Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 27, 1851, Image 4

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    &vasty illrirkiwg.
The dead are everywhere!
The isountnin-side, the plain, the' wood prii
found; '• • • . • "• •
All tho•wideeearth; the fertile and the fair,
Xs ono vast burial ground!
. . . •
Within tile populous'street,' .- 0 .
In solitary homes, in plsoes high, . .
In pleasure-domes; where pomp .and - luxury
. Men bow themselves to die. • ' ': 0 . • °
The old man at his'dir,.
The:univoined'ohild;mtrmuring hie world
- less song, . '
The bondmen and' thi free ' 'lhe rich; the poor,
All—all to:sleath bolongl • .
The sunlight gilds the Walls
--- Of—kingly -sepulchres - enwronght rtith - brass;
''And the long shadow of-the cypress falls
Athward the cots non grass.
'The livinglof gone tile
Builded their gloritais cities by the sea,
And, awful in their greatness, sat sublime,
--As if no change aonid be.
There .was the eloquent tongue;
The poet's heart, the saga's soul was there;
And lovine women with their children young,
The faithful and the 'fair.
They wore, but they are not;
Suns rose nod act, and earth put on her
' . bloom,
Whilst, mon submitting to the common lot,
Went clown into the tomb.
And still, mutt/ the wrecks
Of mighty generations passed -away,
Earth's honest growth, the fragrant wild flow
or, decks
. The tomb of yesterday.
And iu the twilight deep
Go veiled women forth like het who Went,
Sister of Lazarus, to the grave to weop,
To breathe in low lament.
The dend :ire' everywhere;
lirliero'or is love, of tenderness, or faith;
Whore'er is plons”ure, pomp or pride; where'or
Life is or was, is death!
d love, in the twilight hour, when all is calm
and iulacenl, to disengage myself front the
busy scenes of this world 11 . din and noise,
And hold sweet comtitnnion with the sleeping
iem,nts of the grave. I love to wander amid
toe tombfi, and read upon the lettered stone,
or sculptured marble, the epitaph of those who
have " off this mortal coil," and laid
tliem down to pleasant dreams. There sleep
in unbroken slumbers andpeaceful repoSe, in
fancy in its bud,youth in its bloom, manhood
in its vigor, and old age - inits infirtnity. There
repose the friends and companions of our
youth, with wlibm we were wont to spend the
halcyon days of. boyhood. There, too, are
sleeping tire - remains df - n pious mother, or a
loved father, who in the wayward hours of in
fancy, when we were to lease the path
ofmezatude,-taught-us-to-pray,-- and-prepare
for heaven; and who, amid the last pangs of
dissolving mortality, bade us meet them in that
happy country, whore
"Sickness and sorrow, pain and death,
---- AtiffeltitiaTeared ne more."
- I love' to see the bell-flower, affection's -ap
propriate emblem, bloom in grateful fragrance
cud attractive loveliness over the 'sacred spot
that :narks the resting place a the hived and
beautiful—the pious and good of other days,-
1 hive, like my blessed Redeemer, to shed the
tear of syMpathy and affection Over the turf
•ia, und: for to the- c - tictring and sutilin
--- words - of - scripture; - Ivo - aro toil"-- - - " - jr.sUs
I love to visit the grave yard, because in a
few lays OT years;affiirtliCit, - iCtvill - WIE - 1 - 3
receptacle Of this cuMbersoine - cleiy—this earth
ly t.thertutele, whiCh has so long been heir ton
t nameless ills end sorrows. I love the
grave becimiejt is a place of rest. There no
t:wag, shall mar our slumbers, or disturb our
repose. "There the wicked cease to trouble,
and the weary are at rest.", Well may Job, in
pro - ipimt of rest in the grave, exolairn-"I
\yeahl not live always ;" and the ,Psalmist—
tfli, that I had wings like a dovo, then would
I flee away and be at rest."
"There is a calm for those that weep,
A rest for weary pilgrims found,
They softly lie, and sweetly sleep
Low iu the ground.
" The storm that wrecks the wintry sky,
No more disturbs their deep repose
Than summer evening's latest sigh
That shots the rose:"
Tat tha-graye is not the finale of man. Ho
is destined to rise in triumph'from its portals,
and 'claim an infinity of being beyond the star . -
-- 6 ,- renlni77 - •" - Ifelford show you •a - mystery;
we shall not all -sleep, but we'shall be chang
ed, ju n Inbinent, in the twinkling of an 'eye,
at the last .trump; (for the trumpet shall
sound;) and the dead shall bo ruined incornip;
ale, end we shall be ,Clinnged. For this oar
ruptible mast 'put •on inobrrnption, and this
mortal.yruist pat OD IMMORTATATT."
thomandate._of ,Dtvirirrv, shall carth's
siumbering.millions, who have so liMg quietly
reposed lE. TIMM. HOUSE or DUST, coins forth
lionvtlie-droary empire of the grave, with the
loutljimii of victory and triumph upon their
imMortal,:tongties—rg. Oil GRAVE, WIIERR IS THY
in ay. sally ' , meeting of one of the commit
tees of the Westminster Assembly, the subject
of deliberatioit was to frame nn answer to the
question, °• Want is God?'! Each man feltths
unapproachable sublimity of the divine idea
suggested by these words ; but who could ven
ture to give it oxpression , in human language!
All'shrunk from the too sacred task in awe
struck, reverential fear. At length it was re-',
solved,' as en eipiession 'of the committee's
deep' buthility, that the youngest member
sliottlirmalto the attempt: ;Ile-consented; but
begged that the brethr,pn first unite with him
in prayer for:divine enlightenment. Then in
slow, solemn otments, ho thus began pray
ert—t. 0 God, thou art a. spirit, infinite, eter
nal end unchangeable in thy being, •misdom,
power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth."
When he cessed; - tho first sentenec.of his pray=
'Cr was immediately written down and adopted,
as the most perfeet answer that could be con
ceived.; as, indeed, in a very sacred sense,
liod's - own - SuiSWer, — deistiriptive Of hiluself.—
, This individual, it' is supposed, was George
Gillespie ' ' -• • •
/ULM FoLLo w LNG. amotmong . the new
and eh, ao I , ll,lh:whine jNet received at the
andl'eriodical Store Of the
(late Martin'et an Main
Cilarper . .e. the liitcrnatinnal, Codey'e,
ham's 11,111 Sartain'a MageOnce for July-25
c'enta each:: •." .
. .
David Copperflap. by Dickilnii, 50 cants.
rB.-I,ve Hawes now atury--50 cts.
The Heir Wust Fl/ay/and,by Mary Hewitt,
'Cho•Lnw, by Mrs. Southward',
'Luau Douglass, tit :,, _the Autobiography of n
Clergyman's dasigho.r. COMB.
