Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 13, 1853, Image 1
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I "r..rollice , on Pitt street, a few oars south of the Railroad 1.-letel, Dr. L. is ab a nt the lo4t ten days of evolv month. . Dr. GE Olt.Vt-U Z. 43_ Z , 41 perform al 13 HX 1 W I operations upon tha teeth that may be re , re hired for their preservation. Artificial teeth inserted, from a single tooth to anentire set, on the most scientific principles. Diseases of the ml/01311,1 irregularifies 'carefully treated. 01- Ii ni at the residence of hip brother, on North, Pitt Street. Carlisle DR. S. E. souarraan, FL c Fl in North linaoveratrect adjoining UV W atom. Uliice hours, more.nor ticalarly from 7to 9 o'clock, A. M., aod Iron) t !,-) 7.1'.010ck. P. M. fitinclB`sl pAS Z.11.1r 11333.21.11V0, ffit.YVl s(3,s,ociated themselves together io the practice of Medicine and its collateral brinehos, otTer their professional services to the citizonm - of Akechanicshorg and adjacent country. [may 12G m Dr. 3rOLIN 8. :451111IGGIS, OFFERS his professional servic s to the peoplf,ot Dickinson township, and vicinity... Residence—on the Walnut Bottom Road, one milu oast of Contrevillo. 1'621 ypd 0•ZIORGE1 tICE OF THE PEACI;. OF " Flea at his residenco, cornet of Main street and the Public Square, opposite Burkholder's if otel. In to the ditties of Justice of Peace, will attrnd to all kinds of writing, such as deeds, bonds, mortgages, indentures, articles of agreement, notes, &c. - Carlisle, no 8'49. Fresh Drugs, Itiedicines, Er.c. , ffe I have just received from Philadel• phia and New York very extensive additions to my former stock, umbra- RAI clog nearly every article of Medicine now in use, toga. nor with Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cidlery, Fishing Taekle,— Bruhes of almost every description, with un endelss variety of other articles, which I am de termined to sell at tiIILVERY LowesT prices, All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and otherg, are respectfully requested not to piss the OLD 'STAND', as they may rest assured that every article will be sold of a good quality, and upon reasonablp terms.. S. - ELLIOTT, Altiin street. CarIWO. Maylo WILLX.ELIVIS & .1333.0T1iC1123.; NEWVILLE, PA. 9EA.LERS IN lINRDWARE. in all, its variety for use and ornament. Also, Shoe Findings Morocco, &c. Glass, Oil, Palms, Rock and Rifle Powder, &c., Cedar Ware, Ropes, BruSlies, 'Pranks, Baskets and Coach Tidrittnings, &'c. 'rimy have on hand — or will furnish everything in the BOOK and srrA • TIONERY line. They have an - extensive ensnufactory of TIN WAII for wholesale and retail. ['rouse and Barn Spouting well and promptly done. They have nn extensive SPOV.Is Wareliett , m, where may be found the most approved patterns of Parlor. Coal and Coo't.itoves. The pablic attention is directed particularly to the loncaster ICaystonc Cook Stove, for sale exclusively by them ; the hotly. loot and cheapest stove in the market. It will be borne in, mind thst their Cook Stoves are the cheapest offered for sale. All other • undo so d as cheap for cash, as the cheep, cheaper cheapest. [ Newvile,sept24 F. N. ROSENSTEIEL, OUSE, Sign,. Vancy and Ornamental j_ Painter, (lormerly Harper's) Row, next doorto 'frout's Hat Store. He ivill at• toed promptly to all the ,th we descriptions of pai . ntin ; , „ remonahle• prices. The various kinds of graining attended to, such as mahog -any, oak, walnut, &c., in the improved styles. Carlisle, July 14, 1852—1 y• CHURCH, LEE AM DINGLAND; WI 3W2U-31.1- , 9 AND STEAM ; SAW ,IVIILL NEW CUMBERLAND. PA. TR.M.SroAroSTIO.V. T.l.Laundersigned are now_prenared Jo frejght merchandise from Philadel "A re -4.6;3 du phis ee and nil rates, r r c o g , a a i t . r and despatch. ' • DEPOTS. • Tinzby Co., 315 Market Street, ]julo. Cc ,rea :11nall, "Small's Depot," 72 Nortl etreol l 13a;•111 , 1 . 0. tin2l )0D WARD &-Selk-MIDT: iroRTATEON. 'l' R . - t., .igned are now pr'eplir/ to freight ,sqlgQ tt nierch ndizo , Philadelphia and • ,7., • • Baltimore, at re al . mod rates, with regularity and despatch. DEPOTS Freed, VVai•d & Freed, 315 Market Street Philadelphia A. U. liarnitz, 7G North Street, Baltimore. Michael North Street, Baltimore. ecpe2olll 3. Itir. D. 11:110A,DS. NEW CLOTHING STORE. • THE subscriber has just returned from Philadelphia with ft wry choice selection of CLOTIIS, VESTINGS, Pearl Drab, Brown and Marbled cloth for OVER COATS. Besides a iplendid lot of FANCY STRIPED C ASSIAIERES,.which he will make up into coats, penis and vests of tart laiost styles. He will also keep Shirts, Drawers, Under Shirts,Shirt Collars. Gloves, Cravats, Hose, indeld every thing kept to a Gentleman's Furnishing Store, Having en . gaged the services of W. B. PAIIKINSON a well-knowd cutler, ho will be able to make clothes to order in.a superior manner. Ile is determined not M be excelled by any in the county, as to make. material or price. . Our motto is not to be undersold by any. Gitto us •II call at our store in South Hanover street, -direutly_lopposito ‘Bontis's store,• and sco' lo yourselves. " CHARLES BARNaZ. tuv. 2.1, I 8527,D. g3'a•...'Tg'OßlVZ SCALES THESE superior scales were invented by Thomas Ellicott about 