Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 30, 1853, Image 4

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The Thriftless Fanner. ...
• .
• • .We copy the following from the Fort
Wayne Times, and regard it as one of
the best portraits ore "thriftless farmer,"
we have every•lteen • ..:
' .•The'thriftleSS firme'r, then, provides no
shelter for his cattle, during the- inclem
ency of.winter.; but permits them to
Stand, shive.ring.hy the sitlesof a fence, or
to.lie :in the snow, as best suits them.
,He throws their fodder on the ground,
or in the mild and-ncit unfrequen-113i in
'the highway ; by-which 'a
large portion
of it, and all the manure, are wasted.
He grazes his meadows in the fall and
spring, by which they are gradually ex
hausted,and finally ruined.
" His fences are old and poor—just
sttch,,as to let his'neighbors' cattle break ;
into his fields," and tench his own to be
--He neglects to-keep the. manure from
around, the sills of his barn—if he has
one—by which they are prematurely rot
ted, and his barn-destroyed.
He tills, or skims over the surface of
land,'until it is exhausted.; but never
-thinks ,it worth whtle,to manure-or clo•
yet it. 'For the first, he has no time
and for the last, he " is not able."
• He has more stock than he has the
means to keep well:
He has a place for nothing, and noth
ing in. its place. He, consequently, wants
a hoe or a rake, a hammer or an auger,
but knows not where to find it. He and
his whole household are in search of it,
and much time is lost.
He loiters away stormy dnys and even.-
ings, when.he should be repairing,hts u
tensills,nr improving his mincr by reading
the newspapers.
e He spends much time . in town, at the
corners of the street, or in the snake
holes,' complaining of . " hard times,"
and goes home in the evening " pretty
well tore."
He plants a few fruit-trees, and his
cattle forthwith destroy them. He "has
ne luck in raising fruit."
One half of the little he raises, is des
troyed by his own, or his neighborP cat
,He has no shed for bis fire-wood—
consiluently his wife is out of humor ,
and . fus meals out of season.
His plow. drag, and other implements,
lie all winter in the field where last used;
and, just as he is o;etting in a hurry, the
next season, his plow breaks, because it
was not housed, end properly cared for.
Somebody!s hogs break in, and des
troy his garden, because he hod not stop•
ped a - hole in - the - fence. - that ho - had been
intending to stop, fur a week.
He is often in a great hurry, but will
stop and talk uslong as he can find a:ly
one, to tall. with.
He has, of course, little money ; and
when he must raise some„ to pay his
taxes, &c., he raises it at a great sacri•
lice, 'in some way or other ; either by
paying an enormous shave, or by selling
his scanty crop when prices are low.
He is a year behind,, instead of being
a year ahead of -his business al
ways will be.
Wheri he pays a debt, it is at the end
of an execution, conseipently, his ded
it is at a low ebb.
He buys entirelken credit, and mei ,
chants, and all others with whom he
deals, charge
.him twice or thrice the
profit they charge prompt payniasters,
and are unwilling to 3 elliiirn_gooqs yt
that. He has to beg and promise, and
promise and begr-to get them on any
terms. The merchants dread to see his
wile come into their store, and the poor
woman feels depressed and degraded.
The...smoke begins to come out of his
chimney laite of a lvtnter's morning, while
his cattle are suffering, for their morn
ing's feed.
Manure lies in heaps in his stable, his
horses are rough and uncurried, and his
harness trod under their feet.
His ban's' and gates •are broken, his
building unpainted, and the boa ds and
shingles falling off—he has no time to
replace them—the glass is out of the
windows, and, the hole stopped with rags
and old hats.
He is a great borrower of his thrifty
neighbors' implements, but never returns
the borrowed article '; and, when it is
sent for, it can't be found.
His - children - nre late at school -that
if they go to school—their clothes rag
ged, their faces unwashed, their heads
uncombed and their books torn and dir
He. is, in person, a great sloven, and
never attends public worship—or. if he
does,oecasionally, do so, he comes sneak
ing in when the service is half out.
polishing Plow's.
" There is hardly a farmer •to bo found,
who has : not at some time had his pa.
tienco tried, with having to stop." every
feW rods, i back his -team, and scrape off
the .dirt - from the mould-board of his new
:plow ;' and this for two or three days up
--on a stretch,' efore the coating of sand
'and iron had been worn through, and the
l iippo, iron mold-board Made' its ap•
pearancg, semoo h and bright, ready for
use and wear.
Now, those who 'are expecting
to go through with the old operation of
polishing.a•new plow, by scraping it the
coming spring, I would propose the (al
:lowing cheap and effectual remedy:
Go' to any drUggist shop-and procure
4 oz. of sulphuric acid, or oil of vitriol;
-Which wifl.cost from five to. ten cents,
according to the conscience of the drug
gist. Take a stick and wind upon the
end a•wooleti rag, and do it on..with a
course inning twine. making a swab;—
,set your plow where it will be exposed
to the sun'iilf convenient ; then pour.the
sulphurioacid into an earthen bowl, and
dilute it,With' an equal quantity of rain or
river waier...rTalte the swab and thot4
.oughly moisten-Arory part, of the plow
'that requires .polishing; work fast, lest,
the •acid eat up your. swab before you
hriVe,gone.plier the stlrfrice,cand be care 4,
ul not to ;,any . nn your clothes or skin,
for it is yinyiv:orrosi , •o. Let ihe ,plow
stand aboilt 24:hourc,•
scales haVe arisen all over the
Surface wetWnli,the acid; hitch on your
leemAnd go - ahead; and - in from fifteen
nArmies to : ono, Pour, :tho will 'he
par Moth •
".- A laol / 4 1 4 1 t 1 / 8 : , : .to 1611 F.Illter08th.
I have Inireliaaid.'a larite•sroolc of Iron rind
hefore,the. advance:in priced which Ifni
latt3ly lakon la ;he ,oitlea 'F will
'Ptieel4l 0 not bar wit lrLa• r4e.atiabiq
menro f rinViln;braim'enb -, inald —, lnak - in coa ;
and ragpa,fatprinea,thativill'aatelrilshtyou:--,
oat 20J, ' = JJOIIN:PhIfYNE:''4;
•:-: •-••• •'• ' , 6 un.1E).4 0 9 0 ; . . • •
Flo on WirP . o
GUM strozaiTllE:epbeaii• .for ,, taitt wry
shpqp,litinpk ia 'r., AL .G 40.. ':l%/,',rtiEß;.
Pak;sEitv6Yourt . TEmpti BY USING
Zormans.Z3lefir4t,od: Ttioth .W.4st)
THIS valuable preparationhas long been used
in Neiv..l 4 ork and hi Imlelp!tlit, where it hati
attainaan immense popularity,. fur elehnsing,
preserving and. benutilyint, the teeth. It is an
excellent remedy for sore.soft or bleeding gime.
: It also- imparts iv delightful-freshness to the mouth
and agreeable odor to the breath.
If . ead th, bliowin g r." .Miqray,
I can, with' •the utmost confidence ' .recom ,
mencL to the public, Zerimin's - Anti-SCorbutte. best in use. In my .prnctice
t a Demtist; I hartisetlMMireconiinuntled it for
111 C last five years, nod have hound it to give sat
faction in every instance, asilie Wash does-not
acid, britnything injurious to the teeth tn.
.gunts; hut, ou the contrary, is best antiseptic
m the prnetietqahtl.tlitirefore,voild reCommencl
lieMse or it, ant only 'to those whO WISIt to' pre
serve their teeth and gums,anul havalt wholesome
ibrehtlii but :alto to those who have diseased gums
for teeth. The use,ot the' \Vasil, fora short time,
will insure n return to !heir healthy slate.
GEORGE E Ult RAY, Dentist,
No- lit, S. Eleventh st., below Chestnut Nara.
- Hendel, of says;" Mr. Zbr-
Man, I am well pleased with your Tooth Wash :
it hot only cleanses and whitens the teeth without
mincing thetrOutt it cures sore or bleeding gums.
