- - • - -- - • ,F 7 ) _ _ , • rift-" " IS' egkr - 411114 , . -"\ }' /4- k 4: 4 1, 13 *4 ^ • i~ . m at - - - • 0 7. r•ktr* • - , . 4 4, V11 .41 ISE B . I6jEATTY, Proprietor. ear Do. WE. 31.• C. LOOMIS, WILL perform al ^ V 3 t14,-operations--upon-the - Tooth that tiro requi• rod for their preservation, such as t_;caling,Filing. Pl ugl i ng , &c, or will restore the loss of them, by insorttng Artificial "Fceth, horn astinglototith to a fall soft. IltY''ollico on Pitt street, a few ours smith of the-Railroad Hotel. Dr. Lisa, (i nt the last ton dm of Om v month. Dr. GMOILGE Z. 1116,"E.TZ, performiall operations upon the teeth 'that may be r e 'aired for their preservation. Artificial teeth tiserted, from a single tooth to anentire set, of the in )at scientific principles. Diseases of the inciatit art 1 irregularities carefully treated. Of Doe at the residence of his brother, on North Pitt Street, Carlisle 33.. S. 3. RXISFFER, OFFICE'. in North Hanovdrstreat adjoining Sir. Wolf's store. Otlice lioura't more par- Jularly from 7 to 9 o'clock, A. and from 5 to 7 o'clock. P. M. fiune 18'5 Jr 2. 301-IN 8. SPRIGerS, OFFERS his professional services to the people of Dickinson township, pritl q .,vicirsity, , Residonee—on the Walnut Bottom Road, one mile east of Centreville. fel4l ypd C. E, COLE, A TTORNE T LAW, will attend promptly to all usiness entrusted to him. °like in the room formerly occupird'hy Dam Irvine, Esq,, North Ilanover St, Carlisle. 6s April 20, 1851. GIEfOR(GrEI "Marts, JUS VICE OF THE PEACE. OF FICE at his residence, cornet of Main street the Public Squlre, opposite Burkholder's Hotel. In addition to the duties of Justke of ills Peace, will Attend to all kinds of writing, such as deeds, bands, mortgagee, indentures, articles of agreement, notes, &e. Carlisle, an 8'49. Frash Drugs, Medicines, &C. ac '•I have just received from Philadel. phia-and New York very extensive IrcW additions to my former stock, cing nearly every article of Medicine now in use, toge..aer with Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,— Bridles- of almost every desCription, with an endelss variety of other articles, whichl ant de tormintid to sell at the VERY LOWEST prices. All PhySicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested not to pass the Obl) STAND, as they may rest assured that every article wip be sold of a-good quality, ad. upon reasonable terms. - S. FILLIdTT, Main street. Carlisle. 6 ''Mas , 30 F. N. rcosrNsuenr.L, pOUSE, Sign. Fancy and Qrnotpental Painter, Irvin's (formerly Harper's) 110 W, . next (Init. to 'Front's Hat Store. He will at• tend promptly to all the :thrive descriptions of painting . , at re isonahle prices. The :various kin Is of graining attended to, such as mahog any, oak, walnut, &c.. in the improved styles. Carlisle, July 14, 1852-1 Y• COURGIhAEE AND RINGLAND, 7.l2t,tvii - Ata3unzia Tt:A it S -DI I L NEW...OLIMBERLAND. 7'1401.4 . '8P OR TaiTlo.ll TB.kl.iintlersigned'are now prepared to freight, 14A nterchandize fr,t; tVPhiladel ai,. phis and Baltimore, at re ' , 11 1 ' - duced rates, with regularity , and despaeh., k „l ',, DEPOTS. - Buzby - kga., 345 Market Street, Phila. Goirae'S.Mall, "Small's Depot,” 72 Nortl street, Baltimore. an2l WOODWARD & SCHMIDT. TAANSPORTAITION. tiE.4l/40,rligned aro now prepared to freight rig) To i rclinnd T in e Iron de Ipl and • - ni , agr-- " s a" a Baltianore, at re duced rutile, with regularity and despatch. :DEPOTS. Freed, Ward & Frett4,.3ls Market Street Philadelphia • A. 11. Burnitz, .704r . i1i 'Street, Bultimoro.. Michael Harr, North St'reet, Baltimore. • r 50p226 mD. R.I.I.OADS. :„ DIEN CLOTHING STORE:- THE sultscrlbcr has just returned from Philiitiolidtia with a wryy. choice 'soh:lotion of CLOTItSjt:C ASSI.SI EKES and VEST IN GS, pearl Drab, Brown and Marbled chith for OVER COATS. .11cSides a splendid lot of FANCY STRIPED C ASSI.MERES, which ho will makeup into coats, pants and vests of the latest styles. Ile will also keep Shirts, Drawers, Under Shirtr,,Shirt Collars, Gloves, Cravats, Hos), oyory, thing liept to a Gentleman's Furnishing Store;'" loving en• gaged the services or w: 8,, Piinxissott, a wolfltnown'cutter, Ito will be able to motto clethos to order in a superior manner, lle is determined not to be excelled by any in the county . as to makr, material or price. Our motto is not to be undersold by any. Give us a call at our store in South Hanover street, directly I,opposito Bentz's store, and see lo yourselves. paARLEs timtNiTz. no, 21085270,T, PILWRIVORIVX SCATAIIS. ' 'PURSE superior scales were invented by . Thomas Ellicott about 25 years ago ; they have been in constant use, and r r tir,safter various improvements are offiired by filo subscribers, rind warranted correct and unsurpassed for aceuracy and databiltty ; after a fair trialOf nat approbett, they can be returned. ' ..„ f t Scales for Rail Roads, Canals, Ilay, Cattle, Coal, Stores, and for weii , jung all kinds of Merchandise, manufacturetrat the old - estrib. Veiled s tand, JVint/i Street near Coates • Street Philadelphia 'ABBOTT & Successors to Ellicott Eg Abbott AGENTS. ' Tnumor k SttAtv., 333 Nlarkot.St., FitANr. Pove PratEville. [eentfillen] . W 'ILL . PJBpEi:,s. zo ; 000 rxnalist • - just opened the largek roisortment of WALL. PAPERS ever opened'in Cir. lisle, consisting al about 0,000 pieces of tiro latest Francis- mid 'Anieri can damns, 'ranging In price from 5 cis to $t 75 : also:Al/inflow Pa. •flars eel Fire• Screens, ,Plain C4den and Blue Papers; &a, POrsOno,wislilOg to purelsOie any of the'above earl 'Solis at least 25. per cent by ealing at JOHN' P:IXNE'S" liar lwara Sttire West Side,of.Nortll'llanovor , , . , Street, CailiSlO: • Oarlisle Vemale.Seelinary.• PAWN ' will commence 'the SitM WI SESSFON of their Sarriinary , on the second NfOnday• in April, in `a new and commodious school 'Timm, next door to Mr. .I,ooncird'4, 'North 'annoyer street. Insiruction , in the languages anti * rowing, no extra charge, n,' Moire tettglit, by an experienced toitaier;at a n extra eliargo,,• • .• • (Xept3tf) ; VirZNEl3..'4=lD zagirortic, ohialaga,- Ifebont ,Mascat, Grapo.'quica, Port and Anohor brand' champigno: Ariaoc 4 Boeton , Rant, • 'Singer r Bandy Gliartyßrindrv , P,aliv'Cogniaa and • Dark B ra „Holland Ilinnad Spar ANDLES norl'potind; . Syrup • nal - oilgra , MOLiALSE%tAVashing , Soda,: 0 . d r , Y. fryaon.limperini and BIatIWPP,A3; r 4% jan l uba'9l ? A l a- . f)t OatVit§l k oereti,ringolrPl.e and Cfllsl. 3AstNl2 I,fi t inik,„ ; _ ~3- o .itrvitlitr,..;. - :. - -I,PtSfek, . .11i . .TitiTtlirt',:' eity#lol4'... liolititi; -- .. Agtitil . lll.lo; . : $ll - si4pa. link OnI.OUI , . %innitittign. THERE ARE TWO THINGS, SAITHLORD BACON, WHICH MARE A NATION GREAT AND PROSPEROUS—A FERTILE SOIL AND BUSY WORKSHOPS,:—TO WHICH LET ME ADD KNOWLEDGE AND FREEDOM. —Bishop Hall - PO t'rltA 11`. AY TUE HON MRS. NORTON a An‘by hin lonnly henrth he ante. VIP shadow of a welcome dream Passed o'er his heart—disconsolate' Ills home did seem ; Comfort in vain was spread around, For something still was wanting found, Therefore be thought of ono whO might. Forever in his presence stay; Whose dream should he of him by night, Whose smile should be for him by day; And the sweet vision, vogue and far, Rose on his fancy like a star. "Let her ho young, yet not n child, Whose light andinexperienced mirth Is 01 ton winged and too wild For sober efirtli,— Too rnin . bow-like - such mirth appdars, And fades away in misty rears. ' "Let youth's fresh rose still gently bloom f - Upon he• smooth and downy check, Yet let a shadow, not of gloom ; But soft and meek, Tell that some sorrow she linth known, Tho' not a sorrow of her own. " Lot her be full of quiet. grace, No sparkling wit With sodden glow • Dtight'ning,hor.purely ohiaord face_ And placid brow; Not radiant to the stranger's eye,— A creature easily pass'd by; But who, once seen, with untold power Forever haunts the yenrning• heart, noised from tho crowd that eelf-sumo hour To dwell apart, All sainted and enshrined to bo Theidol of our memory! "And oh ! let MARY ho her 1311.1110- It Lath n sweet and gentle sound At which no dories deny to fame, Come crowding round, But which the dreaming heart beguiles With holy thoughts and household smiles " With "peaceful meetings, welcomes kind, And love, the same in joy and tears, And