a - lartarr. II 'MUM ACBMS: -- The - tyventir'sixth meeting of the 9er . ntown,,:(pear Philadelphia), Farmers" A.was holden fit the :house of Philip cn'the 23d He is' the - tor of the•Gerrminlown Teleg:raph, - 'rm and'.actiye friend of agriculture, tioniture - &c.:, and the originator ,of club. "Though' his ' Whole ~pletL of and comprises les's than two acres and alf,.yet he manages to. produce upon in perfection, a little' f eVerything e :—• ose who are, sighing for more land Irlo_wellto rend fits statement :care= ly, and erimiire whether:. it :would ..not wise to cultivate their.' present acres icr, then .to add to their number,, The tarter ethe:meeting states in' the To l •aph that during• the present year there S cut two tons and a . quarter of ,prime 7:;' there, were patches of turnips, fur-, )s, carrots, parsnips,• beets,. cabbages, ,ree kinds) onions; peas. frejole and If a, dozen otherlcinda of beans ; sal. y, lett*, okra, corp,_ (Stowel.l's Su r, andailanos') ; potatoes, - pumpkins, iree,varietips,) squashes, tomatoes, egg tuts, asparagus'in ,abundahce, celery, splendid quality,) together with al ')st everyother kind of vegetable to be and in the' catalogue. His, fruit Coa t of melons, six kinds of cherries, five ads of plums, peaches ; twenty-eight rieties of select pears ; twelve . varte• - ' sof applei red, white . and blck cur its; gooseberries, blackberries, and varieties of raspberries, grapes, &c„ In 'the garden and mansion, yard, !re was' r . t . .very : choice. collection' of wers,-among many select roses .1. rare . - -vines'. :The -ornamental-trees isisvof--fiv67 intrietjes, of the- fir-rthe sonica eryptOnaeriti i the Deodar cedar, rlrish yew; and -- the . - .A.inerican - :arbor ; 'the • European linden, the sugar 1 silver maples, the English and :untain ash, &., &c. - In addition to these, there was a rium o • Of, 'beautiful 'Palish Fowl S—black; lite and span'gied—f.nd pea fowli in. barn-yarcla fish pond in the - -gar a.,--and a, large number of ctioice fancy ;bons at"the house. In all this there an excellent taste displayed. We no . _ _ _ '2d that then house. - and , offices were hied with gas, warmed with a. heater, --d-supplied-with-water from the public whs. aths, hot -and cold, haire for urs been supplied by a reservoir on an avated back-bbilding,.holding..some-fif en• hundred-gallons, which has also inish 6 ed• pure ; soft rain - water for Tani is parts of the buildings. In' the garden is a small grpeb-house, .a•ctivated.iii_tliegratind, say to the depth f three or four 'feet, framed 'up' at the ides,-raised. a couple of feet above ;round; and covered with glass. .In this mclositre - orpit, the:Usual shelves are'ar-• ranged-to receive_ the pots and are ssu red by, Maj. Free's, that it is the best .)ossible provision for flowers and almost very.descripiion of plants in die winter. loses', 'particularly, flourish in much Mater perfection. During the . whole of ieLlast unusually-severe. Wirter, bill- a ngle'delicate night blooming jessamine by - the frost. tricen-house requires no artificial at. In the hot-beds, we founcLeactlrgr, CI spring .radisheS full' grown. -We ty truly say, in regard to the .6 Tele iph Farm," that it is a farm in minis e ; but in comfort, convenience, •and teOvithout any large pretension to re costly elegance, it is _it._ pattern dantation," and would, in' the full qving season, afford compensation for isit from any of our ponderous farm .' Ina word, it is in the strict sense the - word, -A—Holuc. 'Winter the Time to Think. irtntgr-is, the time for farmers to think ?ring, summer and fall, to work; and three latter Semen's labor will be to profit, if the Limo of the first shall hie.n".•iiisspent, All the plans of next season's operations- should be and well consideredduring the win- All improvements, 'till designs for ew operations; 'all the work to be 3 should then'be considered and pre ulfor;:-.So.that-wheti-the titne•forwork ves, he Will huve, nothing to do , but ahead.'. Then he lias no-time to k; hit if he has :been wise during winter, he will have no need of it.— , a pitiful : -.Sight Al: look at in the ag, When all.nature is in an cctasy Blight, ta•see a fernier flying about a hen with her head cut trying ) a_thousand things at once,' not ring which to do first, finning here running there in search of his rusty ements, sOne ,of .which rsquire.re !, some can't.hafofind;ind the _Plow. , the •planiffig m rapidly avanciegyand, ho not, pre .l for anything,„' Ohl it is pitiful; DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS I ries% Eippng Supply!. ` AVE just received afresh stock; °Mod. i eines, Paints, : Glass ' Oil, &c., which g, been purchased with gront.caro at the sty houses, I can' Confidently recommend milioa, Physicians, Country Merchants /Milers; ad•being fresh and pure, ... DRUGS. ont Medicines, Habsand EsNacts,. ie homi'cale, - Spices,grOundan . d whole trumants,—.. , 'Essences, • . • !ilhisseriU Oil.?. I Perfumery; &.o. . ' Cod Lever Oil—Wczriyinted Genuine. . • • DYE.STUFFS. • .. • .. - Log and Cam Woods, Oil Vitriol •• ~ • Copperas, ~ Lae- Dye!' „ ' • • i . .PAINTS. ,• .' • •., . 3therill de Brother's ure Lend,- Chrome -nand Vellew,, Paint and Varnish Brushes, y. WindOw .Glatlii, .Linseed Oil, Turpon- Copal and conch Varnish,•and•Reinead, f which. will be' • sold ; at tho very' lowest et price; - Also,a freehand ;splendid as • FANCY GOODS, FRUITSA ,' • actionary.nnd inmimerableether articles lated for use and ernarnent, nll of wtioll Mired at the - lowest 'cash prices,' .at the i Drug Book and Fancy Store iif•the sub , or on North Hanover street: • ','' • ' ' '' ', -*. -'! §,•: W. HAVERSTICK. tY 28 1851:- ' Igoes, dders, use im, tow_ D.a.Gtrartitz.tallmf;" idtittitimproVenient?in ,MES gAROTIIILIeB ,takee- method inforraink the 'or Carlisle and ty thpt lie llete permanently located iltilit— ' iiperllelo;. - I.9teie he le` 'new. mepaied to ettperoir 'pert reite. I hate, %viol p ,to room .Otittit; titgi fiat' anti, (110".bost ho,'leeks failureb cap , be,toodipv..pidtlit9P - p0t',.:311) )(I Oases 'frolyt)#4oto,,l9lll. „Onirdypo is tfie . .otornlemfre t to%:•Priff *ism est ,.,, anace!er., „, flyer, fading( eldlre . eamiio , vr got et the Fly..hcoiod_brMr,.:,Fridloy,eli riernf,worth .lEinnevoy and Loather -Ws, . r atjaapglyen ih the, ny t i,exnbr,ining e l royaments, ' ' the moat, °winnable A.p . pagntnerand Axturos-for.,:daguerreo '4sirrnqbed; • ' • , to:602040 . ;~tft cclttutcani , - STZLIWE SAW IbtqLXl.