Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 06, 1853, Image 4

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    60 Amer.
From the Hooka . CMinty Intelltgeneer.
.observationa on the Weather
Muchnttention has been , paid to the
subject of devising means to become-pos
- ' sassed of knoWledge of what signs or ap
pearances denote a coming change in the
partieularlr - the - approach of
' ' rairi'in dry weather. The pecuniary in
terest of the agricultural part of the corn
menity, is so much dependent on -the
weather, that self-interest would natural
,. ly prompt. them • to endeavor to discover
what aligns' or appearances denote an air
, ,proaching change; particularly in hay
time and harvet, when a larger portion
of:their property would be exposed to
the weather than at other times.
:The signs_ and tokens that have ob.
. .tained credence among observing per
-sons, in regard to tthe approach of rain,
: are numerous ; some of them very sim•
ple, and v ery few or none that are infal
lible.-It' requires the observation of ma
ny - years to ascertain what indications
are the leastliable to failure; and as the
laws of Nature, that. govern the world,
are so imperfectly understood, - perhaps
this is the greatest extent to whteh we
can push our discoveries ; as what has
been, may be again, under similar cir
AMong the signs of the approach bf
rain, that are most worthy of notice, is a
de - 4
-day, without a cloud to be seen ;
somewhat wanner than the preceding,
with very little wind stirring, and that
from various points of, the compass, with
now and then a small whirlwind mov
ing slowly. Towards'-sunset becoming
hazy to , the west and south-west, with a
very - gentle breeze from the east ; and in
the evening but,few stars to be seen. It
will most probably ruin or' snow before
morning. ' ' •
In the morning, befetre sunrise, if the
under side of the clouds to the eastward
have a bright appearance, as if a great
fire was burning in that direction; no
dew on the grass ; the sun rises clear,
but soon disappears behind the clouds;
the air in such a state as to convey
sounds to, a greater distance than usual,
as the factory bell aNtlolmesburg, and
the railroad cars passirfg, the bridge over
Rancocas—each at five miles distance;
we may pretty safely conclude there is
a storm at hand.
If the afternoon is cloudy, and breaki
away a little to t'he westward, so that the
sun sets clear, and the under side of the,.
clouds have the same red appearance as
above described, it denotes fair weather
the next day.
When the sun sets behind a thick
bank of cloud that is moving from the
south-west, with not much wind stirring,
it will be likely to be stormy befOre mon
If the wind blows pretty strong before
" :the rain or snow begins to fall, there will
not be much till it slacks. Nor in win
ter, if it is extremely cold, will there be
much of a fall of snow till the weather
'When the atmosphere has a smoky
appearance, known by the nano of In
dian summer, the chance for rain or
no* is very small, till the smoke clears
off; notwithstanding the erroneous no
tions of ignorant persons, that they can
see the sun drawing water, which is
nothing more than the rays of the sun
passing through some breaks in. the
clouds, and producing some resemblance
, to streams of vapor, all centering in it
If there is thunder to the westward.
soon in the morning, or a rainbow in the
west to be seen, it is pretty certain to
rain before night.
If, in summer, it is raining soon in the
mottling, and the birds are singing as
lively, and the fowls out, seeking their
food as usual, the rain will soon cease
.and the day become fine.
If, on the contrary, it is raining, and
the birds dull, and notfinging to be heard,
and the fowls, with d rooping tails, are all
under some shelter, providing materials,
an.d making for themselves a warm. bed
in theevfning, betokens a cold storm
shortly. Or if the wild geese are pass
ing two or three weeks later than usual
in the fail there will be cold, blustering
weather in a day or trio.
In cold weather, in winter, if the roos
ters crow early in the evening, the cold
will be abated to-Morrow, and is common.
ly followed by a fall of snow. The same
thing occuring in summer, denotes the
, approach of rain.
If, in the tall, winter or spring, there
is a late white frost, three mornings in
succession, it is generally followed by
-rain shortly after.
In summer, when three thick, foggy
mornings occur in succession, when the
fo. lilts from the en ti aral_asmunes_the.
appearance of clouds, which becorrie bro
ken near the middle, of the day, so that
the sun shines at: times, and by noon are
mostly gone ; it there is no hazy or oth
er clouds floatinglathe atmosphere, and
the weather !warm, it will be likely to
produce rain in twelve hours.
In a foggy — Morning, if the) fog does
not lift from the :earth, but becomes dis
sipated an - d — Wieted by the heat of the
sun; no rain is following.
In summer time, it there is not much
thunder and lightning, there will,be a
' , scarcity of rain„
lithe thunder and lightning is abun
dant,_ and "begins early in . the, day, the
rain is generally'plentiful also.
In winter, a big show sever-begins to
fall when it is extremely cold and windy,
with the ground hard frozen ; the snow
- either ceases.m fall, or the weather mod
erates, and turns it to rain,-,
The greatest 'snow begins with rain or
very wet snow; and a moderate degree
of cold, and without -a strong wind, or
much increase of cold, till the snow has
ceased falling. If it, begins to come in
round white balls, (not ice.) if
-they had been sligtuly rolled;_whatever
the other appearances of the continuation
of the storm may be, the fall of spow
for that time. is nearly at an end. .
. - Itthere is thunder and lightning the
'Fall before New Year, it is not commonly fol
lowed by cold; but if it rains after that time, it
seldom fails , of being 'followed shortly by cold
weather, and sometimes rerr.erere.
All the foregoing atat ~dreg of - coming
changes lathe 'weather, are liable at one time
or,' '
• USAir " SOW: • •
.• AME iho-proiniaitho—riubacritrori
ickinson township, 'about- the 22d day Di
okiruaryjaati a.,White•Sove.., , :, The , owneria
requeste d to come :Tcirviardt
pay 'charges and ;aka hor away - q she WLlthe
mold according' to' ave. ' • . •• , .
' • ' • • EMA HJEL-LINE.'
, • •
Bonnet Feathers.
THE sublActibeiihne Piet opened. an invoice
~o 1 Ostrich and oilier Bonnet., keuthere et one.
k alf,tfie'osualpriee.' 'Alen Vottry cheep Jot e; aney, .• ' -
isno • ; niTNtR.'
ZermairA OelOratod Tooth Wash:
roils valuable preparation has loiirbeen used
_IL in New York-and Phijudelp'ala,,where;ft has
attained an immense pqpnlarity, for Cleansing,
preserving and 'baautifyinE the, teeth. - It' is mn
excellent remedy for soro.soft or bleeding gums.
It also impfirts a delightful freshnesa to tha mouth
and agreeable odor to the breath.
Ruirl the foyowing ji•DA.:Dr.
"teen, with the utmost confidence, recom
mend to the public, Zerman's Anti-Scorbutic
' Tooth Wash as the best in use. In my , practice
as it Dentist, I, have us±d and rrommentled it for
me last five years, and have found it to give Oat'
isfaatioifin every' instance, as the 'Wash does not
eontain acid, or anything; injurious to the teeth or
gums; but, on the contrary,
is the beat antiseptic
ii the practice, and therefore, would recommend '
he nee of it, not only to those who wish to pre
servatheir teeth had gums; and have a wholesome
ibreatli, but also Enthuse who have diseased gums
tbr teeth. The use of the Wash, fora short time,
will insure a return to their healthy state.
