IVm anurtiotments • v..41.u4_,-,tua PROPERTY - PUBLIC SALE. •• • . THE subscriber' wilt_ sell af_pubfie sale, on SAT DKOA Evgaa s G, the 9th of July,' ten, at the pd.blic house. of 1 ohm Underwood , . in tkobsisousderof ,Verk„ that valuable property, situated in.Nll . :irth George Street, nett the pub. Hemmers, adjoining George Shelter's property " the "lertti.,and sa alley' on the south—on whit:his ore;credeTwOStory BRiCIC HOUSE Two Story Brick Bat k Building, .Stoble,• Conch House and Black . • WWI , rsnith Shop._Thia propertyhas lone _ boon occupied and long known as Small's Coach Faetory, Apply to EA. St; Sntohl for further iniermation.— Terots.llberall... ' . JOHN SMALL, .3uue 28.; 15.8.4-41. •"" York, Pa. ln the 'Clitirt of 'Common :Pleas, of Cumliorland County. to wit.:.. • N 0.84, April To. in. 1859. April 12, 1853. The petition of _Willits% Trottel; presented to the Court of Common' Pleas of Cumberland County, representing that on the 23d day of 0 tober, JB4l he purchased 41 c S'Jeriff's Sale the property of John 'I rough der the aunt of sl::9o,'ontl that on the 15th day .of November, 1841, Peal Martin, the then Sheriff, executed and delivered to said petitio tier a - tided for the ' p remises sold, with a receipt for the purchase money. Said deed, for same • - rause - unknown to said -petitioner, -never was acknowledged or recorded as provided for by The Act of - Assembly. Ile therefore prays the Cart to greet a Rule nn the said Paul Martin, Slit/riff, and upon salt] John Trough or his heirs st o eur, to show cause why the said deed should' , '''now be acknowledged and recorded accor 1 ding to law: April 12,1883. Rule upon Paul Martin to appear at the next a tl jeurned Court, nod sheu cause o;'hy,ihe deed sneuld not be acknowled ged, and• also upon the heirs at law to show emtse. if any they have, why the prayer of the / petitioner chould not lie granted. ' 1 •Notice to' be,served by political iOn in two/ newspapers for four weeks previous to the 'Court. Cumber/awl County, as. - Twill' George Zinn Prcolt'y of the Court of Coinotori Pleas of said County, do eel , tily that the above is a true copy ,o 1 the Docket entry of the above case; taken hunt the records tji said Court. Given under my hand and the seal of the said, Court, at Carlisle the Itith day n 1 June, A. D., 1853. GECRGE ZINN. ; je 29 It 'sczcoor, TAXES THE lltiplicate . _of School Taxec of the Borough of Carlisle for the prevent year, lave been hisned to the undersigned School Treasurer, , Notice /6 'heroine Vliql that he will attend in the C.ommissioners Tfice„nt the amainty: Court House, on . S4TEBDAY 39th of July next, between rhehours of 0 and 12, 1 and 5 o'clock of sol e d day, for the purpose of receiving the school taxes HO assessed agree, ably In the provhmns of the coalmen school tax. The dollar rule onsillproperly is Bi mills, mid tin prolessions,.oeetipations &c. 4 All persons paYing their school taxes or,ot Settee s tid 3041r0f Jule, will be a-d,,'e duction of:live percent, and those paying :the' that date, did 05 - oi- before the 90th of &mem bee next, a deductief. of three per cent, alter which last.date a warrant for thespeedy eollec lion of all said taxes as remain unpaid, will be placed in the hands of a proper officer duly ap pointed for that purpose. 'J. W. EBY, Treasure!. C f arliele June 22. 1853.5 t. . • Tavern stand for Sae. OFFER For sale the property air the !North rijl. West corner of Hanover and Pomfret sta. 'rho lot fronts 30 feet on Hanover street by 240 on Pomfret, having erected on it a well built three story. BRICK H OUSE, with necessary stabling. The property boos 't z t.. has been irlavern - srand - lor.:many „. 4 tr ) • ycars, and is at present.ocrupied as such. ('rice threil Ilmosond dol lars, 1-7,3000,1 Apply to the bubßeriber. June '22, 1853. _ GIVIN. Bcothers- Matchless Cordial. TIIIS medicine-has never known to fail in raring Cholera-Morbits, in from 10 to 15 Minutes• ' Cholera Infantum, or summer com plaints of child,r4n, Dysentery, Diarrhea, Az.c , in from Its to 24 . hours. - It is ce , tain nod safe under nll circumstances, having been fairly tested in upwards of four hundred eases with out n single failure: Let every family provide itself wklh at least one bottle of this invaluable remedy. Try it, mill it will recommend•usell It is prepared etion purely scientific princip'es, and cannot be,juslly termed a quark nit dicine; unless science he quackery. 'For sale by B. J.,KIEFFER, Detweist. - South Hanover tit reel, A few doss south of the Court House June 32, 18311. Carlisle. Fresh Trenton Crackers. 'LUST received. n lot of Trenton Cro.•k ers, kV also Ware., Batter anti sqa Crockers, at the °Leap Orneery of June 15 111:1:1, W. A. CtR OTHERS. EIEEEM z. , Emr. In) ECEIIIED this day, direct from Cineinna ja ii, a 'lull supply' ot the following celebra ted broods: 100 Sugar Cured Davis & Co's Beef llama, 100 " " Gardner,Phipp & Cti's Hams, 100 ." " Duflielle Westphalia do. .Thie last brand, ardired the Prize 111edalut the Loodrin World's Fair. Also n large supply of Codirtry llama, Bacon, Shoulders and Sides all of which will ,be sold very low fr.r erodr. J. G. WILMA %FS, Pumila Groeer„ June 21.1853 .. FARMERS 1 FARMERS ! ANOTHER lot of the celebrated h Pl.O COll 8, jest received at manufnctd rers prices, bout fir) 37 to $6." Also, on baud Craighead's and PlaWs Ploughs nt their uri. ces. . HENRY SAXTON. March 30. 1853. NOTICM TIE heretofore exist* firm of M. & Steiner, has been dissolved for a shat tinia and have again united tinder ihr flu]] m Steiner:& 13rva. S u b; Corner of Market Square. Hoptug under the inmenscd firm of Steiner & Bros. to; have au increase of their firmer business. have now every facility antiwill snare no e ff orts to please their customer, they haying toady arrangements with the'llar gest importing honves 13tiltitnore and Neu l'ork - so as to receive the first styles of Good, that cone to those markets, and at the LOW• EST 1'1110ES: Thankful for, p Ist piuronnge they solicit continunnce from their old custorneiv, Eire respectfully invite all others to exanine their now style of superior • . SPRING & SUMTER CLOUTING, - all of their nutnufueturc, and nll; ing ns coat Pluto an a tsortment nu can ho Wind in uny store in thn United Stutte• As bRESS & FROCK COATS, . of the best qualities ot- En g lish and French Gloater made. end trimmed inthe vet). bust style "; shi.4lo broasted Albert Coats, a new style, well adapted to business men, of French black and enlisted sloths, at very low prices ; single bfeasted Frock coats of French clothe. clCso imitation of the fino.dress frock coats at hall price; spring Sack Coats of cloth, easel enema and tweeds, various colours and prices. PANTALOONS,' French Black Doesii . ,in and Fancy Caseimers of c‘erk description. . • , VESTS! VESTS!! VESTS!!.!' Mali -Fancy Silks and Satins; illaclCdo, Bom bazines, Volontiay, Marseilles, and Ci,allies, lq all pricey. CLOTIIING; . A full assortment of iloy'n , Clottlitig: FANCY DRESS ARTICLES, emltiacing all .the new styles of Fane! Cravats, English Satin do, Etc. • - • Gloves—White' 'black and coPil eil4, F il, .Lisle and cotten of every description. Tri.n Es and' Carpet Bags of superior finish an I .t bav prices. Suspenders of superior Fre../1 FM • g lien and American .manufacture, Uncoi.; shifts and 11-awers of fine Merino, sirE, net jean and' muslin; oreyery description. lto bvelliE of sit!cmnd cotton. very cheap. All of which will ho sold at the lowest prices whole• sale or; retail, • ; •• , • • 11:7 - 12.emeinber the; Stctne• frouse, corner of the Public Siptme.'