Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 13, 1851, Image 4

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    ~~z~~~ -~a~~~i~~o
p0i1,4g01,f.f:4 1 1
Lamp ,of. our feet! wherebywe trace ,
Our:path when stray.
Stream from the fount of heavenly grace!
. .
Brook by filo traveller's way!
Bread .of our souls!. whereon we feed;
. .
True manna from.on high;
Our guido and chart, wherein we read,
Of realms beyond the sky!
Pillar of fire; through ages dark— , -
Or radiant aloud by day;
When 'waves would *helm our tossing bark;
Our anchor and our stay.
Pole star of life's tempestuous deep,
Beacon, when doub t s surround;
:Compass, by which - our course to keep;
On deep sea, lead to sound!
Riches in poverty! ,onr'aid
-----om,aid in-every needful hour.
Unshaken rock! the pilgrim's shade—
♦ The soldier's fortress„tower.
Our shield and buckler in the fight;
Victory's triumphant palm; •
Comfort of grief—in weaknuss,,might ;
In sickness, Gilead's Milm.
Childhood's preceplor—manhooirs, trust—
Old age's firm ally—
Our Lope, when we go down to d,ust,
Or immortality! •
Pureioraeles of truth divine! -
Unlike each fabled dream
Giveit from Delphi's mystic shrine,
Or groves of Academe!
Word of the ever-living Goal
Will of his glorious Sou!
Without thSe how could earth be trod,
Or heaice, itself be'won?
, In a certain tovin in Massachusetts, a club
of young men who were ate,ustomed to. meet
to enjoy themselves; as theitalled it, had gone
on from one step to another, until they had
become full-grown, barefaced infidels, strong.
in the faith. There was one who - had been
taught the truths of the Bible in the Sunday
School. Ire far exceedeltql the rest, and be .
- his knowledge of that sacred book would - turn
its solemn texts into the vilest ridicule. Ire
would take the parables of Christ, and, by in
terspersing obscene jests . and vile remarks;
turn their import into scorn. Ile. would lift
his hands, and with a solemn countenance and
reverential words say, "Let us pray_;:' and
commencing iu a mewiier seemingly becoming
litt address to the Majesty of h - Caven, and with
such,an expression of awe as to strike horror'
even intp the 'muds of his infidel companions,
would soon turn - the whole into the utmost
heaven-daring and God-insulting ridicule. On
one occasion, very late in the night, he Was
'stet, not a great - distance, from his home, by
one Of - his companions, and during the
said ho to his companion, "John,. I
don't go home very early now-a-days. ',come
down hero, and if I -see a light over home, I
walk, about the road here but I don't' go in.—
uiTe'd to go home -almost mate as ]2 o'cidek
sometimess,. but I would find myold fhther and
mother sitting there and the old man would
say, in a tone of paternal mildness and- ten
dames, 'lt is rather late, William; your mo
ther end I have been waiting some time for
you;-so-we-will-have , prayers-now
I can't bear to hear that old man pray ! I can't
bear it! • SO, if I see light there, I don't go
in." •
Infidelity may scoff at the Billie, but it elm
mot always - eacapmthe reproofs - 0 -conscience:-
I envy no quality of mind or intellect of o
thers—not genius, power, wit, or fancy; but
if I could choose what would be most delight
ful, and-most - useful to me,-I--should prefer a
firm religious belief to every other blessing,
for it makes life a discipline. of goodness; cre
ates new hopes when all. other hopes vanish,
mid throws over the decay, the destruction of
existence, the most gorgeous of all lights; a
wakens life oven in death, and from corruption
and decay, calls up beauty and divinity: makes
nu instrument of torture and' of shame the
ladder of ascent to paradise; and far above
all combination of earthly hopes, calls up the
most delightful visions, palms and amaranths,
the garden's - of the bleised ; the pecurity of
everlasting joys, where the sensualist and
skeptic view only gloom, decayi
linnipArcy, .Davy.
A SivnAitr..n. REBUKED
A clergyman riding across a bridge near
where - two mon were flailing, overlieard ono of
them swearing most dreadfully. lie dismount
ed, tied his horse, and entered into conversa
tion, with the sweargt2osking him many ques
tions about
. pis enigloyment, and at length
"what kind bait he used ?" Ho answered,
"Different kiudfor different fish." " But can
not - you catch fish, without bait?' "No," said
-he; starting at the Minister, "they would •be
great fools to bite at the bare hook." " But,"
said the minister, "I know a fisherman who
-catches many without bait," "But who ie he,"
asked the fisherman. "It, is the Devil, and he
catches swearers without bait. Other sinners
want a bait, but the silly swearer will bite at
the bare hook."
PRAYER.-AS the soils of a ship carry it in
-to harbor, so prayer Carries us to the throhe
and bosom of God; but as sails cannot, of
themselves, speed the Progress of Alto vessel,
unless filled with a favorable breeze, so the Ilo
ly-Spirit must breathe upon our hearts, or our
I prayeta will be motionless and useless. _
China and Crockery Ware
White Granite Stone Ware,
euch - as 17Ishes, Flares, Tea Setg, covered. nd
uncOvered dishes, bowls, toilet and chat .ber
'eels, pitchers, &e., together with d lot ci"
Blue Liverpool Ware,
all of the .latest style nod shapes, also, all the
various articles of the best common
Mille and Edged Ware.
-The assortment includes a few plain
Whits and Gold Band China Tea Sets,
of the hest quality And style, and also all the
necessary articles of the best Granite, Stone
and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any sized
Dinner or Tea Sets,
as may be wanted. together. with a variety of
Glass Ware, including a film assortment MIA
Ilar and Table Mufflers,
dishes; Tooted and other bowls, goblets, wine
glasses, lemonades, lamps, &c. The prices
for all, of which-ere fixed at the lowest cash
prices.'. We invite on, friends who are in v ant
of articles 111 our fine to give us a call..
mars .1 W EB P.
JTENN Y LIND. and other extracte—frrth
' from Roussel's, together with a splendid na
sortment of Soaps and Perfumery, at the Cert 7
tral,Drug Stem, next door to the Post office:
08.'51 RA. Wfil 'VS & McL: UIALO
Greta Bargains.
I'Altitia6iS COLUmtn - AN INIC.--In
order to diaposo of stock slow on hand, I
will sell n few dozen at 20 per emit below the
manufacturer's cash prices. Country merchants
Would do well to give me a call.
