1011 New 'Mucrtioctuctites. Silver Spring Awake t. ' - AMIE:TING or titis.iffi blds orig . ll.liST a • will ho hold at the , ittittic'f .uso 1 , . t• gINGSTOwN, Ott F, dar • •:„ ilia Thu ioii.titing will a 5.,, , 40(1,hy 1t0.n4064,. and. ym,Al. Pourhse, hlegrs.- idoitia-tdru4.Tai-Pit.ioet4; and bear tho truth ! . MAN?. . .. . --- ... , , . .. . . RieehanieSbnrg -Institute,- , •ri-10,,Thii-d, Sckf , tiOn 'of - tliO :111,colfiiicellticg iti3Outo 'tvill:cotflocuac on th.. Ist of October ins , t. For circulars, containing partieulara, f.S.:;O. please nddress -. FAI L GILLELEN. . . scnt24ost - .. " ' Principal.. . xvoTzem. .', ; 4l . eat?- Qua rters, Ca r lisle Barracks, p, . Se ternher, 17th, 18t . 51. • 3 H'ereaf'ter any eolther of the 'Ne ., "6 B Garrison foand s out or the Boron. -n Vi L ie:rtille- front the-Garrison„without.a_pe.i t, L_ Writing from the Commanding 01E- r e. r.. Will be considered a Ileserter, and $3O • 11E.1 . 1r/liilD paid for his apprehension and de• livery . al the Barracks. • This order will be published in the News- Panora of Carlisle for. then information of the C 1117,0119. 'By order of Col. Cocure., . . W. I. SIAGRUDER, ' September 24, 1851.11 - Lt. & Post Jldit. ' Auditor's DlOtker THG undeiSigned 'having been appointed by the Court or. Common., Pleas of Cumberland emnty, an Auditor to marAhaCitifil distribute the assets' itt the' hands of Jacob . Ritncr, As signee of Leonard, Wise,.undnr, a deed of vu lutitarv, asAigument for ; the henefit of creditors hereby notifies the, creditors of the said Leon ard Wise.,Ao, present their claims dilly authenti cated to.said Amditor,.at his office in Carlisle on or barons SATURD.AY, the 18th'tiny of Octo ber next. " WM M PEN ROSE, se ts tr„.O. " Auditor. M7Y - TEbE. TUE uncorsigned having been appointed an Audit& by..the. Court. of Common Pleas of Cumberland county to. marshall nod distribute the assets in-the hands of-Jolm Rupp, assignee of Jacoly. i pates,-M , Shiramartstrm among the creditors tif.taid Bates, will meet for that pur pose nt his °Bice in -the Borough of Carlisle, cm FRIDAY,;the 17th day of Octobcr nb:st, nt 10 o' clock, M..:. , • • - HUGH GAULIiAGIIEit, • Auditor. 5epte2,1651%., s =ATM" NMDC-g-V. To the' Eleetoil of Cumberhoul County. FELLOW CITIZENS,—I have Lees soli cited by many friends to otter myself to your consideration for the office of Associate J.udgo, and will be thankful for your support. JAMES KENNEDY. Mifilin.tp, l Sept 10. • aro - requested to announce :WEIN RUPP; of Hampden township, as a candidate for' Associate Judge at die ensuing election. - are requested to announceeol SAMUEL W °ODD URN, of Dickinson tn. as a candidate for Associate, Judge at the cot-n -um cleetidn. , PROOLANATION. llEREAS_the_nnorable..Fitzeqs _____ Varre, President Judge of fbe several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cuutberland, Perry and Juniata, in Potinsylva fe, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer -arid General Jail Delivery in tiFillon. — John Stuart and .i Uhll Clendenin, Judges Or the - Court of Oyer and, Terminer and Caporal Jail Delivery for the trial of all Capiritrand — cdhor — offenders, irnhe said county eCwi l berland, by theirprecents to me directed, dated the 25th of August, 1851, • have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terininer and General Jail Delivery, io be holden at Car lisle on the On ItIOrsIDAY of Noicir-Ar nest, (being the 10th day ) at 10-o'clock in-the-fire-- noon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner, Justices Of the Peace effidConstable3 o Rho sold county o feninberland, that they are by p m sold precept commanded to be then and in their proper persons , : with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinetionS, and all other remembrances, to do those things which to theirbtlices imperil:tint() be dono,and all those that are bound by, recognizances, to prosecute (against the prisoners that arc dr then shallbo • in the Jail of said county, are to be there to prosecute them-as shall be juSt, DAVID SMITH, Shoff. Carlisle, Sept'. 24, 1851. NpAVVILI,E, PA. ThEAI,ERS IN lIABDWA.BE in all its AY variety for um and ornament. Also, Shoe Findings: Moroce'n, kc. Glass, Oil, Paints, Rock 'and 'Rifle Powder, &c., ,Cedar Ropes, Brushes, 'Pranks, Baskets and Coach Trimmings; 4e. 'They Inive on hand furnish everything . in the BOOK. and S'TA 'TIONERY • line. They have an exteirdve ins onfaciory or TIN WA.V. (or wholesale and 'refill. Ilimse and Barn Spouting , well and promptly tine. They have an extensive S PO VF . :lVarchouse, Whom may be found the most 'approved patterns of Parlor. Coal and Conk Stoves. The.pablie attention is in rented partienlarly_to ,, the- famenster-lieystone - hook Stive,°for sale e'xelusivelv by them ; the heav iest a taeheopescstore in the market. It will he borne in mind that their Cook Stoves are the eh - nines! ()Grad for oats. All other ;nods so d as cheap for cash, as the cheap cheaper, cheapest- [NewYille, sept2.ltf - • • zoo-rs Ann SIT Cing;': subscriber, has just returned..from JL talellihia with a large ,and elegant.: assort• meat Of ..Eattics, Cleatlemon's land Boy's ROOTS, SIIO.ES & gAITE - 11.S, all 0 1 which have been selected iSith great care and purchased from the best ettablishments, to incites the particular attention of the public and his old customers: Ills assortment consults of • ' IlleWs.Calf. Kip, and,Thielc Boots, Day's . • _do , do iloys and iNien's,l3ibgans, • Ladies Kid and - French Slippers, Ladies Enamelled Gait* Boots, , lit fact his.assortment- -everything in his lino: of the neWast - affd - . most fashionable styles,i.which he will sell at as low - a 'rate as can bo hathanywhere,elso in tho borough. To - 'prom this call and examine for yourselves. , Its e .." charges nothing or an .er amination of hisr,tock ' but will' show .it o' pleasurn.• Ladies and Golub:nylon's 80019. 'hops and Gaiters manu factured to order in the hest' style us usual. , — (Crltoinembor the old Stand 01 North Hans- . Ater street‘,: next door to thorliatdsvaro Store - ol J. P. Lyno i,ept'4l.--, : 10 GREAT ARRIVAL OF • , lag, and: Winter • Goods. AT THE STORE OF, THE SUBSCRIBER TILE GREAT MART FOR DRY'-GOODS. 'GROCERIES, BOOTS & SIIOE3S. , TYE subscriber ropectfully informs • bi ftienda and numerous cdatonters, that he boa re• turned Irani' Philadelphia, with a large and va ried nasottnient of PALL AND IYIN'I Ell GOODS, consisting in part of ' BROADCLOTHS & Lattinotts, vestings, muslin% chocks, tickinas, flannels, linsoy',• velvet cords; cravats; duspet dots, gloves. _ • LADIES' - DRESS - GOODS merinoes, hombazines,jlguied nod plain , :;elmogoalde .popliees, mouslin de Wiles, Itam4, calicoes, olpueus, shawls, gloves, hosie ry, Coburg • BOYS' CAPS, a very large,assortmeat t embracing every style style and quality. i.• BOOTS AND StIOES. . • An extensive variety of Men, Women and Children's Boots and Shoes, from the moat eel 'obrated nytntflitetttrere: ' • , : , " • . GROCERIES, . Of all kinds; such as sugar,'eallbo, Molasses, Rica. &c., &o: CHOICE' 'FEAS from Iho welt-known Teo (loafers', Jenkins,.& CO. All who visit :our estaldishnient are free to acknowledge that' we are soiling every &scrip. / lion of Foreign and Domeslie Dry Go do. Boots and Shoes,a&o.. at astonishingly low prices.-- Der Vat= ol • ,low.prices has already attracted large number ol:poonle.. The attention of all Iflio wind' good bargains is solicitedi.us extra- , ,rdinitryinditecnnontri Orin be, offeredlo purehn• • o rs. 'Don't forgot, the, corner opposite L'con, rd's old stand. No'rthllnnover sweat: ' • 13uttpr, Eggo..ltige tin& Soan, taken of niar: at prlees,-; • N• VVI WOODS, Agt, licpo24 - ' . .. . , . , , Embrpiderifas „ an 4. Rilibciitti; Just ppenaciratkassortinant ; 'of !Enilircsiaered , iiiarl ; ,Edg i aga a n d jnouctingn, with. a Noriory. now .stylo Plaid Itibbokta„. . ~ -,, . , , lept24 ' , :: G,W 411') . :N:ER; • . . :,7i I' i:i ~ , , • '.', ; New. 