25 years ago ; they, have boon in constant use, and now after various —improvements aro offered hy. the subscribers, and warranted. • correct. and unsurpassed for adouracy and dutability ,; after aliar if cat approved. they'ean be returned: Seams for Rail Roads, Canals, Hay. Cattle, Coal, Stores, and for waigiangAl „ hinds of liferchandigo,.manufacturednt the old' web- Dolled stand,VVlnth Street , near Coates Street, Philadelphia ABBOTT & ' • -- ,- -iSuccootiormo Ellicott Abboti, AGENTS. TatuiAlf tr. BHA NV, 333 Markot St., Philad'a. rlt ANN. PnTT: Po Viiio. feentB.3m) VITUMULT W.A.ITTED. THE 11;0111,3t market. prima in CASII ,paid for WIIa VT leliverod.aCtlia FAmmem:MiLi , (formerly ijoird, limn') in. Wnst Vennekoro ..';MARSHALL JAMES, Sep'. • , , • STRATc' SOW: A I to:00 Tr3t9isgs'of the "•abbicilhoc in ‘11:/ Dielchlion towniuhiP, libnut the '4ld, y,o,rnary:.lB4,. White, Sow., .r .vihnj9 , . or h3 i T er i :6:; , ) , l to, PUITIO ,11:0171/rd; ,P1V010„ , pOily. Fr amay: . oc:aho , ro twill,hp '." 0 - gis and ;ice h I 9,•e?rdi,P2;.t0,l • EMA,,44IYIII;I:EIisTP" • - THERE ARE TWO THINGS, GAITH LORD BACON WHICH MAKE A NATION GREAT AND PROGPERONG I -4 FERTItL EGO AND BURY WORiCSI!OPS,- 7 -TO,WHICH LET .ME ADD'ICNO:NLEDGE AND, FREEDom E• ts op all . . . _ (Original. puirti . For the Carlisle Herald. SOMETHING' OR NOTHING. BY THOMAS TWEEhLEpEE I sat me in my Room: 'twas 4 o'clock P. M., Time, with not so much as "By your leave, sir," Had glided quickly by and Friday was nigh Gone. But one day more and our holidays Would be " the days that were." how dread the thought! What horrors it called up ! what spectral ghouls Would rise, when thought 1 of the coming week! A strange, and awful, horrid, complex mass! Professors, Tres, ding-dong, ptuyer bell and prayers, And calculus that's railed tiro differential, Bedause, 1 s'poso, it is most non-essential: I drew my gown, all redolent with loro, ' ("Classic s" for lore, but then the line's too long.),•and -stretched out-upon my lounge, All sow:ay, boozy, vowed "the future was A hug bear, nod I'd Out go to meet it." Puff! puff! puff! phew! phew! (and yetl'm not A Loco—motion.) Old I;lantation smoke Circled round sue, of fragrance sweeter far Than sweetly scented breath of .uroinan." Who Wrote that lino wrote false, soy 1.; if sweet 100009 Sour, why then she's more than sweet, that'sall. Xantippes all, and bickering every hour. To vinegar she'd water turn, if vinegar Is sour 1 I made a rhyme that time (pest on the sex 1) But oh. thou shade of Whately where's thy test Another! Ye gods coma down. We bad best Pass' on. Well, the smoke curled round and round me, And ever mut anon I sipped some punch— Some glorions punch —what joys it can impart ! I turned too o'er, and envied not the Nectar Of the gods, while lint steaming pinch of pure Old Cognise, and Champaigne, flashing, spark- ling, • Were by my side, The sorrows of the past -- Where were they T Clone. The uture's woeit Vnthought Of. Perchance a ghostly spec re would hover Through the misty cloud a moment, but an- - other . ruff! puffl would veil it opt, or eip would • make Bright fairies spring up all around me, like . Violets, lien drinks the earth the venal show'r. Rapt top l some one is at the door. " Who's • there — l.,'" B-u-s y 1" I drawled. "Oh Tom, fling opo the . . door ; Ito 1 ; .I've suthin for you." " Ned- 'a that you ? C-o-m-e-in, old b-o-y !" I'm happy, amt I ? Ray • - Ch high-rilutyn ! dundor and blixen ; And yet I'm mire, Inc not a vixen. Come in, I sm-a-y, and take a pota—not "Toe" but tion-'-a "POTATION." Quoth Ned,. " I surely will imbibe, but . li'ege's A letter." I seized it and broke the 5ea1..;.0 Ye gods, attend and bear my wrongs 1 0 Etiilb Rise up, and your own offspring ydu h:t6ig;6! Your tortures, fiends of Tart'rus, ye prepare Listen Q Sun, and give - ear 0 ye stars! Ye feathered tribe, pigs, cows, horse and mule, Some jack-a-nape Made me an APRIL-1001.1 April 2d. 1853. ex -OmTit (farrfr;,_ TIM CHILI'S GARDEN. Beneath the budding lilacs A little maiden sighed— The first flower in her garden That very morn bad died. I thought, as that child's sorrow Rose wailing on the air, - My heart,gave forth an echo, Long bound in silence there I'or though time brings us roses, And golden fruits beside, We're all some desert. garden Where life's first primrose died DROWNING THE ,SQUIRREL _ When I was.about six years old, one morn ing, going to school, a ground squirrel ran in its hole'in the road, as they like to dig holes in places whore they can put out their head, to see if any danger is near. I thought, now I Will have fine fun. A's there was a stream of water just at hand, I determined to 'pour water into, the hole until it would bo full, and force the little animal up, so that I might kill 'it. I got a trough from beside a sugarnmple, used for catching the sweet sap, and was soon pouring the water iu on the poor little squir -.rel. 1 could hear it struggling to get up, and said : "Ali, my little fellow I'll Boon have you out now." Just then I heard a voice behind me:. "Well, my boy, what hove you got then?" . I turned, and saw ono of my neighbors, a good old man, with long white looks, that had seen sixty winters. " e Nhy," said I, "I