Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 08, 1851, Image 1

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G:312, a
TDB,. IS. .IE-ZiNEL:O7f,
.4IOin street, near the l'est Wire. Duct. 11.
wiil 'give his particular attention to .4 tirgicul
iliwase , 3, and diseases of women and children.
lie Will also give his attention every Saturday
indAiing, in' his office, gratis, from 11 to 12 o'-
clock; to surgical cases'amOng the poor.
January 22. 1851.
WILL perform all
operations upon the
Teeth that aro mold
. rod for their preservation, such as Scaling, Piling,
Plugging, &c, or Sill res,toro the loss of 1110111,
by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth
to atoll sett., o — Office on Pitt street,a-few
core south of tho Railroad Hotel. Dr. L. is ab
entilie last ten days of every month.
Jit - mcEor ATmc PHYSICIAN SU Py
uunoN, AND ACCOUCIIEV It, having
succeeded_Dr. Lip:pe,lortherly, practising Thy-
B i c ;:”1.of this place, solicits the patronage of the
friends 'f his pre-decessor, and shit be happy
to wait upori all who may favor him with a call.
uovl3.lm • MIL,LER, M.D.
11.0%030 , 01 . 1.1TH1C
Practice of Medicine; Surgery and Obstetrics
Drs. A. AL .S.; J. TAY MAN. respeofully
announce to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity
hat, they have taken the office recently occur-,
pied by Dr. Smith, y in Snodgrass's Row, and
will he happy to attend to all who may favor
them tCttlf a pall in the various branehest of
thoir profession. We are prepared to visit pa
tients in the country at any distance.
moderate. fap9tf
Dr. GMOZI.G,E 7. 33EETZ,
Iv perform al
operations upon the
teeth - tiranmry - b - OT
required for their preservation. Artificial teeth
inserted, from ti single tooth to an emit° set, on
the most scientific principles. Diseases of The
-ruouth_tind,irreLnlarities carefully treated. of
lice *at the i.esidenee liFilTrotlfor, on Nitrib,
Pitt Street, Carlisle.
R. J. W. 11EN Dlit,, Surgeon bentist
LP turorins his former pattone that he has re
itran i M Carlisle, and will he glad to attlind to
all eat!, in (Ito [hie of.lns profession. loct3l
O FF IC,F, in North Hanover street adjoining
Wult's store. (Mire hours,:morc par—
ticularly from 7 to 9 u'cluelc, A. 91., and from
5 ; t o 7 o'clock, P. M. Limit:lB'sl
T roaNEY AT LAW, will practice in
t. tlt several Courts of Cumberland county.
OIFFT C E. in Main Street, irilito mom' former
y occupied byL. G..Brandebury, Eeq.
(") rtes at Ii us residence, corner of Alain street
and the l'ablitt Sloan:, opposite Burkholder's
. Hotel. In addition to the duties of 9ustke of
,r,onee, will attena to all kinds of writing,
s d.adeei.6,l)nds, mortgages, indentures,
agreotnent, notes, &e.
, f;arlisle, an 8'497
.I;!rc..sli Drugs, Iff.v.dicines, Et.e. &c.
,1 a ?- • I have 'jest received from philudel :
4.'t t . :: thin and- New Y ork .very eXtelliVAl.
' ~- additions to thy former stock, enibra
.,.— 4 cing 'nearly every - article of Medicine
now in use, together with Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps,
Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,—
Brofics 01 almost_ every description, with an
en.lfess variety of other articles, which I viii de•
[ermined to sell at the v gay LowEsT pt ices.
All Physicians, Country Merchants; Pedlars
and others, are respectfully requested not to pass
the OLD STAND, as they mar-rest assured
that every article will bo sold of n good quality
andVpon reasonable terms.
Main strout.
- Mir 30
Plainfield Classical Academy,
The Tenth Srssion rammenve on .110A\
Y, OL4 frlh. 1651.
1 1 11 IN Institution has been establighed mar
k, • ly• live years, during tt6idt Bute such ad
ditions and improvenunits, have Leen made as
to render it one of the must comma hous and
convenient in the St nie.
in re:lard to healthfulness it may be men
tinned that no cane of serious sickness has oc
curred in the institution since it was founded.—
ltS moral purity is attested by the fact that
de'praired associates, scenes of vice, and resorts
for di.,sipation have no existence in the neigh--
The course of instruction comprises all tt c
branches required by Ole merchant, profession
al gain or collegian. ,Also, modern languages,
vocal and instruniental music, &c.
. . .
the determination of the Proprietor that
the institution shall sustain the riliutation it foie
already acquired lor imparting thorough in
struction, and mieTaleating aifd eshiFilish`:u pair-
tuous principles•in the minds of the youth hub
miffed' to his charge,
ferrate (per • session Five Months) 950 00. -.
For , catalogues containing..refereuces, &c.,
address K LURKS, ,
Principal and Preln•ietor,
riniitfiehl I'. 0., Clivzheelata County,Ta. -
April 0, 1851 •
. „ .
1.01 - 27,Tri 1-14 LL ALCADED7E.
Three litilev'West of-Harrishargi .Pa.-----
THE• Second Session of this Institution will
. commence on MONDAY, the 3d of Nogrember
next. It is situated; in a pleasant and healthful
section of comm.', and is convenient of access
from all parts of the State. Application should
bo made as oarly as possible. ue only a limited
"lumber ctw Lie received.
, Dearding,Washing, I..olfaing and
tuft on in the English branches per
David Denlinger, I'rincipal, and 'teacher 'of
Languages and Mathematics.
Lemuel Simmons, Teacher of Vocal and In
struniental Muste. „ • . . . .
Amos It — OW, 'l'citor.
For circulars containing particulars,' address
' D. DltliV WINGER,.
its:Mc/poi, iforriburg, Pti.
~• , •
Tills'ln3liuttfin will be open'fer the rce'eti—
tion of students, on MONDAY,' the. sth of
Alay, All the branches of a,sound English and
Cloirical Education taught,and students
thoroughly 9inilitled for entering any class it-
College, or lilted - for business, licre tin
lie two sessieris a ynar, the, first coon - twitch:it'
on the Monday in INlay'; anti - the seefinf'
session on t le first Monday ,in - ,lsieventher,
every year. Circulars will he furnished wI ati
plicatiori in person or by leters addressed 'to 'tin:
subscriber at Novyillc"P: t
0., Cumberlinitree,
l'a, • W IL LINN. -
[ 9O PIYI . J. ALLLN,I3JtOWN',Ase't. , '
TUE Commissioners of Cumberland count.'•
doom it propor to,inforro lho, public. that dm a 11
e d. meetings of,tho Boael of .Comniisaionote
bd hold on the. soportid 'and fourth Mondays r
pooh month,'-at , -"which - linie _Ail) , persona' ltavin:
busictePurttli-etkid thonl , 1 1
imirmeico • .