No 61, S. Eliiventb st., below Chestnut .Phil'a. •
of Carlisle, says t--. 5 Mr. Zee
man, I nal well pleased 'witliyour Tonth•Wasli
it not only olininses and whitens the teeth without
injuring thein,but it sore tirbleeding gums.
I oheer fully recommend it to the profession and
public, as the very best preparation that 011110/0
used for cleansing stud preserving the teeth,
healing tbe c gu ins. and giving sweetness to the
breath. -
JOHN W. HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist.
Price 2 cents per bottle. Prepared only
Pra..eis &man, Drug4ist and Chemist, come
of Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia.
For sale by SANIUKI ELLIOTT, Cai lisle
PA. 0et.13 . lv)
High' Street, two doors East of the Market House
South Side
rlliflE undersigned begs leave Co—inform the
11_ citizens of Carlisle and , the. ; ,publie geno•
rally, that he has opened a new FAMILY
GROCERY SPORE. on East High Street,
and hopes by strict attention to business, and
desire to accommodate and please all,to !warn
-a share of puplic eatromfre. I keep constantly
on hand an assortment of best family gro
ceries, such ns Sugarg, Molasses, tke.
L weri tits superior white Crushed, Lump and
pulverized Sugars at the lowest prices, also
Rio and Java C ,ffees Of the host quality.
QLI EEI W.A 11.13—0 f every description,
ini tilint , French and Eaglish Chinas id setts
or'hy the piece ; slog Granite and common
ware of every description; also art assortment
of Gloss vire tad Willow and Cedar ware of
every description.
I`l , l —l3laek, Lnpetial and Yonn. Hyson
'rein ih the hest qaality ; Sweet Spiced Zeal.
and Chocolate, prepared Cocoa.
()-101E , ;() PIIFIPAHE,D CORN—Mann
factored and refined exorossly for food, will
re-ipes flr !flaking boiled Custard, Ice Cream
Pros, Cake, Wane Mange, Minute and pad
dines : also a lot of Hecker's Farina.
SU:IAR CURED FIANIS—Of the'very bes
riality, togs' her with Dry,Beet,Tongue, Fish
P3a . :1103, Sinake I Ili3rring, &c., Spices of al
k. r; , Alan and fine table salt.
Fittlf —S ir.h as Oranges, Lemons, Figs,
Prdlons. It-damns, ke,
L \lt P3—\ fall stipplf of a s k° Oil and
Plaid nss, a , the lowest prices, constant.y
en h 1.1 I. It ise's Cx.lelsior Ink, a superior ar-
Lich 9.11111 or Large bottles Porsons would
I sir 1.1 , 4 al I vsmining before put ,
•h IsH if,.V . lll^). (lc we sell cheap for rm.!)
Extensive. Furniture Rooms
J?MSS R.WE A.. 11 BR. would respectfully
call thoattention of House Keepers and the
public to his extensive stock of - - ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other Tables, Dressing and plain
Bureaus and ev.ery atlor article in his branch of
buhiness. Also. now on hand the largest as
sortment of in Carlisle, at the loans?
prices. nrColfins made at the shortest notice
and a Hearse provided for funerals. lie solic-
its a call at his establishment on North Hano
ver street, near Glass's I OTEL. N. 13.—Fur
niters .hired out by the month or year!
March 20. 1850.-1 y
kort v
crf , ksCv
Corner of Hanover and Louther BiS.l Carlisle.
rgiliE undersigned has always on hand large
I_ stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the
dill,rent styles, which he is prepared to sell at
the lowest prices. lie invites attention partiC
ularly to the Patent Spriv.Botton; Bedstead, a
most usefuLarticle, which entirely obvintes all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Redsteads. They haVe given entire satisfac
tion to all who have them in use.
p3 - COFFINS made to order at the shortest
Carlisle, Jan'y. 22, 1851.—1 y.
llenagerie Has arrived!
AND will be open for Exhibition until after,
the Holy,lays at WORMLEY'S STORE, West
Main street, where in connection with the above
there will also be shown the largest and most
magnificent stock of TOYS, FANCY GOODS,
Ste. ever brought to Carlisle, consisting in part
of Motto Cups of all patterns, China Vases,
Flower Baskets, Tea Setts, Mugs, Card Baskets,
Alabaster Inks,Jewel Boxes, Chinn Figures of
all kinds. Music Boxes Kid Dolls of all sizes
and prices, Violins, Trumpeti; Drums, Whips,
Clarmnets, Accordeons from 25 CCIIiS 6 , 50:11,
Glass Toys of all kinds, Games, Pistols, Guns,
Indiarßubber Doll Heads, Balls, Rattles,Exc 'be
sides a great Variety of Tovs,unmentionablc.
Also in connection with the above we haw, a
largest sck of CANDIES of our own manufac
ture, and others which . for quality and peke
cannot be beat—consisting of Mint, Lemon,
Cinnamon, Sassafras, Clove and Birch candies,
Rose and Burnt Almonds. Mint. Lemon, Choc
olate and Gum Drops. Candy . Toys of all kiitds
Fruit and Nuts of all kinds. Lemons. Figs and
Raisins of all pricer. Dater, Prunes, Almonds,
Filberts, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Ground
Nuts, ke• A well selected stock of Perfumery,
such as Cologne, Oils, Extracts, &c. TOBACCO
and SEGAIO of ihebest quality. Large and
small Plantation, Jacques, El Dorado, La Veil-
La Union, kr. Goodwin's Yellow Bank, and
Having a well selected 'stock of Goods at the
lowest prices, and a desire to please all, we hope
to merit a continuance oft he former patronage
so. liberally extended to 'us.
'November 10, 1852. '
THE subscriber isjil9t opening another Lot
cing a full assortmenr; as follows : French
Morineo, Cashmeres, Bombazines, Persian
Twills' Coburg, Mous do Lains. Giogliams,
Chintzesand' Calicoes. Also Cloths, Saul
nets, Cassi Mares in variety for boys wear, with
a general assortmauf of Fancy and Staple
Goods to suit every body in price and quality.
Nov opening a full assortment of handsome
Plaid Ribbons, Bonnet Linings, Bonnet
Frame narrow velvet Ribbons of all kinds for
Dress 7'limetinov. A grant variety of hand . -
sonic Freuch Collars, latest , style Cambric
Swiss lqounei rigs. Ed,ings and Insertings.
A full . assortment of Dross Buttons, some
entirely new styles with a great many other
nottonenet enumerated.
Just received a further, supply .of Brocha
Cashrrrire, Thibet, and Blanket Shawls; boil
oi; al I a 1.1 ire, an I of various colors', which
will bes.ild at the lowest prices. • •
Illiipiecee.narrow Velvet R,ibbons, and a
generaln assortment. of Lace Gimps, Braids,
&o for trimming, Ladies Dresses;iust opened
— rebv6 10 - : ' G. W. HITNER.
New Fashionable Hat and Cap Store.
