Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 13, 1853, Image 4

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    knt mur..
Xmprovements In Grounds
Our readers miliauld. now be diligent
in-their out-door Warletni their pleasure
grounds. - A. few shrubs add grade as
well as ornament to eve'ry cottage, as al.
so to the village residence; or the farm
—ho u se.-- Ws -froqu fi n tly ee_ thole:M.lmM
— iiiditi — iffices too Much — e]EptAiiid — ti - i
the frontage, which is, quite time ehould
no longer be .the case. In. Europe, and
in England 'Sspe . cially, this is,qu'ite'dl
ferent, r and„the'lrobt, of the fan; house
is always separated from the backyard
by 'shrubs and small trees on either side:
The . tonsequenbe is, that - the appearance
of this Whole' is :improved. must not
beimaginedithat we recommend theadop
oftt Style for bur rural homes, which
deVolvel bpon , our agricultural - friends
the-necessity fora continued annual ex
perise; or • the'occupation•ot.'Such it con
siderable portion, of the time of their la
1-liorers-ifftiiiiild materially interfere - with
their more important duties. One hour
a day'for a: fortnight "dr three weeks, at
this season of the year, would be suffi
cient-t6' enable a,sharp,, , Clever, fellow ,
who iigel,4
ab4,lc • Wt s ll;'.' dig up
and„ plait 'enough around ii — fterm house
trionhurtailiom observation those neces-
mark bat unornaniental adjuncts of the
premises,• the farm-yard and its. build
ings. 'And we have - faith enough in the
good taste of our farmers; to think that
as soon as the genial warmth of the ap
proaching season throws their newly
formed shrubberry into leaf, the im
provements in the aspect of things a
reund them would induce them to go on
little by little, as time allowed, and taste
dictated, until they had given a new feli
lure to their home, and instead ,of 'its
presenting a bare character' of a house
dropped down as if by accident, only for
shelter from the weathi4, it Would be
co.lue the visible representation of all
ideas which we. are ac
customed to'associate with the peculiar
Anglo-Saxton word comfort.
How to Raise riuit
If rightly understood, few trees, un
lees absolutely dead or rotten, need. oc ;
copy ground, without yielding a plente
ous crop. After.a long and varied series
of experiments, I gradually adopted the
following mode :—" -
As soon as the winter has sufficiently
disappeared and before the sap ascends,
- -I-examine-my-treys, ; every - dearl -bough
lopped•off. then, after the sap has ris
en sufficiently to show where the blos
soms will be, cut away all the - other
branches having none on, and also the
extremity of every limb, the lower part
of which bears a considerable number of
buds, thus concentrating the sap .of the
tree, upon the maturation of, its fruits,'
and saving what wodlid be a- useless ex
penditure of strength. In the quince,
apricpt and -peach tree, this is very im
portant as these are very apt to be luxu
riant in leaves and - destitute of fruit.—
'You may think this injures the trees, but
it does not, for you, will find' trees 'laden
ed with fruit, which formerly yielded
nothing. Of. course, all other well known
precautions must be attended to, such as
cutting out worms firm the roots, placing
Old iron on the limbsovhich acts as a to•
tilc to the sap, &c. Try it, ye who have
failed'in raising fruit.
productive Parming.
In a treatise on sProductive Farming,
just issued 'kern the press, the following
observations occur :
"It is in vegetable as in animal life ;
, mother 'crams her child, exclusively
with arrow 'root—it becomes fat, it is
true, but alas I it is rickety, and gets its
teeth very slowly and with difficulty.—
Mamma is ignorant, or never thinks that
her offspring cannot make hone—or what
is the same things, phosphate of lime,
the principal bulk of bone—out of starch.
It does its : best ; and were it not fora
little milk and bread, perhaps now and
then a'•:little; meat and soup, it • would
have no•boriesand teeth at all.. Farmers
keep poultry, audit is true of a cabbage,
turnip„_ pr, a ear of wheat._lf we mix
with the food of fowls a sufilcitint
tity of egg shells . or chalk, which they
eat greedily., 04 will lay many'more
eggs A__well. fed_fowl is
disposed to - vast number of eggs, but
cannot do so without the' materials for
the Shells, however nourishing in'other
respeCts her food may be.. A fowl with
the best, will in the world, not finding
any lime in the Boil, nor mortar from
walls, nor calcareous matter in her food,
is incapacitated from laying eggs at all.
Let Farmers . 'lay such facts as these,
which.-are: matters of common observe
flint, to O luiert,' rind transfer the analOgy,
ata rritiy justly do, to the habits of
plants, which . rire a s truly alive, and an
swer:to' closely to evil or judicious treat
meat, as.their own,horaes.!
- ,
.:h, -- ,
- rriis , Sprang Bun , dy I •
L_ iiiivE just removed a fresh:stock of Mod•
leines„Painte,. Chum ' Oir', &c., which
ing been purehatiedWith groat care at the
beat etty'hbusee,- I a ari ' eatifide nt I y recommend
to Famillee; •Phyalciaus, • Country Merchant!
and Dealers, ie boil fresh and pare: -
Patent Medicines, ifortmand Extracta,
Fine head Cale, , Spices,ground and whole
instruments, . Essences, :- :
PureEseeit'l Oils Perfumery, &o.
cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine:
I LOg and Cam Woods,
I CopporAa;
- r tar 'Dye •
Wetherill.,,& Brother's Pure .Lead, Chrome
. Green and• Yellow, "Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Sergey - . Window •Lin Seed Oil, .Turpen
tine, Copt!! and coach Varnish;' end Red Lead.
AU of which. will' bp. aßld at the very lowestmarket price, Also,a .freen nrid splendid as
mottnient of.
Go op.p, FRUITS
Confeetionary,en'll'lnnum6able,pther artielee
'calculated for utie•and .offinOient; Id I of wl.ich
cre offered at the , lowei3i - tabh — priede, at the
cheap Drug" Bbok nad:Febay Store of the sub
cctibet oa'Nortp Hanover street: • • .
May 28 op; ; • •
. , . .
.T(,?-Coa(3l - 4 . and ; cabinet Makers,.
Tilk subscriber. is fully , pripared to meet
thillr,*an4y,cith an ;enlarged rit °eke( hardware
In thairllloo,pahre,clim mal.cpatinga,•apyings,
axlea, bands ; ;natenkleather, laces, curtain and
floor chith;lie. walnat.And mehegany veneers, -
glass and • - magegaritlr.nolm„of t all alaeft and
pattoynF; .ar , liktgo: , sopplirtoft,,varnishes,. oils,
tutperf On!, at . Rusk - prices „ti4st.skl
jy2tri.. ' , Y•
attpaxpasaav xima worm
The Tillling Mill'it - Middterrert :North Mid
,,dieton-townehip,,will-berented horn' . the
let of 4141.1ipet I ,Eti'quiretet.,thettiffloakf,tho
.IWeeili - .04.4101)Vit: , `
,drew mib.:,:04','40.
