MI 'Or),4t laymtr. The true principles of farining are just beginning to be landerstood. It is but 'a few year.s;;at least in this country, since the farmer has sought , assistance, in his important vocation,frorn the safe, and sure guard ofscienee, The processes of-.the _ cultnre 'of' the. - ,soir have been - handed daYtt froth fitthisi to son for a long period of time ,without any attempt at improve ment.. The time has already past when the, ller Of' the soil was content to pro— duce just a sufficiency for , the support of animal life, and that too of an indifferent kind. He has already begun to reap the advantages of calling in scientific pririci pies to his assistance. Within a few years inch . has been done to improve in a high - degree- the choice and delicious .fruits of our climate. Our inerlcets aro now loaded with fruits of the most tempting kind, which, by their abundance are ; brought within the reach of all classes of society. Who can estimate the amount of happiness and substaitial comfort thus bestowed on man kind. • For The last fifty years the energies of science hav'e been in an unparalleled de gree bestowed upon inventions. and dis coveries in the principles of mechanics . and the Multifarious modifications in ma chinery, growing:out of the motive power of steam. Let the same amount of sci entific energy bo applied to the investiga tion of the laws which govern organized bodies, both vegetable and .animal, and the result of-.such investigation will no doubt be tha knowledge of organized matter astounding as those remarkable physical laws-which we are daily wit nessing. The whole community are beginning to be waked up to the - importance of this ' matter. Ourschoels, especially, in this State, are introducing the study of the principles of cheinistry, as applied to ag riculture. The guardians of the State Normal School are doing much towards disseminating a knowledge of these prin ciples,- by preparing itsyupils for teach ing the same in the schools which they may hereafter be called to take charge of. When the teachers of our schools can be' made to feel the importance of this new hronch.of.educationove may-expect-rap id and permanent improvements in farm ing. •Itis in our common schools alone that a large portion of our farming popu lation are educated, and for this reason it would seem - very proper that considera ble attention should be given to this branch of edheation in these schools.— Let all who are - intrusted with the super vision of schools see that encouragement •is given to this study.—(Albany Journal. PIG SPRING ELCALURDZIr NEBITILLE. CUMBERLAND (ZUNTY, PA W. R. LINN, Principal, and Professor of Meta and ent L J. ALLENphys BROWN. Anc A. i 8., l'rofessoranuuages. of Natu ral Philosophy and Mathematics. F HE Winter Session of this Institution will X commence on the first Monday in November, 1851, which, with' thcexception of two weeks' va cation at the littnelf the. Christmas holydays, will continue until, the list- Thursday in June, 1852.-- After that the sessions will commence regularly on the first Mondays of February, and August, and close on the last Thursdays o t June and Deccsp• bor. Every effort on the part of the proprietors which would tend to make the Institution worthy , of the confidenetrof the public, will cheerfully be madoi and-they would hope that by a discerning people the meths of their Academy will not be overlooked. Located as it is, in the centre of die beautifuland romahtie Cirinberfand Valley, its sit• nation is exceedingly pleasant and beautiful, while . he village and surrounding country is noted for be morality and intelligence of us inhabitants.— every possible induccinent.will beheld out to stir dents of the Academy to pursue the only path to genuine usefulness. • 'BERMS': For the coming term, students its tho English branches will be charged $2.00 per month. In the - Latin and Greek languages $2 60 per month: Af• terwards the terms will be regularly as follows : Bearding and washing.pereession of five months, $3. GO Tuition in English; 10 OU do.• do. including and Greek, 13.00 French and Drawing, each 5 CO 'Yount and Ihstrdrnental Music, each 7 00 Inetruction's in' the Hebrew language will be giv• en without receded,na charge. ,No .." day Scholars".will b and no student taken for Fels than half a term. Classes in civil Enginceritv , will have the ad• .vantages of field operation with the Ow:pass and Chain, Level and l'heodolite. For those intend" ing io pursue a thorough Academic 'education, oe.' cupying four years, the course will be as follows : Heading, Penmanship, Geography,' History English Granirnor, Wane on the mind, Alinsura 'Op, and tAldebra commenced.' • AECOND •YE6I4 - Algebra; 'completed, Geometry of Plains an. Solids, Philosophy. of Arithmetic, Geology, Natu ral Philosophy,. Cbotniatry, Latin Grammar ant ninn X CAR. and'cal Geometry, Conic Sections. Difreren tin! ntegral'Calcurus, Trigonometry, Botany Rhetoric, Moral Science, Comer. Virgil, :Horace (odes)Greek Graminar and Reader. ....Fatrnirii YEAR Surveying, theoretical and practice), Navigaliee., 'Philosophy,. 'iolmsted's) Astronomy, „ .Economy, Logic, Mental Philosophy, Evidence of Christianity, Natural Theology, floracfr (Ar Pcieticee) Juvenal; PorluS, Homer and lieeiod.' , We would 'strongly recommend to thew who d ynot•nontemplate a collegiate +education for the, ,' sons-or wards; a full, A - cademie coureo,as in thi -iiilittifeed stage of intellectual improvement nod) -leg short of this will general . ' American people + ,and it is firmly believed thattnislnstitutiogposse „ses,the capabilitiesforimparting as sound and doni ,pleto an•aucittioyt tin anrother in, the country. • 1 • . • • 'REFERENCES. LRev. R. it , fcCachren, Rev..A.r9htirp. Rev. 9,L. ' fletheYjhs.,LEarinon, Ranken, 8. P. Ziegler - Neyvvrile; Hon. J.,A.