 . 41 RENESS,, pit ON- •
9rExaixp; CODUP, ASTE•
Of. all fife numerous medicines extant, [and
same of them 'minable . ' for the Mire of put
nunnery cumplOnts, nothing hes ever been
found which cold compare in its effects with
this preparation. Others mire sometimes, but
at - hlil‘tiines and in all diseases of the lunge
and threat where medicine can give relief, this
will do it.. it is pleasant to take, and perfectly
safe in accordance .with the directions. We
'dr: not - advertise for the information-'of those
who have tried it but those who have not.—
Famlliee lhat have known its value will nut be
without it, End by its timely use, they are
secure from the dangerous eansequences of
Coughs end Colds which neglected, ripen into
fatal consumption.
Tne-Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute
was. awarded to.this preparation by the ihntid
nfJudges in Septemberll2l7 ; also, the medals
of the Alma° great Institutes of Art, in this
country; also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute
at Cincinnati; has been given In the CHERRY
PECTORAL, by their Government in emisidera•
lion of its extraoidinary excellence nod useful.
nese in burint o rtfrections of lite: Lungs and
"qead the following opinion founded on the
long eimerienee of the eminent Phyiieion of
the port and city of -
ST JOHNS, Mliy 8, 1851.
Five years trial of your CHERRY PECTO
RAL in my practice, has pri;'ven what I fore
saw from Its composhion, roust be true, that
it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs
In which we, in tins section aro peculiarly
. .
.. . . . .
I think its equal lins not yet Leen discovered
nor do I know how a bettor remedy can be
made lor tha -dietempars of the Throat nod
Lane. • J J BURTON, M D, F R S.
Sec what it hail dodo on a wasted constitu
tion; not only in the following cases, but a
thousand more:
Stumm; Jan 24th 1851.
Dr Ayer : In the .mOntli of July last I was
attacked by a violent diarrhea in the mines of
California. I returned to San Fraanciscii in
hope of receiving , benefit from a change td
climate and diet, My diarrlicea teased, • but
was, followed by a severe cough, and mu , ii
soreness. 1 finally started for home, but re
ceived no benefit from the Voyage. My cough
eimtinued to grow worse and when I arrived
at New York, I-was •at rinse marked by my
acquaintances us a victim of consumption.
I mint confess that I saw no sufficient reason to
'doubt what my friends all believed. At this
time I commenced taking your truly invaluable
medicine with little-. espeetation 'of deriving
any benefit from its use, You would not re
ceive these lines did 1 not regard it my duty to
state to the afflicted, through you, that my
health, in the apace of eight months, is fully
restored. I attribute it to the use of your
WASITINGTOR, Pa., April 12, 18411.
Dear sir : Feeling that I have been spared from
n premature,gyave, through yotf tr instrumental.
ty by the providence of God, 1 take the
liberty to express my Oatitude.
cough and the alarming symptoms of Con
sumption had reduced me too low to lease me
nnything like hope, when my physidian brought
ne O battle of your PECTRILA seemed. tO
_JAford_immediate.reltecand. uecks
:hue - Ins restored me to sound health 11 is will
fbr others what it has done foi , me; you are
Lertainly one of the beilef.ctors of mankind,
Sincerely wishing you every blessing, 1 um
Very respectfully yours,
JOHI .1, (ILA Hitt,
- -- Rector of St. Peter's Glinrch,
With such assurance, - and from such
.inen; - no stronger proof can be adduced.
unless it be from its effects upon trial.
Prepared and Sold by
PRACTICAL CREMIiri, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Carlisle by IV S. Elliott, and S. IV.
Ilweratia—ni Mechanicsburg by Ur Ira Day
•—in Nowville by J. H. Herron—in Shippens•
l.urg by J. C. &U. 13. Altick, at by Drug—
iste generally throughout the State.
I,oetited No l`q;lialtinioie Street, Baltimore. Md.
The osiensitife object of this Instithtion is to
/ lace in the reaelLot individuals proper facili
t les for obtaining a thorough and practical
,itareantile . Education. Nothing inueed has
aeon omitted that-is calculated to produce the
desired result.
Thu rooms of the College are well B‘tted up,
imnveniently arranged, and situated' in the
nost desirable part of the City. Connected
,• hereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in
onnection tvifh familiar Lectures on Comnier.
