he Chicken - Business. The thielten fever don't seem to be . abating any in Philadelphia, but rather Inetensing„ We lake the folloWing from ' lite Ledger of the 4th : ' Within the past year-the attention bf lairge manlier ,of persona in. this vi cinity has been turned-to the breeding of chickens. The pure Shanghais, and oth er valiiiible furls have been - setight after,. and the China market visited for -a sup. ply . of , the different species which are designated by the fenders as the " real genuine imported." . Sales have been et - very high prices, and the amount now realikted pays, a handshme profit for the trouble and _ expense of breeding the fowls.' The eggs of the pure stock corn; mand.prices ranging from $7 to $3O per dozen, and the chickens from $lO to $5O end sB9.per.plitir The accommodations and arrangementefOr Weeding, in - Some of the yards of the fanciers about the ci tviire good, - and much carp is-taken . in keeping separate the various kinds of fowls, and different varieties of eggs and the brooding of theme The progressive spirit of the age demands greater facili ties for breeding*. and,' instead of reali zing the stock in the natural way. steam and other agents are applied. The new methods have proved successful, and when they become more general, the im pression is that fanciers will have a much greater desire to increase their stock than dispose of the eggs at any price. One of these fast breeding machines is in op. eration in West P4iladelphia, at the es tablishment of Mr. Robert A. Smith.= The principal agent is steam from man ure, which is thrown upon the top of the ovens. The ovens are made perfegly airtight, so , that the smell arising , frchn the manuie is kept entirely from-41re., broods, and the practical operation is-wit nessed without the least offensive odor. Mr. Smith first tried the experiment of breeding in this manner with ' one dozen eggs, and on the twentieth day some of theellickens were hatched ; on the twen ty-second day ten of the twelve eggs pro duted.chickens. The ovens are so con structed that 1000 or 2000 eggs can be put in thern at a time, which ivill proba bly-produce a proWtionate number of young chickens. In the hatchingoveni, a thermometer is placed,. by which the heat, which is required _to_be about 97 degrees, is regulated. The manure, it is said, causes heat frequently to rise as high, as 120 degrees; but a ventilator in the door ,of the oven is used to prevent the excess. The eggs are laid on cotton, and, after biinfPlaced in the ovens, are left undisturbed until the chickens are hatched. A simple„ machine has been used by Mr. Keen, in West Philadelphia, very-successfully: Dr. James McClin tock, at his residence on the Frankford road, in Armingo township, has the most complete irrangements for raising chick ens in the country. His collection is very fine, and compriseskthe pure Shang. hail, Palmer importations 'of Shangliais, Marsh, Perly, Forbes, Brahma, Pcotras,, Back Bantams, tad the Imperial Chi nese, imported by himself. Each spe cies are kept by themselves in yards, some 20 by 50 feet, with houses coven'. ently constructed and dividedin different apartments, with nests for depoiiting the eggs for brooding, and for roosts. The utmost care is taken of the stock, and the buildings are cleaned every morning.— They have been thoroughly whitened by a preparation for ° that purpose and e verything is-kept in the most perfect or der and clennlinels. Dr. McClintock has the most extensive stock in the,,country ; and the pains•he has taken witlillie'fowls promises to be of much pecuniary ad vantage to him. Another sale of Shang hais took place at •Woolbert's auction rooms, in Market street, on Saturday, which attracted a large company. The price, paid were higher than any previ ous salee, as follows t--Shanghais, per pair. brought $14,50, and Cochin Chi nas $lO per pair. An Ugly Editor. A recent 'number of the Democratic Review contained a . likenese of Bennett, of the. New York Herald, which Pren tice_thue hits off Bennett'a. portrait is, terrific. Such a thing ought never to be painted or de guerreotpyed. It ought to be considered a penal offence to make anything so re volting to all our ideas of propriety. No than has a right to monopolize so much ugliness. If Bennett's ugliness could be distributed over a thousand faces, it vsrauld make each of them intensely, hatefully ugly. He ought not to be per mitted to go into the street without a blanket over his awful frontispiece. No wonder'that so many of the New York children. die (If convulsions, since Ben nett Is permitted to walk abroad with un covered face. We once heard of a man's face that was so ugly that it was placed on andirons for the purpose of frighten ing children from the fire, with much ef fect: No child dared appronch - the and irons, and the liability to combusiiith from such a case was greatly lessened.:` If Bennett's ugly likeness wertstaseped tin fire-places, the effect would be decidedly bad, for the children would not dare to go near enough to the fire to keep warm, and would become frost-bitten and per haps froien to death. We cannot con clove, of any retenth why, anything should be as ugly as-Bennett. Ile is ugliness perfeited.. There is a thoroughness a bout his ugliness which defies competion. When Mirabean described himself as a tiker•that had had the small-,nos, he placed a very uglytdea in everybody's mind, but it was beautiful when compar ed with Bennett's face.