New' , 'abutrtistments. . Plainfield Classical_ Academy., _ Near Carlisle, Pa. ruitiE 11th Se-sins (ffse months) will com— l. moues . May tld, builthits tire new and exteomve ono erected last Fall). The situation is all that can he des. red for health feint a.-and moral, purity- Re m oved 'from "the lento tents of Town Or Village th • Student m y h , re prepare for Callege„Mercantile per suits, &e. All the branches are taught which • go to horns a liberal ( ducat on. A conscien tious discharge of dtliy has secured, under .Provilence, the .present flourishing condition of the Institution. Its futur,e. prosperity shall be msintannd by the same means. Terms—Board and Tuition (per 850 . 00 Por . Catalogues With full information addrss R. K. B till.NS, Principal & Proprietor. .ti '&111, Cutnli, Co., Pa arlds Fair Pre'm Safes. • proof of:, their eyperiority.—The late fire ,k!"!--. : -4., • ire Jersey..atty. re4lC. liertnind— , ir gives us "ts much pleited n to stale that a .Safe of your • - Make was the k. Mpans of preserving ~. hooks ' and V . alualtle papers. together wit . t lot of Silveii Spools, [j apers. &e. from dostruc 't n by the fire that occurred in our store tee ' night of the 27th ult. at No sti Montgome street. :Thu tiro commenced near the Sa w.hich,,OWing toils situation on a wall, did no fall . into rho cellar, but was exposed to Ibe full" 'heat of the fire front its commencement, and ~ when taken from MS ruins had all the Maas plates and knobs dmipletelv melted ttff. Y Curs, ' R D. EA RLE & Co. - JerscyCity,:t.Felt 3, 1813. Great fire in Strawh'etry el.—Letter from Lewis L i" Co —,Philadelphia, March 29, 1852. Mr. JouN FAIIREL-Sir: It lairds me much satisfaction to inform you that the "Herring S il iminder Silo" which we Purchased of you a tt'tort time eirce, preserved our books and pipers in good condition,. during the severe - ordea tlirmieh which it passed at the disastrous , ttt , flagrai ion that took place at our warehclutte • •• . lie morning of the 28th t., when the safe • .19 exposed to the most - intense bent ,for some It t era, and when dragged from the flames was r J hot on severil sides. We make this state- Merit by way of benriruflestimony to the worth of these valuable Fire Proofs Very Respectfully, LEWIS & Co. The Proprietor of the genuine " Herring Salamander Sales," challenges the whole world in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, to produce their equal. Awarded the PRIZE MEDAL, - at the VS , 041-LI.YS - FAIR, London, and the GO La 6 MEDAL by the American Institute. Over 000 of theseVafes,have been sold snot', ar ow to use, and more tlidei 10.1 have passed ; =.0.. • tr'u inphantly through accidental fires Second hand Sates ' nod " Salamanders" of .''' other makers, having been en in . part pay for "fterrings.",forsale it op rates. . ' JO ,PARREL, 34 Walnut. St., Philadelphia. ler.lfarbteized Iron Mantles, Tabla Tops, ,j . c. from me v orks of the celebrated “SALA MA N DER Al .1 Itß LE CO," on hand in great variety. . • mar 303 m WAI\M'LID. A, HO Y wanted. about 15 or 16 years of age, whu'ran (male hell redommendod, to serve to a Dry Goods Siwe and go errands. Apply at this ollice• marsh 16 COAL.!• 'COAL! The Best and Cheapest in the Market for . Family Use. e - ; (5470 "aztr 200 TUNS ul the ccieuruied ltuaueThGap Coal, Louplon cuuuly, noel Gold Ain't; thy Coal, Scloayhe'll county. Just reel feed lid for Kilo al price- Iruiti 88,m5 to $3,:.0 per too. by li fIIDDLE Jr. at Abe r. , arclioube Immerly owned by ;5. ill. Hoover, Kr Coal can be del , vered any where along the hue ui the Uumber.ano Valley Ittol Hourl. Orders by letter (po.,t paid) promptly at ieuded to. tmurch lb.) Limeburner's Coal 1000 TONS Ltmeburner's Coal of the best qualify Joel reemn g and for Buie by E. BI D. D LE, jr. Only 02,40 per ion. Larliale, Mardi 16, 1b53. WILLIAM H. BRETZ, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Carlisle. .. HIS just received a large and well 4 geleeted sioeltial American, French and FTngiish Chemicals, Drage, Medicines, Paints, Vds, . Dye-Stuffs, &c. At this store Physicians - fen rely on• having their prescriptions careldllf compounded. ' . A BOY WANTED to serve in the Dru g business. Call seen. (march 16.) Window Shades Carpets and Oil Cloths.- STZIWART DEPIIY, - Al 223 North 2d Street, ribOve Wood, Philadelphia, would most respectltt ly call the attention of his mends and the public in general, to his large and, well se,. elected stoek.of Carpet', Oil Cloths, Abating., !Viral= Modes, Door Alias, Stair Rode, Pi, ano Covers, Table Covers. Cocoa .4:railings, ruin 14 yard, wide, for Pubhe Houses, Countiog Houses, 4e. Alse--Lio my branch Siore 3 13G, Spring Gar- \ deiLStreei, above 9111. Dissolution of Partnership. Tho partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers übder the firm of J. & Riegel, in the mercantile business, was dissol ved by mutual consent on the 17th day March, 18.53. All persons indebted to Om said firm, or having clain.s against them, p tt. requested to make settlement without oelay The books aro at the old stand where persona aro requested to call. JOHN REIUEL, 'LEVI Itr,IGEL Thu subscriber respectfully informs his -7--.7l;:',nds the business will be continued by him in Mechanicsburg, as hereto- I on; and solicits a continuance of the patron. aja so liberally, ,extended to the late firm. JOAN RIEGEL: • ••Match d 3; 1853. • , Estate of Daniel. Doner, deed. Letters l Testamentary on the estate of Danl. 1 . Poner, deed, late of West Pennbore teen. 1 : • • 'hip, Cumberland county, have been issued to I lie cobscribers, of %%horn David Dotter ret•idcs E • • •:t Pennsboro township, and .I.•ulin Dover Ira .Ilford township, in- said county. All ;•- persons It lying claims against the said estate will present them for settlemes4, and those •' indebted will make immediate p tent to DAVID DONIMI.,? Ex , rB • JOHN DONER. $ • March 23. 1853. . • Adminicitra,toris Notice.