Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 27, 1851, Image 2

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D-'111\7 3 ) EXPOSITOR-
, ro4"(AAI-';7';
OUriraral; PA.
WiDNESDAY, -AUGUST 27, 1861.
IN cumaintrAND COUNTY!,.
ferms—Two Dollara•a year., ar One Dollar and
- Fifty Cents, if paid .pipectuotty4in Aliduce.
,75 if pact, within the year..
"` .c KPATE"riK ET.
FOR 00Vi.RbTOR`r'—
Oj Armsti;ong Co4rati..
. . . .
f i .OR OR: rcomfttrsszomnicz,
'Of LaticastOr County,
RICHARD COULTER, Westmoreland.
',JOSHUA W. COMLY, filmgoer.
, DEO.. CHAMBERS, Fraelipu.
WH. M. MEREDITH, Pliiladelphia. -
a .
.olties.of.the South, and in that section of
: country generally, the recent accounts from
Cuba have created the most intenemexcitement.
Meetings have beemheld iti.Savatnuth, Mobile,
nud:Charleeton, and. Now .Orleans appears to
be . frantie with excitement. Large meetings
have also been hold in New York :and Phila
'The old spirit is , up again in,Cumkerland
county! :The old 'Whig .sriirit is re-kindled,
mid the - vratch-flresloegin to blaze brightly and in--the VictorioFes days of 1840 and
19481 ""Thn Whig county meeting of Monday
evening gave us sufficient evidence-of that.-
- It 'Sine truly A MASS MOETLICO, and the strongest
popular demonstration we have had-since the
-monster-meetings of 1840. The rooms were
there in full force r —the tried .veterans of old
campaigns .artd_.the young .andLenthusiastio
Nliigs Jib.) ,a r e ta be the actore_rititbe future!
- Theleslitighr mit was mattifeskthrough
, out theprectiedinge showed that our friends
-are again- united ..and - ..harmoidouready to
_stand up shoulder to . shoulder and_push for
ward with heart, our groat cause and its
_ candidates! From-such a -demonstration of
party, feeling we augur the beit results—it is
, the harbinger of triumph! Our opponents
felt they looked around on their ghostly
. gatfictring of-the-remains of Old Hunkerism,
huddled 'together in cheerless spirit Within the
Bar of the Court Boom, while - the " empty
benches" echoed in dismal sounds their stale
party watch-words which can no longer deceive
the People ! .
71 . 1 e proceedings of the meeting Will be found
at length 'in " another column. The principal
addressOf the evening was mita by"gain C.
Huxxst,* Esq., of Harrisburg.' Mr. Kunkel,
althbagli a young man, has attained a high'
reputation, and -whether at the Bar, in the Le
' gislature or on the stump, his earnest and
spirit-stirring eloquence never fans to rivet the
attention and delight his audience. On this
occasion his speech was worthy'his reputation
-=-cieter, forcible and convincing. The great
subjects. of political agitation were reviewed
• in succession, and the character of our noble
Governor and his judicious administration of
the government, dwelt upon in - - terms of
hfghest eulogy.
~ Mr—Hankel was. frequently
Interrupted by bursts of applause, and three
hearty Cheers were given as he -retired from
the - Stand. Mr. Kunkel is the Whig candidate
for-Senator in , the . Bauphin and _Non:lumber
whit close,.we look with confidence to his tri
iimplianf election: He is the pride.of the young
Whig., who will rally. to Ids support +with warns
-enthusiasm. His talents and legislative expo-
Tienco will make him an influential and useful
representative of rho distriot.
:AtterKunkoihaci concluded, a series of
• - • .
Tesclutious were -read by. Win. N.
Penrose, Esq.., and.adopted by, acclamation.—
"belle were then made for the Hon. Charles B.
Penrose, who ind been announced to address
the' meeting. To tle .regret of the meeting,
,-. •
Lei/over, eicknessPrevented Me. Penrose from
Makinglia_np.peuratien. - letter. had also
- been received from the Hen. jelua StrohnOn
forMing the meeting that he had been preve,6.
teal by sickness frein visiting Cumberland coun
ty, as he had intended to do on this occasion.
-Speeches were then successively delivered . by '
gnj; 'Jacob Rheem, A. B. Sharp; Esq., R. P.
McClure, Esq., and W. 11. Penrose, Esq.! all
'of Which were received with the loudest ex.-
Pressler's -of applause, and -the, meeting ad
journed at a late hour. Let the Whigs of the
county now ge on with the work which has so
auspiciously commeneed,let :every township
and every school district ho thoroughly organ
ized, that our full vote May 'be polled at, the
election, and a signal : triumph of the whole
'Whig 'ticket ienerinin 1, , ,
proceadings or the nominating ConYen
tlcop •Oud.t4 o proceodings of the groat , meeting
htd&On 'lttonday night, to ratify the noraina ,
tions, • will both be found in to'-day's paper,—
`We' Congratulate the Whigs of Cumberland
county an the ticket which hue boon presented
by the Convention. 4° is in every respect a
pppulqr ticket, imd being canpfully cele . oted and
harmoniously agreed upon, we look with the
strongest feelings of .confidence to the election
of everycandido.te. Although4eiceral excel
lent Whigs from different sections of the coon-
Ay.wcre :disappointed in their expeotatione of
nominatiottyet - so far'. as we have learned,
all submit cheereally to the decision of the
Convention, and reserve for Li-fu
ture opportunity. We hare not yet heard a
'aingle.expression of dissatisfaction.
.We hare no room to spoalc at length of the
candidates Individually, nor is It necessary.—
They are conceded to ho men of the best cha
racter and qualifications 'for the, pieces to
iyhiah .they have boon, designated, and men
who deservedly'onjoy She public, esteem and
confidence in their — Faxective neighborhoods
With'most of them we arc personally act:plain ;
_ ted and can testify of-eur ewe - lcnowledge to
• theliuteritilind qualifications. The ticket is
conceded - eitgi. hinds to corabine greater
Strengty,than that of our whi°4
5C6*4 to .In every
No nominations for„'lud ea yore rdnde, for
t r el ie * l :g! 4 ! 4 . l(l 4 l) : ` o:piip9ifi4o. , Tqii§ivatia
mr,ltt.!4 tilted ter ;by, the, peopleOripopeetive'of
Aim Assoclst('
.Jadg'e`,e toe , proobaie , there will in'.duo tinge be'
• ist,C4.oe'yididattiti lia4o 4 A#ll,l;wlth .fniCijual,
ly,f,ilo of pttrt4kon4s;ns,saudidiites:)ifeltsve,
' pida'stio,t4,o4d. *4lOl :The usts,you
vioit'ztiar,itinivf:.;>! Let oiier.V . part 'II Itiorki
is„q fitho elc'eo,en, nnd , we' shall
The Thirrisburg AmeriCon makes the follow
tog.notioo:'of a'sPeeeh made at Hartiaburg, on
the 20th inst., bY - .1- Ellie Bonham, the Free
Trade,,,BMie-Detit-increasing candidate for.
