Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 12, 1851, Image 3

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    ctu aburrtisements.
71300:ES: • .0081 ES!! DOORS :!I
Jr. - Err:aids' Ot4l , Stazict r uest - door to the Post
Office,' .Slain street, Carlisle , ',*; •
X.:a and Enleataining, = Homo is. Home.
I rry r'pis or Scenery Celeeri'ies by Wilds,
bile and Forest Trees Reveries of a
tchcior, Alton Locke. Tailor and Post, Yeast
proton by union author, Country Year 1 1 6olt,
tic Vnridl Phases,ADid District School,
:lout:Ile:vial • Disclosures, House of the Seven
Wide, Wide World, Popular
He• ,
. . ,
Mo.»! and Religions.—Old Bed ' &incision°,
• liifera,i. Tiloughis of John Fester, Dr. 'John
io•i', italigimis Life and Death, Memoirs of
‘leGlioyoc. Triiiinph over Death, Dr. Godo4in
liitit's (11:;1. Lilo of Blister, Anion's Alarm,
Baxter's Call, Jay's Morning and Evening Ex-'
areins, Builyan's Works. Life and 'Works of
Dow,' anionic on Regeneration, Tracts 5 vois
- Miller m l'uld.ic Prayer,. Charlotte Elizabeth's
• eanipletp, Pg
alitil's Ttig
hahis, &e.
Ws/ 1/', eq. Bi,zr:raphicql a n d..liiseellancons.
Milman , s Gibbons Rome; li-v01e,1.111111e9. Eg
land. ti vo.s , MeGatilpy's England, t thiforia,
Gilli , s'Greece, Proissart's Dhronicles, Mayer's .
Mexico, frulim lVars of D. S., Disice•y of . the
Jews; I-finto v. of Wyoming, Nineveh's Re
mains, Marcell's History, Modern Philosophy,
Bancnifts Lilo Wils.hington, Lives of Putnam.
Patrick Il e i i re, i S.,;I • Anderson's Annals Eng
lish Blain, :kiosks im's Ecclesiastical History
anidley's Napideou'and Marshals. Washington
and it ~ l'el •r 04, II uier's Magazine. Do Tod
questlTe's Di•mocraey in A merino , Seott's MiS
cellaaie, Ler! iiroS on Slinkspeare, &e. ,
. 7 4',vr15. an.l Poetry.—Waverlo. 5 vols., Coo
per, 35 vol., Maryatt, Bolwer, jitillCS. ke.,
13 yraa, Dalt°. Simi:spears, Milton, Scott,
M oo re, Iltira.s, Campbell, Bemire, Collins,
Gray, Cowper, Thompson, Pollock, llowitt
Cook, Lan lon,Tutoinr. Goldsmith, Shelly, lee.
Ale.), Juvenile imil Gift Banks in•varieiy. All
tha above enumerated Books and many more
;gin hand are handsomely hound in Cloth, Gilt
and .Leather. Ott hand in addition
two Popcir I.ou;n1 hooks, 2000 Prints and En
:it 'Wholesale
Any article in my store whether in the Itled—
ic!ne, Books or Fnnry Line, I will sell very
low for nosh. Alwnvo as low and sometimes
lower than the city prices. Coll and 'ore.
Next door to the P. Q.
Fresh Arrival of New Goods,
THE subscriber tins just returned frornibe
citY with another "sr., It of New- Fancy and
Staple DIZY GOO US, embracing to the assort
ment n great yriety' of Lad , es Dress Goods,
Cloths. Cessimeres, Satinetts, Kentm-Itv, Jeans
Flannels of over' description. Hosiery, Gloves.
&c,, to which hewould inviteihe attention of
the - citizens generally; pio . mising that ;hens
goods will be as low in price ns the same quill;
Octan tie purchased elsewhere.
stibscr4r would respectfully call the
nt;entico of Ore-rfahlic to his full assortment of
consisting of Parlor, Nino Plate,
Cdal, and tlle beat Cooking Stoves now in the
market, and as . small 'profits and large pales is
tae roottA ho strictly adheres to,.great bargains
are g.lararneed to all who purchase nt the Cheap
.Store of . 4)11N I) GOIWAS.
\Vest end of Main street. opp.mile J. & D
Rhoads' Forwarding and Commisinn House.
Important to Ladies,
TITE tindersigited takes this method of in•
formin , the Ladies, el .Corlisio that lie traehes
the art and nifnery of DRESS CUTTING
on an entirely new and scientific principle.
Lafics are ref - tussled In call nod examine the
taste and comfort of dresses cut by this system.
Dresses rut nt -cents each and warranted
to give entire satislaction. For further prim
talons call on Mrs. ANN BRACKN RY at Mr.
'Roberts', oppostte the :Mansion Rouse—from
9 o clock, A. M. to 3 o•rtock, P
octal S .1"I' YL P, Inventor.
Carlisle. Deposits Bank.
AN election for NINE DI RgCTORS4ot
Ferve 'fie en aine Ymtr, will he 1144 d at me
Baskin; on MONDAY, the 17th dnv
or November' next. between the h oura of ln
o'clock, A. M., and '2 P
M 13 EVIII'.III, C nab' r.
L FITT of 1. 'mullet? at ion on the estate.
.I,isuph trwin, lain 'Newinn to witahip.
Cum .er l uul emlnly, have been lamed to the
entiseriner residing 111 said t0wn.1414,. '.All per
sons indebted -10 sa'd estate will Mahe imme•
dttm , priv inert ,home l,eetng olsitrn owainet
it wiA present them fur net tlemen I to
Farmers k IYPichiaists Take Notice
TII Vl' David C, Buyers, near Roxbury,
Franklin county. holds the potent right for
C imberlnnd county. for Ma,,flold's Clover
Holler, and Grover Gilelord's Cleaner at
-1.1) tho same. believed to tie the only
good Cleaner in 1113 (Jolted States. Ile notifies
all persons or using these ma,
ehLtes. wallow obtaining the right from the
subscriber. Mr. Jacob .A.bnint 9in Carlisle, and
Mr. Smith, Nl whini.l,. in. Shippensburg, are
authorized to make gahl machines.
Hanover Buckskin. Gloves
) a large ins rc neat or the cele•
brat ea amovoz—Buclallm - Gloves, ‘‘liich will
be sold Into
N 1V %V001.V., Ag't
Auditor's Notice.
THF:. undersigned having been appointed an
Auditor by the Utahans Court of Cumberland
a".ity to mar,thal and distribute the assets to
and 'tl'ol7lo. the, creditors of the entire of Mary
Hu:naccording to law, hereby ntiti
fl :a th , ,e.ratereeted that he will be at his office
It the borough or Ca:4We, for t hut purpose, on
Saturaay the Ist of Voveititier next ; when and
where they may present their tteenunia, :
0ct22 . 2t 1V M PENIt 08K, .11,ditor.
Si:rill' , heifer.
C AM t to the premittes of the 'subsetiber, in
Hainftden ' township,
1n _.,E , .. • -.-. Cumberland county,
` 4 % , ?.ft; . ";', ''''V ' i ,A \ I a STRAY HEIFER.
t.'' ' ''. ft% ' - Silo is a red., brindle,
-.'"' with a white Rum, and
Y - is
a)I wo llnti a half years
...;--...r.' .4!' ~ it . 11- ,t‘oid. The owner is te
r klo ,AI come forward. piove .propdity, pay ,
t i
.os a:td she her away i .or'she 'y ill be sold
net,ording to law. teet223l),. I'd C
-Rags.l Rags
THE highest cash price will be paid for clean
linen and cotton Tags, at the.nlzenp Stoic
H of . (ei:422> A M
dieditoios - Xotice
THE undurvigned.having:heenazointed by
the Coutt of Common Tens, of tinberland
county, an suditorto 'marshal and distribute the
assets fn the hands of Matthias Minor: executor
orlaeoh doe'd. to and among the Medi
tars of 8.110 deceased,-will meet for that purpose
at the public house of David Brown, in Shiro.
manstown,ob Thursday, the '231 - 1 inst., at 10
0 , 00. k. A. M. , • G ; DO, SDERBA ON,
00t152t Auditor.,
Mechanicsburg Institr l te.
THE Third Session of the .MeeluinicelmT
In-qituto will con mance on the Ist of Octoher
inst. For eireulars,'denteinittg oarti , ulnrs
please address F
fiepti/ipdst, Pritunpal.