° When Appellee made hie beauty, his Venue, he took an eye from one woman. a nose from anoth er, a mouthirom a third, and so on until. the Venue was complete in her mote than earthly. , beauty. Now, if any Ap pellet, or artist of any . appellation, wish!. es to , make the most Indubitably perfect representation of ugliness, he would not be cnmpelled, to take features from sever al very ugly' persons, but all he would be compelled to do Would be ,th get Ben nett's face, and the enterprise would be Ilict"The ienerable Dr., Lyman Bee t Sher, in, a recent Boston sermon, said that preachereldess — should — stahl out , like rabbite'ears, so Abut people Could grab bold or them, and get something for their ,11 0 . A emopetiy of Youhg' Avner! = cans'set of t from • Miltoo lot • Austrodisi etday or 'two ego. Wei theti ever, such a,peoplo.oe tho Iroolteel ! alirA company of ~ , Young, 4 morloono!. , oet out from Milton forliMetralls, 414 'or two ,ogo. WoolitOrt4Y4r. !Pk RORRY'' lie Po HE ED AND EZPOSEI'O4, , . .AC I KiIIAt - ` 5 " - W ' ' l , , , s --•-• - , .:.....1:.: _CB~LYEtL~7,,-~' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 111,-1868 THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN CUACERLANb COUNTY? Terms—Ptoo Datum: a year, or OVe Dollar and , Arty Cents, if paid punctually in Advance. $475 if paid tofo,in the,,yerir. fCy`No less than one hundred and seventy .four persons aro employed itr editing, publish ing and distributing the Now York • Tribune. It is probably the most enterprising newspaper _establishment in the world. FROM WASHINGTON. Considerable sensation was created in Wash ington on Monday, by a rumour, of a sudden break-up in President Pierce's Cabinet. It had its origin in the singular attempt to re-as semble the Senate, after it had finally adjour ned. Several Senators had left the city, and others Who were packing up to go were called up at Midnight by theZergeant-at-Arms, with the request from the President thattey should remain. It was confidently stated that Mr. Marcy had withdrawn from the Cabinet, and that Mr. Cushing was to take the Premiership, Mr. Dobbin' the Attorney Generalsbip, , and Commodore Stockton the post of Secrettiry of the Navy. The reports did not prove true, however. The great emergency for which the Senate was summoned, proved to be the nom= ination of Mr. Buchanan as Minister to En 7-gland. Ile was 'confirmed without oppoSition, and it is understood ho accepts. Mr. Soule sent in his resignation as Senator, having ac cepted the mission to Spain., REMOVALS AND APPOINTMENTS The work of removing Whig office holders goes on with alacrity. The last Washington Union, (the.official organ) contains two col uinns and a half of appointments made by the President, with the consent of the Senate.— These ire only the chief official statibns. The great mass of office-holders are under the di rection of the Heads of Departments and other officials who are appointed bsr the Pres ident, such as Postmasters, Custom House of ficers, Re., &o. They number many thous . ands; but their appointments are only noticed, in the local papers. The work of removing these incumbents, and filling their places, is going on as rapidly as practicable, but with a snail's pace in the estimation of the place aeekers. The present prospect is that'a clean sweep will be made in the first six months of the Administration ; and as that was the main' object of the election of Pierce, public expec-. tation is likely to be realized. From the thousands of appointments made within the last ten days we select the following. Ex-Senator Daniel Sturgeon, of Penns.ybia nity to be Treasurer of the Mint at Philadel phia,in place of Robert Ewing, declined.. Willis A. Gorman, of Indiana, to be Gover nor of Minnessta, in. place of Alexander Ram sey, removed. A. P. Moderwell, to be Poet Master at Columbia, Pa. • Dr. J. 0. Wharton,Collector of the Port of Baltimore, in place f Col. Polk, first appoin ted, who resigned. John J. Blester, to be Post Master at Ens. ton, Pa. „, Henry M. Reigart,. to bo Poet Master at Lancaster, Pa. David Small, Esq., Junior editor of the York Gazette, Postmaster at York, Pa., le r tho room of Col. John J. Coohran, resigned. SALARIES OE ASSOCIATS JUDGES.-A bill regulating the salaries of Associate Judges of this Commonwealth, (except in the oity and aunty of Philadelphia) has pissed the House of Representatives. Its provisions aro as follows; For those whose attendance does not exceed four weeks in each and every year, the salary shall be ono hundred and twenty dollars; for those whose attendance exceeds four weeks and does not amount to eight weeks, one hundred and forty dollars ; for those whose attendance exceeds eight and does not amount to twelve weeks, one hundred and sixty dollars; for these whose attendance ex ceeds twelve weeks, two . hundred dollars. It is also made the duty of the President Judge of each District at the close of the year, to certify to the Auditor General under hand and seal the number of weeks each Associate has been neoedsarily engaged in holding court du ring that year. ADJOURNMENT OF FITE U. S. SENATE.—The extra session of the United Staten Senate was closed at Washington on Monday, at ono o'- clock, President'Pierce having, in reply to a committee, informed the body .that he had no further communication to make - to it. The appointments to office are, therefore, through with for the„ resent, except in those minor cases where no ratification of the Senate Is needed. MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT.-Mr Robert Elder, of Lower Swatara township, Dauphin county, was killed on Tuesday afternoon, while on his way from his home to Harrisburg on business. Id coming down a hill.a . short distance east of that borough, hie horse took fright, and, as is suppord, in jumping from , tho - carrlage, Mr. Eldpr-iiiis instantly killed. He was a man witliliknown and universally respected. WABHINGTON, April B.—Ex-Senator Dickin son, to tho amazement of all, hrur declined the New York. Collectorship, and judge Green C. Brownson wait nominated and•oontirniod in his stead. Hon. Solon Borland was nominated, and confirmed as Governor of Now Mexico. This nomination was unexpeetrid; and has caused rariprise in and out of tho Senate. • THE SAN JUAN Disnoutar.--Gerteral Pierce's administration is °aid to' justify , the comman dcr of the Cy,ane In his course at. San Juan, and will forthwith send him despatches appro ving hisitetk; and reiterating the instruotions under which they were done. A vagpe rumor comes from Charleston that a battle had. taken place between the , Cyane and a British sloop of war; with the claptwo of the kattet after a severe fight-and loss on both sides, It is, of course, all modnshine. ' SU I DUILY AND 'ERIE RAILROAD.-ft is stated that,' on Saturday last, an agreement was en-. tore& into between the officers of tho Sunbury and Etie and the representatives of company of richforolga capitalists, by which the lattor.agree to furnish $4,000,000 to build tho road and ensure its completion,within two nrrangement. is : !milled to' the lI PM 4II / o ,too.Parties interested abroad, and, ,It facets Audi s epprobatitin, the mid will be at once put, under contra - et., • ,Tuit,BPTxPa PRIB IO w4(IAsB.--,Tho•last 11 9' counts from London infoim us that so A'ar eight 114 1ha4 2 4, sfrfe4 consorywy• member' , " cf , the Mime of ;Common!! Ifilye biOnl "linißited for bribOry ,4t the' '" 197CATIA LESPISLATIIiIh. Dibitilrattatilan ot . the 'Venal Commis. , „stoners. • • Tli.eiresolutleins of Mr. Quiggle to taibinit .the qiestion of a Prohibitory tiquor Law to et,Voteer the people Which were defeated on Tuesday in the Btniate by It.tie Vote, wero in considered on Wedbm'sday, andpassed second reading by-the following vote: Issi—Messrs. Barnes," Carothers, bailie, Evans, Forsyth; Frick, Byron D, Ilamlin,, E. W. Hamlin; Hendricks; Hoge, Kunkel, ltiTar land, M'ldurtrie, Quiggle, Robertson, Sander son,, Skinner, Slifer, and Carson, Speaker-19.' NV/El—Metiers: Bally, (of. Cumberland and Perry) Iluckalew,, Crabb, Darlington, Fry, Goodwin, Haldeman, Mister, Kinzer, Myers, MPCaslin, O'Neill, and Sager-13. • On the oth inst., being petition-day in - the House, Mr. Henderson presented five petitions, numerously signed by voters of Cumberland county, relative to the prohibitory liquoilaw; also, one from ladies.of Westpennsboro' town ship, and one of ladies of Newville, praying fora - prohibitory liquor law ;""also, petition - of citizens of Silver Spring township, nlative to Trindle Spring; in said township; also, onefrom citizens of Cumberland county, for' a railroad froim-Dillaburg to Bridgeport, 'Cumberland county ; also, a petition for, and remonstrance, against, any change in the Place of holding elections in Lower Allen township, Cumber. land county. - On the 9th,ln the House, Mr. McKee pre sented - a - .petition _of. citizens _of Cumberland county, to elect nosersors for a term of three years; also, ono of a number of citizens of Cumberland county, relative to the improve ment of the Walnut Bottom Road. Both houses have resolved to adjourn on the 19th instant. , The appropriation bill be fore the House embraces, thollarrisburg Tel egraph says; an amount exceediqg $5,000,000. The following are items in it: For the com pletion of the North Branch Canal, $350,000; for the Allegheny Portage railroad, $413,000, and a further conditional appropriation — of $lOO,OOO, if the money is found in - the Treas. ury; for the Columbia railroad, $187,000. The discussion on the Appropriation bill, as. we see by the reports, has been verelwarm, and has been Mhrked by severe attao Lon the Canal Boa , d, who aro boldly accused by mein bore of their own party With the grossest mismanagement, corruption and fraud. Mr. Wavrot , t, of Armstrong, democrat, de clared that the Portage _ Road was conceived in sin, .and if completed would bo brought forth in iniquity. The sooner the State was rid of it the better. Ho would not vote a dollar for the ftirther prosecution of the work, - and thought it, the true policy of the State to sell itand got rid of its muse of corruption. Mr. Coon, of Westmoreland, (dem.) contended that both the Portage Road and the North Branch Canal bad been a curse to the State— they had cost millions more than they had re turned, and were an incubus on the energies of the State. Mr. liesnsizsos, of Cumber land, was opposed to making any appropriation to either, until some guarantee was given that the money would be faithfully expended: He thought the better disposition of the matter would bo either to- sell or lease the public works to companies, and thus release the State - from the immense corruptions which their continuance engenders. Mr. Kemal of Erie, said,it had been shown that the statements of the Canal Commissioners were' false and con veyed false impressions to the public, and as they could not be relied on, and, the present time was auspicious for their sale, it ought to be done - and - Hie corruption which was now detiolating the - State put an end to. Mr. Men- SUMAC (democrat) 'also attacked the Canal Board with great severity, and declared that there could be found in the office of the Canal Board, a forged receipt having his name upon it, and purporting to be a receipt signed by him for several hundred dollars for railroad "ties," and that ho bad never furnished ties, and had never signed a receipt. Mr. KILBOIIN desired to know if Mr ; M. accused the Canal Corn. missioners of forgery, and was answered that ho accused no ono, but stated a fact which was susceptible of proof. It was also declared that one hundred-and fifty thousand dollars had been squandgred by the Canal Board du- , ring the past year by - giving contracts to, men who were' not expected to 511 them at the prices taken, and the prices afterward in creased. In the afternoon session a commu nication was received from the Board, asking .for a committee of investigation,,in relation to this charge. Something must be rotten in that quarter. THREE MURDERS BY SPRING ANOTHEIX 'MURDER CI7AIIGED ON SPIIINGI.- An umbrella has been found in the store of Mr. Rink, on Chesnut street, Philadelphia, the proprietor of which, it will be remembered, was murdered last winter, which has been fully identified by the Ragan family es one lent to Spring on the day - of the murder-- Mrs. Ragan positively identifies it from three small patches she bad put upon, and Mr. Re gan by a piece of wire which he had attached to it. On the day Rink was murdered, Spring was at work for Ragan, and was drunk; and in the afternoon ho obtained some small change from Mr. R. and left the house. The knife with width Rink was stabbed, it-is supposed, was purchased by Spring with the change he obtained from Ragan. The murder spoken of Spring ,to his - ton, upon the completion of which ho expected to got a large sum of mini. ay, but-obtained none, was, no doubt, that of Rink. A man charged with the crime has been in prison in Philadelphia for some time, but the evidence against him was not very strong. According to the Philadephia papers, Spring not only murdered Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Lynch, and the unfortunate Rink, but is now the sus pected murderer of Win. Hope, of Kingsessing, in Philadelphia county, about twelve years ago; Mr. Hope was the proprietor of a truck form, and kept a stand in Philadelphia opposite the store then kept by Spring, who became intimate with him;,and it' is said that Hope, who was a ' , kind hearted, honest man, often loaned money) to Spring. The latter paid many visits to the truck farm, and Wail often seen in company with Mr. Hope, both , there and hi Philadelphia.— One. morning Mr. Hope was found.about twen ty yards from his own gate, most horribly:man gled and lacerated with an axe,. whichwarais covered a short distance on; and which was clot ted With his blood.' Spring, it Is alleged, was there the afternoon and evening previous-4m, although, the murder at the time created intense exeitement, the-author was never discoveredr.--- Mr, Hope had a largo amount of money, which he kept in a stove, and, as it was .norilisturbed by the murderer, it is suspected'that the °rwer eation of Spring with his son, touching a mur der lie Mice committed without securing a . large hum lie expected to obtain by it, had reference', o. t6ls'miiEi r CARIOUS M. CLAT,Esq., has publisheda corn intinicalion.in the Cincinnati Enquirer, In tvlijah he Is said to, ~po severe , upon ex 7 socretnii!boru win, for some remarks alleged •to hive been made by him; at a priiiito•dinner party in Woshlngkon, not very complimentary to the ab elillonists, ' • , '• ' Oonnetico; Vermont,, Maine Massachueetts and Minnenota dare all glyok popular' majoiliips agalast th gale of Arditikt .016. _BALANCE OE TRADE._ Mr. : Big:ahead, of the-tT S. Sonate t in ad- , vooating his resolution 'requesting the Score . tary of the Treasury to famish the Senate, at the nommencenlent of the next .6013810 D; a statement shelving the entire amount of United 'States. atooks' and bonds of all kinds hiald abroad, said the account, current otthe United • States, for the last &cal year, with ,foreign countries, .will stand as follows: Excess of - imports over'exports ' of the 'country, , $10,000,000 Interestertnnually payable to for- . • " signore,' for stocks, &0., hold • by•theta, - h 18,000,000 Expendituro of travellers Edmond, 6,000,000. Navy, war and diplomacy, 8,000.000 Instalments to Mexico, 8,000,000 Remittances to Ireland, 6000,000 Total, • From this deduct the probable amount'of. gold and silver brought into the country by emigrants, at $10,000,000 leaves the sum of $ 64. ,000,000,as the balance against the 'Unita . States, towards the settlement of which we have, fie the oflicialrecord of the exportations, above the importations $.27,000,000 of gold and silver, and the balance ; of $27.000,000, has, no doubt, been liquidated by the remit tance of Federal, State and other stooks. Any body eon see with half an eye, that this statement of the. balance sheet, must shcirtly be brought to a close. We may be - able to get along while the stooks cf the Gen eral and State Governments, and muni4ml Improvement companies' are taken in settle ment, but the reckoning day will arrive. That will be a gloomy day, and must result either in repudiation, or n burden of taxation upon the people,. whichthey will be, unable to bear. We believe one of the greatest misfortunes which has ever happened to the country, was the passage of the Tariff Aot of 1846. That act disables us froMcomPetition with the low priced labor of Europe, and has transferred our work-shops abroad. They manufacture for us, and every year our indebtedness to the& must be increased. But the end will come. CONVICTION OF XPRING. PIIMADEVPIIIA, April 7.—Tho second trial of Spring, for murder, was concluded last night a few minutes after 11 o'clock, When the jury retired, and this morning,.ori. the as- sembling of the court, they rendered a ver dict of "guilty of murder in,the first degree." After the jury wore polled, the prisoner asked permission to make tystatement. Leave was granted and he made a long address, giving an account of his acquaintance with the murdered women, and his visits to their house, • He says his son told him he would go to ,Carroll's house. on Thursday night and get tho money, Lynoh having gone to New York. He tried to dissuade him from the robbery, but no mention was made of murder. His son told• him on that night to go to bed, and ho dill 0: The boy came home.some time in the night and asked fot a pocket bock. He said he had the money. He went out in 'the morning and bought the shirts, but only gave him (Spring) a dollar note and.a gold dollar. His son ... paid nothing of the murder and he knew nailing of it till ho was arrested. He closed with solemn asseverations of his own innocence and the guilt of his son. He was willing to die, but would die innocent. Judge Kelly rebuked the priaoner for his hardihood in persisting in such improbable statement when his moments on earth were numbered. He went over the history of his son and the evidence in the case to show how utterly false wail all that fie had uttered; He 'concluded by.urging him not to die with a falsehood on his lips, but by , telling the truth to clear the character of his son from sus picion. I - . Sentence' was deferred, and the prisoner sent back to Prison. The court house and vicinity were densely thronged bu,t no mani festation 'of feeling took place, though the crowd wore evidently overjoyed at the result. PERILS OP THE PRESIDENCY Col. Perry, the editor of the Southern Pa triot, writing from Washingtcin, where he, is engaged as counsel: lathe Opdinerease, says: It is said General . 'pierce is very much worried and harrassecl: by Ms position. The office-seekers give him no rest day or night. I have heard serious apprehensions expressed that he would not•survive his term of office. The office of President will become the grave of our distinguished men. I heard a gentle man say, this evening, that if he were,Presi dent he would place's guard - in front the White House, and give them orders to shoot down the idle drones and office beggars, as they approached the -mansion:" MURDER. OP A Misstowanr.—The Home Mission Record learns from Rev. T. R. Cressy, that Rev. Elisha S. Terry, a missionary of the American Baptist Home Missionary Society among the Chippowa Indian's, on ,Red river, was barbarously murdered a short time since. As ho was going one day to the woods to out a stick of timber, singing as ho passed along a hymn in the Chippewa language, he was pierced through the body with arrows, from the bows of a band of ions Indians, who wore lying In ambush, and was afterwards scalped. MIIRDEE IN NEICCEIL,.. PA.—A private-de spatch from Mercer, Pai,l;received on Satur day, states that-Dr.-Baskin wnt murdered on the night previous, and that suspicion rested ono man named John Layman, who, was sup posed to have fled to Pittsburg. Dr. Baskin was a well known physician. Ile was, it is _stated, waylaid and stabbed in the nook, while returning to 'his house and near his own door. Nit further pkrtidulars are given, and no cause isiassigned for the deed. . •• Le"• Damages against the Pennsylvania Rail road Co. to tho amount of $3,600, have been ob tained before the Distriet Court ..at Pittsburg, by an emigrant named Benno Matthes, who alleged that while travelling in the oars of the company in December, 1861, ho had hie foot frozen, there being no fire or fuel in the oars, which were kept standing at one place on the road for twenty-two hours. -The latest strike; is that of the Bar. keepers of New 'York, who, the , Mirror says, have unanimously kidded to charge . a shilling instead of sixpence, as at piesent, per glass' for drinks, on and-after the first of May. 'lt would be better for the publietif they were to advance the , price to two shillings. • gfr-At a. munloirateleotion in Louisville, Ky., last week, - a majority of 205 waegiven In favor of biomes for the sale of spirituous liquors, and a majority of 777 against esteb liiiking,eity water works. "finitin4rieff'abeine tO think that this vote establishes ootiolusividy the foot that whisky is stronger than Water. Samuel Plitarteut, gag, (ex-Collector of New York,) in a oortifloite from the 11. S. Court, shone that he fit not indebted a cent to tho United States' in defanli„ arid that no suit orjudiment ie against him in the 11. EL Court. I make venerable Dr. Lytton Bawdier, in recent Boston sermon, amid that preachers'. ideas should ',gaud out like riibbita'. earn, so Gioia-grab hold of theni, and get ooinetbing for,their Taloa. • gown nub Cnturtti Nuittero. 'April Court. Tho terra of the Court of .Querter Sessions, &0., of 'this county commenced . , on Menday, andlhe 'attendance of persons inter ested Is unusually, large, A largo number,of criminal oases will be tried, of which we shall probably be able torgive a report in our next. I 1 a =MM! 'A fire broko out in Ncwville, on Thursday evening last,'ln a etablo belonging to Mr. John M. Woodburn. The stable was entirely con sumed, ana we regret to learn that four valu. able horses perished in the flames. Spring Changeir The let of April—the day for business changes, riow projects and 'new plane-:-bee brought about as usual a number of changes among our business men. Tho Mansion Rouse Hotel - has - been vacated by Major Patton, - the most popular host it has . had for years, and the house has been taken by Mr. :Isaac Par sons, who to be successful lute only, to follow in the taps of his preOecessor. Major John McCartney has taken the public house lately kept by McCord, and we notice it is undergo ing extensive improvements and enlargement, which will make it a more desirable stopping place. $74,000,000 par Norristown is going ahear"The Her a'd says that the notes of preparation are sounded on all sides for a busy, active season among the builders and mechanics. In enu merating the advantages already enjoyed, the same paper says, they have graded streets, a good market house, fire plugs '.distributed through town, gasjaosts and lamps put up to light their way, plenty of water, and, three new school houses. Good'for Norristown. And so with such facilities any place go ahead. We aro striving to have suoh im provements in Carlisle, and we believe a ma joiity of our citizens are now determined upon them. The wonder is that our people have been contented to do so long without them. But .° there's a good time coming." Agile ui tural Warehouse. Attention is called to the , advertiscment of tho Harrisburg Agriculiaral - Marehouse, lately o pened by Messrs Boyer gr. Hall. We understand it is an extensive establishment, where our far mers_cawprocure every_article in their_line, and_ the proprietors are attentive and obliging gen- . tlemen. Give them a call. LAYARD AND TUN BIBLE.