-- THE undersigned Mining' n' largo, 'Saw Mill, recently built, on ari improved plan, With'n eircetar.saw,:eapablo of sawing with grata Vireo miles most ot portown,Cumberfand *inky, at the base of the South Mountain, oh Sprucp,Ruii -and having in possession - hear oniallincisand acres of the best timber land,- in the Soutkern purl Penn sylvania; atfo now prepared to saw and furnish at the shortest notice (4'i-he varlopa,cleseriptions Psed for' 'mechanical Pikr : posed, - They can furniiilc franio stuff for barns' and hoines of any length and efts that may be required, weather-boarding;flooring, and len, eineand boards, poplar oalc boards and plank, Shingla'and Plastering laths ' 'Mac end cliesnikt shingles, cocpor stulf, piteli • pine•po.iti, and chestnut railaand masts,- - , They • hove-now on hand several tlinusand feet of lumber, chesnut ,rails and poste for fence, oak and pine wood by. the cord,•and can engage to be delivered in Its season several hundred curds Of cheanut - oak bark for-tanning' purposes. ~•'• • The proprietors having availed themselves of the natural advantages of -their location, abounds,,,in a variety of the finest timber, and having also a practical kot,wledge of the ' lnisinese,• - are Enabled to furnish lumber : tower to the -citizens of' Cumberland count; than con-be doeo by any similar establishment --and as they wish end expect to' 4o a ; • large busineas, will Grata no pains to tideurnmodato tile public at the sboricstn'otice." The various descriptions of lumber 'will be, delivered in'Carlisle or elsewhere 'es may be desired. All orders addressed to the proprie ters,'Diven-i& Haskell, living in Papertown, or In Wm..D. Seymour, jr. irk Carlisle, will secure, prompt attention.. DIVEN, HASKELL & SEYWAJR Nov. 10, ly. INZUM.ANCE. The Allen and East Ponnsborough Mutual 'Fire Insurance COmpany of Cumberland noun- ty, incorporated by an Act of Assembly,'is now fully, organized, and in operation- under the managonient of the ibilowillgtcommission- era; viz:. • . . .- Jaeoll Shelly, Win; 11.. Go t igas; - : Micha - er Cocklin, Meleheir Brenneman, Christian Stay-- man, Christian ritzel, Jacob H. Coover,-Levvis Hyer, Henry-Logan, Benjamin H. Messer, Ja. cob, Kirk, .Samuel Prowell, Joseph. Wicker.. sham; • . • . The rates of,insuranee aro pa low and fiivor ubfii as any. Company of tho kind in the State. Parsons wishing to bacomo members arcrin viled to make application to tho agents 'of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. BEN nossErt, President. HENRY L9GIAN, Vice President . Lewis Byer, Seeretarlj: ' fklichacl Cocklin, Treasdrer. . • October 7, 1852. AGV,N TS Cumbrrland County.—Rudolph Martin, N. - Cumberland ;C. 13. Fierinan. Kingstown Hen ry Zadring, Shiremanstown; Robert Moore and Charles Bell, Carlisle ; Dr. J. Ahl, Church, town; Samuel Graham, WestPennsborough; Junes McDowel, Franliford-; Moi:k Griffith, South Middleton. * , lark ' County.—Jahn Sharrielt Lisburn ;. Julia Bowman, Dillsburg ; Peter . WolFord, Franklin; John Srnitn, Daq.,Ytrashitigtoni W. S. - Picking, 'Dover; Daniel Rriffensberger, W. Cra ft, .77arrisourg.-4-2ouser &toe Members ortlnt company having policies abOilt to expire can have tharn renewed by making applicatitin, to any of the agents._ • Nov. 24, 1 y. -• PRESERVE YOUR :I'EETI 7 I BY_ USIWG Mwanans Celebrated- Tooth Wash ills valuable preparation has Itififflreiit used !m in .New York. and Philadelphiaovhere it has Omitted an immense, pnbilarity, for cleansing, Foserving and benutifyinOhe teeth. .It is an mieelleTtifra — nedy , for soro,soft( - Tr - Weeding gums. It also imparts a delightful freshness to the mouth and trrreeable odor tto n the breath. :t. --sir can, with the utmost confidence, recom ..mend to lhC publie, Zerman's Anti-Scorbutic Tooth Wash as the Inist in use: In my practice rut a Dentist, I have used and recommended it for the last five years, and have found-it to give :sat isfaction' in every instance, as the Wash does not, contain acid,"or anything injurious to theteeth gums; but, on.the contrary, is the best antiseptic n the practice, and therefore, would recommend be nse.ofit, not only to those 'who wish to pre serve their teeth and gums, and haven wholesome ;breath, but also to those who have diseased gums - tor - teeth: The use of the Wash,-fora short time, will insure a return to their healthy slate, GEORGE E DiUItRAY, Dentist, No 61, S. Eleventh 1•elow Chestnut Phil's. lir. Heile], of Carlisle, says ;—". - 111s. Zer ma n, I nut well Pleased with your Tooth Wash it not only. eleanses and whitens the teeth without injuring them,Mit it eureirsore or bleeding gums. I cheerfully recommend it to the profession and public', as the very best preparation that ran be used for cleansing and preserving the teeth, healing the gums, and giving sweetness to the . . breath ' JOHN IV, HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist, Price 25 cents per bottle. • Prepared only Frani:is Zerman, - 11 - )ruggist and Cheinist, cornet of Ninth and Catharine streets, Philadelphia. . - .For sale by, SAM.UP.I ELLIOTT, Carlisle Pa: - • octl3' Jr) New Fashionable Rat and Cap' Store - -•.-:-.....- ~.`''' .- -- , .:......" --4*-----. • - 7- .. -- 1.- - . ;,.0 .1,,,,5• , - 11111 E undersigned respectfully invite the at- Ltention ()film public to the large, elegant had thshionable assortment, just opened at their new store on Mai. street, nearly opposite the Mansion llottse.licitel, consisting of a large YR riety.if MOLMSON RATS, manufactured by Oak fiwil, Beebe, and Morris fk co., of Phila, del tibia, which are of the latest .style, and as to quality: unsurpassed. fine assortment of .I.llack an • d Drab Kossirrn . rlivrs high • mid low erdwit 0111 'of the beat quality and prices to suit customers. Aluoi White Deaver and .Pan ama Hats; an, article lunch used. in the eastern nities. A large variety of altildren's'fattay bea ver and Bleach - lints.. Boys black and. drab.— With a large assortment of CAPS of till kinZ and prices. • The nudersigned having .recently estriblishet themselves in business, hope by an earnest Obr to please, to enjoy a full slitirepT-PublioliatioW age and favor jell GROCERY & QUEENSWARE STORE 'PHD cheap grocery store of 'the sub— scriber, in West lligh street, Carlisle,Mas just received a fresh suppiY . from Baltimore and Philadelphia, of Prime Rio and ...Lagnits Cof— footh,l best Brown and Clarified.. Sugars, also Layering's best son' Crushed and double refined pulverized sugar, at! greatly reduced'.pricos, Honey, best Now York, Philadelphia andlial • timere Syrups,-New Orleans and Sugar Howie Molasses, of ovary' grado,With prices to suit, together with a large supply' of all the'mrtialos generr.lly kept in agoed family grocery', such -as. Rice, Starch, Chocolate, Cheese,' Hominy, Beans, Castile ' Fancy, Rosin andcountry Soaps', Spices of all kinds, warranted pure -mnd fresh ground. Water, Panfily,Sugar and Sodo. Creekors, common and welter strained 'Oils; Brushes, bed'cords, 'twines, Ike. Also a- new selection of &eon and black • Mee, of the beet brands,' carefully selected and put up _in 'Me. tallic. packs of quarter, half,' and whole -pounds, -by the towdealors; Wssrs. Jenk ins & Co., of Phila. .For sale by marle. ' , HALBERT: In the "Contt:,,of.. Common Pleas of • CutnbOrlatid collnty. • •. • Ilia gealen Whitmatt.l by her fatlibr and next'' Subpaina SurDivoide friend, Michael, . Al; ' bright, • .:' • ' To Jicob Whitman,.. Jacob Whitman. J• . YOu aro hereby , commanded that, setting aside all other. busfnestvond . excuses whatever, you be and eppeorin your pron'or person beforb -,. our' Judges at'Corlialeat a , Court •of Conimon Plen.ii thereto bo'held for the county, of 'Punt borlandien the 'lothArty •of January next, !to petition or libel'of•thb: said Msg.,. dalcintr,'Wliilm'iMP your 'wife,' should 'oat': be divorcoll, from - tho'bidnds of inatelmnny . : agree ably.'4O the,Act of ,'Assombly 'tn:. 