OlistWAp -- 0 riGUS 11E1 0014:11.9A. Thy llanyati;:efilke Indian • • Strikes deeply down its massive root; .',AndspreadsitS:bradohlag-life.ftbrtiad, - And bends to earth itith Scarlet frnit; 'And, when•the,brannliiirenoli Ole:ground, Thprtiriii:vphini themselves again: Tbeirrhin, hint sprencli.and droop; and rent; crs , ecgretryantrinklicas chain. .• • .Audio the - Church of Jesus Christ, The blessedlianynn 'of our pod, Past, rooted,. Upon' Zion's robust,- Has ant its sheltring arms abroad; • And ovary brarthh;:that, from it, springs , sacred' Willey, spreading, wide, :AS, km; it'beildi, , to'h:eis the earth, , Still, plants'another, by its side.- \a • tong; as the world, itself, shall last, The sacred Banyan, still shall spread Vont clime; to clime, from ago to age, Its.sholtering shadow SUB te_shed Nat ions - shalrseoli r itf , liillarocrilitidefe' — lts leaves fdr - theif heblitigliol - . The circling flood, that feeds its life, • Tho blood, that crimsoned Calvary. ACOLISM TO GOD. Honorer early in the morning you seek the gate of access, you find• it already open; and hoWeverAdeop the inicinightimoment when yon find yotiVself in the sudden arm of death, the 'winged prayer can ..bring an „instant Saviour 'near; and this 'wherever .yon are. It needs not that you ascend' some special Pisgah or Moriah. It needs not that you should enter __some awful shrine, or_put off. your shoes on some hey ground.. Could a memento be roar ed on every spot from which , an acceptable prayer ban passed' away, and on which a prayer answer has come down, we should find .etleve-shamme; "the Lord hnth been here," inscribed ott many a cottage hearth and Many eldnrigeon floor. We should find it not only in 'Terusalem's peond Temple and David's cedar galleries, but in the fisherman's cottage by the brink - of Gennesarot, and in the upper chain ber where Pentecost began. And whether it be the' field whore Isaac went to meditate, 9r . the rocky knoll where Jacob lay down to sleep, =or-the brook where Israel wrestled, or the den where Daniel gazed on the hungry lions. and the lions gazed on him; or the hill sides where the man of sorrowzi prayed all night, we should still discern the prints of , the ladder's feet lit down from hearan,,the landing-place of mer cies, because the starting-point of' prayer. And all this whatsoever you are.. It needs no saint, no profiCient in piety, no adopt in el oquent language, no dignity of earthly rank.— It needs but a simple Hannah, or a lisping Samuel. It needs but a blind beggar, or a loaihsome bazar. It needs bid a penitent pub . - Haan, or a dying thief. And it needs no sharp Ohba!, n 9 costly passport, no painful eipia don, to'bring you to the mercy seat: . or ra ther,-I should - say; it - needs the costliest of all: but the blood of atonement—the Saviour's me rit—the'name of .4csns—priceless•es.they aye, cost the.sinner_ntithing.They-are-freely-put at his disposal, and instantly and - Constantly he may use them.- This access to God in eve ry Once, at-every-moment, without any price or personal merit—is it not a privilegel—Rev. J. Hamilloris. EMBRACING THE GOSPEL. ' Let those who enjoy , the blessing of the Gos pel, value it and embrace it. It is the word of eternal life. Itis tte proclamation of that only name under heava-given- among men, whereby they, can be saved. You hear of a palvatien_mrliich: millions ; of - the - humanThic never heard; you hear With a diatinctnoss and plainness which was denied to holy men And saints of Godln past ages, Who by faith re joked in the types and shadows end promises_ of - what - you see and enjoy in its substance and reality. Yon are blessed with a knowle6ge . ..of-the everlasting Gospel; a knoivlidgeln'eom parison to which , all the learning of this' world is btit folly: - God here discovers "to you that which all the whidom of men Could never find out, even the eternal destiny of man. Ile has opened to yen the realities of the unseen world. Ills words .tells you bow to be happy forever. You cannot treat such privileges' with contempt: you cannot listen to such a message with. indifference,' without Incurring severe condemnation. Avery opportunity ne glected must surely be recorded against you; 'at ran aggravated insult to the majesty of hen men; and every message to which you have turned a deg ear must hereafter become a swift witness against you, when the rejected Saviour himself shall complain: "I have call ed and ye retbsed; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded. But ye have pet -at nought - all my - counsel , arid would none of my reproof. I will also laugh at your evlatni ty, nail mock when your, fear cometh."—(Prov. 1., 24-26.) If you -reject the Word of God now, lie will reject you according to that word in-the Great Day. If you will not. . hear, now when you may, the day will come when you would give worlds, for a moment's longer prof fered graCe, which yoitrejected during a Whole A life. . , . LIFE'S LAST HOURS. Life's last hours Are grand testing hours:— Death tries all our principles, and lays bare all' - our foundations. Vast numbers have. been found to ' ot the: hypocrite in life, who were forced - ft), be . honest, in the hour of death.— What atheists have owned their madness, what infidels have denounced their principles, what worldlings 'hive ; bewailed their folly, wheri death'approached. Misgiving. of heart that have'been' kept secret through life, have come main death, and Many who seemed 'all right and labor for glory, hove-had to declare that they had',only been self-deceived; It has been said, "Men may'dissemble through life, but none ever' dissembled in death;" hence the value of dyieg testimonies. We gather the last words, the last acts, the last experiences; and we treasure them up. as indubitable evi dences in favor of, or against the character of, those that' `were • their' eubjeots. None have suit impugned their value as tests:of • charm 'ter;' and all, have'filt'their force. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH - IN -a!! EVERY BODY thoUld 'embrace this op portunity to buy CLOTHINGTor Men, Youth and Boys, at sack priceamt have never •-yetbeesi known to this Borough, at sTguizEtt's CLOTHINGESTABLISH , ..• MENT, Treatifaill at, next door to ,aurkholeter's Meet, -- Embracing athoice of themost desira ble and , fashionable'. .• CASHMERETT' COATS, 1 r in ds HABIT CLOTH do. "s•ra LINEN DRILLING do. ' TWEEDS; &c., Bro. Together with a great variety of Englis French . and American CLOTHS and Summer Fabrics, 'adapted to the wants of Mon, and Bove, both forDresi andßistiness:Garments. Particular - care has ' boon takeh - to pro cure the new style • SUMMER COATS, *"•" 4 .4 PANTALOONS, . To which be •wOuld 2•V. spec S ial bro attentien.. FURNISH I N:G D'S, consisting of Shins, ,Stocks, Handkerehiele, Ike., all of which are offered •at the lowest possible ell rl, prices, and as Cheiip as any 'other Clothing • Store in the Union. Parents who desire Boys Clothing. are earnestly invited to examine tho stock. Country a ore keepers can be accom modated At very low rates for cash. (16aP it. 11115,0 VAL! Famfiftroeory ;Store. THE subsdriber having removed his Grocery Hstablishmenr, on South Hanover --;=---' 'street. to the huge building nearly lopposite his old mud desires to call 1 Ei, . ' ` the attention of the public to the en - .