Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 05, 1851, Image 4

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    ~t~~Rc~(~Av~SiJ~R~J~ 3~
mn, - NttnE
'That animal,exerement,' remarks a
• correspondent or the Germantown Tele.
graph,' expoaed'openly, leses mueliof
its value as a fertilizer, is, most upin-
cingly demonstrated by the ;fact that
the soll.fifillot - the -heaps that have - long
remained out, is made too rich, pften
times; for successful cultivation. All
t this Valuable fertilizing... matter, is lost to
the soil in a great'meaeure, and effects
'a diminution of the . real Worth of the
Manure. Sheds for the preseriation of
manure are among 'the. cheapest appen
dages a farmer can supply. -They need
. not necessarily_be expensive, as the ma
terials required in their construction are
generally. such as'are to be found on air
most every 'firm, with perhaps a few
slight exceptions, and the labor of cons
strtiction can be : performed at seasons of
comparative - leisure,
As soon es your animal's are taken
.., from the yards to the stalls, the excre-
Memations, • and compost substances
whicljihave accumulated. in the former
during. the Summer and autumnal sea
sons, should be carefully scraped
, not, however, to be exposed to the
deteriorating . influence of ,the atmos-‘
phere, as is too frequently the case, but
to be covered up . and efficiently, protec
•ted, so that the fructifying - ingredients
may be presdrred • atureconomised for
future use. The practice of carting out
the manure made during the summer,.
and leaving it exposed through the win•
ter, in situations where a larger portion
of its mo,fit valuable ingredients must
F.evitably be -abstracted, is not only
highly Injudicious, but absurd. Tffere
is no more certain indication of a poor
farmer, than the manifestation of indif ,
"ference and negligence-in the manage
_ ment of his manure.' -
'ln the construction of new barns-, it .
will strike tire practical mind that the
best Manure 'Shed can be erected' out-
Aide of her main building, ,and parallel
with the cyttle stable. Describing One
on this pt fin, the writer says
.The of the animals, which
Were situated on a level of some five or"
six feet aboi'e the level orthe . sterporary
or dung shed, were on a floor having a'
slight inclination toward the latter, in
order to carry the - urine jo - the manure
by means of +seuppers,sirrriJar to'these'
on the deck of a vessel, Over - the whole
there was a flooring, and on this- floor
ing the domestic fowls had their:depart
ment for laying eggs and hatching chick
ens—the excrement of which passed
' into the stercorary, and became mixed
with the animal -manure. Kve'ry fall
--some-forty-or-fifty-loads muck are --
depositeffand_e_venly_spread__ over_ the
floor, to receive and absorb the, urinary
matter, and gypsum and' sulphuric acid
are sprinkled • over the surface of the
rapidly augmenting deposit from the day
the animals forsake their pastures for,
their comfortable winter quarters, till
they leave them in the spring.' -
We doubt whether a more beautiful
and truthful picture of comfort and hap
*pines-s could - be presented, than the fal
lowing, which we find in an _exchange
' Raper, and in which we only venture to
make an alteration of a few Weeds :
Wini'r, .stern:and-cold, is near at
hand ; but what cares the _thriving far
mer for the shrill night blast, the dri
ving storm, or the biting frost, when,
with an approving conscience, and a
grateful heart his out door duties for the
day are all performed,he takes his seat
at a cheerful fire, prepared to spend a
long evening as a social, intellectual and
a moral being should. He feels that
everything _in and abopthis,,building,.so
far human prudence and forethought
are concerned, is safe and in order.—
Winter may come—he expects it and is
ready for it. Every domestic ahimal
he owns is comfortably ; sheltered, and
provided with Suitable food. is note,.
toes. apples, &c., are semi - Fe - Am frost.
—He has an ample supply afldel, fitted
for and put into his tviiod house.
His industry and skill have been rewar-;
ded by renumerating harvests, so that
he has.tbread 'enough- io spare. His
buildings ate insured. His children are
Comfortably clad and he has procured
for them the necessary school books.—
His taxes are paid, and he has subscri- .
--bed - und7paid - for ,
ALI). We doubt whether ;there is any
situation or station in life
. more favora&
ble for quiet, substantial happiness and
contentment,:than that possessed by.the
farmer, we endeavored to des- •
A shOrt needle makes the most expiv
damn in plain sewing.
When you are particular in wishing
to hwye precisely what you want, from
. a butcher's go and purchase it youtself.
People in general are' not aware-how
very eaeential to the health of their im
mates is tke admission of light into their.
Sitting to sew by a table with a dark
.cloth on it is injurious to the sight.
When, nor-retriedy presents itself, put
a sheet of white papa before you.
People very . commeoly_coniplaiit._nt.
— lndigestion; how. Can 4 . .4. wondered al,'
when they, eeeni their habit of twill,
lowing their food wholesale, to forget
for whet. purpose they are., provided
with teeth.. a . "
. .
Never allow your servants to put
wiped knives on your table; for
ally speaking, you may.. see that they
have been - wiped with a dirty cloth,—
If a knife is brightly : cleansed, they"are
compelled la use a clean cloth.
In that Init..bed of wonders, the chem.
ist's laboratory, the degrees of cold 'are
procurable by using highly volatile liq—
uids for evaporation. A man may be
frozen to death., it is said, in the extre—
meet 'heat of summer, simply by keep.
ing Mengel( drenched with ether. By
° the 'assistance of .liquid sulphuric acid,
water may be frozen in a rod hot vessel.
But that remarkable substance, liquid
carbonic acid; takes the highest rank of
all known freaSing meant. In drawing
it from the Povierful reservoirs in which ,
it is necessarily, kept, it evaporates so
rapidly as to freeze itself, and • is then
e light limes ,mais like snow. If a
small qoantity • of 'this drenched with
ether, the degree of,cold > produce 4 .is
even more intolerable to the touch , ; than ,
boiling! water.i.....O. drip or ',..two of the •
mixture producing blisters, - just' es if'
the skin had been burned. ' •
All - earthly pleasure without health
le eroptieess,--witheut health there '
can be no-happineari.
A"felon generallfappears on the end
of the fingers or thumbs.; it is extreme.
ly painful for, -w,eeks,' and sometimes
for months, and, in most cases, cripples
or disfigures the fihg• 'r' or thumb. that.