- ANOTICE isllerebygiven`lliiit the Register' !,-; ':,.. f , Cumberland County hoe iseuei Letters or'" ':„,,::-1 ' l lminuitration, de bonis non with the will .t'/'`' A'rclixed, tb . the undersigned on the estate of i;" 1' ;': . • I,lkt. iohn:Reed, deed , late of the borough' of . # ..!1 - -4.1*01hr0,:, , A1l persons having Reef/ Ullll3 71VIlinfn iir:V r j ' 124:pga,i e ,riv iI I present thorn Inc settlement, , i ., N61 -, , , 'Peo.:itidebted w,ll make payment to - t.. , :;`,i,A t.';',...: ' ,WM,,11, MILLER, Adin'r ,:z-ef.' - , 4,,,, 41islo ' March 21 ' te,53 lf." •,' • ' • ~..i . , ,',.:::;', f'. ' 14000 PIECZaf • . . ;'. i Ill"itAVlPijiet opened the largest assortment r.I.II::;WAI,L PAPERS ever opened in Car I:s,44o4'etiesieting of about o,oau pieces of the ic.k.. a - to — French and American designs ranging: lt•. : 'p ß ri t ee from.s cis to $1 75, also;Win . dowPa. '..% li e s i s and b'ire,Sereens, Plain Green and 131ue ;.; . f apers, &c, (Persons wishing to uurelinee any rthe above can save at least 2.7 ter cons by et::::, ailing at JOHN . P. LYN E'S t - 1 - ,'•, ardwaro Store, West Side of North Hanover 1 ' , , Street, Carlisle, d , • VQII. SALE. IA A TONS SOF P. PLISTOR, ' Price $6 OD per Ton, for sale by S. W. SIJAIti". k: New/the:March 23;1853. . Poor House Statement for 1852. SKILES " WOODBURN, CEO. SBEAFFER and GEO. 'BRINDLE, Esquires, Directors of the Poor and of the House ,of Employment - of. Cumberland County, in account with said County from • the first day of January 'to the thirty-first day of . .. , , . . • . . . December, A. D. 1852, inclusive, viz : .. • . , . , DR: AMP To a n from County/Tress,. $6500 00 Cash received trout J. Sht - Vm for —hides and skins . 117 44 Cash received of R. Snodgrass for use, 65 00 do - of Dennis Picket-key a de. ceased pauper, - • .. .166 58 do of Dauphin county for sup- .. , . port of paupers, 56 00 do for 10 walnut trees, 90 00 do of Juniata county for sup. port of paupers, , 23 00 do for Potatoes, . , 00 do for Tallow. , I. 50 do for Cloversted, • . . 11 do for of James Dallas, 36 00 do of leri . Hendel for horse, 10 00 do ' for Indentures, '2 50 do for-Sundries, r 2.00 ~ , for, use of Mary Knettle, 55 00 . -- :'f a="`` . $7,171 131 •3 t V JACOB SQUIBB, Eq., Treasurer of the Poor House and House of Employment of Cumbe. land county, in account with the Directors of said Institution, from the la day of January to the 31st day of December, 1862, inclusive, viz: DR. CR. Cash received from County Treaa'r 86500.00 do do from J Lobach, Stew ard from different CZ.— sources - as — exhibited --. in the aloregoing state- By payment of Directors orders, meat, 671 By balance in hands of l'reasurer Stock on the Farm Ist of January, 1853 7 head of horses, 13 mach cows, 21 head of steers. 26 head of I, ,p, 10 shoats, 3 calves, .37 sheep. Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal fattlned and lelled on the Farm in 1852. 21, Beeves, average weight 552 pounds, (1.1,456 lbs.) 40 hogs, average weight 200 pounds (8000 169. ) 38 Sheep, average weight 45 Potluck, ) (1,710 lbs.) 10 Calves, average weight 62 pounds, ‘ 62o lbs.) making in all 25,786 lbs. Farming Utensila s nn the Farm Ist January, 1853 1 broad and,l narrow wheeled wagon, 1 wagon bed, I 'pair of wood hinders ' 2 pair of hay ladders, 1 o - trt and cart gears, I tilbury and harness, 2 plows, 4 harrows, 5 double shovel plows,3 single shovel plows, I stone wagon, 1 threshing machine and horse power, 1 fanning mill, I rolting'sCreen, 1 corn shelter, 1 ground roller, cutting boxes; 3 grindstones, 2 log chains; 24 cow chains. 6 sett of wagon gears, 6 sell ol plow gears, I sett of carpenter tools h ,f sett of blacksmith tools, I sou of butchering tools. 4 wheelbarrows, 1 cabbage koile. 5 gram cradles, 1 mowin scythes 4 mattocks, 5 crow bars, 6 shovels, and a variety ol spades, forks, rakes, cp n hoes„ edges, stone hammers, &c. I:dule showing the proceeds of the Farm for 1852. 601 f us 3 1 ti k es:2i o - "t,% 1 . I beans. 15 , cueumbe apple butte , /Wheat , 17 of rye, 1400 of corn. 703 of oats, 4000 of potatoes, 5 of sweet pot s. !hy serd, 2371 of cloverseed, 4 wagon loads of pumpkins, Ile bushels of soup dhs and bunch beans, 35 of onions. 40 of beets, 3500 heads of cabbage, 773 doz. 0 tons of bay, 14 loads of cornfoddev, made 30 barrels of cider and 30 gallons of Manufactured. and made in the House and Shop 193 shirts and chemise, 94 frocks, 90 petticoats, 20 caps, 54 aprons, 17 chaff beds. 15 bolsters, 30 pillow cases. 15 sun bonnets, 65 sheets, 30 pair of stockings knitted, 25 pair footed, 311 tow els made, 65 comforts, 55 feather pillows, -4 7' -- pair of drawers; -- mode - 87 lbs. of hard soap, 45 barrels of soft soap and 3 pair of pants. The Directors, ic., of said Institution, annex the following exhibit of extra labor, 4.c. /formed by the Steward, Matron and Paupers, from the lst day of January to the 31st day of December, 1852, inclusive, viz: Mudd 40 cut, 1, 2'wheelbarrows, 5 spittoons, made 2.large gates. 4 pcnnle of pail fenco,...cut 50 'cards of wo“. made 200 rails, quarried stone for and made 20 rods of stone fence, done the forth for about $2O. ut Paupers in the Institution Ist January, 1852, of which 28 were colored, 123 Number admtited up till 31st December, 1852; of which 22 were colored- and 4 born' in the house, Making the whole number through the year Of 24 died, 4 children bound - out 8 eloped and 140 discharged, Leaving the number of Paupers in the P House Ist January 1353, of which 21 are col'd 108 Onr door paupers supported at public expcuse through the year 12 . Whole number supported through the year, 120 01 those remaining in the Poor liouse 31st December 1852,th0r0 are— Males 67 of which 14 are colored, , 67 . Females 41 of which '9 are colored, - t 41 •And I'2 out door paupers of which 1 is colored, 12: • • There are as near as can be ascertained 1 under 1 year-7 from 1 to 5-6 front 5 to 10--8 Iron, 10 to 24-9 front '2O to 30-12 (rota 30 to 40-15 from 40 to 50-20 froM 50 to 60-15 front 60 to 70.742-from 70 to-80-3 from 30 to 90. In addition to the above 320 transient paupers or travellers have been sup p orted for short ~... periods without regular orders. We the Directors of the Poor and of die House of Employment for the County of Cumber lurid, 'do certify the above and foregoing statement to contain a just and truo exhibit cube' Institution during the period above stated, according to tho beet of our knowledge. Given under our hands this lot day of January, 1859. .Wo.the undersigned Auditors of Cumberland county, elected and sworn according to law, having examined the accounts alM•y't•uchers of the Directors of the Poer.erll Ilotuc of Ent., ploymo t the said coutay,from the Ist day of January to the 31q day 01 De. ember. 