have a ground squirrel in hero, and I am going to drown him out." Said be, "Jonathan, when I was a littlo boy, Moro than fifty years ago, I was engaged ono day, just as you aro, drowning a ground squirrel; and an old man, like me, came a long,..and said to me, 'You are a littlo boy; now if you were- down in a littlo hole, like that, and I should own° along and pour water down on you to ' drown you, would you not think I was oruol ? God madothat little squir rel, and life is as sweet to it as to you; and why' will you torture to death a little oreaturo that God has made?" • Said ho, " I have never forgottealbet t ,and never shall. I have never killed any harm leas creature_ for fun slime. Now, my dear boy, I want you to remember this while yea live, and when tempted to kill any poor , littlO Innocent animal or bird, .think,` of this; and mind, t:log . don't allow us to kill his pretty, little creatures for fun." lilore than forty years have since passed; 'and I never forgot what the old men said, nor have I ever Now, the least aninial 'for Cali . sines'. Now, you see it is ninety 'years sint;e, this advice was first given, and it has, not lost fte, influduco yet.. How nattny-llttlo-orenturee it hne saved from being, tortured to 44, oannet but I bbee,no daub gretit nutu-' bei,:and believe my whole ilfo)44as' been lb fluOneeil by it. . , ' Noiv.l Want ell ; they doer little , beys, when , i they read thle v io ttPSP it , in, mind; Wad .whon; they see pretty birds :my harmless 'phiroala ', pldyint or' hunting 'their 'iocid;" 'Mit to ,I ll iit: them. ',Your 1113 1 ) , YOnLY ; Father grade then, an lio' neiio,i shaten 4 'the,m, tn::no,killed fo i hit , 'I, don't ,' think. ; on; tho 'blessed Jesus . ‘ li iii 1 was aboy, ho : woultl have' killed such innocent I OnininrogifoF fun, and.oyory:littlo !pit nhould. CARLISLE, PA., WEDNES I A.Y, try to - be as much likUJesus as lie oath 'The Bible says, • Blessed aro the merciful for they obeli obtain mercy.'—Child's Paper. sthrti. A RACE FOR LIFE. Forty years ago my father's family settled in ono of the counties of central New York.— All was a wilderness, wild, grand, beautiful. We located fifteen miles from the furthest pio neer. The woods were around us, the tall trees and the , picturesque mousztains. ". We had opened a space in the forest, and a cabin of the good old time afforded us shelter. It looked new and comfortable, and its chim ney-smoke curled gracefully op and vanished with the shadows of the forest. . The black ened heaps smoked and crackled, and deep in those wildwoed solitude 6 the wilderness blos somed and smiled in the presence of yellow harvests. A happy home was there. The birds sang at the, earliest morn, Mill the deep ricer near the door murmured sweetly at nightfall. There were gentle whisperings a mong the trees. As they bowed their heads in the winds,,a holy anthem fleeted up from . the vast temples where nature breathes fresh and pure from the hand of God. The wild flowers bloomed even by the door sill, and the deer,stopped in the forest to gaze upon the smoke of this chimney top. T'was a beautiful borne in the wilder ness." The spring brought us neighbors. 'Twos a groat day when a settler came and purchased land across the river. Ile received a warm welcome from pioneer hearts, and by the ready agency of pioneer hands, a comfortable log cabin peeped out from the dense wood-land of the opposite bank. I watched'the smoke from the open roof i'l3 the sun went down, and ea gerly looked for it in • the morning. But it was not the smoke I cared so much-about. I only knew that it curled up from the fireside where dwelled as beautiful a creature as ever bloomed away from the busy world. And so 1 watched tha - emoke,-aricl dreamed as I watched the river until the moon threw down its beautiful pathway of shining silver, and listened for the sound of familiar footsteps. - "Across tlie rive• was the home of Curry Mason. Before the mellow haze of Autumn had dropped its dreary hue on leaf or stream, I had learned to love her, and tell tier so in the still moonlight of that hidden home. The leaves faded and the winter winds swept through the forest. But We cared little for that.• Tho•snow fell thick and : fast, but our -cabin homes were bright, and our hearts were alive 'with hfippiness and hope. When the spring opened and the birds returned we were to be marriett . - A Winter evening party-in' a new country.— Did you' ever attend one, reader? There' ,are large hearths nod open hearte there to be` ' , found. , Carry and I were invited to attend the par ty ; and a rude 'jumper' bad been built, and in this we started. Ten miles were soon pas sed, and we found ourselves in as merry and happy a throng as ever gathered on a frontier. The huge 'fire cracked on the wide hearth, and the old fashioned fun and: frolic rang out until a late hour. The moon had gone down when we started for home, and the snow began to fall ; but we heeded it not, for we talked as fast as the stout horse sped on tba, forest path. Carry grasped my arm rind whispered, " bist I'The wind shrieked over the tops of the dm k pines, and I laughs at her -fears.