June lBth,'sl. . SAM'L A HUBBARD.
Carriage For Sale.
A NEW ROCKAWAY will be sold low,
the owner having how fusilier use for the same:
Enquire of the Editor. r fluty 16
_ ;Bonnet!; and Ribbons.
WE lutiielust: 'timely/4'ld our third oupplystil
thoga Cii! . .o4- ,: **k.kiEr i filON/17:ETR/8.40NS
itii:'*hirliho'hitrite'r . hei . . ; pitesilion or .the ' lndio!.
, ...'S-456;;WPIN§ITZ;
• • „
4 03en . , . and43laptcfr.eao,, , .
ot•Philadslphitilif tha, , best •qualttitti, nyikal•
ways fristf.'conidatuli.:(l4:'aple by
June! 25
rx.rtivaoarATEß. lesoon
•„ . ,
-D'LA KtrB:Fircii'dirWriier'Probt'NAlNT,
which haa4.oll; so -:extinaitiely
,usod for
the last six' years Yrith the uiihost 'aucimes on
the roofs of ‘.l4Votios; Staatuboata,' &a., not a
s ingle insia4k: oiltnown4lune. it lute ..
Fur sale by jull21 t lit ttirroN
• •
Stores - Sz; elmvs.
Exteneive Cabinet Ware-Rocene.
OBERT B. SMlLEY,successor to Wm.
DERTAKER, North Hanover street, Carlisle,
would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle
and the public generally that ho nowthas on
- hand a largo assortment of new
and elegant. FURNITURE,
gleit44.-1 consisting in part of Sofas,
Wardrobes, Card and other
Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads; 'plain and fancy'
Sewing Stand's, &c. manufactured of titer best
materials and quality warranted. Also a gene."
rol assortment of Chairs at the lowest prices.-.
Venitian Blinds, made 40 order and repairing
promptly attended to. -10 - COFFINS made to
order at the shortest natter,. and having o splen•
did Hoarse he will attend funerals in town or
-coontry. 00 - Dont forget the old stand of Wm.
C. Gibson, in North Hanover street; a few
doors north of Glass's hotel.
Sept 4-Iy. R. SMILEY.
" OAt' gr a, v'f•PL. l)
Corner' of Ilanover and Louther sic, Car
rllE undersigned has always on hand a large
I stock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all the
d Wilmot styles, which he is prepared to sell at
the lowest prices. Ho invites attention partic
ularly to the Patent Spring.B a ttom B e dstead, a
mast useful article, which entirely obviates all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfac
tion in all who have them in use.
. .
ordor at tho sltortkat
Carlisle, Jan'y. 22, 1851.—ty.
Extensive Furniture Rooms
`TAMES R.WIf.AVER would respectlully
J call the attention of House Keepers and the
public to His extensive stock of ELEGANT
UK NIT R. M. including Sofas, Wardrobes ;
Centre and other Tables, Dressing and plain
Bureaus 'and every etlmr article in his branch of
business. Also, now on hand the largest as
sortment of CIIAktS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. Kr - Collins made at the shortest notice
and a Hearse provided for funerals. Ile solic
its a call at his establishment on North Hano
ver street, near 4 Glask's MOTEL. N. 8.-Fur
niture hired out by the month or yoar.
Carlisle, March 20. 1850.—,-ly
rgille. subscriber would respedtfully invite
I. the attentioil of:farmers - to his tissortmont
' of PLOWS, now manufac
tured near Craighead's Mill
-- • in South Middleton township,
four miles south of Carlisle.
• Sly assortment , consists of
Withrow's, Stuckey's and Ba patterns.—
The Casings will all he ground. -(,,wi1l also
make GRAIN CRADLES. nost im
proved patterns. All orders directed to 'Wm.
L. Craighead. Carlisle, will be attended to
with, promptness, and Plews Or tr.:radles deliv
ered in any part of_themmmy free of charge._
WM. L. CR.A.IGHEAD, Pront,r.
Feb.l9 6m -
TIIE. undersigned respectfully informs his
friends anti thelpublic generally, that he
re,..__Tr. , has just returned from
, .e :4 : t .-4t .. , p P u h r i c in h d a e ss i lt in he i h n a os v t i enxg
o '''', - tensive, as well as the
••.,`.. 9 ' 1 - : ‘ , •; . . cheapest assortment of
.t.' . .:'..=
7 .!1 _,.-; , t eel - Watches, Jewelry,
&e., ever broughtLtu Carlisle? His stock con
sists in part of
Gold and Silver Pa lent Lever Watches,
Gbh' and &tan' delatched do. do.
in s'l.,rt every variety of Watches at all prices.
G..ld Guard mid Vest Chains. Medallions,
Watch Keys, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast
Pins. Gold and Silver Pencils,Gold and Silver
pens and cases andßracelelif ii'great variety.
A splendid article of Gold,' Sliver, German
Silver, and - Blued Steel SPEC
TACI.ES, whin!' are unsurpass•
od in on S lily by any other artible west - ot Phil
°dolphin, and which sold at leak 20 per
. cent cheaper than in any calla
, the country. Also a large lot of '
comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter
Knives, Srlt_Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles,
&c. Also, Card Cases. Porte MonneMA, Port
Folios, 1/11diPE Writing Desks, with a greet
variety of otbdr fancy articles unnecessary ( , o
mention. A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted
patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted
to be good.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired,
Ho invites all to call and examine his stock,
assured that none can fail to be suited in qual
ity, quantity.and PRICE. lII'S articles are cash
purchases, consequently. he can afford to sell
towsr than the store articles can be purchased
elsewhere. - Call at the old stand, a few doors
west of Burkholder's Hotel.
January 15, 1851-1 y T _CONLYN.
A Voice from the " lIMMt District:,
Idonyer's Candy Factdry 'Rebuilt:
THE - subscriber would respectfully announce
to his friends and , lho public. generally, that his.
