NEST Or DISALEICO, ®GOODS, Wares and Merchandise• Al so, Lumber Men, &0., wiihht the,coanty of Cumberland.lreterned and classified, in accordfinde with,the several Acta of Assembly, as follows, vlbt• $ • cls. ectrtiate, Murgarot Snodgrass 3 & G Keller J W Eby • Jnd.•G Willinma Samuel Elliott 'Charles ggilby George W Hitner A & W Scutt Daniel Echols, liquor John Faller, liquor & D Rhoads • • W 'B Murray S W Havorstick, liquor William 14 Bretz Thomas Conlyn Henry Saxton W'm bI Henderson.&•Son John Hunter, liquor Peter Monyer John P Line • Jacob Wolf, _ liquor Jonathan. A Lhen, liquor Jacob Saner ' C Inhofl, Agt. liquor S M Hoover • Weise & Campbell H Skiles H M Rawlins Wood & Connor P Arnold Arnold & Livingston John gooney N W Woods, Age. W'm L Haller Ii M Johnson (Prof.) W A Carothers te79 Lewis Steiner W A Kelso . John N Armstrong Jbhn Gillen. liquor P Messersmith Charles Barnitz, liquor Woodward & Schmidt villiam Sheldon • - • I my Peters r Kieffer •nry Harkness .Iqnry Shrom wormley .1 lion Common ••• r',•! ("only Is Nl'Grannhan _k m Piper, Agt. W.Slio ler • David Martin, liquor NU?lin John B Perry, liquor Henry Snyder W'm Wlntefield, liquor Shippensburg S Swanzey Joh t Gish C lo Kunkle Kunkle & S:evick John Smmbiugh Peter S Artz, Agt. W D P. Hays =.l/ J C Aitie . . Jacob Pogue, liquor Arnold & Son Jacob Bomberger J B Duncan, Agent Nevin & 111,1(111,gs John ‘Vanderlich . - Mary Miller Cornelius Si Mitzel John Bridges John G Mcdingcr Dickinson Russel & Dice D L Bee!man Newcomer & Kurtz Weakley & Shriver W'm Watts Benjamin Plank Jos. I. Sterner David Demuth Mechanicsburg Simon Arnold, liquor Ephraim Zug J Reigle . - Henry Lease J H & A Singise7 Ira Day F Spahr Swiler & Emminger Atchison & Zacariah George Singiser Jecnb Dorsheimer J Blizkard John Swisher George \Vebbert Levi Snell George Attie Newville Hunter Heron 'l' & J .lacob Swoyor Boar Cobaugh S W Sharp Stough-&•MTarland- Joseph Laughlin Ogilby Bros. & Co. John M Davidson Dr. George Hamill Hopewell Snyder & Deihl Wherry & Eelionbour Newton. ° J H Wedly J G Lay Joseph Smith Kyle & Wnshinger Woods & Giney Westpennaborough Josiah Hood & Son Thomas Groason C Renninger _ • J AV D Gilleland Williamson & Goodheart Frankford W & J Green,' liquor South Middleton A W - Leidich • S N Divin Robert Given ➢lullen & Aleu_nde'r Southampton J W Clever C Falntnauglit North Middleton Elias.Lighi, liquor Upper Allen Guewilor & Co Ilampdeo G & W 1 - DEckels Honey Rupp John guts M•Guiro & Sheaffer Dr. Rogers Dr• gorge Eppploy East Pennsborough • ib Renninger, liquor :. , idrow Eslinger nigl a r, M'Einley & Wilt • N:err & Hummel George W Fonder, liquor Michael Freoso J W Kerr • D & J Rynord New Cumberland. John C• Miller, liquor Mosser, James & Co.___ Valentino Feerrian John A M'Lain, liquor John I-lorn Lee & Ringland Dehn & Switzer, liquor Lower AUep. Isaac barton, liquor Eplcy & Ernst Browor . dr, Northland Mathias Bitnor, liquor" Rudolph, Whito Monroi. M& S -Morrell • - George Geoseman & Co. Michael Fiseol ' Silver Spring C H Whhconno John COyle Jacob Simmons, liquor Leidich &Hro. A H Zorgor - Strome & Havorotiok . • MILLS. Silver Spring Thome B Bryson John Shofjnor George li Boucher John tiallucher Lower Allen C Eberly Samuel Si ner John U.Kauffman C Rapp P4-r.lll'Clure, Vpper i Alleti I 14 1, 00 Lic6. Coovoryjr South Niddleton jtic.'os Sheufror • ' „ leolfurd k Banter • • Nonrda 4id Foglesong J A.& C 13 Bonjamilt Giblet . 13 North Middleton • .W' m M Hendeison & Son 13 David 'Alarm' 13 cl'u . John Alooro • .. ' livnkford. Weil .Pennaborough , . . - Marshall Janos . 13 10 Jno. Laughlin , ' .14 i 7 ' Jacob Shellaborgor , 14 7 Diller '& !Crider • • 13 . 10 Samuol Piper • 14 .' 17 14 Mr., 13 113 Isaac 141a.kwood Christian Au insTipLEit.S. Carlisle • Edward Showers 9 a Inholl; Agent 9 7 12 50 7 00 15 00 '7 00 John Bowman 10 00 10 50 10 50 10 00 2Voi:th Middleton -- Ilenthsrson & Ppker South Middleton El 15 oo 7 00 Robert Gi . Ven Wo'ford Si Roesler 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 M G Boltzhoover JA&G WAhl 12 50 7 OU 7 00 Coovor 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Robert Quigley Kamp & Grove PA &JA Ahl 10 50 7 00 William Aloxandkr William Itainitz BEER; OYSTER Stratton E, Whiten Jacob Low , Joseph Alarlrle Williant,Sponsler John Hoffinan George W Brandt • New Cu;nberland. Sh!'ppensburg 7 00 7 00 10 50 Jacob Etter 10 50 7 0o 10 50 Philip Ditrick J 13 & W Loney N A Cornelius George Murphy George Sponsler Peter Baker Abraham Eoble William Philips RETAILERS of PATENT MEDICINES William Brattoa Elijah Switzer 4 5 " James M Donaldson 4 5 " S H Lenher g 4 5 Merchants and all concerned in the above classification arc hereby notified that they can have an opportunity of making appeal by call ing on the at (..:arlisle at any time within the neat four weel, provide'd they consider them selves aggrieved by the above classification. J. VVORTRINGTON, Jlfercatitits Appraiser, 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE A OM SEED STORE. • , THE subscribers, in addition to their exten sive Grocery, have connected therewith an AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE and SEED STORE, 110, Market street, near the railroad, Harrisburg, Pn., and ore prepared to fill all orders, by wholesale and retail, of all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, &c. Country merchants with reasonable discounts to sell again. Hortie-powers and threshers, wheat-drifile and seed-planters, plows, harrows and cultiva tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutters, grain fans corn shelters, vegetable cutters, hand grain mills, clove! shellere, horse rakes, churns, grind stones and improved hangings, hay, strew rand manure forks, farmer's boilers, on yokes and bow, patent bow pine, cow chains, spades, hoes and rakes; pest ;diggers, "Whecils4rows, grid]) cradles, scythes and seythestones, potatoe drags post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags, grain measures, garden trowls, pruning and budding knives, grass and grain sickles, screw wrenches,, pincers and girablexs, rat and mole traps, cattle cards and 'fiorso brushes, curry combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano, planter, poudrette, bone dust, lima, gar• den, field and flower seeds. Also, a large and fresh assortment of GRO CERIES, 'PEAS, &c., all cheap for cash. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 ]OOO 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 0 . ) 7 00 BOYER & HALL. Mr'Grain and produce of all kinds received n exchange for implements. April II 3,1853.—1 y Estate of John Baughman, dec'd. . 'NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad. 111 ministration on the estate of John Baugh man, late of the borough of Harrisburg, dec'd; have been granted by the Registerot Cumber land county' tope subeeriber, residing in South Middleton township in said county. All per sons indebted to said estate. are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present thorn for settlement to • HANNAH BAUGHMAN, Carlisle, Apl 13 pd Adax. VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND Jr IP UM .114 IC Said THE eubsoriber, Assignee of John Plank, will oiler at public sale, on Monday the 18th day of April, 1853, at the Court House in Carlisle, the following property, viz : that valuable • TRACT OF LAND 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 0, I 0 50 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 12 50 situate in South Middleton twp, adjoining lands .‘lary Graeson and others, containing 59 acres of first-rate limestone land, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation,' having thereon a Dwelling House, Well 'of water, &o. PobBo-- 131011 given immediately if desired by the pur chaser, and, a considerable portion of the pur chase money will not be required for sores time: Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.lll. When terms will be made known by np G JACOB ABRIMS, Assignee. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 THE Store of the subscriber, embracing TEAS, GROCERIES, Queensware, and all the Varieties usually kept Sc im, is removed to his "ew building . , No's 2 S 3, MARION HALL, West Main St., Carlisle. - March 30, 1353 10 50 12 50 10..00 7 00 10 50 7 00 12 50 U'so The Best and Cheapest In the Market for Fatally Use. 6•54%..e. •-•.• te I A-5: tat " 4 Tmar 'Tar '74o' "P ,771-71 14 14 ' 14 'l4 14 - 10 53 7 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 200 TONS of the nelebratid Rausch Gap Coal, Dauphin county, and Gold Mine Gap Coal, Schuylkill county, just received and for sale at prices from $3,26 to $3,60 per ton, by E. •BIDDLb.I jr. at the warehouso formerly owned by S. M. HoosOor. 01 - Coal can be delivered any _whore along the line of the Cumberland Valley,Rail Road - . Giders by letter (post paid) promptly attended to. '(march 16.) - - • Limepuraor's, Coal. .1000 TONS Limeburner's Coal of the. boot quality just receiving and for solo by J. 0.11)• D CarI LE, jis r. le, March nl.s2 16 ,40 18 p 53. er tort. , - - 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 le 50 10 00 7 00 10 00 • : 14 II 13 . - $2OOO *ANTED, NTED to borrow forone year or morn, Sloe or poeu, to be secured by judg. ment and mortgage on valuable Real Estate. Aitply. to —THE EDITOR.— Id oo 14 7800 14 • • 7 00 1000_11P'anted to. borrow on the beet real estate security , the above sum for one year or more. 'Enquire at the Vorald Office. • Carl*, March 30, 1853'—1 m 15 00 114 3 ri.l7 00 0 00 . e- ; 14 ' 17 00 13; 10 00 . Carlisle Female Seminary. vrISSES. PAINE' will commence " the .111. SUMMER SESSION or their Seminary on thoecond . Monday in April, in a new and commodious 'school room, next door to Mr. Leonard's, North Hanover street. - . Instruction in the languages and drawitti, no • extra chargs.• • MlVltrato taugh t . by an experienced teachei: at an extrecharge. (sept 34) 14 '7 00 700. 13 Dickinson ‹o lVezaton - 14 7 14 7 Upper Allen Monroe Southampton llopewell Newton BktEIVERS 1 Carlisle ' AND EATING /lOU SE s. Carliße. Nabuzlle Upper _Allen Mechanicsburg East Pennsbarough Netovtllc Carlisle. Nfiril 13, 1853 REDIOVAL. J. AV. EPY COAL! COAL ! „elates Bt, eiljapo. 10 O 0 10 00 JAMES .n: WSrsx, .. WTI. K. IPAIIIii3ELL. • ATOMS! . WEISE & CAMPBELL. ' S. W. Corner_ of N.'.l7anover and Loutkr .etao .13 EG most respectfully to call the early titian _ 131 --don of the citizens-of-Carlisle and-vicinity to our new and beautitul assortment of Spring Goods, selected front the very best' of the New York and Philadelphia market's; consisting.ol • -, ' LADIES DRESS GOODS, Persian Cloths, Barege de lone, Black Cliali, Chali Barege, Channelion Silk, Bombazines. Alpacas. All wool De:sines, Mous do bags, French Chintzes, Lawns ' &c. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES; - : Collars, Undersloeves, Cuffs, Spencers, Swiss and Jaconct Ruffling, Swiss and Jaconet Edging and Dimling; Lisle and Mechlin do , 'do Florentine 'do Linen -llobin do , do Vplencenes Laces, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, Mohair and Cotton Gloves. White and Block B. nail 13Ik Ingrain Hose Mixed and Whlte - Cotton• do • Mess Half-Dose. DOMESTICS, Gingham, Checks, Tickings, CaliCoes, White Mathis, Nankeen, Kentucky Jeans, Blue and Fancy Drills, Vesting, Plain - and twilled Linen, Fine Damask Linon Table Cloths, do. Towels - • do -"Napkins;-- -Bird Eye Diaper. 66 BOOTS AND SHOES, Black and Fancy colored Gaiters, (Willis), Shoes of all descriptions, (Willis' make)' Fine Calf Boots, Kip Pcg'd Boots, Mons Calf Congress Boots, Boys Boots, I do Gaiters, do Shoes, All kind Childrons Shoos and Gaiters. GROCERIES, Rio and-Java CoffeeiLovcring's Syrup Moles. sea, Cuba, Molasses, Sugar of all qualities, Rice, Spices, &c. _ Purchasers will find it to their 'advantage to cal and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as it is entirely new and we have for our motto quick sales and small profits. ' Carlisle, April fi, 1353. . In 00 10'00 P 50 12 50 I'2 50 5 01) 8 4 , 5 00 5 " 5 •' 5 " 5 0 5 ~ THE, GREAT EXCITEMENT IS eauied by the great daily RUSH FOR NEW GOODS at that old and established CHEAP STORE. Now opening a splendid assortment of - SP RING GOODS, viz: Challies Cloth, Barraizo /de Laines, Barrazics Elegant dress Silks, Mous de.Bege, Chinned, CaVeoes, Ginghams, 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 Needle-worked Collors:Undoreleeyes, &c BONNETS. 