•. Baker,. Rev. J. Ciao' B. Patteron, College Hon W. 41 Preitidadt;of Girard College, 'Philadelphia /Dry& Newville Rev. T. V. Moon (Richinend; Va. .Rov. J. Lillie , 'Nov ...Teraert 'The Faculty of Jefferson College; Jame 41ustoni 49.411 t. Rev. J. M. flamingo, Hon. Jame - Carothers. 14 ..A...Wilkensburg,.Pn. i•Rev. S. S. • McCtuef, !m. , r loaetill Osborne, Allegheny ; co e.' • Lcti] • , .fir_ z tni gr oalw . .a s '.,,', 2000 bushals adiakamith's coal,' a' aapari mice; r9ctbiviOS , and for . ale: tr 1 , '',•' .. ~. ... .., yv B MuRRAY,Agt.' NOTICE. . . ' MITRE anneal i election for Direbtors of th Carliele Bank; will to held agreefiblyy . to char ter on the. advt.:Monday :07111) IbrNovernbor ; neat, between_ the hours of 1 1: 0 ,.0!ci0ek..A.,A1 and PA: "I the: nentiolltAeilee, the Carlielp p3p i sit doil33r -GEO A LYON, Pres't. ; .ffitocellantiao. 4:10; - (110 z Cal .See before PFartsing eisewfiekt SHE aultscriberiejnit receiving and(oenp: : L. hag, at his Cheap, Family Grocery, and Queensware Store in West Main:street, 'Car lisle, a - very large' assortments df all the.arti cies in his lino of business: • ‘, • ' 1 Rio Coffee •fron 12 14 cents , per.pound i ' for gelid to,a strictly 'prime. article: , Also; Brown Sugars of the best quality, from 7 to 9 cents per pound, Louring's' best crushed and pulverized Sugars' from io to 12 1.2 cents per pound, N. 0. Sugar House end Syrup 'Moles' ses of all grades from 32 to 621 per gallon.— Also, a supply of fresh ground SPICES of all' kinds, warranted pure: SOAPS, Fancy, Cas tile,,Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pul verized 'Saiararus, Indigo, Mould and Dipped Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale Oils. Also, a supply of fresh Hominy, eheese from the best Dairies always on band. Fancy sewing, traveling, clotheti and market Baskets, together with a general assortment of Chew ing and smoking Tobaccos" Spanish and half 'Spanish Cigars, Common roptie, twines; and Brushes of alfkinds. CEDAR W A R E: Housekeepers, and' Others expecting; seam to embark in the'saine .business, please call and examine my stock of Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers, Churns, Ceder Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets, Brooms, &c., dec. GLASS AND . QUEENS WARE.—The subscriber has just added to his already large stock a'number of white Gratitte;"Goid Figiir ed, Blue, Marble, Flowing Blue and Mulber ry Top Scup, of 43 piece's, Also. Plates and Dishes, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, SyruP Bottles, Sze. of„every description and price so' that he will be able to meet the. wants. and means of all in the community who may favor 'dm with a call. math •7 D lIALBET R Egi3 EXTENSINVI _LUMEER-4SL-COAL--YAM,D ►gyHE subscriber would respectfully inform H. ' his customers and the public generally that ho still continues the LUMBER AND COAL BUSINESS, and that having lately purchased in addition to his former bUsiness facilities, the large and convenient Warehouseand Coal Yard lately oecupted by Mr. Henry Wright, opposite the well known Lumber and Coal Yard of the subscriber, situate along the Rail Road and College Lane, lie is now more fully prepared to enlarge his business. He has at thistime and is-keeping constantly-on hpnd a-well selected assortment of SEASONED LUMBER, of all kinds, sorts, and sizes. Likewise the different kinds:, 0! FAMILY COAL. such as stove Coal of the different kinds, Lime burners and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best quality.— A I of which 11.31vi1l sell unusually low for Cash. Ho will also keep constantly on band PLASTER, SALT, FISH, dre. With all the different articles generally found in a well stored Warehouse. He will also at all times' buy PRODUCE and FLOUR,Jor Which he will pay the highest current-paces. Being very thankful for past favors; would most aitxmusly solicit - a continuation of at least a reasonable share of public patronage. marl 9 SAM'L, M. EOOVER. NEW ARRIVAL OF HARDWARE I HENRY SAXTON, has' just received and opened the largest assortment of goods in Ws line ever offered to the citizens of Cumberl and county, which will be sold at extraordinary low rates.. The public is respectfully invited tonal' and examine his assortment of goods, which consist iii port, Viz: To Coach Makers and others in roam of a good Carriage, Pain and figured canvass, Enamelled leather, muslin and drilling Patent leather, 'Plated Dishers, Etamask, Satinet, blue and drab cloths, broad pasting and seaming laces, hubbs, • fences. spokes, elliptic springs, iron axles, coach varnish, moss and deer's hair, &c., &c. • . To Sadler f • Complete assortments of Sadlery tools, ja panned, brass and silver mountings, of various patterns, &c., &c. To Cabinet and Shoemakers. Mahrgany, ‘Valritit, and Maple vaneers.— Mahogany, Walnut, Atineral and Glass knobs, curled hair, mouldings of various patterns, var nishes. sofa springs, - &a., morocco lining and binding skins, lasts, thread, pegs, &a. iTo ailderie Carpenters; audlnhers. A complete assortment of upright, rim and locks, with mineral, white and brass fur,yiiuro bingos, strews, sash situ shutter springs and bolts, glass, putty, paints of all co lors, oil and turpentine, also mill, :s cross-cut circular, band and lanelsaws, augurs, chisels, ch typing and pointing axes, hatchets, planes and plane irons, steel and iron squares, nails, spikes, &e. Ti Blackstiiiths; Fa•lners, and others. A complete assortment of hammered and rolled iron of even size and description, last, shear, opting and.blister steel, Engllalrand A merican wagon boxes, anvils , salid thread vi ces, fifes, raspss shoeing nails, &a. 1 would invite particular attention to my as sortment of waiters anp trays; plain and gothic styles, knives and forks, batter knives, carving knives and forks, table steels, butcher and ham knives. scissors and shears,•Brittannja ' German and silver plate, table end ten spbehs,brass and bell metal preser - ving kettles, smoothing irons, tubs, buckets, churns, &c. AlsO gn hand B lakes in& Buswell's Fire and Writer Proof Paint. (Carlisle, Oct. I.) ' FORFEIT. DR. HUN'TE'R WILL forfeit ssu, if failing to cure any case of disaasci' thatirray-come undo?' his' care; no "'I - 1)0er how long, standing or afflicting. Either sex - are invited to Ohl. private' rootn,•3B North .SEVEN.TLI Street, Philadelphia,--without-fear of interruption by other patients. Strangers and others who have been - unfortunate in the selection of a physician are' invited to call.