Factory which was destroyed by the late fire,
has been rebuilt, and he is now prypured to
furnish them with •
manufactured of the best material, which he
will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand
in North Hanover street, a few doors north of
the bank, where he has just opened a general
assortment of
consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs,
mds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea
N uts, see. Ile would also cap attention to his
large assortment of
consisting of toys of Glass, Wood, Gum and
Chine, of endless varieties. n connection
with the above, he has on ban - a prism lot of
consisting of Sugars, Coffees, as, Molasses,
Spices, Crackers, Matches, eking, &c..—
a prime lot. of CIGAR of the best
The Subscriber returns his si ere thanks to
a generous public for'tho patronage bestowed
on him, and hopes by a' esire to please to me
rit a continuance of the seine. Ho would also
return thanks to the Firemen and Citizens for
their efforts to savellis pro erty on the night
of the lam conflagration
Carlisle, np2
THE subsCriber has on hand a large and
well selected assortment of MUSIC of all
it;nds, consisting of , Songd, Marches; Waltzes,
Polkas, &c .. also. instructlons for Piano and
other instruments. " Berlini'e Method" for
piano, "Mazas Method for the Violin, &e. and
a supply of Violin and Guitar Strings, of first
rate quality at city prices.
Having made an arrangement with an im•
porting and publishing house in Philadelphia,
he will be constantly supplied with new Music
and able to furnish anything in that line at short
notice and upon reasonable terms. Music
Teachers will lind it for their interest to call
and examine' for themselves at the corner of
Pitt and High streets, opposite the Mansion -
House Int 191 S. A. HUBBARD.
Books and Music.
CALL at Rawlins' next door to the P O,and
you can buy Books and Musfe at leee than
city prices. (May 28,'51. .
Alabaster, and other Fancy Lamps.—Lamp
Mats, and paper shaden,—juat received, next
door to to the P 0. [May 28.'51. •
Linen Drilling
A general assort(nent of white
° and colorer
Linen Drillings fel:lWe' and Boy'e wont,. jus
.rereived by (May 21.'51) G W MTN-EL
To Milliners.
iJUST received another lot of • Bonne'
Hamra of the latent style.• Also, Bonnet silkst
Silk and Satin Linings' ol various colors.
deal W MTN ER
Patent Starch Polish,
FOR giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, Nes
fins, Collars, fvc., and pretOnts duet from
enlacing to Linens, &e. It contains nothing
.injurious. Just received ••
deer] -•. • • • • •:•• •• • • MTN E
4 LL'poreana indelited , td..the estate of Ilan
ry Church, dec'd., aretrequested to call
tho enaecriher at the °trice of Church, Lee
& Feeinan, Lumber Merchants, in New Ctim
herland and tualle the , ammo without , delay, as
a further indulgence cermet ho' given
.• .R:II..C,HURCH,
T WO good second. hand PIANO V 04 TEe
iror particulate unyoke of tho qditor. tir 23.
: rresh Spring: Supply
IHA VE just received a 11-esli Stock of Mod.
• icinos, ,Paints, Glass,•oll, &c., which
having been purchased'wh : great care at the
best city houses, I can' confidently recommend
to ,FainificS, PhySicians, Country Merchrints
and Dealers, as being fresh and pare.
Patent Medicines, Herbsand Extracts,
Fine head' cabs, Spices.ground and whole
Instruments; Essences,
Pure Essen% bile Perlitinfery, &c.
- Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine..
D Y E-ST Ul. , FS. •
Log and Cam WoodS, •
Oil• Vitriol _
Copperas, :
Lac Dye' • •
Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint dad Varnish Brushes,
Jersey-Window Glass, -- Linsced Turpen- -
tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead;
All of which will be sold at the very lowest
market , price, Also, a fresh and splendid as
Confectionary, and innumerable oilier articles
calculated for use and' ornament, all of wl.ich
are °fibre(' at the lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Drug Boolt and Fancy Store of the glib
scriber on North Hanover' street.
May 28, 1851.
M 7 .PFM I 'E) - ffMrI7W:M
Recently fivin
ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of
Lt Carlisle and its vicinity, thut they .have
now at their - Marble Yard in South Hanover
street, u few doors south of the Court House,
and nearly opposite A & W .13ontz's Store, an
elegant stock of pure
and ariet prepared to execute in tbe:nrost rinielied
style •
. Alenuments,, Tombs, . .
Grave Moves at all prices, Mantles, ' ,
Dom• mid Window Sills,
together with every other article in their line,
apd promise that in fineness of finish, chaste
ness of design and motility of Iti , rble,. their
work shall not be surpassed by any other estab
They are also the authertzed agent's of Mr
Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and will fur
nish from his manufuctory all varieties of IRON
RAILING - for the enclosing of Grave lots and
all other purposes, at the shortest notice and at
Philadelphia prices. They will also finish or
Manufacture all kinds of, Building Work, such
es Sills, -Steps and Platforms, &c.; at the short
est notice and on the most reasonable terms.
. ,
Having - had great - experience, and-being em
ployed in the host shops of Philadelphia, they
are - therefore - enabled - tomanufacture the most
fashionable work, and respectfully ask a share
of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding
country. [Carlisle, rio - v6 1850 t
TuousANDs of bottles of the AMERI
-CAN .COMPOUND have been sold dur
ing the ynst year, and was never known to
-fail of curing, in a few days, of a certain deli
cate disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases,
of the Urinary organs. Persona afflicted tieing ,
this pleasant and-popular remody,-need fear-no
exposure, as it leaves no Odor on the breath,
requires no restrictions_ in diet or business—
contains no Mercury or npxious drugs injurious
to, the system, and is adapted td every rim sex,
or condition; It is also the best remedy known
for Flubr Albus or Whites, (female crinplaints)
with which thousands suffer, without taclinorrii
ledge , of . e. remeily. This celebrnted remedy
has long been used in private practice orn phy
Gk. ian and with unerring success. radically
few days. Around each bottle are plairriind
full directions. - -
COMPOUND, and purchase only of the Agents
Pr ice SI per bottle. Fortelle by S. ELLIOTT
Carlisle; 3.' Wyeth — , Harrisburg; R. Williams —
Colunibia; by _A. Miller,_Lantaster;_E. Morris_
& Co., York. _ (January, 15, 1851.
- -
t i f f E subscribers desire to inform th ir. idea&
and the public that they have retnoved
their 'll N,•C OPFER AND SHE , P IRON
MANUFACTORY' to the room n arly oppo
site their old stand on North lint over street
and may now be found in their new and com
modious manufactory on the West side of the
said street, a few doors above Lowlier street,
where they .wlll continue to keep on hand a full
assortment of every kind of
• Tin, Copper mid Sheet-arm Wake:
which may be needed' by housekeepers' and
others. _Their articles are manufactured by
themselves,Of the best' materials . , and in point
of finish and durability'cannot be surprissed.7-.