—SOMO time since it was currently reported that a forthcoming work of LAYARD'S, in which his more recent antiquarian researches would betiven, would octet discredit upon many portions of the Bi ble. The work has appeared, but the very reverse proves to be Hie cnse. The New York Commercial, in speaking of it, says: " Mr. Layard's volunie abounds with cor roborations of the historical portions of the Testament. Mound after mound, palace after palace; and even tombs and hidden vaults testify to the'mibute, truthfulness of that in spired volume. Hosts of witnesses aro dis entombed from the hoary and almost forgotten past, and, by the grandeur. and majesty of their testimony, expose the shallowness and ignorance of scoffers of the present. It would be an interesting task to gather into one vol ume these corroborations:" FREE 'SCHOOLS VICTORIOUS.—Quite ER ex. oitement has existed in Cincinnati, for some time about Free Schools. The Roman Catho lics attempted to abolish .them—the Protest ants took the other side. Last week the ques tion came up before the municipal election, and the school party wore victorious. The returns for Couneilinen and School Trustees show an' overwhelming majority for Free Schools. Mr. Pratt, the leader of the Catho lic movement against the Schools, was defeat ed for Councilman in the ward which bad elected him ,or the past two years. This re sult shelve that publio sentiment in the West is right on. this great question. RAILROAD InoN.—The Boston Railroad Times states that tire railroads now in tit% course of coustruction in Europe and America will re quire for their completion no less than two millions and four hundred thousand tons of Iron. To make this quantity will occupy all the rolling mills in the world, , which are ep ged in the manufacture of' railroad iron, at least six years—those of Great Britaih fur nishing three-fourtlis, and the United States,. France and Belgium the remaining fourth.—, In View of these facts,it is anticipated 'that prices will further advance, and that the man facture of iron will continue to be a very prof itable business. -? FREE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION.—Tho Cen tral Comm'Aeo of the Free Democratieparty in PennsylOnia, have called a State Conven tion to inceiiat Ilarrisburg, on the Ist of Juno next, to noininato Canal Commissioner, Audi tor Generalfand Surveyor General. Theo:fall is signed bylMordeogi 11FKinney, of Dauphin; George It. Alleghen'y ; John S. Mar, of Potter , and other loaders of the Democratic party. CONNEOTIOUT ELEOTION.—TIIO,OOOOOI 0/00 i/011 in CouneoHout-for - State offmOrsand mem bers of Congre;s, took place last Monday.— Tao result Is a Locofoco triumph. The Dem ocrats have °looted their State ticket, and the four members of Congress. Both Houses of the Legislature are democratic, and in the lower House there is a large majority against the Maine Liquor law. We suppose the Whigs didn't try very bard to boat their op- _ ponente. TERRIBLE ETEAMBOAT ACCIDENT.-- , A terrible steamboat accident occurred in Galveston Bay onsthe night of the 23 inst. The steamers Nep tune and Farmer were racing fronalouston to Galveston, when, the.latter exploded, killing Oho captain,. clerk and seeond engineer. Thir teen of the crow. and about twenty passengers, were either killed or missing, and twenty pa's eengors, mostly ladies, were saved. PHILADELPHIA, Aprillo.—Tho ,direotor of the Mint has given notice that the three cent pieces, and their distribution at the expense of the.: Mint, has been discontinued, with n view to the more active employment of the force of the establishment in the manufac , faetiare of the new silver coin. Over thirty six mil:ions of the three cent pieces have al ready been coined. BANTA ANA.—It is believed that Santa Ann, on his return to Mexico, Intends toyoduaa the ropublio to a ,dependency Of the Spanish Crown. The future Movements of that wily politician will bo matched with much interest bore, COUNT PULEIZILY, it is stated, dined with the President some days since,. and had an Inter view with him on Friday evening by appoint; Mont Ile urged him to, db all possible In his, foreign relatiens to, moist Ilanirry, if oho should prove able to_ make a stand:. learTow converts to Democracy seem to be carrying-off the prises of oißco orer tho old etagere: The'Ord Tyler guard are coming in fora good share, while . Secessionists get pret ty numb of.the balinco where it ielpoceible tO giro it to them. • LATE POEEIGN NEWS By the arrival of the Steamship Arai°, at' New York, we have dates' from Liverpool:lp the 28d Olt. The following is o synopsis of the' ows. 'l) Medial family had arrived at Marseilles. The Prince of Wales' !Sower,' of Windsor Cas tle,: had been burned, birviug caught from overheated films. Soma ten or twelve apart, mental were destroyed. Damage about .429, 7 'POO. The Duchess of Sutherland and forty other ladies have had a meeting at Stafford House s in regard to turraugeMents being made for the reception of Mrs. Beecher Stowe.—: All, the LiverpoOl tradesmen have made suc cessful strikes fur ibcrcased wages. _ _firma excitement prevailed in Paris in con sequence of the - state of Turkish affairs. The French fleet ha's been ordered to the' Archi pelago. Ity Rives will return to the United States in May. Austria has revived the system of- passports with vigor towordt(Engliali grovellers. • She has abandoned the high treason prosecutions towards the insurgents under arrest. At kil ler!, on the 10th of, March, the Commandant of Ancona issued an order forbidding assem -Wages of more than five persons after sunset. The unexampled haughtiness of Mentschikoff, the Russian envoy to the Sublime Porto, caus ed an immense.flutter among the diplomato.