Pulli - a victim to iti— ut . it can easily'
be cured if 'attended2 'in time. As the pain is felt, 4 ) Ice ' the thin White
skin of an - egg, Mitch is fourtil-dis ide - -
next to the shell'; put it - round ilk - e:fid
'of the finger or thmhb afleCted, andikep•
it there until the pain sub Sides. Airsoon
as the skin becomes dry, it ‘vill be ve
ry painful, and likely continue 'so for
half an hour or more ; but be nor-alarm , '
ed. If it grows painful, bear it ;'it will
be of short• • duration in comparison to
what thp disease • would be. .A cure
will be certain. •
At the last meeting of the Suffolk
MedlcalitSocialy, a case of the abcess
of the throat was mentioned, whetein
the 'patient could not swallow . liquids
forsome days in consequence of the se
vere pain which was produced. It was
therefore determined to try the effects
of inhaling ether. When the patient
began to feel its, intoxicating, proper—
ties, he was at once enabled to swallow
without:pain or difficultyi which was
done most greedily. The suggestion
and application .of this most' valuable
'remedy were matters Of great impor—
tance in this instance, and it is the com
munication of such eases in the monthly
meetings of the society, which makes
them practically useful to the members.
—Medical and Surgical Journal.
f'lf bleeding is indispensable, be
bled ; butif it is only to relieve a ful,
ness of habit, there are other and be'ier
modes than losing blood. Reduce your
system—change your mode of - living—
take more exercise—and use less food.
—Bleeding should only be recommence
ded in extreme eases--:if at all,
Call and See before Purchasing'elsewhere !
i'lrillE.subzcribor is just receiving and oenp
a: ing at his Cheap Family Grocer)) and
Queensware Store in West Main street, Car
lisle, a very large assortment ,of all the arti.
cies in his ling 01, business.
Rio Coffee front 12 to 14 cents per pound,
for good to d strictly prime article. Also,
Brown Sugars of the best guilty, froth iu 9
cents pe ° r pound, Lovering's besrerushed rind
pulverized Sugars from 10 to 12 1.2 cents per
pound, N. o.. Sugar House end Syrup Molas•
ses of all grades from 32 to 623- per gallon.:
Also, a supply of fresh ground SPICES of all
kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, Cris
,tile, Rbzin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, ul
verized &aerates, Indigo, Mould and Dipped
Candles,.Com inon_and-Winter-Strained-Whale
Oils. Al4o, n supply of fresh Hominy, cheese
from the best Dairies always on hand. 'Farley
sewing", traveling, clothes and market Baskets,
together with a general assortment of Chew•
ing and smoking Tobaccos, Spanish and half.
Spanish Cigars, Conimon do., ropes, twines,
and Brushes of all kinds.
- CEDAR W A R ..—Housekeepers, and
others expecting soon to embark in the same
business, please call and examine my stock of
Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers, Churns, Cedar
Buckets, fancy, painted' and varnished Buckets,
Brooms, &c.,
subscriber has. just added to his already large
stock- a number Of white Granite, Gold Figur
ed, Blue, Marble, M
ry Tea Sets, of 48 - pieces, Also. Plates and
Dishes, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Syrup
Bottles, &c, of every deicription and price so
that he will be able to meet the wants and
Means of all in the community who may favor
litm with a call. .
X'l' EN son.:
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
hls,customers and the public generally that
he still continues the LUMBER AND COAL
NESS, and that having lately purchased
in addition to his former business facilities, the
large and convenient Warehouse and Coal Yard
lately occupied by Mr. Henry Wright, opposite
the well known Lumber and Coal Yard of the
subscriber, situate atoned - le Rail Road and
College Lane, lie is now more fully prepared
to enlarge his business, He has at thibtime and
is keeping constantly on hnnd a well selected
assortment of
of all kinds, sorts, and sizes. Likewise the
different kinds la!' FAMILY COAL,-.such as
stove Coal of the different kinds, Lime burners
and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best qualliy.—
A'l of which 11.3 will sell unusually low for
Cash. Fln will. also keep constantly on hand
With all the differeht , ..ortieles generally found
in a Well stored WarehOnse". He will also at
all times buy-PIWDOCE and FLOUR . , fo r
Which ho will-pay the highest current prices.
Being very' thankful for past favors, would
most anxiously solic4,a,contmuation of at least ,
a reasonable share of public patronage.
marl 9 11.1. HOOVER.
OAI7IONS & racrut.Ros,
Recently from Philaddpkia.
111CSPECTFULLY inforin the citizens of
ft Carlisle and its vicinity, that they have
now at their — Marble Yard in South , I lanovet
street, a few doors south of the Court House,
and nearly opposite A & W .Bentz's Store, an
elegant etock of pure
and aro prepared to execute in the most finished:,
JllOnuments, Tombs,
Grave Stones al all prices, Mantles,
Door and Window Sills, Steps, 4c.,
tozother with every Other article in their line,
and promise that in fineness of finish, chaste
ness of design and quality of 61!arble, their
work shall not be Qmpassed by any other ostal)•
'Helm ant.
They are also the authorized agents of Mr
Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and willfur
nish from his manufactory all varieties of IRON.
RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and
all other - purposes, at tho shortest notion and at
Philadelphia prices. They will also finish - er,
manufacture all kinds of Building Work, such
as Sills, Steps and Platforms, Sec., at the short
Having had great experie'nce, and being dm•
iployed in the best shops of Philadelphia, they
are,thereford enabled to maUufacture tlid most
fashionable work, and respectfully ask a share
of the pattonage of,earlisle and the surrounding
country. (Carlisle, rilw.6 1850 t
English.. and American Hardware
.! r HE subscriber having Juet returned front
the Eastern cities with' n full and hand
, some assortment of all kinds of HARD WARE
of the very best makers and well selected, is
now opening at the Cheap Hardware Stand in
• North Hanover street, next door to Scott'e Ho
tel, formerly kept by Henry Glass, where : he
would invite all that are wantof good and
cheap Hardware to give him a call and sea and
satisfy yourself of the truth, as we are determ
ined to sell at It very email advance. Shall
,profits and_quick sales are the order of the day
. A, good assortment of double refined powder
rock powder of extra qUality, salinv.fuse, shot,
flints and bar load, ropes .of all kinds, for
threshing machines and well diggers, and a
thousand other articles, too numerous to insert,
all we ask is to give us a call, and we ar - o con
fident you - will - find trgenthasortment of Hard.
ware and cheaper 'than' can be found in any,
other House this side of the east: . 01vo'ne a'
call is all we ask, at the old and well known
Hardware Stand formerly kept by Lamle Her
rin, in -.North Hanover street,. next . door,to
Scott'sHotoil, fertherly kept by. Henry °hiss.:
nov6 , . ; JACOB -SEINER
~ '.'l 3l a,cksn3ith's. , Cciah
4:000 baaliala bi , l'e s 'aantith's conk ,a ;pupal:Los
tticle, Tecoivink and fareale by ''• , -
N . Y.B: ldUrti , Air,;A'at' '
• , _ ..