,dal Law and Mercantde Science, is a matter
,if the highest Importance to all who desire to
eiecutno Accountants of the first order, and cc-
Quay stations of profit and responsibility. A
young men can here obtain a more eon cm
.tnotvledge of general business matters in a
ow weeks than can be acquired in as ninny,
;tears in any one ,Courting Room.
The course el study embraces Double Entry
:took keeping, and its hdaptation to• vat ions
ilopartments of Commerce and Trade, Mercau
i ile calculations tabglit according. to the most
t pproved methods. Poetical Penmanship, corn-
Lining rapidity •of execution with beauty of
vonstruction. Lectures on. Mercantile Lew,
'pen. various important Mercantile Subjects
beside many other points necessary for a book-,
keeper or business man to understand. The
time necessary fir an industrious student to
complete the course varies from 5 to 8 uteelts.
There being no L,teation, 'applicants can
at any time and attend both day and evening:
Examinations are held at slated periods and
Diplomas awarded to thnbe who g tiduata.- 1
For terms, &c., write'and have a Circular for
warded by mail.
March, 23. 1853. Iy.
THE undersigned •owning a largo Steam
Saw Mill, recently built, on un improved plan,
witifi. circular Raw capable of sawing with
'eat rapidity, located three miles west of Pa.
peitown,Euinberlund county, at the base of the
South Mountuin, on Spruce Run, and having
in possession near ono thousand acres of the
best timber land, in the Southern part of Penn
sylvania, are now piepored to saw and furnish
'timber to ordcriiiit tho shortest notice of the
carious descriptions used for mechanical itr.
- .poses.' They can runtish frame stuff for burns
and hoeues of any length o rid 'size that May be
reqOired, wentherMaOrding, flooring, and fen.
'cing boards, poplin and oak boardiand plank,
'l3liingterand plastering,laths, oak and chi:tenet
shingles, cooper . ' sidt£, pitch plea poste, and
chestnut rails and pasta.' They have now on
hand several thousand feet of lumber, atonal
rails and posts for fence, oak and pine wood by
the cord, and bun engage to be delivered in its
,soason several hundred curds of chesnut ;oak
bark, for farming purposes.
The proprietors having ovlitod. themealves
'of the natural advantages of 'their location.
which. abounds /in a, r variely •of the
tiniberi MIA iniiing also a practical IntAvledge
. otiliqkisinesa, are ambled to'fbrolnli'luMber
• lower tolliti'''citizeno `of CuMberlond 'count;
than can,be'dono by any, aflutter establishment
.-andoe;tlMy wish and expect,to do, it large
bushman, will spare no pains itis H itScorniiiMlats
the public at the shortest notice:,, " • ;
The attrition; dOnitriptions of lumber' will be
delivered in Corbel° or elneivhcie be
dealredt,''All'ordertr;addreded to the ~ 'Propriej
tora,,Diveo eir.;ll!aakell,llvlngln.Paportown,
to . Yvp!. ,fir, in Cutliialg ; will reaurq
,prnmpt attentlieni •tf•• : •
Nov.loi .• -•;;•• •,•
• mo. , - ;
DI; STOR E and for Oali ono .of.obt Woti,
g tieing Maaliiikde, , t.with • Hub" 11110 0 10i) . 1
. Thai being daaillattly the boat inothinein.asa
amid! ivorttiy the atlanticl of CatpollolA rend
Coach Makera. It will be aold'Acay„.kiw r ot
oath at tho Fatittly,Eroodry..of
A1)1.20 . • -
Sil94dfd: Valley- Goods, faczaitt",
Books,'Sze. drc '• '
:W: 44l ' i t•itST/CK has ju st retteiv'cd.
via • from the city opal, logs stileip-.
rclid,dieplaroll FANCY- G GGS;.isuitablo tor,
eldt•upproachiug 41olythiy Season, to. which •hcs
-desire's to White, attentiotkol hie :friends arid,
the public His a ssortibent Out 'lice (llama:
be .1 surpassed novelty sod - cleg.ance,
buth in quality 'cud price•ul - tire articles, can--
not litil•to plcuse pureheeere. It ctotiid be iirt
possible to enumerate his • •
whicb comprise every variety of [army article
o the most novel_ styles, and,..eighisi:te slava
such as, • •
; Papier:Macho Goods, ' : •
' ;Elegant alabaster' and porcelain -studs.
and trayte; • •
Edney ivory, pearl and shell card casec',
, Ladics"Fancy ifashets,•
Fancy Work Boige:o, with sewing instriten'ts.