tide ,counti 4 - ' *will,kaffotd hie
constituents an idea of his position, and ena
ble` therm td,rnake up their minds 'whether- a
Man 'who thinks the Sinking Fund a eon
temptiYe" affair, is the proper Man to again
represent the Tax Payers of Cumberland
county in the Legislature. The, American
esys,=-* • •• • '
The Locofocos of Harrisburg had a meeting
yesterday evening. WO•stepped in during the
'evening, and found Mr. Bonbani, of Darlisle„
-making a speech. He alluded to, the State is
sues involved. in the contest—repeated the
stale and, exploded slander, that Governor
Johnston had devised the scheme Mr.. Honig
' inaeliTir tiffeTed•last seSsion "relative to, the .re= r
_iicf...issues—shabbily explained 'his' vote last
. winter to, increase the State Debt—insisted that
Gov. Ratner had increased the State debt sev
en millions of dollars, and that when ho left
office the public debt was thirty-two millions of
dollars ! Mr. Bonham said thin could be
proved, but unfortunately hi did not attempt to
"rove it I Gov. Porter , said in his last Message
.ht, increased the debt fifteen Millions of, del
, tars, and that' whin he retired the debt was
forty millions of dollars. How then could it
.have been thirty-two-trillions when his admin
istration commenced '1 It could not have been.
It impOssible.l" :It Was twenty-five millions
when Gov: Either took office;, it was twenty
five millions when ho retired. It -was twenty
five millions when Gov. Porter entered office;
it was forty millions when ho retired. These
are facts as shown by their own Governor,
Porter, and confirmed by all' • Gov
ernors and Auditor General's They cannot be
denied, and Mr. Bonham or any one else is un-:
equal to the' task of proving to the contr try.
Mr. Bonham ,stated further that all the
sources of revenue now in existence 7ere in
existence when Gov. Skunk-resigned his office!
This is Mr. Bigler's statement ,re-iterated.—
We have already proved it false. The Sinking
Fund act which was passed after Gov. John
ston's election, improved the method of col
lecting the collateral inheritance tax so much
that this tax now yields en average 'annually
of $08,616 20 MORE THAN it formerly
The same act imposes a new tax on charters
which in two years has yielded $126,660 17.
It imposed a new tax on distilleries•and brew
oriee, on ten-pin alleys, &e., on eating houses
anti restaurants, 'which has yielded $23,000 to
the State Treasury.' ' The total of- all these is
$346,918 46 ! Locofocos sneer at this and
talk of the folly of such a scheme pitying the
State debt. It has paid over HALF A MIL
LION already. ',Why may it not pay more ?
It:will, if it be not disturbed. Mr. Bonham
Called it Gov. Johnston's contemptible Sink
--W-FiT37 That was the word. DON
TEMPTIBLH." Taxpayers, do you hear thisl
Locofoco rule has built up a debt Of over for
ty millions 'of dollars. Whig rule, by scone
ny and cars„ has in ewo years kaki More than
- -- H-Ar. - F - A --- m - rtro - g of ttilit debt. This is
done by means of a Sinking Fund which. Lo
oofactis call . 6 . contemptible I” From - this,
'udge of their,,anxiety to pay the debt They
oppose and denounce the only measure which
will relieve the people.
Mr. Bonham says it is very easy to pay the
dept, when the money was furnished. True ;
but leak at this; The people, under Locofoco
adnifaetrations were taxed as heavily asunder.
Gov. Johnstons. In fact, as we have frequent
ly proved, a larger amount of money was actu
ally collected every year from Real Eatate by-
Gov. Shank : than by Goo. Johnitoti. War lUD
'ORTiON OF TOE TADT,? This is ODO of our ob-'
cations Locofoco Administrations. They
rot the money,-but didn't pay the debt. Why
did they not ? The people can imagine. These
are the only points of Mr. Bonham's • speech
which deserve notice. When he commenced
trying to prove that the Whig party were op
,losed to their country; and that the ',acetones
were the only patriots, we left the meeting,
•lisgusted that any decent American; citizen
mold debase himself or ineult his audience, by
uggesting so infamous a sentiment. - -
Hero is a man, a candidate for Itepresenta-
tive of the county of Cumberland, a county
which haenot had ono dollar of our great For
ty Million debt, spent within her borders, but
which is grievously taxed on account of that
robt, who yet has the bold hardihood to pro
ounce Gov. Johnston's Sinking Fund a "con
I'EMPTIIILE" affair! Mr. Bonham's ideas tl,l
, noney-matters are truly magnificent. Why
:rho and what 'does he think the people of
3umberland county are? Are they fit for
lothinyt‘t to PAY TAXES . 9 It would seem
to in his estimation nt,least.
Benham we ftppoae think the Forty
Million debt a "contemptible" affair also. He
mist have thought so vviten he voted for two
lEW LOANS last winter. to increase that dobtt
3ut, Tri-Fayers . of Cumberland abiinty, what
.to YOU think of this great FORTY MILLION
DEBT Y DO you not waft -it netiucect P Do you
link Gov. Johnston's plan of Pttling it off at
rate,Cf half a milion a year without in-
weasing your taxes so very " contemptible" 2
fAX PAYERS of Cumberland county, let us
mow at the ballot-box whether you agree with
-Alm-Bonham or not 1
Tiler Washington Republic commenting upon
ho late news from Caba says: r 5411e . whole
ale slaughter of prisoners incapable of fur
:her mischief, withmit a trial, and without a
tearing, seems an act of cold-blooded atrocity
hat shocks every sentiment of humanity, and
will excite universal indignation. It has re
leived, as it demanded, the prompt attention
A' our Government. No understand that,.
:pen receipt of the late intelligence from Cu
m, measures were immediately taken to as
ertain whether any of the persons so summa
fly put to death by the Spanish authorities,
acre American citizens; and if they were such,
:y what evidence their guilt of a crime de
ierving so sanguinary a punishment was esta
aliehod, as also to ascertain the facts in rola
:ion to the alleged tiring upon the United
states Mail Steamer Falcon by a Spanish ship
,f-war, and how far this proceeding, if in con
ravention of our national rights, was author
.zed or approved by public authorityotial that
or this purpose Commonore Foxhall A. Pqr
•cer, commanding the' Homo Squadron, will
oil from Norfolk for Havana in the steam fri7
mte Sarautto to-day.: While taking this step,
cowever, the proper officers of the Government
,cave been-instructed to be -vigilant . and active
• n preventing military expeditions from fitting
•mt against that island, in contravention of
lur treaty obligations, and the public statues
.in such -case mode and provided, as enjoined
by the proclamation of the President."
