oilcan ANL' THE 0A1:1 ' SE °FIT. Every' paper that comes to us contains its list of Murderi, - assaults,'and attempts ' upon life. rscord is really alarming. especially asi(gond proportion of, these offences appears to have.been'committed by compamtivetr. young nien. in one „instance, tnat of the htimicide•at_Roches• ter, the eulprit is u mere 'chibl, and B 9 sells' victim. What shall be done to put . on end tirtlitsf turning so abandoned, that these outragev . _ ' to be passed by, without comment ? _Has all:fear-of-- law-d,epacted Iffitir the land thrit crime is.so rife among us I We wish we could assign:A - philosophical cause for tlfe general prevalence of row-' dyism, and find ' out where the remedy ought to be? applied. Is' it not the ease' that there is a growing disrespect for law:, aided , perhaps administra- . , -ttitin_of :iron the part of the .. autboritieri; `btiOict matter for what cause, is not the • tact apparent?, Does it arise from our system . .magistrates and ad. mmistrative officers.,_or from _a want of efrciii - incy. on. the, part of the electeirt— have we reason to fear that punishment is not as certain to follow conviction now ai formerly, and that conviction As not ' uy certain after arrest ? What is it ? Is Ahem Ws .morality in the nation ? Is tome, the great schoolof virtues, no lon ger a: place where all the virtues are taught ? Is it because all the solemnity ,of law has departed under our itew sys• tem of things, and its once dreaded ter rors.hrive faded away before the familiar ity of .populnr electionte? What 'is it owing to, and what is the remedy ? These are grave questions, and if there - be any sufficient answer. Are should be glad to record it.—Buffalo Advertiser. 'Death of Marshal rtasinau. The - Franklin brings intelligence o •Ilfe death. at Vienna. on the o ° March, of Baron Haynan. the notorious Austrian commander in Hungary during - the recent 'war. Haynati was born! in 1786; at Cassel, and is said to haVe been a natural son of the Doke of Hesse Cas sel; by eg,oldemith's ilaughiet. He - was broughrup a soldier, but was not distin • guished, during the ureater part of hie life, for anything exce pt his eccentrici ties, which at times a mounted to an ap pearance of insanity. In the revolution ary. disturbances of 1840, he was consid • ered a fit instrument for the ex-cution of the coercive designs of Austria. and his first service. at.the storming of Brescia, was so satisfactory that . he was appointed ° in May, 1849, to command the ((Aces then acting against the Hungarians.— ' ;His military movemprits were successful, end"his victory at Themes war, followed -by-a surrender Of Gorgey. led. to the ter -mination of the war. His subsequent cruelties to the Hungarians, and his bar- 'barons treatment of helpless women, are matters of recenthistory that it would be painful to rehearse 'how. They have made hii - name execrated -whereverfree .dam is known ; they were the' eauseof his ignominious expoliion from England, and they can never be so far forgotten as to enti le him td-a decent position in hon est-history. Since his removal from the command in Hungary, Ife.has-been a des pised and unhappy man, and he must have anticipated death as a happy release from the reproaches of c his own consci ence, and the acorn of the human race. STATE OF ITALY.-A correspondent o • the Boston Traveller, writing from - Flor ence, says : Italy is troubled .to her heart's core. In Florence we cannot, of couse, learn the true extent of . the late revolutionary movements at Mlla, Rimini, Mantua, and elsewhere. We only know that blood has been shed on both sides; and the scaffolds are again erected•. On the part of the Italians, the movement was pretna- Lure, but at pfesent fhl Italy it one volca no, slumbering, it is true, but acquiring strength for an eruption, that will even tually force foreign despotism and civil papacy from its soil. The deep silent hatred borne to the Priests•and Austrians is frightful. It pervades the very atmos phere. and is drawn in at every breath by all classes but the few sod to their rulers by interest or circumstances. .Dis guise it,,as we may, there is a ,general uneasiness in Europe. •Monarchs and , Governmenis distrust each other ; the "'people distrust both ; peace is main-sin sid bayonets, end not as Mr. .Cobden would have us believe, by good rnotivir,s, Wii.l) CAT CeRRENCY.—Of this re markable currency in Indiana, the 1,1- layette Journal thus speaks : "The vig nette is a nigger shearing a hog, suppos ed to be stiticaling. The president of the bank sands near, at sting to hold the hog. The dem-peon may he *discover ed a good ways behin . •Th4der and lightning in the foregrou ~ Pie pit turq of a seedy lookin_ indivi of ,securer by stocks,' IhroUgh which 'k feet run, adorns one ctirner. A man with a.vezy • blank countenance, supposed to be the Auditor of the State, and being rode up on, a rail by a couple of Well street Oar pers, is seen in another earner. l'he phiz of Governor Wright, thunder gathering On'his brow, anu lightning flashing from his eye, adorns the-centre of the bill.— On one side of the Governor is a hawk, on the other side a buzzard. He holds in one, hand the .scales of justice, one ' aide of which is eyidently very light ;- - }his'other is holding a document, his last • rnessage,'lrom 'Which he appears to be ,'reading to n crowd of disconsolate, hll. , vidutils below , WO refuse to be comfort ed," . , • PAET,II:6 IN NEW Yorc,-,lnfant par ties are among the 'meet novelties at New York: A 'correspondent of the Newark Advertiser recen.ly saw a card of invitation from a lady on the•fith Ave. ruie lint quite two-years of age to another -Malts !of a little.pitst'.one, - requestint the pr74litiiiiof'fio. company 'tit n converia- Oume in, seven days thereafter, • Thirty 'of .bothrsitseS Were to be invited of about thu santelltionling . age. Dog parties are. ',also mentioned, by the same correspon -.4ent;... A Indy, it app• an. admits to her • society a benuttfulToodle. for, which she has a high regard. 