Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 25, 1853, Image 4

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_ Tired of Farming:
. • A . few rnonthri — ititi,ri ink' who •had
filtrmer front. his . early life,. came
to the'city to buy
. stoves to sell again.=
Said he to the'stoVe dealer, "the weevil
'begins to,the itheal, and all things
considered', I am .tired, of farming,' .and
so have, sold my farm." The'stove 'deal
er' remarked, that heihought Within him;
self, that`just like as, not the,discon
tentedlartner would find a weevil in 'the
heart, of the new business .-and so ,it
proved; for when We day arrived on
which the- note matured, given for the
stoves, the old'farmer,.nowturnedtradeS
ma'n, ,- cOnfessed ihrit 143. had' not been iv=
. bie, to sell his stoves--that he had most of
them on hand: -
."l i ired of farming." the ,most inde
pendent busi , oessi a man can engage in,
beettiise„ forsooth, . there are disappoint
'ments, and= perplexities, aod trialsi - and
- Welt-Miens attending it. 'Remember, you
WhO'nro tillers of the soii,, that your cares
rind troubles and anxieties are few and
far between, compared with those suffer
ed by Commercial men. If your chances
to become rich are not 'SO inviting and
profitable, as those of the tradesman, bear
in mind that Abe dangers of being very
poor and destitute are far less. _ Famine
and abject poverty seldom overtake the
farmer. or hitunt him in their ghostly, vis
, Ha p `He lives on the high trible-land.of
promise, rising far above, the murky re
gion of avant and ti.ostitulion.-:-His children
can,say there's bread enoughin our fa•
ther's house. and,a piece -to spare to the
hungry of ;less fortunate calling's. •
"Tired -of farming,!'." Supposing you
are,' ,Whet is to,be done in such a case?
Do you expect to 'find an employment
vitithout trials and, perplexities •
dooined disappointmely..--
There is no :vocation . in this world that
will,exempt, those who engage therein,
- frOm cares and. fears and vexations. So
if you are ttred.of farming," the best - way.
id to 'get Tested just as soon as you can, .1
and prosecute.' anew the ' biisiness fcir
which:you 'were early., trained; and for
Wfircr, ird
El gciod supply: of, all- the necessaries and
-comforts of life, t6gether, with opporiu ni
. ties Tor mental and Morel culture.--:
Moor's Rural NewArorker. •
Fresh' Spring Supply!
• .
IRANA just rece i ved fresh stock. of Med•
icittes v Paints,
_Glass, ail, Scp., which
haying bben pOrchased with great care at the
best city houses, I min confidently recommend
to Families, Physicians, country - Merchants
sad Dealers, as . jsine fresh and pare.
, AR U G. S • .1,
•Pitioiii Medicines ; - Herbsind Extracts,
Tine homi . cals; - spiccs;groune and•whole"
Instruments; • Dstiences;
'Pure Essen'l-Oils " Perfumery, &.c.
Cod Liver Oil— Wri.i.rahted;.Genuine. •
Log and Cam'Woods,
• Oil. Vitriol
-.---,•1 Copperas;.o._
Lac D y e"..
..- ,
Watherill &13rother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey. Window Vass,' Linseed" Oil, Turpen
tine; Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead.
All of which will be sold at the very' lowest
mdrkst price, • Also,a freak and ' splendid 'as
sortreent or . :•.
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for use and ornament, allot wLich
are- offered at the lowest cash prices, at the
ebeap.Drog Book and Fancy Store of the sub.'
scriber ortlsl, orth Hanover street.
May 28 1851. • ,
-Sumae -
- Pr?, Goods
Al the store of the subscriber, the great - Mart for
;Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. d. Shoes, 4.c.
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and numerous customers. that ho has returned
from Philadelphia with large and varied as
sortment of Spring-and Summer Goods,--con—
sisting in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sat
tinets, Vesting°, Muslin% Tickings, Linsoys,
Velvet CorclarCravate, Suspenders, Gloves.
Silks;-Bointnizinee; Plain and Ghange
able Poplirie, Mouslin 'de Lemnos, Ginghams,
Galiiroesi Alpaclitts, Merinoes,Hhawls, Hosi
ery, &o. '
A very, largo ' asiortment,• enibraning every
stile and quality: 'A large' assortment of
'Horinels,'Ribbons,..Umbrellas. - and,.Parasols.
Ailextensive variety of Men's, Women's , and
Children's Boots and• Shoes• Gum Shoos, from
the,rnoStt celebrated minu ' factuters. Also,
colored and. white Carpet-Ghain.
Such'as Sugar, Coffee, . .Molasses, Rice, &c.
Chi:dee Vens from the vell-known tea dealers,
Jenkins Sr. _Co., &c., &o.
'All who visit our establishment are free to
iteknowledge that we are selling Foreign and
Thmestio:Dry ,Goods, Boots, Shoes, &e., at as
tonishingly Jaw:prices—Hurl .ow .prices has
- already attracted-a•largd number, of people.!--
. The attenttonlol all;who wish ; good bargains
' is tild'ucements can be offered to
ptirithasers. - , G.on't forget the4orner-opposite
Leonard's old stand, North' ffrinoVer street.
Baiter; Eggs, rear amisoap, taken at mar—
e-01 ,6 !. : • Agent.
Which booklet elbSed • its exhibition,' was
said' to haire'been ' by. ,'forty., thousand
persoitsiir one'dak but a looker on estimates ;
the ci`iiiVil•klaily neetquking goods at A. & W.
BtNTZT. spleddi'dj, ' „ •
, .0 •
aClittl6 lets 'thnh iiith&eair:,' By 'giving
. them thOrti and benefit
youidelieribyiblyinii front one to' tvki'dollit's
in every ten expended ' 'They aro
Gpcut - sToplcal , Ficney.l'and, Staple -Dry
roaiiistine' of Dress
p achne;„,liter p ni B. :1 , 1111, wig le,.
Mad , ,Compleie;tissortthenf
of House furnishine r kobile;AMeas , trii.iniings,
L'acoy,Mlinridr; d.sPdeiS.Cloths, Coesimeres,
.....Xestiogak...ilopierY.-Plaves,,,Table Clothe,
' Sheeting, Linens Jenne, Cords, &e,&c. The
ramie - aro f9w of tlkii 3 Ocllais. variety.—
To enuinerste nil would entirely' monopolize
the columns of the 9ive us a call
and'yint Will.gbtroh'enp'teddii'? •-•• •}•
0et.27, 1852. W. 13ENTZ.
'4"tivigutitio,utvlaZ• • , • r
:h1S; 1 / 4 ,11` OF, .11AliDW ARE. • •
trr he ,ur3dereignati Jur just -rot urne4.from. the
.16 Pity - with the largest,;tied best Assortment
(CHARD WARE;ever- , hroughtl to-!Clarliele;
to'whieh he invitee the', .attention hie'ousto.
nrrs iend. the stook
compriseLevoiy ertiolchuaually found in •hoid.
. wore:Adores. •Oeusekeenersi Builders,• Pars
penters, Saddlers, Coaohnutkersi Blacksmiths,
Cabinet.Mskora Farmers and others would
. . .