- -.5--
• .„
• ylififr.:ej e dee l eg l ied respeitfully invite ifie at
.teiltion 'of the pit blic to- - The -large, clegan
andfashionable assortment. at their
new.tore on Alai I street, nearly opposite, the
'Manion !louse HMO, consisting of a large vs
„Met) , •f MOLE...3I{IN. (TATS, manufactured by
Oakford, Beebe, Mid Hoer' s & 'Co. of Phils•
which are o tie latest styli:, and, as to;
odatity. ' ,husurPassed.. A' find assartinentor
•I}lnelc and,Prah ( TATS high and
'lovi i erOwnoll ofttio best imality.' and
: prices to
• salt enotomera.. Ahio, While Beaver ancl' Pnn
'mCAnts, artioleVonoll Used the eastern
'aides,, A. pinto Panay bea-
Vei 4 notli *!'pitch; Gat!: - pole hlaatC. and 'slride.—'
Witaplargoas,soef!iion% of CAP,S'of•fill king
„as undersigned
theM. Insltal:to t hope by, ecirMeif effort
to pv-Asv,,t plipyAftqtalpFe ) #
• . ago aaddoQpm ' •
•' •
"I,ITEXTCIDER arrid.r.
lIVITORTANT TO ra4razins
The Old Fashioned Done Avery Willa •
IN all former times it was supposed that a
large quantity of cider could only be made
by using a ponderous machine, that 'slowly
crushed the appleo without grinding them fine.
They were then made into a massive cheese in
straw, and a most severe and tong pressure
was required to extract a portion of the cider, a
considerable quantity being absorbed by the
straw and the mass of cornice, and to - obtain
this unsatisfactory result the farmer had to take
all his hands, and perhaps his six horse team,
and devote a whole day that could have been
more profitably employed. to make from six to
twelve barrels of cider. To obviate the diffi
culty the larmcrshave heretofore labored under
this machine has been invented, and the state
ment an few facts will prove that it is not on•
ly the - BEST MACHINE of the kind in exis
teque, but that it is the most. pro fi table that
rri4.7%,can have on his farm. The apples are by
this machine grated up intod fine pulp, su that
It requires but a cetnparatively light pressure,
and that but a minute or two, to exeract all the
cider, it being ascertained by practical , experi
ment that rms./burl/emigre juice cente obtained
than by the , thi process. Besides this it only
requires Iwo hands to grind up and make into
cider a larger quantity of apples than can pon
sibly be made on the old fashioned machines.
On this press, owilig, to the compactness of the
poinice in the tub, and the complete manlier in
which it is ground, a pressure of train three to
five-tons—that can easily be obtained—will
produce a more favorable result than one hun •
dred tons pressure on the ordinary
. cider press,
even if the apples were grr end as finely as on
the improved mill ; and if the apples wore
merely crushed as on the nut machine, it would
require a pressure of two hundred tons to pro
duce the result accomplished by this Patent
Mill. The following may be adduced as the
decided advent:lees of this mill:
First- - --It will make more eider than any oth
er mill, with a given quantity of apPle,s to a
given time, and with much less labor and ex
Second—lt will make cleaner and sweeter
cider than any other mill.
Third--Y au can make the cider no you want
it, and when you want it—rind in quantities
from one gnflon to,f;•or 20 harreis,_
Fourth—Wilh can press your currents
cherries, berries, dui se, butter, lard one tal-
Fifth— \ you enn one-fourthlof
your time itt rualting-opple butter.
'Sixth—With it you enn.z.nyl.!_mchop your
apples, potatoes. turnips, beets, carrots or
pumpkins, for vouy Cottle.
Seventh—With its use you can nt all times
IV,ith - all the advantages reStilting from - rthe
posseshion and use of such n machine-- at n
price so !ow that it is within the reach of oil—
can it he that anyintelligent farmet would do
without it?
Do you wish to have in your house cider
that is at all times sweet and fresh, the only
time it is really healthy and fit for use—and do
you wish to save n great portion of the hard
labor attending the making of apple butter ?
If so, buy this machine and our word for ityoU
will not be disnripointed.•
The price of the Cider Mill and Press is $35;
and of the Ront Cutting Cylinder $5. For
Machin e s,, or State, county or township rights,
addreits. post paid W n 1110K011,
Harrisburg, Pn.
iCrC:nod Agents wanted.
NOTlCE.—Sitire my eircittnrs. were issued
it has been concluded To soli to the above price.
giving the owner the entire right to the ma—
chine and to use or lend it ns he pleases.
The machine ran be seen by railing on Mr.
Jacob getter, Carlisle. Utglifitn)
liA TEv ER COlleCrll5OlC health and happi•
ness of a people is at all times of the most
.valuable. importance. hake it for granted that
even person will do all in their power, to save the
lives of their children ,and that every person will
endeavor to promote their own health at all sac
rifices. I leel it to be my duty to, solemnly as
se you that WORMS ,according as
sure lathe opinion
of the most celebrated Physicians, are the prima
ry cadsen of a large majority ofdiseases to which
the children and adults arc liable , if you have
an appetite
,continualvehangeable from one kind
of fond to another, Bad Breath, Pain is the
Stomach, Picking at the Nuse, Hardness and
Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever
Pulse irregulai—remember that all these denote
W 0101.9, and you should at (Mee apply the rem
An article clunnded.. on Scientific Principled,
compounded u ith purely vegoable substances,
being perfectly safe when taken, and can be given
to the most tender infant with decided beneficial
effects where Bowel Complaints and Diarrhea
fifty° made them weak and debilitated I the Tonic
properties ofsod Worm Syrup are such, that it
stands without au equal iwthe catalogue of med
icines, lad:giving ((MC and strength to the Stom
ach, which makes it' an infallible for
those afflicted with Dyspepsia; the astonishing
cures performdd by this Syrup niter Physicians
have failed, is the best ci i - dinice of its superior
a fa iers.
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy o
tattiest infest the !Inman system, it grows to an.
almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and
fastened in the Intestines and Stomach,laccting,
the health so sadly as to C:lMe St. Vitusq/ance,
&0., that those Afflicted seldom if ever sus
pect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to all
early grave. Ia ford& 'o destroy this worm,a
very energetic treatment m st be pursued, it
wOuldtherefore he proper to take 6 to 8 of my
Liver Pills an as 'o remove all obstructions that
the Worm Svrtm may act direct upon the Worm,
which mustfie taken in doses of't rablespoonfulu
three •Cmes n day. .These directions tollowzil
have never been known to fail m curing the most
obstinate ease of Tune Worm.
No part bridle system is more liable to disease
than the LIVER, it serving as n filterer to purify
the 'blood, or giving the proper secretion to the
Dille; so dint any wrong nctinn of the Liver af
fects the other important parts of the system, and
results vnriensly, in • Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
llyspepde, &e. We should therefore, watch ev
ery symptom that might indicate a wrong netios,
of the Liver. Those pills' being composed of
Roots and Plants - furnished by nature to heal the
.sick: Namely, Ist. An EXPECTORANT,
which augnients the secretion from the Pulmo
nary mucous meinbt tine, or. promotes the dis
charge of secreted matter. Cd. An ALTERA
TIVE. which changes in some inexplicable and
insensible manner the certn.n Morbid nation of
the system. :Id. A TONIC, wnich give tone and
strength to the 'nervous: system, rellOW ix health
and vigor to nllptirts at the Wily.' 4th. .9 CA
THARTIC, whielinch in perfect browny With
the other ingredients, and operating on the bow
ies, and expelling the whole Mass of corrupt nod
vitiated matter, and purifying (lteltlood , .which
destroys disease and restores health. ,
• • TO ppnirALßs. g. -
will find these pillion inialuable medicine
in'mnny complaints to Which you iirc subject. In
obstructions either total or linitiol, , they. have
been found of an. inestimable benefit,. - restoting
their functional arrangements to a healthy action
purifying the blood and 'other fluldi so'elre;cfooli.
ne to put to flight all complaints which mayrdrise
from Montle irregularities, as heatlacit..6i tidiness,
dimness of sight, patn in the side, back, ha,
...None genuine unless signed J. t N, floben track'
ill 'Olen' heingbase" 11711(81k/1A:—.