1 19 2 , do certify that we fled a balance in the hands of Jacob Sealer. Esq., Treasoter, of 'one hun dred and twenty-tour dollars xi ini;:auvl3loy-iwo three-fourhs cents. Given under oar hands a: Cailisle, - this.lBs3, , . , • • • • .I,' , . 11YER, SAMUEL M EGA W, • • . Z. 13 ENTz. ti p L4,"..iftwiorre.w. cumberland County, ' . • ' • • ' - •- - • .k'.‘ A,..„.... 7 • 7 77: 7, 4 - 34 1, , j., • " ..' ,- ..t. ~.. t. ; ' . ' '' ,4 ' n • '.,A . 4. l 4t h Arigi, l ' al; •'' ,'..q;lif 'l,,g V. . : , W. , - ~.0 s' : , L L Aqaprzsgnir. t;-tfritl q ,, ,,F4 - 6 - , '4*,-7..;)'Y' ;,',. ' t,,,' I.4'4**4l,o*:West'of Parrfsburg, Pa. 0101tilip,4310-1-R ,' q.. ' .1:45 , : . , 0, Xi: 110; th"Aiiiiiifoli - of this Institution will , r'',”,,J r l „."4 4 . . 1 4 4 V' .0%-•%r., , ',-;* . ri'. en •MONDAY I 1 d , t left ay o •- " iii;- ki '4ler li'Ar ~i - ~ , , r , " let , Parents and &Indian. are venues. PREIUlibd P; ' , `l l Q • - .'w.N. p - 0, pg'il l t " . thethis • • ji, , liiivo otwo , qweiltio•ut? ~,,, t . t o 0.41,ik x quire into merits of lnstitution w hich ha'i°. l 4 6lo etalatldr. l l9 , o44, l 4l' ffik l (;tiOr=r' rile e. bending their Eolie or wards elsewhere. lower, than any,Othe The sititation . ra relired, pleasant, healthful, an_ rehottadilk-tbelredthitry•-r. , , convenient ot fleeces. the course of insulin His stock, will cdnaist.ol , .-.;, Fine Dresa, Sattinett,•:. , ack and Cremona' - • lion will - entbyace the diflerent branches of a Cassime re, achmere Vestings, &e. Sattinett and Velvet Cord Pants, "''thorough English Education, together with the C Satin and Latin, Creek, French, German, Spanish arid Portuguese Langnages, and Vocal and Instru • Also, Gloves, Hosiery,Suspenders, Cravats, Shins, Shirt Collars mental Muria: 'The Principal will be assisted Merino Shirts and dratvers, &e. Umbrellas, flats, Caps. by fout Well qualified Teneners, via: two in the Lwillat all times keep a good aasortmant of English Branches, ono, in Penmanship and Cloths Cassimeres and Vesting. on hand, Drawing, and ono in Music ,and the Modern whiLlt will be madett toorderlnthe best and . style. I havd as foreman of TER MS. It a practical sailor, one who Boarding, Washing, Tuit.on in the . sble experience in the bust- English branches, Ste, per see. turpassed as a cutter in the lion (5 month%) $5O 00 . ;eta. All garments made to Ancient or Modern Languages, each, 5 00, to fit and well made, II not o Instrumertal Music, 10 00 now receiving direct from For Circulars and otherinformation address fresh assortment of Clothe, . D. DENLINGEft, Principal. Vesting's, to „whitis I invite mart White Hill, Cumberiant I coulum.,Pa. my numerous old customers.. . • n general. All In want of riummanziz Ps:ram:re maim !I/I . moms will do wetland SiV4‘ " and orttnirtlngthisemak - be. ' ' Isewhertr. Notroubltitoehow Vl`the Fulling . Mill at Middiesen North Mid. rilaet'theitand next door to .11, dleton township. will be rented from the Itel. Make no mistake jubtlet of April next. Enquire at ins pffice of the corner. ~ " .subscriber in Carlisle. . - CHARLES OGILBY. ' • sWSI. M. PENROSE. By payment of interest on dower in favor of Mre. O'Brienl'on the, land • • purchased of A. 51.'llowell in'iB42, $88 . 91 By cash for grocerios, ineychanddri ' • Wang, clothing,, &c.; •ineluded, 076 99 Fcirrffek, f '3052 50 For shoemaking, tailoring and. haiL • ling, '366 41 For support of out-door paupers, . 273 51, Cash advanced by J. Squler, Treater. 946 37:; For roofing Poor House with tin, 403 50 For Lumber, , 206 , 11 . , For Hardware, ' 118 60 For out-door funeral expenses, 46 CO, Fur.grinding, barrels, bran, bic. 136 04 Attorney's fee and expenses attending - i a suit at Pittsburg, , 46 0O;, For tin,, copper, and sheet-iron ware. and mending, . 64 33 . For I 'onstables fees, 25 89f For putting up lightning rods, 51 50" For out-door medical aid.. 27 00 For stone coal, - 13 60 _Eor blackamithingi - 25 58, For Leather - 175 351 For coopering and wagonVing, 20 85r( For Saddlery, 12 14 Fort cooking and 1 cannon stove, 26 CO Form tifacturing sat tinetts, 19 21 Franklin county for support of paupers, 4 .55 For carpenter-work, 31 31 Blind InstPn for use of S M'Glriughlin, 25 00 Lunatic Asylum at Harrisburg for •enpport of S. Eckart, 52 87?, Travelling expenses in settling.•with '.- 'different counties, 15 55 For castings, , 33 03 For materials, Ste. for use of farm; 57 15 For painting tin roof, 14 00 For printing, postage and stationary, 3 80 Interest paid Carlisle Deposit -Bank; ' 320 For sundries. 10 00 Dr 3 Baughman b alance of salary for'sl 25 00 J Lohoch'. salary, (hireling wages in cluded,)6oo 00 . . Dr W 1V Dale salary for 1 year, 100 00 L. Todil, Esq. Attorney for 1-year, 30 00 p i ca, Squier, Treasurer, forj . year, 40 00 MG Belrthoover extra services tie _ _ Direeior, r. 00 Skilee Woodburn, %do do 9 00 George Sheaffer, do do 13 50 $7,046 40 Balance in hands of Treasurer, 124 72. $7,171 13i $7,171 131 JOS. LOBACEL Stcward. MATILDA C. LOBACH, Matron SKILES WOODBURN, - GEORGE SHEAFFER. • GEORGE .BRINDLE, Directors of the Poor or Cumberland County CR. COUGITS, :COEDS, • • . lI,OARS.UNESI4 Blum— .r r CHIT'S ; IL COUP, AS Ts. . M 4, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION: Of all the numerous medicines extant, [and some of them • valuable . , 'for the cure of pul. monary complaints, nothing- has ever been found whin! void compare in its effects with this.prepa - . Others2cure sOmetimes, but at all ti in all diseases of the lungs and throat r 4 re medicine coil give relief, this pill do it. It is xpleasant to take, and perfectly safe in accordance with the directions. We do nut 'advertise for the information of those who have tried it bin these who have not.