Port .Monnaiei, et ,every varier),
Gold pans and .pencils,
Fancy paper weights, ,
Papeteries, with a large variety 'DI Peelle's,
Fancy etntionc-ry, '
Motto seals rind wafers,
_Silleand bead-purses,
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly' Cnished,
firie cutlery, •
Perfume baskets, laul•bags;
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
Houceel's perfumes of the various felt dE.
Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all
prices, together with awinnunitruhle variety t• f
rrticles elegantly finished suitable lor Le—
lyday presents, to which he' invites special at-.
Also, tin extensive and elegant collect ice of
comprising -Ilea various English and Ameri,
ANNUALS Mr 1853, richly mI,IOIIE-lad ar d
illustrated PO El ICA 1. W Olt Ii S, with.
for children of all ages, than whick nothir g
can lie more appropriate or pleasieg as holidays
gifts. His assortment of School Bucks ra - d
School Stationery is also, cc rookie, and ecrir 7 '
prises every thing used in Collt Lc i.rd the
Schools. He also deeir es to call ilie particular
attention of Families to his elegant display of
LAMPS, GIR AND 01..1i5,
from the extensive estrildislonems or Cornefius.
Archer and others of Philadelphia, ccn l nusn g
every st yid Of Parlor, Chamber and Study
Lamps, fur burning either lard, sperm orf, lie -
real oil, together with Flower Yeses, Fancy
Screens, &e, His assortment in !Menne is un
equalled in the borminh. Also.
NUTS—PRESERVE?) FltUll S, &c.,
in every variety nud at all prices, all ci which
are pare and fresh, such as cap be conf.dEntly
recommended to Ins friends and little folks.
his stock embraces everything in the .lire of
Fancy Goods, with many other articles useful
to housekeepers,which the public are eepeeially
invited to call and' see dwarf, the holidays.—
Itementb'er the Old Stand, manly opposite the
Bank on Nor:Whenever street. .
deels 1852. S HAVERSTICR.
THE subscriber' would teSpect telly annourre
to the citizen*" of this place, and all nerrons
visiting the same during the Holidays, that ho
has now on hand and will continue to be cup—
plied with the latest novelties tip to the close of
the season, contprising in purl „ _
of the choicest varieties, sAeh as Fine Candy
Toys, Jelly Cakes, Hon Bons, 'Gum Cordial,
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit ])rope, Rose,
rincl'Butut A Ittionds,,. Frcmii aid ex
ploding. Secrets. Also all the common vatie•
lies, all of which will be sold wholesa4 nod
raciii at low rates, fit
i❑ North Hanover street, n few doicrs north
of the Bank; where ice linve ins( received
of the latest importations such as Oranges,
Lemons. Raisins, Figs, Final's, Citron, ur—
rants,.soft .and. parer- shelled A Imot cs, 1 il
berm, Cocoa, Cream and GrOund Nuts., Also,
of ovary kind from all parts of Europe, man
ufactured of wood. glass,`. bins, peldrr macho,
tin and India rubber, zinc, &e.. such es Fins
Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sowing and Curd
Baskets-,---Work7xnd Fancy_ Dares, Flcwor-
Vases, Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Music 1314e5,
Pore Monnies„ Dottie Doors, G.ta,e Dec.r.s,
Masks, Drums, Guns, Trumpets, D.MIIMCS,
lotto and other games, & c. Fam y Soaps arm
Hair Oils of every variety. In contention
with the above a huge slot It 'of
such as pulverized. etttsltq at d brown Su.;
gars. ot every grade. Coffee, Molasses, State
Green nod Black Tens, Spices, Bum r, toes,
Sugar, Water and o.lter Cm( liers,'eltet &c.