0.10 :estii ,Mado"a4d not. ... `o l l.9riti - • ..A.myeinlmr 9i1842 SdOol64t • `," 'i;Onfiiiiiri4 6f drabieri4;6i6o4/Rniksi,Ali" .monde. Filberts, COnm ,Nutir;:lnklfol"- 6 6utly Ground Nuts, dr.e. ar-tho.COnfoctionarkt6l,c. , nov, • " " 4- • MONVER• ' - TriIEPoRTANT TiMESANWLABOR SAVED! The Ohl FathionetlJllilts.Done away With I • IN.allformer (Imes it won supposed that a largo quantity, .of cider could only be made by using e ponderous machine, !hoc slowly 'crushed the tipples without grinding - theta fine. They were then Made into amassive cheeSe in straw, nod a most' severe - and iong 'pressure was required' to extract a portion of the cider;a considerable quantity being 'absorbed by the straw and the mass of pomicit, mid to obtain this unsatisfactory result the former had to take rill his hands, ondliellops his six horse team, and delmts a whole day that could have been more profitably employed, to make from , six to t waive barrels of cider. Tedbviate 'the difll - the larmernintie heretofore labpred under this mnehine hos been invented, end the state ment of O few facts will prove that iris not on- ly the AMINE of the -kind inexis tence, Mit that it ia the most profitable' that a rune can have on his form. The apples are fiy this machine gritted up 'moil fine pulp; so that. it requires but a comparsuively light -pressure, and that but a minute or two, to ex'ract all the cider, it being ascertained by pr,octiCal crxperj meet I harnveli:mtkmore juice conlieolititinell than by the old process. Bosideit this it •only requires two hands to grind tip and make into cider n, larger quantity of tipples than con" pos sibly ho-mode on thecild„ fashioned machines. Qn this press, owing, to the compactness of the Potnice in the tub, and the complete - Manner in which it is ground, a pressure of-from three lb five tons—that con easily be obtained—will produce a more favernble"resalt that one hen • • deed tons pressure on the ordinary cider press, even if the apples were ground as finely es on the improved mill ; and if the ripples ware merely riushed as on the nut ntochine,fil would , require a pressure of two hundred tons to pro duce the'ff. -- sijlt aveamplistred - by—illis--Patent- Mill. The following maybe adduced us the' decided advantages of this mill: , First—lt Will mpke more eider than any oth er mill, with a given quantity- of ripples in a given, time, and with much.less,loborond ex, petite. Sternal—lt will make cleaner end sweeter cider than-nay other mill- : . Third—You coMmalto the cider as you want it,•antl-when- you -• want it- , -and in quantities from one gallon to 6 or 20 barrels. , Fourth—With it you can press your currants cherries, bet ries, cheese, butter, lard Una tal low. ,- - - • Filth—With it y6u can rove one-forirth: of your time in making apple butter.' •:t Sixth—With It you can grind or chop .your apples, potatoes, turnips, beets, carrots or pumpkins, for your cattle. ' Seventh—with its use .you can at all times have FRESH end SWEET CIDER. -With all the ndiaritegcs resulting from the possession and. use cri auch a machine-- at a price so low 1119 t it 19 within the reach of con it bd that any'intolligent farmer would do withotit.it? Do you lib tolfavo — iii your = i - To u ti - O — Okle — r i that is nt all times sweet and. fresh, the only time it. is really healthy and fit for tise—and do lairds am": If' - fio. buy - this machine nnd our word lorityou will not he distiPPoCtlted, 'Pile p r ice oft ho Cider Mill and Press is $35; and of the .Root` Cutting. Cylinder .95. For Machines, or State. county or township righte, address, post paid IV -0 HTCKOK, - 11 - ari•isburg,'Pa. Cood - AgontS wrint&T. • - Norric.E.--Since my circulars were issued it has been concluded to sell at tho above price. giving the owner the entire right to the ma— chino and to use or lend it as ho plenses. _- The machine can lie seen by. cnlling on Mr. Jacob Falter, Carlisle. (aegllfim) WHATEVRltconcernsthe health nod happi• .ness of a people is at all times of the most valuable importance. I take it for granted that every person will do nit in.theirpowet.,to save the lives of their children, and that every person will . endeavor to promote their own•health atall sac rifices. I leer - it to be 'my duty to solemnly as sure, you that WOE MS ,according to the opinion of the most celebrated Physicians, are the plinut- Ty causes era large majority 'ordisenses to which the children and adults tire- liable ~ i f you have an appetite' continualyelump,eable from one kind 'of food to another, Bad Breath, Pain 111 the. Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and Vanness of 'the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow 'Fever I_Pulsbrri..gular—reinember-that-iill these denote WORMS, and yeti should at once apply the rent. edy : lIDEIENSACC'S WORM SYRUP. .An article rounded on :Scientific Principles, compounded with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when takenoind can be giyen -to the most tender infant ,with decided beneficial effects where 'Bowel toinplaints and Diarrhea have made them weak and debilitated ; the Timic properties of nty Worm Syrup are, such, that it stands without equal in the-catalogue of med icines, in giving tone and strength to the Stoat. itch, _which makes it an infallible" remedy for these afflicted with Dy:spepsinr the astonishing cures performdd by'. this Syrup alter Physicians have• lulled, is thehest evidence of its suptrier efficacy above all cutlet s. . . - This is the mostdiflicult Worm to destroy o all that infest the human system, it grows to an almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and , fastened in the Intestines• and Stomach, nlTecting the health so sadly as to cause. St. Vitus' Attlee, Fits, &c., that those afflicted seldom' if ever sus• jiect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave. In .Ortier...to_tlestroy this worm,,,. very energetio treatment must:be pursued; it would therefore !to proper to take 6 to 8 of my •Liver• Pills so as to remove all obstructions. that the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm, which must he taken in-doses of 2 Tablespoonfuls three Crites 'n- day. .These - directions followed hove never been known to roll curin g the most obstinate rase of Tape Worm. • 8t: J. ItELLER. HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. d '" ',No part tf the system is morello!, e to disease tfimi'the LIVER, it serving tts a (Atoka., to purify the blood,or giving the proper secretion to the Bile ; GO tlint any wrong net;o6 of the Liver'nf fectsthe other important parts'oftlie system, and resultit varieusly; in Liver Compliiii*Jnontlice, llyspepsle;Ate. We should trierefOre, watch ev ery symfitom that might indiente a wrong nation of the Liver. Those pills ,being composed of Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heal the sick: Namely, -Ist. An EXPECTORANT, which Suguients the secretion from tine nary mucous membrane, or promotes the Ms elinrge of secreted matter. 2t).. An A L'PER.4- .TlVE, , whioli Obliges in' Some inexplicable and insensitde Manner the' eerttem morbid notim, Of the system. .9d. give.tone.and atiengpi Act, the nervous system, renewing health and vigor •tamil pnres of the'body.' •sth• THAR. l'lC,,ivlaieli nets in.perfeet fipt.mittiy with die other ingredients and operating on'the bow= , lea, and expelling the.whole mass of corrupt and' vitiated suattei; andptirifyink. the Blood,: which deatrovs qii m aap nnd restoreslieattli.; , • ~,. • . , . • L., Ft'c'tp You Will find th ese,'pills tin invsluttiN:inedisine ta 'map), 'colno,lninte,to which yettlied eitiNtat. In olisteuutlees eitlienT iota! bit ,pitttiolohey: have been found 'or 'tit . ,iilestltaalile benefits ieetoi lug thcqr.feeeiiimal Ovallkein'enis it hehlthyaetion purifying the blood and ether fluids so efreelindly as to ut to flight mm; Heise' from fOrmliirreguhtrities, as Itemiselt. ritlilineis; - 'dimheis Of - sight, 'min the side:hack; Sle,:• None genuine u n less ilkited J. N. llohensaA r l; all others, being:lined imitationp; • ' w i shihg new, . suppliOsond:„S lore-, kcepers', deSirons of bqqaml e g bidet ad dress ':the Propvietei.i.V Ni''Llobeusaelc t N 7 if k Hairetttlek,l3„-Eifietti and Ilubburd;'Cavi islgg Lloyili.Lisbut•wi•J,ll3ar. ,lesburs- Odyld' 4 illoguesiown avcretiolo , ce Strolvari Kinotoan ;;; Seither;.. •.tharghtoitto, llayreay.ShilYpetii3burg • Divin, , I , Vtiaetibwr(g: 14- ; l D lo oDiokillatit • slitep,.,J l lfikitiolvo 11,hoacla ,11r.:Wherry, New;. • -:TFOcielss.e.eats.,lo;;;,, '1.!.•;, , ,; - i'.':: • c'-1!.'::' ~..'-' lfii.OttilAntOtto::: $5OO cztALLENGr. I•APE WcORM! :: . :0itg . : ... :. :, : ,.40 , 0,0 1 0g 1 i 1 c#'1 : ` 'NEW'S IVA °/‘ 'MAE' l'ZiCOrLa. . HATS and..LOIES! . F.U4S of every varletyi. of the largest and cheapest ;'Stee'ts,. can.he had, of JOHN. FA kg' ftA - , - at ihe Well.khown Hat,. Cpp and- Fur Warehouse, No, 284; Market tWeeti Sighth and Ninth,-South. ..,. delphia., ;l .- • ' ..• - The Proprietor offorehis claims " 'for' public patronage, being a', practieal wiprkman, and having-had.persorial experience both in manu facturing and .; selling, he is satisfied that his business facilities cannot' be surpassed by any dealer in 'the city. • His stock of Geifilomen's Hats for the Fall is 'very large and of superior quality.,. His as. sorldiefil of Children a Hats is.alsavery larger varying is price from-fill• to $5. ~He also calls the attention of Ladies to ,hie fino assortment of"FURS, such as Malfs, - Bons, Tippots,,Arm• lets, &e., made, up expressly for - the present season. .All the furs are of, his own imports• lion, and made by the,best workmen under his own personal inspection, Wholesale 'dealers from the country will findirto their advantage to,call call bad examine his Stock before pur. chasi ngolso where. , Oct. 273 m. ADAM WDT; I:ewers PATENTED 81olENTIFi6 WIC E - G®' • 10.,-.7f° .117 Si . , mbracing • all the :,prope)flies contained in the finest and/ ycKin additiOn . to Viiich,ibi• (tura ' bility'of the 'JtTetate are combined andfAlity associated and developed. $1852.1 • - THE) . Bowing highly respectable tostamo nials and recommendations are submitted to the public: Having tried Adair) Win. Rapp's PATENT SCIENTIFIC NICHE GOLD PEN. the undothignod take &oat plenum in recommend: ing it to the public as the greatest improvement in, metallic pens that has motour attention. , Bigler, Governor' of fho State 'of Pennsylvania. Jilt: Excellency,' E. Louis Lowe, Governor of the State of MarYland. Right Reverend.. Bishop A. Potter, Rev: Charles Wadsworth, Rev. John Street, W.- Rawle:' Esq., Hon. Joseph R: Chandler, Clark Hare, Esq., Itiniah liacke, , Alderman George W: A:41; Rev. D. W. Ratline, Editors' Ptiblic Led,gor, Prof. J. S. Hart, Principal of Central- High School, Philadelphia. Judge Booth, Richard Vaux,,Esq.,. William Neal, George W. Wallomon, William S. Price, Del aware. Rev. - W. B. EdiVards, Dud* Green,' Esq., F. D.. Richard'Smith, Esq. ' M. Miller,-.T. Radeliii,' Elliott,Edi. ore National Intelligencer,Editors_Washing, ton Republic,. Washington City. James M. Carteady, fag., Thomas WAIL& fcrd, A. Browning:, W. N. Jeffries,, Catittleit. Rev. Dr. DeWitt, Rev, CharlesA. thiy, Roy. G. .H. Coit, Rot. 3. F. Meeick, Rev. C. K.'Nelson; Editors Maryland State Capitol Gazette, annapolis,Jl.ld. Toiiho The subscriber' having purchased the prop rtylkiitivi6—tie—tlie-11 tiyalriciftif it - .Barking East_Eorner-W-2d-nnd-Chestnut Sireete, for his future buifinessEstatilishmont, intends keeping a' large and , -camplete .assort • meat of every variety of texture and size of Adam Wm. Itapp's lately' patented scientific Niche Gold Pens., Gold and Silver Pencils and Pon Holders, of every variety, wholesale and retail. 'ln ,addition thereto L hhve on ,liand Rapp's last edition br ScientificPennuinship acid - Ptinmaking, varioes bindings. • . JAMES BARBER, General Sale Agent for Adam Wm. Rapp:s Patented ,Scientific Niche. Gold Pone, S. E. corner Se. end and Chestnut Sl , eets, Phila. M rnayll2-1y NOTTELTIr IRON VITO.R.US. rffitiE undersigneths p.opared to manufacture g stalm engines anti boilers, blowing cylin ders, gearing for rolling, grist and saw mills. mill screws, lathes and &kV;fiaplanes, shafting, hangers 4/ %77' '4 , and panics, and every van of yi of MACHINERY and CASTINGS,such as hot blast pipes, gas and water pipes, retorts and lamp posts, cat wheels and axles, fire Plugs and hydrants, cellar grates and water spouts, wall coupeing, and a 'very handsome aternsio Mont len e Maftilir cast baigig cistern ` s, largo size, and a number of new patterns for cook, nine plate, and parlor stoves, horse pow ers and threshing machines of improved plans, plough castings, cast columns and fronts for houses. Mill owners and thill-wrights are respectfull y_ solicited to call and examine my new and mrirmied assortment of - mill gearing patterns. Patterns and smith work made to !order and machinery repaired promptly. N. B• Raihoar: carsi \ of all rdimensionh built.and repaired.'