— Those why have injured theruselves by solitary vice are nrao READ AND REFLECT.—The would do well to reflect before trusting atell. health, happiness, and in many cases, their litres in the hands of physiciaps, ignorant of thieclass of maladies. It is certainly impossible for-one man to understand all the ills the humaniamily are subject •to...L.:Every respectable physician has his peculiar branch in which he is more sue cessfal than his brother professsrs, and to that hedovotee most of his time rind study. • • YEARS 0.? PRACTICE, 'exclusively de= voted'-to the 6tudy'apd treatment of 'diseases of the sexual'organs,rogether with ulcers Up'o'n the body. throat, nose,- or , legs , . pains in the'llea'd or bones, mercurial' rhetim'attsm,' grairel, irregtilar‘ ities,'disense' tirfsing' knit youthful eicesse's 'or impurities of \•-. Philadelphia, .•to Which—ho-invitee' . • . spacial Quondam!. . • -: Ho has also constantly on hand •Intge and varied astiortnient of Ins own"manufacture as well ris city made • .' • • - ,- • .• n'Airs A*D,CAPS, Cheaper that& sail lieLfbitted this side of the Zast Fresh Arrival of Hardware. ©WENS & 112C.ECAILIPS, IMII MEE s ,, r , 1 _ DRUGS!' bRITG'3 , . ..,.. ~ - „ rFesktlfirm'y supply I , y HAVE just received a' &ash stock of Mod•: 11.... -,icipps, ,Paints, - Mils — Oil, &c., , which havidg boon ptuchitsed,wit l h 'est:it .care at the boat city hOuses,l can confidently secO,riime - nd. to, Families i , Physicians, Country, Itierehrints' nisd - peaTers, as bein. fresh' anti pore. ~, DAUGS. •, , ,',. . . Patent Metlicis, , lierhsand'Extracts, incF hoOti,onts, Spicee,ground end whole Instruments; . Essenees,. . , ~ ;,.; 1 .Pure Esseit'liOils Perfumery,. 47e. -,,r' Cod Liver ,Oil--7 Warranted Gemii4s,,,, , DYE-STUFFS. , .' ~ , Leg and Ceni Wands, Oil Vitriol Copperas, - . Lac .1)yo• , PAINTS. Madders', Sumac Alum, - • „ Wethdrill & Brother's Pure .licad,.Chrome Ot:cen and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey - Window. Glees, Linseed Oil; Turpen tino,.Copal and' coach Varnish, and lied Lead. 'All of which be sold at the 'very lowest market price, Also, a frcsn and 'splendid as sortment of 'FANC-Y GOODS, FRUITS, DarifattiOnatit, and innumerablemtlier articles foruse rind' ornament, nil of wl.ich LW° olltretfat the lowest cash prices,, at, the cheap Drug BOolt-and Fancy Store of the sub• scriber on North Hanover street. S. W. HAVERSTICIC. May 28, '.1t.51'. Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c &a I have just reCeivedlrom Philadel• ' - -phia and New_York very_extensive 1 additions to my former stock, embra- 1 . art. cing nearly every article of Medicine -now-in-use,- together-with—Paints,- Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,— Bridles of almost every description, with an endless variety of other articles, wine!) I am de termined to sell at the vsirr LOWEST • All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requestpd•not to pass the OLD STAND; as they may" rest assured that every article will be sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable terms S. ELLIOTT, Main street. Carlisle. May 30_ REINZOVALL! STOVE WAREIIOOIIS AND TIN ➢IAN UPACTOR V. 9lliEsubscribers desire to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oppo site their .old stand on North Hanover street and may now„be found in their now and com modious manufactory on the West side of the said street, a few doors above Lmither street, where they u ill continue to keep on hand a, full assortment of "every kind of Tin, Copper and Shoet-Iro Ware:" which may be needed by hOuSckeepers and others. - Their articles are manufactured by themselves, of the best materials, and in point of finish and durability cannot be surpassed.— They will also manufacture and repair at the shortest notice all kinds of Distilline' Apparatus, They will promptly attend to the laying of - TIN - ROOFING - and - HOUSE SPOUTING in town and...country, and on the most reasons --hie terms'. Every branch of their-business will be carefully attended to with the utmost promptness. , They also keep constantly on hand a large variety•of COAL ANTI WOOD STOVES, comprising--every variety. of plain-ten 7 plate STOVES, 'elegant' wood and coal - tiir.tight PARLOR' STOVES, of the latests styles, COOKING STOVES of the , newestlind most improved. inventions, at various prices. which cannot fail to please every taste. They. re spectrally. solicit an examination by'the public of their large and varied assortment of stoves. Thankful to the public for favors. heretofore extended, and being determined to relax no exertions to give satisfaction to thdir custom ers they ~ l ope --to merit a continuance of pa tronage. • - • Kr'rha highest cash price willbe paid for old Copper and Pewter. MORRIS & HERSHEY. _ Carlisle,,Alarch 19, 1851- 5 1 y • - A Voice tiom the n Buret Rlonyerle ',Gandy • Paotory Rebuilt. , THE subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and the public generelly, that' bin rtietory Which-was destroyed by the late lire, has been rebuilt, and he is now - prepared to furnish them with CHOICE CANDIES, manufactured of the best material, whiCh he will sell wholesale or retail at the .old. stand in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the bank, where he has just opened a general assortment of FRUITS AND NUTS, consisting of. Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea N uts, Sze. He would also call attention to his largo assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, consisting ; of toys of Glass, Weed,. Gum and Chimi, 7 Orendless varieties: ; lii;;cbtiticetion with the obove, ho has on band nprime lot of FRESH _GROCERIES; consisting of Sugars, Coffees, 'Pmts.:Molasses, Spices, Crackers, Matches, 'Hacking, &c.,- Also, a- prime lot of CIGARS, lof•the best brands. The, subscriber returns his sincere thanks to' a generous public for the patronage bestowed' on hini, and•hopes by a desire to blease-liiiim rit a continuance of the same. He would also; return 'hanks to the Firemen and Citizens for their efforts to save his pro erty on the night! of the late conflagration • Carlisle; np2.: ,P.'MONYER. SPLI'NDXD STOCK THE undersigned respectfully informs hi frieude and the public generally, that he has just,teturned• from •. Philadelphia, ha vin 6' o purchased the most cx• 4 ° a - lonely°, as well as dui 9 cheapest assortment of • Watcho, Jewelry; Zize., ever brought. to Carlisle. His stock con sists in part of . . Gold - and - Silver Patent Letter 1nte1:44., Gbld and Sayer detatched do. do. ' Gold and Silver Le . pine Watches. in alLirt every variety of Wittehes - ut all prices. Gold Guard and Vest. Chaim ,Watch . 'Wm, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver pens and oases and Bracelets in great variety. A splendid article of Gold, Sliver, German Silver, and Blued' Steel 'SPEC TACLES, which are uneurpitis• .ed in q uality by any other zrticlo west et Phil adelphia,..and which'can be Sold at:icaSt 2) per esnt cbaSper„tban in any other establishment in_fho-eeuntry. - Also a large lot•el' ;•'' SZLITER-WARE. comprising .Titble and Ted' Spriont, , Butter Knives, Silt Spoons, Fruit .Knives Thimbles, &c. ' Also, Cardrises. Porte Morn - Mies; Port Folios, Ladies Writing Desks, with'. a• great variety of tither fandy articles unneeessary to Mention. A largo lot 'of CLOCKS, atikittbd patterns, which will be sold lout, and warranted to be good., • - . . Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired; • ; Ho iniiteelall to goll-aird examipo-hia stock, assured that none - Zan fail to be Suited. in qual. ity,-quanthy-and mos. His ariples, aro cash n purchases, eoneuently. he, e:aritir,or,d•to pelf lower than the same articles Can, b? pureLnsod elsewhere, -Call at the old staid,A. few doors west of Hurkholder's Hotel: ' T. :• January 150851-1 y 06NLYN. • , , 'watt Waal 'You 'surrEsul HOUSAND§ . of ,bottled' of 'the, ,AMErI.I7 -IL CAN, COMPOUND ,have bean sold • log the , paat ;Year, and woe 'never known .-to fait of outing, In a few day? of 41 certain dolt cute diaearie,§pininal weakinli and ell dieinwes !nf therrinary organs: ' asink this , pieiniant and popular Atka° cspoeure;ari it loam no odor,on thre'bienth, .regiiirea no reatrictiona, diot,',Or ,tinefaiiriat .contains n't Memory or noiciohe'dingeWericir 'to the eyetein, and is adapted to ovar y ego;oct, or condition. It is also the beet remitdy t ltnow for Fluor!Albuntir Whites, (female*. outnplainta) with rtiloli 'thousands suffer,withont the blew/. lodge' CC tr,rainedy.' This celebrated remedy lono•batin.'need in priinile praiitite hiphy of cod ' aborting eicciiis; l 4idicalky curing ninefy;nine of the hundred midi in a few days, . : ..round . each - bottle pro„ plain arid • , fllll dfrealions. - • • ••.: I ; CAUTION''--4ek: . for' the ICAN "COMPOUNDiittid pp idle*, Only.tif theAgenia Trjab4l.,pet'bnitle.. For aide Ig . S. - Vi.iL t IOTT Colkelor J. Coluinbia: by A. Miller, Lancasteri ,, E. , . Morrie '& d. Nerk:•'; • • ' ' , el lIVER, arm o ffiirOoKbk - ' " - o war% HUBBARD. rQlit'2.louticti.setitetits. Gocim . , . • John' StostelP • SOnif, • • , iNPOIIT . IMS AND DEAL*ltti IN, Silks, Ribbons 44 Millinery Goods, • - 45 South Second Street,' . • '• PHILADELPHIA.._,_ A . hi now prepared to offer to their7cuptorn crs nod tha trada generally, a very large and handsome assortment of ' ' „Bonnet Satins, of all colors, Corded and,Flain Velvets, of all colors, , Cony Bonnet and Cap Ribband, , Paris.:Faney Feathers, French, and American Flowers, axe.- : Confining themselves 'exclusively to this 'biti' 4 2ol of Abe trade, and importing the larger part ht , their stoelc enables thou to offer on as sortment unsurpassed in Went. and' variety, which will be 60'4 at the lowest prices. sept 3 4t. Brow and Popular-School:Book. „ . • • CiOMPREUENSIVE SUMMARY of NIVEfi SAL HISTORY; together With a MOOR HPIIY of insTING.II I S 11 E D PERSONS, to which is appended an epitome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, General - Astronomy and Physiology. Adopted in the 'Public Schools of Philadelphia. E. S. JONES &.00, Publishers, S W Corner of Fourth and Race sts• Philo SOthapty Teachers and School Committees addressin letters to us post paid, «ill bo furnished with copies for examination. i)::TA full assortment of Books and Station ery for sale at the Lowest Prices, TlidJlousewifea Help and Ilusliand'.? Joy! The German Washing Fluid. CVOBE riway - eiffirely with - That Motions task of rubbing the clothes upon the washboard It cm - loins no ingredients whatever, injurious to the finest filbric or the flesh. The propric tors wish every one tb give it a trial, and if it does not prove to be as recommended, the mo ney, in every such case, will be refunded.-- Full directions accompany each bottle.: - Retail price 121 cents per bottle, sufficient to do two ordinary washings, and saving the clothes more by not rubbing them, than the cost of six bot tles—besides removing stains of fruit, &a., if there be any,-and-the time-and labor-saved-- Prepared only by I. P. lIOYT & Co.. Phitade/pkia.._ .1 . 