Storeo 6r , ZOO
Extensive' Cabinet,Ware-iioome.
OBERT,B. SMILEi,-succesaor to Wm.
RA C.' Gibson, CABINEI'.MAKEIt & 'UN
DERTAKER, North-Hanover street, Carlisle,
would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle
and the public generally that
,he now has on
-hand a large.tissortmont of new
• 4 •A - •, , c'n• and elegant FURNITURH,
consisting in part, of Sofas,
• Wardrobes, . Card and - ether
Tables, Bureaus, Bedstonds,' plain and fancy
Sowing Stands; &d: manufactured of the best
Materials and quality warranted. Also a gene.
ral assortment of Chairs at the lowest prices.—
Venitian Blinds, mado to order: and repairing
promptly attended to. 0 - 1/011 , INS made to
order at the shortest notice: . and having a splen.
did Hears° Ito will attend' funerals in town or
country. InrDont forgot the old stand of Wm.
C. Gibson, in North Hanover 'street, a few
doors noryh of •Glass's Hotel.
Sept'4-Iy. • . 'l. 13. SNIILEY.
Corner of Hanover and Loather its., Carlisle.
MUM Uridersigged has alwaye ()Oland a hirge
stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the
different styles, '.which ho is , prepared to sell at
the lowest.prices. He invites attention partic
ularly to the Patent Spring-Bottom Bedstead, a
most useful article; w hich entirely obVikes all
objections, Thu bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfac•
lion to all who have them in uso.
te:TCOFFINS made to order at the shortest
Carlisle, Jan'y. 22, 1851
Extensive Furniture Rooms
TANKS R.WEAER. would respectfully
eY call the attention of House Keepers and the
public to his extensive stock Of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other Tab Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every otlor article in his branch of
business. Also, now on. hand the largest as
sortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, nt the lowest
prices. [Kr Coffine made at the shortest notice
and .a Hearse provided for funerals. He solie•
its call at his Pstablishment on North Hano
ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N.l3.—Fur
niture hired out by the month or year.
Carlisle. March 20. 180.--ly
ArIEORGE KELLER respectfully armoury
NUiff 'cep to his old Patrons and the public gem
orally that !mhos just received the
- -, --411
- MEN'S HATS, "mannfactured at
-- ono of the best establishments-m
r,,....-7,----, Philadelphia, to which ho invites
special attention. . •
He has also constantly on hand n large and
varied assortment of his own manufacture its
well ns city - I - nada „ - - •
suitable for ~ he season, comprising every yeti
eyt of litigsin, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hats,
finished in the latest style, together with a full
assortment of Caps of every shape and des
c?iption, and at every prico He particularly
invites the public to call and examine his exten
sive assortment, which in style, material and
finish, eannPt be surpassed by any in market,
and °which . he is able to put at prices tower than
eVcr._,....o;27Remember, his old. stand on.Nerth
Idanover.street; between Eumer's and Seller's
tsore. - [Hue°
Confectionary; Fruit Et Toy Store
West Main Street, a fru , door.? -west of Burk.-
holde,'s &Gel, in Are ram
. foiwierly occupied
• " as a Book Store.
,rilp uniersigned begs leave
.to inform the
lldd citizens of Carlisle and the public in gone
ral, that lie has opened a etpre at the above
place, where ho intends manufacturing -and
keeping constantly on band
CANDIES of Every Description.
His stock is all new • and he warrants-his Cair
dies equal to any manufactured in the State.—
His stock consists in part of Oranges, Lemons,
Dates, Raisins, Prunes, Figs, Almonds, Englit h
Walnuts. Fiberts,. Cocoa Nuts, Citron Groud
Nuts, &c. &C. Also, Mint, Lemon, Citron,
Gum, Cordial and other drops. Lozenges,
Figured Almonds. Candy- Cigars,-and a variety
of other candies.
such as china vases,,,mugs, bowls and pictures,
Mantel ornaments orall kinds, lions, elephants,
horses, dogs, guns, whips, Indian Rubber and
other. rattles, wax, vsruished and other doll
heads, kid and other dolls, whistles, harmoni
cans,' dancing:Cgures, basket and other wagons,
school baskets. wheelbarrows, drums. trumpets
swords, pistols, alabaster toys of all kinds, and
an endless variety of FANCY GOODS for
Men, Women and Children. In addition to
.tho above ho has all kinds of PERFUMERY,
such rts Jenny Lind and otiter-Cologne,-Ehrys
train°, pornatem, ox-marrow, bear's oil,- &e,—
Fancy and other soaps. A prime article of Ici•
gars and tobacco on hand. He hopes by strict
ettcntion to bu s iness and small profits to merit
share of public patronage.
sept 3
China - and Crockery Ware
While Granite Stone Ware,
such as Dishes, Plards, Tea Sets, covered nd
uncovered dishes, bowls, toilet and cha .bor
8515, pitchers, &c., together with.a . lot of • •
Blue Liverionl Ware,
all of tha latest style sad sham... 9, 'also, all the
Various articles - of the hest Common ,
Illtite.and Edged Ware.
The assortment includes a few plain
While and Gold Band China Tea Sets,
-of the best quality and styln A tind also all the
necessary' articles of the liest Granite, Stone
and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any sized
Dinner or Tea Sits,
as may be wanted, together with a. variety 'e
Glass Ware, including a fine assortment o
Bar and Table T.nonbleti,
dishes, footed .and othgr bowiti; , golilets,ivine
glasses, lemonades, - lamps, &c. The prices
for all of 'Which:era:fixed at the• lowest cash
prices. 'WeliiVitti:Oni - friends who are in want
ofilrticles in our line
,to give. us a call.
mui r: S .J W E 1137.
• Arrival:of gardware,
PAVING just returned' Irons New York &
X.E. Philadelphia with. the best and Cheapest
brought -to Garlisler - I - would - resqccullyrequest
dealers and consumers and all others to give
me a call and see whether they cannot get more
and better goods for the same money than at
any other place in town. Illy.etock of Locks,
Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes,
Glass, Paints, &c., is complete and very cheap.
Carpenters' Tools, I have a splendid- assort•
ment. Also, Cabinef.Malter's 'Pools and Ma
terials ' viz :—Vaneers,'Mahogany, Mineral and
Glass Bureau Knobs and Varnish.
can have everything in their line cheaper the
I have a first rota stock of Morocco end Lining
Skins, Bindings, Pegs,_ thread: and Wax, and ,
a superb -assortment of Shoemakers Tools. I
havealso a complete assortment of Ball's Lasts;
mode in Harrisburg, which can be hod nt no
other place in town, and at Bull's Prices. To
gether with an assortment of all hinds of Ham
mered and Rolled Iron and Steel. Of House
keeping Articles, I have Knives. Forks, Spoons,
Waiters, Snuffer's and Trays, Tubs, Buckets,
&c, __ _WALL PAPER- -
Pilaw) the largest, Handsomest and'Cheapost
Assortmant in town, And .to all who want
Good and Cheap HARDWARE, I would say
come and see for yourselves
THIS well known establishment is still con
ducted in the same marovir it •has pliways
been. I'Vhe central and 'ploasant intuation'of
the house, its. commodious arrangements, and
the cOmterga and'. luxUries to ho found there,
combine to render it agreeable and. advantage
out to the traveller.