Zermans Celebrated Tooth Wash
mills valuable pi . 74iiirtition has long beeM used
l iii Isfew'YOrk una YhtladelphimisheCe it hie'
',Attained an imtncnso- popularity; for 'cleansing,;
preserving and benutifyinohe'teeth.-It is sm
excellOnt remedy for sorc,soft or
It also impartan delightful freshness to the mouth
..and agreeable odor to the breath.l
.. • • - .
,• "laanovith — the utmost .'confidence, recom•
mend to . the public., Zerman's . Atiti-Scorbutic.
Tooth- Vash as the beat in uses In my practice
nea .D hist, I havo s used and recommended it for
me last ve yrs, end hove timid it to give sot ,
islitotion very mtafice,,as the Wash does. not
contain am t ,
; or anything injurious to the teeth, or
kturnsrblit, pp - tit e contrary, is the' best Antiseptic
ti the 'practice, and therefore, would recommend
- -he use of it, not only to those who wish to pre
serve their teeth and gums, and have a wholesoine
ilireath,,but also to those who have diseased gums
for teeth. The use of the Wash, fora short time,
will insure a return'to their healthy state.
' • GEORGE E MURRAY, Dentistf
.Isia‘ 61, S. Eleventh st., below Chestnut Phil'a.
' fir. Heade!, of Carlisle, says r.•-- ,, AV. Zer
man, I am well pleased with your Tooth Wash :
it not only cleanses and. whitens the teeth without
InjtlyjngAClnklt it cures sore or bleeding gums.
• _l.checrfully_recommen - alit .1. - cilhe profess.on _and:
public, as the very best preparation that can be
used for cleansing and preset:lring the teeth,
healing . the gums and - giving ' sweetness to the
breath. .. ..
• - JOHN HENDEL; Siirgeen Dentist.
Pride . g3.eents per bottle. Prepared only
Praheis 'Lerman, Dragglst and Chemist, corner
of Ninth and Catherine streets, Philadelphia.
For sale by SA.M.UP.d. ELLtorr,
octl3 • 1v)
High Street, two domes East of the Xarket House,
South Side
r 5 VIE gdersigned bogs leave to inform the
citizens of Carlisle and the public gone•
rally, that he has opened a new FAMILY
GROCERY STORE. en East High Street,
• and hopes by etrict attention to business, and ti
desire to accommodate and please all, to merit
a share of peptic patronage. I keep constantly
on hand an assortment of the best Mmily gro
ceries, such as Golfaei,'Sustars, Molasses, litc.
Loverings superior white Crushed, Lump and
pulverized Sugars at the lowest prices, also
Rio and Java Coffees.ol the best quality.
QUEENS WA RE—Of every description,
including French and English Chinas in setts
or by the piece ; also Granite rind common
ware of-every description: also an assortment
of Glass vain arid Willow and Cedar ware of
every description.
k.3:—Black, Imperial and Young Elyson
Teas of the best quality ; Sweet• Spiced Zeal
and Checdlate, prepared Cocoa.
factured and refined expressly for food, with
recipes for making boiled Custard, Ice Cronin,
Pies, Cake, .Blanc Mange, ; Minute and pud
dings r also a lot oPtlonker'S Farina.
. . .
SUGAR CURED HAHS—Of literary best
quality, together with Dry Beel,Tongue, Fish,
Peaches, Smoked Herring , &c._. Spices of all
kis is. Ground Alum and fine table salt.
FRUI N —S tell as Oranges, Lemons, Figs,
Pruens, Raisins, &e.
Lvvrgs-% lull supply. of Pine Oil and
Fluid 1,111'.)s, at the I tmest prices, constant.y
cn hand. Rasc's I?,,ccetsior Ink, a superior. ar.
I ) •vtlt b vetlliag a•rl ecamining bhfore pur,
all Isis ; else who-a, as we sell chaarfor cash
Extensive Furniture Rooms
WES R.WEAVER would reepeettully
cr call the attention of House Keepers and the
.uhlie to his extensive stock of ELEGANT
URNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other Tables, Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every other article in his branch of
business. Also, now on hand the largest as
sortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. 11:7 - Collies made at the shortest notice
and a Hearse provided for funerals. Ho scale-
. . .. .
ita 't call at kis establishment on North Hano
ver streMOlCtir Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur
niture hired out by the month or year!
Carlisle. March 20. 1850.-1 y
. OU
1 1 tMe 0`,......,6'
Corner of Hanover and Louther sts.,
Tll undersigned has always on hand a large
stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the
different styles, which ho is prepared to sell at
the lowest prices. Ho invites attention partic
ularly to the Patcnt-Spring-Bottom Bedstead, n
most useful article, which ..entirely obviates all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfac
tion to all who have them in use.
irl - COFFINS made to order at the shortest
Earlisle,Jaii'y. 22, 1851.-Iy.
atenagerie Has .61prived
AND will be open for Exhibition until after
the LlO!plays nt WORMLEY'S STORE, West
Main street, where in connection with the above
there will also be shown the largest and most
magnificent stook cf TOYS, FANCY GOODS,
&e. ever brought .. to Carlisle, consisting in part
of Motto Cups of all patterns,. China Vases,
Flower Baskets, Tea Setts, Mugs, Card Baskets,
Alabaster Inks, Jewel Boxes, - Chinn Figures of
all kinds. Music • Boxes Rid Dolls of all sizes
and prices, Violins, 'Trumpets, Drums, Whips,
Glartonets, Accordeons from 25 cents to $5,00,
Glass Toys of all kinds, Games, Pistols, Guns,
India Rubber Doll fiends, Balls, Rattles,Stc be
sides a great Variety of Toys unmentionable,
Also in- connection with the above . xve_havt.
large sock of CANDIES of our ,own Manufac
ture, and others which for quality and price
cannot be . beat=consisting of Mint, Lemon,
Cinnamon, Sassafras, Clove and Birch candies,
Rose and Burnt Almonds. Mint. Lemon, Choc
olate and Gum Drops. Candy Toys of all lads.
Fruit and Nuts of all kinds. Lemons. Figs and
Raisins of all prices. Dates, Prunes, Almonds,
Filberts, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Ground
Nuts, &c• A well selected slock.df Perlinnery,
such as Cologne, Oils, Extracts, &c. TOBACCO
and SEGABS of the - hest qattlity. Large and
small Plantation, Jacques, LI Dorado, La Veil
kn, La Union.lxii. Goodwin's Yellow Bank, and
Mrs. Miller's Fine Cut Tobacco.
Having a well selected stock of Goods at the
lowest prices, and a desire to please all, we hope
to merit n continuance oft reformer patronage
so liberally extended to us.
November 10, 1852.
New Fashionable Hat and Cap Store
. •
. • .
. . .
I rum Undersigned respectfully invite the at
tention oldie public to the 'lnto, elegan
andfashionable assortment, just optic(' at their
new tureen Mai I street, nearly opposite 012..