— But she nestled closer to my side, and talked , with loss glee. In spite of all my efforts, a shadow would creep over my own spirit. -The road wound among a dense growth of pines which shot--upwards, and Veiled even the sky irom our path. The old pines swayed and moaned in the inorensing storm, and the snow fell fast and thickly. I touched the licrito with the whip itind ho moved' briskly through the woods. Again Carry grasped my arm. I beard nothing save the storm, and yet I started as the hOrse gave a quick snort and struck into a gallop. With a heart full of happiness I had not yet dreamed of danger. Again the horse snorted in alarm. There was a sound above the storm. I felt my checks grow 'white and-cold, and the bloodA rush quickly to my heart. Clear, wild, terrible, it burst out in .nn earthly 'howl like a wail from the world of fiends. I beard it. Its dismal, heart chilling echoes had not died away on the.storm, when it was answered from a score of throats. Merciful God! a peek of wolves were around us. • In thoim dprk woods at night, and the storm howling over head, a score of hungry throats wore fiercely yelling at each other on the feast. For a moment my senses reeled. But I felt Carry loaning heavily,on my shoulder, and I aroused. But whet hope was there? 'I had no weap on, and the maddened devils wore in the path before and behind- us. There was but one chance, and 'that was to push ahead. This was a slim whanco, and I grow sick as Lthouglit of Clrry. The quiet 'cabin and the happy hearth at home flashed swiftly through . my brain. . • , ; At that moment a ‘ dark shadow glided up by the sido of our sleigh; and so wild and "dov,el- • ish I have never heard since. Ali flesh crawled on my hones. A acid shiver ran to' my heart and crept to my. head as 'though the hairs were standing on owl. Tw orbs glared: , out like demon lightS, and I could hear the panting of the heart.' Finally grasping the lines and shouting sharply to the horse, we shot.aivsy, _._The horse needed nosUrgit , P._,.i:At the net that infernal chorus again her,'seoht in tinniest, mid : their dark; fortis ; leaped . t,in lengthened strides . en Olthei;' side. of us r speed was, fealdnl, and the Yelling kept pane:' Turning to' Speak to Carry thaw a dark forin lehp the path, and as' we 'sp9d ahOad, his teeth shut:' with' n vice-liliQ' snap, Carry,-and stylpping . Inir - "hhawl ,frera 49s „ shoulderp, : -. 'tir,th A Billiok . 'phA olung to tae, : and . vvith,;citio aritur'shVod 4er from being' dragged' °tit of . her zpo°t.• !.; • 1 'b9 EI M9 1 ?* (1 4 0 P 0(1-1.45 9k 1088 . sktoutedy! tethi) Horse now ropkiug with foam.:;vont-, do at a tearful rate: The . stumg and roots "and uneven places in the road; threatened ev ery instant to tvreok our sleigh. ' Mune was three miles distant. • Olfar a world to give for , home 1, 1. Ai the road struok the river bank, it tented shortly almost on the brink of a fearful' pree ipiee. Hero i was a new danger It was a difficult pined, and there was not only danger of upsetting, bat ,of being hurled into 'the river. -,, There was a path across this angle of land where logs 1141'1:leen drawn out It vae', a mile nearer this way to a death*, than by the river. But I durst not attempt it with a sleigh. I On WO sped. That infornal)paoli, nook and neck with us, , and now and then, jaws shutting like steel-traps, close to our persons. Once around that angle, and I should hope. How madly I shouted to the noble brute.- -We neared the turn in-that-race for life. Heavensl the infernal devils•-had crossed ahead and hung in deep masses, A demon instinct seemed to positess them. ." A few rods more: The ivolvm; seemed to .feel that we had a chance, for they howled more devilish time ever. With a sweep the horse turned in spite of me. The left runner struok high on the roots of a pine, and the sleigh -swung over like a flash, burying us in the new • snow, Away sped the horse, and my heart sank as I heard his quick footsteps, flying out towards home. Thu-maddened pack had followed the horse; and shot by us as we 'were threwn out upon the bank for a number of rods. A shriek from Carry arrested them in their career; in en instant they wero upon us. I gave one long, desperate shout, in the hope of arousing the folks in the (lbino. I had no time to-shout again. Their hot bronth burned° upon me, and , ; their dark masses gathered around like the shadows of doom. • With a broken limb, I wildly kept them nt bay for a moment, but fiercer and closer surged the gnashing teeth. Carry lay imionsible on the ground before me. There was one more chance. A stunted pine grow upon the_ outer edge of the bank, and shot out nearly hori zontally over the river below, fulra hundred foot from the surface.' Dashing madly in their teeth with my cud gel, I yelled with the waning: - eMergy of de- Spair; grasped Carry with one arils, and dash ed recklessly out upon the pine; I thought not of the danget.