Having boon ono of. diet' firm of John L.
Tucker da;Cu., so long nt;tho head of the es
tablishment, the subscriber pledges his best
exertions to maintain lis resatation, and to give
satisfaction to his customers.: -.-
Boston, sept2,4.3in - PAR` ER.
. .
It HIS WEEK we receive ' at the Central
Drug Store next door to the Poet office, n
line stock of Fresh Medicines. •
je18,',51. • SAWLifIS & MceS4LOCH:
, .
A4r - 1 ( 1- • I have-just received from 'rhiladel+
phia and New York very extensive
additions to toy former stock, embra
t_. eing . nearly-every article of Medicine
now in. use, together with Paints,.
Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps,
Stationery, Fine Cutlery; Fishing Tackle,—
Iquitos of almost every description, .Willi' an
'endless variety of other articles, which I ani
tormined to sell at the jrEnv LOWEST prices. •
• All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars I
and others, are respectfully requested not to pass
the OLD STAND, as they may rest assured
that every article will be-sold of a good quality,
anti upon reasonablia terms.
Main street. Carlisle.
lir HAVE just received a fresh stock of Med•
IL icinos, Paints, Glass, ,Oil, &0., Which
having been pehliased with great care at the
best city houses, I can confidently recommend
to Families, Physicians, CourftrY Merchants
and Dealers, as being fresh and pare. ,
DRUGS. - '
Patent Medicines, Herbs and Extracts,
.Fine hemi eels, Spices,ground and whole
InstrAmonts, Essences,
Pure Eisou'l Oils Perfumery, Ste.
Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine.
Log and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol
Ltie Dye --- •
Wetherill'& Brother's Pure Lend, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window — Glass, Linseed Oil, Tarpon
tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and lied Lead.
All of which will be field at the very lowbst
market price, Also, a fresn and splendid as
sortment of .
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for use and ornament, all of wl.ich
are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of. the sub- '
scriber on North Hanover street.
- May - 28,; - 1651. - - .„
• UFACTORY., - •
rillllEsubscriberidesini toinform their friends
and 'the public that they have. removed
]MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oppo
site their old stand on .North Hanover street
end may now be found,M their new and corn
inodious manufactory on the West' side of the
said street, a few doors above Loather street,
where they will continue to keep.on hand a lull
assortment of every kind of
Tit, Copper and Sheet-Ire Ware:
which may be - needed by housekeepers and
'others. Their articles are manufactured, by
themstilves,of the best materials, and in point
el- finish and durtibility cannot he surpassed.
They will also 'matinfacture and repair at the
shortest notice all kinds of Distilleocg AJiparatus.
They will promptly attend to the laying-01.
jatettittinCeowntry,'.and_on_the most_reasonat,
ble wins. ; Every branch of their b '
will-be carefully attended to With the utmost•'
They also keep constantly on 'hand n large
variety of
comprising every variety of plain ten.plate
STOVES, elegant wood and cool , air.tiglkt
PARLOR Se° VES,' of the • latest styles,
COOKING STOVES of the newest and most
improved inventions, at various prices, which
cannot fail to please every taste: They re•
spectrally solicit an examination by the public
of their large and varied assortment of stoves.
Thankful to the public for favors heretofore,
extended, and being . determined' to relax no
exertions to give'satisfaction to their custom
ers they hep_o
_to merit a continance of ek pe
.tronage. . -
11:IrThe highest Nash price pale-for
old Copper and Pewter.
Carlisle, March 19; 1851-1 y
IIfIHE undersigned' respectfully informs his
31.. friends. and the public generally-, that ho
_ ' ,- -4 7.7.- - has just returned from
l i t tf— ~, - Philadelphia, ha ving
_.:„ ta , Z . .. - : purchased the most.ex;
: , ,,: z . '' o < 2 :;,,, ~. tensive, as well as the
~.:: 9 n st'.i . , ,, ..... cheapest assortment of
.--''-' ?ti . '. tl'''' Watches, Jewelry,
&e., ever brought' to Carlisle Ilis stock con
sists in part of
'-- — GarifilA.Weep. Piitent E.:meF — Triitaes,
Ma aild Saver delatehed do. do."
Gold and Silver Lepine tVaiches.
in shat every varimy of Watches nt nil prices.
Gold Guard and Vest Chainb. Medallions,
Watch Keys, Ear Rings. Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver
pens and cases and Bracelets-in great.variety.
A splendidlarticle of Gold, Silver, German
and Blued Steel SPEC
TACLES, which are unsurpaSs•
ed in qua lity by any other crticle west of Phil
ndolphia, and which can he sold at least YU rer
cent cheaper than in any other establishment
in the country. Also a large let of
. . .SILVER-W 11.11.30, .
comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter
Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit •Knives; ThiMblesi
&c. Also, Card. Cases;' Zone Monnaies,,Port
Folios, - Ladies Writing "De - Slia, with a great
variety of other- fancy articles unnecessary to .
mention. A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted
patterns, which will be sold" low, and warranted
to be good.
Watches,• Clacks and Jewelry Repaired,
Ho invites all to, call and examine his stock,
assured that none can fail to be suited in qual
ity, quantity and mum His articles are cash
purchases, consequently, he can afford - to sell
lower than the same articles can be purchased
elsewhere. Call at the old stand, a few diens
west of Burkholder's Hotel.
"tindery 15, 1851—ly •. T. CONLYN.
A Voiceirem the 4, Burnt District')
11boyar's candy, Factory Re'Tilt
THE: subscriber wotild respectfully announce
to his friends and the public generally, that his
Factory which was destroyed by the isle lire,
has been rebuilt, and he is now prepared to
furnish thorn with- ,
manufactured_ of the- best material, which he
will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand
in North Hanover street, a few doors north of
the bank, where 'he has just opened a general
assortment of
consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs,
AlmondsrEnglish—Walnunr -- flocon — N ute - , -- Put
Nuts, &o. Ho would also call attention to his
large rissorfment of.
consisting of toys of Glass, Wood, Gum and
China, of endless varieties.' 'ln connection
%did' the above, be hoe on hand n prime lot of
consisting of Sugary, Coffees, Tons, Molasses,
Spices, Crackers, •Matches, Blacking, &c.—
Alsu, a prime lot of CIGARS, of the best
The subscriber returns his sincere tharilss to
a generous public' for the patronage bestowed
on him, and. hopes by a desire to please to me
rit a continuance or the same. Ile would also
'return thanks to tho Firomen and Citizens for
their efforts to save his pro erty on the night
of the late conflagration
Carlisle, ripe
InTHOUSANDS of bottles of the AMEIII
- CAN COMPQUN Cr:have been sold chir;
- log the past year, and was 'never known to
fail of curing, in a few days, of a certain- deli,
cato disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases
of the Urinary equip. Persona afflicted using
this ple”ani end popular remedy, need fear no,
exposure, as it leaves no odor on tho breath,
requires ,rte xastrietions in diet. or business.—
,contains tti Mercury er,noxious drugs injurious
to the system, and is adaptedto every ago, sex,
-or condition. Ilia also the beat remedy known
for Fluor Albus or Whites,.(female ciampjainte)
with which tholfsande suffer, without the knoiv-'
ledge of a remedy; This, .celobratod remedy
has long been used in private practice of a phy,
ale inn and! With' unerring success;',radically
curing . ninetymine Of the hundred cases in a
few days. Around 'each bottle ere plain' and
flail dlraotioni.:.
CAUTION!-:-.Ask,` for the AM ER ICAN
COMPOUND; and.purehaso only of the Agents •
.Pr $l. per beetle, , For sele by S. ELLIOTT
Caryslet: .1.-W,yeth,. Harrisburg; it.
Colunibia:- by A. Miller, Lancaster; E. - Nadia'
&Cu. :York. (January, 15,1851
for sale by „
ruarl26 *. HUBBARD..
Storto 4, %Apo.'
Fresh Diugo, Nedielnesi gce. &c.
May 30
rresh Spring Supply !
R . 34,1V1 0 VA LI
.hoe Thread .Irarehoiese.'
zennAzinn, '
'.71 . "0. 24'SO . UTH C.ILTPRRT STREET, ;
Importer of Shoe Threads; Shoe 'Tools and
Findings In General, •
. .
And Nanu'facturer-of 'Fashionable lasts, Boot
2h:ees, Shoe Trees,. Crimping Boards,
^IONSTAN rile . ON lIAND an Resort.
• 1../.,ment of Shoe Threads, Baßootle g Webbin
Booti Cords, Bristles, Awls, Pincers; Shoe
Sparrowbills,&c., will, a lull assort
mon of. Tacks
,Pegq, Kits, &o. Also in store
REFRIGERATORS, now construction FIRE
'FILTERS, very superior leept3 6t
John: Stoaie• SOIAS,
i .
Silks Ribbons 4541VIillinery Goods,
No. 45 South Second Street, , "
A RE now prepared to offer to their custom
`l-.11 era and the trade generally, a very largo
and handsome assortment of
Bonnet Satins, of rill colors,
Corded and Plain Velvets, of all colors,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons,
Paris Fancy Feathers,
Frdneh and American Flowers, &c., &c.
Confining themselves exclusively to this
brimeli of the trade, and importing the larger
port of theii stock 'enables them to offer an as
sortment unsurpassed in extent: and variety,
which will be sold at the lowest prices.
sept 3 It
. ost Co.
EALERS in 'I in Plates; American, Eng
lish, and Russia Sheet Iron; Boiler and
ue• Iron; Hoop and, Rod Iron; Iron Wire;
Tinned Coppdr; Zinc; Spelter; Pig and Bar
Lead; Lead Pipe;' Sheet Lead; Block and Bar
Tin; Brass Kettles; Tinner's Tools and Ma
chines; Stove Trimmings; American Rivets,
nllstzes,'rinnerl , and Blast, &c,
March 2.13, 1851—lypd.
New and . Popular School Book,
NIVERSAL HISTORY, together with
PERSONS, to which is appended nn epitome
of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy,
General Astronomy and Physiology. Adopted
in the. Public Schools of Philadelphia.
E. S. JONES & CO, Publishers,
S W Corner of Fourtlvand Race eta. Phila.
Teachers and Sehopl..committees addressin
letters to us post paid, will bo furnished with
copies for examination.
ETA full assortment of Books and Station
cry for Sale at the Lowest l'rices.
—FOR '25 CENTS !!
—By means ethe pocket
'!lsculapius,or, Every one
is own Physician ! Twen
-fonkith edition, with up
tards_ot a-hundred engTa
ings, showing private tlis-
Imes in ev e ry- shape and
Corm, and mallormakions
. tf the generative system.
The tinw has now An-
!ring from secret disease more become the vicTna or qUACRERY
as by
„,the prescriptions contained in this book any
one may cure himself, without hindrance to
Siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate
friend, and with Ong tenth the usual expense. In
addition to the geoeral routine of private disease
it fully explains the cause of manhood's earls
ding, wtth observations on marringe—hesidee
Many-other derangements.which it would not by
proper to enumerate in the public prints
inrAny person sending TwENTv-r/vrcEzi7,.
enclosed itnn letter, will receive one copy of this
book, by mail, or five copies will be_ sent for one
dollar. Address. "Dlt. W. Yo UN°, N O , 152
SPRUCE Street, 11111_,ADLEPHIA" Post•paid.
YOUNC-cas be consulted on any of
ihefUiseases prescribed in his diffixent_ publioa
ions,at his Offices, 152 SPRUCE street, every
day between 9 antl_P. o'clozh, (Sundays excepted.
May I, I- , 50 -
3nstirance 01:0IIIpatties.
The United States Life Insurance
Annuity and Tiust Company.
'charter Perla tutu = Cop ital :.;•25,000 Cash
Syst, az.
rrillE—constunt,- unsolieited ripplication—for
11. Life Insurance, gives the stoat altimdant
and gratifying proof that the public mind is
deeply impressed with the lust ' importance of
this subject. The great object, however, of
Insurance should be safety, othcrniao the whole
motive to insure may be disappointed.' Too
much tare cannot be practised in the selection
of an office with which to effect the contract.—
The choice should be regulated not by present
and constant large inducements, us this, is cer
tainly incompatible with. 'future ',elicits. The
premiums on life aro calculated for theft:titre,
if present and prospective benefits therefore are ,
„given, thc_result Ultimately, must •terminate in
litigation,dlsappointment and ruin. The object
aimed at by this institution is stability and per.
pettitty. The rates of premium have been care•
laity prepared with reference to 'fluctuations.—
The crtsh system of payments_ has also been
adopted.. Unpaid premium notes constitute lip
part of the assets of this compait'y,.and _every
contingency being fortified with an ample cap•
ital, security stamps tne whole system. This
feature, paramount to all other considerations
,coMmends the company to public favor. Ex
planatory pamphlets, blanks. application papers
information, and every facility will be cheet fully •
furnished the public by Mr. E. DEATTY,:who
has been duly appointed agent of this company
for Cumberland county. Dr. II lI,INKLEY
hps also been appointed Medical Meath incr.,.
Directors.—Stephan R. Crawford, Ambr'ose
W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, Jacob L
Florence, William M,Gbdwin, Paul B Goddard
Lawrecee Johnson, George APllenry, James
Devereux, John L Linton.:
President.—Stephen R. Crawford.
Pice-President.—Ambrose W. Thompson.
- Secretary & Treasurer.—Charles G
Actuary.—Manual Eyre.
Cormset Artsrney.—Thomn . s Balch.
.111.dical Examiners: Paultß Goddard, M.D.
William Pepper, M: D. Nue ly
Imam - zresteztAird cm. • -
TUE Allen and East Pennsborough Mutual'
Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county
ncorporated by an act of Assembly, is now lay
organized, and in operation under the menage,
tneiq of tho following commissioners, viz : • •
- 11 Gorges, Gor Mic hael. Cock,
in, Me!choir Brenneman, Christian Staynnin,
Simon Oyster, Jacob II Coover, Lewis Byer,
henry Logan, Benjamin II Musser, Jacob
Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersham.
The mtes of insurancolire'as low and favora
bl° as any Company of the hind in the State.—
Persons wishing to become members are invited
to make application to the •agents of the compa
ny, who are willing to wait upon them at any
JACOB SHELLY, - Prcsident
lENRY LOGAN, Vice President.
LEwts RYER; Secretary
111101AgL.COCELIN, Treasurer. •
Cumberland count !I.—Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry
Zoaring, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and
Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac - Kinrey,
icsburg. Dr. J. AM, ChurchtoWn.
York cOunip.—john Sherriek, Lisburn, John
Bowman; Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin
John Smith,: Esq.- Washinglan, W S Picking,.
Dover, Daniel lialgensberger, J W Craft.
Rarrisburg.—Houson& Lachman.
Members iof the company having policies a
bout to expire can have thorn renewed by mak•
ing applicat,ion to any of the agents.
Howewife's help and Husband's jay 1
''The Gennan. - Washing Fluid.
LPOLIS away entirely with that label ions task
of rubbing the clothes upon the washboard
It contains no ingredients whatever, injurious
to tiM•finest fabric or the Yeah. The •propria
Mrs wish °veil ono to g:vo it a, trial, and if it"
does not prili n to tolie as recommended, the mo•.
nay, every' such case, will be refunded.
Full dirobilnna accompany each bottle. Remit'
price 12i eointi,per 'bottle,. sufficient to do two
°Maar)] waahinga, and saving the clothes more
by not rubbing them, than tlip cost of six
tles—bosides removing, 'stains Of fruit, &a., If
there be any, and the time and labor saved. '
• Prepared. only by I. P: HOYT Se' Co., •
: • . • • •
Mr.f 0 BANKS, Fairview, Agouti for Man
lierland r,ounty. • ' • • •
Borders received by •Inm.'wholesale oi -re
tail, will bo Komptly attended to. •
aug2o .•
; c. ; . - J , 0 ciY •; r ITS , ' . '
- •,,r!:; - :ii - :: .-
r ' z ' SZ , : = 4; 7 2.t.•:' --)
~ . 4 r itC. '
... t.„
. 7 t•4 - .' . 7. ,. :',..!i';!1;,-.'l,‘.littl,. -,• k i , P -1
: : e. l :•:. 6 P ;i, 1.. A-.3geper
-7 'f 4 :1 "
~. t..,t.- ,. 3 . ..- A ,,,k- u -,_,.4- . ..ifi1,D..712-I. ' ,.*IPP
:;lp 13.. - , ,, ,"ir - . -.1 ";(5" 1
f.).4.1.e.2 ita h. P.1":2,0 i ORAL :.
o.o..m.sENEss - , 3inciriv
crfzTr.f..l, cr.cur,
tito 0 0 17r.x1-7,
.41.7,X1 • CI 0 I , :r:ri 1.17L•7. - P 7. XOAT .
'Among the numerous discoveries Seiende has
made in this generation to facilitate the business
of life—increase its enjoyment, end even prolong
he term, of human existence, none can be named
of more reel value to mankind, than this contribu
tion-of Chemistry to the Healing Art.,- Avast trial
of its virtues throughout ' this broadlcountry, has
proven . beland a doubt, that no medicine or corn
inution of medicines yet known , can se surely
control and cure the numerous, varieties of pelmet.
nary disease Which have hither:ld swept from our
midst - thousands and thousarideev,ery, y ear ,
deed, there is now abandon, reason to believe a
Remedy has at length been found which can be
relied on to cure ,the most darieerous affections of
the lungs. Our sprit.e Owre will not permit us to
publish any proportioeof the cures effected by its
use, but ivewouldsresent the following opinions
of eminent men, and refer further'enquiry to the
circular which the Agents below named, will al
ways be pleased to furnish free, ,wherein are lull
particulars, and indisputable proof of these facts.
".Tames C. Aver=Sir I have used your enEn•
Ity PEC.TORAT, in my own
,case of deemseated
Bronchitis, end ern satinfia from its chemical
constitution, that it is antadmirable compound for
.the relief of Inryngial and bronchial difficulties.—
If my opinion en to its superior character can be
of any service, you are at liberty to use it as you
think proper.
"I deem tim.CnEnnv PECTWIAL an admirable
composition from some of the hest articles in the
Materia Medico, and a very effective remedy for
the class of disensesit is intended to cure."
Now Aaven. Ct., Nov. 1, 180. • . •
' MAJOR PATTISON, President of the S. C.
Senate, states he has used the (MERRY PEcTounr,
with wonderful success to cute an inflammation
of the lungs.'
_ _
- Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir :—I am now
constantly using your Ciinurtr PECTORAL in my
practice, and prefer it to any .other_rnedicine for
pulmonary complaints. From observation of
ninny severe cases, I am convinced it will rare
coughs, colds, and disco:es of-the lungs, that hays
put to defi a nce till other remedies.
I invariably recommend its use in cases of coo•
'sumption, and consider it much the best remedy
known for that disease. Respectfully yours,-
Sold in Carlisle byDr. S. Elliott, S. A-Hubbard
and Dr: Ranlitt's—:n illechnnicsburg by Dr. Ira
Day—in Newville by J• 11 Herron-1n Shippens
burg by J. C. & U. B. Altick,„and by Druggists
generally throughout the State.
June 18, 1851.
DR. mrpoLuirs
Celebrated Family Medicines
It concerns every one. Cholera can
.be cured
Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla Panacea- For
the removal and permanent cure of al
Diseases arising from an impure
. state of the Blood and habit •
.of body. - •
Tho AB-wise Creator has implanted in all
organized bodies.:an innate disposition to self
preservation. The vital powers possess. the
property of resisting -the influence of external
causes, but as the BLOOD is. the common par
bulum from which all parts of living--matte--
' derives its renovating elements, and consequent
ly upon which the life of organized beings de
pond, it is probable that in oases of accident
or whore artificial means tidy° been employed
tot:deprive it of nn essential property. the vital
effects or the whole system will be
ward restoring to it that property. In all con
stitutional and hereditary affections, this flnid
hits tindergor.e some primary alteration, which
is the cause of the special disease, or which es
sentially contributed to its production. Resto
ration'to health can only be obtained by a re.
moval - of the — Court:The datnie through the medi
urn of the circulation, and Dr. Keeler's Sarsa
parilla, is the most powerful modifier of agent
effecting this fluid Ithown. See pamphlets.
Blaeltwoodtown, N. J., June 6, 1848.
Dr. Keeler--k-Dear Sir: I am entirely out of
your Panacea. I was called upon day before
yesterday..for half a dozen. Your medicine is
becoming very popular where I:have introduced
it, and I think the more it is used the more pop
ular it will get. Respectfully yours,
War. PARHAM, M. D.
.For details, certificates, Sec„ see circus
tars, &c. Price $1 per bottle, orge size, 6 bot
tles $5
Among all the remedies before the public
this stands' pm-eminent in incipient consump
tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness,
Whooping-Cough, Pleurisy, - Asthma, - Spitting
of Blood, and for all if of the pulmonai y
organs occasioned by cold. Too much praiso
cannot be liestowdd upon this remedy, and the
proprietor urges every one.afilicted with any of
the above complaints to secure ij at once. It
is warranted to cure or no pay. Trion only 50
Every family whether rich ur poor, who val
ues health and antis blessings, &tumid have this
invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the
beet remedy known for Diarrhma, Dysentery,
Cliblera Nlorbus, Cholera In fantum, Cholic,
Flatulency, griping pains, cramp, etc.,and for
all diseases of the stolnach and bow cl'e caused
by Teething. The numerous testimonials from
Physicians and others unsolicited has given it
a reputation oe firm as adamant: KEr Price
25 cents per bottle,
This - remedy Is' `pleasant fo - the . taste, harm
loss to the patient:and all powerful in removing
all kinds of worms from the body. It is with
out doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroy
ing medicine before the public, and will wad-
Ininistered according to directions, remove!
dose is small, and each bottle contains twice as
much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents
per bottle. ' •
. _
Although nut recommended as a "cure all,"
yet they uro the mildest and best remedy to re.
move Coustipation, Jnondice, Dyspepsia, Bil
iousness , Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Bead.
ache, In digestion, etc. Unice other purgative
medicines they leave thohniVelsalways relaxed
and consequently. aro the proper, medicine for
kir females and persons leading ti solitary life.
Price 25 cents.
A justly celebrated esternol application for
Pains of the Cheat, Neuralgia ficadscho,SpOns
Bruises",,'Cie - Doloreus; Swellings of the Joints,
Rheumatism, Gout, ticiatica and 'for all disor•
dors Wherein a sedative and rubefaciont rerun.
dy is aPplicable. Price twenty-five cents per
bottle. „: -
All of the above colebruted and extensively
userlmedleiner ' aro prepared and W./ Whole
sale and Retail, at 294 MARKET bTREET
. .
Fdr sale by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle; A. G.
5111Ier, Dickinson; slessre. Altick, Shippens
burg, Spell N.lllachaniasbnrg, M. Miner,
Shiannnanstown, and In every town tbroughou
the county and State.. Nunnery 14,1851
TUE subscriber having purchased the stock
of Dry Goodth, Groceries, 66e., or.A..C. Fetter,.
at the.cornor of North Hanover and Loather
streets, informs the public that the whole of the
large and elegant stock will be .sold out AT
•C OST. but •for bargains,
jA' 5l tr. -JACOB FETTER.
WHEAT, R . RE; CORN and c•A'rapiir
, chimed by the undentioidoind tho
highest .10 n diet Price paid in CAEIII. • ' Mao, good
PAIIIILy FLOUR and Mill Fmniotilifferont
hinds for rano ron reasonable, terms. Apply at
the FARALERS',IIIILLIfoinirIi Good Hope
Wed Penhaborn Cowman!): Cumberland county
. .
Crarp - oe
.U 0 'Cr G S :COLDS
From the widely celebrated
Valuable School Books,
I.'WAITE Sr. GO., 2.53. MARK - Er STIt ELT,
PIIIADELPHIA, and for sale by all the book
sellers in the United. Stktes •
An easy it , troduction to, the study of 'Geogra
phy, designed for children, and completely 11-
Intdrated by .120 engravings and' 14 colored
Thelma, the exercises the illustrations, and the
forty beautiful maps are printed together in one
(parte volume.
a system• of modern Geography, comprising a
dent Mawr of the present state of the world and
its five great divisions, limbellashed milli nu
merous engravings and illustrated by an excel
lent Atlas centaining 28 handsome and accurate
colored maps. This series of Geography by S.
'Augustus Mitchell has been wholly or partly
intriitliteed into Ate public and private schools
•of alrille principal cities - and towhs of the Uni
ted States ,• and after a full and Stir trial of, its •
merits in these schools, it has received un almost
'universal recommendation.
nfiTcLIELL'S ARCHHi•GnooltArliylli. ATLAS
An 'ancient, -classical and sacred Geography,
embellished with ' engravings of remarkable
events, vimi's of ancient cities, etc., and accotn
paned by ancient Atlas containing 12 beautiful
colored maps.
Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Geog-
raptly, with Maps and emhellishments. Mitch
ell's Key to the study of Maps. and Carroll's
Key to Mitchell's Geography, are excellent nod
popular books, nod are becoming very exten
sively used in the best schOols of our country.
Gannon's Finer LESSON IN DHAISSIAH, based
upcin the construction and analysis of sentences;
- designed as no introduction to : the "Analysis," -
GREENE'S ANALYSIS-- A trent'se on the ethics
lure of the English language, with illustration[
.rind exercises adapted to the use of Schools, by
Samuel S. Green, A. M., Principal of the
Phelps Grammar School, Boston.
These books Inve already in the short time
they have been published ,obtaMed : a very six
tensive circulation, having been introduced into
the public schools of Boma, Baltimo re , pii to _
burg, Cinciimatti, St.- Louis, Vicksburg. and
other cities nod towns, and recommended by
those who have tried them is their schools, as
without question the best: English Grammars.
- in - existeoem „
['Jig PH/lIIARY SCHOOL READER--Plirl tat is
intended Top beginners. It contains a lesson
' upsa each of the elementary sminds of the lan
guage The Primary School Reader, p ai l 2d ,
contains exercises in articulation, arranged ii,
connection with easy rending lessons. The
Primary Reader, part Sib, Is designed for the
first class in Primary Schools, and thd lowest
class in Grammar Schools.
for the middle class in Grammar Schools, and
contains exercises in articulation arranged in
connection With reading lessons
for ihe_ highest_ classes in public and pri vat
schools. It contains bICCrCiSCS in articulation '
pauses, and inflections of the voice with such
rules and suggesstions as are deemed useful.
Reading on Natural History.; Science and tile.
rature designed for schools.
Consisting of wands in columns and sentences
for oral and written . exercises.
,It is a complete
and syvematle,seriesof eXe r ci,es„,in, English
Thiallighly , popular-series, of-reading-books,
and this Opelling book were compiled by Mr.
in. D.' Swan, of Boston, and judging from the
rapid introduction into schools.which they have
obtained in the Eastern mid Middle States :mil'
in many of the Western and Southern States,
we think they arc really better adapted to the
Wants of teachers and scholars than any .other
yet published. The publishers_haven very large "
number of recommendations froth public tclHiol
committees, [metiers antrothers friendly to edu.
One vol., 12-mo for high schools nod acade
mies. The same work condensed and simplified -
'or ecimmon schools, 1 vol. 18 mo.
JAnvis's PRACTICAL Pursronorrv, for the use
of schools and fitmilies, 1 vol. .12 mo. with
engravings. "
- •
PnITTARY PIM/I/LOGS% by the, same author,' I
vol. 18 nio.
FIRST 800 c 11/ An !TITBIT:TIC, by F. A. Adams;
ricndcll fer primnry nml commonsohools.
Afirrumuric IN TWO PARTS
the same author. Part first—advanced
lessons in mental arithMetio ; part second—
rules and examples for practice in written arab
metic, for common and high schools.
A Key to examples for prat:lee. in written
atritemetic. for the use of teachers, by the same
These nrithmetics have secured', very high
recommendations tioni teachers of schools and
academics, and from professors in several of our
colleges, and from others interested in the cause
of education in various sections of the Union.
T. C.,25. publish_manydathex_School
Books, which there is not room to enumerate
here, besides Law ,Medical, Theological and
Nliscellinieous Books, and they are fully prepa
red to answer orders fm• books In every depart
ment of knowledge. Booksellers, Selionl Com
mittees, and others, supplied on the most favor
able terms. Cscpt 25,'50-Ir. •
Price Reduced !
Large Bottles—Only One Dollar.
. rho Proprietor of tho Great American Remedy " VAITODN'
Argent solicitations of his Agents, throughout the Unite
States and Canada; han-now
Reduced the Price
of his popular and well known article; and from this date
teneeforth, ho will put up hut ono size only.—his num
sottlm: the retail price will he ,
The public may rest assured that the character of the Meth
sine, its strength, and curative properties WILL REMAI
,INCTIANOED, and the same care will bo bestowed in pm
taring it as herclofem.
As this medicine, under its reduced price, will be purchase
ay those Om have not hitherto made themselves acquaints
with its virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimate that hi
srticle is not to be classed with the vast amount of " pemedit
or the day. ;" it claims for Itself a greater healing power, i
ell diseases. than any otter preparation now before to
world; and has'sustalnen •teell foe eight years by Its impede
medical virtues, and, until this reduction, commanded doubi
die price of any other article in this line.
NOTICE PARTICCLATILY, this article acts with great bra
ng power 'and certainty, upon the
Blood, Liver, - Ridneys, Lungs,
tod all other organs, upon the proper action of which Nib an
tealth tlepend..•
This medicine has a lastly high repute as a remedy for
Dropsy and Gravel,
and all diseases of that nature. it m ha relied upon why
he intelligent pbyslestm hoe abandoned Iris patient, —and G
hese distressing diseases, more especially DROPSY, the props
*tor would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At t
-aresent pride It to easily obtedned-by all,-ind the trial will - pros
the article to be tbo
'Cheapest 411edicino in the World!
tv - Please ask for pamphlets— the agents give them away -
they tiontain over sixteen pages of receipts, (in addition to fu
Medical matter" valuable for houenhold purposes, and wide
will save many dollars per roar to practical Itoutekeepem .
These receipts are Introduced to make the book of gret
value, aside from Its chancier m an advernsing medium ft'
the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in the form
lotions hem all parts of the country, may be relied upon.
1150 . "-Vauglin's Vegetable Litliontriptio Mixture '.—th
Great Arne-Henn Remedy, now for sale in Court bottles at 0
each, small bottles at 50 Ms each. No small bottles will b
Issued ever the present stock is disposed of.
• .Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 007 Main Street,
Bold Whelan% and Retail bg OLCOTT MoKESSON 4
127 Maiden Lane, New York City.
N. B.—All letters (excepting from agents and denims wit
wham he transacts business) must be postpaid, or no attentic •
tit be given to them.
S W Haverstlck, Cur Halo,
C & G 13 Altick, Shippunsburg,
Russells' Dico, Dickinson,
Spahr, Mce.haniesqurg, •
A H 'Lager, Killgotown. • ' .
Coactios and Wagons.
ANOTHER lot of those fine - Mka- Conch
es and Wagons. for chittlrendust received ntthe
confectionary, fruit end toy storo or
sop t io: • - - A. S. WORMLEY
Harrison% Oc•lighbian Ink.
ririEttethsertticr has on hand n largo Supply ,
of tho'nbdre ink, Whieh, by a special nr
rengeniont rittillto - Projtkieter, he is able to fur
nish to merchants and oihura,.at the manulao
turers.wholosale prices.
•".au2,l , ::.• SA HUBBARD.
. ohildrenre Stockings.
A ' FULL assortment of White 'and Mixed
]Morino ficupo of - all' Linen for Children.—
Also, i t i ndioadlosa in great variety just openod
by_ ' • , ' InTNPR.
_Pure Cider Vinegar.
. ,
TUST received a fresh barrel of Pure Cidd
4 , jp Vinegar, of superior quality, and wart:ante
free front adulterattork,
nov6 • f • G W 111 I NER, J