•DJ Agents. wishilhtom 'whittles, and -Store=',
ktepOra .desirous of becoming .-I,4ento mind ad.:.
- P
dress SM . I:90:4100r; N,' Hobensack,
tHuhia,Pa. - •
Havcratick, Slntintt, and S Hubbard, Car Sale:
Lloyd; Liaburu .1 DAY. andj.FSpahr, Muchan
iesburg ; CoyrO", - , Haqueatown t Havetlithak
Strohm, Kingatown J l.
, Setther, • Churobtown4
Hayes,- Shippenshurg.t Divin, rapertown :
Greason, Plainfield', Mudd Pion, Dickinson:
Wilakdo,f k, o,lotritr, - Pentrevllle slD9zialdfion & Greetti ; Palmatotm,t - fitto—lajW,Wherry,!Nutv;
buti- • - •
:Prity*. • (. ; • , ,
every verieiy, comprising one of the largest
and cheapest Stocks, onn be had of JOHN
FAREIRA, at the.welliknown Hat, • Cap and
Fur Warehouse, -- No Mafket Strom; be
•twootiEighth and Ninth, South side, Phila
delphia. •
The Proprietoy offers his claims for pan&
patHinage, tieing a. practionTworhinan,•aild
having had personal experience both in manu
facturing and selling, ho is satisfied (hat his
business facilities cannot be surpassed•by any
dealer ih thp city.
His stock of Gentlemen's Hats for the Fall
is very large and of superior quality. Hpf
sortment of Children a Hats is also very large,
varying in price from $1 to $5. He also calls
the' attention of Ladies to his fine assortment
of FURS, such as . /Vial, Boss, TippetS,'Arm-
Nth( Sic., made up_eXpressly for the present
season. - All the furs are of his own importe
tion, and made by the best under his
own personal inspection. - Wholesale ' dot:tiers
from the country will find it to their advantage
to call call and examine his
: Stock before pur•
clmsi ngelsewhere. Oct. 273 m.
C .1E oif4 EP 1 1 ' S
mbracing' all the properties contained in the
finest quill pen, in addition to which,the dura7
bility of the Metals are combined and fully
associated and developed.
THE following, highly respectable testamo-
Male and recommendations are submitted to
the public :
Having tried Adam Wm. Rapp 's PATENT
undersigned take great pleasure in recommend
ing it the public an the greatest improvement
in metallic pens that has met our attention.
' His Excellency, William Bigler, Governor
ot fhe State of Pennsylvania.
His Excellency, E. Louis Lowe, Governor
ofihe State of Maryland.' •
Right Reverend Bishop A. Potter, Rev.
Charles Wadsworth. Rev. John \ Street, W.
Rawle, Esq.: Hon. Joseph It: Chandler, Clark
liars; Esil:, Isaiah Hacke, Aidernuln 'George
.W. Ash, Rev. D. W, Bartine,. Editors Public
Ledger, Prof. J. S. Hart, Principal of .Central
logh School, Philadelphia.
Judge Booth, Richard Vaux, Esq., William
Neal, George W. Wallosion, William S. Prim
Rev. W. B. Edwards, Dull Green, Eeq ,
F. Howard. Al. D.. Richard Smith, Esq., M.
IL Miller, J. Radelifl, William P. Elliott, Ertl.
ors National Intelligeneer, Editors AVashing
ton Republic, Washington City.
James Al. Cassadv, r;sq., Thomas
ford, A. Bro Vining, W. N. Jeffries, CanuThn.
Rev. Dr. DeWitt, Rev, Charles A. Hay,
Rev. G. H.N.peit, Rev. J. F. Alesick, Harris
Rev. C. K. Nelson, Editors Maryland:State
Ctipitol Gazette, ..I.lanapolis,Old.
To the Public.
The subscriber having purr:lief rd . ,1 c prop
ertyiltnown ns the Moyainenslng Ilanklng
House, South East Corner of 2r! and Chestnut
Strimts, for his I slum 'business Establishment,
intends keepirg a large and—complete assert—
ment of every variety of texture and size of
Adam Wm. napp's lately patented Eiciontific
Niche Gold Pens., Gold and Silver Pencils and
Pen Holders, of every variety, Whole Stile and
retail. In addition thereto I have on hand
ltapp's last edition of Scientific Penmanship
and Penmaking,itt various bindings ,_
ir.‘l t 3 Ari E - 1,
General Sale Agent for Adam Win.
Patented Scientific Niche Gold Pens, S. E.
enrner,S,eednd:iind Chestnut SIS'EGIF,, 12-1 ila.
mayl'2—ly _
IkTOVELT'ir IRONY 1.4701111E5.
~IIE undersigned is prepared to manufacture
ste.m engines and boilers, blowing cylin
ders, gearing for roling, grist .nnd_snw
mite_ mill screws, lathes and
tja t t._ 1 planes, shafting, hangers
and pulliesond every vitri•
- ety of MACHINERY and CASTINGS,streh.
as lint Ulast-pipes. gas and water pipes, retorts
and lamp posts, car wheels _and axles, fire
plugs and hydrants, cellar grates and water
spouts, wall coupeing, and 'n very handsome
assortment of now style paterns for patent fence
making, posts and gates, cast bathing cisterns,
large size, and n minther. of new patterns for
cook, nine pitito and parloretoves, horse pow•
ers and threshing machines of improved plans,
plough coatings, cast colninns and fronts for
houses. . .
Mill stwnors and mill-wrights are respeetriii
y solicited to call and extintiee my new end
mproved assortment of mill gearing patterns.
Patterns and smith work made to ordE i r and
machinery repaired prompt;y.
N. B - Railroad ears of 01 dimensions
built and repaired.
ITarrisburg, May 9.11
T. L. MUTTER & Co.
Successors t o 0 Hickok and Hickok Le Can tine
Buok Binders, Stationers, and Blank
Book Manufacturers
L HE subsciibers respectfully inform their
-friends that they are now carrying on the
above business at the old stand !miserly oc•
copied by Hickok & Cantine, and' lately by
Hickok Sa" Co. They flatter themselves that
lby careful attention to business they will merit
and receive a continuance of the patronage so
liberally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular
attention will be paid to the ruling and binding
of every description of BLANK BOOKS, for
Banks, Comity Officers, Merchants and Pri•
vale Individuals, and every variety of full and
half bound blanks. They.have alsomade_ar•
rangements to supply counties with the now
and approved Judgment Docket and Assess.
merit Books. In addition to the above, they I
have and,will at all times keep, a general as.
sortment of SCHOOL and MISCELLAN B.
- - - -
Lever Paper, Knives, Slates, Pencils
Cap Quills, Ink Stands,
Drawing i" Carr4rs Pencils Letter Stamps
Tra'asTBr •' Lead yoncils,' Motto Wafers,
Copying " Wafors: , India Rubbor„
Blotting " Sealing Wax, Blank Cards,
tee ens, et Pape; PIAMTFET --
Black Ink-lted Ink, COriiine Ink, Blue Ink,
Copying Inc, Arnold's Writing Fluid,
Erasers, &e., &e.