Manion House Hotel, consisting of a large Va•
tidy f NIOLASKIN HATS, manufactured by
Onkford, Beebe, and Morris & CO.,
..of Phila.
dolphin, which are of the latest style, and us to . ,
quality unsurpassed.. A fine assortment ,M
'Black and Drab •KOSSUTH HATS high and
low erown,nll of the best quality and prices to
suit customers. Also, White Beaver and Pan
erns Hats, an article ranch used in the eastern
,cities. A large variety of children's fanny bea
ver and slouch hats. Boys black and drab.—:'
Wita a large assortment of CAPS of all Lin
and prices. ' r ' '
.Thb antlersloeil having recently established
themselves in business, hope by an earliest effort,
to pleat°, to enjoy a full share of public pntron•
ago andlavot. • , • •••• ,
THE subscriber isjust opening another Lot
cing a . full assortment,. as follows : French
Morineo, Ca.zhmeres, •Bcimbazines, Persian
Twills' Coburgs, Mona do. Lains:' Ginghams,
Chintzesand Calicoes. Also Clothe; Satti.
nets, Caseimeres in variety for.boye wear, with
a general assortment of li'oncy. and. Staple
Goods to suit every body in price and quality.
BONNETS, RIBBONS, &c,. - . •
Now opening a full assortment of handsome
Plaid, Ribbons, Bonnet Linings, Bonnet'
Frames, narrow velvet Ribbons
. of jot
' ; Dress Trianninge. A gr, at..vartety of. hand
' some French Collars, latest • style,, Cambric
-'and SwiscFloitheings. Edgings and Inserting%
A full • assortment of. Drees Buttons, some
-Ontirely;new styles with - 'a &est . :many other
nollorisnot.ennmerateth , : '
• • 7 -- 'SHAWLS I SHAWLS I !
, -. •
_Jatit rocOiv r 'ed.a' fr'ilier . aupply of 13 roan,
'Caahtnero,..Thibot: and Blanket Sh la' both
bng tindWouire,' hnd Of ' itariptia agico; v rivhich ,
1611 boaohkat the" layost ptioett, -, ,
I ' ---
Ati.ATEr- 1M1130,1'0. • , i'
i 15a piocesmarro*..,V,oixt,...!ilibbonai 2nit1..",-
en oral ,aaaorrnio d
:`o.t irDititiVi ,4 p qaj t l i s eit ' ll3 r ena
ia r tj "l" ! r 4
: O. W*;,llVrAtAV:..t,
3 ,
i . • ,` ;;;; : 11; .-'.: -f ~._.",:: , ~..•
A "
The Old Fashioned Mills Dein atv,ay With!
IN all former times it ws i s supposed that a
large quantity of cideC could only be made
by nuts, a , ponderotts machine,.that- slowly
crushed the-apples without grinding them fine.
They were then made into a•massive cheese an
straw, and a most severe and long pressure'
was required to extract a portion of the cider,a.
considerable quantity being absorbed by the
straw and the mass of pomico, and to- obtain
this unsatisfactory result the farmer had to take
all his - hands, and perhaps his six horse team,'
and devote a whole day that could have been
mbre profitably employed, to [ratite from six to
twelve barrels of cider. To obviate the difli
culty the farmers have heretofore labored under
this machine has been invented,•and the state
ment of a few facts will prove that it is not on
ly the BEST MACHINE of the kind in Ws
tence, but that it is the moat profitable that a
man can have on his furni. The" apples are by
this machine grated up intoa fine pulp, 'Jolliet
it requires but a comparatively light pressure,
and that but a minute or two, to evi - let all the
cider, it being asceriaineebby practiCal experi
ment that:osefourthfmore juice can be obtained
than by the old process. Besides this it only
requires twohands to grind up - and make••into
.cider a larger quantity of apples than can pos
sibly be made:on the old fashioned machines.
On this press, owingto the-compactness of the
politico in the tub, and the complete manner in
which it is , Fround, a pressure of front three to
five tons—that can easily be obtained—will
,produce a more favbrable result than one hun
dred tons pressure on the ordinary cider press;
even if the apples were grrund, as finely as on
`the improved mill ; and if the apples were
merely crushed ns on the nut machine, it would
require a pressure oftwo hundred tons to pro,
duce the result accomplished by this Patent
Mill. The following may be adduced as the
decided advantages of this mill: . •
First—lt will make more rider than env oth
er mill, with a given quantity of apples in o
given time, and with much leSs laborand
Second—lt will make cleaner and sweeter
cider than any other mill.
Third—You can Take the eider as you want
it, and when you want it—and in quantities
from one gallon to 6 0r.20 barrels.
Fourth—With it you can press your currants
cherries, berries, cheese, butter, lard ana taß
Filth—With it you can save one-fourth of
your time in malting apple butter.
Sixth—With it you can grind or chop your
apples, potatoes. turnips, beets, carrots or
pumpkins, for your cattle.
Seventh--With Beim° you can nt all times
Witli all thcradvantages resulting from the
froesession ana use.of such a a
price so low that it to within the reach of:an—
ent' it be that any intelligent farmer would do
without it?
Do you wish to have in your house cider
that is nt all times sweet and fresh, the only
time it is,really healthz and fit for use—and do
you wish to save a great portion of the hard
labor attendiug the malting-of apple butter?
If an. buy this machine and our word for it you
will not be disappointed.
The price of the Cider Mill and Press is 835;
and of the Hoot Cutting Cylinder $5. For
Machines, or State. county or township rights,
address. post paid W 0 HT CK 0 IC; -
Harrisburg, Pa.
it!rrincid Agents wanted.
NOTICE..—Sinee my circulars were issued
it has been concluded to Fell nt the shove price.
giving the owner the entire right to the ma
chine and to use or lend it ns he pleases.
The machine eon he seen by calling on Mr.
Jacob Fejter, Carlisle. faug,ll6m)
VET HATF VI Rconcernsthehealthandhnppi•
V ness of a people is at all Mertes of tha most
valuable importance. I take. it for granted that
every person will do all in their power,to save the
lives of their children , and that every person will
endeavor to promote their own health at nil Sac
rifices. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly as
sure you that WORMS ,according to the opinion
of the most celebrated Physiciansore the pima
try causes of a large majority of diseasesto which
the children and adults are. liable yoti have
an appetite continualyabangeablc from one kind
of food to another, Bad Breath, Pain in the
Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and
Fullness of 'the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever
Ptilse irregular—remember that all these denote
WORMS, and you should at once apply the rem
An article founded on Scientific Principles,
compounded with purely vegetable substances;
being perfectly 'safe when taken,and can - be given
to the most tender infant with decided beneficial
effects where Bowel • I 'omplaints and Diarrhea
have mule Mimi weak and debilitated ; the Tonic
properties of my Warm Syrup are such, that it
stands without an equal in the catalogue of med
icines, fn giving tone end strength to the Stom
ach, which makes it an infallible, remedy for
those afflicted with Dyspepsia; the astonishing
cures performdd by. this SyrupAljeF Physicians
have failed, is the best m'idenee7Of its superior
°Melte) . above all'others.