They will also manufacture and repair at the
shortest notice nll kinds of Distilling:Apparatus.
They will_ promptly,ottand to the laying of
in town and country, and on the most reasona
ble terms. Every branch of their business
will be carefully attended to with the utmost
They also keep constantly on hand a large
variety of
comprising every variety of plain ten-plate
STOVES, elegant wood and coal air-tight
pARLoit STOVES. of the latest styles,
COOKING STOVES of the newest and most
improved inventions, at various priers. - w Inch
cannot fail to please every taste. They re
spectfully solicit an examination by the public
of their large and varied assortment of stoves.
Thankful to the public for favors heretofore
:extended, and being determined to relax no
exertions to give satisfaction to their custom
ers they hope to merit a continuance of pa
0::) - The highest cash price will beliaid for
old Copper and Pewter. f '
Carlisle, March 19, 1851-ly
Fresh Arrival of Hardware.
ILIAVING just returned Irons New York lk
Xi Philadelphia with- the best ono Cheapest
brought to Carlisle, I {irould resaectfully Toques!
dealers and consumers and all others to give
men call and see whether they cannot got more
and better goods fur the Same. money than at
any other place in town. My stock of Locks,
Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes,
Glass, kjainte, &c.‘ is complete and very cheap.
Carponters"Pools, I have a splendid assort.
ment. Also, Cabinet Maker's Pools and Ma•
wrists ' viz :—Vaneera, Mahogany, Mineral and
Glass Bureau Knobs and Yarninh. _ • .
can have everything in their line. cheaper than
ever. _ _
.• . .
I hav a fi rst rats stock of Morocco and Lining
Skins Bindings, Pegs, Thrend and Wax, on d
a sup rb lissortment of Shoemakers Tools. I
havo a ewe complete assortment °lnuit's Lasts,
made in Darrisburg, whist. con be• had nt ife.
other place in toOn, and at Bull's Prices. To
gether with an assortment of all kinds of Ham
rusted and Rolled Iron and Steel. Of House•
keeping Articles, I have Knives... Forks, Spoons,
Waitors, Snuffers and Trays, Tubs, Buckets,
I have the y largest, Ilatidsomast and Cheapest
Assortment in town. And to all who-want
Good and Cheap HARDWARE, I would say
come and'see for yourselves.
'- oct3o 1 P LYNE.
Pure Cider Vinegar.
JUST. received a fresh barrel oT , Pure Gide
Vinegar, of superior quality; and yvarrante
free from adulteration. • • , '
nov6 G W MINER.
Children's Stockings.
A FULL assortmon., of White and - Mixed
/1. Merino Eloao of all siuns for Children.—
Also, Ladies Hose in great G
%in W
flow just opened,
1.)3 , - . . . • . iIITNER.
Black Silk
TUE subscriber is now Opening n genqral
assortment of Long and Short Black Silk Mits.
newroyle of Lading Silk Gloves, Lisle Thread
Glovpa i and a General. , assortment of silk, Bat
ihread and'cononlifloalory.
JanelB. , ' 111TilER.
eltn..lbu asentento.
Grand and .NGS.. ,
•• • . • ,
. , •
Stre • •
~ • •
"DOA ki . FOR't _ . ,/. octave's, in,
L — in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut cases
of various styles, With did without iron trainee,
cumbining all the' improvereents fequisite to a
superior instrument. , •
K. & C: have received imin the' Maryland
Inetihue thejyrsi premium' for their Pianos, in
three successive years, 1848, 1849, 1850. They
liave.elso been honored 'ivith numerouslestime
nials from all the most celebrated , artists who
have used their instruments. Pianos from their , ,
establisliment.have ',been used at the concerti
os Lind, Ilorz, Ifolinstock, Bishop,' Laborde,
Knoop, and other eminent performers. They
guarantee durability for five years, under good
cure, and will replace other's all which
may not give satisfaction, if application be made
within - six - Months afier - deliVery.,' •
Their Uanufactocy being conducted on the
most extensive scale enables them to furnish
instruments at the very lowest prices, Whole
sale and retail." Constantly on hand, A. P.: ,
Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from $45 to $2OO,
for which they are sole agents for this city.
JanUary2l2-1851-1 y
Perfumery . , Fancy Soap Et Paper Box
48 Xarket below Second, Philadelphici.
CI LEGG & CROM PION, Manufacturers
1 1_,/ of PerfumerY. Fancy. Snaps and Fancy
Paper'Boxes, - respactfnlly call- the attention of
the Druggists and Dealers in Car4le and the.
Cumberland Valley. to their extensive stocic of
Goods, comprising Perfumery; Fancy Soaps
Powders for the complexion, Toilet, &c. &c,
of every, variety. Also; a full and complete as
sortment of Fancy 'Papdr Boxes, of every de
scription, large or small, round or square, made
to order at the shortest notice.
p5 - Don't forget the place, 48 Market street,
Philadelphia. All orders will meet with prompt
attention.. janls
THE OLD ,STAND, occupied for more than
one-third of a cent ui'y by G. Eeq.
Steps, Bfc.,
E undersigned would most respectfully
A. announce, to the public that he is AGENT
for more than twenty of the most
celebrated manufacturers of B S
DELPHIA, and elsewhere;_ and
s constantly receiving ' from them PIANOS o
the richest and most varied styles, of superior
tone, and of the most superb finish, of 6. ta,
61, and 7 Octaves, which aro warranted equal
to any manufactured either in this country or
in Europe.
Just received, alsti,ulurther simply of Church
arid Parlor Organs, of beautiful patterns and
fine tones. __ . _.
fits WAREROOM is constantly supplied
with a choice selection of SERAPIIIN ES and
MELODEONS, from the oldest and most ex•
tensive manulactorios in the United States; a
mong whicn is anew style of REED ORGAN
having Carhart's patent improvements, with
gilt pipes in front, and case elegantly carved,
and highly ornamental.
Tuning and Repa.ring—Sie. Salvador La
Grasia, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu
rer and .Orgari Builder, will attend to all orders.
sept4,'so OSCAR C B CARTER.
Light Lightj! Light!