. .
.• . JENNY LIND, .. • • •
rEvtly .LIN D. and other extracw--frexh
tell from ftons;ml'll, tozollier Wiilt a aplezirtirt na
aorltnent of Santis mid Perfnmeiy,*nt ill'e.. Cyri•
rat Drag ,irora, next door tn 'fin PO r kli office:
ili. ' 5 t R AMU:sr:3'dt ANC; U Gr..o CU. r,
Bonnet Ribbons, &e,
_ _THE- subscriber - hos just a very largo and
desirable stock 4, Bonnet 11.11.Mont.,,ittero cheap;
Also Velvet It admits lor .trintruiti4, with new
style of Worsied ° Trimmind Braid ler Ladles!
Sacks. Also, Embroidered Sack Flannels: ;
oct29 • G W HITHER. I
• • .13 aleraZATO.,,, •-.
JUST rereivhd another ,Indo,of York •Bng - 4
ging onitablo foa tho Formers.
0ct.29 ' N W WOODS, Art.
B ors.—Tost roe eirsd n largo. rissortmenr
of Aron and Boys Bonin which, will he oola t low
• oia.2) N W WOODS, Ag
- 'TS D 1 LAINES.—Jnet received n large,
lot otlVltte 1)6 Lninee. whietr will ho 'told very'
&Am (Oel 2.9) WOODS;.Arcti.
. • •
Wide Silk Volvets, • •
.3UST received n few nieces of Yard:Wide
Sill( Volvtir, for Ladies Clank,. niid - Prlnnrilicis.
sep . tv4•.
Enibioltletioo And Ribbous.
- •
.Tivii.onorodi.on n.ROmont - offEitiroiderild
Collin, v
r.,iginGs awl Inear!inO,
of,nOw stylo 'Pliiidajbbons. .: 'M '. '... •I ..,
' stiptC4 " ' •.0' W TN g•it. -; :
, . !-Aorcs• - . ..51)0p5•
subscriber is just receiving at his DRY
the largest, and meet extelisivefilock of
aver tirought to Carlisle, which he will on
the most accoinmodiiiinglciimis add tit the low-.
oat possibliv tering. Among the goods receiving
are a very extenSive•nssortment of 131 . k, Plain,
Figural and Fancy Dress Silks, mous de laines
.Cashmeres, French tMerinnes, Coburg end
Canton Clothe, Mpaehas, Chintzes,. Prints,
'and every ether variety of Dress Goods that is
to be had in the eastern markete•
Also CLOTHS. Plain and Fancy Cassimers,
Satin and Fancy Vestitigs; Sattinets, Kentucky
Jeans', Cotton Kerseyg, &c.
A 'well gelti,ited Mock, such, ns Cotton, Rag,
Venitian, Girdling, Stair, Hall, Ingrain, Tapes•
try add Imperial Carpets. Also; 150 eases •of
of eve)) , size end made in the most fashionable
and durable manner. An assortment of '
&c. I would partienlarly invite 'lhe nubile to
call and examine the stool: bolero Malting their
perch:tees, no, Fam determined- to cut Goods
very low. Remember the old stand, East Main
street; opposite 11. Saxton's Harilwaro Store.
6ept22 t G OGILBY.
kali' and nfilyter Goods. !
THE subscriber resOectfully informs his
Trion In and numerous customers, that he has re
turned irom Philadelphia, with a large and va
ried assortment of FA . LI, AND NVINTEIt
00 0 DS, consisting in part of
~nttinetts, vestings, muslins,„clieelts, tieltings,
flannel', linsey, velvet cords, cravats, stispen•
dots, gloves:
sillcs, merinnes, bombazines, figured and plali
elm gentile poplines, mouslin de Lnines, gin . g
hams, calicoes, alpacas, shawls, gloves, hoste•
ry; Coburg eloili
aVery large assortment; embracing every stytt3
style and 9tiality. -
An' extens've variety of Men, 'Women end
Chi4lre - es - Boots and Shoes, from the most eel
ebiated tninufaeturere.
Of all kindt, such a; sugar, coffee, Molasses,
Rice. &e., &c. CHOICE TEAS from the
welt-known Tea dealers. Jenkins & Co.
wh r visit":our establishment are free' to
acknowledge that we are selling every descrip.
non of Foreign and Domeiti••• Dry Go ds..Boots
nod Shoes, &c. nt astonishingly low prices.—
Our system ot • low prices has already nttrarted
a inrgelmmlier of:people, The attention of all
who with good bargains is solicited, as extra
ordinary inducements can he offered to [webs.
se's. Don't, forget the corner opposite Leon
era's of I stand, North annoyer street.
13,irter, Logs. Raga rind Soap, taken at mar
ket prLoe , d N W WOODS, Agt.
TH If, subscriber has jest returned from Phil .
AL. ud dphia-with n large and elegant rtsort•
nmnt of Ladies, Gentlemen's and Lley's
7 6 t13 0 01'8, SIIORS & GAITERS, alt of
which have been selected NWT great ca-e
porchnsed from the best oftablishinenta, to
which he invites the particular attention of the
public and Ilia old customers. Ills assOrtment
canals , . of
Mon's. Calf, Kip, and thick Boots,
Boy's do do do
Buy's and Nlen's Brogans,
L idles Kid ;tad Fran, Ii Slippers,
Ladies Dunnelied Gaiter Boots,
Chi'twines SllOO3 of all kinds,
In Inn. ire nosorttnest comprises everything
in his !Inn. OF the newest mid most fashionable
styles, whieli he will sell nt ns low erne es
can be had anywhere else in the-borough. To
-nroitu this call .nd examine for yourselyes, He
charges tolling for nn exanfinrAn of - his stock
but will show ^it uith pleasure. , Ladies and
Oundouteu'u haws. Shoes and Goiters menu
factored to order -in the bent style , no monal.--
, 01tementher the old' Stand on North Hano
ver street, next door to the Hardware Store of
3. P. ee
Dledicines! IVZsdicines !
Fresh Nledientes reeently, received at -Raw.
line' old 9.0,111. sent clanr to the Post office
Main vireo, Carlisle.`
Dr..l. ileClilluch, a graduate of the Univer•
sity Penli,ylvaoia, is how a partner in this
eet3hltshinent, and will give his especial super•
vision to the no npoundtp.vol prescriptions.
All \ledwines warn'o'ilM pure and genuine.
and sold at the lowest rates. Fresh Pine Oil
and Fluid constantly lor sale.
Msv 2u.'5 I. I! 4 R A MASTS.
TUE subscriber has just received 'a large
and general assortment of NEW FALL
GOO e insisting, of French Merinoes, Al
pacas, Cohurg Cloths. Cash.neres, Mnti. de
Lames, Gingha , na, Calittoes wi.h, other Dress
Gao Is. Also, Broad Cloths, Caasimeres and
Satiinets - ,•reitiz .and Soar° Shawls. Flannels,
kn. to which the attention of the citizens gene
is invited, .
sept 23 G W
Sack Flannels,
JUST opened a general assortment of Flan
nels fir Ladies Sacks, of various, such as scar
let, pink, green, blue, gray wad black v an& nt
moderate prim?, also a variety of Lona. Shawls
oh. tha best fabrie. G W TN ER.
119 variety for use and ornament. AiKO Shoe
MOrOCCO, &c. Glass,' Oil, Paints,
Rock at d, Ride Powder, '&c., Cedar Ware,
Ropes, Breshes,..Trunhajlaskets and Coach
Truninitio; &e. They have ,on hand or will
furnish everything to tho, BOOK and 'S'TA
TIONP,ItY line. They] have an extensive
Meanlamory of TIN WARE for wholesale
and retai). house and Barn Spouting well and
promptly- done. They- have an extensive
sroE warehouse, where may be found the
most approved patterns of Parlor. Coal and
'Cook'Sroves. The public attention is directed
partiCularly the •Lancaster Keystone COOK
Stove, fur sale exclusively by them; the heav
iest an a l cheapest stove in the market. It will
be borne in mittd_ohat their Cook Stoves are
the cheapest offered - for sale. All other • cods
so d as cheep for 'cash as' the cheep cheaper,
cheapest. • •INewvillo,,sept2Atf
Estate of John S. Miller, dec'd,
ATOTic El is lierehy.given that Letters Tea
r% tainentery on the estate or John S. tiller
late or Lower Allen t:witship, deceased, have
been granted by the Register of said county to
the subscriber residing in the sathe.township:--
Ali Persons indebted to said estate aro neruby
required to make• immediate payme..t, and
those having claims to present them for settle•
mum to MICHAEL P. DILI.,
:scpl3,patit " Executor.