-. 1 . parlor stock of FiLLSH GROCEII4- -IES which hit has juevoriened, and which hu will sell on' tho'most hacommodating termt4,4 . The arrangotneat.of Wend* Establishmeht will be foiled of ;,the moat: complete character, and his assortment c oMP,tiietievery7 article that' an he founding . . . ~.. ~.--;.; ;. ~.. .: ~,, ---- • . -- - - To the Latlletit.4lll4.l4.P9ltTEß would respectfully inform 'the ladies that he ,ho e fitted up the room, recently; occupied' by Mute Peteey Kenton, next,door to the old. stand ale LADIES SffoE eronz-,Excbus;vEL.r;' where therWill find *Wll. Belenedetatoitnient of gaiters, buskine, , tiee, !dipper*, from the,beat manufactories:ln ,•Phtledelphfailiati.alatrol own:m*110;16 *high theirottentlon is invited. Ca belo, may 7 • , DOAtik CHOICE CANDIES, manufactutied of the best material, which he will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the bank, where he has just opened a general assortment-of FRUITS AND NUTS, . consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisin.s, Figs ; Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea Nuts, &e. 'He would also call attention to his large assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, censisting . of toys of Glass, Wood, Gum and China, of endless varieties: In connection with the. above, ha has en band a prime lot of _ FRESH 'GROCERIES, consisting of Sugary, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Spices, Crackers, Matches, Blacking, dr.c..4r. Also, a prime lot of CIGARS, of the best brands.. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a generous public for the patronage. bestowed on him; and hopes by a desire to please to me rit a continuance of the same. He would also return 'hanks to the Firemen and Citizens for their efforts to save hisLprooerty on the night of the late conflagration Carlisle; ap2 THE subscriber has on hand a large• and well selected assortment of MUSIC of all kinds, consisting of Songs, Marches, Waltzes, Polkas, Elc.„ also' instructions for Piano and other instruments. "Berlin's Method"' for piano, "Masan Method for-the Violin, &a. and a Supply of Violin and Guitar Strings, of first rate quality at city Meas. . Having made an arrangement with an im hporting and publishing house- in Philadelphia, e will be constantly supplied with new Music and able to furnish anything in that line at short notice and upon reasonable terms. Music Teachers will find it for their Internet to call and examine for themselves at the corner of Pitt and 'High . Streets, opposite the Mansion House [ml9) S. A. HUBBARD.. • Mirquoise Alabaster, and other Faecy Lamp,.-Lamp Mate, and paper shadca.—just received, next door to to tho PO. - [May 28,'51. • Linen Drilling. A - general assortment of white and colorer Linen Drillings forbMod and Boy's wear, jots ree•ived by (May 21.'51) G.W HITHER. FOl2. ' giving a beautiful gloss to Linens Mus lim, Collars, &c.', and prevents dust from sticking to Linens, &c. It contains nothing injurious. - Just received by elect I • • G W RITNEtt. ALL parsons indebted' to the estate of Hen. ry Church, dec'd., are requested to '.call on the aut,scriher at the office or Churcli, Lee & Feeman, Lumber Merchants; in Hew, Cum berland and settle the same without_delay, as a rather indulgence cannot begiven' • IL It CHURCH,' Admr. may7tf HARRISO NS COLCMHIAN • INK.—In order to dispose of stock now on band,l will sell a few dozeri - at 20 per cent below the manufacturer's cash prices. Country merchants would do well to give me • call. June lath,'sl. • SAM% A HUBBARD. New and Popular School Book. OMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY of U.- NI.VERSALL HISTORY, together with a BIOGRUPDY of DISTING E D PERSONS, to which is appended an epitome of Heathen MYthology, 'Natural. Philosophy; General' Astronomy and. Physiology. Adopted in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. • E. S. JO N'ES & • CO,.Publisherii: • Et W CornerofFourth-and Race ate. Sethaply Teaehersand School comMittees tiddressm' letters lo,hs poet paid, will be' furnished With copies foraismiestron— . assortment of Hooks. snit Statien my for sale at the Lowest' Priceir. . • „_' . . -, SELLING . OFF'.II7,OOWri: THE eubmelbecturring purebtued‘tke'.lBo4 • of Dry Goode: Vinterlen. dtetoif Fetter, 011ie corner of, Horth.Heruporkond,:Loutber• onrititte, infririnCtbegniltlia thit thewholOorthe. large and elegant ; mock *ilk 4old Out AT COSTLink out for bargains. - • • jy9,ltf. .J 40,08 FETTER. soo'*; . -- &.:::';. -- ,01jOiiii.; Fstensitte Vabbiet Abate. . onEnt. smitEir;iti6ieigoito '.IL - 16 - ,0.• Gibson, CABINET.MAK ER &UN. D e. 'LTA IC ER; North flauotier Cailie I 0,, ;would res pectfully e infortnthe'Citiiens of Catfish! and the public .generallY that he:Wow`has on . • hor'. a large'assartment :and 'elegant, FURNITURE; 'consiating inpart and. oas, Wardrobea,' Card, other. oureatia, Bedsteads :plain and lam 'Sowing Stands, &c. manuftic'tured 'of the beat m tweeds and quality Warranted. Also a gone r ml sisertment of Chairs at the 'lowest prices.r- Vonitian Blinds, made' to, order and repairing - promptly attended to. ''.II:7•COFFINS made to 'order it tho shortest notice. and haying n iplen• did Heirs° ho will attend funerals in town or country. itt - Dont forget the old stand of 'Wm. C. Gibson, in North Hanover street; , a few doors north of Glass's Hotel. - Sept , R. m mirLEY. . , . . _ Corner __Hanover anci.Louther.olcvCarliele.-=- rin. ria.under.signod has always on hand.a.laiga IL stock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all the dilihrent styles, Which he is prepared to sell at the-lowest prices. fie - invites - attention panic; ularly to the Patent Spring-Bottom Bedstead, a most useful article, which entirely obviates all objections, t.'The b ottom' an b . ° attached to old Bedsteads. They have given entire • satisfac• tioa to all who have them in uso. MrCOFFINS made to order,at the shortest notice. JACOB Carlisle, Jan'y. 22, 1851 —lt. FETTER Extensive Furniture Rooms. • TAMES R.WEAVER would 'respectfully vJ call the attention of House Keepers and the public to his extensive stock of ELEGANT FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other 'l'ablbs, Dressing and plain ureaiis and every other article in his branch of b ' usiness. Also, now on hand the largest ttnent of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. 111 - Coffins made IA the shortest notice and a Hearse provided for funerals.' MY solic its a call at his establishment on North Hano ver street, near Glais's HOTEL. B.—Fur niture hired out by the month or year.: Carlisle, March 20, 18512k—ly • .4: szrairmsa mows r rpriE undorsighdin;i'teAy informit his IL 'friends and thelpub is entity, that he , fins just eturned from -- Philadelphia, haying • tr.. . purchased the moat ex `;;'Btensive,. es well as the • cheapest assortment of - Watches, Jewelry, • ..