— Families that have knawn t its value will not bb without it, End by its timely- use, they are secure from the dangerous Eionscquences of Coughs and Colds which neglected, ripen Into fatal consumption. The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Board of Judges in September 1E47 ; also, the medals of the three great Institutes of Art, in this country; also the Diplumaof the Ohio Institute at Ciwskpatt, has been given to the CHERRY PECTIN - OK by their Government. in considera• tion of its extraordinary excellence and useful ness in curing affections of the Lungs and Throat. , HARD WARE--SPRING SUPPLY. Road the following opinion founded on tho T EIE subscriber wishes to. draw_ the atten long experience of the eminent Physician of tion of the public to then own interests, the port and city of ' __Ayhich they may consult to good advantage by ST JOHNS May 8,.1851. Wrelcamining the elegant and complete assort-. 'meet of Hardware of every description, which he is now Ins old stand on North Hanover street. TO 00ACHMAKERS. ' Dr .1 C Arse Five years trial of your CHERRY PECTO RAL in my practice, has 'preven whet I fore saw,from its composition, must be true, - that it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs to which we, in this section aro peculiarly liable. I think its squint Itgt nst yet been discovered nor do I know how ii-liittcr remedy can be made tar the distempers of the Thrnat and Lunge. J 1 BUR I'ON, D, FR S. See wbat it has dole on a wasted constitu tion; not only in the following cases, but a thOusand more: Summar, Jan 24th 1851. Der: In the month of July last I was attucke by a violent diarrlicea in the mines of California. I returned to San Fraancisco in -hope of receiving benefit from a change of climate and diet. My • diarrlnea ceased, but was followed by a. severe cough, and min-fi r soreness. I finally started for home, but re ceived no benefit from the voyage, My cough continued to grow worse. and when I arrived at:New York, I was ut once marked by- my acquaintances as a victor •of consumption. I must confess that I saw po sufficient reason to doubt what my friends all believed. At this :time I commenced taking-your truly invaluable medicine with little exportation of deriving any benefit from its ti•e„ You would not re ceive these lines did I not regard it my duty to state-to the afflicted, through you,,that my liefilth, in the'of eight - Months, is fully restored. I attribute it to the use of your CHERRY PECTORAL, Yours truly, WILLIAM W. SMITH . Vs mon:solos, Pa., April 12, 1840. Dear sir : Feeling that I have been spared from a premature arrive, through your instrumental ity by the providence of God, I- will take the liberty to express my gratitude. .8 cough and th.:alarining symptoms of Con sumption had reducedone too low , to leave toe anything like hope, when my physician brought the a bottle of your PECTuRAL. It seemel to afford immediate relief, and now in a few weeks time his restored me to'sound health If it will do for others what it lion done for me, yolk are certainly one of the beoef.ctors of mankind, Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I am Very - respecttully yours, JUHN 3, CLA.RICE, • Rector of St. Peter's Church. With such assurance, and from such men, no stronger Proof can be., adduced, unless it be-from Ito effect._ Prepared and bold by • • 0 -- JAYIESJI. AYER, ' PRACTICAL LoWel I, , Mass. $7,171 13 $7,046 40i 121 72' $7,171 13/ The Allen and Baot Pennsborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company ofCumberJond coun ty, incorporated by an Act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the management of the following commission ers, viz: Jacob Shelly, Wm, R. Gergas, Michael Ciicklin, Melohuir Brenneman, Christian-Stay. man, Christian ritzol, Jacob IL Cpcovei, Lewis Hyer, Henry Logan, Benjamin H.Nlusser, da. cob Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wicker.. sham. The rates of insurance are as low and favor able us any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are in vited to make application to the agents of the company, whu are willing to wait upon then: at any time. r BENJ. ff. MOM R, _President. HENRY LoaAN, Vice President] ,Low ie flyer, Secretary. • Michael Eocklin, Treasurer. 161 284 176 Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin,. N. Cumberliod ; C. B. Hermon. Kingstown , Hen.- ry Zearnig, Shiremanstown; Charles Bell, ,Carlisle; Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown ; Samuel Grhham, West Pennsborough; James McDow el, Frankford ; Mode Uritlith, South Middle ton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Haversack, Mechanicsburg . ; John Sherriek, Lisburn ; vid Coover,,Sheplicrdstown. -York County.—John Bowman, Dillsburg ; Peter Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington ; W. S. Picking, Dover; Daniel Raffensberger JW. Craft, Paradise. . .11arriaburg.—Houser & Lochinan. Members of the company having policies adout to expire can have them renewed by making application teeny of the agents. N v,24, ly. By virtue of sundry writs .of Vendi tioni‘Exponas Lever' Facies, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland cowl. ty, and to Mc nirected,l will expose to sale by public vondue or outcry at the Court House. in the borough of Carlisle, on SAT U.P HA , the 2d day ol,April, itiVJ at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow ing described real estate, viz: A lot of ground situate in thli borough of Carlisle, containing 26 loot in frmt and 120 ft in depth, more or lesur-boutaled by West street on the went, an alloy on the cosi. and John Cameron on the south,_ and baying thereon o •ectod a one m.d n halt story trope house, a small u stable, &c. Seized mtr id takm in as the property of Henry Hugh,i. Also, a tract of land situate in Mifflin town. contruningisll acres; noire or less, boon ded by lands of dicorge Hoover, Ti C. Miller Abraham Ziegler, James Hoovor,landl. M. Woodburn, having thereon erected log house Sze log barn, a tenant house,, and a sewatill,.