8 5 An immense assortment of Bonnets ,from 37 cents to $5. Beautiful and 'Cheap Ribbons, Artifietals and Bonnet Linings in great variety, CARPETS! CARPETS!! A big lot or new and cheap Carpeting, not to bo excelled in price and beauty in the State. PARASOLS, • A complete assortment of Parasols and Sun Shades very low. BOOTS AND SHOES. IMEI 8 5 EMI 1 have added largely to this department, and will sell them cheaper than ever..Aao GROCERIES. A fresh lot of cheap Groceries jam received. Como on with your CASII add save a profit by selecting your purchasei from this magnif. icenttssortment of Cheap Goods. 0::r Rem ember trio old stand, East Main it, Carlisle. April 6,1853, CHARLES °GUM Y. 4 5 00 GREAT ARRIVAL OF arruENG AND SUMMER Dry Goods At the store of the . subscriber, the great Mart for Dry Goods, Groceries;:Boots t k Shoes, ;c. The •subscriber respectfully informs his friends and numerous customers. that he has returned from Philsdejphia with a large and varied as sortment of Spring and Summer Goods, con sisting in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sat tinets, Vestings, Myslius, Tickings, tineeys, Velvet Cords, Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves. ,LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Silks, Bombazines, Fig'd, Plain and Change-, able Poplins, Mouslin do Laines, Gingham, Calicoes, Alpachas, Merindes, Shawls, Host; ery, &e. MENS' & BOYS.', HATS. & CAPS. A very largo assortment, embracing every style and quality. A. large assortment .1 Bonnets, Ribbons, Umbrellas. and Parasols. BOOTS AND SHOES -An-extensive-variety-of-Alonls,-W-omen's.and Children's Boots and Shoes; Gum Shoes, from the most cerebrated manufacturers. Also, colored and white Carpet Chnin. GROCERIES, • Such as Sugar, Coffee, Molabses, Rice, &cc. Choice Teas from the well-known tea dealers, Jenking & Co., &c., &c. All who visit our establishment aro free to acknowledge that we are selling Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes, &c., at es• tonishingly low prices. Our ow prices has already attracted a large number of people.— The attention of all who wish good nargains is solicited, as inducements can be offered to purchasers. Don't forget the corner opposite Leonard's old stand, North Hanover street. Butter, Eggs, rags and snap, taken 'at mar— ket prices. N W WOODS, ap6 Agent.; . ,_Plainfield Classical Academy. Near Carlisle, Pa. . . , a IHE 14th Session (five months) -will com— mence May 2d. The buildings me new an extensive (one erected last ti all). The situation is all that eon be desired for health• fulness and moral purity Removed from the excitements of Town or Village the Student may hero prepare for College, Mercantile puir• suits, Sue. All the branches are taught which go to form a liberal (ducat on. A conscien tious discharge of duty has secured., under Providence. the present flourishing condition of the Institution. Its future prosperity shall be maintaned by the some moons. Terms—Board and Tuition (per session),• , .. 650 00 For Catalogues with full information address -`• R. IC. BURNS, . • Principal & Proprietor. Plainfield, Cumb, Co., Pa. • . Cumberland Valley Institute, A eclect - Boarding 'School embracing Iwo diclinct and 4cperate bepciranenta, Malec Female, nuv.' J. S. LOOSE., A. M. • Principal. 1111HI5 Institution will hereafter occupy the new and commodious edifice Just erected for its accommodation. The building cannily adapted to moot the wants .01 both do• partments. The rooms are large and well ventilated, and. the whole 'Amuse is .warmed with a heated air furnace. wt.ich is espeCially . healthful.. It is located'on an eminence near the bor ough'or Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, Pa., vWI ample grounds, handsomely laid out and ornamented, surrounding . tt ; inviting to physicalexcrcise and to amusement in the open air. Every facility . for an accomplished , eni classiciil education is hero altered that can be found at any similar Inatitution'in this State. TEHMS.. Board and Tuition, par session, $5O 00 Music and Ornamental Branches, extra The Summer Session will open on the 2d cl" May, and continue twenty one weeks. BOARD OF INBTRUCTORS. Rev. J. S. Loose, A. M.,Profcssor of Moral Science and Ancient Languages, Henry . Corn fort, Assistant ; Miss L. C. Walker,. PrnAcipal of Femdle Department and lonelier of Munic, Mice " Assistant f Mr. Edward Fells, Professor of Moilern Lanuungps ; B. Her ning, M. D., Lecturer on Physiology and_Lows of -Health. For"" Circulars" containing references and further particulars address the Principal,- Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. Mnrcli3o 1853 MUM= 13.11 TD 7.IXQU,ORS: MAMMA, 'Panora', Malaga, Lisbon, Muscat, Grape Juice, Port and Anohor brand CtiampagnoamVie7 - 13oston lIWm, Ginger. Mandy; Cherry Brandy. Palo Cog,niaci Dark-Brandy, Holland Gin and Wino Bitters.- Sperm CANDLEN 33c per , pound, Syrup , . and iltalanga MOLALSE`3, Washing' Soda, suporior 1r Ilyson,lmperial and Black TEAS; principe, Regalia and Cubg CIGARS, sale by the. box or retail, bring on your pipes and try them. (my 26) CHOI. BAR, STRAY. BOW. (lAMB to the premises of, the subscriber in LI Dickinson township, ab . out f the 22d day of Februarylast, White Sow. The owner is requested to (mine forward, prove prop.srty, pay charges and take her away 'or she will be' sold accordink to law. - • mar 23 • . : EMANUEL L'INE.,A ' Mistellantoits. Wbrlds rair, Pre'ni.Safes Moro proof of -:. theii - superia`riliA—rileiate :are in Jersey City . MR. SILAS C. HERRING!