0 BANKS, Fttirview, Agent for Cum berland ounty. II orders received by him. wholesale ex re tail, will bo promptly attended to. aue2o I=io E. L. rannEk a. co. S, E, CORNER OF CALVERT & LOMBARD STS, - BALTIMORE.• DEALERS in 'I in Plates;- American, Eng. liskond Russia Sheet Iron; Boiler and Flue Iron. Hoop and Rod Iron; Iron Wire; Tinned dormer; Zinc; Spelter; Pig and Bar Lend; Lead Pipe; 'Sheet Lead; Block and Ilk Tin; Brasteltles; Tinner's i Tools and-Ma chines; Stove Tritnmings ; Airierican , Rivets, all sizes, Tinned and Black, &c. Marchiß, 18.51-Iypd. Shoe,. Thread Warehouse: mannzaimm, NO, 24 ,S'OUT/T CALVERT S7'REET, / BaLTIMORE. Importer of 'Shoe Threads, Shoo Tools and .Flndlhgs hi General, And Manufacturer of Fashimtablo Lails, Boot _Trees, Shoe Trees, Crimping Boards, JT. PIONSTAN FLY ON HAND an assort ment or Shoe Threads, Galloons, Webbin Boot Cords, Bristles Awls, Pincers, Shoe Knives, n lull rts,sort meet of Tacks, Pegs, Kits, &c. Also in store The NIAGARA JET SHOWER BATH. REFRIGERATORS', ne* construction FIRE AND THIEF PII OOF SAFES,. WATER FILTERS, very superior rsept3 6t "ffIOCTOR YOURSELF .M.Y—FOR 25 CENTS - !! --By Means of the pocket Esculnpins, or, Every one hisOWII Physician ! Twen ty-foorth edition, with up wards ot n 1 - tuntirgi engra vings, showing pireivoebis . , eases in every sh.iApe and 'form sad malformations of the act-kernel... spat aam ttY WM.YOUNG, M.D. The time has now Ar -1 Ire ring from secret disease the VICTIM OF (MACNEIL Y as by the prescriptions contained in this book any onevnay cure himself, without hindrance to bu siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. In addition to the,general routine of private disease it fully explains tile cause of manhood's early ela cline, wills observations 'on mnrriage—hesidee many other derangements which it would not by proper to enumerate in the public priets person sending TWENTY-TIVE CENTS, enclosed in n letter, V. ill" receive one copy of this honk, by ninil, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. A ddreSii, "DR. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SPRUCE Street, Pill LADLEPU Post. paid. n'lßt. YOUNG calf be consulted on any of the Diseases prescribed in his different publioa ions, a:t his Offices, 150 SPRUCE street, every day between It sod 5 o s 'clodk, (Sundays excepted. May t. 1+,50 3nsurantc ttiompat.lico. Tho United States Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Comps.ny. Gharter Perpetual— Co pital $25 Cash Syst"nt. rylliE constant, unsolicited application for .11.: Life Insurance, givei the most abundant and gratifying prool that the mindje deeply impressed with the net importance of this subject. The great, object, however,. of Insurance should be sap y, otherwise the whole motive to insure. may be disappointed. Too much-care cannot bo,ptactised in the ;selection of an office with which to effect the cot itract.— The choice'should bo regUlated not by present and constant litite inducements, as this , is eer- . tainly tncornpatible with future beaelt.s, The premiums on life are calculated for the future,' if present and prospective benefits there.tore are given, the result ultimately, must 'mu nate in [ingenue, disappointment and ruin. The object' aimed at by this institution in stability and per pettuty. 'lie'rates of premium have been care fully prepared with reference to fluctuations..— The cash systetn of payments has also been adopted. Unpaid premium rotes constittuto no part of the Resets of this companyi'and every contingency being fortified with an ample cap• ital, security stamps toe whole system.: 'This feature, paramount to all .other consideuitions &diamonds the company to public favinr. Ex planatory pamphlets, Wanks. application papers information, and every facility will bo the °fluffy furnished the public by - Pdr. -E.-BEAT'I".I%-who has been duly Appointed agent of this cc mpanv for Cuinberland county. Dr. H lia§ also been rippointed Medical Exam Mar: Hf.Director.4l—Stephon R. Crawford, Anibrose iw.'Fhompson, Benjamin \V 'Fingloy, Ja cob.L Florence, William NI Godwin, Paul B Gc , ddnetit Lawrence Johnson,Georg . o . M'Henry, James' •Devereux; John L Linton. . . . • President. Stephen It. Crawford. ' l'ice-Presidend.—Ambtoso yv.Thomp OD • . Secretary 411 Treasurer.—Charles G holey. Actuary.—Manuel Eyre. - . . Counsel & attoi.ney.—Thomas Balch. Afrilical'Examinere. Paulin Goddard, M.D. William Pepper, M. D.. . , faug7 1y , 'INSI7IIA.NCEI. . THE Allen and East Pennsborough Muttkel, Eiro Insurance Company of Cumberland,Connly neorporeied by un act of - Aseenibly, is now.fully organized, and in operation under the•malunge-, meat of the following commissioners, viz: ..... Jacob Shelly, Wm It Gorgas,"Mpthael CookJ in, Molchoir 13rennernao, Obristiatt Stsynuani .Simon OYster, Jacob Ji.,Cotwur. lotwie.•Hr9.r., Henry bogan, Sam , mie Musser,, Kirk, Samuel, Pretwell, Jortopit Wickersham, The rates of insurance are Ns low and favora.i Ma' as any . Company of tile hied fp tbeNState,-,-t Paesonswtshing to became mombore aro, incited make application to the agents of Alla &aorta: ny, who era willieg to, wait .opoe, thenl,o Lima. SAdol3 resi4Cf SHELLY,P • [(ENE:it-LOGAN, Vice .t'i•eaide nt: rr AiEVlii3 BYER • Se c r ets :,,MitrnEr. CoomCni; 2'renaurer . , • ; . . . • ~ A GENI. K . • ' Cutithcriand count o.—Ruclolph '•llllrttn, OW Cumberland, GB ilermon, Kingstown, Ilcnry Zoaring, Shiiemonstown,, Robert Moore and Charles Bell, Carßole;.lstaie Kinsey, Me clam: icshutg..ljr. Ahl,.Churchtown. York county.---John ,Sherrick, tisburtl,, , John i/owmon, - Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Fri inklin John .s.mitlicEsq:,..Weehington, NV•Pi,eking, Dover, lluffeneberger, .1! W. Craft.... Harrisbuq.