— Seized and taken, in execution an the property of Adam Miller. . . r And all to bo sold by JOSEPH MCDARMQND, SHERIFP'S OFFICE, Carlisle, Z 'Sheriff: March 3, 1/%53. •S -SUET RECEIVED, A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORT-1,, !VENT, OF HARDWARE. riehe ' undersigned has just returned from the .1 City with the largest and boat assortment of HARD WARE over brought to tiell i s I e, to which ho int Res the attention of hiactisto meraand the public: generally, His, stock comprises every article usually found in hard- ONire stores. Housekeepers, Builder Ca rpenters, Saddlers, Coachmakers, Black Builder, Cabinet-Makers Farmers coutothers would ilp_ well to give him a pull before purchasi g Onewhere, as he • dettermiord to seller the very lowest primp. dell and see. .'. ...: .. 7" 211ENRY SAXTON, Catilsre; Feb, 2 :18 5 3 . - - • . . . ' • • ANTlita •-• Lv(-IRON WOl2llB, A 1419 ' " ii n l4 el . F • - fax- OO OUt at ea— , 1 3 .F 01 .,,cP. : ands, IX Tod Chopperit: Minfitiltrink Collieri( / Lsboring Hondo; Litnesteue'dolivered by Fheiire:l, and.Liniestene Ore: 0114. Apply to the undersigned at the trorks. • • , • : 25113 ttdia. • • R., GiVEN • • • Jlli6cellaneons, ..., „ i . . s lLas /40. W,/ ... • , .., , / . -- sr- ---- ( CHERB Y 'PECTORAL: f ror elm Cai.e of PKR73 AGENTS f? 88ERIF sarms. Aristell.ancojt6. • 4 .; d : COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, L oiottd No 7 traltimoie iStreet, Itimrre, Ilfd. T i ggostensible ekiect of this Institution is to p 1 the reach of individuals' proper facili ties for' obtaining a thorough' end , precticol Mercantile Education. .Nothirig indeed has been omitted that is caleulated toproduco the desired result. ' • . - • The rooms of the College aro well fitted up, conveniently arranged, and situated in the most desirable part of the City. Connected thereto is a Commercial 'Library, and this, in Connection with familiar Lectures on Commer cial Law ' and Mercantile Science, is a matter of the highest Importance to all who desire to become Accountants of the first order, and oc cupy stations of profit and responsibility. A ' young man can here obtain a more cor ect knowledge of general business mattPrs in a few weeks than can be acquired in as nanny years in any one Counting Room. l'he course of study embraces nobble Entry BoOk keeping, and its adaptation io various departments of Commerce and Trade, Mercau tile calculations taught according to the most approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com bining rapidity of execution, with beauty of construction. Lectures on Merctfhtile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects beside many other points necessary book. keeper or business man to tinders The time necessary for an industriou: tent to complete the course varies from 5 to : weeks. There being n 6 vacation, applicants can enter at any tinarancl attend both day and evening. Examinations are held at stated periods and Diplomas awarded to those who g aduata.— For terms, &e. ' write and,havc a Circular for. warded by mail. March, 23. 1853. Iy. We have a largo supply of springs, hubs, bands, faces, curtains, and floor oil cloths and drab cloths, of different qualities, in fact evety thing in your line. TO CABINET-MAKERS We offer complete setts of ven4ers, knobs and mouldings of walnut and mahogany; 16 sui both the taste and the purse, ' CARPENTERS EXAMINE the splendid assor ment of tools in your line, as also a complete stock of building materials, cuell as locks, hinges, screws, latches, glass, paints, oils, varnishes, - turpentine. &c. and va rious carpenters tools cheaper ban ever,. as has been acknowledged by a carpcnter who has seen them. BLACKSMITHS cannot go wrong in giving us a call for a sup ply of hammered, rolled, slit and other iron genetally used Tits also cast, shear American and English blister steel, &c. &c. OUR FARMER FRIENDS will also consult theircinterests by looking at our cheap shovels, forks, trace chains, home , and every other article - trom.a..cradle to a plough,to suit them in price and quality, o THE PUBLIC GENEMALL - y are also invited to examine the quantity and quality. now on hand of cedar ware, tubs, churns, buckets, oils, such as fish, sperm and flaxseed 0i15,,, which will be sold at. the lowest cash prices. I Would also call attention to my splendid assortment of WALL PAPERS, pre..enting a numberless variety of Patterns at prices from 6 cis. upwards. Remember there is no mistake here, as all articles will be sole at the lowest cash prices at the old and well known stand rn North Hanover street, East sice, betweee McGlatighlin's Hotel and Kell• er's Hat Store. JACOB SEA ER. march 16 SPRING- MILLINERY GOODS JOHN STONE STONE & SONS, Importers and Dealers in French Millinery Goods, No.-45-South Second Street, Philadelphia, AYlNG l reeeived by late arrivals a large and well selected assortment of ..s.tPre..Mrca IVIILLINEILV GOODS, are now prepared to offer their customers, :lit the lowest market prices— ' Glace Silks for Bonnets, . Fancy Bonnet and Cup Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, all colors, Fancy Nets and Laces. Together ,with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 9, 1853. • WpOD dr. WILLOW 7GTILRE. 20,000 FANCY CORN BROOMS, 1,500 Doz. BUCKETS, Assorted Colors. 600 NESTS CEDAR WASH TUB&., 800 CEDAR CHURNS, .500 DOZ. WILLOW BASKETS, 300 Doz WALL 4- SCRUB BRUSHES, The largest stock ever offered in Phila delphia, and the cheapest it, tlke world. Or ders promptly filled. M. & J. M. ROW E, NO, tit NORTH THIRD ST. March 9,1853 Pitit.anetrlita. DissOlution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing between the. subscribers under the a hf Morris & Hearshey, in the Tin and C "iiiith bus iness, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 22d of February, ult. All persons indebted to said arm, or having claims against them, are requested to make settlement without delay. Tho books are at the old stand where' persons aro requested to call. MONOE &IRIS MMffM riTlia subscriber respectfully informs his friends ulna the businessh W... continued by him at tho old stand as heretofore and solicits a continuance of tho patronage so liberally ex tended to the late firm. MONROE MORRIS. To Builders & Hpuskeepers. THOSE who are building, or about som: meneing houeeoceping will be sure to find et all times an assortment to select from. .Lochs