— It was reported that the Russian fleet was clustered near Constantinople, but the report was not correct. Nevertheless, the English Charge sent a fast steamer to Malta. for the English squadron to hasten to the Dardanelles, but Admiral Dundee, in oommand of the squa dron, refused to come, withoug forces from England. The French fleet, at Toulon, how over, was 'immediately dispatched. The demands of Russia are nominally re-, spoofing the holy . places ; but it is not defi nitely known what else is demanded. The , affair, it -is supposed, will blow over, but it is yet in a . critical condttion. The latest news received from Paris, leads to the belief that the Turkish affair will be amicably settled. )3E4l,Th° Publishers of the key • to Uncle Tom's Cabin announce that they commenced printing 20,000 copies for the first edition; that orders poured in so rapidly thai they hare increased it to 40,000, and think it probable they may be compelled to pr-intoo,ooo`to sup• ply advance orders from — tlie bdok trade. - The wdrk will be issued in a few days. It will be sold at fifty CCIAS copy, and be a larger work than the Cabin. - , gtsy- The State Senate have repealed the Registration Law of the last session, by a vote of 19 to T. Its repeal was advocited on the ground that the law was useless and expen sive, and could not be enfurc'ed. New Mutitisrmeuts. AN ORDINANCE, DIRECTING TILE UANNIOR OF'PAVING AND CLEANS ING TLIE STREETS, &C SECTION I.—Bc it ordained andenacted by the Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the regulation of all Pave ments shall be uniform :throughout the• Bor ough, as well in breadth and extent as in de Nation and deolinatim — vin—in High and Hanover streets, the foot Pavement• - shall ex tend into paid streets twelve feet; in all the other streets ten feet; and in 'all the alleys three feet,'and shall be made with sufficient ourb stone so fixed as to form a Gutter or passage to carry off the water. SECTION 2.—That it shall be the duty of the ,ownor or occupiers of any Lot or Lots bounding on any of the streets of said Bor.- . ough, upon which pavements Shall hereafter be laid, to call upon the Regulators of said Borough to fix the breadth,-elevation and de clination of said Pavement or Sidewalk, under the penally of Five Dollars ; and after being so fixed the owners or occupiers aforesaid shall pave or cause the some to bo well paved with good brick within three mouths after the en actment of this ordinance. Those places ne cessary for the passage•of Wagons, &0., shall be paved with brick, having the side or end upwards, or in such other sufficient manner as may be directed or approved of by the Regu lators. All owners or occupiers of Lots bounded by Lanes or Alleys not paved shall have , the sidewalks of the same after being regulated as above, paited with gookßriok or flag Stones within the same period. SECTION B.—lt shall be the duty-of a spec ial committee appointed for that • purpose, or of the Committee on "Streets, Lanes.and Al leys," personally to examine the sidewalks and pavements on the Principal- streets of this Borough at least onoo each year, and report to Council all pavements that should be-rondo, together with those that require repairing, and if repairing whether they are of Stone or Brick. - SECTION . 4.;=lt'shall be the - duty of Council upon report of said Committee to notify the owners or occupiers of the lots upon which the sidewalks or pavements eo reported are located, to,havo. the same made, repaired or relaid, as the wide may bo; and if any of 'the said owners or occupiers of said Lkts, neglect or refuse to make, •repair or relay'aid pave ments for two months after such notice has been given them, it-shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to make, repair or relay 'all such pavements at the expense of the Bor ough, and present the acCoutit of the expenses incurred in making, repairing or relaying the same without delay to the Council, whose duty' it shall bo at once - to prooeed to collect the cost of said work and materials with twenty per cent advance thereon, according to the mode preporibed in the Act of Assembly of ad April, 1862. SECTION 5.—A1l sidewalks or pavements situated in Iligh street and Hanover street of this BOrough, now made ot any other material thin Brick, reported by said Committee as re quiring to be paved, retold or repaired, the owners or occupiers of the Lots upon which said pavements or sidewalks are located shall be required to make or relay the same with Brick ; and in case of their neglect - 0r rotusol so to do for a longer period , than two months after notice as above has been given, the Street Commissioner shall make or rainy the same and report as aforesaid to Cout:di,- who shall proceed as directed in Section fourth of this Ordinance. SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of the owner or occupier of any Lot or Lots, or parts thereof, situate on the paved streets of the Borough, nt least twice iu every year, that is 'to say, once in September and ones in April, to cause the pavement outside of the curb atones on eabh aide of said streets, to be well ncroped;atur cleaned, eaoh party doing - the half of said streets opposite his own Lot of ground, us far as the breadth thereof extends, and causing the dust to be removed within a reasonable period after the same shall have been brought into hsnps: and it shall also be the duty of' the owners or occupiers of any Lot or Lotsia the other streets, to follow and obsertre the came Tegl110001:18 as soon PE the pavement thereof shall be - completely made and finished—and every person neglecting or refusing to comply with the regulations afore said, or any , of then], shall pay.a fine of Five Dollars for, etrery.stich offence or default; and it shall likewise be the duty, of the - Street Commissioners to employ hands,.and cause all pavements which lie within the limits of the Public-Square-to - lie scraped and Cleanedthe manner and at the same periods as men tioned in the first part of this section. SserrlON 7. It shall be t'to duty of the Street Itegalaters. at such times es may be necessary, to level and ascertain heights es well of the centre pavements as of the curb stones, in' the 'streets 'and alleys of the Bor ough, and Ihx up marks to enable the inbuilt= ants residing is said , stmts. and alloys to maim their pavements and curb