This is tht; most difficult Wortn io destroy o
all that infest the Mll7lllll system, it grows to all
almost indefinite length, becoming so .coiled and
fastkied in the •Intestinei and Stomach ,affecting
the health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus' Dance,
Pits, &e., that those afflicted seldom if ever sus.
pect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
early grave. In oilier to destroy this worm,a
very energetic treatment tn.:st be pursued, it
would therefore he proper to take 6 to S of my
Liver Pills so as to remove all obstruetions.that
the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm,
which must he taken in doses ot 2-Tablespoonfuls
three .times a day. These directions follow; d
have never be'e'n known to fail m curing the most
obstinate rase of Tone Worm.
No part athe system iSmorqlliable to disease
inn the LIVER, it serving as a•filterer to purify
,i blood, or giving the proper secretion to the
Bile; so that any wrong
action of the Liver af
fects the other important parts of the system, and
results varieusly, in Liver Complitint, Jaundice,
llyssepale, itir.e. We ahoulil therefore.watelier
cry symptom that might indicate a wrong actim.
or the Liver. Thosepills being composed of
Routs not Plants furnished by nature to heal the
'sick: Namely, tst. An EXPECTORANT,
whichinugments the secretion from . the Pulmo
nary, mucous memlnutie, or promotes the dis
charge of secreted matter. 2d. An ALTERA
TIVE. which changes•in some inexplicable and'
insensible manner the certn.n morbid action of
the system; thl.• A voNlu, which give tone and
strength ito the nervous system, renovilg health
and . vigor to all parts of the bo dy. - ritig. ~.1 04.
TH4RTIC, which acts In perfect alimony with,
the other ingredients; and operating on thistbow
les, nod expelling the whole mass of corrupt and
vitiated matter, and purifying the Blood, which
destrovs diliease and restores Itenttlil -,:- - iiii
• , TO FEMALES. .i , ' ,4 • - .
Youiwill find these pills on invaluable medicine
in many complainti to which you arc subject. • lii
Obstructions . either total •or , ps,rtial; they Anve
been found of. ` an inestimable benefit, restoring
theihfunctional arrait,gements to a healthy netinn
purifying the blood and other fluids soieffectually
as to put to flight all complaints which may arise
from (Mollie irregularities, as !leaded,. -idditiessi:
dimness of sight, plinth' the side, back, &o,
None genuine unless signed J. N. ilebeniack,
all others being base mutations, _'• - - f •-•
1:0"•4geots wishilignew,.Supplies, and Store•!
kcepers, desirous of becoming Agents must ad-i
dre4a - the Proprietor, J. N, ilobensack; Phila.,
- .Lamm. on CingDrALAND• -;COUNTY: S W
Haverstiek, S Elliott, and 9 liJubbard;Carliiile:
Lloyd, Lisburzu -I,Day. and J FSOaltr, Mechani
idollorg I Coyjii: flegitestetilif4faversticis &
Striblith, Kinglitownly i i Scalier,' .:Churchtewe 1
Hayes,SliirmeiiiiburK i Elisio,* Papartowo ,
GreasoO, Plainfield ' ,ndeser 4:: Mori, tick. :
W,ealcley: lk , .Stiriyar, , H ,Cetttievllle ; Denalifsciti & '
Gracii, Patna Stowe* u: litifo!,4lg VY4.OittSIN9PI
: . ;! , ,405.:fiRtik'54,54:-_- 1- - . ' •
TUE PEG' , F -E.
every Variety, couipriting one-
.of the largest
and cheapest' Stocks, can be had ef 'JOUR
• FAREIRA, aithe well known Hat, Cap and
Fur Warehouse, No. 284, Market Street, ber
lweea SighthAnd, Ninth, South .side, Phila.
doft,l4. • •
The Proprietor offers bie claims for public
,natronage,...being- a—praMioal_worliman,_and
flaring hVt - d - rMisonal experience both inmanu
featuring and selling; he is satisfied thet• his
- business , facilities cannot-he surpassed by any,
dottier in the city. •
His crock of ,Gentlemen's Hats for the Fall
is very largi3 and of supdrior quality!' Ills as
sortment-of Children s fiats is also very large,
varying in price from $1 to $5. ho also calls
the attention, of Ladies to, his fine assortment
of FURS, such as Muffs, Boas, Tippets, Arm
lets, &c., made up expressly for the present
season.., All the furs are of his own imports:
lion, and made by the best workinen under his
own peraunalinspection. Wholesale denim
-froin the country will find it to their advantage
to call, call arid examine hie Stock before per•
ngelsewhere. Oct. 273 m. '
4PrICII.E•GOLIGO 1",..p0rS
inbracing all jilts properties contained in, the
linear quill fen in addition to which, the dura
bility of the Jlfetals are combined andfully
associated and developed.
THE following highly respectable testamo
flints and reconfinendations are SIMI - nutted to
the publiT - -
Having tried Adam Wm. Repp's PATENT
-undersigned take great pleasure in recommend
ing it to the public as tho greatest improvement
immetallie pens that has mot our attention.
His. Excellency, William Bigler, Governor
ot flie State of Pennsylvania.
His Excellency, E. Louis Lowe, Governor
of the State of Maryland.
Right Reverend Bishop A. Potter, Rev.
Charles Wadsworth, Rev. John Street, W.
Rawle, Esq., Wm. Joseph R: Chandler. Clark
Hare, Esq., Isaiah Hacke, Alderman George
•W. A•th, Rev. D. W. Bartine, Editors Public
Ledger, Prof. J. S. Hart, Principal of Central
High School, Philadelphia.'
Judge Booth, Richard Itaux, Esq., William
Neal; Peorge.W:lllostop, William S. Price,
„/ - • S •
Rev. W. 13: Edw rderA Duff Green, Esq.,
F. froward, M. D., Richdrd Smith, Esq., ill.
11. Miller, J. Radclitl, William P. Elliott, Edi
ors National IntolligenCer, Editors Washing
ton. Republic, Brag/dug:on City: -- •
James M. Cassady, Esq., Thomas W. Mul
ford, A. Browning, W. N. Jeffries, Camden.
Rev. Dr. DeWitt, Rev . , Charles A. Hay,
Rev. G. IL Coit, Rev. J. F. Alesielt, Harris
Rev. C. K. Nelson, Editeis Maryland State
Capitol Gazette, annapoinr, .