- - Harriett erg, May 26, J, R.JONES. HARRISBIMGI6OK-BINDERY, P. L. lEUTTER & Co. StiCCCBllOl'B to W 0 Hickok. aiid Hickok f 3 Catiti7; Book BinderiCSationers;:and Blank Book. Manufacturers . HARRISBURG, PA:- . ITS subscribers respectfully inform their •1 friends that they are now carrying one .above business at the.old stand forrnerly'oc cupied by Hickok '& Cantine, and lately by Hickok & Co. Tney flatter. .thenasolves that by careful .ettention"to business they will merit Ind receive a.continuance of the patronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firths. Partipular attention will be paid to the ruling and binding of every description of 'BLANK BOOKS; for Banks,_C,ounty.Officere,_ Marchants_and_Pri— vale Individuals, and every variety'of full' and half bound blanks, They have also'made• at . rangeme_nts supply counties with the nevi end,uppeoved Judgment Becket_ and Assors. mont Books. .In addition to: the'above, they have and will at all times keep, a general' as sortment-of SCHOOL and MISCELLAFi E. OUS , BOOKS & STATIONERY. Latter Paper , Knives, Slates, Pencils, Cap " " 'Quills, Inkstands,.. Drawing , " .Carp'rs PendilttiLetter Stamps, Transfer " Lead Pencils, 1110 1 40 Wafers, Copying Waters. Rubber, Blotting Sealing Wax, Blank*Cards,*, Steel Pens, "Red Tape, Folders, Black Ink. Rod Ink, Carmine Ink, Blue Ink, Copyingink, Arnold's Writing:Fluid, Erasers, &0,,-egei ..• ". Paper Ruled to Prittetn. Old Books, Peri• odicols, Law Books, Music, Newspapers, &c, bound to any pattern p and in any style required. A general assortment of Printing Ink. All work itiarranted and done very cheaply. Please give us a cell. • , .F. L. BUTTER &Co llarrieburc. April 28,1852,—tf. Z XNa PAINTS. Manufactured by' theNctojeisey . Company, Arc wark, N. J. T.HG eubticribers are now prenared to exc. Milo orders to any extent • for,their beautiful ( White and Colored Zoe Paints, at, the leg reduced prices, viz : - • , . No I; While, g'd in oil, 90 per lb., 'wild pure., , No 2 do - do ' ,8' do .'coOirr • . No 3- •• da,. do • - do :do Brown & Brit 'do ,si do' • .. do Ono. hundred pounds will cover oqually well as mach aurhice att Iso lbs. of White Load the are 25 per cent. cheaper to the consumer. THE ZINC WlilT,Els iaPidlysuperceding, White Load, over which it possesses, many ad . vantages. .It is whiter,andreorebeautifalthan thq White Lead—does not turn yellewroven when exposed to ;.aulphurourt . smell' , —ia no injurious , to,health,and is Ittrriore' Zinc Brozah' aid '.niack :Pointe ori,bothil T• . .drenther,and*Pire-Rioof. ,• • ; he best doveriedforoutaide work:ever in : trodubod; adapted to building of„Wood, Brick: or Stone—to fencesi carriage 'bodies., bridges rind machinery—tOthe hullsof vessels,ctnehore.' 'chains, and all otheriron - work on .60E1rd:ship :--to Imam lioilerssmoke , stacks,.water tanks., ..to iron, tin and 'oTher roofing, iron 'shutters.' „doori and railings; wire fences,, bridges, ate. . For Inoti Surfocoo this paint is especially val. cable, as it (ornate, galvanic connection, tirid:: entirely,provehtdrust.. . • ' Theso zinc havirik a pure Mei ! are warranted.nor-toturn yollow,and Fe- Ania.their original liiilliancy-..m,ugh 11/Wm:tr.:than' 'Mho Lead. or nay of the; earthy; :pturnehts now in use; , The pqrlificatdB fratti_,those jOho , have uSed these veinie; are 'suck as, to 1101iifY'' the puhll&that'they are invaluable; , ; _ • ablest,.Chbansts France*-and thiti enantrifhava , testified tn.‘the.• superiority'', of .Zino.oyarl-Leadptiipts,'ait to dnialmlity;heallh.: fulness and beaut y " : ' , • •' The atientien. of tlcalra iliird.itUnk I'o* guarded by , put.CoMpanY'sAgent ;:, •., Co • Witaroes,r• INEMEI HDR te• taki alorge . of ono A ' IFP e •b , t d a„ .gr to irro,iider.,f',logr SIN t4IZ RI ;IA AlivDpßoltitSmibtDji, ESE :C 5 L . ; . A.oo,6,ttgiUg”,: rat 1 /409ri SOHN, SE.o3,Nfli:dr..S9prgy pegilep • French • No. 45. South Second Street, :PAiladel~hid rot) ro tiein ent's to • theft Store, are now opening' a large as' Pails Pitney Feathpre, ' . • .• ',French - and A merican ' : • ' .. Fancy Bonn et' and 'Cap Ribbons, ~ • Fancy Bonnet'. - Stuffs, Corded and Plain Velvets, '• Gra. ,trAfricpies,"Laces, - &e.;"&c.. • • To,whieh they invite the attention of Mer chants t.nd Milliners visiting . the city.' oc, t2o,2ni . , • - • Blacksmith's to . yourlnterests... I have purChased w large -stock of iron and , stool before the advance which has lately takon place in the cittes;Whidh I will: sell at old prices together Withalarge aditort• merit of anvils, times and sand box .viccs,liles arid rasps, at prices that will astonish you. hoct2o' „ • JOHN P LYNE. ' LPHILADHLPHIA oottoot or CIZEIVIZS Titln Rear of the Univeraity,—Entrance on Bouel'a • Court, Tenth Street, below Market. THIS Institution, founded 1849, has been organized on the plan of the European Laboratories, under• the direction of Professor, A. L. ICEsmcmr, 111.. D., who has recently 're turned from Germany. Gentlemen may enter for the Year, Qiiarter, or Month, Daily ' Tri- Weekly, during ILe whole or part 'cif therday;and.stedv Chemistry practically in its connection ith - Agriculture, Medleinci or the Arts.. ' The Laboratory is well furnished with. Tests and 'apparatus for the delicate ehemicsirdnaly- Ma of Soils, Ores, Mineral Waters, Orders from Farmers, Mining Companies, eiecutcil promptly. Circulars will be sentlree'in reply to post 'paidcomrnPnicitticins oncloding 1 6 , stamp told. addyessed is above. Philadelphia, October 20, • , x .3Er co EaDEN'43 IVIIOLOA ' LE & BETAIL Clock, Time-piece, Watch & Jewelry Establishment. (1 . Stanil,'.No..23B Market 'Street. (her I.weett 7 th. and Bth, South Side,) Philadelphia. I Y. friends, old customers and' the . public - must Itnoiit that lam at all - times pre-' pared to. furnish -WATCHES', JEWELRY, FANCY ARTICLES, SUPERIOR GOLD PEN'S of- all kinds, with Gold and Silver Hol ders in variety,-&c., at the very lOwest 'Cot h Prices, together with the best supply of 'suite lior Clocks and Time-pieces, ever 'offered at this egtablishinent.' - ' E. H..beiiiil a practical timepiece and watch maker, with an experience ol nearly - meaty years-10 years at his presentiocntion--ris tit all times prepared to ,furnish, by wholesale and retail, warranted "time-keepers" ol the bee qualitv,—comprising eiglit day and thirty ht ur clocks und.time-pieces, of plain and highly or namental designs, of all styles, and adapted for counting-houses, parloris halls,_ehurches,._fec, tories, steam boats, rail cars; &c. Also, alarm clocks, a most desirable orlicle_for ' Sound Sleepers,' and for all whose besiness - requires them to be 'up in the morning' early.'