Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 22, 1851, Image 3

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    Phlla. City and colinly.
In Philadelphia County, the Whiffs -end
ntives haye elected their . .Serntor: - and five
,embers. of the Assembly, viz.: -Messrs
Ilford, Springer, Reel, Wagner and Miller.
he Democrats have elected 'Messrs. De
tears, Haplet, Leech, Rubicon, Souder and
For State House Row . officers, Thomas
lelm, (Whig) is elected Recorder of Deeds;
&hn A. Scanlan, (liN lig) Clerk of Courts of
!darter Sessions; Robert G. Simpson, (Na—
' ive County Treasurer ; William Femme,
Native) County Conslitiseioner ; Thomas
leteher, (Native). Prothonotary Dist rici
;ourt'; William Green, (Whig) County Au
itor ; and Dr. Thomas Oliver Goldsmiths
Democrat) Coroner.
The result of the Judcial Ticket is as fof.,.
owe •
District Court President Judge, George
iharswood. ASsoaiate Judge, Geo. M,
Stroud and J. I. Clark Hare;
Court of Common Pleas—President Indira,
Oswald Thompson. Associate Judges, Wm.
0. Kelley and Joseph Allison.
Nosouth's Address to America.
The Washinqton Union qf Saturday publishes
Kossuth's Address to the people of the Uni...
ted States. It makes five columns in that
paper. lie tells us if the United States had
been a neighboring nation at the time of the
Hungarian revolution, all Europe would
have been revolutionized. The following
paragraph is extracted from the close of the
"Free citizens of America I You inspired
my countrymen to noble deeds. Your im
prove' imparted confidence. Your sympathy
consoled us in adversity, lent a ray of hope
to the future, and enabled us to bear man.
fully the weight of our heavy burdens.—
Your generous fellow feelings will still, sue.
twin us, until we realize our hopes -and faith
that Hungary is not lost. forever.' Accept;
in the name of my countrymen, the acknowl
edgements of our warmest gratitude; end our
highest respect. I, who .know, Hungary so'
well firmly believe she is not lost ; and the
iota' igerlt•CAinea"-^rA" Iry
i.ot only with impulsive kindnesims, but with
season and fmliey, to favor the unfortunate,
but not subjugated, Hungary. May, your
power be the terror of all tyrants, and the
protector of the unfortunate, and your free
country ever continue to be the asylum for
the oppressed. •
LErrsats FOR CALI/ORMA.—Tne , Govern.
meut departments at Washington have recei—
ved official information from an FranciecO;
that letters' frequently reach .there with the
envelopes partly torn off, and the address tun •
lila tod, in consequence of the practice of using
sealing—Wax to secure the envelopes. In
passing through tbe tropic' the wax is inva
riably melted so as to destroy all semblance
of weal, and not unfrequently so as to adhere
to the letter beneath it, and cause the injury
or destruction of the addressitt. sepasatiny`
the two. The' Postmaeter 4iii - aftherefare
recommends to all persons luiving correspon
-den9tith irsid - lither Parts orthi ,
coast of the Pacific Ocean, to discountenance
the use of wax in sealing their letters" or oth
or papers.
FRANKLIN.—A writer of - the National Intel
ligence suggests that if another Artic Beare,
be undertaken for Sir John Franklin, that
balloons be taken out, to be let up from'th
vessel bj a cord, for the purpose of observe
Con' rifi long- distances around. The face
that the American and English ,expeditior,
lay within fifteen miles of each other during
the whole winter, without either knowlng
in the late search, demonstrates the necoesi
ty of this. They may have been equilly a"
near to Sir John's party, and remained ii
entire ignorance of It. :
ii — The Austrian Government 'has - con- -
dornned thirty4(x prominent flungariarn ref ,
ugees to death—some of whom have been
in'effigy—executed. Ilese refugees, 'Mein
ding Kossuth,are clear of Austrian clatches t
so that their execution really—will be diffi:
Taro-ofcult, them; Madraz_aract__Barrp_
Methelenyieflately arrived at Philadelphian_
from whence they proceeded to the Hungaria
an settlement in lowa.
Cl'''You can't think,' says a lady Writing
to an editor, how much good the deaths and
marriages do me. If you knew how I love
deaths and marriages, you would have them
in every paper. The elopements and murd
ers are beautiful, but the common deaths and
marrsages rte the most satisfactory. You
crowd the married-ones close together that
it seems as ityou consulted their happiness
and wishes even your types.
3.l—Judge Parsons in a case ofprosecut ion
of two female teacher's in PHiladelphia, for
whipping a scholar, decided the teacher oc
cupiedihe position of parent over the chil:
dren in, school, and had a right to chastise,
unless it was clear the chastisement was in •
Meted with a - malicious heart and evil inten
t ion.
THANKSGTTING. —The first thanksgiving
gun bus been fired by Governor Boutwell, o'
Massachusetts, who has appointed Thursday,
the 27th of November, as a day for such
public ceremonies. The Post learns that
there is an understanding among all the Goo
ernore in the Union to appoint the above day
for tne observance of the annual holiday.
J G-^ Lately, in Michigan', two neighbors
agreed to an exchange of their families—onn
'giving his wife and two children•fo( the oth
er's wife. ;
cc7"'The Mammouth Cave in Kentucky, is
now owned by the children of late Gen.
Jesup, and the children of tbe late Col. Cor
gan, who.' received it as a bequest..from- a
wealthy relative.
'i:Aiit-and See before Purchasing elsewhere !
rlo subscriber is Just receiving, and oenp
i ing e.t his Cheap Family Grocery and
- Qtmeheware Store in West Main 'street, Car
lisle, a very large assortment of all the arti;
cles in his line of business.
Rio Coffee from 12 to 14 canto per pound,
for good tu a strictly prime article. Also,
Brown Sugars of the best quality, from 7 to 9
cents per pound, Loveringfs best ,cruelied • and
pulvorixed Sugars from 10 to 12 I.2'cants per
nound, N. 0. Sugar House end Syrup-Molas
ses of all grades from 32 to 624 per gallon,—
Also, a supply'of fresh ground SPICES of all
kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy; Cas
tile, Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate; pnl
vented Saturnine, Indigo. Mould and Dipped
Candles, CoMmon and Winter Strained Whale
Oils, Also, a sitplicyof fresh Homiriy, cheese,
• fromblio bust Dairies always on hand; Fancy
sewing, traveling, clothes and market Baskets,
together with a general asonrtment of Chew
ing and smoking Tobaccos, Spanish and hoe
pßanish Cigars, Common do., ropes, twines,
and Bamboo of all kinds. '
_CEDAR W A It E.—lrousekeepere, and
others expecting son to (tanbark in the same
business; please call and examine my • stock of
Wash tuba, Wash Rubbers, Churns, Cedar
Buckets; fancy, painted and varnished Buckets,
'Broogiti, &c., & c . •
sabscriber has just added to:his already-large .
stock's number of white Granite, Gold Figur7
ed, Blue, Marble. Flowing_Blue and Mulber
.y.Ten Sate. of 48 pieties, .Also. Plows and
fishes, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Syrup
Bottles; of•overy•description ifnd priae. so
hatlie will be able 'to meat thit,evants and
aeons' oral! in the community who may favor
atiOLDS ,reriling.fluid,.. a very , 'eu
T. 70:r/stint I tik . pm' 11/110 pt ['tilt 4R D
New 2buertiseptcnto.
oricE is hereby given to all_ persons in
terested, that the Mllowing am outus have
beim fl ed in this offi.m fur examination by the
necounmnts thereto named, and will be presen
ted to the Orpliane'Courtof Cumberland coun
ty, for confirmation and allowance hn_Tutisday,
the 4th day of November, A.D. 1851, via:
I. The account of John (lois, administrator
of Joseph Ilefflefinger, late of Frunkfurd lown
ship, deceased.
2. The account of John Lefever,ndministra
tor of Wm, L Spangler, - late of Dickinson- tp.
-.8. The account oi George Kissinger, jr. ad
ministrator de bonis nob with the will annexed
of Gaorge ICissinger, late of Dickinson kown
ship, dec;ased:
4. The account of George Sailor, administra
tor with the will annexed of Mathias. Sailor,
lota of South Middleton' township, .deceased:
5. Thu account of Gberge Sailor, administra.
tor with 'the will annexertof John Klinolinc,
lain of S. Middleton township, deceased. •
G. The account of Jacob Dorsheimer;adMin
istrator, of Elizabeth Dorsheimer, Into of the-
Borough of Mechanicsburg, deceased.
7 The account of Daniel Whistler, adminis.
trator with the will annexed of Jacob North,
late of Alifflin township. deceased.
8. The account of Wtn. CrawfOrd, Esq., ad-
Ministralor with the will annexed of John Mc-
Farlane; late of M filin town hip, deceased. •
9. The account of Adam Shulenberger, Ex
ecutor of Benjamin Shulenßerger, late of slope
•well township, deceased,
10. The final account 'of Jacob Dorsheimer,
Executor of Andrew Dorsheimpr, late of the
borough of Mechanicsburg, deceasee.
WM. GOULD, Register.
Register's OlSen. Carlisle,
October 4, -1851.
PrOthonotary's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in—
terested, that the following accounts have
been filed in the - Prothonotary's offiCe for exam
nation, by the [accountants therein named, and
will lie presented to the Court of Common-
Pleas of Cumberland County,•for confirmation
and allowance, on Wedneaddy,the 12th day of
November. A. D. 1851
1. Thoaceount of Daniel Cline, Esq., assig•
nee of Henry S. Myers and wife, under a deed
of voluntary assignment, &.c.
2. The account of Daniel Cline,-Esq., atisig•
nee of 'Philip Ebert. sr., under a deed of vol
unlary assignment, &c.
3.• Th.s.'-neemint ,of 'so.
questrator of the Hanover and Carlisle Turn
-pike-road company,
4. The account of Christian Eberly assignee
of Daniel Heck.
rr - Aqrni.rm:rim
HENRY SAXTON, has just received and
opened the largest assortment of goods in his
line ever offered to the citizens of Cumberland
county, which wilt be sold at extraordinary low.
rates. The public is respectfully invited to call
and examine his assortment of goods, which
consist in part, viz:
To Coach Makers and others in want of a good
Plain and figured canvr - afs,
Enamelled leather,
muslin, and drilling.
Patent leather, Plated Dashers, Damask,
Satinet, blue and drab cloths, broad pasting and
seaming laces, hubbs, laces* spokes, ; elliptic
springs, iron axles, coach varnish, mom and
deer's hair, &c., &c.
To Smilers
Mpleto - astortments — of - Sad ler y - tetsle, jo;
panned, brass and silver mountings, of various
patterns, &c.
To Cabinet and Shoemakers
Mahrgany, Walnut, and Maple vaneers.—
Mahogany, Walnut, Mineral and Glass knobs,
curled hair, mouldings of various patterns, var
nishes. sofa Springs, &c.. morocco lining and
binding skins, lasts, thread, pegs, &c.
'To Builders, Oaipentera,aud others.
A complete assortment of upright, rim and
mortice locks, with mineral, 'white And brass
furniture hinges, screws, sash and shutter
springs and bolts, glass, putty, paints of all co
lors, oil and turpentine, also mill, cross-cut
circular, hand and lanai saws, augurs, chisels,'
tying and pointing axes, hatchets, planes
and plane irons, steel and iron squares, nails,
spikes, &c.
To Blacksmiths, Fertners, and others.
A complete assortmentof hammered and
rolled iron of every size and description, last,
_shear, spiing and blister steel. English and A
merican wagon boxes, anvils, solid thread vi
ses, files, raspss shoeing nails, &o.
.1 would invite particular attention to my as
sortment of waiters anp tmvs; plain and gothic
styles, knives and forks, butter knives, carving
knives and forks, table steels, butcher and ham•
knives, scissors and shears, Brittannia, German
and silver plate, table and tea spoons, brass and
bell metal preserving •kettles, smoothing irons,
tubs, buckets, churns, &c.
Also on hand Slakes and Ituswell's Fire and
, 7,0C , A0113-4 ;4 ;4 , q.k4r4i 3f =II
JACOB BATES respectfully announces to
the citizens of Carlisle that he has taken rooms
in the house of Mr. Gutshall, oii Setith Hano
ver streetorearly opposite the public •house of
Mr. Scott, for the °woo's° of delineating the
"human face divine" by means of the new and
beautiful art of the Daguerreotype. Having a
.thorough scientific and:practical knowledge of
this truly wonderful discovery, ho feels confi
dent of producing a style of pictures superior.
to any ever before offered in this place. These
truly beautiful mementoes of relatives and
friends can now be obtained at an expense so
'rifling ns to place them within the reach of all
Ho has just received from New York and Phil
addable a large stock of the very best Daguer•
reotype materials,- purchased-nt-reduced
and is therefore enabled to offer truthful, life
like, expressive and lasting likenesses at ex ,
ceedingly low prices. s ,
11:1 1- An opportunity is now offered, such es
may never spin occur iri this place, of obtain•
lug likenesses of narents.children, or other
dear friends, executed-by nature's own pencil,
and at once elegant and exact.
Pictures also taken for rings, breast pins,
medallions, &c., equally perfect as those of a
larger size.
Instructions given in the art on moderate
terms. All are invited to call, examine speci•
met*, teat our artistical skill, and see the Dal
guerreotye of Jenny .Lind !
1l Ouen from 8 o'clock, A. ht., to 5 o'clock
PM. ' laugh 6m
A NEW supply . of fresh Coffeei, White and
Brown Sugars, Spices of all kinds, ground and
unground, with all the other varieties of a Gro
ceryllStore, indluding - also a now supply of Jen
kin's JVo. I Quality of
in metallic packs of quarter, half and pound
Packages from 50 to $1,50 per pound, as also
n the bulk. All just opened and for sale at the.
store of • • fral2l J W EBY.
Great Bargains.
' order to dispose of stock now on hand, I
will sell - a few dozen at 20 per cent.ll9low the
Manufacturer's cash prices. Country merchants
would do well to give men call.
June 18111.'51. SAill'L A HUBBARD.
To the Lai:Reel—WM ftli PORTER would
respectfully inform the Ladies that ho has
fitted up the room recently occupied by Miss
Betsey Kernan, next door .to _ the old stand atm
where they.will find a wfill selected assortment
of gaiters, buskins, ljes, slippers, from the beet
manufactories in „ A'hiladelphia, and MAO o I his
own make, to Will their attention is ittvitad.
Ca.dislo, may ,
THE subscriber having' received the agency
of LEE &-WALKER'S USIC invites alun•
tion to a large collection of the latest and most
popular pieces published by that firm, compris
ing Polkas, Waltzes. Marches: Quick Stepp,
Songs, &c. all of which will be sold at the low
est cash prices at the cheap Book and Periodi
al store of A. M. PIPER, Agt.
A Ohallenge of $500:
S OFFERED by E. McCLAIN for a bet—
tor article of Sonp than hie PatentAlagnotie,
eittor for removing tan,auhburn, end Pimples
from the skin, or for shaving. Manufactured
by E. McClain, 83 North 7th street. above
Cherry. Philadelphia. And sold by B. W.
HAVERSTICK. a his Drug and Book Store,
North Hanover Street, Carlisle.
_ . _ fjuly2 6m,
Carlisle Female Seminary.
THIS Institution .commenced its Fall Tenn
on tho lot of September, under tho care. of
Miss Pintos Nom, unwed by competent
teachers. .
.. . . . ,
Instruction in ilie languages and drawing, no
extra charge.-
Music taught . be an, exnr rienced 7- teacher, at.
n exalt, clone. . _
• •••
W . - • •
•T O good rcoohd.hoOd r_i)*TE
For pattivilors anyttir6 of tho c tor. • kly'23„ '
etorcs 8 • s.
. .
• xv Obop
rr". subscriber is jusfreeeiving at his DRY
the largest and most extensive stock of
over brought to 'Carlisle,
,which he will sell -on
the inostaccommoduting torms and at the low
est passible terms. A mong•the goods receiving
are a very extensive assortment. of Drk, Plain,
Figured and'Fancy Dress Silks, mots do liked
Cashmeres, French Merinoes, Coburg,and
Canton Cloths,. Alpachas, .Chintzps,_ Prints,
and every other variety of Dress Goode that is
to be had in the eastern markets.
'Also CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy Casaimare.
Satin and Fancy Vestings, Sattinets, Kentucky:
Jeans, Cotton Kersovs,
A well ticketed stock, such as Cotton, Rag,
Venitian, Girdling, Stair, Hall, Ingrain, Tapes
try and Imperial Carpets.. Also, ISO cases of
of ovary size and made in the most fashionable
ap4 durable manner. An assortment of
&c. I would particularly invite Ilk public, to
call and examine, the stock before-making their
purchases, as I ant deterniined to cut •Goads
very IoW. Remember the old stand, east Main
street, opposite 11. Sexton's , Hardware Store.
sept 23 C OGILEIY.
latl and "Winter Goods.
THE subscriber •respoctfully informs 1 his
friends arid numerous customers, that ho haters.
turned Irom Philadelphia, with a large and 4, , a- 7 .
rind assortment of FALL AND WINTER
GOODS, • Aensisting in part of
• -- • _ .
battinette, ',roofings, muffling, checks, ticking s,
flannels, linsoy, velvet_ cords, cravats, euspen•
dots, gloves.
silks, rnerinoes, bombazines, figured and pla in
changeable poplines, mouslin do - Luines, gin g
hams, calicoes, alpacas, shawls, gloves,hosie
ry, Coburg cloths.
• --- - BOYS' CAPS, •
a Very large assortment, - embraMng every stile
style.and quality.
An extensive variety of Men, Women OA
Children's Boots and Shoes, from tilli moat col -
ebrated nrinufacturers.
Of all kinds, such as sugar, coffee, Molasses,
Rice. &t., &c.. CHOICE TEAS from the
well-known Tea dealers, Jenkins & Co.
wha visit :our establishment aro free to
acknowledge that wo are selling every. &scrip•
non of Foreign'and Domesti. Dry Go , ds, Boots
and Shoes, &c. at astonishingly low prices.—
Our system of low prices has already attracted
a large number ofpeople. The attention of all
Who wish good bargains is. solicited, as extra
ordinary inducements ban be offered to purcha
sers. Don't forget the corner opposite Leon.
ard's old stand, North Hanover street.
Butter, Eggs. Rags and Soap, taken at mar
ket prices, a N W WOODS, Agt.
ryl HE subscriber has just returned from Phil
With'd large' ridd elegantassort
ment of Ladies, Gentlemen's and Boy's
V which have been selected with great care
and purchased from the best establishments, to
which he invites thb particular attention of the
Public and hie old' customers. His assortment
consists of
Men's Calf, Kip, and Thick Boots,
Boy's do do do
Boy's and Men's Brogans,
Ladies Kid and French Slippers,
Ladles enamelled Gaiter Boots,
Children's Shoes of all kinds.
. •
In fact his assortment comprises everything
in his line. of the newest and most fashionable
styles, which he will sell at as low a rate as
can be had anywhere.elpe-in the - borough. To
move this call and examine for yourselves. He
charges nothing for an examination of his stock
but will show it pith pleasure. Ladies and
Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters manu
factured to order in the best style r as umiak-.
crßernember tho old Stand oi North Hano
ver street, next door to the Haxdwaro Store of
J. P. Lyno -
Medicines! Medicines 1-
Fresh Medicines recently received at Raw.
Tina' old stand, next door to the Post office
Main street, Carlisle.
Dr. J. McCulloch, a graduate of the Univer•
sky of PennaYlvania, is now a partner in, this
establishment, and will give his especial super-
vision to the ccliapoundlng of prascriptions,, _
— 21:11 - Marcines • Wirr - pure Titid genuine,
and sold atlthe loweet rates. -Fresh Pine Oil
and Fluid constantly for sale.
May 28,'51. ' H M RAWLINS.
THE subscriber, has just received a large
and general assortment of NEW PALL
GOODS, consisting of Eronch Merinoes, Al
pacas, Coburg Cloths, Cdshmeres. Mous do
LaMes, Ginghams, Calicoes with other Dross
Goods.' Also, Broad Cloths, Caisimeres and
Scutinets, Long and Square Shawls. Flannels,
&c., to which the attention of the citizens gene-,
is invited ,
sept 23
Sack Flannels.
JUST opened a general aesortment of Flaa• '
nate for - Ladies Sticki; of - various, such as scar
ly, Pink, green, blue, grar and black, and at
moderato prices, also a variety of Long Shawls
of the best fabric. G •W HITNER.
•-gik EALERS IN HARDWARE in all itscr
Ur variety for use and ornament. Also,Shoe'
Findings: , Morocco,a4r.c. Glass, Oil, 'aincs,
Rock and Rifle Powder, WE'," Cedar Ware, ;
Ropes, Brushes, Trunks, Baskets find Coach ;
Trimmings, &c. They have on' hand or will
furnish everything in the BOOK and STA•
TIONERY line. They have an extensive:
manufactory of TIN WARE for wholesale
and retail. House anti Barn Spouting well and !
promptly done. They, have an extensive;
STOVE Warehouse, where may be found the •
most approved patterns of Parlor. Coal and,
Cook Stoves. The public attdiition is directed
particularly to the Lancaster Keystone Cook
Stove, for sale exclusively by them • the heav•
lest and cheapest stove in the market. It will
be borne in mind - that their Cook Stoves aro
the cheapest offered for Buie. °All other f coeds •
so d as cheap for cash, as the cheap cheaper,
cheapest. [Newvillo, scpt.24tf
Estate of John S.. M Hier, deed;
NOTICE is hereby given 'that Letters Tes. -
• tamentary on the estate of John S. Miller ,
of-Lower Allen- t . ...wnshipi - deceased,- have -
ate been granted by the Register of said countrto
the subscriber residing in the same township.— •
All persons' indebted to said estate are hereby •
required to make- immedialii payme..t, and
those having claims to present them for settle. i
ment to • . - MICHAEL P. DILL,'
sept3pdat ' , "Executor. '., .;
WI Otter.
NOTICE is hereby , given that application
1.11 will be made to the next Legislature, ogre
ably to the Constitution .and lows of this Com
monwealth, for on alteration in the Charter of
the Carlisle Deposit, Bank, so as to confer on
said Bank the.rights and privileges of a Bank of
issue, and to change the name of slid Bank to
"Tim Farmers Q. Mechanics Bank of Carlisle.'
By order of the Board of DireCtors,
- • WM.
Car Dep. Bank, MM .
y . BECTIEM, Cashim.
a 2eth, 1851-Gm.
Caution to the
JNordor to prevent the destibetine of . birds
land damage to our propertY;the undersign
ed do positively prohibit all persona from
shooting cir•hunting on their premises. Those.
who 'are guilty of it hereafter will be made
to suffer the penalties of the law. •
• , •
JNO. MEOINNIs. ' • • •
Oct,' '.1851-3w* . ' '
1 11:1;
AM now opening mySpringBtpck of La
dikia and Gentlonien'e Boots and
-Inn3altit of Boys Miaeoe and •Children'a
Bliptig. Ail of ale .nowrot style, beat quality,
and beat of all very cheap.' ••
apt ' C.' .
• •
ffro.ta Pubift. Sate..
On ,:tHURSDAY,the• 23d of October 3 1851,• ,
au,: the interest of the Cailisleßank, being
' th e undivided two-thirds; In . the IRON
. ItliaS known as the "MARY,-ANTI" and
"A GUI ITA" FURNACES, situated .si, the
bais.i, of . the South -Mountain, three miles from
SelOpens burg. Cumbehand county, Pa., will
be es old a t ' public sale, et the Court Hope, in
ho Boron Th of Carlisle. • This property wh
inny'. of '1.,W.0 FURNACES on the dame
, • stream, with MANSION HOUSE
A___ SAW-MILL, a large - 00M Hearn'
ass • - two large Stables, Office & honest)
II 11
for workmen, with about 5000 A
t 7 , RES OP LAND, a portion of
which - is sus , ceptible of cultivation.. Also, a
emalftract of land with a Dwelling House and
other building M. The Ore Ranks are of the
best quality al. td convenient to the Farnaces.—
The Iron herot 'oforo made at these'Works has
been of superi or quality, suitable, either for
castings or bar iron. The Works are situated
in the Cumber! and Valley, ono of the richest
agricultural die, !Acts in the State; only three
miles from'the C. lumberland Valley Rail Road,
and has great fa, Init es for obtaining. supplies
and transporting - iron to - market. Persons
wishing to view th e above property or obtain
further information respecting it, are requested'
to call on Mr. Jost +plc G. Crepler, who lives'
within a mile of the woks and is well acquaint
ed with the premier is. '
a TERMS :-0110 - 11:: If of the purchase money
on Ist January, 1052,:wheeposseision and deed
will be given..., The balance in two equal an
nual paytnentelveith rnrerest, secured by judg
ment bonds.
ALSO—At the sante lima and place, n Lc,
of Ground thirty feet square, situated on Mul
berry Alley, in the borough of Carlisle,
Also, a Judgment held by the Carlisle 'Baal
against the Hanover and Carlisle Tiirnpik
Road Company, amounting to about $24,00
Terms cash.
Salo to comnionco at 10 o'clock on said day
Cora. Board of Directors Carlisle Bank.
House and Lot at Public Sale.
On SATURDAY, the 25th of ()etcher, 1851.
THE subscriber will offer at pubbc sale the
house in which he now lives, situate on the east
side of west atreet,'half way between Loather
and North streets; in the borough of Carlisle.--
•"- " • HOUSE, rough cast, with - a
"lAA'. back building,. containing in all
eight rooms,with &large pantry,
• passage, ad a geed workshop
and wood house at the foot of the lot, all in good
.order. The lot is 29 feet in trent by IA deep,
and extends to an alley. The-house has a wa
ter right to a good well of water, forty feet from
the house. The lot is wolf eupplied with the
choicest of fruit trees. This property would
suit for a boarding house, as it is near the col=
lege ; The property will be sold on reasonable
terms, and possession given on the let day of
January or April, as may suit the purchaser.—,
Termb made known on day of sale. Sale to
commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. For further
particulars enquire of the subscriber,
V. R. LINE, Principal, and Professor of Meta
physics and Ancient Lansuages. •
J. ALLEN BROWN, A. 8., Professor of liatur.
' ral Philosophy and Mathematics.
HE—Winter-Session- of- this Institutien - wilt
I- commence on the first Monday in November,
4851, which, with the exception of two weeks' va
cation at the time of the Christmas Itolydnys, will
continue until the last Thursday in June, 1 8 / 5 2.
After that the sessions will commence regularly on
the first Mondays of February and August, and
close on the last Thursdays of June and Decem•
ber. Every effort on the part of the proprietors
welch would tend to make the Institution worthy
°film confidence of the public, will cheerfully be
made • and they would hope that bye discerning
people the merits of their Academy will not be
overlooked. Located as it is, in the centre of the
benutifuland romahtic Cumberland Valley itasit•
nation is exceedingly pleasant and beautial, while
he village and - surrounding country is noted for
he morality and intelligence of its hiliabitants.—
Everrpessible inducement will beheld out tom'
dents alba Academy to pursue the only path to
For the coming . term. students in the English
breaches will be charged $2 00 per roonth. In the
Latin and Graf* languages 92 On= usia.u.hi—Ai•-
ierwarda the terms . will be regularly es follows : -
Bsarding and washing 'per' session of
five months;s3s 00
_ .
Tuition in English, • 10 , 00
do. do. including Latin and Greek: 2 3 U 0
French and Drawing, each 5 00.
Vocal and Instrumental Mimic, each • 7 00
4r/nstructions in the Hebrew language will be giv`.
en without any additional charge. N 9 1" day
scholars^ will be received, and no student taken for
lens than Wirt term.
, vantages of field operation with the Compose and
I - Chain, Level and Theodolite. Fur those intend'
ins to pursue a thorough Academic education, (tor
copying foutimara, the course will be as follows :
Rending, Penmanship, geography, History
English Grammar, Waits on the mind, Mansura
thin, and Algebra commenced.
"'Algebra completed, Geometry of Plains and
Solids, Philosophy of Arithmetic, Geology, Nato•
rnl Philosophy, Chemistry, Lucia Granimar and
Analytical Geometry, Conic Sections,;Dilferen•
tial and Integral Calculus, Trigonometry, Botany.
Rhetoric, Moral Science, Creser, Virgil, Horace,
(odes) Greek Gratnmar and Reader.
Surveying, theoretical tind practical, NavigaVion,
Philosophy, (Olmsted's) Astronomy,' Political
Economy, Logic, Mental Philosophy, Evidences
of Christianity, Natural Theology, Horace (Ars
Poeticas) Juvenal, Persian, Homer add Hesiod.
We would strongly recommend to thou who do
not contemplate a collegiate education for their
sons or wards, a full Academia course, as in this
advanced. stage of intellectual improvement nosh•
ieg short of this will satisfy art American people ;
and it is Ihp - OY - believed that this Institution-posses'
sea the capabilities fur imparting as sound and nom'
plete an education as any other in the country.
Rev. R. McCaehren, Rey- A. Shims :Rey. B. L.
Harkey, Drs. J. Hannon, A. Ranken, S. P. Ziegler
Hewnlle; Hon. J. A. Baker,, Rev. J. Dickey,
Rev. M. B. Page Mon, Bloomfield; Hon W, H.
Allen, President of Girard College, Philadelphia:;
Dr. J. R. Irvine, Newyille • Rev T. V. Moore,
Richmond, Va. Rev. .1. Lillie, Mansfield, New
Jersey: Thy Faeulty - ot JelTereen College; James
Huston, A. M Rev. J. M. Hastin_ge, Hon. James
Carothers, M. D., Wilkenshurgi Pa. ; Rev. S. B.
.McClung, Rev. Joseph Osborne, Allegheny co.,
Penn'a. tool]
Dr. J. C. NEFF, Dentist,' respectfully in—
forms the ladies and gentlemen. of Carlisle and.
vicinityi-tharheis prepared - to - - porform - all - open
rations'on the Weeth and Gums belonging to
his profession, and will be happy to ender his
services to all who may require them.
Dr: N has recently returned from the city of
Philadelphia, where he has made himself se.,
quainted with all the latest improvements in the
art, and flatters himself that he will be able to
insort lull' sets of teeth on the' atmospheric.
pressure principles, or with springs, equal to.
any made in thar city. OFFICE in High at.,
one dooreast of the Post Office. Persons wish.
ing to see opecinions of his workmanahip, will
please call at his rooms, where they-will have
an opportunity to see, and judge for themselves:
WHEREAS the Hontaitila Fatexamia
Warm, President Judge of the several
• Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of
Cumholland, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylva
nia, and Justice of the several Cootie of Oyer
and Tobniner and General Jail Delivery in
said counties. nod Hon. John Stuart and John
Clondoniv, Judges of the-Court of Oyer and
'Perininor and General ; Jail Delivery, for the
trial of all capital and other ,offenders, in the
said county of Cumberland, by theignmeopts to
me directed, dated the 25th of Augthit, 1851,
have ordered the Coda ofOyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, to be holden. at Cat
lisle un the 2d MONDAY ofl November next,
'(being the 10th day) at iO.O•elook in thalami)•
noon, to continue two weeks 4 • •
NOTICE r ip therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices of the Pence and Constables
ofthe said county ofCumberlanOstieltilleYate
by the said preceptcomman'ded to be then and
there in their proper perions r with their rolls,
record's, inquivitiona. erantinotioni, and all
•lother remembrances, todo those thingeavhich
to theirollices appertain to be done,andoll those
^that are pound by. recognize nretr.te Pkosectito
(nainat.the prisoners that are either* *hall ee
the,to Jail of said; county, are to be there to'
prosecute them asehallbe just, -' • • '
DAVID Sorg':
' Sept:24,lBsl: •
=mama & cosz. 'sr atm.
HE subscriber, would 'respactrullyqnforrn
his customers and the public generally that
ho still continues the LUMBER AND COAL
BUSINESS, and that hating lately purchased
in addition to his former business facilities, the
largo and convenient Warehouse and Coal Yard
lately Mr. Henry Wright, opposite
the well known Lumber and Coal Yard of the
,subscriber, situate along the Rail 'Road and
College Lane,
he hi, now more fully prepared
to enlarge his business.' He has at thistime and
is keeping constantly on hand a well selected
assortment of
of all kinds, sorts, and sizes. Likewise the
different kinds o 5 FAMILY COAL. such 'as
stove Coal of the different kinds, Lime burners
and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best qUality.—
A I of which h 3 will sell unusually' loV! for
Cash. • He will also keep constantly on hand
,With all the different tinkles generally found
in a well stored Warehouse. Ile will also at
all times buy PRODUCE and FLOUR, for
which he will pay the highest current prices.
Being very thankful far past favors, would
most anxiously solicit a continuation of at least
a reasonable shire of public patronage. ".•
marl 9 , SAM'L. M. HOOVER.
Recently from Philadelphia.
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of
Carlislo and ito vicinity, that they have
now at their Marble Yard in South flanovel
street, a few doors south of the Court House,
and nearly opposite A & W Bontz's Store, an
elegant stock of pure
and are prepared to execute in the most rinished
Grave Stones at all prices,
Door and Window Sills,
together with every other article-in their line,
and promise that in fineness of qrkish, chaste
ness of design and quality of £ll-trble, their
work shall not be surpassed by any other estab
They ore also the authorized agents of Mr
Robert Wood, of - Philadelphia. - and_will fur
nish from his manufactory all varietiesof I RON
RAILING-for the enclosing of Grave jots and
all other- purposes, -at-the shortest-notie and-at
Philadelphia prices. They will alsoint ar
manufacture all kinds of Building Work, such
as Sills, Steps and Platforms, Nee., at the short
estmotiee and on the most reasonable terms.
Having had groat experience, and being em
ployed in the hest shops of Philadelphia; they
aro therefore enabled to manufacture the most
fashionable work, and resyeetfully ask a share
of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding
country. [Carlisle, nov6 18501
4 THE subscriber has Piet received a large
‘lo%lll.o,,supply of BOOTS & SHOES,
for Spring and Summer Wear,
which makes his assortment very
- ---- - • complete.
" It comprises Gentleman's French Call Skin
and Morocco Boots, Congress gaiters ' Jack
son Boots, Men's, Boys' and Youths' Entire ,
elled Congress Boots, Calf Skin, Goat and
Kip Brogans, Morocco Boote,.Stippers, &c.—
Also, Ladies' Misses and Children's Gaiters,
Buskins, Ties and Slippers. Every effort will
be made to please the , citizens of town and
country, vyhofire_respectiully...solicited_to_con
iinue their patronage.
Carlisle, may?
ALL persons wishing to rescue their proper
ty from fire without the aid of insurance
companies, should have their roofs covered with
ntake's Patent Imitation Slate, or Fire and
Water Proof Paint. root well covered with
this article will last much longer fhan the roe
unpainted; and Will render it entirely Fire and
Water Proof. This article can ballad cheap a
the Hardware Store of
marl 9
Head-Quarters,Carlisle Barracks, 2
September, 17th, 1851. .5
ORDERS 2 Hereafter any soldier 'of the
No. 68.5 Garrison found out of the Boro'
and one mile from. theallwrigren. ~throat
.1111.4....v...-.•rtting - trorrilh . e, Commanding Offi
cer, will be considered a Deaerter, and • $3O
REWARD paid for his apprehension and de
livery at the Barracks-
-This order will be published in the News=
papers- of-Carlisle for Me information of..tba
citmene. By order of Col—Cooxr.
September 24, 1851-ti Lt. F 9 Post Jail.
T 18 -well-known establishment-is still-eon--
ducted in (bewail° manner it has aiways
been. The central and - pleasant situation of
the house. its commodious arrangementb, and
the comtorta and luxuries to he found there,
'bombine to render ' it agreeable and advantage
ous to the traveller. •
Having been one of the firm of John L.
Tucker & Cu., so long at the head of the es•
tablishntent, the subscriber pledges his beat
exertions to maintain its reputation, and to give
satisfaction to his customers:
Boston, sept24-3m H PARKER...
Black 811 k Alta, litC.
THE subscriber is ndw opening ageneral
assortment of Long and Short Black Silk- Mite,
new style of Ladies Silk Gloves, Lisle Thread
Gloves, and a General assortment of silk, list
thread.and-cotton-hosiery._.___.____ _ _
Juneld — G - W" - S.T TN Elt'
TPA. ! TEA. ! TEA. !
- LA FROM CHINA l•-7-The
lovers of good TEA can be
• • ..t• I supplied wlthionkin's & Cit's
A s . Superior Green and., Sleek
••••;:. j Teas; 'either loose•'or put.up
. - in fourth. half or..pound the.
allic packs to suit purchasers at prices Tangling
'rem 50 cents up to St •par.paund, calli .at
ho morn of ..(tnrs:l J HALBER T •
• • .
A. great variety ofthese useful articles is
(bred for eale, consisting of Whitewash, Sweel
log, Scrubbing, Painters, loth; Shaving, Hair
Teeth and Nail, Flesh and Graining Brushes i
great variety, all of which are of the best qua
ay and will be sold at the lowest prices
June G.. S ELLIOPT , ;
Bonnets and. Ribbons.
WE hove just received our third supply o
those •
to whichme invite the attention of the ladies.
may? A & NV "BBN.TZ.
- • •
ID LAKE'S Fire and Water Proof YI4NT,
1." which has been so extensikely used
- the last six years with the utmost success on
the roofs of Houses. Steamboats, &motet 'n
single instance is known whale it has build.. •,
For sale by (m 123 • IL SAXT)N
To the Ladies.
JUST received, at P o 1' EA'S Z
STORg, - a fresh assortment of Lodies l Misses'
and Children's Gaiters, Jenny Lind TiopMas:
king and Slippers. of thotroatApality, also sic. ,
rf , variety of fancy colored Frofittnit,for
gaiters, which will be made np to order:77 - 7-h..
June 11 1851.
Tin: " 41, !
tDIS WEEK we receive at the Central
J Drug Store next door to the Poet oflice,
fiLIO stock of Fresh. Medicines. -
jeld.'sl. AM lAN S & iIicCULI.OOH,
JENNY LIND. and other extracts—fresh
from Roamers, together with a Splendid (a
aoriment of Soapa and Perfumery, at the Den.
trill Drug Store, neat door to the Pout office.
. • 'Ten . and Blao • 'rag.
FROM tin) store of the Messrs. Jenkins
of - Philadelphia, of the , best qualtties, and. al.
%my° ftweb. constantly for bale, by
Juno 25 • J W EBY. ,:.
.. • 0400.1MIZE18. .
JUST received a fresh tot of 'GROCERIES
wlnelt will bo sold very low at the old ehectil
Store, Ewa Moia,4treer
' up 2
Blacksmith's Coal.
. ,
2000 bushels ..ackennitlee coal, a *4.4
rticle, receiving and for tale by - •
W 'B MURRAY , Agt..
• .
• Stockings: T." -.
i t PULL astiottrnoti: of 'Maio' .and'• Ailx9o
Merino Hose of all - shwa for .Childron.-- ,
Also, Lp.dioe!,lloB . o io.groot, variety , just , opopid
• • .
crib 'Abertionnente;
Schuylkill Simh Sired, below rilbers, Bars Dag,
Philadelpf4a. r
. .
CALL the attention'of the trade, conirackM
and others, building or „remodeling, to ;their COM,
plate assortment ors rithiteetnral ornaments, in
the various styles teligkorders, tor interior deco
ration, in plister and composition. Cimitaloler
columniand_pilatiters, cornices, brackets, kiln.,
zes; canter - ititprers, resells, mouldings, &c.,
exagatefi in , theibest manner. Modeling from
engirt illittigite done with accuracy at short
notice. Designs furnished tor ceilings, &o.—
Orders from ail parts of the United States care-
fully packed' with perfect safety. Coot'ls6m)
Carpets and 01/„Cirdlas
mHE subscriber being in a bye street is un•
I. der a low ront,,and very light store expen•
sea, which enables him to Bell wholesale
or retail at the lowest prices en the city, and
buyers will do well Co 'examine his assortment,
of beautiful IMPERIAL, INGRAIN and - V E
NITIAN CARPETS, ol alt.widthe and every
variety. And OIL CLOTHS from 2to 24 feet
wide for Rooms, Halls; &c., with a great vari•
ety of low priced Ingrain Carnets; from 25 to 50
cents ; and Entry and' Stair Carpets from 10 to
50 cents per yard. Also, Hearth Rugs, Table
Covers, Floor Baize, Cotton and Rag Carpets,
Stair Rods, &c. H. 11. ELDRIDGE,
No. 41, STRAWBERRY Street, one door
above Chesnut street, near Second, Philada.
Mover's Ink alanuftictorg
(Between Fourth and Fifth,oppoerto Crown et
WHERE the Proprietor is enabled, by iti
creased facilities,to supply the growing•detnand
for HOVER'S INK, which ifs widespread rep=
oration has created.
Alantles t
Steps, SfC.,
. _
This Ink is now so well established In the
good opinion and confidence of the American
public, that it is scarcely necessary to say any
thing in its favor, and the manufacturer takes
this opportunity to say that the confidence thus
secured shall not be abused.
io addition to the various kinds of Writing
Ink, he also manufactures Adamantine Cement,
for mending Glass and China, as well as a su•
"perior Has:. Dye s. a 'trial only_ is neeessarK to
misure its future use,'and a Sealing Wax, well
adapted for Druggists and Bottlers, at a; very
low price, in large or small quantities. Orders
addressed to JOSEPH E HOVER,
0ct1.5 . Manufacturer.
Perf'amery,' Fancy Soap & Paper Box
48 Market street, below §peond, Philadelphia.
CLEGG & CROMPTON, Manufacturers
of Perfumery. Fancy Soaps and Fancy
Paper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of
the Drugging and Dealers in Carlisle and the
Cumberland Valley. to their extensive stock o,
Goods, comprising .Perfurneryj, Fancy Soaps.
Powders for the complexion, Toilet, &c. &ct
of every variety. Also, a fall and complete as
eortment of Fhncy Paper Boxes, of every de
seription,large or email, round or square, made
to order at the shortest notice.
mr Don't forgot the place, 48 Market street,
Philadelphia. All orders will mem with promp
attention. janl
Light: Liglit-: .
Pine Oil, Oamphinci & Medal Fluid,
OF acknowledged superiority and ,nurity,
manufactured and for sale at the lowest -
Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH,
at the old established a:and of the late
ttsbt'T Davis, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY,
,where orders by mail or otherwise are solicited,
and prompt attention given. The voice of the
public for fifteen years, ani the award of a
Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by
the Franklin Institute over all competitors, is
sufficient evidence of the excellence of our Oil.
31cohet, Pitch, Turpentine, Rosin, and Spir
its of Turpentine, for sale-Wholesale and- Re.
tail, at the lowest prices. facoo
to E. .211"014AiNfol . : Perfumery and Fancy
&amt. 7849 nna loco.
M'CiAiti continues _to manufacture
. -his Celebrated First Premium Vegeta.
ble Hair Oil, Patent Magnetic Soap, Orris and
Teaberry Tooth Paste, Lilly White, Sac.. pre—
pared at 83 North 7111 street, above Cherry,
'Philadelphia. And sold by 9:. W: HAVER
STICK, at his Drug and Book Store, North
Hwy& street, Carlisle. au1y2,1851,6m
Street, onPosne the Suquohnnnah .Rail Road .
Depot ,Baltimore. Keep cOnOtantly , ort _hand
for sale, Fish, Salt, Guano, Plattner. &c.
era! advances made on consignments.
Juno 18,'51, 6m pd. -
Harrisburg Steam Wood Turning
and Scroll Sawing Shop.
WOOl3 TURNING in nil its branches, i
city style and at 'city prices. Every variety of
Cabinet and Carpenter work either on hand or
turned to order.
Bed'Pasts, Table Legs, Awning Posts,
Baltistres, - Newell Posts, Wagon Hubs,
Rosette, Patterns, Columns, '
— Slat and - Qattrierafollllloln-R011114:1-07 , oCiagon
Chisel Handles, 8f c: • • • • A LLEY _
:This shop STRAWBERRY.
near Third Street, and as wo intend . to please
all our customers who-want good work. done,
tt is hoped the trade will give us a call. • Ten-
Pins and 'Ten-Pin Balls made tryordar_or
turned, . _ .
. .
w. U. firCHIPH
Harrisburg, April 30th, 1311711.
. ,
' PIRS,T •-•..'
Grand an.d.Square
tic GAZIEELE, -;
ilanufacturers, Nos. .4 . 6,-8, 9 and 11 Eutaw
' Street, Baltimore, • •
' MIA NO FORTES, froth 6 to,? octaves, in
•a — in Rosewood, Mahogany . and Walnut.cases
of .variotie styles, with and without iron.ftemeo,
combining nil the improvements requisite to a
superior instalment. • ,
IC & G. haie received "Iromi thelV,itiryland
Institute the4frat preinium• for their" Pianos, in
three successive years 1848, 1849, 1850. They
have also been honored with.numeroue testinto•
Mats from all the most - celebrated artists who
have used their:instruments.- ,Pianos fromtheir
establishment have' been used at the concern,
os Lind, Hers, Hohnstock,, Bishop s . Laborde,
- Knoop.and-other_iminent_perfortnerst_ .
guarantee durability for five years,' ureter good
care. and will replace tly. other/J.4dt which
may not give 8668feetion, 4 i if applieartan be made
within six Months after &livery. •• • ,
Their Uanufaclory being conducted on the
most extensive scale enables them to tarnish
inenhments at the very lowest • prices, whole.'
sale and , retail. • Constantly un hand, A. P:
Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from ,$45 to 6200, •
for which they are solic - agents for this city.
.111onsoeoputhic ,
iTedleal Oollego of :Pennsylvania.
TilberfSirect above ,Eleventh, Philadelphia. ___
Lectures of the regular course will
• I commence, annually an tho SECOND
MONDAY of Octocer. and continue until the
lirat of-Marelveneuing.
_,rn't of fees for a full course of Lectures •100 0
pitudeats whO hove attended two full.
__ 2_
Course!) of other scha tls
Mutnoulanon Fee. pool only once
Proo!foal Anatomy • . „
Grndunilon Fee
_ .
' The Commencement will take plane early in
Match. .
WALTER WILLI 111..G.,Trefessor of sae
teria Medico and Therapeutics. • -
WILLiAM S fismarrru,N. D.. Professor of Ho
nutenpathie-Institutes and the Practice of Medi-
Ussicaz, Fesinr.y, D.,,Profeasor . of Botany
end Medioni Jurisprudence. • „
CUARLES NrsoUAnD, M. V., PA/lessor , or con'
cat. Medicine.
*Jesup* G. Loreto,' M ' D., Profeeenr of Oh.
retries ant:Jibe DiScases of Women and Children.
pg l y A : V.4 l 4 t, ' , 1 1 3 * - 0 7 4 42v ALr "
1 1 4. D; Profeeior .of,Chem..
!airy god Toxicology''
'Ft:Akers SIAN,' M. D.. Professor of Sur/req.-
:',Ntrinxisse A.. GA*Dirisn;' N. D.,. Professor of
natomy. - •
•J. B. PETHEOBIIII69q..M. v., yernonstrutor of
WI4I;;.A.''GARDINET... M. D., Doan,
NtP2Q3 Arch Bever, Nahum,
, liinte 18, 185660. , • ,
0. 'oGtLa Y.
Silver Medals Afirarded
Valuable: School 'Boob,.
PHIADELPHIA, stud. Om ale by Olt the book,
'seller* in the Milted Beites
• abatextty:ihtrodosteto to' , thestudyolGeogrw
phy r desigeed for children., Rad sompletely il
ustrated by 'l26' engievloge And 14 colored
itu Xitrekrettent INTEILIKEDISTS. Grocedrtft=-4
The test, the exercises the illustrations, and the
forty beantlitti inapease printed together in one
quarto volirmet • •
Itlrreetax's §tritterx Groattlteere bt Axxes,
a oyerem• of modern Geography, comprising. re
dead iption of the present state ofthe world and
Ile Siva great divisions . Embelrialled.
minium engravhige and illustrated by an exeel ,
lent Attar:containing 2& handeoma and avouratea
colored-mope: Thieseries of Gookraphy by S.
A uguitinclffitollelt lias been Wholly or partly
introduced. into.the . pabfie and private !schools•
of all the , pritusiplf oitiesirfmd townwof the Gni-.
.tad States; and' after a full and. Asir plat of its•
merits in these seliools, irbawrecetred so almost
universal recommendation. 'A,
Mrrettscen Aweiswa GiIOONAVNis ATLAS.
An ancient, classical anti Sacred Geography.,
embellished with engravings- of , remarkable
events, views of ancient , cities, ets., and accom
paned by ancient Albs containing IS-beautiful
colored maps.
,Mitchell's Biblical and Saßittith School Geog
raphy, with Maps and embellishments. Mitch.
ell's Key to the study of Maps. and Carroll's
Key to Mitchell's Geography, are excellent and
molar books, and are becoming very exten
sively used in the beat schools of our eountry , .
5 GREENE'S FIRST LESSON IN Gnatunsn, brood
upon the conatruction and analysis of sentences;.
designed as as introdanation to the , ‘‘Analysite.",
GREENE'S ANATABI6 7 4 treatise on the strucin
*wig' the Englishianguage, with illustrations=
and exercises adapted,to the use of schoolsi by
Samuel -S. Green, A. M., Principal of the
Phelps Grammar School, Boston. •
These-books have already -In the'ishort. time
they have been published,obtatned a very az-.
tenzuve circulation, having been introduced into
the public schools of Boston,Baltimore,' Pitts
burg, Cinciunatti, St. Louis, Vicksburg and
other cities and -towns, and recommended, by
those who have tried them in their schools,as
without mulittion the best English Gramnaars
in existence;
intended for' beginners. h contains a lesson •
upo 1-each-of-the elementary-sonnds of the. lan--
guage The Primary School Reader, part ed.
contains 'exercises in articulation, arranged in
connection- with easy, reading lessons. The
Primary Reader, part Sd, in designed for the
first- clues in Primary Schools, and the-lowest
class in Grammar Schools;
'1 six GRAMMA Solent. Rx.amin is designed
rote the middle clash in Grammar Schools, and
contains exercises in articulation arranged-in
connection'with reading lessons - -
Tits Hisraxer Scuoot READER. Is de sign
for the highest classes in public and privat
schools. It contains exercises in articulation
pauses, and inflections of the voice with such
rules and suggesstions ins are deemed useful.
Reading on Natural History; Science and Lite
rature designed for schools.
Consisting of words in eolumns anc santerioes
for oral and written exercises.- It is a complete
and systematic series of in English.
This highly popular series or reading books,
and tide spelling book were_eompiled by Mr.
m. D. Swan'
of Boston, and judging from the
introduotion into sOliools which they have
obtained in the Eastern and-Middle States and
in many of the . Western . anit-Southern-States,
we think they era really better adapted to the
wants of teachers and scholars than any other
yet published. Thepubliehere have a very large
number of recommendations from public school
committees, teachers and others friendly to ede.
One vol., 12 n.o for high schools and acade
mies. The same work condansed and simplified
or common schools, 1 vol. 18 mo. • •
.laavis's PRACTICAL PL118101.00.1 . forlhe use
of schools and families, 1 mo. with
engravings. ldAßY PHIbIOLOOT, by the name author,
vol. 18 mo
Finer Boox rn 4NRITI6INTICi by' F. A. Adams,
intended Ter primary and common schools.
AntrumnTto .TWO PARTIT.
.Sy.. the 'alba' t author. Part/first—advanced
hesitant in 'mental arithmetic'; part second—
, rules and CXIMIDieII for pronti,.. t.....-;( arid
'mem, for common and high schools.
A Key to examples for practice in written
aritemetic, for the.use of teachers, by the same
These arithmeties have seehred very high
'recommendations from teachers- of sChools and
WO from professors in several of our
colleges; and from others interested in the cause
of education lu various sections of the Union.
T. C: , Sr. Co., also publish many other School
:Books, which there as not room to enumerate
here, besides Law, Medical, Theological and
illiscellaneous Books, and they are fully prepa •
red to answerorders forbooks lwevery depart- -
meta of knowledge Q Booksellers, School Com—
mittees, and others, supplted on the i tnost favor
able terms. (sept '50.-Ir.) •
Price Reduced !
urnoNTßrpric MIXTURE!
Large Bottles—Only One Dollar.
fha Prop iotor of tho Groot American Etwmody " V4tronn•
noerAvie Linz ortntrxio MIXTIIIRM ' " indooed- by tb
moot nolloitations of Ws Agonto, thronighout tbo maw
Unitas nod Canada. be. now
if hi. popular and well known umiak; and Trout this date
be will Pat up bat one Mao only. qua
the Mai .l prim wilt be
The public may rest mound that the obviator of the Mak
Its strength, tad curative. propistka *sr& ulna
JiiONAXOED, and the, same one will be hastened b Olt
ming 4 a. hennofore.;
As this medicine. undorki reduced lain. will Di purchase
0/ those Who have not bithswe made thiamin" acquaints
With its virtues, the puiprietar would beg to intimate that hi
talkie in not to be chewed with the vestamoun of "Reasedir
of the day ;" it claims for itself a Mans keali mom
all assault, than any ailsr renstrana rase, gators IA
wirid t and has nitainea . tself for eight roars by Its meek
medical obtuse, and; mita this redaction, osausandod anti
'.ha price of any other article In this line.
Narita PARTIOULAILLT. this 'article nab With grad NS
as poem and certainty, open the
• Eloode tthr• =Mt Luigi.
and all other argue. upon the proper attlbst of - which tUb an
'amilth depend.
We =been, ha a Judy high mita ae a may ibe
Dailey anitthasel,
and all &oar of that natna. It stay be relied upon whe
gbe interdgent phyidetan ha abandoned him patteet.—and b
' dietreestug dboasur. maze especially Diopyr. tba props
@tor, , would oaresedy and benertly upoonuened It. At..
snout prior it le teal, obtained by ag. and the trial will Proe
the ankle to be the, - •
, .
‘,. ' Cheeped *Midi's in the World! •
tr - PiossewatfitveaaMblots—ihoggsategivetlemeagray
they contain over due= pages of receipts. Ho addltboa to fa
jtoadloal maitre valuable foe houseleold ploposee, sod odds
wiU gave soy dollen ploys= =practical histeekeepen.
These receipts are handmaid to sulks the book of =at
• • value, said. from he chance= as as ativerrhu man= ft
the toadish% the testimony la fares of which, is the fang
lett= How all pagtvpf tbe oeuatry, may be niletrapen. • ,
•;p"' Vaughn's Vegetable Lithenhiptio Metals 4 -6
:Heat Auswiaaa Remegn. WOW' for gala in gout bottles at •
each, small bottles at ISO ces gash. No smell bottle; wW b
Iwo= anted* prevent stock is Hero= of.
Principal Office., Hare*. N. V.. Ha Main BMA.
-G. 11 VAUGHN.
Hold Wholesale awl Retail by OLCOTT MoHESHON 1 •
L2l:ldiddeo Lane, New York IMO'.
N. 11.—All leuers (excepting from epos= and dealt= wit
whom he transacts business) oust, be post paid.= sosttesdit -
ttl be given to them.
B WCarlisle,
C:&(3 DA Hick, Shippensburs,
'Russel +=? Dice, Dickinson,
k Srhr. Mechani.-seurg,
'A H Luger, Kingstown,
a7ie HoumaVe's Help and Ouskad's
90 VO
The GeVnutn Wadding Fluid,
ri01:18 away entirely with that laborious trek
Kilt of 'rubbing the clothes apon . the'wmthboard
It pertains no ingredients whateyer, injurious
to.tho finest Abr.& or,the,flash.. The. proprie
tors wish every one to gee 1% a trial, and if ft
,does not prove to be norecommendetktba
.ney. in every such • case, will be refunded:Tl
- diroptione accompany each tirade. , Retatl
'prigs 121 cents per bottle, stactent to do has
:ordinarytairtrhings; and saving the clothes more
lby not, rubbing them; then the cost of' six 'hot.
,thee—besides removing' stains of fruit, de., if
thorn be any; and the time and labor saved.
Propared.onlY by I. P. HOYT & Co..
.110. J 0 BANKS. Fairstaw, Agent for Cunt
holland County.
:0 orders rectnyed by lorn..wbolesale'at
tall, will, be .nromptlyntiendedio;' , •
, raug2 . o V •
ArIOWLIVER OIL—An excetlepr;artiote
461 , formai:by
wage " • BOA*