• dcc., ever brought„to Carlisle His stock con- sista impart of Gold and Sillier' Patent Levee Watehes, Gbtd and Silver deiedched do. do: Gold and Silver Lepine Watches. in short every variety of Watches' at all prices. Gold Guard and Vest Chains. Medallions, Watch Keys, Ear Rings„ Finger Rings, _Breast_ Pine, Gold and Si vcr Pencils , Gold and Silver pens and cases and Bracelets in great variety. A splendid• article of Gold. Sliver, German .3effktfEkSilver, and Blued Steel SPEC TACLES, whiCh are unsurpass• ed in 'ln lily by any other article west of Phil adelphia; and-which - con - besold•arleasr2trper cent cheaper than in any other establishment in the country. Also a' large lot of , • SILWILR-Vii4.1113„ comprising Table and Tea : Spoons, Butter Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; -Thimbles,, &c. Also , Curd Cases . - Porte: Monname, Port Folios, Ladies Writing Desks; with a great variety of - otherfancrarticlea unnecessary to mention. A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted to be-good. Iratchea, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired,- ' —He invites-all- breall - and — e - gamine his sto - eic, assailed that none can fail to be Benedict gnat. ity,..quarnity .and _voice.. -His-articles are-cash purchases, consequently, he can afford to sell lower than the: same articles can be_,parchaccei elsewhere. Call at-the old stand, a few doors west'of Burkholdees Hotel. - January 15, 185171 y T: CONLVN. A Voice from the .. Burnt Dletrlet.” Dlonyert Candy Factory Rebuilt. THE subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and the public-generally, that his Factory .which was destroyed by the-late-fire, has been rebuilt, and he is now prepared to furnish them with P. hiONYER. MV~~C Patent Starch. Polish. ZIELS I 2 NOTICE. Great Batgainsi Atociilanou. , . rreiditiplutill . upply t ', ! • ' Xa - 11ELVE,jnet ragoived,a - freah stock of,riLut, leifteeisPainte, Glass , Oil, - .rte., • which ving been . Itrchased•with great care at The best eity,.houses, I can oonfidentlY - rticommerid! to:Fainilliit, Phyrikiens, Country, Merchants and Dealers? ea beinf t fresliand'ptire.. ~,: .- . ..Patent Medicines,. Herbsand Extracts, • Fine'herni.eals, , ' Spices,ground and whey, Instrurnents, . , Essences, , •". ' Pure Essen'l Oita Perfumery, dm, 1 Cod Liver Oil— Warrantel Genuine: ...e - •' ' DY . .sTurrs. , _, •, l LOiand CaniWoods, :'• Oil Vitriol' . ' Copperas,.' ' . ' , Lac Dye- ' •' Wetherill .&. Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and. Varnish Brushes, Jersey - Window Glass, linseed, Oil, Turpen•- tine,Copeland cdech Varnish, and lied Lead. All of_whieh—will,be,-sold -at the iery- lowest - marketprice, Alap,a, treat and ,splendid ,as sortmenter .._—_ •-• • Lunging, Madden!, Siunac Alum, , FANCY-GOODS, FRUITS, , Confectionary. and innumerable other articles calculated for use and, ornament, all of wLich are offered at the lowest cash prices, et, the cheap Dru Book and Fancy Store of the spb. scriber on North Hanover street. S. WAIAVERSTICK. May 28. 1851. ORNAMENTAL MARBLE woßrcs• . . OWNS & RZCIMAZZISa. iteccritiyfrom Philadelphia., ESPECTPULLY, inform the citizens o f ri Carlisle' and, its vicinity, that they have now nt their Marble Yard in. South Hanover street, a few doors south of the Court House, and nearly opposite A & W Bents's Store, an elegant stock of pure ARERICAIit WHITE J{I4I2BLA and are prepared to execute in theln3 est finished style, . . Mojntimettls, - TOntbs, Grave Stones at all prie . - Mantles, Door and Window Sills, Steps, 4c., together with every_other-article in -their line. and promiie 'that in fineness of finish, chaste litßEl of dcaign and , quality of 'Marble, their work shall not be surpassed by any other estab lishment. They are also the authorized agents of Mr Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and will .fur nish from his manufactory all varieties or IRON RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and all other purposes, at the shortest notice and at Philadelphia prices. They will also finish or manufacture all kinds ofßuilding •Work, such as Sills, Steps and Platforms, &c., at the short est notice and on. the most reasonable terms. Having had great experience, and being em ployed in the best shops of Philadelphia, they are therefore . enabled to manufacture the most fashionablowork,and -respectfully ask-a share d the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding country. • [Carlisle, nov6 1850 t - - wirsr-urnaciroulrumilu - HOUSANDS o f bottles of the AMERI CANX X COMPOUND have been'sold dnr log the lined year, and was never known., to fall oiauring, in a few 'lamer a certain deli.' cate_disease, San:dual weakqescanthill.disekuies of diSTUrinary organs. Persona afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy, needfcar no exposure; al; it - leaves , Uo . odor on the break requires no restrictions In diet or business contairuk no Mercury or noxious drugs injurious to the system, and is adapted to every ago, ear, or, condition. k It ie also the beet remedy known for Fluor Alba or Wiutes,ffemale.complaints) with which thousands suffer; with Out the know ledge of a remedy. _nig celebrated remedy has longbeen.used in private practice of a phy sieian end with unerring success, radically. _curing—ninety.nine-of-the—hundred—cases-in a. few days. Around each bottle are plain and Sill directions. CAUTION--Ask tor' the AM ERICA N COMPOUND, and purchase only of the Agents" Pt ice el per bottle. • Far sale by S. ELLIOTT Carlisle; J. Wyeth, Harrisburg; R. Williams Columbia: by A. Miller, Lancaster; E. Morrie & Co., Tork. - • (January, 15, IEISI. REMOVAL! STOVE WABEROODS AND TIN AKAN UIPACTORY._ FrHE subscribers desire to inform their friends and the - public that they have removed their TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY' to the room neorly oppo site their old stand on North Hanover Street and may now be found in their new and coin. modious manufactory on the West side of the said street, a few doors above Louther street, where they will continue to keep on hand a lull assortment of every •kind of Tin, Copper and- Siteet-Iron Ware '1 - which - may- be - needed - by - housekeepers arid others. • Their articles are manufactured by themselves, of the best materials, and in point of finish and durability cannot be surpassed.— They will also manufacture and repair at the shortest notice all kinda of Distilling Apparatus. They will promptly attend to the laying of andROUSE SPOT.) TING in town and country, and on the most-reasona• .. ble terms.- Every branch of their business" will be caret - Lilly attended to with the utmost promptness. They also keep constantly on band a large variety of COAL AND WOOD STOVES, coroprism every variety of plain ten•plate, STOVES -g elegant wood and coal airtight`PAßLOß' S 7 O VHS, of the - latest styles, COOKING - STOVES of 'the newest and most improved inventions, st various prices. which cannot fail- to please every taste. They re., spectrally solicit an examination by the public of their large and varied assortment of stoves. Thankful to the public for favors heretofore extended, and being . deterniined to relax no exertions to give satisfaction to their custom, era they hope to merit a 'continuance of pa tronage: DO - The highest cash price will be paid for old Copper and Pewter. MORRIS & HERHHRY. • -Carlisle, March 19, 1851-,ly Freah Arrival or'Hardware. CiIEAPER- THAN THE CHEAPEST. riAVING j ri ust returned from New YOr iert - amt - Chetipk & _IX-Philaderhia-with-thel Stock of HARD WA RE,C UTLERY B U ILO at ING MATERIALS, PAINTS, , .&c., ever brought to Carlisle, I would rest ectfullyrequest. dealers and consumers and all others to give mo a' all and see whether they cannot get more and better goods for the same money than a; any other place in town. My stock of Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes, Glass, Paints, &c., is complete and very cheap. Carpenters', Tools, I have a splendid 'assort. went. Also, Cabinet Maker's l'ools and Ma serials, viz :--Vaneers, Mahogany, Mineral and Glass Bureau Knobs and Varnish. • SADDLERS & COACH MAKERS, can have everything in their lino cheaper than ever. . • • FOR HOEMAKERS, l'have a first rate stock of Morocco and• Lining Skins, Bindings, Pegs, thread and Wax, and, a eaperb assortment of Shoemakers Too le. havealao a Complete motto:tent ofßalPs Laats, made in Harrisburg, which can-be had at no other place in town, and at Bull's Prices. To. gather with an assortment' f all kinds of Ham-. waned and Rolled I have Knives. P Iron and'Steel. Of House keeping Articlee, arka, Spa ons, Waiters, SnutTere and Trays, Tubsißucketa, &c. WALL PAPER • I have the largest, Handsomest and Cheapest' Asiortment in town. And to all whti wage.: Good and Cheap HARDWARE, I would Say come and &lector Yourselvee., -• , oat3o P LYNE. Tare 'Cider Vinegar. 1_ . T UST received a fresh barrel of Pura, Cide Vinegar, of superior quality, and vrarranea. free from adulteration. • •' • • nOvB .• G!VV HFI NER. . . Inlndrffleil St(10/thige • asiortineni; ofliftliteziind• Mitied Merino Had* of foi Children.— Alow."Ladiel *es ip, gremt varietrjust qp'entid' • • ' • EITNER. • ' . Black. allk . Ifitt , Ste - TUG eulbseribe(: is non opening a general ~ anminenrof Long ind Short Blank Silk Milk new style Ladles Silk Gloyes, Lisle Thread IGleives. and a General assortment of silk. Use thread and cotionitlealery• • ' Janata , G W HITNER. C - , ',-.' . i4t4,i': : `,* . 00.0 - *O4 . a•s•iiiiii and aq . - Iwo riaiwiis 1 . ,I::::.3l44.oa4,a'Auaimp, , . :,-.,. 01.anufcciak64,- , .re g. 4 s r : ti 9, itncl.Al/Aincti , .. ,-4 -,.-Strterilialtiraare, e*l.3 . •.. : .. , 4 1 lAN 6F, inzEsarortt,G A - 6 t .oCiates, in in Rospwood;Maliegarty Mad Walnut caeca , ' f , varions styles; with-and without iron frames, copor mr mbining all Itlart•improvitirients requisite to a' 1C;&, G.-have• received; from the Maryland, Institutelhe.frat'prentfun for. their, .Pianos, in 'three,euccessive yeafe, 18480849, 1850. They, .have alsoOeetrhonoreil with numerous teatime.. ,nits from'all, tho,-nitist,celebrated.,artiste who have' used their instrulgeents. Pianos from their establislicient have , ben used at the: concerts os Lind, Here, ,Hohnstock, Bishop, Laborde; Know", and7,other, eminent p erformers. o They guarantee durability for five years, under good care, and-'will. replace • ,, ,Ith others. all which . Mut' not give eattefaction, if application be made . .rithin six Montha after , delivery. • — Their t.tenufeeteryibeing_condiieted.LoiLihe. Met& eittenalve scale enables them, to furnish instruments-at-the very loweet-prices,-whole. sale' nod. retail. Constantly on hand, A. P. , Hughes'. Melodeons, ranging - from $45 to $200,' for which theyare solo agents for this city. JatiOnry22-1851-Iy* '' ' 4 Perna4erp., Fancy Soap & Paper Box _acitu*zrzukorOnir. Xarkti street, below Second, Ph4ade/phia. C4EGG & CROMPTON, Manufacturers of Perfumery. Fancy Soaps and Fancy Paper Boris, respectfully call the attention of the Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and the -Cumberland Valley, to their extensive stock of Goods, comprising .Perfumery; Fancy Soaps Powders for the - complexien„ .Toilet, &c. &c, If every ` variety .. Also, a full and complete as ~o rtment of Fancy Paper Boxes, of every de aription, large or small, round or square, made o order at the shortest notice. OtrDonq forget die place, 48 Market street, 'hiladelphia: All orders will meet with prompt attention.:- - PIANEIORTEVAREROOMS, Yo. 171 eggsAIIT STREET, PiR1.4D . ..4. L'HE OLD: STAND, occupied for more than --ip!te•third of-a.century by G..lllllfg, Esg. , • LE undersigned would most respectfully announce to the public that he is AGENT for more than twenty of the most celebrated manufacturers of DOS. TON, NEW YORK, PHILA.: DPLPIIIA, and elsewhere ; and , constanily.veceiving . from them PIANOS o le richest and most varied styles, of superior me; and of ,tbc most superb finish, of 6. 6}, 61, 1, and 7 Octavo, which are warranted equal I t any manufactured either in this. country or ,u Europe.'. , Just received, also.efurthersupply of March nd Parlor Ofgaste, orbeitntiful patterns and ,ne tones.--; - - . __Elle.--WAREROOM is - constantly supplied .vith a choice selection of SERAPHINES and. MELODEONS, from the oldest and most ex. ,onsive manuttictorielLin_thellnited:States-;-a -tiong whim is a new style of REED ORGAN having' Carhart's patent improvement's, with ilt pipes in. front, and case elegantly carved, nd highly ornarnent4l. • • Tunsng cmd Repa;rinr—Sj g . Salvador• La ;masa, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu- Srand-Organ-Builder; wi 11-ot fend icrall-ordenc inipt4,'so OSCAR C 13, CARTER. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. "Agit IV Light! - , Pine. 011,_ Oamphine & Medal Fla CIF acknovilidgail superiority and' emit gUr manufactured and for sale at , the lowt Wholesale prices, .by DAVIS & HATCI at the old established stand of 'the late Rem/ min T. Rotors, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEI .where orders by mail or. — alherwisonre solicitoi and prompt attention given,The.yoice_oLtl public. for "fifteen :years, an I-the-.award Silver Medal, and complimentar y notice I the Franklin- Institute over all cempetitors, suffibient evidence of the excellence of our Alcohol, Pitch; Turpentine, Rosin, .and Stir its of Ttopentino for sale Wholesale and Re• tail, at the totvetit Meas. fect3o soott - Na altars. • THE ' tulbseriher has just received a large supply, of BOOTS & SHOES, •n for Spring and Summer Wear, which rnaltes his assortment very 111111 . amp Li It comprises Gentlemen's - French Calf Skin and Moro Sta Boots, - Congress Gaiters, Jack son Boots, Men's, Boys' and Youths' foam ailed Congress Boots, Calf Skin, Goat and Kip Brogans, Morocco Boots, Slippers, &c.— Also Ladies' Illitfees and Children's Gaiters, - Buskins, Ties end 'Slippers. Every effort will be made- to 'plass* the citizens of town and country, who ata reiketfully solicited to con tinue their pafrontge. ' Carlisle, map' . WAS At PORTER. Briishes Brushes 1 A..great variety of these useful articles le fered for sale, ceneistitig-ol Whitewash, Swern ing, Scnibbing, fainter'', loth, Shaving, Hair Tdeth - arid Nail, Flesh and Graining Brushes i great .variety, allot which aro of the boat qua ty and will be sold at the lowest prices June 6. 9 = $ ELLHYT'T T:1 ' WEEK I TTHIS WEEK 'tve receive at tha Central Drug Store next,door to the Poat office, a fine stock of Preith'Medicines. jelB,'sl. RAWLINS & McCULLO CH. JENNY LIND - • - TEistNY LIND, and other tatracts—frish WI from Roussel's, together with a splendid as. sortment of Soaps and Perfumery, at the Cen tral Drug Store, next door to the Post office. , ' ie3.'sl RAWLINS &AcCULLOCH. azoorarzis,, JUST received ilfrealt lot of GROCERIES which will be sold vary lioW , at the old cheap Store, East Main Street. apt To the• Ladles, •JUST received, at PORTE R'S S If 0 E STORE; a fresh assortment of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Gaiters, Jenny Lind Ties, Bus. kine and Slippers. of the best quality, also eve ry.variety of fancy.colored French lasting for gaiters, which will be Made ep to order. . June 111851. , . 300'2111 dr. 11110M3. iAM now opening my Spring ' stock of La dies,and.Sentlemen's Boots and Shoes.— A so. a large lot of:Boys Misses and Children's Shoes. All of die newest style, best quality, and best of all very Cheap.- ap2 - 201aToks — atith's Coat. 2000 bushels thscloroith'e coal, a superit article, receivins arid for sale by • W BAURItAY, Agt. TEACEICIEUIS WANTED. THE School Directors of rrankford town ship, will meet at Lackey's tavern, on tho 14th day of Ample next. at Lo'clock, P.M.. for the examination of 'seven Teachers fqr said town. ship. Applicants wiltpleasc attend. July3o , 'JOHN 0., BROWN, Sect' y. Bonnets and Ribbons. VirE . hava jUst waived our third supply of those CHBAP-130,NNETS tyRONNETRIBBONS to whichrre Wylie the attention of thei may 7 ' : A & BENTZ. Green andßlaok Teas. - FROM the store •of the Messrs. Jenkins of Philadelphia, of the best qualities, and al. ways fresh, constantly. for sale by • Jima W .EBY. WATEIR &LAKS'6 Fire.and Water Proof SAINT, which' hap. Imo 110 extensively , need for stele years with , the utmost ,sueeess .the roofs of . Berme.• Steamboats, tko..not a mingle inataaea . ia known yrhere k has failed. For Indit hy, H. .S'AXTO_N— Th e Imprensa- lterrigeraton ' The ii'libscriber ziotild•invite 'the citizens 'to minim. the Universal Refrigerator with Wa ter Filter *WOW. Which may he seen at hie esidence.'llOw in - operation, , and can be fur; :fished at city prices. : _thprebY anvils' freight. N a y 21;51. • • , Pere:at:Fa Clrocety; such is copra. coffee.. title: , oplepe.'hame, dried beef, cheese,. afted• ';lnOkeref,'.berrsoge dried fruit,loopo, Alte4 togethof with, an'elegeint as. eortment of China And fliockery-Were of eve ry style }.14,,q1,14110:9-4neenewCroh:lbtyonuy, %ftaiheo t ,Abtisketai and, arcandleas variety Of an. Holes which li is intpostibba enumetate.— For ebeepneea and excellence biaartinlaa can not be ourpused ',coat - tato pum a i s thertiThzerosppotfulty,ealicited marsC; INLEOFP,' The:: 'United' Stites 'Lib butanes • 44*its , and Toole COmpany. • arter Perpetual -Capital $25,000 -- ash rinIIE 0301)0114. unsolicited . application - for Life'lneurtipee, .gives the moat abundant and gratifying propt that the . public mind is deeply impreesed witiothe test importance of this subject. The " . great object, however, of InautancephOnld be safety, otherwise the whole motive to insure may, be disappointed. Too much care cannot be practised in the selection. of en office,with which to effect the contract.- The choice shaeld be regulated not by present and constant large inducements,,aajlits, is cer tainly Incompatible with future beneits. The premiums on life aro calculated for the inure, if present and prospective betiefita therefore are given; the result ultimately, must terminate in litigation, disappointment and ruin: The object aimed at by this institution is stability and per. pettaty. The rates of premium have'been care, tally prepared with - reference to fluctuations.— The_cash--eyetem of - payments - htnualSo.beerf adopted. - . - _ -- Unpaid:pronaium notes constitute no part of the assets of this comrTairyTtind Avery contingency being fortified with an ample cap. ital, security stampetne whole system. This feature, paramount to'all other considerations commends the company to, public favoit Ex planatory/pamphlets, blanks. application papers Information, and every facility will be cheertully furnished tho 'public by Mr. E. BEATTY, who has been duly appointed agent of this company for Cumberland county. Dr. H HINKLE . ? has also been appointepledical Examiner. Directora.—Stehen It—, Ambrose W Thompson, Be p nhirnin W Crawford Tingley, Jacob L Florence, William M Godwin, Paul B Goddard Lawrence Johnson, Georg! M'Henry, James Devereux, John . L . Linton. Presib&—Stepjlen It. Crawford... , - Yice.dent:—Ambrose W. Thompson. Secretary El neasurer.—Chorles G Imlay. Janary.—MaihuirEyre. Counsel El . attorney.—Thomas Belch. Jll2dical Examiners. Paullll Goddard, M.D. Williarn Pepper, M. P. faug7 ly . - . THE Allen and East Permsborough Mutual Fire_lnsurance-Company - of - Cumborland county ncorpomted by an act of Assembly, is now.fully organized, and in operation under the manage .ment_of thefoliowing commissioners, viz: Jacob Shelly, Wm -It Gorges, Michael Cock in, Melehoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, Simon Oyster, Jacob 11 Coeur, Lewis Hyer, Henry Logan, Benjamin U Musser, Jacob Kirk, S fa a tes Ofmuel Pinsurel a row nc l,,Joeeph WiCersham. The e areas low and tavern blaas any . Company of the kind in the State:— Persons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the dgeptte of the compa ny; who ure willing to wait upon thorn at any time. • • . JACOB ENRY LOGAN, Vice P SHELL reside Y, nt. President LEletta aren, Secretary Micaren Coompr, Treasurer. . 0ct17'49; AGENTS. • Cumberland cortniv.—Rudolph Martin, New C umberlan_d , _C_D_Rerman,-Kingstow n , Henry ring, Shiremanstown, Robert. Moore and Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Mechan icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churehtown. York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn,'John Bowman: Dillsburg,'Peter:Wolford, Franklin John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S Picking, _ Thav er ,.. Damel - Raffensberger,-;PW-Craft7— - Harrisburc.—Houser & Lochimm. _ _Memberarof--the- company having policies bout to expire can have them renewed by mak ing application to any of the agebte. VICTIM OE (awl= T as bytbe prescription's contained, in this hook any one may core himself; without hindrance to lin= sideits, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend. and with one tenth the usual expense. In additliin to the - feneeal routine of Private disease it fully, explains the cause of manhood's early da wtth obiervations on marriage—hesidee Ninny other derangements which it would not by proper to enumerate in the public prints - Mr•Atiy person sending TWENTY-viva CENTS, enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail; or five copies will be sent for one, dollar. Address, "DR. W. YOUNG . No.- 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADLEPIIIIA" Post-paid garrDß. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Diseases ,prescribed in hie different publioa ion s, at his Offices , 152 SPRUCE street, every • day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted. May 1, 1850 - .R-PRESILARRIVAL OF English and American Hardware • Cheaper than can be found. this side of the • \•••. Zan -- • rrui oubscribisi' having just returned •front the Eastern cities with a full and ban& some assortment of all kinds of HARD WARE of the very best makers and well selected; is now opening at the Cheap Hardware Stand in North Hanover otret, next door to Scott's Ho , tcl, formaili kept " by Henry- Glees, where he: would 'invite all that are in want of good and ch,eap, Hardware to give him a call and Bee and satisfy yourself of the truth, as we are determ ined to sell at a very small advance. Small profits mil quick soles are the order of the day A good assortment of double refined powder rock powder of extra quality, safetv-fuse, shot, flints and bar lead, ropes of all kinds, for threshing Machines and well diggers, and a thousand other articles'too numerous to insert, all we ask is to give us a call, and we are con fident you will find a good assortment of Hard. ware and cheaper than can be found in tiny other House this aide of the east. Give us a call is all we ask, at the old and well known Hardware Stand formerly kept by Lewis Har lan, id North Hanover street, next door to Scott's Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Glass.. •, nov6 JACOB SEND R • C: OGILBY EXTENSIVE LUIVEiIEI.I3. 8c COAL YARD. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his 'customers and the public generally that he still continues the LUMBER AND COAL ESS,-and .thatthavinglately-purclitistid in addition to hie former business facilities, the largo and 'convenient Warehouse and Coal Yard lately occupied by Mr. Henry Wright, opposite the well known Lumber anti Conl Yard of the subscriber, situate along the Bail Road and College Lane, ho is now more fully prepared to enlarge his business. He has at thistime and is keeping constantly on hand a well selected assostmont of . C. OGILBY - • SEASONED LUMBER, of all kinds, sorts, and sizes, Likewise the 'different kinds o! FAMILY COAL. such as stove Coal of the different kinds, Lithe burnara and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best quality..— : AI of which lu will,sell unusually low for Cash. He will also keep constantly on hand PLASTER. SALT; FISH, dr.c. With . all the different articles generally found in a well stored Warehouse. Ile will also at all times buy PRODUCE and FLOUR, for which he will pay the highes't curront prices. Being very thankful for past favors, would most anxiously solicit a continuation of at' least a reasonable share of public patronage. marl 9 SAM'L, M. HOOVER. TO LADIES AND GENTLENEDL • William Webb , ' • RESPECTFULLY informs the public mgt., erally, that he has just returned from .the city with a 'large and splendid assortment of articles imitable for gentlemen and ladies' toilets, such , - - SHAVING'CREAMS - ANO SOAPS. ' RoussePe Rose and Ambrosial shaving cream, Olephene, . Wash Buller . • " Circassian Soaps. " Fancy Toilet Soaps, &e. • " Extracts , of; various o dors, Fancy Cologne ond Cologne botjlee. " ' Compound Ox. Marrow Pomadri, I Recinitie, together with _ , Geranium rose haivoil,po Marrowe. ,beara.oil, a rare asecirtinent of brushea,auch aa hat brush. ' es, nail, do.: tooth, do. ohavinti, , do. ) ; clothes, do. A lofefrisorti, nod razor etrOps. Alee'on hand.a large assortment of hair rorit, Puckett —..Gentlemene*ige an'tl,l44lPs.' . Ladios. • do, ; , • flack andfront braids, Curls, am,. Ong a variety of other articles to which the attention of ,the public is respectfully invited. Carlisle, May 2b, 1851 lii.ii.t,iie'.: : '' : l4,Ciliini'( FIRE INS'UIt.ANCIEL I —FOR YOURSELF r---FOR 25 'CENTS !.! ty means-elite-pocket tulapius,or, Every one own Physician ! Twen fonrth edition, with up rdttot a hundred engra gs,' owinG rivat e dis ;es in every shape and and malformations the generative -system.- AVIIILYOUNG,ALD. 'he time has now Br ig from secret disease ; fltDiitte. ab i ~.,... tp,..___ . ..,. _ E.i ili, , ,— .. s '3Ah tk.% , = : gi, , :::, , .1-:„..- r.... 1-4 d- -7-;-, "• y:' "• , j, Or 111 M : --=-' -r y ;',..-,:-.„,,,:- CHERRYpEGPrORiLt i I . POW the Coed of COUGRO, 00/83313, 130A.ItSENESS, ;snow. - ORITIS. CROUP, AIVIII. Ma, WiEOOPING.OOI7OII '.AND OONSUESPTION. 'Among the mimeroue discoveries Science bee made in this generation to facilitate the business of life-increase.ite enloYtnent s and even prolong . tern of-human e xistence;'llTanireirribe named of more teal value to ma nkind,than-this contribti hen o ;:- Clidiiiiinft o the Healing Art. A vast trial of, its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or com ination of medicines yet known, can, so surely control and cure the numerous varieties of pulmo. nary disease which hare hitherto swept front our 'midst thousands and thousands every year. In deed, there is now abundant reason to believe a Remedy has nt length been tound which can be relied on to cure the most dangerous affections of the lunge. Our , spate here will not permit us to publish any. proportion of the cures effected by its use. but we would present the following . opinions of eminent rnen. - and - referTurther enquiry to the circular which the Agents below named, will al. ways be pleased to furnish free, wherein are full 'articulars, and indisputable proof of these facts. Fnwe rue PRESIDENT OF AIIIIIERST COLLEGE, THE CELEBRATED PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK.- "James C. Ayer—Sir: I have usedyour Clan. ..ny PECTORAL in my own ease of deep-seated Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its 'chemical constitution. that it is an admirable compound for the relief. of laryngial and bronchial difficulties...— ' If my opinion as to its superior character can be of any service, you are at liberty to use it 'as You think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, L. L. D., From the widely celebrated. PROFESSOR SILLIMAN, M. D., L. L. D. PROFESSOBSCHEDIISTRY, MJRERAOLOOT, YALE C , f OR, MEMBER OF TUE LIT. H/ST. • MED. PHIL. AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES OF AMERICA AND BuiropE. " I deem the CHERRY PECTORAL RR admirable composition from some of the best articles in the Malaria Medico, anti a-very elective remedy for the class of diseases it is intended to cure." New Aaven. Ct., Nov. 1, 1849. • MAJOR PATTISON, President of the S. C. Semite, states he has used the efIEnRY Pacronsi with wonderful suecess to cute an inflammation of the lungs. FKOht ONE OF THE FIRST , PHYSICIANS IN MAINE. • Dr. J. C . . Ayer, Lowell. Dear-Sir :—.l , ammow constantly using your CHERRY PECTORAL in my practice, and prefer.it to any other medicine for ' pulmonary complaints. From observation of many severe caseso am' convinced it will cure coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs, that have put to defiance.an other remedies. I invariably recommendjte umincases of-con— stienptiory,•-and—c-caniider it much the best remedy known for that disease. Respectfully yours, PREPARED AND . SOLD S - BY JAMES - C. AYE R, PRACTICAL, CHEMIST; LO WELL, MASS. Sold in Carlisle by Dr. S. Elliott. S. A. Hubbard and Dr. Rawlin's—in Mechanicsburg by_Dr,_/ra- Day—in—Nevevillesby.-H•llert&Jta Shippens burg by J. C. &.U. B. Altick, and -by Druggipts generally throughout the State: June .18,1851. DR. IEMILLEIVS - Celebrated 'amlly Medicines. It - cOncernitevery one. Cholera Can Ale cured Dr. KeelePe Sarsaparilla Panacea. For the removal and permanent cure of al - D Diseases arising from an impure • state of the Blood and habit • of body. The All-wise Creator has implanted in all organized bodies en innate disposition to self preeervatien. The vital •powers• possess the property of resisting the influence of external causes, but as the BLOOD is the common' pat below from-which all parts of living matte. derives its renovating elements, and consequent_ Iy, upen . which.the life . of organized beings de pond, h is probable that in cases of accident' Of where artificial means' have bden employed' to deprive it of an essential property, the vital. effectoof the whole gyrated' will be directed to ward restoring to it that property. In all con stitutional and hereditary_ affections, this fluid has undergone some primary alteration, which . is the cause of the sreetal disease, or which es sentially Contributed to its production. Rego_ - ration - to- heatheon- only-be - obtained by are moval of the niorbifie cause through the mddi urn of the circulation; and Dr. Keeler's Sorsa parilla, la the, most powerful modifier of agent effecting thie fluid konwn. See paniphiets. ----- Blackworititown,;N: - J.,7 - une - 6, 1848. • Dr. Reeler 7 -Dear Sir: I am entirely out of your Panacea. i was called upon day before yesterday for half a dozen. Your medicine is becoming very popular where I:have infroduced Brand I think the more it is used the more pop. - tear it will get. Respectfully youth, WM. L PARHAM, D. For details, carti fi catea, &c., see eirci4 lace, &c. Priee $1 per bottle, !ergo size, 6 bot tles 0,5 DR. REELER'S COUGH SYRUP. Among all the remedies before. this public this stands pre-eminent in incipient consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhe,Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, and for all affections of thi pulmonary organs occasioned by cold. Too much praisit cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges livery ono afflicted with any of the above complaints to secure it at once. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Pries only 50 I= DR. ICEELER'S CORDIAL AND CARMI NATIVE. Every damily - whethlor rich ur poor, who val ues health and all its blessings, should Lava this invaluable remedy at htind. It ie infinitely the beet remedy known for Diarrlicoa, Dysentery, Cholera • Morbus, Cholera Infuntum, Cholic, Flatulency, griping pains, cramp, etc., end•for all diseases of the stomach and bowels caused by Teething. The numerous testimonials from Physicians and others unsolicited bas given It ■ reputation an firm as adamant.• Fir Price 25.pente per bottle.. DR. KEELER'S VERMIFUGE SYRUP. --21,1 i15 - remcdris'pleeatiiiiTiTtlie taste, harm. less to the patient and all powerful in removing all kinds or worms from the body. It is. with. out doubt, the cheapest and beat worm destroy. ing medicine before the public, and will Wad ministered according to directiune, remove them within five or six hours after token. The dose is small, and each bottle contains twice as much as similar remedies. Price only 25..conts per bottle. DR. KEELER'S LIVER AND. SANATIVE PILLS . Although nut recommended as a "cure all's yet they are the miluost and best remedy to re. . move Constipation, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bit iousnese; Nervousness,. Foul Stomach, -Head. scho, Indigestion, etc. Chico other purgative medicines they leave the bowelsalways relaxed and consequently are the proper medicine for for females and persons leading a solitary life. Price 25 cents. DR.ICEELER'S RHEUMATIC LOTION A justly celebrated external application for Pains of tho Chest, Neuralgia, Headache, Spr'ns Bruises, Tio Dolorous, Swellings of the Joints, Rheumatism, Gaut, sciatica and for all disor ders 'wherein a sedative and rubefacient reme. dy is applicable. Price twenty-five cents per bottle. ' All of the above celebrated and 'extensively used, medicines, are prepared and se/4 Whole sale and Retail ; al 294 MASKET hiTREET, Philadelphia. • For sale by S.. 'ELLIOTT, Carliale; Miller, Dickinson; Monro e AUK, 'Shippcna bare, J. F. Spahr, Mochaniaribiirg,'N. Siiner; Shitiemenatown. and in every teem thronglinut the county and State. ' . [January 14. p 351 • 'hardware. , THE atibecriber .returns, his sincere thanks -to his numerous customers • and the public go. nerally for the•liberal encouragement' thus far extended, co n sider a b l y. . a word to assure all that he has enlarged his stock in all its branches connected with hie - business without going into detail,- for that would be tin. necessary, and at such prices that could not fail to Please.' I have just opened a colete of Grass tied .Cradling SCY THI9 of aseortment different brands. Gonstantly on hand Blake's Fire and Water Proof Paint. jnne4 - • IL SAXTON. Price Reduid VAUGITN'S urßonitimo mnamtEl • • Lar g a nntgail—!Only One Dollar. • na rropeetoy of the Gina! Amuciutti Ittmody " YAVOUN' IVsoirrietz lornortatrtio kfirront." inducud by j, argot tolichations of by Am% ttuounhout the ilEdno Mato tad Canada, bat now Bedneed the Ptioe it lin Impale and well known wide: and float this date tre•forth, kg will pot UP but ono also only,—hy now midst:—the mill Mot will be ONE DOLLAR. • • • The nubile may rest amend that time awoke of the Me& ides, Ito, atrength; and emetics prom*" WILL IteMAI . ntetunami2. and the sap ears will be bestowed In pre sada it as hendefons. .thig nradiakies =halts reduced Price , will be-purchas e 27 tooe•Wholevo not hithertojnada_thettiesave e acasast a a,- - witkite - eisiteeTibiljanniii - tor would beg to halmate that bi Miele is not to be classed with the net amount of "Remedie of the day ;" ft Claims for Itself a greater heating innaer,i all diaereses. rhea any qtr. prepare: M' 11030 before al Piled ; awl bu onstaineo qulf•for Wight years by its impede mediae/ sitter, Mula until this reduction, =mounded sloaW .be price of any other Wade :Is tffis line. Norma PaartcntutLY, Wts amide anti with gnat boa ag power and certainty, Upon the Blood, Liver, !Gauen tut*, lad all other organs, upon the proper awl= of which Ilia an testa. depend. • This medicine had a justly high repute as a remedy for , Dropsy and Gravel, ':he inlalUgent sad all dieeam of that nature. It may be wiled emini who phydetan hu abandoned hie patient.— and R ' .been diatmeeng dimmer, rime cepuladly, Rennie, the prom elex would earnestly and henutly recommend it. At a the 'reg eartint mice to be the it is wally obtained by a ll , and the trial will peen cle Oheapeot Nedhdite is the World! ta'p' Plows ask for p a mphlets—the agents give tlieM away they contain over sixteen pare. or Motet., (in addition to fa medical matter's_ valuable for hotteebold purpose., and whip will save many dollars per our to practical housekeePwa These•recelpts are introduced to make the book 'of gree value, aside from its character as an adverbdie medians fa the adjoin., the testimony in favor of which, In the form lawn from alined, of the country, may he retied Open . ,t7 - "Vatglui'• Vegetable Lithorpriptit. Mixtuteis tie Great American Ready; not, for sale In quart bottle' at • each, small bottles at 60 ota each. No small bottles will 11 issued after the present stock to dimmed of. Principal Office, Butialo,.N. Y.. 207 Main Stmts. • Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT C. Mc VAUGHN. IXLKESSON I , 127 Maidep /Mae, New 'ork car. ' N. D.-,All letters (exCepting from agents and desiers wit whom he transaols'busfrtess) mast be poet paid, ono attantie it be given to them. S W flaveratick, Carlisle, J'C & G B Altick, Shippensburg, Russel Fg Dice, Dickinson, I. Spahr, Mechanh'equrg, , A H Zager, Kingstown. Octl6 Valuable - Scheel - Books, rbUBLISHED 13Y ' I 'HOMAS;COIV PE I*II - LT - WAITE - lit - GOT 253 - MAR El't, I . .4', I'HIADELPHIA, and for sale I' ) ;di book sellers in the United States : MITCHELL'S PRIMARY GEtit APHY, An easy introduction to the study of 'geogra phy, designed for children, •and completely il lustrated by ,120 engratings and 14 colored_ _ - - MITCHELL'S, INTERMEDIATE GEOGRAPHY-. The text, the exercises the illustrations, arulthe forty beautiful mapa are printed together in one qnarto volume. MITCHELL'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY Ic. ATLAS, a.system of modern Geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world-and its-five-drest divis ionsT -- Etabellfili - ed - with nu merous engravings and illustrated by an excel lent Atlas containing 28 handsome and accurate colored maps. - This series of Geography by S. Augustus Mitchell has been wholly. or portly introduced intolhe public and private schools of all the pi•incip`nl cities and towns of the Uni ted States; and after n full and fair trial of its merits_in_these schools, it luis received an almost universal reaci - minendation. • Mrrmiirt.'s ANCIENT !GEOGRAPHY & ATLAS An ancient, classical and sacred Geography, embellished with engravings of remarkable 't events, views of ancient cities, etc., and accom. paned by - ancient Atlas containing 12 beautiful , colored maps. . ' MITCHELL'S ATLAS OP OUTLINE MAPS .. Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School - Geog. raphy, with aii and embishments. IllitCh ell's Key to M the p study or ell Maps. and Carrell's Key to Mitchell's Geography, are excellent and popular books, and are becoming very exten. sivoly used in the best schools of our country. GREENE'S FIRST LESSON IN GRAMMAR, based upon.the construction and analysis of sentences; designed as as introduction to the GREENE'S ANALYSIS---.A treat'se on the strum, ture of the English language. with illustrationt and exercises adapted to the use of schools, by Samuel S. Green, A. M., Principal of the . Phelps Grammar School, Boston, These books have already In thechort time they have been published,obtained a very tensive oirculation r having - been introduced into the public - schools of Boston, Baltimore, Pins. burg, Cinciunatti, St. Louis, Vicksburg, and other cities and towns, and recommended by - those • who have tried them in their schools, as without question the best English Grammars in existence. - SWAN'S SCHOOL READER'S. FRE PRIMARY SCHOOL HEADER—Part let is intended - for beginner& It' contains a lesson Imo] eacb of . the elementary sounds of the lan. 'gunge .The Primary School Reader, part 24, contains exercises in articulation, arranged in connection with easy reading- lessons. The Primary Reader, part 3d, is designed for the first class in Primary Schools, and the lowest class in Grammar Schools. HE GRAMMAR SCHOOL RUDER, is designed for the middle . Owls in Grammar Schools, and contains exercises in articulation arranged in • connection with reading lessons THE DISTRICT SCHOOL, READER, is design for the highest classes in . public and private, schools. It contains exercises in articulation, pauses, and inflections of the voice with such rules and suggesstions as are deemed useful. TIIE INSTRUCTIVE READER ; or a Course o Reading on Natural' History; Science and Lite,. , ar time designed for schools. THE SPELLING BOOK. Consisting of words in columns and sentences_ for oral and written exercises. It is a complete and systematic series of exercd.es in English orthography. This highly populdr series of reading books, • I and this spelling book, were compiled by Mr. m.D..Swaii,-of Boston, and jut's - log.l*mm the -rapid introduction i. 40 schools winch they auto obtained in the. Eastvi a tint! Middle States and in many-of the IV.--,tern :pad Southern States, we think they are 1,-ally better adopted to the wants of teachers a n d -scholars thhn any other yet published. The piddisliers haven very large numlier of recommendations lion, !milk school committees, teachers and others h to edu. cation. F'ROST'S HISTORY OP THE IT, STATES. One_vol.....l.2.i.,m_for_bighlschools--and-ttenite inies.-,The same work tiond3nscd-and simplified or common school's, vol. 18 mo. - JARVIS'S PRACTICAL PHI/Hi/LOGY, to the use of schools and. families, 1 ',vol. 111 -- rao. with • . engravings. - PRIMARY PIIISIOLOGY, by the same author, it vol. 18 ino, FIRST Boo:t IN ARITHMETIC, by.P. A. Adtims i intended for primary and common schools. ARITHMETIC IN TWO PARTS.. By the same nuthor. Part first—advanced - lessons-in mental arith metic;-part seootiti— rules and examples for practice in written arida . meths, for common and high schools. A Key' to examples for practice in written aritcmetio, for the use of teachers I ; be same author. These arithrnetios Aare secured very high recommendations from teachers of schools and academies, and from professors in several of our colleges, and from others interested in the cause of education in.various sections of the Union., T. C., /k lso publish many other School Books, which Co.,&ere is not room :to enumerate here, be:lidos Law; Medical,' Theological and Miscellaneous Books, and the,y are fully plena • red to answer orders for books In every depart. ment of knowledge. Booksellers, School Com. minces, and others, supplied on the - ,mostilivor. able terms. (sept 25,'50-Iy.) CHURCH,' LEE AND FEEMAN, .twarmacpxlmaa Tr. :Alms= ..I;37tAiyx L zit UMBERLAND,- PA. Harrison's Holtunbian Tl. 9d Ills On hood 'a largo supply .1. of the above inls,.vhiell, bya, special ar• rangernent rith the PrOjnieto,t, he IS able to for nish to metellantsi'atot,othei s ,. in at the anulse• tutors wholesale prides,' '••• , • - • • • ' l B A; IitIBBAR.D. . . , • A . 011TEliEb'hy itIaCCAIN for n hat— ou ter article of Soap then his Patertalogneio, er for removing' tan,sunburn, and4troples from the shim or for shafting. 'itlanufactured by E. •McCialii, 83 North 7th street, abovo Cherry, Philadelphia. And sold. by S. Wl' HAVEISTICK, a his Drug and Book Store North ilanover street, Carlisle. fjuly2.6m 111 rl la