-1104ser & 4 1.40e1drAnn,...,;',, • , 7 .ignoihere thq,company having pold.tiiee * at bOnt to expiyo can have them renewed by mak ing application to any of tlio,agents.. Arm. - 4.Eximears • Qelebrated It ern/earns every ono. Cholera can be cured • Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla Panacea- For the removal and :permanent cure of al Diseases arising from an impure t state of therDleod and' habil • of body.. The All-wise Creator' has implanted in all organized bodies on innate disposition to self preservation. Thq vital powers possess ;the property of, resisting 'the influence ,of external causes, bufas • thaßLOOD is the common par buluin 'froth Which all parts of, living matte- , derives its renovating denim - its, and consequent ly, upon which the' life of organized beings do pond; it is probable that in cases of accident orwhere.artificial means have been employed to deprive Wel an; essential property, the vital effects of lheAvhole system will , be directed to ward restoring to it that propesty. In all eon.'i stitotional inidihereditory affections; this lint& bee undergone some primary alterption, which is the cause Offthe firemal disease, or which es. °initially-contributed to its production. Resto ration to health can only be' obtained by a ro movat.of.the morbific cause through the mcdi uin - of the circulation, and Dr. heeler's Saran parilla, is the most powerful modifier of agent effecting this fluid known. See pamphlets. Blacknioodtown, N. J., June 6, 1848. Dr. Keeler—Deur Sir: I nm entirely out of your Panacea. I was called upon day before yesterday - for half a dozen. Your medicine is becoming very popular where I:have introduced it, and I think the more it is used the more pop ular it will get. Respectfully yours, W&I. PArtnAmi'M. D.^_ /:FO - Fvdetaile, certificates, &c., see circu tars, &c. Price $1 per bottle, large size, 6 but tics $5 DR. KEELER'S COUGH SYRUP. , Among all the remedies before public this stands pre-eminent in incipient consump tion, Bronchitis, Caltirrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting of B,luod, and for all affections of the pulmonai y organs occasioned by cold. Tom much praise cannot be-bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges every one afflicted with any of the above complaints to secure it at once. It is werranted.to_cure or no. pay.. _Prien_only SU cents. ' r, DR. 'KEELER'S CORDIAL AND CA°ll,lll - Every family whether rich or poor, who val ues health and all its blessings, should have this invaluable remedy - tit hand. It is infinitely the beet remedy known fur Diarrlims, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Cholic, Fllitulency, , griping pains, cramp, etc., and for all diseases of the -stomach and bowels caused by-Teething. The nurneroni testimonials from Physicians and others unsolicited has given it n reputation as firm us adamant. Fit'Price 25 cents per bottle. DR. KEELER'S VERIIIFUGE SYRUP. This remedy is pleasant to the taste; harm less to the patient and all powerful in removing all kinds of worms from the body. It is with out doubt, the cheapest stud best worm destroy. ing medicine before the public, and will Wad ministered according, to directions, remove them within five or six hours eller Aitken. 'lle dose is Small, and each bottle contains twice as inuchlee similar remedies.:Prico only 25 cents per fleitle: DR. - KEELER'S LIVER AND SANATIVE PILLS. . ' Although not recommended as a "cure all," yet they are the mildest and, best remedy to re mew Coestipatinn,-.Jaundice, DyspOpsiti, Bil iousness, Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Head• ache, Indigestion, etc. a Uliko other purgative medicines they leave the bowelsalways relaxed and are the proper medicine for ' for females and persons leading u solitary life, Price 25 cents. DR. KEELER'S RHEUMATIC LOTION A justly, i celebrated external applictition for Pains of the Chest, Neuralgia, Headache, Spew; 'bruises, Tic Doloreux, Swellings of the Joints, Rheumatism, Gout, sciatica and for all disor ders wherein a sedative and rubefacient reme dy' is , applicable. Price twenty.fivo cents per bottle. - All of the above celebrated and- extensively used medicines, are prepared and sold IVliole sale acid Retail, at 294 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. For sale by `ST - ELLIOTT. miner, 1./lettingen; Messrs. Altick, Shippens berg, 1. F. Spahr, Itlectinnicebiug, H. Bitner Siiinemuniitown, end in every town througlinu, the county acid State. f•January 14, 1851 El= r . . ' S' 1111 ~1 ~:._. i. ~. _ 2... i. ';')- 7i. ' .•'. 15 .':.i ;,7 ;.; . ; , . , (.' :-:::: .1* r . :.' :,. ',l , `. I V'. C: .'. , ',.." Among the the numerous iliscovm ies si•icnee hoe tondo in this g e ern t itm 'to !senate the business of Jife—inerense urn) even prolong he term of hinnan exbUen, e, none con be named of more real value to inanhitid; than this contribn- tion of Chemistry to the Healing Art. • A vast trial of its 1/11111CS throughont this broad country, has proven bdweipd a doubt, that no medicine or com motion of medicines yet known, can so surely control and cure the numerous varieries`of palm°• nary disease which -have hitherto swept from our midst theusancip arid thousands every year.. In• deed, there is- now ahem's!) , reason to belive a Remedy hagat length been found which can be relied on to cure thp most dangerous affections of the lungo. Our spnio here will not permit us to publish any' proportion of the cures effected by its use, but we would present the following opinions of eminent mon. and .rot - r r.further enquiry to the circular which the APotSThelow named, will al waye•be pinned to furnish fire, wherein aro full particulars, and:indisputable proof of these facts. Foom THE PRE S IDENT OF AMHERST COLLEGE, THE CELEURATED PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK.. "Jarnes C. Ayer-Su: 1 have used your Cuett try PEcTortAr, in my OWII case of deep-seated Bronchitis, and urn satisfied front its chemical constitution. that it is an admirable compound for the relief of Ineynginl mid bronchial difficulties.