Paper Ruled to,Pattern. Books, Peri
odicals, Law Books, Music, Newspapers, &c,
bound to any pattern,tind in any style required.
A,,general assortment of Printing Ink. All
wink Narranted and done very cheaply. Please
give us a mill. F. L. BUTTER & Co.
llarrisburg, April 2R, I 852,-7t
.711anufactured by the JV'ew Jersey Company,
Newark, N. J.
THE subscribers are now pre-wired 'to exe
oute orders to any extent for their ' beautiful
White and Colored Zinc Paints, at the follow.
ing reduced prices, viz :
No 1, While, g'd in oil, Pc por lb., w'td pure,
No 2 do do 8 do po
No 3, do do 7 • "do do •
Brown & Bl'k do 58 , do do;
One hundred pnunds will cover equally
as mush surface as 160 lbs. of White Lead
they are 25 per cent. cheaper to the consumer.
THE ZINC W CHIT is rapidly sup:reeding
White Load, over which it possesses many ad
vantages. It is whiter and more boautithl than
the White Lead—does not turn yellow, oven
when exposed to - sulphurous vapor—has no
smell—is no injurious , to health,and fs far more
Zinc Preach and Black Paints are both
'Orin - idler and Fire Proof.
The best covering for outside work over in•
troduced, odUpted to building of Wood, Brick
or Stone—to fences, carringo bodies, 'bridges
'and machinerY--.---to tho hulisof vessels,enehors.
Chains, and all other iron work on board ship
—to steam Aidthirs, smolt;eamelts, water tanks
—to iron, tin and otlieriooling, iron. shutters.
doors and railings, wire fontbs, bridges. etc..
,F or Iron Surfaces this paint inespeciallyval
,' oable, as it forms a galvanic connoption, and
entirely prevents rust. -,
`These zinc paints haVlng a pure motnllic base •
. aro warranted - not to turn. yellow, and will- re
tain their original brilliancy mUt . :!: longer than
White Load, or. any of the earthy pigments
now in - use. - The certificates from those jwho
have used those-paints-,:ere such es to satisfy
thn public that, they are invaluable.
The ablost , Chemists of France and this
cotintry have:Acetified - io tho suneriority of
- -Zino over Load paints; as to durability, health. 1 .; . .r • -
; ,The attention of , defilers ie respectfully re.
quested by , The,Conipany's A - gents,
C. JONES; & Co.,
mnit26in ' Xs: 1 7 Wharves,•Phitatra.
ill six ,miles South. of -Ctirlirlo, Furnace
Hands, Tireml.Choppore, Mine Bank Hands,
,Colliers, Laboring Hands, Limestone delkverSti
by the Tod, and'imeatono :Oro. • . .• •
(Cr Apply .to, the unqersigned.nt the merit's. ,
- , R, GIVEN - drliCe„ ,
• ,
Diu.. 2buctfisementv,
Clock, Thne-piete, Watch & Jewelry
al his 01t1 Stand, A0.,238 ..11arket Street. (be-
Yaceu 7,kflnd_6lll,,South Side,) PAiltid..llldy. _
Y friends, old Customers aim the public
I most know that 1 am at all tines pre
pared to furnish VVA'I CBES, JEWELRY_,
PENS of all kinds, with Gold, and Silver Rai
ders in variety, &e., at the very lamest Cat h
Prices, trigt.ther with the best supply of supe
rior ocks and Time-plecca, over ofleicri at
tats establishment;
E. beings practical iime•pibce and a atch
maker, With an experience ut yearly twenty
years-10' years nt his'present locntionis at all
times prepared to furnish, by whidesal9 and
retail, warranted "timmkeepers" of the bes
quality,—comps ising eight day and thirty hr ur
clocks and time-pieces, elplain and highly or.
nnmental designs, cf all styles,and adapted for
counting houses, parlors, halls, durchesi. fee
tories;sleam boats, rail cars,&e. Also, alarm
clocks, a most desirable , article for ‘ Sound
Sleepers,' and for all whore besincss• requires
thorn to be "up in the morning eat
Clorka, Time-pieces, Watches and Jewelry
of every description reptiited,with great care
and warranted. Maw rs supplied with cl o cks
and clock trimmings. Batnum's indite is my
motto, 'we study to please ' j npri-1
Cheap Watches and Jewelry
at the " Philadelphia. Watch
and Jewelry Store," Number
. 90 North Second Street, career
of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches hill
'jewelled, 18 carat cases,
Silv'rdo $l2 Gold Spectacles 27 00
Silver Le'po jwls, 10 Fine Silver do. r I t , ll
do do do Gold Pr - neck's ..t z , 300
Superior Quariiers, 7Ladies (i'd 1"Is 1 00
Imitation do 5
I S'r Tea S'nE, sett,6 00
Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Ilelder, 1 00
Goid.Finger 37d cents to es ;Watch
Glasses, plain, lot cents; Patent, lEi ;
25; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted tohe'what they ate Fold for.
septBly Successors to 0 ,Conrad' ,
On hand. some. Gold and Slice; cversAnd
Lopines. still lower thnn 11. e nbevl prices.
t i k s)r l7
rst a i
Importer: and Dridere in
)Ara constantly receiving the latest styles
of the above Goods, which are offered at
wholesale or retail, at
Nu. 216 Alfirket Street, above Sulk, near
Decatur Street, Philadelpliia.
04,..rtfed 0 De tahal They ar,
THE undersigned respectfully informs the
public thaLshe still corn miles the munulacture
and sate of GALIOLIER'S ELIXIR, for the
cure of CMughs, Ci ld, CimMun.pinft,. Patin in
the Chest, Soreness of throat, &o. 'I his med
icine tan acquired a just eelelrdy for the cure
of all disease,s arising Item EC V etc colds, and
its f Illoncy has been attested t•ad apptoved by
hut dreds of our nett reipret: Llt ut 71 t s In
every instance immediate tenet has t ern giv
en, as the4ol-10-Wing-eertifiente-from- a few- who
have mad it bears testimony.
Oct.[:Z7, 1852, 3ni
We, llto ,undersigned, dyf nrtilyihnt we
have ti,ccl Piet' :with ho Con
sumption, Colds, D s of Ilit:Inc& - s", liver,
rind hove experienct d to mediate relief
therefrom, unit would recommend it to all per
sons pfll in that wrty. . _
'rhos. 11. akiles; Cot Id,
R. 11. ft-leCoy E." 1,. Wolf,
Peter Monyer, It. S. Flaelteit.
A'orth ./laaoir+• Sine', and neat don - P to Canss' 8
THE undersigned would respectfully inlcrut
the citizens of Catbird( and thej r.l•lue pi ur
tliat bumuw has o n h oo d „ loran nod ele
gant assortment of F CI;Is;ITl•RF,, consisting
in part of Watdrobes, Card and ether 'Fabius,
Sofa e, Bureaus, lydsteads, plain,l and lancY(
Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured of the best
material and quality n urranted.
Also a general assert mem of ( HAIRS nt
the 'lowest mines, Fenitien 111inils made to
order, stud repairing promptly aitcm!«l to.
in - Coffins made at the shot test t mile. and
having a Fplendid hearse he st ill t.t ft t t funer
als in town or country.