.• . STEINER & OROS.. Carlisle, Ales , 18, 1853. , CEIOXO.ErraIt. , OEARt.L. Nh. an .terlor rind in inetrigea of.halwee, queriers and kilts niao t a..aotall , lot of extra trited No 1 Maelta i iektryneaoiterlpacktigee. together, with, 11A.L6ION,,AND NEIttiNG, • ' for aale retail at the afore rooms of June Si 1853., V.V. (MY: ' ifrikeiark.or 4 'di' s oa ' • • 1000 TONS teinfdburner''o'. Caul MAK, hest receiving and sula . by •E; !Br D.. 01;E, 400 - ,uroh 16; 18531 rtulGu tinu CANT BE BEAT! Second Arrival of Summer Dry-GOB TOE subsciiber respectfully' informs hi friends and "MgrOU9 e.uslomere. that he has returned from Chiladelphis With a large assort. Mont of Summer Goode, which Will he:sold:at , astonishingly low prices • Cloths, passimeres, Vestings. Minding, Calicoei, Gingham", Bonnets. and Hats, ' .Ribbons, Gloves. Summer Cloths;Lawns, - Mitts, Pant Stuffs,„Borages, Inserrines, Collars. Edgings, tianakereldefir.- Laces; Stockings. Summer Silks. PariMts; &e. BOOTS AND SHOES: A largo assortment of Men's Womeri's and Children-a Boots and Shoes, -Pinny Lind ani. Buskin'Shoes at very low priceir.• Colored and White CARPET CHAIN. A huge assortment of GROCERIES, such as Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Tess; &c. Thk attention of all, srhc wish good cargisins is solicited, as great inducements can be offered to purchasers. , . -- • Don't lorget the old 'dead, H umerich'i cor ner, North Hanover Street, o:3'"Datter, Eggs, Raga and Soap taken at market prides... N. %V. WOODS, Agt. Carlisle, June 9, 1853." Superior . Clarified Cider Vinegar. ASUPERIOR article of Clarafied Elder Vinegar just received and for isle at the cheap Grocery of - W A CAROTHERS.E New and Choice Publications ./;4. HOME LIFE IN GERMANY. by the Rev C. L. Bruce MODERN FLIRTATIONS, by Catharine. SAM SUCK'S NEW WORK, THE LAST LEAF OF SUNNY SIDE, by H. 'Frusta. • INTERVIEWS MEMORABLE A N p usP.mt„ by Rey: Dr. Cox. - AM ABEL, a Family Hisnary, and other new and interesting works just to• ceived and for sale at the Cheap Book Store. M PIPER. Am. WANTED, Avvo IouitNEYAIEN, one a Wagonma• ker and the other a Blacksmith, four miles sauth of Carlisle, on tne Baltimore turtinike. _Liberal wages will be given. jett SURIEJIO NATZLIVTIPaD r p LIE subscriber will pay the highest -''-' price in CASIL'for StiMAC, properly cared and delivered in Carliele. For a good ad:tele, free Ifoni stems $1 ,20 per Innidreo pounds will he paid.,and in prop alien for other qualities. ' JACOB SUB.OM Carlisle Alay.lB, 1853 DZARION lIALL I. J. W. EBY'S FAMILY GROCERY. Java and Maraciiiha Coffees, Green and - Roasted do., Orleans -- aid Claralied Brown Sugars, Polverized,__Crushed_and Loaf do, Solt Cru-hed (preserving) do. Rico, Farina and Corn Starch; liroma. ,Cocoa, Chocolate, Vanilla Bean, Mace, Citron, with Spices of every hind, Sperm, Mould, Adamantine Candles, Orleans and Sugar H. Syrup Molasses, Lovering's tinem quality Syrup. :O'A fresh assortnirmt of all the ebove arti cles, and a general Fupplj of ether cuticles usually kept by us, all ju.t. opened-and for sale at our new store rooms, Juno S, 18n Cheapen Dry Goods, Grocery and VARIE`,TV E3IPORIRIM in the country. araurr Hoovs, Springfield, Cumberland County, Pa. A ' intelligent public appreciating the above fact has ea - used a tremendous rate' for bar gain's nt the above establishment, where the cheapest: lot of LADIES' DRESS GOODS ever offered in this section of country, hasjust been received. In Gentlemen's AVear we are not behind either, as we have ditto in endless variety and - at all 'prices, Also, Hardware, Quounswaro, Groceries, Drugs, Oils, Paints. D'o Stuffs, Hats , Cap=, Bonnets, Boots and Shoos, .51.1., in fart everything from a Fish [look to a Su t of Clothes, all of which wo are selling at exceedingly low prices, In order to show you. Just give us a ca. - - Too blreains we have In store Enr you all. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex— change for goods, at market Prices. JOHN HOOD. N. revoking, another lot of those cheap Lawns, Checks. Stripes. Prints, &e. Speioefiold. June 8; 180.1 m. FRESH TEAS, &c. JENKINS' Best Brand of Teas. Green and i t metallic parkiges, also in bulk and In ori4inal p Ickages. A large mid general as• sort meat r•fthe brat IRON STUN E AND GRANITE WARE, with n variety oh Glass Ware, and Common Ware of every de. .seription, m sem. or otherwise to suit the pur• chaser, tosether with CEDAR WARE, WILLOW WARE, and a vartety of Fancy Ware always in store and for sale a• the "Family Grocery" of June 8,1853. 3, W. EBY. • •• .1:0 4 David Laadreth's • AGRICULUURAL AND 110 - . Is/CULTURAL Implement df. Seed Warehouse. No. 65, Chcsmit Sired, Phira. TUE subscriber offers For sale an extensiveas sotto cut of ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, HowneuvrenAL Toots, Garden, Grass,Field and Flower Seeds, Agricultural, orticultural and Botsenical • PUBLICATIONS. Implenteat'and Seed Catalogues, Landreth's R arm liegisier and Almanac for Hzs3, furnish— : g:a:i. u :11n nersoll9l or prepaid application. D. LANDRETH May !,'O, 1353.3:4 CIIIYIB'DVALLEY RAILROAD -~ r Change of Zonis. rpN and alter Slay 30th, 1553, the PASSEN- W GER TRAINS will run as follows, (Sun. days Cm:op:add - FOR lIARRISBURG (lat Train.) Leave Chninbersburg, 7 50 A, M `• Shippeesburg.B.s3 "- .- 8.55 " " Car:iele t 9.33 " " Menhanicaburg, - 10 01 At Ilar7lalnirg, 10,30 " 21 Train. Leave Chnirbersburg, 11.50 A. 31 . i• Shippousburg, • 13.23 P. M •' Newville, .12.55 " " Gtrlisle , 1.33 " Mechanicsburg; " At Uarrislinrgy a' 2.30 FOR CiiAAIBEItSBURG (Ist Tral.) Leave It arrisbure, " Mechanicsburg, Cadmic, " Newville, Shippensburg, At- Chamberaburg, 21 Train . Leave Harrisburg. 3.0 D P. M Aleclinnicsburg, - 3.'31 " " ' Carlisle, 4.09" ," • Newvdle, 4,13 " • " hippenaborg. 5.15 '+' At . Chambersburg, " . 5.45 irrPassengers by the Second Train (11:50, A. At.,) from Chamberebsirs; 'may proceed to Philadelphia or Baltimore without detention at Harrisburg, except for change of Cars • , .111rFares from Clismhershurg, Carlisle and Harrisburg, are Len cents leas when paid, for Tickets, at t6 - 01liees, than whets Pa id in (he' Cars. • .- . ... - • _ irrThe only trains on Solidity are—the first train„from flarrishurg, and . second train Irom Chambersbarg, RPAD ()mac,3 . • A. F. SIVIIIT.II.' ita Chte. , May 25,'32. • sup,' Fish, /MI, . 0 Fish A :01101c g lot ol N0..1 - NtAckkngt.', in L - L. whole. half a n d Oa•ter'Wble, also a lot of new No. 3 linekarel for sale Cllkait fOr einfill al the family grocery more : J tine 21.!8.53., J: G. WILLIAffig, Ladles Dreas Goofis. 1.1 .•19T , received lary lot of ltareste - s';.lna. o.t.rego ile Lanes, La wns,..Filke, &c.,: , atjd (eV `.031e at very .low prices at the new and Cheap atore of : • , WELSEI & CAMPBELL. • Ap129853:. • - ITAWABL • TOWN PitOPERTY. rIPHE 'subscriber • o cfr.st 'private. anle.tho, _ following .veludble_lirepertyicitiOted on Loutl4er Street,,Carlislepviz* : ' . • •,.No. 1. A,..LOf of Gronod, baiting a. front of 24 feet on' Loutitcr etrect;_iuAbe , B _ ougli - of Carlisle; and extending 240 feet back to !Aaiun Alley, having thereon erecteda two story . PLASTkiREl3llOUBl3.'wiib acne „Ig" .. and a half, ittory,.batik •bui !ding,' mid iii 11!„ • traitor under both;nll-in - goo order. - The house contains eight rooms, 'and an musullen! garden. •• No: 2.;, ad jo ningthe abotiqr, I:leCtfreitt by .1.46 feet'deep to lidd. alley, hay tag, erected cm it, a two story ,Plaiktereil House . couttni9ini; four rootna,und having a good garden variety of Otiotee trait No. 3.i adjoining-the above, 24 , fgo,in front and 240 Feet deep to said alley, witlgrfiyo story : Plastered House, with cellar and garden. No. 4., a lot OEI2 feet front by 240 ft' deep to said alley, with a two story Plastered, House, well liaished and a gdod frame stable on the hack of the lot. Also a variety of fruit trees in the garden. • No. 5., a lot of 52 feet in front,.by 240 . feet deep to said alley, on whirl, is erected a two story Plastered ,l-lonse, with back build ' ings bake oven,wash bouse,cistern &Indim - Ip. he hotted is fiiiished in first rate aisle. There is a, stable and sheds on the bock of the lot. The lot con tains great deal of shrubbery with over one hun dred choice granted fruit trees. No. 11„ - a lorof 16 feet in front by 240 feet dreg to said alley, with a new two story Brick Ouse, and back buildings, with cellars under t.l4m nil. No.• 7., a lot of 16 feet front and 240 deep, with a new Brick House, same as the a bove, and stable. No, 8., a lot 83 feet in front and 240 4, 1 1, with a Large two story House, well finish throughout, with mute large rooms, large kitchen, stable, and other out buildings. The garden is lance and contains A vartety of fruit trees. The one half of a will and pump near.No 8 will be sold. All the above properties are in good repair, and most of them newly' built. They will he sold very low nod on reasonable terms. For furl .er inforntation enquire of either of the Sub scribers • R. E. SHEPLEY, sr .Jane 8 1853 It. B. SIIEPLEY, jr., TEIIO NEWPORT MILLS FOR SALE. 'rum subscriber will sell hy tL , Private Sale, .1 the following described Mill Property, to wit : Nine acres of Land 'situate in Oliver township, Perry county, adjoining the flour ishing borough of Newport. The improve ments are a litres and a half Story MERCHANT AND GRIST MILL , with two water wheels, propelled by Little Bullalo Creek, a never-failiog, stream, __with - four run of stones, smut machine, merchant mid-country- bolts, Plaster 'Screw -and all the necessary machinery belongir. thereto, Saw 11i11,2 story Frame DWELLING HOUSE, with an excellent pump at the door, stable and all the necessary out houses. The said im provements, with the exception of the Mill; have been made new within the last two years. The Pennsylvania Rail Road passes through this property, and the Pennsylvania Canal pas ses within five or six perches of it. Sa:d Prop erty is within sifity perches of the RR Depot Newp rt, and nature has made Newport the depot of Perry county, As a beautiful home, or a profitable investment no property so deal rattle has over been offered for sate in this county. ABRAHAM RISSER. Jnne 8, 1853. 3m. J. W. EBY AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION 6 'Saxton Mends the Column." :1 PFEIL days and nights of unceasing toil and trouble 1 have succeeded in marking and arranging' my new stock of HA IL D. W A , nod °hating') there has been a tre. mendobs rush of customer, who.know where to deal on reksonablii terms, and who appre ciate toy old habit of selling cheap without making much fuss about the inatter.! 1 din constantly making robin fOr now customers to drop in and examine what is undoubtedly the LA ILO I' AND BEST assartmont of goods ever offered west of Philadelphia, and .embra eing everything usually found in a Hardware Store, from a needle to an anchor, all of which aro of the 11}3.91 quality and will be sold at prices which cannot . fail to eatisfaction, TO CARPENTERS &. BUILDERS, 1 , 1 , 1%11,1 , 1,1y that ink stock of cross cut. band, panel ripping and back saws, br.ght, black and , bl ue augurs,. chisels, planes, locks, hatchets, hinges, screws, straight necked and bar oohs, broad, pointing and chapping noes, iron and stool squares, rules, tape measure's, levels. &c. cannot Mil to please the most fastidious. FARMER 6' Can be accom.n ;lased on the most reasonable terms with Durkee's celebrated York plows at L a 5 37. Also Plank's, Craighead'a and others' at manufacturers' prices; spades, rakes, forks, Auvels. grass and grain scythes. (Dunn, Dor hog and (,milias m tke.) Patent mid common snaths of halfa cloicen diGrent kinds. Grain Cradles, (Gregor's, Plank's, Craighead'h and C bach's make,) at reduced rates. Also grindstones. cutting boxes, chain cistern and force pumps, halter, breast and log chaise. slut gle and double traces and spreads Cedar ware_ such as rubs, buckets, bowls. water kegs, to gather with an everlasting assortment of table rind pocket cutlery, spoons, shears and 862. ECU'S. CalldleTiCkß, snuffers, shovels; and tongs, kettler, pane, Sad irons, waiter,s, brushes, &c, which will he cold by alas wrignh loud, ton yard' bushel or in the ordinary way, Then comae friends, give us a call and see fat yourselves., We'll wait on yon with pleas ure, and give you bargains of which .You can't complain. Remember the place, East High Street, opposite Ogilby's June I, 1853, HENRY SAXTON. 