—.Sir i . it -gives 61 much pleasure to state that o Safe of your make was the--means of -preserving-our-books. and valuable papers, together .with a lot of Silver Spoons, Forks, 4&0.,fr0m destruction e hLt by the fire that oc urred_ il ;.our erne on the night of the '27th u at 97,3 n 6 Montgomery street. The fire so tmenced near the Safe, ivhich, owipg to its situa ion on a wall, did not fall into the cellar, but was exposed to the full heat of the fire from its commencement; and when taken from the tuins'had all ilw braise plates and knobs completely melted blt. Yourb,, It. B.'Ertli.l,F, Zs Co, ' Jersey City, Feb 3,• 1853. ' •• , Great fire in Strawberry et.—Letter from Lewis' i i. Co.—Philadelphia, March 29,1852., Mir. Jo a FARR it.-7g ir It affords me much satisfaction to infbrm you that the "Herring Salamander Safe" which we purchased of you a short time Bice°. preserved our books and ivatiarain - geoid - co nd ition; — during - th - tra - everd ordeal through which it-passed at (he disastrous conflagration that took place at our;warehpuse on the morning of the 28th inst., when the sate was exposed to the most - intense heat for lame hours, and when dragged from the flames was red hot on several sides. We make this state- ment by. way of bearing testimony to - the worth of these valuable Fire Proofs Very Respectfully, - LEWIS di Co. The Proprietor of the genuine " Herring Salaniander Safes," challenges the whole world in the sum ofOite Thousand Dollars, _to produce, their equal. Awarded the ritizg, MEDAL, at the WORLD'S FAIR, 'London, and ,the GOLD MEDAL by the American Institute. Over 8000 of these Safes have been sold and are now in use. and more than 103 have passed triumphantly through accidental fires.. , Second hand Safes and " Salamanders" of other makers, having been taken in part pay for "Herrings." for sale at cheap rates. • 301 IN FARREL, , G 31. Walnut St., Philadelphia, fer• Marbleized Iron Mantles, Table. Tops, 4.e. from the rorks of, the celebrated "SALA MANDER MARBLE CO," on hand in great variety. , mar 303 m ,a; /4 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Located No 127 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Tlie ostensible 'object of this Inatitution is to place in the reach of individuals proper facili ties for 'obtaining a thorough and practical Mercantile Education: Nothing indeed has been omitted that is calculated toproduco the desired result. „ The rooms of the; College are well fitted eip, conveniently arranged, and situated in the -most -desitab le- part- of the City. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, i n connection with familiar Lectures on Commer cial LaW and Mercantile Science, is a metier of the highest Importance to all who desire to become Accountants of the first . order, and oc cupy stations okprofit and responsibility. A young man can here obtain a more car: ect knowledge of general business .mattora i n n few weeks than can be acquired in as ninny years in any one Counting Room. The course of study embraces Double Etry Book keeping. and its adaptation to various departments of Commerce and Trade:Mercau tile calculations taught according to the most approved methods. PractiCal Penmanship, com bining rapidity of execution with beauty of construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects beside many other points necessary for a book. keeper or business man to understand. The time necessary frir an industrunis strident to complete the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks. There being no vacation, Iplicants can enter at any time and attend bo th day and evening. Examinations are held at stated periods - and Diplomas awarded to those who g - adttate. For terms, &c., write and havc.a. Circular for warded by mail. March, 23. 1853. Iy. SPRING IVIELLINEIRIr GOODS JOHN STONE -di, SONS, Importers and Dealers in French Millinery Goods. No. 45 South Second Street. Philadelphia. r HAVING received by lato.arrivals a largo and well 'selected assortment of - SPICING lIIILLINERX-GOODS, aro now proparea 'to offer limit' customere,:at the market prices— Glace Silks fur Bonneti, Fancy Bonnet and Cop Ribbons, French and American Artificial Fluworo, Crbpes, all colors, 7- Fancy Nets and - tacos • ' Together with every articlo appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 9, 1853. WOOD WILLOW WALE. 20,000 FANCY CORN BROOMS, 1,500 Doz. BUCKETS, Assorted Colors. 600 NESTS CEDAR WASH TUBS, ' 800 CEDAR CHURNS, 500 DOZ. WILLOW BASKETS, 300 Doz.'WALL ay SCRUB BRUSHES, The largest stock ever offered in JPhila dolphin, and the cheapest in the world. Or ders promptly filled. M. &J. M. ROW E, NO, 111 NORTH THIRD ST March 9;1853 ' POILADELPMA. Window Shades, Carpets and Oi — Cloths. Z. STEIWAIRT'DEPUS, AT 223 North 2d Street, above Wood, Philadelphia, would moat respeetfal ly call the attention of his friends and the public in general, to Ids large and well ee. elected stock. of Carper ' Oil Clothe, Mat:inv., Window Shades, Door . ..711als, Stair Rods,ll. ano Covers, DablaCavers. Cocoa Mailings , if yards wide, for Public Houses, Counting Notifies. &c. Also—to my branch Store, 136, Spring Gar den Street, above 11,11. • • • • . .130EFETHINGt, NEW. RS. H. G. SU PLEE i vices the attention • of Country Morehanta and Droop Malcom to ter unrivaled assortmentbf . PAPER PATTERNS, for full sized Ladies' Dresses, Sleeves, Man tles, Tolmns;, Aleutians, Capes, Aprons; Sacks &e. tze. The Pattetns are ,embroidered in , various designs, printed and fringed,ahowing exactly how the Dress will appear when made. . Being in , constant communication with the best houses of London and Parts,and furnished monthly with every new design as soon as is appears, the; public can always depend on this Old Bete)Halted Rouse for the most recherche novelties in dreSs. Always on.hand a beautiful assortment of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, of the .newcst styles and materials. Medals were awarded her in 1818-1850-14352 10-A set of six Patterns will be sent to any ono enclosing Three Dollars. _ MRS. IL G. SUPLEE'S Children's Clothing St.'Pettern Emporium 54 South 2rl St" Philact . elphia. „ TMBLit "'VIPERS. 10,000 PIECES! 1 - HAVE just opened the-largesit rissoitmont I of WALL PAPERS ever opened in-Car lisle "consisting of about 0,000 .feces of the latest French and American designs, ranging In 'price from 5 eta to $1 75, also:Window Pa= nem end Fire Screens, Plain Green' uridMlue Papers, &c. 