_ ' Cloaks Time-pieces, Watches and Jewelry of every description repaired with . preat core and warranted: Dealers supplied' with clocks and clock trimmings. Barnum's motto is my motto,--‘wo-study to-please Cheap Watches and Jeweliy. WHOLESALE and RETAIL ) 1 . 1 5' at the " Philadelphia Watch / ,-t - - 4 1 . and. Jewelry Store," Number ° 96 North Secon&Stree . treotter ~1., . _ of Quarry, Philadelphia. A ,l", ~_-,._.1 ' Gold Lever Watches, full . "aTil'NfitiViii,- jewelled, 'Seurat cases,- 220,00 I Silv'r do full j:d, $l2 Gold Spectacles, $7 00 Silver Lo'pe jwla, 10, Fir,e Silver do. 150 -do do do 9 Gold Bracekts, 300 Superior Quartiers; 7 [Ladies G'd P'll3 .1 00 Imitation -do ...'-5 S'r Tea. S'ns,6l,s CO Gold Pone with Penei and Silver Ho o der, 1 00 Gold Finger R ings 374 ciente to 28 ;Watch OlassesTglaiii, - 121 cents; Nicht, 181; Lunet, '25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to.be what they are sold for. STAUFFER Sr. HARLEY. septSlr ' ' Saccesears to 0. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levos end Lopines, still lower than the al eve prises. I+ll4 IW Di 0 KY:TNII V Z 1.1113 Wl3 011 • GIVES fresh evidence of the relinnce to be placed in 'OLIVER EVANS' FIRE PROOF SAFES . ,!'No. 01 South Second Street,' Fldla;' delphia. ' We take great pleasuin in stating that ee had one of "Oliver Evans' Fire Prool Sake in our Store, during the great fire at Bart's, Buildings,•whieli, when taken from the ruins and opened, was found to have preserved our Broke, Papers, &c., entirely uninjured. ' • GETZ & Buck." "My store was entered by burglars„and failing to pick the lock of my lion safe, •they tried to blow it open with powder, but no loss, or,injury was sustained. was•purchased of Oliver Evans, 61 South Second Street,- Phila.- delphia. • • J. C. Forman. • - , • : . 13 ordentown; N. J."' For sole; of all /dies, by OLIVER EVANS, 6i S. Second St., below Cheatnut. Solo Agent for the ,5 Day and Newell's World's Fair Premium. Bank, Vault and Store Locks—Thief and powder proof. . • Also, in store-- • . Seal rind Letter Copying Presses, Truck's:Tor moving, boxes, boles or crated, Druggist's-Presses,-with Cylinders and Pane, Portable Shower Baths,ofsuperior construction Water Pipers, for purifying bad water, Refrigerators and Ice Cheats. .. Water Coolers of all kinds, for Hotels, Stores, &c. (eoptB3m) WM. -DAILY:r4-80N, - Import= and .Dca las in , eaouuu , FRENCH: BINIEIB RUM JEWELRY. BILVF.LIVARK PLATE) Main AND WICT / 1 11.TICLXS. Are oetudently receiving thi 'den. of the above Good., wldch are otter • wholesale or retail, at No. 216 Merlon Street, at. Sixth, Decatur Street, Philadelphia.' - zerrhausorm . 444 warranted, to he tinter they . NEW • TALL GO ODS: __THEaubicriber hiuflust received midis noui oponing..a largo and' general:. assortment of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GODDS.—• 'Comprising in the • Supermr.Frenoh Merinoos, , , .Ex Fa quality French Bombazines, ~ „Caclunere and Monsline Sego, Il wool' Mousline.de Minna,'• • Cotton Warp - • ylaidCachmeres, • •• Persian Cloth's and Persian ~ Scotch and Domestic Bingham's. • Thant and Blanhot:Shawls, • , ' • Scinch und.Domostio Flannels; Cloys Cisi - imities, Slaloms; and Kentucky Jeans in great variety, with 'many bthor dress geoeanoredurniirated. 6 am . • • GEORGE. W• HITNER. Great Prize IVL'edid Arriired. RICKEY & TULL, Isle. J4B Chestnut Street, above Sixth, front ofloneeHotel, re. ceived the Prize Medal, awarded to them for the hest travelling TRUNKS exhibitedat the World's Fair in Lonion, 1851—being the only , ' exhibitors to whom any award was, made.—', Their competition was•with:all the world, and:. they have taken the' PRIZE ! They.elfer.. to " Morphants and the travelling communlify the turxest .ost and cheapest essortnient of ' Trunks, Valtees, - Bags, to be found in . thiticity; and' at very.law' pri. C(3B. Ennead tee. • ' • ' HICREY..&. TULL Trunk Manufacturers,J4B Cheetriut - stipls3,mv,. • Rhiledelphia. . . ,Corner ofilegOiyi am( Douther atit.i'Carnale. - • Tit HE pndetsignedh ad always riligpd . .,Olitrri icock qgpoior Cuhinet. the . ditraronVetvroa ) ,•tyhlohe he proparthl!ip;goll at, the lowest pricoo, He invites' attention Pardo, itlarly to, the Pdient Spring=Batiom Rodgrettri, a . nroatugefultittolo;,ietich tiortrery'olivirdorr all ob,footionot ,The atActuidloTold° nedstoade: hive •gi'ven entire attkierac.' , ' t top.to all•whci havo,th pm 'in , ' cttOPOgF.llsll3itoqe,t9 , r 9 a a I,s a teat :. . ;." ''S'ACOIP"/11,1VER. ;''Caiiiiiteactii''y. 22; ~Itbakirel..lii4h6lo;ltieffati quartiliamriels, 7 ,jlieCradelriOn'tillite,and fotleale at 't lowest oleeS'for eaShiby •'• • ;.64*•17,; D. 'HALBERT' ---A - w m. --41, F. v`, i•,, : • ; .-.. , •\• 1 :: i .:.' 7-'l7- ''.' ,. ..-c:' : i . c c. r!_i__;... , , -Qi... ,:41)1i2;t:11,1! -1-74-7,..yT--. 1' Ttill°llo 4 r q. 4 _ W.:Nnt::: - . - P%•• ,,,, ,7 -, i,-..a..`4 - . ' l , •v_ ,t•-t,-• PECTOM: ' .0017GPCSi . -COLDS,i ltakkits.EN.pss, xmq,x; 0.1131T.10 04017 : Pi AStll-' WHOOPING: - AND rOONSUBIPTION.'; Many years of trial, instead of impairing the public confidence in this r mediejne; has Won for it an appreciation and notoriety b; .far exceed^ rug rho ' moat sanguine . expectations ,of its trtends.. Nothing .but its intrinsic virtues and its t unm_iatakeahle benefit conferred on tliou;. Minds of *afferent, Would originate arid maintain .the reputation it enjoys. While many inferior' remedies, threat upon the , community, have failed and , been•ciscarded, - this has gained friefids by ever?. tria4conferred bet.cfits s on the afflicted they "Can 'never forget, and produced cures too., numerous' and too remarkable to he forgotten. While ills a fraud on the public to pretend that any one Medicine will infallibly care—, mill there is abundant proof that...the Cherry Pectoral does not only as a general thing, but alinost invariably cure the maladies for which it is employed. As limo makes these facts wider and better kothin this medicine has gradually become the best relianceisf the afflicted, from the log cabin of the American Peasent to the palaces of Eu ropean Kina. ThroUghout this entire country,. in ,every Stale, eity and indeed almost every hamlet it contains, Cherry 'Pectoral is known as the best remedy extant for diseases of the throat and lungs, and in many - .foreign , coun tries, ills coming to be extensively used by their intelligent physicians. In iGreat Britain, e - Francand Germany, where the medical Bei unCiis:have reached their highest perfection, Clierry.Poctoral is Introduced, and in- constant see in the Armiee,llospitals, Alms Houses; rublia Institutions, and in domestic, practice, uotho.sui'est remedy their attending physicians can-employ for - the - more - dangerousr - ettections of the lungs. Alio in milder cases, anti Air children it iesafe,pleasant and effectual to cure. In fact, Omit of the. Most flatterAng teatime nials'we receive have been froth parents who have feendit,eifficaciona in eases particularly incidental to childhood. . . The Cherry Pectoral is • manufactured by a practical Chemist; and every ounce of it under his own eye, with invaiable ascuracy and care. It is sealed and protected by law from counterfeite" consequently can be relied on as genuine without adulteration. • - We have wideavored here to furnish the corn munitywith a. medicine of sueli intrinsic su periority and worth as •should commend itself to their confidence—a remedy at once safe, speedy . and effectual, which this has by repeat ed,and countless tri3ils proved itself to be ; and trust by great cam is preparing.lt with chemi: cal-accuracy r of- uuiform-atrength-to--afford physicians a new urgent on which they can rely for best results, and the afflicted with a remedy that Will do for theiablt that medicine con do. PREPARED AND SOLD BY JAMES a AYER, PRACTICAL CH MIST, LO WELL MASS. • - _ . - Sold in-Carlisle S.A. Hubbard and Dr. Rawlin's—in Mechanicsburg by Dr. Ira Day—in Neiv,yilleity J H Herron—in Shippens burg by J. C. & U Altick. and by - Druggists generally throughout the Sow. Wier o etablecattle .Toter Pr wi by Br Fronefiel(l,4 a TTE discovery of bantam; FRONnellit:D, & CO'S CELEBRATED CATTLE POWDER, has set iho whole community alive to a new fact in regard to feeding of Cattle, be for the pur pose of maintaining bealth,and increasing_the production of Fat, Butter and Milk. The effect of their Powder has astonished every ono that has used it, and the demandhas been so large that the proprietors could scarcely manufacture sufficiently fast for their sales. . The immense . popularitylt has obtained from Farmers. DairYmen and Horsemen, and the confidence end success with which. they, have used Whose' set the heads of ' other Druggists' at work to make an article. iirofessing to he of equal merits, thinking to take advantage of our Powder'd popularity;and by thwai moans intro duce other articles' into the market, which have no affinity to our, preparation., whatever. Every person knows, who has Freed anything of Agricultural Chemistry, that no powder pos sessing such qualities as that which we prepare was ever known in any port of Germany, EU rope'er America. We advise all persons to read Prof. Leibigs's works and see for them selves whether they or any one else, everkneW of a Cattle Powder in- Germany, Europe or America, that ever professed to have the same virtues, which we claim for ours. Thediseovery is of American Birth, f. e off spring of the proprietors, and there is no cattle powder now known in the world, that was eves manufactured from the same combination of Chemical elements ay that of Breinig, Prone field; & Co. Do nut therefore suffer yourselves to be de ' calved, or think that our• powder is a humbug because you, have tried those mongrel salmi totes and found nb good follow but rather inju rious results. Nevergive an opinion unless yen have tried the only genuine Vegetable. Cattle POwder in the world. as_compounded.mid pre 7 pared by Breinig, Froviefield & Co., No. 187, North Third Street. Philadelphia. 9 N. 8.. Do not be imposed open and al low ' your animals to die or linger with lisebse eaubeyou havefed the wrong Cattle Powder. The eignaturp - Of' BREINIG, FRONEFIELD & CO.; is ,on the end of each , pack of the genuine ar ticle. • Sold in Carlisle by. April 7, '52-6nt -.IL- M. RAWLINS, MON YER'S CONFEGTIONARY rinviT AND TOT STORE ANOUNTRY Merchants and" all thoso in ‘J' want of SUPERIOR CANDIES will find the largest and beet 'assortment „at the' old stand of the subscriber; in North Ilanovet a few doors North of the bank, whore we have just raceived'a large stock of FRUITS AND NUTS, of the lat.st importatren. consisting n part of . . Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Pigs, Drains, Dates Currants, Almonds, .141berts, Eng, Wat nuts, Cocoa, ,Cream and Pea Nuts, t tc. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, of English, French 'and - American manufac ture, such as wOrkantHeney •hoses, card end sewing baskets, port monnaies. paper weights , music boxes, accordcons; gum balls, rattles, 'ring? and doll heads, chinannd glais . toys, and.ninted doile, ull. sixes; flour .vass, , motto cups, t ttik 813;.18,.; grate lioopi, m 5,.. m asks, drotris; guns, -kc. 'Fancy soaps and hair oils, of variety. In connection with the akin° he has &large stock of -• ' ',FAMILY GROCERIES., Stich as Lov,ering's crushed and pulvoiscd and brown sugars, coil's° molasses; starer; indigo; saleratus, green'Uneblark . teas, r.pih `of all kinds,"huttcr, *tier arid soda cracketein - atelt as. &c.,.tied-as we .. e sTRIvE torn; AS.E,' all are invited to exinnitte OuratriclLLrneEen.; bar the old stem! In , North Hanover - Greet.;,' - jol6 P. AtittNY Eit,r . . . , •: -NOTICE is :hereby:given . ihnt letter's ti? A:dritinistration on the Estate' orSainnol on, late of Dickinson townshiPi'etnaberlOrld county ' deed: have been gronted,by, tho Reit ister saikcounty to the subscriber. rending , in'the'entheloniundpol'oraoria.hOirif el4im° and prent theim • fat settlemen t.. and - those indebtod.wiq make', nay instil ecithtt said. Administrator ; ;` ••• • -6•,•: r - , ' DANIEL. . , dec,223tpd For 'ihe'Co 'Ot Chia it's a truly Wonderfiirernedy for IK/A GESTION, DYSPEP4A,' JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT,voNSTIPATION, end DEBILITY,Coring I r Nature's own . method, by Nature's own eat, the Gastric Juice. (o"Half a :teaspoonful of P site, infused in water, will digest or 'dissolve FI vr. Perkins . , OF ROAST BEEF IN ABOUT T 110/11113, 014, 0/ the stomach. . \ • -PEPSIN is the chief element, Besting principle (tithe Gastric Joie. VENT OF THE FOOD,, the PI/METING, Mud STINULATING gent of thefiS' testines. It is extracted Irons th maeli•of the Ox, thus laming n - DIG& TIVE.FLti ID, preei Gel rat Gastric Juice in its Chemi. furnisting a COMPLETE SUBSTITUTE for it. - By th. paration, the pans and evils Of and DYSPEPSIA are removed, Would bmby a healthy Stomach. %venders for, Dyspeptica l. curing elltett - /TY, E . MACIATION DE(4.4- , end DYSPEPTIC CONSUMPTION.,supposcst IliFferge ortlm Grave: "The' Setenfire Evidence upon which it is based, is in the high est degree CURIOUS and REMARK A BEE. ' • SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BARON.LIEBIG in his celebrated work on Chemistry,Animal says: " An A rtificial Diges tive Fluid, analogous to the Gastric Juice. may be readily prepared from the MUCC/lIS nit mbrance of the stomach of the Calf, in Which veriest' ar ticles of food, as meat and eggs. will le softened, changed, - and digested, just in the same' manner ne they would he in a liumanstomneb." Dr. COMB, in his valnahle writings on the “Physiolo;:y of Dikestion," observes that "a diminution of the due quantity..of the Gastric .Tuice is a:prominent and all-prevailing cause 0 Dyspepsia;" nod lie states that" a dist ingbished releaser o f Medicine in Lonclori; -- who was t.- erely afflicted with this complaint finding eve ry thing else to faiLlied reconrse to the GaStric Juice, obtained from the stomachs of living rink nails, which PROVED COSIPLETELV SUCCESSIVE..? Dr. GRAHAM, autlioT of the famous "works' on " Vegetable Diet,"says i " It is a remarliable physiology, that the stomachs of animals, mime rated water,impart to the fluid the, property of disholving various articles of food; and of effect ing a kind of Arkirscbm DIGESTION 411 them .in no wise different from the natural digestive pro , oCall on the Agentiand get a • Descriptive Circular, gratis, giving a large turcunt of SCI ENTIFIC EVIDENCE, similar to- the starve ' together with Reports of REMARKABLE CURES, from all parts of the United States. " AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER,_ -- -- fht HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN has produced the most srauvruntis nrirers, in curing eases of ,• Dability,EmselationiNervonsDecline, and Dys: peptic Consumption- It is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits of this adver, tisement r- but authenticated 'certificates have been given, of more than TWO; HUNDRED REMARKABLE,CURES,inFhiIadeIphia,New York and Poston alone. These were nearly fill. desperate cases, and the cures were not only ra. pid and wonderful, but permanent. —lt is a - great - 7 - N ERN OUS--ANTlDOTETtrod— particularly nBoll'43'. tendeneyto Billious order, Liver,Complaiist; Fever and Ague;• or badly treated FevemandAgue and the, evil. ef• fects of gtfinine,'Mercury, andother:drugs - Uffori the .Digestive Oigana 'after a long sickness.— Also, for excess Illeadng, and the too free use of ardest spirits. It almost reconciles Health with - Intemperance.' OLD siroMACH COMPLAI . NTSf • There is no form of OLD STOMACH COM. PLAINTS which it does not seem to rends and remove at once. No matter how bad they may be, it GIVES INSTANT RELIEF! , A single dose removes all the unpleasant sytoptomr ; and it only needs to be repeated for a short time. to make these good eltects permanent. PURITY OF BLOOD, AND VIGOR OF BODY follow at once. It is particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach; distress alter eating, low, cold state oldie Blood, Heaviness, Lownessof Spirits Despondency, Emaciation, Weakness, tendency to Insanity, Suicide, die. Dr. , HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN, is. sold by .nearly,all the dealers in floe dread, and Popular Medicines, throughout the. United" Slates. It i prepared in-Powder and in Fluid form—and in Prescription vials for the use of Physicians. • PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the nse of Pity. sieinns, may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, describing the 'whole prolaess' of prepar.. mien, and giving the authorities .upon which the claims of tlsis new. remedy are based. As it is NOT A SECRET REMEDY, no objection can be raised against its use by Physicians in respec table standing and regularpractice. PrineDNE I-DOLLAR per bottle. • _ gc t , :r:LO ne B P S E E P R S V I E N -• bears ls tt E ta ' : e rt s t e o i t i e bottle s p ign o t d s e r l e t o h o r o f i J. S. HOUGHTON, M. D. Philadelphia Pa. Copy-right and Trude Mark encored. I: Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Med mines .; . AGENTS, • Dr. Rawlins, Carlisle ; J. M. Eysteri & - Bto.i Harrisburg; Mr. Bear, Middletown; .• _ C. •A, Morris, York'; • Dr. Loy, Lancaster. AOOTOR YOURSELF AA—FOR 25. CENTS • —lv lamina of the ,pooket tetivitte,or, Everyone two Physician ! T wen ..fonrth- edition, with op t!da of hundredengra ige, showing private dis- IPS in every .slaipe and MM. antLmalformetiona _ f the generative ayifem. tY WM.YOUNG, M.D. The time has .now dr. .ing from secret disease le : VICTIM OFe.pAcirenir nteined this book any About hindrance to - bu. airless, or the knOwledge , of the most intimate 'friend, and with the tenth - the usual expense. In addition to'the general routine of private disease it fully explains the cause of manhood's carl3 da cline, wtth obiervations on marriagc.,-besitice many other ilerangements which it would not by . proper to enUmcrateln the public prints flCrAny person sending. TwExTv.} - 13 - -E CENTS, enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy adds book, by mail, or five copies will he sent for one dollar. Address. "DR. W. .youNG No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADLEPRIA" Post- paid. appille - DR. YOUNG caii bi'ecinsulled oniony- of ihe - UiSeases prescribed in his different' puhllaa ions, at his Offices, I.ot SPRUCE, aired, every day between 9 and S Weloak; (Sunday's excepted. May 1„ < ssoufßierita: ii . a.iin H a Ti o E c T i E r R WILL o disense.that may come under his ° core, no mattfr - how long standing or afflicting. Diller Sex ore invited' to this private rconi, BO North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia,' without' fear of `interruption by other _patients. -Strangers and °there who .have 'been unfortunate in' the selection of a physician are invited to call. Those who have'injured themselves by solitary vice are also•invited. A NV:REFLECT.-- he 'afflicted would do well to reflect 'trusting' their health. Inppinese, and in many etieetythcir lirtn bonds ben of physician's, ignorent el this claim of •nnitl a dies. ilia impossible form e man io understand all the i la the bunion ir.miiy are subject. to. • Every • respectable phytieitn haa his peculiar branch •in.Whlch he'iem ore 'tit • • cessful than his brother. raOrCSE,B TO. 111 a 110,111 he 4evOli;Ei ototik Or , bia•time and studYl,.' • • YEARS. O. PRACTICE; exclusively de voted to - the tidy and .treatmene ot , dieeseee,o the Septa l'organsitegother with uleeta liven th , oody, throat., nose, or lega: pains iritl.O . Hte hones;'.rnereurial theitinatienVirraVel, itrrpuler • itiejt,dietesis• arising from Youthful excesscs'or iniparitled, of theibleed;• whereby meaty lion hint , '-'become: erifeebled enables tl,e. recto ' Ib'oflist SpOinly'reliertiXell who M'sy.rhit 0;11cm . , t;'::" io;,serttfti4 0-eon !f0t 4 ,:q411444106E. 16 - lbgeCfl4VEri.B.4ll4lTZ El=