"The subscriber having purchnecd tht prop
ertylknown as the Aloyamensing Banking
House, South East Corner of 2d and Chestnut
Streets, for his future business Establishment,
intends keeping a large and complete assort—
ment of every variety of texture and- size. of
A-dam—Wrm. app's - Int elt — puto - nt ed scientific
Niclie Gold. Pons., Gold and Silver Pencils and
Pen Holders, of every variety, wholesale and
retail.' In addition thereto I have on hand
ltapp's last edition of Scientific Penmanship
and, Penmaking, in variom bindings. -
General Sale Agent for Adam 'Wm. Rapp'e
Patented Scientific Niche Gold Pens, S. E..
corner Second:and Chestnut Sreete,
TAME undersigned is prepared to manutieture
1 ste"m engines and boilers, blowing cylin
ders, gearing for r o iling, grist and saw -mills.
mill screws, -lathes and
planes, shafting, hangers
=6 .
ety of 51A.CHINIERY and CASTINGS,such
as hot blast pipe's, gas and water pipes, retorts
and Itniip posts„sgr wheels and . axles, fire
-plugs and hydrants, cellar giates and water
spouts, wall coupeing, and a very handsome
assortment ofnew style paterns for patent fence
imiking, posts and gates, cast bathing cisterns,
large size, and a number of new patterns for
cook, nine plate and pnrlor stoves, horse pow
ers and threshing machines of improved plans,
plough castings, cast columns and fronts for
Mill owners and mill-wrights are respectful.
y solicited to call and examine my new and
mproved assortment of mill gearing patterns.
Patterns and smith work made to order and
machinery repaired promptly.
N. B• Railroad cars of all dimensions
built find repaired.
Parristturg. May 26
L. - 3ELUTTER & Co.
Successara to IV O Hickok -and Hickok UCantine
Bonk Bindeis, Stationers, and Blank
Book _Manufacturers •
111115 subscribers respectfully inform their
friends that they are nom , carrying on the
above business at the old stand formerly oc
cupiod by Hickok & Cronin°, and lately by
Hickok & Co. , .They flatter themselves that
by careful attention to business they will merit
and receive a continuance of the,patronage so
liberally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular
attention will In paid to the ruling and binding
of every description of BLANK BOOKS, for
Bunke, County Officers, Merchants and Pri
vate Individuals, and every variety of lull and
half bound blanks. ' They have also made ar
rangements to supply counties with the new
and ‘approVed Judgment Docket and Assess
ment Books. In addition to the above, they
have and will at all times keep, a general as
sortment of SCHOOL and MISCELLANE
Letter Paper, Kniires, Slates, Pencils,
Cap Quills, Ink Stands,
Drawing ;"1 Carp'rs Pencils Letter Stamps,
Transfer " Lead Pencils,' Motto Wafers,
Copying " Wafers. India Rubber,
Blotting " Sealing Wax, Blank Cards,
Steel Pons, Red 'Pape,. ••Folders,
Black Ink. Red Ink, Carmine Ink, Blue Ink,
Copying.lnk, Arnold's Writing Fluid,
Erasers, &c. , r Etc.
Paper Ruled to Pattern.' Old Books, Peri
odicals, Law Books, Music, Newspapers, &c,
bound to any patiern,and in nn.rstyle required.
A general assortment of Printing Ink. All
work sarratited and done very chenply.Please
. give us a call. F. L..IIUTTER & Co.
Harrisburg, April 28,1852,—tf.
Manufactured by the New Jersey Company,
JViwark, N. J.
THE subscribers are now prepared 'to exe
cute orders to-any extent for their bcautifu
White and Colored Zinc Paints, at the follow
ing reduced prices,. viz :
No I, Whito, g'd in oil, 9c poll., w'td pure.
No 2 do - do, - 8 dth do
No - 3 do do '7 do do •
Brown & Bl'k do 5i do
Ono hundred pounds will cover equally well
as much surface as 160 lbs. of White Lead;
they are 25 par cent. cheaper to the consumer.
THE ZINC WHITE is rapidly superseding
White Load, over which it possesses. many ad
vantages. It is whiter and more beautiful than
the White Load—floes not turn yellow, oven
wlten.oxposod to sulphurous vapor—has no
smell--is no injurious to health,and is far more .
; Zinc Brown and Black ,Piiints are both
' . 'Weather and Fire Frail. •
The bost•covering for outside work ever
• , traduced, adapted to building of Wood, Brick
. pr,Stone"to fences, carriage .bodies; bridges:
and maehinery—to the liulls of vinisele,anchers.
chains, and all other iron work onboard ship
- --to steam boilers, smoke stocks, watertanks
• --t o ri r on, tin and other roofing, iron abutters.
doors and railings; wire fences, bridges, etc.
For Iron Surfaces this paint is especiallyveV •
vablo, as it forms a' galvanic connection, and
entirely prevents met:
These sine painttrhaving a pure metallic bate
tire Warranted not to turn yellOw, end will re
- teitutheir original brilliancy much longer than
• White Lead, or any of the earthy niergents
• now in use.' The certificates : from those ;who.
.have•ueed these. paints, are such es to satisfy
the public that they. aro invaluable:
The ablest Chemists of France and thin
country have testified to •the eupeiiority of
' Zinc over Lend paints - , las to durability,health
fulness and beauty.'•
The tittention• of Armlere is respeclfullyira
' toested by the Cempany!s Agents; • • ••
F. C. JONES,A:Co.,
maylettn ' S. Wharves, Philcura:
• TAJANTED. , ;. y. •.
milaaSmith'of. Carlirle, Furnace
I .Hattul a 9 l : X Woo
dChopoe'rs,..llline-.Bank Hands,
Colliers. Laborin ands, Limestone delivered
by tho Tod, and Limestone Ore.
Se,rApnly , t.o tbe 'undersigned - at the. works.
; • • • OlVEN'ecip,
~, Tan' 25th, 4853. ,•-
• •
Ebir 2.6iiertisemetitti
Clock, Time-piece, Watch & Jewelry
At his Old Stand, No. 238 .illarAci Street, (be
tibeeti 7tl, aid Sth, South Side,) Phi 10, 1 1 1 .114.
11011 - y friendS, old customers tii,d the public
IVA must know that 1 am at till times' pre
pared to 'furnish WATCUES,
- PENS of all - kinds with:Gold end Silver 1101-
dere in variety, &c.ot the very lowest Cal h
Prices, together with the beet supply of supe
rior Clocks owl. Time-pieces, ever ollercitat
this establishment: •
- .
E. H. being a practical-time-piece and watch
maker, with an experience ul nearly twenty
Tears-10 years at his presti.t location—is at all
times prepared to furnish, by wholesale and
arranted "lime•keepers" of the''ben
quality,—comprising eight day and thirty lir ur
clocks and time-pieces, orplain and highly or
namental designsof all styles, and adapted for
counting.houses,,parlors, halls, churches, fac
tories, steam boats, rail CtrE,&c. Also, alarm
chicks, a most desirable article for ' Sound
Sleepers,' and for all whose besincss requires
them to be tap in themorning
Clocks,'.Time'-pieces, Watches and Jewelry
of every deicription-repaired wiih great 'care
atidlworranted. - -,,supplied-with clocks
and clock trimmings:.. Barnum's motto Is my
motto, 'we study to please ' japr7-1
Cheap Watches and Jewelty:
at the " Philadelphia Watch
rnd Jewelry Stor'e," Number
90 North Second Street, corner
of Quarry, Phtladelphia.
Gold Lever Watches, full
jewelled', 18 carat crises, 820,00
Sily'r do lullfd; 612 Gold Spectacles $7OO
Silver Le'pe jvi Is, 10 Fine Silver do. wl 50
do do do 9 Gold Bracelets. r t i 300
Superior Quartiers, 7I Ladies G'd P'ls 1.00
Imitation do 5 S'r Tea S ' IlE, 501t,5 . 00
Gold Phlts with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00
Gold Finger Ringd 37 cents to 68 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 126 cents; Patent, 18/ ; lune!,
25; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they arc sold for.
septBly Successors to 0. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold. and Silver'Levers and
Lenines. still lower than the alievi prices.
x.. 1 6 61:Vh.1i4D,4
'• WM. BAILY tk.SONi
Imparters and Dealers in
Aro cointantly ren3iving the latest stVlos
of the above. Goods, which am offered at
• wholesale or retail, Rt
No. 216 Market'Street, above Sixth, near
Decatur 6treat, Philadelphia.
SONTraNZ‘d te. St What Ihisr ars
THE undersigned respectfully informs the
public that shy still continues the manufacture
and sale of A LLOHER'S ELIXIR, for the
cure of Coughs, Cold, Consumption, Pain in
the Chest, Soreness of throat, &c. 'I his med
icine has amnia d.n . just celebrity for_the- cure
of all diseases arising frets slcvere colds, and
its efficacy has been attested Lod approved by
hundreds of our most respc-etable ,cipzet F. In
every instance sninicdiate relief has bees giv
cm,,as the following certificate horn n few who
have teed it bears testimony.
6C.1.E27, 1852, 3m
We, the undersigned,' doo certify that we
have used Galloher's Pre; Million for Con
sumption, Colds, Diseases of the lungs, liver,
nnd heve expenenced immediate relief
therefrom, and would recommend it to all per
sona afflicted in that way.
Thos. H. Skiles, Mrs. G m Id,
R. 11. McCoy ' E. L. wolf,
Peter Monyer, 11. S. Hackett.
. Hanover Street, and next dune to Glass's
THE undersigned would respectfully inform
the citizens of Carlisle and the s tiubhe et
ally, that lie now has on hand a large and ele
gant assortment of .1 , 1:n . N ITI RE, consisting
in part of Waidrobes, Card and Tables,
Sofas, Bureaus, 13edsitn s, plain and fancy
Sewing Stands, '&c. manufactured of the best
material and quality warrant«).
Also a general assortment t f ( HAIRS nt
the lowest prices. reaffirm nt ad e to
order, and repairing promptly attended to.
07Coffins made at the shottest notice, and
having a splendid hearse he will um ut, fatter.
ols in town or country.
0:7 - Remember the stand— rust door to II
Glass's Hotel. ,nov24 SMILEY.
makes it the largest, most corn plate and cheapest assortment ever of
fered to the public. I now invite all persons
in want of good hardware at very reduced
prices to give me a call as I am sure you can
be accommodated - With hardware of every
description from a needle to an anvil at prices
that will correspond with the times iota pocket.
Recollect a penny saved is two earned, and 1
consider a nimble si.xpence Letter than a slow
15 gross table knives and forks, assorted ; 30
dozen Pocket Cutlery, of very superior finishi
and assorted patterns and styles, and a fine
assortment ci razo:s, scissors and shears, and
a great variety ol cutlery ol all kinds for sale
at Lynn's Hardware Establihmentmlso cistern
pumps, lead pipe, Rosendal cement, and Fire
Proof Paint of various colefs at •Lyne's. ,
260 gallons superior varnisher, just received
from the best manulactories in the LT, States.
My varnishes areMsed by mrs of the princi•
pal cabinet and roach makers in this and the
adjoining counties, and pronoun Ced by all, far
superior to any other in the market. I invite all
who use thisartic'e to try Lynn's varnish, and
it will add fifty per cent to the looks of your
cabinet ware and carriages; also a variety of
springs, axles, hubs, bows, feloes, enamel
leather,curtain cloth, grab cloth, laces, Cringe,
urled hair and sol springs.
The largest, beet, and - Cheapest assortment_oL
men's mad - Freneh morocco, linings, bindings,
French and potent calf Skins, ever produced in
Carlisle, together with a large lot of lasts of the
latest style,boot trees, shoe thread, awls, wax,
pegs, and kitof the best manufacture and latest
cuts, now opening at the cheapahardtt altos—
tublishment ofJohn P Lyne.
Will find a superior -article or Wood's patent
boxestor wooden axles, and a splendid arti•
aloof patent iron axles, and 100 pairs bright
51 boxes extra creme greon,.so pounds "stip°
rior French greent-10 boxes crome yellow, •
boxes American Vermillion, 10,000 pounds
pure white load 122 gallons pure linseed 011,
100 boxes glum., assorted, for sale nt gremly
reduced prices at the Hardware Establishment
of foct2o.l • JOHN. P LYNE.
EORGE KELLER !respectfully" announ•
Utfces to his old Pauline and the public gen
erally that he has just received , the
MEN'S HATS, manufactured at
one of the best establishments in
Philadelphia, to which he invitee
special attention.
Ho has also constantly on hand a large, and
varied assortment of his own manufacture as
wall as city made
euitablii for he senson,comprieing every vial
eyt of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats,
finished in the latest style, together with a lull
assortment of Caps of every shape and "des
cription, and at, every price Ile 'particularly
invites thcrpublir to call andetramine his exten
sive assortment, which) In, style, material 'and
finiali,•eannot be 'surpassed-1y any in Market,
and which lie is able-to put at prices lower than
ever, Otrßemeteber his old stand: on North
Hanover street, between flunier's and Sense's
store. farnBl •
Zinetat Water, Sarsaparilla, &e.
• _ , •
THE cutiscriber;would rerfeotfully announce
to the citizittnalir T.:6Mtla .and the community
at large..thht ho bus coati - helloed the , tinnufai—
turicor Mineral , Watets and Sarenpaiilla of the
very beet flavor and quality, and the bottling
of Porter, Ale and. Cider, -.He is fully and
amply . pronared to;fitrnieli all, orddre promptly
and with, despatch, and hence by strict attention'
to. business, to receive. that attention due to
enforpriee. which he reepootfully asko,,Real.,
deuce in Main •Street • ricer Alio R E M ,R oa d
march 16—Gm, ' •
fl Z la ola 31) ' S
Coach IVlalcets
slli6 - rellancoito:
l'egciable tatgel ll 6zi•
Prepared bY3reinig, Fronifield,4.
I , i AV/1
1 , 12 TAR
1'14 1 . 11 (~ ; • .. .A%
1 1 1
%. 7 ?
=P t l' '
r..FTE discovery of BRECINICI. FRONEFIELD, &
Co's Cemant/Orsti, CATTLE POIII6Eft, has
set the whole community alive to it new fact in
7. - - - regard'Aci=feeding of Cuttlq, both for the pur
pose of maintaining,healtli.and increasing the
production of Fat, IJui.t...rmid Milk. The efFeCt
• of their Powder has astonished„every ono that
has used it, and the deform.' has keen so large
,that the proprietors could scarcely Manufacture
sofilcient ly,fust fur their sales.
- The immense popularity it has obtained from ,
Farmers, Dairymen and Horsemen, and the
confitiencoand 'success with which they hove
used, it have set the tends of other Druggists
at work,to mu kelin article professing to be of
equal merits; thinking to take advantage Dicier
Powder's popularity, arid by these means intro
duce other article's into the market, which
have no affinity to our preparation whatever.
Every person knows, who has read anything
of Agricultural Chemistry, that no powder pee-,
attes t ing such qualities whilst which we prepare
was ever known in any port of Germany, Eu
rope or America. We advise all persons to
read Prof. Leitigs's works and see for them
selves whether they or any ono else, ever knew
of a Cattle Powder in Gerhiany, Europe or
America, that ever professed to have the' same
virtues, widen we claim for ours.
The discovery is of American Birth, t e off
spring of the proprietors, and there is no cattle
powder now known in the, world, that was ever
manufactured from (Inc same combinatibn of
Cheinicateletnents as that of..Breinig, Franc
fidd, & Co.
Do nut therefore stiffer yourselves to bo de
ceived, or think that our powder is a humbug
• because you have tried those mongrel substi
tutes andlotind no good follow but rather inju
rious results. Never give an opidon unless you
have tried the. only.genuine Vegetable, Cattle
Powder in the world, as compounded and pre—
pared by Breinig, Frunefield & Co., No. 187,
North Third Str. et, Philadelphia.
N- D.. Do riot be imposed upon and allow
your animals to die or linger with disease be
cause' you have fed the wrong Cattle Powder.
The signature of
is on the end of each pack of the genuine ar.
tick Sold In Cirrlis -
April 7, 's2—Gm
great Attraction At
Cheap Clothipg Seoro,
Two doo'rs !{Test of : the Post Office, and ad
joining. Movina.liip Confictionary Siore.
TIIE proprietors of this popular and ex
tenstve manufactory of Ready mado
doling, beg, leave to announce that they
have now on hand the largest, most varied
and elegant assortment of
ever offered in Carlisle, to which they invite
the attention of the public, confident that in
style and finish tt cannot ire excelled. The
clothing sold at this establishment consists in
part of the following, viz : _
_ _ _
In I lie department we have a magnificent ae•
sortmeni of black,-blue and J,ancy colors, cut
in the latest fashions, tastefully and elegantly
trimmed, and made in a superior manner.
01Cloths:Cassimeres and Tweeds, all o
new style and at. very low prices.
Of black, bi-own, blue and drab, Leaver,Efel
Pilot and flushing cotlis.
A rery large assortment okbeiver, felt:p lo
Sat:inapt and green baize.'"
The richest and most beautiful assortment
ever °tiered of Satin, binds and honey Silks,
lUerino; Valentin, Dalian Cloth, Sattinett,
doitil and single breasted, oh
- every variety
of material and pattern.
Of plain and fancy • Cassimcres, Doe skin,
&milieu, Jeans and Velvet curd, in endless
variety. Under Shirts and Drawers.
We have by far this largest assortment jiM the
town consisting of Boys and Youos sack,
frock and body coats, over coats„ pants and
vests of all sizes, qualities, and at very low
prices. These articles are made with neat
ness and care, and far superior !to those ordi
narily dffored.
Fine white shirts of linen and cotton; of new•
cat styles and best make.
Also collars, double and three-ply shams,
- cravats, handkerchiefs, susinn - ders, gloves,
hosiery and umbrellas.
A very largo and choice ti.ssortment of
French, English end American Clothe, Cas
simeres and Vestings.
We therefore confidently invite those who
peeler having their clothes made to measure
to give us a cull, feeling confident that the
quality and variety of our goods will please the
most lastidious, and the extreme cheapness
satisfy the moat rigid economist.
n0v2 , 11852 • M. & L. STEINER.
sT.m.anes SItW WLXLL.
THE undersigned owning a large Steam
Saw Mill, recently built, on un improved plan,
with_o_eircular saw e,apuble of sawing with
groat rapidity, located three miles west of Pa.
pet town,Cuinberland county, at the base of the
South Mountain, on Spruce Run, and having
in possession near one thousand acres of the
best timber land, in the Southern part of Penn
sylvania, aro now prepared to saw and furnish
lumber to order, at the shortest notice of the
various descriptions used for mechanical pur
poses. They can furnish frame stuff for barns
and houses of any, length and size that may be
required, weather-boarding, flouring, and fen
cing boards, poplar and oakboards and plank,
shingle and plastering lathe, oak and chcsnut
dangles, aocper stu ff ; pitc hi pine posts, and
chestnut rails and posts.. They have now on
hand Several thousand foot of lumber, chesnut
rails and posts fur fence, quit and pine wood by
the cord, and can be delivered in jet(
season several hundred curds of - chesnut oak
bark for terming purposes. •
Tho proprietors having availed theinsolvds
of the natural advanttigeo of their location,
which abounds in a variety of the finest
:timber, and having also a practical knowledge
of the business, ore enabled to furnish lumber .
lower! to this citizens of Cuinberlond counv
than can be done by any similar establishment
—and us they wish and expect to 'do n large
business, will spore no pains Ln accommodate
the public' at the shortest notice.
Tim various descriptions of lumber - will be
delivered in Garfield - or elsewhere airmay be
desired. AlForders'hddressod to the _proprie
tors, Divan & Haskell, living in' PanCitown; or
to Win. D. Seymour, jr. in - Carlisle, will secure
prompt attention, - • ,
;.; - , •.,
SLAT+ ITARN would respoetfully - nn•
ndunao to. the eitizenn of Carlisle that Ito has
Jecciinmenced his Intsincss Of Finnan Painting,
• Glazing, and Paper Ilanginz. in all its various
branches. Ilia shop in. the 'mar of this
Grammar +Soho .1. Thankful for past .faVori
ho. tepee bytatriet attention to;lisinettutolihoro
a.portion of publit rptitronage. • Ho. will also
• attend to the trimming and painting el Venition
Blinds, &e. Pti.CCO mode , to suit' tha , timesand
' all work warranted good of no pay,
et:4loW°. 185:1"--9( ,•.;
. ,
The salcrihor,h'aa'joat,noitimed ahothor tn.
voice,oir; the Goat quality, Parts Kid :Wapiti, at
-tho tottr.pircoliaffi2kate: - por pair.
. for 25 cents; by means,
or, Every One
''he thirty.sixth
with one hundred en,-
item, in every shape"
I form : to which is ad
;eases of rultialeS, in.
beins of the highest importance to married peo.
isle, or those contemplating marriage. By IN M.
YOUNG, M. D., Graduate oldie • University of
Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, Condon, nod Honorary Mtri.ber tit the
flhiltidelphin Me divas Roeicty. The ration's
forms of * Secret Diseases, Seminal Weakness,
Diseases of the Vrostrate Impotency, soli.
tory habits of youth, ore I.llillifOlTS described, and
all the recipes gi yen in 'plain language. The
chapter on sellsabuse and Seminal Weakness is
worthy of 'milieu:at• attention, nod should be read
by every one. Young men - who have bedu unf,or.
Mottle in contracting disease * protons to playing
yourselves under the care of ary doctor, mil.
Mr what pretensions may be, ger a_copy. of
Of this truly valuable work.
• S,en Criptains nod persons going to sen, should.
possess 1)1.. Yokug's Treatise on Alortjtige, the
Pocket JRscu lipios, or Every one His own Phy
Irr Let no father he ashnined to present a
eopy of the ,Eau.lupins to his el ild. It may
save from nu
. eorly grace. Let no young
n lh
um or woan enter into the sect et oblications
of; married life, without reading - the pocket tiEss
oil:This. Let no one Buffering frets a hocknied
I cough, pain in the side, restless nights. iuLrtout
feeliqs, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given up by their physician, be an
oilier moment without consulting the iEscula-
Ai n 8, flare 1159 married or those about to be
married any impediment, rend this trrly useful
Book, as it has been 115 e means of Boning thou
sands of unfortunate creatures from the vet y
jaws of death. Upu Ards of n MILLION copies
of this celebrated work lies been sold in this
country and Europe since 1838, when the first
edition was issued.
ccr Any person sending TWF.NTY-PING
cents enclosed inn letter, will reeeiNc one copy
adds book by nail; or fire copies will be sent
for $l. Address Dr. WILLIAM YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, — Post
'l'wentyyears.practice 'in the city of Philadel
phia certa inly entitles Youlig to the confi
dence of the afflicted, find lie may be coirstilica
on any of thmdiscases described iii his cliff(' cut
publications, at his
15'2 Spruce
every day between 9 nod 3 o'clock, (houclo:f ex,
mepted) and pet sons at any distnuce calf constilt
Dr. Young by letter, Poor PAID.
Splendid Fancy 'Goods, Elegant cart
C,„l W. HAVERSTICK has just received
• from' the city and is now.opening splen
did display of FANCY GOODS, suitable for
the,ppproaching Holyday Sdhioti, to which be
daires to evil the attention of bis friends abd
the public His assortment in this line cannot
be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and
both in quality nod price of the articles, can
not fail to please purchasers. It would ,be im
possible to enumerate
which comprise every variety of fancy articles
of the most novel styles and exOnisite shapes
such as
Papier lilache Goode,
Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stan s
and trays,
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases„
Ladies' Faticy Briskets ; -
Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruats,
__Port Ml:ninnies, of every variety,[4
Gold pens and pencils,
Fancy paper weights,
Papeteries, with a large variety of ladies
Fancy stationery,
Motto seals and wafers,
Silk and bead piirsesti
Ladies' whips, elegantly finished,
• Ladies' fine cutlery,
Perfume baskets and bags,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
Roussersperlumes of the various lands,
.1 Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all
prices, together with an innumerable variety of
nrticles elegantly finished and suitable for ho
liday presents, to which he invites special at
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of.
comprising the various- English•a . nd American
ANNUALS for 1853, richly embellished and
illustrated POETICA L W 0 R. IC 5, with
for children of all ages, than „which nothing
can be more appropriate or plunging as holiday .
gifts. His assortment of Siabool Books and
School Stationery is also cttniplete, an d corn
-prises every thing used in College and the
Schools. - lie also desires to call the particular
attention of Families to his elegant display of
from the extensive establishments of Ceramics.
Archer'and others of Philadelphia, comprising
every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study
Lamps, for burning either lard, sperm or ethe
real oil, together with Flower Vases, Fancy
Screens, &c. His assortment in this line is un
equalled in the 'borough. A iFO.
in every variety and at all prices, all of which
are pure and fresh, such as can b e: confidently
recommended to his friends and the little folks.
His stock embraces everything in if:W.lllle of
Fancy Gooas, with many other art icles 'useful
to - houselteepers,which the public are especially
invited to call and sec durinr, the holtdah=it-,,,
Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite-tho
Bank on North Hanover street.
decls 1852. S W. IiA,VEBSTICIC.
THE subscriber would respectfully announ c e
to tho citizens of this place, and all Person s
visiting the smite during the Holidays, that he
has now on hand and will continue to he sup—
plied with the latest novelties up to the close of
the season, comprising in pert
of eke choicest varieties, such as Pine Candy
Toys, Jelly Cakes, Bon Buns, Gum Cordial,
Lemon, Chdeolate and Fruit Drops, Rose,
Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French sr 'I ex
ploding Secrets. .Also all the common cane
ties, all of which will be sold tcheici.../a and
retail at low rates, at
in North Hanover'street i a. few doors north - -i
of the Bunk, where we have just received
of the latest importations such as"-Oranges,
Lemons. Raisins, Figs, Pruens, Citron, Cur—
rants, soft and paper shelled A liiiends, 1 il
berts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. Also,
of ovary kind from all parts of 'Europe, Inns.
ufactured of wood. glass, papier macho,
tin Rad India rubber, zinc, such as Fine
Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sowing and Card
Baskets, 'Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower
Vases, Motto. Cups, Tea Setts, Music Boxes,
Port Montlies, Battle Doors, Greco Hoops,
Masks, Drains, Puns, 'Trumpets, Dominoes,
lotto and other games, &c. Fancy Soaps ana
Hair (ills of every variety. In connection
with the shove a large stock of
such as pulverized, ertililied and brown Su.
Ti mrs, of every gade, Colic°, Molasses, Starch,
reen and Bide's. Teas, Spices,. Butter, soda,
Sugar, Water and co,her Crackers, cheese, &c.
The subscriber returns his shim() Blacks
Id spumous public for the patronage heteto
fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire •
to please, to merit a continuance of the same.
doels I'. MON YEW.
rLiiE subscriber is•just now receiving .nod
U. opening nounparalleled nstiortment of
WALL PAPERS. Those desirous of trona.
formning the interiors of their old dwellings
into new ones, and giving additional embel
lishments to, their new ones, at a comparative
ly trilling cost, well to calrand exatnine
for I eon soli them , from cis upwards. Re
member the old stand;: Ist Mali st opposite .
Ogilby's Store. By the way, I would say to
those whd also warn to improve the 'exterior of
their' houses; that Isom furnish th c i m
Wornorill's puro and fresh ground White Lead,
together with various other colours, blue, or.
~,,g o; ,ye l low,yariouo alludes of greert,_&c., in
mi ort b ve ryibing . ealcalatcd . ,, to. adorn and . deo- -
orate your mansions.
',mar nENRY SAXTON •
T"F4 subscriber informs his old friendmand
customers that he hes disposed of his Gro:
eery Store to Mr. Jonit G. WILLIAms.- whom
Ito cordially reecomMerids td their favor and
patronage. persona indebted; to' -me me
earnestly roqUested to' all- tied .rutjje .settle•
mentos it Is necessary that should
elesou without •delay. • These having claims
will' also Weise present them: "
March 30,. JOSEPH'D. HALBERT. ,