The subscriber ret urns h•s vibe. to tl 1.1 ks
to ngencrous ptiblie for the patronage hereto
fore bestowed on him, and 'hopes, by a &elle
to please, to merit a continuance of the tame.
decls P. MON VER.
rrtHE subscriber is just now receiving and
opening an unpstalleled . assortment of
WALL PAPERS. Those desirous el onus.
forming the interiors of their old dwellings
into now ones, and giving additions' embet.
lishments fo their new ones, at n coMparntire
lytrifling cost, will an well to cull and examine
for I can tell them front ,GI cis upwards. RI -
member. the old stand, East Maui st opposite
Ogillitty's Store. By the way I would soy to
those who also want to improve the exit rior el*
their houses, that. I calm tarnish them with
Wetherill'e pure and fresh ground White Lvatt,
together with various other volume, bite. or
ange, yellow, various shades of green, &e, in
short evelything calculated to adult at d Zee
orate.Y6iii mansions.
, mar 2
'. for 25 eclat, by means
OIL'S, or, Every One
The thirty.siath Etli•
1, with one hundred en
eings, showing Prhato
itaises and. litalforma
is of the Generative
dem, in ()Very shape
I farm ; to uldsh is
'enses ol Feuudes , in.
tended tor the use ol loonies only (see page 100),
being of the highest importance to married peo•
pie* ' or Those contemplating niorriage. By I% M.
YOLlis:G t M. D., Graduate oldie ,University of
Pennsylvania, Member of the. Royal College of
Surgeons, Lantlon,and Honorary Mernber ot tie
fibiladelphin Mt diens ..inetvty. The r various
(orms. ed Secret Diseases. - Bemintil Weakness,
Diseases of the Prostrate Gliind.lniiithten c) ,. so il.
tory lishittilif youth, are litithfully described, and
all the recip es ' given in 'lNN' lnngungge. The
chapter on aßllealinie and Seminal NVeaktiess is
worthy of MI-dollar attention, anti should be read
by every one.. Young-men who haveheeti
lauae in contracting disease, minions to plueieg
yourselves under the care of , any doctor, no map
ter what his, pretensions may be, get as copy of
of this trulyvidurible work.
Sea Captains anal persons going totes, should
possess, Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the
Pocket ./Esettiapius, or Every one His own thy-
Mr' Letito 'lather lie Sidelined* to present a
copy or the lEsoulapies to Ids cLild. It laity
save Itim front, an early grave.. Let no young
man or Woman enter into tin sect et oblications
of married life, tviti.ont reading die pocket /Liss
eulapius. Let no one Suffering from a liackniech
I cough, pain in llib slile; restless nightEldtrious
feelings, Rita the_whole train of Dy-Speptic seem-
Alone, and given ujs bY Weil physician, lie nn.
.olher Moment without consulting the
dies. ' Have the married o r those aboit" t° he
married-tiny imPeditectil , read this IrrlY useful
Book, Its -It hna been the.meaneOf saving thou.
"sands of UnfOrtninde ' orentures from thq very
iz o4( i l li In this tierit
Saws of death.'. Upwards of a• MlLLlON:copies
of this 'celebrated . mark beenbas'
country and Europe since - t S5B,
edition-was issued. ! r
Any •Y/C1'801r1: sending- TWENTY-FIVE
cents enclosed A letter; will reecho One copy
'of thiti bunk by mail ; or five copies will he sent
for- 91 , Addi.v 88 ,1),..? WILLIAM YOUNG ,
SPruitekflireaf, nisr
Twenty:yearitpractleo In tine city ofphii n do.
phiNcertatioly, cattalos ;',40.7, young to ;ow eon al.
I ,donce d j o ie pfiliewi),,Anil..lip may he consulted
tie any of the 11181.641.6 114,1.4ribe1l ent
‘,lti4 - WIWI 52; 'Sproco . . :Stt
'every day; between 0 ,sind,l,6 ° clock,(Soitclat ex.
'Cepteil) nod, persiMs atriiist .tlistancecnci Consult
: -
THE Stare of tlia,sUbearibar,v,mbrazing
Q.uetliovate,' auddll tlie;irarielies usually kept "
,by him, to remoyedwiii,his,t'eurimilaing,,.l4ol
9, 'MARION"..: . ;JIA,L , Li....:Weiu .I, l ll.Aid"'SL,
Carlisl e. hlarrli 9p,-1859:.', • AV, EBY: "