1T:1 - Remember the stand— next door to II
Glass's h ntel. n 0124 V.
WHICH makes it the largest, most coin.
V;11' pinto and cheapest assortment ever of
' fercd to the public. I now invite all persons
in want of good. hardwdre at very reduced
prices to give me a call as I am sure you can
be accommodated with hardware of every
description lrom a needle to an 1111011 at prices
'that will correspond with the times and pocket.
Recollect a penny saved is two earned, and 1
consider a nimble sixpence Letter than a slow
15 gross table knives and forks, assorted; 30
dozen Pocket Cutlery, of very superior finish
and assorted patterns and styles, and a fine
assortment cf razo7s, scissors and ElicalS, and
a great variety of cutlery of all hinds for sale
al Lyne's Hardware Establihment,also cistern
pumps, lead' pipe, Rosendal cement, and Fire
Proof Paint of various colorant Lyne's.
260 gallons superior,varnishes, just received
front toe best manufactories iu the U. States.
My varnishes are used by mos of the princi•
pal -marl n ot-a ncl-c oltelym a k-e rs-i n—dris-and—r
adjoining counties, and pronounced by all tar
superior to nay other in the market. I invite all
who use this artic'e to try Lyres Varnieh, and
it will add fifty per cent to the looks of your
cabinet warn and carriages; also a variety of
springs, axles, ,hubs, bows, felons, enamel
leathe'r, curtain cloth, drab cloth, laces, !tinge,
titled hair and sofa springs.
Tbe largest, best, and cheapest ussorliticul of
metes and French morocco, linings, bindings, I
French and patent calf skins, ever produced in
Carlisle, together with a large lot of lastrrof the
latest style,boot trees, shoe thread, awls, was,
pegs, and kit of the best manufacture and latest
cuts, now openinir at the cheap;lhard wart es
tablishment of.hihn P Lyne.
Coach 141Akers •
Will find n superior article or Wood's patent
boxes for wooden axles, and a splendid arti
cle or patent iron axles, and 100 pairs bright
and black riprings. _ _
51 boxes extra aroma green, 50 pounds ',suite
rior French green, 10 boxes erotic yellow, •
boxes American Vermillion, 10,000 pounds
pure white lead 1.22 gallons pure linseed oil,
100 boxes gins'', assorted, for sale at greatly
reduced prices at the Hardware Establishment
of Eoet2ol JOHN P LYNE.
el FORGE KELLER respectfully announ•
Ulf cos to his old Patrons and the public gen+
crony that he has just received the
MEN'S ATS, , mannfacturod at
+ lir
-..., one of the host establishments to
fe,, 24 -„...-' Philadelphia, to which ho invites
spocial attention. '
lie has •alse Constantly on hand a large and
varied assortment of his own mnnufitoture ns
well as city mado
suitable forthe 'scasomeomprising every vari
03't a Russia. ',Beaver, Molca'tin and Silk Hats,
finished in the latest style, together with a lull ,
aSsortment of Cape of , every...shnpo and dos•
Cription; and-nt every price' • ill& particularly •
invites the public to call and examine his exten
sive assortment s which In style; material end
finish; cannot bd'eurnassed . by 'any in market,'
find which ho ie able to put at prices lower thay
ittrßeinetiiber hie, olii stand on North
Hanover street, between Homer's and Senor's,:
store. fe.e . PB3 ~ 1.1,4 9
CoaCh and 'Cabinet Makeis.,
. ,
TIM subscriber is, fully prepared .to meet'
their wants with an enlarged BMA hard Ware
ip their- line; rsabraeing mal. eastings,sp . rings,
[mine, braids; patetitleather, IticeS, curium and
floor cloth, Sce. t uralnut and mahogany vaneers,
glaes . aod , mahogany knobs of, all sites ,and.,
pattormn. a large, supply ,of varnishes, oiltl;
ttirpOntino, at-such Tomos, that will., make it •
their interest:to 'givolltina tho - preforenee,
IY2B . .:! ' SAXTON.: •
13.143 C EtOLDEZT'S
tattle- .IPfactlcr
Preprsreil 6y lirernig;Floltrfieltl,Sr Co.
p . ,
z: 1,,,,
.. 4 ,„.,
I a, „.„,p,
,„,./. L___,....d.;.c
''' ": 4 - ' '''' . , 11,c: : *: '
1 4. fi 7 ,10,: '
TrTE discovery o 1311EINIG, FRONEI , IRLD, &
Bet the whole community alive to a dew fact in
regard 'to feeding of Cattle, both for the pnr
pose of maintaining health and increasing the
production of Fut, Butter and Milk. The tffect
of their Powder has astonished every one that
has used it, and the,domand has been 'so large
thai tho proprietors eonla 'scarcely manufacture
sufficiently fast for their vales.
The immense popularity it has obtained from
Farmers. Dairymen and Iloriemen, and the
.-cunfieence and success with which they have
wed, it have-set the heads of other Druggi s ts
at work to make nn article prolit.sine to be of
equal merits, thinking to Ulm advantage °lour
Powder's popularity, and by these means intro
duce other articles info the market, which
1111VC 110 affinity to our preparation whatever.
Every person knows, who has read anything
of Agricultural Chemistry, that nn powder pos-
Het:sing such qualities as that which we prepare I
‘vas ever known in any port of Germany', Ell-
Eope or America. We advise all persons' to
read Prof. Leibign's-works,aud-see for - them- -
Helves whether they or any (MC else, ever knew
of a Cattle Powder in Germany, Europe or
4kol . erien,ohat veer profeFs'ed to have the same
virtues, whirl] we claim for ours.
The discovery is of A merictin Birth, c nff
apring et slit:proprietors. and there is no cattle
powdt r note known in the world, that was ever
manufactured from the same combillaii n n o f
Chemical elements as'4fitli of Breimg, Prone
field, &Cn - .
Do not therefore suffer yourselves In hr de
ceived, or think that our powder in n bunffmg
because you tn, d those mongrel snlisti
tutea and found ran good t flow but rather inju-
Hens results. Never give an opinion - unless pm
have tried the only' genuine Vegetable Cattle
Powder in the world, es compounded and pre—
pared by Breintg, Fronefield & Co., 187,
North Third Sirs et, Philadelphia.
N- D. Do nut ho imposed up - 4) and allow
your animals to die or linger wills disense be
canoe y u bare fed I lie, wrong Cattle Powder.
The sic unicre of
is on the or each folds ci the geanine ar
ticle. Sold'in Carlisle by
April 7, 's`,2 Gin 11. M. RAW FANS,
( , reat 'Attraction At
le L.
Cheap Clothing Store,
Two doors 81 of :pip Post Office, ond ad
joining n'onnd ! li s. Con firt.i onnry Store.
FT4 E proprietors of this popular qua ex
,r2l‘slve nountiortory
. ofßeady wadi.
cloning, beg leave to announce that they
have 1,111/W Oil 111111(1 the largest, most toned
and elegant s•sortno of of
ever °limed hi Carlisle, to which they invite
the attention ot the public, confident that in
style and finish It cannot be excelled. The
clothing sold abrhinestablishment consists in
pin of the following, vie ;-
In t iib department we have n magnificent as
sortment of black, blue and lan4 colors, cut
in the latest fashions. lash lay and elegantly
trimmed. und made in a chpe dor mnt•ner.