of oil sorts and sizes, 'with brass, argil lo, mineral end white knobs, with japanned or plited furniture, butt hinges; cast andvrought, window glass from Bxl3 to 20x28, bolts, eerows Zee. dm. You who aro About to be merriod and •going to housekeeping, we have everything to please. ettiili OH fancy waiters andi.reyp ' ivory handled knives and forks, in setts or by the Men, common knives and forks, butter knives with plated and ivory Bundles frying and bread pans, smoothing irons, tubs, churns,.9o, • HENRY SAXTON. -- Earthier - March 9;-1853. AWFUL ,mat.a.enna ! Two Women Foully Butchered! I ! • l'ffE greatest exciterneitt prevails in Phila delphia on account of the inhuman massacre of two helpless females t but a greater and more intense exeiroment exists since the arri val at Bentz & Brothers, of a splendid lol.of handsome 'GOODS, which vie are selling -off to the public at very low prices. Among the lckt are Dress Goode, every kind, Bonnets, very cheap, Ribbons, Chintzes, Muelins, and a great stock of Cloths, Lazsimeres, Vestings,• Summer stuff, and a general Variety. Further particulars hereaf ter. BENTZ & BROTHERS, murch 16 Mineral Water, Sarsaparilla, &c. THE subscriber would reepectfuHyannounre to the citizens or Cfirliele and -the community at large, Clint ho has commenced the ntnulat, weer Mineral Waters and Sareapatilla of the very best flavor and quality, and the bottling Or Portage, Ale.-and Cider. lie is fully and pmply priSoared to, rtirnish all orders .promptly and with despatch, and hopes by strict attention to business, to reaeiva that attention due to entorprisa. which' he respacifully asks. Regime 'dance in" Maim, Street neer the Rail. Bond Bridge. GEO RGEW.,, B RANHT, ' - .„. 106 t the prinnalses of the subittriberitt .t c' hkittsoirrfownetillt,, about lhe d'4d day of Tetinuo4fleeti tiWhitt , uqw: 'rho owner, ii requested to _come. : forward, rove proptrty. pay eharitesand.ishit-her smaY7 - er ;.. dhe will be sold accuegiug i to ' - " mails . ' EMANUEL'I4IIE. Legal anb Citlyr Notices PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the Honorable J. H. Gat. , HAM, President Judge of the several Courts of Cornwell Pleas of the counties:of Cumberland, Perry and Juniats,i(t ,Perinsylv.s.- nia; - and Juatiee of the severe) Courteof Oyer and Terminer and General'Jail said counties. and lion. John Rupp and Sant ini Woodburn, Judges oftheiCourt of °yet; and Perniiner and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said county of Cumberland,by their precepts to me direeted, dated the 10th of January, 1853, have ordered the Court'of Oyer and Terminer and GeneralJailDelivery, to be holden at Car. lisle on the 2d MONDAY of April, 1853, (being the 1 ltb day) at o'clock in the fore noon. to continue two weeks. NOTICE is therefore herebygiven, to Mb Coroner; iiitfies of the Peace and Constables ofthe said county offlumberland,thatthey are by the aid preceptcammanded to be then ani there in their proper.pereone,with their rolls. records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, todo those things which to theiroificesapportainto bedone,audall those that arebound by recognizanees,to prosecute (against the prisonorsthat are °Wien shall b• in the Jail of said count are to be there to prosecute them as shall be'just.' JOSEPH McDARMOND, Sheriff: Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Feb. 24, 1853. In the Court of Common Pled*? Cumberland County. .Daniel Gorden & Wil-No. 12l,April Term, liam.Golden 5 1852. V/ Edward Golden, Jacob directed by the Fisiel, Catharine Pis. Register's Court to eel and Jacob Golden. try the validity of the will of Edward Golden, dec'u. Now, to wit, 13th January 1853, on motion of Wm M. Biddle; Esq., attorney for Plaintiffs in above stated case, notice • is directed to be given to all persons who may be interesf'ed in the estate of Ed waid Golden, late,Bouth. ampton 'township, dec'd.,i as .119irri, relatives or next of kin, devisees; legatees or executors to.sppear at the April Term ofour said Court end Become or declare to become parties to the above case Cumberland County, as • • • 1 do certify that the above ;is a L. S. t copy, the original of which is of rec.. Le r.) (ird in the Court of Common Pleas o said county. Witness my hand and official seal at Carlisle the 28th day. of February A.D. 1853, GEORGE ZINN,. Proth'y NOTICE /111111 F. pat turrship whirl' haw existed betw . een 11 . the telbscribers under the at) le of" Williams & Hrother,""is this day diisolvt'd by mutual con sent. All persona indebted to the late firm. will please make payment to-L.' H..IN MA'AM, in whose tliands the books and papers are placed, mid those lutving claims will please present the'tp. The undersigned take thi.+ opportniilty to, return their thanks to all those who have kindly pstron ized them in their business. L H. WiLLIA MS. Newv.ille,- Feb. 22, '53. I. C r WILLIAMS. The business will he continued by the subscriber, who, Stahl:fa, tor pest litvrirs, solicits a continuance of the 4utdoutotltlm patrons of the late firm, J.°C• \VIL•LI • MS. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested, that the following accounts have-been filed in the Protbohotary's Office for examination by the accountant therein named, and will bo presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county for chnfirmation and allowance on WEDNESDAY the 13th day of April. 1853, 4 1 1 The tidal account of D WI Cline, Esq, assignee of Philip Ehut, sr di a deed of vol untary assignment for tie be tof creditors. !J The ae.pount of William Ker, committee of James WOods (a mute) appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Comb. county. 3 The second account of Jaccib Spangler, committee of Moses Wolf, under the act of as sembly relating to habitual drunkarda. 