• do well'tto
elsewhere, as sell;at.t4e
• prides 4 !PpkVand.flte, , ,
• ' • • - • • '• •
4rusTireceivedivtitubilabliiiptilriorr t esh
had' Choke pardon 'and B.teds; t9M
t tr , exterialirtv ettittbtiehment
,bri4uir k ,
Pliitadol p btab , whltat; rkrratrted, to becitriitho
very. best Itittlityi
~nyttl3gpt t£L
THE Store or the:iiitilab"iitiinibracing
Qtioenenaro;'O'hahlfittiet;Vitriiiliblitieually kept
by,hborteirentevett,, to hie notarbei!eting,,Pia',B
' 0 2574 , 1t,10N, 4%.14La.• Wag. ;Al*. Se.;
: • Ti".• ' "
March 36, 1853;
aiLb „
.13Elt l YOU It 'TEET I.IY- USING '
Zoranans delehiatod.Tooth
. • ,
11 1 1HIS - valuable - preparntion haslongteen-used
New York ani Philadelphia, where, it ban
attained an immense : popularity ,, for "oleaUsiO6
preservlnkand benut'ifyiq the teeth. ", It Wu! ,
• excellent remedy for sorcisoft the.
bleeding . oin:to.,
li, also pa rta a del ig htful fre sillies, to the to ut It
and agreeable odor to'the breath.
, ,
I :l?iod.tlaa following from. ,Dr. _Alurreg•
:" I can; with ther!iittnost • confidenae,l'ecOn =
mend to the public, Zerman'a '-"AntifScoihnlic7
Thoth Wash as the best in use. lu my. practiee
na'a Dentist, I have...used and recomm tint
me hot five:yeara,and have found it togive,
istitetiOn in eyst.s inatance, as the Waalt clods not
contain notd, orlmythinginjtirious to theteeth
gums r but, on the cantrary, Is the best autiatptic
I it the practice, and therefore, would reCoMmend
• lie nsdof it,not only to those who Wish ,to pre:
: eery e their teeth'and gums, and'have n wholesdnie
ibrenth, bill also , te . those who have dnieneed glima
for teeth. The use of the Waisti,Toe tit:Mort time,'
will instiFe a return to.thelr healthy, elate."
Gliclttal'F. Dentist, , "
No t 61; S: Eloyeattb st., below Chettliut Pliil'a.
'ol. Carlisle, Mr. Zet
num ' I Hifi veil pleased wiil. gout ,
_it not only_eleanseaattiLwhitebs the teeth mithout
miuring thern,but it citiw Sorhilr bleeding gums ,
1 cheerfully , recommend it to the profess , on and
public, as the very best preparation that oats be
used for cleansilig and4;prellemring ;the teeth ,
healing . tbezems.and giying:sit)eetneas to the
JOHN W,'HENDP.L, Hurgan Dentist,
. Price IS centaper bottle. Prepared, only
Francis Zermatt; Dmiggist and Chemist, corner
of Ninth anti CON:tint streets, Philadelphia:
For sale by SAMMIL,ELIbtOTT, Carlisle,
Pa.- octl3 ' Iv)
High Street, two doors East of the Market House,
• South Side. , *
1 111 HE undersigned begsleave to infdrm- the
• . citizens of Carlisle and the public gene
rally, that he has 'opened a new FAMILY
GROCERY. STORE, on' East High, Street,
and hopes by tarict attention iolm
meess, and a
'desire toaccommodate and Pleafte all, to nierit
a sliare,of peptic patronage., I keep constantly
on hand' an assortment of the best fainjly, gro
ceries, such as Coffees;Sugiars,'Molasses,• ticc.
Loverings superior white Crushed, Lump,and
pulverized. Sugars at. the .:lowest • prices, also.
Rio andjava'Coffeas of the best qualrtyr.
QUEENSWARE- , - - - , Of __every _deserlpildn,
including Frehch.and English Chinasin. setts
:or by the piece ; also . Granite and common
ware of every description; also an assortment
,of Glassware and Willow and Cedar ware of
every description.
TEAS—Black, , lmpotiartia - d . Young Hyson
Teas of the best quality ; Sweet Spiced_ Zeal-.
and hecolate,_preperec.ocolt.__-.
' featured and refined' expressly tor food, with
recipes for making boiled Custard,-Ice Cream,
Pies, Coke, Blanc Mange, Minute and pad
'dings t also a lot of Hecker's Farina.
SUGAR CURED HAMS—Of thovery best
quality ; together with Dry Beel,Tongue, Fish,
Peaches, Smoked Herring, &c. Spices of ° all
kin's, Ground Alum and fine table salt.
FRUITS—Such ds Oranges, Lemons, Figs,
Pruons. Raisins, &c.
-LAMPS—A full 'supply of Pine Oil end
Fluid Lamps. at the lowest prices, constantly
ce hand. ' Rose's Excelsior Ink, 5. superior ar
ticle;" small nr large bottles. Porseno.wealfl
do well by calling and axarainit* Wore pus
chasing elsewhere, as we sell cheap for cash
Extensive Figniture Rooms.
TA IVIES R:WGAVER' would respectfully
call the attention of House Keepers and the
public to his extensive stock' of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardiobes,
Centre and other Tabibs, Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every oth c article - WI hiebia`noh o 1•
business. Also, now it hand the largest siff
sbrtment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. I)::rCoffine made at the shortest notice .
and a Hearse,previded for funerals. He solic
its a call at his' establishment on Nerth Hone
ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N. 11-:Fun
niture Wired out by the month or year?
Carlisle, March 20. 1850.--ly •
Corner of llanover and Louther:lts., Carlisle.
TfIE undersigned has . always on hand a large
stock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all me
different styles, whielt ho is prepared to sell at
the lowest prices. He invites attention partic
ularly to the Patent Sfrlink-71;attotn BedsteadA
most useful article, which entirely obviates all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They havb. given entire satisfac
tion to all who have them in use.
KreoE-FINS made to order attho shortest
• -.
Carlisle,Jan . y. 22, 185P—ly.
MILE subscriber continues to carry on the.
1. above business, in all imvartous branches,
in North Hanover street, Carlisle, two doors'
North of Leonard's. corner, wiiere he intends
keeping on hand ageneral aseortmentin his line;
•. • Consisting of all kinds of fach,
. . • ' ionable SADDLES, Bridles
‘••`.‘ ~,4\ V martingales; Girtha,Circingles
_ 7.1 and Halters, also,,
• il il (Ttre h i saddle" lry " it,Ml
~ •. 1, 111 1 ' bags. - 1q also i, iti Ica
manefactures themost approved
• Sponse: Spring Saddles, ever
A used in this country, those
wishing a •hands'ame, durable and pleasant sad
dle will do•vielPtcr'eall•.and see them. • He also
manufactures ,Harness,'Bridles,• Collars and
Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be
lieves from the geheral approbation of his cue.
tomers, that he make' the neatest and - bost
gearson all their variety of breadth, that is
mudinin the country. . He also makes all kinds
of Matrassea to order, viz : StraW, - Huslt, Curl
ed Hair and. Spring Niatrasses. All the above
articles will be• made of the best. Material end
workmanship, and with'the utmost despatch.
janl4Llr „ - - • • WM: OSBORN.
THE subscriber continuesto mounted um 'tit
hie Founi3rY in East High - street,having
oO hanirri great variety of good patterns, and is
prepared to-furnish' IRON • AND -BRASS
CASTINGSp 'Will' be - executed to order
(if, notion hand,) at the shortest t notice, such, as
Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur. and Bevil
Wheels`, 'Gudgeons for SaW,Mills,:ike., Plough
Castings, Cutters, Point Shears; Wagon and
Conch Boxes, Spindles, Gar Wheels,..Cor
Chairs, 4 2 ,e. Steam Engines built boarder and
repaired. All kinds, of• machinery in_ Paper
Mills, Grist Mills and "Puetorios repalred at
i‘hifrt,noiiee: Mill Splndles dressed end turned.