29 1 -O. I I I .EATT S9B.iMROII
received n small quenfily of Glcrifieltl's
Patent Sinre,h Pohill, put up in a, ..nd-a, Ib
end highly recommended us n very su
perior nriicle. Also,.Patent Slush' Polish.
• sept tt24 G
Superior Pleidiug Vinegar
' TllP..tAttheuriber linajnat received 100 gallons
very super or Cider Vinegar, tverfneted pure
and Cl the vory beat quality. Come and try it.
sapt2d ' 'G . NV- HITNEIL,
Pr4hootaryle Notice.
rcr OTICE in hereby given to all persons in
ii wasted, that the following accounts have
been l'ilod iu tho rrotlionettiry's office for okatp
Amnon, by the necountatits•therein enured, and
will be prosemod to the Court of Common
Plops or•Cuntborland county, for e'onfirmatiou
and allowance, nn ‘Vetlitosday the 1 - 2tli day of
November. A. D. 1851 :
1. 'rho neve:ant of 4),aniel'Cline,•Esq., assiir
non of mi3bry S. Myers and wile, under a deed
of volnigary assignment. &e.
2.; anconot of DanielChne Ego., ;onsig
noo.of Ebort, srA.undar a ' deed , :of ,vo.
union" assignment, &c , •
r 3, The account or Sarititel - •Womiburn. ire
:piastre-tor or the Hanover end .Carlislo. Turn
pike rind' cninpapy, •
4. 'rho account.' of Christian ,Eberly,assighee
of. Part Her 16 , •
; J F. - LARBEItTO hi,. •
. tiSTA'Oecived ITotili lot Of .GROCERIE
sold ygly,,low,At:thp .cheap
Stori,East AfainStroot. v ;
• apg.' ,, " •• • •' • • ' ' C. OGILEit
Stc.irtg 57.1)Dps,'
-A NEW supply of Mesh Coffees, While and
Brown - Sitars, Spices of all - kinds, givend end
utiground..with all the other varieties °La Gro..
cory e Store, Including also a .noor supply of Jen.
kin's '.Na; 1 Quallip
in metallic peeks of riortar, :half and. pound.
'flackages kern SO to 81,50 per pound,lis oleo
n the bulk. :All just opened and for sole nt the
store of Ificl2l I. W EBY.
JUST opening a very largo stook of Fall and.
Winter Goods, so lollows.
Cloths, enesimersp. vesiings, erninctte,. Ken•
lucky jeans; velvet cords, , flannels, tickings,
mer,nocs, alpachns. cohorge, mous
delsines, cashmeres, poplins, calicoes ; Sack .
flannels, shawls, handker hiels,„ gloves ! stock. ,
logs, scarfs, veils, Irish linens,.Canion flannels,
ribbons; dress trimmingS,.honnets, cloth cape;
silk plush, do.. gum shoes, woolen yarns, cot
ton othrings, cotton laces, thvend eigioge, do
laces, Swiss and Ineonet do, black silks, bonnet
do, do velvets; combs', brualies,. spices, gibea
ries, Ste, &c, &c , .
We only ask vat to call and you will bo con:
vinced that our goods are the cheapest,
oct 15A & W BIiNTZ.
a'y~~6oC~ ,i
THE subscriber has on hand n Inrgo and
well selected assortment of MUSIC of all
kMds, consisting of i-!ortgi, Marches, Waltzes,
Polkas, He.. also instructions for Piano and
other instruments. Method" for
piano, "Mazes Method for the Violin, &c. and
a simply of , Viola and Guitar Strings, of first
rate quality nt city prices.
Having made an arrangement with an im•
porting and- publishing house. in Philadelphia,
Its will Lo constnn:ly supplied with new Music
and able to furnbdi anything in that lino at short
notice and upon reasonable terms. Music
Teachers will Mid it for their interest to call
and examine fur themselves nt the corner of
Pitt and High streets, opposite the Mansion
House f m 191 S. A. HUBBARD.
THE subscriber hts just received o larg o
• „l ib supply of BOOTS & SHOES,'
fig - Spring and Summer Wear,
whi.•), makes his assortment very
It comprises I;entlengn's French Call Skin
and Morocco Bulls. Congress Gaiters, Jack
son Boots, 'Alen's, Boys' and Youths' Enam
elled Congress Boots, Cull' Skin, Goat mid
Kip [3rogntis, M'irocco Boots. S ipPera.
Also. Ladies' Mi4seq and Children's Gaiters,
Buskins, 'i'ies and Slippers. Evt,ry effort will
be made to please the citizens of town and
country, who are respectfully solicited to con
tinge their patronage. -t
Carlisle, may? Wl4l 141 PORTER.
NTA PCl'3llll9 wishinii to -esco s e their proper
ty from fire without the mil of insurance
coMpaoies, shook] have their roofs covered with'
Blake's' Mittnt Lailatio,t Slate, or Piro and
Water Proof,Paint. 4 root wall covered with
this article will last mach ; , auger than the too
unpainted, and will render it entirely Fire and
I,Vater Proof. This article can ho had cheap a
the Hardware St'Ore of
marl 9 JOHN P. LYNE.
N.O l l/ICC.XI
E .:i t : s ari s - Q ei t: t e ,, r a 7 b i: u e r , , C l 6 7 r t l h i , s , le lB l3 s n i
. rrecks,
[larcener'. any soldier. of the
Ur No. 68 Garrison ffiand out. of the, Bore'
and one mile from the Garrison, without a per:
missing in writintrfrom the 1 - 4ioniriantlinl,.. Offi—
cer, will he considered a Drverfec, and $3O
REWARD paid for his apprehension and de
livery at the Barracks. , -
This order will be pUblished in the Ne,ve—
pripere of Carlisle for the iniormarion of the
citizens. By order of Gil. Cobim _ _
W. I. AIM:: !OMER.
September 2 . 4" 1851.11 Pow .3dit
Black Silk MO, ac
THE subscriber is naw opening it general
assortment of Lniig and Short Black Silk...Mits.
new style of Ladie.4 Silk Gloves, Lisle Thread
Gloves, and a Genrral assortment of silk, list
thread and cotton Hosiery. _
June G rlr HT TN ER'
Tr.a. !-.ME A ! TEA! .
' . . Tr ATRST AR R I V A L
7 " , .. , ..•'•••::, , - 6L4 r ROA!. CHIN A !—The
4 1 :701.(7 — i - I :',41 lovers of good TUA can h°
Ifikt Glt.EBll supplied Ivit . h Joitltin'sfe. Co's
t.. i . : TEA&
, Superior , Gicett end Black
, ..X. - ; ~ I eas, either loose or put up
" in fourth. half or pound Ine•
Panic p teas to su't purchasers nt prices ranging
from 50 cents up'to $ per p nand, by vatting of
the store of f mai J. D. IiACRER'r.
Brushes I Brushes:
• A great variety of these useful articles is
fered - for sale; consisting of Whitewn,h,Swee - )1
tag, Scrultbintz, l'aint er,s, loth, Shaviitg, Hair,
'reeth and Nhi I, Flesh and liruttlies i
great vartety, nil of tit Inch are et the best qua
ty and will be sold atthe lowest prices
Junef;. S El, T.109"1"
Bonnets and Ribbons.
NVE have just received our third supply of
to which we invite the atienticn of the Indiee ,
may 7 • A& W BffiNTZ.
up.LAKK'S Fire and Writer Pinot . YAINT,.
which hoe been so extensively used for
the last six years with the utmost success on
the roofs of finitses, Stearnhants; &e.,'no:
single instance is known whets it has . tailed.
For sale by r m 12] H. 1'0:4 •'
Green and Black Teaß.
FROM the store' of the Messrs, Jcnkins
of`Philudeiphia,, of the best 'onalities; and al•
ways fresh, constantly for :411e. by ' .