'Abvevtioctucitto. • ,; •xvzoliV #2lur u , HE subscriber i just receiving 4'o llB DitY Ed GOOD AND. s CARPET EMPORIUM, thajargcst.and most extensive stock of FALL , AND 'WINTER doODS,., ever brought to Carlisle, which ho will sell on,, the most necomModating 'terms and at this est possible terms..Amons• the goods receiving ere n very extensive assortment of BVIt, Plain, ftvitre'd and-Fancy Dress-SilksrmouLde-laines 'Cn - shmeres, French Merinoes, Coburg 'and :Canton Cloths, - Alitachatv, Chintzes. Prints, and every other Variety of Dross Goods that is to be had in the eastern markets, A Iso CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy Caseimere, Satin add Fanery_VeStings, .attlnets, RentuctrY ,teens, Cotton Kereys, Fie. • . CARPETS, • • A well selected, stock,- such as Cotton, Rog. Venitinti. Girihhips, Stan., Hall, Ingrain, Tapes try and Imperial Carpets. Also, 150 eases of : BOOTS AND StIOES, , of every' size and made in the most fashionable and durable manner. An assortment of FRESH. GI I.3.6CElittS & SPICES, &c. I would particularly invite the public. to call and examine the smelt before malting their purchases, no I am determined to cut Goods 'very low. Remember the old stand, East Main street, opposite 11- Saxton's Hnrd«•nra Store. eept23 C OGILBY. • NEW FALL Gerame! 'P NE subscriber has just received a large and ueneral assortment of N WFA L L GOODS, consisting of French Merinoce, Al• paces, Coburg Cloths, Cashmeres. „Mous do Lames, Ginghatim, Calicoes with .other Dress Goods, Also, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres and Sattinets, Long and Square. Shawls, Flannels, hoc., to which the attention of the citizens gene is invited. . sept 23 G W HITNVAI. Iroit 'Hi:mks at Pithlic Safe. . Ott THURSDAY, the 211 qt . October, 1851, 4 LL the interest of the Cnrlisle Bank, being the undivtded two-thirds, in the IRON --WORKS known-as'llie "MARY ANN'' and "AGUSTA" FURNACES,, situated at the base of the South Monntoin; there. miles Freon Si.ippensburg, Cumberland county, Pa., will be sold at public. sale, at the Coot t House, in the Dorclugli of Carlisle. Thiii property eon ,,ists of TWO FUIiN ACES on the came etc cam, with M.ANSIOI\T HOUSE • M., SA W•.MILL, n large Cool House, if . 1 1 1 ''. •''' 1 107 % I , ' ' ' o r fr• 11 r ; roSet Stables, l ‘ e s s ft h°l:llll3voctl,6'...sohooousest 1 4. :7 A CRES OF LAND, n portion of, which is sitsceptible of cultivation. Also, a sinoll trafTtof land with a Duelling House and other buildings. The, (Ire Banks are of the hest quality and convenient to the Furnaces,— 'cite Iron heretofore made nt the,e Works has been• pc superior quality, suitable either for, castings or bar iron. The Works ore situated in the Cumberland Valley, ',me of the richest ;I , i-it:ohm - id dist,ts in the State; only three mile:; froth fro the C iiii , riand Valley Rail Road, and has great 111,211.1'0s for obtaining supplies kard ITlTTl9llollintr iron to hmar-k-et. Persans -11rishing to\ view ihe above properity or obtain further information respecting it,,nro requested to call on Sir. Inserili G. CreAsler, who lives Avl th in. a-ntile_cltalte,AY.e.iis.auLL is Ayell,4cq uaint_r_ ed wish the premises. TLigas :—One-lial I of the purchase money on 1-it lonnary. 1 iS!, when possession and deed will liTi g - i -Vell.. The balance in two equal an nual payments with Interest, secured by judg ment bonds., . ALSO—At the same thug and place, a Lot of (Iritund thirty reef square, situated on Alu1• berry, ,A Iley, in.lh4.dporongh_pf _ A leo a Judgment held by the (lartislo Bank agninst The Ilmtover. and tkilarli , ltt Turnpike Ruud Goninany, amounting to mitotic. $2.1,000 Term , : emth. Io couwocnrc izi c , k A day ROPER F in). 11. PARKER, ' Coin. Board olDiroetors Carlisle Baal sept2lts' TREITYX6I I 3V. FicITZE, B 03'110 . N, MASS, rro I Is well known establishment is still con . -ducted in the sales manner it has aiways hoe.: The ventral and pleasant. situatiati_el die hotam. its etteintedious arrangements, and the 00r,1101 . / , 3 nn:l lut . tirles to be Itund there, e y mlitea to r.t.l.r it agreCable and adyimtagc- . 011 f , to the traveller. been one cf the firm of John L. Titeker-& Co., so long at the head of the es tablishmont, the, eitb4criber pledges his beet exertions to maintain its reputation, and to give saiislaction to his eusiomeris. Heston, sept2 , l•3le WAI II PARKER. t T EAT T 4.11.0 - JUST received a small quantity of Glenfield's Patent Starch Polish, pin up in L, and 3 I t).• I,Ppers k and highly recommended as a very so. parlor article. Also. Patent Starch Polish. sept 84 G W IIITN E P. Sack Fianneis. ,Jl./ ST opened a general ass f assortment r ,nals for Ladies Saclo, of varimis, sudr no scar •let, pinl., areen, bluo, gray. a,d 10:ck,'Mul istod , rate prices, also a variety of 1..'m0 Slam If el rl;o best G \V il ER. 1 7 3 ,- 8 2 . 2,(17:E-Iil? .44 11" •T G RAN D /11,{C EIC US. ,itoi PIUS LNG a double I.:ThiAtrian Troupe jand Dramatic Corps, from Nible's Uarden, New Pork, and Notional Amphitheatre, Phil adelphia, will perform ni, CARLISLE on' SATURDAY, (A:TUBER IS, 1851. . Doors open at 2 and. 7 O'clon, P. M. PorfOrmanco to eonunto4 at half' past 2 and half Past 7 o'clock P. . L NV hIIS B. .ENT,• Manager and Director. C. E. BRISTOL, °choral Agent arid Adver tiser. NV. WU fTTAKEß,Equestrian Director:- ti. , Nr. NV. POST, Leader of the Brass Band reeattllllreff. M'mlla MARIE, the beautiful and youth— ful Parisian Equestrienne, in. her truly artis tic and brilliant school Of r Lady Equestrian— ism, pre•etninently distinguishing her from every other:Ludy who has hefetofora appear. el in the canntry... :„ . 'rho youthful Pi oiligicis TO . ..GUISE and FLORA, appear in juvenile Porformant cea, rafely,,if ever, equalled. • Mims. 'BENOP.' the great Jonglour a— Chniiel;Will.also appear on two Flosses, with RICHARDS, in Feats o the Jiippudroino gayer excelled. BE.,'OIT appears in lief beautiful Equitations and now Style of -liorsemanshipv-autl—is--now—becoming—i he mode.i °tall the fashionable Lady A matoure in thalidegant art in America. VIIONIAS ;NEVILLE, in his stupendous feats, of lAinsemanship, riding back welil rind forward — ditneingiiildinurtling a rid sornerect ling during the rapid circuities of his Ste, d. Tho Great Vaulting and 'Prick linc•O OINCINNATUS. Performed by mlr. S. P. STICKNEY. 'Pile Troupe of Trained Ponied; embraein Zhu colebratt'd Twin Ponied Roman and Juliet' _will. haipiroduced_by . Mr. \V 1I AKEI2. --Pi 0f..1 A NWS IL NIXON and his infant Artists, Master ALBERT and GEORGE, in filch . . graceful, classic,' and- wondoifur gyin.• nas:ics.- Mil Mr: D. RICHARDS, the wild vaulting, Ifoiseman of the Pampas, on Ilia fleet and hounding Coiter, without saddle, over bur— e flare and live ba'red gates and 'through ' 100118. SpOrts'nf flirt Hippodrome, on 'four and six Howe; by Om' distinguished Equestrian, S. P. STICI KNEY, . ' Sports of Atlas by tho Giant of Iron r&vo, HERR LEa, Who performs with real cannon . talk of Biiond 44 each. • • -- • Two ' Clowna—SAM LATHROP, .the Stump OriCur rind Jester,. JOHN GI/MAI:— DI WELLS, the English ,Olowns In additirfu. to a full and unequalled Par. humane° in the Circle will be Tel - accented the, Grand Romantic.- Spectacle - 6r - 8r aEondro AND THE DRAGON, ittraPlOnlid , A s ecerSsorieri, PrecerotinneArilliant. Armerp rtitii.lfartnore, flute] kat .Geatuntes, tagetber:With a full Cast of Characterfittec— companied with all the original Marileoeie, ' Two ;Moro . Brilliant reaturea diefritiguiah ihie front all ether,companicart The Interior•ie illutninafed \vitlt GAS, and the Exttirier':with' Pro; Grant's 'lmproved .Drurnrit'ond Lighf; rendering the premlsea.liiitt ritidchecrfOthir, darkest' night. ' 1 ,, , Admisaion ren4`. ;No linlf pricer partieukre ace large and mall. Pile, at. ,tha - ,dliferent , Botela &a. 0:7-; The 'oboi4 iclehtated Trottpc'tvill fgrtn ut .Harrivtiot'k (let, , 17111. hifi b tbrtin, tipth.l ' Ey1119 . T.1911T , r UT . HEITEAS; in 'arid an'aet Of the. Deneral IV' Assembly of. the Conititoirarlidtlilif Peag sylvania,entiticd !',.An Act relating to the election ,o 1 this 4 Coinmcinsvealth;". 1)115461'1.11e 2d - day at Jely, A. 1). - 1839, it is made :the ditty, of the She riff' of% et , ery tionnty . Within this' Cinninotilvealth; to give public titnice of the tiOne.Pal liAlect.ons, and in such notices to . enumeratest •! I : , The 'olliters to lie elected, : " 2.. Designate the place w hi& the , election is to be . • •, '' ' I,' DAVID S IT (1,11 igh• Sheriff of the county Cumberland, do - Ircrchy - find" give this public notice to the'elemorn of the county of' Cumberland,thaton TUESDAY the 14th (thy of October -next on Eloctlati•• will 'he held 'et the several election tibtricts calnblished by law in said countr; at: which time they will vote by ballot for the, sevoral. officers herei eafter .namcd, ; • ONE PERSON fa Governor of the State of Penogylvania FIVE PERSONS for Judges of the Supromo court of the State of - Poinsylvania.:_, . . ONE BEESON for Cnnal Coiiimissioner of the 'State of Penn • , , ONF. PERSON for President Judge of the 9th Judicial District composed of the countie,i of Cilmberland, Per ey and Juniata. TWO PERSONS for Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of quinbarland county. TWO PERSONS to represent the county of Cumberland in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, ONE PERSON for .Prothonotary of 'Cumberland county ONE PERSON for Recorder and Clerk DT the Courts of Quar ter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer and Orphans' Court. Or' , .''E PERSON for Register of ‘Vills or Cumberland county ONE PERSON fOr Commissioner of the county of Cumberland ONE PERSON for Treasurer of lli count . y ofsCumborland ONE PERSON. for VirColor of the Poor hod of lie house of 12;inliloyment of Cumbe.rland county. ONE PERSON for Auditor to settle the pub , lie 'accounts of .the county of Cumberland. The suid election will be ltehl throughout the county, us rollotes The et salon in the election list rich: compered or tie boroegh at Caplislo end lq .towlishipti pt . North 2,1 ithildou, South Niiirilleton, Lower Dick• iniion, Lower Frani:lord !..ower NVestt Venus., tioroue,ll, w ill he held ut the Court House, in the hot nugh of cerviale. t he vieetiee ie the election diStVICI COMIC/9CA of Silver Spring I. OWIIShip, will be 11,1 d et" the pull lie house ul 11 eurge Duey, :ell optcbtom n in tow oshio. The elerttowds—:llte-election district composed Ttfilaugulen township T will—be—hell-rt-thedtouse formerly occupied b) 11.11ressler w said lots ts. ship. The election In the'clection , district comoostid -of-the-towteittlp,of-U t tpee.iiiken_will_be_.ll“l , l4tt the public house of David She ike Sheherds. town. Tike election in _the election district (maltose(' of the to, ushgvol Lower . cllen . wild be held it' the wagon-maker shop of JUIMS on Slate Hill. The election in the election district composed of Enst Peintsbortnigh township, will be held ut .the .huuse_pow .occupied j.L.Ontssio, at the west end of the Ilaritishurt; 'file eleetion ni the district composed ol.New etintbcrland, will be held nt the piddle ;else ul 11'1/...1.10111, in tin. borough of New C'unibrr . 'lle election itt the district coniptr.vil. of the borough of Meelioniesbut'g, will in held nt the politic house of .]oh. I looter, iii solo borough. The election in the ilitariet coniiion el or Nion will he held bt, the public house of:, Lieu. Cllill"1.1110W11, in Saill'lolllll4iip, 'I Ile eteetiutt in the district coinpoi..ed of Upper township, tenth(' held at the houir HOW 11016111 W ill slid town' ship. - The election in the district compost. 4 of the -Borough of News tile, and townships 01: )11111111, Upper Fuaottt'ord. Upper PentisboroutOi, tool that part of - Newton township, lot int:hided iu the Leesburg eleetioir district hnreitiotia r inentioned, will be held at the (hick School House, in the borough .ot'New'cille. The eleetion in the district alOlllllOllOl ePll ape ,he ell township, will be held at the School(louse 111 Newburg, in said township. Toe electlon 111 1.11 Cl/11111011ell 01 - 1111 borough of §liippensburg. Siiippenslitirj; • tow ship, and that poi Lot S'unthatuptoti tow uahi h , not included in the Leeslntrg election district, will be held at the Council I - louse the hot ouch of Shillpetistitirg And in and ny on net (tithe tleneral Assinntny 01 this Conittionw,•attli, the July, 1 hp') 111111(111•11VidC111 "Thal 1110 1)21111111e1.1 . 1.'11,11it,; of ptitas of New toil and Sotitlittinpieti tow n in the county of Gunilierland, bounded - be the - rol• -- lowing lilies awl tli6l.ntel , s.viv.: tleginoiu id the Athens county line,. oloog tine do. otnig the tout nrhips of Dickinson and Nest ton to the toropitte road,diener olung said turnpike to Gen , Ire 'ziellotit Ilutrivani said tiirOpilte, in'tiouthanip• ion township, thence to ti point on the Milan s 1/1/110111 110'111M lie) buck's,, Iteyhtick' 11101tre (111,232a1011 10 111 C 81111 , A7 ili rig to the heirs of Coor4e Clcr Cr, thcute iilini%; - N - r+slit'i's — i'un to CT& throve olobg the line of Adapts county to tire pine ~rl).•g i lluing , hie mid the some it hereby deelare• A 111111 Felllll'ate Ulla:6011 district, the i•teetiol to be held lit tile public house of 'o' uh. Ma:ital.:l iu L,ceshtn:g, Sit..tint:l4)ton township," XiTatice. as . Ckiven, 'Chat every person;cxcepting•Jusfiees of alt Peace, who shall hold env °Mee ,or appointmei of prolil or trust under die 1./ idled Btates;ov thih State, or tiny city or incorporated district wh et :, It eoiainite,iotiod. Macey 01. 01101ViSC,1 1011101101111 C 0111001` or, anent, who is or • shall employed under the legislative, executive, or jo diciary departments iii this State, or of . ijle.usthe: states, or of ;my city of aorlheniiiotp . fetrilis' ri et; Mid also that every member of _mosrecii! and of file State Legislature, and or the Select 8 COOllOOO council of any city, or commisiioher t 41,11 V ii1C0111111.10.041 district, is my', I,lw incapable .liolditigmr exercising at the ratan time, the attic or iipponamein idjudge,iispector,or, clerk of an, elections of thiS'Cominonwealtli, and that no in. Spector, judge or otter ullieer eleetith, Shall be eli ,oble to be then voted for. And the said act of Assembly,. entitled an ac relating t i t l e ciions of this Cominotiweolth,passe July q(I, 1539, further provides as follows, to wit ; the inspectors and Judges shall meet n the elates appointed far holding di „election in die district to which they. rermectivel . i belong, before ii o'clock in the oforillog of do ''Secusal Tuesday of October, and each of said in .spectors shall alipoint mie Mei k; sello shall ; ,qualificif voter of such district. ' "lo ease the person who shall have received th , .smiund_ingltesLiitunber_uf_voies.,lhri impactor__ Shull not atonal on the day Or the (ACCtiOl/, the; the person who shall Imlc.reccircil the secant hightail !mother of votes Mr judgq. ilex preceding t act its inspector in hi plaCe. And in ease the persoli who shall hay rereived the highest number of vote% foritispre tor -hall out :mead, Ili: Japirmii an item, chic in his phi,cod it 100,1 n • j;,ol,l'admid, then ii receiieit the hii.jiest site, sliail impoilit , , , Or if 011 , 10,110'y 1111.111 0001.ilatt..` 111 tilt 11W11.11 01 000 110111' 01tV: the ti ~ I.) law f n ' th upeniiii.for the ci.vcdon, trialilied.voters of it towoship Valli or district. [or ithich shall have bees - elected, prmient nt Iho place I electiot.,shatlL elect one their manlier in 111; such too:limy . - - It shall be the duty of the several assessor ystecleprive to 'attend 01 'the, place of tioltliii every general special or townshiP election, char; log Site whole time said election is kept open, 101 .the purPtise.r grvi ow information to the, inspector; and italgrea whet, en lied nit in rclatioA to the ri g it t of tiny person assessed by them to vote at snei election, or snail other matters iu relation to 1111 assessment of voters as the Said inspectors ul either of them Asti from time to time require, '!No person shall be.permi dad to vote at an election its aforesaid, than a white fseeintot of lb) age. of twenty yearg or more, who ell:01 have is, : sided in ilia State at least one year, and in the t reciion diStriet where he olfershis vote at Irani, ten tlays immediately preceding such , eletaionl. and within two years pititlit State or' comity tae II shall' lave been Assessed nt least , tea dal n i bethr¢ the election. But acitizen or the. Unite States, who has previously been i ti qtialitiedvote 1 orlhie Stitte,mul removed tlairefroni and returnee and who shall have resided in the election distrit I and pithd taxes aforesaid, shall be entitleirto . voi I alter ilcsAllng,lin this S tate WS: , Mo , nliku: P),.ovider I Tio than MON' freenien isiti7.etts olLtlin.linite M ated, between the agosol i fw Mar; 01(4 nail MGM 'lwo, yOnyn nnithavo resided in the olection i distrit i. telt days aid:46.6od; shall be,entitlet r to, vite, I lint,4va,*ti'd talizes. Nd perkott fbe Perini t Vide ~whni urimors.nO(COnlained l iti the list allilmthln it,ttiva •11,1,6 .ciiiiirrikiniion'erq., tinier; produce it receiptfor the Payment with; , ,in.to/ i o years, of It mate "ot• county tnlt assess . , agreeahlY to the constilution,tunt evitle*e either i ol? his Oath or atiirmatioli, or tl "Datil or allirMation lte i llas thiltirA ry;k:i 61110.1 nalllto thO. ment , (111:6,1. Set' , and, it 116 elsilmiait!glihtoNeto ", , ,being , rya lect tor' Net4 , 6ert - the:age of tiVeOtii:eiiii alai twenty two years; he slitilttlepose'On ontleuV'am4nuitron that he as - rosided'ilithe State cladadturie year next before'. hidapPliatitionyetid'inaltOeiteh. keel of rosidcdco in the district-as - is rerfuwed by. this ,act and the ac. tooth given him.that . he is„of the, age, aforesaid, arid such other iiiddetiOo . tis is required by this 'act, whereupon the name GINo . person so ad. mittod.to yote ,be asserted hythe:alphabot.. - leal list by tho.inspectOrs; and a notolnade •poSite.thercto by ivrrtmg,tite• Wordllsx,', if he shall b' 'admitted to vote by reason, of having pardlat; orthe - Word lagei - if. — ho bo—ads inittod to vote by reason of such age, shall be calledout to thocterks, ,who shall tneke the like' Mites in the 'lists df voters kept by them, 'l.ll all, cases . ItcrO the ; name of theperson claiming,to vote is round on tho list furnished by the commissioners rind assedsor, or his right to vote whether found thpreon or tiotja objected 'to by tiny qualified citizen, it shall,b6 theduty oldie sunli person on oath as to his Itialificbtions, arid it he Oxlips to have resided 'within the . Stale" foe'nlic - 'year or tiore; hisoath shrill be sufflriient 'Proof thercor.but. shall make proof_hy_ atietist_dn - e_Competentlicnitticissonlio shall he,a ,qttalified elector, that lie bus resided withiti the district 'M more than. ten dais neat Immediately preceding said election, and bbnil hintaelf sincor hulls fide lesicletice', In persminee of 108 horrid eallivg, is within the district, odd that lie did hot remove into said triet Gtr the purpose of voting therein, 'Every person qualilied as aroreimitl, and who shall makei due proof it required, of his residence anil payment of taxeS lie shill he ad. 'nitwit to Note in the ton uslttih, wanclor district ill wbieL ilt!Ili1:1111`e•Side. • 'lrany person sltii prevent or attempt to pre vent toy officer 'or any election under this net Irmojeldiog such els ction,int moor threaten any; vit le`ii - ire Minty such officer, to shall ,itderrupt or; improperly inierlere with hint Ilie.cseeutiJo .of -his- duty, or block tip the iwittdoty or avenue to any mudoty where the Saline may Ile holding, or shall "01'401151y distorli the peace at such election, or shall use or practice anV intimi dating threats, !cok or violence; with decign to influence Manly or dverawo any,elector; or to prevent him from voting or to restrain the free dom•of choice, such person on conviction shall be fined hi tiny sum not eveceding fkve hundred dol lars and be imprisoned for siby time not less than* three nor more than twelve ownstlat, and it shall be showii"to court, where the trial_ - of such olivine(' +hall he luid,'that the person so offending was not w - resident-of'tlie - city; - wat•dolintrict - or - toninship Where the offence was committed, and not:entitled Jo vote therein, then on eons ivtion he.shaft he sentenced to pay a line of not•lessillan one bun s . Bred nor snore than nits thousanildollars, and be imprisoned not less than nix' Months - nor more than two years. - - —. • • `lrony person or vermin:l shall inake anybet or wagc.t , upon the result or nov eketion within the Coinmonwcalth, or shill] olibr to mite ;lily such hot o• wager, either by verbal proclainatiob there , 01, or by any written or printed advernsinvebt chaliooge or invite any person to' untie such bet no woptr, upon conviction thereoflie or thow sliail rorl'eir and pay threetimes tlie p amount no bet or to be Ina. any person not by law qualified, shall fraud ulently vote at any election in this Common wealth,or being,otherv,ise quali fi ed shall vote not, or his proper disteietow if - any itel'sou kumving the whet of Mlch rtalification,shall aid or procure • such person to vote, the person olfeing shall, on conviction, he fined is any antra t exceeding red-liolltutsictel:be-itoprisoneil-for-tuty term not exceeding three months. • 'lf any person shall vote at more than one cies thin district, or othettniiise fraudulently vote more than_tonce-en-the-s.spie:day,-01 , -ishall-lisitalithott l+- fold and deliver to the inspector two tickets to tether. with the intent illegally to vote, or procure another so to do, be or the, effendi!' shall on conviction be lined in any sum not les dam tiny our More than five hundred dollars, nip hr imprisoned I'd an term not less than three nor more than I tech e months 'lf tuty pc1 . 5011 lot tputlifiefl toyo:e in iliis Com monwelul th,ftgrecably to law, (except the; splia_of gnaliliirl citizens) shall aninuar at any prulee of election for the tun pose of tickets or of intlitencing the citizens finial:kd to vote, lie shall out coils iction forfeit anthutily a i ny sum hot c:cceetl ing one insndrea d o llars fne curry such of - Vence, and be imprisoned for tiny term not three th 5111119." Agreeable to the provisions of the sixty-first eettoti of said aet,.etert (leher:6l foal tipeeial Eleetioti shall (Toned iiettreel the 110.11, of it tilt, fin,•llo6o;ii shoal iht,crtiption OP Sol . p.OPOltiellt stern o'clock, iu the etching, a itch the shall be closed. A lid the !I•;assf tile r,spoetivedistrie's ntul'r•- said, ale I I ) tin• act r -dwell to nivel 81 Ow Cuur• House, ;,1114- the tui , l 11,.y iir tin: 17111 fl.ty Ilet,ller then and there tb 11, Tocni the rt-.Fli,-‘111!1' them ny tats'. ELE(,uTioN 1.,1)11,K5. roll the hiforwatlou DC the t. 1a.11‘11 . 5 of tile 0,11111 of Clenhel'held, I plthilsh the hltlOWilqt . rthejtB of the act at the cnucal Assembly of the Bcaeiuu of 1651, entitlt . :l" An Act to provioc for the election of Judges of the seVelltl eekh . tN of this ttotontomcculth, :tint to rcgulatc ,crtnitt Judicial ll;Arictb.". • 't Sec, 1. ik it eih2rterikw tl r .51,z,zes- soul 110:ts, ri,,Aventu'ims of (. 