Whigs of the townships, AWAKE I AROUSE
from your lethargy and supineness I The time
for ACTION HAS COME I I Call meetings
IDlMiliniefELY in your respective districts, and
PUSH' on the BALL I A full vote can only be
polled - by\ effective - and thorough - ORGAIHZA
TION,rm4 lot q! . 4 9rganization be commenced
by holding townshifmeptings.. Gov. Johnston
oari and will be ?looted lithe 'Whig; do their
WHOLE DUTY.. _Let flu go into the contest
With a'shilmt and a song and victory will perch
upon our ) banner. s UaIf`TOWNSHIP MELT
INGS aud'yon Will:. be supplied with speak-
•,Aer"o;.ii. Ghsrkis, WaftersSr of ; hfueio, at,
Nsifsly,,Vs„ untlexlsker and or
deeo4lollo6ifin. etatiug 'that Taul,4lll.s that
ThSliSdeitsliSr eaeingp* g 094
beelib.P4d o,F4tuit4 lo A
kin, however, iieut l{omo'to bed faidded
cutely lioOr Oast eve ,•;1
*HIGS, FOLLOW YOVR umn.rolort
Go*. Johnito.nis:Trinmihal
"I will eelciund IN TIIIC InONX`:08 fiAT
TLE, and:will:pc glad to hail as ccinipanions in
arras. lik - ;lbe leeeious cause of Justice. and
Tetith the :acti , a4nd faithful apiritS,, who,
without fear Or favor, contend earnestly for
the reaun.r.— ; Gov;'Johnaton's at Lancas
To liaife, says the Heading Journal, a noble
leader—whether itTle to meet a foreign fosi in
thne - of - war; or engage 111 . 811 important politi
eat contest in time: of peace—iivane half the'
battle. He arouses. the `caitlitisiasin of the
mans; imparteeonfideiaeete theliinkfl, and der
ries • everything bongo him_ withirresistible
sway— Gov., JOHNSTON is-ons those-mori
with whom there is no sifelt - ao'itio's fail,'—
The Whigs feel that he cannot be limited, while
the Locos stand dismayed at-the inroads be is
inaking in-their ranks. --From Pram the moment he
was chosen to be the ;Whig etandardbearei ; for
another campaign, he to'ok up. Lie position in
front of the battle, and hue exerted. all hie
powers to further the seteess of his 'party.—
For weeks past be has hold forth ,daily to
crowds in va'rious sectioniof the State—bold
ly meeting his opponents facn'to face, replying
to their slanders and freely,givingan account
of his stewardship. He bra spoken at Kittan
ning, Clarion, Franklin, Warren, Erie, Mead
ville, Butler, Beaver; Tioga, and a number of
other places, and is everywhere.reeelved With
enthusiastic delnonstrations. His speech at
Erie, of which we give an extract Ili another
part of this paper, is a noble effort. It takes
high national ground, an re ? nbracem the senti
ments of •a true statesman and patriot. No
one can read without feeling its force and sub
seething to its declarations. At. Heave not
less than six thousand:persons Wont the Sur- .
rounding country were assembled to hear him
and all along the road, whereover there was a
house standing, persons were gathered to cheer
and bid him welcome. : His route from Beaver
to Pittsburg was a continual triumph. At the
town of Economy the community of the place
was drawn up along the reed to receive him,
and one person presented' him with a boquet
six feet , high. A . short distance further up
the workmen on the rand were drawn up, and
had a cider-barrel elevated, on a stand, with
th'e words, 44 Thai same old coon of •1940" pain
ted on it. At Sewickley : the scholars of the
female seminary were drawn up, and waved
their handkerchiefs as the train passed.. At
11,faymille, where the train stopped_to_noter,_a_
large number 'of fparraera and others greeted
the Governor with hearty cheers, 'and the -sta
tion house was decorated with flags. On arri
ving at _Allegheny_eity_Le_was_met_by_an.lm , _
monse,soncourse of people, to whom be was
introduced by the Hon. Thomas M. Howe, in
a brief but etoquent speech. Gov. Johnston
said a few words-in response, and was' greeted
with enthusiastic applause. The procession
was then formed, and the Governor - was escor;
ted CO the Monongahela lipase, Pittsburg,
where he arrived on Wednesday last, to attend,
the Scott Convention.. Here he 'made several
speeches, referring to the Tariff and other_ po
litiCal topics, and createdo most favorable im
impression. lie was at Washington on the
21st, Brownville on_the 22d0and.1a. to .deliver
an address at Greensburg on the 25th. From
thence he purposes to passAhrouga_thu.Sou
thern tier of'oounties on hie way eastward.—
He will be'present at the 'Whig meeting at Got
tysbUrg on the 2d - of September; -and at York
on the 3d. He will continue on the stump, if
health and strength permit, until the close of
the campaign.
We hope every Whig in Cumberland, and
„throughout,Pennsvlvania, will imitate the ex
ample of our gallant leader. There hi no use
in being Whigs unless we aro working and vo
ling - Whigs—ready to stand up for the princi
ples of the party, and do all in our power to
ensure the success of our candidates. We have
the numerical strength to elect ovary man on
our State Ticket, if we choke to exert it. Rai
f_ Cumberldnd=rally_ one and
all—give a goodnecount of yourselves at the e
ballot !nit in October, arid Viterour Will once
more be the reward of your:exertions.
. ,
The enormous - sum of two and a
lions of dollars have left the port of New York
within tha last two weeks, . to pay foreigners
for goods imported into this aountry. Two and
a half millions in ttoo.weekst exclaims the Vil
lage Record.. Think of that yo advocates of a
revenue Tariff. Out. farmers who wore prom
ised high prices for their grain, under the Brit
ish Tariff of '46 find themselies deceived and
cheated. The English market is supplied with
Wheat from other countries, at - a price lower
than it can be raised hare at a profit. So the
Whigs predicted. The potato rot raised the
price of corn a few years ago and the Locos
said,it was their new Tariff did it! The far
mers now see what reliance is to by placed on
a party who'are so destitute of American prin
ciples, as to manufacture falsehoods in order
to reconcile their followers to the - support of a
most pernicious and ruinous law.
rniA. Philadelphia, August 26-10, P. M,;—
An immense mass meeting is being hold to
night in Independence Square, to express in
dignation at the barbarities, committed by the
Spanish authorities in shooting the American
prisoners. - Twelve or fifteen thousand persons
are present. Col. John Swift was chosen Pre
sident, with forty Vide Presidents and' twelve
Secretaries. •
Col. Swift spoke at some length; condemn
ing the course of the Spanish Government,.