Attest- I :Vl4l.:'ltilitY, Cl'k.
"~uLY'J:.^AII€i ~1 . 5~3, SS ~+:iti ice,' 3:f:~: ~t~ r;:,
• .N E 11 1 1 ,C UMB EKLAiiI), rA.
jrgittiltj rittnifttrt, Agriittlftitt•, Vllsinfor:l {ld •• etiltrat
. .
, FREEDOM.—Odzoi .
• ••• • • -
Splendid Fa eacy Goods, Elegant
Gilt Nooks, ` t e.
W. HAVERSTICK has just received
. from the city and is now'opernsg AlSplen
did display of FANCY GOODS, suitable for
the apnroachimellolyday Season, to which he
desires to cell toe attention of his friends and
the public Ills assortment in this line cannot
.he surpassed in novelty and elegance, and
bulb in quality and price of the articles, can
hot halo please purchasers. It - would 'be im
possible to enumerate his
Whieli comprise every variety of fancy articles
of the roost novel styles and exenisite sluff
such as,
Ladies' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instrum'nit
Terracotta Work (a recent novelty,)
Paper Macho Goods,
Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands
and trays,
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases,
Port Monitaies, of every variety,
- Gold pens and pencils,' •
Fancy paper weights, • '
Papeteries, with a large variety Id ladies
"ney stotionery,3
Motto seals andwafers,
- Silk and bend purses,
Ladies' riding, whips, elegantly finished,
Ladies' line cutlery. -
Perfume baskets and brigs,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
Roussel's perfumes of the various kinds,
Musical instruments, of all kinds andrit all
pekes, ineerher with till innumerable variety of
ertieles elegantly finished - and suite* ler ho
lyday pretests, to,which ho invites bpeeial at
ten 1011.
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of
comprising the various English and American
ANNUALS fur 11351, richly embellished and
illustrated POETICA W 0 Rif 5, with
for ehiliVen- of all ages, than-which nothing
'can be store appropriate or pleasing as holiday
gifts. His assortment of Scheel Books and
School Stationery is also complete, and com•
prises every thing used in Colleges and the
- Schools - . desiVei to call the paftieular
attention of Families to his elegant display of
front the extensive establishments of Cornelius.
Archer-nod otheis ol'-Philadelphia, ocimorising
every style of _Parlor,__Chamber andr_Study
Lamps, for burning entice, lard,'sperm or ethe
real' oil, together with Flower Vases, Fancy
• ScreensT& - in — Dis - ansertment in this - line is - mn ,
equalled in the boreoeh. Also,
in every variety lord at all prices, all of which
are pure and fresh, such ns can be confidently
recommended to his friends and-Ste little folks.
His murk embraces everything in the line of
Fancy Goons, with many other art idles useful
to honsekeepers,whieh the public bre especially
invited to call and see durinr, Cho holidays.—
Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the
Bank on North Hanover street.
• e3kLy forfeit *so, .
failing to cure any case
of disease- that-may—come under his care, no
matter how long standing or afflicting. Either
net are invited to this private room, 38 North
SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, ,without fear
of interruption by other patients. Strangers
and others who have been unfortunate in the
selection of a physician are invited to call.—
Those who have injured themselves by solitary
vice are also invited.
would ds W'cil to reflect before trusting their,
health, happiness, and in many cases, their lives
iii - the lin n d S — tif t nffliis clrisa
of maladies. It is certainly_ impossible for onp
roan to understand all. the ills j he human familt
;ire subject to. Every respectable physician
has his peculiar branch in which he is more sac
cessfal than his brother professrs, and to that
he devotes most or his time rind study. -
YEARS 0 F PRACTICE, clvelusively de
voted to the sttidy unit - Treatment of diseases of
the sexual organs,together with ulcers upon the
body, throat, nose., or legs, pains in the head or
but t es, mercurial rheumatisinFgrtived, irregular
ities, disease arising from youthful excesses or
impurities of the blood, whereby the constitu
tion his beenine enfeebled, enables the doctor
to OfTer speedy relief to all Who may - plaee them:
.elves under his care. :june4
Art-Union of Philadelphia. ,„
'or the Promotion. of tic Arts of Design in the
United &ales. ' ,
OF VICERS.-11Fmtv C. CArtcy, President;
Wn. D. KELLEY, Vice President EDWARD P.
Tre.surci. ; E. U. Duna.n ; Recording
Swetary i GLOILEE W. DEWE.V, Corresponding
Ste, c(m•rt. •
EVERY Momber fur tho year 1851, will receive
for elleil FIIh , CrIPIIOO of nee Dotfttro, n pni,t of
CHILDUEN," cni.fraveO by Joseph' Andrew.,
I;ustotr,-nud the companion, a print or floprrma•
Ton's' AIEROY'S DREAM,. engraved by .A.
11. Ritene, New York, or the: choice , of tiny two
of the following four splendid ennravtugs. viz:
1. John Knaes Interview with /fiery Quart. r.
Scotts, painted by lieftfz. engraved by Sartain.
2., Ruth and Boaz, punned, by Rotherrnal, cu
graved by Sartain.
ill - eyey's Bejaia; painted - PrHuntirigton, - ca
.graved hi Ritchie,
Christiana. and Ler. Clairinn, painted by
Ilutningium engraved .by Andrews. .
And copy or the Philadelphia Art' Union Re
porter, a tneuthly pamphlet containing a reppet a
the transactions al' Institution. and itifornirt
.ion on the subject of the Fine An throughou
1110 whole world.
The ART UN lON of Philadelphia awards prizes
in its own C'ertificates, with which original Amon
can works bt Art may be. purcluTedivanyl . r
Utriteri.S'lnre.3,at_the.option and .eeleetien o
the person who nmy °Wilt a prize at the Annual
D.stribution, which takes place maitre evening 01
the last week day in every year.