— If my opinion as no its superior character can be of any service, you ore at lituirty to use it as you think proper. - • EDWA RD HITCHCOCK, L. L. D. PROFESSOR SILLIMAN, M. D., L. L. 1) • .PROFESSOII CIIIIMISTRY. MiNnnnoLoov, &C. YALE C°I.LEGE, MEMBER OF TIIE 1 1 / b T. MED; PIITL. iED - SCiENTIFIC SOCIETIES ' ' OF AMERICA AND EUROPE. • k` I deem the.Cntany PreTonAHL on adinirtilile coniposition from some of the lick articles in the Maleria Medico, nod a very effective remedy for the clues of diseases it is intended to cure." ',New Aaven;Ct., - Nov. I, 1849: 111AJOIt 'PATTISON,'Nesident or the S . :C. Sconce, writes he bus . used the CitEney PECII . OIIAL' with -wenderiel success • to cute . au inflaninintion eT the lungs..': •.. - • • FKOM ONE OF' TON FIRST PHYSICINNS. Dr..l. C. Ayer, Lowell.',; Dear Sir :—I am now mitanantly using, your CIiERRY P4OTORA r in my practice, add inefer. it 10 any other medicine for pulmonary compinints. From observation of many edviire Cat,CP, Itaiii"convineed 'it will eure coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs, that have put I to defiance all oilier wiliest/3S. inveriab,ly rlcummend its nee in cases of eon semption, end consider it much the beat remedy' known fur that disease. Respectfully yours , . I. S. CUSHMAN. D. PRIIBrARED 'AND SOLD BY JAMES C. AYER, PRACTICAL CHEMIST 'LO WELL' - ..,,• • ; • , . , . , old . inXurlislo by Dr. S. Elliott, S. A. Hubbard .nlidDr.„44‘vii,e&—!,, meuhinciesbur g by Dr..lru pay—in,.gow . villo by J LI Ilorrott—in Sitippons, burg by J. c. & U. B. Aida, and by Druggists gOnerally tbrouoitout ilia State. . . . • , Jiniulg. 186 r: ~ SELILING OFF AT O,OST ~1" •TIIG subscriber having purchased the atrlok of.,D,ry Goods; Grocerles,•&c.,of A. O.Totter; at the t ornor of North Ifano‘Mr 'and Louthor streets, informs the public that tho whole ofllto largo and elegant .stock will be sold out AT 'COST. Look out for bargains. •• t, JACOB•FETI'ER;, CHURCH, LEE ANL'FEEM-AW ST .n.II•Za • SA, UT • IVI•I To I •: • , NIMOUWIDERLAND. VA. 11111711.4:1M, Car :{groti Cj"'olilo rarigorant and Inkative or olio [niar2G ftlcbcnèø. '~. WWI : , .". •From tliewidelj, celebrated DOME ,fti cccllaitcuit~, Valuable School Books, t;BLISFIPD TEDATAS,COWPETII II - WAITE t1,t17.0,1253 MARKET STREET, I ADE:EN - 11A , and for We by all the Look sellers in the United States . irci - IF.Lus PRI NIA ItY_GEOGR y,_ -- An easy - ildroditaion to the situly rd Crogra phy, designed for children, and .cdnipletely il lustrated Ly 120 engrav logs. and 14 colored mites. ITCIIFI.OS -INT ERTIEDIATTI LOU II APIIY- 1 The text, the exerei hos the illubtotions, and the forty he:wilful map) are vrit,tell . .togt:ther iii one. quarto volume. _ • , MITC.IIECIA SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY F.: ATLAS, a system of modero ,Geography, comprising a desci intim' of theitresent state of the %voila and its five great (1111510116. ',Alibi:llloyd 16111 'GU .Cnei oil en,ravi.t.gs and illustrated by an t scel lent Atlas cosdaining 28 handsome Rod acuante colored maps. This series of Geography by S. Augustus Nliteliell has been portly introdticed litha the public_ and. private schools ol• all the principal it;ties and iowtts cf the Uni ted Slates ! and afters full. and fail• trial of its merits iii these Sciiool a, it lone reCeirlii an 1111110 st universal recommendation. MITOLIELL'S ANCIENT GEOOIIAMIT & ATLAS An ancient, C111851E:al lintl snored Geography, embeiti ß i te d a ith engravings i•eniarliable cvdnis, views of 'ancient cities, etc , and accom panied by stiteimit Atlas' containing 12 beautiru t colored maps. MITCIIELL'S GUILIN E MAPS Itibli6l awl Sahlettli Sellitol.Geng. rattily, will, Maps and embelli,hineots. Mitch ell's Key to the study ni Malus. and Carroll's Key to - M1(6,AP1,, Geograpl,y, are excyllent and :popular insboo, and are becoming ,Very • exteit ' sively used the best school's or flint country. GitEENE'S FIRST LI:SsuN.IN EllAX6tAlt, based -upon the constrtiMion and analysis or sentences ; ilesjltneti 051 u.l introductitin to the "Anal3sis." - I LYIIEENE'S ANALYSIS-- A treat:Se MI the sillies tare - of the English language, %s it!' illustrationt and excreises•atlapted to the use or schools, by Simnel S. Green, A. AI., Principal or the Phelps Grammar School, Ruston.- 'lliese books litY6 already in theshort time they have been nublishe , l l ollll, ned a very (ix tensive circulation, hosing beelu introduced into the public schools or Boston, Italtitcore, Pitts. .burg, Cincinnati', St. Louis, Vickstwirg. and other• cities 11(111 towns, and recommend e d by those who• have hied tbuu ..I their schools, r. 3 question the hest Ettlisli Grammars in existence, -• . • - . W.l - Isl'.q SCTIOOL 1 1 EA DR'S. PHIM AHY SCHOOL II EA 31 LH--rOj t ISE is intended for beginners It. ecnitains a lessuil 111)01'En - icl of the element: o.y sounds sir tlic Jan 'gunge' The Primary School Iteadtr, punt ,251, contains exercises w articulation. airatigeiki n connection is. ills easy t coiling les,ris. Th e Primary Itcader, part lid, is sle . 