and urging the interference of the United
John. Cadwallader introduced resolutions
justifying the course of f.he, patriots; and re
commending the purchase of Cuba •by the
United States; and war in the event, of Spain's
refusal to 5e11... • -
- A repeal of laws - prohibiting tho armed in
tervontionof American eitiiens for the relief
of those oppressed by tyranny, was', also re
•commonded.. 'The rules of civilized warfare
were also urged in the treatment of prisoners,
And atonement demanded of Spain for her re
cent atrocities. •
•' The President use requested to call an ex
tra session ot' Congress to consider these mot
{ Mr. Cadwallader spoke earnestly in favor
or the reSolutions, nisi was followed by otberS
in etiPpoiVof thorn, , • :
tette publishes the following extract of n letter
from a friend in Clearfield county, as •mi evi
dence of Col. Bigler's popularity- at belie:
"There is Berne folic on - Polities heiW since
the uominatibus were mode.-;.From ,
all that I
can hear, I honestly tielieve Cot Bigler will
run no More than his,'party vote in this , noun
ty, and perhaps, hardly, that; ;as the. ,Colonel
has personal energies hero as Woll as, political
Thie tigreeeit.lie.mein.ylthrlther lieforma
tion from,that etkii4y,:oll'abOritig that Bigler,
cannot re4riirpeh it ' anything olieµd t o'!
e per=
ty PotO: . t ,_,'QQ;the otheraiQad,there ere, ooun;
Bea -
Blower Otereri4er Y k l'i r ahneteer gain 'two
*Atm fer;'•lirery bno BlglOr will gasp in ' Clear-
The Ckcacroep Family.
Alwentertibmients •given by. this 'family,
naneisting:tif,three.young lediti-and an equal
.nuniber:of gentlemen, are infinitely amusing.
They have drain large audiences the last, two
evenings inEducationliall, and will give one
more concert this evening• in the same place.—
Go'and see and hear them.
11, , etal Accident.
ftifD..A soldier by the' name of Henri/ Funk
W - as ticeidontidly shot through the.slioelder od
Friday Met, at the Garrison; 119 . 'rvas leaning
on bfs'carbine; the muzzle being under his
arm; when by some Means the:guil",-Wiis:iieei
ilezitally discharged, - malting n'tcrrible wound,
lie died'from the effeets of the wound on Sun
day,. and was buried- yesterday with military
Augiust Court.
‘, The August term of the Conk of Quarter .
Sessions of this eountycommenCed on Monday
morning last.•' The large amount and disgust.
ing'itharacter of the busineashefore 4 presents
anything but a flattering picture of the moral
state of. the oommunity. ;Tho'numberof oases
of 'various mimesis unprecedentedly large, but
thelmsiness is despatched as rapidly os'possi
ble by the court, and may be, get through by
the end of the week. _ 1. • _ ' •
, . .
- Agreeably to, the' resolution of the Whig
Standing Committee, the delegates elected to
represent the respective election 'district's of.
Cuttiberland county, assembled 'at the Court
House, in Carlisle, on Monday,- the 25th of
August, 10.1, when thefollowini named gen
' tlemen, presented _their_orogentials
Lower Allen—Wm. D. Shoop; Daniel Shelly.
Upper Allen—Alex. Cathcart, John Bowman.
East Pentishorough-,—.John 'Boltz, Abraham
West =Pennsborough—Montgomery Donald
eon, James Greason. •
iffampdeq—'Dr. Jas. C.*Black, T. B.,Brysen.
Silver Spring—Jacob Mumma, J. M. Martin.
New Cumberland—Owen James, B. F. Lee.
Mechanicsburg—F. • L. M. Gillelen, John F.
difonfoc—B.• B. Giblet., C. B. Brandt..
North Middleton—lsaac 'Brenneman, John
Coover. .
South Middleton—Wm. L. Craighead, Jacob
Carlisle, West Ward—Michael .G. Ego, Col.
A. Noble. _
Carlisle East„Ward—Robert McCartney,.
Dickimt.tot— , John Morrison, James Monroe.
Frankford.LMatthew Davidson, James Mc
.filfftlin—Wm. S. MoDanell, S. P. Stewart.
Newville T. McDermond, J. McCandlish.
Southampton—S. Taylor, Francis McClay.
• Hopewell—W. W. Frazer, S. S.. Snyder.
Suippensburg Township—Elias Iloch, Philip
Shippentburg Borough--John Fisher, C. B.
Hinkel. • • ---- • '
Newton—Clemens MeFarlano, T. 11. Wiley.
The - Convention was then organized by - the
appointment of JACOB RITNER,. Etwi.,- as
_President,_and_. S. Slannmiand—JonsT.dil
MARTIN, as Secretaries.
On motion the Convention then proceeded,to
• ballot for- caudidates_to aupportMd_ by: the
Whig party at the ensuing ggneral election,
whereupon the following persons were duly
nominated': '
ROBERT M. HENDERSON, of N. Middleton
- Prothonotary.
OCOR I KE ZLNN;jr., of West Pennell)Oro'
Clerk of Courts
JOSEPri MOSSEjt, of MeoLanicsburg
ALFRED L. SPONS4It, of Cornea
JOSEPH G. CRESSLEIt,. of .Southampton
WILLIAM'S. COBEAN, of Carlisle
Director of the Poor.
GEORGE L. LINE, of Dickinson
SAMUEL S. SNYISEIt, of Hopewell.
The following resolution,'wes offered bylif r
Greason; and adopted:
Resolved, That we have reason Of deplore.the
effort now made .to infuse the spirit of party
politics into ihe 'administration of Justice ; in
fluenced by the fact that the people of, this
county have already strongly expressed - their
apprehension of, such a result, this convention
desires thus. to offer the force of their exam
ple in declining to make any, , nomination of lo
cal Judges, preferring to leave this important
subject to the unbiassed judgment of our citir
7.0118. •
_ On motion the following:_Standliig Commit,
tee was appointed for tht eoMineyear: • I
Carlisle,' West Ward—W. M. POurose, Chair
man ; R. A. Noble. • .
Carlisle, Eaat Ward Ines Hackett, Ste
phen Keepers.
Hopewell—James Peeples, W. W. Fraier.
Newton—Robert Kilgore, John Peip.
• Southampton—J. Conner,
.Thos Matthews.
Shippcnaburgd3orough---John Fisher, Esq. 11.
A.'Thrush.. '
Silver Spring—John Coyle, Geo. V: Coover.
Mcchanicaburg—John F. Spahr, Geo. Sing
leer. -
East Pennaboro.'--Geo. Rupky, A. P.'Erb.
Dickinson—Andrew Wasbrnmul, IT. Sheaffor.
New. CuMber/and—Dewis Willot, Ludwiok
Lower Allen—Dl. P. Dill, J. J. Smith.
Shippeneburg Township—Wm. Conover,Vm.
Monroe--Jaeob It. Plank, George Brindle.
Hampden—Geo. &urban, John Rupp.
- 4 / 1 ,9/627—Honry Snyder, Butanuol Simko.
Pranklord--Samuel Bowman, M. b. Laokoy.
North Middleton—J. Coover, L Brenuoman
• Ir. Pannaboro.'—Saing. Gronson, Jno. Paul
Newenille--Lowis Roads, L. H. Reynolds.