7 n:nbionint'a l'!r _Penn '-'ll7liti iu r.:eiterttl y met, and it is her,- eligetCri by MC 11 itt y • sur:t. , That the Cli:litOk's ui melt 01 1110 SUVVI . III CrittlltieS Lll . llO GOllllOOO ir0.111.11 Shall St tile ILetill, a 1110 tint,- :1101 pl.tees_gf elcetin g svittnt,se a, 1' it 1.11.111 thortSklitili .10 . • Colic an clues Lon antler this act, ;Intl tinder the Cuuttitetio.l of this Gottitnonwealth„ cult till :It 01(1 111,1 I.lCOl ' 011, 8101 lit eVt. ii) election Court-101er, 15. tri.kity Its Sllllll 10: no CCSSitli . ) untlee the provisions hereof to Serve as titlgei of Liss Supreme 130111 . 1 . GI. this COllllllOll - one [term - tit to serve an president - jytlge 01 the intlichil ttiutrict in, which such county OA ire, anil-two pettntsto - serve- - u s - assoettatilitli z ia Ur the SeYei%li cOlit,t9 or ruoh ,onoty. : it. That die qualified electors 'residing' withi., the jurisdiction of any district c6hrt or other court of record flaw existing or hereafter to he created by law, shall . at the next general -e• lei:lion and whenever thereafter the same Shall be itecessaryilit ,the times and, lilac, , for holding such sic tip) within their respeeti re election dis tricts, vote ron one person' for president judge , of Stith court and as niany persons for 'associate Judges thereof as shall lie required by law, • A'r.c. 'Find the election for judges shall be held and conducted in the .scvp.:•al election dis tricts in the same, manner in all respects as elec tions for representatives are or shall be hold and conducted, and by the. same judges, invectors, 'alai other officers ; and the provisions of the Oct of.the - general utiserobl) - „entitled I' An-Act reify ling to . the elections Ail this :Commonwealth," approvea„the second day of 'July, our;'' thousand eight hundred and' thlrtymine ' and its several supplements,aittlAl other. like' laws as as the satne'shall he 'n force and limplicableoholl be deemed and taken 'to - apply to the election fur judges: Provid,il;' That 'tile aforesaid electors, shall yore tint judges or the Glipreirie court oil separate piece of paper, tool for all other judges required to he learned In the la w.ou another sup., orate piece of paper Sne. 5. That at a' ineetin,r of the return judges of the several districts in each county provided for by the net' herelnbefore cited, duplicate re• turns of all the votes given', In such county for judges of the supreme cook. and itll „judges which the qualified voters of such county are entitled to elect of theinserve3 unconnected with any other , wand} made oath} the clerks of tat board of return judges, mot of which t•e• the`presidenrot said Intuit shall forthwith lodge io the office otter prodnininar, of the emus of common pleas le sate!! emu., :11111 the ttllt(lr hr shall enclose in' 0,01 ts .„; direct Iti tar I'ots'.. - 0,11.: of tin: Coto „Rh. an d ;dart ; in the twarett pest office. S r:'. 1, Tle.d' in I le• cluclinn OC 10 . 0 1dpi-A jwl;;‘, 01 any jndieinl dimriet• eutpless,ol o r p,, n ar tflorcs ,t•rttitttit.s, Ili,: myelin , ” it!' Iti't• Itttllutti,ititlf., , •l in tt.teit of :lett ram ntic4, ti,r alerts arttrt,ttitti Mu a fair sud,intent li r t o; the v . ote,, ~,-Itich shall hay-hem, ;;Ivei, tit suchlestimi rut' jttlfge, which shill be tiig.letl by taitl judges 11111.1 attested by the clerks-;. and 6ne of said Judges shall take charge of 'such itSteineut - Limildiall lir:Antic the - same at a meet ing of one judge front curb of said comitles,which meeting shall be held on the seventh (14 totter the election, rit the court honse of tme of the counties, to be fixed by taklug'siudi'enuatiestilternily iii their alphabetical 1 • 'Phut the judges" of the 'several', coon. tics having'so met shun-cast ujt the several coon' ly returns and make a Xffilleient ntimber,olcopiea or general return of sill' the vote's given fur such office in said disiriet, all ofswhielt lliey.ehhll env. Illy, and ono of whiph,thoy. shall ltalge'lortliw,ith in the offlee of the' .Protinnullary. of tlie, , nourt of common pleas 61'.;cc. , c11.'or 8104 .otintion'nun or which I,llny shall enclose, seskandtlircet to the §ctlretaryt.of the Ctiminotmetilth. in the manner Preserilied Ity the.tiltit seetionof thlS.ter: - Given , under 'toy band', alsl.lo day of c4cpteuiber, A'. IV! 85 - • . • .., . , • -• 1)A11,11.) , ptvrii, She'riff Sheriff's Ofliot,'fi'mrlisle, 2:'.' Sepforribut. 8, SlBst. ' - , .. ~ " t:ursery; for 3 FPllllfil undersigned olfors for soli, ids NUR IL SER V 01 911014... je F.OVIT .:IPRB.ES,as.lie hos sold fiiiipr . illioriy, lio. 01)1",t ad to Null off the r,-.1‘,. troop, hind'Udll set honirfor etisli, ',q d -"' , 1 , ,,,t'-wholoriplo or r,:tiiil. , . to , ileraon tvbilil eiff. , 'Wing to:pur . olissolet in ited to roll find ' dim u tin° lot oftroo ' TiliN nins'ory you will find fioo and a Ind fillies Emit Ai', Cur, 'lido, add ouo holf iuilo. Wor t' of (A)urchtown: In Monroe t ow mild r+,`Cliuri fie ill nd Vffilnty, :•lept11118)1 , 1t, . ; . .349,1.7`;':,itit,1 , 1r1fi, , aca 1 Votdto..l;iit:,:;?Atiction,,. VALUABLE BEAL, ESTATE • AT ORPHANS' SALE. . , . •, - • • On TiittßabAY the .2d of Oetobei't 1851: - ' IIN pursuance of , Order' of -the jOrplidna' IL Court of Cuniberland'imunii,•Will 'Esi•!stild at public sale on the premlsos, tho,,,k 4 itrin of Isaac Addamil , Eiithato. Hamiaderi• tp, - Cumberland county, about threeryrillos north of .the, Turnpike, ono, mile 'Posh . of_Spayely's sett five miles west of Harrisburg; adjoin ing lands of 'Dr. A. IT. Von Hoff, Elizabeth Whisler and others containing I:l6'Acrtgs and -134 PERCEIIII4 of Black Slate • Land, of good, quality, and in a high state•of cultivation, Otibut 115 acr4 of which is, cleared and the, rest well covered with thriving timber. The. • • • , improvements urn it two story • .PLASTERED lIOUSE . AND rs „&i.5 KITCHEN;. with, a large- pellet. ' under' the .house; and a well of ; good water at tho—door.. Also, never-failing siring with a good Spring House, Wash-house, Smolre.linose, BANK BARN, ' , Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Carriage Masa, Hog Pen; garnered oil' above for storing grain, to gether a Ith all other. necessary out-buildings. Also, a good TENANT 1101.1 SE and Stable . with a garden lot attached, to be Sold - with the Farm. Tins Farm in situated in a healthy part of the. country, is handy to a store and smith-shop and also to the Harrisburg market. It is well calmilated for rearing stock, having running Water through all LllO fields but one', and a largo - Meadow close by the yofd with a ntream run— mug through it. Alsd, running water in_ the barn yard: Thu fences are all good, being nearly all of locust poets - and chesnut - rails.— There is . h. largo amonnt of thriving locust growing on the place: Also, an excellent Ap. pin Orchard ot choice fruit; all of which is grafted. It is ant the,best orate for a Tait , Yard that is-to ho found, us tho water near the building can be convcycd into nll the vats with out pumping. The farm has always been well tilled, and every care tahcrk t to keep the land in order. The buildings arc in the 'centre of the Farm so 118 to malic.eveiy convenience. •A lan, at. the min e_tinmand _place Will _be_sold_ a tract of Illountain Land, situate it the south. side and extending to the top, adjoining lands of Mary Wagner and Liamucl Shun,. This land is two miles and a half from the *tore mentioned, and, con be, conveniently got to with a wagon, the roads being good. It b covered with thriving timber, such as Chesnut, Chesnut oak, hitiltory and oilier kinds. It contains six. ty acres, and WI he sold in lots' of •twenty acres each. Attendance will ha given on that day and conditions made known by ABRAHAM dIIUA US, 1V U H. ECICLES. sepi3tspd Exediders. • 01-I`PELCONTS.' compa , SALM. On Til URSD:II', the 9th day of October, 18 5 1, V virtue of an order Of the Orphntis' Court of Cumberland county, will be of lered at public sale on the premises; the fol s_Wjng arOpertV, late the estate of Woe. liar's nets, of Allen township, in said enmity, ciec'd. ,ic.• A. Tract of Land, Situate in saidtown. ship, bounded by lands of .I,ndrew Chapman, _Gcurge_Kosi,.itt.q, (tL 4Px,t , ,, sgAttat? i 9g-It7-AP mr whicli - is erected n I.IIIIC ritB. .42 TILLERY, n COOPER. SHOP,' TITREIf. TENANT II Otfr NS, i! tl li4 l s ; and other outbuildings. TER-PIS -4.ltr " rive per cent of the purchase ino• nay io he paid on the day of Ault:, one-ball the retnander on the lot April. 1832; and, the re. minder in two equal annual intytnents, without interref. an,l, to be . 'secured by reco:znizance in Court. Sale to'coinitilite - iffliell ndst tO o'clock, A. 'AI. when attendance will be given by : ROBERT 1311.YSf)N, ~ie ;; like^ - A din'r. ORPHANS' COURT' SALE, Oa :3,177.111D...11, flie ..111i 'day f Oclobrr, I3Y order of the Orphans' Court Citrus het-land .eminiy, will. be :told by public vernine. on the preinines,-at • T'l.aleiook.. , noon, ot,said day. tile thiLio audit:hied littrth parts of the lite Jolla l'allulrtFoli,clec'd., of and in the Ml lawmit,mal carat', to wit—That certain hie iiinn or tract of lead, situate in Silver • ;41(,wwillip, Cumberland county, b,iintleil of IX in. Culbertson, Cliima tem Keller and JtifileB 1V11113111E3(..... - ,11. Ilinitiz..2l2!J A Cltt.S, more or less, of lirarrate iii ne aome land, Montt I atl acres of. whiali ere cleared and in good.eultivittion, and the resit - Inv runner land wh el is of superior quality. The imprrivitrtelitn ar , e, ,.. a two story „ S large and iOnoi.v , two - ntory STONE Sli , wll.l IL3, wit.: Wagon Sned, corn and Other out buildings,— Thare fatining.tvater on. the place 'near the illiproveroallrs, and aliigood well of water near the lionne'. 'There are two apple Orehac& on the plate of m-alted fruit, one of which is x`flungt ,re are into peach and other (riot trccs -- Th., lat'M imitated a mile south of the turn pitz,l lint ahoVe and in near to the rail road. Personi scaling 'in jetr•liiiim sad view tin. premilaat elm do en by calling an either at the the or die tenon: residinz at the place. Terms of rale made known ea the day or 1,:do. V N, stlltink dministrraprs. N. 11. At thy samo time and pine Siltlin 13. Dunlop and the other owners of the temainitot undividim , toort't par . t„:,lll tntthe , :ti c of the snow, nn PAT-TilttriTyridi4ild eoldittiOns flitm the ,AtotiMtrators Bell 4145 tho three undivided Jourth parte of the Llecevent. ‘Vergtrae - de sti — E --- sede t'o 4_s.A Ln. • . . On 5.97 . 0110.4 Y: tlic4lll . dizy of Oribbei-, ISSI, THE undersigned, - Assigneees of George Sari r, pf South Middleton toWnellip i CLlMber land county, will sell at public sale, on tliu pro mises, t he following described Real Estme. nibs ' A Farm situnto in South Middleton tp. Cninherland county, near the pnbiic road lead.' ing from Carlisle to the Spring Forge, about 3 miles froM the former and two.from the latter place, adjoining hindh of Jacob Lehman. henry Wise, Masco Wolf, Adutii Frieze. 'and the heirs of Solomou,Porg.as, dee'd , containing 91 AIIRES of l'Ainestone land, having than:Job erected a . I'll, 0 , STOU , Ir LOG HO LISB, LOC. , and 1 RAMS. L'i: . , , l 21 2 BARN, a Well "iiigood . water - 1 . - 5',.:,:41,P illf .. with a pump in it near the dour, ;4707 , ,j , 6" a Tenant house, Stable, Apple orchard. and other fruit trees. About 80 tinter of the laud in cleared, under good knee, and in n high state of cultivation; Ilia residue h co- i vexed with good timber. Also, at the same time. and place, a lot of Mountain Land, covered with good Ches nut I halter, situate in the Santo township, holm by land 4 of Jecoh Shaeffer, Fred'lt. Hider, and others, containing SEVEN acme, lying wit hittinboal five miles of the alcove mentioned farm. I Iwo lit 6ry II 0 U S E, W A WE- S tt i . A!I I .E. ' rids property 11' •illl 011, 1r 111,1,. lit. pitnn 111', 1,11/1 . , lincicut the hca,l t • I .:Jilth.t.. entlrtq - .11.•t• at ;‘) 111c1. on ~; ; ,1, \Owl; Ow turtiv; 411 11. 1 , 11 try' •• • t. t • . ,1 1;0E13, f.•! , 1101, , ;;', .ti i..7tle , r.s. . - 04 ~'. / TOO )...IY, it 16:14 , 0f October, 1851, . IN per.oniiice of an order of Wuhan a' Court of Cuipberlanci county, will be suleat public sale, oil the preiniues, the following proportyi lute the estato,of AbruhenErb, of East Penns bore' township, in snit' county, dec'd., viz ; :No. 1.-'-.A tot of gt blind, situate on Second street in Worinleysburg, in 'said county, Hum. be'red 48,1 n the . general plan•of the ..said town, On which ii - c e cle t t a two'story weatherboarded 4„.... . MUSE AND ICITcIIEA • illir i 4 li g ot Milt fikA AIL si ABLE and. o -6so 'tltot otubuildhign; :'' ' , ~ . ,, , !f i ...e.fe No. 2.—A Lot of Groin in i .12 sold town, fronting on Second xtrect anil bann 7 dad' by property of Daniel'illu 11, liy, . Hill .alley sod by School Rouse' lot. : •N0.1.1.'..A lialfloe of ground,' ailjolning • the :above, on which:there to no in tproveilionts. 'forms.--.The purchase money to.be paid on the. Ist of April ttoxt, when possession' will =be given. Salo to coinnienco at..l u'eloolc,,P. AL, tvlion attendance:ati II he given by . I.IPL , .7,,...,.. •-, "' ' IAMIN Tilll4 •,:- '' .41Her•tle bonis.non ofd.• Erb - , die'il.• '' "SiPleniber..l7, 1851,, , ~..: ;., , , :;-• '!;'• ..-156;. '", " , ' ' • .... 1. , EMI • Superior '.Fielairig Vinogay.. THE 011peribc4 bui,itist;roc6lvBlMoo'galfons ,v.evy superior, Circler, : yinegar c ,wprniptiith pure and 01 the v,cry quality. C‘nue,nnd try it : a NV lIITNER.-- • ,glide, Silk olvets ••; • • • JUST r . cceivcll ravw,piveeFoot Ynr.l IWido for Ledion , t. : •;.: NV II ITN ER R. e, 12=1111 10i.iiCiStatc,:(it 'attitii6i.i., . . Orphans' .;: O court Sale...: Ott 71luititainjt,": of; . 0614er,•18 . 51, IN.pnrsuanee of an.order tile' arPhatia'• tiourr of'•Cuniberland , county,.. the subscribers wilt offer at public saki on the,premisetWat.l2 o'Clock,.nonn, a tract of land,'lato the property of David Strigler, dec'd., situate in Hopew,ell township, in said county, on tho , :road leading. fro& Shippensburg to 'Newburg, about fi miles from the former and half a mile from the latter _plate, containing 206 ACRES,. more or less, of Which about 161 — A - ores are, cleared — and in a good state of cOltiyation, the roaidue in timber, , The improvements area twestgry Stoner Dwelling House, Stone and Frame, Bank Barn, 'Corn 'Crib, • Wagon Shed, Carriage lions°, Smite }lmmo, Ste.. There is n well of water at the door. A Sulphur Spring near the house and a stream of water passes thraugltthe tract. There is also a thri- Nina young Orehind on the premises. Per-on:3 .wishing to pee the above described property are rerjuoste.l to Gall upon either'of the subscri bers;-ene-cf wham - resides - on the faun crms of Sale . —stio.payable on the &milt mation of the sale, one half of the residue of the purchase motley on Ist April nest, When 111,58011.51011 'will lm _g yen.; and the other half on ht., 191, Aki1,1853, wt7G ffiffirest - Thayment to be 'secured by jitdanwnt bond and mortgage. JA CO.l, FOGIAISONGBIL JACOB SrI'HIGLE ft, nil g'27l .Rdrn'f• of 7)) vid Sirif;der, dee' d SAtiall On 8,4 TU/ZD:// 1, the 1114 day If October, 1851 .IN PURSUANCE of deed of Assignment' A executed lov John, Seitz, of Monroe town ship, Cumberland county, will be sold in pub lic sole, on the ['remises. at one o'clock, P. 111., the M'lowing described Real Estate, viz: A tract of ',and situate in Monroe township oferesa , d,, bounded by lands of ,Peter 'Diller, Jr/lin Soilonbarger, David. Rrysher. the heirs of Martiii Diller, deceased, and John Brindle, containing.abont TWENTY-FIVE 4CR ES, having thereon eroded a two story LOG HOUSE and LOG BARN, a Well of weter.and an Apple Or. chard. The land is limestone of n good quality. 'Phe terms of sale will be per cent. ot the purchase. money tote paid by the pur chaser on the-day of Sale, one hall thedialance on the Ist of April next, when possession will, ht: , _;iveit . and a deed made to . the' purchaser a takhe residue on the lot of April 1853, with interest from lot April 185'2, to Inc sectored by judgment bond. The purchaser to have the landlord's share' I t f the grain in the ground, and the taxes fik:tho year 1852 to be - paid by the purchaser.; ...JOSEPH CULVEn,. aug,tratitts2. ./miLrace id: John Seitz, VALUABLEFARIII FOR SALE. On SATURDSY, the 4th flay of October, 1851. 11T . 711.1. be sold at public bale on the premi- V, V, sea, the tollowing described real estate, sita.tte iEI Dickinson township. Cumberland co., about ono mile front Bnrnita's mill, and six mile's from Carlish., bounded by labds of -John :Sterrett, Samuel :Sowers and John Pepper, con taining ,117 ACRES and '2l PERCHES, neat measure. There are 105 acres of this land cleared and in a high elate of cultivatiop, and the balance is covered with Ihrivingo.young timber. • The impt.ovoments are a two , ItOII.SE, *„ v iIIpANIC BARN, Wagon Shed, i E_corn cribs, and all other necessary out buildings. There is a well of w t The door . - aver ao. Also - , an — Orchard wth ovo ry variety of choice fruit. • Any person wishing said property previous to the sale, Can do so by ca!ling on Samuel Woods, who resides on said farm. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock on said day, when attendance will be given_ and terms made known lt,y aug2.o - Ito EIRT BELL. P 7 1.13L1C SALE OF REAL ESTATE. --- . Oit FIZID-IY, the 3d of Oetubor, tired, ~ 114;47 - 11.,1, be sold at public sale iM the p .mi- V .sos, in North 1\11 , 1(11CIONVII lON nship„ C uar bm l a nd comty, l'a., the fullow.ig real 1 estate. late the property of BOlliatill 1-Diller, ~ dee'd., shout font. miles east of Carr tleiiii - d - 2 irides, setult of i',l3ddlescx, li'ontided b% lands of David 'Miller, front Liocaster count , Abra; Lam ITertzler, and others, containing about 12.5 ACRE§.'oi first rate limestone land, about 100 acres of which are cleared and 'ins high State or orr l r ry nr i ori , the rvinainder is covered with fine young goober. • The improvements are two 'l,O G lIOIIIIES, both two 4 - ----N,,,_ stories high. and each of which f .- o V iIV has a first rate spring near the , an . , f 1 1 . 11512: door, a IRA ME 1 . 3-A II N, NS a r,t;it , g ; MT. , ....7 1 .4 ;z nn Shed, Corn Cribs and other necessary outbuildings. Also, an Orchard of choice fruit. Any person wishing to view the said property prr 550159 to the sale can do si, by callinsi '' ,on Michael Diller . ; wire residsti, on said farm. f:.-..1e to VOOItOtOICt . at '.l o'clock in lie after:molt on said (Inv, wltcll doe ,ittleadance I will 1,6 tt,,tin and I , •rois toode known I,y atm;l2is JO!! N I/1 I,l.bilt , Executor. ----- ORPHAITS , COURT SALE. Our sArullnar, the 271 h 4 September, ISSI, icpy vi!t•fuE et. an Order ,JI the otplians' .LID t 'mil 10 ClI111 , 01 . 1:111,1 I ,iti,ty. will be suld at ritni , E, .;ins, at 19 o'clea, noon, on dm PIT - tfliteg. the iaoitt,..lng pror.c.rt:i . , let , tire estateol Abraham Mi,,,,r. of [pour Allen ten tislitri,iiii siiiil room s•. o , •L'd • viz.—A tra, t ot liniti.simil and, tOttlitTO in kind township; ad . r.otrong lamb , I,f . i il.lll C ever, Gimp, Smith and inhale, -containims• Ott ACRES more- or lees, all of which is ,•Icared and in a high state of cu:liva iriViit'iirt,..l-67 - gond Tape, \c. T,4iTiilfflTOVT.. :11,11-1 are a two stony V.' biATII ,i. ERIl• - 1.\ RD En riousE,ritAmE it. \ ...1,,• ußif N and other out buildings,— ';', t t'; __:i. r tl i ;i l m .r.: re is a nevet failing well of its: s--1,,... t. 1..1:•...-•-ttir at lie dour with a pump in it . .— There is also running water through , the place. Also, a young rind thriving Orebro 0 of pliorbe fruit. Persons wishing 10 exarriino the plumbs van cull on the 'undersigned living near the farm, nitildo r y whom terms will be made Onown tin said day of salt.: ' - • LOEDRICII S'I'EINER, aug,2Tispd. , ' . . , ~delm'r. IMPTESC and Kogfor Sale. OA F!?ID.4Y, the 2601 of Srptimber, 1851, cubscribilr will offer at public sale on the premises at Spring Mills, imDickinson t%11). CUlllberhind county, Pa., the following des cribed real estate, viz :—A 110USE"&-LOT. • The house is a large two• story brick, A kiirrih fronting on two public roods, and in Oa good locution for public busittess,is ?' s surrounded " ,- by a beautiful yard toril mining, choice Iruit trees, and has at tached an excellent — garden, 'Pim kit contains hall an acre, surrounch,d by good fence, has a good 'end suleaantial and other out buildings, oil now did in goad repair. Also. tract of Mountain Land, containing 57 A• CR.P.:4, adjoining the Tow. Gros, road ; and lands of J a tura Wenklcy, 'Win...Watts. and others, mostly colt„Fred with thriving yming chestnut timber, and some gootLpino and oaly:-4.s..; Any person—W6hina_to_micw_theLsante_.loll.l plea'.' cull on time snbsci 'tier at Spring Milk— mt, t;,•1, , P rir t . -0-Itlck dak , , ~i++: Win :1;1,1 lelll/ iiTiFkitllVlS , COURT SAT' ojl. :5.'1 Tt. Rr, I U. 14,. 1(5 of 1', , e9 - ,1:,r, j:?,,:,1, PC. par , ,a,tn!..0,01 on ovd,l et the. 1 ;1/11filib' Cr.Urt 11; ( . 1:1,I,117:11.1C.101 , ...., WIII I r. sold to !midi,' ~.410 on tio prt.111;55, ,, t 1'.2 ~7 , 1,,,h, twoo, titc t0ff,,,.. h: to ,pc;ry Int- tl.e c...,tatr, of 1it., , i,1 lleAr, c,i ilj,p,,r . \ ;:,,, ~,,,,,l v , ,:0 0 ,1.,•v,;•:-- -- A - torTeffrantrd' runrammicti — At'llES, --- and II 7 Perches, situate on the Stole Road to Gettys burg, in said township, adjoining properti,s of John 1 3. Coover, flat kness Itch's and . others, Se p . r - -. ----all of which is. eultivated._There ~..„r ..„. is erected. on the lot a two story el, glg WE ATHE Itl3 OAItID E D A :MI u 11011 SE A GO . OIY -BARN, a 1rt 1 1 4 .& - C Wagon ihker's Shop, &o. There is a good,cistern, elite kitchen door, and an excellent Spring with Spriv House near the hones. Also; an Orehard-of choice trait. It is a desirable-property For It mechanic, and in a' good netgliborhood. Attendance will be giteu and'terms made known by ' , JOHN B. COOVER, , . . , angThs ;, ' - . • Ainer: . • ORPIIANSI "COURT On'IVEfIXES D.Rlr, the Bth of Ottobcr, 18511. IY pursuance of Op ortler "qr the :P.t . plitwe .6 - )114 . CT :Sulam! county, .he' sold al liuhlic salW•ois I be pientisce, at the,. ulternoon,lito' following - property,,laio the .es tatemf Aaren-Wiee;'of Lower -Allen township; Lot orGroull," , •.• • ..eittnite. in , Shiremanstown; township' f ro nting -75.. feet on the _of. Main ntreet . , r j egl,9ctoßiAnchaelt about MO. feet-tniclo It al. ~Tliero,:uro:a: number. of fruit tress, on lot bitt:boipuildinge. , ho_sold,,togatbe,„, or'ln "pernigti -suit purchasers: Allondanet Will,he'given-undlerme Made known on da ff y of sale by the undattOried;.Guardian of the : Wino . ? child of Aardp' Wisardodd. ; A:I"I'LlIAS, eeji[3~id3t~~:, A lINOLDS writing i fluik vety " stlf: , ,:::~~ "'+'-. _ -':a+tN;,tCstti%xcaF'.:l,'`~?'+"m = x z a;T^ ., _ __~^~'~. _ ,-, - .. . . . RpiLVEATATEI: ATTIOILIT El, ;On ,THURS.IIIII4,Iite. *,.l...ddif of Odder, IBM mile' sulMCiiiiC4 . will effet at.pribild snie, Mt , A • the premises,- his firth ;Mamie hi • Lowcil' Allab township . ; Cumberlatu.: . cottntY; adjianinl Lunde. of Jacob Lo ng,; ',Levi 111erkle. DaVi . Sheep and others, Containing 109 itilltES'6 the best quality 'of-limestoneland; in a bight state of eultivition.. The improver , !ft . .menta .nron„three . story 'ROC% • " * CAST- HODS B,_ TE N A - N -- - f . HQI.ISE, - LOG BARN, •Wagon inns. A never y -failing .2 ,the li ise, and Cedar Spring passing - the build= . , tams wi in a few, perches. Also, an excellent OBCHA, D of Apple, Cherry, Peach, &c.-' \ About This 9 . p s r ' . ( a i p 0 e s of nc e t h i e , I t ti h n i n d i f s o . u c r le m ar i c ie d a i and o f ll t a h r e: balance -cov e ed with thriving timber,- 1 -- . -- risburg, and three-quarters of a ,mild Boni _ Shirernailatown; which furnishes a good marker: 'rho state., read, passes through the farm and there are meny.advantages,,tt being con.veniir _ ently situated near to mills, schools and char , ches. Taking it eltogi‘ther.it is a very d et ,i,,.., ble.propertv, and will be sold whole or . divido 411 an to snit purchasers. Sale to commence at .I.o'clock,'%them.torma will , ha made :knone by . . JACOB SHOPP. JOSEPH mosspri, ductionecr. [negt:its ■ IV VI! VALUABLE FARDI FOR SALE. WN PURSUANCE of the last' Will and Tes lament of Matthew Thompson, sr., late, of Mifflin township, Cumberland county, dec'd. - , will be sold at public sale on PRIDAVi the 20th of SEPTEMITER, 18 , 51, at 10 o'clock„ A. If., on theilKeinises, a tract of land situate in the aforosaalVownship of Mifflin and bourul- - ed by the Conoiloguitiet Creek and lands of Jo seph Handley _ and Samuel Westhelfer, cort. , taining 2:15 ACRES, of which ationt fifty acres are limber land and the residue cleared land in a good state of cultivation. ', The improvements' arc a large ~, 4 ,', / ; double . two , siory STONE II OUSE r,;:: ,I. , and' I• 1 rLii EN, a: large BRICK gqkg , :. 4 ., z BANK 13 A R . N.,_.tOn ,feet lone, a ~.....,4"- ” Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, a Spring L ., House and Smoke House, e well of -water.con venient to the doer and a good apple orchard. The above descrilicd land is gravel, with a considerable, quantity of alliivial bottom o ti t h p best qualify. It is Wifliiii a tnikinf ilia lime stone land. It it situated about four miles west of Nevvville, and near the State' Road tram Carlisle to Roxbury. _ . - The terms ortale will be $lOO to he paid by the purchaser when the property is enicken down—one-half of the whole purrhase money including - the aforesaid $lOO, on the'let -a A dril, 1852, when possession will be iifvon - and h deed made to the purchaser, and the, residue' in three equal annual paYmentaiwithout inter est, to be secured by judgment or, mortgage, the landlord's share of the grain to go to the purchaser. The land is patented,' and an indisputable title will be given clear of-all incumbrances. Persons wishing to view the aforesaid farm ear! call on James Boyd. who resides on the opposite side of the creek from said farm. JAKfhtS Boy f) M ‘TTIIEW_ THOMPSON, Adm'r. de Minis nun .with the will annexed of Matthew Thompson, tr., deed. junel 1-ts ORPHANS' COURT SALE. -074- - Sid-TURD.I-Y tober,-1851.--. IN per...mance of no order of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland county, will be sold' at _public salmon tha premises..the following pro, petty Into ihe.estate of George Rupp,jr.of tipper Allen township, in slid county, deed., viz A Tract of TIMBER LAND, situate ono Mile east of_Shepiterdstow.i, in,arnd'township, adjoin ing, lands of James Eckles,John C. Dunlap & -othersreontaining--.15-AGIESuaII-of-Which-is th,iving Chestnut timber. The -tract is divided into t we-acre lots and .will be Bold enure or in part to -.suit parchnscra. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, when attendance will be given ay aug27ts runrizic Oh MTV:T.:D.4Y, the 27th -t).f September 1851, . THE; undersigned, ntheinistlator of Ilenja. Thin Jones, (he'd. will expose io public sale, on the premises, the following described vole kit 01 (ironed, situato in the town of Fair- a vr. ,„t viow, CUmberland county, pontaining fE3feet 3 inches in, front, and in - depth Z 5 •feet, having Thereon proofed - a two story .WEATTIE ft 13 0 A 112 D- E -D 110 HSE, with a Kitchen, and a well of water, On the premise;. Also, will he sold at the same time and plane, 'a variety. of NOUSE -11 0 iC ITC II E.7l' I Er It XIT Ull.B. Sale' to boyffinenco at 1 o'clock, P 7111 - ., when attend ance will be given and .terms mode known by. JOHN SHEETS, , 7dne r nugl7pd3t R 1,3 aIL EST.IT FOR - SA L E: On i y 5.7 TUR DA Y, the I Flit of Octocer;lEr i il; - . VIRTUE of en order of sale trotti /he ?JII Orphans' Court , if Catnberland.county, will be snl.lat•pultlic sale at 1.l &chick, neon, oh the promises, the fallowing valuable-Acts-of ground, with thiNi ni prow: merits thereon, altuat- - ed in the horougli•of Mechanicsburg, in .said• county, and being fl portion of Iho c tato of IY.IN id Wort;t,ialt of said boruegh, dec'd., viz: Lot No. 1.--linunded by Alain street, by pro perty of John Iteigle, and by property of Sum. • , eel W..rst. having thereuri4ireet , cd ill—!-,•A A -4. 1 1 V-6--tit ory—WilallA4'4 , I.:, ',' 510Illotv•& iv 1111 the utopurtennnee/ ~:Mro ! i ", he, Lot No. B.—Hounded by :11arke , ti.,,,,!: - /"Af3t l iquitre, by property of . John Itet ply, and by •51a rket street, having; thereon erect cd A. ViratintC IHOtis,t3 willi.the uppurter faces. Lot No. 5.-130unch•fi by lands of Da vid Shrosn, Adam Houck and by the. Hogeetow l , road, having ,thereon greeted a One Store: Log &House and a Frame Stablt • The terms : of-sale, will :be;—Ton, per cunt. t.l- the purchase money to be paid when the solo i./ cenfirmed . by' dm Court: half ,of thu Inlance 'c! , thin purchase money to be paid, oil the lot d-. April, 1859., when posFession will,be delivered'. The residue of the purchase money tee ho pa t .!' on the lei April, 1853, with interest from the Ist April, 11.352,. Thu purchase motley to 1/../ secured by jud gment bends and mortgage.— , Tho taxes of 1852 to be paid by the purchaser or purchasers. • JOHN ZBARING, sept3ts : • Administrator. ____.... .Fiesh Medicines-recently received at //ay.. Unit' old I:tund, next door to the Post Main StrectiCarlisle. Dr. .1. McCulloch, - a. &Monte of the' Univer airy of Poonsylvania,:is now a pattner. jn thia, estahlishment, - and - will give his especial super• vision to tho compounding. , of. Prescriptions. All Medicines warranted purtO and, genuine; and sold atitha lowest rates; Fresh Pine Oil. and Fluid constantly for sale.. .}lcy 28,'51. It M RAWLINS.' OrpJurteN' Conn? Sop!. ();t"ti...17'1/P 11.1-1:611. I N • t'l all lho Cyhiri. i t Cltrillo , 11•10i1 1 .,, 111 , tY, till anliersaafiti.' will ,•.6 :SC it ;air Oil the rat2.lli;`: , ., 'Rite tin ef 11.1),oft it 1,),,n:+1,1p. ,•,1 - • tollowilt4 c.ltunhlc raat ehlau . ,.. 10 w,t•-,-.20 - ; At ~, ••iate.an..E Irnasionti. law!, '9l .1 it't.4ll alitt'welVet , • • A ••lekti (.1, ;aid with tirabaC. • i l aprovasaapLa : ari: II TWO Sitify (41)f: it() l lSr.._ vl",tt-red ~11i• 1 1e a - ddt• i :v 13.11 , — . 4kg l ..iit•or , a . 11Seiring of excellent water; an . t , nit:. ORCIiAIt-I) of choice trail 11.04:arils akin prciiiisca. _Thin pronorty, pro . sentiinnnY ndunn• titgos Which cannot be horn enumerated. Per, • eons wishing - , 'to view , It ptior to'ealo, upon Mr. , 3ohn th o l tlittn or , on the sift/scriber-lilting-in Newburgh'` Solo to cOmenenco,nt 'la o'clock, 14„,-wheri attend.“ linen will Lid 'alien ,:ancl loins mato' known by ' enYttOts,.. DA VID'WHERRY, A7dm'r"-. ,'• r. I: 'MAN-WARD PRovEnTY, FOR SAvLE." OA SATURDAY, ?7' of ..S:cpft.t4er,;lBo ;NIB stbscrituir will seljauptiblict auction nr dm Court !Joust:, at I.•d'elork,.l?, , PLIcIPEIRTV, shunt° rho borough of CI l'lislc,, lt. embraces QNki AC RE OF GROCN EVI,'ENSIVEI BIJILEINGS... Il desittul this prOperty•could with 14t16 dsjmitte;b6. converted, into-a , , :dory, the' buildings luting' wall sulettland AS° that:Mrsiness. and its location bOing, - wiVtin'Ont - . yards of kutir,M.,rats,POst ',.Posacssion on • tiro lohtf Octpburltoat, with Otto unlit difillepsi • - t. ' '• - • CarliSlOYSepi.life„,- , - •.. N.,13! Th lriL p syboorilnisiusi redetve4 lit inli tore a largo lord sonsotiable.:'gooos,. wAI bo!sold on' ^7 1 'H%R.:;iaNODGRASS:. • • 'TWO goo,d f'dr roolore orii•Oirl' of 'O•e' editor • t'y "3 • JOHN SHOPP medicinesl medicines I BE /WILJi WM