0/1k day ateresolv. I 44 to snow it .by inviting ttven'y•five of 77.,,th - e handsomest and. Ap q n, agreeable fel lowa of die same race to visit her ,friend. eycry one 4 .. ,0at a single eX cuse,vms sent. Tl4era yo n ere ,crop ears and 0ne5;,1. 14 4' PIO" 1414 great. ;90 0, as,yrill abtrays...be e ouse at pcit- • • itairDo not . unhappy, if .yeu 'have het ,Fneened a PrOtessaditsanty. They: Aeneiatly ,SubrOlielbembelves so'tuiroh;'lhey hnseto inch 4eftifor their husbands. 'Besides; itlaight but been, veryneeenble , to, trou,4o `.":iiiireiter p fellow,As you went.into atio 'pia ktaliiiok at yratt vitte , :as.ll . : ha • Would devour HERALD AND EVOSEVOIL •`, fit' ,r4tA - tit; CARLISLE, 'EA. - WEELVESDAY, APRIL •0, 1853: THE LARGEST-AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN CUNIBKRIA,ND.pOUNTY . . ' • . Terms-,Two.Dollara.asear, or .One Dollar and Fifty Cents. if paid punctually in „Advance. $1,75 if paid within the year. XefarThomas Tweedleo's poem shall have a place next week. . . EA OF DIRS. ina.monE. • The entirii nation will sympathize with the Es-President Ip the ",tneinneholy bereavement which he bas euetainkd : • t idiles. FlLLmons was nn amiable lady, and attached-to—the quiet endenrmeno of her private home, filled the duties to which she was called ne the hos tess of the Presidential mansion with graceful dignity. She _ died _on Wednesday morning last, nt Hotel, in Washington, hav ing been laboring for some time under a se vere attack of Pueumonii, which resulted in 'suffocation. Her remains were taken to her hems' in Buffalo * for interment. In the United State's Senate, after the rending of the jour. nnl, Mr. Seward, in some feeling and imprea sive remarks, announced the ,event, and "as a mark of respect to her memory, moved that the Senate adjourn. ' THE STATE PAINTINGS. The Harrisburg Union describes as a "great farce," the allotting of the State Printing un der the new law, which came off on Thursday last, when every,member of the Legislature who bad any knowledge of the Rut jest, must' have' been satisfied of the folly of the pro- Ceeding.' There were twentlyeight bidders for the work, and the English printing was awar ded to A. B. Ilmim.rox, at eleven and three quarter cents per thousand ems for composi tion, and eleven and three quarter cents per token for press work. This, the tnion says, is restricted to all cemponition i there being-no opportunity 'of oharging double coniposition on any of the extras, as the law is clear and explicit against all double composition, which was not the case under the old law. Mr. Hamilton also, obtained the. German printing at tourteen cents anda half per thottsand and token. Whim the bonds come to be submit led there was a defect in them, and the Con vention adjourned over till afternoon, to enable Mr. Hatnilton to obtain new bonds. When the. Convention again met, the security wee not deemed to bo sufficient by the Speakers of the two Houses, and the Corivention adjourned to enable him to obtain satisfactory security. Every practical printer must Bee that this work has been taken at rates that are entirely - inadequate ; abl it is not to be expected that itnprovetnent over the present Mode of doing the work will be effected. FLARE UP AT WASHINGTON, Tkie Washington correspondent of the' N• Y Tribune says: ✓ "Some days sine° John Tyler- applied through - Caleb Cushing to Postmaster Camp bell for the Virginia Mail Route Agency' for a friend, and Campbell gave him encouragement. Soon after, Mr. Hunter applied for the same place for a friend of his. Mr. Campbell evaded the application. Hunter left his papers anti went away. r Yesterday the friend told Mr. Hunter that there was some difficulty, and the fatter called on Mi.. Hobbs about it, but obtained no satisfaction Ile next went to the President with no better "success ; rdturned to the department; Mr. Campbell out; told the messenger fo tell him as Soon as lie (Mr. C.) came. jn. At length the gentleman appeared and tried to evade the subject, when Mr. Hunter exclaimed with an oath, who commands this concern,' and then went on to damn the Administration. He sni lit had renegade Whig for Attorney General, and a renegade. Virginia Route Agent, and no left in high dudgeon." ' The Union denies this, but the well informed believe it to be true. HARIIISDUR . O POST OFFICE.—There is fierce struggle said to be going on for the Harrisburg Post Office. Mr. Barret, of the Keystone,- backed- by Meters. Onmeron and Brodhead, is " buoy as a be e," and his friends aro sanguine of hie success. Mr. McKinley, of the Union, backed by James Huchtinan, bringing into play all Ms ingenuity, to his rival and secure his own appointment. Both nAlientits are confident-of-MfotiiiitiCnini I their friends and backert' aro betting freely.- This s ratable for the "spoils" is decidedly interesting. EDUCATION OF IDIOTS.—The House of Rep resentatives, has passed a bill appropriating the sum of $BO,OOO for the endowment of nn institution in Philadelphia, for the education of idiots. The bill in the Semite was referred to a committee. A very interesting exhibi tion,of idint . ohildren took Once in the Roll of the-house,on-ThuradaY evening, which was witnessed by a large nudience of people; and they were shown to be susoeptable of a re markable development and improvement. SUPREME COURT.—The annual May Term of Supreme Court for the Middle Dlstriot, will coon:tepee at the State Capitol on the second Monday of May neat, the.9th. The following are the return days for the different districts. Lancaster, May 9; York and Adams, May 16; Mifflin, Iluudingdon and Blair, May 19; Cen ter, Clearfield and Clintim, May 25; Cumber land Perry and Juniata, Mily 80; Bedford and Franklin, Juno 9 ; Berks, Juno 18.; Dau phin and Lebetion, Juno 20. The Term con 4itiuss eight weeks. HARD AND SOFT SIIRLIR.—The political nomenclature io New York being,very obsbure, the Tribune says the terms Hard and Soft Shells'date from the efforts made to reunite the Cass and Van Buren Democracy , of 1838, who were known its Hunkerkand,Darriburn 7 'ors., TlMllards embrace tIiCCIII3B Hunkers of • 1818 of the National School of politics, while the Softa are composed.of the remnants of the Van Buren and Adams party of 1898, and such Hunkoratie Secretary Maroy and ,- Gov. Seymour. Aar The salaries of tlia 'various Offices in the , gift of the President of the: United Siateenuiount Co upwards of fifty millions of dollars a year.' • 31r. David Small; of the York Garotte, Lae been appointed Poshunster 'at. York, in room, of .. J. Cochran, En., resigned. 7 T.L.3 4 :1 ffitifel7flovTirofffeTTlio nut or, as bean laminated consul la Liverpool, one of ,the vn&it'litorntiVe 'offices in' 013,011'9f tlio Govern. He Wrote his••"life or General Pierce , ! ;; , - Seett b is is Frail ; Will lake • up 0114 Will Irn 'days wilt bu ;461d: ggrothe ,Nevri Jersey .I.4rit ' WO" 0 1 4440 0 0 v 4 1 414 ..,- . • . MOM THE NEW. APPOINTMENTS: Rapid OpOre.tion or the_Gulilotine,: • The long ago . nr•in the °Bien- hae at teat . . - been relieved - by . President -Pierce . ; and the following appointments 'aro. ennounced for Philadelphik; Now York and Ihiltimore; •-' Philadelphia.—Charled Brown, Collector; John-Miller, Post Master; -N. B. Eldied, Na val Officer,; Reuben 0. -Hale, °LAID:IIin °run ty, Surveyor of the-Port: capt. Alfred Day, Navy Agent; COI. F. N. Wynkoop, Marshal of iho -Rettert-Diatrict ; --Robert Ewing, sub- Trenfurer ; Thomas M. Pettit, Superintendent of . the Mint. . • _Washin'gten letter-writer says, the ap pointment . • pointment of Chnrles Brown ,ns Collector at Philadelphia is likely to cause a great row in the camp. The Pennsylvania Democracy are much incensed. Every membei of•the State Delegation, save two,. were opposed to it, and every member of the Cabinet / alio. A large and respectable delegation firm Philadelphia formally protesttd'to the Praident, on, Sat inday, but,it was all unavailing,_, Brown was in, the mitre Cengress....With President Pierce; and also was a, member of Lis mess. Penn eylvaninns _bere'_talk_Nery_excitedly„ they say it will inevitably split the party. New York Appointmenti —Daniel S. Dickin son, (ex-Senator) Collector; Berman J. Red field, Naval Of ; Conrad Sictickhomer, Na vy Agent;' John Cochrane, Surveyor; John A. Dix, (ex-Senator) sub-Treasurer; Charles O'Connor, District Attorney ; T. V. Fowler, Port-Master ; Abram T. Ilillyer, Marshal. The New York appointrilents show another attempt on the part of President Pierce tore ward and reconcile tli'6 various factions who united to elect him President. Ex• Senator Dickinson, the Collector, is 'n noted, hunker, while Ex-Senator Dix, who ;is made Sub- Treasurer, is an equally distinguished Barn burner, who supported Van Buren in 1848 and With killed off Gen. Cass, This foot caused a formidable opposition on the part of 'Southern Senators to Dix's nomination, when they were sent into the Senate for confirmation pn Thursday last. Messrif. Rush, Bright, Btit ler, of S C. and Mason, of Va : , spoke strong ly ngiiinst the confirmation, while Houston,' Douglass, Soule and others advocated it. All the appointments were confirmed, however.— The vote on Dix was twenty-eight in favor and eight against him.- The notorious Capt. Ryn dus is bitterly disappointed nt not teceniing the Marshalship. Mike Walsh is also among the disappointed, and both swear lustily over their defeat. The amendments of ItickinsOn and Dix it is said were managed by Secretary Marcy, who wants them out of the way in order to clear the ceurse for Lim in the Presi dential contest of 1850. On the same day, the following — nominations were made to the Semite, for Baliintore:— Philip F. Thomas; Collector; Jacob G. Davis, Postmastet• ; John Betterly, Naval Officer; J. IL Biscoe, Navy Agent; James Polk, Survey or. The latter declines, Most of the important appointments having now been made we may look for a, rapid•nrid bloody decapitation of tl c heads of country Postmasters. The guillotine will not be stop ped. We look for the removal of every Whig from the highest 'to the lowest. None need expect - to remnin - in place. The language of Pierce's inaugural was the handwriting on the wall which could - not be mistaken. Let the work go On, therefore, and let us hear no7un manly howlings from the Whigs such as dis graced our opponents in 1848, who think that " to the victors belong the spoils" is very good doctrine until it is -brought to bear- upon them-selves. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE Li the Senate, on Monday of last week, Mr. Evans introflucela resolution which was adop ted, directing the Committee on Finance , to bring in a bill providing for the sale of the Public Works of the State. The vote on the adoption of the resolution stood "21 to 10.— We do not know what the prospect is for the passage of such'n, bill in the lower Ilouse, where the influence of the Canal Board is - so controlling. The impracticabilit?Nof reform ing :air present system of muungeinent of the State Improvements is so palpable that the only way to get rid of the plunderers that live rind make fortunes nt the expense of the pub lit treasury, seems to be in a sole of the Pub lic Works. We helinve thotpublic sentiment is in favor of the proposition, and we believe the State would gain much by. its adoption. On Monday, in the Howie, Mr.. Hoover call ed up the bill to 'prevent fugitive slaves and manumitted negroes from settling in this Commonwealth. He advocated the bill, and I spoke nt > ante length of the great increase within the "last few years of our colored pOp- I uletion, and the causes that have led to it.— Ile thought it the duty of the Legislature to interpose a check, end enlarged upon the evils that might result wert it not checked. Mr. James and others opposed the bill. The House refused to proceed to a second reading of the bill—yeas 28, nays 50. We are grad to see so I inhuman a bill thus disposed of. A resolution passed the-Senate on Tuesday, providing for the final adjournment of_the i Legislature on Tuesday the 12th of April. It I is doubtful whether the Heusie will concur,, or whether they will be ready to adjourn en the ay—named. The most - importmitThill of the, session (the General Appropriation bill,) has not only not yet passed the House, but he's not yet even passed through Committee of the LOCOFOCO GIANTS. Judging from the recent tone of the Loco foco.prese, says the Louisville Journal, there is nothing for which the I , cofocos so winch sighed as a Cabinet of the most decided abili ty. They were prodigiously coateuiptuous whenever they thought of Mr. Elllmore's Cab inet, with such dwarfs in mind as ‘rilbSter, Corwin, Everett, Crittenden, Graham, They constantly' talked' of,,the imbecility cf such men, and looked forward to the accession of Mr. Pierce with the confident hope • that lie would select a Cabinet•of giants. Well, they got their giants, and what do they thinli cf those sons of Anak—such world-renowned men as McClelland, Cowbell, Dobbin and Da vie ? If mon of such vast intelleotwl dimen dons can't satisfy, their relish for transcendent human,power, let them think °Lille president himself, and be filled witli the idea of great 7 nese I Iswisu tUANOIPATION.— , We learn by the late news from England that the bill io moon oipaie the Jews passed tho. House of Com- WM by n 'Majority; of 61, lifts loco of 475. reported that the Lords in the upper goose would agree to the measure, provided thrciiinjorityin the Conamo't!B Was'uver In theiummtime it has been postponed until thel2th:Of April, and thou we WTI to hear ,tlM't the , Jewish disability 'clause no longer In hisiheiltdolol62 t I ' t ' • . , 067.11,10 Pennsylvania tiolonisation,Brolety held an Interesting meeting at llarrisburg on Tuesday.eVening bet. On,. Bigler . p4sided, and 'made tin address, an wa followed by the lki;Pease,'Rev.. Geo. IL" crooks and ,Ber.'Heary Slicer, after which a "Iberia col lentlan woe taint:Cup to aid in sending to Li- t eerie e"nittninii of Arm - lately ,imaaelpated Vas , .. • SANTA'ANNAVS-RETURN TO MEXICO. ThO,Britislr until steamer, whiCTC j inrrii;ed at Vera• Cruz on'tho 41114 - March, reports that Gen. Santa Anna had accepted the Presidency - of Mexico, eau would return to that country Ingle mail packet of the Ist of April'. The Vora Cruz papers contain the ,piirtieilars of •an interview between Santa Anna' and Dr. , Manuel M. Escobar, who was dispatched to Carthagena by the authorities tit Vera Crux mission to theTeilleireii 7 Preeldent. 7 .The 'details of the conversation Which passed be tween them are furnished by the papers, and a translation is given ' by ;the Now Pecans Picayune.' At the 'latest date from the city of Mexico, (March 3d) seventeen 'of the States 'and Districts had voted for him as President, one bad voted against tarp, and the remaining five had not been hearth from, 'but his almost unanimous restoration to power Was condilent 7 . ly anticipated. _ The conferences betiveen Escobar and Santa were continued for several days, Santa Anna • manilesting great reluctance to return, and Tecapitulating the marked_unkindaess, he had experienced from the MOxican nation. He coquetted with the Commissioner in an amus iiik style.. lie expressed strong doubts wheth er he ought to 'return to a country which treats her great znentrielining himself of course— so badly. ile talked a great dent about his sweet repose, undrisking his life for such in grates, but in the next breath expressed the strongest sympathy for his unfortunate coun trymen, declared their sufferings were his sufferings, and to save the nationality of Mex ico from the grasping spirit of our neigh bers,"—tneaning the people of the United States—he would accept the honor qffered him. Dy the arrival of the" Crescent City nt New York on Saturday from Havanna, 'tie learn that Santa Anna arrivcd there on the 28th alt. and sailed the next day for Vera' Cruz, necompnnieeby his family and a large number of Itlexicp-ofkcistls.. TICIILIF. AT' SAN JUAN. Advices from Greytown or San'Juan, to the 16th ult.., represent that the difficulties be tween the citizens of that place and the Tran sit Company, have ended in the interference of the U. S. sloop of war Cyane to protect the property. of the Company, and the San Juan authorities have pulled down their flag and surrendered the government of their city to the Captain of the Cyan°, who would not nc• cept it. ' The city government, which is com posed of Americans and British, wished to eject the Company from the lands where they had creme,' their hotel and depot, and the Mayor sent the carpenters to remove the building. Just at this juncture, the, Cyane arrived and drawing up in front of the depot landed marines, sent 'svortl that the• writ of ejectment should not be executed, and blocka ded the harbor by rerming to allow boats to pass frohf the town to the north side of the bay. This produced,a great commotion in the town, and a public indignation meeting has been held aid a pi:otest adopted. The whole cause of the dispute between the .authorities of San Juan and Cie Transit Company is, that the latter furnish the emigrants to California with their supplies, and 'the emigrants have no occasion to enter Greytoivn at all. The giaiiing trade •which has sprung up, has induced the authorities of Greytown to wish to transferllA Company to their aide of the bay, and for this purpose they called upon tie Cumpdny to vacate, alleging that it was necessary to establish the quarantine there. The ordirtifire they adopted to enforce the de sign; created Arcot excitolient among the em ployees of the Company, and they applied to Capt. Ha , ins; of the Cyane, for protection. Whether Cant. IL. is justified or not in inter fering with tho domestic government - of - San' Juan, is a qumstion which must be determined by the filets. . I= News from Liverpool to the 19th ult. has been received by the steamer Niagara. In the English Parliament Lord John Russel spoke of Austrian proceedings towards Sar dinian subjects in consequence of the Milan insurrection The Sardinian Government had requested the British Government to interfere against sequestration, and Great Britain wrote a strong letter to Vienna; but, in the mean time, the Austrian' authorities had stated that was their intention to remove sequestration from parties proving themselves innocent.— Lord John Russel also stated that the Gov ernment had received notice that the Grand n'nke of Tuscany had liberated the Medial family, and allowed them to leave Tuscany, TIIINdS Ili PIIILADELP/lIA. E. C. Dale, Esq., Treasurer of the United States Mint, has resigned. Teo statement of young Spring that his fat or wont to the store of Mr. Maroney. some time ago, after night, and seized n pound weight with which to kill Mrs. M. while Bile had• her,back to hint, but was prevented by the entrance of a stranger, when be pat it in his pocket, has been confirmed by the finding "of the weiOtt. and its identification by Mrs. Maroney. It was dug up in the yard of Mr. -bore Sprang boarded previous to aguire, w his arrest. ,„ The gold stolen from the house .of Lynch, and found in the yard of Maguire's ho use, 1119 .- discovered beneath a pile of oyster shells and ashes, indicated by Spring, after alleging to officer Byrne, on Wednesday, that his son hod committed the murder and robbery ; lie said he felt confident the gold was buried in the yard nt the very spot where it was subsequent ly found. This is looked upon ns n semi con fession of his guilt. The money, too, when found, was contained inn port motinnie which belonged to the. prisoner, - which is another link in the unbroken chain cf evidence against him. Me has been removed to the convict side of the prison, to prevent visits to him. A. - plan, said to. have been laid bi'Llevettil femoles, aided by a number of moneyed men, to effeot the escape of Jack Stevens, (Charged with the Portsmouth Bank robbery,) from the county prison, las been discovered and frus trated.- • James linwet was convicted of counterfeit ing, on Wednesday, and sentenced to the peni tentiary for three years. • GOOD ADVICE Stick to your trade, boys, and learn to work, if you would be truly. Independent.- . There is not a Moro - pitiful sight than a half learned mechanic 'applying for work. 'lle is alwaYeat the rucit . Air the bill, and labor as be may, un less be has 'attained the yeari of bis majority. ho will never be perfect, and eau calculate op poverty as bit portion withuti-oad deal of gaiety. eitir•liirs.,Bloomer imaginee that the reason women differ from men, is howls° they ore schooled and educated differently. • Nothing, however, could be more unfounded. • Carla differ from boys'not incidentallibut The first thing a boy does utter he is weaned, Is to straddle the bnniaterif end ride doWn stairs. The first . thing, a girl sets her heart • , : lidot and a net of ball fledged , alma . . • 'and saucers. . Girls are given to, neatness Kul hate soiled garments of all kinds ;'.boys, on the coatraryyset a high•valne on dirt, and are never Ho, happy 'as when sailing a shingle ship, with a brown paper. soil, in. a mud. puddle. ' Mrs,. Bloomer may reason , as oho may. but • she will tied In the end that Naidre le etronger thatieither Philosophy' oreuipendere: l ei: The Isto foyOlgo oewa tp-ipso tbo (JOAO of OelierslONyp4y, th 9 bloody Aoqtkis#,Qoii oril; :1' . , . PHILADELPHIA' CONFERENCE. The Philidelphia Annual Conference of the Meth - Wig:Episcopal Church, , assembled at flarrieburf, adjourned sine die on 'Wednesday evening last, - atter n session of some ten days. Thil closing proceediogn 'were 'quite "interest ing.. The ft:jelling resolutions in regard 'to the liquor prohibition . ; reported by thq-com mittee on Temperance, sere pissed by a largo majority : . ••• . Resolved,-: That-we-hereby -pledge ourselves__ to-use our influence on all proper occasions to procure the enactment of a law prohibiting en tirely the Mann attars and Salo of all iritosi-, eating liquors as a beverage.° Resolved, Thatns'ministers of Christ, rec ognizing the absolute necessity if obeying. God, ,we most deeply regret the position we are'foreed to occupy 'by the Ilegislature of those States which licepso the traffic: in intox.. Muting liquors as a beverage. -The resolutions offered by the Committee on Education . ,- - ivere also adapted; th'e aub stanoo of them wasas follows; _ - The recent eleotion of the Bey. Dr. Collins to , the Presidency .dtoickinson College, was nEuded to, and the Conference congratulatel upon till choice. The general prosperity of the Institution was referred to, and the bish op was urged to re appoint the Rey. J. C. Thomas, Agent of the College. The 3.1 reso lution recommends to the Board of Trustees . of the College, the extension of the time for the sale of Scholarships, under the proposed plan, for another year. A resolution was a dopted requiring that the usual collection for Educational purposes be made during the coining year, and pledging the members of the Conference to make the collection a liberal v . - one. Invitations were received from the citizens of Reading, Pa., and from the citizens of Wil mington, Delaware, 'arging•ihe Conference to hold its next annual session at those cities.— Afterfa warm struggle between the advocates of the twrcities, a vote was taken, which re sulted as follows—ln 'favor of Reading, 70; for Wilmington, 92 After some unimportant business, the Bishop read the appointment.--; The Conference was then declared adjoureed until March 22, 1854. THE UNITED STATES MINT.---By the state ment, b'r the Mint, furnished the Philadelphia papers by tho treasurer, Mr. E. C. Dalo„..wo learn that the deposits of California gold for March reached the very enormous sum of $7,440,000, and froM nil sources $7,510,000. The amount of silver bulliondeposited for the month Is $22,000. The amount of gold.coined is $5,603,808, all of which, except some $7117.,000 is in double eagles. No silver was a fined, in anticipation of action under the f;pw coin bill. By the middle of the present month the new halves, quarters, and other fractions of the dollar, it is expected, will be ready for delivery. The coinage of three. , cent pieces reached the immense - number of 5.160,000. Under the new coinage bill the value of this little coin will be raised to the same standard value of the other fractions of the dollar. CALIFORNIA- —Addces from California have been received by the' steamer Georgia, which arrived nt New York on Monday evening. The intelligence is two weeks later than previous accounts. The chief point of interest in the golden State was ,the extensive robberies that were committed in the interior, by an organ ized band under th g e Mexican Joaquin. Great efforts have been made to capture the daring bandits bitt hitherto without success. COMPENSATION OF POSTMASTERS. The kite Congress passed an amendment to the Post Route bill, allowing Postiiiiistcr3 whose corn'. pens:Mon does not exceed $509 a quarter, one cent for every ••free" letter delirered from their respective offices, and two mills - for delivering to subscriber:, each newspaper not chargeable with •jiiistage. These hmounts are not to he collec ted front the public, but arc to be allowed by the Government to Ine Postmasters in the set. Bement of their accounts. Between subscribers and Postmasters the law remains as before. It is only between the Postmasters and the Gov ernment; that a °bongo has beon made. A SraAttar: CASE.-A yoing girl, a recent convert from Cwholicism, has been doing pert once for pine days and nights, residing in the woods near Cincinnati, before joining the Protestant church. The tedium of her pen ance was removed by the pieseeme of several. thouenn t persons who visited her, attracted to the spot by her insane conduct. llortnximc StnclDE.Tho Germantown Tele graph says, that on Friday last tIM Coroner or Philadelphia county held an inquest on the body of one of the inmates of the Insane Asylum near Firkford, who committed sui cide on ThursdSy by tin utiting I is head into a hot oven and holding it there until ho had roasted hit - itself, to denth„. SALARIES or U. S. Attrisvens.—Tho gener al impression appears to be that of the late session of Congress, the salaries of the U. S.. 'Ministers to many of the Courts of Europe, were increased to $20,000. This; however, is erroneous, the proposition faded through e disagreement of the two houses. A 31oncme licacta.r.s.—Tlic Bernick Citi zen tells the story of a man fifty-six years old, -residing in Nescopeck, who has fifilr.sir chil dren! This is almost equal to the story of Hercule; and the Amazons, • cair-The Buffalo Commercial lins ascertain ed that ilio whole number of api fictitious 'for the twelve Government offices in that city is our hundred 64 fifty eight ! Xle'The. disgraceful practice of- chicken fighting prevails in York. The papers very justly colulimu it as dutrortliy the age in which we live. xrarThe stenmerNiagars arrived on Thura -day, with Liverpool dated to the Wilt of March. - There Was n slight improvement in Cotton and Breadstuffs. There is very little else of interest. Ala' A. resolution has passed dar Logielaturo inviting the Governor,. Heads of Departments, and Legislature of the State of Maryland, to visit Harrisburg, during_ the session, as the guest of the State. ,A similes 'invitation has been extended to the Mayor and City Councils of Baltimore. 41onniti - ts NEW Yonx.—A Frenchman by the name of Mulveen, called on one DeCon, nnother Frenchman, in Greenwich street, New Fork, with a bill, when DeCoa drew a pitiful end shot him,dend on the spot. DeCon escaped. - iterThe U. S. Senate is Mill in session, noting upon the nominations of-the President. 41 number of the Senators have gone home, amongst whom we notice the name of Mr. Cooper. IVe - preaume.the session will-termi nate very shortly, . _ QBinck snow is reported to have fallen at Walpole, N. on the 30th ult,-A letter written with .it had the appearance of having been-vrittenE!'ith•pale-black-ink: A traveller In one of the western etcaniboats recently, was landed near his home, and as the boat was about to leave, he bawled out—. Cgptaiu, there's something missing bare.' ' - ~ • : What Is It If inked the ceptain. .-!lung merit I can recollect now,' said the traveller ; let me see, hore's all ley Intake, boxes, two . .dogs, and—oh, thunder! it's my . wife end little gal, that are asleep h the cab -I.lualow that It**, no.iiittWeg 401 / - 'sotun tinb Countq Blatiefe. Destructive Fires. lo We regret to learn that the wayelicius'o be longing to Mr. Benjamin Ebersole, in Mechan icsburg, together with n tiny press and sous ral tons of hay was destroyed by fire in few, days since: The fire was caused by n spark from a loComotive..We have not learned abetber 31r. E:wria'secured, by itisurnoce.- 7 Dem. - - '• • " ' - On Thursday night lngt, we lesit'n't , hat a Grist M a ill and FUlling Mill, about holt mile from Newcille, the propetty of the Messrs. ,McPArtr.A.NE,.were entirely consumed by fire. The.grist mill contained n large quaintity of grain on storage, all of which seas lost. We hare not learned how the fire originated. There was an insurance of about -84000 on hoth .r. properties, in bickingon Mutual Insurance 'Company.- Dickinson College The Rec. C. Collins, President of Dickinson College, mnde a report of die condition of that institntinn to the Methodist Episcopal Confer ence, An session at Harrisburg last week.— From it we learn that the, whole number Af impils,in :he College during the year ending July, 2,1852, was 156. The expenses for the same period , were, .$9,135 65i 7,504 571 Income, This deficit Las been provided for by tern pornry loans. Of ibis sum $l,OOO was paid voluntarily by Mr. Fry, it citizen of,Baltimore. Death of Mr. M. P. Ege Mr. NiICIIAEL P. FGE, late chief clerk in the office of the Surveyor of the Port of Philadel phia, died in that city on Tuesday morning the 29th ult. Mi.. Ege was a native and long resident of Cumberland county, where he was warmly and universally esteemed for his many 'sterling 'polities. His loss is not only a sad bereavement to his family, but is deeply felt by a large circle of acquaintances. his re mains were brought to his native county on Wednesday, and interred in the graveyard of the Brick Church nt Newville. We leant from the Philadelphia papers that on. Tuesdaya meeting of the officers of the Customs was hell, when W3l. B. Nortuts was called to the Chair, and C. 111. PREVOST, Dep. my Collector, appointed Secretary. The fol. lowing preamble and resolutions were submit ted by P. C..Ellmaker, and finattitnouslyndop ted:— WitEnsAs e ffe have been informed of the decense, at his lodgings in this city, this morning, of Michael P. Ege, late Chief elm It in the S .eveyor's Department of this Dis trict ; and whereas, we consider an expression of opinion on the part of those who- were closely connected with him for nearly four years last past, as eminently proper: There fore, Resolved, That in the death of Michnel P. Ege, the government has lost the services of an effilient, Intelligent, null faithful officer : his-friends and associates the companiondiip of one whose gentle, manly soil affable de portment was evid‘meed in his daily walk and -convene dion ; and Ids - family tiche'ad, who mks' 'Crer mindful of his duties as husband and' father. Ilescdred, Thnt, although aware that no net of ours can assuage the grief of his widow end children, we - cannot withhold from them our sincere sympathy ; that in condoling with them upon the occasion of their sudden Mid sad bereavement, we rejoice in being able to hear testimony to the amiable and virtuous character of the deceased, and to know that his death was as serene and tranquil as his life had been gentle and calm'. Resolved, That these proceedings be pub lished, and that a committee, consisting of Charles M. Prevost, Dr. J. G. Murphy, and J. C. McCoy, be appointed to transmit a copy to the family of our deceased friend. 13=! ),The assertions of store keepers, law yers, (.ad even editors ire sometimes anchar itablv included in the same category!) it is said - tire always lobe taken with some grains of allowance,'? especially when they speak of things in which they are deeply interested.— Bat the deelitration in Mr. Woon's advertise • meet of his splendid stcck of new Spring Goods, that all who visit that cstablishmeat are free to nekno %fledge that he is selling For eign and Domestic Dry Goods, &e. at aston ishingly low prices," is a fact not to be hastily disputed, for every one can readily test its truth by examining his stock and prices for themselves. Like honest politicians when their reputati ie assailed, sn with respect to his stock_we presume be boldly " courts in vestigation," Erit-is said "there is nothing new under the sun," but every individual who visi:s •• 0G11.817 . 8 EMPORIUM" on Est Main street, will find such tall pile-) of ntto things in the shape of new Spring,Goods, of new and fash ionable styles, displayed in such enticing - nud brilliant variety, that ho will be constrained to acknowledge that if every day does not bring something new, Ogilby has at least the tact of finding a host of splentli I new Dry Gooda every spring to excite the admiration of his fair customers. Long experience enables Ogilby to knew. exactly bow to cater success fully to the varied tastes of, the throng that may be generally,found at his-counter. Itta..The opening of a new Rrz_ Goods Store seldom _ fails to make n sensation. The ladies particularly hear such an annouucetnent with delight and enthusiasm. Their fades are wreathed in smiles as they glance along the -elielves-lined - xtitlrfreslrtfew — g - oT - ols, just rom the manufacturer's hands, and certain to be of the very latest styles and prevailing fash ion. ..11ow beatiti'ul I" they exclaim, as piece after piece is pulled down and the excited new merchant successively unrolls time siktractims of his new stock. Ouryouog friends. Messrs. Wise S: CA3IPBELL, who have just opened n large and entire , ,y new stock of Spring Goods may look out for a rush of the fair portion of creation, and must expect to hove their ra tieuce severely exercised, though the trial we hope will not he without liberal pecuniary consolations to them. ...... • "New Goods '.", " New Spring.Gooids !" is the burden of our advertising columns this week,:and among the rich and rare nssort ments n-sue present a morn truly attnictive stock'than our miller frmnds, the •Alemrs. Bstaz, on South Hanover street. These gen tlemen never allow themselves to fall behind in business, and the public mny•therefore al ways rely on finding at their extensive estab lishment a complete nssortment of every de scription of Spring Goods. 11* -- There is •in the library belonging to the academy at Germantown, Pa., the identical tel escope used by General Washingtoo at the bat tle of Germantown, Geuther 5, 1777. It Is a cumbrous Instrument, and must 'hare *reckred considerable muscular power for its INC. There is, in the same,Jibrary, a Copy of the Bible.— Geneva edition, 1610. -• . Locomotive Engine Factory, on the joint stock principle, is to be. established at Lancas!cr, if the requisite capital can" he raised. A similar' prejed i 3 in progress . at Pittsburg with a capital of 13150,0C10, in shores of e5OOO each. Prrtsaunc, April 4.—Another accident oc curred on the Pennsylvania-railroad -to-day at GreensbOrg. A Air. Rodebaugh was standing on the road when the locomotive came up,strik big him and throwing him eix feet Mr the road. nil back - was broken and he was instant! killed. • • " • ItZeit is reported that President Pierce hal requested HAM Elisha Whittlesej to withdraw his resignation, and, remain as Comptroller. alt is said that lion. John P. Flak interdo to go into the practice of inw in New York apairlAlrs. Foriost IA , perforndok at , Now sPRIBru imp. MURDERER. • --- The application by his counsel, .Mr. Doran, Air - a now trial for Arthur Spring, on tho wound that Charles McQuillan, one-of the ju rors who tried him, was - nOidrawn as a juror, but 'represented, as a substitute, Bernard C.-rr.oitho Was driller', was fully 'argued on Tuesday Week. On Saturday,' in the Court o f Oyer and Terminer, Judge .oswald truunced the decision of the Court granting tt new trial to Spring, on account of-31eQuillan sorting on the juryjnetend of Corr: The new, IruirOommeneed on Monday, , „ • McQuillan and -Corr admitted the deception that' bad been practised but said it was done ignorantly. McQuillan was very properly nen trnced -to sixty days imps lsonment and Corr tined $BO for`non-attendanee as a juror. fifikr - Arelthishoit Hughes, it is said, will Soon leave for Rome, there to receive the cardinal's Let. The Rt. Rev. Bishop of Philndelphia are to officiate in. his stead during his absence, which maybe prolonged to a twelvemonth. wire. Markets. BALTIIIiORE ➢IARKIDT. MONDAY, AP RIL 5. FLOUR and MEAL.—Tha inclement wea ther to-day operated ngninst out-door busi ness. Flour in dull. Sale of some 400 bbls. Howard street brands at $4 75 'l3 bbl. - No thing done in City Mills. Rye Four $l, and Corn Meal $3 12i ` , lll Uhl. GRAIN.—The supply is light. Smell sales of red Wheat at $1 03(3,51 -00 ; white Wheat $1 08 e$1 12, and very 'choice do, at $1 18 3 bushel: Rye 75Q80c tit bushel. White Corn 51053 c. and yellow do sGes7c 11 bush el. Oats 341137 e. CLOVERSEED $8 00Cit$8 25 TI bushel. WIIISKEY.—We quote in I.lols. at 23 cents, and in bbls, at 24 cents -- xvicArcium. • In York,. on Sunday evening last, f at the residence of Rev. Michael P. Martin, Zffr• CONRAD C. LEIREN to Miss SARAH, eldest daughter of A. Dohuff, Esq., all of York. On the 23d alt , by the Rev. J. N. Roffman, Mr. JONATHAN LANE to Mrs. SOPHIA SNIDER, both of this place. On Monday last, by the same, Mr. IlExtrr WEBral to Mies BARBARA SPANGiNIIERO, both of this borough. On the 24th ult., bye the Roy. A,. n. Kremer, Mr JEREMIAH DLINELEREROER, SARAII BEAR, both of Perry Co. ' On the 81 inst., by the some,,Mr. WILLIAM NARDIIOFF, of 1111,44110 Fe, to Miss MARY KIX,- MAN, of Connote. • On Thursday last, by the Rev. Dr, WidICS, lIYER, Esq., To Miss EvELiso TODD, both of Carlisle. On the 10th ult., by tho Rev. I. F. Mesick, Rev. JOSEPH S Loose, or Mechnnicsburg, to Miss :2.t.nAu Grtosm, of llnrrisbutg. DIMD At her residence, he Carlisle, on Wednesdny the 23d ult., Mrs. MAnuAnur JAcrcsosi; aged 76 years .d,, The deceased was probably one of the iew iemaining ref the early settlers of Car lisle. She was the'doughter of James Ram ' icy, a soldier of the Revolution, nod of Mrs. Ramsey ♦'hose name and history is connected with the first settlement of our town, nod who gained n high reputation by her unflinching courage nod conduct in those times that tried men'♦ souls. Mrs. Jnekson ended her long mid eventeunife in theltlessed - hope of ever lasting hnppiness beyond the grave. On the 23d inst., Mrs MARY GILDER; wife of John Gilbert, end daughter of Capt. James Racket, of this borough, raged about 20 years. ctu" 2auttrtio,:ificats $2OOO WANIXED, WANTED to borrow for ono yenr or more, $lOOO or VOW, to be Formed by judg ment and mortgage on valuable Real Esta:e. Apply to THE' EDITOR. slooo—Wanted to borrow on the Lost rent agate security the above sum for One year or more. Enquire at the Herald Office. Carlisle, Mafeh 30, 1853' tn Carlisle Female Seminary, mitssEs PkTNE will commence the SI‘MM ER SEStiION of their Sr on the second Monday in April, n commodious school room, next door t • Leonard's, No•th Hanover street. lastru,tion in the languages and drawing, no extra charge. .4 MUSIC'. I ight by an experienced teach(' at an extra charge. (sept3tl) VALUABLE TRACT OF 'LAND di T' . .IP UftlL I C S.IL E. THE subs4riber, Assignee of John Plank, will offer ni public sale, on Alonday tie 19 , 11 clay of April, 1853. nt the Colirt*Muse in Carlisle, ilia following properly, viz : 'hat .valuabie TRACT OF LAND sitllnte in South Middleton tWp,'adtoMing lands of Mary Greeson and others. containing 59 acres of first rate limestone land, nil cleared and in a good state of cultivation, having thelinon a Dwelling House. Well of water, &c. Poses, Edon given immediately if desired by the pin chit er, and a considerable portion of the per ch e money will not be required for fOlllO tint ... Sale to continence at i o'cluelk, P. M. , i ‘ whet terms will he made known by ap ti JACOB ARRIMS, Assignee. Estate of Dr. S. H. Long. clee'd. ETTERS of Adininistration on the estate 1_,4 of Dr. Samuel 11. Long. late of the bor ough of Mechanicsburg, deceased, I issued to the subseriben, residing inAnia ough. All persot.s indeMed to said'estair ' make immediate payment, and those has , claims against it will present them for set , ment to the subscriber, in whose hands • _Hooks_of-the—fi rm-of—ll s. have been placed for settlement. EPHRAIM ZUP,Achn't. RE'VZOITAL. THE Store of the subscriber. etuhritci4 TEAS, GROCERIES, Queensware, sod all the V arielies . usr y by him, is removed in hie ew .• & 3, MARION lIALL L West Main St , Carlisle. ' March 30, 18C d. ILIRDIFVIRZ. • .. A LARGE SPRING ARRIVAL! surpasses in quantity quality and VI , prices any that has ever yet been operied in Carlisle, consisting or do greatest variety ui all•kinus of Ilardwiiro, such no, Shoe Vircr dings, Saddlery. Cotwir 'Trimmings, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass. °Nails, Piles, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Springs, Axels, Bows, FeHoes, Voseers, Cedorware, Farming Utensils, Bar and Rolled Iron, Steel, &c., with a thousand .more articles unmentionable. Having purche.sed lowly of Heavy Goode previous to the evance in prices, I not enabled to sell goods at old prices. Persona in want of Hardware aro invited to cull and evntnine toy goods slid hear my prices, and you will be sat isfied where the Cheap Hardware is to bo lied. 1:0•My stock of WALL PAPER it, !nap., Von, lied by any in the Borough. Thankful for the former liberal patElge, a continuance of the same is solicited JOHN P...LYNE. West Side o.Nprth j-lanovor.Stre . at.. ' FARMERS ! •FARMERS .! • ANOTHER lot of the celebrated YORK PLOUGHS, just received at manufactu• core prides, horn $5 37 to $6. Also, on hand Craighead's and Plank's Ploughs at 'their nri. cert. HENRY SAXTON. March 36, IW. A Word to the 'HunirP!! 111 fiCEIVED this day, direct fiOnt Cincin• I,Vnati, 100 plain and Ancy S”Rar Cured Horne, 50 pieces Sugar Cur, d Beet, in store ai — siehrehonrim — ritslnTril ;m1 v gro• eery- 4 JOHN p. -WILMA NIS. • March 30 185 a, Oath Halbert's). , • ; BACON' RAMS. '- \:) ) HiLD & CO -‘A • cote ratoil'-':Sugne Cured Hams tor' cite' hv •. ' . WOOVIVAR ' ,& ,SMITIf.• • '2OO bble,ll . n Whole and flail barrels, now • recoil/mg and for sale by • wp,,op,w ARD .wsierri7 1., W. EI3Y