—l cared.not—Lbraved ono danger to escaper a greater. I reached the the branches ; I breathed freer tee I hoard tho' fierce howl of the baffled party. I turned my head, and Clod of mercy !' long shadow was gliding along on the trunk of last refuge. Carry wee helpless, told it requi red alt the strength of Intense despair to hold her and remain upon tlte•slippery trunk, I turned to face the wolf—he was within reach of my arm. I struck with my fist; and again those fearful jaws shut with wa snap, as my hand brushed his. head. With a demoniac growl ho fastened on the shoulder of Carry, Oh! for help, for a weapon—foot hold on earth, where I could have grappled with the monster. I heard .the long fangs crunch into the flesh, and the smothered breathing, ne the wolf con tinued to make sure his hold! Oh, it wee horrible ! I beat him, over the head, but ho only deigned a munching growl. I yelled, wept, cursed, and pVityed, but the. hungry devil oared not for CUII3OB or prayers. llie cotnpanionswere' still hOwling and whining,- and venturing out upon the piuo. I almost wished the tree would gi'o way. The wolf still kept his hold upon 'Carry. None can dream how the blood hissed\ and swept thro' my knotted veins. At . last brute, hungry for hie prey, - gave a - wrenoh,' and nearly throw mo,from the Ono.' Carry was . helpless and insensible. Even the crunolung teeth of the monster did not awaken her from the deathly swoon into which she had fallen. Another wrench waSmade by the wolf, and Carry's waist slipped froMmy aching grasp, leaving me but tlip hold upon the skirt of her dress. The incarnate devil-had \released his hold, but as if aware of the danger beneath, retained hid griPo on the shoulder \ of Carry. The end had come I My'brain reeled !' The long dark tiody of the, 'wolf hungdownward like a dark shadow into the abyss, fast wear ing out my remaining strength. ho 'blood gushed warmly from my nostrils, nd light danced and flashed 'upon my eyeballs. The overtaxed muscles of• the hand , would relax, \ and as instantly close convulsively upon the eluded skirt. I heard a tearing as of stitches. The btaok mass writhed and wrenched as if to deepen the hold. A sharp crackling mingled with the humming noises is my head, and the dress parted at the *Met I N l.shriolced as I heard the swooping sound of the fall'of the black devil and his victim; as they shot down, down into the darkness. I hoard something like the bay of the old house dog and the fir ing of gtins—and heard no more. . Weeks and months passed away, before the' fearful deliriunt of that, niihi left me. I re turnedto ocnsciousnessln my father's cabin an emaciated 'oreature,'as holpiese as. a' child. M youth had passed away t, and i'vms prema turely old. - The raven black lucks of twenty years bad ohangedlo the siliery ones of eight) , years of age. Look at thisarm that clung' Co Carry! , .It is,witherod., :I have never raised it since that,night4 ,In tati, I.reates Iteel again that fearful night, , cud awake covered. with the (mid elammy sweetthattathered,npon me -while on- that pint+. ' '4" ''•'\ '. • The neighing of tholotiMas-ho . dashed' in= to the clearing, had ,arouset! ,the ,Peepic at home. The . 4npty arid "broken "Sleigh told a brietetory, 'The howling of th . 9.7ivolyet3 avoao on the plait, and with gunsand . thfi old'hBo dOg, ,t,4) , rillffo'd r io'thiisooh9.. ''. ' ' • TheyPuPd sine sopsolons on thollush., cool aP4 a N!Plr , fooling his way towards mo. lialuraing at the sound'of their appriiaShi ho eliplied'and'lvar4 'deerii: upon, the OUT pooplri forig loidted',for Curry Itfooori, but did, riot Arid tior`till 'ririxt, morhing'. ilion dotvri loci' arid `fourid 16. CorPse;. , 140 ~ -rolvils'Aud 410 t plokaq lAor orurih§d. bonus. ) i oll,arilt god for that. . Tho frill partfrilly. broko :the `lob arid qua oozing tvalor: ‘ ,4aci, friiFori told:foritoriod hop; tong black bar wcit,h(44=AP.t..;o;l leaeed hie death grasp; and hie teeth were b'uiiedinher pire white,eboulder.. c „ The .spring sunshine_.and..lirds,-and- green leaves hid 'come -again, as 'tottered out. MYI sisterlodlkto.algrASO on the river's bank— the grave of all my youthful hopes, and all that I loved. :The wild flowers were already starting on the sacred mound. I wept over them and blessed them, for they were bloom lug over the grave of Carry. 31liotdiannu,o. A LITTLE BONNET. There was a little bonnet, I see it _about town, With a little feather on it . That tosses up and down Beneath, this little bonnet - - Ate tit etch jet black eyes— Oh 1 that easy little bonnet— I shall waste myself in sighs And what wonder ?—see it moving Adown the crowded street, The little feather bowing o'er it, Nodding to the fairy feet. Proudly goes the little bonnet, Proudly stop the little feet, And laugipgly the eyes beain out On everything they, meet. e . • Bo! clear the way, false curls, With your faded beauty tricks - -Hal-clear the -way,-yeoeuokers; Of the white'nobs of your sticks! Ho smokers of Havanna, Stop your Offing ere that eye Put- a stopper on your fire, With its liquid brilliancy. Proudly,goeo the little bonnet, - Proudly step the little feet, And laughingly the eyes beam out Oa everything they meet! CONSTITUTIONAL TALENT There 113 nothing that floats a man sooner into thelide'of reptitation, or oftenei passes current for genius, than what might be called constitutional talent." A man without this, whatever May Ito his worth or real powers, will no more get on in this world than a leaden Mercury will fly into the air; as any preten der with it, and with no ono quality beside to