gushing intercourse of mind Thro' faithful years; Oh! dream of, something half divine, Be real—be mortal—and be mine I" 'Tis dimpled, white, and oh I so soft, That little fairy hand -It lies Within my own 'so warm, So-graceful in its petitelorm • No.Wordp I can command Will tell the magio, mystic spell ,t Which in thy hand cloth dwelle As to my burning lips full oft That little bond I press, • • Bestowing Love's caress Upon the flake of dimpled snow Which warm with life and youth cloth glow My lady's soft white hand. I lov, to mark the blue - yelps sAll, • Upon that little hand I Each finger tapers, round and fair, And by that much loved hand I swear, While I had my health or land, That gentle hand no ills shall know, No rude touch bid its whiteness glow, That snowy band- Isleve so well. Would it were now in mine, That I might , leOre love's sign, Ills signet, and his sweetest seal On that hand, which, thro' woe and weal, I'll love—my lady's band Father, you have a eon, a darling son. Iro . has facilities for good and for evil, and must act. Each capable of such intense action that both cannot net on a level; one must be in 'some measure subservient. Your son is now young; he has no habits, on principles, no `character. These must be formed, and you bare been appointed by Providence to super intend and assist in this formation. This you must do whether yon'will or not. The nature of the relation existing between yon and your eon render your non-p`articipatiom in the for mation of his character impossible. . rect ids innocent footsteps?flint would you Lave Lim become; -a man in form only ; pendent only of good, with feeble4avering energy •i hip self respect a mero low disgusting pride 7 You can easily train him for this, as ' a thousand have been and nro being trained, unless his mind is very for aboielho commOn ality. Treat him ne a, machine, impress it upon him that ho is a more tool, and he will soon become snob. Make him keenly feel his inferiority, check'all his aspirings; and like sapling bent to the ground, he will soon learn to grow doWnward. But if you would wish him to become , a strong minded, truth loving, whole souled man, treat him as, a man, tbnt is to be an equal. Draw out his hotter nature; strengthen all his aspirings for that which is high; and good. Teach him to curb his strong ;passions, and to attain that self control which enables'man to influence his fellow men.. Lot him feel that he , has the germ of the man within him, which need's only a right cultiva tion to mako it serviceable to himself-and mankind. - Teach him nt all times to bring his notions and motives , to the standard of right, and only right. - BD su'recthat he feel's cordi 7 dance in you .. as a sympathizing friend in all .cases. - Never elevate yourself or depress him :So that ho can approach you only with ari of 'lto has, histiiverld of joys and sorrows, hopes and fears, which, although small to you, 1., ma :all to him, Encourage him to action ; 'phteobeforo him some, ddsirablo object, which ho iy,Pr ), OQ,Uro - .l4,aelidestial. and extra mi. ertich 4 Makii44ls, sonnthing for which to !Ether,. why not Ate,. Let him find by experi ment that ;th Oreidasomething to gain by 'right, Or lose by induCemerit to virtu nun notions v01 ; bo. ;given tin,. , Losrn him to ;• correctlyloo and act for himself • while, young and - under your care,'arid'lA ; feel his drill indiridual respowail3ility,*d 411 1 , s not'bo enticed and deaelvad' when ' . .lbrown upon his ,owA resources. 'Abaco all, early learn him-to look upon God ae hils.rath or, and heavenas his how,' and the chief Cli ;.;jodt lifo hero to Ala good, .; leOeb ; him 'pro'clOPt find 'examplc tolorp Lord andAeop,l ; bl,s, coramandroofits; and it shall, bo t well with thee and'thy house to future gener ations. ' 'port _ THE LADY'S 1-14 ND =3 glit Thine Cult. A FEW HINTS TO A FATHER,' Toward what course of life would you d C4RLISLE, PA., WEDNESDAY., JUNE 8. 1853. Capital, gtorti, FAITHFUL FOREVER. It is a dear delight for tho soul to have trust in the faith of another. It Inalton a pillow of socease for the cheek which is burning with tears and the touch of pain. ,