- E 2 itturns-mity4q,OWlTayingplipmd the,stmillptWilpla •in the habit: 1;1'61'411d Bret titan, prciiids& him. with a help meet for him; one - wko7dhould be hie compan ion, hie solace, and elostaittlileriMg-tbrieiemphatleally , a part of hithaelf, and endowed.with all the tender . "est BY:enpfttitt e S degree:: • . -The riiiiiritige"relettiOnahip,lllOr'efere',!kiihe Most intimate-that-eon be formed, - and wired - baited-iiri apprepriateriesaiofilitental tail& moral • thrited, , and hallowed, by,, fervent affection, : is 9f: tall others the 'most conductive t 6 human comfort and enjoyment) In a union, ,however, Chet requires wisdom and pruderide i rightrk'to'foini; add' Much' kind card,and diseretipm tti•mbintain;i'insill• -close'rintliiaored a a sociakipne,,uriimpriired.:;;riv..- 1:oii Hew few seam to be acquainted wit,O,iite !true merits and impprltime Brio.„ is eieurriortitl, vv4l) a beautifill'• . friee'. or.' luiridi fd 'd • rnli 3 On.utterly' . indifferent ati P tollieliieniitl'Or 'Moral quitligeiitions 8°M , 9111/o r o P•ige e hf tr-tanwryitand bre mach more wedded to purse than. the pare° •.n• ),... •, • .) k And some eal,er,,Uppail.ligktly,arttl•Unadvisedly, as if iiiiiiirir-ii'cnfidet-ihei eetlid'didgctlived at ' Will or. broketi : ofpfeaddre."'• ' . 4'. I Thyie-never, , can!betteOneern of union import, or of n/ M 9 r:0b3Q , 119 11 4 AFtle Aro-lease -of increased good, that nothing r elp,capgive; : or : eh ptotracted grief , and sorrok , , - , A n hui the - opening grave,alone'ah .. Borb a , 010 , 0 .•. • . , Be twiseothen,lrilthis high cobeorni ernteron its path w.- i thcar.e.nrid_prudence, and seek-that heavenly • may direct 'thy steps, ono giveio ikeerthe richest eartyyaffectionate,. and virtuouiNdlife: .. • And' , Verrittn; let' 'net Iliy•kidd'and euspecting naturcetiupplent; tliev'wi:io' and Itraden un t foretheught ,which thou sheuldirt with circumspection exercise most rigidly; when, Moo art, moved lit:miter the marriage circle:, : ,t, . , r • •••,---1,1 To thee; this' tep, next to. the ta'vor . pe thy Qcid,,,is . all . _ Froin •,heneeftoll,- nbt, ;thine! awn, but 'hit whose rule will be kind and, oongenialJefthy gentle ne!. 'lure; or, rude..o.r.,y,ielent,. and . deetrunt ive- t hy peace a n d joy. , • Let• foolish tfiOng 'invade thy ) mind that it is not honorabla•tit and 'cliC untV9dded,tind Make thee anxious the first ;•presented••bait to seize, It were bettor, beyeadr.all. ootnparieen; if.thou hods! many (gFnerationti,,licr,9, - on earth !olive; to 1 1 0 con signed,Y6 the dießeet eelituda, then to dwell with ono unfitted liii•itho'.eloso endearing kiridnese, that • marriages. involve. _ The wisest, noblestilieWand•happiest_of thy vex,_ have. been, those women who would ruit••throw their , peace': A rdrid - hoperi away, where confidence could not ' .he fully_placed or warm affection yirlded,,willi_khe certainty iirickifl•Teciprocated return. • Seek counsel, tllon, before. this step for life is to ken, ancijet,not, prudence threw tha mins aside, lest fancy, passion, or misplaced affection should con sign thee. to a maze of doubt, arid wretchedness and sorrow'. ' If Providence 'dpth open clear before thee the path mf-matriinohy, and sends thee' one in• Whom Christian principleatund manly' generosity,' with sterling sense rind unquestionable effbetion•dwell, who seeks thy hand, then yield it, and pray God's blessing on it, and prove thyself a wife indeed de- Buying of his fulletit confidence and love, and peace be ever with thee-i,,..,„ • RnlZllah, t lrish 'and 'Scotaii: A writer in the London 'Dispatch sayst—Look ing at the population of the - three kingdoms, it rnitY easily •be perceived that - there is a considerable dir. ferenco amongst them .with reepoot to temperament. .The Irish arc gety, ardent;' the Scotch nro corneal-L . lively einil, - "St'SOdy *rid - falatititilrtho; , Dliglieh a re, perhapiq - a - fair - tiverage.boteieen the-two.' -1 remem ber it 'watt not inelegantly 'observed by a friend of mine, that en Englishman; thinks and apeake; a ScotAnan•thinks twice before ho, speaks; and an Irishman speaks before he thinks. ; A.lady present added.=- 4 A Scotchunan thinks with his head, an ; - Irishman with his heart ."'' This allusion teimpulse, operating more rapidly +than deliberation, is a kin to lilies.Edgewortlds ranniik, that 'an Irishman. may' 'err. with .his head, never 'with hie heart.; the truth,. however, being,• that he ." obeys" his heart, not, always Whiting for the 'dictates able hood. Some - years ago'lhore Was a (indenture, very graphically .portrayinthes& - grades ofdiffarenco in the ardor of the' three.nations.. An Englishman, an" Irishman, end a Sooteliman,., were rept-el - anted as looking through o COI 1 red window. at a beau tiful yang woman serving - in the slier). " 011, "`eielatmedlltE i Patriek, ‘' do let us be after spending a half a-otoWn 'with the door crayture, that' we may ; took at her.aenveniently, and have a bit of chat withher." '!,you extravagant dog!" says Mr. George in reply, "I'm sure ono half the money will _d_o_suite±Well. But let us go, in; by all -meson ; she is u charming girl." ' 4 ',.Ah ! wait a wee!" interposed Mr. Andrew ;'" - clinna ye ken it'll servo our purpose equally,.well just. to askihe bonnie lassie, to gin us twa sixpences -for,µ sbillipg, and inquire where's Mr. - Thompeon's house, and sieh like 7 We're na hungry, and may as well save the silver." Runaway Atatchem; ---Kate-Conynghenrin the - American CO - Wier, makes the following sensible; reniarks about ronawny match- • ' 't But runaway matches seem, to be marked with Divine displeasure. I have never hoard of a happy one. Nei far. from us resides a widow 'lady, who eloped 'final an rwellent. mother when -she was young, with a worthless young man. She is now' the mother of three 'grown daughters, every one of whom has eloped- and*lt 'her, the. youngest only' last Junp,: , l4.fifteen 'yew of age, and she was 101 l iesolate grid broken hearted: Thue is,the.example • of the, thOtin:r;fullowed by the children; and whom can she blame but,hersejf? • But the worst remains to bo told:tt The eldelt haat:heady been deserted by her hueband,,who: Inure:me to , California, and she last week.lad,lp !oak.. iihelterin the home of her childhoodithe secon daughter is,. suing for a di. • vorce, thou gh itlfe7hae not been thirteen, months married: m Atu'•girlai'never" in' an evil heur,•place your hand in'thafof ' , ming man who would noun --- eel — your.torleavelour - paternal.' horutfrit eine: id deprive Mips°, who, have nourished you, and with sweet hope, looked forward to the day of your mar. -riage beneath iheirown roof; it is cruel to rob them. - of this happiness. It is" Thei r -blessed privilege to bless your anion, •bild'itititness your and'your bus. band's joy: . .2 How cans. you then rob them of their participation in.,tha t. joyous bridal, towards ivhialt they hav,e :heed s,o many years.looking forward 1— Daughtere wha•elope• ' wrest from, t heir parents that crawling' 'jos; •'of fa th'er's' kind mother's life—the gratification of seeing their daughters married at their own fireside: . A bridal elsewhere is unnatural, :And God'e,hlessiog wA1,1,,n0:, Cumin;Afoulit. Pi. ; ,aVie,—the memory of t lie.deqd is highly ; and the worship of their tombs is' one of ilia most solemn aud'iniarestind ceremonkals' of the Chinese 'religion. - To perform this mot:deny, mon :(womonialte no-part in often return from distant. lands at, much trouble and es. goose, to the places ofthelt birth.. In fact, their love for the deid appears, as' It has 'been said to, be; the strong arid only bond which attaches the Chinese AO their conntry,..' , Yet they. have ne conseeraled‘plaCe of Ibtermoni, nitgrotyhd adept:a fdP burial purposes. Every one.chonses vomo Acrivhed.spet fur .the final bury theit'ilead 06 their' own lands, frequently near their own dwellings. Tombs and graves ate seen on 'the hill sides, especially in-stony and barren places, and form,ti not unpleasant feature in the land. scope. These tdmiis bin often' lel:porphyry, finished with muilli•.minute 'ehiseelling.' Plied on 'Malty eminences o ft en In plcturisque situatidns, under• the' shadow eminences,; often and cypresses, they .present here and there ,objeotsjerploving pp c i .proritublo..conterm, plation. . . • fi frle,to•thsFortudattoli.'- I would have.the, tottoh'ers”study (he' h - oart endeavor to implant .right. motives—to-go- to the very root and establish . ao.und,ptinciplea,,, O ut wal.4 l ,o 6 4 llo P' B ,l B . ll %ittere,eltell,, It.' is, but the shadoW e P,c,n444;,:,'llere,must he something ' y within oc• •t!.'4a.inP,ltekkStance. Such , goodness I will only,f9liew:telitteni:like ;one of. Jolfirdlttn-'1 ,yen's eharaoterS, while it .wears its sifter alippere: Such gooduesa 3nllsi.id thelbur of teinptation , It re me tnindan of the hrientaltalelord'Blicontelle of, where a eat.w se eh anged' tcralad bnd fi In-': 'bayed vetplaity-likki till a'alotniii"rari'fii i iinigh' room, when she opratii &WM unoir hoi hands and chased it.ll!SctilvAth: eltildrentlf: their geochiess is only an outward thing, when temptation mimes they will d o lippNid,f,q4pg,, , ;Give,them'righimce.i lives, sound principles, and they will be firm. In after life the waves - Of rifilintliin May. hen/ around them, and they will /iuttd iferend maid the Compit'st. .dtrouLptialid ancien,trY when Highlauddrs o withld t. eriais'-a - deep 'aid rapul I stream, therentereit shoulder pressed agaiostiihouldei'eidlittia*OMitity, sustaining and:uplioldiitg tt'ax;liFoloi'the, force of the rushing watei t tiztipl'driiiiiied tliii with ease and saiiitiellefillireviere a t n y of diminutive size, weak, or egeditlakiViereittiOdit ne a r. the aen r re of the body, and suPgrtail tin citCh" Side by-tlie" taller and strongaMnietilbaritief eimliit,My. •"' We learn frtitriAtfirittlialiinportairee of presenting a narrow. frontlibi OrnyeSit t o n , - A s in g l e man visa eufficrent;to. West therfoiee of the stream, provided ho • wittlreedilliuphilleiglitinit its rushing power. Turps4,llsloo kiintall "the rest marched measurably oilf,glitfll Ito 'eddytiaiii Oa use d--19olden • wrifilt;. ,- amnr.n) • .r,w17.94-4-tv.,ovt . rs • op :„.. Iroirirdrks 4k Sale;' oi l oWSe?,:!•1 . 851, • ; ~ 1 • 1 j . the tdrifet lof Aid 'Catbird:l34lllc, being rV - . the undivldod -twathirds, in ,the litONi • 0 R l cBf , kenkviniii the "1 1 / 1 4 lta'''A N ' • IIAGUST-Al " --, FURNAG.q8'iisituttfeti.int. the; ,of, the South. ,Mountain, three. apiles, qiii i /tip:perisa wild hing : ; Cliptieritind r 'public enle; fat -diet Court Hdtise; in; nie , ,d3arough o , 'Phis pfoporty con.: . 'sta. of .; TWO ..FURNACES an: the ,nIIIIIC . with If tiBE: ;.i;, SAW - MlLL,•a"lit'llge:Ciiiit . tivo.lor4o Sin.thes.-01iicer;&:•liciusgo: • • for .worktiion, i with ;about it A- , PREB ,LA ND, a ,pertion, , of; .-,thidhi is - s'oediitiblei kit" Als6,! a! tfidalistracrilf land with, a Dwellingltfoueo' a ! ndi Ord Ailardisi , are, of:the' • net quality and convenient to the furnaces.—; I Iran Itei•afofotie ; ai these W ; oikti:lins! I I mica:superior quality, stiitablP aacin.ga.ortiak WQIICS 'are ,'sitilated i thC Clintherland Valley,, ono- of, the, richest! Hem iri tbe ; State t oilly,.throcr •tiles , frotri the •Valley, Rail Rciad.: ad hasgreatafacilitiod , iforrfobtaining supplies : pc!, trin s portlng. iron.,triqppritek. Pmrsons. 1 : fishing to"vieW the above property or 'obtain arthorinformation respecting, it, arq requested' id , call on; Mr.l.Toseph G.:Cm:4410,z who• lives ile,of, tho works and aeguaint '• 11.-With the iiretpiseh. ; • TitiTifiT—Cinci-krilf 'Of T 'flie,Pareliade money, Ist , Janutiry,dsi.s2, Onion Pessession and deed. ,yill be eiyon.„Thq, balttoc&in.,tworequal.an , and Payineritslwith interest, socared by.judg r Atom bands. ALSO e-Artho i . samo ; lime,;anci , plane, a Lot f Groond thirty feet. square; situated on Mel. dOryin•the borpuoh of Carlisle.,, Jiiill/tneielieldliy the Carlisle rank,;; , •qaitter. . the ilfrolov'er !rand ''CarliilEl!••Tain - Pilt •••J toad CoinPaPY, bmounting t to about: 824,0 '' Terme cash. „,„ ; L ~ • ' Sale, to ennui - lance at 10 o'clock 'on !mid clo y RICHARD PARICER.; t;• , ROBBRTIRVINEr • JX9.1,13,, PARKER, Com. Board or Directors Ciirlislo seiit2 , lis '• '"' SUPERIOR4RESEI•GAOCERIES ! Cgti and See before. Purchasineelselohere ! . . • E'illE. Subscrifmr.is lust re ceiving and , °elm ing r,t, hisi,Clicap, gamily. Grocery mid' -(.4.ticensware Store-iii-Wastareet,pir• lisle, a -yak' large' assortment of 'all the arti cloii in lips line a business.. Rip :Coffee front 12 to,,l:l,cents pexpound, for 'good to a strictly prime article. Also, Brown Sugars ofthe best miality, from 7 to 9 •:eats per pound, Imi/firing's best - crushed and pulverized Sugars from 10 to 12 1-2 cents pa doutid, N. O. Sugar Douse tend Syrup .11oIns• - ses of,all grades from 32 Co 6.2 i per gallon.— A.,150, a supply of fresli'greitn&SPlCE.'S of all kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pu • verizett_Sainrattis, Indigo, Mould and, Dipped . Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale Oils., Also, a supply ofttresh Hominy, cheese frOin the best Dairies always on hand. Fancy sewing, traeolitig, clothes and market Baskets,' thgethei.with a general assortment of Chew ing and. smoking Tobaceo:s ' 'Spanish and half-, Spanis~t•Cigara, Common do.,.repes, twines, and Britches of all kinds. • CEDAR WA R E.—Housekeepers, and others expecting so.in to embark in the' same business, please call and examine my stock of Wash tubs, ‘Vash Rubbers, Churns, Cedar Buckets, fbncy, painted and varnished Buckets, Brooms, &c., &c.! --GLASS--AND -- QUEENSWARE.--The subscriber bas just lidded to his akoady large Mock n number or White Granite, Gold Figur od, Blup, Marble, Flowink Blue and Wilber -v Tea Sets. of 49. pieces, Also. Plates and D ishes,. 'Fumblers., Pr, serve Dished,. Syrup Bottles,' &c. of every description and price so hut he be able to-Meet the wants and neans all in the community who may favor Ittin witit.a mars • J D HALBERT ' LITIVXDER. COAX' WARD 'TIDE oubscriber , would • respectfully inform tt hiS customers and the public generally that he still,continues ihe'LUMB,ER AND COAL B and that having lately. purchased •in 'addition to his hornier business' facilitie the huge trod rouvenient Warehouse and Coal .Yard lately occupied fay Mr. Henry Wright, opposite the well known Umber and Coal Ydrd of subscriber, situate along thb . Rgil , Rotid_and College Lane, he is now more hilly prepared to - enlarge hie bu4inees. He has at thistime and is keeping constant-1y on hand a well selected assortment of SEASONED" LUMBER, of all kinds. sorts, and sines. 'Likewise the different kinds'o! FAMILY' COAL, such as stove Coal of the diflbrent kinds, Lime burners lid Blacksmith's Coal, of the best quality.— A I of which h 3 will Bell unusually low for Cash. Ho will also keep constantly on hand PLA-STER„ SALT, FISH, &c. , With all the differept articles generally bound in a well stored Warehouse. He will also at all times buy PRODUCE' and FLOUR, for which he will pay the highest current prices. Being very thankful for past favors, would. 'soot anxiously wlieit n continuation of ate least a reasonable share of public patronage.- AL HOOVER. ORNADIENTAL MARBLE, WORK ®WENS RICISEARDS, '••7 , Recently from Phiiadelphid: • • rkIESPECTF,ALY infOrrn the citizens of Carlisle and ita vicinity, thnt they have now at their Marble Yard in South. Hanovet 6treet, a few doors south of the Court house, end nearly'opposite A & W Bentz's Store, an elegant stock of pure • .9XERICAN WHITE MARBLE, and` are preparecko execute in the most finished style Monuments, `Grano Sloncs at all price; Door and Window Sills, ogother. with every 0010 r article in their line, Mil promise that.,in fineness of, finish, chaste less of des ign and .quality of I}lnble, their vork shall not be surpassed by any'other °stab ishment. , •-: They are. also the' authorized .agents of ,Mr Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. an will fur tisk fioni his manufactory:all varieties of IRON 3.AILINC4 Inc the enclosing of Graie lots and all other purposes, at ,thoshortest notice jand at, Phila,:elphia prices.' They Will 'also finisher manufacture all hinds of Building Allork, sack as,Sills, Flops anti Platforms', kc,, , at the short. cst not ice 'And on the most reasonable.tertm ! , !hiving had great eigierieriCe. aMl'heind Dm: :cloyed in the best :shops of Philadelphia, 'they me therefore enabled to manufactUre the most , shionnble'lvork, and rospoctfull3i aeli 1 shares of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding uonniry.„, inn{6,,lootl FRESII OP English and Anierican, Hardware 'Cheaper. than can to found: iide opthe , ' .1 • 1' riIHE sidishriber ihhving juet-roturned from the.Bastarn •ciiiee with a hill and hand come, linatlrPilel)t , Of I ltlids oI'aARD WARE of the very be9t Met•orS, end well, onfoulcd. la now 'opening' ne'the Cheap • Hardware Stand in, 4Nortli Hanover etrinit;noSt door to ScOu'a Ho- Jet, ept,liy Henry Glass, whore he ,wouldtrivito •all that Ire in msnt of good and ,chdhp Hardware' to' give him a quit nod bee and natter' youraolrof the tatth, , as be are deterini• to sell at n vary email advance. Small Troths and quick sales are the order of the day A good assoriatont RI double refined powder rohh pbOder of esti% quality, satin r4fuse shot, f flints and bar , lead, ,rapes - of till , kinthui for threshing machines and well, • diggers, and '.e thotisand 'other articles too numerous to Insert, nil wo ssk is to diva us , menil,and Wo aro con ;fidont you will find a gootlpsanolpenr,of,,Hard ware and' dliekper than ban 'be fourid in any mbar, House this side , of the mild. Give as a call is till we Ofik , at the old and well tnown Herdwaro tltand, formerly kept by LOWIB Hdr an, in North Hanover , street, :next door Itm Scott's Hotel, l'ormorly Isept by rienry'Plass-v noii6 'JACOB SENferf, I • '" MEI i, 1 '... TRIEIIYZONEILI , 110170313, 1 ' ' ;• -4(,,,, f ‘?IOSTOINTi , IVIASS,i • ~ i l' .•: '` 1/17HIS mill kaowil ast'abliilhiliiirit'ig (Ain a'aiti' 4,4steri,in thoosarad silantior:itd has always been. .Vito , s a tAtraiandinlpasaq. 84.aatiaa„ph th houils: its carnal - odious iirrandatiionta t , awl, th ;,.botniortiAnil tiiiittiiisil.riii iiil'rpiticl' illiqe; c 0111 41SV!!30 islet itiagresablii,twaLlultqlfilaglY,' OU ' ! p,tilu.trpyi;jor. i i,. '. i-Itt, LCI' ''' - 1 - ...' • flavilig/bilail• dito,hl'•ilid trm ol , Jahn 'A.; TOoketlat. CiatikTiAii. iir the ' hilid'orthat'ilii.', tatpligußpqt Vit ho ,fiabocribew ploilgpe:-liiiirtibtit' . ~..,. .1, r-- exprtipng td, ma in tpoti,l l3 4PP4444ioni anflithiltive. •. , ' I EOE: SALE,. ''. ' ' • eatiofiectiiin ttiiiis:cmilprpora. , i .- ~ , . , . .. . poiit'ohottpt24' , 3m •• 1 . kWIVi; It . i'Attittlit r ' 'xi li.W.4 4 argotnisticor.dLhitnd'l'lNo'l , ol.' 1 ,nomr , fr - bt,,, , ... r 1 . ~,, I id iill,plEillii 4,14 , 1. I Pi; ~1,(1,3i, . :1, ; F,, *e . :(l,‘ P 9PArAndari.ioncluikolorttbetiditde,ogy:F r s .t , :i)l)!4yvifl7.4:.Oira',< . till , t 1 11 . 7 - fllt • n a . B..qi.i'A • • NM EXTENSIVE Tontbs, Mantles, Steps, 4c., .•! :Eitiehttitie tyke if' . LiElP,'' oli Stratessor to Wm et: GibsionI'CiA2BINEIT:IVIAKEtt 8;r:11..1q1 Dii,` [LTA KER., Norilf Elaifoyer,Faroof,„ CarliOej . Would respectfully infordilthWcitiensef Carlisle and the public .geitoriillY, , lhat he now has on' . ,hand a, large Assortment , of hew and,, elegant.; 'PPR U RE,j ciiniiisting lin , : part .of .Solits,i ,Clard • and. otherli Burontis,.,Bedsteatis, • plain and. fancy ,'Sowing Sladds,•&o„matinfactureitOf the best' Laiincirials and quality Also a gene . ' rafaisortnient df ,Oliaire at 10 a )west prices.—: ;Venitkaif Bliads,,made :to order,: and ;repairing: "proloPtly;talUnclefl fo.,.iltrc.loV4 l ,lNS made to, order at the shortest ; notice. and having a Wen.; did HerirSe lie will_ptitind funerals; in ..towni or: country. DtrDont forget the old stand of Wm. C. Gi bson, in'. , Ifanoi!er -stremt; 'A few: doora Giaws Hotel. Sept "`"j , -1 - tt. . . , . t:::;14.71$0 1 .1:ti)- Coraer . of anover and Louther undersignedHG huglakvays otrhapd'xt Fait) stock of aupericirealiinciMinre.,in till the different 'at is prepared to;sell at the lowest prices.' lie imiites anotition 'part ic larly . to- he -.Pe!erg-...yrfng,,llotirrm-.Bri/sreart," - ti 'most esefulariielep - w itch entirely obvjates all objections. —The bottorn enn be attached to old Bed.ileadi:•They have givelt entire; - eatlefite• tion have, thorn in use. ",' CO - COFFINS uiede'to'order et ttie sflortes notice. -• , . ,• - JACOBFITTER Carlisle, ..jan'y. Exfonsive -Furniture irA MES'A.WEIA, V Elk would respectfully ci , ,calfthemi,tention of trottSo.Keepers and .the public to hie extensive :stock •of ELEGANT FURNITURM. including Sofa's, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables,' Dressing and plain Bureaus and overy,'yth•m article in his branch of business. Als6, now an timid the largeit. tis aortrnent of CLIA IRS in Carlislo;at the lowed( prices. Collins made at the Shortest notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. fly eolith: its n call at his Qstablisliment nn - Nerdy Hann ver,strect. 'near Glass's If OTEL: :niture March 20. 18b0,Iy FALL 'FASHIONS FOR 1851. . CiEORGE KELLER .resneetfully ,announ• VC cea to his old nitrous and the public gen '''erally thtit he line just received the erFALL STYLE OF GENTLE MEN'S HATS, mannfaMured .nt • , one of the hest esnitdishinems in r ~..........>- ' Philadelphia, to which Ile inifites spacial nttention.- Ile line also constantly oil hand a large nod varied assortment of his own Manufacture as well as city made IZATS amp CAPS, buitabla fin• • he -season, comprising every vari eyt of Russia, Beaver, Moles!tin and Silk Hats, finished in the latest style, together with a full assortment of-Caps of every shape and 'des cription, and at oven• price.' lie particularly itlViief , the public to call and examine his exten sive assortment, which in style, material and finish, cannel be surpassed by any in market, and which he is able to put at prices lower than ever. fr/'Rumentber" - ltis`old" - stand" oh North" Hanover street, between Homer's and Senor's tsme• [alien NEW WHOLESALE N. RETAIL Confectionary, Fruit & Toy Store, Mast Main Street, a few (1007 T :vest of Bet rk.-- holde,'s Hotel, in the room formerly Geri:pied as a Book Store. rip HE unlersigned begs leaVc to inform' the i •citizens of Carlirile and the public in gone ral, that he has opened a - store at the above place . , Where ho. intends manufa'entring and keeping constantly on hand . CANDIES of Every Description. , his stock is all new and he warrants his Can• dies equal to any manufactured in- the State.— His stock consists in part of Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Raisins, Prunes, Figs, Almonds, En_glit h Walnuts; Fiberii, Coeds Nuts, thtron, G'roud Nets, &c. &c.- Also,lllint; Lemon, Chocolate Gaul,' Cordial and other drops. Lozenges, Figured AlmondS, Candy Cigars, and a variety of other candies. - TOY.? OF JILL KLATS, such as china vases, mugs, biAela r and pictures, mantel ornaments of all kinds, liens, elephants, horses, doge; guns, whips, Indian_ Rubber and other rattles, wax, vsrniOted and oilier doll heads, kid an,d other dolls, whistles, harmoni ums, dancing figures, basket and other wapitis, school baskets. wheelbarrows, dr tints. trumpets swords, pistols, alabaster toys al all kinds, and an endless • variety of FANCY GOODS for IVlcn Woman_ and__Chlldren.__.ln_ addition._to'_ the above-ho has all kinds of PERFUMERY, such as Jenny Lind and roher Cologmr-, Chrys Wine, pornatum, ox marrow', bear's ml, &c.— Fancy and other soaps. A prime article of ci• gars and 10baCt2.0 011 hand.' Ho hopes by strict attention to business and small profits to merit share of RON, patronage. • , sept 3 .., A S WORMLEY. China and Crockery Ware: • . • White Granite Stone Ware, such as Dishiis, Hares, Ten Sets, covered nd uncovered dishes, bowls, toilet and Oa. Ater sets; pitehers', Aec.; tegoindi with a lot of Blue Liverpool Ware, all of tht; kick style and shapes, 'also, all the various articles of r he best COMIIIOII Mile and Edged Ware.. • The assortment includes a few plain White and Gold Band China Ted Sets, of the best quality and style, and also all the necessary articles_ of the_beaf_..Granite, Stone and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any sized Dinner or Tea Sets, , as may ho wanted, together with a variety of Glass Ware, ineludiwg a five assortment of Bar and Table Tumblers, di,bes,, fooled and other 'bowls, goblets, wine glasses, lemonades, lamps, &c. The mices tor all of which are 'fixed at the iiiwest enzh pr.ces. We invite one friends who . are in want . of articles 111 our line to give us a call. mars J, W Fresh Arrival , of Hardware. CiiDAPE.R. THAN'THE CHEAPEST. just .returned lrea.New York with the best ann. Cheapest, Stiiek Of HA ED WA RE,C U TEEL?. V . 13 1/ ED, I , NS.L_MATE user brought to'Carliele, I would, rcsceettally reques , dealey and eunstimers, - and othera,te gtve, the a 'call iudt see WECtfiCr ihy,cniniut gel more slid better goods fer ihe sante Motley thatuo. ahy ether place. in [l4ll. My stock of Locke, Larches, Belts, Hinges, Serews . NailS, Guise, l'niuta, Nte., is complete and' very , cheap. Carpepter.4"reols, hove a upend:ll 'assort., meat' Also, Cakinci,'Mtiker,B .roels , and Ma. terials viz :—Vnimers; Mahoganyy,.Minernl and lasO iirea'n':l( nobs and Varnish. • , SIDDLE.E.S.Sz COACH MAkEItS, • can'have everything in their,line.cheaper than. FOR SHOMIAKERS, .• ~", t., • thave's first Mee siOCIt of Morocco - and. Lining Skint, Bindings, Pegs, Thread and Wax. and n superb awl trlntent of Shootnaltaro Tools. I !Invents° a c'ontoltttit aaaOrttnent of Ball's Lusts, made in I larrisbuog, which can .be had.. at no other plam'in , toOM,- and - M.:Boa's Prices." To.. gather with , ntrassortniint Mall'ltinds of snored and finllod'fion and'Steel.. Of .11ousa 7 Weeping:Art:di:lea, Mitte'limive. Forks, Spoons, Ayutters',"Stiulfois' and:Trayttiv Tuba,' Puoltots; t wA - LtiPAPER. , ' " I , havo Ma; largest; flandsomescand! Chatmest Assortment in town. And to all 'Who watil gnothind iIARDIVAREI; I w 01414 ally omoand om 'sob for youraelvest. ' room: .1,0 • nyisTyx; M.O ' • ''.`u.**7 Tfit''outokriber me on hand a largo..and well ; selected .assortmeth of .MUSIC • Of ,all klndo,' conaititieg thig66 ~,MtirChos,„ Waltzes, Polkas,Eh.: also; thofilictlonc;for, ,Ifialte. and ;other instrdinOntel, .Motlied!'r. for 'MethodfOr the Violthatic,,and a i si l i k a ; fiilCPl4nor,•Striogo,6nf first '"'tY,Pllce,or • a, 's i• ,Halong, intidet .tirt , afrangement,' , s yitfi anylth+ perking And 6,1%16110316g hew 116 conitttnthi, atthplied witlithow Meath and able' t 6 thridolt atiyilung in that lino at 'shop . la ce • .and- upon reasonttblo - 4pc,ine.:• ;11"Nsig,, T ateliers will - find 'it ;161‘ • weal) d?examine6.for I thelneekv,go;al'!,the' l 'ithithkr of' Pett.ortd.'High 'streets, opp6Ottli the 'Monolith H0u5e..._..101- •11116' A, HUBEI - A - RD: ' 6 - Sta"fig - XijT r.• #;.'; e r ,f , • ';;" Pre_Pii. Drugs, Medicines, Etc... &c. y r rte I:have _just recerverrfrern -Pint end VNew: York' veriiiiiihielvd ••• 1 "1 additions to, Joy former, stoch,•embra_ clog, nearly every article of:gedieine • now in use, together with. Feints, Varnishes,Turpentine, Ferlutnory, Soaps, stationery, Fine Cutlery, .Ifishing, , ,Techleri-- .Irelies • ofalmost every.. description, with. fur, t ; ndless ,`variety o) 'other articles; whichl sin de- I l orritineit titseltthe VE11 ( 1 WEST . priceS, 'All Physicians,, country Merchants, ,Pedlars! id of hers,•are respectfully regebetednoitci pass' to OLD STAND, as they may rest notated, )4flcervery article will, be seld,ol ; mgood quality, rid upon reasonable terms. „ .;;. • May 30 DRUGS DRUGS I DRUG • Weshalirmg Supply g., IM.VF just rpdaiiid M fresh Stock iein:es, Painta,, Glees' Oil, .64c.;• Which , haying bean „purchased with, great. carmut the' beat city houses, I Curl confidently recommend; to Families„ Physician, Country Merchants dud Dealers, as boifig fresh and pare. • DRUGS: Patent Medicines, Herhsand Exit acto ; •.-Arine 'Spicmgrottlid'And'ivhole._ Instruments, Essences, Pure Essen% Oils Perfumery, &c.. • I Cod Leber Oil—ll'aliwitted- D,YE-STUFFS. - Log and Cam .Woode, •.• Oil Vitriol .., is Copperas, Lac Dye. ' • ! ..t. • s PAINTS. Wetjterill' & Brother's 'Pure Lend, Chrome, Green and•Yollowl Paint and Varnish"Binshes, , Jersey Window, Giusti, Linseed Oil, tPurpen-. tine, Copal and , eorteli,Viiriash,.ead - . Bed:Lead... All of which will he sold at the yery tlowast 'Market Price, Also, a fresn and splendid as. sortnient of i) '• •• • • FANCY? OODS, F S, Confectionary, and innumerable thor :articles eticulated for use and orname nt, ot, wl.ich ara'ell'ered,at the lowest cashz-pfkies,. the the.. eli . eitp Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub scriber on North Ilanover Street: RSTI Indigoes, Bladders, Sumac Alum, Afuy 28. 7t‘sl RIIita•ONTAZI STOVE WAItEIIOOiIS AND.TINiIAN UPACTORY. rElllEsubseribers desire to inform their friends it and the public thut they have ,removed 'their 'FIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oPpo site their old stand on north thinovor Street and may now be found in their nevi - rind corn• modicum manufactory on the West side Of the said street, a few doors above Loather Street. where Mak tit ill continue to keep on hands full assortment of every kind of -Tin, Copper and hest-Iro Ware which may be needed by housekeepers and others. Their articles- urn manufactured by themselves, of the best materials, and in point el finish and.durability cannot be surpassed.— 'rimy will atso tnaintlacittre - and repair nt the shoitest notice all kinds of Distilling Appaiatns. will promptly attend to the laying of TI ao OFIN G and HOUSE •SP Op T'NG in town'and country", and on thelithst feasuna hie terms. Every brnoicli of their business will be carefully attended to with the utmost . promptness. They.also keep constantly on hand a.large variety of, COAL AND WOOD STOVES, - comprising every variety of plain ton•plate STOVES, elegant Wood and coal air•tight PARLOR STOVES, of tho latest styles, COOKING STOVES of the newest and.most improved inventions, at various prices,: which cannot 'fail - .to please every tame. They re• spectyly solicit tin examination by-the public of their large and varied assortment of stoves. Thankful, to the Public for favors heretofore extended, and being determined to..relax no exertions to 'give satisfaction to their custom ers They hope to' merit a 'continuance of pa. tronage. highest cash price will be paid for old Copper mid Pewter. 1%1 ORRIS Sr. HERSHEY. Carlisle; March 19, 1851—ly spLnymn smoczu I , VIIE undersigned respectfully informs his it friends and the public generally, that he ~..v.-7.. has just returned from e.. 4,.„„,... / - Philadelphia, ha v i:n g -,..:, --.... 1 ,,, .• purchased the most ex. i'l " _,,/ 2 „,,.. tensive, as well as the 5,,k : 9 N . - , -- i. cheapest assortment of 7'- ', '' ' '' '' '.. 8 : 7 . -_- 4 ,.. ". ; ,47 . ' Watches, Jewelry, ever brought to Carlisle I 1 i 3 stock con in part of ' . . . Gold and Silver Palest Lever Watches, Gbld and Silver detalched do. do. Gold and Silber Lrpine Watches. in..sh..,rt every variety of _Watches at all-prices. Gold Guard- and Vest Chainsi. Medallions, Watch fieys, Eitr,Rings,-Finger Rings, 13renst Pins. Gold'and Silver. Pencils; Geld and Silver pens and cases and Bracelets io great variety. • A splendid' article of Gold, Silt or, Gemini - 1 e. - 4 -7, ,,faeta.Silver., and Blued Steel 5PEC ,.,,,,,,. TACLES, which are unsurpass• • ed in qu a lity by any other , rticle west of Phil pdelphia, and which can be sold at least Vu p r • cent cheaper. than in any other establishment MAO - country. Also a large lot of .—_,.... I &c., bists sxLvmit t waxtm, comprising Table and - Ten Spoons, Butter Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, &c. Also, Card Cases. Porte %unities, Port Folios e -Ladies -Writing -Desks,- with tr - grem 1 variety of other fancy articles unnecessary' to mention. A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted to be good. IVaiches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired, • He invites all to call nhd exatitine his stack, assured thAtinone,eart fail to be suited,jn twat- Iv, quantity and puree: His articles are cash flparchasep, consequently, he can tam d to sell ower than the saTe articles can be purchase( elsewhere. Call at the old stand, a few' doors :west of Burkholder's Hotel.. January 15, 1851—ly T. CONLYN. A Vo Ico from the't. Burnt District: , • , ildonyer's Candy Factory Rebuilt, subscribet would respeet tully announce to his friends and, the public, generally,; that his .FectOry c ythich.wits destroyed by the latO fire, 'has been rebuilt, and_te is now preparedlo Turnish:thettn with - CHOICE 'CANDIES, niantillicturcd Of the ;best 'thatt,rial; it Int hhe will sell .wholetVe or retail' at the. old stood in North Hanover street, a few doors, of the.banft, 'where, ,hti has Jim. opened a general I,stairtinent of • r °notating of Oranges,, Lamont, Raisins, Fitts, tlinonds, Eng!kat' Walouts; Cocoa Nuts, Pea uts t &e— Ho would also call attention to lila argo .assOrtment of .rciys AND :FANcY GOODS, consisting of toys' of Glass, Wood, Gum nod China, of endless varieties. In contiection with the shove, he lss,on hand n Mime jot of • ,FRSESHATROCERIES . '' • eon's:sting of Sugars, CorueS, Tsai, illtdasses, Snittei, Crackers, Matches, Blacking,,4c.—•• A19.4.a prime lot 'of 'MARS, of the ,boat brands. ~ Tho suhscriber returns, his sincere ,hanks to u generous public - for ilk patronage . hosiowed onhior, nod hope's by a deaire to pielle to O.°. rit a'Continearice of 'the same. Ife.wonfd , 'also rot to' time Firemen and'Ciiizehs tar their effort's to'siive hie pro erty out the night of the Into ponflegretiOn Carlisle, up 2 ' WEIV WILL YOU , SUPI I .IIIta ; re IFOUSANDS'Inf bottles of the Amvoi :i. ' , cAprtomrouNo -liatt been sold.i.lur' r lug. the t past, t ycar, and . ,was; oieeo,r knoWn.. to • nal 9 1* ,cyripg, kkitl,:riiw ,4,1 gyp, OA Corwin: ileb= cat&dlsease,lSlominal weakness and all -diseases or the Urinory organs. - Persons afflicted nifink this pleasant and popular : idinedy,• need fear no • exposure; as itt Jadtied no' odor , tin.!tlioi 'breath; 'requires no • •restrictlona• in 'dial. 1 ur-• buititiesa ---', ponttinidSMarourY or; noxious ilittitslitjt l / 2 rittlik' le the sistetniandlid•'adaptedlo every 'autt:edi,'' ' nr. conti it inn.' " It' l'a,a lad ilidliest reinedtlctintvii.' for' Fluor, A lit tid of- '.Vir.lt time ? , (fo Ma le :o i) in p la (a fa) . tvll W ihi it - ili n iskip it,/ duffer, 'itti ili ant' ilia, lett ocy-t. i Midi'. of a _remedy, - 'mu. celebrated remedy . ae f ang b een tioadld-idiedte practice of tt phy ' iolun,tunt '.,talth'iurforritig- au, ctias t O radically 1 ' ' urinivninotyminotof the , hundred totes do a, owdaytn fAreunti- '66'611 bottle - atm "Olen and' ullellecotionst r'i'' , r , . r •, !, ~(,•..: ,1„-: '!, .1; V , •:'' r d Atl i f ON.LiViii i joi! f . 00 .. Am* Ii 4 OA / 14`' tOMPDOND and tin ibbase.tibl y .bf l trui'`A:galiß y /at' $1 - OW lig}. 66 -. r i l . tlit't i k , ~ ;:41 E ALigx,T: .4.ioo;'.,,i;'...vit,iptii;,XiitrciAiroig, ‘vii!jo*;. polumbri./ by: A.:111 illar, tancadori,„l4„attorris '44.;.,D0.--N0i.k.....:—.- ,':- . - (la nuarv.- t 5,11461 -, OD Li vtlt-' it) i t:;!•-•=:iiii ""64,10ita, -Art.* b, fat sale by -..., , it,,, t 1 . , • c,... , -- i-s t i --c (1 +lOl ~.. t ular 26 " • o 4 - 1%; t hil itto.ift . fript•Antil..,l,. `. p '', e, 1 tr• IN' ff . 'll . • S. ELLIOTT, Main street. Carlisle. joitivAlotte ' SOUS, r • r • 1111PORTEttS,AND DEALERS !NT .11ts,licoOs dr.lVitillinery goods, • ' • ..N - 6.4p Shia& •S'ecoild .S'trect • , • /'///1,1/..)E.T.P.71/41., ~ t l2 RE now Prepared ,to efil:r to !Weir custom-, .C. 44 ers and the trade seller - ally. a very large anditanditameassortment' Bonnet - Eakins, of , all colors, •Cortred and Plain Velv,ts, of all colors, :, Fancy 'Bdrinet atid Cap Ribbons,. Paris Paticy,Feuthers, Frettelt and' Anterican.Flowers, &c., &c. Confining themselves • exclusively ,to ,this biti”eli of the' (ilia!, and Importing thu larger' part of: their stock enables them 'to ofTer an us ,sortment . unsurpassed in extend and variety, which"will be /old "aftkeln - Weitt se pl 3 t EDWIN. L. : TARRED.- OLIVER A. rinicEa• P.ORFEEIL 'iSC CO.. . S, E, LARNER.OF CALVERT& LOMBARD STS, LTImoRE. EALEMS in Tin Plates; American, Eng-. lislr;aml . BllSSia . .Sheerinon; - Boiler and Floe Iron; Hoer) and Rod Iron; leen Wire; 'Finnan, Copper; Zine;. Bar Lend; Lead Ptpc• Sheet Lead; Block and Bar Tin; Brnla ..Ketiics; Tinner's - Tonr e tind_Mn -ehines;--StaveV.Primmitiii-; kinerican all sizes,: Tinted and Black,, &c. . March 26, 1861—lypd. ' 'our and Popular School Book., Ci PREH ENSI 1 ,SrtnlnrAßY of NIVERSAL HISTORY„ tpaether with n BIOGRIIPHY oIDISTING SII E D PERSONS; to which is, appended nn epitome of Heathen Alythology, Nniurnl—Philonot hp, General AntrOnotny,and Physiolouy. Adopted‘, in the"Pahlic Schools of Philadelphia. E. S. JO \E., & CO, Publishers, S W Corner of Fourth and Race sta. Phila. tOthnply Tem:hors 'and School Committees ndaessin !otters to us post paid, will he furnished will copiesJor examination. Ont - A, full assortment of nooks rind Stotion .ery for sole at ihe'Loevrst Prices. ....flering,from secret .illSesi;" iced HO more becOme the VICTIM OF iteACICtRY as by the prescriptions contained in lids hook any one may core himself; without hindrance to bu siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate „friend, told with one tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routioe of private dirase it folly es plains the cause Or ellq3 da cline, with observations on marringe—heiidee many other Ilrraogemeots which it wouldpOt by proper to enumerate in the pripts V/ Any person Sendlog TwENTY-Fl5O enclosed In a letter, will receive one copy alibis. book. by mail, Or five copies Will be sent forone dollar. Address. .•Dlt. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SPRUCE Street. PIIII,ADLEPDIA" Post. paid, DR. YOUNGcan he consulted on ally of the Diseases prescribed in hifi different publioa ions, to his °Roes , 152 SPRUCE street, ever} day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted. May I, 1,50 Jrtourance •Qiompatties. The United States Life Insurance Annuity and Tiust Company. Charter Perpt tired—et pilal s'2s .000 Cash Sol, az. THE constant, unsolicited application for Life Insurance, gives the must ifiundatit and gratifying pool that the public mind is deeply inipresseu with the rant importance of this•subject. 'I he gient object, howeVer, bi Insuranceshould mtfirty, °then% Joe the whole mutiVe--,to insure may be disappo used. Teo much mire cannot be practised in the selection of an office with which to effect the'eofitract.— The choice ',lipid(' be regulamil not by present and constant large inducements; as this, is ct r• minty t'ncompatinte with finure !knells. The premiaille on life are calculated ler theft/tor e , it present and prospective benefits therefore are given, the result ultimately, must 'terminate iii. litigation, disappointment and / ruin. 'l`l% object aimed at by thi., institution is stability and per -primly. The rates of premium have been care fully prepared with reference to fluctuations.— The cash system of payments has also been adopted. 11npaid.prefitiuni rotes..constitute no parrertlie assets of this company, and every contingency being •fortilied with an ample cap• ital, security stamps Inc whole system. This feature, iinrainotical io all other consideraiionn commends the company to public favor. Ex planatory paaphlets. I..lanks.application papers information, and every facility will be elieeitullY furnished the pnbiic by Mr. E. BEA'rl'Y, wits has been dulrappointed agent of this company for Cumberland county. Dr. 1.1 I.II.MiLEY has also been appointed Medical Examiner. • Directors.,-Stephen R. Crawford, Ambrose W 'Thompson, Benjamin W 'Tingley, Jueol).L Florence, William M Godwin, Paul B Goddard Lawrence.' Johnson, George Janice Devermi.i, John 'L Liman. Pr'esident.-=-Steplicit R. Crawford. I'ice.Pre.sideilt .—Ainbrose W. Thompson. .S'ecreraiy eg 'Prdpourer.—Charles (4 Imlay. acinory.—Manuel Eyre. Cor.oset attin . ney.—Thornns (Balch. .7ll.dical Examiner B... Paul,l3 Goddard,.M.D. William Pepper,,M. • faug7 ly. •, , • I.'llo, Allen and Btist „Pennsborough Mutes! Fire Insurance Company M_Cumberlund comity ncorporated by tin act of iJcr to imilingu inent of the following commissioners, viz: 'Jacob Shelly, Wm R 'Gorgon, Alichaqi Cork in, Melchoir Brennemon, Christian Stayman, Sinion Oyster, JaCob H Convor, Bowls Her, Henry Logan, Benjamin II Nlntiser, Jacob Kirk, Sordoni Pt-dwell, Joseph AVicliernliam. 'rho rates of insurance are 4 its he.v and lavara-: 10 0 us any Company of the kind'in the State.--:- Personsiyishipg to.bectime ntembers' ore invited to make 'application to the•o`gcnts of the compa ny, who are willing to wait upon them' at any time.. - JAC OD SHELLY; Praident 11E NR Y LOGAN,. Vice President. LEWIS .thEn, Secretary 'MfanAr.t.'COCICLIN t Treasurer. • 'ocilT 49. ' .• AGENTS. Cumber/ail(' roanty.-Radolph Martin, New Cumberland,' B normal', Eingerown, Bann , Zenring, Shireninnatown,,,Mobort , Moen: and Charles Bell,. Isaac EinEey, Meehan. ; icahurg. Dr, J.'.Ahl: Cluirehtown. . •. York count,// -John Slierrich Lisburn; John Bowmah,*:BillsLiur , r: Peter Welford, Frecklin John Smith, Earl,' 'Washington, W. Picking, Dover, TheneLliofretiel.rrger,,,l,W Grafir. • • rriAirig.-: 7 11-frouner 4.Eochipan.; • • AroirPrn -the ,cum any. poheies a bole tiols,cii,irl?'aan huvo them roneweithy mak. iqgappliention to,m6r - Ortlia anon's, M=lM The llotis'cnifc's Ilidp and Iluaband's Joy I The ,Gegman,,Washing spot laboilous leek' 11.19 f rubbing the eluthas.apon the washboard' It domains , no. , logradients:whattivor,lejuriatia to rho 'Ariest‘fabric orithe yeah. The proprie.• tars Wish every one. to g va it 'a trial, and if it does not prove ; rt9'bo in blr'i.ify:sUch mien, wilt ba reiaride:d.r— direcilonamccoMpany caeli i/0616. Retail price -12i , comelier , .botqd'i'atilliliiont.' fa . de etwittarp washitiv, nod slitting the by not rbbUi?t themYthan .the cost of, 1108—..beaides. removint- m aitimed frnh;'&a., if there be any, and t ine-noti labor saved.' Plant/rot:I, only, by 4.11', ~t ~,Phihidettni .NICSI Valrytetit.,.AVeint oantY•`s. 11,1 ` • 'l , :1 uM illoctlereye9cived ' tall ' will bo promptly attended , lcm. ;,.) , -i --'7— tl u 77 6ucttiqe ent , 3 . Shoe Thread Warekonse. - • .k. 3rcariti.tibi ' -... 1 .•i'vo , I , 4 , sOUTIFC.T.LVERT STREET.' ; '''-' • '': ' .RALTLV6RE._.., _ : ....._ .._ '. bwlorter of Shoe Threads, Shoe Tools and • lohnlhqs General; 4.l"anyfactui•ir Paslzionithle' .r.aSta; Trees; . Shoe Trees, Cririipiny•Brels, ,S.e. grl O,NSTANFLY ON HAND •ussort: V moot of Shoo Threads, Galloons, Webbing ;Root _cords, ~Bristlek Awls, PiIICOM Sli d e ,Knives,. 4arrow &c,; ,a lull assort men( of lacks Pegs, Kits, &c. _Also in store Tho NIAGARA JET• SHO WEIR) BATE; REFRIGERATORS, now e.instruelion FIRE AND .THIEF PROOF SAFES, WATER, FILTERS, very F.mperioy rdepi3 Gt DZiLZ:,i*.May GOODS. inkOOTOR YOURS ELF EJI—F 0 R. 25 CENTS ! ! —By means (tithe pocket Eactilapiiii,or, Every one Inspirit Physician !, iy-flmrth Nikita], with op wart's of a Itundren, engra vings, showing privat e , ( u s -- eases in every shape and limo; autl_malformations of the generative system. BY WM,YOUNG, ilf.o. The time has now Ar .. FIRE INSUZULIVC.E. , a -, ,\ ( 6 rogcq i..--,,,': - .... ~--)'., ,5% , (.0. , --P-IT , 7l,l 2, ici t rli- t ;7 i 5i1c1,'7i7 , 1;', , ,01 ,. w.) 3 ,t ,. . , ) ...,,p, ~,,,, . !,,, L. 7 '--- , 2, '.-,-- - 4 - '',, ',',E.t,::",,....A73v ~ c- % . 1. i . .1 -11,---0,14,......1,...xit•=11.2,21.:-1f,..7,:,41.,b11 (7,5 t V VIIV he. Cee re of ;, 'CO b C -- /;TS, COLDS ; yzoArtsr.mus3, .231101 - : a4rrr.p, z.sTrr. vfx-s.oo.p3:ssrG.-ciciti,Fan _ 411 V COIT S TY.11 ,1 17. ,0 . . hritong ilte nuOttOrotri 'S Hive h., matte iu this etelerntiod to leinlitete the business of lite-,-inereaSd its s cojoyment; and even prolong, hOll;arb p - ,, , 64, exit - since, none can he nye: ti of moil, real silos to icanitioil, than diis eontrthu tion of Chemistry til the Art. A vast trial of nil tiiritiA throunhourthis lanad country, ttriitien beyond a'ilonbe, that no medicine or cam of ricidicines yet' known, can s ly ciiiitrid awl - cure the numerous varieties p i n to mut , dist•thOe which have swel.t front opt „tnnlst thousands end tinmsands eyeiy In: tre..iliiiiera-f4• now „pliinidant•ri rison - rn helii;vo - 11 - R , onody has at length been found which elit relied on to cure the most dativerons affections of die units. 'Otirspate bete Bill not net not us to publish tiny pruporhou.of the cures t fihrted by it', us,, It.; wr nou'd present the f flowing opinions of eminent melt. and refer further enquiry to the circular wli.clt the Agents below namel, will nl- W11311.11e pictured to Iwnt,h face, tk'dieteitt are full puriculus, and ,intii.spinah!e priatfAlf,this.c frits. FIOO.I TO PRFsIDFIVF.OF.A.nrittasit COLLEGE, T11E ... .... - PIV , PIZSsOR ,f 1 "inincs G A yerStr : I have used your Cusp. ity l'arroani. in my own ca,e of deep-seated Bronchitis, and urn satisfied - from is chi urinal constitivion. that it is no admirable compound for the relief of laryoßial and bronchial difficulties— If my opinion ns It, its superior charnel& can be of auy nervier, you are at liberty to urns it an you Mink proper. ,_ IifDIAIA RD ILITGIICOCK, L. L D Front the n itiely celebrated. PROFESSOR SILLIMAN, M. D., L. L. D. PRont) , oll CIIEMIsTRY, MINERAOLoGy,_&C.r_ l ' A - TM - C•IIMEG:F.T.NI - 0111E11 of THE Li. I l ea. Alm). PHIL. AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES OF AAIERIC.t AND licitorE. I deem the CHERRY I'EcTOnA r, Rit edmir e hip composition from some "r the best articles in the Medics, and a very effective remedy fur On. citif.v of diseases it in ifilended 90 cure.". • - - New Auven. Ct., Nov. I, 1A49. AIAJOR PATTISON. President of Ilia S. C. Sennie, slaws he hay tti:eil the enEmil , . Pc.croti AL with wondelltil succos to cute an inflammation f the _ _ FKOM ONE OF TFIRST PHYSICIANS IN MAINE. , Dr. J. C. Aver, Lowell. Dear Sir am now constantly using your Crimtav PECTORA 'io my practice, and prat r u to nay (Misr medicine for pulmonary complaints. hem observation of inner severe cases, I WTI CinlViliCcd it will cure coughs, ods. and diseic.es of tbeshinco, that have • put lo defiance all Other temed,c,. I invariably recommend its nee in euses of con sumption, and consider it much the best remedy 11001111 for lint diAlasb - r, Rupee fully yours, I. S. CUSHMAN, M. D. , PREPARED - AND SOLD yr JANIE'S — C - A YER, PRACTICAL CULMIST, LO WELL MASS. Sold in Carlisle by Dr. S. Elli,it, S. A. Ilubbsrd and Dr. Rasslin'a—iti Web:alit:share by Dr. Ira Day—in Nen.yille by J sliippens burg by J. C. & U. 13. Altick, and by Drisggisis geoenilly ibrougliont the Stale.' Jane Id, 1,1,51. DR. mcErznivs Gelebrated Family Zedic:nes, , . It concerns every one. Cholera can be cured .Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla Panacea- For the-removal and permanent corn of al Diseases arising from tin impure •- • state of the - Blood and habit IT • of body. • The All-wise Creator has implanted • organized bodies nn innate disposition to self pratiervation. The vital powers possess the property of resisting the influence of external causes, but as the BLOOD is the . cohnnon par Worn from which all parts_ of living , matte derives its renovating elements, and consequent ly, upon which ine life of organized beings do peed, it is probable that in cases of accident or where artificial means have boa employed to deprive it of an essential 'property, the vital effects of the whole system will be directed, to. ward restoring to it that property. In all con atm hereditary affections, this fluid has undergone some primary alteration, which is the MIMIC 01 thesrecial disease, - or Windt as. sentially contributed to its proluetion. Resta ration to .health can only, he obtained by a re 'novel of the nimbi fie cause through the medi um of the' circulation, and Dr. Keeler's Saran parilla, is the most powerful modifier of agent effecting this fluid Icoown. See pamphlets. Blackwoodlown, N. J., June 6, 1818. Dr. Keeler- , -Dear Sir: 1 run entirely our of your Panacea. I was called open day before yesterday for hallo dozen. Your medicine is becommg very popular where I:havemifroduced it, and 1, thhilt the more it is used, the more pop , 'tiler it will get: Respectfully yourS, WM. ARHABT, M. D. M-,For details, certificate s &c., see eircu: lure; &c. Price - $I per buttle,Jarge_size, 6 bot tles $5 , DR. KEELER'S COUGH SYRUP. A itif.ing all Elie reek:dies before the public pre:emitarit iu incipient-cot:sump sou, oronclutis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hon rs , nese, IVliiioping, Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting ,of Blood, and fir all affections of the pulionnai y organs occasioned by cold. Poo much praise cannot be bestowed upon thin remedy, and the proprietor urges every one afftimed with any of the above complaints to secure it nt once. It is warraided to cure or no pay. Price only 50 cents. rAR. KEELER'S C;ORD(NT, AND 6AR311- Every family whether rich or poor, who va I 'ties health and ell its blessings, k hould have 111 a invaluable remedy at band. It is infinitely the best rewedy known for Diarrileca,Dysentery, Ulm!era Morbus, Cholera Intantant, (MAIM, .. - latuiency, griping pains, cramp; etc.. and tbr all diseases of thetomac r h and bourels caused bv Teething.. The numerous testimonials from Physicians And - ethers - unsolicited hasigliwn it reputation us firm as adamant. .SV - Prico 25 cents per bottle, DR. ICEELR'S-.. ygrzttu EI,IGE . tIYRUP. renter - ty is . plenieint to 'the tai;te, harm. lens to Vie patient nod all powerful iii, removing all kinds of worms flout the hotly,- in 'with put doubt, the cheapest and best worm' destroy- Logmtellicioc.itolortt--the-pubberand—will-tra-d: to inistered deecirdiiitt to directions, , , remove thew within fire or six hours' after t , bcp. The dose is sinalloind each bottle coMaina twice us in uch•as "Price wily 25 cents err tioitle.. DR, KEELER'S LIVM. AND -BANATIVE Although nut, ecommended , an a - "curo.ull " yet theY.are the miluest and besCreinedy to re. move. Cut dtipation, Jaundice, DyspepSia, BiG iotisness, - Ner.Vousiiesa,. 'Fool StifillUell, Ilcad• ache, Indigfstion, etc. Ulike other. purgative medicines they lemaitlic.buwelsalivays relaxed and consequently are 'the.r..proper meilioino• for for tunnies end persons lending u solitary life. Prico 25 cants. DR. KEELER'S RBELIMATIC LOTION ' A justly celebrated eixterMil application fo'r Pains M.:the Chest, Neuralgia, ticad.iolic, Spr'ne Bruises, Tid DoloreuX, el the, Joints, Rlicanja Odin, Bout, siMiljeu rind fur all disor• dors,ivlierein, a sedative and, rilbefueient. reme. tly is applietible. Prico twenty.fiVo eciitS .per bottle. - All of tlic abiwo 'celebrated .and extensively used medicines Aire • prepared and Whole et AIARKET . .STREET, ' Per .sale by S. ELLi - OT, Carlisle ;A:G. Miller,- Dick botin; Merisrs." Altich, Shipnens burg, J. F. Snalir, llfaclianizalinrg. M. ( - hiller, slllacinuriguvi' and every town throu . Oin thercountl y and Strite. I.Jainiar'y 14, W5l SELLD/alitrAt OST.: . , ptircheeed the - stock 41-Dry. Geode; Croterleri, &c.; of A'. C. Fei'ter, et the corner or North Ilarinvei , LOothAr Itretite, , inthrrnfi.the'inittlie thrilllip4.llol6 arthe larg4 end tilriiihnt stock will;' bd' , s - ul.d • out ,COST. LoOk'out' ler•hiirneiris .".." jy9 '5l cf . ) .'• •"3 i 1 Cf.) FETTER. 'lls:urn hp' 'uiidreignisd,, null the. highvoi teli j k et' pr,tee, gotelti'i - 4 Ise, good FAMILY T....L0U/2'1114'51M Teell !chide, fni ;1111 triieetie hie" 41)ply' et: West Potinptiamkt.fii/ 1 0.10; e (jiiililierif4 6 / I 'o/iiii43/ MARSI4AI4''JAMES. =I s~flc~iriitca. n,l nvr, IMES Ilarrisonis Columbian Ink, rtirtE-sittsot.thprini oh hohdlo r ,go supply' Of th'6 by.a special ar rangetitont ichl4 tiProiktictor,o is,ablo to for r ad, nail 'others, at the ma tuldo tuFors whOlOsala thirco.. atr2l S A RP. . „ , ' *.' ' ' • Ohildrero. ,2 , 00 . 4,ing5. i . .„ . .' . ‘,l „•. : FULL'l4ihortincri, of.W,bitts :Jim! Bliscfl ; L . 'Alvin° lioso of 011 Fizes for Children. , - Ali% 11,ttiljos'floso,in groat variety ,just orwri 6,l t)j , • ". —• • G IV 1ir1.'N1,;12.. .. ... . . .... ,:• . 3EIV.II.tg • TENN Y .10 D. atiftti,other.-t‘st,nois-71r04 1 1 Ifrom R. , ther.alla, thgethar with a,..tfiteitthd as •. of 6011D ' A4ilid Parlumery, at the Vtat• • will 1) ritg tithro,, next tlytit to tleoPout pinco, RAWLINS&M GC: ULLOCL-1. .11,11-tirtilai 1 e o, till Valuablb School pooks, , . . . 5 3 ' ‘ ' ' P A I 1' 1 IT. r k E PO " I .: , 5 1 :1 11 \ ( I ) \ NI fti S l ' .: ( l ;!-) S 1.1 1 : r il t i l t; i l E ' I'll IA LW,LI.I.IIA, li nil for sale by all the Bunksellersin the liiiitenFtst es .NII EGLIELL't3 PHI AlAltY . ii EGG RA l',lll', , • An easy iiitroduction fu ,the stlitly nt I imigra ph i stratey, designed for Chilili.cii, told completily it maps. by 120 engravings and 14 colored • NIITS/IFIL , I I, 'S tiTERIII SWATS CLoCIIASIIY—• The ISM., the oxescisesdlic-illustintionp, and the forty_heatitiful tulips SIT printed aigethei• iii illie imarto volume. .I . .kIITCIIELL'S SVIIOO f. ea 1:0011ASUY .&. ATLAS, a 53 stem or mplISI:11 'Geography, comprhing a silesci iption or the present state of the Soorld and its five great divisions. Embellished m it!) nu mei oils en, 'livings and illustrated by tut i Neel .lelit 'Atlas eolith , twig '2B handsome and mutilate colored mini is. Thixseries of Gengratili3 li)*.S. . A iigustilit-M itebell has; been sylitillY in' paid')." introduced into die public and private schools or till the principal cities mid Mums ,r . tho uoi.. .led States; Mid after a full and fair trial or its me r it s i t , these seliools, it had received an almost mini versa! recommendation. . M ITell ELI?! . 3 A SIIIENT CEOGUAT'UT & 4'rt.AS As ancient, classical and silei.ed 'Geography, embellished si ith engrayings-,of--_-'rentarkrible. evirtifir - , - Views or linciimi cities, etc , and ticeoin• paned by ancient. Atlas contchihng 12 beautiful colored maps. , AIITeIIELL'S ATLAS OP OUTLIN 1 , . MAPS ".. Aliteliell's Iliblient awl Sabbath :, , c11,,u1 Gee; , - raphy with-:flaps Wild embellishments. Aliteli ell's key , to the study of Alaps. and CarrolEs Et:) . to AI itchtill's Geography are excellent and pophlar banns;, mid are becoming very exten sively used in' the best schools or OM' LOU lIIIT. .. GII V. t7.I , IE'S Flit sT - I,lfs,"ort Ix tinasist an, based upon the construction :mil analysis of sentences; designed as so introduction to the "A nalysit." - G it nes E's ,A l Amisis-,-- \ tiTat I.E. all the shoes ' tore of the English language, with I lIIISIISi lISI tt :Old esere ices adapted to the use or schools, by Samuel 8 . , Green, A. M., Principal of the Phelps Grammer School, Boston. These books 11 toe already in the ' Amyl limo I hey have been publisheiloilita.neil a very .ix tensive-circulation, having been inti . oilueed into the public schools of Boston, Baltimore, Nita. burg, Cincinuatti, • St. Louis, Vickslitil.g, and tithe' . cities :mil Emma, and recommended tiy • those -solid -base—.t,-ird-theirrla Whir schools, as ivitliont question 'the best English Erminnars . . in existence. SWAN'S SCE-lOW, READER'S. TILE PIIINADY - SEDDOL It EA D1.1(—.1',11.1 Ibt 19 1 intended for - beginnes s. It contains a lesson I ispol cool of the elementary sounds of the Ism gouge TIM Primmy School Reader, pout 241, contains exercitses;.:ve urticulatiess, :plunged inn connection - wills tansy s calling • Icsisons, !rlp, Priinary Reader...l,llN lid, is dc.signed foe the 'fast class its Prinusry Schools, and the lowest class pi Grammar Schools. 1 TIE Gll zanrAit ScilooL Il EADF.II', is designed ror the -Minnie class in Grammar Schools, mat amitains exercises in :maculation :wronged iu connection with reading lessons IhsTstier Scnoot READER, 15 design • In, the highest classes in pubic and rival schools. It contains exercises in articulation, pises, ausl inflections of the voice with such rules and suggesstions as are deemed useful. Tit VET/ R..EA-DEF OD a Cfairse- R. ea tli ng nn Nlllllllll isuiry; Science and Lite rature designed for schools. THE SPELLING 110010. e 1 Consisting of words in columns and sentences Kir - oral :Mil %Vs-Men exercises. It si complete and systematic series of exerckes in English orthography. 'Plfis lißtlik popular series of reading books, mod this spelling book were compiled uy Mr. is m. 1). Swan, of Boston, and judging from hid rapid introduction into schools which they have obtained in the Eastern and 110(1111e States and in ninny of the Wester's% and Southern Stales, we think they ars really belies., adapted to the wasiti of leachers and scholars than, oily other yet phblished. The publislsers have a vi s e large number of recommendations limns public school committees, teachers and others friendly to edu. •eation. ....3 insTorty or Tor u.s.r.vrrs. 0/1c vol t! 101! high schools and amide !Hies. The same work could .lISCII and !Amplified or common sehdols, I vol. 11; nun. • JAnyi B's l'ltAellcAr. PlusroLoGy, fn• the use 1. schools 85th families, I sal. 152 Juo. - with •ugrar rugs., tatAuY-PirraltiaooY, by the same author, .01. I trt mo. PI a Br 800 c 111 pItITIIBlET1C; by P': A. Adams, mauled for prinl:n•y :111(1 common schools. A ILITI AIP.TIC IN TWO PARTS. Hy The same aotbor. Part first —advanced •ssons in mental arithmetic ; part second— Iles and examples tin• practiel: In written amili 'clic, for common and high schools A Key to examples foe praceidc ill written, •ilemotle. ton• the 1191• Or «niche; 8, by Ike. sanie olmc These arithmetics have secured very high •conintentlations trout teachers of schools and tatlenties, and from 111.0reS9DI'S in several or our diets, and front others inlet Coto! in the curs,, iit V:11.10119 sections or the 1.. won. 1.. C. sz Co., also ',oldish merry °dace School junks, It hick there Is not room to enumerate -re,,ltesides . Law. etlictit, Theological and seen:cocoas I.loOks, and they nee ruity spa trio answer - ortlers hooks lo every de; art pot of knowledge. llolksellers. School wes, folt rs, don the Inlet rat or- Price • Reduced VAUGHN'S LlTHorrrmerric MIXTURE ! Largo Bottlos—Only One Dollar. Cho Proprietor of the Great American Remedy " VA.UOUN' - 60ETATILW LLTIIONTRIPTItt MIXTURE,'' argent solicitations of his Agent., throughout the Unite States and Canada, haa now Reduced the Price of hb popular and well known article; and from this date mueofortb, ho will put up but ono alzo onto rottloor —the retail prim will bo • ONE DOLLAR; The public may rest muted that the character of the Mush line, he strength, and curative properties WILL. REMAI vicustto en, and the same care will be bestowed In pre raring it as heretofore. As this medicine, under its reduced price, will be purchase ay those elms have not hitherto made themselves acquaints with Its viftues, the proprietor would beg to intimate that Id article Is not to be classed with the vast amount of "Rennin, or the day_;" It claims for itself a greater healing pourer, i dl diseciree; than any ether preparation nets /Alin?, hi world; and has sustainer, •tself for eight years by its mimes medical virtues, and, until this reduction, commanded doubt ho price of any other article in this line. XOTICIC PARTICULARLY, this article - acts with great hen ng power and certainty, upon the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lunge, and all other organs, upon the proper notion of which the an smith depend. This ineiliolna- Iran a Ruth , high repute as a remedy for Drop 4 , and Ginv 9 l, • tad nll diseaires of that mature. It may be relied upon wile be Intelligent phyalman has abandormilhicgatient._.-eawlll-. 'hem diiiiressing aliases, more'specially DROPSY, the Prop , doe would earnestly end hbnoetly recommendit. At ‘ e ~Dien price it is easily obtained by all, and the trial will pror the nirtiole to be the' • • • • Mealiest Medicine in the World! • eV' Please ask for pamphlets— the agents give them away they mullein over sixteen Pager or receipts, (In addition to fu medical matter' valuable for horisehold 'purposes, and wide will save many dollars per year to practical housekeepers: These receipts era Introduced to make the book of 'pre, value, amide from 'its character es an advertising medium ft the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in the form - [attars from all parts of tho country,'mag be relied upon. • " Vaughn'. Vegetable Lithontriptie Blisture 's (treat American Remedy, now for gale in quart bottles at $ each, small bottles at 50 eta each. No small bottles will b Issued niter the present stook is disposed of. . Principal .0111 co. Buffalo, N.Y., 907 Main Street. G.C.. VAIIGSN. Sold Wholesale and Retail by OUDOT . T MoKESSON . CO.. 127 Maiden Lane, Now YOrk City. N. lettere (excepting from agents and tloalere wit whom Ito transacts business) must be post paid, or no !Menne IA be given to t 1.1).. S W Ilavf rstick, Cnrlialo, , G 11 Ali:ldt, ciliiiipbrispittgi, Rtisiiol 7, , • J Spahr, Illeekairii-bilttid; A ll'Zager, RiugstinVp: . OctlG • Vagons Cr'oachcp und ANOTRER lot, cif theao Mt) lkieltei.. Conch. re pm] Waguee, forchiltheud mit received at the cbefectionerjr, fruit au& o f Soritlo. ' A. II