venom - mew/Aim, will be sure either - told - under upon success, or will sot- failure at defiance. By constitutional talent I mean, in general, the vigor and warmth given to a man's ideas and pursuits by his bodily stamina, by mere physical organization. A weak mind in sound body is better, or at least more profita ble than a sound mind in a weak and crazy constitution. How many instances I might quote I Let a man have a quick circulation, a good digestion, the bulk and thewn,and sin ews of aman, and the alacrity, the unthinking confidence inspired by these; - and without an atom, a shadow of the menu divisor, ho shall strut and swaggei and vapor and jostle his way through life, and have the upper hand of those who aro his bettors in every thing but health and'strength. His jests will be echoed with loud laughter,. bosons° his own lunge be gin 'to crow like chanticleer, ,before be has uttered them; while a little 'hectic, nervous humorist shall stammer out an admirable conceit that is damned in the4oubtful delivery —vex haucibus &mit. The first shall tell a story as long as his armivithout interruption, while the Tatter stops short in hie attempts from mere weakness of the chest; the ono shall be empty and noisy and successful in argument, putting forth the most common place things "with a confident brow and a throng of words, that come with more than impudent sauciness from him," whilo the lat ter shrinks from an observation " too deep for .his hearers," into the delicacy and unnoticed retirement Of his own mind.—Hazlill. JOHN RANDOLPH, OUTDONE. Of tho ninny 'amusing anecdotes of this no contrio man of Roanoke, we do not believe the following woe ever imprint: Ho was travelling through a part of Vir ginia in which ho was unacquainted. During the mean time, ho stopped ono night at an inn near the forks of the road. The inn kooper was a fine old gentleman, and no doubt one of the first families of the Old Dominion. Know ing who his distinguished guest was, ho en deavored during the evening to draw him into conversation, but failed in all his efforts. But in the morning when Mr. Randolph was ready to start, ho called for his bill, which on being presented was paid. The landlord still aux.- \ ions to have some conversation with hinibe gan as follows: " Which way aro you travelling, Mr. Ran dolph ?" \" Sir I" said. Mr. Randolph, 'w , l_th a look of displeasure... tolled," said the landlord, "which way you, aro travelling?" , "'Haim paid my bill ?" " Yes." e. ~ Do I owe' you' anything more ?" ..No." IVell, I'm gang just where I please—do you understand?" • I , Yes." The landlord by this time got somewhat ex- Cited, and Mr. Randolph drove off. But to the landlord's surprise, in a few• minutes the servant 'returned to Inquire for hie master, whiellof the forks of the road' to take. Mr. Randolph not being out, of hearing distance, the landlord spoke at the top of hie breath,, IMr. Randolph, you .don't owe mo ono oenti jest take which, road you please." . — - It is Bald that tho air turned Ulu° with the eerßos of Randolph. per." For' my pak," . said Airs. rartin g to q , "I oun't coposivo, what on nirth .oddication in a oomin to. When I wan young,' if' argal only , Understood the rules of distractiOn, provision, 'rOphinishinti, ;mit the noinmon'ilas noinindtor; abqut Alt OM arid thoip)ottititylosi - the cotiviints and Ansi , tho , provi tio ha& eV 4iontipti enough j.but nOtrithey' have'study pottuny;f td;'doinonstata suppositions abOut sloop, hcintriand oitonaaeai timgents apid:diortgics saiWilOtiiiiig l abaUillitC6ktddiOVASimitfoliti • . (orboa to ntop. A LAUGRABLID STORY. Well I have seen ypur friend, and find higi robe exaetly what you .derdorbed him as be ing—a humorist.• • He seems to. have imparted much Of that cliaraoterlo everything around him.... His' servants are all, admirably disci plined to second his whims; and his very fin , . nituro is, for the' most . part; ailaPted to the mane purpose. This put mo upon my guard; and theTre was hardly' anything in the room that I did not touch with apprehension. No, trick, however, was practised upon me; and,' as I found subsequently, I was indebted for such indulgence to one which was reserved for mo at night, and which was- Ouch as perhaps all my English phlegm would not have enabled me to bear with patience. I escaped, however, being But to tho proof by the merest accident—the arrival of a poor Scotch survey- Or, who was thought a fitter subject for ; the often repeated experiment. The 'Scotchman was treated with extreme hospitality; ho was helped to everything to excess'; his glass was never allowed to stand full or empty for one minute. The potatioes were suspended. not until, and only while the cloth was laying for supper, during and after which they were resumed with renovated en ergy. Our entertainer was like .thelandlord described by Addison: the liquor seemed to have no other effect upon him than upon any other vessel in the house. It was not . so with this Scotch guest, who was, by thIS time, much father advanced upon the cruise of intoxica tion than half seas over. • In this state lie was 'conducted to hie cham ber—a fine lofty Gothio apartment, with a bedstead that seemed coeval with the