'Porcons.wielibtd teintrOhnie, any of tho above Can'save at least 25 per cent by callingat • 101 - IN - P:LYNE'S Hardware Store, West Side of North Hanover . • • Street, Carlisle. Fresh Garden Gods. "V BUST received , our usual supply of Fresh and Choice Garden and Flower Seeds from the extensive establishment nf 11. A. Elmer, Philadelphta, which aro Warranted , of tho very best qinlity. marts • S. W. FIAVERSTICk.I Fish, FlOh t 01 FYeh. FIFTY barrels of 'prime'. No - . 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, in whole, hall'and quarter barrels, lust received in atore'and for 8810 et the lowest prices for eaeh,by marl? . •. . , J. D. HALBERT Lined Buck Gloves, •THE Subscriber hatt * On hindlien'e BUCK GLOVES, lined,with•Sbeep vkin, suitable for driving gloves. japl9- - o.‘ W. HITNEg— W.lll~P'l'E~, . . . . .. ' A HOY Wantod.'atiout 15 or 16 pins' of age, who can 'Conn) well recommended, td.aarraitt a Dry Goode store and go -Amanda. Apply at this °ince. i marsh 10. Set Storey Eit„Vo• HARDWARE-SPRING SUPPLY THE subscriber wishes..tkdrnitir the Won. lion of the ptiblic to their own interests, which they may consult to good advantage examining the elegant - and complete 'assort, meet of -H ardwarool'eiery description, which• he is now receiviug at his old stand,•or! North Hanover street. - •TO CHACHMAKERS. • • We . have a large: supply •of springs, hubs, bands,laces, Ourtains,'and floor oil cloths and drab cothe, of different qualifies, in fact, every thirig in your line. TO CABINET=MAKERS- Wa ofi'cr. acnnplatdeetts of veneers, knobs and mouldings al walnut and mahogany, qui both . the mote and the purse, • CARPENTERS EXAMINE the splendid nesortment or tools in your lino, as also complete stock of building materials, ouch ss locks, : hinges, screws, latches , glass, paints, oils, varnishes, turpentine, &c. and va rious carpenters tools cheaper ihati ever, as has been acknowledged, .by_ a carpenter who has seen them. BLACKSMITHS cannot go wrong in 'giving us a call fot a sup-, ply of hammered§ rolled, slit and other iron generally used, as also cast, shear American ic and Engli h blister steel, & c. Rte. 0 WARMER: FRIENDS will also co suit their interests by looking at our cheap shovels, forks, trace chains, flame..., and every other article from a .oradle .to a plough,to suit them in price and quality. • THE PUBLIC GENERALLY are also invited to examine the quantity and quality now on hand of cedar ware, tubs, churns,' buckets, oils, such as fish, Sperm and flaxseed oils, which will be sold at the Jowest cash prices. I would also call attention to my splendid assortment; of WALL PAPERS, pre.enting a numberless variety of Patterns at prices from 6 eta. upwards. Remember there is no mistake here, as all articles will be sold at the lowest cash prices at the old and well known stand en North Hanover street. East site, betweee McGlaughlin's Hotel and Kell er's Hot Store. JACOB SEER. march 16 THOMAS' H. MILES' NEW GE OTEXNG ROOMS AND FURNISHING STORE, Oppostteihe, Rail Road °nice, West High Strce Carlisle. rri H. SKILES desires to inform his old .l • friends and the public that he has opened a general clothing establishment. and has now in store an extensive stock of the beat and cheapest goods over offered in Carlisle. Men's, Youth's and Bops clothing, for Spring, Summer and Winter wear, now on hand of every variety and famished at reduced rates. Ho has also a large and well selected assortment of - Piece Goods, of English, French and German Fabrics, Of new and beautiful pat ternsi for coats pants arta vests, which will be made to order in the most approved and fash. ionable Inanner'and in a superior style of work manship. A. full and elegant stock of Gentle men's Furnishing Goods, such as gloves, plain and fancy shirts, collars, handkerchiefs, ties, &c., constantly kept on hand. Also India Rubber Overcoa's and Leggins. Feeling confident from the reputation which it 'ia3 been his constant aim fora course of years to secure for his establishinent, of hie a bility to please, he respectfully invites an ex amination of his stoeh,wliieh for rutility,worh. manaltip and low prices cannot be surpassed. May 19, 1852-Iy. FASHIONABLE Clothing House. • - rillE subscriber is now having mado up a large lot of very superior CLOTHING, which he is' determined to sell as low if not 100 erthan any other house in the country, - . .llip'stock will consist of— Fine Dress, Sattinett, Sack and Overcoats cassimere, Sattinett and. Velvet Cord Pants, Satin and Cachmere Vestings, &c. Also, GloVes. Hosiery,Suspenders, Cravats, Shirts, Shirt Collars ' Umbrellas, Hats, Caps, Merino Shirts and 'D rawers, &e. I will it all times keep a good assortment of Cloths Cissimeres and Vestings on hand, whidi will be made up to order in the best `rind most I . :ashdo-table 4tylo. . I have as foremaa of this osta'ilislim 3at a practical tailor, one - who has htl co psiderable experience in the busi ness, andis not Surpassed as a cutter ,in the borough of C trlisle. All 'garments made to order warranted to fit and well made, if not, so sale. I am now receiving direct from Philadelphia is fresh assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, to whi‘th , I invite the attention Maly numerous old customers and the public in general. All in want of cheap andgooil .garments Will do well and save money by walling and ernniningtbiestock be fore purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show the goods. Recollect the stand next door to Burkholder's lintel. • Make no mistake just one door from the corner. eep29 CHARLES OGILBY. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofiire existing between the subscribers under, the firm of Morris & llearehey o .the Tin and Coppersmith :Awe. iness, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 22d of February, ult. All persons indebted to said firm, or having claims against.them, are requested to make settlement without delay. Tho books are at, the old stand where persons are requested to call: MONDE MORRIS WM. HEARSHEY.. - The subscriber-respectfully-informs-Lie friends that the business will be continued' by him at the old stand a■ heretofore, and solicits a continuance of the patrcinage 'so liberally ex tended to the late firm. momnop MORRIS. 