Moo; 'Horse •Pottiers and ThreXhinglMaChincs,
such; las •Bovali Gear Four Morse -Tower.; Horl
ixont al Gear, Pour ~liorset iP.owext Horitontal
Gear, Two Horse powitr;iPloughe Corn Shol•
' COttiiCiastierx., Tbreshing machines
'nfid Heise powCre,riititilred and Joli.Work•dolfc
atilt° ihOrtest ' Po'6 or
kinds on .hand'arierriedO l;loll to . order; 2 "Y
He also has on hatiita' large sutitily".'orTh'ilt
delpliii•tOrid Troy Cookiiig Stoves, Stijl isecin.
stamputalting Cookingilliovercol , variotiii
proved pet-erne, for coal. or •virood.• Ten •plate
Stoves, Grates,i•&o:l i'•••10.• 7
Repairing done to, all . .kintio of •Maellitiery.--
All kinds of old. Iraq, „Brass and Coiver , ,talien
in exchange for work, -
avr2ltt FR411 1 1cItli" G p TYNnt
1 11 .1011 Flah . 01.. Fish '
FIFTY; Attyrele, , of.'primc 2 - one , ,a
Maelffire4 in - whzle, - .hEttf and. etut;ter tisirreis,
just received'liistOrd'ana for Bele 'limiest
prices for crisirby :,'t •
(ITTEr 7 r,:. Td G r IV/lA.I4MS.
Half 4 1 1 9 ' 81,-°
14)8 !:?.. 1 y 46d rcir Bile
9 l'ecelvV fr O bDWARD 1 221 t
Wladow„Shades,'; airbets ~, aid .60
• i .0
;.....6 „
3.. , ,5iminV4211 , DEPITT;
qa , siveot, 'atic; i ya wood :
ViCtild"mObt ' eerteotPth•
ly call the = ettontion, of, hie,,frionde - end the'
Ipublic in gonerttli 'to hitelbrike anti well oe.
elected stock of Ourpeg4 Oil ;Oldasirlplof ,4
Window ShoskraeDoor:
; ano porters, Pablo CoverC,Corail,4lllratiktra, from
.M 1 lards wide, for; Pubito !I:Joliet:tic Counting ,
Houses, &c. - 141'11AI
Aleoi-ko my , branch Store; 13f • Sorinft)9ai%).
i des Streefpnbeve'9tlv ,
,Vl , N\ 1 - e * 7 , 1/1•1
.1, 1
E; • q .
•-• Through brilspross,..,---,
mEsslts, A , e 4. BRAGG 84,C0.-:Gniqwk-
Asti : We • hair° been. doing Yur. MEXICAN
USTANG • LINIM ENT • with. the.mo3t per.
fectaniccess:',.,One el our most valitableZspress
horses had been much tronbled by large swellings
'or tumors on the-fetlocks; theyltail: grown lar
ger,than hen's eggii. Besides being, disfigured
Lq these ,appendagesiAlierlinibs itind loints
bested quite- stittened, swollen and: lame.; We
hiftl•trieiLinany Li litnents and other remedies,
but nothing appeared tiT produce any-effect upon
them.. NVe wawa. willingly. HAVE GIVEN
frWENITY-FIVE DOLLARS - to have had theM
removed, and the rkorserestored to soundness.
- Cur 'Milder obtained-some of your Liiiimentanul
'applied it without knowledge. A few days. age
he called oar' attention to the horse, and to our
surprise and gratification .his legs were perfectly,
11 DISAPPEARED I ; Wthaked him by ,what
magic he had efTectetirsuch a reinuirkable cure
His reply was that lie had been using the MUS
TANG LINIMENT op them .about ten days,
and the result was the entire removal of the tu
mors without producing - any soreness of leaving
o sear., •
. We therefore. take great plMMure in 'mem
meuding the Liniment,mnd shall continue to use
it whenever occasion requires, in,Preference ,to
any etlijr preParati op, 60 long milt produces such,
remarkable results. , .„ •
June 0,1053. . KINSLEY & CO,
, Southern and 'EasterM'express, No 1 Wall sr.,
corner of Broadway, Nein+ . York- •
Since the above certificale .was given, Messrs
Kinslay & Co have informed us that one of his
drivers Was,throWn from.hls wagon in the upper
Part of the city, and very badly bruisedohe
wagon passing over• his body. He was taken into
n Ucotor's Mime close . byiand THE PHYSIC•
LINIMEN'T, its he :bad recently tried Itlti a
similar case With greet: success. He did so;arkl
all the soreness, lameness; and• stiffness was re.
Moved, so that the 'next. day lie was about his
business as usual.
. ,
• take Brest pleasure in recommending the
our friends and custniners. as the best article we
havo ever used for sores, bruises, sprains. or
golds an horses. We have - used. it extensively
and elm aye effectually. Some of our men haVe
also usedit for severe bruises and sores, us well
as • Pains, and they.. all,say :it (KIS like
ntagiowe ban only say_that we have abandoned
the use of any other Liniment,
$.41. HEWETT, -
and for Haruden's Express." '
SI, 1852
We hereby cerliry that we haVe used the com
_pound known as the MUSTANG LINIMENT
and have no hesitation in recomnib — g — ir
best article we 'MVO ever used for the cure
sprains, galls, cuts. bruises, .&.c on.horses. All
who (Mold this, will please call en the undersign
ed, and they will be happy td afford all other
information in their power as regards its efficacy,
&c. ' LUTZ:DA LL. & CO.,
Proprietors Manhattan Stage Co
Extract from a letter (lilted
SACRAMENTO 611 - Ir t eni. Aug. 15, 1852
I believe the MUSTANG LINIMENT most
an ckcellent article. My wile brought a couple
of bottles with her, which I must thank - you tm•.
Since she carne here, -MY HORSE. FELL
DOWN WITH, ME; and injured me consider
ably but broke no bones. I had recourre to the
Mustang, and the relief, and in taw cure was
astonishing. , (Signed) . 1) RANSOM:
Extract from a letter dated
PITI : I3ItURO, Pa.. October sth, 1852
Another circumstance which 1 noticed a few
days ago, I thop,,ht spoAc highly of the virtues
of the Miming. Being Mthe office of a Physi
cian'ot high standing, I noticed as he opened a
door of his book•case, several bottles of Mtn
tangTalongside-ofuhich- was-rurnscrrv-Mostung
'bottle, and - a two ouncepreseription vial - FILLED
was the following_liiremions Buts_the_throat
well-night and. Morning- with-lie Liniment ; and
wrap a woolen cloth around it."
S. W;LIA.VERSTICK, Dr. S. - Bl,LlOT;antl
'WILLIAM 11. 1311ETZ, Agents for Carlisle.
General Depot, No.'s, Phoenix Block, corner
2d'andpock streets, Philadelphia.
A. O. ANDREWS Gen. Agent.
HATEVER concernst he health and happi•
yy- ness era people is at all times of the most
valuable importance. take it for granted that
every person will do all in their power, to save the
lives of their children, and that every person will
endeavor to promote their own health at :11l sac
rifices. I feel it to be - m) duty to solemnly as.
sure you that WORNlS,according to the opinion
of the most celebrated Physmians, are the prima-•
ry causes of a large majority of diseases to which
Bic children and adults are if you have
an appetite. continnaly changeable from one kind
of food to another, Bad , Breath, •Pain in the
Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and
Fullness of • the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever
Pulse irregular--remember that all these denote
WORMS, and you should at once apply the rem
An article founded on. Scientific Principles,
compounded with purely. vegetable substances,
being perfectly safewhentaken,and can be given
toile most tender infant_ beneficial
witli decided
effects Where Bowel - Complaints and Diarrhea
have made them weak and debilitated 1 the Tonic
properties anti Worm Syrup are such, that it
stands Without an equal in the catalogue of med
icines, in giving tone and strength to the Stem.
'ltch, which makes it an infallible remedy for
those afflicted with Dyspepsia; the astonishing
cures performdd by this Syrup alter Physicians
have failed, is the best et 'deuce of ita-auperior
efficacy above all others..