building. I say seemed; for that was by no moans the case, it being in realitY:a modern_ piece of struature. ' was of dark mahogany, with its four posts extending completely to the oellirig of the chamber. The bed however was not more than two feet from the floor, the bettor to enable the•party to get into it. The Scotch man with a good deal of assistance, was soon undressed and had his body - deposited in this place of repose. All the party then retired, wishing him a good night, and removing the candle for fear of accidents. When the door was closed, I was, for the first time; made acquainted with the • structure of the bedstead, which our hoSt considered as, his masterpiece. I.Jiiiialie7teuehing of a spring outside the door, the bed was so acted' upon by a pully, that ascended slowly and smoothly through the four posts, until it came within two or three feet o[ the ceiling. The snoring of the Scotchman was the signal for touching the spring, and he was soon at the proper attitude: The servants required no instructions how td act. In a moment the boom was in an uproar cries of "fire! fire !" were heard in different directions. A pile of shavings was set in a blaze opposite the windoW where poor Sawney slept. The landlord's voice was cotinually heard, exclaiming, "Good heavens ! save the y_oor Scotch gentleman, if possible ; the flames have got into the room just under him At this moment we heard him fall and bil low out. A sudden silence took place : every light was ex!inguished, and the whole house seemed to be buried in the most profound repose. The Scotchman's voice could alone -be heard, roaring out in the high dialect of his country, for assistance. At length, two of the men servants, inr , their , shirts, with a candle just lit, and yawning, Ds if, just aroused from their sleep, criterod the room. They found him spratvlini on the floor. ".Qll, dear sir, what is the matter with you ?', "Matter !" says he; "why, isn't the house on fire ?" " , Not at all, sir." "What was the reason of the . cries of fire, then ?" "Bless you, sir, you must have been dream ing ; why, there's not so much as a mouse stir ring, and his honor and the whole family have been asleep this three hotits." The Scotchman now gave up all credit in the testimony of his own senses. "I must ha' been dreaming, indeed, and ha' hurt myself by falling out of the bed." "Hurl yourself, siri—not much, I hope, the bed is so low;" and by this tithe it had been made to descend to its first level. The poor Scott was 'quite confused; quite ashamed at, disturbing the family; begged a thousand pardons, accompanied the servants to the door,°closed it after them, and was once more left in the dark. • But the Mit act of the pantomime was not performed. The spring had been • immediately touched upon closing the door; and the bed was soon beyend the reach of our guest. We could hear him groping about, and uttering frequent • ejaculations of astonishment. Ho easily found the bed-post, but it was in vain he could en deavor to get in. He moved his hands up and down His - legs were often lifted by way of stepping in, but always encountered the floor upon its descent. He uttered exclamations of surprise, not loud, but, deep, for fear of again disturbing the family. Ho concluded himself to be in the possession of some evil spiiit.• In short, when it was found by his', Silence, that he had given Witte teak as hopeless, and had disposed of himself upon one of the elmirs, 4 the bed was allowed in slide downagain;andin the morning,Sawney could not but pxpress his astonishment at not being able to find it ' the dark. -Extract of a letter torjainlit 1792. BORE ENOUGII. ailMd girl, while lielaning to ibc; , .rotidiog; , of Unolo Tom'a Cobb?, I”,yby,,.doret, ne,4or montion•Tops'y's last name Tbsvec. triod boar it whonever it spoke of bor.,: but -it bus- tiot °olio apokelt." • • J.; 4.1414, ltholloemo other •naine,'‘Olaild." , : l Yeß'ShO hod,' - inether; 'attil , l kliowit,". , ' • fi.What , c; ' "f Why,ITOPI4,---;rOPBY •Turvy.,' . . , tkiYoil had bettor go to' bed; ray dear," said fhe mother:'' Yott ; ord es.: bad' ite.lyOur raidmother, for afie ' "fi ' t gaY4 (444 tioans, for i AfirAn• NM snow o- My:Dither - mai . the North Wind . ; r• I 1: _.! mothor's,:nenio wasWatob; • I Parson Winter toarOed thorn, ; • And lam thalttpofulAsughitii.4 VOLUNIEL - 111i; Tutu noittitos4; •- - 1 -The -sketch - of - the — aliiiias giveia inth Apritnumber of 11 arper'sillagazine t furnish r . es some interesting4artionlam. -Polygamy, it is stated, has dollbtless been practised by the ohief,mon of the church, 'over since the revelation on that subject to Sidney Rigdoe, at Num°. It was give& the soft appellaion of "Spiritual wife.dontrine,".aild they.sought to give the impression that its practice betook of the parity. of Platonic love. But 'the world Would not believe it, although, the' nsPired Prophet himself declared it. TheY tad the purity of the revelation, even after the, had founded their isolitted -pity :f the derness ; but intelligent 'goalies; Wheit visit' ing them; die Covered the, Materiality' doctrine. "I was not aware botbre,i' it . eays - , recent writer, "that polygamy wee sanction ed by their creed; beyond a 