June. 25 :11 W F,IIY,
THE subscriber having received the agency
of LEE, & IVA LAER's USIG invitee at ten•
lion:to a large collection of the latest and most
popular pieces published by that firm, compris
ing Polkas, Waltzeb. Marches, Quick Steps,
Songs, &c. all of mMidli will be sold at the low
est cask prices at the clump Book Mid Periodi
al store of A. M. P IP ER,' Agt.
A Challenge of MO:
S OFFER ED by E. AIeCLAiN for a bet- N. ter article of Sonp than his Pm e ntMagnok,
either ror removing 'MI, sunburn, abd Pimples
from the.slcirt, or for shaving.; Alarmist:cured
by E. McClain, 83 North 7th• street, above
Cherry, Philadolphia. And sold by S. W.
fiA V ERSTICh., a his Drug and Book Store,
North Iran - over street,
lExtensive Furniture Rooms
JAMES R.WE..VER .who.t reep - ocouliy:
ball the attention of House Keepers and the
imblie to hie extensive stock of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Soles. Wardrobes,
Centre end other Tables, Dressing and plain'
.Bureaus and every ntlrr article in his branch of ,
business.: Also, now on !Mod the largest as
sortment of CH/ IRS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. ir.r-coilitts made at the shortest notice'
and a Hoarse provided, for funerals. I Ho soliu.!
ilea - call at his emrablishinatit on North Milo;
ver street. near Glass's HOTEL.. N.B.—Fur
Moire hired out by the month or year.
Carlisle, — March 20. 1850. I y , ,
To fh6-Ziadios,
JUST received, nt,P 0 ItT E 2'S S
STORE, n fresh nesortnie'nt of luidies'-Misses"
and Children's Gaiters, Jenny Lind Ties, Bus-!
ltins and Slippers, or the hest quality, tilsoteve.t .
ryvarloty of Intim/ colored 'From It lauthig for .
guitars, o, lila will So mado,np tp
JUnell 1851 t.
A otice.
lkl" T hereby 'given 'dial ipplietdion
IN will he made to themixt Legislature, agie-;
ably to the Coistitution and laws of thin Conf..
monwealth, for nn adoration' in tint Charter of
the Carlisle Deposit Bank, so as to tooter:cm
said Bank the righbrand pfiviltigns ofa Ihmk;of ,
isms, and to eltattsa tho' name of Mid Until( tb:
"The'Farmers & Chink of Carlisle; '
By orderer the Board 'of Directors. >. ,
, Vf. fICIETDM, Cashiot:'
'Car Dep. Bonk'. key 12eth,
1100 TO 4.1 S , OEM
AM now optSning stook ofhLn
dies and Goo'lemon's Boots and• Shoes.— .•
Also. h - largo lot or Iloys Boy Misses ar.d Childron'al
Shoes. All of Gio tiewmit -style, best quality ' ',
'add best or all•iOry'ehoup. - •' • ' ' •
lap 2 • ••• • ' C. OGITA:W. ,
THC annual olOctionl (Or lliiactora of lue ;
0440 0 13:ink; twill be hold,ngroalblv'to char.!
foiort tho third Mondify:.(l7th). of Novoinher.!
oext.llintwoen thn hciure 'of 10 o'clock"; 'lt Mr
and P Ati . at , tho Banking Bomb ol:
the Carliale.Doitoait Bank:4
ol:0183t Al LYON; Preaq. ,
ditn '2Uneytippit,eltts.
ALVAN snomgnn.,
• .
Schii.filktit Sixth 'Stree!,:betrri? . . rithirt, East 81:dc.
CALL the ettention of the trade ; eontractort
and others, bitilding or remodeling, to their cdtm:
pleteirstioitmeni,mt architectural
thevarious styles and ordere; for interior decm ,
ration, in plaster and comtMeition: ;Capitals for
columns and Pilasters, cornices, brackets, Irie
ass, canter flowers, reset:ls, Mouldinge,' &c.,
executed in the best menet.. Modeling from
ori.linal designs dune with accuracy at short
notice. Designs .fitriiished tor ceilings, &c.—
Orders from all parts of thti - Utlited:Statesicare•
fully packed with perfect safety: Met 156 m)
- .
Carpets and Oil Cloths
• AT
grItIE subscriber being in a bye street is Am'
der'a low rent, and vory light store axpen•
see, which enabled' him to sell goods wholesale
or retail at the lowest prices . 1n• the city, and
buyers wtil do well ro examine his assort Merit
of boautif4l IMP BRIM, INGRAIN and.YE
NITIAN • A R PETS, nl nlt I,trid tits and: every
variety. And OIL CLOTHS !mom 2to 24 feet
wide for Rooms, Hail's, 4c., with a greet vnri•
sty of low priced tottrain Carpets,•front 25 to 50
cents; and Entry alit] Stair Cgrocts from 10 to
51) cants per yard. Also, tlearth• Rugs, 'ruble
Covers, Floor Baize, Cotton owl Peg, Carpets,
Stair Rods, &c. H. 11., EI,DRIBGE,
No. 41, STRAWBERRY Street, one door
above Chesnut street, near Second, Philada.
Ilove►•'s Ink iliantefactory
Between Fourth and Fiftli,nonosito Crown st.)
"WHERE the Proprietor is enabled,by in
creased fneilitio.9,lo supply'the growing demand
for HOVER'S INK, which its widespread rep
utatiori has created.
. .
This Ink is now so well established in the
good opinion and confidenco.ol. the American
public, that it is scarcely necessary to say any
thing in its favor, and the inanuiscinree takes
this opportunity to say that tho confidence thus
secured shall not be abased.
In adoition to the various kinds of Writing
Ink, he also manulitetitres .Idamantino Cement,
Toy mending G.lass.ancf as well as n su
perior lisle Dye s a trial only is nisenssary to
insure its future tine; and n - Scaling,lTras, well
adapted for Druggists and Bottlers. at .a very.
lowCprice, safari - go or small onsniities. Orders
addressed to JOSEPIcF: HOVER,
octls Jltandaclurer:
Perfumery, Fancy . Soap 8t Paper Box
48 Jilarkel sired, bauw, SeCv)td,
CI LEGG & CROM PTON, Manufacturers
'4J of Perfumery. Fancy Snaps and . Fancy
Paper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of
the Druggists sod Dealers in Carlisle and the'
Cumberland Valley. tri their extensive stock
Good's. comprising Pertumery; fancy Soaps.
Powders for the complexion, 'Voile', &e. &c
of every variety. Also, a full and complete , as
sortment ol Fancy Paper Boxes, of every do
scription, large or small, round or square, made
to order at the shortest notice.,
0:7 - Don't forget the place", •I'S Market street,
Philadelphia. Alf orders wilt meet with ptemp
uttentiol f • -"luta
Light: ..firdigltt Light!
Pine 011, Catayalae Et Medal Fluid,
OF acknowledged superiority and Purity,
manufactured. and for sale nt the lowest
Wholesale_ prices, by DAVIS & HATCH,
at-the old eutablished s:tuld of the late Rion
mih T. Davis, 11101 , ,N, NglV JEltsEy,
whore orders by marl at-otherwise are solicited,
an prompt attention given. The veice of the
nubile' for fifteen years, and the nwnrd of n
Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by
the Friteklie levitate aver all comeethers, is
itiffittieitt evidence of the excell.mce of our Oil.
Pitch,l7arpentine,l7osin. and Spir
st of Turpenque. 1;n : pule 'Whdlesalo and
ut the lowest prices. loct3o
Silver .IYIe dais Awarded
To . E. CLAIN for Perfumery . :and Fang!?
Soaps, 1849 and 1850. , •
El IVPCLAIN ; , continues • to , Manufacture
El . tits Celebrated First.Prettitant Vegeta.
We flair Oil. P4tent Nlaw . oetie Sono, Orris and
Tenherry Tooth Paste. Lilly White. &c., pre—
wired at 83 North 7th weer, nhove Cherry,
Philadelphia. And sold by S. W.ll/1 VCR-
S I'ICK, at his Drim and took Store, North
Hanover street, Carlisle. rju1y2.18.51.6m
wiwzrz., fic CO.,
B ORE, Md.
WARDING (%11illt.GlIANTS North
street, opposite the Stiquelmonali Rail Road
Depot, Baltimore. Keep constantly on „hand
for sale, Fish, Salt, G lane, Plmmer, &e. Lib
eral advances made on consigineuts.
June 18;51, rnn pd. -
• .
Harrisburg Steam Wood Turning'
4 and Scroll Sawing Shop.
WOOD. TURNING in all its branches, .1
city. is yin and at city prises: Every variety- of
Cantnetand Carpenter work either on hand or
tuned to order.
-Bed Posts, TOle 1..^g4, 4 • Xizang Posts,
Balustres,, JsreiNtl Posts, IYagon Hubs,
Roscits, PatterM, C0111.1!IIIS,
Slat and Quarter Alouldings, Round or Octagon
Chisel liandtes, Po.
This shop is in STRAWBERRY ALLEY,
tear 'rhird Street, and as'we intend to please
1.11 our customers who want good work done,
tis hoped the trado a call. Ten-
Pins and Ton-Pic Biala unidii io order or re •
W.• 0. - 41TCROK.;
Harrisburg, Abel) 30th,0351-i , St.
„Grand and Square 2/11.15705.
Ilinufactuier3. 8;"9 and 11 Zutalu
• xVlmel, liatliuoi•e,
N 0 'FORTES; from G , to-.7,-octavos, in
11L - in Rosewoo4 Mahogany, and Walnut cases
to various styles, with, and %vithoutlronframes,
combining all the itnproveinentS requisite to a
auhiltior instrument.
K. & G. have received from the' Mar'yland
Institute the first premiiefii rpr , their Pitinos,
three succrasivo years; 1818,1819, 1850. They
have also been honerod with huiberous teatime
nials,frorn all, the ruost' celebrated artists who
hove used their in.4trinnunts.' Pianos from their
esaibliehment have been used at the converts
..f.And,j-Icrz...ffulitts', Bishop; Lubordo,
Arlopp, other„eruittenr - nerformera.: They
geartintee derdhilify
care. rind will, ropface . .rith othiirs all 'which'
mar not give satislactiiinfiniliiirlilion bo made
within six,Muelhs,afierdeliyerYt
Uanufactery...liciug' concluded oe.the
most extensive scale L.trebles ,theM to banish
instalments at the verylowesi prices; whole
sale, and retail. Constanily• on • hand, A: P
Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from 845 to $2OO,
tor which they are , solo agents for this city, .
January22-1 - 1ga..1 y •
4.9lVortsmen Take;lVotlco3P,
' .7 OEr X 4 811: Z R
Norilt-EOsi Corner of Walnut and Second Streets,
P IL ADE: I; P FPI ' •••
11.31. complete ,assoetcnott of stilyr. GUNS
Powder Flasks; Game Bage, , ' add: all other
: Sporting , Altparype of Am; best : .and ',lnoskop
tirovCd patlerne,
He ;Ims:itottstedifly'Aire-hihW/SPORTING
POWDER: of 'oll!:(l . eacitiPatine.Y.Percueeion
- Cope, Shut;iillullet; f3oilt,potElll,colt
'Cartridges, rind, a goneral swrtmont. of, mrdo•
risk for Gan Mak,ersoSay , ,Z(,,, ,
Area P,E2CUSSION:. o,APp,',orn. Superior
quality, designed expreresly
,neeortnitenl,Of •FISIIING, TACKLE el,
waysonlmad." • •
.1k a the 1'21)04, Mid 'any articles in Ilia
lino,"lhe subscriber will'etoll us low as any other
establishment irtfieDnited'Statem ,
In teatlmmly 'cif hie skill; ac a manufacturer,
th 6 ERA NKLIN,IN,STMUTE . ,.., is ill" yearn
1840 and , llB42.,mwarded Ao him T r(O._(;PRTI
.FICATUS,t-and Alto years 1844,, -1846, 1147.
1848 and , i1t15R, t E1)7,1.1,5;1.,11,E72 IVIr.DALS
pl oflvltiCh. nuty bpaun at
IN Ulaice Mal;
wiIETI3.IOAT, R.Re, OATE4psuri
: Wound 41Yv!tilick, undc,r4igotol,uuk tho
'tgiulrot moy hut , pringpAiil.lp_cny. ;Alegi mind
1?AlltILY: laOLFll, , p)rd:Mill•For;d, or :! 1
e onto .on teloonntAn,terme.::!Apply, nt
the ,WA RMERS''/ ILL ( frampiqy • Gond, Hop!.
Wont riuusburoltwnstkl•pzeclutlerinnil , county
'toit3tf - ' ' — I4ARSEI4I. I ,IO tJd 1E
„ . .
zlyziLzt? ,sAim
On TVEIiN:ESD. I IY4 the 10th of becenit, 1851,
amp subscriber will sell at nubile 9'616'10e --
following - property.. to LOT OF
GaouND,feuntitining.2 neraa more or, lets,
Situated in the borough of Carlisle, bounded on
the tiouth' by Brotiniti lane or a comitioation o
Lourherstreet, on the •West by (riot of Jan*
Armstrong, on the North by land of John,No
ble,•end on the liner by a lot of. Rev. C. P.
Wing. This lot is improved by a linedwo eta ,
Itißa HOUSE, a good stable, carriage'
a a house and other necessarY out.
ell. buildings. There aro also some
very:fine fruit trees on the tat, and
a well of good waier.• 'Sale to commence of 10
&nitwit, A. 11.1.. Terms made known on the
day of solo by ~ •
novbts , ' . SAC 013 ICIEMFFFER. •
ZIPY virtue of anorder - Of the Orphan's Court
of Perry county, the -subscriber, edminis
trator of Abraham En', dec eased, "ill
,sell by
public outcry nt the public house of John Rees
er, on SATE/I:DAY the 2'.3t1 'Nei/ember. 1851,
nt 10 o'clock, P.M., of, said day, A Tract of
Woodland, situate in Rye township. Perry
,dountt, bounded by lends of Mu.groye's heirs,
Manic. Rupp, widow White and the Perry
county 'line, containing" 50 KC RE S and 4T
Perches. Terms made Ito- , own on day ()rank.
novste AdmitliS I valor rte bolds nent
Medical College of Pennsylvania.
Filbert &reel above Eleventh, Philadelphia.
riprlV. Lectures 'of the regular course
11 . commence annually on the SECOND
MONDAY of Octocer, and continue until the
liret of March ensuing.
Anft ()flees for afull coupe of Lectures $lOO 2 I
S talents who have aitended two full
courses at whin. schords 30 0)
Mniriculndun Fee, paid only once a no
PI [lc Ica! AnoonlY - ~, •,- to 00
Gnulumion Fea 30 00
Thn Commencement will talc() place Dally in
- - -
WAT.TER 1) , Professor of Ma•
teriq Medina nod Toot-nommen
_WILT.L6f. S: HluantrroM. D-,-Professor - of - Ho ,
moeopnthic Institutes and. the Practice of Medi.
SAMUEL FREEDr.V, M. D., P?o e(:nr of Botany
nod Medic:o Jurisorudroe...
CHARLES NIEDIJARDi M. D., Profess - or of Clini
cal - -
' JOSEPH G Looms, M Professor 0101)
S oks nod the D souses of %Vomon and Children
A LVAN E. SitTA LI, M. D., Professor of Pltysiol-
Ogy d Pni{lning V•
Mivrritvw SEMPLE, M. D., Professor of Chem
lorry nod Toxicology.
Fro,scts Sues, M. D.. Professor of Soracry.
NVILLI,itst A. GAUDIstn, M. D., ProteEsor of
•.T. B. PETIIERBUIDGE, M. D., Demonstrator of
WM. A. GARDINER, M. D., Dean,
No 503 Arch Street, r'llt.ada.,
June 18, 1851—fith.
J. 11. STINSON, A.M., Prolesstii of Lnn•
gimps, Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
„J. OREN, A. M., Professor of the Normal
LAVERTY, Aiatnnt.
AI would •respedifully inform their friends
and -tile public generally, that they intend to
commence the Ist Session of their school, on
the Ist M triday in October, next. They in * • j
tend to spare HO pains in turnistung everything
necessary -to render the accommodations for
boarders ample and-pleasant.
They have engaged tiir iho Classics and
higheo English Branclieg, Mr I li 6 . TINSON.
graduate of Princeton College, who ctitnes with
ate. mast unexedptiottable recominemintione and.
rellirences, to character and—eitalifi;mtiOns,
• Students will be prepared to enter any class
in College, or for business. The discipline
will be Amid and persuasive, arid it is hoped,
parents sending their sous here, will not bet dis
appointed in their moral and intellectual culture.