The Dow;litor at .Night--2.5 cents.
DOM atl-Laily_ll tycoon by Caroline Sinclair
(10 cents. •
The Denninne and ibeir Beaux, by Mies
Ledie. 25 roma. - , • •
The llnehees, or Woman's Love and Wo•
man's Hine. cents. •
Tlig•NVidog HuslT . nd-50 cents
Polly Pen'lllossoni's Wedding, 5U cents.
Togetherwitik,a largu-variety of otter new
works._ Ali.tlierlew, publications received de
soon ne and sold at, publidter'
!!! micas.
.eeew . trnent of. Stationery, Enve
lopes. &c: iilWayiiinn: hand large vatic-,
I v. el Bootie. id-over}; DrOartnient of Literature,
Selencei glitary,;,Tltoalogy,Tra,
veley Alsoi,siikeot, Books mi (ivory kind
i n the' krive# ;
e;iesr -
ti D. (Ind 'ol4r.'extinatty—il'rtah
elf —frcim • rtou sac l'a, t ()go th R'rfirendjd
8 orififOlePtitig:TA , And•PA ifpnery *he' Den.
irdl Diriiix - Star°, ta”teil.itii ,
• • I'o4 !SI t-W• E. tisl.S. MoDULLi
- - •
YOFX11•711:• ,, , • '
c'• '31.15, T- YoV•itr:, it , to fi'edif of-Ol' GROCERIES'
which a;Mei!. old 1 ;choojoi ,
; .
• 44,2 • , (3,; • 04/ Y:
-. Extensive •Oalgnet Ware-Rooms,'.
R w i tz.,li„.. c s2l 3 ipm .lutti t en r g i :
DERTAICER., North Hanover street, Carlisle,
would respectfully, inform the,citi.zena of Carlisle
and ijia:pablia generally that. 4e now has on
, • , hand a large assortment of new
• and elegadr.FURNIT CUL
tqf consts ing in part of Sofas,.
• Wardrobes Card and. other
Tables, Bureaus; Bedstea ds; plain and.iancy.
Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured of fhb best
materials and quality warranted. Also a gotte
n:ll assortment of Chairs at the lo west prices. 77
Venitian Blinds, made to order and repairing
pibmptiy attended to: 'O:. - COFFINS made to
order at the shortest notice. and having splen•
did Hearse he will attend funerals in town or
country. 0:3-Dont forgetthe old stand of WM.
C. Gibson,, in North Hanovor. street, 'a fow
doors north of Glass's Hotel.
Sept , , R. B. SMiLEY.
v — ou
Avtox ril
Coster of Ilanover add Loather .14., Carlisle.'
'TIRE undersigned has always on hnnd a large
IL stock of superior _Cabinet Ware. Mall the
ditElrent 'styles, ~ vhielt he is prepared• to sell at
the lowest prices. Ile invites attention -partic
ularly to the Patent Sj)ring:Bottom Bedstead, a
most 11901111 article, which entirely obviates all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfee•
tins to all who have them in use.
iKrCOFFINS made to order at the shortest
burlisle:Jan'y. 22, 1851.—.1v.
Extensive Furniture Rooms
- MES R.WE E R would respectfully'
ei call the attention of House Keepers and the
.public to his extensive stock of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other Tabibs, Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every ()due article in his branch of
business. Also, now on hand the largest as
sortment of CHAIRS iti Carlisle, at the lowest
prioes. IKrCollins made at the shortest notice
and a Hearse provided for funerals. - He Both:-
!ts a call at his establishment on North Hano•
ver street, near (;lass's HOTEL. N.B.—Fur
ailiiTe hired otit by the month or year.
Carlisle, March 20..1850.—1y
min.: subscriber would • respectfully invite
AL the - attention of runners to his assortment
of PLOWS, now manufse•
tured near Craighead's ,Mill
in South Middleton township,
four miles south of Carlisle.
111 . V assortment consists of
Withrow's, Shickey's and Ball's patterns.—
The Castings will all be m'aiiiid• I will also
make 'GRAIN CRADLES: of the most im
proved'iyitterns. All orders directed to Wm.
L. Craighead. Carlisle, will be attended to
witlt promptness, and Plows or Cradles deliv
ered in any port of the collar)" free of charge.
' D AVID Si' U CRE Y, Manufiterr
.a. srLrxeleamo STOLE!
THE undersigned respectfully informs his
friends end theiputilie generally, that he
/,', - -4 12 . , 4 Philadelphia, having
( V..° b "•--. •: purchased the most - ex•
..., a < I ~,,,, ,%‘:.:,. tensive, ae well as the
. . 1 1- , ......C - elietipest,essortnient of
4 :^ rO. . .
,%...;ii - ..4.'- , 7 tldel. - =: Watches, Jewelry,
Sm. ever_ ereught,to Carlisle • His stock con
sists in part of
Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches, .
Glad and Silver delatched do. do.
Gold and Silver Lcpine Watches.'
in sh.aveVery variety of Watches nt all prices.
Gold Guard and Vest Chains. Medallions;
.b.rirftings, Fu f.rTi - 3r ['thins,
—Puts. Gold-rind - Silver Pencil,"Gold and Silver
, pens and cases and Bracelet's in great variety.
A splendid article of Gold, Sliver, German
Silver,_and.Blued Steel SPEC
'PACLES,.which are Unsurpass
ed in gap lity by any other article west of -Phil
adelphia, end which can be sold at least '2U per
coot cheaper than in any other establishment
in the country. Also a largo lot of
comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter
Knives, Selt.Spuons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles,
&c. Also, Card Cases. Porto Monnaies, Port
Folios, Ladies! Writing Desks, with a groat
'lariat) , of otheri fancy articles unnecessary to
mention. A large' lot of CLOCKS, assorted
patterns, which hvill be sold low, and warranted
to be good. I
Watches, Clacks and Jewelry Repaired,
He invites all to call and examine his stock,
assured that none can fail to be suited in qual
ity, quantity and same.,His articles are cash
purch,ises, consequently, he can afford to -sell
lower titan the saute articles can. be purchased
elsewhere. Call nt the old stand, a few duora
west of Burkholder's Hotel.
January 15, 1851-1 y T. CONIoYN.
A Voice from tile ~D ukitt District:,
Rionyer's Candy. Factory 'Rebuilt:
Til subscriber would respreilally announce
to his friends and the public generally, that' his
Factory which was destroyed by the Into fire,
hai been rebuilt,' and ho is now. prepared to
furnish theru
rhanufactured of the best material, which he
will soil Wholesale or retail atthe old - stand
in N\srth Hanover street, a few doors north of
the bank, where he has just opened a general
tssortinent of _
consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs,
Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa NUR). Pea
Nuts,:c,ls would also call attention to his
large assortment of •
consisting . of toys of Glass, Wood, Gum end
China, of endless varieties. lit connection
with the above, he has on hand a prime lot of
consisting Ef Sugars, Coffees,..Teas, Molasses,
Spices, Crackers, Matches,_ Blacking, &c.—
Also, a prime lot of CIGARS, of the beet
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to
a generous public for the patronage bestowed
on him, and hopes by a desire to please to n,e•
rit a continuance or the same. He would also
rot urn thanks to the Fifemen and Citizens for
their efforts to save - his pro arty on the night
of the late conflagration'
Carlisle, sp2 If. MONYER
~'MU~OC~~ ai
THE subscriber has on hand a large and
well selected assortment of" MUSIC of all
kinds, consisting of Songs, Marches, Waltzes,
Polkas, M.. also instructions for Piano and
other -instruments. Berlini's Method" for
piano; "Moans Method for the Violin, &c, and
a supply of Violin. and Guitar Strings, of first
rate quality at city prices.
having made an arrangement with an
punkin. and publishing house in Philadelphia,
he will be constantly supplied with now Music'
and able to furnish anything in that.line at short
notice and upon reasonable terms. - Music
Teachers will find it for their interest to call
and examine for themselves at, the corner of
Pitt and High streets, opposite the Mansion
Homo [ml9l S. A. HUBB A RD.
Alabaster, and other Fancy Lompe.—Lamp
Mate, and paper shades.—just received, noxt
door to to the I' O. (May 28.'51.
Linen Drilling.
A general assortment of, white and 'colored
Linen Drillings for Wert and Boy's wear, just
received by (May 21,'51),G W HITNER.
1 1!o illindrs
JUST received, another hit of Bonne'
Frnines of the latest Style. Also, Bonnet silkat
Silk and Satin Linings of various colors._,
de el, L • W HITN BR;
Patent Stunk Polish.
V4l‘ . QWdiving,a benutifufgloaa tcYLinens, Mus
'lina,• Collars, tic., and provanta dual from
wicking. to Linousi_dia._lt _contains_mothing
injurious.. Just received by . • .
:dean 0 iV lIITNER,'
LL persona 'indebted to the estate:of Hen•
ry.Churell,. 'dec'd.,' are ,requented to 'call
on tho auttecriber at the 'office of Church; Lee
& Feerytati,tLenther 'Merchants, in Now Cum—
bprland aettlo.the, Ennio ;withnut. rtelryy; as
aifurther induligcrieg pannot.bogitieri.,_. ~t ;
t.t . ttt:t , st; rea atiwaltsls.., >
.17. order to utien,o4it.o Ft stock now on, hand,, I
Wilt Sall a few; il!pe nit por,cent 'below ho
'a cash nriee:,,,(lodnirknotnellntel
nie wenn:. •• `, i g
• lunli 18th; 1 51: - . •_••• • SA: NV "HI.IIII3WRIX
- • "'rash Spring Supply ! i
DAVE itisi rEMeivail - a fresh stoeilt of.lVled.
-I. icines, Feints, 'Glass'
'Oil, &e., _which
havitig.been -pUrchased with _great care at the
best city; houses, keen confidently recommend
to Fernlike : Phyaibiane, Genntry . Merchants
and Dealers:ls 'being fresh 'and para. ' • .
'• -..... IC' DRUGS: •
Patent Alclieines; Herhsand Eitradte,''..
,• Fine holm ,cals, Spices;ground and whole
Instruments, Essences, • - '-'?
Pure Essen . % Oils Perfumery, &c. '
- Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine.
- - DYE-STUFFS: - ' -
- - •
. /2 ‘, ','' i n t t r l ic Cam Woods,
Copperas, .. ,
Lee Dye* •. - •
- - :Wetherill - Brothees - Ptire'Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint,and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey "Window . Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine,' Copal and coach Varnish, nod, Red Lead.
All of witjeli will be sold 'at the .very lowest
roarket price, .Also,a &e'en and splendid as
sortment of ,
Confectiondry, end innumerable other articles
calculated for use and ornament, till of wl.ich
are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Drug Book. and Fancy Store of the sub
scriber on North Hanover street.
May 28., lesi.
Ilecently from Philadelphia.
ESPECTFULLY inform the.. citizens .of
Carlisle and its vicinity, that /hey have
now at their Marble Yard in South Hanover
street, o few doors south of the' - eourt House,
anti nearly opposite A & W Bentz's Sfore t an
elegant stock of pure
..d.MERIC.II , i' WHITE .111,2128 LE,
and nre prepared to•execute in ilte:most niiished
• JI/onuments, Tombs,
Grave Stones al all prices, Mantles,
Door and Window. Sills, Steps, 4e.,
together with every other article in -their line,
and promise that-in fineness,of linish,'cheste
noes of design and quality of Ilibrble, their
work Shall not be surpassed by any:other - eslab=
They are also the authorized agents of Mr
Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and will fur
nishfrom his manufactory all varieties of IRON
RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lota and
all other purposes, ut the shortest notice and at
Philadelphia prices. They will also finish or
manufaceure'alL•kinds of 13 uilding Work, such
as Sills, Steptrand Platforms, Sec., at - the shori
eat notice and on the most reasonable terms.
Having had great experience, and hieing em
.ployed in the best shops of Philadelphia, they
are therefore enabled to manufacture the most
fashionable work, and resrectfully ask a share
of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding
cOut - ry. novG 18501
'WHIZ WILL YOU suzleram
/11111OUSANDS of bottles of the AMERI-
.11_ CAN COMPOUND have been sold Aw
ing the past. ymir, and was neyer_lcnown_to
fail of curing, in a few days, of a - certain deli
cate disease, Seminal weakness and 'all diseases
of the Urinary organs. re 7 rsons afflicted using
this pleasant and popular remedy, need fear no
exposure, as it leaves no odor on the breath,
requires no restrictions in diet- or business
Coiituifis Mercury or noxious dFug,s injurious
to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex,
or condition. It is also the bc , st remedy known
for Fluor Albus Whites, Vonale c inplaints)
with which thousands buffer, without the know.
ledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy
has long been used in private practice nix phy
sician and -with with unerring -stn•cess; radically
curing ninety nine of the - hundred. eases in a
few days. Around each bottle are
,plain and
full directions.
— CAUTION foi — the AM ETcrCrA — N
COMPOUND, and purchase only of ilui.Agents
Price $1 per bottle. For sale by S. pLLIOTT
Carlisle; 3. Wyeth, Harrisburg; R. Williams
Colombia: by A. Miller, Lancaster; E. Marna
-6c Co, Narli. (.lanuasy,,ls, 11151.
E VI 0 V 11. Id
rIIIE subscribers desire to inform their friends
and the public that They have removed
MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oppo
site their old stand on North Hanover street
and may now be found m their new and COM•
modious manufactory on the West side of the
said street, a few doors above Loather street,
where they st ill continuoito,koop on hand a toll
assortment of every kind of
Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware:
which may- bd_.needed by housekeepers and
others. Their articles are manufactured by
themselves, of the best, materials, and in_p_oint
- rirfirriShliiiirdriiiibilify . cannot be surpassed.—
They Will also manulhc turo at the
shortest notice all kinds of Distilling Apparatus.
They will promptly attend to .the buying of
in town and country,. and on the most reasona•
ble terms. Every branch of their business
will be carefully attended to with the utmost .
They tlistPkeep constantly on hand dhow)
variety of
comprising every variety of plain ten-plate
STo VES, elegant wood and coal air-tight
PARLOR S'T'OVES. of the latest styles,
COOKING STOVES of the newest and most
improved inventions, at various ark:es. which.
cannot . fail to please every taste. They .re• -
speetfully solicit .nn examination by the public
of their large and varied assortment of stoves.
Thankful to The public for favors heretofore
extended, and being determined to relax no
exertions to give satisfaction to their custom:
ors. they !lope to- merit a continuance of pa.
[a-The highest cash price will be paid for
.old Copper and Pewter.
Carlisle, March-19, 1851-ly
Fresh Arriial of Hardware.
gurAVING just returned Irmo New York lk
LA Philadelphia' with the best aria Cheapest
brought to Carlisle, I would resqectfully rogues! .
dealers and consumers and all others to give
me a call and see'whether they cannot get more
and better goods for the same money than at
any other lilac° in town. My stock of Locks,
Latches, Bolts, Hingoa r Serews, Nails, Spikes,
Glass, Paints, ktc., is complete ancrvery cheap.
Carpenters"Pools', I have a splendid assort.
meet. Also, Cabinet Maker's Tools and Ma
terials, viz:—Veneers, MalloganY, Mineral and
Glass Bureau Krtobsand Varnish.
can have everything in their line cheaper than
ever. ,
1 have a first rate stock of Morocco and Lining
Skins, Bindings, rep; Thread. and Wax, and
a superb assortment of Shoemakers 'tools. I
havealso a complete assortment of Ball's Lasts,
made in Harrisburg, which can be hod at no in town, nod at Bull's' Prices. To
gether with an assortment of all kinds of Ham
mered and Rolled Iron, and Steel. Of House
keeping Articles, limes Knives. Forks, Spoons;
Wailers, Snuffers and Thys, Tubs, Buckets,
--- , .
Hint/Olio largust,Handsomaat and Chanting
Asaortmont in town. And. to till who want
Good and'Clautp . HARD WARE', I Would, soy
canto-and itait'for youraelvoa.
0ci31. 1 - P LYNE.
, . .
pUST 'received p fresh banal .of Pure Cide
'V k.itp6tibr (nudity . ; and immune
iron from pdt111.011111.1011...
novG • ..G W it I.NER..
s 13tockintik
FULL.nesortroOn:;',Of whife, , and MiXed'
Morino Hoso,of.tall sizes for Children.--*-
Also, Lodiesllooo in groat variety just , oponod
by • 1' , ' '!;'Or
. •
THE subeeribor oinming geficral.
osoilmeritbrliongithd Mita,
310 , 41tyle.cif•ljadi F s,Pillc Gloves; ;It6les'h'rctd
Gloximsrand lapondrtil oesprtmertt of 5p1t,3114
thNad c'ettollicißieryq,. .. •
- G W•• HITNER:.
•, • ,
Graitd.sind Sqttarb:•ii3CANOS.
Jlldiiu~acturers) IVO 4,.6 8, a - 71;1 1 1. Eutaw
iv 1 into ie; ;71.1d,
'OVA NO' FORTESi.Trom G to 7 octaves, in
R. - in Rosewoo4Mahogany arid Walnut case'sof various stylee, witMand without iron frames,
combining all the improvemeats.requisite to a
1. do G. have received from the Maryland
Instituie iheftist premium.for- their Pianos, in
successive years, 1848, 18 . 49,.1.550. They
havealso been honored with numerous teatime-
Male from all the most celebrated artists who
have used their instruments. - ':Pianos from their
establishment have been used at the concerts
oe Lind, Herz, Flohnetocic,, Bishop; Laborde,
Knoop, and other 'eminent performers:, They
__guarantee durability for flog years, under good
and': %OIL replace with others all' which
mat' 'not giva.satisfaction, if application' bo made
%within six:Months afterVelivery...
Their' Canufactory being conducted on the
most extensive scale
,enables 'them to tarnish
insiiinnents at the very lowest prices, whole
sale am 'retail: Constantly un hand, A. P.
— Hughes' Melodeons, ranging — from $l5 to $200, -
for which they; are solo agents for this city.
January2l-1851-1 . 3i . • :
Perfumery, Fancy Soap Ex, Paper Box
marl! up.acizony.
48 .111acket street, below Second, Plifladelilda.
el LEGG, & CROMPTON, Manufacturers
NJ of ,Perftimery. Fancy Soaps nod Fancy
'Phpor Boxes, respectfully call the attention of
the Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and the
Cumberland Valley, to their extensive stock of
Goods, comprising erlimpry;._Fanny Soaps
Powders - for the complexion, Toilet, &e. &e,
of every variety. Also, a full and complete as
liortment ol Fatipy Paper Boxes, of every de
,lription, largo or small, round or &junto, made
a order at the sliortegt notice, '
. .
KrDon't forget the Once, 48 Market street,
Philadelphia: All orders will meet with prompt
attention.' janls
PHE OLD' STAND, occupied for store than
one.tbird.of a century by G. Willis, Esq.
• E undersigned wbulci inost respectfully
, L--;-announCe to the-public-that-he is AGENT
for .more than twenty of the most
4Ni celebratedManufacturers of BOS,
j. ( 1. ( TON, NEW YORK, PHILA.
, DELPHIA, and elsewhere ; and
constantly receiving front iherti PIANOS re
.to richest and most varied -styles, of superior
me, and of the most superb finish, of 6. 61,
and 7 Octaves, which ere Warranted equal
any'manufnctured either in this _country or
.• Europe.
lust received, also, a furthersupply of Church
-ad Parlor Organs, of beautiful Atterns and
ote tones. -
His WAREROOM. is constantly supplied
,vith a choice selection of SER APHIN ES and
•lELODEONS; frern the oldest and•most ex•
ensive manutactories in the United States ; a•
•long whicn is a-new style of REED ORGAN
,aving Carhart's patent improvements, with
ilt plies in front, and case elegantly carved,
.tul `highly ornamental.
.--1-'uning--and—Repa,ring—Sigr-Sa I vnd or --to
;mesa, n distinguished Piano Forte Manuftictu
er and Organ Builder, will attend to all orders.
sept4,'so OSCAR *C
- irdpiti: ?Li gh t!
Pine Oil" Cautphine Sr. Meal Fluid,
(10,1 7 acknowledged superiority and purity,
manufactured and for., sale at the lowest
Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH,
at the old established a:and of the late
where orders by mail or otherwise are solicited,
aryl prompt attention given. - The voice of the
public, for fifteen years, anl the award of
Silver—Medal, add—complimentary_nuti,e_hy
the Franklin - Inslitute. over - all - competitors; is
sufficient:evidence of the excellence of our Oil.
Alcohol, Pitch, Turpentine, Rosin; and Spir
its of Turpentine, for sale Wholesnle•and Re--
tail, at thefloweat prices. . , loci3o
Steam lirrOn Railing.
Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street,
WOULD call the attention of purchasers to
. their elegaht assortment of Wrought
and Cast Iron Railing for
Railing for Chinches, Public an - Privire
Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with
all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Iron Work.
Moro & Gallughor'SL.Book of ORIGINAL
DESIGNS, containlng the beet selection o
designs that has dyer been issued, will be sent.
to.any_ personmho may -wish i sto- make a -sr! ect
lion.' 1jeb19,51
THE subscriber hes just received a large
1-k sup ply- of BOOTS & SHOES,
for Spring and SUMmer Wear,
wluzh makes his assortment very
It comprises Gentlemen's French Call Skin
end Morocco Boots, congress, Gaiters,. Jack
son Boots, Men's, Boys' and Youths' .Enam•
cited Congress Boots, Calf Skin, Goat and
Kip Brogans, Morocco Boots, S ipp oro, &c.—
Also, Ladies', Misses and ' Children , s Gaiters,
Buskins, 'ries and Slippers. Every effort will
be made to please the citizens of town and
country, who are.respectiully solicited, to coo
tinue their patronage
Carlisle, may 7
Brushes Brushell •
A great variety of these useful articles to
fared for sale; consisting of Whitewash, Sweell
ing, Scrubbin'9, Painters, loth, Shaving, Hair,
Teeth and Nail, Flesh and. Graining Bru,thesi
great variety, all of Ao hick are at the beat qua,
ty and will be sold at the lowest prices
June 6. • • S ELLIO'vT • ,
•}(THIS WEEK we receive at tha Central
1. Drug Store next door to the rest office, a
tine stock of Fresh Medicines.
- • ;)Plop,v Mew Goods.
TUE Subscriber has joet returned from the
-City — With it fresh "assortment of Fascy and
Staple Dry Goode, among which may be found
White and Coldred Bareges, Silk Tissues, pop
lines; FOULARD SILKS, l3arege de Laines,
SILK GRENAD I N E S, Crepe do Boris,
Gingham, Lawns, Calicoes, 61.. c., all of which
will be offered on accommodating terns by; -
3'1.11618 G W HUTA ER.
To the Ladies,
STORE, a fresh assortment of Ladies' Misses'
and Children's Gaiters, Jenny Lirid Tice, Bus
kitis and Slippers, of the best quality, also eve
ry.variety of fintev colored -Freed' lasting-for
gaiters, which will bo made up to order.
June 11 1851. '
lAM'now opening my Spring stock of La
diei; and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes.
Also, a large lot of Boys. Misses and Children's
Shoes. - .Allfif the'neweet style, best quality,
and boat of very chimp: . • I
ap2,. C. OGILBY.'
Blacksmith's Coal. +
2000 bushels o,acketnith'e coal, a euperi
article, receivinrand for Bole by
W .13 MURRAY, Agt.
THE Sdhopf irectora of Frankford town
ship; will meet
on the 14th
day of August next, at I o'clock! P. M.. for the
examination of Saveo Teacher .far.said town.
shp. Appponto will pleanC attepd..
Ju1y30. 4 • , J01111:C. - BROWN, S'ret'y.
bonnets Ana - aibbinlEl •
hairtiAdat'rec'eived out third' aupply'of
CHEAP BONERTS t t .liONlVS**raO.N;s'
tot:which•wo , tnvite,the attention of the'
inity.7';;'yi; • - ••
aaeeii'and;.'Blaok Tem '
*rn-a. Jenkins
01ihn'be4nqualttioi and,
Waya,644, annatnn!ly, •
'Juno ` • • ' -
titan .scurATER ,
N . ,
lukt boon ~o 0 ,Oxforitovoly uottct for
Inat liareeoor.on
'a roofit:toVAouseN7kltosirobpiiiii,',AO:tiol
'ogle i flannel) ja
,knasyq : •4lMore. it Imo
or onto Em 12.1 'SAX'r,()N
,51ittratice t4,oinpanics.;
The ~United ,States Life , insurange
Annuity and Tkus - t Company.
hailer Perpetual--.copital $25,000 . - ash
fiIHE constant, unsolicited application for
11. Life;insurance, gives the most abundant
and gratifying proof that the public etind-is
,deeply impressed with the test imporiance of
this subject. The great .object, however, of
Insurance should be safety, otherwise the whole
Motive to. insure may be disappointed. Too
much care cannot be practised m the selection
of. an'o ffi ce with' which to effect the contract.—
The choice should be regulated not by present
and constant largeinducements, as this, is cer.•
tainly incompatible with future beiteits, The
premiums on life are calculated for theft/tura,
if present and, Respective benefits therefore aro
given; the result ultimately, must teirninate-in
litigation, disappointment and ruin. 'rho object
aimed -at by...this'.institution--is eta toility -and-per.
pettitc y . The rates of premium have been care,
prepared ivith reference to fluc'tuatione.—
The cash System of payments has also been
adopted. Unpaid premium rotes constitute no
part-of the assets of this company,-ned every
contingency being fortified - 'cYith s: ati ample cap•
ltal,_securily_stamps ine whole system.--This
feature, paramount to all other considerations
commends the company to public favor. Ex
planatory pamphlets. blanks. application papers
informatioe,and every facility will be cheerfully
furnished the pubiic by Sir. E. BEATTY, who
has been duty appointed agent of -this company
for Cuinberland county. Dr. 11. HINKLEY
has also been appointed Medical Examiner.
Dir•ectors.—Stephen R. Crawford, Ambrose
W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, Jacob L
.F,lorencc, William M Godwin, Paul B Goddard
Lawrence Johnson, George M'llenry, James
Devcroux, Mini Linton.
President.—Stephen R. Cr*ford.
rice- President.—Ambrose W. Thompson:
Secretary Eg - Treasurer.—Charles G hnlay.
Aciunry.—Manuel Eyre.
Cor.noel EJ alttorne'y.-7-Thomas Balch.
JK dienl Examiners, Paul,B Goddard, M.D.
William Popper, M. D. faug7 1 y
THE Allen and East • Pennsborotigh Mutual
Fire insurance Company of Cumberland county
ncorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully
organiga, and in operation under the manage
ment of the fallowing commissioners, viz:
Jacob Shelly, Wni'R Gorges, Michael Cods . -
Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Staymen,
Simon Oyster, Jacob if Ceover,_Litwis flyer,
Henry Logan,
Benjamin 1.1 Musser, Jacob
Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersham.
The rates of insurance are asloWand favora
61' as any Company of the kind in the State.—
Poisons wishing to become members are invited
to make applicationto the agents of the canine
ny, who are willing to •wait upon them( at any
HENRY LOGAN, V ire President.
LEWIS HYER,. Secretary
Cumberland countyßudoinh.2-Martin,—New
Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry
Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and
Charles Bell, Carlisle. Isaac Kinsey, Mechan
icsburg. Dr. J. Aid, Churchtown. •
York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John
Bowman, Dil!sharPeter Wolford_,_Frrutlin
Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Daniel Ikaffensberger, J W Craft.
Harrisburg.—Houser & Lachman.
Members tof the company having policies a
bout to a/Tire can have them renewed by mak.
ins application to any of the agents:
I—FORtf2s CENTS !!
ty means of the pocket
ulapins, or, Every one
mut Physician ! Twen
myth edition, with up
ifs of a hundred engra
o,_sholving private_dis,
es in ever) shape and
.n 1; Stilt mallormittinus
the gener_ntlye_Aystem,
lte_time_lts nny /w
-ig - from seneet - tligeli se
oy t :prescriptio. tallied in this hook any
ota,: ., may cure himself, without hindrance to bu
siness, or the knowledge of the most, intimate
friend, and with one tenth the nanal expense. In
addition to the general-routine of private disease
it fully explains the cause of manhood's esrl3 do
cline, wtth tamest/tillOns on marriage—heaidee
nanny other derangements which it would not by
proper to enumerate in the public prints.
Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS,
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this
- book. by mail, or five copies mill be sent for one
dollar. Address, ..1.)12. W. YOUNG,No. 152
DR. YOUNG can be consulted on nny of
the Diseases prescribed in Isis different publioa
ions, at his Offices,l 52 SPRUCE street, every
day between 9 atid 3 , o'clook, (Sundays excepted.
flay 1, 1
English and American Hardware
Cheaper than can be found this side of the
IFIHE subscriber ,having just returned front
1 the Eastern cities with a full and Inine•
some assortment of all kinds of HARDWARE
of the very best makers and well selected, is
now opening at the Cheap Hardware Stand in
North Hanover street, next door to-Scott'e Ho
tel, formerly kept by Henry Glassodiere he
'would invite all that are in want of good and
cheap Hardware to give him a call and see and
satisfy. yourself of the truth, aq we are determ
ined to sell at a very small advance. Small
profits and quick sales are the order of the day
A good assortment .of double refined powder
rock powder of extra quality, safety-fuse,
flints and bar load, ropes of all kinds, for
threshing machines and well diggers, and' a
thousand other articles too numertius to insert,
all we ask is to give us a call, and we are con
fident.jtou will find a good assortment of Hard•
ware and cheaper' tan can be found many
other House this side-of the east. Give us a
call is all we ask, at the old and well known
Hardware Stand formerly kept by Lewis liar.
lan, in North Hanover street, next door to
Scott's Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Glass..
THE e ubscriber would, respectfully inform
his customers and the public generally that
he still continues the LUMBER AND COAL
B Ut. 4 lN ESS, and that having lately purchased
inaddition to his former business facilities, the
large and conVenient Warehouse and Coal Yard
lately occupied by Mr. Henry Wright, opposite
the we!l known Lumber and Coal Yard of the
Subscriber, situate along the Rail Road and
College Lane,' he is now more lull' prepared
to enlarge his business. lie has at thisume and
is keeping constantly on hand a well selected
assortment of
~ •
of all kinds, sorts, and sizes. Likewise the
different kinds o! - FAMILY COAL. such as
stove Coal of the different kinds, Lime burners
and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best quality.—
A 1 of which ILI will sell unusually low for
Dash. lie will also keep. constantly
,on band
With all the different articles 'geherallY found
in a well stored Warehouse. He gill' also at
all titres buy PRODUCE and FLOUR, for
which he will pay the highest current prices.
Being very thankful for, vast favors, would
most anxiously solicit a continuation of 'at least
a,reasonable shore of public patronage.
marl 9 SAM'L, M. HOOVER.
William Webb,
. RESPECTFULLY infurrne the Public gen
erally, that. he hos just returned from ,the city
with a large and splendid neaortment of artieles
suitable for gentlemotimnd trilleie, such,
11.trussePallose and Ambiosialshaving cream,
Oleplufne, ' ....
" Wash Balls, • ':•
Cireassitm•Soaps.` :.• ' '
" "Fancy. Toilet Soaps; ales;, .• :;:'
• ; "' • . •Extrnets of various • odors', Fancy
Cologne'and Cologne bottles; ! • ;•,.• - .;
•., ".•Comiound'Ox MarroW
" Recinine, together with Geranium
rose hair 'oil, ox marrows: bears oil, &e..•. - . Also,
erare assortment of brueltes, such no hat bruali. ,
is, nail, do., tooth; do., .shaving,, d 0.,: clothes,
do. lot,of razors, sad,rtntor otropo.“'Also,an
itand,o largo nsaortment of,hutr %writ, such as, , 1
.Genparnens',wir and, scalps, ...„
t , - 'Batch and r nt hralds
" . Curls, anal a vanety.,..c. —other,.
Ankles fo which th attention of the, publics
.reopecifully .
„. • ~,
CnHisle,May 2b, 1,851, .• La'
pn ovyk. .yea e
ty A
I I- V
7 40b,t -- 43.
For the -Cure or
• C0T.M.14, COLDS,. •
37011 .RSEATESS,
.BRON• •.
• Among the numerous discoveries Science hoe"
mode in this generation to facilitate-the 'buSiness
of life T increns e its enjoyment, and even prolong
be term of human existence, none can he named
of more real value to mankind, than - this contribu
tion of Chemistry to the Healing Art. A vast trial
'of -its virtues throughout this broad" Country; has
proven beyond a d'obbt, that no medicine orsom-
Motion of medicines yet known, can en surely
control and cure the numerous varieties of pulmo
nary disease which have hitherto swept from our
midst thousands and thousands every year. In
deed, there is now abundant reason to believe a
Remedy has at length been bound which can he
relied pit to mire the rpost dangerous affections of
the lunge. Our space here will not permtrus to
publish any proportion of the cures effected by its
use, hot we would present the T.,llowing opinions
of etninent mon. and refer further enquiry to the
circular winch the' Agents below named, will al
wayii he pleased to formal) free, wherein - are full -
particulars, and indispurable proof of these fuels.
Enom TBE PRESID . ENT OF A /91 . 75 T
. 9 , 01,T,F9 . T., TIIE,
"bunco 0. Ayer—Sir; I have used your Cann.
ny l'Ecronnr. iii my own case of deep-seated
Bronchitis, and. am- satisfied from its chemical
constitution. that it is en admirable comphund for
the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficulties.—
If my opinion on to its superior character can, be
of any service, you ate at liberty to wait as you
think proper.
From t4e widely celebrated
"I deem the CHERRY PECTORAL an ndmirable
composition from sonic of the hest articles in the
Miliaria Median, and a very effective remedy fur
the class of diseases it is intended to curs."
New Aaven. et, Nov. I, 1849.
MAJOR PATTISON. President of the S. C.
Bennie, sillies he has used the CliEltßY PEcToIIAL
with wonderful success to eure an Inflanintatiuti
of the lungs.
constantly using your CHERRY Pro Ton th in my
proctice, and prefer it' to any other medicine for
pulmonary complaints, Front observation of
mane severe cases, I am convinced ii as ill sure
coughs. colds, and diseases of the lunge, that'll:we
put to delluneo plj qike'r_renieslies._,
1 invariably recommend its use in casesof con
sumption, and consider it much the- best remedy
Itliown . for that disease. Respemfully yours,
Sold in Carlisle by Dr. S. Elli , tt, S. A. Hubbard
and Dr.'Rasvltit's—in Mechanicsburg. by Dr. Ira
Day—in Newville by J H Fierron—in Bhippens
burg by J. C. & U. B. Altick, and. by Druggists
generally throughout the State.
June 18, loll!.
DR. 21EzLExes-
ilelebrated Family Plediciaes,
- 5/1 - eoncerni everyone. Cholera eon be cured
-Dr. Keeler's Sarsamerilla Panacea- Fig
the - remoVal and permanent cure of al
Discuses arising from an impure
state of the Blood and habit
of body. •
The All-wise Creator hats implanted in,all
organized bodies an innate disposition , to-self:-
preservation. Tlai vital • powers possess the
pluperty of resisting the influence of external
C[ll.-es, but as the SLOOP is the common par
bolero from which all ports of-living- matte
derives its renovating elements, and consequent
ly, upon which the life of organized beings do
pood, it is probable •that in cases of accident'
or where artificiul means have been employed'
to deprive it of an essential property, the vital
effects of the whole system will be directed M. -
ward restoring to it that property. In'all eon:.
atitutional end hereditary affections, this - fluid
has undergone some primary Aeration, which
is the cause of the eFecral disease, or •which es
seotially contributed to its production. nese°
ration to health earl only be obtained by a're
movel of the niurtufic caose_threugh the medi,_
"'"uiniatilie — c - irculation, and Dr. Keeler's Soria
parillu, is the most powerful modifier of agent
effecting this fluid known. See pamphlets.
woodlown, N. 3.. June 6, 1848.
Dr. Keeler—Dear Sir: 1 dm entirely out of
your Panacea. • I was called Mum' day before
yesterday for half a dozen. Your medicine is
becoming very popular where I:have introduced
it, and 1 think the more it is used the more pop
ular it will get. ResPectfolly yours,.
War. PARHAM, M. D.
For details, certificates, &c., see circa'
Lars, &c. Price $1 per bottle; largo size, 6 but
ties $5
Among all the remedies before the public
this stands pre-eminent in incipient conounip
win, Bronchitis, Calarrhe, Coughs, Hoarseness,
Whooping Cough, Pleurisy; - Asthma, ,Spitting
of Blood, and for all affections, of the pulmonary
organe occasioned by cold. Tee much praise
cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the
proprietor urged every one afflicted with any of
the above complaints to secure it at once. It
is warranted to cure or no pay. Price only 50
Every family whether rich ur poor,
who ral
lies health and all its blessings, 'Mould have this
invaluable remedy at hand. It itrinfinitely the
best remedy known for Diarrluna, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus, Cholera Intuntirm, Cholio,
Flatulency, griping pains, cramp, etc., and for
att diseases of the stomach and bow - ele caused
by - Teething. The numerous testimonials from
Physicians and others unsolicited has given it
• reputation us firm as adamant. Mir Price_
25 cents per bottle.
This remedy is pleasant to the taste, harm.
less to the patient arid all powerful in removing
all kinds of 'Worths from the body. It is with
out doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroy
ing medicine before the public, and will if lid
ministered according, to directions, remove
(Irvin within Gee or 'six hours after taken. The
. .dose is small, iind.each bottle contains twice us
much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents
per bottle. t
Although not recommended - air a - "cure
yet they are the mildest and hest remedy to re
move Cm stipation, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bil
lotisness, Nervousness,._ Foul Stonutch,_Head,
ache, Indigestion, eta.. .Ulileo other purgative
medicines they leave the oowelsalways relaxed
. and consequently are the proper medicine for
for females and persona leading a solitary life.
Price 25 cents. •
A justly 'celebrated external application for'
Paine of the Chest; Neuralgia, Headache, Spr'ns
Bruises, Tic Doloreux, Swellings of the Joints,
Itheimutisin,-Gout, sciatica and for all disor
dets wherein a sedative and rubefacient reme
dy is applicable: Price twenty-live cents per
bottle. -
All of the above celebrated and extensively
used medicines, are prepared. and
sale and Retail; at, 22 , t MARKET bTREET ,
For sale by S. ELLIOTT, Curlisle ; A. G.
Miller Dielthwton; Masers;. Altick, ShiPpens-,
burg, J. F. Spahr, M vein nI ostb - Mg, 'M.', Baiter,
Shianmanstown. and In everylirw,n thrrinilibut
the county and - 861.e, Pentriry.l4,
THE Subscillior, ,leturna aiii6ara'Atinka
to his nornarous customers -, atull the. publia go
hoinliy for the.liberal anoodragonfont - thus far
axtondoknod &siren in. a!word'to .atOturtt
;hat ho hai6iimesiderably.onlarged•4tia%,ntook:in
Ail. its, broaches aonneatokwith..hinAdOnitaa
withotit goink,iino dofnil, fotthitt'wbald•he'.un ,
.11acessary, and, at,suah;firletta atilt could-poi:4ol'
. .Ifhavo jaat opened enrillote Intortnent'of.
Gtratta .rod ans , or 'different
rands. ColotantiroO . handifialtnia ;Fire , hnil,
Wator. Proof
june4 ••• • IL SAXTON.'
filtscellancou g
Price Reduced !.
=Homan= imam !
Large Bottles—Only Ono Dollar.
. . •
rh. Proprietor of the Great Ainerioan Remedy " VAUGUN'
srgaist solicitations of Ids Agents, throughout the Unite
Btates and Canada, Itai now
Reduced the Price
,or bL popular and well known - article; and from this . date
leacefortb, be will pot up but one size only,—hie guar
loitiee:—the retail prioo will be
Th. public may-rest atourell that the Ohmmeter of thi MO&
lino, its etrongth, and curative properties _WILL &gout
ittomancien,-and the 'same care will bo bellowed in 'pat
taring It os beretofona.
As this medicine, under its reduced price, will he purchess
?r those who have not hitherto made themselves acquaints
with its virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimate that Id
article is not to be classed with.the_vast amount of- ,. -Remed4r
et the - day V. it claims ter itself a greatir healing penoer, i
diieases: than any other preparation nom before IA
onrid and hes enstrunen lull* for eight/ ;leers by its enperit
medical vittnee, and; until this reduCtios commanded ddubi
he price of any other article in this line. !
Notice this'ertiele acts with great boa
ng power and
,certainty, Z'upou
-, Blood, Livor, Kraneye, Lunge, .
and all other organs, upon the pigmy nation of which lllit an
melds depend.
This meltable hat e, lestly,,bigli roPete era remedy for
- Dropsy and dr . ' Ewal t
tad oil diseases of that nature. It may be relied upon *he
Le Intelligent physician has abandoned hie patient, anil fi
hoseAlbrtmeeing diseases, more especially DeoreY, the prop,
itor would eamotily and _honestly recommend - It. — At I
present price It is easily obtained by all, and the trial will pro"
the article to be the
• • Cheapest Medioine iii.the World! ,
tsr Please ask for pamphlets— the stints giro thorn away
Um cattalo over an pages or receipts. (in addition to fa
medical matter' valuable for household purpose,, and whit
will Nave many dollar, per year io practical housekeepers.
Them receipts aro introduced to make the book of gra,
value, aside from its character as an eater-using medium rt
the medicine. the testimony in favor of which, itt_ths - feral
letters from all parts of the country, may lea relied upon.
-tir—"-Verughn's Mixture —th
Great American pemady, now for rale in quart bottles at
each, small bottles MO otr ouch. No email bottler will b
hatted after the present stock 13 disposed of.
. .
Principal Office, Buffalo. N. y., N 7 Aw n si n " ,
Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT McKEBSON I
CO., 17 Maiden Lane. New Pork City.
l o tt t , (excepting from agents and &KUM wit
•hom ho transacts boslnaw) roost be post paid. or no atlantic
Id be 'given to them . •
S W linverstlck, Carlisle, -
J- C&GB A kick, Shippensburg,
Russel Et - Dice, Dickinson,
J 1. Spahr, Mechani"viurg,
A H Zager, , Kingstown.
Valuable School Books,
WAITE' Sz GO., 253 NI A RKE - T - S-111-BET;
PHIADELPHIA , tind for bale by all the book
sellers in Bic United States
An easy introduction to the study of I:eogra
phy, designed for children, and completely jl
- ninrl4 colored
The tent, the exercises the illustrations, and the
forty beautiful maps are printed together in one
quarto volume.
system of modern "Geography, -comprising- a
Beset iption of the present state ol the world and
its five great divisions. Embellished with nu
merous en A ravings and illustrated by nn excel;
lent - Atlas containhig 28 haudsome and accurate
colored maps. This series of - Geography by S.
Augustus Mitchell has been wholly or - partly
introduced,into the .puldie and private schools
the - principal cities and towns of the Uni
ted States ; and alter a full and Stir trial of its
merits in these schools, it has I:e.eived an almost
embellished with engravings of remarkable
e'veht6, views of 'ancient thick, etc., nod accom
paned by ancient Atlei contenting 12 beautiful
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' Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School . Geog
with Maps and — enilieflishments. - .Mitch
'ell's Key to the study of ,lklaps. nod Carroll's
Key to Mitchell's Geogrsp*, are excellent and
popular books, and are becoming.very _extetn
stvely used in the best schools of our country.
GliEeNO Pillar LI3SoN IN GlLAmutat, based
Upon the construction and analysis of sentences;
designed as no introduction to the "Analysis.'!-
Gam:lces ANALTSII3 I —A treat'se on the strucs
tu'le of the English language, with illustrationt
mid exercises adapted to the'use of schools, by
Samuel Green, A. M., Principal of the
Phelps Gramthar School, Boston.
Three books hive already in the short time
they have been published,obtained a very
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intended for beginner% It contains a lesson
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Thel'Omary School Readeri part V,
contains,exercises iu at:ticulation, arranged in
connection with - easy reading lessons. The
Primmix.Readcir,,part 34, is designed
first Class in, lirimary hchoolsi and the lowest
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for the inittufe, class in Grammar Schools, and
sontains" exercises in articulation arranged in
connection with reilding' lessons
DlsTater SCHOOL READER, is design
for - the higliest — chisses in :fluidic and private
schools. L contains exercises in articulation,
pauses, and intreetions of the voice with such
rules and suggesstions as are deemed useful. •
Iriarnocrtva READER; Or" a Course o
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rature designed for schools.
Consisting of words in columns and sentences
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Thieldeltly, series of reading books,
and this spelling book were compiled by Mr.
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rapid introduction Into sc hools winch they haye
obtained in the Eastern and Middle States and
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committees, teachers and others friendly to edo:•
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of sehools and families, 1 vol. 12 sub. with
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PRIMARY PiIIbIOLOGY, by the same author,
vol. 18 mo. •
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By the same author. Part firat-,—advanced
lessons in mental arithmetic part second—
rules and examples for written prat*
metic, for common nod high schools,
A Key to examples for pritetice in written
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These arithMeties hare secured very high
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sititoortner;liter.on • hand a largo supply
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rangewont ritit thb proprietor, he is able to fur
iiiah to morchunis and others, at the menulac.
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„ou2l • • p 4.,irtiurfAmp,
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