4 Trust utcount of James W. Hays, com mittee of James Haye, alunetic. GEORGE ZIRN, Prothonotary's Office, / 'Carlisle, Mar. 8 1851 Estate of George Cramer, deed. itrorr,cE is hereby given that letters of ad. 1.11 ministration, on,the estate of GEORGE CRAMER late of Lower Allen township, Cumberland county, have beeti granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, living in Upper Allen township. All persons having claims against said estate will present them for settlenient. and those indebted are requested to matte immediate payment to inat2 JO 11 N R. COOVER, Adm'r. Estate of Sarah Robinson, dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters ofad ministration on the estate of Sarah Rubin son, late of Clark county, Alabama, deceased, have , been granted by the Register of Cumb• erland county, l'a., to the subscriber.. residing in Newville in said county. All persons having claims agitiut,t strci estate are requested to pre sent them for settlement, and those indebted to make immediate payment to lob 10 SCOTT C 0 YLE. Adm'r• Estate of Jer. J. Smith, dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Jeremiah J. Smith, talc of , Lower Allen township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been grunted by the Reg ister of said:county to the subscriber residing in t o the same township, All persons havi g claims against said estate are requested Co cal it'l settle, and those indebted to make payment 0 LEVI MEkKEL, - I. b26tpilAdministrator. Tavern License. NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber intends applving at the ensuing Mein of the Court or Qutrter Sessions of Cumberland County, for License to keep a public house, in the stand now occupied by Valentine IJolson, in Shiremanstown in said County, being an old stand. DAVID BOLLINGER. We the undersigned citizens of the Township of Lower Allen aforesaid, being perdonally ac quainted with David Bollinger, the above,named petitioner,and also having a knowledge of the house for which the License is prayed, Ito hereby certify that stick house is necessary to accomodate the public, and entertain strangers or travellers, Matti° is a person of good repute fo , honesty unit 'temperance, and that lie is .well provided . withlibuse room aryl conveniences for the lodg- , Mg , - accomnio4ation of strangers and trtvel. fere. We therefor e beg leave to recommend him forn license. ty lune GeqbardWilliam 13 Reeser, David Wise, Al liitner,,lol Slieely, Solornon , Niellier, Sam, uul Nieesley, Ezekiel IVorley, Jacob Long, Samuel Zionfierrnan, George Dichelberger. Gro Gilbarger. - THOMAS H. SICILES' renviria, o xrr a ROOMS AND FURNISHING STORE, Opposite the Rail Road Office, West High Street, rgi H. !MILES desires to inform hip old 1_ • friends and the public that ho has opened a general clothink establishment. and has now in store an extensive stock of the best and. cheapest goods ever offered in Carlisle. Mi.'s, Youth's and Iloyrs clothing, fitr , Spring, Sumner and Winter wear, now on' hand o( every variety and furnished at reduced rates. Ho has also a large and well selected assortment of Piece Goode, of English, Froneh and German Fabrics. of now and beautiful pat terns, for coats pants and vests, which' will be made to order itirthe most approved and fasht tenable manner and in a superior style of work manship. A fultind elegant stock of Gentle men's Furnishing Goods, such as gloves, plain and fanny shirts, collate., handkerchiefs,' ties, &c., constantly kept on hand.. 'Also India Rubber Overemes and Leggins. Feeling confident from the reputation which ii has been his constant aim for a course of years to secure for his establishment, of his a• bility to please, ha respectfully invites an ex amination of hip stock,which for quality,work• manehip and low,prices cannoCbe surpassed. May 19, gt1127-1y: ' • 4 • I • eV' erp, " TfIE subeeriberlhos just opened 'an invoke of °Atria and other.l3onnet eathere In one half the' usual pride. Also a ,ory cheap lot o Faney,Drose Silky; • wVIS „ . , GEO. IV. HITNER.' ;.. For, Sale or Rent, . E, HO,USE-& LOT, -corner I • sod Pitt streets, recently ; • I by 'MlreAtin .Enierr Hotly • to N. D. Soy. ; *9l ' R. CROOKS,jr., • • , N. ItHitttiPhiloiA, . Legal ano Notic;fs.- • ~I......,;.,:lravena.lacense. • .11 o . tho Honorable the Judges of the. Court ref General Quarter Sessions of the Poses of Oumberland county, at April, Sessiorui, A. D. 1853.. r .I,Mitithan C: Beecher, re spectfully , • that your petitioner is The Petition rep ie n provided with _she necessary requisites • for 'keeping a house of Public Entertainment, in the house he now Occupies es such , in North' Middleton townehlp. Your petitioner,, there. fore, pray your Honors to quint him a lA* cense for the same the ensuing year, Com— mencing on the,2d Monday of April next, as in duty bound, he will ever pray,.&c. JONATHAN C. BEECHER. • We the undersigned citizens of the township of North Middleton,ili the cciuntiof Cumber. land, do mortify that we aro well acquainted -with the above 'heated Jonathan C: Beecher, that he ie of good repute for honesty and tern. perance, andis well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation 9f strangers and travellers:, and that such Inn or ,Tavertlis necessary to accommodate the pub lic and entertain strangers and travellers, '• Christian Hartman, ,Henry Auckermart, William comma% heat. Wert,: Jacob Gut shall, Jr., George uteall, Joseph Ziegler David Wolf, John C o ove r , John Kitel, W. r: Swiger, Christian Hiner', David Nailor, Con red Mordorf, sr., John .Buidler. march 16 Tavern License. WO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of General Quarter Seisiona of the Peace of Cumberland County, at April Senions, A. D. 1853. The Petition of J. A. Maley, respectfully re. D. ents that your Petitioner is provided with i necessary requisites for keeping' a house of Pub i ntertainment, in the house•he now cc ' copies a such in Mechanicsburg. Your Pat titioner, t erofore, prays your Honors to grant him a License for the same, the ensuing year, comma ncing on the 2d Monday of Ap-11 next, as in duty bound he will ever pray. &c, JAMES MALOY. Feliiutty 26, 1853. ' We the undersigned citizens of the Borough of Mechanicsburg in the county of Cuthber land, do certify that we arcetvall acquainted with .the above named Petitioner. that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, Mid is welt provided with house room. and conveniences for the nccomodaticn of strangers and travel lers,: and that such Inn or Tav rn is necessary .o accommodatexho public and, ntcrtain stran gers and travellers. Henry Eberly, Edward La oas, - George Singizer, John Hoover, Adam Hattejt, R Wil son, Daniel rich, Samuel Snell, Jahn Due, Henry Cans, Simon Arnold, George Bobb,l E G M.Govran. NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to apply at9he ensuing term of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the County of Cumber. land.