stones uniform throughout. , ' ' . Ordinance enacted at Out Denncil Chatnbei, the Seventeenth day of 'June, a, ie.' 1802; A. NODLE,Acsidint. Attest—Tile's D. ALtuor; . .Seeey- CoVn. DIAL% chfe'Burgett. RHODE IsLANC! ELECTION --- ri : OVidCDCO, April 6. The" result at the election leld in the State to-day for Governor, Lieut. Governor, and oth- er Officers, and members of Congress, as far as received, leave but' little doubt that the Demo crats, haxe swept thti field, electing their Guber natorial candidates by .conederable majoritics, also both branches of the llencral Assembly and both mernbers of bohgress._ _ ALTEfICATION 1N W.itanixo•ren - -Wednesday, at the 'National Hotel in Washington, an Accra lion occurred 'between Senator Phelps of Ver mont, and Commodore Prloore,of the late Teian navy. :The latter, had taken offenee , at some re marks, said to have been made by the former, and tit:tempted to. assault him. lie was prevent ed from SO doing by the bystanders. The Siamesii'TWins, now residing in the State of North Carolina, where they are living in married life, the wife of one having had six thiiiren; and that of the other five, In all eleven, the Boston Atlas states, have announced their intention of making- a tour of the principal cit ies Of the United States and Europe for eihibi tion, and will make their first appearance in Boston some time in April. 131:Scirne of the "Union" Locofoco papers in the South advocate a reorganization of the Southern Union Party, to serve as a check upon Pierce's administration, which they say has be come indentified wills the Southern Rights wing. The Athens (Georgia) Banner says : " If we cannel agree in sustaining the admin istration of Gen. Pierce, we may, at. least, agree to keep down the Secessionists in the . State Government, and in the Congressional represen tations." AGrA son of Gov. Marcy and a son of Thos. Ritchie have been appointed Punsurs in the Navy by Pierce. Nepotism is a feature of modern Democracy ; and no young Men who have not influential fathers or other relations, need expect favors fr2m the present adminis. tration. Mr. Cnnuvrika SNAVELY, a worthy citizen oy Harrisburg, Pa., has become a victim to spir itual knockings, and has been sentto the insane asylum. is is said to bo a raving maniac. • . giy-The Cincinnati Commercial says there are two men residing in that oily - , born and reared in the west, who are firm believers in the Mobottiedan jsZyrillazzini is reported by a London cor respondent of the Tribune to have escaped from Italy, and reached that city. ZOc BALTIMORE ➢IARICET MONDAY, APRIL 11 FLOUR AND MEAL—The Flour market was steady to da . y.__Sales of 1,200 bble. How ard street brands at $4 87/ 7,1 bbl., an ad vance. Nothing done in city mills—held at $6 OJI bbl. Rye Flour $4, and Corn Meal $3 1203 18 Ti bbl. GRAIN AND SEEDS —The • receipts and supply of Grain continue very light. We note tale sale tif a - cargo of prime white Wheat at $1 201 bushel. Wo quote•red Wheat nt 1 06 09 19 bushel. Rye 78 82ots bushel, for Maryland and Pennsylvania. Corn has ad vanced—sales of prime white at 53055 cents, and yellow d0:57@,58 cents? bushel. Mary land Oats peen cents, and Pennsylvania do. 39 ®4loeuts huidiel. Seeds quiet —We quote Clover at 7`ils7 50 bushel; Timothy 80$3 25,1 and Flaxseed $1 40 `ll bushel. WIIISKEY.—SaIes in hhd. at 22i cents, and in bblm at 23;1 cents 'l.l gallon. IVEARRIED 'ln Half Moon,Centre county, by the Rev. Alemlirittion, ev. Alexander M. Barnitz of the ,Baltimore Annual Conference to Miss Sallie E." Gray, ilaugliter of Mr. Jacob Gray of said place. - Nrw macrtistments BOROUGH 'ACCOUNT. THH ACCOUNT OF JACOB SHROM, LATE TREASURER OF THE , BOR01:GE1 OF CARLISLE. DR. To amount received from former Treasurer To cash from P. Quigley, collector do from Chas. Bell. collector do from J: Postlethwaite, col lector do do ,for outer stalls of market house 84 90i (Co for inner stalls of- do 128 25 do from Jacob Shilling 750 do from J, H. Blair for exhibitions 36 - 00 do for outer stalls by treasurer 8 25 By Cash paid NN'tlliam Bell ' 8 5 00 do J Loudon for book 3 50 do James Posik thwaite • 500 do A. & R. Noble 1 75 ' do , Wor ey Mathews, street commissioner do Bbrough notes ryleemcd do . William Corbel do J. IC. Boyer, printing do Reigle's heirs, interest on.bond • do Isaac Barton, interest on bond • • '9 00 do J. Shilling lor deeming • \ Spring and salary 174 25 do James Dunbar, salary 18 Ou do • • T.D. Mahon, salary PO 00 ,do William 'Brooks 6 35 de, William Miller 2 CO ' do • John Egolff 3 00 do I) & IN Danner, interest .on bonds • do -James Martin do . „ B Beatty, printing d 6 William Line, street reg. ulator Uhion fire company Cumberland tla William Riley Jacob Spangler, street regulator J Postlethst nit°, abatement of 5 per cent • 87 93 Lemuel Todd, Interest on bond 9 45 Henry Glass, supper for patrol 2 373 , D & W Danner, lour —bOlichiredeetned " 597 49 Stephen Kr opera 1(75 J 13 Bretton, printing 37, 56 Andrew Holmes, bond and interest -.84l 94 Samuel Wetzel 5:00 R ill'Cartney, reward 2500 0 W Hepburn • 10 0 S HaVerstick, oil, &c 8 84 John M'Cord, supper for patrol ' . • 2 : 51) James Hackett,•salair 18 55 W. Mathews, powder • 5 50 P Quigley, over payment 19 07„ J Shrum, salary . 50 00 J Sencr 50 00 do do do do do do balance in Treasivor's.hande Wo the Committee - of Accounts, do certify 'that we have examined the foregoing account of Jacob Mom, late treasurer of the Borotigh of c or go ot end find the same correct. G. W. SHEAFFER, ;,•„ . DAVID ' • Committee of Accoutds. ACKEREL, I CODFISH, - Oonatanily on hard SALMON; andfor Frac. by • I UERRINOS, , J: Pitman & Co. PORK, • Market St. Wharf. HAMS•& , SIDES. 'Philadelphia. SHOULDERS, April 19, 1853. ' LARD &CHEESE; • En $ 145 • 13• i 170 33 348 31 2001 57 $2930 19 514 55 13 22 •1 00 16 00 43 68 17 52 5 00 40 25 6 00 34 00 34 00 10 00 EIM 02.25 27 101 85 ECM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers