Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 06, 1853, Image 1

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I. C. zoorixas,
15/11..L perform all
upon tne
Tooth that are requi
red for t heir prosorvation, such as Scaling, Filing:
Plugging . , &c., or will resturo the loss of them,
by insaritug Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth
to a full sett. tc,“olfice on Pitt street, a few
oors south of the Railroad Hotta. Dr. L. is al ,
ant , tho last' ten days of cooly month.
Dr. tall D11.*33 Z. 21.11rrZ,
,-- WILL perforni al
•• vAick.i?--) • • '
nporations upon the
- teeth that may be re.
ro wired for their preservation. Artificial teeth
inserted, from n single tooth to onentire set, on
the ITI ist scientific principles. Diseases of the
M 3 .1 th ut.l irregaittrlties carefully treated. Of.
fi.lo at tho residonho . of his brother, on North,-
Pitt - Street', Carlisle
F)dl. u. IL MEXI62-MR.I
: 4 - A k Ft LCIP: in 'North Hanover et - root adjoining
Wqll.e.plore. Office hours, inorcVar
,l :•llarly fro'ni 7 to 9 o'clock, A. M., niia tram
io 7 o'clock. I'. M. ritinclB'si
q l ,.‘,r [NG ai:iociated thetnii,civca togetlicrio
the practice of Medicine and its collateral their professional 'scr i victis to
,the tittiOoll3 of Uee'lanicoloitig and adjacent,
Lout v I i2ti to
Dr..,732 - EILT.S.:2IIIOEGE,
OFFERS Ilia s ioual servic s to the
people of Dickinson 'thwnbliitt, and vicinity.—
Residence—on the- Walnut - Bottom Road, one
mile east of Centreville. feb2l
amom.a-33 EGZ,
FICE at his residence,wornei of Main SlrCci
and the Pantie :i g nore, opposite Burkholder
Hotel. In addition to the ditties nt eof
the Peaee, will attend 'Ewalt kinds of writing,
Bach as deeds, bands, mortgages, indentures,
articles of agreement; notes, &e.
Carlisle, an 8'49.
Carlisle Female Seminary
comins.need its Fall 'Fens
ut t It Ist Sopicaitier, care of
Nliss Pn cue PAIN 1, assisted tiy i•ompetenl
...._ _ _
_. .. _ ... .
[lvry:floe iii the fanguages and drawing, no
extra charge.
M. fife t I I.4'tt he an experienced feaeher,nt
n oxfrachar:lo.(sent:lff)
Fresh. Drugs, liledicines, &e
I . have . just received from l'ilthaltd •
plea and New York very
'fr.z.,„ additions to ray ureter stock, multra •
as mug nearly every , srtiele.of Medicine
It Ay m 030, to t ze .ler WIIII
Tarpontien, Perfumery, Soaps,
Stationery, Free Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,—
Bruhos of. almost every description, IN lilt an
endelss variety of other articles, 'which I ate de
tormined to sell at the Vuir Low FST prices.
All Phyiciatis, Coutnry Merchants, Pt dlars
end (Idlers, aredmspectfttlly requested 1101 to pass
the Ohl) STAND, as they may rest assured
that every article will lie sold 'of a good quality,
end upon reasonable terms.
streo. Carlisle
1V1LL1A.:1.25 & .IAII.0 7
.0.1.22. M.,
N PAV V 11. L E .. PA.
gA 4 F..1.1:E.11-3 IN lIAP,DWA RE in nll its
bt v trhoty for and ornatwent. Also, Shoe
M_frocee, OikiPanos,
R. , ,k and Rifle Powder, &e.. Cedar Were,
Rip es, Brushes, Trunks, Baskets and Conch
&c. They have on hand or will
furnish - evcrytht ni; in the BOOK and STA -
Th'ry have an lixtensivc
ua••t:'ry of TIN WARE for wholesale
tt retail. House and Barn. Spouting well and
optly done. They have Si) extensive
S PO VI.: Warehols , , where may be found the
12,,tt a fproved if.oterns of Pador. Coal and
Gosh haves, The public attention is directed
particßlarly to the Lancaster Keystone Cook
Stove, Tor sale evoluaively by them; the heav
iest an l'obeapest stove in the market.' It will
he borno\in mind that their Conk Sieves arc
the cfarlapOt offered for sale. All other • cods
so d as chosp for cash, as the cheap , cheap er
c heapest • , [ Newvilla,sepP24
a , . N. rtOSENSTEEL,
5 - 11 - OUSE, Sign. Pansy rind tdrontnental
- I Painter, (lorrnerly Harper's) ROW,
naxt dom. to Trout's Hat Store. Ile will at.
tend promptly to all the descriptions of
valor! - t tenslit t‘de prices. Tho various
kin or : uniting. nuclide.' to, suel, ris mahog,
any, odlt, maln tt , &e., in the improved styles
Carlisle, July 11, 1552-Iy.
S T /LIVE S4l Vir
2 1 11e. 1 1.4 S' 0R" ti' T Teal
'r LIE tinclersigudd'ore now prepared to freight
pain and
r t ±2. dared rate with reg , alarity
.1 deePatelt.
llitzby & Co., 315 Mnrket Street, phila
Georn Small, "Small's Depot,'' 72 Not
street, Baltimore.
AN S olt T T 3:V
• Tap, eadorsigned are cow prepared to freight
c1,V 7 1-1 • 41,trof-' 931thilatielplea and
tg., 1 1, TV Baltimore, at re•
duced rates, with regularity and deiputch.