The Executive Committe of the Art-Union,
when so requested, select works of Arthwithout
charge or compensation, from their Free Gallery,
1210 Chesnut Street, for those persons in the coun•
try, who may.liverernete from Galleries; or pubiic
exhibittons of the.Pine.Arts.
Vribleriptions of Membeiship, $5,00 shguld. be
mode us early as practicable; so ns tc entitle mem.
b rs to .early numbers of the "Reporter, ",,which
wi 1 be forwarded,.opon .the,recetpt of 1114, money
any pnri of the coo fork.
0 r,Subseriptions received nt this oflice, where
the engravings and "Reporter" can by
July 30, 1851.
$5O 00
0 XiT Xt XMD lq tL,
North-Eng Cornet..of IVatn ttl-and-Scedd Sag*
_ -
it complete assortment of SHOT GUNS
Powder Flasks, Game Bags, and all other
Sporting Apparatus of the bust and most ap
proved patterns,.
He has constantly on hand SPORTING
POWDER of, all descriptions, Pecciission
Caps, Shot, Bul(ei Moulds, Ball and Blank .
Cartridges, and a general assortment of mato ,
rials for (inn Makers; dr.e:
Also PERCUSSION CAPS' of a superidr
quality, designed expressly fir U. S.
An ailsurtment of , FISHING TACKLE al.
ways on hand.
,All , the above, and any other' ortielea in hie
line, the, subscriber will sell as low as any other
entablislnnept,itt the United.Staice..
• In testimony of his skill as it manufacturer,
the FRANKIiIN'IN:sTrrtr EL in. t Int yertri
1840 and 1842 1 awarded toliirrt-TWO'CERTh
FICATES=-ancl in the ears 1844,. 1846' 1847,
1848 and_ 1850; FIVE SILVER' MISDALS ,,
all' which rartrbe neon at hia•place
fleas. ihrlB:,2inj .
eIItItATE :OF. blAONF , Sl4,7nAn..ogrocr..l.
QJ sitkile,AFtd„milo, (elyjggrimt„Aud„
(if I,y, 110613AltDir.. • - (fluv2a
- . _
014.7.44, 'e,
. ,
con. 4 •
laitte':iit Ul3ll Alt .1)•:. ll
&pro- littar2g
rort TEM 23.0LICDAYS.
"Sportsmen Talc° NoticelY?
rruar:, WIDOW
widow is a
,dangeroim thing,
Milli soft, black shining curls,
And looketh more bewitching
Than, a host of romping girls.
Her laugh is so delicious,
So knowing clear beside,
You'd never deem her thinking
'Soon ta become a bride.
Her dress Omagh made of sables,
Gives ra- hitless to hoe form ;
A touch of something thoughtful)
A witching, winning, charm . ;
And when she sits down by you,
With quiet, easy grace,—
A tear may fall unbidden,
Or a smile light up her face.
Her Toles is soft, melodious,'
And lute-like in its tone ;
She sometimes sighs, "'tie dreadful
To pass - through life alone !"-
And then she'll tell you, you remind he
Of the loved one dead and gone;
Your steps, your form, your features—
Thus the widow will run on.
Oh ! listen, yet be careful,
For well bhe.plays her part;
her lips distil the nectar
That cloth enslave the heart;
Be guarded, or She'll win.y6u,
With sighs, and smiles, and tears;
I' faith she'll wear the breeches, 'too,
And - box your silly cars.
0 -- 0 PI 0 Utv'
The. folidwing_statement cf_thesatiOusloans
constituting the Present STATE DEBT of
Pennsylvania, and amounts as they stood on
the lot clay 'of December, 1850, is copied frOm
_Annual lioportof.,Torvi N. PcnviANcti; late
Locofoco Auditor General, made to - the—lust
_Legislature:_ '
Statement of the Piddle. lieht of Pennsylvania.
Stock Loan Peract April 2, 1821 -$:20,322 99
do 'do April 1,1826 295,22471
do do April 9,-1827 999,211 16
do' do Mar. 24, 1828 1,997,418 42
do do Dee. 18, 1828 798,274 64
do do April 22, 1829 2,197,372 16
do ' . do Dee. 7, 1829 50'000 00
do do liar. 12; 1830 5%994,809- 9 8
do -do Mai. 21, 1831 2,181,201 81
do ' do Mar. 28, 1831 120,000-00
do do - Mar. 80,-1831 298,966 43
do ' ' do . . liar. 30, 1822 2,3'43,437 62
do do April 6, 1832- 100,000 00
do do Feb. 16, 1833 2,519,880 13
do do 119 r. 1, 1833 529,022 74
do do . Mar. ,27, 1833 529,922 76
do do April 6, 1834 2,204,532 61
do -.••=:- do .. _ April,l3, 1835 '059,239 16
do do Jan'y 26, 1639 1,192,583 28
d; Feb'y '9, 1839 1,227,216 . 04
do . do liar. 16, 1839 469,180 79
dO do Mar. 27, 1839 469,480 70
do - ' do June 7, 1839, 49,907 24.
do do -. June 27, 18801,133,218 65
do do - 3 airlll - IT3 - 39 - 2 - ,MT,Y34716
~do do Jan'y 22, 1840 . 8C8,789 02
do do April' 8, 1840 853,681 05
do do Juno 11, 1810 1,039,732 i.,8
do -do Jan'y 16, 18-11 800,00000
do . do Mar. 4, 1841 22,335 1)6
Loan (rerf)do May 4, 18-11 642,161 00
Stock Loan do - May 5, 1811 686,697 68
do do May 6,. 1831 009,677 01
Int certi'a do July 27, 18-12 38,01:0 08
do do March 7, 1813 62,680 31
Stuck-Lonna° April 19, 1811 59,201 89
Int eerti's do . May 31, 1814 66,438 61
StookLoan do . . April 16,13145 4,556,-1-82-16.
do do Jan'y 22, 18.17 71,654 00
do do April 11, 18.18 1811,687 16
Inc Plloando April 10,1819* 400,000 00
loan was created fo• the purpose of
avoichug the litelined Plane on the Columbia
ltailroad,—a work of great practical utility,
and one which greatly rc4ounds to the inter
ost of the Commonwealth.]
The above is taken latter for letter and fig
ure for figure from the Official. Statement in the
last Auditor General's Report, page 120. Let
us now see under what administrations this
debt Wag accumulated;
, Administrations.. 1161 Contracted.
