Q . •.. 5 1 0 1 Etelit. ; ' 'pi liql. otorq -atid.nlnitr BRIC Tit ''';-' li) ErriTYGr'.:4laUSE:, situa:ted iiiill,.. i: ',, ' i littliet:!,n6ar; the 'Ger:lisle . A II IT? • FOinitiis neW neetipiee;, 'us e. t ' - = — itt,,, W ieltittis very spitebla ~ a s well eel:1 1 .V ''' fb '' ilit ' SS. it i , entirely new and We : l . /flails/ throughout•_ Enquire .of - a ~-.,:- .- V. GAR.DNEitt. .Jan. 12. ifir, , ,' ' • ' • . - Confeiron — azr ill . Toy Store ALL%, 'Tao 'gOod:.;villestng end fity.tures of it ‘tithole% Male- & .re d i , ColletaionaVy', — Fritit ev - Toy •Storo, now doingogsod• buainess, which may bit grcatfyintreasiet by at irying candy through 'lthe surrounding ottani: , The 'awe-stand Amen in operation about 'tsavonican mouths a the • goods are all fresh mntfie.good,order. 'atisfactOry reasons given for quitting alto bus' eels. For further porno:- mins enquire pers:, ally on the premises or by Jette'r•pest paid to e subscriber, at .Carlisle, Tat Alse, a new tree story•BRICK HOUSE tcontainiv ten .T 6 me, for' sale or to rent. , - A. S.• WO RMLEY, 'Carlisle, Jan.. 13, 1853 • • 'OV - Lancaster Whig, Heading Journal and lLow 4 mtown. Gazette copy to amount of $1 50, tantl 'send bill to this office. xlstateo f 'rhos. Craighead, sr. dec'd. 1 es t a ment ry on the estate:of Thos. se., deekised lam of South Middle. 3. Cumberland i ounty, have been subscriber residing in the Same .11 parsons indebted to said estate 'meet, and those having claims present them for settlement to @ HAAD CRAIGHEAD, Ex'r. Robert Stewart; dec'd. herehy given that Letters 'Testa on, the estate of Robert Stewart of tow nehip, Cumberland county; deceased, hove been granted by .the Register of said county, to the subscriber, residing in Newton township., Alrpersons having claims 'against said estate will present them for settle ment,. and ,those indebted, are notified . to-multe payment , to Jaen' THOMAS A.-.McICINNEY VOR nrlNmi. THE STORE ROOM 'occupied by Or. Hubbard, on the .corner of Maine and Pitt streets, and oprthshe the Mansion house Hotel. The stand-is one orthe best in - the - borough - of Catlisle. It will be rented for one or more jans t ROBERT NOBLE. - Bonnet - Feathers THE subscriber has just opened an invoice -of Ostrich and other Bonnet leathers of one half the usual price. Also a very cheap lot of .Fancy Drees Silks jaris GEO. W. HITHER For Rent. . A two story brick Dwellindifousel • "i d i with back building, cistern , a well • ;NIL. of Water in the yard. stabling, &c. • as I l'here is a large , lot of ground at --'' mailed containing a variety_of choice - ruiftlees, iithato at 'the northend of North Hanover Street. adjoinhig property of Rev. Mr. Morse, and-Geo. Metzgar Req. For fur. ther liarticulaisi enquire at 4. SE N ER'S .Cheap Rid Glove,. The subscriber has just opened another in voice of the best quality Paris .hid Gloves, at thd low price of 62; etS. par. pair.— . GrEQ„ W. HITHER. -- =ore New. Goods. The subscriber has returned from the City with a great vatioty Of Fancy and Staple Goods, such as Embroidered Collars, Cuffs, Endersleaves, Inscrtings and Flouncings, Velvet. Ribbons, and Buttons of all colors, New Style Silk Braids for Dress Trim mings, with a go oral assortment of Fancy and .Staplo Goods, s itablefor the Season. Great Attraction At .711. Ar c . STELVEWS Cheap Clothing Storo, 'Two floors heal Of :the Post Office, and ad joining Woivagy's Confeetionar.) Store. "proprietors of this, popular one ex tetvive manufactory of Ready•tnade "clotting, beg leave to announce that - they have- now-on-hand. the largest r most ttarititi Ind oleganr.assortment of FALL• AND WINTER CLOTHING_ ever'olfered in Cornejo, to which they invite the attention .of tad public, confident that in style and liniea-it - cannot be'excelled. The clothing.sold at this establishment' consists in part of the following, viz : . -- - DRESS !AND FROCK , COATS. In ilis departmeht we hi:Welt magnificent as sortment of black, blue, and fancy colors t cut in the latest fashions, tastefully . and elegantly trim med, .and made in a cupertor manner. ' SACKS AND HALF SACKS. Cassitherea and Tweeds, all of now atile and at very low prices. OVBRSACKS AND BANGUPS 'Of black, brown, blue and drab,ebeaver, felt, Pilot and flashing coda. MONKEY JACKETS A-rery-large assartment-of-benverifelt,:pilot - Sat:innet and green baize. VESTS ! - VESTS !T-VESTS • TIM richest and 'mesa bedutiful assortment ever offered of Satin, blvk and fancy Silks, Valentia, Italian Cloth; Sattinott, and single breasted, of every variety os material and• pattern. . PANTALOON'S. •p yin and fancy Calsimeree, Doe skin, -Lc, Jeans and .Velvot card, in mile* ,ei ~y. Under Shirts and Drawers.• BOY'S vve-havo by far therlargest assortment in the re consisting',of .13oys' and - Youth's sack, frock and holy .eoats,• over coats; -.pants and Ntists, of all sizes, qualities, and at very -low These - articles are made with neat .riesa and care; and far superior to thosegordiz' narily offered. • . SlitTS . SHIRTS!! • • ... • , • Fine white shit.' s of linen and cotton,'ot new est styles and b, at malts. 6i: -Also collars. double and'throa-ply shams, cravats, handkerchiefs, enapenders, glOves, - hosiery and umbrellas.. . . . A very largo and• choice assortment of ,-- French, English and -American, Cloths,,Cas simores and Vestings., I ' We therefore confidently invite those,who prefer having, their clothes m'ade to measure to give us a call, feeling "confident - That the quality and variety of our goods will please the most fastidious, and the extreme cheapness satisfy the most rigid economist. n0v241852 . :M. &L. S'lTlNtitt. The Greatest Wonder of the. Day, I the .unparidolled display of cheap and ale- Again Goode now opening at Ogilby's rium, and Which bafllo all description and defy competition. For instance, , . . All wool Detainee worth h. • 75 . f0r i 5 Mous Delaines worth. 25 for 18 . : IS -18 for 12} Calicoes worth 10 for 6 le rot to —Heavy good Muslin worth; B'l4' Cassinetteworth • , , 50. f0r .37i •• Dia& cloth 4 - orth'tbi f0r.63 Flannels worth • , : • 31'for 25 131aok. and colored Paramettrsi' . 50 for ai • Flannels worth , ; 35 for 18 • .French .Winter .Gingliams worth'. '37 for 18, Long Shawls uncommonly low, --Long,Boote wath $2 for 01,50 El • -. , • . To enomeratole out of the question::' -stock is 'very ettensice'and remarkably cheap. A. lot of Millie,- Carpeting, i;3lrocerics, , Doote And Shoes,just•recowod.• - • , • . • Come one- and' b'efore' puichaeing Olen. •Ayliere . , - and mice eflook at our now POCIC., trouble to show goods at The old stand. East , Main street. • ' •••:' CIIARLES ' rfdeo 22 1352. , - PAIBITINCI: Et PAPEp, HAFIGILTG, • WM. lir. 4IATIA: . would reapeetfully iteuneo to'tha citizens of.,Carlislo that, he hes reeonsmenead his business of House Palliting, talezi aid Naar .flangin7, in all it s various' .s.. Bis, Asp, is in the' .rear of the t4,aotmor Solteof;;.- rhsoltful • for 'past favors b Ile;rs t hy . strict attention business fti a Poftt : patrona • er. 'will also, .attend to the trimming: and,painting of ronitien Blinds, &e. , ' Priest made to snit the tinta# and w 0 rlevoirrapterd.gsoll 0 . 04, .Gsrlisro:Tiov. r 9 1185V--,9V1, _.ITALAIABLE•FAMS FQR SALE ' TH ',A Subscriber offers at privalci:saley,tbe 1030; ding described Ri4Estate`f!.. NTS: 1 S tia Nor tI r - 51 id d felon chip 41miles east or, cArliale, abbot ,ona 001 9' 1 lu:irth of the'Curlislo and. Harrisburg _turnpike w'oad,eouteining 225 'AGRM, more of loss, about ona_brilfliMestone, : and the residue black' slate 'and me sdovi , land, all cleared and ih high staie ofoultivation„ except 50 acres- wall covered with, heavy timhor. Tlto buildings . area very fine two atorif3TONE Asap: HOUSE, and a goad 'FRAME BARN partly new; viitli''.corn '4l:a. cribs, wagon shade, ..5.e.; a' dna spring house, and a hover failing spring ut sta. ser near the door of the, 'house, also 'a good orchard of choice fruit; , 'situated one and a half 'miles I north of Carlisle on theyoad leadingfrom Star ret's Gap to Car lisle,, eentaining one !Mildred and taiity-fivo'acres'cif first-rate slate land'well hinted, except 36 acres which are wall covered' with timber.. The improvements era a two ; story FRAME HOUSE,. and n .; large Frame tarn; all tho'neces- IkAiljillV eary 'outbuildings ate in , good condition, also a largo orAiird of verychoice fruit, the farm is well suppliod with water for,stock In all the fields,'Aleo two wells O. water-near the house that flavor fail. Per sons wishing to purchase or to examine the proprrty will please call on'the subscriber re— siding in Carlisle. pussessiori will be 'given on the &et ofApril ifrequired. ' Payments to be•made to „int! the mirchnsers, aug2Btf. TUB HOUSE and LOT,Miinei Of North and Pitt streets, at pre: .11113 i sent occupied by Mrs. Ann EM. b nry. Also, adjoining the sanio, tf..! . .tzzni. three , town lots, - each sixty feet front, by two hundred and forty feet deep. For terms, iSz.c.„ apply to W D Seymour, Esq., or to - . G ft CROONS, Jr., .030 99 North Bth street, Philadelphis-9 FOUNDRYBtEAOHINESHOP Eil /SHE subscriber 'continuesto inhinutacture ut kV - Foundry in East High street, having on hand a great varielY of good patterns, and Prepared to furnish- IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS', which will be executed toordor (if not on hand,) attho shortes• notice, such as Cranks and "Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil' Wheals, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, &c., Ploifgh Cnstings, Cutters, Point Shears,•Wagon and Coach Boxes, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, &c. Steam Engines built . to ordecend repaired. All hinds of machinery Paper Mills, Grist Mills and Factories - repaired al short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. Also,,Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, such-as-Bevel-Gear Four Horse power ; Her-, izontal Genr — Four Horse Power ; Horizontal Gear Two Horse Power, Ploimhe Corn Shot lers and Corn .Crushers. Threshingmachines and Horse powers repaired and Job Work done at the shortest 'notice. Patterns of different an Fronde -to order. - 7 - !Tire also kas on hand a large supply of Phila delphia- and'Troy Cooking Stoves, and is eon start ly making Cooking Stoves ol various im proved -patterns, for-coal-or- wood. • -Ton-Plate Stoves, Grates, &c. Repairing done to.all kinds of Machinery.— All kinds ofold Iron, Brass and Copper taken n exchange for work. apr2lEf — FRANKLIN GARDNER . . • SADDLE AND HARNESS MAHNG rinflE.subscriber continues to carry on the above business; in all ilsvarious branches,. tin North Hariiiiiir - street, Carlisle, two doors North of Leonard's corner, where he intends keeping on hand nc , oneral apsortment in hipline. Consisting of all, kinds of (ash 11ionable SADDLES, :Bridles, 1111, martingaes, Girths,Circingles, iMMEM um.. • Spanish Spring Saddles, ever - 1 used in this country, , those wishing n handsome, durableend pleasant sad dlo•wili do well to call and see them. He'also manufactures Hermes, Bridles, Collars and Whips in all their varieties, and confidently be lieves from tho general approbation of his cue• turners, that he makel the neatest and best gears, in_itlj .their_varietk_ breadth, that hi mude in the sountry. He also makes all kinds of Matrasses to order, viz: Straw, Husk, Cirri• ed 'Hair and Spring Matt-asses. All the above, artieles . will be mpde of the best material and workmanship, and with the utmost despatch.'r ianl4•lv wm. OSBORN. Ladies Wool Sacks, Comforts and Victorines. latest styles, French Worked Ladies Collars. • Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Ladies Wool Jackets, black woolen :lose, A fresh stock of barred ana other fashion• able Winter Ribbons, Plain and dross Buttons and other trim mings, Woolen. Yarn, black, mixed and other Co orß, • . , • Also a 'general assortment. of Ladies Winter. Dress Goods of 'the' most fashionable patterns, all - Of — Which iftive'ihst Veen recelfell 'and aro for sale•lht • decls ' • CHARLES 8AR141.17Z,..T? In dap Court of COnlinon. Pleas of Curnborland county. , • . . Magenlonn Whitman.") -I.= by her lather and nexti Subpmne gurDivorce friond, Michael Al bright. To Jacob Whitman, vs% Jai 2 .ob Whitman.' - You . arc hereby commanded that, setting aside ell other business and excuses whatever, you be and appearin your proper person before our Judges at Darlislo at a Court. of Common Pleas, there to be held for the county of .Cum berland;mi the 10th day of January next, to answer- the petition or libel of the said Mag— dalena Whitmna, your wife, should not he divorced from the bonds of matrimony agree ably to the Act of. Assembly in such ease made and provided. Hereof fail not. , • . ' SEPH. McDAPIOND, , Sheriffs Office, Carlisle,? Sherill. ' December 9,1852. S &OM' GROCERY & VEESTSWARE STORE THE cheap family grocery store of the sub— scr,iber, in West High street, Carlisle, has just recbived a fresh supply from Baltimore and Philadelphia; of. Prime Rio and Lagidra Cof— fees, best Brawn and Clarified Sugars, also Lavering'stest soft crushed`and double refined. pulverized sugar, at •greativ reduced priede; Honey,' beat Now York, Philadelphia and Hal timore Syrups, New Orleans and Sugar House MOlesses, of every' grade, with prices to suit, together with n large supply of all the articles gencrelly kept in a good fa mily grocery, each as Rice, Starch, Chocolate, Cheese, Hominy, Beane, Castile,' Fancy, Rosin and country Soaps, Spides of all kindi, warranted pure hnd fresh ground; Water, Family, Sugar and: Soda. Crackers, common and winter strained Qils, Brushes; bed cords, twines, BIC. Also a new. selection of green and black teas, or the best brands . , carefully selected and pat up pounds.. tallio.parks of quarter, half, and whole i by the well; known ten dealers, Messrs. - ,Tenk, ins & Co., of Phila. :For sale by 'marlo ' • J. .D. •lIALI3OII.T. DAGUERRZIOTYPING. . , Wonderful Irnprovement , the.:ArL UKASES CAROTEigtiq tapes !hie Method I of informing,the 'citizene..Of Carlialo and vicinity that hellos permanently lecittad him self at On'tliele, wliere he is now, projatied . .to furnißit superier.pertraita to all .that wish a g9Pid:pieture.. Q vleit to his room fwd.(' trial is all that )to asks. Ills object ieto please, and. havinh the,beet 'he, ',lean. that no failtire eaiiiie,mntle: 'Pictures -put pn gacid '6509 pi,25 :010.' Children taken in;tlie-Atorninc . froin . 9 hi I o'clock; in thaehititest Settee of ,A,,nover:froling nictare:ean new, he ant iitthe :formerly • oaannied‘ 1tY.1%1 Frid ley ;on )fie'cornee North EtrinliVer.anit 'Leath° r 'lnstractione giVeri in .the ' thmpro`v' °mantic on.' the e ,i ,most ';.vititeanable Atiphratus apct fiktiinix daguereeo.. tpairiy; fuintshodt..;,: ,. .....4oet2OGinl.. • . . '-; ::', *ittnil*:' , ,lll,akinhett'lCCeal:il - s;: ',;;',- ;foi,eEilet 'W . ,oo.DA!&qptfaF!dg*tpT:i., ''k' ,'. Ist9'y'iliibei f0 ; ; If i. 4':•. ' ,;:::;:; - .:i.. ;;;'.;-:?.!::' I'' •.', .. .. :..- - ',lii.4e I.iptcoit ARMSTRONG NOBLE 'on SALE. CARLISLE • tAtite:::.l Odllaterg, Also .T N t ray- • 4 0.0 11-1 1 sling and saddle ir4115.1 bags.' He also "" manufactures tbemott approved , NEW worm.. GOODS, , i'-0.7.•:4.-i.i3 - 4:: : :...:;;; . ,;-.,-. .-....: '-:-..51.01-t..1‘':5"..01)0,13.0. • . . ' G;1 Cl othing House :rentlititveribov.,noitiiTlikiv.ini x infidel 'up a A, largo let of, .yetpetipitrior CLOTHING. Which Ile determined' tdaeli - aa low if not lowerlhinitny' tither hOeite in the coimiry. Ili, etoek.will 'etinslsfbl••• • Fine Dress, Sattinett;tiaelt•and Ovorcoats Cassfraere,'attinett and Veliet Cord Pante; Satin and Cachmere Vestitiga, - ' - Also, Gloves. Hosiery,Suspenders, Cravats, Shirts; Shirt Collars, Umbrellas, Hata, Cans. Merino Shirts and Drawers,..&C.. • • ' • I willat all times Iteop tigriod assortment of Cloths . Cassimeres , :and Nreatinds' on band; which willbe made'up' to . orderin the best and most fashionable style.. I have as foamari eli this establishment a•nractical . tailor, one who. has hdd considerable experience in the 'bail,- netts, and is not surpassed as a atitievin the borough of Carlisle. All garments - made to. order worrantettio lit and well made, if not, no sale. ,I ans now receiving direct irons , Philadelphia.- a . fresh. assortment of Clottia,'. Casaimeres and • Vestings, to which, I invite 'dm attention of my numerous old , cu stomers and the public• in. general. All in • want of cheap and.gpod garments will do well and save money by. calling and . e.x9miningthiskock be fore purchasing elsewhere. 'No trouble to show the goods:: Recolleat.the stand next door to Htirkholder's lintel. Make' no mistake 'last , ono door, from the corner. • • • sep29—. CHARLES ociLBY6 PREP./LIM POR• vtintranut. Parlor and (looking Stoves. THE subscribers at their old stand on I North Hanover Street, Carlisle, sign ,of the "Mammoth Red Coffee Po: " desire to call the attention of. the ,public to their largo and splendid assortment of STOVES, of. the new, eat and most fashionable patterns, from the best meanie - merles in the country, anll at all prices from $3 to $l5. Among their Parlor and Cham ber Stoves are the Parlor Mirror Stoves ; ' the Arctic, the Revere, the Star, the Union, the Persian and the Etna Air Tight, together with other patterns, which they have oPalf size's tor Parlor or' Chambers; and calculated for burn-- ing etther'wood or coal. Also, the Etna, the Globe, the Delaware, the Astor, the Albany, the Flat Top and Band Box or Poor Man's, with other . . COOKING STOVES, comprising all the latest imprcivements In kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal. Also. the._ Dining_ Room -Cook-Stove-a new and elegant article, to which they invite the - particular attention •of families. Their 'Cooking Stoves range in price from SlO - to P2S, with•all the-fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plate Stoveetil• various patterns and all prices. Also „ Enamelled and Tinned Ware, for Cooking-Stoves, Brass' Kettles, &c. : Also every article in the 'line of Tin" andcopper Ware. The public are-respectfully invited to adies wo are confident with our large stock;,. great variety and cheapness, of being able ot give entire satisfaction to every purchaser. ' sep22 MORRIS & FIEARSFIET.' LOON :AT !Ma! . TILE , subscriber has just returned from. Philadelphia with one of the largest assort ments ot BOOTS and SHOES that hes aver been brought to Carlisle, comprising LADIES SH'OES AND. GAETERS, of all kinr's and the most fashionable styles.— French. Morocco Buskins and- Jenny Lind Turn. Rounds and Pump - Springs, Tvilet Slippers, Lace boots of all kinds. Ladies' and__ Misses GUM LACE BOOTS; Buskins and Overshoce,-a euperior article for winter: Also, Misses leatherivork of all varieties; light col- _ ored gaitereAc. Aldo an extensive asset tment of MEN'S WORN., such as • thick water proof Boots Hungarian double-soled Boots, Fite calfskin Boots, of all qualities and prices, calf , - skin and kip lace Boots, of every variety, Boys _ thick water proof boore,Hungstrian stout Boots, and.calf and kip Boots of . all kinds. Alin, - Children's stout calf hoots of ull kinds and prices,all of which are of -the- most : superior quality and nen est 'style. Also Men 's Gum Overshoes of new Styles and all prices. _From the exmionce acquired in a long pur suit of his business, and the care with. which his stock has been selected, the subscriber feels all copfidenee that hip new assortment of shoes,_ give entire satisfaction to eyoyy pur chaser. Ladiesand_gentlemen are requested - - - to call and examine, as he is determined - to sell uZ as low if got lower prices than at any other estahliplintentjvhe borough, All he ripl:o come and examme for yourialvea. -- ffe also manufactures work to order as .he•-einfore.— Remember the Old Stand, North Haaover Street, next door to Lyne's Hardware Store. oct6 NMAN, THOMAS H. MULES' NEW CZ °THING Rooms, AND FURNISHING STORE, Oppositethe Rail Road °glee, West High Street, Carlisle. TH. SKILES desires' to inform his old . friend's and the public that he has opened a general clothing establishment. and has now in store an-eatensivp stock of the' best and cheapest 'goads ever offered in Carliale.,,„,,, Men's, Youth's and Bops clothing,2 for Spring, Summer and Winter wear, now On hand of every variety - and furbished at reduced rates. He has also a large and well selected assortment of Piece Goods, of English, French and German Fabrics, of now and beautiful pat terns, for coon pants and vests, which will be ,made to order in the most approved and fash ionable manner and in asuperior style of work manship. A full and elegant stock of Gentle men's Furnishing Goods, such as gloves, plain and fancy shirts, collars, handkerchiefs, -ties, &c., constantly. kept on hand. Also India Rubber Overcoats and Leggins. NlFeeling confident fro:lathe reputation which it has been his constant aim. for a course of yours to secure for his establishment; of his a. .bßiliyio.plcase,..he respectfully_ invitesZan..ex-. amination of his stoelcovbich for quality,work . - manship and low-prices cannot be surpassed. May 19 1852—1 g. WWI. NE..PORTER H AS just opened the most elegant -assort m 7, BOOTS AND . § - 110Es, : ever brought to •Carlisle, to which he invites the attention of all. Ills stock is large, well selected and embraceseveryvariety of SVYLE & QUALITY. Ladies Shoes from.so eente to $1,50. Gairers from 81,37 1.2 to $2,50. Gentlemen's Bocits from '81,75 to 85,50. Boys and Youths BOOTS AND BRO. GANS, and an unustially large assortment of Black and,Fincy Colored . • Bocirs, SHOES & GAITERS, fordgisses and Childrort's wear. Persons who want spring and,simmer Boots and Shoes will do well to call, at p.orer ER'S SHOP,STOItE West Main street, .'opposite the .Methodist Church: end ;rialto selections froni the largest and eheepeatetock,of Work in town. mays FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. gF you want gmoilmml cheap clothing call at the Cumberino'd V.atley,,..Clothing, Store. a lew doors notch tht.CMilifitellank, whr_relou may obtain new andhpl9Wilitgarmentsmf almost every ileooriiiticin, among whiehmiM,the Fashionable.Dreaa Coatis tram $5 to $lO., Overcoats orall deioriptions;fircini $+1,50 to 210 French Seek Coats. new style, at various prices. Figured encl:Plain' satiti Vests, at prices- aceor. ,• • ding to gealitY: • French Cas.ilmore Ponta, figuredant! plain, from $3;50 to . •• Union Cassimere: and Cassinett pante,ilined font to . A8,50 r - , •:- • - 2', Fancy.andylainiliirts iiirdilferent prices. A splendid assortment or French Cloths and, ,Cassitnerer, figured and .plain f whieli will made epin the most fashionsble and durable, manner, nocoreing to, oriler,and at 'the shortest • .. The above . nanieil-gArroents will be soli( 25 • OEII CENT. cheaper than they can be fur.: 'nisheil elt3P Where, eitliei• in town or Ountry,and of the very best moteriat • , . ' 0-Give Him 'gall -before purchasing where its he iiidetermined to please fi4l writi may fitvrir him With their custom. , • . , sepls,s- • GALLAIVER, Town Lots , for Sale. s a e TYVO 0 W 34: " 4,trAt eitunto on. North Conovertureet:in tlilsbnro Af t ; directly opposite the residenent!if George:Nfetzgnr,, nut tuljpiniiig property, of with and others, • They nee now plunteasirikit ulseriety of fruit " trees, or',.terms ennuire - ..0r COYLE, Mies town;, or D (NIEL ecKcis, 51:)(11!in ,• ,To Couch,and 'abinet.Makers.. en!isprakir fallilnkapprid to meet' l!eir. wants with inanlarged 6190,pfltgkdwara in thaiiittik, unbratiint mal.l-..sdatifinge,:sorlngs,t axlss, bontle,'pannit:lettbint lacetaiMtntin and Voor"olinle, Ssn:',waltnit and mahaaanyyansprs, gltvie q.nd Inalin4ty knotteb T ' .all' ataint,;.4ml - : . .fsnternEll*J•karilal..spriitlr 011P;': intaanwta;at..attflt prices 'last will ~.itaaka. .-...-, - I# .*::-..i,l ,'.. ,z_::.- ;9..0i.:'!5::::.01)6V.9'..-:',-,.') iSIBM :leek: re. I , ' • ' And n i reEdiiil Though thusirdeopon you do not in bib haloy, sciwarl , .. • g , • Aim tit being - witty. :• 7 , . • But this T want. you-all tit knots,' " "Where id just now a wondrous shoW,l Of CLOTHES-the very nicest, • • .. Which you may. buy at lowest rates, A whit below the man who prates Of selling'at loivuriees. .• • And I hove my guru:eats made, •• • ' Not thrown together fifimith a spade,' . But done in the neatest manner. a, • My fabrics all ero stouts and new, Not caused_ adhere by. dirty gltie, As throe made but for barter. For cut and raakekitlitty Will compare, With any in Carlifdtror elsewhere.: • And in shade or colors fhave green; and blue, and block, 'For dress l or frock coets.o.7 straight sack, a l r ro ° m Ter t:N.'b .lo- tiixti • - PO af F n. s o t u t pui r n ra d yc e ba r e s n S a • Styleirimently - imporied; ere, or still mix, • Direct, from London std Paris, By calling soon you cannot miss, As my stock is , well‘assorted• My .vestings arc entirely new, In style of pattern not a few, Of silk.and wool and cotton, I trim them well, and sew them stout, • • - You willfind it hard to tear there, ; • Because the thread a'nt rotten,' • • I. haie fine shirts and'Oxvit s , I hale buckskin gloves and Kossuth lists Shirt collars Whit h Stand upright. And handkerchiefs of every hue, ' - Black and orange; green, and blue, . Good for deficient eyesight. Indeed, I've everything you %vital, " • I've the COneress weed and Cavendish,' All brands of good 10bacc0..,.• ' I've Principle's, - La sormas too, . Which you - can either smoke or chew, -For s i nuffers .., F c ve n - li A ln ft lid e m s w: B - Solithllatzonn , Stieet, opposite ßeßntNeisT: NEW FAMILY GROCERY STORE High Street, two doors East of 'the .11forket House, _ South Side. vgIHE undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public grene rally, that" he has opened .a new: FAMILY. - GROCERY - STORE. On . East jligh Street, and hopes by etriet attention to buitness, and a geaire.to accommodate.and please.all; to merit a share of Finally. patreinage. I keep constantly on hand an assortment of the,best family gro ceries, such as Coffees. Edgers Molasses, &c. Loveringa superior white Crushed, Lump and pulverized Sugars at the lowest prices, also' • Rio.and Java Coffeed of the beat quality. — QUEENSWA RE—Of every - descrintieri, including Fiend, and English Chinas, in setts or by the piece ; also ;Granite and common ware of every description r also nn assortment of Glassware - and Willow and Cedar ware of .every description. TEAS—Black, Ittpetial and Yourg Hyson. Tens of the best quality ; Sweet Spiced Zeal and Chocolate, prepared Cocoa. OS W EGO - PREPA RED CORN—Manu factured and refined expressly tor food, with recipes for making boiled Custard, Ice Cream, Pies, - Cake, Mane Mange, Minute and pud dings: also a Ipt of Herder's Farina. SUGAR CURED HAMS--,Of the very hest quality, together avith Dryßeet,Tonene, Fish, Nqehes, Smoked Herring, Spices-of all kinds. Ground Alum andfine - table salt. • FRUITS—Suies Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Pruens. Raisins, &c, . L AMPS—A full AnPPIV of Pine Oil and -Fluid- LamOsi-at-the lowest prices, constant.Y cn hand. Rose's Excelsior,lnk, a superior al , tido; small or large baffles. Parsons would do \veil by calling and examining be fore pur chasing else - whe...a, as We sell cheap-for criFh . jy7 W A CAR') P. HERS . ' THE LikNOASTER FAIR, . Which hasjuit closed its exhibition, was Said to have been visited by forty - thcasited persons in one day; burn looker On . estimates the crowd daily seen buying goods at A. & W. BENTZ'S splendid. . MEW' STORE, - as little less than that nuke fair. By rgivirig them a call,_you_wiiloblige 'them and benefit vourielves by swing from ono to two dollars in every ten expended, for goods.' They arc g V nYelrol'A;i 7 Crii.W.Wll l : l El [ i - Goods, Groceries, &c. , consisting of Dress Silks, and other dress pods, Bonnets, Ribons, Alpachas, 'Merinos, Singhams. - .Flannels; Prints, Blankets. and a complete assortment of House furnishing Omits, Dress trimmings, Laces, Mitinary goods. Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestings, Hosiery, Glwes, Tablo Cloths, Sheeting, Lineni,'Jeans, Cords. &c:-&c:. The aboie are only a feW of the endless variet y.— To enumerate nll world entirely.. Monopolize. the column. of'tho " Herald." Give_usa call and you will get cheap goods. 0ct.27. Ifis2. A. & W. BENTZ. NEW CLOT/BUG STORE. • THE subscriber has just returned from Philadelphia with a very-choice selection ol CLOTHS, CASSINI ERRS cad VESTINGS, Pearl Drab. Brown and Marbled cloth Tor OVER COATS. Besides a splendid lot of FANCY STRIPED C ASSIMERES, which he will make up into coats, plats and vests of the latest styles. Ile will also keep Shirts, Drawers, Under ShirisOhirt Collars, Gloves, Cravats; Hose, indeLtd areity thing kept to a Gentleman's Furnishing Store, Having en gaged the services of, W. Bt PARICINSON, a well known cutter, he will be able to make clothes to order in a superior manner. He is determined .not to be excelled by any ' in the connty . as to make. material or price: Our motto is not to be undersold by any. Give us store...in_South Hanover-streetv directly opposite Bentz's store. and see for yourselves. 'CHARLES BAILNITZ. nov. 21.1852 tt.11.-- . RODZRT.B. SMILEZ CABINET MAKERAND UNDERTAKER -North ganover Street, and next door to Glass's Hotel, THE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public gener ally, that hei.riow has on hand a large , and ele gant aseorimont of FURNITURE, consisting in part of Wardrobes,'Card and other Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Betiteads. plain and fancy Sewing Stands, &c: manufactured of the best material and quality warrarited. Also a,general "'assortment of CHAIRS' at the :lowest prices. Venitian Blinds made to order, and repairing promptly attdnded to. 0:7 - Coffins made at the shortest' notice, . and having a splendid hearse he will attend funer als in town or country. • ' litrßemomber. the eiantr-- next door to H. Glass's Hotel.-' noS24 R. B. SMILEY.. New Fashionabie Hat and Cap Store K . W I t rpHE undersigiied . respectfully Invite • the at tention of the Odic to- the bele. elekeld and fushionablePtisortiniant. just opened at their new storeon • Mai i street, nearly opposite the Mansion Holum Hotel, consisting of a large va riety f MOLESKIN HATS, manufactured by Oakford, Beebe, and Morris & Co., of whibh are pt-the latest style, and as to quality 'unsutassed: A fine assortment of ,crock and DM Kosstrrn HATS high and , limeerown,all of the best quality and pricei to 41 - 61 t customers. Also, White Beaver and Pun erne Hata, ao arliete matt used ih the eaglet% cities A• kite afebildren'a fancy hex. ver and slouch bats.' Heys blank and drab.— With a large assortiiient of CAPS of all kint and prices.. • • The mulersigned having recently establiglied themselves in business, hope by an earliest effort ,to-please, to enjoy: is full share of public patron age and favor: . . • '• Je9 . _ • .G, •ti- • • OU Si CP.• ",!.47:3 thirner of Nancitier ditd Louther.ita.,Varliale: Tl -HE Undersigned has always on hand a large 'stack orsuperior - Cabinet Ware, in alr the dilTerent styles, which he is prepared; to sell at the lOwest prices: . lie invites 'attention Ipartic. ularly to the Fated: Spring:Rottom Bedstead :a . most useful hrticlo,'which entirely. 'obviates all objections. The hOttonican be attached .to old Bedsteads:: 'They' havc.glYe'n 'edtire, lo a f" : ttoti.to all who have them in nse.. . , -iItireOF:FINS made tp miler at tkoa!torteitt . • Fish; nib; 0I: Fish.' •' • , .Forimq No and 3 qickiirpl; in' wh4lo, litilrana.:qatlrter.;Marnib. ;.net'riceived itiittpre? - end fgt ••• lownet "oricealforcOh bY • - -3 :414017:- .•••• i6,-...:;131,1413 5, , attonti NEW GoODS: • . THE subacriberiejtiAretteninLanother Lot ofFALL — A - mi.whiTea.ouuDs, crnbra, cing a Jul( aseertniont,"ait folltittre : Freed' 141erineo, Gultineree, Bombazines, Teraina Twills' Coburgs, Mous de Loins. Gbighatus, Chintsesand Cnliquca. Alta Clpihe, Saul: nets, Caseitneresin variety for Hoye wear, with trgeneral assortment "of Fancy And Staple Goode to dult,every body in price and quality.. BONNETS,. RIBBONS, &c. ' Nontonining a 'full assortment of handsome Plaid gibboss;•i " Linin, Bonnet Franieeitarraw we/vet - Ribbons, of all Muria !or PresoT , ti.mm - Inge, A'great variety of hand some Freach Collars, latest • style; Cambric and Swiss Financing's. Edgings and Xnsortings. 'A fall assortment of Dress Buttons, some entirely,neiv styles with - a - great many 'other' notionsnotenumenned.• • • • - • SHAWLSI SHAWLS! Jun received --n further-;supply -of 13roche, - Cashmere, Thili'ot.' and Blanket Shawls, both ong and siolie, and of varioos 'colors which will besold at the lowest prices. - - • VELVET RIBBONS. • 150 niacin; narrow Velvet Ribbons; and' a general assortment of Lace Gimps, Braids, lc. for trimming Ladies Dressesoust ()penal 10 G. W. HITNER. MANNOTH SHOW IN MAIN Street ' AnntriValarazi * MEE. OPEN 'EVERY DAY, SUNDAY'S EX -06PTED. ' EIARLES OGILBY having just returned j. from the eastern cities with a splendid and MAMMOTH stock of FALL rind,WINTER DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CARPETS; BOOTS, SHOES. &c., woulu invite the Chi ions of Pennsylvtinia to call at h s old stand and see. wbaris to be aeon, among which - will be found a very'large and elegant stock of DRESS GOODS. • Conslattng in, part of Mous ao.Laines," Cash ' mores, all wool Cashmeres, tohurga, Bomba zines; Black Silks and Turk Batins, Satin. de .Cheans, Plain, Figured and Changeable Silks, Llama Cloths, Germania and Canton Cloths, Persian Detainee, French Mtiitioes Plain and Figured Alpaccas, Black Alpaccas, Chamolion ['wares, and a variety of handsome new styles of Dress Goods. Also, Calicoes, Gingham& ?dusting, Irish Linen 1, Linen Catnbrics, Linen 'Handkerchiefs; Gentlemen's oolored.bordered. Likeli'llandkerchiefee..Linen Thread and'Cot tratEdgingS,' Swiss and Cambric Edgings and Insertingsel all kinds, French worked - Collars; Cuffs i and Sleeves, and a coMplote assortment of Mourning Goods.. CLOTH'S, CA.SSINIERES, &c.. '• Cloths. Cassimeres, Sattinets and. Vestings, Kentucky Jeans, Kersey's, Cords, Tweeds, 'Flannels, Sack Flannels, Canton Flannels, Linseys,Cmnforts, Cheeks, Musline,Tickings, Table Drapers, Shootings, Linen and Cotton. Osnaburgs, I/riggings, &r.e. - SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS ! !' The largest tiad moat complete assortment of Shawls ever brought to Carlisle, such as Broan from 315 to ,1•25 ; Bay State, Enipire, and .Waterloo Long and Scjitare Shawls', from 75c to $lO BONNESS. Colored Chir!•rind•Fancy Straw Bonnets, ofoll kinds and prices.. A large and beautiful stock of Bonnet Ribbons to be• sold very cheap. CARE'E'RS CARPETS N Tot of tiarPitis; such as Brussels, Tapestry, Three Ply; Ingrain,'Venitian, Stair and Rag. all of which will be sold 15 per - cent cheaper than the Um:ripest. .Also_Dru4getsend. Floor Oil Cloths, of all width and prices. , - • BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies.Shons of rill kind's and prices, 'Misses and Childrens Boots and Shoes of all colo rs and various.prices, 150 cases &iota and Shoes for Men and Boys wear, at all urines - from 50c to 84. - Trunks, Carpet- Bags and Valiaos. Grocerieti and Spices of all kinds, Cheap.— All personspill do well,. by corning, to ,his show as they can at least save 20 per cent by. so doing. Remgmber Main Street, the Big. Sign (oct6) GGILBIt. GREAT ARRIVAL OF FALL AND 'WINTER. DRY-GOODS. At the dare of the subscriber, the great Mart far Dry-C;Oode, Groceries, Boots and Shoes._ _ a§ ingrilAMWAeelnii !g?g returned from Philadelphia, with a large and varied Assortment of Fall and Winter Goilds, consisting in part of BROADCLOTHS, CASSINIERF,S, Saltiness, Vestings, Atuslins, Checks, Tiok ings, Linsey, Velvet Cords, Cravats, Suspen dors, Gloves, Flannels and Blankets. LADIES' DRESS'GDODS, Silks, Bombazines, Fig'd, - Plain-and-Change. Pouiiiis; - Mouslin de -Lames, Ginghams, Calicoes, Aloachas, Merinoos, Shawls, Host ery, &c. , MENS' & BOYS' HATS & CAPS. A very. largo assortmeni, embracing every style and quality. A large assortment of Booneth, Ribbons and Umbrellas. BOOTS AND SHOES. - Anexteasive variety of Nion's, Women's and Children's-Boots and Shoes; Gum Shoes, from the most, celebrated manufacturers. L Also, colored and white Carpet Chain. GROCERIES. Such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Sic Choice Peas from the well-known tea denier% Jenkins & Co: • All who,visit our establishment nro 'free to acknowledge that we are selling Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Boots, iFboos, &c., at as. tonishingly low prices. Our_ low pricea.has 'already attracted large number of people.— The attention of all who wish- good bargains is solicited, as inducements 'can Me offered to purchasers. Don't forget the corner opposite Leonard'sold stand; North Unilever street. Butter, Eggs, relit and soap, taken at mar—' ken prices. • N - W WOODS, sep49 Agent. STOVES! STOVES ! STOVES ! THE lar„r•est and cheapest assortment ever offered to the pablioare now on bawl and ready for sale at tl e CARLISLE FOUNDRY. We have THREE HUN BRED sTovEs of every size and pattern, Parlor, Dining Room nod Cooking . Stoves, Parlor. Grates, &0., at anv and every price from 5e.,50 to ISO, for {Poor/ and Cool. We have the following named stoves v viz: PARLOR STOVES.—Fire King; Star , Ra— diator, Excelsior. Radiator, Russian Radiator, German Radiator, Star, Franklin, Cottage, do., Ben Frailklin,.Portable Grate, Octagon, Cannon, Flora, Jenny Lind, Harp, Cannon. Bar Room Staves,4 sizes, Dining Room, BMW Box. Sala mander, Star, Air :Tight, Home :and Revere Stoves. . • • The following nre some of the COok Stoves of different sizes and prices, viz t—,-Globo, Etna, 'Vernon, Flat Top;•Libertv. Delaware, Summer Baker, Portable. Range, Keystone, And various others. • The Cooking Stoves nre , either for wood or coal, anti range in price from :,85,00 to' Castings rurnioited nod repairs to nincloini6•• done no usual, buicin the most' reasonable tonne., Dld Metal taken, tri &ode: • , • •• seP2otl •V - r; • GARDNER'ir;Eo. . . - FALL:FASHION FOR 185 . etEOROII, , KELIAR'-iespectifOly annomr cee to. NS A& Patrons andrtho• • public Mm, - ':.:•• , orally'that he; just .received the .FALL. STYLE: OF GENTLE MEN'S FIATS, ••manufaetured at - one - . of the' Mist " eStablishments .-:- 7 Philadelphia, to•-which.:'he invites • ' • special attention. • , Effire has . also'cotteuantly on hand a large and varied assortment • of his own manufacture as well as city Made ~.• • , - . • - VATS lIED, 114.30:5 suitable for ho season, coniprising every mail- Ay! albumin, Iteaver r fileleslcin and• Silk. Rats, finished in the latest style: together with a full arisertnaent of Caps la. every shape' rind des. eription, and .at ' every. price Ho particularly makes the publiato call and examine hie exten aiyo, assortmerifoybiek in styli, material , rind. finish,aannot surriaased by any in Irjarkst, rind which he .is!able to put at prices lower than ever,' 03 , 12einember ; his 'old stand' on North Hanover street, lietWeon`,Hutner'a-alad'Sentir's Ems ; unwra 7 REI, . ' . inipartari and Maandint dosortptton'l . era 1 0TO A Dit'E'S FilLlA',g',l _ . . .... . 4rph Street # 46etot#' TAiid AMPAilatielpltia; antlat44i . :ittisideti 4.i!ie . "Nair/ A our Goode Intve:ni/ eels seleiled - in En. :211,r0pe. - Ky ohe tif Pia mannfnet tired, brtruiselverviniAtiC rnostttleitant and fashion able.atrinaroyei: onn ofl'er ;thorn si , 'twine makinetitidr slenrine.qunlity into considoration that will•da,fy competition. , ... Silgdr.ntodels n worded for entieeintity •bylthe Inatitutes of Pennsylvania" and' Mary nd •i• Oct: 272 m.- S,. ti rP~lth 1 7.etti! . l" " lo . ll' THE 'HOtIDAYBI PLEASE,"' • THElttibseriber would rcepectfully announce to_ihe citizen., of this place, and all °arsons visiting the same thiring this Holidays, that be -has aow'on hand and wiftcontinue tette sup— plied with the Latest novelties up to the close of the season,,cornprising hi pure • . • , , CONFECTIONARIES of the clioicear.varicties, such as Fine C ,Oandy" Toys,'Jetli Cakes, Bon Dons, .Gum ordial,. Lemon, Chocolate and Fruit. Drops, Rose, 'Vdnilla and Burnt AlmOnds, ~Franch 'and ex ploding Secrete. Also all the common varie• tied, all of which 'will be plot wholesale and retail at•loverates, at..., • • • KRISS KINDLE'S OLD HALL, in North Hanover.street, a few doors north 'of the Bank, whore wo have just received FRUITS AND NUTS of they latest importations such as Oranges, Lemons. - Raiblns, Ftgs,Truons. Citron, . Cur, rams, soft and. paper, shelled Almonds, ,F'il hurts, Cocoa", Cream and Ground Nuts. Also . TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of every kind from all parts of Europe, man ufactured of wood, glass, °hind, papier macho, tin and India rubber, sine,•&c., such as Fine . Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sowing and Card Baskets, Work and .Fancy Boxes,..Flewer Vases, Motto Cups, Tea Sotts, 'Music Boxes, Port Monaies, Battle Doors, Grace Hoops, Masks, Drums, Guns,, Trumpets, Dominoes, lotto and other games, &c. ancy• 'Soaps and Hair Ohs 01 every variety. In connection with the above a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as pulverized, crushed and brown Su gars, of every graderCoffeo, Molasses,' Starch, Green and Black Teas ' Spices,, Butter, soda, Sugar, - Water and o.herClackers, - rcheese, &c. The subscriber returns his sincere thatiks to a generous public for the patronage hereto fore bestowed on •him, and hopes, by a desire to plipse, to merit a continuance of the same. deal() • —•- P. MON YER. ZWERRT cimx6Toz.asr . • • Splentlid Fancy Goods, .F..legaitt , Gift • Books; Acc., Sze. • . W. LIAVERSTICK has just received from the city emits now °peelings splen did display of FANCY GO ODS,.suitable for the approaching-Hol.Ydny:Sessoitrto-which-ho desires to. evil the attention of his friends and the,public' His assortment in this lino cannot •bo - surpasseidftiVnovelty and elegance. and both in quaiW sad price of the articles ; can not fail to please purchasers. It would be im possible to enumerate his HOLIDAY. FANCY GOODS,f whielrcomprise every variety of fancy articles of the most novel' styles and exquisite shapes such as Papier Macho Greeds, Elegant alabaster and 'porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, pe'arl and shell catd cases, Ladies' Fancy' Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with eewing instrunets, Port . Monnaies, of every variety, , Gold'pens and'pencils, Fancy paper weights, Papeteries, with a' large variety of ladies • Fancy stationery, „ Motto seals and wafers, , Silk and bead purses, Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladies' find cutlery. • Perfurrie baskets and bags, ^ BruShes of every Itind•for the toilet, Roussel's perfumes of the various kinds, ' Musical instru,mentsof all kinds and at all prices,-toderher with an innumerAblirvaridty cri Wes elegantly finished and silitable for Ito- • lyday prase - Ms, to which ho invites special at tention.' -- Alao;'an exter - nOve and elegant collection of AY. GIFT BOOKS; • ,„' com Prising! Englis i and Ameri6in- ANNUALS for 1853, riehly-embelliithed and illustrated 'POETICA L W.O It IC S, 'with. CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL B 0 OJT S, for children of all ages, than. which nothing can bo Moro appropriate or pleasing as holiday *ifts. Hie "" assortment ot School Books and. School Stationery-ituarso -complote,,and-corri prises every thing used .in College. Mid the Schools.:He alio -desires to call the.particular - attention-of Families to his elegantdiaplay of LAMPS, GIRA NDOLES, &c. f i m i thowimag , imtilLikkaqpia,p,lnLrnetius. every - cmoortyp."--entr..7irti , Lamps, fir burning either lard, sperm or ethe real oil, together -with Flower 'Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. ;His assortment in thisline is un- equalled in the borough. • Also, FRUITS. FANCY CONFECTIOARY— °' NUTS—PRESERVED FRUITS, &c., • in every variety and at all prices, all of wh ich are pure and fresh„such, as can.be - confidently recommended to his friends and the little folks. Ills stock embraces everything in the line of Fancy_Goods, with many other articles useful to housekeepers,which the public are especially invited to call - and - see during, the holidays.— Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover' Street. (1005 1852. S W. El VERSTICK. TUE GREAT alenagekie has dirritied 4 AND will , be'imen for Exhibition until after the Hotydays at WORNILEY'S STORE, West -Main street, where in connection with the above there will also be shown the largest and most magnificent'stock of TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Stc. ever brought to Carlisle, consisting in part of Motto Cups 'of all patterns; China Vases, Flower Baskets,Ten Setts, Mugs, Card Baskets, Alabaster Inks,Jewel Boxes, Chinn Figures of all kinds. Music Boxes Rid Dolls of all sizes and price 9, Violins, Trumpets, Brims, Whips, Clartonets, Accordeons from 25 cents to' gs',uo, Glass Toys of all kinds, Games, Pistols, Guns, India Rubber - DOR-Heads. Balls, Rattles,&c be -sides a-greatiVariety-ot -Tors unmentionablo,--- -Also in cOnneation.witli die above we het a' large st , Tili of CANINES of our own monorail. tore, and others whirls for quality and price cannot' be beat—consisting of Mint, Lemon,. Cinnamon, Sassafras, Clove and Birch candies, Rose and Burnt Almonds.'M int. Lemon, Choc olate and Gum Drops. Candy Toys of all kinds. Fruit and Nuts of ullkinds. Lemons. Figsand 'basins of all prices. Dates„Prunes, Alffionuts, Filberts, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Ground Nuts, Fitc• A well selected stock of Perfumery, such as Cologne, Oils, Extracts, &c. TOBACCO and SEGAKS of the best quality. Large and smell Plantation, Jacques; El Dorado, La Veil ka, La Union, &e. Goodwin's Yellow Bank, and Mrs. Miller's Fine Cut Tobacco. . • Having riven' Selected stock of Goods at the :lowest prices, and a defier: to please all, we hope to merit a continuance ott former patronage so lihecally extended to us. '. ovemfier 10, 1854, 0. ROSENEMER:g dr. CO., GROCERS and ProduCe Dealers, No. 195 North Street and 36 Vino ;.." =4:1111 ,,,.._ Street, (Mixt door to the _ "MA" Barley Sheaf,) Philad'a. Constantly un band a general assortment o GROCERIES, which they will sell on 111 'most liberal terms.' PRODI I OE of every description bought., token in exchange, or sold on account, and the strictest attention given t obtain the highest market price. PicottiGnild IXTELTOS AND U 42170.3 MADEIRA,. 'Panora°, Malaga; Lisbon, Muscat, Grape Juice, Port and Anolior brand .Champagne Wiaes. Boston Rum, Ginger Brandy; Cherry. Brandy, Pale .Cogniao and Dark Brandy,,. Gm and Wino Bitters., • .SpermiCAINDLCS Sic per/ pound, Syrup and Malaugl MOLALSES, Washing. Soda; superior Y Elyaomlniperial and Black TEAS,. princino. Regalia, and Cuba CIGARS for sale by the box or retail, bring on- your pipes and try thom. (my 26) DRUGS I DRUGS I, DRUGS I v,.. _.., I— rlng S k upply • WOO ' ivesh . Sp!. ,1 HAVE just received a fresh stock of Itted: icines, Paints, Glass, (hi, 41:4, which having bean purchased with great care at the best city houses, I can confidently recommend to Families, Physicians, Country /11 p chanis and Dealers, as twin& fresh end pare. ' Patent Illeilicinem, HerbsandDitracts, ' ,Fine hotel oafs', - Spices.ground and whole Instruments, • , 'Essences; , • •-, , . ~ Pare Essen". Oils. Perfumery, &S. , , c o &Li tier oil-,-Warrented Genuine. D.Y„ Tio uowt ; - :I Log end Cam Woode, IVI adaers,=7 - 46-` Oil Vitriol • - • Copperas, PAINTS. prptlieoa..Pere'Lead, Chrome 'Oman and ,Yellma, Point arid Varnish Brushes, j e r ß otwin4o3f..LGAinie,Ainseed o • o.'Tnrpen. tine;,cepal.and soieh. 7 ,Varnish,:atid Red Lead. All of Whiok7i . will, .sold s at the wiry. lowesi market mica, • „Nao,n,frean . and :splendid as sortment of • ' - . • FANCY GOODS, FRITIT,S,OI Sumac Alum, Confectionary, and innumerable oth - er articles o ft r o uieted for nee end' ornament, all of ere offered it the loweat *cash prices, at the. eheep , Drun_Boolt end Fency Stere.of , the sub.' actiber on, North Hanover street;" ~ • • •• ' • 9 8 ? W,HAVPallirriCF4e.•*; -THE?ELEPRADIT HAI:LA/11110 D.E S 1? NAT:iYN IN NORTH IIKNOVEtt RTRES.' JUST OYENEL+ ..OTH STOCK OK _HARDWARE.' WHICH makes it the c plots and-ch4apost astiotlntent e'Vei feted to the public:- I.now in vite s all. pet in want ofsood hardware at. .very tad prides, to give ,11116 a call as I ant Sure you be' accommodated with hardware. of e description from a needle to an anvil at. P, that will correspond - with the times and Ito Recolleci a penny saved is two earned, a con Sider a nimble sixpence Letter than a shilling. ' • , , CUTLERY. 15 gross table k hives - and forks, assortei dozen Pocket thiiery. oi very supetior and assorted pat ternsand styles,: and assortment drazo: 9 ,:scissors.and shears a groat variety of cutlery 'of all 'kinds lot nt Lyhe's Hardware Establihmentalso ei pumps. lead pipe, Itosendacement, and Proof Paint of vavious colois at - Lyne's. TO CABINET & coAcaIvIAKE 2bo gallons . supeilor varnishes, just rec from the best manufactories in the:lL—fit My varnishes are used by moe, of the p: pat cabinet and conch makers in this and adjoining counties, and pronounced by superior to any other in the market. I invi who usethis article to try Lyne's varnish it wily add fifty per cent to thelooks of cabinet ware and carriages; also h springs, axles, hubs, bows, feloes; eif • leather, curtain cloth, drabhfoth, laces, Ir urled hair and sofa springs. SHOEMAREWS - BEHOLD The largest, best,: and cheapest airtiortme men's and Frehoh morocco, liriings; bind French and patent calf skins, ever pristine CartNlii, together with a-large lot of testi( lateestyle,boot trees, shoe thread, awls, pegs, and kit of the best madufacture and 1, cuts, now opening at the cheapahardwat tablishment of John P Lyne. • -- Coach Makers . - - - Will find a superior article of Wood's p boxesfor wooden axles, and ra .'splendid ole of patent iron -axles, and 100, pairs and black springs. PAINTS. 51 boxes extra creme green, 50 .pounds rior Freneh groun,'lo boxes Moms yell boxes. American .Vermillion, --10,000 pc pure white lead 12'1 gallons pure linsee lOD'boxes glaip, assorted, for sale at - gt reduced - prices at the - Hurd ware - Estelilier of foet2ol JOHN PLY] THE undersigned respectiully„ inforn public that she still continues - the manuf and sale of GALLOHER'S ELIXIR, fi cure of .Coughs, Cold, - Consumption, - P the Chest, Soreness of throat", &e. 'I hie icine has t acquired Oust celebrity, for the " of all diseases arising from severe cold: its efficacy has been attested and approv hundreds of our most respectable citizert,- every, instancOimmodiate relief has bee en, as the following certificate from, a few have tried it bears testimony. ELIZA GALLOHI 0et.,27, 1852, 3m. We, the undersigned, do certify the have used Galleher's Preparation for sumption, Colds, Diseades of the lungs, I i)ce., and lieVe - experienced immediate therefroin; and would :recommend it to all sons afflicted in thatfiway. - . Thos. H. Skiles,- Mrs. M. Gould E. IL McCoy .E. L. tVolf,_ eterMonyer, — ' , . ViiIELIEMEI-3MALL. ACAIDEMI Three mi4s West of Harrisburg, Pa. ' THE 'Fourth Seasion of this Institution '' . immense on:MONDAY, the .Int.of IsLiwr her, neat. Parents and guntdiana ore veer fully solicited to inquire into the merits of Institution before sendingtheir. ECM ' S or cr; elsewhere. Its location, its internal and rubella arrangements, the course and mettle instruction, and-the character of the stud( ,iiis_believed, are such.as to recommend it - TERMS: " • Boarding, Washing;TuiLon in (ho sion (5 months.) Si Ancient or Modern Languokee. each,_. tIENI7LNGER, Pririelutt sepB White Hill, Cumbeilemlcounal,. TYRE ,INSURANCE. . The Allen and East Pennsborough M Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland ty, incorporated-by—on Aot- of Asseml now fully organized, anti in operation the management of tho following commi oe era, viz: Jacob Shelly, Win, R. aorgae, bI Cocklin,'llielcbuir Brenneman, Christian Man, Christian Tiizel, Jacob H. Coover, flyer, Flenry Logan, Benjamin H. Musa cob' Kirk; Samuel Trowel', Joseph VI Omni. Tho rates of insurance aro as low ant able as any Company of the kind in thi Persons -.wishing to become members cited to Make application to the agents company, who are willing to wait upo at any time. ' . • . BEND .A. MOSSER, Prise' HENRY LOGAN, • Trice Prat; Lowia flyer; Secretary. M ichael Cocklin, Treasurer. October 7, 1862, *, AGENTS. Cumberland• County.—Mudolph. Marl - Cumlarland ; C. B. Herman. Kingstown ry Zearing, Shirema n stown; Robert ; and Charles Bolh Carlisle ; Dr. J. Ahl, C town; Samuel Graham, WestPennabc James MeDowel, Frankford . ; Mode South Middleton; Samuel Causer, Mec burg. York County.—John Sherriek o Li John Bowman, Dillsburg Peter • V Franklin; John Smith, Exc., Waehingh Dover.; Daniel, itaffensbel W. Craft, ilarvisburg.- r lionaer, & Leeman; • Members of the ,company having about to expire ckn have them 'rend Making application to any of the agent Nev. 24, ly. PRESERVE YOUR TEETH BY IR Zermans Celebrated Tooth 1 TNIS valuable preparation bits long in in New York and Philadelphia, whe attained an Immense popularity, for el preserving and benutifyinE the teeth. excellent randy for sore,soll or bleedin It also imparts a delightful frestmess to tli nod agreeable odor to the breath. Rend the follortung fironi Dr. Iliurr I can; with the utmost confidence. mend to the, public, Zerman'a Anti-S Tooth Wish as the best in tae . In my as a Dentist, I have used and recommend; the last five years, and have found it to gi isfactlon Loewy Instance, all the Wash - Containificid, or anything injurious to the gums' but, on She contrary, is the heat as the practice, nail therefore, would rent he nee (Wit, not only to these who wish serve their teeth and gems, and have a wit ibreath, but also to those who have discus for teeth. The use of the Wash, fora she will ins are a return to their healthy stati ..GEORGE E. MURRAY, Dam Na • 13.1, nieventb at;, below Chestnut' - 'man, I am well pleased with your Tooth It not only cleanses snit whitens the teeth' Injuring them,but it cures sore or bleediul 1 cheerfully recommend it, to the profess public, as the -very, heat preparation' that need for cleansing end preserving the heeling the gums, and &Ili% sweetness breath,. . . . . .yOl-IN,W, lIENDEL, Surgeon Th 'Price 95 cents per bottle. . Prepared •FrahOia Sermon - , firpggist 'and- Chemist, of Ninth and Cathatme streetc;P h iladel For sale by SAMUEL ELLIOTT. CI Pa.-- • • , OOl- Iv) A.ootnttotent TEACHER O take eli one of tho public oehoole lO , Chorchtov Immetlinle ,applieatidn' will. hi ' - o the ' - ' JOHN MURPHY. ' D. W. SINGIZER. RICHARD ANDERSC Sol).Potoof doc22-3t XVZORMI NEW 1100311 A Receiving Weeidy, Lot or Cheep Stem , • • , Mousline de Lainee "sill Ceehtoeree,eabOdetothii; , ...; : Clothie,'Vaielmeeeeoegthietpli , 'Veetloge 'OO hOst.of Olheenew goode'tw,sopplr pressing deirmilet tlim,olurep store of tor 17 '1404' .4.14 %an ;.»~.; Aliscdlatitono. HAVE YOU.A COLD? wammExt. lil