S. Middleton—Heo. O'Donnell, G. D. Craig
Upper .4//e72 7 —John Moore, Dan. Markley.
Tho following are the yeas and nays on the
passagebf the Mammmoth Appropriation Bill
through the Pennsylvania House of Ropresen
Olives, it its last session, ils which Bill two
now STATE LOANS were- provided for—one
of $250,000 for avoiding the Inclined Planes
On the Allegheny Portage - Rail Road (which
will eventually cost over a million!) and the
* other of--$OB,OOO for improving curves on Co,
lumbia Railway. Tho entire amount- of ap
propriatiens made by the bill was $4,208,652, 7
861 On lts passage the yeas and nays were as
followe:—the yeas all boos but four.
Inns—Messrs. Benedict, Bigelow,
.1301MiiLtdr, Brindle, • Cowden, Dotnears,
"Dorian, Downer, - Dunn,
Ely, Evans, (Berke,)
Feather, Fegely,Freeman, Gabe; Griffin, Magna
Iluplet, Jackson, Leary, Leech, Loot, Lilly,
Linton, McCune, McKean, MoLee, Mcßeynolds,
Morris,- Mewry;• (Wyoming,) Olivine, paten,
Penniinart, Reokhow, Rhey, .Rhoads; Ross,
Shull, Simpson, Skiuner, Sender, Steward,
Thomas, Walker, Cosine, Speaker-46.
Nsra—Messrs. Armstrong, Baldwin; Bent,'
Blaine, Bowen; Bromall, Brower, Alexander E.
Brown, Joseph Browne Cooper, Dobbins, Dun-,
' - gan, Evans, _(tndiana,) . Fret,. Goselor,
Duffy, Hamilten,,gait, Hunseeker,
Killinger, Runkel;"lloClay, MoCluekey, Mo- 1
Curdy, MoLtiati,‘Menree,•Mowry; (Somerset,)
Nisßley, Paoker,JßeiC•Biddle, 'Roberts, -Rob
! orison, Sootlold,„,ScOullsr, Bhaeffor, Slinger, SR ,
',for Smith, filtrathero,,VOnYort Horne--44.
Datrpnpr. 'Courrri.—lhii Whig •qtate Journal
aiiyaiihat Pauphin flavor wag in a more
dean& caning , * than at
thelireilent titnti,!and' that the nOrrlty 'forgo*.
error Johnatoil will exceed 'eleven hundred!
il, z-..fat .„„.,
.ii, -.. ..,..----- -..—\
~i,ilim,lll.'''til, l'
kr ''-':. -' '• -, ll\ ;
:'.• AC . ':.nat i ', — .1 %
•••,...... . ,„-,,„,; t 4_ .4.. k. . : t
NEvER buniii., , z 6 , 0 4, , ,q,, klt,,
r \,•-%'‘ ---•;_,,,.•
- I t -
.%,,v, -0,%11\y,
. ,
; -.----- --. 1 .4
. .
. , ,
In - pnrsuanowcf - the - notice - of 111 W Stsinding
Committee the Whigs and friends of JOHN
and STROHM assembled in' he old dal
!necrotic Market Renee in the public square
-In Curlisle,'-on , Monday' evaning,•-tbekfifith Lot
August, inst.. to ratify and confirm the 'Whig
nominations made at . the Lancaster Conven.:
tion, and the Whig County Ticket for Cumber
land county. The large area of the market
house was filled to overflowing by tho, hardy
yobinanry of old Maher Cumberland,,and the
most enthusiastio spirit animated the proceed
ings of the meeting. The meeting was orga
nized by appointing the following,offiCeis:
JAMES KENNEDY, Esq. of Mifflin
:Vice Presidents.__._
'Sohn B. Coover,, of Allen,
Stewart McGowan, of Monroe, . • •
Thos. B. Thompson, of Carlisle,
Thos. Craighead, jr. of B. Ponnsboro,
Thomas Lee,,of Dickinson,
names Kelso, of Southampton,
John H. Wiley, of Newton,
Philip Koontz,- of- Shippensburg,
George Miller, of W. Pennsboro,
Joseph McDermond, of Newville,
Montgomery -Donaldson, of-W.'Pennsboro
Seeretar 'es
Robert Wilson, of E. Pennaboro,
Wm. 31. Penrose, Esq. of Cailisle,
John J. Hemphill, of IThpewell,
B. Franklin Lee, of New Cumberland,
It. P. McClure, Esq. of Shippensburg.
The meeting being organized, on
,motion of
W. M. Penrose, Esq. the following. committee
was appointed to prepare resolutions, :viz . :—
Messrs. W. M. Penrose, Christian Brandt, E.
Beatty, J. F. Spahr, J. Coover and Thos. B.
Bryson, who retired for the purpose.
While' the Committee was out° the mooting
was addressed witlrgreat ability and eloquence
by Joins C. KUNICEL, Esq. of Harrisburg, who
was listened to with deep .interest and whose
address elicited enthusiastic' applause. The
Committee then repofted the following resolu
tions, which wore unanimously adopted:
are in favor of the ihrron, first, last and before
every thing. That we view with contempt the
effort now making in Pennsylvania by, the lea
ders of locofocoism to induce the,people to be
lieve the Whig party are iu favor of Disunion.
The trick it too shallow to deceive even the ig
noiatit, and would only be resorted to by des
perate politicians, unprincipled enough to ad
vance party interests before those of their
ResoNeil, That the administration, of Neal
dent FILLMOTIE deserves the confidence of, the
entiee Whig party — lts'pati f ibttsm — T - fra
are Unquestionable. The noble. stand taken
by our national government in favor of Amer
ican-Industry goes to Pennsylvania hearts, and
the - old - Keystone --records-the:4 verdict "'well:
'done, good and 'faithful servants."
Resolved, That the Protective Policy is the
true national system. That as republicans we
can never consent to be subsidiary to the sub
jects of foreignillespotisms. Our national ge
nius in mechanical and raanuficturing pursuits
should have full scope, and so far as the Whig
party can encourage our own labor it shall be
done. it has over been the champion of our
own Workmen, while Sir Robert-, Walker and
his locofoco allies aro the advocates of British
interests and complimented as such by British
Rcsoli•cd, That in the election of Governor
of Pennsylvania the Whige of Cumberland
County go heart in hand for WM. F. JOIIN
Resolved, That' if Gov. JonusTort had done
no more than establish the present SINKING
FUND SYSTEM, which is paying, the State Debt
without additional Taxes on the Farmer,' he would
hard rendered greater servieb_to the Common,
wealth Man all the looofooo Governors ever e-
looted, they being much more skilled in ova•
ting debts than paying them. But when in ad , '
dition to this-we'regard th,ii ability of his whole
Administration we eon endorse him as pre-emi
nently entitled to the suffrages of, -theeitizens
Of Pennsylvatfia; • • •
Resolved, That the Weig party are opposed
to a-Board- of- Canal Commissioneis- who use
the public works to. transport their political
friends to and from political assemblages, free
of cost, thus defrauding the tax-paying•citizens
of Pennsylvania, and lessening the State revs-,
nue. That We deed it high time to Wyse a
little Whig leaven into the •pftinagerrient of our
public improvements, which we will to this
fall by electing honest JOHN STROHM Canal
Resolved, That we but reiterate the voice of
the Whigs of this Commonwealth, when ict
pronounce Gen. WINFIELf) SCOTT as our
first choice for President, and that with. him
as our candidate we can go into the next cam
paign confident of a successful result.
Resolved, That the present low prices Of our
agricultural products show • conclusively the
fallaciousness of a foreign market. The Mal
lon° Free Traders promised high prices under
the Tariff of 1846. The farmers can now acie
. . . -
how these promises have been fulfilled.
Resolved, That the Whig party of Cumber
land County in Mass Convention assembled
hereby most cordially ratify and confirm..the
nominations this day made by our County Con
vention, and each and all resolve ourselvesin
to committees of vigilance to secure the elec
tion of the ticket.
• Resolved, .That WM. F. JOHNSTON, our ad
mirable Governor; nud distinguished Whig lea
der-is:respectfully invited to visit Cumberlarid
county and address his Mimi' citizens at' such
time as shall suit his convenience prior to the
election, and that a Committee be appointed to
convoy this resolution to him in person at Get
tysburg on the 2d of September. The follow,-
ing is the Committee, viz : Major J. Ithaca',
E. M. Biddle, George Rupley, Joseph Ma-
Derniond; W. M. Henderson, J. F. Spahr, B.
P. 11IcClure, Daniel Shelly, J. Bomberger, Jno
Coyle, John Millar, Wins. Parker, Henry Sny
der-4V. M. Watts; G.W. Singizer, G.W. Brick
er, Col. S. Oyster, John E. Coble, E. Young,
E. Beatty, Thomas • Lindsay, W. M. Penrose,
W,'M. Porter, James Kelso,' C.
McFarlane, John Piper and every other ° ,good
Whig who is ready for duty.
After the resolutions the meeting was ad
dressed by Major. Jacob Meese, and W. •M.
Penrose, A. Brady Sharp, and B. P. McClure,
Dave. whose litteeches were received with tu
multuous applause.
Resolved, That these proceedings he publi
shed in the Whig papers of the county.
(Signed by the Ogleer.e.)
not only valuable in obstinate cases of
Dyspepsia,. but those suffering frOm Billions
nese, Nervousness, Costiveness, Ste:, will ...find
in its use prompt and permanent relief. The
bitters are an excelleitt family medicine.-Sun
day Couriir. nEa..Circulars, containing the eer
tificates of Remarkable Cures, and the high
estimation in whioh this Mediciso is hold by
the public press, can be had of the Agents.
free: Principal Cilia°, 122 Fulton street, N,
up, stairs. Sold in,Carlisle by S. ELuori.
itai.Prico 50 cants per bottle.
• ,AllarA natural bridge has been discovered
in Witliter „county, Alabama, by Professor
Tilemoy, 3n his geological explorations, which
rivals the celebrated one in Virginia. It spans"
about ono hundred and twenty, feet, While 'lto
height about is 1:orrnql• ofM*4
sive 'aandatane, Mid is vory'eymaigtxioal
for of Americana i
The stenhiship Cherokee, from New ,Orleans
and Havanna, arrivei,at. NOW. York- on Thurs.
day - everiing,. the 21st, in fourdays front Ha
vanna, - with 1 . ,648,689 in gold on freight; and
-165,000 in the land of-,pnasengers. She bro't
California milli to the 15th of July. The ao 7
counts from Cuba are of the most serious char
acter. Gen. Lopez slid a pokty. of Americans
sailed a few'days 4gojcir Cuba, to seek to put
down the Spanish Goremunent. , The following
iS the account - of the 'savage and Inhuman man
ner_in.which 'some of- the invaders worn-treat
, ed . by , the; cnbanai -
" The steamer Harbanero, while cruising off
a place called Bahia Honda, 40 miles west of
Havana, captured a party of fifty of the mac
riots, who:Were in four boats, unarmed,. and I
repart - days, -were steering for New Orleans.—'
They were brought to Havana by the steamer
Habanero, on Sathrday, morning, the 16th inet.
at 1 o'clock A, M., and were placed on board
another Spanish frigate lying in port, and
were executed at 15 minutes past 11 the next
morning; by being shot on the public roarl'in
Havana, and, at the least calculation, in the
presence of 20,000 spectators. After they
were shot, they were dragged by the feet by
negroes, and then left to the mob, who com
menced stripping them of their clothes, and
carrying them on sticks through the streets,
yelling like so Many demons just escaped from
the bottomless pit,-and seeking to reek Yen
geancis on they knew not what.
Many 'of the passengers of the Cherokee,
who were on the spot and witnessed' the exe
cution, wore pointed at with a sneer of
tempt, and were stepped in the streets and in
sulted, oftentimes in a shameful manner, , being
that they were Americans, and that they were,
one and all, - of the same party—that one Of
these days they would he served the same
TritY. It Was dangerous at night, such waellie
state, of feeling, for an American to be seen
in 1,,
the streets.alnne:
The names Of-these shot were as follows:.—
Co). W. S. Clendenin, Capt. Victor Kerr,-Lt.
James Brandt, Thos. C. James, Dr. K. A.Tar
nietnet, Sergeant A. N. Catabelt, William A.
Holmes, Edward Rittman, D. J. Wliegy, Anse
reo Torres Hermandez,-James Bearney, H. T.
Winne, Jas. S. Mahiablle, J. Salmon, N: H.
Utsher, C. A. Cook, Me 11. Ball, Robert Cald- •
well, A Roptis, P. Bourke, Win. B. Little, John
G. Sanks, Thomas linrnatt, John Stubbs, Wm.
Hogan, Capt. F. S. Saner, Capt. T. B. Veacy,
Lt. J. O: Bruce, Dr. John Fisher, Sergeant J..
Whitrous, Ajutant R. C. Saxford, Privates,
Samuel Mills; Geo. H. Arnold, Wm. , Nisman,
Pat. Dillon, Samuel Reed, M. Phillips, G: :M.
Green', Napoleon Collins, Wm. Chilling, S. G.
Jones, James Bufet, Wm. Smith; A. Roos, John
Chriaties; Robert Cautley, -James Stanton,
Alex. Mclleer, James Ellis; Chas. A. Robison,
The execution-took place an Saturday, - and the
Cherokee sailed on Sunday morning, at 9 o'-
clock. -The mon betrayed no fear, hut march
ed up like heroes. The moat of them were
shot in the back.
'effected a,
lauding at Cabanas; a small port about forty
miles west froin Havanna. Ho had a force of
tour hundred and fifty men and,a park of ar
tillery., The steamer Parnpeeo in which he sail
ed to Cuba' Was sent back -for re-inforcoment
of two hundred and fifty men awaiting orders
at Jacksonville ) Florida.zs
Another ,account represents the prisopers ta
ken and afterwards shot at 'Havana, to have
l ib - etThriToticitTd - fidftt ities; the idea being thrit
Lopez had been encountered- and defeated by
the royal troops, and compelled to fly to the
-mountains; -these- unfortunate .men — being - a
portion of his routed followers, separated from
the main command and captured while endea
voring to make their escape in boats.
Important frorn . Cuba--Gen. Lopez Sue
Monitx Augu;t, 21.—Tho United States
steamier 'Vixen arrived at Pensacola on the
20th, in four days from Havana, bringing the
following important intelligence. Gen Lopez
made a stare' at Ntoriel, and had had two en
gagements with the Spanish troops, being sue
cessful in both. The Government troops lost
80 officers and 300 nion killed and, wounded.—
The dead and wounded:were convoyed to Ha
vana, and the dead buried with pomp on Fri
day, the lath.
Tho force of Lopez is receiving accessions
of twelve or fourteen hundred daily. On the
night of the 14th over 100 left Havana to join
the invaders. It is reported.' that one entire
regiment of Spanish troops have gone over to
the invaders, and that the peoPlei are rising in
many quarters.
One General, one Commodore, one General
of Marines, - and 200 soldiers were - killed - and
wounded during the two engagements with
Gen, Lopez. . ,
Coultrznatton of the report of Ge#,Lo
pez , s Success.
Nsw OnLEAss,"Aug.,2l..—The Picayune has
letters from Havana;•the Empire City, which
state that Gen. Mailzeria, in command, of the
Spanish troops sent against the patriots in the
East, had returned to Santiago, abandoning
the field to the patriots, who resided entire
possession of the country surrounding' Puerto
Gen. Lopez had advanced from his first po
sition to San Diego de Nunez, to out off the re
treat of the Spaniards, and woulditheii possess
himself of the fortress at Cabanas.
Tho people were rising in ninny places, and
about 600 had left Havana to join Gen. Lopez,:
60 of whom bad been taken prisoners. •
There now remain only about 700 troops in
Havana, and many of These are suspected of
The Spanish war steamer Pizarro was ashore
at Bahia Houdu, and Gen. Lopez expected to
take her.
Riot . in Now °rioting
BALTIMORE, August 25.—The Charlestonipai
,pers of Saturday, received to-night, have dei
snatches from New Orleans under date of the
21st inst., stating that a party of Cuban libe
rators, mostly Western men, exasperated by
the tone of certain articles in the Spanish pa
per, La. Patric," in relation to Cuba, pub
lished od the afternoon of that day, attacked
thei_oflice,_bruke in the doors. and. windows,
and then threw the presses, cases, typos; and
furniture into, the street, and destroyed every
thing belonging to the office. There was no
interferenCe en the part of the police.
The mob then '
after demolishing the Union
office, proceeded to the Segar store, corner of
St. Charles and Gravier streets, and breaking
in the doors and windows, destroyed all the
'Meek and furniture, whleli were very valnable.
At 7 o'clock the rioters proceeded to the office
of the Spanish Consul, and attacking it, de
stroyed the desks, office furniture, and prop
erty of all kinds. They also broke down signs
over the stores and offices of Spaniards, which..
they carried in triumph to a large meeting be
ing held in Lafayette square.
--Another despatch from Now Orleans, dated
the 22d, states that two thousand men had that
Morning surrounded the city prison, where the
Spanish Consul had taken refuge, and threat
ened to demolish it unless the Consul was de.
livered up to them. There Were about fifty
police on the ground. The Seger shops kept
by Spaniards were nearly all destroyed last
night. Minute guns have been fired sines sun
rise, in honor of the murdered-liberators.
New Ontmaftif, Aug": 23.—The fifty men - who
were executed at Havana, were engaged in a
flank niovement in conjunction with Gen. Lo
pez, when 'they—were equired by the steamer
. -
Gen, Loper continued victorious at last ac
counts; and ono entire Spanish Regiment had
joined 'him.
Strain lIY LIGUTNING.—The Rev. Mr. Biz:-
say was struck with lightning in ! the ltletho
dist Church, at NOT London, Cheater county',
on Sunday last. Ho haejust oigoluded Lie
sermon, and was in the act of reaching for his
hymn-hook, when he was alrjeykranriddied
instantly. None of the congregation , were Se
riously injured.. Mr. Bistiey 'vas . universally
ietionied by the; OltnreiOn, eitich - liolas of
many years boon, a faithful laborer. •••
UNION-COUNTIp-The Vir!3* qonVentlon met,
instal:4.• pomilj
no.tif44.oe4,,epti,caitoy toy Provident ; Jag°, N,er
t?..cautor; "Jamos' 3141141'
V14‘,05441P°14, oiatp ;Alpe,
ova' sozury nnziaoN STATiI
The followind,ntutennitUf the various loans
constituting .the
,p : Seetit'' . -•.. STATE DEBT of_
Pennsylvania, and atnotints'as they stood on
the Ist 'clay of December, 1850, is copied front
the Annual. Report OfJona . N. PURVIANCE, late
'Leoefoen * auditor di:,neral, unule to, the last,
Legislature: •
81emenrof the Public. Debt of Pennsylvania.
Stock Lean Perna April 2, 1821 $20,322 99'
do do April 1, 182(1 295;2 0 4 71
do , do April 9, 1827 990,211 15
do do Mar. 24, 1828 1;997,418 42
do do Dcc. 18, 1828 7p8';274 54
'do do Apri122,1829 2,197,372 48
do do - - Pod: 7, 1829 50'000 00
do „Mitr,_l3,l -8
830-,994i809- 28 -
do . do Mar. 21, 1831 2,481,201 81
do do Mar. 28, 1831 120,000 00
do do' Mar. 80, 1831 298,06648
do do Mar. 30, 1822 2,393,437 92
do ,do April 5, 1832 300,000 00
"do Fetir 10; 1833 2;539;880:13
do do Mar. 1, 1833 529,922 7.1
do ado Mar. 27, 1833 529,922 75
do do April 5, 1834 2,294,532.61
do do April 13, 1835' 959,259'16
do do Jan'y 20, 1839 1,192,583 28
do do -Pql9'y• 9,1839 1,227,216 04
do do Mar. 10, 1839 4(10,480 79
do do Mar. 27, 1839 '409,480 79
do do Jane 7, 1839 49,997 24
do -do June. 27, 1839 1,134,248 65
"do - do July 19, 1839 2,058,831 06
do do - Jun'y 22, 1810 868,782 02
do : do April 8, 1840 853,681 , 95
do , 'do---Juno---14,1840 1,938,732-88
do do Jan'y 16, 1841 800,000 00
do do Mar. 4, 1841 22,335 06
Loan (rel'f)do • May 4,-1841 642,164 00
Stook-Loan del May 5, 1841 536,697 68
do do " May 0, 1841 • 909,677 01
Int cord's do J'uly 27, 1842,- 33,016 ' l B
do do March 7, 1843 62,080 31
StookLoando April 29, 1844. 50,294 39
Int cord's do ; May 31, 1844 00,488 61
Stock Loan do April .15, 18454,555,18`9 15
do do. Tnn'y 22,.1847 71,654 00
do do April 11, 1848 150,687 95
Inc Plloaudo April 10, 1849* 490,000 00
* - (This loan Was created for the purpose of
avoiding the Inclined Plane on the Columbia
Railroad,---a work , of great practical utility,
and one which greatly redounde to the inter
est of:the 'Commanwerdth.]•
The above is taken letter for lett& and fig
ure for figure from the Ctgiciat Statement in the
last Auditor General's Report, page 120. Let
us now see wader what -administrations this
debt was accumulated;
Date. Administrations. Debt Contracted.
1820to1823ii—Joseph Mester, Loco $20,322 09
1823t01829—J'. A. Shultz, do. 6,337,501 35'
1829to1835—George•3Volf, do. 16 032,009 7B
- 4 - 535M1838—Joseph Ritner, 117ay,1100,000V
-1838t01844—D R. Porter, Loco. 13,109,856 96
1844t61848—F. R. Shunk, do, 4,786,523 60
11848to1851—W. F. Johnston, WM9,400,000 00
----- $46;677;21 - 4 - 68
Examine the above figures, and say whether
the Locofoco party of Pennsylvania, is not the
$400,000 loan of 1849, created for. the pur
pose-of avoiding the \ lnclined Plano on the
Columbia Railroad, not oneDOI.LAR OF THE
PUBLIC DEBT, ?vas ever contracted by a Way
-aidndnietratiotr I •
Tua CoMrLIM&YTB'On TIIE I ear.-Tho Col=
lowing extracts of a letter sent to the propri
etor of Cherry Fedora?, from EL HABSAN the
rulifigTasliii of - Txeh - 40nd, t — Ezrouni:shows
titO peculiarities of Oriental courtesy:
To Da. J. G. AYER : the chemist of rare learning,
at Lowell, in Massachusetts, and the United
GOD IS GREAT FOREVER:—I have received
your letter of affectionate love, with the pres
ent of choice essence in bottles, by whichyour
excellent skill teaches to ouro the affections of
my children.
As the life of one of my children is more
dear to me than camels or gold, we shall pray
for you in our heart when tney are raised up
from the tont of sorrow by this product of your
deep learning and beautiful wisdom.
For•this gift of love to your friend, so dis
tant over many seas, and for this rare inven
tion of your skill, may you be placed in• such
seats of honor and,,dignity among the great in
knowledge, as we' should offer. to you in our
Given in this Central City of our Poiver, by
express_comunind_of.' - •
Eznoum, Jamad Alvah 12G5.
Philadelphia N. American Office 1
Weekly lieyiew, August 22, 1851. f
REMAKES.—The market for most of the
leading articles has been dull this week, but
without muoh change to notice. Cotton has
slightly improved. Flour shows „further de
cline. Grain is else rather lower,.but_Wheat
and corn close more firmly. Coal,is active at
full rates. Groceries remain quiet. Iron is dull,
and Provisions are in better demand, with a
further improvement in Bacon.
• FLOUR AND MEAL—The market was
pretty much at a stand in the early, part of the
week, but holders in order to meet the views
of buyers have submitted to a further deolirie,
some 7@ : 8000 bbls. Flour have been taken for
export at v,75053,811, for sound old stock,
and late inspected
,superfine, and $6,84®53,
87 for fresh ground, including good straight
bronds at the latter rate. - At the close their
is not 'much inquiry for shipment : , and holders
are generally trod Sellers at the above rates.—
The home demand has been limited, and sales
to a moderate extent were made at $3,87i04
for mixed and good brands; $1,25®54,50 for
extra, and $4,75e5612 bbl. forfauerbrands.
Corn Meal is, vrithont - demand for - shipment,
and Penn'at Meal is held. at $2,871 all bbL,
with little or:nothing doing. Rye Doer is al
most without inquiry, and $9,25 is the nomi
nal asking-price. The inspections for the'
week ending the 21st inst., are 16,406 barrels
Flour ; 469 half .bbls. do. ; 119 bbls. E.) o
Flour; and 716'bble. Corn Meal:
GRAlN.—Wheat opened dull and droophig
but a rapid falling off in the receipts pee in
duced a bettor feeling in the market, which
'closes rather firmer: About 80,000. bushels
sold, 'mostly in the early part of the week, at
75Q,800. for new Southern red ; 80(a)85e. for
.whi to • 80®81o. for old Pennsylvania red, and
00042 e for white. Rye has 'been dull and
without demand. -We are only advised of a
small side at 08e. Corn is getting verysearee,
and closeswith ii, better iletnand. ,Some 16®
18,000 bushels Delaware and Pennsylvania
yellOw having been sold at 58®5'30„ we quote
to-day at the latter rate. Oats are also in
good demand, with. sales of 10,000 bushels
Southern at 32elifio: and Pennsylvania lotsat
134®35c. • ..
. .
a - A.tAN.,s..ta44Lstaxa
At clenrilebi,Britlge, E'll"., 'on the '2let ult.,
by tbeltov. itildobilebd,lifr:. S'amuet
Diller, formerly of Cumbprland aonnty,*to
Elizabeikkritzer,•all of Cleartiold,county.
On the 12th, inst.,. by the4.Rev: l T.,l4. 11 - loff-,
kari, Mr...1/eery Drolonewell, of Monroe towni
Chip,' ,S:eneenit!,l4.of Silver Spring
townshipi-btith-nf4bienotititk -- ~r . , .........
On the 12th inst., by Rey, Itobert
'Z',Cione, of Middleton
township, tO - ItlislO'arah G. Adams' of Mifflin
,:. • '
On the 27th inet., zator4 'lbw:odg illnees,
Mdry-Duiaap,:of ' • .
It Johnst,On Club"' ' of Dickinson.
ii next iegular meeting , Of die:above
610, 'will be hold tit Sh annon'ir,' in pi
soit coini t hip, , 0 th 43- flikit , ,,Shiurfiay of Sep
tenaber next, (the (Itli,)3ttliv : o`OloOki , P. M.
M. IiENSKRBON ,, .and , Vei , M,Ty.tll l . o Sro
Esqrs.,' will'addrestrtlio.ol#? , By:erdor of the
President' ; • ; • ,
Atilt, 20, 180:
$4Q,677,214 68