134133.0.A.1NS I .IEIARGAINSI! - At OCILItYIS Wholesale and Retail EMPORIIJR7. AM now renewing my second supply of B. Summer Goods, and will sell them Watteau. _or _than any other house in the county. It is • istipessiblu to enumerato—auflieo it to ray, that; our stock of Dry Goods is immense; embra ' cing every arrticle in the line, add at pricer astonishingly, low. The Lidieti"patticularly are invited to call and ejamitto our new stock of .elegant DRESS GalODS—Crape Shawls, Bonnets, Ribbons, Needle Work, &c., &c • Our assortment of Gentlemen's Wear. is full and ermoletc, consisting of . Cloths. Cassimeres, Cashmarets; - Vestings; -- Cottonnadeo, &c. &c. CAPPETINGS & IMATTIN CS. A full as3ortmont of Imperial, Ingrain, Cotton and Venitian Carpetiags. Alattings every quality and width. Also a now and largo assortment of Ladies' and .Children's :antra, Jenny Lind and Bus kin Shoes at very .ow prices. Roe 'Peet tho' Jld stand." East Multi street. June 1, I. CHAS. OGILI)Y• , Corner of flanover and Louther eds., Carlisle. TIE undersigned has always on hand a large stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the different styles, which he, is nrepared to sell at the lowest prices. •He invite; attention partic• ularly to the Patent Spring Bottom Bedstead, a most useful arttele, :which ont`rely obviates all objections. The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given entire" satisfac tion to all who have them in use. • irr COFFINS made to order nitho shortest notice. 7.15 A. hi 7.47 8:25 • 8.59 9.51 10.00 • - JACOB I..ITTER Carlisle Jan'y. 22, 1851.—IY• Extensive Furniture Rookie. TA MEg R.WbI'AVE R, would reerectfully call the attention of House Keepers and the public to hie extensive stook of • BLEAM NT' ItNITU RE: including Solos. Warombee. Centre end other Tables, Dreasing bout pluin Bureaus add every otlik article in hie branch of intsiness... Also, now on hard :the largeet sortment of.C4IIRS in Carlisle, at, the loWest p r i c e s .-, irrColline made at The shortest notice skild'a Hoarse provided for funerals.. He sidle. its a Milkat hls'ostablishment on- Hatch lia'oo. ear street, near Glnett'sHOTEL. N. 8.-Pur niture hired out by the month o,r year!. Carlisle: Hera 20. Estatil of 'E. batattidsolf; . dee!d ETTEkS:of Aa.minjetrt!tion.mtl.c, eitale "CA ,fif P.:LEA:4OIw Dinutormkt,,lnie:Ad.h7,igini ci, ant y; mo o , decemod,,.iipire beuygrionivr to theitukaoritler rpFitimg iu, env likler . caving estrkfc p ic4cni thorn. for piettlemoint, and. ,those'. indebtra p ‘ rT requested-co pliymenrio ; • • • SAM' r. JunoB „ , ..illtereliancotto FOR 'SALE. ancou • • Spring : 8c Salami* -.160108.:of , 1101811 = U." ; • • : • • . _ . ..• • . . G'-'6'J.-KELLER desre. . resPob tfally'ioin form.their customers - and friends that they are now supplied with a great variety or ; . . HATS - AND- CAPS . .. for:Spring—and-Sumtner.utio.-°- -In -addition so a beautiful spring style of Bilk.tlats and thttlx extensive assortment of light .and.colitured slouch hats . they ivuuld call particular Eaten- Jinn to theiv.l'anamtY, begnorti,Chip.anciStraw Hats jtist received from. ; Me cities. Theiras4 morttnontis large and for heauly . of styl e , t meel.. lence of finish and :ownesi of price. they can not be surpassed. A large. assortmeat %;ays, exclusively fur summer wear, constantly op hand. A leo a carefulv, selected astiertment ol CHILDREN'S HATS. . w e meet respectfully invite the. eitisens,of Carlisle and. vicinity to call and examine.our .assoitmont nt the .old, stand, opposite to the Telegraph Mlle , rimy iThw DRUG STORE!!! ' South - Honorer Street, Near the Court House. B F E O ' ildt, cu z t: n t, 9 o w it ei c i ld roepect vicinity therlie he - hoe opened new • CHEMICAL AND DRUG ;STORE., Hie stook is entirely'ncw, and has been selec ted with great care. Ad many Of the articles in daily use by physicians and families deteri orate by age and exposure, erear care will . be taken not to allow such Miteles 03 accumulate in such (identities. • Al Lennon Weaned:illy inithrid.to his stock of Medicines, Essential Oils, Oils,Tinentree, Wines, Extruct, , , Contectiong; Chemicals, ;Ilegother with the above he Imo a lull assortment of Paints, Varnishes; Dye—Stuffs, Paint and Varnisb"B rushes, and CONFECTIONARIES of every variety. 'He has also otihand a splen did assortment of • Perfumeries, Soaps, 'Extracts,; Fancy, - Hair. Clothes and Flesh Brushes, 'Suptiorters, Cr. naT bishausters, Nipple Shields,' • • • 'Foo.h Washes and Pastes; also•' - MEDICINAL WINES BRANDIES; of the best quality. SEGA It.SO - rotri the beat Havana and Spanish houses, a. everj - illtivor, from one'cent upwards. • In order to ensure his customers agairlst mistakes during any tempornray. absence of the proprietor, the services of aii experienced and competent 'assistant haVe•been secured, - which will be felt to be important, in view of therespensibilitics which are known to devolve upon the druggist. r•CI•PIIYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be faithfully and promfilly.• atfentlthi-to.— Orders from; Physicians and nerchunts in the country will be filled with care, and at prices . which must,prove satislactory;. N: B.—All officinal prdparinions made in strict accordance with the directions of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. • • • , . A liberal , share of public pet - renege in fee partially solicited.. Terins•Cash. May 11. 1853. R. J. KIEFFER. CBLP'R PATENT PORTABLE .071DMEt. MILL 'Axon PaMak rrui. E undersigned having purchased the right of Franklin and Cumberland coun ties, Pa,; and Washington county Md. for CU,LP'S PATENT I'OP TARLE CIDER MILL' AND PRESS ere new manufacturing machines under the immediate, supervision at henry Shepler, n pructical.millwright. Orders will he received aibd filled with promptness.— All machines will be warranted. By this machine, tvbieb can be conveyed oa a wheelbarrow, one man and a boy can make from five to eight barrOls a Cider a day,with use, and the eider is thoroughly pressed , from the pomace. The labor is light tied the ma chines aro simple and permanent. This machine was exhibited at the State, Agricultural Fair, ist Lancaster, and tested with several others, and the tommitteC awarded the premium to it. Tho machines are warranted to perform whet is heroin stated. Orders aro respectfully Si:dirket!. B.The press connected With the ma- chine den be. used- for pressing currants, and cutting vegetables for feeding stock. 7ACOII HOICK FIENR , r SIIEBLER, May 11, 1553. gm . Cbarnbersburg Parasols and Sunshddes. JUST received a handsome lot of Parasols and Sunshades. . 'EM tillett F-I#. Alen, a large 11E1.41)1.1mM RlCells, Ondersleerei Spencers, Collars and Ruffling, for sale cheap: SPRING SHAIVLS - Also, n lot of hanclsonte Spring Shawls. for sale very cheap. _ _ FANCY GAITERS Also, Black and Fnn.•y Cololired Gaiters, jus received and for sale low etthe now'end chest, store of IVEISE St 'CA IVIPBELL. pl 26,16,53. Lined Buck Gloves, THE: subscriber has on liandMen'a BUCK GLOVhIS, lined wi , h Sheep ,kin ' suitable for diving gloves. j 111)19 U. W. MTN EP Cheap itoves The subscriber hds just opened another in voice of the bust quality Paris Kid Gloveq, a the low price of 1321 ets. per pair. GEO. VV: BONNETS ! BONNETS! 50ny BONNETS just received, of prices 0 , ti orn 37 cts up to $5 00. • Ribbons nod Triniminis to match 'mem - unruly low PARASOLS, An immense assortment just recoivod,from eta up to $4 50 DRESS GOODS, The Indies are respevil'Ully invitod to ,examine our lame-lind elegant stock of Dress Goods now opening , at Okr,ilq's Einvoritim, . OARPE 4 TINGs & MATTINGS, The largest andelleapest lot of Carpets over brought to Carlisle:- Also 4-4, 5-4 & 6.4 white end coloured Matting, now opening and selling. lower thria no) - other store. In the county , at Carpet pall. • BOOTS & S'BOES, Several thousand pairs now opening and sellint at prices that its.tonish 'everybody Only 87 cents for n pair of Slides nt th&Chenp . Bazaar. CLIAS. OGILBY. Carlisle, Apl:2o, 1853. SPRING .FASHIONS , . FOR 1853. . Art EORGE KELLER respectfully nnnoun. ! lOr cos to his old Patrons and the public, gen erally trod he bits 'just received the Al SPRING STYLE OF GENTLE-. '---- - r 'MEN'S HAT,S , .. minufrietured at '.--, • ~. one of Ac . b 911.. eqtabliniunepts: in ',,i. "i'sit-,;—..v.• l'hiladelpfiia, to . whlch ho tovites special attention. . Ho has oleo constantlyon Wand a hirge and varied assortment • al hiqown:matinfadture as well as city made , ' , • MEATS AND CAPS. ~. . suitable for he season.noOtprising every vati c). t of Russia, lltiover, Molee'tin and Silk Hats, finished in the latest styie,together with a lull assortment of Cape of every shape and' des cription, and at every' price . Be particularly invites the public to call and exarnine-hie exton -Give assortment, which in style s -material and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in ; mar et, and which ho is able to p'ut at prices lime_ r t an ever. (0-Itemember hisnlil pond 'on IsA nit Hanover street, between Hun - tees anti Saner's' stn ei, - - • . [Juno Il : For the Little, Foßs; TWILL° W'•'C On:CHES, 2 and 4' wheels, V V aleo-Vheel barro , 4 Waggoita, and A general neeorrnient coUroya, • • 2 ,f.FRUITS 'AND - NUTS of the latest impcirtalions, 'eciineatfng of Oranges, 1-/einaus,, Raisins,' Prunes,, Pine Applen, Filbert, Pates, ,illonntla Cream, , Cocoa, Yemeni:m(l Ground Nuts MINERAL WATER, "ROUSSE%L"3;" "'Sparkling and just received and for tiO , 3,A ilia Cnilfectiooary storo of P. MO N•Yeli,' muy I , •• • 'North, Iftus.sst at: REIIVIOVA.Z." "1r 01 , 7G4ITRETII ,& I.lll.olliElehtive motel' MA directly opflositar•ilte old nano, to the su-• parlor, five story stare; N ot3,•Tliirt!, Street, oral are now fully' prepared to ualtilill to thepublic . tot ' un'entlnoisell 1 !curlew. - uf:lW Al:4 .:I'P4P3 V from i be.,1,1%VR6t 11l kyd ' A tno•letto.nt4urttatury,' to the Ea.:dish owl Vrttnelt.,frotn trnt irull=ltmoin 113tites of lialaaourt, Zatior atid otltayp,"l , pall'atitl -sea 11001 . 0 purl:basing', '.Tlitl most ~ .polita dad el'- .Itoient.,worliotot“atittqayfd!..46saiiio,be - p'stier; '. • Pltilatirloula, 11114it'At' ''4 '•• .- ' '-: ' • -: A Word- to th 9 ilpg y 1.1-., , , 1! . ~.? ftiQ Ely , ri.,1). - ; I hiKdoi, o itoei fp'ini:cfriciip, 1 16 nail q9lll).l , iiii ,etrid,' fdiipy,;S.lfii" ',I:1[1E11i! I Isms; 511 pieoeti,'.slWai' Itl.:':P'''.64, in . store Quit totiaalo 'ahem), .tor - (4101 n 1016. ',....11mi1i gri.- ::CerY ,'.,•'_ ,• : •:-,'• • 111;0 0.40. G.. W.114,1AM CP. ''• • MarOll24o 1003 .. ,'• ', ' iltitirk44ll.loree).. Academy: - Near Maisie Pa. PTIIIE:I4th (five. menthe) •vidll,o,om . U.mende.lll4 2d; "rit buildings are,how' and, extensive oder erected last The 'dietitian ~is that can bodes red fur health' fulness end moral purity Removed- from - the exciletnents of Town or Village th Student may here phipare for College, Mercantile par sails, &c. All the branchet are'. taught which ge to'form a liberal c dinar 0n. , •• A.,,conscien , nous; diaCharge of duty has secured,, under Providence. the present flourishing ' coodition of the Institution. Its future prosperity shall be mitiatanod hy,the same. means. , • '...Terma4Boartrarid (Per ' •' $50:00 CataNueewith full information address • -Principe/ & Proprietor.' Plainfielcr, s Cumb, Co. 'Pa. - ' Onmbeciand Valley institute. A Meet Boarding S'iloal embracing bra 'distinct and seperate Departments, ;flak s k Female. . • REV. J. s. LOOSE, A.. M.' PkincOa/. ►oIIIS Institution will' hereelter occupy tht H. new and' commod:ous edifice, Just erected fur its acemomodation. alits buolditt'ais;pe culistrly-idapted to meet the wants of both de• Partinents: ,The rooms. are large and well ventilated, and the whole. .housu_is...warmed with a heated air furnace. wl.ich is especially hebithfut. "' 'lt is Ideated on an eminence near the bor ough of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, Pa., v ith ample grounds, handsomely laid um and ornamented, surrounding it ; physical exercise end to amusement in the open air. %Very facility for nn nccornpliclied.' mei Menial education is here offered that . can be found at any smiler Institution in this State. TERMS. • Bonn' and Tuition, per session, Gf.o 00 • Music and Ornaniental Branches, extra The Sunni - ter Session will open on the f:lcl cf May, and continue twenty one we 4.4.15. BOARD OF INSTRUOTORk. Rev. J. S. 'Loose, A. M., Professor of Moial Science and Anuictir Langones, Henry Com fort, Maintain ; Miss L. O. \Volker, Principal of Female Departinent nnd teacher of Jltisja Miss----Assistant; Mr. lidn:fird .Professor of Modern Laneunoes ;' J. 13. Ilcr oia.e, M. D., Lecture!. on Physiology and Laws of Ilertlib. For " Circulars" containing references and urther porlictilors adil ‘ tpse.iliO nine . i ru j,. ~ Xechanicsittirg, ,' . Cumberland Co., Pa. March 30 1553. WIMEIII 7.1434aii Three miles West qj Harrisburg, 91 HE Filth Session of this LIPtiLIIIiOIIWiI commence on MONDAY, lie 2d day May, next: , Parents iindtuatdians are re'ques. ted to inquire into the mums of this Institution before sending diets tens or wards elsewhere. The situation se retlred,pleasant, healthful, and convenient of access.- , The coarse ocinstruc tion will embrace the different branches of a thorough English. Education,together with the Latin,. Greek, French, Gernitin, Spanish and Portuguese Languages, and Vocid and Inetru • mental Musiet The Principal will be assi&ted by fort well qualified Tenci,ont, via two in the English Drenches, one in Penmanship and Drawing, and one in hlusic and the , Modern Languages, Boarding, NVashing,Tuition in the English branches, &c., per ses sion (5 months.) $5OlOO Ancient-or Modern Languages, each, 5 00 Instrtunertal Music, " 10 On For Circulars and otherinformivion address 9. DENT.INGER, Principal. mart White hill, Cumberland cottnty, MSURELNC.E. The Allen and East Ponnsbnrnagli Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland coun ty, incorporated by an Act of Assembly, ie .nowfully organivid,.and in operation under the management of the felloreing;commissien era, via „ Jacob Shelly, Wm,lk Gorge's, Michael Cock Meloholr Brenne Christian Stay. maii, Christian ritzol, Jac Fl. Coover, Lewis flyer, floury Logan, Bonjimin U. Musser, .la, cob Kirk; Samuel Nowell, Joseph Wicker. Blume. 'The rates of insurance aro on lour and favor able ssany--Company of the kind in the State. -Rererdis wishing to become members are in• Vited to application to -the floats of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. 13'.3NJ. EL 31033E1, President. flßinv• Lon.ta, nee President] Lewis flyer, Secretary : Michael Cockl hi, Treasurer. AGENTS. Cumberland Coup/y:—Rudolph Martin, N. Cifinbarland ; C. B. Berman. KingstoWn", Hen ry Zearing, Shiremanstown; Charles Bell, Carlisle; De. J. Ahl, Churelitown ; Samuel Crab in), West Penrisborough; Jaines McDow el, Fruoliford ; Mode Griffith, South Middle ton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Ilaverstick, Nlechanicsburg; John .Sherrick, Lisburn ; ua vid Coover, Shepherdatiwni. Tort- COllll ty. —John Bowman, Dillsburg ; Peter Wolferd, Franklin; John Smith, Ban., Washington; W. S. Picking, Dover ; Daniel itafreneberger, J W. Craft, Paradise. //arrisburg.-I:ouser & Lachman. , Memberii of the company hoeing policies admit to expire can have them renewed by making application. to any of the agents. Nov. 24, Iy • Gas rizturos and Lamps. KR - EID RICK,IIOIIN EY 8t 11110.,N0 22l Al -N. 2d Street, near Vine, , having hod many years practical experience in the business and all work sold by us is mattufac• tured under oar immediate sopervision,,vve arc enabled to offer to purchasers superior articles In every branch of our trade. At our Store may -be' found in every variety of style and finish. Gas & Lamp CHANDELIERS, PEN- D A N 7' S, SIDE 'RACKETS for Halls, Chureltds, &c; the Improved Pine oil Lamps, together with a fins assortment. of Fluid, Lard, and Oil Unzips, Girandules Parlor Night and Reading Lamps, Bo q uet Holaers, etc. 04 hand Lamp Glasses, Globes, Wicks, shades etc, All work warranted, or no sale. Factory No. 36 Noble stroot,tnear Fourth. Eetnember— Store No 221 N:tfrd St., next dour to J Stewar Depny'd Carpet Store. ittiy2o • Real ,Esta.te at Private" Sale. - , PriH R itubseribei offers at Private Salo The 41 ; Farm on which ho now lives, situated ip South Aliddleton township, Cumberland cootli• ty, about tyro miles South of Carlisle, con taining 30 acres more or less- of first•rate limestone land, all undo , ' good f ence a din a high state of 'cultivation. The improvements men , doable two story Stone.llouse, lately re paired. te Bank Barn, Stone Spring House and other Outbuildings. There is aloe a line or• - chard of choice fruit. Running water through 'the whole place. It is a very desirable prop. arty in every respect, especially t,r a flenry form. i Persons desiring topurattitm are re• i quested to call and examine t.• • . Anyi13,1853-9w„ . ' ELIAS JOHNS. T" great agony is over. It tea fixed fact - - that' we are to have Water and Gan. .Great exertions' require a. corresponding degree . of repose, and nothing is en tranquilizing as a " elice".from Phipps, Gardner & Co's . cele• !mated Sugat.Cured irmvis,. or a chipirom Davis &'Coe Sugar-Cured BEEF. A fresh supply just received at the Family Grocery, M,y125.' J. G. WILLIASIS. . Mineral Water, Saroaparilla, . • ~ TEM subscriber would resgeetfuilyannouneS 10.the,clOaniss of.Corlislo and the community at large„thatlio has chnamerseedthe ,nisputrass: lure or IV ineral .Wat ere and &awn; illaitr tl l O very teat.flavor and ganltty, and the bottling uf Porter,, Ale, anti, Cider. Heatsfully and, ainplyprenared to furnish. all,ordert, promOr and with despatch, and hopes bY strict attention to business,_ to yeeeiya .thutThoentiiiiin doe to onterpriep, which he resp.istAilly, asks.. Rust- . done* in-- Main. Street near:, the; Rail Rgaii Bridge; . .;:, etf.01101.: :.tt • .*;•tt ; ;. zarrzi , xlvtlitnaliz.T6.l3; lIF uriderai~neil'hnvin been the 5 1r. • -2tttet...koyAtsitto,l;ift3'„Jtjekrottt.i.i qi tiarrisli4rg, moiottes to too it) (th;;;ly',.,by'..,aittlipt:o.y, ~P I(A t d: in euph.pi i.sr4,nit" .111.91A,(1ppit, 4 i he At64. , tfitt?Alve: 'sepia groig.rign to, t,hcli'r',boienvfprkttliimf p . 61E414409 'efts° dr. ctektil; , `:C } Piv . bil',W.9iit PPm 7 'crott.StrciOt; EU ME , TERMS WATER AND GAIL ,*!ores ''t;r-.P).-O,P,:!' • , -. :New Goods!! New oods ,-•• rilgE subscritier, havinglastl,returned from, 'the:city Offers to - his-ceritomers and this public in general's large , undwbl , l itelected as sortmont,ol Gaudies t -Fruit • Nuts;-&.-,, , wbich for.price and.quelity ertn't•be beat. :We , have constaiftly . on hand and manufse-' turiii6'CANDlES'el a Superior _quality, crin-. Sim n'g l ol' stick candies of all kinds. " • -Mint,•Lemon, Chocolate & Gum:Drops, ._ Fruit, and _Nuts-of -all .kinds, such as - - • Oranges:- Lemons, Figs, -Ralsons, Dates., - Prunes.' Almonds, ' Englrsh Walnut's; • Cream Nuts,Filberts .Ocicon Nuts, •'!' California Afripati.Broond Nu a kg' - Also a:large assortment or • Willo'w Cradles, Cabs,' Coaches. Ed'e..• Accordeons from 25 eta to sit), Butter, Sugar, anti , . Water Creche' 8,- Cavendish: Congress, Ws Millers and Goad wily; Fine-cut Tobacco, and a variety Of 'other • goods. From the liberal , patronage hertufore exten ded to him he hopes to, receive a continuance of the same. irr'Remember the place, oppo site MARION BALL. • April 5'7,4853."' A. S. WORMLEY. • nmactov.az, JOHN I). GO RG AS:hereby informs his old . friends and customers that he has removed his TIN WARD AND STORI3•ROOiMS to the room lately occupied by Alr. J. W. kluy as a Gr - vaeu:Staiv; 66 Main street, where ne'will a■ heretofore manufacture and keep coaetautly in sto.e every descrip ion of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, • made in the best style and at the very , lowest prices. Good c tirkmen and the Very best ma terial always einplo id. so as to ensure entire satisfaction. SP.OUTIN'G and JOB-WORK done at-the shortest notice, in a superior man ner, and at fair prices. Also, in etore at all seasons a large and attractive variety of PARLOUR AND COOKING STOVES, comprising every new and fancy ; ;style, of all prides- and sizes, adopted to burning either wood or coal. Ilisassortment of stoves he in= tends shall not he surpassed by any other es tablishment; comprising a score or rnore of difkrent styles to suit all tastes. 'Thankful to his friends for the patronage so long bevrowed upon hint,st his old stand, he respectfully in , rites a call at his new establishment, confident that his large as aortment cannot rail to pl se. April ‘.4 , 1855 J OITN D.. 6 ORGAS HARD WARE- SPRING SUPPLY. HE subscriber-wishes to draw the oven- Lion 'of the public to t belt own interests, much they may consult to good advantage by examtning the elegant and cornplete assort ntentof liaidwzire of every description, 'which he is now reeeivitigat his tdd stand on North Ilanover'street. - TO CCVAOIIMAKERS We have a largo supply of springs, hubs. bands,' laces, curtains, and Hear oil cloths and drab cloths, of ditiere - at qualities, in !nut every thing in your line. Gas, TO GABINE.T.MAKERS . We offer aomplete rottsveneers, knobs and mouldings of walnut and . mahogany., to sal both the taste and the purse. EA RP LINT E RS EXAMINE tlie splendid ussor meat of tools in. your as also it complete stock of building materials, such as locks, hinges, screws, latches, glass, paints, oils, varnishes; turpentine. &c.,and va rious carpenters tools cheaper ,ban ever, as has been acknowledged by a'carpcnier who. has seen them. BLACKSNITtIiS ' cannot go wroogin giving us a call for a Sup— ply of hammered, rolled, slit and other iron, generally used, as also cast, shear American and English blister Steel, Sz.c. dcc. OUR .FARMER FRIENDS will, also consult their interests by lotiking at our cheap shovels, forks:trace chains, Inane , and . .eve'ry other article 'trom -a .cradle to a ploaqh,to suit then) in:pries and quality. • THE PUBLIC GENERALLY • are also invited to examine the quantity and quality now on hand or cedar ware, tubs, churns, buckets, oils, such as fish, sperm and flaxseed Oils, which will be sold at the loWest cash prices. I would' also call attention to my , splendid assortinebt - of WALL' PAPERS, pre.enting a numberless variety of Patterns at 'prises from 6 eta. upwards. Remember there is no mistake here, as all articles will be sow at the lowest cash prices .at the old and well 'known stand en North Ilanover street, East eke, between McGlaughlin's lintel and Kell er's fiat - Store. JACOB SE:4ER. march 16 FASHIONABLE . . Clathin - g .3}lous-e. 1 1 1 HE subscriber is now haying made 1. large lac of very superior (;1,0 which he is tictertninetl to soil as low if not lower Eh in any other house in •the country.— [Lis stock wilt consist of— . . . . Fine Dress, Sattinett,•Fack. and Overcoats Cassirnore Set:filet and Vidvet Cord Pante, Sdin and bacareere Vocally, &c: Alas, Gloves. Oosiery,,Suspenders, Cravats Shirts. ShirtColitirs ' I.7nOvellae, fiats, Caps Merino Shirts and Dra‘vera, &e. I will !I. al 11 , 0 is keep a .food assortment of Cloths C.lassimores and Venting& on hand, whi..h will be wade up to order in the hest and most htshiort able style. I have as forema'n of this estatilishineut a practical tailor,..one who 119 hal considerable experience in the heel 'lo93. and in nut surpassed . as a cutter in the borough or C irliele. Ail garments made to inler warranted to fit end well made, ir not, to sale. I dot now receiving direct from Philadelphia it fresh assortment of ( loths, Cesnimeres and V ()stings, to whi"h• I invite the attention of ny numerous old customers toil the public in general. All in want of ,:heap and 4441 g trments will do well and save money by ealling and examiningthis stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show the gods. .12.ecolleet the stand next door to !lurk holderq lfatel. Make no mistake just one door front the corny.. sep29 . •CfiARnES-0011.01r.—. THOMAS H, SKILES' NIIIIXTOrZIErNct , ROOMS AND FURNISIiiNG'STOREI, Oiliosite the Rail Road Ogice, West High Street, . Carlisle. -g - 1 H. SKILES desires to inform his old E • friends and the ntibli 'that he has opened a general c!othing establishment. and has now. in store an extona ivo stock, of the best and chemist gmds ever offered in Carlisle. Youth's and Bors clothing, for Spring, Simmer and Winter wear, new on hand of every variety and furnished at reduced .rates. Ho has alma large and,,,well selected assortment of -Piece Goods, of English, French nod German Fabrics; of new and b9ruititufitat. - terns, .for comr..pants and vests, which' will- be made to order in the'most 'approved and rash. losable monitor and in asuderior - style of work. mattshin. A full and elegant stock of Gentle men's• Furnishing Goods; such as gloves, plain and fancy shiria, collars, handkerchiefs, ties, .Ste., constantly kept on hand. :Also • India Rubber oYereova and Leggins. • • • Feeling confident Irom the reputation which it has been his constant aim' for a course of yearilo 'secure for hiSestalifiskment, 'tif his a• bulky to please, he respectfully, invites ',ex. amination of hie stock,which f or qualiiy,work• manship and low prices cannot be surpassed. May 4,48537-Iv. . „ Estate of • Michael Alatthe' ws, .. - iviYNCE is hereby given thm letters 4 Ad /11' ministration, with the 'will aniiexed; on the estateof Jliehnel Matthows,late of CariLle, Cumberland colunty. deed, have been granted by the Regime' , of said county to the, subscri ber, resiring,in the same place.; .All persons indebted to this *said estate are required,to make immediate paytneat, and those hsvinglelaima will present thorn for settlement to • , JACOB STROM, 'M4.111853 Adm'r. To Coach and Cabinet .1%,101#8;,! - subscriber is fully,[prepared !to meet their' wants with an enlarged stock of hardwire in their lino r raabracingcastiogs,•,sp.rings, aslga,‘'hands; patent lerdhorilaces,-catiam and ihor . clot h, •st.c. ;walnut and mahogany vOricers, glatui•and • Hinkel/Joy knobszof: all sizes !and patterns; large lanpalir , of !.verhislies; nile, turpentine, at , such prices'. that', will -make it thilirintarest;to givelhim the'preference. , "Tiv9/1. , : ! 43 A XTOK. • Estate' of Jane 'ha wool; y urt B:of A d in' at ra cal ilia - aka N or .I,'Ocar.:' , WiWirona,lai e J • ia Miami Co: , ; Ohio. de,renenci, have -bean granted la Ilielq11)• lag alaima against 'OHM:ow:tie will pretwal 'hem indelilethara•requas .64l9.Aifii.9,lMiSoillatertiimiim- . • . r : Adm r. • ". tonne • ea erg • • ':froi liad just opencil' , nn imoir•Q It iMI half ilia usual prieo.Y , Aliihla cliaap : lat a rlotmmi • - 1125'. ' '•`' -GECS I BEE Sumuzi; itt.toofts,. " 1 ' ' 001 t ; A 1 II OPRINOO/ .ripHE proprielet OF ibis place. feeindg highly • A- gratified .with the;ededesa which hue alien. ded Ins managemeny meet • during the. pet • timer>, bee:•ltirther ineresepd'hie. effortnn to render ,the 'place slid ibe•slieve eatablish- • accommodations sell more, inviting and corn. :forint:le, by adding a new_ large Bath Houle, with Summer Ilottse,S, 6ro. • - - , These Sprisiga - are situated - on - the-. - bunice Sherman's; and emilty raw Sherman'aiDreek - ;,.. a streem • associated with, the thrilling ocenes .. between the.early eettlers of that Part of Sylvania and Aborigines; whose hunting groued.. q c • lay op ,kts margin.- „The' qualities of the water of the W arm Springs aro most eitraordinaryy • indeed. se witch - sa, that cone his ever been neceriained 'in the United States km the speedY and perninnentcnie ot all erUptione of the e1tin,...4 and every species of OutuneoueDiseaeee. • Huh odredi of Dertifleatei• could be .produ c ed and - published, if requisite to the many cures Alms performed.. The Bething.llouses are 40 wren- ;;,. god not o use the water ei the different syringe: • some of which throw out ninety gallons Of wa ter to the minute. •.." • . . ' The Springs are accessible, bl this Central Bttln.ad to Duncanuori,•where a hue new coach is in readiness on the arrival of the ears to con. vey passengers' whq desire Pi.visit the. Springs, fourteen miles N., W of Duneannon. All per. 'fr , - ions lathe morning train.. of,cars can arrive_ at die Springe at..sm_cleek the 'same evening. The coach will commence running daily on and ,ofter the ifith of June; and continue dully 'during the, season; leaving the Springs every Morning so es to reach the cars going Elio and West. • All communion. lions far thd Springs should be directed to Dun cannon P. 0., and will arrive at the Springs doily' . The terms pf hoarding will be made moderate, and the hpardess can depend upon every attention paid - them. ,Shortnnti's Creek nffords delightful fishing. us wellas fine sailing i home, and horsrs and carriaged on hand Mr • riding out. The country affordefineioads for riding, and ihe scemiry is beamilid. The,dis- tance from Philadelphia to the Springs, 129 miles. Fare 51. 00, • ter A coach will run every Wedn • esday and Saturday to the Springs, leaving Carlisle on the arrival of. the cars from the East. The coach will start fe•im Burkholder's Hotel, but those • who leave their names will he called fornt their residences. if they desire it. Fare 91. jels • H. Fl. ETTER,. proprietor 1711EZITE EUZT1173.13. 83. 8323 GS Datibitni Gap, Fumbertmiel County,Penna THIS popular and delightful 'SttTimer Re treat, so Invoreirly known,. is situated at Doub ling Gap, in •thrs mountains whicfi form the northern_boundery of the Cumberland Valley, about 30 miles southwest of Harrisburg. The Springs are accessible from the Eastern cities by Railroad-'to Newville, via Lancaster, liar-, risburg and Carlisle'. From Newville the: Springs there 8 miles pf - send staging. Pan- - delvers leaving Philadelphia or tieltitnore in • the morning, will arrive at the -Springs about 6' P. M.; at a cost oflroin $3 50 se , Many heprovensente heretWeeronade-during the isqt year; which render the place still more aurae •• ave. There is n wide field hir huntivg--and'the. Trout•fishing in the . Big Spring at Newville ie . tire beat in the country. further minims- •• lam please address • SCOTT COYLE, Proprietor: - limo 2. 1 . 1853 ° Eegat an4.otber Noticco NOTICE. XTOTICE is hereby given that the CUM. BERLAND VALLEY SAVINGS teemed in Dickinson township, Cumberland county', will make" application to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an act of 'lncorporatton, - with a capital of not less than Ten nor mere than Thirty Tit:mann Dollard, fur the purpose of receiving deposits of, money both.transhory and on interest, and of making loaniihnd discounts, with such other [privi lege s as are usually gran ted to'Savinge Institutions. By order of the Directors. W NI. GA LBREATH, Treas. D. L. BEELMAN, Sec'y 102%6ml IWOILMCIi, N. is hereby given 'hilt application 1:11. will be made to the next .Legislature, agreeably to the - constitution dud laws of this Commonwealth, for,un alteration in the cimrter of the. Carlisle Deposit° Bank - , so us to confer upon said Bank the , rights and privileges of a bank of issue, and to'cliange the name to that of the " Carlisle Bank," -' By order of the „Board of Direetoro. - W. M. BBETEM, r June 29, 1852—Gm CAUTION.: CAUTION ! rirSAKE NOTIbE.—TO . e public in general, AL lint capeaially those who Wye suflered by the swindling operations of s set of scamps, who during the 6pritig and Summer et 1852 were industriously engaged' in putting, up so called LII fll NINC. ROLS. A new mode of swindling has been adopted by the same gang of operators. It is,this: hey are - trov- : ening about the cities as nett as the 'country, selling whatthe represent to be my magnetics points, or something bolter still. In some in stances they lows buceccded in gulling the un mistreating by taking off the pro,ter paint and placing one of their valuable and highly impro v,d points in its place: But strange to say they, were,- on examination, proved to be similar to those taken down. They are made of pewter, Lead, copper, cast ',and wrought iron, sonic of brass with .zinc hares- There - may be ninny more kinds uttered the public, bat the ramie I have been called on to examine, mid I protiounr ced thenouseleas :ma Worse than none at all- There is somethinOtrange shout these fellows —they know nothing of the former Company, and yet the points they carry fit the tops ol the rods exactly, and oven the thretid of the scren , is the same. I live conversed with two of these gentry 'within a few days, and I know them to be the same men that put up the some kinds of foils and points last season, only diff erent sections and under different names. Sirrne of these gentlemen carry rode with there - , and will sell either rods; points or both. To inerrant -further fraud I givo moire to all whom it may, concern,' that all Invagents carry. with thirn a regular printed form.,of Aley, signed by Eno, and acknowledged by ldermen ;Simpson 6t this city. All Orders wholesale or retail sent to the factory will Le attended to at the shisi test notice, and at the !Owes( cash prices. ' Weathervaincs,i' Scrolls, - Spireroda &c. &c constantly on hand, and made to order Faittory Vino*reot • nbcvc lath. junel.s. ;'TADS. AlzmiTA GE., Estate of Eliz.' dee'd. wrOnep is hereby given that Letters of Ad- IN Ministration on • the Estate of Elizabeth Bowman,' late of West Ponneboro roWnehiP. Cumberland County, deceased, have been gram , ted by the Regialot 9f said county to the sub scriber, residing in the same ton nship. All portions indebted to‘aiti estate ore requested to me'te payment, and,• those having :Maims will present them for sqtlement to SAMUEL DILLER,... Jane 23, 1853. ^ - Estate of Theodore .1. Sturm, dee'd. IpETTERS Ahministrulion the'Estate of Theodore J.lSturm; late of the' borough o dee'd, have been issued to the bet'. em ih r, residing in AO same linthugh. - Thine persons having Maims against the estate will present them fur setimment, and 'thosii indei t. ed will make pavin.unt to 'l7unmi• , Iftlay.3l, 1853 ' ad"' 24. Estate. Of Robert 'Graham, decd. LETTERS of Administration on-the amide .of Roma: Oaanor, into or„Oosof , dloion.loW,Mhfii.Euttitierland' County,, deed., have been4raelvi to the . sobsaritier, , residinir in Dieikneeq, tewnshiP,in said Ail persaato haying .olaimisagnirttoatiCeetetti will present Wein for saitloinent, mat ihet!eindeibli)l., aro reOeitted. to mike -inimediate paitinvitt ,to NSD~',~C~I, 7.LTOTLCE ia,herety• givan to iha'niembora, ;I,nap. rui 'Companyi" DlGVinobri . county, Pa'.iibut an lissiiszintentor five fi r cent bn ilia premitim not eiF(i( eitid.r'CorniAtiSe 'Wye" been atohoriicod by thn'Boird, whip ':pnlpiiStt'; in. bo, ) tallia . ."Collablaip .ap thcirixud, Atiebte oi '1.104 ''.tinilanrovliii shell! be_npliointed rn,c, raFeiviqg spple. By oid'ir, ?1" thelioard.. ' 4 1853: . • . , Sui,`Y/ I`r FER HANGINCh , • , I,I4 , ::HARN ;v0.11,1 "reipxtetfully ..1111 nnimen to the eitizette et•Carliall‘ that., be reeninmoneed•hin hiteineii,of dense lezingo and rower linnizi!iet , in aII , iiA`VOLIOVIII - branches. GrllMinar he il[Teil by nt.tilit , ntientipti.to'husitioni , tott,h4m e Itortunt ?Of: . Ain3roungt,i. „ Alan ,• • niteipttli'lh'9,lrianni,nn,nnd tutinta; 44,:t • aV iwnrit'ivatianthirghtidsir. no 14) , ,i'i 0 4 3 4/4 614 4 .401 CPi, 161, 0 ; ,'• 4 , • • &n 4„