O ICloths, Cat , sfuteres and T woods, all of
now style and at very low prices.
Of blacl,, b-own, blue and drab, eaver, fell,
Pilot and (10 lung Cot ho. ~
A 'ery large a,surtnicat of berver, felt; p lot,
Sat:irinet and gii:en baize.
1111(1 2 . 11'.4)51 1 , .c 1111ffild 11Ssortn1( nl
e‘( r ,ficied k l d Moe)
Mermo, lir.lirin Cloth, Sattiliett,
doaLl and siqile'bscasterf, cf rvriy variety
of material and ploietk,
,plain and fancy Cansinimes, Doe 'skin,
Snlinett, Jeans and Velvet cord-,in endletrs
variety. Under Shirts nod Di tiwers'>•
We have ; . 0 , far the largest assortment in 11.0
town con'sishng of Bop and Youth's sack,
frock and body coats, ovory A i+eaati, pants and
vests °clef] sizes, qualities, and at very low
'prices. These amides are mado,e}th neat•
ness and care, and far rotporior tO Inselordi
nartly offered.
Fine ‘shire shirts of linen and cottop,,ot new
est styles and Lest make.
A IF(1 collnes,,dpuble and diannt
cravats; handkerchiefs, snspenders, gloves
hosiery and umbrellas. •
A Very Inr'o end t hoice u.s.sottment of
French, Foglia!) end.Anterican Clot hs,,c as
si•neres and Vc..toirgs.
We therefore confidently invite those who
prefer having their clothes made to measure
to give es a call, feeling rot.lident that the
quality and variety of our goods %t ill please the
most Instidotts, and the extreme elteepticits
thfy the most tiLid economist.
nov2.rfest3 M. & L. S'I;EIN ER.
THE undersigned owning a large Steam
Saw Mill, tceently built, on an improved plan,
wiili u eiremar saw capable not sawing with
great rapidity, located three miles west el - Pa.
peitewrr,Cumberland county, al the hose of the
South Alountein, on Spruce Run, and having
in possession near uric thousand acres of the
best timber lend, in the Soother: part of Penn
...pylvenia, ate now prepared to saw arid furnish
!limber to order, at the showiest notice of tffiS
various descriptions used for mechanical. pur
poses. They can furnish frame stuff for barns
and houses of any length amrsize trial may be
required, weather-boarding, flooring, and fen
cing boards, poplar and oak boards and plank,
shingle arid plastering laths ' oak and ehesnut
shingles, atelier stutf. s pitell pine poets, and
chestnut rails and posts. They have now on
hand several thousand feet of lumber, charm(
rails and posts fur fence, oak and pine wood by
the Cord, and Con engage to be delivered in its
season several hundred cords of chestnut oak
bark for turning purposes.
TIM proprietors having availed themselves
of the • natural advantinges oh thew location,
which abounds in a variety of the_ finest
timber, and having also ri practical Itm.wledge
of the business, are enabled .to furnish lumber
lowed to the citizens of Cumberland count . :i
than can be dare env Similar establishment
and ria they whit and ciper tto do a, large
Waitress, Will.sparo no palm; to aceemmodate
the,public at the shortestnotice,
The various descriptions of lumber:-will :be
delivered. in Carlisle or' elsewhere as may be
desired ' . All orders addressed to the. •proprie
tern, Divan & Haskell, living in Papertown, or
to Win, D. Seymour, jt.; in Curliiile, will secure
prompt attention...
• . DIVEN,,tiASKELL & SEYMt.tit.
Nov. Io,i ly,
HARN wo u ld respectfully an
nounce bribe citizens 'of Carlisle that he has
reconattenced - his business of `louse — Painting,
Glazing, and Paper Bangine, in all its various
branches. His shop is its. the ,rear ol the
Gronuntir School.' Thankful" fur past favors
ho hopes byLatricl attention tolibusinebspolaharc
.a portion: of public, rpatronagc.l3 Ho will ilea
attend to the trimming and painting of Venitian
Blinds, &c..' Prices made to Suit ttio timecard
all work warranted, good or. nO PbYt• , •
• Gaarhale.Noti.9,.'lBsF-4t " • .441- Glinrim. '
' The aitheOrihor, baß jiiet opened another in;
voice of Tho,boat quality: Parla Kid Glovea, at
,019.1O4pricallof,U1 - cts..per pair.'
l I II'
1, 1 1,
1 - 4,lsTrelc
i repared from 'RENNET, or the fourth STO
MACH OF "I HE OX, alter the directions of
BARON LEIBIG, the great Physiologica
Chemis', by J. S. 11OUGHION,M.
tolelphin, Pa.
'his is a truly wondet NI remedy for INDI
ain't DEBILYEY,Curing fter Nature's own
mention!, IJy Nature's OWo Agent, the Gastric
Juit e.
I 5 ll Half a tetspoonful of PEPSIN, inlitscll in
water, will digest or dissolve, Ft E POEI,os
r BOAST BEEF IN ABOUT 'IWO 'tote S, 0111 of
the stem:telt.
PEPSIN is the chief element, or Great Di •
qesting principle of the Guatrie Juice:— ii,, 1- el.-
and FTI3IUI.ATING Igo tit of the Stouts( h In
testines. It is extracted fret - It the Digestive Etc
mach 01 tine clx. thus fot mirg nit Ahl IFICIA I.
DICE: 'FIVE FLUID, in miser') tile the net, .
gal Castile Joiee in its Chemical pin tars,
Riettisl. it,' a (:ON) PLE'I E and H T
sußsTCruTp; for it. Ily the ittO this pr e .
partition, the pa as ate! et ill nl 11‘11/1(.1.5.1 N
unit DYSPEPSIA are removed, just as II ey
would be hr a healthy Stomach. It is doing
wonders for Dysitt inn s t 111 irg ennui-Sul 1.1 1111,-
to be on the verge t f Ih. Grins e. la Sru Ltifie
F 1 'illellcc upon 0,411 it is !mom, 11. is in, lio 1411
est II•UP lOUS sod,l? I It RAI I E. -
BA I? (tN I..IEIDG in his celd.ealt tl crl( co
A eintal Chemistry. says;"Ann Artificial Dig( F.-
tiVe Maid. realogetts to the C:Orne Juice 11. y
inc reanlih reepttrenttirttn, the rencettsrannthai n c e
ol the strntaeln,stf the COI!. in which 11.1 it on fir_
licks or fooll, Its Meat and eggs. 0.111,1 selin
changed. alto IligeStta.illSt iu the S:1111, II
s 111..3" 0011111 110 inn a human stomach."
CO)111, inn his valnable tweitiage re the
'l'lQ s:olo. y of Digestion," ohs(' let• lion n ,
of the flag tjuvetit ( am: le
Jake is a ill Orslorli! rIOIIIII-111, iIII 12 11 , 1”1
I)) Ilea he states iltat" a dislinrnl,Ltll
tmiessor ol medicine in London, uho was s
erely afflicted mitheltis complaint 611di1g
ry tlitag else to 1161.1 tad recourse to 11, ( , 11,11 is
'.mice, oLl ; "iryed 1 . 1 . 0111 the 5100,n,1,s eI lit it p
11,1119 lvhicll PROVI.D Clllllll El's , 1 of e:,11
Dr. CNA! 1.1 attiltor of the fan t ye t I t s
ott nn Vegetable Dit I, l •stlys " It is aet rem Folio
sitting% , that the moo aeLsol anteals, n.toce •
caned oalce. impat I to the Illtit l tin( plf 11111 of
tlissoking a ri, us articles of feud. :mil en t et-
Mg a kin,: of AETIFICIAI DIGI - STION nl 11 - 111 111
the ilipi•Sfhe
C . lll 011 the Agent, and get a Dcttrittive
ritual:lr, gran is. ;%iving a hoge iris rm.!
RK'I.II•JC ENIIS-INCE, titnilar to the nlwve,
tnrether with I:cperts or ItENIAUKAIVILE
ham :nll malt ILe Unitc(l Slabs.
S A 11 \ SPEI';•_IA
Ile 0111, (1 . 1 . 0.:\ PEPFIN huts produce d the
nlerst A ' ora Errrcrs, ill curing casts ( f
peptic ri.orn.ption• It is imfossible to e
the details ret cases ill the limits of this adver
tisement; but authenticated curtilit :ors hose
bes.n given 01 more than TN\ 0 lIUN DRILL)
ItENI ATI liAlt CUES, ill Philadelphia ,Niss.
yo l k and Boston alone. The se true or
derperide cases : surd the eAll'es Were not only ra"
pirl and wuodetaul, but fsrnainent.
It is a great ,Nl.llt \-OUS AN'l IDOTF., and
particular') uselnl for (yids act Billions elis•
111.1101., Li,rr Fess r cud Ague, or
lead') ireatsil Fete 1. and Ague, and the csil el•
fens or Quinine, Melo. y, and relic'. drugs upon
th e Eigeolve Organ:, alter a long sici,ness.—•
'Also, ftie excess in eating, urn the mu free user:,
of err de it spirits. It 1111110 a recot.enle, Ilcaltle
will, lirtempei a race.
The se is co fern, of OLD STOMACH (.OM..
PLAINTS which it deer not se ern to ',cell and
reh.ole nt Once. No matter line had Limy may
he, it (d VES INSTANT 111..1 ! A single
rinse rellION Si] the 111:1/1(1,11•1, 2• . (1/ Lt r irs (an
iI old) needs to be re prated t iinic in
make the se gnarl curets pern , rljr, PCItITY
OF BLOM), AND \ I(;OR t h LOD) . It Ilou
at once. It is ti nticul:nN exce Ile lc in e: eve f
Xerersen, Vomiting Creemps, Sorer e•es cl !L e p it
of the Stomach. distrs ss sling, lei', cold
state cl the Blood, Iltaviness, Lau er !Sri Si hits
Despondency, Emaciation, '0 sakris as : tendency
to Insanity, Suicide, syse.
1)1.. lIC)UOIPI*ON'S PEPSIN, is sold Lv
nearly all the deal". rs in tine d, cgs or tI tel uh..r
Medicines, throughout the United Sur te s. It i
Itrep:ired in Powder and in Fluid form —and is p l :
Press Option vials for the use 01 siciacs.
I'll IVATE CIRCULARS for the Ilse of hy -
siehms, may he obtained 01 Br. llouh Ltt n or his
1 1 .5orts, describing the whole prOcess.Of prep:lr
a:non, nail giving the autliiirities oleo" si Lich the
claims of this new remelts are bast IL As it is
NOT. A SECRET REM f.'.l)\', no olljection can
be raised against its use by Physicians iu tgapec..
o dd, : m on di al; arid regulaipractice.' Puce UNE
I)OLLAR per bohile.
Kr OBS Elt VE THIS !—Every - bottle of the
genuine I'EPSIN bears the 11.1 inc e; signature o f
J. S. II0U(SIITON, M. D., sole prodrietor.
Philadelphia, Pa. Copy-right and 'fritele Mark
(r.t.Serlel by all Druggists and Dealers in Med
Dr. iT ,11 - . Rawlins, Carlisle ;
.1. Nl. Fgster, & ltro., Iltirrishtirg ;
Mr. Hear, Middletown ,
C A. Al orris, ;
1)r. Loy, Lancaster.
LY. for 25 cents, by means
11 . the POCKET JESC D
i.A PLUS, or, Ever) One
—The thirty-sixth EA..
ion, Wilhelm hundred en
'ravings, showing Private
list:sees and Malfoi mu
ions of the,, Generative
iystem, w , every shape
lid form : to which is ad-
Diseases of Females, in.
..:males only (sec page 1907,
being of the highest importance to married peo.
pie or those contemplating marriage.By VI M.
YOUNG, M. I) , Graduate of the UlliNersity cf
Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of
Surgeons, London ouill Honorary 'Mt mber ot the
1 - lhillidelphin Me dkas society. The 'various
forms of Beget Diseases, Seminal \Veakness,
Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impotency,soli.
try habits of youth, are,fititlillilly describe and
all dm recipes given in plain language. The
eliaptt:r 011 sellialinte tied Seminnl,Weakness is
worthy of prrticular attention, and should be read
by every one. 'Voting men who have beet, rotfpr.
tannic in contracting disease, pot:lions to placing
yourselves under the care of to.y doctor, no ',nat
ter what his pretensions inoy Le, get n copy of
of this truly valuable work.. -
Sea o'o.olllB.mnd pt mons going to sea, should
possess Dr. Yohng's Treatisq.on Marriage, the
-Pocket Jliscutapius, or, Every one Ills own Pll
vr Let no father he ashamed to present 'a
copy of, the lEtcillapins to Ida el lid. It •may
save him front early grate: Let no young
man nr wotnan enter into the teeict °lineations
H of married withont reading the pocket /Ess
enlapins. Let no one Leffering from ai liacknied
cough, pain in the side, restless nights. nervous
feelings, mid the whole trsin.of Dyspeptic smut.
tines, and given up by their physician, lie ne.i
other moment without e imaillting.the
dins• itave the married or those about to lie
married.nny impediment, read.llibi trrly useful
Bonk, as it has been the means °flaying 'him
of unfortimace creatures Went - the very.
j a w s of&nth... Upnards of a MlLLNN.copits
bf-this c o apted honk _has been sold ititltis
inunti y add Eneope.silice laSit, when the first
Mition.was issued. ;
(Cr 'Any person Bending TWENTt-FIVE,
rents thielosed in it Jetter. will receive rreenpy
bunk by mail ; Lae espies will he scut
F ' (hires! lir. WILLIAM YOUNG,
Spruce: Street,. 'Philadelphia " Past
Twenty yenrs prnetice in the city of l'hilndel.
phili certainly entitles DO. Voting In the coat-
Owned of the . aftlietett; ond , he luny he eel:suited,
on.anyof the disenies described in his 'dill - et eat
'publications, td lul office 152 Spritm Street,
everyday between 9 and S'otelocic,(undur
eepted) end personi at any distance can consult'
, Pr. Young Gy lettcti, toss. rein,,.
®`" ~ .~YcDi~i~te~.
nn10.,11 amonlotiL7 to Arc er.Congres° tne 313 "
, Isrcl. I , y .Y. S.. 11, )111;11TON, \l4 I)"
111 the slerk's
. or. thy trict Cotn - t. for tho Eastern
kl•r:lrt l'onn,ylvallin.
•:.A.notlier Scientific 'Wonder!
li oueNTorrs --