'To Builders & Houskeepers. THOSE who are building, or about corn.. tnoncing housekeeping will bo sure to .find at all times an assortment to select from. Locks of. MI sorts and sizes, with brave, argil. 10, mineral and white knobs, with japanned or plated furniture, butt hinges; cast and wrought', window glass from 8:10 to 2.0x9.8, bolts, screws t!ec.,&c. You who are about to brr marriod and bnusekoeping, we have everything to please. Michas fancy waiters and trays, ivory handled knives and forks, in setts or by the 'dozen, common knives and forks, butter knives with plated and ivory handles frying and broad pane, smoothing irons, tubs, churns, 4m, • HENRY SAXTON. Carlisle; March 9,1853. gra &alum Two Women Foully Butchered r 1 THE greatest okcitement prevails in Phila. delphia on account of tho inhuman massacre of two helpless females : but a greater "and more intense excitement exists since.the arri val at Bentz & Brothers, of a splendid lot of handsome SPICIAW GOODS, which No. are selling off to the public at very low prices. Among the lot urn Dress Goods, every kind, Bonnets, vary cheap, Ribbons, Chintzes, Muslins, and a great stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Summer. stuff, and a general Variety. Further particulars hereaf ter. , BENTZ & BROTHERS. march 16 For Sale or Rent, THE HOUSE & LOT, corner inn , of North and Pitt streets, recently 11 47 i 1 occupied by Mrs Ann Emery.— For terms apply to W. D. Say moor. Esq, or G. R. CROOKS, jr., No 99. N. Bth et., Phila. , Dissolution of Partnership. re partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of L Riegel, in the mercantile business, was diesel. ved by mutual consent on the 17th day o( March. , 1853. All persons indebted to the said firm, or having claims again . et them, are requested to make settlement.without The books aro at the old stand where persons aro_requested-to call.----- H G LEVI REIGRL •• The subscriber respectfully:informs 'his friends the business will: be continued by.hint at the old stand, in Mechanicsburg, as hereto fore, and solicits a continuance of the patron . age.eo liberally extended to the late firm. 'JOHN' RIEGEL,..'..% • March':23, 1859. WANT= AenT MOUNT HOLLY 'IRON , WORKP, eis 'miles Rooth_ of Viaran.cé dra,•Wood' ClrOppers.' Mine "Bonk Hands; Colliers. Laboring Hendei'Llanestrine,dellvered by the Tod; 'and Liiiiestotici Oro. • ' • ..'_ grApply to the undersigned et the , , works`. - s • Ri'OlVEN'&'‘Co. iran:2s . th 1853. Legal dub Q9tljex Notices, • NOTICE.. IL partnershippartnershipWhich has:existed between the subscribers under the it 3 le of" Williams & Brother," is this day.ditsblieed by mutual con sent, All person - a indebted to the late firm. will please make 'payment. to H. Wrbt.Ltios, in whose-hander - - WAS - papers are placed, and those having claims Will please present them. The undersigned take this opportunity to return their thanks to'all those who n have kindly patron... ized them in their business.'' L H. WILLIAMS. Nenville, Pe& .22, '53.- 1. C. WILLIAMS. Kr The lousiness will be continued by the subscriber, who, thankful for past.thvors, Bohol ts a continuance of the custom of the patrons of the late firm, . J. C. WILLIAMS. • NOTICE: 2 OTIC.g 'le hereby •glvon , le all persons interested, that the ,following accounts have been filed In the Prothonotary% Olfice for examination by the accountant therein named, and will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of -Cumberland county tor confirmation end alloWance on WEDNESDAY the 13th day of Apr 11.1853, , 1 The final amount of Daniel Cline, Eeq, assignee of Philip lilbut, er under a dead of vol tinter), assignment for the benefit of creditors. 2 The account of William Xer, committee of James Woods, (a .mote) appointed by tho Court of Common Pleas of Cumb. county. 3 The second account_or 'Jacob Spangler, committee of Moses Wolf, under the net of ae ecmbly relating to drunkards. 4 Trust account of James W. Hays, con mittee of Janice Hap, a lunatic. GEORGE ZINN, Prothonotary's 011Isei j Prothonotary Carlisle, Mar. 8, 1853. • Estate of Dr. S. H. Long. dec'd. I - - ETTERS of Administration on the estate JA of Dr. Samuel H. Long, late of the bor ough of Mechanicsburg, deceased, have been issued to the subscriber, residing in said bor. ough. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them for settle ment to the subscriber, in whose hands the Books of the firm of bre. & S. H. Long have been plaCed for settlement. (sP6) vas, 'QM ZUG, Adm'r. Estate or Daniel Doner, dec'd . , Letters Testamentary on the estate of Danl. Donor, dec'd,.. late%of West Pennsboro town shipkEumberland county, have 7# issued to the subscribers, of whom David er resides in West Pennsboro township, and ohn Donor th,Frankford township, in said county. All persons having claims against the said estate will present thorn for settlement,And those indebted will make immediate payment to DAVID, rs. JOHN DONER. March 23. 1852. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tho Register of Cumboiland County has issued Letters of Administration, de ban in ndn, with the will annexed, to the undersigned on the estate - of Hon. John Rood, dec'd, late of the borough of All persons having accounts against said estate will present thorn for settlement, and those indebted will nialte payment to WM. IL MILLER, Adm'r Carlisle,-March 21 . , 1953; - Estate of Henry Bobb, deed: NOTICE is -hereby g yen that letters of ad= ministration, on the estate of Henry Hebb, late of the borough of Mechanicsburg, dee'd, have been granted by the Relater of Cumb. co. to the subscriber,, residing in Silver Spring twp., in said county. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to call and make settlement, and those indebted to make immediate payment to mar3o _-JACOB MUMMA, Adnfrill Estate of George W. Singizer, dec. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on the estate of George W., ging• iv:it., late of Churchtown. Monroe twp.. co. have been granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing in the same township. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to call and 'make set • tloment, and those indebted to make immediate payment to . mar3opd - JOHN BRANDT, Adm'r • Estate of George Cramer', dec'd. wor,co is hereby given that letters of ad. 1111 ministration, cm,the. estate of GEORGE CRAMER Into of bower Allen township, Cumberland county; leave been granted bk the Register of said county tOthesubscriber, living in Upper Allen township. All persons having claims against said estate will present thorn for settlement, and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to mart jc iiN B. COOVER, Adm'r. FIRE ,INSUILANCE The Allen and East Penneb;rough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland coun ty, incorporated by an Aot of Assombly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the management of the following coniruissign ere, viz: 3' Jacob Shelly, Wm, IL Gorgas, Michael Conklin ' Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Stay man, Christian Titzol, Jacob H. Chover, Loma flyer, Henry Logan, Benjamin H. Mueser , Ja cob Kirk, Samuel PrOvvoll, Joseph Wicker. sham. • The rates of insurance are as low and favor any Company of the kind in the State. Portions wishing to become mornbeis aroin• sited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them of any time. BENJ. H. MOSSER, President. HICNILY LOGAN, Vice Prraidenta Lewis flyer, &cretin*: Michael Cocklin, Treasurer. AGENTS. Cul - Oberland County.—Rudolph .Mortin, N. CuMborland; C. B. Herman. Kingstown ; Hen ry Zoaring, Shiremanstown; Charles 8011, Carlisle; Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown ; Samuel Graham, West Pennsborough; James MeDow el, Frankford ; Mode "Griffith, South Middle. ton; Samuel Coovor, Benjamin Havorstick, Mechanicsburg ; John Merrick, 'Lisburn ; Da vid Coover, Shepliordstown. York County.—Joho Bowman, Dilisburg ; Peter Milford, Franklin; John Smith; Esq., Washington; W. S. Picking, Dover; Daniel Raffensborgor, J W. Craft, Paradise. - liarriabury.—Houteer & Lochmitn. Nombero of the company having policies adout to expire can have them renewed by making application to any of the agents. . Nov. 24, ly. virizrzin HALL' A.CADEPAS. . Three miles Weal of HarriehuT, Pa.. T IIE. Fifth Session of this Institution wil A. commence on MONDAY, the 2d day .° May, next. 'Parents and guru diane are reques ted to inquire into the merits of this Institution before sending their sons or wards elsewhere. The situation is retired, pleasant,healthful, and convenient of access. The course of instruc tion will embrace the different branches of a thorough English Education, together with the Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese Languages, and Void and Instru mental Music. The Principal will be assisted by foul well qualified Teachers, viz t two in the English Dranches, in Penmanship and Drawing, and one in Music and the. Modern. Languages; - • TERMS. Boarding, Wasbing,Tuition '' ' ---- English branches, erec. c per sea- lion (5 months,) ln $5OlOO -Ancient or Maorn Languages, - each, - - 00 innirumertal Music 10 00 For Circulars andothorinformaticin address D. DENLINCEIt, Principal, •, mart White-Hill, Cumberland counlN Pa. sumo nratzvan, A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORT• MEET OF ;HARDWARE. • . re undersigned has just returned (mail the City with the largest -and best assortment . ABP. WARE .o%ton - brought - to — Carlislai- -, to which he in % heti the attennonrof his eu5t0....1 tiers and. the_ public% generally. His_ stock comprises every article ,usually found in hard. Waro.•mores, -Housekeepers, Builders, Car.. panters, Saddlers, Coachniakera, Blacksmiths, Cabinet-A,Makers Farmers and others :would do well to give Lima a call , before ptfrohasi g ,elsoarhere, - as bet` iss - determined tp sell at the. jrbry'lowost prices. , Call andfsee.: ' 'vv.:, • YLSAXTON I Carßslo, Feb '. 23, 1851 ' Iltra Bonnet Feathers. MIE subscriber hairlust Op'eueriTan , Ot t Patriot' and other Sonnet 1. esthete at one-. hlf-the usual priabl • laci a vorrokesp , isir ; Fancy' tiros .• • ; • V • ltu.s z. • GEO. W.LITTNERi' %tea . itti. • . CARLISLE FOUNDRY Sc N T HE enbscriber dontinuesto marbilaellue at Foubdry in East High street, 'having on , hand a groat - variety of good patterns, and is' prepared to furnish IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, wificlicwill be executed to order' (if not oft l hand,)at the shortest notice, such as Cranks and Mill ~.Gearing, Spur-andßevil' Wheels,. Gudgeons for Saw Mills, & c., Plough' Castings. Cutters, Point Sheers, Wagon: eta Coach Boxes, -Spindles, Car Wheeldo 'ocif Chaire,.&c. / Stearn Engines bbilt to ordera.nd' repaired.. All kinds, of machinery--in . Paper Mills, Grist Minh and Factdries repaired ut short notice. Mill Sjiindlbs drassed'arld tarried'. .Also, Horse Powers and Threshing..M t iebi e w molt as Bevel Gear. .Pour Horse power - Hor-: izontal Gear Four* Horse. POwer t Hortiobtat Gear Two Horse Power, Pliths, Corn SW- - lens and Corn Cru'shore; Threshing meabinde , and Horse powers repaired and Job Work Bono •at the shortest notice. , Patterns Of different' kinds on hand and ninde to order. • . • „ . He also has cm hold mlargo supply of Phila. delphia and Troy Cooking. Stoves, and is con stantly making Cooking Stoveti of various 'prcivedpatterns, - for cohl'Or woodt:';•Ton'Flaft, Stoves, Grates, &a. , • • Repairing done to'all kings: of . Nracliinerge All kinds °fold Iron, Brass rind Copper tag* in exchange for work. ' • ' • . i aur2itf - FRANKLIN dARDNEIt. SADDLE AND HARNESS. ElEigatlie THE subscriber continues to caret' on Ili* IL above business, in all itsvarious brariciledi in North Hanover street, Carlisle, twd doors North of Leonard's corner, where he intenlin keeping on hand sgeneral assortment in hipline , Consisting of all kindifer rash ionable SADDLES, Bridles' 4.!