Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 01, 1851, Image 2

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    ~EWuum'~~SSS~~~' [ : T ~ 7 .J~ 7
Araav - A=Twa!Pallars a year; or One Dollar and
Fifty Cents. if paid punctually in Advance.
$1,7.5 if paid wfthin the yew:. .
cf 7 Airtro'v Coutity,
j 0.11 u
NR 0 Il
,Of Latica-816:
.FOIL TUE suritOlT BEKen :
RICHARD COULTER, Westmoreland , .
WA. M.-MEREDITH, Philadelphia.
WILLIAM JESSUP. Susquehanna.
ROBERT M. lIENDL'RSON, of N. 11Iiddleton
GEORGE ZINN, jr., of West Pcnnsboro'.
Clerk of Courts.
JOSEPH MOSSER, of:;litehaniesbufg.
Re)iste) •
ALFRED L. SPONSLEB, of Carlisle.
JOSEPH G.CRESSLR,-of Souttiampt-pn
Ti asurcr
'WILLIAM S. COI3.i:AN, of Cargsle
Director of the Pool..
GEORGE-L.-1.11NE, - of - Dickinson. --
. Auditor.
SAMUEL S. SKYPER, of liopowell
narThe following ticket will be supported
by Whigs and Democrats without distinction of
party, who are favorable to the election of an
Independent Judiciay:,
For President Judge.
FREDERICK WATTS, of Ciimbericud.
For Associate Judges.
- JORN — RUPP; or Hamtaen townsVp, -
SAMUEL WODDBURN, of Dickinson.
The People of Cumberland
county, without distinction of
party, are requested to assemble
in Carlisle, on
BELTUltnalr, the Zither October,
at t o'clock, P. 41., when . our
distinguished Chief Magistrate,
JOHX.S 7'OX, will
address' is fellow -citizens on the
important subjects which inter
est4the, People in connexion with
_the__coming election.- COME
AND HEJIR HIM, as ire ren
ders a faithful account of his
Stewardship as your Executive
officer. He desires to be heard
by all, of both parties, that hon
est Voters-may form correct con
clusions,and poteunderstanding
ly. Farthers,Meclianics,Man•
.ufacturers, Working-Men and
Tax-Payers, of every class,
COME .I.X - D HEM?, HIM! !
Gov. Johnston will also ad-.
dress his fellow - citizens. in
71201 Ling of the same day, at 9 or
1.0 o'clock. Let all good citizens
show their regard for the, min
who-is-relieving-them - of -oppress
sive Debt and .Taxes, by afford
ing him a cordial welcome!
The proceedings °t i the meetings in Mechan
icsburg and Newton, Silver Spring and Dick
inson townships, show that THE PEOPLE ARE
Anousunt The number of our township mee
tings, and the lingo attendance and enthusi
asm which they exhibit are most encouraging
signs of the times! They are the forerunners
of glorious VICTORY! These meetings show
that - the honest voters of the country, the
hardy yeomanry, are deeply impressed with
tito importance of the election and are deter
mined to make themselves heard at the ballot.
boat- The State Debt-Paying poliey. of: Gov
.) OLINSTON ought to be sustained by his re:eleo
tion,-und the - Tax-Paying"F • armers
mined to do it!' ' The profligacy, waste and
fiend exhibited on the publio works demand
r form, and tho people aro determined on e
lecting honest JOHN STROHM. as Canal Cornmis
s'oner! Mechanicsburg, Nowton, Silver Spring
and Dickinion speak through our columns this
week, as Went Pennsboto, North Middleton
and South. Middleton have spoken before! Lot
fire must be kept up, and "a hide more grape'
constantly poured forth. upon this enemy's
ranks! This week meetings will be held in
Allen and Monroe townships, and adjourned
meetings Silver Spring, Newton end other
townships. ATTEND TIIE TIEETINOS, Whigs!—
(lo to the meetings and complete your organi
zation, so tliat every thing may be in readiness
for effectual action on the second Tuesday of
Chit . obe , rl' Have all your township arrange-
meats completed in good time, and then come
in to hear our noble loader, Oov. Jonrmo:s7
on - thn Saturday before' . the olectiEnt
ltlanntann a/MOR I—The Rev. W. Phillips
proposes deliver Ceourse of three lectures
on the• - above subject in Education Rail, on
*Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of
this week_ • 'ileac lectures, as we see by the'
papers in those places,'haie been delivered in
York, Gettysburg, and other towns, with gietit
acceptance, drawing crowded houses and• af
fording bigh satisfaction., The subject is in
teresting to' old and young, and the lecturer ie
-a,gentleratin of ability,
ter The Volunteer's jokes are getting to be
vastly-amusing, It seems that the faot of itt
heavy edition requiring it to go to press one day
in adeanee, was what prevented it seeing that
the Herald of week before last bad Messrs
Kennedy's and, ifullin'a cards in That the
-.)gea_The last Volunteer has what we. Sup- ,
tO9O was intefided to be a very severe refer'epeej.
to the sp000l:qf 'Penn's°, Esq., In .
• ply to Mr. Bonham. Instead of such pitiful ;
\ attacks rre.lyould suggest that Mr. Bonham en-. 1
„deavor"to oliar'hitoscif of sem° of tho gross 4
*mis-stiiimme4ts which that speooll festeus upOn
COL. BIOLMIt. IN .ipA.11245x..E.,
nie 'Reception a Plat V'ttpuire I
Woz‘tiite t Tlonly what . : .wctelirisible tolet*
l' , trusn's:eyes on hursdoy last, when we'say - that.
Col. gtHerja eceeptih r n- Ca - Iqlsl
} flat
e, Was a
rhittwe• Notwithstanding Cal. Bigld's visit ad
'beet) - duly,annou'need 'tor beforehand'—,'
not‘ithstanding hugs; lantibilli were scattered'
allover the county, calling ; .upen tho Peopie to
cone and heat: ”:111e8ithijtiehaanaqtaftetaan"-- , .
yet ilte•peoplellict-- not cone It is safe to' say
that there were: not 'over two hundred - persons
from the country who came ip partieularly,t,
licar:Col.. Bigler! The escort which Brought,
him from Shippensburgl/1195Cd through the most
populous part of tho , county for- nuttily twenty
miles ; but yet the potpie along the road did'not
follow. Where then is Col. Biglers's boastod
popularity? Whe)re is .that enthusiasm with
which the. people were to receive him? It
certainly has not.Peenexhibitcd in Cumberland
county, for we understand the reception in Ship
pensburg was no leSs a failure than that in Car
lisle. Col. Bigler's audience assembled in: the
angle of the Market House, and, if the Whig
portion of it had been subtracted, would have
presented a .very meagre; show indeed.- Col:
Bigler's speech We shall not attempt to notice.
ft is enough for us to know that it.inade no new
converts to his party, nor dill it inspire any en
thusiasm among his friends. The Whigs left
the meeting more than Over attached to their
own .glorious leader, Gov. Johnston, and more
'than over disgusted with the attempts which
to traduce his character. We pre
dict now that Gainbcrland county will cast a
handsome majority for Gov. Johnston F - -
The last meeting of the Johnston Club of
Carlisle, held_ on Thursday Evening-last,-within
an' hour or two after Col. Bigler had got through
his speech, was by far the largest meeting held
by the Whigs this fall! . The only effeCt of Col.