'specio l tis ethereal' Platonism which accorded to i'ta eseet#l Saints.chosen partners, called epiLitual.wires; but I now found, that these, contrary toene'e ordinary notions of. Spirittudismogarbirthip cherubs, and.nrifledged angels._'; l lie , longer able to conceal, the monstrous foot from ; the world, they now openly.: avow and defend the practice of polytarny. .Theyeren!giv,e ,it the sanction 'of ft duty as:A IliCarle of greater happiness' in the future• World. : They , - teach that no woman can attain:'-to celestial glory without a husband to introduce her into Paradise; nor can a man arrive ;at full per fection without at least One wife; and the greater the number he is able iii take with him the higher will be his seat id the celestial city I In the resent number Of the •:S'eet' ! Pratt, the great expounder of their doctrines, boldly advocates this praotioe, the same time explaining, the . variono guardlf theY profess are thrown around the "'peculiar in. : etitution" to prevent immoral re'etlis. Po lygamy is now openly practised M the Great Salt Lake City, and the dignitaries of the oburcih have each as 'puny wi v es as, they are able to support.- - ' It is further , remarked, that to the Aeieri can patriot, the, philanthropist, and the. Chri s philosopher, the political and social as• pent of the scot awakens fearful apprehem. thous concerning the future. The Mormons; - are, ostensibly, loyal to the Federal COnstitn time, and profess great purity ho:theirLsocial relations. Will their loyalty survive itbe dee of sufficient power to avenge the wrongs they have suffered, provoked or not,' at the'hands of American citizens? , Is Their allegiance to the Head of their Church as Supreme - Pontiff —"prophet, priest, and king," spirittial and temporal—insignificant and without m e aning Will polygamy, now openly avowed and prac tised, be productive of 'no eoefid One; wbtoh may menace 'the 'stability of 'public virtue and the best interests of society 2. These .dro questions of vast importance, and oemnaand our most Serious attention. ONE OF THE -WATCHMEN. tit*Tl • A " feller" coming home from Califttnia had a monster rattlesnake in a wicker cage, which ho deposited with his other plunder under_ hie bed, at Chagres. contained fifty. beds—half full of drunken and sick "fellers ;'f during the temporary abscnee of the owner the snake got loose, and the owner coming in and finding his critter gone, yells out— Everlastin' misery who's seen my watch man ?" Many, heads popped up from the-berths;but nobody had soon tho missing watchman. ' " What was he, ale feller, you're iaquiria! for?" says a bald-headed man. t. Why, my watchman ; all my dust is under my bed, and I left a guard with it, but ho,ia gone I". Guard ?—wae ho a nigger or a white fol ler ?" "No, ho was a California rattlesnake— nine feet long, and fifty-two: rattles on his tail. Have any of you fellers seen,thesiternal twitter orawlin"round here I . " : . No they ladn't—but all 'able to get out of bed did so in particular hurry,, leaving the ole feller" and hie “guard" sole moving 00-: cupants of the room,' TALE INO OF MILLIONS. Every day or two we read in the papers, "Arrived, the steamship Golconda, from Cha grea, with two millions of gold dust," for.cer tain banks and brokers of:Wall street-. Every: body reads of these millions, and 3;et hoviler stop to dWell on' their immense miggiiittide::- Few people • have any nitre idea what millions, billions and trillions aro, than they have • of the stale.ef brogans worn by . the eoblera' who inhabit the moon. A Million of dollars sose . es a vastness that is rather startling man who has, never faded such •it pilO. TO, count this sum, at the rate of sl,tollan hour, ; and eight hours's day . ; it would require o man to work nearly three months. 14, the said dol-i larswere laid side by side they, would,reneli one hundred and thirty-six.-iniles, while their , transportation would require fourteen wagons, carrying two tons each. -' • D &YID anoodote' is isbited; of this remarkable Man," which does. hitn in more ho'nor than any Since he ever.held.; Beforiihe Wits candidate for , eongress; siAni.otaTtcktio,thorc;-victi:n sonecm.of :soitroity.! in 'thaViiitofir , District, 'vihere' he lived. &to Wont up tho • Misslabippi; and bought 'a flat' hhat load of corn; and took it to What:ha' call: • ;ad hls cild stinciplng ground.''' Min 'citine to lam to' bpi Ostia, the. first itiOstiStas7 'Sslc,iid was c''?' Any'S'yollgiitt the mones,,tci'pay for'it'?" IT the cinswiir aB'irraa4_, itive, Davy's reply was, " Then 'You Mich have - n kernel., Irbreught n it - Piro to sell to. people that l t 4O,no,metiey . .7 It.vies the foeudittioit of hia' popularity.' " • • /Ng. NP'B T /I4 U- L 3 ' " 7" A hotel.i3, 0 /1: ! 1 * to be %Toted in Altionq eight stories 4 person seated In!an,,olegant arranged in sfrikas t 6 bell. to kndicado.,tball_99r,to*dph.l lo destros to be convainCrdierOPpOrb tty ;of' attainr 44 1dritamii i t theY.;tri).l9lovated, tq ;the propor Aermikor:iik; thrablal gutok , Caro ti;ore)3y obviating Ogltpexperioagedto iettindlik iftidrslN,; • V olou-of -- • • TB#.4olirt,sticr Atittti 'ooorouPlY_ tilitit 46 WaNbingtgp!: . - El II II II ME ~ p 1 ~.5. _..__ _~