This is the . most difficult Worm to destroy o
all that infest the Ititman system, it grows to an
almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and
fastened in the Intestines and Stomach, affecting,
the health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus' Dance,
Fits, &lc., that those afflicted seldom if ever sus.
,peat that-it is Tape Worm hastening then) to an
early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a
very energetic treatment mast be pursued, ,t
would therefore he proper
,tottake 6to 8-of my
Liver Pills so as to remove all obstructions that
the Worm Syrup , may act direct upon the Worm,
which must be taken in (loses of 2 Tablespoonfuls
three tames a day. These directions followed
IniVe never been knoWn to fail in curing the moat
obstinate,ease of Ta tte . ,Worm:
No part of the system Is more liable to disease
than the LIVER, it serving as a filterer to purify
the blood, or _giving the proper secretion to the
Bile; so-that any wrong action of Bie Liver af
fects the other important parts of the,System. and
youths varicusly, in Liver Complaint; Jaundice,
Dyspepele, &o. We should therefore; watch ev
ery symptom that might indicate a wrong-actior.
of the Liver. Those being eertiposed of
'Aleuts flllll Plants furnished by nature to heal the
sick :'- Nntirely; let. An EXPECTORANT,
which augments lire secretion front the,,Pulmm
nary mucous meMbinne,,or promotes the dis
charge of secreted matter.. 2d. An ALTERa
:PM which clumps in some knexpllcde and
insensible manner. the eid
eetmii morbidaction of
the system. ad. a TQNle.,wiiieli,give lone and
strength to . the nervous, systein, reties ing health
Mid vigor' to sill parts of the body. 4111. a Ca-
TIiaRTIC ; which not iii perfect, harmony, with
the other ingredientg, and operating on the bow
leg, turd expelling . the whole mass of corrupt arid
;vitiated, matter, nod :puWying3hmlileof, which
destroys diseuse nail restores health.„ .
' You will fled these . pillsnn invaluable medicine
in' many complaints to which you are. subject.• In
obstructions either total or partial, they have
been Imintl. of po inestimable benefit, restoring
their; functional nrrangements to a healthy actian
purifying,the blood and other fluids so effectually
to,pot to flight all complaints may elite
from female irregularities, nahealinch. rlddiness,
ilimngae,o(aighl, pain in the aide, back, into, ,•
.None genuine unleas.sigapd N...llobensaelc,
all others being Anse Inipp;lopB,, • ,
wi shihg new: aupplles, and Storm
ktepera deM rens ve,,be'coirkiog 4geota must
dross : !tie gropriefor; J, N,, llithenpack,
...IoPriTe TOD: .CP*lll/LAND '6OUNTIt S
HaYersticit,bil:,Ellintt, and .S Hubbard, Carlisle:,
Lloyd, Lisburn I f.Dalr. and F Spahr, Median.
teal:twig COTO; Apiutqopi , p, n i els -
Strohm, .Kingstown I Seeker,. Clairchlown.t
Hayea„ ,Shipperadturg t .
Gi•eason,Plainfiidd,,,,Hataiol Dice, Diokinaoni
IYeakjey lit . SbriCer,;Cetineville i Dobai:ism: §o
'Green,,,Palniatoln i ItharAs k,Wherry, New;
. ~,•• A. =Word ,to , the,•Ffungry 11 „•;,; ,•,,,
irp,ECEIV ED_ thia day, dienc l ;,frol ll ' Oi • n 6 iil%
LA nati, 100 plain, and!,•fortey7 ; Cillear Cured
'brae, . 00,pAenett:,S,141ai, Caroo, Poof,, ill,
0 'Jo: BFlo obbp e ri t 16r - i , ,ath at tlfp `firraily' geo.;
l'i r *,:;;;,,i,V:., " i;-::iii'l 3 94P l ,q; i 1 ,Y,., 1 4 4 ,, r i 1 h A,„, /Vi eA S j., : 7 ,
11. ! . i !:1. 1 7 ,, ; -- r:r,fr -- e.,:
° POO 0
, 2:,.....intaci tn! tiprrolv.on the
groli aat, ropiteetawßedurity,
therablivai ?Juin fdr..dne year 'or 1 mdrp: ' %Enquire
nt tho-HertilCOffien..eci V • v ., :,,,.. , e.; '.; ty ,
l' OnriilliNi4ateheguissa l 4,ll4.-,- ~,
1 , ... ..;:......, ..1, - .t.t.t,t, , y , „ , 1-. 0i.r.1ii...- , .-,:„..;
..&-54 , 1,541411r0it.5.
r 'fin TEpy , 7, 7
mbrack g all, the propprtits tiotairied in,- the
finest quilt p'en;in addition to whiclhilie dura—
bility of the Afetats are combined andjully ,
associated and developed. .
_ .THI following-highty:t.innieetabto tosiamo•
nittle and recomrriendationa . aro. subnuited •to
'the public : „ "
Having, tried Raltp!oP.K.T.Elo
undersigned takuginat-planstiro in renonuond
ing it to thii:publie„as thag'rflatest imftroventunt
ininetaltie pone thar-htt ietour attentioU. ; -
Excellency;, Wlllinin"l3igter,:''Govet . mar
of fho.Sthte of tronnsylvenia.'
Ilia Eseellenny, E. - Louie Lowa,Gtiltoill!? ,
oldie Btitto of llaryland. • : -
Right ‘Rosarend .Bialinp A. 'Palter, Rev.
Charles Waisivorth, Rev. John Street, - W.
Rawlo, Datif,lton. Joseph ft:
,Hare; 1 - laette, Alderrnah" GeOrgo
Ledger; 'Prof.4.:'S.'Hart, prifitTeat'. 4 -;ltfrid -
- J,ndgillcibth, - Rfohard Vaux,_Esq., William
N'eaf,. - Gtforgo•W. Wtilltclii - , - Williafn - S.: Price;
Rev. W.. IB:A•Edwurda , , , Duff Rteen,.:Deq.,
FOloward;,' M: D., Richard Smith", Earl:: M.
J.,Ridcliff, William P. Elliott Edit.
ore NittiontilintellligCncer . ,. Editor% NraChina-,
ton tßeputilie;;lrrishington city. • •• - 1
Jan;piti M. CUtainadjr.;-claq;,;:r homes W. , llltil•
ford, A. Browilingi,,W., canulen„,
Rev. Dr. DelNatW Rem, Charlre Hay,
Rov. G. IL Coit, Rev. J. F. Musick, !lards
burg. .
Rev. C. Nelaort;,Editort MarylandiSfale
Capitol Gazette, artnapCife,Diel. .
.to the Polite.
the subscriber having, iiarchased lie prop.
ertylknown as the Moyameneing._ Banking _
House, South East Corner of 2d and Chestnut
§l,roats;for his future' basinessEstablislurient.
',Mends 'keeping a large and complete assoit—
intim of every variety•of texture .and• size. Of
Adam Wm. Ropp7s lately .patented 'scientific
Niche-Gold Pens., Gold'and Silver Pencils and
Pen Holders r of every variety, wholesale and
retail. In additiom . thereto 1 . bay°. on hand
Rape.s hiei edition •uf Sdioritifict Penmanship
and Penmaking; in yeriousbindinge ,
•!• • _ JAMES - BARBER;
General Sale A gent. for A dein Wm. Rapp's
Patented , Seientific Niche Gold' Penti; E.
corner Second and Chestnut SP - Cefs, gl
' Vrer'W XIVON
. ,
rrlEJEfindersigned is prepared to manufacture
•11.'__Pja•2_tr_engtnes and boilere„blowing,Aph.
dors; gearing for roiling, , ist, Casaw.
mill screws, lathe's and,
,fia pullies, and every. Vaii•
qty,.of MACHINERY and CASTIN GS,such
pe hot blast pipes; gas and water pipes, 'retorts
and lamp posts, car 'w and ax les,' fire
plugs and hydrants, cellar grates and water
spouts, wall coupeing, and a very . .„.`.:bandsome
assortment of new style n paterns for patent fence
' making, posts'and.gates, cast bathing cisterns,
forge size, and a number-of new patterns for
cook, nine plans arid parlor stoves, horse pow
ers and threshing machines of improved plans,
plough castings, cast columns and fronts for
housed. ,-
AM owners and mill-wrights•are respectful.
y solicited to call and examine my new and
mproved assortment of milt ge - aring patterns.
Patterns and smith work made' to larder and
machinery repaired promptly. •
N•; II• Railroad 'cars of all dimcnslons
built and repaired.
Harrisburg. May 2c. J. R.J ONES.
- r. Xi:IEIcUTTEIR dk, Co.
Successors to IV OillickoOnd llicka & Cantin"
Beek Binders, Btathiners, and Blank
Book. manufacturers •
rgIIIE subscribers respectfully inform their
I friends that they are now carrying on- the
above business...at_ the old stand !of merly oc-'
.cupied by Hickok lir. Gamine, and lately 10
Hickok & Co. They flatter themselves that
by careful attention to business they will merit
end receive a continuance orate patronage so
liberally enjoyed by the old firms: and
attention will bo paid to the ruling and binding
Of every description of BLANK 13 0 0 KS, for
Banks, County Officers, Merchants and Pri•
vate Individuals, and every variety of lull and
half bbund blanks. They have also made ar
rangements to supply counties with the new
and approved Judgment Docket and Assess
meet Books. In addition to trio above, they.
have and will at all times keep, a general as
sortment of SCHOOL and MISCELLANE•
- - -
Lotter Paper, Knives, Slates, Pencils
Cap " quills, Ink Stands,
Drawing •". Carp'rs PeriMisLetter_ Stamps
Transfer " Load Pencils,! Motto Wafers,
Copying " Waters. India Rubber,
Blotting " Sealing Wax, • Blank Cards,
Steel Pens,. , Red Tape, Folders, .
Black Ink. Red Ink, Carmine Ink, Blue Ink
Copying Ink, Arnold's Writing Fluid,.
Erasers, &a. '
P.aper-Ruledto Pattern. Old Books, Peri
()lieu's, Law Booke,.Musie, - Nowspapers, &c,
bound to any pattern,and in any style required.
A general assortment of Printing Ink All
work .varranted and' done very rheaply.Pleaso
give use call. ""' F. L. lIUTTER & Co.
Harrisburg - , April 28,1852,—tf.
Manufactured by the New" Jersey Company,
*mark, N. J.
THE subscribers are now prepared to exe
cute orders to any extent ;for 'their beautiful
White and Colored Zinc Paints, at the follow.,
ing reduced prices, vii •
No 1, White, g'd in . oil, 9c porn", w'tok pure.
No 2 do do 8. do do •
No 3 • do • do 7 do do
Brown .St; BL'k do Si do doq
Ono htiddied pounds will cover mit - jelly well
as much surface as 160 lbs. , of White -Lead;
they.nro 26 per cont. cheaper to - the consumer.
THE ZINC WHITE is rapidly superceding
White Lead, over which it possesses many ad
-vantages, It is whiter and more beautifal than
the' White Load—does not turn yellow, even
when exposed 'to• sulphurous vapor—lies no
smell—is no injurious to hoalth,nnd is far more
durable. , , •
• Zinc Brown and ,Illack Paints are
Weather and Fire Proof.
The heat covering for outside work over in
"troduced, adapted to building of Wood, Brick
or Stone—to fences,, carriage bodies, bridges
and machinery—to the hulls of vessels,anchors.
chains, and all other iron work on board ship
—to steam boilers', smoke stacks, water tanks
—to iron, tin and other roofing, iron shutters.
doom and railings. wire fences, bridges, etc.'
For Iron Surfaceo.thio paint is especially val
uable, atijt farms a galvanic connection, and
entirely prevents rust.
Theee zinc, paints having a Pure metallic hose
aro warranted not' to turn yellow, rind will . re
tain their original much long9r :than
White Lead, or any of the earthy pigments
now,in use: -The. Oartifientes from tnosetwho
have used them paints, are such as to satisfy
thanubilMthat they are Invaluable , .
The ablost Chemists of 'France end - this
country have testified to the superiority of
Zinc over Lead paints, as to durabiliiy,licalth•
fulneas'and beauty.: •••
The attention of dealers is, ruppoctfully - re•
quested by the Company's Agents,
F. C. JONES, & Co.,
MayleSin No, 17'S. - Inarveo. .Phikura.—
1 SEED • STORE. • ,
wm,subscribors, in addition to their Wen:.
, !vivo Grocery, have' connected therewith ' fin
;AGRICI4.IIIIf.AL -, wAnno um?. and
, ISEED ST0110;110; Market. street; 'near the .
irailroad,,flarriaburg , Pa., and are , preoared,,to
;fill all orders; by ,whotesale and retail„ of all
'kinds of Agricultural -Implements, Vegetable
i and Flower Seeds; &e. ' Country merchants
; withireasonablo. discounts to sell again.,' .. ~,
' ;* .11 oree,poWers and, .threshors. wheat-drillls
nod plows, harrows and, outlive'.
torsjodder, hay; and straw-cutteri, gra i n l ane
/ i corn aliellers, vegetable
,cuttcrs, hand grain
Illilia,oloyek [diallers', horse rakes; olturns;grinil,
stenos and improved hangings ; hay, straw and
1 ; manure: . (Mt ri, i fit rate rra bot fere olt. yokes pad
, how, patent bow pine, ,cowihains, spailov, hues
' i and'raltes, liiggere,' , wheolbarrows, '- e0
..! orailloW, soythesand acythestonts, potatoo rags
;,,' p'o'st ' iingurs, - Foxes
~' and' hatchets, grain. biigs;
.., grain , trieleures,',garden bowls;' priming ' an d .
) budding ltrilyfes,rgrass and grain - slates; screw
wroncilies, pineerennd , gimblete,' rat rand'mofe.
t i lioini,' 'canto. cards 'and , horse ' lirbehesi, enrry:
l' tiornba, , garden"reale; : . caw. bad, . whiffle trees;
Iguana.' idosterlsMtdretto, IMO dust,limoilgar
. 1 aiiti; neuiaAlfitowoi Seeds. .', .A .
Me& a largo and fresh tiescirtirle'nt'Orblib-
GERMS; - TW;,:50,,r,01l cheap for cash; ---
' ' ' , •`..' 3 ',N. , — r -.ITOYEFf,„.& , HALL. - ;
i' • .. i irrGraim , and nrochtee.of all kinda , recolved
I it,,' rxediange 110. implements,: ', -,:l .';,;. - 1,-, , ~,,,,,,,
+' - April 1 3,4869 , - I y' -, ; ',: ,1 , ... , ;0 , ,,,,v,„ r 4.,:,
FitTedelnliin,isvvarratited to render entire Sails
faction, and is beyond donbt- the best and most
wholetfomeproparatbri of
,Coffee ever known.—
One package at 12i emits
pounds of ordinary Coffee. 'Try it and be con
vinced. of ESSCIICeS of Coffee
deposited at. the Franklin Institute in 1852, and
the J decided 'l{rtipp's to be THE - BEST
in the exhibition. Friends, if you wish to enjoy
a bond, cheap and healthy Cup of Coffee procnre
Krupi)'s Essence •of Coffee. It in for sale by
inearty_all the principal 'Grgeet:s. and Druggists_
-throttent the United States: ' '
A i 41 20,185,5. '
• ' in Jamty City.
IVrtt . .. SILAS .0. HERRING - Sir It gives us
much pleasure to state that a Safe of your'
make was the means of preserving our hooks
and valuable papers, together with a lot of
Silver Spoons, - Forks, &c., from destruction
by the fire that occurred in our store on the,
night of the, 27th ult. at No 46 Montgomery'
street. The fire commenced near the Safe,
which, its situation on a wall, did not
fall into the collar, but vas exposed to the fall
heat of the fire *lam its commencement, and
when taken, from fi,ie -ruins had--all-the-bose_
plates and :waits cetnpletcly melted.ofT. .
Yours, k, 13. 'EARLE St Co.
The Proprietor of the genuine " Herring
Salamander Sales," challenges the whole world
in !lie gum of One 7/rousand Dollars, to produce
their equal. Awiirded the PRIZE MEDAL,
nt, the - WORLD'S FAIR, London, and the
GOLD MEDAL by the American 'lnstitute.
Over 8000 of these Safes have been sold and
are now in use, and more than 100 have passed'
triumphantly through accidental fires
Seco d hand Sates -and " Salamanders" of
Other m kerb, having been taken in port pay
for "H rings." for sale at cheap rates.
34 'Walnut St., Plttladelphla.
pErllio blazed Iron Mantles, Table Taps, 4-e.
from the n orks of the celebrated "SALA
MAN DER MARBLE CO," on hued in great
variety. - nine 303 m
11-AVING-reeciiied-hy—late-arrivals a- large—
and well selected assortment of
are now-prepared—to , offer—thclr-cuslomers, at
the lowest market prices—
Silks far Bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons,
French and American Artificial Flowers
Crapes, all colors,
• • Fancy Nets'and Laces.
Together with every article appertaining to
the Millinery , trade.
• March 9, 1853.
WOOD & WILLOW 'wzatm.
1,500 .Doz. BUCKETS, Assorted Colors.
' The largest stock ever ofrered,in Phila
delphia, and the cheapest in the world. Or—
ders promptly (Pled. • '
M. 8; Cr. M. Rowx, ,
March 9,1853,, PIIILADELPHIA.
RS. H. G. SUPLEE invites the attention
in of Country Merchants and Dress Makers
to her •unrivalothessort mom or • -
for full sized Ladies' Dresses, Sleeves, Man
tles, Tahiti's, Mantillas, Capes, Aprons, Sacks
&c. Ste,' . .
The Patterns are embroider•ed in various
designs, printod mid fringed,showing• exactly
how the Dress will appear Wiwi] made.
Being in constant communication with the
'best houses of London and Paris, and furnished
monthly with every new design as soon as it
appears, the public can always depend on this
Old Eitablished House for the most recherche
novelties in dress: 't • . '• •
. .
Always on hand a beautiful assnrtment of ; .
of the newest stylds and materials.
Medals were ,awarded her in 1848,1850.1852
KrA sot of Six Patterns will bo soot to any
one enclosing Throe Dollars
fPldroil Clothing & Pattern Emporium
, _54 South 2d St., Philadelphia. .
Ohear Watc ' healtitil Jewe y
r ,
Lb • nd RETAIL
L. , Wif9l-iE°A ' a l hie watch
da , " ' ' t. the “ Pli'll' d° P lumber
-4-- , ~, et . ir store', . r
~ ' :--,-4A a„nd„,,i,9,w,hqslC'oud Street.PrPe
4( )'. 11 0 9 ?" - c4T,W r y0LhIladolpliia. ~...,
•- G o ld , Lever iyatcheat. l l l ll,..ll
,t.e - - , '..:-., lB carat cll ' e f'' " 'R; )
Itg liA 5 . jewelled spec , ht i ca $7 8 ,
Silivr do 1u11,r,d,, Pi n 2. Cold '-i,i,. 3 silver do. alt:
sil ver I,e'pe JW' s l. ,6 ; Gold Bracelete4 09
I do d o ' d'ee 9'd P'l4 A' uu
do ' !Orel - , l' 1 ," ' 8011,5 ,(10
SuperloYQuilj:j ,' z ,p,o r Tea $ Igo
Imitation ', ~ .0 " „,„; h o d silverZe L
Gold Pena
Ri n g o wtell'l : o '37i eente lo $8 i• Watch'..,
G o ld Finger
.arit., p o t e nt, . 7 ~.i
11 ° 1 1 • Lunot,
Ornesoe, plat i l l
ifonollipti. AI
~, g ,oodu
25 ; other.ert, what'they ore sold fot int , , „
worranted , to
tiI.AUFFEIt 64
:succoosorato er o :
4-lAlll 6er/red.
Levers and
6 •aoptt3Y,
erne Gold and Silly
rice. ,
i O D hand , 8
above'? .
atilt lower thrtn the
"Win, ,9t(01.6
Afore proof of their superiority.—The late. fire
Jersey City, Feb 3, 1853.
Great fire in Strawlierry se.- , —Letter from Lewis
15. Co.—Philadelphia, March 29,1852.
Mr. Joux FARREL—Sir : It affords me much
satisfaction to inform you that the "Herring
Salamander Sitio" which we purchased of you
a -short time since, 'preserved outhooksiand
papers in good condition, during the severe
ordea, through which it passed at the disastrous
conflagration that took place at our warehouse
on the morning of the 28th inst., whbn the sale,
was exposed to the m,pst intense heat for some
hours, and when dragged from the flames was on several sides. WC malts this state way of bearing testimony to the worth
oldies° valuable Fire Proofs. -
•11.11”; 4.31.1, *AnAel*lll.ll-1
Importers and Dealers in French Millinery
Goods, No. 45 South Secotid Street,
razr. noLminna's
Clock, Time-piece, Watch & Jewelry
.81 his Old Stand,A 0..38 ✓llarket Street. (be-
. twcen7lh and eth. South ,S'ided Philadelphia.
rtelY friends, old customers and the public
must know that I am at all times pre
pared to furnish Wierl CUES, JEWELRY,
PENS of all kinds, with Gold and Silver Hol
ders in variety, &m, at - the very lowest Cat b
Priees together with the best supply of super
rior C locks and Tlme-idects, ever °limed at
B. 11. beings practical time•piece and watch
maker, with an experience of nearly twenty
y . sars-10 years at his present location—is at all -
times prepared to7furnish, by wholesale and
retail, warranted'limo•keepers" 'of the bes
quality,—comprising eight day and thirty lir.ur
clocks and time-pieces, el plain and highly or.
namental desikno,ol all styleS, and adapted for
counting•houses, parlors, halls,' churches, fac
tories, steam boats, rail core, &c. Also, alarm
clocks, a most desirable article for Sound
Sleepers,' and .for all whose bcsincss requires
them to be 'up in the mornink early.'
• Clocks, Time-pieces, Watches and Jewelry
of every description repulsed with great core
and warranted. D eau. rs supplied with clocks
and clock trimmings. liarnum'scmotto is my
motto, 'we study to please' J apr7-1
I ,
1 .....
W . 11. - x. ' Ei
ri t ., 1 360 X.Y D Z ,, E .,, ?7 ,
~ nOtsetv num as SWISS WATCHES.'
Are oonstantly rewiring the' latest styles
of the above Goods, which ate °abed at
wholesale or reta il , et
No. 21e , Market „§treet;above 813 4 1 44 05 r,
~,,, - , •;preastur Street, pillasfel"phha. "-,.
'‘;',, . . siariflavait , s 1816 ,by
,aasraiiteiro ii iessal fsts ssr , r -
IM.Ei . u.ll(iii(oiti.
Located IStO 127 Baltimore Street, BaltimOre, Md.
. .
The'osteneibic object of 'this fountink:in is to
place in the, reach. cit individuals proper. facili
ties for obtaining h thorough and practical
Mercantile Education. Nothing indeed, has
been omitted that is calculated to produce the
desired result.
The rooms of the - College are well fitted up,
conveniently arranged, and situated in 'the
nioat desirable part of the City. ,Connedkid
thereto is•ri Comtnercial Library, and this, in
connection With familiar Lectures on Comm' ,
cid Law and Mercian:sk ScienCe, is a matter
of the highost importance to all who deiire to
become Accountants of the first order, and oc
cupy stations of profit 'ainfrebponsibility. A
young 'man can bore obtain a more
. cor: ect•
knowledgo.ot general business, matters ins
few weeks than can be acquired in as many
years hi any one Cdunting.Room. ._
'rhe course of study embraces Double -Pal
Bookkeeping, and its adaptation to, %%limo
'departments of Commerc9 and Trado,-Morcau•
tile calculations. taught according to the most
-approved methods.- Practical-Penmanship,-com
bining rapidity of execution with beauty of
construction. Lectures on Mrircantilb paw,
upon -various important Mercantile, subjects
beside many other points necessary for a book•
Imager or business man to understand. Tlie
time necessary industrious etude& to
complete the course varies from fj, to 8 weeks.
There ,sing no vacation, applicants can enter
at any into and attend both day and evening.
Exarni miens aro field at stated periods and
Diplomas Awarded to those who g - aduate.
For terms, Sac., write and have a Circular for.
warded by:mail : . -
. 1
Vegetable attle Powder.
Prepared try Breinig, Rronefield, Sf Co.
/FITE discovery of BirEiNte;FriostEmecti, &
set the whole community alive to a new fact in
regard to feeding of Cattle, both for the 'pur
pose ofmairffitining health and increasing the
production of Fat, Butter and Milk. The effect
of their Powder has astonished every one that
has used it, and the demand has been so large
that the proprietors could scarcely manufacture
sufficiently fustliir their sales. •
The immense popularity it has obtained from
Farmers, Dairymen • and Horsemen:, and the
confidence and success with .which they have
used it have set the heads of other Druggists
at Work to mobs an articht , proftssing to be of
equal merits, thinking to take advantage of our
Powder's popularity, and by these means intro
duce other articles into .the market„which
hove no affinity to our preparation whatever.
'Every person knows, who has read anything
of-Agricultural Chemistry, that no powder-pot:-
;ensuing such qualities as that,which we prepare
was ever known: in any part of Germany, Eu.
'rope or America. We advise all persons, to
; read Prof. Leibigs's works end see for them
selves whether they or any one . else', ever knew
of a Cattle Powder in Germany, Europe or
'America, that ever professed to have the same
virtues, which we claim fur ours. •
The discovery is of American- Birth, -.F.e off
spring Of the proprietors, and there is no cattle
powder now known in the werld,ihat wee ever
manufactnred - from - the same combination of
Chemical elements as that of Breintg, Franc
field, & Co.
Do not therefore sulTer yourselves to be de
ceived, or think that our powder is a humbug
because you have tricd those mongrel substi
tutes And Lund no good f...ilew but rather inju
rious results. Never give an opinion unless you
have tried the only genuine Vegetable Cattle
Powder in the world, as compounded and pre—
pared by Breintg, Fronefield S. Co., No. 187,
North—Third Strict, Philadelphia.
N- B. Do not bo imposed upon and allow
yohr animals to die or linger with disease be
cause you have fed the wrong Cattle Powder.
The signature. of
is on the end of each pack of the genutnc ar
tick. Sold in Carlisle by •
April 7, '52-6n) . IL M. RAWLINS,
THE undersigned owning a large Stealth
Saw Mill,
- recently built, on an improved plan,
With a circular saw Capable . of-sawing with
great rapidity, lc:Mated three miles west of Pa•
pet town,Cumberland county, at the base of the
South Mountain, on Spruce Run, and having
in possession near one thousand acres of the
best timber land, in the Southern - part of Penn
sylvania, are now prepared to Saw and furnish
lumber to order, at the shortest ii9tice . of the
'various descriptions used for mechanical pur
poses. „They can furnish kame stuff for burns
and betties:6f tiny length and size that may be
I required, weatherboarding, flouring, and - fen
cing .beards, poplar and oak boards and plank,
shingle arid plustering . laths oak
. and chesnut
shtngles, cueper -stuff; - pine pouts, and
ehestuut rails and posts. They beim now on
hand several thousand feet of lumber; ehesnitt
rails and posts for fence, oak and pine wood by
the cordoind can engage to• be delivered, in its
season several:hundred curds of Chesnut oak
bark for tanning purposes.
The proprietors having availed themselves
'of the' nebula advantages -el- their location,
which abounds in. a variety of the finest
timber ' and having also u preetmel Icnt.wledge
of the business, are enabled to furnish lumber,
lower . ' to the citizens of Cumberland count;'
than can 'be done by anv similar establishment
—and as they Wish and expectito do a. large
buiiiness,'w ill spare no pains to, accommodate
public alba shortest notice.
The various descriptions of lumber' will be
delivered in Carlisle or elsewhere as may be
desired,, All orders addressed to the propriez
tors, Divan &' Haskell, living In Papertown, or
to Wm. D. Seymour; jr: in Carlisle; will secure
proMpt attention. •
Nov. 10,1 y.—
' .11.2R.D11114160.
TxruICII surpasses inquantity 'Mislay, and
VV . ' priced any that hoe ever yet been opened
in Carlisle; consisting of the greatest variety
of all kinnii of Hardware, 'spell as, Shoe Fin
dings, Saddlery,: Coiteh Trimmings, Paints.
Oils, Varnish, Glass, Nails, Files, Anvils,
Vices, Bellows, Springs; Axolti,,Bows, Felloes,
Veneers, , ectlarware, Farming Llicneils, Her
and ,nollcd Iron, Steel,.&c.; tvitha thousand
more alticies unmentionable.
Having pureheetiddeTgely of Heavy Goods
previous to the adviince in prices, If am enabled
to sell goads at eld prices;. .ersoris in want of
blardwere flare invited to P ell end, exsmine my
goods and hear iny,priced„and You will be sat
isfied wheee the Cheap llMdwere is tote bad.
~ , •- - My.,ttoelt of WALL PAPER Is nnap
proat lied by any in the Borough.
. Ttiankful for the fernier patroinnj,o, tl
conununtico Mille same is soliMted by
West Side of North Hanover Street,'
U. HARII would resketfully an:
tiotinco to, the eitis.uns of Carlisle. that Ito . hae
recommoncod hie business or licukie Po inting,
Grazing, and PiiperAinsginp., In MI its various
.hronebos.) His shop in 00 , ,Ottlie
gratrntir, !School. Thankful .'for.potit....footire
Ile bolus atteinion lo..bpoinosp to'sliaro
tupertion of public fpaironsga. ,) liePhi"
nitond to flit) trimming
,and wing ciftVgiti th in
Blinds, &a. 'Priopii.upiti/,to suit tho timosanil
all work, worrantlidgoollk . .ho pnY
i ~
tannrhelkil, ...•
• Nov.
, 9,
,Iropdicaktir Schan#‘ll,,
titml9 CARLISLE. ,
,stores sr;alla a.
uttLitax eniizsume.s.
SpTelidid :raficy. Apiiode, alcgant Gilt
pookiii, 4c., &c.
Qt EHISTICIi."has iVei received
/...r• from' the city (India now Openiag n i,plen
ilid'displa'y'of FANCY GOODS, 61111111'W for
the aPpreaching Ilulycley to %t hail he
desires to 'evil the attention el his hit-1140 and
the public His assortment iv iris ni t-cri t
surpassed in novelty and elqat it. d
both in quiaity,and 'price orthe art nclt t,.;n.-
not foam) please purchasers.. It mea!ti hi an
possible to enumeratc his
3% inch coMprise every variety of fain-y ertichs
b the most novel, ityre* and extpiisite at; is
such as •
Papier Maehe.Goods,
Elegant alabaster and porcelam ink-stands
and trays,
Fancy ivory, pearl and Abell card cases,
Ladies' Aney Baskets,
PuriOy Work.Boses, with sewing instrunets.