Pine On, OamplilUe & Medal Fluid,"
i no neknoVvlcdged an .criorit and nurit
Ur manufactured and for sale at t se- owest
Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH,
at the - old established stand-of the Into Benja
min. T. Davis, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY,
Wheie ordtifis by nail or otherWiseltre'soliitited,
arvi prompt - attention given. The voice 011ie
pultc for 'fifteen years, ani the award of a
Sir cr Medal, and Complimentary notice by
the Vranklin Institute over all competitors, is
sufficient evidence Of 'the excellence of our Oil.
alcohol, Pitih, Turpentine, Rosin, and Spir
PS or Turpentine, for Stlie Whole - ado
nt the lowest prices. - foe ttiO
Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Sired,
WOULD call the attention of purchasers to
their elegant assortment of Wrought
and Cast Iron Railing. for
Railing for Churches, Public and Privert
Buildings, Public Squares. &c., togethof with
all kinds of Plain - and Ornamental Iron Work.
More- & Gallagher's Book of ORIGINAL
DESIGNS, containing the best selection o
designs that has over been issued, will be sent
to any
. Iml..sow who may wish to make 0 select
tion. • 11eb19,51
TIIE subs 800T S
fiber—has just received a large
1;t 24400, pply of BOOTS & 8110 ES,
0 Spring and Summer ' Wear,
jvLich makes his;-assortment very
It compriset Gentlemen's French Call Skin
son Boots, n's, Boys'. and Youths' Enam
elled Conn? £1 Boots, Calf Skin, Goat and
Kip Brogans, torocco Boots, Slippers, &c.—
Also,d.adiesq.Misses and Children's Palters,
Buskins, 'noel and Slippers. Every effort will
be made to lease the citizens of town and
country, who are respectfully solicited to con
tinue their pa mango. '
"Carlisle, may 7 • ' WM M PORTER.
Tow Property For Sale.
THE subs
; r
ning to tutu'
frarno buildt
in good orde
fruit trees oi l
ensiles,. the r :
opposite the
apply to
A great v. iety of these useful articles is
feted for sal consisting of Whitewash, Sweell
ing, Smith g, Painters, loth, Shaving, Hair,
Teeth and ail, Flesh and Graining Ilrtoliesi
great variet , all of which are of the best qua
ty and will e 'sold at the lowest prices
June G. , S ELLUYT'T
fine stock. I
!scriber has just returned from the
fresh assortment of Fancy and
Goode, among' which may be found
Colored Baines, Silk Tissues, pop,
LARD SILKS, Barege de Baines,
ENAD I N E'S, - Crapo do Fade,
Calicoes,, Sce., all oft which
ed on accommodating term by
. G
city with
Stnple Dr
White an
lines, FO
will be oft
1. A'CARIP.....
cCUIbLOCIT, respectfully announ'•
has recently becomb assoctnted•with
Rawlins, in , he drag business, next
post allies, Main street, Carlisle.—
~ I calls promptly attended to as berm:
own or country.. (may 21.)
Dr. J 4
cea that h
Mr. 11.
door to th,
Profeasio , .
tofo a, In
, • tho Lollies, .
ST received, at P 0 It T E R'S S 11 0 E
•II , n fresh assortment of Ladies' Misses'
bildren's Gaiters, Jenny Lind Ties, Bus.
nd Slip'pers; of the best quality, also eve•
sly 'of fancy colored ,Frendt latitinz for
s,•which will be made op to order.
all IBM. .' '' •
and I
!• - .Boo'l l s di, SHOES. •
ht tiove , opening . my. Spring stock of La
iaa'and Gentlemen' Boots and Sham—
a largoloi, of Boys lases and Children's
a. All or, the newe t. atyle, boat quality,"
Inlet of all very cheap. • . • . • .
0 • • .•.)', C. ORILBY.
I. envbuehele, iti o lieicathillei coal, a superi
1 10, roceiyirii , r,and.-for Bale by
•yv .11 MURRAY, Agt.
inuoommis wail,qemp.
HD School , Directors of Frailkfor,d town
, will moocat Lackey's tavern, on the 14th
of AVgitat nottGlat 1 o'clock, P. M.. for tho
:illation of Seven Teachers for Bdid town.,
. Applicants will please attend. - -
ly3o JOHN C. BROWN, &cf . y. '
riber offers foniale the HOUSE
D LOT situate on West street
'joining the residence of Wm. S,
bean and Mr. Pam., in the 13o
ugh of Carlisle. ,1 he lot is 30
i.t in front and 120 feet deep run
ey. The house is a substantial
. ono story and a half high, and
Chore are a number of choice
the lot, and the property pos.
.ht to the use of a pump nearly
house. For further particulars
(021 F. GARDNER.
rushes! Brushes; • .
EK we receive at the COhtral
ore neat door to the Poet (ANN
. Fresh Medicines.
'ore Oreav Goods.
gintrance 4.ltompanicri.
TO United States Life insurance '
Annuity and Twat Company.
!tarter ..Perpetual—capital $25;000. ash
Tll3 constant, unsolicited application for
Life Insurance, gives the,most abundant
mid, gratifying proof that the public mind is
deeply impressed with the test importance of,
this subject. Tho great- object, however, of
Insurance should be safrty, diherwise the whole
Motive toinsure may be disappointed: Too
Much cam cannot he practised in the selection
of an oilier, with which to effect the contract.=
The,choice should be regulated not by present
and 'constant large itulueements, as this, is cer
_minty incompatible with future benclits, The
premiums on life are calculated for the fut u re,
If present and prospective benefits therefore are
given, the result ultimately, must terminate in
litigation, disappointment and ruin. The object
aitned at by this institution is stability and per
I putitity. The rates of premium havo been care
fully prepared with reference to fluctuations.=
- The - nab — system - of payments - has also been
adopted. Unpaid premium rotes constitute no
part of the assets of 'this Company, and every
contingeticy'being fortified with,,tin ample enit•
ital, security stamps tile Ivhole system. This
feature, paramount to all other considerations
commends the company to public favor. Ex
planatory pamphlets, Llatiks. application papers
information, and every facility will bo elecortulty
furnished the public by Mr. E. BEArrY, who
has been duly appointed agent of this company
for Cumberland county. Dr. - 11 MN KUM? .
has also been an`pointed Medical Examiner.
Directors.—Stephmi •R. Crawford, Ambrose
_W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingloy, Jacob L
_Florence; Willia_U Godwin, Paul,B.Goddard
Lawrence Johnson, George Witonry, James
Doveroux, John L Linton.
• President.--Stephen R. Crawford.
lice-Preßident.—Ambrose W. Thompson,
A'scrmary E 4 Treasurer.—Chssles (3 Imlay.
- .4cidavy.—lilanuel Eyre. .
COT, ISCI Anal'neg.—TlMMS Math.
At'dical Examiners. Paul,l3 Goddard, M.D.
William Pepper, M. D. faug7 ly
- THE Allen and East Pennaborough- Mutual
Ore Insurance Company of Cumberland county
ncorporated by
in an act of Assembly, is now folly
organized, and operation under the manage
ment or the 'following commissiOners, viz:
Jacob Sirßy, IVm It Gurgas, Michael Cock
in, Me[choir Brenneman, Christian' Stayntata
Simon Oyster, Jacob II Coover, Lewis
. 11yer,
Henry Logan,
Benjamin II Musser, Jacob
Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersham.
The rates of insurance are ‘as low and favors
bl7 as ally Company of the kind in he 'State.—
Persons wishing to become members are invited
to : make application to the agents of the compa
ny, who are willing to wait upon them at any
EIBNItY LOGAN, Vice Presiderit.
LEWIS HYER, Secretary
MICHAEL, COlSELlNi—Treasurer.
Cumberland contity.—Rutiolph Martin, New
Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry
Zearing, Shiremanstwvn, Robert ➢loore and
Charles Bell, Carlis, Isaac Kinsey, Meehan
icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, -.hurchtown.
York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John
Bowman, thllshurg, Peter Welford, Franklin
John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Daqiel ltaffensherger, J W Craft.
Ildrriaburg.—Houser & Lochnum.
Members iof the company having policies a
-how- to expire can have-them renewed-by malt•
ing application th any of the agents.
in k ocrrolt YOURSELF
=l3y means dill° pocket
Boon lapi n s , or, Every one
tin own Physician! w en
y-fonrth edition, with up
mrds of a limalrod engra
ings, showing private dis
mses in every shape aniT
bran,' innil malformations'
of The generative syStern7
The time Inns now AI ,
',ring from secret disco se
oy the pre—, , iplw contained in this book any
one may came him Self, without - Itivirance to - bu
siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate
friend, mid with one imidi the usual expense. In
addition to the general routine of private disease
it folly explains the cause or manhood's earl) da
cline, with observations on marringe—besidee
sonny other derangements which it would not by
proper to enumery to in the public prints
iha'Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTFI,
enclosed in it letter, will receive one copy of this
book, by moil, or five copies will be sent for one
dollar. Address, .1/11. W. YOUNG, No. 152
SI'RUCE Street ,vIIIILA DLEPIIIA" Yost -paid.
DR. YOUNG elm lie consulted On any of
the Diseases prescribed to his different publioa
ions, at his 011iees , 152 SPRUCE street, every
day between 9 and S o'clock, (Sundays excepted.
11lay 1, Ibso
English and American Hardware
Cheaper than can he found this fide of the
/PHD subscriber having juet returned from
the Eastern cities with n lull and hunt , -
some assortment of all kinds of HARD WARE
of the very best makers and well selected, is
now opening at the Cheap Hardware Stand in
North Hanover street, next door to Scour
tel, formerly kept by Henry Glass, .here be
would invite all that are in want of good and
cheap Hardware to give him a call and see and
satisfy yourself of the truth, as we are deterin
ined to sell at a very Bourn advance. Small
profits and quick sales are the order oldie day
. 'A good assortment of double refined powder
rock powder of extra quality, safety-fuse, Shot,
flints and bar lead, ropes of all kinds, 'for
threshing machines and well diggers, and a
thousand otheer articles too numerous to insert,
till we ask is to give us a call, and we arc con
fident you will find a good assortment of Hard
ware and Cheaper than can be found in any
other House this side of the east. Give us a
call is all we ask, at the old and well known
Hardware Stand formerly kept by Lomat Har
lan, in North Hanover street, next door to
Scott's Hotel, formerly ;kept by Henry Grass..
,LUMBER di. COAL militn.
mHC subscriber Would respeetfully inform
1. his customers and the public generally that
he still continues the LUMBER AND COAL
BUSINESS, sunhat having lately purchased
in addition to his former business facilities, the
large and convenient Warehouse and Coal Yard
lately occupied by Mr. Henry Wright, opposite
the well known Lumber and Coal Yard of the
subscriber, situate .along the Rail Road and
College Lane, Ito is now more fully prepared
to anlarge his business. He has at thistime and
is keeping constantly on hand a well selected
assortment of ••• . .
of all kidils, sorts, and sizes. Likewise the
different kinds of FAMILY COAL: such as
stove Coal of the different kinds, Lime boraces
Blackamith's Coal,uf the best quality.—
A I of which 11.3 Will will unusually lon , ar
Cash. Ho will also keep constantly on hand
With all the different articles generally found
in a well stored Warehouse. Ile will also at
all times buy PRODUCE and FLOUR, for
which ho will pay tho highest,currelit prices.
Bning gory thankful for newt favors, would•
most anxiously solicit a continuation of at least
a reasonable altars of public patronage. ' •
mar 19 SAM'L, M. HOOVER..
William Webb,
RESPECTFULLY intbrms the public gen
erally, that he lins just maimed from the city
with a large and spleddid assoritnent of articles
suitable for gentlemen and ladies' toilets, such
es •
Roussel's . Rosa and Ambrosialshaving cream,
Wash Bulls, .
" Circassian .Soaps. •
Fancy, Toilet Soaps,
• " • Extracts' of various odors, Fancy
Cologne and Cologne bottles, •
• "- ' Compound Ox Marrow Fnmado,ii
- " Reetnincoogother with Geranium
rose hair oil; ox marrows, boars oil,
a rartrussortment of bruelies,such as hat brush-
es, milt,' do., troth; do: shaving, do clothes,'
do. A•lot of razors, tad razor strops. Also on
hand a large assortment of-hair work, such as
• Gontlemens' wi s s and scalps,
• Brick and front braids.
g. ' Curls, Sm, snip, variety' of other
articles to which the attotiGn of the public, is
respectfully invitod.
Carlisle, May 21,, 1851
; • For tho Coro of •
' co tr alms ~. COLDS, • :
CHITIS, antup, 'II..STEL
Among the numerous disc6eriesSeience has
made in this generation to facilitate the business
of:life—increase its enjoyment, and even prolong
ho_tarm of- Mutton existence r none can-be-named
of more rent value to mankind, than this contribu
tion of Chemistry to the Elealing,Art.. A vast trial
of its virtues throughout this broad country; hoe
proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or Com
ination of medicines yet known, can so surely
control and cure the numerous varieties of pulmo
nary disease which have hitherto swept from our
midst thousands and thousands every year. In
deed, there is now abundant reason to believe a
Remedy has at length been tound which can be
relied on to cure the most dencerous affections of
the lungs. Our sprite here will not permit us to
publish any proportion of the cures effected by its.
use, but we would present the following opinions
of eminent mom anti refer further enquiry to the
circular wlcelt the. Agents below mimed, will al ,
ways be pleased to furnish free, wherein -are
_articulars, and indisputable proof of these facts.
"James C: Ayer—Sir: I have used your CHER.
nv PECTOLL fn my own, case of (pep-seated
Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chpinical
constitution. is an admirable compotind for
the relief of laryngial and bronchial difficulties.—
If my opinion as to hs superior character can be
of any service, you are at liberty to use it as you
think proper.
From the widely celebrated
"I deem the CHERRY PECTORAL an admirable
composition from some of the best articles in the
Wisteria Medico, and a 'very effective remedy for
the class of diStIfISCS tt is intended to cure."
- - New Auven. Ct., Nov. I, 1849..
MAJOR PATTISON, President of the S. C.
Senate, states he has used the CIINIIIIY PmTonm.
with wonderful success to cute an inflammation
of the lungs.- - . - .. •
. .
Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir :—I am now
constantly using your CHERRY .I'scroant 'in my
practice, and prefer it to any other medicine for
pulmonary complaints. From observation of
mane severe cases, I am stmvinced it will cure
coughs, colds, and of the lungs, that have.
put to defiancemll other remethes.
I invariably recoinmend its use in cases of con.
Gumption, and consider it much the best remedy
known for that disease. Respeedully yours,
Sold in Carlisle by . Dr. S. Elliott, S. A. Hubbard
and Dr. Rawlin's—:n Mechanicsburg by Dr. Ira
Day—in Newville by .1 H Ilerron—in Shippens l
burg by J. C. & U. B. Altick, and by Druggists
generitlly throughout the State.
— Junu IS, •
Celebrated Family Medicines.
It concerns every one. Cholera can be cured
Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla Panacea. For
the removal and permanent cure of al
Diseases arising from an impure
state of the Blood and habit
of bod Y-
The All-wise Creator has implanted in all
organized bodies an innate disposition to self
preserVation. The vital powers possess the
property of resisting the influence of external
causes, but as the BLOOD is the common par
buluan from which all parts of living matte
derives its renovating elements, and connivent_
ly, upon which the life of 01 - grinized beings de
pend, it is probable that in cases of aceident',.
or where artificial means have been employed'
to ddprive it of an essential property, the vital
effects of the whole system will be directed to.
ward restoring to it that, propesty. In all con
stitutional and hereditary affections, this flnid
has undergone some primary alteration, which
is the cause of the sFecial disease, or which es
sentiiilly Contributed to its production., Resta
ration to health can only be obtained by a re .
o rnoval of the numb:lie cause through the medi
um of the circulation, and Dr. heeler's Siirsa
finrilla,ie the most powerful modifier of agent
effecting this fluid Itunwn. Seepatnplilets.
Black woodlown, N. J., Juno 6, 1840.
Dr. ICeeler-Deur Sir: I nm entirely out of
your Panacea. I was called upon day before
yesterday for half a dozen. Your medicine is
becoming very popular whore I:liaire introduced
it, and I think the more it is used the more pop
ular it will get. Respectfully yours,
C.. For details, cerlifieaes, &c., see circus
lays, &c. Price Si per bottle, large size, 6 bul
lies 55
Among all the remedies before the public
this stands prereminent in incipient consump
tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness,.
W hooping Cough, _Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting
of Blood, and fur all affections of the pultrinnat y
organs occasioned by cold. Too much praise
cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the
proprietor urges every one afflicted with any ,of
- the above complaints to secure it at once. It
is warranted to cure or no pay. Fri only 50
Every family whether rich ur,poor, who val
ues health and all its blessings, should have this
invaluable remedy, ii hand. It is infinitely the
best remedy known , far Diarr/ima, Dysentery,
Cholera Norbert, Cholera !denten], antic,
Flatulency, griping pains, cramp, etc., and for
all disentles of the stomach and bowels caused
by Teething. The numerous testimonials from
Physicians and others unsolicited has kivon it
ti reputation as firm as adamant. Ftir"Price
25 cents per bottle.
' - 'Phisretnedy is pleasant to the taste r harm.
loss to the patient and all powerfid in removing
all kinds of worms from the body. It is with-'
out doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroy
ing medicine before the public, and will Wad./
ministered according to directions, remove
them within.five or six hours after taken. TIM
Joao is small, gild each bottle contains twice as
much as similar remedies. Price only 25 mints
per, bottle.
Although nut recommended as • ocure all,"
yet they are the mildest and' best remedy to re.
native CMatipittion, Jaundico, - Dyspepsia, Bil
iousness, Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Head.
ache, Indigestion, etc. Uliko other purgative
medicines they leave the bowelsalways relaxed
and consequently aro the proper medicine for
for females and poi-eons leading a solitary
Price 25 cents.
A justly celebrated. external applieutionlor
,Pains of the Chest, Neuralgia, Headache, Spe'ne
Bruises, Tic Doloruux, Swellings of the Joints,
Rlieumatism,,Gifut, sciatica and for all dinar
'ilers.wherein a sedative and rabefitoient remo.
dy is applicable. Price tvrenty.five cents per
All of the above celebrated and extensively
used medicines ' are prepared and sob') Whole.
sale and Retail, at 294 MARKET IsTREET,
Fur sale by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle; A. G.