Biglcr's speech seemed to be to enimate tho
Whigs to fresh exertions and renewed'enthusi
is.'favor of Gov. Johnston . Col.
has now been seen and heard, and the People
are convinced of Gov. Johnston's infinite su
periority over him as an orator and statesman.
The Whig cause has made greaser progress
since Thursday last than - before. - The meeting
of Thursday night gave evidence of this fact.
Speeches were made by Messrs. R. M. Hender
son, W. M. Penrose, James It. Smith and Jacob
Rheem, pqrs. all of whom spoke eloquently
and to the point and elicited warm applause.—
The meeting adjourned to meet at Glass' Hotel
be-morrow evening.
Ihb proceedings together with the ethislititl ,
lion and by-laws of the Johnston Club of South
Middletdo, arc crowded out this week owing to
their length and the late hour at which they
were received. Their last meeting on Satur
day Cvoning was ably addressed by A. B. Sharp,
Esq.''and Messrs. Rheem, Rither and 'Griffith,
Whose speeches 'l7 CrP warmly reSpOlred 'to by
the meeting, South Middletonpreparing• to
render a good account on the second 'Tuesday !
When J. Ellis Bonham, Esq., was a candi
date for the Legislature last winter, ho re
ceived, through-mistaken-kindness and friend—
ship, a largo number of Whig votes, partici'. l i
larly in this borough. Whigs were appealed
to and their vcq l es asked for him because he
was said to be a moderate politician—because,
as there was a large locofoco majority in, the
Legislature his election could do no haroi—bo
cause he belonged to Carlisle and his Whig op
ponent was a stranger, &e. Other nr, 3 om.iinte
were used, no v.i'eumstances dictated, and in
this way a very large Whig vote was secured
in this borough for Mr. Bonham. The Whigs
of other sections of the county, and of other
counties also, were astounded iind mortified at
the announcement of lAA.. Bonham's election in
this way. 'file Whigs, tno, who were thus
misled, wo hope have long since seen their m
ror, and repeated their course in thus casting
their votes to the injury of their own cause.—
will not be thus misled again. Mr. I3OK-'
ham and his friends can't "pull the wool °r e 1. .:
their - eyes" - a sewn - GI times Tf they"haVe" the
tr ' spirit of men and Whigs tbei can't help
regarding Mr. Bonliatn's course as a deliberate
instal and outrage to their political feelings.
We hove no personal hdblility to Mr. Bon
ham. But be is the bitter foe of principles
and measures we hold dear, and therefore we
protest against his receiving Whig support for
a political office. Ho is the ultralt r avocate of
British manufacturing interests—he Itas voted
for more State Debt and threatens to do it again!
Ile is the traducer and villifier of our distin
guished champion of Whig principles, W.M. F.
Joussros, whom be denounces on all occa
sions. • Do these things entitle him to the .fa
vor and votes of Whigs ? What Whig will give
give such a candidate ? No, if Mr.
Bonham is to be elected let it 'be by the votes
of those who agree with him in political senti
ments. The Whigs have candidates in Messrs.
titled to their support on. every ground, per
sonal and political. They are both popular
and affable. gentlemen, and have - the talents
and energy to make prudent and useful mem
bers of the Legislature. Let every Whig in
every section of 'tbe county give thorn his cor
dial and hearty support.
In an elaborate appeal td'the party to stand
by the party nominations for this district, which
occupies over a column of the last Volunteer,
the writer says, "billet us imPlire if the Whig
party practice in Whig judicial districts the
same policy the //ma preaches to the demo!
crats of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata 1" Yes,
sir, they do. Tho Wgigs of Philadelphia, 11;
we showed last week, have put in nomination
for Judges several knpunr. democrats, and
simply for the reason that they had proved
thenvelVes upright: and independent mcn on the
bench, when the calls' of party attainpted to
sway them.
We hope the friends of the Independent Ju
dicial Ticket will pay no heed to the stories
which aro induhtriciusly circulated,'aud which
orb intended to create distrust between the
friends'of the licliet. Let ; the friends of the
Independent Ticket, whether Whigs of Demo-
crate, stand firm to WATTS, WOonnuni; and
Item, arid their election cannot bo doubted.
The papers of Norristown, Pottsville and West
Chester come to us teeming'with the accounts
of Whig meetings, hold in Chester, Schuylkill
and Montgomery counties, lately, at which the
governor spoke, The meetings mere attended
by thOusands; and thetioirernor's remarks ap
pear to have elioited'great admiration. ~ T here
,is no,doubt4hat An. 411, thlcountics he has vis
ited:be hO_A9ft . the,YOryli)OOil impression,,,
Mi•Evott as a rook hurls 'hick with scorn
thtsSurgeS',lki,h4lif f loth' OfpornOoohnsfou
pol'wiih triumph'd unmoved, the slap:lama's
assaults of his politiosfonothiel.
voctaclo. , ,
Startling r ante for rarmoys
A whe r le-seulacif,Whig of Newton. township.
Whileiiot slew 4, Major JnokDowning's groat
tittain4ntoy "Verin," writes to • us that he:
matte siiine 'arithmetical calculations ro
spectilt tho. State 33 , c4 The following results-
have been arrived, at Which are deeply iritifeit.
ting. to Tax:-Payirig Farmers. The Statc : Debt
is at the- prcaent time over l l'orty :Wilkins of
Dollars. At sixteen dollars--to-the-pound,-this
would make imsilveftho' enormous , weight of
two:millions flue hundred th.oimmid pounds - Al
lowing two th'ousand.pmimis'apr MI? i Mail of n
Wriddn,'our State - Debt id larke iitiough to loud
ONS ! ! That gives xon.some ideb of the enoi- .
mows amount'Of our State Debt; Farniers
But this is not all. We have paid about Thir
ty Millions in the shape of igtereSt ,ontlii4 ; ptetto
Debt,-being,am amount : almost-equal to, the
Principal, and the Principal,is yet to pay !
Aacording to the above Calcidation; this would
fill almost if pot quite outs 11USDRED. WAGONS
Now, Tax-Paying Farmers, what will you do
with t 43 hugs wagon-train of Stnte'Debtt for
your vo te's can control the Whole matter?:; There
are two plans-presented for your adoption.=
! Woe. F. JoussToN, 'the Whig candidate for
Governor goes for reducing th(limbei• of this
great.wngonrlino. In the last two years be
has reduced the State Debt 'over six hundred'
and fifty thousand-dollars, , Whieh is at the rate
his plan in operation,. and leave him, to manage
affairs, nnef the reduction will go on faster ev
ery ymnr, until this longiine of wagons,_
ed down with State Debt, shall no longer-leave
their marks on the soil of Pennsylvania!
But what dock Wm. Thammt, the locofoco
candidate propose to do? lie gives us no hope
of - reducirig - tkt number of this great wagon
line. In fact ho does not appear to desire its
reduction, but seems to delight in looking at
the leng„traiMand wishing it still longer! He
ridicules Gov. Johnston's idea of taking off a
wagon-load it year. Like our very high-mind
ed Representative in the last Legislature, Mr
Bordnim, he thinks Gov. Johnston's Sinking
Fund' a contemptible scheme! But not only
that. Ile even wants' to add several wagon
loads instead - Ortaking - time off! When he
Was in Bradford county a few weeks since, ho
told the people there that the North Branch
Canal was getting along too slowly under Gov.
Johnston's plan. For his part, lie said, - Imw
in favor of borrowing our. rur.ttow AND A UALF
OF - DOLLXRS ta7comylete itirt mice. How many
additional wagons would that require, Tax-
Payers? Just make the calculation for your
selves: Between- these two men you must
choose. Between Gov. Jonssrox who goes for
reducing the State Debt, and Wm. BIGLER who
has niinonneed his disposition ho- increase it.
And here is our late Representative, J. Ellis
Bonham, Esq. Ile also is oipox;3/ to Wing o ff ?'
any, but voted last winter in the Legislature to
add a-few more Wagon londs uf Debt. He vo
ted for about one lrayunqoad to improve the
Columbia Rail hooch and-then he goes for a.:
bout FIVE WAGON LOADS (of earn- debt, re
inember,) to avoid the Inclined Planes of the
Portage Rail Road!! Ile tells you so in his
Into speech, published in the Irvin/item Farm
ers, are you agreed to mt: 2 Have you get a few
more piles of shining silver dollars lying_ by
you, that you think ore too "contemptible" to
keep? If so, the TAX-COLLECTOR will call
and you can lend a million and a quarter of'
them intmwagens for the use of the Portage
Rail Rood! And then if you are still Bush of
money and have no poor friends, you can elect
Wm. Bigler who will direct the Tax-Collector
to call and load up another million and a loot
for the completion of the North Branch Ca
nal! Only say you are agreed!
But if you are not agreed to anything so un
wise and extravagnnt, then vote for WM. F.
11.11 , 1 C4.TIICATiT, the Whig candidates for the
AlMoat Villainou: — .l. — dioforo Outrage
A most dastardly attack was made upon Gov.
Johnston and in_sehuylkill county,
on_Monday night._ ..ble.had-beenercalting-- at
Tamaqua, and the Pottsville Journal says, on
the retur...,ol the Governor and his escort to
a.. e, a most villainous attack with made
upon them after leaviug the oars, by a party
of rowdies at Mount Carbon. A pistol was
discharged; whether at the Governor or not is
unknown, but fortunately without takhig effect
upon any one. Clubs and stones then follow
ed, striking several persons and injuring them
considerably. The attack was made at elate,
hour on Monday night. Four persons worn
arrested, and brought before Esquire Reed, on
Tuesday afternoon, but no one appearing to
prove their identity, with the rioters, they were
discharged. Two persons, knocked down with
stones or clubs thrown at the Party, were walk
ing close beside the Governor, and it is prob
able that he owes his safety to the foot that he
was received at Mount Carbon by a procession
of Miners, in their working dress, with their
lamps and torches, and escorted to his lodging§
at the Exchlm,ge, where they were dismissed,
after a,ehort address from tho Governor, upon
their frequently oiling for him.
We have heard, continues
L tlie Journal, that
that a prominent locofoco , of 'Schuylkill, was
very active in instigating a riot, calling upon
the assembly, to bang Gov. Johnston, as the
blood of Mr, Gorsuch teas on Ms skirts. Front
his inflammatory-dangling°, we can have no
doubt that the pistol fired was aimed at the
G °mu:A
ThSDoring the high price of the famine
Year the Looofoco papers de'ceivcd our farmers
tolling them that tho good prices-wore the
effect of the tariff of 1846. We have the same
Locofoco tariff still—for although we have a
Whig Presidentwomre living under :Locofeco
laws and a Locofoco, Congress—and yet the
price of wheat is pow down to . SEVENTY.
cents. •' If the tariff 0f,'46 put up the prices
of produce the famine, why hue' it not
kept them up? The truth is, under this locc;-
foco tariff we are just coming to the Looofoco
standard of LOW PRICES and LOW WAGES.
'With t i ll() price of Wheat everything else minst
come down, and we will, if the thing continues,
aeon have the . WAGES OP LABOR. down to the
Locofoco standard of TEN CENTS ft DSY
How long Will our Pprmers and Laborers fail
tct soo these things?
short time since, Mr. Pomeroy, Dopu.
ty Sheriifof Bradford county, and fonrothrs,
undertook to arrest a" man named- Peters,'
the Columbia oress•roalls, in Quit county. Pe
tors drew knife from his pocket rind stabbed
-tPoineroy, who died instantly. • This is alinest
a parallel , case to
.tlio Eforsuch _murder. :Where,
is the Vigilant Connuittee to hake up'time Gov-
errinrl ..._Can't some political capital be made
'out ot -
:• 4. "
AtV 6 ,Th;ereivas',S, terrible eoUtlagration hi
Buffalo dn. Thursd47'.' littlidrod buildiriga
d roy J.. {983
halt ripign'•oft
DiS COVlllltrtlrlrr;
Ita4i4ng a Falao,Alarni to Meet Digler
fOlotfirlablbr' raised by the locofoco
pdrty about the murder of Mr: Gorsuch, and
their malignant attempts' to.teake Goy. Johns . -
. ton . reip ousible • for the crime, are now fully
They'saw the necessity of 1E21.18
• TNG it was al else one!—
' . The 11arrisburi. American says, Judge Wool)-
WARD, of Lnzeint, who is travelling round
--tanking stunip-speeches for Bigler, was in Har
i risburg Inst,Wook,.and . stopped at. Btichlerzs
Hotel. Whilst in town several promi9elii, lo
eallea. to see -hint They'ilptdia•
about the prosPoots of the party.—
Judge Woodward brought rather a gloomy no
' `count froM said lie had heard
of but Ono' Whig in the State allB`' Would net
vote for Goy. Johnston now, but that ho lied
heard-of hundreds of Demorrats.WW .
voted- fOr JolinSipuiojB:lB but would unto-zfor
:him now, apd , f/ this, stampede in. Gov,. s Talin-
W four was , not'stopinq -dot. "warthl
' 'he &tented ! , Ie proposed,tp, acaomplisbythis
parpose, that Moir orator's and presses•shonW
, raise a panic on th'e slu.very luestion, so a:1 to
secure Gov: Johnston's defeat! 'reraar
Iced : •
" He did not known that .there
Yds any e'ajise for alarm, but it
was Getter to raise a . KASE
31.3 BM than that jOhnston
should be elected"
This suggestion sons agreed to after consul
tation, and Mi. Woodward's Philadelphia
speech is the beginning, of this gr'nntl effort to
humbug the people. Sorting as this revela
Kwe assure .our readers it is true, and
we aro prepared to prove it n t any moment I
Remember this trick, Whigs, when you read
the Gorsuch letter, the Comments of the Loco
foco Press on tho'riot at Christiana and 'their
efforts to identify Governor Johnston with the
Abolitionists. This is all a Mere Fhain, into:ci
d for polilleal drreir Laugh at and despiso the
miM, , rable tricksters,-who 'Would thus agitate
the . country with false alarms =rely to gain
votes - for their party.
IC tbe Volunteer had in addition to the ta
ble of taxes assessed for the lost -six -Fears,
given the table of taxes received, which it
Might:Mit as easily have got from tho Auditor
General's Report, or under a certificate from
" John W. Hammond, a Whig Clerk in the An
tlito_GeneraVs office r " it WOuld Alien have
shown some di:vs/Won to make its readers ac
quainted with the truth.. But this was not its
purpose. It would rather labor through It col
umn in stultify the good sense of its readers,
than enlighten them by'a simple statement of
the troth. ,Now, instead of replyirig to the
ahsoi•d sitilfwflieh, in connexion with 0. good
deal of equally contemptible nbhse of ourself,
is palmed upon the readers . dr that paper last
week as arywient, we prefer tar present the fol
lowing e . !tricia' statement of the t xe3 assessed
and received during the last six years, four of
which are Gov. Shrink's time, nod' two years
of Gov. Johnston's. Let every man judge for
reara. TUT ..I,se,sed. Tax RN - fired.
1345 $1 . ;4105,591 $1,810,888 02
1810 1,824,594 01 1.110,112 70
1817 1.13 l,t - i7l —72 - 1,:;,40, 7,i4- 13
1818 1,100,78'd 92 1,3 - i0,12J du
1811 1,410,903 38 1,2198,9:!I
18:10. 1,515;036 11 .1,:1171S21
N.W, the nssertion in Goy..lnhnslon e speech,
which Mr. Bonham with bold effrontery dr,ied
the Irreth of, was that the Former, of INAtiv-yl
vania had paid less tax into the St.Lte Wel la
ry tinting hia administration than daring his
pralecossor's; Gov. Shank. And does not the
above clearly show the truth of Gov. Johnston's
assertion The taxes nusessed we admit ore
higher. flat the amOUnt_receirtd_ that
got into the , State Treasury. Some portions of
it may yet be received, but (boy. Johnston' has
only been in office two full fiscal 'years, and it
is tsith those two years the comparison isniade.
The statement above contaies the wholetrulb,
and we again ask whether it does not prove
Gov. Johnston's assertion to be correet, and Mr.
Bonham - to have attempted a wilful misreprp,
seatatiiin - artlia - truth; with an intuition • to
mislead and deceive the holiest Tus-Payu•s of
Ctimberland county?
it is amusing to see how hard the Locofocos
are pressed for facts against Gov. Johnston.—
To make up for their lack of truth, the West
Chester Jeffersonian calls Gov. Johnston '•a
(defaulter." The same paper calls him "a
swindler," while the Carlisle Valunteer Man
ses its reader, by declaring with usual Locofo
co truthfulness, that "Gov. Johnston is a
wealthy nabob, living in splendor and'inagnif
icence, and has no feeling in dommon, or sym
pathy for the laboring man and mechanic!"
This is wpretty mess of stuff for any honest
man to swallow, and debt creating Locefocos
try to administer the dose. What humbug
TARIFF."-tllO Tariff of 18-
40, the Locos told us, was passed for the espe
cial bea9fit of the Farmers, and some oven
went surfer as to call it the " Farmer's Tariff."
Well, how are the Farmers bonetitted ? What
is the prise of wheat ? 70 and 80 cents !
Here are thtrgloricaurpractirat friiit.o As ma
ny as are in favor of the Tariff of 1810 and 80
__cents aLbushel±for— wheatrwill—off —hats — and
give nine cheers for Bigler and his' glorious
-,Fran Trade sykoin that is producing these re
regret to learn
from tho.tiew York Mirror, that the health• of
lifr..clay is in such a feeble state, tlint ex
tromely dottbtfill of he will or& pgnin be No
to yisit--*sbin&ton. For the first time in big'
long- and glorious life, the great 'Statesman
seems team physically desponding. The edi
tor of the. Mirror says that he )yritus this par
-agraphr-ns it will bs:reacl; fceling of
profound sadness.
Rand Curtis, an eminent lawyer-of Boston, has
been nominated by President Fillmore, to the
spat 'On the bench of tim Supreme t :out, left
vacant by the death Of lion. Levi Woodburg..—
Mr. Curtis tsa political folleiwor and ptreonal
admirer of itir, Webster, and but 40 years old.
lie accepts the post.
. .
of Cundaerttindeounty, bits accepted an invi
tation front the t?resbytorian congregation of
Chantbershurg,,to bo their stated supply 'rev
ono year, bud has already, 'entered upon' his
ministerial duties.. •, •
DIOKIMiON 0011su - or—We are Nappy to learn
that Mr. Diekinson Gorsuch, :who Wes so
woundocl'at Christiana, at: the' thno
father was so brutally murdered; is now raii.4,
Idly recovering, and eipaots to'reach his hena;
in 'Baltimore eountyotext week. % •
. , ,
CIOLD aeeetipts - reboiveil
by wak t neand,ef tbe diaaayo79f!.geld in
Sonth Atietralla are (ally confirmed by the in- ,
telligeince from San Irrancisa9. •
g 000 4 , 5 TIL,
The folloiving Ma:to:neat of the varions,lonnski
constituting . the' Present STATE DEGt.„oe
Pennsylvania; and arnounis a'S they., etporl on
the lst day,Of' Decentlier , lBso,.is',eopted freak!'
the Annual 114poyt oPJo4X4N. , „Punt4filiO,
.Locorooo AVd4'or General; made to' the . last=
Statement of the Pahl& Itebt' of Petmnlvania.
Stock' Lean peiabi A * Pril 2;1821 - tii20,322
do do April 1, 1820 205,224 71.
do '' do; 1827 900.211 liict
do.• , do' • .111hr.24, 1828' ,i/97,418 1 12
do do Dec. 18,•1828 798,274 64
do • do Apri122,1829 2,197,372'43- -
do flO Dee. 7, 1829 . 50'000 00 !
do 'do Mai.. 11, 1810 3,991;800 28,
do do.. Mar. 21, 1831.2,181,201 81
.do do, Mar. 28, 1831 120,000 00
do - aci , i Mil - 288,1)13) 43
:do • iklaet , 3o;lB92 2,343,437 62
do do April" 5, 1832 800,000 00
do ,do Fob. 164833.2,539,880 13
•do do , Mar.% 1,.1833 , '529,922 74
do do • A1ar.,27, 1833 529,022 73
do '5, 'lB3l 2,2d4,832 61.
do 3 do April 13, 1835
,V 39,989 16 ..
do do lui'y 26,,..1830 1;192,583 28
do do Fehly 0; 1839 1,227,216 01
--do do Mar: 1)1, 1539 469,480 70
do do Mar, 27,1839 469,480 79
do do June 7, 1830 49,91)7 24
dO , do Jane 27, 1839 1,134,248 68
do do July 19, 1839 2,053,831 06
do do Jan'y '22, 1840 868,7890'2
do • do April 3, 1840.
.853,681 95. •
do do Juno 11, 1810 1,933,732 88
do do Jnn'y 16, 1841 800,000 00
do do Mar. 4, 1841 22,835 06
Loan (relljdo May • 1, 1841 642,164 00
Stock Loan do May 5, 1841 58)1,1937 68
s ;t10 - t i, - do May 6, 1811 909,677 01
Ini-eetti's do -3oly----27-,-1842- ---38 7 016 08--
do do March 7, 1813 62,080 31
Stock Loan do • "April 29; 1844 50,294 39
hit certi's do ' May 31, 3814 66,438 61
Stock ;.oan do April 10, 18-15 1,555,182 15
do do Jan 'y -2-9, 3847 - 74,654-•00
.do do April 11, 1848 189,687.15
One I'lloando April .19, 1849.* 400,000 (10
[This loan'ivas created for the purpose of
avoiding-the Inclined Plane on the •Cotumbio
Railroad,-41 work of great practical utility,
owl one which greatly redounds to the inter
est of the Commonwealth.]
The above is taken letter for let te;and fig
ure for figui•o front the aliciql Staiement in the
fast Auditor General's-Report, p0g0 . 120. Let
us now see under What administrations this
debt was accumurated;
Thee. .21thnini,tration.. Debt ContraHr(l.
1820t01823—.1 ()sop!' Mester, Loco. .1:20,322. 9!)
1823t11829—J. A. Shultz, (19. 0,337,501 :35
1N Tt 9l.l—(lntiri.c,7ll - 01f , 16,032,000 Fr—
llituer, Irjlq, 000,000 00
18: . 38to18 I—I) IL 13,100,850 06
'lB-1-ItolBlB-I', 11. Skunk, (1.. 4,780,32,', GO
,1.,6.18t01 851—W. If.l.Folipston, Whili,,loo,lioo 00
Examine the above figures, and say-whether
the Locofeco party of Pennsylvania, is not the
*Aoo,ooo . luan of Pil9, created for the pur
pose of 'lt voiding the Inclined Mule on the
Columbia aSilroad, not one DOLL\ I:1W TII - E
PUIILIII DEI;T, a: ( .1 es, r co/an/reed by a II
Adaliaistratiaa !
)frrk,,,We published lost week, :Leave -publish
this week on the fourth page of oar pnper, the
flieOd Proclamation of Gov. JolueUen, issued
in ugeordance with the .let of Ilith
entitled a An Art to create a Sinking Fund,
and to provi le for the gradual and certain e - m
tinguiAment of the dclit of the c o nnho,
wealth." It proelailns the checring,ncwe to
the tax-paters of the Commonwealth, ui the
kifnavgl,„ diflr.'iorge . of
- $6 5 9,12 2 98 of the State Debt !
awl that lie has Ilireetod tlio certificates repro
-sentitygOnt-nnioirnt to - be — runzElMl: The' an
[vial interest on this stun - fit six per cent.
mount, to
$30,515 37!
which is of course none-illy saved to the tax
payers of the Commonwealth by this .perntion.
These arc the t;lori , ins fruits of the SINKING
antl passed ?'y kid inAtent:e.!
---Tax-Payers of-Penusylvania-f—eari you hes:
hate to support a man who was the first to un
dertake the gigantic task: of devising a sysfom
Tor tlio payment of the State Debt, wirthaut any
increase of the burdens of the people? Go to
the polls, then, and vote for WILLIAM F.
JouNti>Tos, and the debt will continue to be
reduced more and more7hile he continues in
The following are the yeas and nays on the
passage of the Maminmoth Appropriation Bill
through the Pennsylvania House of RePresen
tatires, at its last session, in which Bill two
new STATE. LOANS were provided for—one
of $250,000 for avoiding the Inclined Plane
on the Allegheny Portage Rail Road (which
will eventually cost over a million!) and th
other of $98,000, for improving curves on Co
lumbia Railway. The entire amount of ap
,prepriations made by the hill was $1,298,693,-
80! On its passage the yeas and nays were as
follows;—the yeas all locos but four.
Yn.ts—Messrs, Benedict, Bigelow, Blair,„
330171 - LAAVZ, P,riridle, aiieden r ,Demears,,,
Dorian, Downer, Dunn, Ely, Evans, (Berlts,)
Feather, Fegely, Freeman, Gabe, Griffin, Hague
Iluplet, Jackson, Lanry, Leech, Lect, Lilly,
Linton ' ,lleenne, MeKenn, McLer• - 11.1citivnAls,
Marris;`,Wow 1. , . ( IV yonnng,) (Ain°, Patten,
Penniman, Reckhow, [they, Ross,
Shull; Simpson, Skinner, Solider, Steward,
Thomas, Walker, Cessna, Speaker-46.
NAYS—Messrs. Armstrong, -Baldwin, Bent,
Blaine; Bowen, Bromall, Brower, Alexander 11.
Brown, Joseph Brawn, Cooper, Dobbins, Dun—
gan, Evans, (Indiana,) Title, Fre to, Gosidei.;
Gully, Hamilton, Hart, Hemphill, Ihinseeker,
Killinger,' Kunkel, McClity, McCluskey, Mc-
Curdy, McLean, Monroe, Mowry, (Somerset,)
Nissley, Packer, Reid, Riddle, Roberts, Rob
ertson„Scofield, ,56a//cr, Shaeffer, Slinger, 811-'
Cer, Smith, Struthers, TronVan Horne-44.
PROM OF TIli; TAM , OF 1846,1:41:o Cla
rion .(Ps.) Register, advertises SiX,FURPA
CES for sale, by the Sheriff, in one'day. This
is a commentary upon that measure, which
speaks-with more force
. to the people of Penn
sylvania, titan volumes .could do ; and bears
stronger testimony of its rottenness, than can
be set forth by the pen of its bitterest enemy,
—testiMony, which the empty declamation of
the deinagogue cannot controvert,, nor the most
subtle reasoning of its advocates overthrow, ,
—There is no medicine before the Public more
popular and mere respected by the 1111115 Ft them
these Dyspepsia Bitters. They tire mild and
, good to'tlia•palate, nud for that severe, disa
greettble and' prevailing disease, it !sit' 'Most
Perfeat onto, and has no equal. In Many ca
ses, uhere.raedieine'seenied' ' use,
these Miters ltii,y9ACtually Jadiented the bor.
Tiblo malady in every short period Of flew.—
'Thousands have tested its virmaiioind thou
sands aro still tryinr, its efficacy : . T 1 Cimcu-
Inns, containing the mirtificates of Itainarkable
Cures, 'and the; high,estiAnttion in which this
medicine is hold press, min he
I had of the Agents, free. • Principe) (Mob,'
1.29 Fultoti street, N, Y., up stairs, 6 . 011.1 in'
Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT. 'j, Trice 60 C.,C2a3 per
- i'EOPLE t
, •
Nirliv , rox liotvnisitrp.
• ' Pursitant . 'to public notice n meeting of thA,
ton toirtis!hipl3. 4 lleld ..... at the.
Ifenrylittreh, Tritlay . ve;"
ning the 25th inst.), for Alio iu`rpcjse
a ,itJahston mofiOn';the'ioli9wing
iihrsonsVere eleetiq'othWts — of the Club, viz
1 .tidog---./PIKVIAS A. 31eKINKUY.
Vice Presidents—J. M. Harlip, J. Weaver,
I Elder Sharp, John N'oung James iti;()re,
Corer:pan:ling Secretary J. S. Mc Elva lac
"On motion the renewing Committee, was ap=
pointed to' tlrlft T . . 6301660118 expressive of the
se'nse of the Tneeting,'iiz: Messrs.J. IL Wi
ley, W. C. Koons, John Sharp and , Samuel
Waggoner, who reported the following,. which
were unanimously adopted.
to,prC.Orilillolltl3; ' important .to
all the great I,min:it:vita pursuits of the count r y
to secure the permAnehf ascendancy of Whig
principles. And whereas, The State Adminis
tra tiou directed in. Gov 3 Johnston boo for its
aim, the faithful observance and, execution of
the laws, nit economical use of the public
money, a speedy extinguishment of the Slate
Debt and consequent reduction of taxation,
Ind the ectablishnuMt of a syfitem of duties
on foreign merchandise, which, while it shall
raise sufficient revenuo to defray the espouses
f the National ovornment,lwill at same
time give protection to American labor. There
ne,olvetl, That we cordially approve GOB'.
!WINSTON'S efforts in these directions, and
bail with peculiar satisfaction the payment sit
over half ti million of dollars'of the.titate N
ullities—a presage of, hotter days; and that
se will USC OUr inja_CIWCIV.OrSA.O.ACCIIVO.JII,7:_
Resolved, That JOHN STROIJM the Whig
etinlidate for Canal Commissioner, than whom
I more worthy man could not be fomal, de
annicsAlm_suppoet-of—nverpone-who-desi res to
aomote lime Avi , lfigo of the State,
Resolved, That our calulidates for the So
memo Bench are men of unimpeachable pro
)ity, of high legal-attainmentl i ,and . :titagether
m'orthy'6i• iiitaividea vote of the Whig
q(10.677 2_ll.
nem! rol, That the nominees of the late Whig
'ounfy C'unrention ore well qualified for' the
liseharge of the duties of the office for which
.hey were nominated, and for whom we will
dicerfully east our suffrages.
Resar,/,. That we he:ii•tily approve the ne
ion of the 6:11110 e.ihrention in leaving the Ju
tieinl que:ition open to the mil:rinsed judgment
if the people.
That n•oa will support the Indspen
dent Judicial ticket, and earnestly- recommend
the SalllC course to all who desire on impartial
distribution of Justice.
• • • - •
i cs'il r '''J , That We am fi fliktY._o4lP_oni_t_o_ ti,y_
Ti i e r e as e or the State Debt, and .to' this eml
kill use nil honourable means to prevent the
imivancenwat of num who' would increase it if
H•:eolr•r'l • That in 1 ivourin 4 g the protective
policy we but express a desire that the fos:ter—
ing hand or the Government be exerted in fa
vor of o the interests of out• own people in prof-
It:Fence to (but of foreigner's. •
That tlicse.proceedingiabepTildh.h
cil in the 'Carlisle Herald' and •Shippensburg
*10,677,214 GS
Lirge and re.peetable meeting
. 61. the
IVlligs of tilver Spring township, w , s 1,211 nt,
the lomse of John Loy, in Kingston, on-the
even:ng of 1-'l-id.ty the 21;th inst. 'Alr. AN
DREW J, t.'OFl•'iLlS.rrnsappointedl'resident,
assisted ly ties. 1:0o,is, and Geo. Reed, as
Pre.,ithmLs, and John-iteed - ,--Esil.,was ti;p
minted On mOtiMiit Committee
thi^ewer.t appointed, consisting of John
Wi!tiants ParLer and Christian
Vr111:1111, Lo rt.tlol' I 1,16011.1L1M1H for the to,..eth:r.
tiler the Committee retired, the meeting tuns
thly athlro.a, , l by .t. It. Sharp, and It. M.
londersan, Esqrs. The Committee returning
repci.ted the followii.z resolutions, which were
unanimously alopted:
R rte ter. ka, relieving its we do that. it is the
SrGinty well as the privilege of all trim Ameg l .
luaus Au fueat_tt,ether,-alal-ta--diaause
ly, nll suit Ible occasions, the principles by
which they :ire governed, in the exerci..e of the
elective franchise be , meatlital to them by their
forefathers, the,refore,
'First innintain and advocnte
the principles of the Wing party, believing
them to be esseittiel to the permanent pros
perity nit our C,,lliftry, that
,ilolginA from the
past. we ' hare It emlicient guarantee that so
long; as tint.;' principles are mistained by the
people, tire honor, credit mill" prospoiify of
-rut-glorious-old -I , :gystone - will lie 'safe.
/I, ad r6l, That we approve of the course
2ursucal by our talented
I , ll.t.moni:, upon tilt tile . great issucalgina have
been presented, and we p:edge ourselves to
.11Mtain him in executing the laws Anil perfor
ming the duties re.ptired of hint by the con
. -thulium
Rrsol md, That we have full confidence in
our fearless, able and efficient Governor, Wll.
F. JOHNSTON, and. will use all honourable
1100110 to secure his re-election on the 14th of
lctober next.
Revolved/. That we have full confidence in
- lie ability as well as the honesty of JOHN
STROIIM for Canal Commissioner, believing
if he were elected, - many of the wastes as well
in many of the frauds practised on our Public
Works, would be prevented.
Resolved, That we will giro nur undivided
sdpport to. the WHOLE TICKET presented to
us by the Whig County Convention, being fin d
ly assured that by so doing we . will secure tub
Cervices of th en eminently qualified to dis
charge the antics orthe office fob which they
!lave been selected.
ii's.ui/red, That the farea.aing proeeedingu be
signed by the ofliiiers and published in. the
Carlisle Herald.' ' .
esnl ved, jilt tido meeting adjourn to meet
in lingestown on Friday evening the 3d of Oe
leber. - ,
A large aim 'ttnllai;ei"stic meeting__ of the
Mends 6flehuston and Strohm wag held 6:
the public lute of J. A. Meloy, in the bor
ough of Mechanicsburg, on Saturday evening,
Sept. 2711, at which meeting the folloing
persons were unaniinouly chosen as officers:
Pre.vident- IVILSON.
Vice Prelirknts—,lno. Swisher, Conran V.
Coover, Richard Melly, Chas. flyers, George
Secretaries—Jos. Milleisen, J, F. Spidir, F.
M. Oillelen. • •
On motion, Messrs. Houser J. Senseman,
Jno. Duey, lt. Melly' and Samuel Zacharias
were appal n ted - to- prepare - resolutions:7Th e
cOmmitteb having retired, the meeting; wcis el
oquently cud 'forcibly addressed by Messrs.
Itenderien and Penrose; whose speeches were'
listened to with great attention, notwlthstand ,
lag the inclemency of the weather, after which
the following resolutions' were reportell and a
iledotee4,' That the Whigs of - Media nieshur
• .
in mass. 11.1q3 olive to thy importance of Gov.
JOIINSTO'S re-election. They feel assured
that bis.eminent statesmanship, displayed ;lu
ring his term of ollice, with his successful' at
tempt at the reduction of our enormous State
liabilities and establishing the credit of our
groat end glorious Commonwealth, deservedly
entitle him to the vote - of - every enemy . do in
creased taxation. .
Re.voired, not they likewiOe will -firmly
support "the old ',monster County- Farmer,"
JOHN sTll9llm, that honesty and integrity
of eliaractey will suppress - tho heretofore enor
mous extravagance of Loootooo Canal Commis
..Thuo/esd, That the Whigs' of this borough
and vicinity will use eiery legal, endeavour, to
prevent tho election of tiny one Whom :they
know do ho hostile to n revision of the tinselly .
Varitf—so RS to afford a just and' adequate
roteetion to (MP nuntifootureri. j7olievitig tho
present stagnation entirely'reinets front Loot)
joco misinitnegeimmt: •
, Ittogotsa>t, Viat,':to'Utsslst Gov., Johnston in
'tin laudable ilud =pntrh do measures. in the
ii.pildatiou of 'ode State Debt; we deein it Poi..
itiVelSilieeeMaity to hittEtt A
whom:we be,ve fold
ticnoe r hnd who ti -ill
ploa g er otirseqes to ! ,
HENDEILSPINT, the qui'lftees for the
Stnte Legislature.
, ..ncso/ced,.3loni, we f„five n titt;l Ni tiro sop
pol4 to Pio Wit to TlCEET—ltnowinfr. •,-,t hove
TIICII • 116 . mi: of tho, - right )shit.!
ohtke competent iihd' cilic;iir.t officers.
On thotion of J. P-Spahr, It q. Cr rrnSullt
tiowl were ordered to be piiblisisttl, cod dig .
meriting atijourtied to itic.St at the hr,',14,,t-hoz,
to giro Gov; Joloistop cod the N,ll,ft Whig,
Tiohct fonjori ty
• . (Sjyterl by (fee (),iicri.N.)
411CILINSON TOWritillir
,Tohuston Club of Dieliinna township
mot mcoot ding to .ajounanent nt the pphlie
how-m of John llocher, on Satut•dny_evening r
the '2;-ifrinrtt ' l'lre-n+irt - htg-~v : r.- - a5 - llsiTlrga
and enthusimmic, no:withstanding the inclem
ency of the weather, Messrs. Green and
nldsou were called upon to altir . oii:s the meet
ing, which woo done by then fern champions
in'the Whig canoe in a very able Moaner.
On motion, Resolved, that a Committee of
two ho appointed in each school district, Lb'
secured full turn out of our ote n't the elec,
lion, whereupon the t•olloo'ing persoue were
appointed ; i -
Mob re (a:lat.--
. in ek .4-IVio. Forbes, W. H übley.
yyrry . linoi., —A . Cooc if Meng.
D:kin:l.ll—J: T. Green, Johan Saddler.
rnion—Jittnes Green, John .11nrgard.
Sprint/ J/tl/4--.T. Weak ley, ( ‘l' h erry.
.''hay /;rope—Vi!:tor Shannon, W. Lino, jr
Aqui/ S fror, T. S; tes.
r i:rl+llll , l;l—George Lee, .J elan VI :Jibe rn, jr
l'aroter - 8 .Icue'onci—JlAlll 31 orrieon, .1 ohn
Will ialies.
Watts, Koch;
Barnitzz-.10. - Timu rn ._
Lantber.fon's.:—.9nal. Seders, Mr : Lsous,
On motion,- Rev'olvel, Titnt ao rtljourtt to
tnect, at tic public vk, t „,
Sator,Liy . eve!iir.g, the 411 . 1 or thlrolzer.
THQ:kI.IS LEE, Prat.
is. c. o - iftim; SecFy.,
COMM ' ITTCI) FOR Tni:.isox.—t),, 'Thui•sd,
Alderman Acigart, or LancaEter,'g•lisc I. 4
decision that the two whites, Idjal Letcisnt. t
Caster Vertway, and three 11ach, Sohn Nur
gan,.llenry Si mats, and Jacob .1/00-e
bs committed to the custody of the U.
shal, to be taloin to Philadelphia, there I; •
tried for high treason against the
.States. They were immediately col,mitic.,
Seven c - Ttlier
micros were bounTover nod cix discharged.
(1- iye -111alict!3.
Any...rienn Office)
Weekl Review, Septemlibr 1;!,
RE)IAIt K.9.—The operations of. the past
weck, generally speaking, have been out small
scale. Ciltton is very tldarep, and emall lots
are bringing full, prices. Breadstuff's are dull.
Groceries remain inactive. Provisions contin
ue in sten.iy demanC ! ,Coal is nave, with
tendency to further ittli 2 ance. lroh is station.:
ary with rather more inquiry, and Seeds are
l'IPUlt AND MEAL.—Stocks and receipts
cominne very light, smiths demand which has
been mostly to stipply the Imam trade, is mod
erate, without change- in. prices,- which-iire ful
ly stistained; the week's transactions (het up
sang 7(0000 bb!s..,Flour, ehiefl) taken by the
retailers it 131 tar standard superfine, inclu
ling Wand) wine ; 84,12) fur selected and
better In ands, :-...;;1,00t0 , F54,75 for extra, and I ‘-43
yl bid. for piney brands, Corn Meal
is firm with ft moderato inquiry for export, and
slices of about 1000 hhls. Penn's meal were
made is tanall its at $2,01, inclinling•a selec
ted draiol nt $3, and old, stock ! . ,:;t2,7.1 bbl.
n,,rly et the former rate. live Flour is seance
with a limited inquiry, and stint,' sales nit F,l,-
12i6 - 0 - $3,2: - ., -0 lAA es in quality. The expdrts
for the week ending the 2;itit inst., are 9013
bids. Fioarg -402 half hbls tlo. ; and Jill bbls.
-t.;orn Meal. -
tilt A IN.—There has bccn rather more Wheat
arriving this week, and the market, with a lim
ited demand, t. bleb is neatly fl,rnsi ling. closed
didl and drooping,: NOM(` 25,01100, :10,100 Mei
els round bnyers at 80(o :82c. for tioutherriand
Testisylvairi red; 811 0 ' 7 t7c. for white; inclu
ding sonic old- Pennsylvania at 82f/ 87e; as in
quality. Rye continues scarce, and in demand
for distilling, and 2000 bushels- sold yin small
.lots_at_Cdfu.U2e., for Dela warn,-entd Grie, foe
Pennsylvania. ' C -l',:kt , rn has been-'acre plenty,
awl the price is lower; some 18(1,20,000 bush
els Southern and Pennsylvasia y e dow has been
sold at 62tfrt`6ie. and white at title., the mar
ket closing rather more firmly to-day 711 the
latter rate, (lots have become,carce cud in
better remzest, with sales of 00.10,000 hnall
els, mostly et 33 - t, , t35e. closing . at the latter
rate for prime Delowarc, which is an advance.
blt,LDS.—There is not much doing in Clo
, versced, and the market is rather lower, somo
same 2(i 300 bushels havingbeen sold in-small
lots at *13(1*5:3 'V bushel, as in quality. Tim
othy Sced of prime quality is scums and lit
demand at $211(4,:321; other kinds are dull at
s26t s2,d 7 pl bushel. • Flaxseed is also rather
lower, and also ream lower, and sales bare ,
been made et $1,26(71 . , ; 1,30 bushel, accord
ing to quality.
Newton. Township I Attention, !
A MASS meeting of the friends of JOHN
STUN & STHOHM, in Newton and the ad
joining townships, will be held at the public
Louse of Henry Ilursh, in said township, on
'Friday evening next, at 7 o'clock. Addresses
will Lie delivered by It. N. Hendereon and Iv.
M. -PCllro:4l`, ES , ICH. Let every 1111111 wile is in
favor - of tine enntinued Reduction of the State
-Deht,_as-connuencendby_Oov, Johnston; attend
the meeting. MANY W"IGS.
Wake Up, Old Monroe
The friends of JOHNSTON and STllOll‘l
iii "Mourne thlinsbip, WIG - meet, at ilia public
hooso of Mr. Goodyear, in Ciiiirehtewn, an
Saturday evonintr'the 4th inst• to Hittite ar
rangements for the coming election. "Several
speakers will bo in attendance,
Mirth Riadlotell Again;
The friends of JOIINSToN and STR011:11
in North .7fiddleton township are regoesfeatO
meet at the public house of David Corinna»,
n t tlie.Solphor Springs, on Tuesday ITeniny,
the 7th of °Nobel:. Sever,Ll uddressas ay be
Como out, friends of the cause!
S 9i) CM T. ' Tt.T'D
To thi ElictiO•3 of Cumber Land qt,»tg.
FELLOW uvl'lzoNs,--1 have beet. Foli
c:hod by Inutiv.lriouds to offer tuyeell ;o your
donshieration lor the office or 'As.weinto Judge,
and with be thankful fur your stwport.
Mifflin tp, Sept 10
Ift—s"Wts: aro requested to announce
JOIN PUP P; e Ilatinalen tewtoltip, ar a
candidate fg-. Associate Judge at • the platting
WE tire ri.tint.steti wannounceCol
SAM VET, %VC/OM:It/RN, of llivkinsou tp.
as u . oandidato lor .losociato Judge ut the Colll*
lin! election. :
riritlls well known establishment is still con-.
ducted in the same• trison!,i; it has always
The e,enir,ll and p k ettsant dillialloll of
tin house. its cemniodit?o iirratinements, and
Mite comforts and luxiiries to be found th , re,
. coni t,ine td render -it agreeable and adenntage•
gins to Iho tr , s '2a e ll :1710 . f ;
Itnvinl in Ill!- firm of .tohn L.
Tucker & Uu., so 100 .nt tho head of the es-
.the subscriber pledges his,tieFt
.exertions In minipill its reputation, and. to.glido
Epilslitinien to his elyiolllerEL • •
Boston; septe•kim II PARKER.
Superior Fielding Vinegar.
•• Mfg jinn recei44.l Ifogallrrn
Very invear t ,vgartp.ivti I , P
and 01 tin very best qiiality, 'Conk, 1,3 , 4 ;