POit Munnaica, of every variety, ,
Gold peni and pencils,
Fancy papier'wer
Papeteries, witi
Fancy stationer)
. Motto scale and
— Silk and lieTid - Pt
Ladies' riding-W,...
Ladies' ling cutlery,.
Perfume haAtets and bags,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
' Roussol's perfumes of the-various kinds,
' Musical instruments, of all kincla- - lind at all
prifee, together with an innumertible variety of
Ertiales elegantly finished "and, suitable for Ito
lyday presents, to which he ivites tpecial at
Also, an eitenstve and elegant collection of
comprising the various English end' Anterkan
ANNUALS for 1853, richly embellished' and
illustrated P.OE'FICA L W Rli S, with
for childreii ,ol all loges, than which nothing
can be more appropriate or pleasing as holiday
gifts. Hisassortment - el - School Booka - and
School Stationery is also complete, and com
prises every thjng used ,in College and the
Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular
attention of:Pomilies to his ele4tant display of
from the extensive establishments or Cornelius.
Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising
every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study
Lumps, for, burning either had, or ethe
real oil, together . with Fleiwer Fases,.Faney
Screens, &c. His assortment in this line is ui r
equalled in the horouult. Also,
in every variety -and at all prices, all of which
are pure and fresh, such ns can be confidently
recommended to hie friends and the little folks.
His stock embrneee everything in the line of
Fancy Goods, with many other articles useful
to houselt — d4erlitchTliePribli - eire cspecutlTY—
invited,to call and 'see durim the holidays.—
' Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the
-Rank an North Hanover Street.
decl.s 1852. S' W. HAVERSTICK.
THE subscriber would respectfully ant c t rco
to the citizens of this place, and all persons
visiting the same during the Holidays, that he
has now on hand and will continue to le cup—
plied with the latest novelties up to tl.e CICEC of'
the season, comprising in runt'
of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy
Toys, Jolly Cakes, Bon Bons, Gum Cordial,'
Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rose,
Vanilla and But nt Almonds,. French and ex . -
pledingSecrets. Also all common varie•
ties, all of which will be sold tardesa/.1 and
retail at low rates, at ~
in North Hanover street, a few donis
- 01 -- the - Bank - rwhere - we - haye luny reteivrd
of the latest irriportations'such as Oranges,
Lemons. Raisins, Ftgo,.Pruens. Citron, Cur—
rants, soft and paper shelled Almonds, Fil
berts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. Also,
tof every kind from all parts of Linens, man
ufactured of wood. glass, t bins, pat it r mat Le,
tin and India rubber, zinc, &C.,. such es Fine
- Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card
Baskets, Work and Fancy BOACN, Fluter
Vaeds ' MOfto Cups, Tea Setts. Music Boxes,
Port Nannies, Battle .Doors, Gime Hoofs,
Masks, Drains, Guns, Trumpets, Dom.noes,
lotto and other games, &c. I. nutty Soaps and
.flair Oils of every variety.' In confliction
with the above Int ge sten It of
such as pulvfrized,.. crushed and brown Su
gars. of every grade. Coffee, Molasses, Starch,
Green and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda,
Sugar, Water and o.lier Crackers, cht.CEC, &C.
l'he subscriber returns hts 11. at ks
to agcnerous public for the patronage hereto
fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire
to please, to merit a continuance of the ran.e.
decls „ - ItION ER...
ruHE subscriber isf.r.t now receiving -and
1 opening nn' ante ollelcd assortment of
WALL PAPERS. These - deeinius of trans
forming the interiors of their old dwellings
into now - ones, end giving additional embel
lishments to their now ones, at a comparative
ly trifling cost, will co well to call and examine
for I can sell them froin 61* cts upwards. Re
member the old stand, East Main st opposite
Ogilby's Store. By the way I would say to
those who also want to improve the exterior of
their houses, that I can furnish them with
WetherilP's pure and fresh ground White Lead.
together with various other . colours, blue. or
abge, yellow. various shades of green; &c., in
short everything calculated tor adorn at d dec
orate your mansions
mar 2
LY, for 25 cents, bmeans
' Every One
—The thirty-sixth Edi
tion, with one hundred en
aravings, showing Privato
Diseases and IdaWorms
thins of the Generative
System, in every shape
nail form; to which is ad
-Di,enses-ot FemalVs, in.
-males only (see page lbfr),
mg 01 igl, ..,c importance to married peo-
Yle, or those contemplating marriage.. By N% M.
OUNG, M..)),, Graduate ()film, University cf
Pennsylvania, Member - alba Royal 'College of
Surgeons, Lontion,and Honorary Mimber of the
Hbilatielphili a Ms dieas society... The 'various
forma •of Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness,
Pisertseq ot the Prostrate Gland, Impotency, soli
tary habits of youth, are faithfully described, and
all the recipes . •given in plain language. The
chapter on 'sellsabuse anti Senorita Weakness
worthy of prrticular Attention, and 'should be read
by every One: Young men who have been unCnr
innate in contracting disease, previous to placing
yourselves under the-care of any doctor, no mas
ter what his pretensied.s may be, get a copy of
of this truly valuable work.'
Sea Captaine and persons going.le sea, should
possess Dr.-Young's Treatise on NlaPi'l!tge, tho
Pocket JEscalapitti,`nr Eyery one Ilia
nr- Let no father be ashamed to present a
copy of the. Esculapins to his ci ild. It may
save him from, nn, early grate: Let no young
man or woman enter into the
of innerkti without reittlitt t t the peelet 2Ess
culapina.' Letmo one' still'ering limn a lioCknied
cough, paTil in the stile, resits en nights. nervous
feelings, siTttl the whole train et'lb spepti c- sensa
tions, nod given up by their phz. whin. be :M
-iner Moment 'iv ilitOnt emtsnltiug the •./Escula
lius. Dave„thu monied or those about to he
eittierird tiny Incpedinteid, - icatl this trrly useful
it .Itos'
' Mt:Rhea EllViog thou
solids' of mnfortminte• tirentures from the very
jaw trei f death.' I.lpwards'of n ittILLION copies.
of this celebrated' 'work ;,has been said in this -
Country and Europe since . Uhen the first
edition was issued. s , • •
' 0:)" Any , peesoii-sentling - Ii'WENTICFIVE
cents enclosed' in a letteMtirilt receive one copy
ofthte book by mail; or fire copies will be sent
for SI. Addtwsd Dr. WILLIAM , 'YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce Street, Philsdelphia," , P os t
Twenty years practice in t e city of Philadel.
oh, certainly entitles Dv. moot to OM OA
donee of thenfilietcd, nittylm consulted
ou army of dm diseases tieteribett; in Me ditfit eht
publications;bli.!officit 132 Spence' Slvaet,
'every day between 9 and 3 o'clock. (Sunda , - ex.
Cepted) (fist:once inn. Consult
Dr. Yonng-ty Nftcr, riiter
auez Er. ma'am
Druggist; Carlisle.
w,TASjui3t rocoived a larterupd wall 'Mooted
LI - stock of AporiCan, - 7ronch and - English - .
Che tn ion la ; DiutO;. 1 1 ,1ilicines,E` Points, Oda.
D yO"Stairs,Ap.. .this stsrellur.4ll
td9 Fan
'rely on, having• IvrocOp,tiona estOlOyf
,lopilutuUd „ , , : • • „
A 'BOY. NT.M3 io iOrvo• Drag
sbUsi,lttm3.: "(march 16.`,; ft 4
variety otaclics
ntly finished,