There will also be _a Nurmrit Department, in
which young men, wishing to prepare them
selves ref Teaching, can du so, on. the latest
and 111081 approved plan..
The place is noted for its hea'tlifulness and
the moral and religions character of the corn
timinty.,,Thifo wi'l he two sesaions a year 01
live rriontlis each: The Wittier Session coin
mencin,g on the Ist Monday in October, and
the Summer Sassien..,on_theiad
pril. . •
LIT ER S, t:=7
! _
Bomffinz, Washing and Tuition in
1 7 ...nalish ()rancho.., per session, (5 mu) $5O On
Latin or Greek Languages 5 00
Get Man or Music 5 OJ
For those livinr; in town and the immediate
vicinity, wishing to board theinaelves, the terms
will be moderate.
For furilier partienlars, address,
D. A. L ; 1, VEItTY,
S. KNI 4 4EX.
Shipnensbura, Pa.,-sepil7, Proprietors
MEG) , SPRZIVG .a..3.8. - a nu.
W. R. LINNT, Principal, an& Profcssor of Mazi
phy.ics and Ancient L•mvunces.
J. ALLEN BROW NL:A.I3 ,-Prntlp,sor of Nato
ral Plnlocuplly and,Mailleinatics.
91111E,Winter Session cit iii
lostimiion will
11. Commence oil the first Monday in November,
s o,h, wall the excetitioti of t Week b' va
cation at the time 01 Christman lio(yd A ys,
CO 111111111. 111161111 e last Toursday in Julie, 1852.—•
After that the sessions will comMence regularly oil
the first Mondays nt February' e n d' August, and
ot t the lan Thursdays of , Juno and Decent
bee. Every tiff :rt on the part .of the proprietors
which would tend to make the Institution worthy
Oldie confidence of the public, will cheerfully be
made ; and,thay would . hope that by a discerning
people the meths of their Academy will net b••
overlooked. I, leaded an it is, in the Of the
hetionful nod remind,: Cumlicr.tind Valley, its sit'
nation is exceedingly pleasant and ',condo while
hu villaae and swim! Im fluted for.
he 'morality at;d iinaltigarrea of fly inhabitants,—
gvery possible inducement will beheld out to stw
debts of the Academy to pursue the unly path to
genuine usefulness.
TEll tits
For the canting term. mildews in tho
Inanelien will lie charged 0.1 1 ), month. In the
Latin and Greek languages ne per month. Al
lerwurds the terms \v,ll be regularly as billows:
heti rding and Washing per .4 , : eBien-pf
live months, s3s'
Tllllloll iii liii 1811, - 10 (iii
do. Au. including tin and Greek, la 110
Ftench and enc't Oil 0
Vocal and lash uinental Altisie,- each .7 00
lostructintni in the Hebrew language will he gill'
an ~itliont nay 'akin io ral charge. No " day
behnlar," will he received. and no student taken fur
le,a than half a term.
!. :Chi:43es in civil Engineering will have the nd•
vant a ges t'd field
oi ivratitia with limn C unitise .ruid
Chitin', Level and I. Per Ih,in,
,ingto intone a thin...ugh Academie edaca lion; on
cupyitig-lour tyear.s,.lhcacen rats ta he e.'
. ,
• RentHee, PehitinnAit< Gengra)lty, History.
English Graeprotr, Watts en 'the mind, 1111.nluia•
tinu; and Alg,ehru cont.ttenceJ.
, .
Algebra completed, Ueomerry of Plaine and
,Solitl : . , , 1-1111.1.,p11%. of Ali : ll4lp.m, Cie.:ool4V, - Moil ,
'ral l'llosuphy, Chemistry,. Lain ; Grammar and
(leader. - a.
„ ,
• Annlytic'al Gaamntry. Conie Seciinns.• Difieeen%
tin! and Integ,rl.l
Sci”nue. Cm-er: Virgil,. IXonice,
(,des) Greek Gngnatnr ari4 1.14.,Adja.
Surveying, Ilierntunia I and ink:deal, Navigniinn,
(04114,tt's) Amronon
He'unninv, illentnl Priilosophy;
orehriAlorti , V, Hamtal Horn,e (Are
Pneliete) Juvenal, Pereins, Hower and flosiod.
We would strongly rec ommend to those who do
not contemplate,' collegtme 'Mut:anon tfor their
sun. or nerds. a, dttl.Acndemjc coursu,as. in this
'Unvoiced intuit of itnelletunit I inturoN'ement molt
icc short of this it ill satisfy nn American pklple
mid tt 113 thinly beliovuti thou this institution posses
,ea the capahilitins for imparting as sound and Cum'
plete nu edultption as auy.other in thu °emery.,
tleCep;ii•rie, Rev. A. Slurp, Rev. 8, L
Derket•. Dre. J. ;Unpile, A. R 6 nkee. S. P. Ziegler
Nrer% ; Den. 3. A. Riker.' Rev. Dickey,
;tee. M. U. Pet Bleotefia •;' Den i • %V; 11.
Allen.,Pre4(ll6ll.,if Girard Celkge.
Dr. 3. R. Irvine, l'sle;Vville ; . Rag . T. :4 7 ,...:n1e•re,
'lLehniuncl; ; Rey. 3. L l l:o,:ille 6 ifielili ashlw
Jervi‘y Thn Fueulty et Jefferson Colleeiii lemei
331.11., A. M. key: 3. 111.'1;6eRege, Bel '.16r66;;
etkrotherg; M. 1.).: Willrensliutg,'ede ;
iNborno,•4llpf f hloy:.
l'enten. '•• • '''Le'ellr ': • ' • .:,
a, eons..
ardor to diapolo 'or:stock 'floOd;-1.
Willi toll a low.dozenroV .20' 'per t Cot boloW . ae
facturees:onUlt prices. County nfOreliOrite
would-do giva•me a call.- -•— •
I rrAA,WII,4I' El I 313134111,?,
. 1; ; •%,: I
.! . ITalna* Sphool•Books;:.'
WArrg fit (7. D
0.,253 M HO
I ” I ,IADKLiquA , nod for•sale by en,the book'
sellers the 'United Soles s
An easy introduction to the Study of Geogra
phY, designed tor children, and. completely il
lustrated: by 120 engravings 'nnd 14 colovell
gaups. ,
The teit, the exercises the illustrations, and the
forty beautiful maps are printed together iii one
gnarl° volume.
system 01 Metiers Geparapliy; comprising a•
iption of the present state oldie world and
its live great divisiuns. Embellished with nu-
Mei pus en,ravielg? and illustrated by an excel
lot Atlas containing 28 handsome and accurate
colored, maps. This series of Geography by S.
Augustus ;\ Diction has been wholly or partly
introdueed into the•public • and private schools
or till die principal cities and.towits cf the_Dni
led States ; and alter a lull and thir trial" of Its
merits inthese schools, it has received an almost
tuti vernal recommendation.
. filmic:4,, classical nod sacred Geography,
embelliShol with engravings of remarkable ,
events, views of ancient cities,sete., mid accom•
paned by ancient Atlas contnisiog 12 beautiful ,
colored maps... ' - -
Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Gene
raphy, with plops anti embellishments. M ttert
ell's Key, to the study of Maps. and Carroll's
Key to ,l dchell's Geography, are excellent soul
popular books, and are becoming very exten
sively used In the best schools of our tounleY.
C Ile rig's Finsr Litsson IN GitATIMAII, based
11OODAIIC construction and analysis of .sentences;
designed as 11.1 introduction to the "Analysis." -
Guestcn's A NALY9IS—.I treat - se so the sIVIIES
lure or (lie ItlogliSit langtinge, with illustcationt
4 iii exercises adapted-to the use of schools, by
Samuel S. Green, A. 11., Principal of the
Phelps Grammar School, Boston.