I cheerfully recommend it to the professien and
public, its ilia very hest preparation thht can be.
lor cleansing .and preset•ring !the teeth,
healing the.gum,s, and giving sweetness to the
liN \V. HIENI)EL, Surgeon Dent Mt.
`4„ .. .)e •23 cents per bottle. Prepared only
1 , 1,1.165 Z.n . 111:111, Drug and Chemist, collier
of Ninth and Catharine streets, l'ltiltulelphin.
Poe sale by SA \LW-IL ELL,torr, Cat lisle,
Pa. octl3 Iv) •
High Street, two doors East of the Market House,
, N1:11'.. undersigned begs leave to inform the
citicona Or Carlisle and the public gene•
rally, that he has opaned it new FAMILY
GROCERY 8 PORN. on Cast lligh Street,
and hopes by etriet attention in business ; and a
desire to.aecommoditte and please all. to merit
asq ire of politic patronage. I keep constantly
on ato I an litiolllllent or the best family gra
curios, sushi Sui , aris, Molasses, iSr.c.
L tvartitgx si,terior white Crushed, Lump and
,o lb:O6Z d SlUelrii at the lowest prices, also
Ilia nod:Java Colima of the best - qualitv,
, 2xji.',p,N - -; WA CE—of every description,'
in 1 I 0 , ..! French and English Chinas in setts
or by the piece ; also Granite mid common
av of coot y des,ript ion: also an asrrtment
~f Class Ira t 1 tVillow trui Cedar ware of
ev , rv , leieription. "'
-!3I tek, litmell.artnd Young Ilyson
hes" , q t allay ; SaNiet Spiced _Zeal ,
G't x- alai e, prep trod Cocoa.
-; V ;00' EZ ,\ It ND CO RN—Mainu
katare I on I dolinoil ire,ly- fur food, with
1 , 3'11)00 I >r inakint Custard, Ice Cream,
Inane lian-4.0, Minute and pud
di,-,4, a lot of ileeker's Farina. .
‘ll, 011 1 1 ED fI \ ow very best
109*, .11111 r Wllll Dry B.1(31, f l ' 11114 . 11(1, Fish,
r"o vhes. ithalto I llorriniz, Spice of all
ki 113. 1 ;.",1 tvl 41.1 n and lino table salt.
r t." [ .•!I :14 WOO CA, Lemons, Figs,
Itdeins C:,
=apply of Pine Oil and
ti 11,1, ni ;10 lowo , t priors, (.onstant,y
•. , 1 Inn]. It 1: Ink, a• slipprior nr
,l:' • .4 n,II .1 . 111 . 12 hottlek Porsons
! • c! , 11 - vvtrainin.4 before pm.
• - •V'ln",`, - , Wv rhrilp ensly
is W A c it I) IMERS.
Extensive Furniture Rooms
y %.ItEs It. WE ‘,V ER would respbctitilly
-0 1 call the attention of l lease keepers and the
'pidle to his extensive stock of ELEGANT
I , fI.N Il' l/ 11. E. inelarling, Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and othe Tables, Dressing, and plain
'lttreaus and r lkothm* article in his branch of
`lll4illeS.S. Al dw on hand the largest as
sortment of C in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. . made. at the shortest notice
and a Hearse pravided.l'or funerals. .He"solic.
Its a call at his establishment on Netth .Nnno
vor street,. near Glass's I OTEL. N. IT.—Fur
aile - re hired Out by the month or year] -
Garl'sle, \larch, '2O. 1850.-1 y
N.lfr.e. 'wt.* er-f,
Corner of Hanover and Louthor nts., Carlide
LI - J 1 /1111,,tig“Ori t,na sthy_aya r.t. bond alarge
R. stock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all the
ditrorent styles, Which ho is ja - epared to sell at
the lowest 'trines. lie invites attention made,
ularly to the 4"atont Spring. Bottom Bedstead, n
moat useful, article, whiclf entirely obviates all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They have elven entire f sattsfac•
jinn to an Who have them in use. '
tr - ri;() FI'INS mode to order at Iluvehortest
lan'y. 22, 1851•—Iv.
nip. GIi.E.A.I
.171eiiagerie lillas .6flrrived
AND will be open for Exhibition until after
the llolyrlays at NVORNI LEY'S S TORE, West
Main street, whet., in connection tenth the above
there will also he shown the largest nod inos,,
magnificent stock of TOYS. FANCY GOODS,
Sit.c. ever brought to Carlisle, consisting in part
of Motto Cnps of all patterns, China Vases,
Flower Baskets, Tea Setts, Mugs, Card Baskets;
Alabaster Inks,cle'iiiel Boxes, - China Figures of
all kinds. Motile Beans Rid Dells or all arzes
and prices. Violins, 'Trumpets, Drums, Whips,
Clarionets, ACcordeonsfront 25 cents to g 5,00,
Glass Toys of all kinds, Games, Pistols, Gans,.
India Rubber Doll Beads, Balls, Rattles, i'si.e , be
sides a great Variety of Toys untpeutionable.
Also in connection with the above ' we have, a
..largie,stits of I tANDIPI's of our own manufac
It si
lure, a others which for quality and price
cruniot It beat—consisting of Mint, Lemon,C111)1:1111,11.l
5ae113 , 111%111, ClO vt• nod Birch candies,
Rose and I twist Almonds. Mint Lemon, Choc
olate and Ginn Drops Candy Toys of all Unds.
Fruit and Nuts or all kinds Lemons. Figs and
.Raisins of all prices. D.ites, Prunes, Almonds,
'Filberts, English Walnuts. Cocoa Nuts, Ground
-Nuts, ke• A well selected stook of Perfumery,
such as Cologne, Oils, Estracts, Kr.e. TOBACCO
and SEGAIti of the best quality. Large and
small Plantation, Jacques, El Dorado, La Veil
ka, La Union, Ste. Gomtwin's Yellow Batik, and
Mrs. Miller's Find Cut 'Tobacco.
!laving a well selected 9rd uk of Goods at the
lowest pekes, and it desire to please all, see hope
to merit a contituance of ea: former patronage
so liberally ex , entled to us.
Is,oruniber 10, 1850
TII F.' subscriber loin, opening nnotft r Lot
cing a • full assortment, 10 tollows Fr ch
Ca‘lnneres, B nbazines, Pore n
Coburgs, Mous do airs. Ginghnin
Citintzesand Calicoes. " Als Cloths, Stith
nets, Cassiineres in variety for oys wour,with
a general risJertmont of Fun and Staple
Goods trisult every body in prig anti quality.
Nov opening
. tt full' assortment of handsome
Plaid Ribbons, Bonnet Linings, Bonnet
-Frames narrow bawl RThbons o kinds for ,
,Dress ltiovningo. A gr. at variety M i nd_
same French. Collass,Aatest style, Ca tbru." -
and S mins Flo:alai ogs. Elgings atid-fliscrtings.
A full nis'ortment of Dress Buttons, some
entirely new' styles with al great many other
notionsuot enumerated.
Just received . n further supply of Brochn
Cashmerc, anil Blanket •Shaivle, hod
0141. r -I i. t ire variaus - coore which
will behold at the lowest. prices. . '
t5O piocos narrow Velvet Ribbons, and t
gonoral assortment of Laco Equips, Braids,
'&c for trimming Ladies Dressos.just opened
Pov. 10 G. W. lIITNER.
kovir Fa.shioriable Hat an) Cap Store.
- .;;•••
_ • ,
P FOIE underogned respectfully invite , s tbe at
I tealion of the public to the large, elegno
andfashionable assortment, just opened at their
pew tore on Mai s street, nearly, „.opposite lb.,
Maoion• lifeline Motel, consign!,„M• dr a. large, vs
rioty if 11101A;Slilh/ . .11A . TS,Ontilituturell ', b e
,Oakfortl, Beetie, on& lfori , is k CO., 'of- Plsiln•
dolphin, Avhiull ore of the latest
. style, and. sit to
qualiti: Atvitionstietl, A • fine assortment of
..fdlnels and Prat) , KOSSUTII ' lIA.T.V • highs , and
low 'crown 2 811 of the bent quality and prices to
'lMit.onatpiner.s.. Allscr,'. Wl' no heaver and, Pan '
arcs-llate, , an firtip , ,Te mnelt used ~in the ettitpre'
dities. A kt , goyariety-of aliildrtra Miley ben- ,
- ver and tannish huts. , Boys :blOok and drag.—' ,
..,anltir'gdalUnitrignt tif, C ' 'or; till•!kiri4
tillltlilliaptl,... , .., '," ~. t',..,,,, ~.." , t -
. •Tiiq udders) nail •','-'. d;lnbit AMA
„thetnielvest An btlittnA . .„. ~ ~ ..
te,pleade'gto"elidoy , sg 4 l'inroadt,elrort •',
: n 80; nrid javoo‘. ,', e:•: , ,... , ...
. • -• ; —,- • .......A. •-,':,-..-.•• . • ItE Mk. '• .:
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,t 'itillitki e ii fv., -iitm . -- -- 14 ,
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ZWZ*ANT 17A11.10.E.E.S
The Old Pashioned .Iway Jilik !
piN all tormett (Imes it was suppoaed that a
large quantity of cider could only be made
by using a ponderous machine, tilat• - eleOly
crushed the upplce withunt grinding them fine.
They were then thade into a massive cheese iu
straw, and a most severe and long pressure
was required ill extract a portion of the bidcr.a
considerable quantity being absorbed by the
straw and the lutists 01 pumice, and fly obtain
this unsatisfactory result the farmer' had to, take
all his hands, and 'pet hatps'his six horse team ' ,
and devote a :vltolu day that could have bee
more profitably employed, to nbike Iron] six
twelve barrels tit eider. To obviate the ddb-,
culty the 'armors have heretofore labored under
this machine has 'WWI I 111/01110AL HMI !he state
ment .r a low facts soil! prove that it is not on
by the BEST MACHIN PI of the kind exis•
tence, but that it i- she most pro/Chi,* that n'
man can have on hie farm. The apples me by
this machine grated tip intea fine pulp, so that
it requires but :1 comparatively light pressure,
and that but n minute or two, to extract all the
cider, it benig'ascertained by practical experi
ment that eite./bart/i!more juice ran bo p :mined
than by the old process. besides this it 0113.
requires two lamas to grind up „„a make into
cider a larger quantity of Nudes I han can pos.
silly be made MI the 'old fashioned in:whines.
On this press, owing to the coninactness of the
pomice in the tub, and the_completo nianner in
which it is ground, n pres:mre of front three to
five tons—dart can easily be obtained—will
produce n more lavorable result than one him •
dred,tons .pressure on the ordinary eider press,
even if the apples were grr. ns line ty its en
the improved mill ; and if 1110 apples were
merely crushed as on Ihe nut machine, it would
require a pressure of two hundred tons to pro
duve the restult accomplish,' by this Talent
Mill. The 'allowing may be adduced as the
decided advantages of this mill:
Firsb—lt make mon:eider than nay oth
er mill, with a given quardity of apples in
g'iten time, and with much less Inherent' ex•
pees°. ,
. .
'Second—lt will wake cleaner and soceeter
tidot_than nay
Third--You can make the cider no emt w an t
and whi•u volt %, tluntitities
Iron one"-gallon to f; '24) barrels.
( Fourth— Withit pon can press your currants
cherries, battles, dtcrsc. t. utter, lard and tal
low. •
Filth—With it you can ice ow.. Mirth E.. of
your time lllmaking apple bullet.
Sixth—With Ii you con grind 01 chop your
apples, potatoes. turnips, beets' COltols or
pumpkins, foe your conic.
Seventh—with tilts r,r you eon at all times
Wire FRP.§II- 14:1' CI P EP .
With all the athiantages resulting, from the
possession and use . of such o machine.• at n
price. so !ow that it is within the ronch.of
can it he that any intelligent farmer would ao
without it?
Do you wish to have ilk , your house cider
that is tit all times 'meet and fresh, the only.
time it is really healthy and fit for use—and do
you wish to saves' great portion of the hard
labor attending the making:of apple butter ?
If en, buy this machine and our word for it you
will not be disappointed.
l'lfo price or the Cider Mill and Press is q 35;
and . ofthc Root Cutting Cylinder 5 . 5. ^For
-Machines, or Stole, county or township rights,
address, post paid \V 0 HICKOK,
Harrisburg, Pa.
11.1 - anod Agents wanted.
NOTICE.—Since oh' circulars Were issued
it has been ento•littled to sell at the above price.
wiring the owner the ct.i ire right to. the ma—
rhino anti to use or lend it n= he plrares,
The innehine van he sorn by eallit ^ oil Mr.
Jacol, Fetter, ('r:lrish , . 61,10111 in)
Wi h t e n tt e l t 5 b 0 a f t7 1 1 , 1„.. , !: , p ,, 1. L
I :Linable importance. I take it for groutedthat
every person it ill do all hi their power,to save the
lives of their children., and that every person will
endeavor to promote their own health :WWI sat,
rifices. 1 feel tto he Inv duty to solemnly as
sure you that 'lVoll:ol4.,aticortliog 'tithe opinion
of the most celebt•ated Physicians, are the,pi iota
ry (mum:s an large majority oftliscases to which
the ebilt•ett, and adults are , if you ha .4.-
nu appetite eontinualv chaogealile from ono Lind
of food to another, bad • Breath., Pain In the
Stomnett, Picking lit the No=e, Hardness tutu
Fullness of 'the Belly, Dry Cough. Slaw lever
Pulse remember that till these dcaete
out 91111111,10 once :mph' the rem
edy t 11011ENSAGG'S N'Oltll S Y 111/ I'.
• An artittle founded nn Scientific: P: iociph's,
eompworl e il ullL pnrely. vvg; s,
being perfeetiv safe when hike', awl tan Ite e isrn
lotto niost tender ihratit with deeided beneficial
effects iv . ,Lisfe lloa el 1 nniplainis and 1 1 1:11010a
have m l tcta ii•ealt and debilitatiti ; O r To o i e
p ro p er ti es of n6' Worm SNrup :we such, Ilr.rl it
statak without all equal 11l the ent.dtrgne of met,-
irines,, in giving tone and Streagili to the Slam.
Itch, makes it an iuFJlibin renie•ly
those afflicted with Dyspepsia; the
cores perhirmilil by this r; ytip alter
have 16 the best et itlenee of its stittivier
allieney abet e all others.
This is the most di Motile Worm to destroy
all that infest the himian system, it grows town
almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled nod
rasiened in the Intestines and Stomach 0111,0611 g
The health so sadly 115 to can he St. Valle Ponce,
Fits, 1 , z0., that time afflicted seldom if ever sirs•
pest thnt it is Tape Worm hastening-11mm to an
early,grave. In order to
.sit,i,troy this worm, a
very energetic treatment m hr.-pursued, it
would therefore !ie proper to take 6 to Bier my
Liver Pills so as •o remove ill obstrimtions that
the NVoret Syrup inny,pot direct upon the ‘Vorm,
Iyhich•initst lie takelf ilk doses oh '2 T:iblespoolliek
'three Cmeu si day. These directions followed
have never heewknown to Nil in coring the most
obstinate rase of tic Worm.
,Art of the systeniin mop: I inble In disease
hm tike LI VER, it serving , UR lillever io puriCy
lie blood, or giving Ilse propel' seerviimi to the
Bile ; so That toy wrong action of the Liver of
lects the other of the syslein. and
restilts'varicitsly, in Liver Complaint, Jatunfice,
Dyspepsty, ttch, \VC shotild therefore, watch ev
ery'sytnpunn dint inight indicate a
or the LiVer. 'chose pill!) being _contpotted Of
Roots and Plants furnished by tintnre to heal the
sick: Namely,. Iflt. An 1.1*....,PECT012 INT,
which augments the secretion from. the Ptilmo,
nary muttons membrane, or promotes Ilie,dis
charge ofserreted matter. 2d. An A uno,t.4-
Tivß. which changes\in some ine:iplicattle \and
insensible manlier the \certa,ll morbid ttutioa of
the system, St'. .1 TONIt.., witich give tone and
strength to the nervntiS sl:stemotenewtog health
and vigor to all pulls of tilehotly. 4.111• . 1 1 (M.
THAILTIO, which nets in perfect harmony with
the other ingradients,and.operating on the bow
ies, and expelling the whole Mass of corrupt and
.vittated matter, tool pupil . ' ing\ the Wood, which
destroys disease and restores health.
T0..m..).411L,1:4, ::
.;, , .
yon )viii rind tlies - 6pills lin inva ii:il)l6 Med chin
ill many compluinUtto Which yii . t., it subject , In
oftitrttetions t'eillter fahl or, par lel, they 'tor
been round !tit* no in- "' . ‘ble Ir" 1 ”(i• - --.... J.
their finictional arrant
purifying; on
as to ion to flight all,c(
frOni female Irregultoi
di nness orsigltt, pato
None goottfo!oolesi
nll others being knw; ti
k(ePehr , des!eßata of I)
tlyess"tlie Pisloet.Or;
(11 , 119111 a, Pa.
• sIGENTS rout Cginp
.yoyd,l;istiodu Una \
liVrecfsfyi t cPintiipelil:,. lit
we r ikl a y tcy gall imp, (It
G reie! ), TA 9 l9 l Y r • 1 3
burl*. " ~e
. .
=ours .roa %%tin OE4= pr
'll-113 rmorxm.
• , ,
every: variety, complising 'oho 'of the largest
and .cheapest. SlneXs, can be'had of JOHN,
FA MIURA . , at the ,ivelt•knowneflat, Cap anti'
Puri Warehouse; :No. 284, Illarket • Street, be
tween Eighth and/Nintli, South side, Phila.
- de - Infirm - ' •
The Proprietoi Offers his claims for public
patronag e , bein g a practical workman, and
having had personal experience both - in manu
facturing. and• selling,,liels• satisfied that Ills"
business-facilititis'eannot' be surpassed by any
dealer in the city.
• Ilisstock'of. Gentlemen's I-Lits for the Filly
is very large and of superior quality. Ills as
sortrnent of Children s Hata nralso very large,
varying in price from $1 to 65: He also calls
the atiention of Ladies-to his ' fine assortment
of FURS, such ni3 Muth, Bees, Tippets, Arm
lets, &q., made up edprceely or the present
season. All the furs are of wn importa
tion, and made by the best w under his
own personal insPection. A le dealers
from the emintry will find it tot 1 ar nifyanut i gh
to call call mid - examine hid Sini It bolero per
chum ngelsewhere. Oct. 27: r-
r AvoiTED sc..NT
nth; acing all the properties contained . the
finest quill pe n, in addition to which,the dura
bility of Metals are coMbined andfully
associated and tkueloped.
THE follow:ng. highly re s pectable testllmo
nials and redommendations aro submitted to
the public : -
fittviad tried 'Adam Wm.tßapp'l/TENT
tindersignerd take groat pleasure in r ec o mm e n d-
Mg it to the publieas the greatest improvement
in metallictpens that bus mat our attention.
His 2 x.ellenetY,i William Bigler, Governor
of the •State Pcntisylvnitia.
His lirxeellelrcy, E. Louis Lowe, Governor
of the State of Maryland . .
Right Reverend Bishop A. Potter, Rev.
Chat les-Wadsworth. Rev John Street, W.
Rawle, Esq., Hon. Joseph R.:•C handler, Chu lc
flare. Esq.; Isaiah Iliteke, Alderman George
W. Ash, Rov. D. W. Bartine, Editors Polito:
hetlater, Prof. I.E. el Gcntrul
High tic h no', Philadelphia.
1 adt.Te Booth, llte•hard Vans, Esq., William
Goe'ege W. Wailes:oil. William S. Price,
nrlaware. •
Rev W. 11. Edwards, Duff preen, Esq ,
F. [Toward. M. D.. Rilttrird Smith, Esq., M.
11. Miller„Lliadelifl, William P.
Elliott. EJi
ory National Intelligeneer, Editotts
ton -Republic, Washinvon City.
Janice M. Cossadv, homus W. Mal •
ford, A. Browning, iv. N Jeffries, Canit/en. -
Rev: Dr. DeWitt, Rev, Charles
.A. Huy,
Rev. G. H. Coit4Lev. J. F. Met•ick, flare's—
, Rev. C. IC. Nelson, Editors Mary land ESintq
Capitol Gazette, AnneNfe,..l/y
To the Public
The subsnriber Layton pint limed ile prop
ertytknon n DS she illugaun miing Banking
flume, StAttli East COMP!' at 11b! sad Chesnnrt
Stree.l.% , , rOr his home busuume Esiablishment,
intends ketipmg n termc and complete assort—
ment ititively tilit tend 'size of
14m.dam ‘V. html,e main tb.kl seientifte
Niche Cold Pens., (;old amid Silver Pencils nod
of.avery.vartety, wholesale 'rind
retail In nddition thereto I hove on hand
ltattp's last edition m,l Scientifie Pentnniiship
and Petuna.lting,iivvarionsltititlioes..
General Sale Agent for- Atlrtn Will. Nap
Patented Seitrailic"Niche Gold Pens, S. 1:.
corner Suernul'nnd Chestnut St - nets, 11 ils. •
MEE undorsigned to pi eparcd to inanufactilre
stc , in engines and hollers, blowing cylin
ders, gearing tor rolirg. grief and saw mills.
„ I ""11 " 1111 sclews, lathes 'and
planes. shafting. hangers"L • C . l , — .7 and prillies,and every earl
or y of NI ACM N EICV and CAST' N (lS.such
us hot lunar pip es grin and water pipes, retorts
11110 lamp posts, car wheels nod axles, fire
plugs and hydrants, cellar vales and water
spoors. wall , o „p e ina, and a very handsome
assortment of new style paten= lorpatent fence
making, poses and gates, east bridling eliderns,
large size, and a number of raw patterns for
catdc, nioe plate nod I.arlt , aloVea.
't'o and threshing Mlichiers of improved plans,
plougb •,sr columns and fronts far
owner; an . 1 mill-wrights are resit, :rm.
y solivited to call and exattlit e my new and
mproved nesorimeot,of mill gearing pneterns.
Patterns and smith;z-i)rlt mode to order and
InneldoCry repaired promptly.
N. 11 - IZnilirud (firs of fill 4411(n-tons
built and repaired.
ITurrfil , ftru, May '26
WZR-LTP.T:TEE. de'. Co.
Vitere,yorslo 11 - 0 11 ,A•ol,•ctiell
l3oak Blnders,Siationors, and Blank
Book Manufacturers
ring H sulitacrib.irs respect inform their
moods that they are now carrying on the
above business nt Cle old stand 'in nterly tre.
dallied - by Hickok & Cantine, and lately by
Hickok & Co. They !latter thelnselves that
by caroled attention to business they will fordii
Ind receive') n tiontlimetive of the inttronagO'so
liberally ,IJoyed !1 , he old firms. Particular
Ilt!Uni1011 Will he liaid to the ratio!• and holding
eil every ilerriplioe LILAhi, BOOKS, or
,dl;ers, Ueraliantai , and Pri..
vale Indrvt.taids, niod every variety of tall and
hail hound They have aliio wade ar
rsiaja news ho supply enmities i,nit the t.ew
and apOravadJit4ineill Headset and Assess.
meat Books. In tiddlitoniter tun above, they
haver and will at all tones keep, a gel - tend as.
sort vent of SCHOOL and LAV E.
t.r Paper, brui“is, Slater , . Pencils,
Caplls, ... - Ink Stands,
Bra‘vimr,", Carp'rs PencilsLerter Stamps,
~Trander •‘ Lend Pencils, • Motto Wafers,
Copying Waters. _ I .din Rubber,
Blotting Sealing Wax, Blank Cards,
Steel Pens, Cod Tape, Folders, -
Black Ink. Red Ink, Carmine Ink, Blue Ink,
Copying Ink, Arnold's Writing Fluid,
. Bra aers, &e„
Paper Wulndio Pattern. Old Books, Peri.
Ln r Honks, Newspapers, Su',
nowni to any patjern,and in any style required.
A ..teseral .irmertirent of Printing Tnk. All
work .earranted ai,d,ilone - very eh - enpl y. PI naSe
give u 9 n n4ll. F. L. II UTTER & Co.
Ilarriglnirg, April 28,1!152,—tf.
DI A. 3C S
aranitpctured by Me .N'eto Jersey Compauy,
THE Sabscribers are now pre-mred ' to exe•
rate orders to nay' ext,ent lor their beautilu
White add Colorcd Zinc Paints, at the tallow
ing reduced prices, viz : •
No I,.Whito, g'.(l Jti oil, gc per lb., w'td pure.
No 2 do dq • 8 do ' eo
• :A o 3 ~ .do do .7 do do '
BrovAt 4.. 1..! rh do 5,1 •do do
Aloo Irt 'pi red pounds will covet' equally woll
no moll outface as IGO lbs.. or Mum Lead;
they net 25 pot' cent, cheaper to tho consumer.
TIII3 ZINC IV lllTl.? . .rapitlty supereedio . g
White Lead, over which it posses,ies. many ad..
vantages: It is whitor and mom bentilir a l than
the %V lite •Lend•—:•does ndt turn ,yellow, even
when 4x posed to sulphurous vopor—hns, no
ginehl—tig no injurious to health,un is far more
durable. . .
Zinc Brow' . eth.l Blank': Paint. ore bath
.., , . IT - Willie; and Fire Poo(.
. . .. ... ,
'PhO host covering for outside work ever in.
troduted, adapted to building of Wood, Brick
or.StutieL-to tenttc, carriage bodies, bridges
,and nytchinery—lo thi. bulls of vess'els,flesi u i r ,,,
elt tin., and till whet' iron work on board ship
—t.,; , tesin hot erS; smoke stacks, water tanks
--tolron, tin anti other routin., iron shutters.
d00r.4 and rn i I in4s, wire fences, bridges. rig,
Far Iron suonces this paint is especially val.
.vablii, as it forma's galvanic connection, and
4111101 Y Oreventastitt.
• ' cse zine paints baying a pure metallic base '
41 . , aro:WArtanted not to turn yellow, noriskylli, re
:r tain.t heir orleinalltrilliaticy niceb binnr than
lite Lend. or..itity of the earthy pinta
„ not -in-usp'. 'I 'he certificates froth those f who
hate used these paints, arc envious' to satisfy
')..ho•nuldle that they aro invaluable..
• . • .Thetablost• Chemists of France rind*iiit
<inontri , have teltificid to the' slitteriority oh
Zinc:over .iliced•paints;oU Hi..durability. health.]
fuliteria and benuty',' . .'• .. it , , •
Tho attention„aboterders is. icspectfully-r;)•
(pleated by the•cif,i it
tonnny's 'tac's, ,
' fl : -, 1 7 ' ,.r,. VINES; & Co..
'0.1.10t1 i n , L.A ' ., 47', S„:ll7i,i'sroes. , Philart i a;- ,:..
.. ; Jli . :-: )....:':;:t... -,,,:;:...,',:f.1
' .
0 Coatili gild... Cabinet ..111a kayo; ..
, Tll , l;.sti?eciltar„,,io "rtillyr tifc'pare.,d . ta, meet,
~ ,
,T .,_ T , , ,
.. 1,34.14:1ips wicli.amenlargdd wary . bthorilwal..a.
111 their line, ratbraciag itial. caatinda, sp . rings, ,
virmaktzas6zrivrzaaNclunitz. 'nxi• i -'
. ' r . . FOR ': 1. •,., I • PEI,, mails, patent !ember, lured, cariatn a!pi
• • • ' Oner daily, Ste ? walnai anthenhag.any varndre,
\l.7ll ll ! i d e lt l it il ' i t n iii2F Tl h il ip e .: t %% 7 Ati id ile k p r 'o e n x ted N ' ° lr r o ti m i Ill t i l ' i l f; . gin"
Idaho:zany 'knobs of all einuit and
patiqras;•a loriti adar?ly,,ol..'itarnialtaa; ails,
• 1ill'a::• A•aril, a71.. i -F.l w nq m it . ira ivr a:i..t p a t a ll offi rt e o a s o r f the I . ,i t i u il r y p ii2. l B o, ll l4,7 o , B ;o t i t .s o tt i ch iy 4p 4 rt ru ce; iie t,i p la r t .or , o , r i 6 li ne •
o h . vike?t,
• . oulinpriber in Carlisle. ' . •• -r
. • • • H. SAXTOIV.
, VII 0 LES A LT. & ETA '
Cloak, Time-pieee, , Wateh & nyelty
• _ Establishment.
o. Sired: (be-
lwecn 7th Una 8111,'Silith Side,)
friends, old
. custoniers and public.tho
IV thl-inust now.that- I ant-tht-all—times—pre—
pitied to Illrliifill A'l Lii ES, E W ETA ii's;
PENS of all binds, with Gold nod - Silver Ile!.
dory title ty, sce.,at the very lou'ost Cto
Prices, together with the best supply of s supe-,
rior Clocks aull Tine-pieces, over 01 tit'
,11..'beinkrt practical time•pieee and watch
maker, Withal] Otperience of nearly,miniy
yt,tirs-10 years at his preseialocationll
times prepared to tarnish, by wholesale and
retail, %%armpit d 'littie•keepers" of the, ben
quality,—eorupt 'sing ehild day and thirty hi or
clocks and lime-pieces, (olden, and highly or:
natuentnl design: ,ol all styles, and adapted for
-cottinkg•hetises, nth t. halls, churches, fr.e
toriee,stearb boats, rail enr...&e. Also, alarm
clocks,' a itio.t 'desinal.te article. for '. Sound
Sleepers,' and (or hose hesiness requires
them to he 'up in the morning early.'
.. Clocks, Time-piece,: \Vetches and Jewelky
of every desct intim) repairer inttll great cvro
and wm'rnouril. i)rim t s supplied with cl oc k s
and Hoek trimmings. Ilarnt.ra's motto is .my
mot l'o. `s% e 0114 lo glens e aprl
Cheap Watches and Jeuiel►y.
Wll iiI,ESALF: and It 1.31 AIL
" Philedelphin Welch
t Jewelry Slice," .N unit et
"i j i .90 NorilliSecondiStret t, ounce
AAS . , of Querry, l'idedelphiot
Gold Lever \\ nielfes, lull
jewelled, 18 cern! inter, 0 20 ,00
Silv'rdo d, 019 Gold tr , pticintlr s; K 7 (10
Silver Lc't e jwle. 10 Fiiie Silver do.. I no
do do do 0 Gold Mied, IF, 300
Superior Qourlicrs, 7l,ndiee (''lsl 00
Ito I
. do 5 S'r Ten .eitiF,s I'o
Gold Pens with Pencil end Silve.i Ileldei. 1 00
Gold Voitlier II !Doi; 371 cents Iri 08 ;
Ghtsse,, plum, 121 venis; Petrel, (1-1
'25 ; IhrrArticles in Propoilion. All goods
warranted to litimilint they pie soli for.
FOlllBl5. CCITSOIT to .0 Con d.
(In bend. some Gold end Silver 115(21541nd
T,enjnt• 'ill loncc!bar.lll. st price B.
eme,etteled to he what they at.
'l . llll nude] signuel lespeeLoelly joie:erne the
ilublin :lint nen: lnues the tetuntilunenrc
and erne el.(; A 1,1.0111.W1-3 1::1 , 1X1[2, for the
cure el ('cog es, ei,st:lnpi l'o4!) in
Ihn Nereuss &c. leis need •
urine 10,10,,1111,11 ut 111111) 1011111 Clll'o
01 1111 elisco,ceprislog lien, stverr colds, need"
Its rillczery hne lenvo utteetru rid
liundreds el our (nest :I :1 11 . 11.111 c i 711 1. 111
every test:d en ill. Tierlon relict lire giv
en, Lerrl-r: fullest-leg urtlllirore fierce -0 few eche
puce ire trti•e tt I ru ft- I e;t111 , 0113 ,
:4 11
We, .he undcrsi;turd, do; ['relit) , that we
hnr•e u.r d WWII II
f.111111 , 1j011, COWS, S Of ll.' ICI r,
rind beer expe`lit ni rtl trt•nut dial`(• re
ihersnoin, and Ivould teenttiniehtl it to all
sons oat led in that way. • ,
'I • Iws..IH. Airs. T, . O ri Id
11, 11. \lt•Cny E.
Pyles iklonyer, • . Hackett.
North //atiorr , • &reel. (211,1 'next door to Glass's
:1111i; undersigned otrldireF,p( fitfully inform
the eirizol,, of ( to I h,o' at d
ally. 11,to I i 1.1,1 v hus n U Dni ri n lerge and ele
gant of 1 1 1: I\l'l I hE, cot;; ixiing
in ;•1111 . ( erd at tl
t:t. I I tist fir.. I I: 1r oud fancy
Sen S 6 “nds, &e• of the best
materiel it ad q Ital. y
n eel!, rufl CI I if I lIAIRS"nt
1h o lowest I 11( C. 3. /I iihndS Towle to
ortler,mml repairing pion.inly.ntiemlid to.
il . •rollins 'Made nt the slimiest votive - , and
Infing a ,pl.• idol I t titre 1., still i itt4 ( f
al in 1 4 W. l or r ontorv.
P.,-mototterdoor to II
G o
I.l:ft's Ht r Sill I F. I. Y.
VTA - TILICII makes it the largest,. most corn,
17 plow arid cheapest assortment ever of..
left to the walla.. I now invite all persons
ni wz t of good hardware at ve.ry reduced
prices give we a call as lam auto you can
ire, roorodatoci with hard Ware of every•
det.ertit irtl Hum a needle to an anvil at prices
ihitt %%oil ot it:spotlit with the times and pocket.
lie tii itsinity saveti to two earned, and 1
r a netietc si%pctiec Letter than a slow
_.;ro, table knives and forks assorted; 30
d,,:en In kci Collet y. of very super ,0 1
and its and styles. and a line
rissoi i now , 1 Caroms, :eissers and shunts, and
a great vatie4 ul einiery of all kinds for sale
at I,yiic's Iliad ware E ,, tablibment alai cistern
pumps. ,lood jape, Rosendal cement. and lire
Proof Paint ot various colors at Lyne!s.
260 gialim:i saperimr vamishe,, just received
limn toe belt manilla( tortes in the U. States.
Sly varnishes are used by mos of the princi
pal catonct and couch makers in this and the
adjoining counties, and pronounced by all tar
superior to soy other in the nuirliet. I invite all
who use this artie'e to try Lyne's varnish, and
it will add fifty per cent to the looks of your
cabinet warn and carriages; also a variety of
spi ings, axles, hubs, bows, feloes,, enamel
leather,ourtabt cloth, drat) cloth, laces, fringe,
(tried hair and sofa springs,
iarge . ,t, best, and elicape . st assortment of
'news and French morocco, hniugs, bindings,
French nail patent cult - skins, ever produced in
Carlisle,trigether with a large lot of lasts orate
latest sivle,boot trees, shoe thread, awls, whx,
pegs, and kit of the best manufacture an& latest
(it 1.1, now opening at the cheap hardw arena—
tablithment of John P Lytle.
Coach ;Makers
Will find a superior article of Wood'a patent
boxes for wooden axleS, and splendid, ant.
tile or patent iron axles, and.. 100 pairs 'bright
n and .blacksprhigs.._
PAINTS. ' . ' --,
51 boxes extr , croon, grifer, 50 pputyle supe
nor Frelleh'groon,.lo 6 -----. '',,,illow
iIOAC9 Atinrietta
porn White lend
.123 gal
100 boxes glas7,. assorui
reduced pricey nt.t4o:.H(
Mes to 1118 old Patr,
.-erally ihne 116
141 1.(A7
e!_ one or the', I
• - 1 -- ":.; 0 '!,
•specin I uutenti
He 'lgo also constant]
varied nasortnient" oi hi
well as city rinidc
suitable for Ito senson,inimpri,Slng' eiiery vari
eyt of Itossiti, tionvcr, Motes'ilit rind Silk lints,
finished in tho Infest style, together with n lull
assortment of Caps of every .shnpo end des
cription, and 'et over! , price 110 particularly
invites the public to earl" and examine his extCin
siyo assortment, which in stylo, , material and
finish, cannot he Surpaisrd by.nny in market,
and which he is able to put nt prices lower ili-n
-ever: VI - Remember his - old stand, on North
Ainnover streci, lidtweco Hunter's sod Soner's
std:.o. , , ,
WM. BAII,Y gr 5077,
Invert,' and Doctors in
E_ 7 , 0
~ ...., 7 , 5 . 1 , ..1 , ..,
, 11...M . N , C ,, 14t ., T , 1 .
.10 , 9 ,
, N . 1.n . C . . / 1
. FN,
Are constantly revelvina the latest styli";
of Ilitil ahoy, Goode, which are afforeil ut
wholesale nr retail, at
No, 216 Market Street, above Sixth, near
Decatur Street, Philadelphia,
1F11414 - able Celiac Pow
Preeared .. , rortejitlil,er I
- - . ...;,,,,. 1 ~e OM ; 1!1.
t:''I' 1 : 1 % . I,lltl ' 'l lli ! l'!
•I' ..,11 iI 1 I:•.
V3•V§kolh"' I
'l 4 . l ' " : l' ';- , .';;:-., - . : - ..i• i.r•i•• . , i , •
•,,,,,,,/,,„„:„. / ..„ . .•. r „.„.,...:,„,, i , „ •,.! , ..
• riTI 5 , ,i,. 4 ;?2 , -- i-. - -, i-A • •.' ' •
S[ 4
',l'l",f ,i ;iii. Vit : Li• • ,;r_''' 7 4;; • '•... ;;---
• K.'`,1i.i.Q,:? 1 . 1 ,': It t,, 1 .5,-.21-1,1, J.' "r f b • !"r•l'. ~,1,, ,l ,
OtTf• .{,ii 111 brirFcg . .,,,,••;',ej f t 1 j!0ll.i
jV;),.i r,( ll l Kl'ii' q . .) I' 1 1 4 2• " A ejll , ll l '.
•V•r v ,; •' ,' ' Ll
• ,-'' 'W A l - 11VP.A .: k CV- .1:1 . ,k,
T'l . .01s4k -# -'t;L,:c•;--.-'4 '6,''',, ,: ly •4••
j 4 1 • 4;, - ?? - 445,7 1 ,.,;,ic
~ t l ,Th - .f.r:47 . 5fitt..• 0,1 4
• iifthhO, i \l
1,, , , ,
. i . 4 / i10 . i:. 1 ,,,.. „. „,,,..,03 1 11,,,,i ii .(q,, 1 ,
TTE discovcry,of Dud", FIRONEFIELD, &
att the whole con, tutinity Wive to a new feet in
'regard to 'feeding of Cattle, both f
m f le pur
pose* oaintaining ...! th and ine ng the
pr o du c ti on of Fat, •, -td Milk. he effect
of their Poe der I i 4.lted every one tha
has used it, and th •• , •i'd has bet.ll no larg
that the proprietors could scarcely ronnufactu •
13011.1.icntly tel for their sales.
'Vito immense popularity i I lots obtained Irvin
Farmers. Dairymen end lior,enico, and the
,COTlfidenCe and success will, s . , hick they have
used it have set the heads of ether Druggit•is
at work to make an articlo prtifting to be of
equal sterile, thinking to take advantage (trout.'
Powder's popularity, end by these metals i ill ra
duce other unlit les into t h e market, which
have no ttilinity to our preparation whatever.
Every person ;knows, who has read anything
of Agricultural Cliemist.r y, that no pow der !MS-
SeSS ing such qualities as that which we prepare
wits ever known in any part of Germany, En.
!op? or America. We advise all persons to
read Prof. Leitiitim's wet !<s and see for them
alve, whether they or any ride else, ever knew'
of a Cattle Powder in Germany, Europe or
..America, that ever profesed to have the same
whim we claim for ours,
Ilipedisenvery is of American Birth, =c off=
spring of the pcopreetors. and there is no eCttie
pow& r now known in the world, that was ever
manufactored 11'0111 the some, corobinution of
Cheinicitl elements es that of Breinig, Free e.
fi.lcl, & ro
Dn not-there Mee sillier yourselves to be Be
eeived, or think that our powderis u humbug
het:apse you have tried those - mongrel substi
tutes and found no gond I.llnw but rather inju
rious resultv. Never give an opinion u nless.y ntt
have tried the only genuine Vegetable Cattle
Powder itt the world, as compounded und pre—
pared be Breinig, Fronelield & Co., NO. 187,
North Third Street, Philadelphia.
N- B. Do nut bo imposed npon and allow
your animals to din or linger with disease be
cause ycit have lottllte.,wrong Cottle Powder.
The signature of—
13121;INI(;, FRONEFIELD & CO.,
is on the end oiCaell puck of he crime or
ticlo. Sold in Carlisle by
April 7, 's2 lin) iT. 1 . INS,
t.reat Attraction At
Chehp Clothhig Stoic,
Two (100, , .1 If",t of :th • Ito,t ()Fre, and ad
joiiiitqf II ormir !I's Coujirt ionary Stol'e.
rip ri r, proprietors ..f,
of this popular non ex
L, • , o„,„ ~if
, „„,,ry of Ready made
citittii:, beg leave to' announce dint they
leh a v e --mier on krend tha I,rrgesi, most t :tried
and 'elegant assortment of
ver ()tiered in Carlisle, to altielt they invite
N s,
ii ' attention
. el the public, confident than in
sty and Mush it cannot be excelled. 'fie
clot leg sold ai this est.iblisitrnent consists in
p,ri of the following, vox :
In 1 lis department wo have a magßifieent as
sortment of black . , blue and fancy colors. etti
in the latest fashions. tastefully {tad elegantly
trimmed. and made in a stilted& manner.
01C1,.11c, C.u:sioneres rat T‘, crls, all of
new g• !IL and flt very lo prices.
Of blae l / 4 , Irown, !flue nn , cr,
Pilot and IltiFllfug roths.
1110.N . KEY JA r
A. Tory largo asoortment of , fc riot
Sat:innet and green baize.
VESTS! \ EST:. 4 ! ! V 7 , TS!!!
'rite rieltet.; twit ntotti nst-ton t-nt
O(it,t , tl 01 SW It t. I in•
\ Suttineti,
doild and single Llcuslyd, oh tel) vniety
of tilatetitil and pastern.
Of plain and fancy Cas,imervs, Doe skin,.
Sattinett, deatri nod Velvet in'rndless
variety. Under t'hirts and - Drawers.
We have by Mr ills la %lest assortment ill the
town coasisting of 13oys and - Youth's sack,
frock and body coats, over cools, paiii 4 7 . and
vests of all sines, q inltiir and nt very low
priors. Those articles nre Made with nent
oess a nt! care, and far superior to illoso;Lordi
narily offereq.
Fine-white- shicia-cf linen'atid -cot ton, of new•
est styles and 1 , 1 . 51 Illnky.
Al , O double •cud three-ply shame,
cravats, hampierchiefs, btisol.mulLts, gloves,
hosiery allll umbrellas.
A very' large and choice us&ort ment of
French, Blvd . 's!) and Amuriean Cloths, Cas
simeres and Vesting,.
We therefore ronfilemly invite those who
peeler having • their clothes mode to measure
to give tic a :all, leering confident that the
quality and variety of our goods well please the
most fastidious. tied the extreme 'cheapness
satisfy the most rigid eronomhd.
n0v2d,1853 L: STEINER.
THE undersigned owning a large Steen
Saw .111 ill, recently built, on an improved plan,
with a circular sow capable of sawing with
ereuf rapidity, located three miles west of-Pa 7
pet town,Cumberland county, at the base of the
South Mountain, on Spruce Run, and having
in possession near ono thousand acres of the
bell timber land, in the Southern pert of renn-,
sylvan in, are now prepared to saw and furnish
lumber to order, at the shortest notice of the
various descriptiMlS used for i»or hanical
poses. They can.thrnidi frame stuff . ..for buYnt.
and houses of any length ned size that mit+ , be
- roquired, wcuther..boarding, flooring, and len--
,cing boards, poplurand oak boards and pletilt,
shingle and plastering lathe, oak and cliesnut
sin . ogle - e,loeper stoir, pitch pine pootP, and
!•etestutittiips end,posts, They have now pa
. fitindthiyenakternrsthid feet of lumber, eheennt
to Wm, 151 . 8oymOur, jr. it
prompt attention.
Nov;10, ly.
Cheap ZEid
The ettbscrihor-hto_just
V °len of the beet quelity
the lo‘V pticolor 62i otg. pi
. ,
'TARN woi
,t:oiinoo to tho eitizoreg'
, reco,kmovneed bii
Glo;ing, tutu 'Popov liang,l
"litt~gcltes., 'llia eltor"ia
~1116 liofwe
t 1 portion 'of Oublic'. jtatrgri
tio Orli! to . tip trontriiog.aild
'ode, f64c:.:: • Prices outdo I
'all vfolic`viirratited gvo'd of
Caarhelc. Di 0v.9, 15521—,
gnteredl neconll,t .. , Ad 6f c onv ,,, I n Imo vow ,
, Igrd, by J. S. HOUGHTON, M. n 't
- th Zi 11 . '
cialed ... Or the District coin( ter" tif'. E ° I•I i e rt r ii '
r, liist.lctiof honnsyMinta.!' n'
Another Se/entitic Wonder! • '
DYSPF,psiAt • -,
. . . .
"Irel:1•,.. .
`" ' 7 ' l ; , -.6, , '
~•• _ - A •
6 . 'l'll E' TRUE i
4. , . •
GIL' 71 . .7‘ f , It:, li ~,,,,-. - • ~, , ~. eir.
4 . N., , . ='.E. 6‘. E 6.,(;.-,.t. e .: -, i t.`. ?
l'retia7PlT from it ENN ET,i.rsi6 the lotirtliiST 0 -
A CH (IP 'I 11E ()X, allele the dirrictions of
.." •'• ON LEIIIICI ' the great Ph, siologica
... Cheintie. h)v .1. S. llOUtillp'lliV, Al, It Ph i l.'
v' allelphia, l'a. 1
li I liiii is a. truly wonder NI runic di' fir hi\ EL
(IESTION ~ 111.t(1.1.11'1(1A,,. .IA1'1..11( I',
ifflil Dr,llllXl"Y,Corirk Ilex Nature's own.
ifielli . oil, I) Nature's ow it em, the Casa te
(11) !La a to vponflul 1,1 Pr'1.12 , 4 inin,k (I in
water, vill dig, sr nu dissolve. hi NE d't i cot
or ItoAsT IN Apour Iwo p, LE, ci.l of
the stoma! h. -
PEPSI Ntdsvhe chief elf mind. oh 'GI ist Li .
veiling in toi4l, 01 the Gastric Juite—il i `et.-
VENT Or , 111: Tian. the VUr,lllll., PI. F , 7!,:t tr. G,
and t'TIIIII3IATING '1;1 I,t I,' the Si, ii stlt,. i lit
testin.s. It is cstracte. hri te il r Int_csli‘i t.te....
poi. li ol the ON-thin Ricoh g .1 A hill I( I A L
DIGE: TIVE'I , I.OI) 1.1, cii, 1 . , life di. tin,
rill Gastric Joie, in its Chi:tole:it le mils, incl
Iltritisl tug n COM PI El E tit .1 11 PI 1 ( 1'
ST.II{S'EITETE Into it. lit dr ;rid r I this 11 e
titivation, the pa 1 s it. ii !nil , iil I\'lll 1.1-1 It N
old DYSPEPSIA sl e prom), il.
,ill/ I 11. N It ey
NVISIIIi he I.) a bitittli Strn ta .. Ii Is ling
wohiler,s rev Dy=liciiiii s. i to it t. call ii) 1,1 1,11.-
null DY SPE PTI C 1 l'7'::•1 M 'I 1(.7N. ,111:. !,' II '
to he au the verge 1 I III: t I t.N • 1 1., St It I 111*.c
Evidence npnir ‘, !rich It is I.llli. IS th Ihl filth
est degree (,1 1 1 . 11(tIfS tort lil . lll.ltlil. AEU,.
SCIENTI Ll(' EN 1111-N( I 1
T.\ EON LIEBICi in It .reelth( Lord w(.0: cn '
Animal Cliciniwy.:c 9 s "AnA riifi e hd Dip E .„,
_tic,. Piltill,l'lt,lllop, - 011, Ii) the (.Fli ic Juice _II try
he req,lll) pi:eptirtql (rent the nor i ti k Ill( Min sine
(II- the-stomachhe Call, in Si liicle‘arirnic or
' ticles or rood,changed,at :Ind clo t ! s. It :II 1.1 sell, in 0.,
il l
changed, toildig.ll.l. jl.l iit the , :i111,• luau i.ri.
AS they It Mild be id a littm:ln sir/) pill."
1- 1)1.. (1.03111;in his 1 al)talift• w riling:. ( n tic
I •Phrs:olo,y of Digestion;" ohserti s thst " ;t
(Th10 . 11110(111 ol the ilue qtniolii 01 lie (ll'il :C
Illiee is a 1:1011.)1( It , t lie tit 1-1:1,(Nt nil I._ l 1 i : t I.
i.),N SitepSlll t" :11J11 1.0 slul,S lkit" ;, rII;,:r, ~. ~r; I „ d
I•lrk , ,qm• of it, ',mica), ti I, was ...-
(•rill :tIllivIc(I milli chi , c( it:pi:tint f Lair g u,_
t'N lIIIItI,. Silst . to ll,il lind ri coin,. to 11,- ( Nit . e
,Irrire, rtlrtfiktril frr nt II , e's"r.II)III.1, , ol li, II p, :1 ,
11.1115.111.ich.rnovi n ciollll . ll I Y 11 cocci I i."
Dr. (IIIAIIANI: ,othcr It the Ist, iis MI 11.%
011„` V, 144•INIlle 11 . . t, - ...), : ” II is a tip., 4.: I Ic
1119 , lolog, , Ilitil 11, tki).:lt )1,1,1 ...I ill.:-I , . ii v . e•
i . :11,1 wnI(•I•. impt I Ir, lie fluid Ili, vr , 0 ir, o( dissolt ing Nariens,rtirli s i t fa, il, roil f I (h. il
ing a Mite, of ithiriert - 1 IWO 59.111 N -et lite 111 -
Se wise diikrent hem the oirtihkal digistitt 1 u,.
cr:7 Call on the Agri, ni:tl g,t a lh tcrviA e
(till 01 :"(
ENTIFIC EVII)1;:\ CE. ,11111Lii• 10 111 /.1
logt•Iltt ith lit Is ol • I.F.NIA itl<Al.l
CUliEli,ll.o,ll till uvris of 1111 I;nit,rlSl:o(s.
As A I A I I ur
110171-.IITON S Ims
most 111.A11VX1.1.01.1S VIII ill; C:11":4'
1•S 1 , 1 , licliffi 10,111;3
11(iiiiit: 0%0 '
in the' Ittiflis of this ;Wet r.
lisetrrent ; but nuthentienteti certif.:ors lase
bee-ti ghen mori• than 'I NI 0 11l \111;1'1)
It ENIA ItE A ( • ES. in w
York and Boston plane. Itt,e,sle-i c I.•nt iv nil•
OeTerate eto es, and the cures %ve l e not oi ,i )
pill an•l a onderkti, Imt ,t-rninot rt
It is a great N1',1,1
pivrtieulurly ust.l. I for Ic:DM-nes to cis•
order, e - r Complaint. Peter nuil Ague. or
baclly- 't
t •ated Tuerr and Ague, ul,d the • ell of.
:11•Teurs t.the • ,buys upon
thu Ages!, e Otgat..l, nllll all iy Oil 1 S.S.t"
A ~tor I•Nt'eliS ii muting. :ma the too ~,,„„t
O , 1 u Jr a spirits, I, 1.11..0;1 flan tile. llculth
;1111 hilt
(11..1) SA ( . 0 \ I
Th. I, ty 1.11 ;1011, \ ALI
PI,AINTS hielt it el, es I,ct en•to it
l't'llillNe at ohee. • No r poet 11,:•l ilia n.l t'
lie, it 1,,11 ES INbTANT 11E1 11:1! A sitJ!.
dust remoe es all the Inplesten"ttyitunom b $
ii 01,13 needs to be r. pentv•l for a ,hot t tin e In
cc good • I!rels pe-rn.Al,ll I I lir) Y
11I.001). AND \ 1(,1 t Ill•ny , %it is
~/; •
Naos, ling ('rat Is, Arte1 e''!,
nt ihu hinmaelr.dir•resg nit,-r II a, 1.0111
slaic ( 1 the liloe.l, Ilentit • so. 4it:ts
141,01,0. 1,1.1 , {mat iaiiou, 1e cakl t ss. tt r.i. • I
Ili a y . e.
.1)r, 11 . 01.,(.111 'I
-I 1y
nem], all Ills (Irliit is iu fn I emu,:
ti ulicuu s, llivon,.,lroilt tire Cult / 11, ;-iri It it j
111,11:11.1 l'lludhl 81.,1 it, pin i r , fr,r, r r ,
Pres, vipiinn ‘i:rlF for the nFt. I I I i tsirin, F.
P I N'Al'E rut, ri I 1,3 -
siciand, mil) Lc obtnins . gl of Ili% lir rrgith,r,
/'.4,lelS.ll(•SCClbill, , ihe it hole of it,
11100, and giving tile:oolmi ill( s t1(.11 ai. ri
shunts of 110, urn reta'e(l , are lais(dr As it is
NOT A , S , F:CRET . I)E:111.:1)1", nu rAtict uon eau
Ire raised agaiiisHis ny FielllllS in ITh C.
Inblv standing anti rrgulnr priekrice. O\1,;•
K,OIIS II VI,: I — rxeryelioille nf ,llto
tottative I'EVSI,N 'stars „t int
r tigijitnre-of
.1. S. 11()1.;(,111 . ()N, NI. D., solo 1.1e('I
Pa. 12oN Trade Mark
¢_7 - 5t.11.1 bf'nlJ 1) ttggists Fs iii Med
Dr. LI ;
.1. M. E)sler, F< Ctn., 11 :4rtiabuig'%,..
Mr. near, ithlktow ,
C A. 3lnrris, k ;
Dr. Loy, Lancasier
l', for 25 cents, by menus •
the l'OC11.1"1' "ESC U
-113IUS, or, Everj One
IS • OWN 1.'11Y:7;1.1N !
1, With one n tab ed en
vings, 6110Wilig
tenses and
is or the Geocrotivxi.
itetn„io. every sling
I rOyst'i'to n diich Is
;eases of Vemnlc6,,4fr.,-I,:'
Ica only (see page 1" 2
being °rifle highest importance toltnnrrititilliO*2 o ~;
pie or those-contemplating tourringe..stS . :MV,, , s7%
YoUNG, NI. D., Crtultatte of the 'PrilitUiilt
l'entisylvOnin, nkrnber or the gigio,
Surgeons, London , and Ilonortivy
Ale divas society. 2;111 ' 11 ear 10 , :
forms ot SiMret Diseases, Seminal
Diseases at the Prostrate Oland, Issilisitehes.).44il'i3s:4;
tart' habits of youth, are Illithill . lFV . kliuorilfgritttqltA
all Me recipes .given in plain !Intignitc, , llitie , ..; ; ;;±;Ae t
chapter on selrsoliiire nod St:min:ll Wenkness 1C.47,41,
ti by
a it.
\ \I q,