Freed,-Ward-Bt. Freed, 315 Market Street,
Philadelphia --
A. H. Barnitz ' 75 North Street, Baltimore.
Michael Kerr, North Street, Baltimore.
eep226m J. & 1) RHOADS.
THE subscriber has just returned from
"Philadelphia With a %cry choice selection of
Pearl Dial), Brown and Marbled Cloth for
0 VER COATS. • Besides a splendid lot of
ha ,will make up into elate, pants and' vests of
tho latest styles. Ito will also, keep Shirts,
Drawers, Under Shirts, Shirt Collars, ''Cleves,.
Cravats,. nose, indm!tr, overy thing kept in a
Gentleman's Furnishing Store, llnVing en
gaged the cervices' of W. B.• PAIIICINNON,
well known cutler, Ito will be ,able to make
olothos•to order in a superior tnanner. lie is
dotorinined not to , be excelled by any in the
county as to, make, Material. or price. Our
motto is not to be undersold by ' us
at,our store in 'South (Isnot/or street;
directly Lopposito Borate's store, and see.- - to
yourselves. CHARLES ; DARNIVZ.
nova 24,185270,
5. 'L ScAlums.
~ .TIIILSE intender .scaled wore invented by
themes Ellicott about 25 years ego ; they have
boon in constant use. and now. after • various
improvenientsare. °Mired by the stibseribers,
and warranted correct 'and unsurpassed for
Acurney and dulability q after a liar Alai > if
not appr , ate4, they can bu returned."
S'adiss tor Rail Roads, Cando, 'fitty. Cattle.
Cotil, S , ores,.and ter weighing all kinds of
Merchandise, intinufaCttirod ni'the old ostnbii'
fished stand. Math Btreet 'near,Contes • Street,
. I :StiechosOr o to B//iciito„.4
'trtumAii Sr, Snow, 3553 1 ,1 tartlet
FRAryX :iBelllB3llll
. .
Tit o shi ft h a t market liriod 'id CASliici'
for" WIIRAT dolivordd at'the VAitiann'94Vll4
(!O-dpri7 Gdpti rhpo)'in.'Woot L Penneban)
tnlvnb',. , ; ,- .. • ,
1 .... Santillt 3lr:fOritOtt ,- . 7.l3tittitti - -- lit :rity, , prittrr', - _ Ettitiqin#,
- -
t :" Old Winter" is going away, aback!
How icy and cold he's been,'
But a pi•etty young maid he'l! meet in his track,
And she'll curtsy and smiletill be turns his back,
„For she'll frigh 'it him off with a wonderful
knack ;
This maiden will s on be seen.
This prettY.young maid, whose name is Spring,
- Is full of mirth and glee,
She causes'tho birds to stretch the Wing,
AMllbet loaves to put out under which they
And opens the buds the flowers':to bring—
A sweet little maid is she.
"Young Spring is a frolicsome girl, I not,
Too full of her fun for me,"
Said Winter, "she tears the clothes frouviny
And causes the streamlet's prison to crack,
And dries up the path end the slippery track—
So unping,and playful is she.
Young Spring comes on with a beautiful grace,
But not very shy is she ;
For she cracks her,jolces in old Winter's face,
And kisses his cheeks as' Ile flies apace,
While she melts the tears in his sturdy face—
A: pert young lass is she.
She brings the latest fashions along—
A gay little miss is'she ;
She posses amid the admiring throng,
And touches the lovelies notes of song,
But gay as she is, she never thought wrong,
hot• she's clothedrin Nature' array.
This sweet little girl—when she travels forth—
So pretty n maiden is she;
Th folks all leave their winter hearth,
And sally forth with a cheerful laugh,
Fe, she strews pretty flowers along their path--
bcuntifol maiden is she. -
This Spring is a coquetting girl, I fear,
For her lovers are many I see,
She kisses their cheeks and dries up their tears,
And makes an end of their chilling fears,
While they pour her listening oars;
For very bewitching is she.
Young Spring, intends, when old Winters's afar,
Young Summer's n•ife to be ;
Was there ever wedded so pretty a pair?
For he is su rich, and ohe is so fair!
And n joyous wedding they'll prepare, ,
.And On re'6 an invitation Tor me.
The Spanish call proverbs pegurnos cvangelioa
gospels;' Mr. Trench has made
use of some of them as' texts from which to
preach sermons, rather tiresome and uommon
place. But his hook is on the whole, enter
'tining. He has brought together many rare
proverbs, and although he merely skims over
his subjects, his work may serve at least as a
fingLr-post to point out to others a direction
in which they may find amusement and profit
It would, indeed, 'be a curipus subject of re
search to investigate, not the date of proverbs
—for most of them aro antediluvian, and
floated about in the ark in the minds of Noah
and his children—but the time when they
assumed their present dress, Mid then, as
Torriano has done in his Italian collection, to
arrange the'm iu classes according to the key ,
idea of each.
• ' What wondetful monuments of antiquity
arc these'pithy sayings, in which tit!: experi
ence of mankind, of their rellltion to nature,
to each other, and to God, is recorded—these
"winged words," which have flown safely over
the black abyss of time, in which so much
human knowledge has been engulphed—and
are now brisk and Gill of life as ever, hover
ing about the lips of men.
Mr. Trench is much exercised to define a
proverb satisfactorily. An adage is ad agen:,,
duo apta—apt for notion and use. Maxims
are maxima, the best sayings. But a proverb
whatiz it? It is both, and something more
A proverb is the " wisdom of many," ex
pressed so well by the wit of one that the
rest of- mankind seek fur no other mode of
--rendering the thought, Mit use this one pro
eerbo as if it were a word, If it be not in
this every day use, we may have an excellent
adage, aphoism, njaaim , but no proverb.—
There is nnother,dequi'slte which we think ,
Mr. Trench has overlooked. Proverbs should
have no known parents. They are foundlings
of wit. A quotation may be us hackneyed as
" how &ye do," but it remains a quotation
still. Some one has well said that three things
go to' the making 'up of a proverb : shortness,
souse and salt. If rhyme and nl,lite•ation do
not come utider.the head of "salt," they may
certainly bo added as a great assistance. The
ear likes to be pleased as" well as the mind.
How the jingle completes some of-our compact
and salted English Proverbs, and fixes them
in the memory ; such as, " Harm watch, harm
catch ;" "No pains, no gains ;" or its' proth
er, "No sweat, no sweet ; " Haste makes
waste ;" "Wits gees a borrowing, goes a sor
rowing," and this .one, known to writing mas
ters "Little strokes fell great oaks." " Out of
debt, out of danger ;" "East' west, home hi
best ; " Forewarned, forearmed."
proverbs ore found in many languages, "Qui
}wend, cc ? end " is-a gtiod rhyme and a short
-saying; but the German -tt Volt, WV' is
shorter—in fiict the shortest known proverb.
It illustrates the connection between, fullnalis
and folly, great prosperity and insane pride.'
The Italians -say 44 Tradudlori, traditori"—
translators ate traitors. On this theme, St.
Jeroine made a holy, pun. He complained
that the Latin versions .of the Cirek Testa
ment,.eurrentin the church in his (lu, were
too many of- them not versions but evereioties:
The medieval Latin furnishes ashortrhyming
proverb, " Qualms vita, finis i(a.'t Even in
Greek, limy said ,, "rathemala
Idalhcmaia "
Sufferings are•teachers.
If Mr. Trench has preached fogyish homi
lies from proverbial trxts, it ie the' fault of
Mr. Trench and not thelittle gospels.' Many
of them Sidemen himself might .have noted
down with satisfaction, 8 . 0 full are they of,
truth and souni teaching. pore is a lesson
to' e expectant: "Ile , for dead
men7s - shoes may gci barefoot."' Thiothineee
proverb ; tO be written in letters of gOldl. , One
hoe'never so much need of one's wit as Alton
one, has too,do with a fool.!' And no might
well be this one from' BPain ." By 90.,streot
of 'bye aiid bye' ono the oh pi
%Mr" Apd this one, which pboy-Rioltard
111 o f bri of `-lAiikTbom
emitted in his almanao: " The groat is ill
saved which ehames its master." The Ger
mans tell us " One foe is too many, a hundred
friends are too few." The Persians say grace
fully, " Speech is Biliwn, silence is golden."
But. the blunt Italian proverb, Silence was
never written down," is more effective 'than
tile oriental poetry. Not more effective, how.
ever, 'than' this other of the some people,
which is highly imaginative " Time is an
inaliennble file ",--ne unpleasant ns
Here is a wise saying of the Persians: " Of
four things every man hoe more than he
knows—of sin, of debts, of years, and of
foes." A warning from the Turkish : "Curses
like chickens, always come home to roost."
One still more solemn from the Greek: " The
mill of God grtrids,late, but grinds to powder."
Another Greek' selmon, in On Same vein, is
quoted by Emmerson "The dice of God are
always leaded." "When the Devil cannot
come he 'will send," the 'Germans say with
truth, and the Italians. with equal truth and
more humor: " lie bath need of a long spoon
that eats with the Devil." "There is no worse'
robber than' bad book." This is Italian too,
and may serve, if they like it, as a motto for
the getteraup of cheap publications.
St. Bernnrd made a curious use of a prov,
orb qn the angels; wishing to show a priori
the extreme probability of their eltive .minis
try in the service of men, lie quotes the Latin
proverb, Qui me amen% amat et canton meum,
and argues thus "We are the dogs under
Christ's table ; the angels love him, therefore
they love us."
Lord Bacon has written, as eierybedy knows,
that the geninS, wit, and spirit of a nation nro
discovered in its proverbs. Following the
hint, Mr. Trench devotes a chapter to this ,
aspect of proverbs— but, as in the rest of his
book, be only gives us a glimpse of the sub-
ject, sufficient to show what a field of interest
ing criticism was before him. In the_genuine
Roman proverbs, which .are few in number,
he perceives a practical Inisiness-like sense.
They bear Witness to the interests in agricul
ture which distinguished the old Italians. For
instance, we have from Cato: What is not
needed is dear at a ffirtbing," n proverb after
Poor Richard's own heart. And this - acute
proverb has a
of the farm, '• men cut
broad thongs another man's leather."
The Spaniards have nn enormous stock of
proverbs, as every reader of the picaresque
noels has noticed. Juan Triarte, fbeir great
collector, brought together about. thirty thou
- sand. Mr. Trench remarks in them "keen
good sense, stately humor, and 'a chivalrous
' spirit," and p ives us. a specimen: "When
thou scoot thy house in fltmesoi pproach and
- warm thyself by it." The English - Would
havti said, " approach and put it out." How
well they sneer at their own weakness, iwtheir
famous saying, Cosas de Espana, for ; any ab
surd piece of carelessness or neglect; ns for
instance, when Charles the Third's army
marched against Portugal,' and reached the
frontier before it was discovered that they had
brought no powder. " TheTtalian proverbs,"
says Mr. d'israeli, " have taken a tinge from
their deep and politic genius, and their wisdom
seems wholly concentrated in their personal
interests. I think every tenth - N.o%mb in an
Italian collection, is some cynical or selfish
maxim—a t book of the world for' worlfilings."
Oar readers will remember Dr. • Ilic'eabocea
and his fund of Machiavellian proverbs in
Dulwer's last novel. There is no denying the
the truth of these sometimes sly and some
times bitter maxims. They are eorrect views
of one side of human nature, and they show'
on which side of human nature they haws
looked. " The river past, the saint mocked,"
a' foreign relation of our " When the devil was
sick, &c." "When rogues go into procession,
the devil holds the cross." "If thou suffer a
calf to be laid cn thee, within a little they will.
clap on the cow." "Who paints me before
blackens me behind." " Every man draws the
water to his own miil." Hero is a, really
vicious one which the old German divine might
have included Wilds' wen lc, Ungodly Proverbs
and their Refutation. " A sin concealed is
- half forgiven." "If the monkey reigns,
dance before him," is the tone
- of the East and
of Egypt, when the ono man-poiver is Abso
lute. "Rica the hand which thou mast not
bite,." shows even more clearly its origin in
the land of servility, and selfishness, and re
venge. Do no good and thou shalt
evil," is of Asiatic descent, but it sounds not
unlike M. de Fontenelle.
Other Proverbs show 'their nationality by
some local coloring or turn of phrase, as the
Turkish, "Death is a black camel which kneels
at every man's gate," and the English, "A
fair wife and - a frontier castle breed quarrels,"
evidently is older than the union of - the two
crowns. •
Many proverbs nro found in every language
in different dreek 'hut identical in meaning.—
" Coals to Newcastle," is a).remarkable in
stance. The Greas said : " Owle to Athens."
The Rabbis: "Enchantments to Egypt"—
The Persians: "Pepper to Ilindostan," and
the Medisevals: " Indulgence to Rome." Our
old, friend.--" Ono must not look a gift-horse
n 'the mouth," is used by Jerome, a father Of
the fourth century, who replied tartly to a
criticism on writings of his, that they were a
voluntary offering on .his port, and quoted the
provetb. Ne nlso end it in the rhymed latin
proverb of the .middle ages. "Si :quit' dat.
munos. ne qua^re in dintibus annoy.,'? "Liars
should have good memories," is also cited_ as
an Old proverb by Jerome.
Since proverbs are the expression of every
general experience of- humanity, they are of
all kinds—Many es bluntly coarse ne others ,
are Imaginative. ,SOlllO flatly contradict each'
other: "Common fame is Seldom to blame".
is negatived bylThey_say is half liar," and
the democratic .orez yopuq vox Pd," come. .
thyme is rendered by the English, "Jho.voice
of the ninny is the voice of a zany." Tho
English s!' Lies have no legs," is manifestly
untrue ; lies have no many legs tfs a centipede,
and as' ntnnyliies as a cat. Lies;
.too,, Wive
i : ings to fly 'l4wither they cannot enter]. Let
tt,tielopco get its growth, is, almost
possible to cripple it so that it cannot mime.'
Another dam of Tiniverbe aro satirical upon
oltaiesqer. and professions., .roolicoriulin..for
the iargeoialuiro.of armoring proverbs;: 'Wools
grow. with out wetering,"..Tho ppapieh',ittesoOd,,;:\;
A foo),:inlonir Liki . tVie tibia
pieto fool" _
Tho lawyers always meet wit " flings."
" Les , Bla ne quista,!! is untransla'eable. .Pby
siolans aro seldom spared. A riediteval 'Pro
verb says of them, " (Ai trey ,medici dud
,othei." • The Germans have, "Vat so bold as
a miller's neoltcloth„which takea a knavat by
the 'throat every morning 2" 'The Italians
have many proverbs of contempt for the vi/-
lane, or peasant. In German collections
ny of like character will be foiMd upon the
Bauer. -There are plenty, too,yn mediaeval
L'atin, among others, this triploillyme, "Rue
, tica oats en optima, fleet, et peractita
If we; compare the modern Meaning of the
words villain, knave, and others e ;of that kind,
With their etymology acid,anciont signification,
we can form, perhaps, a pretty lorreet idea of
the character of the class of Men who were
called by them, or,nt least of tke •estimation
in which they were held by their betters.
The monks were not left unscathed by these
Pellets of Wit. "If you have 'offended a
clerk, kill him, or else you will never have
peace with him," and •" Take heed of nn ox
before* a horse behind, of a'Menk on all_
sides." t 1
Among uneducated people, thought end
speech are glairto avail themselves of these
muscular little sayings. To the 'ignorant,
proverbs ore indeed lessons-n lex non acripta
for every-day life. And; as in the case of the
common law, very often sad misrepresentations
of n rule occur. How many selfish people
have fortified their unwillingness to do fOr
others, by that excellent 'proverb, "Charity
begins at homer Men of education seldom
express themselves in proverbs. It is not
considered well-bred . to do so, 'Proverbs aro
of the same kindred as slang; and although
the relationship is distant, a kind of family
likeness is often perceptible. .Neiertheless,
an occasional proverb, well -applied, is never
out of place. And often: in a moment of un
certainty as to what course of conduct we
shall pursue, some " little gospel" flashes a
cross the mind, and instantly' decides the
George Herbert, under the title of l'Jacqur
Prudentuni," made a collection of about 100
proverbs.' Herbert died in 1632. It is 'sing
ular that in a collection cd — tho seventeenth
century, among hundreds in present use su h
pruverbS as, "Where there's a will there's
a way ;" " A piece for everything, and every
thing in its place;" "Needs m'ast go when
the devil drives," and Tell the truth_ end
shame the devil,' should not be found. Quite
a number of poor Eicher:Ps pf2verbs occur
there-; for . instance, Silks and iiitins put out
the kitchen fire."
Some of Herbert's are worth minting: "lie
begins to die, that quits his 'deSii•es." "Ito
pulls with a long rope that waits for another's
death." " A lion's skin is Inter elleap."—
•',He that comes of a hen must serape." "I
wept when I was. born, and every day shown
why." "A woman and a glass lire ever in
danger." "A married man turns his staff
into a stoke." "A fool knows * more in his
house, than a wise man ip another's".
ng worthy of all commendation " God comes
o see without a ,bell." This reminds us of
the Latin, ^ The feet of the avenging deities
are shod with wool." And there is one which'
requires to be taken ivith many grains of ex
planation " Ito wrongs not an old man that
steals his supper from him." About this loot
there can be no doubt, in your own place
and no ono can mako you rise."—Evening
A correspondent of the Chicago Daily Tunes
gives tho following description of some things
lia"Saw nt Illeraphis:
"I landed at this place on Christmas morn
ing. The first thing that met my eye, stand
ing on a high bank facing the river, was the
following inscription in largo letters, upon a
fine building, with piazza and pillars in front:
Bolton, Dickens, & Co., Slave Dealers." In
addition to this, I soon found two others_ ea
one of the principal streets in the city, situa
ted nearly opri'osito to each other. Tho sign
Of One 'read thus Byrd.llill, Slave Market ;'
the oilier, Ben Little, Slave Market and Liv
ery Stable.' I visited limn, and was invited
to 'walk in and look at the stock.' Oh, how
my whOle being recoiled at the thought.—
There were mon and women, girls and:boys, of
almost every shade of complexion, ranging in
ago from ten to thirty or forty; all well , dresse",
as you see nol , 'cither slaves, excepVnbmo-fa
cored body servants. Some. oriligt - Caf look
ing young women were attired in beautiful
de lain, made in the faslidom too. 'When a
stranger goes it!, - they are quickly arranged
upon seats on either side of the room, and
they watch with interest a ay ono they suppose ,
intends to buy. Of court to you can examine
teeth, limbs, &a, .and on 31 for any exercises
from them yen may cheat to. They tire taken
out every day, and walked; around in a large
circle—the mon and boys under one lender
and the females under another. I was not
permitted to look into t ;heir, place of confine
ment for the night, but.' only saw the grated
window. Near by ni aa horses and mules for'
sale, and they aro fat ' and sleek, because 'in
tho market. For the same reason were these
men and women well dressed."
Rears.—Grano freourrood, writing from
Rome, givoo graphic. doeeriptione of. ivhat oho
sew and hoard in th ,at ratiowned city, ; . Among
other items of whj 'di we' halm azt.nezoimt in
hor lest letter, she. says : . •.'
" lYe found our wolves standing before What,
wo woro told were: the miraculously proservod•
remnants of the 13rxdlo in which Mary concei t
rooked the Infcr it Christ. In ,an immense
oases itscrit,of ca:Oret of, gold and glaSs, , are
kept- thrnio woniterful relies—two or three
pieces of old wood, worta-eaten, , and partly
Thorn' is tiothiugl in their ?Min to,
indient,e that thedr *wore ever pa'rte of anything
like a cradle,' and so altogether rough and
cluint':7 are th.,y, that I, feund more natural
than' irroveVen4 : the ' , remerir.. of A lOOOSe
010 mien,. ;who, stood - : near . Well; all I
have to•etty.'is,:'Elt. Joseph teems to have -boon
bit t a bad oarponter:''' r •
Yet I saw vorn.. 6 l4l l iBP , I , ! ich - hki !/.dt.lorAng
Iv irst into t:iituro, 0i 11403ight,of thetio'formlosq
pietas of woad, and biatal rldierel4ll(iiithelt:
roses, litii: their''.ll4iiii 'tains ''softlinedk , cwlt4
something' . li„ko 'te'yo . i4noo `Via - cloiottiiii, : ind
smith Moir s.tupyl eyoa gllatoning witl/7.k ift,i'
or somethin g Inset 4 . 0u1.! , , .
41 •
Agritilliurt s Ditqilrs nit etnetul
". 1853:-
This is the promise of the advertisement of
the now route from Philadelphia to Pittsberg,
and I believe it is fulfilled every dny. What
that journey has been, I have some opportuni
ty of knowing from a manuscript journal in
my, possession, kept by Matthew Clarkson,
Esq., in the year 1766. Mr. Clarkson was a
merchant of Philadelphia—foi several years
Mayor of that city—and appears to have gone
westward on behalf of some company with
,whichlre was connected, whose obpct was to
carry on trade between Philadelphia and the
Mississippi. He set out on horseback, with a
servant, August 6, 1766. Oaths first day he
met wagons loaded with skins coming from
the West, and overtook others "loaded with
pork going for the King's - rige to Fort Pitt"--
the name of the
-settlement Which the English
gave it in theplace of,Du 6esne,and,,which
wits afterwards changed to Pittsburg lie
lodged at "The Ship," thirty-five miles from
The next day (Aug. 7) ho dined at " The
Duke of Cumberland," and reached Lancaster
evening. On the Bth crossed- the Sus=
. quell:won at Wiight's Ferry, and reached
York. On the 9th- crossed ConeWaga creek,
and arrived at Carlisle, where he rested till
the 12th, when he resumed his journey with a
stronger horse, dined at Shippensburg, and
lodged seven miles further on. On the 13th,
at the ''Burnt Cabins," he overtook thirty-two
horse - loads of flour on the way to Fort Pitt,
and mentions cattle going the same direction,
and 3 "3kins" coming eastward. "This day's
journey [thirty-four miles] her been extreme
ly tedious and fatiguing; the road, except the
first ten miles, was nothing hut rills, moun
tains and stones, until you pass the Burnt
Cabins, when it is tolerable, but hilly."
August 14th —From Littleton took break
fast at the foot of Sideling hill ;. dined at the
crossings of- the Juniata; lOdged at Bedford.
Here he i stunned for a day, and purchased an
interest fin the tracts, of land in Cumberland
valley, Danning's creek and Woodcock valley,
mostly in the vicinity of Bedford, containing
in all eighteen hundred acres, for one-half of
which he paid £OO, ($440.)
August 16th.— , -At the foot of the Alleghen
ies, he found an encampment of Indians, un
der the command of Capt. Green, who were
engaged in gathering whortleberries. Lodged
at Stony creek. Next day dined'at Ligonier,
and lodged at the twelve-mile run.
18th.—To Brushy run, Turtle creek, and
re lobed Port Pitt just after dark..
Thus he got "through in ten days," without
counting stoppages, happily without being'
tantalized, as ho jogged along under a hot
sun, with n fore-knowledge that his grand
children would make the same journey "Hire'
in 10 hours." His journal Mentions, indeed,
a "conductor of the trail," but it was cf Con
estoga wagons, not of cars and crates.
When ho reached the embryo 'city of - Smoke,
he found no sumptuous hotels inviting him to
repose. Upon his arrival, he says: ",1 was
stored away in a small crib, in blankets, - in
company with flees and bugs." He took a
walk to "the ship yard ; found four boats fin-: .
billed and in the water, and four more on the
stocks; business goirg on briskly." Palmy
days, those, in Pittsburg; said boats being
probably bateenux, not much greater than sue!
as aro now slung at the stern of the steam
iiiidistars that lie or ply by hundreds in ha
-fl say
The fort was under the command of Major
Murray, who gave Mr. Clarkson his lodging
in the barracks; but on account of the mis
erable condition of accommodations for board
ing, he usually made his meals on 'bread and
milk at the store." The officers of the gar
rison were Capt. Belnenvis. Lieutenants Mc-
Coy, Mclntish, C. and C. Crnnt, and Hall.—
Dr. Murdock and Rev. Mr. McCleggan, chap
lains, who preach alternately in Erse (Scotch)
and English.
In en afternoon's ride from Fort Pitt he
found an Indian settlement of Mingoes. He
mentions the arrival of a Seneca chief, who
had been to the Illinois, and brouglit from
that barbarous region, over his own post track,
a pacifet of letters to. the civilized cast, from
the commander at Fort Chartres, near thq
present St. Louis. The was June
'21. , The news of the day was that provision
was scarce and dear. Indian flour being at 6
shillings per hundred; ordinary buffalo meat
at 4 shillings .per pound. "The French on
opposite side of the river in plenty." The
mail from Fort Pitt was sent monthly by
sokliers to Shippensburg, which MB the near-'
est pcist office. Mr. C; mentions the breaking
of his thermometer us an irreparable loss.—
In these days it'ivould probably be accounted
too small an article for the great blasts of
the glass furnaces to condescend to make.—
" No ropes for painters here ;. and no pros
pect of being able to supply this defect.'
• Mr. Clarkson was engaged in loading boats
'at Fort Pitt to transport merchandise down
the Ohio to Fort Chartres, on the Mississippi.
He engaged a Seneca chief to accompany him;
probably as a guide, interpreter, and protec
tor through the tribes along the river,.some
of whom were not in a friendly state. •Bofore
oontienting to • Kaytishuta said "he'muit
go • and see' his famili , at the White' Mingo
town and the warriors of all parts of Ma na
tion, and know holythings stood there. Nor
this purpose he wanted a couple of bottles of
rum:" This article was not so easily obtained
'in Pittsburg as it is now.. +' Sixteen kegs 'of
spirits arrived on pack horses."' On the 8d of
Eloptember the wagons arrived , from the ()apt
ISith the . mercheediso for the loading of the
'tiottts. The Indianand;aeompanion were to
. 6vo• .loitibuolie'for their sondem besides
an interproter`tOwelyedollarti - kinonth. At
'this point"the' cooper's ehOP Was'lMrnt,,and
the traders'litidito' Other', way Of . prlooMing
()milk to pack,the'flotir
,About, tlus r time
the ReY. MtiirS;Datfiad and ,l;lostky . iirriYad
‘ 0 4 .11, nrslatie,uteeng, the the
10th t3'elitember,tltehoat : left
roit *itt,,ana oq i5ll O . :nth
ofiiiSiee; tiede of
hoot? seems to,hafq.been Obleilti!ith, the In 4
"(Anne fer paltry: ;They, hought - .henvoi, wile;;
ottot., bear deer,muskrat, wolf, Ratko!, p2n-:
tin, raccoon; fox; and wild oat.
A, momoi•apliun male at Fort Chartres says,
"the boat; from Ntiw''Orleane of the largest
size carry abont'po hogsheads of claret; 22
to 24 men, who Italie about 900 livree each.
Three months are" accounted a good passage.
A hogshead of claret on freight pays 800 li
area." This mention' of claret is explained
by romembering -that the
that date a French river, as to its settlement.
Trout fishing is at the best while the lilac
is in flower, and after the'oldcr has come into
flower it begins to decline ; ,this holds good in
all latitudes where the Trout is to be found,
and where the lilac and elder bloom. During
the month of April, trout may be angled - to
nt all times of the day, from sunrise to sunset,
with nearly the same chances of success; but,
as the season, advances, and the heat 'and
brightness of the sun's rays become more in
tense, while the water gradually .becomes
smaller , tied clearer, the best time is from
dawn till about nine in the morning, and from
four in the afternoon till sunset.
,By far the
most pleasant mods of angling for trout is
with the-67 - and we may here observe that
ths fly which will, tempt trout to.rise in-April,-
loses none of its seductive properties as the
season advances. It is - generally observed
that trout do not take the fly freely either in
gloomy weather, or when the sun shines
bright. April weather—an alternation of sun
shine and cloud, with a moderate southwest
breeze gently rippling the surface of the '
stream—is the most favorable for the fly fisher
all seasons of the year." In April; and
in early spring generally, trout are more die
•pcsed to rise at the fly about midday, than
when the season more advanced. At the
latter period, they are more inclined to take
the worm about Mid-day, more especially in
streamy places, just 'above the liead of a pool,
'when the water is clearing after a fall of rain.
This fish has ever been the object of the an
glees art.. In the very name of trout angling
there is magic; and the practised angler en
joys no sport with so keen a relish, as trailing
for these beautiful fisli in clear and limpid
It was night ; nowhere, and nowhere was as
dark as a bottle of'ink in tho bottom of a
well, and upon a rugged throne of petrified
turtle soup stood the mighty A. Jacks, eating
a slice of buttered beeswax, occasionally wet
ting his parched lips by drinking fluidical flap
jacks turned over.
Around him stood his courtiers I
' , Bring forth the whangdoodle, and place it
on the bewgeg!" he exolamed with a terrific
"voice, at the come time cutting - off a courtier's
head with the sharp edge of an illuminated
cotton bale.
The whangdoodle was placed upon the hew
gag, and A. Jacks descended from his throne,
twisted a double-headed fish-worm into a cork
screw, drew a cork from a spectral phial, and—
Too horrible to relate!!! !I
OA of liis courtiers, named Fuzxyrinktum,
bccanid incensed, transformed himself into an
imaginary rhinoccrous, swore eternal revenge,
created a rebellion with remorseless end san
guinary fury, end assassinated the grandfath
er of rioboara,grandmother, by compelling
him to swallow tt' few,frionseed candle-boxes,
4. Jacks buried his grandfather, then buried
,himself in a pot of porter—heels up.
A. Jacks became lonely, and, - in order to
amuse himself, sold out his interest in a vast
estate which ho didn't own, and resolved to
travel for the benefit of his illness.
He travelled t I 1
— He first journeyed to Oliferu, near Egypt,
on the ice, bound by thO eoast of Brazil with
in a miles of Oregon. nil then found his
long- ost sister, who had married the remnant
of an Egyptian mummy, in good preservation.
She gave 'the weary A. Jacks a grand feast,
conflating of 'stewed lard and fried shoe-pegs.
The collation being indigestible, the heroic
A. Jacks. and•all present, -were bilged to die
The Christian Watchman ielates the follow
ing striking anecdote of Washington, in illus
tration of the practical good sense which ho
manifested in everything. The incident speaks
volumes upon tho character of the Father of
of his Country:. "his personal friend, Gov
ernor Morris, was, about going to Europe, anti
Washington, slum with heveral letters of in
troduction, gave • hips this `charge,''To buy
him, at Paris, a flatgold watch ; not the watch
of a fool, or of a man who 'desires to make a
show, but of which thiinterior construellon'shall
be extremely well eared for, and Ms exterior air,
very simple.' What amine of wisdcnn do these
words suggest about men, as well as watches,
. .
thointerior well oared for, and the exterior ,
air very piratdol'. Bpyp.apq,girle, remember
"Wathington'a , Watch, and be, Just .lilcolt7
names wero: unlinorrn 'among,
the • As late,'l Gaye the
Boston Trinnitipt, "no the )77 fon.
I menO IMA middle One, But, slime that pe
ried;:ohildron hiip:been 'christened Nvflh from
two to four.‘gtvoir names.; No haie 'examined
the list of names of the children in some of
our publio solicols. -- The result of the.
that 'of ,tho 'Anicriesti , children 'eighty -'t,
iiiiedpq,,o,3/Y bad , thor 3 9.f 6.4134111
name. Only sOreuleen_ children in aT.infrodi ,
.bad d single hence. Twenty nue per lient: - 4ri..
thOseltinths' ihreeknimorft'gliWeitrigits:v:
The Irish populationloinain oonti! .t with but, V
OLUME Llll. No 34":
I never could see the reason vvh.
housekeepers millet, of 'necessity, ("entippes.
f once had the misfortune to be domeeliciited
during Ihe mummer months with 'one of 'thie
. ,
I shotild like to have seen the adventurous
spider that would have dared' to ply his cunning
trade in Mrs. Carriot's pietnises I Nobody was
allowed to sleep a ivink.after daylight beneath
her roof. Even her old rooster crowed one
hour earlier than any of: themeighbors.:'
ahead" was written on every britamstiek is . the
She gave her husband his breakfast, buttoned
him_up_in his overcoat, and put him out thofront
door, with his face in the'direction of the4tore,
in less time than I have taken to tell it. Then
she snatched up the Mix little Carriots ;• scrubbed
their faces, up and down, without regard to feel
ings or pug noses, till they shone like a row of
milk pans. • •
" Clear the track" was her motto,, washing
and ironing days. Sho.nevor drew a long breith
till the washtubs wore turned bottom upwards.
again, and every - article of wearing 'ap‘parol
sprinkledifoldedi-ironek and4eplaced bh tka
backs of their respective owners. It gave me
a stitch in the side to look at her l
- -
"As to her "cleaning days," I never had the
courage to witness one. I used to lie under an
apple tree in the orchard, till she was through.
A whole phitoon of soldiers wouldn't have frigh
tened me so much as that virago and her mop.
You should have seen her in her glory,. on
" baking days," her sleeves railed up tolier
arm-pits, and a long check apron, swathed round
her bolster-like figure ; the great oven gli:Wv .
blazing and sparkling in a manner very sugges
tive to a 'lazy sinner like -mpself. The inter
minable rows of greased pie-plates; the pail of -
rough kind ready and ready gingerbread, the pots
of pork and beans, in an edifying state of pro
gression and the immense embryo loaves of
brown and wheaten bread. To my innocent
inquiry, Whether she though thelatter would.
"rise," she set her skinny arms - akimbo,marelnt
up within kissing distance of my face, cooked'
her one sae, and asked, " if I thought the kok
ed liki3 a woman to be trifled with hitt loaf of
bread I" The way I settled down into ray slip
per's, without a' reply, probably convinced her
that I was no longer skeptieaeon thntrpoint.
Saturday evening she 'employed in winding
up everything that was t nwound in the houses—,
theold entry clock included„ , , From tbat time
till Monday morning she devoted to boot:11165 - dd
and Sabbatical exercises. All I have to say is,
it is to be hoped she carried some ofcthe fervor
of her secular employments'into those' halcyon
hours.—Fanny Fern.
An account was given a short, time ago,_ of
.we men and a boy having been buried six
days and six nights in a marl pit at Beretta
ville, in the department of the Seine Inferi
eure, and then rescued. A narration of the
affair, derived'from the sufferers, is now given
in a Rouen paper. During the whole of that
time they were without food, without water,
Without light,-and almost without clothes ; and ,
they wore in such a confined place; that, with
the exception of the boy; they could not stand
upright. Boltard, the eldest man, declares •
that during the whole time he did not sleep
mire than two hours ; but his two oompan- r ,
ions, and especially the younger, slept more.
They slept b'ack to book. They felt no huti
ger, and Boitard says that even if they hod
provisions they would not have touched them;
'but they experienced great, thirst.
On the fourth day they found a little water
thick with 'marl, by digging into .the bottom -
of the pit. It was this water probably which
preserved, their strength. At first they.heard
tie noise of the pickaxes and °spades above
nein ; but during the last ,three..idays their.
breathing was so loud, as to prevent it' from
retching them, and this circumstance natural
ly increased their agony of mind ; they also
feared the miners were digging in a wrongdi;
rection. Ono of thSefl MAL fifty' chemiCal
matches and a small piece ' . .of candle ; but,
want of air, cause the.candle to birtr.
During the latter part of the time, they be
came so exhausted as to , be uneomMioneef
their, position ; but they remember' that the
boy once, Cried, as if inn dream, "There
the rope, Ballard ! lot nd.ascend 1" Only one
of them, liottarOWas able to shed tears and
when to did so, the boy consoled him by MIL
log him that they weresure to be, reseued,—.
The moment a breath of air reached them,
they fainted, but after a while recovered.—
The first thing Boltard said, on being remed,
was, " Clive me a pinch of snuff!!! and he took
it with intense• delight.:-L•GatignanCe loun
ger. • •
wriw HOPE
It stole on its pinions of snow to thet halfof disease ; .and
the sufferer's . frown became'
a smile—the emblem, of pones and endurance.
It wont to tho•house otmourningotnthfrom
die Ups of sorrow there cams sweet (11(1 sheer
ful,senge. , ,
It laid its howl upori the arm.of•tlie poor
man, whit*, was • otrotolied
..fortli.;ith. the coin- .
.msrid of,unholy impulses , -hint front t.?
•dlegraoo and ruiii.l • , ••• ••,. • ; ••,
.It dwelt like a • litring.thirigin, thiSimeentirif
the mother, whose son tarrigdi long ;fillet. the ..
promised time• or his- aiming r•rind: it saved
her from .dOsolation,. aptl they'" earn thatkil•-••
_lt_bovered about tlte_liead-of-the-youth Who.
had become , tba. Isbnidell of society r . anA ledl
bini onward'to',works which oven hid enemies,
It snatched a taidettfteni the jairii of 'del l *.
and rent with nn bld Man tO'Ffeaven.
h epe in good'takatiipi; 'novo' it--
Becixon it on it:that
it may depart not. It Will - repay'younitalieS.
Life is bard'enough'at - best4.!but hopo obeli'
lead thee over: its yioncitairii. and siietitu thee.
SiV442urti434'inktei, ,o /P. . 04'44
priid'uned)hy heitionthietnent.t.kodriionnd °
4ntlee; When yon setotn 1
, 4 VhnlAkindePtiow
:these lo matters oonla love ireubled you
so opoh.
our j_3nan