These hooks hive already in the short tittle
I they haveteen.publisheur,'Obta:ned - a cell' .2x
lensive circulation, having been intrethiced into
I the public schools of Boston, Baltimore, Pints;
burg, Giocitinattii St. Louis, Vickshurg. and
other cities and towns, and renommentled by
those who have tried ditto 1.3 their schools, as
without question the best English Graminars
EVAN'S s - ctioot, READER'S.
intended for beginnei s. It contains' a lesson
opoi each of the eleinentary sounds of 'hi' lan
,. gunge
,The primary School Reader, part 2‘l,
eontains exercines 111 articulation. arranged in
connection with easy uniting lessons. The
'Primary Reader, part Sd, is designed for the
first class in Primary beinktilS, awl tile lowest
class in Grammar Schools.
lIE GRAMMAR SCIIOOL ft Ennl;n, is designed
"m' the iniodle ulnas ill GratLmiir Schools, ind
vont:tills exercises in articulation arranged in
connection with reading les•rmii
Tor. Disriticr - Sensor. READER, is design
fOr the highest classes in pubic and in't cat
schools. It contains exercises in articulation,
p:utses,aod inflections of the Voice with such
roles and suggesstions as are deemed tiseltil.
TUE IpfqllllCTleS or a Course o
Reatlitnn on Natimal It ator); Science and Lite.
• 'inure 'resigned for sel l outs.
Tug SPELLING 1100 K.
Consisting of words in columns and sentences
for oral and written exercises. • It is a complete
and sysimusitiu series of exercises in English
Thls - itielilv series of reading books,
and tins speliiug book were compiled by 111 r.
m. D. Struto,.of Boston and judging from the
rapid Miroduction into scliools which they have
obtained in the Eastern and Middle States and
in many of the WeSlerli Stiles,
We think they am really better adapted to the
wants of tsachers soil scholars than any other
yet published. Thopuhlish e rs have a very large• of recommendations from nubile reboot
edmmittees, tuckers mini others friemily to edu..
• One . vol ,12 .._o for high sel,ools and Heath:-
Pies. The same crock coati .liSeci and simplified
or osmium, schools, 1 vol. Di roll. ° •
of schools and Tainilies, 1 vol. 12 mu. with
engraviogs. • .
l'adualtv PILISIOLOGY, by the sante author, 1
not. 18 ino.
FIRST Bans F. A. Adams,
iiitended fee l t ri many and common schools.
By the same "dithor, Tort fir a.— advanced
jessons in mental arithmetic ; part set:mut--
roles mid examplei for peat:titre in - written :with
dnetle, ror otoootoo m , ,1 WO c.:lmola. -
A Kee to examples for prawiec in written
for-the use of teachers. ,b3' the s"it'P
These arithmetic.% have secured very high
recommendations from teachers of schools' and
acatlemiesonal fermi praress3ll3 ill sevet:al ur our
colleCes,auth Icon others interested in the cause
of eilo,ottioo Ocarinas notions of llie Union.
T. C. & Co.'itilso publish many other School
.Rooks, which ;here 15_ not room to enumerate
here, w:Afeilienl, Theological soil
isuellaiteous Honks, and they are luny preps'
red to answer orders for hooks in every delta'
meat orknowledge. „Booksellers, School Com
mittees, and other% supplied nu the mint favor.
able terms. (scot `25,
Price Reduced !
utpniptp-Tic, IMMURE!
Largo Bottlae—Only Ono Dollar.
rho Proprietor of tho Great A - Pie - dean Remedy " Veva !IN
BORTA131.1: I.I7II.NTRIPTIC MIXTVRE." induced by do
argent solicitations or his Agents, throughout Ilia Unita
Mates and Canada.-has now
Reduced the Prico
tf hls popular and wall known artiolo; and from this date
tenoolOrth, ho wilt putftp,,but ono °loos onl.y.—hie quail
:.—tho retail price • •
The public may restasinred that ties character of the 15feth
doe, it, strength, ands curative properties wit.t. ItEhlia
JNICIA,NOE.I), and the same cam will be bestowed In pro
torittult as heretofore.
As tine medicine, under its reduced price, will be purchase
ay those trite have trot 'hitherto made themselves acquaint°
with Its virtues, the proprietor' would hey to intimate that Id
trtieio is not to be classed with the vast amount of "RoroDdi,
at the day ;" claims for Itself a greater healing power, i
.11 diteasee, than any otter Preparation. matt! Leary tA
,Inarlit; and has semi:lee Iself Ibr eight years by its snperit
medical virtues. and, until this reduction, commanded doubt
ire price of any other article in this line.
NOTICE 'PARTICULAR IX, this artiolo seta widiureaChea
nt powcr and certainty, upon tho
Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs,
Ind all other organs, upon Oa Draper anion of which lite no
mishit depend.
This niedicites has a justly high repute,iss a remedy for
;I ' l n '
n Dropsy and Gravel,
and all diseases of that nature. It may be relied upon whe
phyaletan fins abandoned his Patient, '-- and II
s ties° distressing diseases, more especially Due Petri the Prom
nor would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At I
'resent pike it is easily obtained by all, and the trial will prim
.ho article to be the . ,
Cheapest Medicine in the World!
Please Yak for' pamphlets the agents give them away
they . oontein over Fistedn paieSof reaelPts. T (hT adlilion to fa
Medical, itiaiter'. valuable fOeliciuseilidd purposes, and wine
will save many doll'us 'per yeor to Practical housekeepers.
Thearrecelpts am introduced to make the book Or grei
calls; aside from InScliaractet. as an advertising medium' ft
the mwlielne, the testimony in favor of which. In the form;
knelre from all parts of this country, may be rolled upon'.
„ • . „
Vaughn's ' Vegetable Litlintitrintio Afiitureh—th
Stara American Remedy, how'fbr gain In quaff hOttles at
eiiellomtir, bottles at 50 cts each. No small bottles will b
Issued after the present stock Is riliposett of.
Principal Office, Buffalo, N; V.. 207 Main Street. .
Hold Wlldle.ale 80 . 110E61 by OLCOTT bicKESSON
CO., 127 Maiden Lane, New York City.
'N. fl. All lettifif(excepting from agents and dealers
whom he trnnsnels hasihiss) mud Go 'post paid. or no anon ,
ut hr given to them. " ' "
S v Ilaverstick:Cailisle;
J C &.GM Altiblc, • Itipponsburg,
Russel E Dice, Dickinson, •
Jl. Spahr, .111achani , %qurg,, .1
•A 4 "Lager, Kipgapawn,.
Oett6 -
• , Coach e s Aid W#kott's.
M`ZOTELER lut.orthpso!fio;Onxllir
and Wagons: fonaleildrononsi rltCivod uttlie
onfeetimmry, frtittandloyamore or, s
Supt 10. A. S: WORMLEY. '7
• Harriann , s Columbian Ink;
rinc. auhserther-lini on 'hand a lerge supply' "
'of ;the above ink, which', hy a special at
rangement ' , r-ith the proprietor, ho,is.shis io fur
-nish;to iiriOrehanrs apt'. others, at 'the mauler
qurere 'Wholesale prlcoo, , !,, „,„;
aual r' , • - 'S •A -1-IU-1113 . A11101:1
Ohildpn:s,,.Stoe!cings ,
A . rum:. nsijorpep; n end Mlxod
oMerino Henna all elzds.for Children,—
Alio; gieat variety hist opened
by_ . G W HITNER.
l'nre - iiidnn Vinegar
- IrUST recoived.h .freah Inirrvl Puro Cido
Vinegar, of stiOorioigiality, aid warranle
; trot) from o.dultnitatlon: • .; . ;,-.
•-v049, nova ", I,G W 111 t NEIL:'.
.111is_ccil . ancons
Art-Union of Phikdelphia,
For the Promotion of the Arts ofAlesign in the
• • United States.,
OFFICERS.—DEtat . C. .C;titst i President;
Wm. D. KELLEY, Vice President; EDwaan P.
miTcuram, Treasurer; Bariam, Recording
Secretary; GEonas W. DE.wEs , , , CorresOnding
for l ., ; e. V . E cl ß:k .ub lt r m il b mi eLfor of ili F d iv y e en , kl . B ll ß a l r i i - " a ill p r r il i e n e t iv 6 e r
tibtvrtnarores.. " CIII2.ISTIAATA . AND HER
• C4ILDRIEN," ongruvea by Joseph Antitews,
ti' ten. and the companion. n print of flitrantg-
ToN'o MERCY'S .DREAM,^ enziaved by' A.
11. - 113. iichic, New YOlk, or the, choice of atiY two
oh the f.litt.vist four eolendid enstravtuss, .
I. John Knox's Interview .with Mdse Queen'-of'
Scotia. pn;nttol by Letoz, engrand hy•Scirtain. •
2. Roth and Boaz, painted by „gather/nal, en..
grayed by Sartain._ ,
3. - 11fircy`g Dreabcpainted by Huntington, en.
graved by Inchia.-
Christiana rand her Children, painted by
fluntinnitni, ungrnYed by Andinwn. ••
And a copy 01 the Philodelphiti.Art Union Jle•
porter, n monthly pamphlet containing a report of
the 11'1mile/ions ut ,the Institution..and infurmas
lion on the enhjeet of. the Fine, Arm, throughout
th,:,wh o l e werld• • r
Tim Aar U NiriN of Philadelphia) awards prizes
ill ile own Certificate's. with which orignoil'Amort
can works of. Art may be purchased in any, par
et the GMT& States, at.the option and selection of
the prrson whohnny °built a prize at the Atmuni
Distribution, which taltes place
,on the evening of
the net we , k rlay , in every year.. '
The Executive Committo of the Art-Union ;
wheo Ft, requested, select ~corks of Art, without
Menge or conwensetion, from their Free Gallery;
210 Chesnut erect, fir those persons in the-coun•
try, who may live remote from Galleries, or politic
ealubinons ,if the Pme Arts.
Subscriptions of illeritheiship, $5,00 Ahould ho
nettle as curly os prat:6l.'lllde, no an to entitle mem—
bers to early numbers of the "Reporter," which
will be ferwhrtled. upon the recaPt of tho' money
10 tine pl l l Ol lie country.
Or'Subscrietionti re. etved title office, where
the eogreving4 - iiiill''Repurter" can be eeen.
July 30. 1651.
Splendid Fancy Goodtv„ Elegant
Gift Books, &C. &v.
W. HAVERSTICK has just received
• from the city and is now °veiling a splen
did display of FANGY GOODS, suitable for
the approaching Holyday Season, to which he
desires to cell ate attention of his friends and
the public Hi s assortment in this lino cannot
be surpassed - in novelty and elegmtee, and
both ihUnatity nod price of the articies,.ean•
net fail to please purchasers. It would be im
possible to enumerate hie
which comprise every variety of fancy artiaes
of the most novel styles and exquisite slier
such as .
Ladias' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instrunt'nit
Terracotta Work (a recent novelty,)
Papa MaClie Goods.
- •
l'..lit . gent alabaster and porcelain ink•standa
d trues,
Fancy Ivory, pearl and ehell card cases, r
Port Alimonies, 01, every variety,
Gold pens and peeeils, •
Fancy paper weights,
Papeteries, With a large variety of ladies
—•- -
Stlit nud bend purses,
Ladies' rid ng whips, elegantly finished,
line cutlery,
Perfume baskets and bags,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
12,,uusel's perfumes of the various kind,
Musical instruments, of all kinds and et all
ideas, ingather with an innumerable variety of
articles elegantly finished and suitable for Ito ,
yday presents, to which he:invites special at
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of
comprising th, various English and - Amerkani
ANNUALS for 1831, rielily .emhellished and,
illustrated P001 . 03A L W 0 R WS, with•
for children. of all -ages, than which. nothing,
can be mare appropriate or p'easing as holiday
gilts. His Itssortment..of Schaal Books-antt
School Stationery -in also, complete, and com
prises every thing used' in Colleges and the
Schools: IlCiAlso desires -to call the particular
attention of Friniilit , S to his dle.ennt display of
from the exteniive estahlt.hinen - te of Cornelius.
Archer and other. ol Philatleiphin; enmerising
every style of rorter, , Gliamber and. Study.
Lamps, fir horning eitinilr lard ; sperm or ethe
real oil, together with Flower Vases, Fancy
Screens, &c His assortment in thieline is un
eanalleri tn - thelieroneh.•
NUTS— Pft EiklaVED FILUITS.,&c.,
in every littriety'and. al all uriceizi, all of which
are pure and fresh, such as confidently
recommended to his frionds - and . the little folks.
Ilts stock ,enthrnees everything-imtlie lino
Fancy Goons, with m'any other ortidles useful
to 119,1.elceopers:which the public are especially
invited to call and see-tlivin‘, the holidays —.
llemeinbtir the Old Stand, nearly opposite the
Bask nn North, Hanover street.
deelt S W. Id %vErtsTicK.
ricasmi IN ItiZARZET:
Fresh Drugs, Medicines, Perfam ery, Fang
✓hizeles, es'c.,,
rvilE subscrinor ha= just received his Spring
CIIEMICALS,. amm , which can be found
every article used by Physicians in their pre•.
scriptions, to the nutting up of which,he will
oivo narrio•ular :Mention. Alan.
Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Soaps,
&e.. and a variety in Pitney articles too num•
eruns to mention, together with a superior lot
of TOBACCO AND CIGARS of variot,a
brands, all of which, having purchased in per
sae, u pon the most, favorable , terms, he will
guarantee as being of the best quality, and is
willing to sell, not exactly. at City Prices, yet
for a very small' advance fur CASIL- •
fig would,vite the attention of
Physicians, Country Merchants-end Pedlars,
to whom Ile will Make atAlberal deduction.—
Opposite the Railltuad Depot, corner of Pitt
and High streets, Carliele,,Pa—
marl9 . S. A HUBBARD.
ne.amraorav„ dusr,
nosTo MASS,.
IHiS well khown esi.abliehinent is still con,
ducted in the same manner it. has always
burn. 'rho• central and pleasant situation of
the house, its commodious arrangetnenta ' and
the' entntorts end' luxuries to be round there,
combine to render egreeabh3,aMe4vaptage.
ratite. the traveller.
,Ilaving been ono cf the. firm Or. Johcl L.
-Tucker &.:Co„ so long nt-the henchof the es
tablialtment. the Beheeritier..plesigee hie beet
exertion:lto maintaini , sreputetioit, - und to give
eattefeetien to his MUM:M.I4Ira. • ,
ialloStOilcSept2.l.3ll•l tVM H PARKER.,
JUST opened '2O dozen of beat fluidity Fieneh
Kid Gloves. m Eall and Winter Colors. Also,
a few Black Lirnte'll4UFFS. which will be sold
ch9tlo, ."•G'''W'HITN ER.,
" ravvenoinatnams.
WE aro now openinglarge assoriment of
Fine French Worked Co[ are, Ganda' c,Floune•
log. Cantbrislgintts dnd •fireOlings, Undep
sleeved, CutTs, Zze
oct 9,9
*13.; !
rIiTS WEEK we 'the Central
A Ding 'Store next door. to thti,;,- - a .
line staid( or ;Iva dtfadicitte. , . ,
jo lA, '5.1, , RAWL:PI & AibeUL 1,0
. .
VC IX Tetr..E.T zt;!
. , „
l'lrlf-10rJSANPS of bottles .of the .
(;0111IlOUN b. baso•lisen sold.dor-
We t shirt past yeat c end• WUP neek'ribnown •„;to
folk& terlog-, ill few dayti, of 'n t'erittin
con disease, Seminul'wealtetess
of the Urinary organs. ,t,er . scAtit afflicted using
this &antra end pejOiltir rentedy,nsett Attic no
PXPOPUre; no It.•leiives tin r ..,dtc;ort,l , ttiii•
requires 'tio .rontrietteitn. , diet 'us•liesifitrin'..—
cuntnine n.t blereel'y or. ,nexinilli . iit,tigUi: l : , Y , !i4l
to the nyardni; and in itclantridlO,eneeit.dgn,
or condition:. It in flied thelient , Fanned', tomato
for,..Fluor Minot
.or d•rtiplainbc)
remedy,thounandn sufferi without the !may/-
lodge o remedy ,'Thin teleb`fated remeay
ItualongV been tined iu privaie,prectlce of d
sician 'end with unerring suretait, iv
curing • ninety nine of the hundred minis in u.
few dnyo. Around tech Ft ce plain end
full directierin;
CAUTION —Ardi far': the. AM ERMA N
COMPOUND, tilidyurelinszeplyilicalie Agents
Price t per battle. Fin , sale by S. ELLIOTT
Corlitde; J. W yuth, Harrisburg; R. Williams
Columbia; by ,Ml4ll.ltratriioccotor; , E. Morris
.7 nyk. r,•, Ittst.
. .
200 '
.'FtitBo6"l4iltit 411, 48'Alt1titkr 'l4°.