Miller, Dickluson; Messrs. /thick, Shippons
burg, J. F. Spahr, Muchenicalimg,. M. !linter,
Shitiemenst wn, and In eireritown throughout
the county t iid State, [jun141114005.1
... . .. ,
- THE eubecriber returns his sincere. thanks
to his numerous customers 'and the public'e
nerally for the liberal encouragement thus far
xtentleil, and desires in n word to assure ll
that ho has considerably enlarged hie stock. in
all its branches connected with his bueinties
without going into detail, for that would be un-.
necoesnry,'and at such prices thatcauld not fail
to please;
lhavejust oponed ocomplete aesortmentk
Grass ii•ol Cradling SCY'r HES 'of riiireron s l
brands. Coin unfitly on hand flake's Fire an
Water Proof 'Paint. '
juqe4 • '. If• SAXTON.' •
.. •
Misr r itrutrous.
Price Reduced !
Largo BoUlos—Only Ono Dollar. i
fho Proprietor of the Great American Remedy'' VatranN ,
VVIETADLE LITIIONTRIPTICI Afixavit4e.t , induced by th
Argent solieltations• of his Agents, throughout tho Unite
Stains and Canada, has now
Bedriced'Ehe Price
of him popolar and well known satiate; and from thla date
tanciaforth, ka ,will pot op but ane elm ciiiir.—kte gm •
tattle*: —Um totail prioo will be
The nubile may red wowed that the characterof the nab
rind, its etrength, and curative. propane. WILL MORI
and the wane oars will be bestowed in pre
taring it as heretofore,
A. shirt rnedidno, under its reduced.priee, will„be porches._
2i those Who biro not hitherto made themnelves acquaint.
withlta virtues, the proprietor would bee to intimate that hi
traria Is not to he classed with the vast amount of "Remedie
of the der ;" it claims fOr iteelf a ,rsoter power, i
all dismses, than any ether preparation now before LA
world: and has sustameo wail! for eight ream Li it..Perit
medical vittum, and, until thts reduction, commanded doubt
ha Poice of any other articla to shit line.
• •
rhi ICOLAILL4. thill article Beta with great ben
If power and certainty, upon the
Blood, Liver, Kidno34, Lunge,
Ind all ether (mason, oport the proper antlon of which Hub a
welch depend.
This mialicino.hae a lastly high mato as a remedy for
Dropsy and Gravel,
tad all diseases of that natant. It may he, relied_npon whit
La illtelliF , o,nt physician . It. abandoned his patient,—and fi
lens dlitretina diseases, more especially DunreY, the props
nor would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At I
Present orib . 4 it is easily obtained by all, and the trial will pm,
Ilia artiolliito be tho
.Clioapeot Medicine in the World!
- .
M 5 ," Please ask for parrmblots— the agents give thom away
they contain over'eisteen peace of receipts, (in addtgon to fa
medical matters valuablo for household porpoise', and wits
_will sate many dollars per year to practical homeakeepers.
Thew receipte are Introduced to make the book of goes
value, aside from its chamatei as an miscuing mediont ft
the medicine, the testimony in favor, of which, in the form
letters from all parts of the country, may bo reliod upon.
Cr' " Yang/in.,/ 1/egotriblo Litbontriptic Mixture ' o —th
Great American Remedy, now for min in quart bottles at le
each, small bottles at 50 ets each: No small bottles will b
issued after the present stock Is disposed of.
Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 207 Main Street,
• - G. C. VAUGHN.
Sold Wbolesalo and Retail by OLCOTT McKESSON 1
CO., 127 Maiden Lane, Now York City.
N. B.—All letter (exeeiiting tiom agent. and deniers wit
hoes ho transept. besinam) mu 4 bo post paid, or no attentic
tit be giv'ori to them. , '
S kluirorstlck, Carlisle, '
J C & G B A Iticic, Shippensbure,
Russel Ee Dice, Dickinson,
k Spahr, Mechani^squrg,
A TI (Lager, Kingstown.
Valuable School Books,
I'HIADELPHIA, and for IC by all the book
sellers in the United States
An easy iatroduCtion to the study 01 aeogra
'pity, designed for children, and completely il
lustrated by 120 engravings - and 14 .colorcd
The text, the exercises the illustrations, and the
forty beautiful maps areprinted together in one
it system of modern Geography, comprisifig a
desct iption of the present state bi the world and
its five great divisions. Embellished with nu- ,
merous eti;,ravi sig - ? and illustrated by nn
lent Atlas containing 28 handsome and accurate
colored maps. This series of Geography by S.
'Augustus Mitchell has been wlaly or patTily
introduced into the pUbLie and privnte schools
of all the principal cities and towns of the uni,
ted States; and after it full and fair trial .of its
merits in these schools, it has receiVed an olniost
nave - nal recommendation:
An ancient:classical and sacred Geography,
embellished with engravings of remarkable
events, views of ancient cities, etc.,-and acean- -
paned by ancient Atlas containing 12 beautiful
colored maps. -
Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Geoff
raphy with Maps and embellishments: - Miter;
ell's key to the study of Maps. and Carroll's
Key to .Mitchell's Geography, are excellent and
popular books, and are becoming very exten
sively used in tile best schools of our country.
upon the construction and analysis of sentences;
designed as an introduction to the "Analysis."
GUEENE'S ANALYSIS-1 treat se on the strum
lute of .the English language, with Musts - Riad
slid exercises adapted to the use Or schools, by
Samuel S. Green, A. M., Pt incipal of 1110 •
Phelps Grammar School, Boston.
These books hive already in the short time
they have been publishedobtained a very .2.X •
tensive circulation, having beat introduced into
the public schools of Boston, Baltimore, Pitts
burg, Gincinnatti, St. Louis, Vicksburg. and
other cities and towns, aid recommended by
those who have tried them in their schools, us
without, question the - best English Grammars ,
in existence.
rziE PllOl Ally SCILUOL ItEA1,1:11-flirt II 19
h:lgitittcys. It contains :t feHsnit
opo t each of elemcntary , inti11(11 of the Lm-
The Primary Stllo - 01 Reader, part 4(1
contains e‘erein.t.s iu artnentation, Incinaitgoll in
connection with easy reading - lessons. The
Primary Reader, part :3(1, is n/e3ignil fop the
first class in l'inininil'SChools, awl the lowest
class inn G continuo. Schools.
111 R (:RA/01.\R SCIIOOI, REA711:11, is designed
foe the middle class in Grammar
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