18 9 0to1823—Juseph piaster, Loco $20,322.90
1823td1829—J. A. Shnltz, do. 6,36 7 ,501 35
I.S2oh3lB3s—George Wolf, do. 16,032,009 78
1835to1838—Joseph Ritner, - 117;,/, 000,000 00
1838t01844—D R./ Porter, lbco. 13,100,856 - 96
1.844t01818---.1 7 11. Stnutic, - do. - 4;786,523 - 60
184801851 . —W. F. Johnston, Whig, 400,000 00
' • • ' $40,077,2)4 '6B
Ex,amine' the abown: fignres, 'an d - say
the'LodbfoCe party of 'FchnsylenniA,ds not ihe
.s4oo,ooo.lunn of 1840, created for the pur
pese_of--naroieng the Inclined Plnnc on the
.Cohnnbia Railroad, notone DOLLAR OF-THE
PUBLIC DEBT, was (Tee contracted by a
$659 9 122 9S
vs,We published last week, and re-publish
'this week on the fourth page of our : paper, the
!Shia Proclamation of 'Goy. Johnston, issued
In accordance with the Act of 10th. April, 18-
AO,, entitled An Act to create a Sinking Fund,.
and,to provide for the gradual and, ,
itinguishmeut" of the debt of . the Cotlimou
wealth.'t •It proclaims the cheering news to
'the tax-payers of the .Conimonwealth, of the
payment, extinguishment and finfil discharge of
$659,122 90 of the Stateilebt t.
.and that ho has direotod tho certificates ropro
'tinting that amount te bo rancdted. rho att
.nual interest on this sum ati Sir. per cent.' n
mounts to . . .
430;546 37!
Nv.!)1011 is of course, annually saved to•thd'tai
payers of the Counnenivoaltkby this operation
These are the glorious fruits:ottlie'SlNKlN(
and passed byhisinflucncol . - ,
Tux-riLYcirs'of Ponn'sylvarita!—(:,an youles
itato support, a man who waa the first,to un .
.dertake the giganthi task of devising &oyster
for the payment of th Btato . Dobt ) witlionitany •
inerease , of the . litirdonti of lite people
the then,' , ifitt' iiote IVILLTAIIPE
;JOUNAV6i4, ma the . ileht will, aO4tiatio"M l v
ro(Mood more, and raora. while lie eontittueariF,
Se47'ltel:e's a healtiido: the feejq, your
SUM a celeiwated Eugliehl phy.siciatt 'to' i
unether. Thant: yea, my dear sir,' was'iliC-!'
reply, • let me hate all the feels, nml yeti' or,
Iva° to -the reat of the practice.' !
.ON THE SUBJECT pE,Tl.l.wcousvpii ,
We ask the attention of the public to the
subjoined_ letter from . Thomas „Franklin, of
Lancaster, Attorney General of the. Common
wealth, on thomubjeot of the'riet and murder
in Lancaster county, and the letters of the
Clergyman Gorsuch. No one Who reads the
dommunicatiou, will hesitate to* any that Mr.
Gorsuch hap acted in the most unchristian end
uncharitable manner, and that Go Johnston
did hia'full duty - in the 064,. Joinlston
did not immediately offer a reward — ZNhe ap
prehension of the Murderers, because reward
are never offered until the ordinary means of
slaking arrests are exhausted: - The money of
the people is not to be uselessly thrown away
by the Executive. It is to be judiciously used,
and not lavished upon officers,
.whose duty re
,quiies- them - to na-WitliouFtffe - :incentive of a
reward. On thu2d, of June,1.847, a similar
I slave riot occurred in Carlisle, wherein James
Kennedy,, Of Ifagerstowii, Maryland, was kill
el. Gov. Shunk was then in office. He issued'
ao proclomation—oPrednd reward for *appre
hension of Me murderers. For acting in this
manner Gov. Shunk was not denounced by ir
single newspaper in the State. For offering a
reward when the proper time Gover
neiJohnsfon is Mow - denotinced . by this 'entire
Looofeco party of the
Mr. Gorsuch complained in this letter,Ahat
Gov. Johnston did not leave this cars to look on
the dead body of his father. Gov: Johnston'
could render no assisfancato the dead,___Many
parsons dislike to look at dead bodies, or to
witnegac.ecutions, becanio these thing's leave
a paiptlibmpression upon them. No mad ir>s
ever-yet-charged-with-wait-of--feeling -for-not
hispeoting a mangled corpse, or going to soda
criminal hanged:
Our opinion remains unchanged, that Mr.
Gorsuch is either a bad man himself, or 'that
he has been used by vinprincipfccl and heart
less politicians. The language of his second
letter is the language of- a notorious : Lecofoco
paper in Pennsylvania, and there is the strong
est circumstantial evidence that it yits concoct
edby a portion of the Locofuce Party for po
litical purposes.
S. Gorsuch, in his bk . -latter, dated
Columbia, September 25, 1851, says:
I conceive it to-ho nu act of justice to call
attention to the remark 1 made in my letter to
Gov. Johnston, in regard to the Attorney Gen
eral of Pennsylvania, lion. Thomas E. Frank
lin. Contrary to the practice in Maryland, ,I
have learned that the Attorney General of
of Pennsylvania has no jurisdiction in triminal
oases, and therefore the infia.ivity, of Mr. V.,
in the - premises, was not"rcioneu'rahlo. ' I Sm
glad to pay, to the oredit.o . f.that zontloman,
(12,01 he volunteered' hir presence and assistance at
the recent inuestiloation . at :Lancaster, and thus
proved his loyalty to the Constitution and days,
and zeal for the vindication of public imitire•
"In regard to no other pari, of that ktter
- have FF - me soriltiry retraction to make."'
Mr. Gorsuch Lao retracts what - he suid a
gainst. Thomas E. Franklin. Ho should have
gone further, and retracted what he said a
gainst Gov. Johnston, for the Attorney Gene
ral of the Commonwealth distinctly and strong
ly declares, in the subjoined letter, that he
acted by the advice. of the Governor. He
states that at TILE SUGGESTION OF GOV.
The letter of Mr. Prattltlin is contained in
the Lancaster Tribune or tho : Both of'Soptem
$-10,677,214 68
To the Editor of the Linton an;l Tribune
dletter dated the 18th inst., ad
dressed to Governor Johnst:onliy the llev t ' J.
S. Gorsuch, of Washington, which the Writer
thought fit to publish.without waiting,fur any
reply or explanation, he assailed the Governor
in the most vindictive terms, and imputed to
him and to mo inactivity nuti gross dereliction
of duty in regard to the murder of his ,, father
near Christiana. In a subsequent card, dated
the 25th inst., he retracts' and apologizes for
his charges against to, but takes Occasion to
re-affirm his offensive, ithputatlizna Upon the
I cannot conbent to Ito placed in a different
position in reference to this matter from GOT.
Jehneon, upon, emmultation :with whom all the
stops have been 'taken eOnSOAnent'ttpon the la
mentable affair, add iri pursuance 'et' whose
suggestion, I took part lit.the
If, as thewriter no* ..neknowle6;/: have
proved my loyalty .tol the Cons dulithi;:and
laws; and my zcal,flkthe :tindlcatioti.ofp4lic
justiee“he Getteiiior is also entitled to. the
credit which belongs to' him,. of haying placed
it in My charge as a Matter of public duty.
The course pursued by the.ltev . ...ldr. Gor
such has been Mast eitraordinarY; and a 'ref-.
cranes to the (bites of the transactions may af
ford some clue to the motives which, have net-,
tutted and the idluunces which have prompted
The Murder' of Edward Mystic took
place on the nierning,i47lhursday .the
inst. A:number Of ariests having been made
of persons suspected of-participation in it,, a
hearing of the case was fixed before' 'Alder-
flan Ifuigart for . Tuesday, ,the' 113th inst„
11 ,o!cloolt, A. 51. , At • the time "appointed
appeared in, behalf of. the. Commonwealth, pre
pared AO Resist in tuking'part in the investiga
tion. The Iteii•:lllrAorsticliwaSrtheapresent;
I was , made ecqutiintech he wits .ap
prised of, my, connexion with : , thoLOwiei:ansl
had considerable conversation wity him on thq
subject: In - cohseenen'oe• of the abSoMrs of
witnesses, the hearing. was postponed to TueS-'
day,. the 23d... After . the .podtrionament-111r. ,
G. went down to Christiana where ho wroto:A:
letter' which hes been ostensively published,
dated Sept.:l7 °outs:Wing, a :pretty , eorrcet
and fair statement of the facts, and giving
credit, to the public'. authorities foidoinviv
crything necesary to lnjug•tho kaxitnwtion:6 ;
light and l.fte eitauders to justico, „.11e, then
Proceeded to his rasideMce at the City or Wiiki•='-
ington,• and' there; on' 'the next 'day; iho 1 kb;
' , lintibial the letter whiob containa•tlie.injerioini
impetationelava , alluded to., :Whether the,
titer, stoatld iii . that ,Incialit,ime ,Layo, acquired,
!any additional lefortnittioa - which
1 166163 cl the mitivo - chango' of Uto,' teeiper'encl'
feeling, front that tvlaich'oharactoriied hie. lot..
:ter of tho:piovious day, or -whotherjt , ,,ie.tiot
more . probable that be was subjecteq , te the•
evil, matigatten - of "come dOteignined 'and . uu
saruptilouif enemy' at,f tice tievoimoi
leave to the publietto
'cation. induct:4,llo, ohs:again my o,ourso on the.
,Imaaring ;
~_ Event at _mutant of, personal;
;dignity, - hintraiver, x avoided ea: nin Oh p o i-'-
the lleibi.mial:ginitlo,J.
,alatanawlio seeded so ~ o ntiiaelyfdlavaid'aif , claris.,
It inn ' re cling and
!his obligations as that pubd
oat leu L asjipty,ocia pug, hitt, retraction of • the
scald , t nat, haF i e boon., pro inliked by
thing wliio'h mion L rretton aceentl: k hearing t;
This statement wall enable the publire fp judge
of the conduct of Mr. -.Gorsuch and of those
who have.used him , ne. au instrument in on.
. To manogo the same roackthot,waSinanaged
just as woll, if .not bottei,' in p r . Poiv w ePalifint
for tins sum alloys shown. .
But to make the outrageous: waste of the
People's Money More striking, let us put it in
this shape: •
Number of ofrieeholders . on, the
toga Road when there is no "
JVMg in thc - Onual Board . • ! • ,133
gumber of °Mee holdor t s l on,the . ..., • . ,„
Portage xciadwhenthere was is
WMin the Cunnl Board. . • 9
Annual pay of onieoltchlers when
there is no IVldijin the IlociA_
Annunl pay of 'Onion hciiders when
there is a Ir/sig,in the Board, -'- 5,4:00
But to avoid doing injustice to our opponents
we must allow them the following credit r To
accomodate the' Central -Railroad; they agreed
to run a night Vinci- and also an ,eroigrant line,
would, require four. ear agents, (two to
each per day, amounting to
$lOO for. the season of ten nionthsthis taken
front' the 'iii)Ovo'6l2 - ,poo; -- 16re's'11.0 , nett in--
crease of eipthidi•tues $lO,BOO. • • • • • •
vOini . do`Yon thinVor this P
Is it inirie ronad pay fOr the glo4- of
having f.,4o'ree4tin'al Commis r sionerS I You
Us tellyou thatthis ON. '•-'
00 . 89 ' l aws buta ,moulu : or what is 6.Xpoluted.
In addition 19 - ,Vltialinve, womight` toll you of
the large additional number of hands eunpinYed
upon the road in the Alotive Power and Repair
pep - art anent, and at, the 11Olidaysburi and John
stown depoti, welitiVii neither
rodm'nortinte. Thenorerneniber that the Pre;-
loge Railroad'is Init'u‘single link in the great
chain °roily' improvements, and like
Wastoftil wstraVagenen is . ileublless praotice'd
oa":tha'CoiMnei,iii:Railtoad, - and' the variods'di=
visions of n tannts: . ''But more anon:=lloWiajs=
burg r! , ••-:.- •
Locoirobo iviwns nowntiirta:
. „
Wheal, 70 cents perbushol. .
Flour, $3,25 perliarre4, and felling.
Labar; Tore Cents p0r..40y4 vP.o'Yo.-.7..rf.i 514
. . f .'[Flour is iltiottut ttt
Offladrliaitt(tUad ., oeipeassioni!i.epd'.;:th r k's ,
11lar .01111 Illin ever ab hut , $3,2:,5 cps lab 0ye41. , ,
d .0 41 dltillLlt s I flow do you, liitellsiot , t!ith
of fore? If this suits you, vote the Looofoco
denvoiing to pidjuiliee the people agnipst G tor
ernor Johnston.
Sept. 2.9t108 51.. - • "
Enormous. ( inOr'ilage".',al,-;(iffice-liolders
and Rxpora4;oV4s tho--Poople , s 111.0.
•21 a3r. -
! the' loebffiens
out yopvsab
stane(in.l744';:;g4.l".44Atisioners are all
L o cof o 4.4l4it §iiiigrtto:o44.4:; ) ,ppervisors,
Cl_c;rlts,;:e4W &a.; are
Lfrepf9ca6:'itilli the
Lccofo '
upon them in any -brttrich ii.f'4l;67oaVartilippt.
The Governor hailip'r„ , ontroitoo;t4tr.46l#o_
They ,can do as'thaiAaaje,,aaii:...i4,. - „rAatf;,iiiittil
the public • monei,:rand:ling,
they ean : eovor up tlieli , :iiktrairtganyi:;;antpoc
tilations so as to akriosetY'axlo:lo - 1:140i - dC'.
tion. Were. but a - single mepalier'...Ao - ...,4tC* . #*
of comri4loaars a Whig, : c iii*::s!.q4. l 44lqtl i Pii::
so—espeeiallyie , :4l3,,were a nt4; , iarttlititiptlf...::
ruptiblo honeseirit,'Fionest
his vote in the Board . ,p,opfd;!.,nati l p4r.iaqk4l4'.,
abuses, his insight inta
to expose them, would un'dpitbte!dir greatliPsl6;
crease them. Me avow it'iitiiit;,:t:4o.9iiVediic2'
victlon . ,. that .thO''orection of 7oarr &moms'
would savelens. of 'thousands of dollars of the
PCople'i.i Money 'Croni - hCing =stolen -find--S-quad
dared. Tax-payers, think of this. -
But that our remarks may not ha acedurited
mere clet_i_otiocting verb_ag_e_w_o_invite_ y_ciur. at,
titiOn to the -followin•statement which ire
have sought to make as nearly correct as possi
ble'i 'and from which you will see at a glance, ,
called, for, and YOUR POCKETS are paying sorely
• During the yea'rs 1847—!8 and '9 there was
a Whig (James M. Power) in. the Canal Board,
and the officers on the Allegheny Portage Rail
Road, with their pay, follows :
1 Superintendent and Supervsor
per day, $4 00
1 Assistant do. 2 00
Clerk, 2 00
2 Passenger Car Agents sl,uo
each,'per day,
2 Bont Slip Dispatchers,
2 Weigh-Masters—Lone at Holli
daysburg and one at Johns
town, $2 00 peel, per day,
Here we have an expenditure of •
$l.B 00 per day ; .
$540 00 per month ;
$5,400, 00 fora businhss 'see- '
-sehirof.l.o months,
Contralq With this the State affairs at
present when the whole Board is BOeofoen, and
see what you are paying for keeping the works
entirely in the hands of the Locofocos.
[load as furnished with the following officers,
to wit:
1 Superintendent nt $4 per day,
2 Assistants $2 each per day,
1 Supervisor
1 Clerk to Supt:
4 Weigh-Makers $2 each per
1 11arbor-Master, at liellidays
burg, :32 per day,.
2 Cargo inspectors $2 each per
2Trapritobers "'uo —
do. at Locomotive stations
each per day,
11 State Agents at ..$l. 50 each '
per day • '
1 Inspector of Rood and Coal $3 1
' - Savage Masters at‘s . l. - 50 each
Per day, ' • -
fern is an expenditure of
$6O 000 per day ! y "
I,Boo'oo per month
44,18,090 00 fora business son- ;
son of ten! ! 1
' ,The llon. John:Strohm, the Whig candidate
for Ctinal COmmissi . oner t says, the Petintiylva-
Ma Inquirer, has just, published a letter in re
lation to the unserupnlone , manner in which
some of the opposition press MiSect, and , ro
aisort that ho, a member. of t ,Congress,
-Voted against the granting of supplies to 'Sus
lain our army in Mexico. Mr. Strohm re
capitulates the whole- facts of the case, and
says that While ho was prepared to vote for the
original billr-the main features of which were
td authorize the President, if he deemed it ex- .
Pedient,-to call for and acoopt the services of.
any number of Volunteers, not exceeding 30,-
000, and appropriating $10,000,000 for ; the
purpose of carrying the provisions of that sot,
into effeet,—he was net prepared to vote 'for
the nnteralmeneintroduced by' Mi. _Boyd, ,of
Kentucky, which, deelaredthat war existed by
the act of Mexico, and authorized the Presi-
Ittent47 Proseoute it to fon speedy and Success-
Ile could not, he said, sane-,
I:''42 4 khildlW4doli contained assertions to pal
i4bik-kata4l2itnd which was fraught with such
,Xl,6h4i;ii:;4conseqiionees. This,_ IMwever,_
WagioliYjdigerent from voting against' the bill
:o,4lCatatitcpplies. Mr. Strohm concludes his
lOtter With this language :
;';;,;" After the passage of that bill, in which
lho - war with Mexico was reeognized and sanc
tioned by the regular and properly constituted
irariluakingipower of the government, I made
no further resistance;O the'war, but voted for
all and_ every appropriation to sustain the ar
my, and prosecute the war Witli'vigor, and I
defy any of the denmeratio ;Scoters or editors
to point out n single instance in which I did
not, unless accidentally absent from the House.
accused of giving *vote to withhold
supplieO, and starve the volunteers in Mexico*.
The,only. vote of 'mine that can be tortured
into anything like a withholding of supplies,
was the vote on the bill above alluded to, and
that - was - before - any' volunte - er.l - ivere 'ordered
out. That bill, as already stated, was to au
thorize the Pfesident to accept the services of
voluciteers, and making provisions for theirpay
and sustenance. 'Both propositions 'went to
gether, and hail my vote been decisive of the
fate of the bill, the volunteers could not have.
been, accepted, would not have 'been called up t.
on, and consequently would not have been
`Starved in Mesiee, even vithouf an appropria
'I might say much moro upon this subject,
but I fear I havo trespassed too much on your
space - already. ;What has, been said, will, I
trust, be sufficient for all candid and impartial
mob ; arid with those who-are determined not
to be convinced, it is useless to multiply words,
or accumulate arguments. Yours, --
3 00
8 00
,$.1.8 00
Every WhigVionld remember the importance
of his vote, and the vote of his neighbor. A
single :vote haa.deeided many important ques
tlons„and ONE VOTE may elect or dtfral Goy.
,holleat John Strohm. It is true
Such results do not often occur,:and we blink,
there is very little danger of a very,close oleo
tionnow ; for we heneStly believe that the
-Whig, ticket — wilTreceivelt — lurge Inijority;—ynt
this is by no means oertain, and the best way
to ensure success is fur every one to consider
the importance of every single vote.
One vote eleoted Marcus Morton Governor
'of Massachusetts, some years ago. One vote
re-elected him the following term; (by the Le..
gislature ;) one veto Cleeted aiStitto Senator in
Bucks county a few years ago ; a tie vote for,
Prothonotary of Dauphin county gave the of
flee to a Locofoco, , who NOS . appointed by . the _
Giiernoi; and •nanny,other cases of this kind
might be mentioned, all proving that upon a
single vote tho most important questions may
$ 00
1 00
:3 00
2 00
8 00
2 00
4 00
3 00
i 00
2L 00
!Therefore, we' trust that every whig will
bear in mind the importance of liis vote and
Mfhence, and be sure not to neglect his indi
vidual duty on the 2d Tuesday of October,
nest. • ,The groat: strength of, our opponents is
not their greater:number, (for—they are in a
decided minority in Pentisylvania,) but the
grand secret is that the Locuifectitt never, fail to
vote, whilst,the Whigs, on the other hand, too.
otten•neglect.this imporativo duty, and thus
enUer themselves to be bcateny simply stay
leg nt home when voting time comes. If ev-
Cry Whig,would resolve hereafter to Tofdlit ev
ery, election we never could be beaten in Penn
dvania. .
3 00
3 00
SCO 00
Let. evor,3s,friongl - of Johnston and Strohm
solve to, leave no votes. unpolled, ; encl to Bo
that his; neighbor will conic up t 0... tho goo.
wgo- 1 4•.the.1q9Per , OPre 4l 4aMiS
,victury, isourtainy
Etfeet' of. 4dov;'Johusion's* SP6echese
The ftillovrhg extract from a later 'from.
gentleman in pcimorsel county, will inform ou
readc4,/ of what tlio'%Vhigs. of the State 'Ma
eispect.frent that county,. arid what impression
Gov. Johnston made upon its citizens in his re '
cent 'visit there ' • , "
12,000 111
WELLishuno , Somerset Co., Pa.,'
' • September sth, 1851. ' ' '
Got. 'Johnston was in our county last week
Ito spoke in Berlin and Somerset; he Made
deep and, lasting impression upon both" Whig
and DeMocrats. Perhaps his visit to the &Mir'
ty will make lion .five hundred ; or more volt
oyer add above the •Whig - Toie. 'rho pee
ple upon biro... 6, being. 'something ,mor'i
than an ordinary man.. . , .•,
. „
NY. and, myself arc, both ith, the :Mtg. pat.
ty—Of y9ti - . I k, t liap•i; not "aware•
The Whig doctrine of hratifetioir
to that part), ntal lye will remain there-so.lo,
as. the party advocates that' groats
ProtectiiM. to 'Americati'
The. country can never prosper; and Minims i
krectocsa_ under. any excel
lhoss advocated by thp,„lV4i6.,p,ary l .,
Yours, 'KC'.
_ .—__ —_ • ,
1 )*,, /pig X,,o9cifo?9o py G oy : , Johnston otigl j
til.illOr4; o 4,i.g'4.4 . l4 . 4Y* ll ;rkP:fl . / .41/!C.r.1 )0 4 0 !' ,
thaii he dithlor :the'-'orFest of ,tho.•rioters rt.,,
dhijAllii i ii-;: , Ip. 1.84:4 (1 -.oatiiiiOt''o6citiriea'il
'Ga'iliele,`" 'in wli'lli 'Af': . i Tatties Ronnej , ..„ . (, j , , ,.
, Ilagersbatin,,i,vssso,.ntuoy ,wounaed that 1,...'
4ied'fl.l 4 .Y. B La4or_ll39 i pcqucT99o.- .
l'rincis.ll.' phitglf-wii.s.theniGovernor. HoI,-
. stql{ : pp.lniqqa..qi,a,o9 ',Lo(it'?; ifT;qie • aqeqt Rf• ~41 , ;-,,
'fioeco. :,.-YibY ,d 14. 49 P9t;...T 44,11? .9 6 c 0 9 PVitl:
Liii , i4?. for :.PaP 1;T°i 1 C?; 1 (36 4 1 . qQY.: i 3 hullii , Id,
,traitor to is country; mid an inciter to rebel,
I oii'aint Larder: 'ltecatise'Giiv.'3Oliniticiii , hifi''
toile more to secure the apprehension of int ~.
,1 1 'hrietiana rioters-than-Gov. Shank• did for th i
1 rOst't.f.tho Clitlialo , rioters, the ..lowa - al
! ell(Kinqq. 144- in the Illim.4;ellettuqicos:PlltOnfo'ip.
.1 ono ,inannor.,. Will a sensible nett i ltoz,tutJ
chide - 411'6 . 4 llielintolies't,o.liti' llecietii•A' V th
arts of treachaous•villains wholeiskiltiihrlhl -
destruotion of human lifo as a moans. ofO
tinning their political prosperity l'.. . ''
VOLITNEE Lll-1,;-Nif_b
* P 4 -",
• _
Amouut Of the ROduction of the ,Stato
The Harrisburg Antericaii of the 13th
inst, brings us tho following official Proclama
tion hi Go;:;"." - Jo K urrarist of the REDUCTION of
TUE STATi•DEDT i3O far under the opiiliftiOn' cif -•
the "Sinking Fund Inly."- It curries glori
ous tidings, truly, to the'Oppressed tax-Payers
oC Pennsylvania:
ha the name awl by the authority of the CtAmon
- - wealth of Pennsylvania. ' '
Governor of the said Commonwealth..
if IPROfelfael.lll.lTlo.7ll
• WHEREAS, In and by an ace of
" 0 the General Asseml Of this Com
' 0,1 , .
ks„„l .-monealth, passed b the 10th dayof
April, ono thousand eight hundred
' o i "„„,,, , k and forty-nine, entitled "An Aot
to create a SINKING FUND, and to provide for
ednial provides. as follow's, viz:
.Sec. 1., That • the 'Secretary of the, Com
malwroaltb,, Auditor General and State Treas
urer, for the time peing, shall be Commission
ers, Who are hereby authorized, to, receive the
revenues appropriated by this Udt,lor which
may hereafter be appropriated for the dame
object, and to purchase therewith the debtof
the State of Pennsyltania at its market price;
if _not exceeding the par value-thereofi-to—the
full extent of the said revenfies, and to. hold
and apply the same, and the interest thereon
accruing, firmly and inviolably. on the trusts
and for the purposes hereinafter specified.
Sio. 2.
_Thatrak reyenuop-deeiyetl-fkom-the
ecniiees,'tp wit: the taxes on collat
eral Inheritances, and the per contage assessed
upon any bank or railrpad; or coal mining, or
railroad and coal mining, or improvement com
pany charter, all taxes•assessed - on distilleries
and breweries, or billiard rooms, bowling sa
loons and ten pin alleA on new counties,' on
theatrical, circus and menagerie exhibitions, .
and on eating houses; - beer houses and restan- -
rants,.end all such revenues aithe Legislature
may from time to time sot aprirt for the prir•
poses mentioned'in this not, shall, so soon as
li t e - gniaie shall be received at the TreaSurY, Le
;hid over to the said ComroiSsionei.s; she shall
forthwith proceed to purchase the debts of the. -
Commonwealth, on the terms
,and for thepur-
poes set forth iu the first section of this act.
Sec., 3: That the said Commissioners shall
be authorized to receive the interest due and
payable, on the debt, so as aforesaid purchased
and held by them, which interest shall be like
wise applied to the purchase of said debt, so
that the same 'shall forma constantly ocean, a-
!Ming fund for the extinguishment of the puh
lio debt.
That shaltbe the duty of thesn',l
Commissioners, on. the first Monday of Septe
her, in the year ono thousand eight hundr,'d
and fiftyzap; and on the same day, in evcry
third year thereafter, to certify the amount f
the debt of the Commonwealth held by thLt,
to thnGnveritor, who shall direct the eert ft
eates-reprosenting - the mine to be entice)].
and -on such cancellation 'isSue his proclatt
tion, 'stating the fact and the extingnishin
and final discharge of so much, of the princi, .1
of said debt.
See. 5. That the ConnnisSionerS e 0 .1.,
within ten days after the organization. of 1h
Legislature, in the year one thousand
hundred and fifty-two, and in everylifird y
thereafter, specially report to the legisfai.
the amount of the public debt, so as afore:-
liquidated and'proclahned by the Governm
have.„beencanoelled, end what reduction
taxes may, in. consequence :•thereof'-be no
in order that the LegiSlatwic • may pro , .t
for such reductiontin the barthens of the • -
pie. • ••• •
Asu WHEAF.AB, Alexander L. Itussell, F •
rotary of the Commonwealth, EphrairilLo•
Auditor .General,'and John 111. Bickel,
Treasurer, ,Commissioners of the Sink ing
have etnurtmi to me a4.follovis; viz:
Officeof ihe ConOnissioners of the Sinking Pei
Ilmisntinu, September, 1, 1851.
2b his _Excellency F. Zohnslolf, G . -
nor of Pennsylvania?
Sir:—ln compliance with the 4th tieCtio,
the act, entitled " An Act to create, a
Fund and to . provide for the gradual and,
tain extinguishment of the (1614, of the I .
monwealth," approved.the 10th day of ~
1849, the Commissioners Of said fund b. ,
certify that Gila atuomit of the debt (1
Commonwealth purchased since the pass.,,,,
the not of Asserubly - referred to, and i
by theni, is SIX HUNDRED AND, ,1 -0 01 , ; •
EIGHT CENTS ($859,122 98) consisting
per cont. loans negotiatdd until various ~...s
of ASsembly.
Your obedient servants,',
; „ ,-•,,
Commisaioners,of the Sinking
Now, TIIBIIF t FORE t . 111, obediencoi: to the -,
quirentent of the Murat section of, tho net ~;
the General Assembly aforesaid, I do
issno'this Proclamation; iMblisking and dry'
EIGHT CENTS ( 654,122 98) of. the Pim „
rm, of-the of this Commonwealth; •;,' 1 '
that I havo,direotod the certificates, repret.
fag the some, to bo .;,
Orvilit under My hand 'and' the Groat Seal ..r
the State 'at Harriebtat'this fifth, day •, r
Sep I e nib the year ore fir Lord one th
semi eight hundred'and fifty-ono, and of ti.e
CommenWealflithe 'Seventy-With: '
!•t • Drran govEntioa
itussnLL, :
tlze, .Coßinionweol •
rEpng,,,RENEI)II,IER,I „
4 .
eaoroco;party,oreate ' d, our. eporM6i4'f.
State; Debt ofi over Forty , .Millions of.
:Let.theireopie i l tee - niomVer .
Thht'Dovi Johnstonicaillaid" 'y'etiW
and : I f 'since imwes nauiel'atad; ditll UN- 4 •
I:tioNt" llUNDRED''',.XNDv'Frwrsrfir-Tvvo''
.t:iottAhs:RlOrNintOrLtrairi , b . .r.lvrs;"
1050:22' 9t3?•• 6t thci l part
o6foed' bete t f ; *..
-L;t tJa iPeoide ; dieuifiii.
Thai; tiveyi in}:` T
[iosed iinder`the , '.ltiiniiiiiiVaiion'd toddiodii' j
l' . l
;Let tile ' Peoj)te!ke t iet ' iltai lj
That previous T:CMIoCe
looted (hose Taxes, but did not pay the Vet&
4.2,411XT = r gopie
1' 1t AY.ktpqr4. RE A inn , tho pgrth 9 v q
IkkociN'at,94.rmilqr,im*oFial94.9( P?.. 4 1 i#
itity„993,lklkßivNifimckiii.Am.), ;./
lialf,•nuniceu the claims On the Poen? NRN,olivya
-: - .:V 7.