(12 0 , 1 "'" \ martingales, Girihs,Circingles7 - I' and Halters, also _ TRUNKS, tray. tr kafjo9l 1 1I, 11 n iv i. aniiVad a l s l oo awn manufactures thomost approved Spanish Spring Sa'd'dles, ever . used in this couritry„ those wishing a handsome, durableamt pleasant sad dle will do well to call and see them, He also manufactuies Harness, Bridles, Collars and W hips in all their varieties, and confidently be• lieves front tho general approbation of his cue miners, that ha melon the neatest and best gears, in all their variety of breadth, that is mode in the country. He also makes all kinds of- Matmeses to order, viz : Straw, Husk, L':urt• ad Hair and-Spring Matrassos. All; the above articles will-be made-of-the best—material-and workmanship, and, with the utmost despatch. WM. OSBORN: • THE LANOASTER FAIR, Which has just closed its exhibition, wps said to have peon visited by_ forty thousand persons in ono day; but a looker on estimates the crowd daily soon buying goods at A. & W. BENTZ'S splendid NEW STORE', as little loss than that at the fair. By 'giving them a call; you Vriil oblige them and - benefit yourselves by saving from ono to' two dollars in every ten expended , fox .gopds. They aro now opnifing a truly large and — MAGNIFI-i CENT STOCK of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, bre.•, consisting. of Drees Silks, and other dress, goods, Bonnets, Ribons, Alpachas, Merinos, Ginghams, Flannels.; Prints, Blankets, and a complete assertmen t of House furnishing goods, Dress trimmings, Laces, Miiinary goods, Clothe, Cassimores, Vestings, Hosiery, Gluvefi, Table Cloths, Sheeting, Linens, Jeans, Cords; &c. &c. The above - are only a le* of the endless variety.— To enumerate all would entirely monopolize the columns of the " Herald.l s ' Give us a call and you will get cheap geode." 0ct.27, 1852. A. & W. BENTZ.. 7 - 11:11g 51 9 ;‘,1 a csaß • fi s: •'A • ! 2. ..' 7 441 - .4,-. V• "T l4Witri7l7 --- kti,./itil, vo:ol24rir."l, CHERRY- PECTORAL: For the Corr ter - • • COUGHS, 'COLDS, MIOARSENES, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA,_ WHOOPING . COUGP4 AND CONSTYMPTION. Of all the numerous Medicines 'extant, Dind some of them valuable I , for' the cure of 'put.; monary complaints, ( nothing has over been found which could compare in. ite effects with this preparation. Others cure sometimes, bet at all times and in all diseases of the lungs and throat whore medicine can give r olief,.this will do it. It is pleasant to take, and perfectly, safe in accordance with the. directions. We do not advertise for the, information of those. who have tried It but those vale have not.— Families that have known its value will not be with Out it, end its timely use, they are secure from the dangerous consequences of Coughs and Colds which neglected, ripen - Into fatal consumption. _.The_Diploma orthc‘lllassachueetts Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Boald of Judges in September 1847 ; alio, the medals of the three grestNnstitutes of. Art, in this country; also the Ltiploma Of the Ohio Institute at Cincinnati, has been given to the CHEIRAY , Pecromtp, by their Government innonarderaii Lion of its extraordinary excellence and useful-, nese in curing affections of. the Lunge - and: Throat. Rend the following opinionToundedon The ong execKionce of the eminent Physician: of ho pint and city of. ST JOHN% May 8, 181 Dr J C ATEA Five years trial of your CHERRY FECTO.:, RAL in my practice, has proven what I fore saw from hs composition, must .be.-,true, that: it eradicates and cures the eolde and cougha-; . - to which we, in. thm section• are peculiarly liable. I think- its equal hasota yof beetidiadevered nor do I know how a. bettor remedy can be - made for the distempers of the"Thrnat and Lunge. -J J BURTON; M D, F R S. - See what it has done on a wasted constitu tion; not only in the following cases, bat a thousand more: SIMISUILY; Jan - 24th IE4. , 1:4 Ayer In the month ,of fitly last I wee attacked by a violent diarrh`coa in the minessof California, I returned to San Fraanciaao in ~ - . hope of receiving benefit from a change of climate and diet. My diurrhma ceased; bat was followed by a severe cough, and .mueh soreness. I finally stalled for. home, but re ceived no benefit from the•rxylige t • My cough continued to grow woree, and whon I arrived at Now York, I was at once 'marke'd . by my acquaintances as a victim of conaumption. I must confess that lama no sufficient mien to doubt what my friends ell believed. At this • limo I connrienced taking vier truly invaluable medicine with. little •expectation• 01"deritridi any benefit from its use, You would not re- , calve these lie did'l not regard it my diity to- • etato to ilia • affiMteil4hrtnigit you,. that my 7. -health; 'in. the-apacto-of eight, nronthi,',li - fully," -restored.: I attribute' it •to the use ot. Tout.' CHERRY PECTORAL. Yours truly • • ••' . • wThLrarvie.-Virriv . . . • TV.hususarots, Dear it , celingtbat I have been spared. rem a premature grave; through, your inelnumental. its by the providence. of God, I 'will 'take the, liberty to esprcaarriy gratitude. , • . a %ugh and the alarming syniptomp of,.Con. aumphon had reduced me too lOw to' leave me anything liko hope, when , my . 'physician brought. me a.bottlir 'of your. , llseetned afford iinmedirde relief, and now in a few wecka time Ins restored.Me to' aband herililC-- If It-Will :- do for others what it hac'done'for me', you' are ' cerrainlymne of the beneLotors - Of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I aria • ' Very respectfully your 4 - - JOHN J, CLA • .• • :• • • •• Rector St, Peter's' Chuich:' With such .ttsiprtincii). and from such::; ii)eivii3O;f4Oonicir can. be - 'Wooed.. unless it .be from its•mtects upon Trial:; .Preprited:init • - T __assurr;, LayrOWistioia:' lirckidwlird Schmidt, - P,ROD.ITE DEALDR9d6OMIViigiOX nov , F t 2, 0 PI ,: eIz o R 4 D R I L N I O six t: e R A G . II4I : N , TO; • El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers