Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 19, 1851, Image 1

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E. 8EA..r..11PY 9 iProilopiet.o47.
.7lfaiii. etreet, - awe the Post Ojise.,, , Dout:
will give his par.icular attentigy" to Surgical
diseases, :Ink-diseases of women and children.
He, will alsYgive 14is attention ovary Saturday
morning, in his office, gratis, from 11 to 12 o'-
clock, to surgical cases, among 'he'poor.
Jaimary 2:3 1851.
MM. - Z. C.LOON - EIS,
WILL perform all
operations • upon t he
Tooth that arc requi
re.] for their preservation, such as Scaling,Filing,
Plugging, - &c, or will restore the lose of them,
by inserting ArtifiCial 'Peeth, from a single tooth
to--a -full sett. Dr Office on Fitt street, n few
oors south of the Railroad Heel. Dr. L. is ab
cat the last ten days of °yelp month.
beet:ceded Dr. Lip•pe, formerly practising phy•
sicion of this place, solicits the patrooage of :he
friencis - of - his - pro-tle - cessor: imd shall - M - happy
to wait upon all who may froior him with a call.
n0v13.1 rn ' F. MILLER: M.l).
WILL perform .al
-...ertioperations upon the
teeth that may be re.
required for their preservation. Artificial teeth
inserted, front a stogie tooth to an entire set, on
the most scientific principles. Diseases of the
mouth andirregularitieS carefully 'reared. Of
fice at the residence of his brother, on North,
Pitt Street, Carlisle.
W. HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist
.ILP Informs his former patrons that he
unto(' to Carlisle, and will he glad to attend to
all calls in the line of his profession. loct3l
xDB.. S. B. mamma,
GE in North Hanover Street adjoining
Niy Alr,\Voll'a store. Office hours, thbre par
ticularly from 7 to 9 o'clock, A. dl., and Irem
5 101 o'cloth.T. • • .Tiunotblsl
TTORNEY Al' LA\V, gill practice in
.t.a. the several Courts of Cumberland county.
OFFICE. in Main Street, in the room fdimcr•
y occupied byL. G. Brandebury, Esq.
nt Ins restdence, cornet 'of Alain street
and tltd Public Square. opposite Iturlaholder's
Hotel. In addition to the dunes of demi. eof
1116 Peace, will attend to till kinds of writing,
suchi at deeds, bmds, mortgages, indentures,
articles of agreement, notes, &e. •
Carlisle, an 8'49.
Dr. J. C. NEFF, - Dentist, respectfully in—
forms the Indies and gentlenica of Utalisle•aml
vicinity, •that he is prepared to perform all one.
rations on the Teeth and Gums belonging to
his profession, and will be happy to render his
so•rvives to all who may requirb them. •
Dr: N hai recently returned from the city of
Philitleldliia, where he has made himself ac,-
tprkintesi , Jlll all the latest imProvernents in the
art, and - fiattelilliiiiiliTitiliatbe will b.
insert lull sets of teeth on the atmospheric
pressnre principles:or with springs, equal to
any made in that city. OFFICE in High st.,
ono door east of thaTost Office . Persons wish.
ing to see specimens of'his workmanship, will
please call at his rooms, where they will have
an uppoitunity to see and judge for themselves.
Carlisle Female Seminary.
THIS Institution commenced its Fall Term
on the Ist of September, under the care of
MISS PIIEBE PAINE, assisted by competent
teachers:" •
- Instruction in ihe langunges and drawing, no
extra charge.
Monte taught by an experienced teacher, at
n extra charge. (sept3tl)
Plainfield Classical Academy,
The_ Eleventh Seesion mill eminence on•
DAY, X 0 VE....118ER 3d. 1 351.
Institution has been established near—
' y six years, during which dine such ad
ditions and iniproveinents have been made as
to render h one of the most ammo haus and
c iivoilient in the Stare.
la r •.1 tr.l to healthfulness it may be men .
L.,,,dd taut- no case of serious sickness hue oc
curred in the institution since it was Mended.—
Its Inca purity is attested by the' fact 'that .
.depraved associates, scenes of vice;'and resorts...,
fur dissipation have no existence in the neigh
I'hd course of instruction comprises all tl o
branches required by tIM merchant, Profession
al man or collegian. Also, modern languages,
vocal and instrumental meek., &c.
It is the determination of the Ptoprietor that
the institution shall sustain the reputation it has
already acquired for imparting thorough in
struction, and inculcating and establishing vir
tuous principles in the minds of the youth sub•
mitted to his charge.
'genus (per Session Five Months) 850 00.
For catalogues Containing references, &el
address ILK BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor,
Plainfield P. 0., Cumberland County, Pa:
Oct. I, 1851
"WM= HALL AcamErfamr—
Three'miles Ma of Harrisburg, Pa:
THE Second SeSsion of thix Institution will
continence on MON D A Y,..fhe'M of November.
next. It is situated in a pleasant and healthful
section of country, and is convenient of access
from all parts of the State. Application should
be made as early us possible. as only a limited
number can be received.
Boarding,Washing, Lodcing and
tuit.on in the English branches per
David Denlinger, Principal, and teacher of
Languages and Mathenunics.
Lonfuel Simmons, Teacher of Vocal' t.nd.ln•
etrumental Music.
Amos Row 'Puler.
For circulars containing particulars, address
Principal, I/u•risbnig, Pa.
THIS Institutim will be open for the recep—
tion of students, on MONDAY,' the sth o f
May. All the branches of a sound English and
Classical. Education will,be taught,and students
thoroughly qualified for entering any class in
College. or hued for business life. There will
be two sessions a yen!. the first. commencing
the First Monday. i'n Illay . ,.and the second
session on the first Monday in November, of
every year. Cireulius - will be furnished on ap
plication in person or by letteriaddressed to the
subscriber at Newville P. Cumberland co.
[gayly] J. ALLEN 1311 OWN, ABEet.
XiT 0 TIC 11.
Commissionarcof Cumberland county
doom it proper to infor m thopublic. dint the aIl
ad meottngs of the Board of.Commissinners swit
'he held on the eceond and fourth Mondays. of
39ah month, et which limo any persons having
msinase with maid Board, will moot; thorn at
.oliico in Carlisle.
Attest -WM. =Zit. Clqt.
.. • sAliwz run! " • •
ragokißS for4ko ob,ove nrticlo, addreneel to
ty„ to the Andip.elgnod! nt-their Manultictory,
ur Moolyinicablirg, Cumberland . county,
I moot with
. prornpr 4ttcntion; , fdlod
ho lowost Csh pttc ea.
L . , . - Inlttiiil : -j':ft'lMiirtilitr,,:-.7 7 . -J,3tjtiltA i , '., fo:,,ritttatii.tti.'
T lova to rca d,,a nether cries.
Ton=e mono:rus f.fsidonable lien—
d of king=, and queen end hrds,
Of b.n dor wain and G able hordeFr us( d .0 ..1.% e iu hovels.
A pious son or daughter, who adorns the
Christian profession, is an inestimable blessing
to a family,- rendering most efficient aid in fhc
right training of ethers, A wicked• son or
daughter is a curse ; and it will be a singular
deliverance if they ruin only themselves.
Besides present usefulness, a speedy •conver
sim will greatly increase their power to be
us2ful in time to couie. Thing good is an art
for wl*.wik w e rie.Od bo trained, as for most
other arts: The earlier children enter into the
service of Christ, the more complete will this
training he ; they will have.-a greater amount of
Christi in knowledge, and a greater experience
of the, truth ; and having been accustomed in
early life to make the glory of God their end,
and his Work their rule, they will not have
formed those sinful habits or conduct, which
even grace itself does not wholly eradicate. .
Conversions fn later life seldom' make as
useful men in Church or Slate. The active
m•m in our several congregations are those as a
general thing, who enter early into the Church•
Early piety also affects much the acquisition of
asdul skill and learning, A Christian, in the
nature of thing;, cannot be a drone. He serves
a master.whem he—loves, and whom he desires
to serve with all his powers. He is therefore
disposed to qualify himself fur such service.—
If, therefore, we desire children to become good
scholars, pod mechanics, good merchants, good
anything, we should desire and aim 'to make
them first good Christians, servants of - Christ ;
for nothing furnishes is more powerful stimulus
to,improveMent, than religion.-13r. Mutton:
Another bountiful harvest has been gathered
up, and the season for moral and intellectual
culture approaches. All' our schoo's and in
stitutions of learning will soon open, to quick
en and develope the oisai This is well.—
But, says one, "1 am a poor inacbanic, and
must work for the support of myself and de
pendent friends: llow am Ito cultivate my
By reading, and attending lectures, and by
conversing with those better informed Bain
yonroelf.___,Books are cheap. By, economy, a
few dollars may be saved yearly, and paid out
for-such-works es will feed the - mind - and - 4OP
it in a growing - condition. Wheil too tired to
read, let a sister, or young brother read aloud
for an,hour. In this way, You may acquire a
knowledge of all the great leading subjects
now engaging the attention of the learned and
scientific men of the world. Many of our
greatest, most brilliant and successful men
are SELF-EIWCATED. In fact, we have• come
to vegard this home eduCation far better then
the most fashionable college education.. It 'is
estimated that oust of every hundred college
graduates in this country, foritfire die prema
turely, or retire to private life without being
able to make any pliblib use of their prOfes..
Blom' :The l'ollBoll9 are obvimis. While keep
ing the youthful brain on a stretch fur years,
the body is permitted, for want of phgaieal ex
ercise; to decline and become so debilitated,
that when the diploma has been obtained, the
student is a "used up man," the hopes of
ambitious parents are torever'blasted, and the
debrned invalid,dragn out n short life, of pain
end anguish., ' •
''Not so with 'these who work their way upin
the world. The brain is relieved While the
body is net j ivii iii. growing, and the body is
resting while the brain is expanding.. Thus,
the Whole man of the Worker is Well devel
In most Ocilieges the habit Of , sin king or'
chewing tobacco in'eimiedingly provel fit, and
most deetrtictip3 it is to these, young men,-
Digestion becomes impaired, the .appetite is
lo:it/ini'diliines , nre swallowed, an:Pother L or
sister tit hand to'Weich over him, and he sidles
tor,l3:l . n;foro,the,inording's sun opened or inn. ,
minuted his. ,youthful mind. , Then -"an till ,
Wise Providence" is' charged with. Lis early
death, While these eatises are overlooliod. *i'lle
ian.‘ , indulgence,in the Use of tobacco, by the
ifibbring rnan;thbligh'' iiiiiayn" peetiloieui;, is'
S5O 00
=ME G=
Says one,
your subjrcis nre too nye—
inuell morality you liner
T i.l riniclt abrau n liuuiun;
Give tile Koine wulelu dr tvi2.ord
NV llt sl p shod y witi tins L;riti 'scale
Or !Lailieri3 Lire n pi..zeon.
No—nn, cries one, we've had enonull
(if such confounded lute tdelc tutr,
Ts, the lovely enures ;
Give ,vuns pee( at furrier news,
Of 12 ussno.s, Turltß, G« elcWid Jews,
Or any (tier nation.
Ann:llyr erica, I want snore-fun; — '''
A rebus or n riddle ;
long for init.sioilarypewia,
A d oddly caetiAl views,
NVould raflieA hear a ladle. ..
A r cries, I warp to Si e
A tumbled trp entie:y—
Vorioy to till things. - -
A tths el an,ous llooge-priLe , print,
Carp s.d—l only Owe the
mulni.rious small th.ngs.
I u urn come lnnrria.* e nrae, soya mire,
II my bliss
T.. h, of plenty.
1 , 4)r in tune of general rain, .
Not e scaler from a driiimin, 'Lis plain—
least glut ate 111 tWenly.
I vino' to hear of death, toys one,
01 peijiTi tuudly undone, -
lie hisses, fire or filter ;
Another n!qs,
I'd n itr have the Lill and rise
Ockti, mien skins nod beaver.
nn sicnify a iiiep u
and then n savory did;
Of p attics to sim them ;
Is l e e %,e rest at p if et en. , ,e,
t r the m.hat wris cheese,
We never ,could dispute them. .
Or 'grave Or humorous; %%ild or tame,
I,raty or low, 'li+ all the Fame,
-T o houaray or too humble, •
And !Jr! ry cdnorial Wight
I la 9 hoacrat to !!!! but e h tt is eight,
•Atill lot th e • grraraders erumble,
trbt jFilittifti Citric
less injurious kban tothe student, whose liabitg
are sedentary, 'h.nd . 'irho breathes only vitiated
confined air.
In view of these truths, is it not better to
obtain a small library of choice books, at a
small expenSe, and rend and study them at
With n library nt home every member of the
family may be benefited, while the studeid. in
College is alone benefited or injured. Look
at Elidni_Burritt,_the_learned blacksmith, mas
ter of more languages than any college educa
ted man in America. lie read Mid 'studied
books nt home. The same is true of thou
sands of others who now fill the 3(10t4 impor
tant places inlifo.
'Then buy books—work and study—study
and work—work ottNyour trade, on the farm,
on the lake, river or sea. Work and study—
study and work, and your body and brain will
become developed awl enlarged, and your mind
Cultivated and expanded. Now is the time to
If ~iira-
3 TOW tortl
g‘ Do you know ; - with any certainty, in what
language Adam declared his love to Eve?", in..
quired- I, one day, from- a - philoluist of my
acquaintance. I put my question with so
much earnestness, that he answered, quite
riously, "Yes, to be sure, he made his declar
ation of love in precisely the same language
no that in which she accepted hint."
A profound answer! The only pity is, that
I was not much wiser for it. But it is alto
gether a pity—a very gi•cat pity—that we
know 'so little about the loco-makings before
the FlOod. — If any - body could meet with n
love-story of that date, it would have more
freshness and novelty in-it than can he found
in.any of our modern novels. And really that
love-making in the morning of time, in the
groves of Paradise, it must have been, quite
out of the common way
Ah, there breathes still in 'this wMild —sea - -
end thousand years old though it be—La gentle
gale of the spring-time of Paradise, through
the life of every men, nt the moment when he
says, "I love! I ant beloved!"
Yes. It thrills through every happy. son of
Adam at the mouient when he finds his Eve.
But Adam himself was, in uno respect;•better—
off than any of Ins sons; for as there was
only one Eve, ,he could Make - no mistake;
neither Qould she, on her side,- -have -either--
choice -or repentance, But_ we_—our name__
is -Legion, and it is not easy for us to.„dis
cevPr Who, in - the swarm' of the children - Gr
Atl[Cni; i 5 the right pursuer -for us.
one would seriously confess hie••esperience in
this respect; it would no doubt be both ip. '
structiv'e and amusing. And as I khow no
other way in which I can instruct or amuse
•the world, I will now sincerely cunfess what
mistakes I made when I searched for my Eve,
whom I first adored iii he person of hose Er..
I want words to describe liCr. She had
fascinated me when I was but a cadet; she before I had left the fourili class.
And, of a truth, there never (lid exist a young
lady, more dangerous to a youth of liv( im
agination. her coquetry was so natural, so
mixed with goodness and childish grace, that
it N 91113 impossible to regard it ns anything
more- than- the- most- angelic- innocence. At
the Military Academy, I saw in my books her
name and nothing besides. IC I drew plans
of fortifications and fortresses; Rose stood in
the middle of my circles an I quadrants, and
the only Hoe - that I perceived clearly was the
road that led to her home; the verdurous
Greendalo was a cheerful place, where there
were always gnosts nndparticl. And when
the young people-wisiled to bavimin excursion
on the water, or any other entertainment,. I it
was who always planned everything, and pro
posed it to the old baroness, the mbther, for
whom all the children entertained a vorycon
siderable and wholesome respect. On these
occasions she used to say, "My dear sir, if
yoMare with the children, I will permit it;
forl trust to you, and I know that you will
take care'of thesis."
'"Yes, to be sure," I replied, though the
truth was, I could not take care of .myself;
•nnd never took notice of nny body, or of any
thing, excepting Rose.
Many a ono was fascinated just as I was
fascinated ;-bu t-I-pors adelmyself-that -I-was
the only lucky fellow who had her proferenc3.
Once I was terribly jealous. A certain Mr.
T. ( a professoi• of language, I believe) came
to Oreendale,' played, sung, end chattered
Freda; and immediately RAO forgot me, to
chat, and play, and sing with Mr. T., making
herself altogether as charmihg to hini •as she
had hitherto been to me. was desperate;
went away over meadows'and fields; saw nob
therledges nor gates;_sttiibled into ditches
and„brooks, mid reached home as furious as a
blunderbaSs. But, behold Mr. T. was gone,
andßose was again chni•niiug to me, and I
was as mhelt under her fascination .no over,
fully convinced that it was 'all my fault, 'hid
that I. Was a Turk,,,a monster—nay,' quite an
Othello'of jcalousy,
After 1 had sighed , and burned a oonsidera,
'Cie time, I made up my mind to proceed to
'the declaration of my love. It'is true I' was
still very young, not three-and-twenty; but I
thought myself quite old enough, being a lieu
tenant, the 'non of 'a father who always• spoke
of "my wife" as the greatest happincas.of his
life;. besides which' I had derived from 'my
home the 'most beautiful impression's 'of do::
made life. Hence T always 'rekescuted 'to.
myself the highest good in the, world under
the image 01,".my with." •t . , •
. Having duly considered the, various 'forms
of loyo 'proposals, I went mid' fine day to
'Llreendale, carrying wktittiM,.and'near to my
heart, a,Moss-rose in u garden-pot. Yin:4We
were execrable; and . fwas Aitken. to'
, ,
pieoes;- but the,.-g;:nile of- my 'beautiful ;Rose
would, I was well assured, reward 'Jae for all
thy:trouble; in my itangitattion,l„boara
self . ceasbintly
,aSseverating !. love : your.:
and heaydhCias constuatlYreplylng; ,lovo
yout 'As regarded our doinestio.estahlish r .
ment, , Llind not as yet'thought as much about
„ ,
(E - itilititiit,i::.; "piii.itiiv . ,. '''(sistiritifilr. ~.I ., z t.i:fintkill..,2 ' .•..lftb- --: . -. .:ftsfit'iiii..':. - I:itftifiii i i' tiim,
. .
B'6'EDNESDAt;_NOV.IO3IBIER 19,11@51;
it as ono of out favorite bards ho before he
married, provided himself with !i_cask of dour,
a coffee-pot, and a fryinglpaii.l.thetight
ly of
," a cottage and a licartl.ij 6aWnround
my cottage multitude's of roarvati'd
my Rose and myself. ---As'for e 'eferthinielse,
All would be provided f 66 by my 6kcellent fa
' t her. •
As soon as I arrived ai:Cirediidale, I found
there two other gentlemen quite as much in
love, and
: quite asiptich_encJitiitettbSt.the_fas
cleating young Indy, as , Iwa I pitied the
unfortunate youths, because they.had infatu
ated themselves with the honAhoppiness
which no one,lbelieyed,shouldiiitire to hilt my
self. Wo we're all old aconaintailees; and, as it is
not our habit to put our light,iinder a bushel,
I was determined to give my rivals a littlehint
of my advantageoUs prospects:'
I raised, therefore, somewlintilio'Yeil which
had conceited my modest corin&nce. but then
came &Heim revelations! Myyiyals, animated
-by-my exampleTlifted - likewitteTth - 61 veil - from
their respective,prospeotti; ans; beliold, - we all
three :4°6d in precisely the?sitine,pesition. : —
We all sighed; we all hoped; ivt;.all 'had souvenirs
that' we'kissed in seerett tind.; ; 'they all were,
as it were, serpents, and bit tifeiF own tails.
At these:unexpected revelations we all ex
claimed, "Ah !" and loft dr6enclale together,
. .
each going his owriWay. Mk fatherivas a
little surprised t seeing me return. so soon.
you hitended staying
,at Grcedale . q much
longer time?" , • , • •
"illy dear. Constantine," 84 he, thought
" I replied with a pelisive - nir;7 taking
at the same moment, largo mouthful of
bread-and-butter; yes; hut' I altered my
mind when I got there." a
With this the conVersatiop.ended, and',the
Intrm was broken, once: and forayer. But
vithalwas - 11140 lsrdlzcu on link of LTio itisy
thin; of-my .life. -I- began tt'rogard I'OBOS
whether real or typified, with angry and sus
picions looks, and to speak•ok the "illusions
of life," and or"giving them up,'.' &a:, &o.—
Linado a soleme"vow witlilnygelf that the
next object of my affections, the next choice
would make for "my wife;" should, in all rth
spects, be the very revered of the fasein . iiting
but traitorous Rose. I had been cleCeived, ns
I imagined, by th 6 poetry of ; now I'would
keep to the Bober prose. •, • • •••
_ Ah! in what a noble form did my new ideal
present herself to my eyet',.ns. one evening
tutored the hospitable ealosin of Mrs. A., the
wife of the celebrated -jilt*. -Able, her
daughter, stood ready to oilioiato at the tea
table; her fentuieq, her figure,- her manners
were dignified and full of, propriety. She look
ed like personified Truth, in contra-distinction
to fantastientbeiVtahini; i(:pso. I.instant
ly.foll in irir,),with th4lienct4lininge of Mi
nerva. and thought of ,Plity_wt,f9..!!
Able, hOwever, seemed only to think of. the
tea, and looked neither to , th& left nor the
right. When tea was poured into all the cups
she slowly turned her sPlunt,liti, head, and I
beard, 'at the same moment, n bass-voice eL
claim, "Sundholtur
ith, !leavened was that er voice? Was it
not rather that of the , gel of Judgmeia,
who, in the middle of- Mr. evening party
summoned the sinner Sundhulm - to hear his fi
nal dooui? I could have believed any thing
rather than such a voice could issue fram the
beautiful lips of Abin. But, when ; I beheld
Sandhi:dui advance to the tea-table and receive
the tea-cups from his tray, I saw that the re
sounding basson-voice belonged to no other
than the sweet _lady whoml had just-adored,
and whom I had, in my hears, already called
"my wife."
It requit"ed some little time before I could
reconcile my mind on this point. "Sund
holm 1" sounded•awfully through my ears for
many a long hour.. I began to reason on the
subject.' If, said I, Nature has bestowed a
bass-voice 'on-this beautiful yonng lady, is it
not noblis'and excellent of her not to try to
conceal or embellish it? Does it not prove
her love of truth ; bet• strength of clutracter,
and her greatness of soul ? How easy it would
have been for her to cry." Sundholm !" in -fal
setto : but she would not be false, oven in
this! Not willing to i assame a disguise, oven
for the sake of winning admiration, she sum
mena Sundholm in the voice which God has
given her. Is there, not something
. grand_ in
all this? One who thus calls out "Sundholm,"
Will not deceive an honest fellow with hollow
words or pretended feelink, bait will play an
open game with him,,mad lethim understand
the truth at once. '
I was introduced to the handsome Abbr.—
There_waxmo_denying that the-voice. was- not
fine ; but, when you were accustomed to it, it ,
ceased to be so very disagreeable; • hesid•
which her words-;vere so simple and candid,
add her face so beautiful, that by-and-by I
Was completely dazzled.. illy ears crept, as it,
were, into my eyes, and gazing, day after day,
on Abla faultless profile, I'was eonvdyed at
once into the realms of love, and ravisked by
any sense of sight, asked-Able if she wet - ill:Ma
.my wife." Slid answered YEs," 'with a
fordo of utferanae that nearly frightenbcl me.
We'were betrothed, and the nearer I, gazed ou.
her fine profile the more I was satisfied. .This,
however, (lid not last very long. v
- The period of betro'iltall4 'a' 'Very singular
one l' a porlod . of •Ittdfneas 'rind incempletenes4;
noiertholesslt is'a•Bensiblo institution—when
it does not continno• too long. ft is 'the' pre
lude to' udo:idiot nothing lOW dmitli oiight
to-dissolve: -and, if It'sboald bppeaV,liniMisi::
blo to execute hormoidouslyqho dnet Wilich'
has no* commenced;: here is Yetliaiate.brealc •
it off calmly. • '... ' ,- . ' ' '•' ' • 'I
• ~- --'
The first discord Abet disturbed the duet .
tween .nly, wife °Met" and, Mycielf,:„wiM-not
her deep voice,•knit,niaal reolsely,thatyery,
thing which, at firat,'had cmconeiledme to it;
viz., her love of truth,
.rather, I should any,
Lei' unmerciful'wny'of ultering it, , ! .'
. , .
Thot.9 are nit sioneFe in tboughti , word,
and deed' is a matter of iltet,.,tind nobody was
more to admit,fttluln ynyoolf; bet to
bo,reminded of it everytootoont by one's best ,
friend, is no nloono ogr000bler; : uor do . e's
- do:nny gOod,'espoolidly.when the plain,spoolt
ing -friend never Ilineieg- himself,' of , liorselt;:
capable- of. sinning'or being faulty: hri 'the
slightest Alegree.:' , "And'the-Wtiilit . of it wai,
that' apparently Ablu faults
she liad bat one; . .cnc - iieteer
but bays adnkittod the possibility of it, then I
o d lieeM — "ready to threw myself at
her feet! But she was. in temper and in cher-
eat+ as unimpeachable, ntrregular, as perfect,
as she was in figure; she was 43 o correct rend
proper, that; sinrfer CS 'tins, it ilrove me-into
a rage. I felt that Alba's righteousness; and
especially her mode of educating me, would,
in time, make me a prodigious sinner; mere
particularly, as slie would never yiyid to my
wishes. It dawned upon me, before long, that
I:er - self-righteousness and Want of charity to
others was, indeed, ono of the greatest con
ceivable faulib. One fine clay, . therefore, I
told her my mind, in•goocl earnest terms, turd
the following duet occurred between us:
She. I cannot 'be otherwise than I am. If
you do net like me, you can let it alone.
I. If you will not be amiable towards me
must cease to love you.
She. is of no consequence. I can go
ny own way by myself.
I. So can I
She,• Good-by,.tlidn, air
I. Good by, Miss A.
Thank Heaven, it was not too late!" tho't
I to myself, as, after my.dismiSsal, I hastened
to my little farm in the country. Although
this abrupt termination of my second love af
fair caused but little pain to my heart, I, felt
conshlerable mortification, and a secrethmitil
itysprung up in--my--soul - toward the-whole
female sex. It happenell,•howeveiy very luck
ily; fur me, that while I remained in this state
of mind I met with one of my neighbors who
was precisely in.tho same condition. He had
boon foi some time divorced from a wife With
whom ho had 'lived very unhappily, and be
drove about in his sulky, upon which he had
a motto inscribed in golden letters:
'lt is better to go alone than to bo ill-accom
--- TlieventiMent struck me as. very excellent;
and s my neighbor and „I - often met, and agreed
admirably in our abuse of the ladies. In the
meantime, I occupied myself with books and
agriculture. . .
. .
I have a great esteem for books, and Lbow
myself to the dust before learning, but, I
know not Iniw it is, further than that I can
not go; esteem ap ,.. d veneilitgn i q. feel, but as
suredly my affection never grew in that doll. ,
My love for agriculture took the forth into
Natuq, and Nature is lovely.. But Adam was
uneasy ih Piiradise; and did not mike to life
and happiness, until Eve came; and I, who
did not posse .4 a paradise, found myself very
lonely and flue ancholy at "Stenbacke ." Trees,
after all,-are ooden and dull things, when we
crave - for hu lan sympathies ; and echo; the
vvice of the °eke ; is the most wearisome .
voice I know. Nol heart to heart, cycle eye,
that is the life; and to live together, a happy
and healthy rutin' life, to work for the -happi
ness of_ those who &mind pa;oo-- , .....261:-...a. , -
late the home, to live, to think,, to' love, to
rejoice together. Ah! "my wife" still stood
vividly before my iningination.
My experience in the realms of love had,
however, made me . suspicious. I feared that
I could never be happy, according to my ideas
'of happiness, which my neighbor-friend char
acterized as "reposing in the shade of a pair I
of Slippers." I was, in low spirits; and ac
cordingly,one day, after having finished the I
last of my six dozen of cigars, and quarreled I
with my neighbor, who bored me with his
everlasting and doleful tirades against the la- I
dies,• I set off in my own sulky to amuse my
self by a drive. '
I drove a consider*Vdistanee to the house
of an old friend, Ni? 110 had been a fellow-student
with me at the Military College at Carlberg,
and who had often invited me to visit him.
He was now married, and Was, in fact, the
father of eight children. A large family, I
thought, at first; but not ono too many,' said I
to myself, after a single day spent in this film , .
ily, which had givht me the impression of a
heaven upon earth.
mistress of the house, the wife and
mother, vhe the silent soul of all. "It is she
—it is she, who is my happiness!" said the
fortunate husband; but she said, "It.- is hc
it is'he I".
"Ms,,dear friend," said I to him ono day,
how hays you managed to be so Happy in your
marriage?" .
"oh," replied ho smiling, "I havo,a secret
to tell you."
"A secret for goodness salts what is it r
"From my youth upward," ho replied,. "I
have prayed God to give me a good wife."
"Yes," thought I to myself, "that is al—
Here am I. unmarried, because I have never
discos ered this , secret, without God's especial
direction I 'may not" 'venture to choose ray
, , ,
A-younger• sister of my friend's wife lived
In the family. No otto Would. have been at
tracted to her for her external charms," but a
short time brought you completely under the
spell of her kindneSs, the'iritelleotual cxpres
sion of her conntentmeo, and the cheerful
friendliness of her manners. All the house
hold-leered her rsho,Wits kind and, amiable
all. To myself however, it seemed there was
ati exception; r thought her bomewhat cold
and distant. - 1 was almost sorry when I per
ceived that I was grieved by this; a shorttimo
convinced. me that lIAM-really fallen - in - love
with this young lady.,
Thera was, however, a great difference be
tween this and my former love affairs. For.'
inerly, I had permitted external charms to lead
and blind me: now, on the contrary, I was at
*acted to the soul, and its bemity alone had
captivated - my heart. But why. then WAS'
excellent a soul so'cold, towards me? •
My friend said that it 'was because Maria
had hoard me represented lie it fickle young
younifellow; ono who amused "himself with
brekoW alliances..: Righteous Heaven': WflO
that indeed one of my faults? Ificklel. I,
%vile felt myself created as a modelef
It was imposSible for me to boar •Pittioritly so injustice. Nei I 'as truly as my name,
was Constantine, rausi J .Mnrio. do me justice.
From - that time; as also retired from Me, eo
began Ito ivalk'ufter' her: I was doterinitied
to convince her that I was not the liCitle;itf
constantbeing that I had. been', described.
was 'not, howayer, , very oast', to B 1199004:
this, but at longth...T. did succeed..
.;.kfter hatt: 77
'corni3"to the trinl, frinn„whioh - Inme with,
ilyinee'Olailif, she . 'aceepteil my proposals, : and
AtoSoil.tii,,:try:me etill, furtlierlin-,41 union for
life.' ' .
'During the period of our betrothal, 'alto said
several. times, quite rapturously,. "I am so
glad to see that you also have faults; I ,feel
now less humiliated, less unhappy 'from my
ovni." •
This pleased me very much, and all the
more as I perceived that Maria, while she
showed rue my faults with kindness, did not at
all fondle Iter'own.
Our wedding -day was fixed; and I ordered
, a carriage for two persons. Company was in
_vited,-and Maria and Vwere - ntarri - ed. Noth
ing can be more
„commonplace than all this,
excepting, perhaps, it be„ that my wife and I
agreed to understand the ceremony in an ear
nest and real sense, and to live according
ly. The' result has been, that no*, after
having been married five-and-twenty years
(we celebrate our silver nuptials to-morrow,)
we love each ollier better, and arc happier to
gether than we were on the_first hour of our
union: We have, therefore, come to the con
that unhappinesl3 in marriage does not
proceed froth the indissolubility of marsiage,
as some say, but because the ovedding , s6rOce_
is not, realized in the marriage.
Do not speak to me of the felicity of the
honey 7 moon. It is but. the cooing of doves!
No! we must walk togetheralong thorny paths,
penetrate together the most hidden recesses
of life, live together in pleasure and pain, in
joy and in sorrow ; must forgive and bo for
given ; and afterward love., better and love
more. And as time goes On, Something mar
vellous occurs; we become lovely &each oth
er, although wrinkles furrow the cheek and
forehead: and we become more youthful, tho'•
we add year to year. -Then no longer have
worldly - troubles, misfortunes and failings
any power to diM the pun Of our happiness,
for it radiated from the eye and the heart of
our friend; and when our earthly, existenee
,draws_to.ftnx.lose, we feel indeed that our-life---
and our love are eternal.. And ° this supernat
ural feeling is not so natural after all, for the
deeper and more inwardly we penetrate into
lifa,_tha morn-it-opens--in its-depth 'of eternal
beauty : Many,-happy husbands and wives
will testify to this.
But, - observe, husband of wife! ,To qualify
as such a witness, you thust.have been at corns
little pains to find='. the right
.one." Don't
take the wrong one, inconsiderately.
Prom an amusing article in the Carpet Bag
Contemporary with our sobool master, was
me Simon Nixon, , or as ho was better.known,
"Si Nix," a capital specimen of the class
mentioned above, and whose first applioatio - u
to be hired it is our intention 40 record. :With
the-frame of. fa, aollersits: nature evidently in.
tended him foi some mechanical - employment,
and with similar views, his father designed
that ho should succeed him in the honorable
trade that had trunk him and his ancestors for
several generations so justly celebrated. To
this end, Si was in early life inducted into full
communion with the cunning workers in the
art and mysteries of the tan-yard, where he
labored with great credit till ho attained the
age of twenty-one, when it was all at once
discovered that his OorMiltution was quite too
delicate for such laborious employment, If
the honest vernacular of his delicacy had been
spoken, the word lazy would have expressed
all the complaints under which ho suffered!
Ms mother agreed with him that lighter work
was necessary, and
. schaplkeeping, appearing
to came nearhht to his standard-of what was
wanted, and as it:moreover -r te. - gutted no capi
tall to start with; it was determined that be
should beconlo a teacher.
This determined, ho.,was not long looking
for nn opportunity. The town Of, Linces
sired a master - for the winter term, and lie
made application. The school committee, con
sisting of the minister, the lawyer Lind the
doctor, was convened, and the-examination
of the would-be master Commenced. He did
'not desire to be asked upon anything in par-
ticulnr, ho said, for he calculated he could
give them satisfaction upon every 'subject.—
. Then,' said tho lawyer, 'you will ho kind
enough to toll us of Napoleon—Nopolcon Bo
naparte.' !Ali,' said Si, in reply, !you've got'
me there, squire, for I never Learn on him—
wa'ut much, I guess—didn't live in this State,
did he?—sort of an outlandish name, reckon
ho couldn't be much;—calculate he was small
account, any way.' Finding it was a dead set,
on the Frenchman, he was asked what he
knew about General Jackson. There you've
got me !Tin, squire,' was the reply. Why,
concern it, • l never heard there was - any such
general, and lam sonic military meself. Igo
to all the musters, mid I've seen General Snow
and General Brown and General Smith—them
are all the genera is that over come purl(' our
way, and I rather giless there aint no such
folloW as you speak on:. Guess you'Ae trying
to make me out woiso than I be.' Desiring
the committee' that they would new . - try him
on something that would be useful to the chil
dren,' the examination in history hero rested,
as the lawyers would say, and an attack Iva's
made on punctuation. A cOtitMai was shown
Lim and he was
,asked its u 6.
on,' snid Si, 'you're artor me now; why,
'taint no use at all, such a little fellow 'aint
any account.tonobody—:.wo don't use 'ens up
our way—don'tLstfue for nothing, its all fool
ish having so many of these little things to
tench, they, aint no uso any, how;
. 614.1 , qm
nat'ral born smart, and I can larit !em and
tench tdo, if sny'se.
A send-oolon was shown next and then Si
began to think it a gono'caso with WM...lrani=
nation, squire, you've got rtio gsisiOd
out; 'you'll begin to_think that I don't knonr
•nothin'—but It' I don't'isn'ow Salmi thiiigS; I'm
a,willing critter, and ciiin
on things that tiro natylnnd neeful,.'and:the'n
you'll find me up and drcet!'
,iThenion'lltoll iaOWittit•thatfis,'. Said thO
squire; as,ll4,.•UointOd to n: 0 3 , 1 3 c
..13yiJ9hosciphat;' • said ho,, II thought you'd
comoAOnontothing at . ,so atL.coul,dartt-
ISIY , you that I ain't quite it • foid;. liut I toll'
you; I'sitliore'lirt, if you didthink didn't
know. nothing.;) Why; I know tha'fjast as 'oaks ,
'lnto iota on 'ein'up our.' way; and every
bodyknows what they are.' , •
!Yes,' said the squire, and this is--'
'A fly sp9k!' 'Ojaoul4.todSl, with, au air of
proud and conscious . ElRtisfaotion.. , . •
Tho following,storY is worth repenting, and
so I will writo'it out for• the benefit of the
printer•nnd thoSo who pstrOntit
I hare an acquaintance.who 'keepe a etore,
end who has, with his follow, storekeepers, en
dureda full share of annoyance from the beg
ging fraternity, who find it much easier , to
gain admission through dears that all may en
ter at-will,--than-through-such as,only open-at
the jingling of a bell, or the clatter of a knock
er. One day this friend was standing in front
of his counter, when an elderly, and tolerably
well dressed man came in, and, ina few words.
made known the fact that he Wished to raise a
small sum of money by levying contributidns
on a certain number of benevolent strangers,
instead of seeking to sujply his need bY en
tering upon some useful employment. _
While telling his story, the solicitor of char
ity helped himself to a chair, and very,coollY
- and - deliberately proceeded - with Lieiicperi
ment on my friends puree, or till ; as the. ease . ":„
might be.
Of , course, while he talked, his auditor was
quietly digesting sonic courteous but effective
form of denial. He had not yet fixed the pre
cise terms in which this was. to be done, when
another visitor diirkened hie door.. Glad of an
encase. to break away from the beggar; my
friend stepped for Ward to meet the now comer.
Will yoU io so kind as to—'
My friend waited to hear no more. The look
and tone were not mistaken.. Here was.
Another individual who preferred to livo with
out labor
'Talk to the old gentlemen sitting back
there,' was his low spoken reply, as. a' bright
thought flashed suddenly through his mind.
At the word, on passed beggar number two
—and , prosently-stood,bat-irrland;and- with
a woebegone, supplicating look, before beggar
number one, whom he supposed to be the se
nior of the n store.
'Will you -be so kind as to just' help mu .
lic got no farther, for beggar number .one
comprehended, instantly the trick that had
been played on him, and, starting uP, beat a
hasty retreat through' a- side door, and was
'Mon Mat amid the crowd that 'thronged the
For a moment beggar number two looked
confused tit the sudden disappearance of the
respectable looking old gentleman, and
without a word imitated his example.
My friend has, of course, -- titieri - neither of
them sinee,' and What is more, Hies' in no
dread of a second visitation. G.
It is stated in a London paper that the fol
lowing • curious trim - was: pracasecr on - n - rarty -
while she was walking in the Crystal Palace.
She felt herself suddenly tapped on the-shoul
der, and turning round saw a:gentleman , who
said politely, 'I beg your pardon, madam, but
look there;' and he pointed to . a black, moving
speck on tiloshoulder cif the lady's.:hawl, when,
to her horror, she beheld crawling one of those
insects which are the abhorrence of all cleanly . '
and delicate housewives. With a shudder and
almost a shriek, she threw tho-iliawl from her
shoulders, and, full of shame' and confusion, .
shook off the unclean thing, kindly aided by the
gentleman who had pointed it out, and, by two
others "ivho were very assiduous in rendering
assistance, and who, she thought, pressed upon.
her rather too officiously They suddenly sep
arated, and she had scarcely recovered-from her
t onfusion, when slit found that she had been
'robbed of her gold watch and chain, her brooch, f
aid her purse. Fortunately she was at this
moment joined by n gentleman who had quitted
her side but n few moments before, which the
thieves had doulitless observed.. Ho , informed
a police officer of the occurrence, the lady de
scribed the appearance of the persons who sur:
rounded her, and in an instant the whole admits
able deieetive arrangements of the police were
in operation. Every avenue was watched, eve
ry door guarded, and in fifteen minutes the
thieves were in custody, and the property was,
got in their possession. The well dressed fol
low who had excited the lady's - terror by point- ,
ing to the bed bug miller shawl, was, searched,
and a small box, half full of, the disgustingin- ,
sects, was found in his possession. ' '
0, dear I Oh, dearl- What a' world this is.
This world, as Shakspeare - very beautifully
remnrks; - 4 , is all a. - cattle show; for - Man's - colu-
sion given—and—and woman's tee." • • That's
a fact. ,Shaltspeare's right. Thiei here ie a '
very—a very checkered life.
This world . is given to fault-finding, tre-men- •
jus. Now hero's my wife—kicked up a row, :
just because I went to bed with my overcoat,., '•
boots and hat on, when sho kiiew that I wanted
to get up very airly, in the mornin', and start. '
Off immejitly on 'portaut business.: She's very --- . -
p'tioular to inquire what husiness Is that,
sells me so 4 - 10y—heti wont tell 'or:. She's ,
no right to - interferii in my business. , I don't
interfere in her's. I don't never, sok, her,
where she buys groceries and, provisions, and
gets trusted for 'emlyithout throyein'away,roo-.
uey for 'em. • .
And then she finds fliult wi' mo for spondin'
BO much money for linker.. But .what am I ,
gni& to, dew? Liekey's cash. It, ean't be
bort without the dimes. She* says it hurts
me,__and, makes my hands peel, 7 -says.. that ,
'twould take a groat deal of now milk t'a make
a man's, hands peel Ggdc
~'what, o' that?—.
Hail* the man that sell liokor got: to live
How can they pay. : rentif nobody - patronizes ..
'ern? That's a question that goes to , ray heart
like an error. When I think of.the high rents
that tavern keepers have to pay, I al'ays go ,
and take su'thing just to help,'em along. I'vo .
thought a good deal about this lately: 7 and.-- . ,
now. I think of it, they've tis on what's his
name's rant, across the way,,aml. I'll just
over and give him a lift. • , Oh, door' this la•p,
checkered life.—Boston Nuaeunii , .
. I .q:.7 — e•wort' sootlonnnot ;60 l?rigii tort!' ,•!t0..r:.1'1
own kind ond'no'other. ;
which is fornnaliors . in, yoti,:oonmnlyolilripsndf,:'' 0 : 1
koroall.C:r; and no tlio trau fatis i (tligkeitaintif-jdienzl 1„!
Infernal lifit in yon) so it will lie; or odgr. ro,' •