3igni:il l'oii the first class in Primary helinols,•• and the lowest class in'Grninmar Schools. TIE GRAMMA It BCIIOOL HEADED, is desi gne d rot• the middle Gnuum;ir Schools, and tit:lumina ciorcises iu urliuulalipu arranged iu connection with rettiling•lessons THE D.ISTEICT . SCHOOL REaDEIr, is design' for the highest classes in public and print schools. It contains exercises in articulation, pauses, and inflections r of.the voice uith such rules and suggesstions as are deemed useful. THE INSTRUCTIVE:REA - HEE ; or a Course o Itondinc , on Natui`al Ilistory; Science and Lite- , rature designed for schools. THE SPELLING BOOK. Consistin g of words in columns and Sentences for oral and written exercises. It is a COMpiel, and sy tenuttie series of exerci.es it) English orthography. , This }delay popular series of reading books, nod this spelling book were compiled os 111 r. NI in. D. Swan, of Boston, and judging from the rapid introduction into schools which they have obtained in the Eastern and 'Middle States and in many of the Western nod Southern States, ire think they are really better adapted to the wants nr teachers and scholars than ally other yet - publisbcd. The publishers have a very large number of recommendations front public Tchool committees, teachers and others fricinlly to edu • cation. FROST'S- HISTORY OF THE U. STATES One,yol , 12. mo for high schools and acade mies. The sonic work eand mseci and simplified or common schools, 1 vol. 18 mo. JARVIS'S PRACTICAL. PIIISIOLOGY, for the use of schools and litmilies, 1 no!. I'2 mo. with engravings,- " PRIMARY PHIS/OLOGY, by the same author, I vol. 18 mo.. Fi FIST 8001 i 1 ARITHMETIC, by F. A. Adam s, intended fel primary and common schools. ARITHMETIC /N TWO PARTS. 13y the snide author„ Part first—adiinced lessons in mental arithmetic ; part see mid— cub.,and examples for 1.114,0.. crab lactic, for commda and high' schools. A Key to examples for prae`icc ritten nritemetie, for the use of teachers, hr the same author. ;These arithmeties have secured very high recommendations from teachers of schools awl academics, and from professors iu smeral of our colleges, and from others interested in the cause of education in various sections of the UlllOll. T. C. & Co., also publish molly other School Books, which Were Is not room to enumerate here, - [Cuticles 1.11,0,1%1mile:0, Theological and Nllscellancons Books, and they are fully ',cepa red to answer Orders for hooks In every depart ment of knowledge'. Book selfirrs, School Com. mittees, and others; supplled no the mmt fa ar able terms. tstmt.2s, Price Reduced ! VAUGHN'S LITHONTRIPTIO MIXTURE! Largo Bottles—Only Ono Dollar rho Proprietor of the Great Ainerican named.' "Vanillin' LiiIIONTRIPTIO.MIXTURY." induced by Lb argont aolleitations of his Agenta.. throughout the Unite Mains and Cariada. has now_ . Reduced the Price if lAs popular and well known article; and from 'this Ate leneeforth, be wilt put op bet one size only.—his Qum coulee:—lle rasa prig* will be ONE - DOT I VAR, The public may rest . assural that tho character of the Moil gee, its etrongth, and cereals° properties mu. nastai .114011ANGELP. and the tame care will ho bestowed in pec ming it as heretofore. As this medicine, under its reduced price, will be pluchase oy the who have not hitherto made themselves acquainto with Its virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimate that hi article is not to he classed with the'vast amount of " Remedi, tr the day ;" It claims for itself 4 greater healing potter. i et dictates. than anti other preparation nom before th world; and has sustatnea , tsolf for eight years by lie tilp4 4 ( asedicaLvirtmei, and, until this reduction, commanded doubt he price of any other article in this line. NOTICE PARTICULARLY. Ole article ECU with great boa 1311 power and certainty; upon the - -Bleak Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, twl all other °ream, upon tho proper acdon of whioh Ina an Isaiah depend. Tbbi'modiciria has a justly high repute as a remedy for Dropsy said Gravel, and all &seises of that nature. .lt. may be nailed upon stlie rho intelligent pbyaiotan hue abandoned hls patio:A.—and II Lase distressing diseases, more especially Dzorsii, tllo prom 'tor would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At a "resent. price It is easily obtained by all, and the trial will pro, .he article to be Iles Cheapest biediehle in thelWorld: Cam' Please ask for pamphlets—thy agents give _them away they ooldsin over slitoen Petits of rumba,' (in a ddition to tie medical matters valuable-tor household parposes,vde whin will save many dollars per year to practical houniekeepers. , Theo-receipts am Introduced to make the book of gm value, aside front its character as on advertising medium I the medicine, the testimony in favor of which. in Ilia form hitters from all parts of. Are country, may lea relied upon. ' 115 r " Vaughn's Vegetablo Lithontriptio Mixture tit Great Aitericai Remedy, now for ealoin quart bottles at 9 each. small bottles at• eta each. No small bottles will h leaned sales the present stock is disposed of. Principal Mao, Buffalo, N. Y.,'207 Main Sired, . , G. C. VAUGHN. Mold Wholend° and !tenni by OLCOTT ItIcIiESSON,r CO., 127 hloblen Lane, Now York City. N. 13.--41.11 lettere (on c e sting from agent. and denier nil *tem treeeende Intakes') mat be post paid, wooMMus itt be given to diem. • $ W Hayerstlck, Carlisle,• C & G B.A ltick, Skipitenskurg. Russel i Dice, Dickinson, • Spahr, Aleclini&squrg , A H Zager,liingsjown. OEM Conches and Wagons. . ANOTHER lot of those-11 , 1e fluslict Couch: and Wagons; fiir children,just received ut tho onfootioUniy, fruit and toy,utoro of -Septlo. y St WORMLEY.I'. flarrisonfs ,„ Columbian Init. , . „b,a, d kaailina atr Hand a tar& •iapriy. IL- of thli ntiotro Attic, ' tallish, by n special ur =gement Y ith the proprietor, be ie able to f or nisi' to. morchants etch others, rt the • titrittulma tutera yrinaleshhrprietts au2l S A 111.11113ARD:: • - •• .0 • . ghtlareh.ra • Sto6kings. . • • FULL:lia.aortnien, ofyi'hito rind Nixed geritio'llasonif all E mos for Children.= Also, t.rrdieri Eroaeln g reat variety jnat (wned Pure • Cider Vinegar. • SVieeolved (rash biar'ol of Pure Citln 0 Ji. vioegak., o f eppo'rior 'quality,' nod worritkie (tdo - friibi ittulterotion: [G. IV 111 I NEIL ,