-lor license to keep a public house in the house now occupied as such by George Coover, in Silver Spring township, Climb. counk. • March 9, 1853. JOHNICIY. We the subscribers citizens of Silveti SPri'ng township, Comb. county certify that thOtaid Jolla Loy is of good repute for honesty \and temperance, and is well provided with house' room and conveniences fo rt e lodging unden tertsinmehi of:„.tj'aVeller's and 'strangers, and that such fan - or Tavern is necessary to abcom modate the public and strangers and travellers. A H Zoiger, Sant'l Hess, Joseph Kenege, Joseph Sadler, Samuel. Sigler, Christian , wipe, Wm Williams, E M Karmen, James William', son, JaCob FUrney, - Ifehry W Irvin. David Orrs, George Weaver : John Karns, Henry Spriie, Jacob Malley, George V Coover, John Bubb, qoseph Eichelbergerf NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to apply at the ensuing term of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, for license to keep a public house in the stand I no. occupy as such in Wormleysburg, Cumber erland county- ALEX, WELLS. March 9, 1853. We the undersigned citizens of Wormleys burg, in the County of Cumberland, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named Alexander Wells, that he is of good re. pute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided With house room and conveniencecos .for the accommodation of strangers and Ira veFers, and that such Inn or Tavern is neces sary to acconimdate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. Daniel Erb, David Stevenson, John Holtz; Bernhard.Glis, Thomas Flowers, Jacob Ben ninger, Englebeart Wormley,J Longenecker, Henry Killfieffer, Jacob Ebersol, Jacob Nied hammer, Daniel Niedhammer. Prothonotary Tavern License. /- NtoTicE is hereby given that I intend to .L apply at the ensuing term of the Court of,, Quarter Sessions of Cumberland' County, fcr License to keep u public house at the Doubling Gap springs in • the house frnovt , occupy as such SCO rT COYLE. Match 9, 1853 We the undersigned citizens of Mifflin twp. Cumberland county do corny that we are -well acquainted wills the sato Scott Coyle. that he of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is well provid d with house room and convenience for accommodating and lodging strangers and travellers, end do therefore roc / . commend 'him to your honors, and that suchtis. house, is necessary for the accomodatfon of strangers and travellers. John StewartoWm Knettle,_Andrew Middle ton, James Kennedy, Jocoh,.,t-leminger, Wm S M' Hannon, D Sterrett, Geo Bra ton, A W Sterrett, James Harland, Henry Snyder, James oodburn, _ XTOTICE is hereby given that I intend applying at the ensuing term of the Court •ddQuarter Sessions of Cumberland county for a License to keep a public house in the stand .now occupied as such by John' Loy, in Kings. own, Silver Spring township, Cumb• county, . J OSErld SAD LER• March 9, 1853• • We the utdersigned citzens of the Township of Silver Spring aforesaid, being personally acquainted with Joseph Sadler the above named petitioneC,aMtnleo, having a knowledge of the house for whieh 'tile License is prayed, do here by certify that such, house is necessary to ac comodate the Oblic and to entertain strangate or travellers, eat he is a person of good repute for hodestry.and - tii*perance,and that he is well Provided with helite room and .epnveniencee for the lodging and accommodation of stranger!' and travellers. Adam H Zorger, Esq Daniel Humor, Philip B Stout), Sam'l Hess; Daniel Spidel, Armstrong, ThomasT ChaMbers, E M Hary mon, Wm Williams, Samue Ziegler, Henry W triin, George Reed. Richard - M•Blessing, W K Stevenson, Andrew Irvin, George' Weavet ? Joseph Kenegy, Abraham Miller. NOTICE is hereby given that I intend fo' apply at the ensuing term of the Comt or Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, Mt License to keep a public, house in the stand known us the Mansion house in' the borough of Carlisle, now occupied as such by Joseph W. Patton, boing an old stand. ISAAC' pArtaoms. March 9,1853. • • Wo the nnderalaned citizens of, the. Borough of Carlisle, i the West Ward, in the county of Cumberland, do certify that' wo are all well acquainted ivith the above named Isaac Fat ' sone, that. ht is of good repute for honesty Rod, temperance, and is provjded with house room and convenience far the . acoo m 6d it i o n of travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern la nec essary to accomodate die •public..and entertain strangers and travellers: • "George Bendel, W F A Kennedy. Jacob Bretz, 3013 W Pat'On R A Noble, John Rhoads. David Bhoadi, Wm ,M Porter, Thom as Conlin, A Noble, John' N Armstrong, It Allison, Geo,L !Hurray, Lewis Bobintunk'. Tavern Id(mmr. 'NOTICE is hereby given tbst l intend apply. ing at the ensuing term of Ida* Court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, for renewal of License in keep h-publio,house in the stand now occupied by sue us. snob. in. East Peurtsborn township la said County. , ' WILLIAM WOES; ME Ve.theemdersigned citizens ofthe,Townsidp of East PeorlSborough;ln the Canitty'inf,Cainber.. land, do certify that we' are well acquaint _d with , theithove named W Milan P.-Hughes, that he la of good repute for honesty stpittempersinee.linti,', ii'Well provided with house SIMI?, and co., cocoa for the 'accommodation -of ateopgerts taaveilers,and that such Ina or sovern is pope*. wiry to accommodate the public Itt.4 Ittletloitt strangers:tad travelherii - ' . A P Krli; Henry; Klltheffee,4 4..anaelteelsor.% John'Henry. .I,ohtt. 4cco .H seiscorY firOlotiterz ..Stmon Hyster,, 11ipgary Altetmei Christian HlinehrioN.W l l4ll 3 : . Lao; phoutti, ijoilly PA. k,l/41,4*14,16.'. Tavern License Tavern License. Tavern License. Tavern License,