,j::) )n the Btlr ult., by ther:ltev. John Ulrich; .F,lifalc laser, of.Foyette,.. county, Pa„ to ?tiers, of itients eouuty. -2;0, nit., by the David' • , ,ifarspfret Eliza - Snyder,' both of lathe enrite (ley,. by , tbe , twee; Mr. Adam !linger, of\Cuntherlantleoutaty,''t.o Mies Ma -1)u/rry, of York county. . , , hi the Datll ult., by the-'snme, Arr. Jaco( L. is yl,' to Mill Catimrine Soriadt, all of Ad s county.), )n the Ist inst., by. tlte, oarne, .Toseph •flericlat to Miss Maria Kenai:el, balk of York tray. ,• )n the same clay, by the some, dfi•. Darn lliamson or this sounty;, to Miss liarricit wuneltolt,-of • York Sulphur Springs; Adams; inty. • • in Cartisle,_oit_Sund4Talortiiiir last, Airs. tnyitsusees, Avife of liee.Jinnee-A-A)evin y, nged'2B years. 1.1)e • ELPIiIA DI ARKIC T. elphin N. American Office 11 Review, August 1, 1851. RENIARKSt—The late advices from Liver .ol have hfidlittfe or ir erect on the market• r any of the lending articles, but busidess, morally spiMking,haslieiftCdtill,and the week's (orations on a moderate scale. Cotton is rather ore steady in price. Breadstuffs are iliac re. "'lron and coal remain about stationery.— rocories are firmer, and salted Provisions in War demand. In other articles there is no iteration to• notice 'since the close of last FT.OUR AND MhAL.—Both the ieceipts ud)the demand continuo moderato; and the larket has been. dull this week; sales of Flour oaport reacting some 8000R0000 bbls„ at ;4,12.4 for sound old stock; ti-1,18:1- for late in, peded, and t54,25,f0r strictly fresh ground, "eluding straight brands at the latter *rate, and bbls. at the usual advance, the market elo- Tory qiiiet and holders anxious to sell.— rho home trade have been operating to a lim tell extent within the above range of-prices for amnion to good retailing brands; *4,074.61' i 11,75 for extra, and $5(7e,,55,25 for N. York fancy 'brands, Corn Meal, is inactive, hut rather firmer, -- and about 1000 bids. Pennsylva nia Meal sold at $2,811-Ci;s2.B7Felhld, most ly at the latter rate. Rye Flour is in limited request, but scarce. and some firrther small sales have been made at $3,371 2 T 1 bhl. The inspeetionsfor the Wdelt, ending the /31st ult., are:-11,057 bids. Flour; 200 half hhls. do.; 12 bbls. Rye Flour; 701 bids. Corn Meal; 51 half bbls,_dp.;, 75 quarter bbls. do. •GRAIN—S - upidies continue moderate : some 100 7 02,060 bushels prime old Wheat told ear ly in the week nt 1016i:102c. for white, slid ttO R91.-d--TOT-Vedfi—meetly.-TlttliV7flllllCl,lVetti rt." lion; "new Southern is dull and drooping, and B€oooo bushels only found buyers tit S:l6, 88 for reds, and 88605 e. for white, as in quality. Rye is scarce and in demand. and small lots of Pennsylvania hate.been sold Pt 720,7 lc.— Corn is also scarce, with a moderato inquiry, and 185'420,000 bushels sold at 0:16 04c., for :oott Delaware and Pennsylvania yellow, and Cigx 2 2 fol• fair Western. l tits are Misett e( , and prices have declined considerably; sales of some 10012,000. bushels having been made at :33@.35c., for old Pennsylvania, and ne,a lc. for nee Southern, closing very dull. sNewtrtiscin etit c. 5 . ATTENTION 1 YOUNG WHIGS ! THE YOUNG WHIGS of Upper knd Lower Dickinson, will meet at the public house of ..Victor Shannon, on Saturday the Ifrth of Au gust, at G o'clock. P. M., for the purpose of organizing a "JQIINSTON CLUB." Turn out, Whigs! Several able speakers will be present. . MANY. Annual Election. NOTICE is hereby given that no election will ho held to eIext„TEIRTEEN MANA GERS of the Cumberland Valley iVlutrual Pro tection Company;ut the public house of Victor Shannon, in Dickinson township, on the Fil,st Monday of September E next--said managers' to servo one year. Election to be held' between the hours_of.l.A.M_and d o'clock, P M of said day. -- • JOHN T GftEEN;Sect'y. Camp-Neeting Notice, -A CAMP MEETING wilt bo held by the Church of. God, near Churchtown, commenc ing' on MONDAY next the Ith inst. ..NO huckstering allowed on the premises unless by Permission ' E 11- THOMAS, Pastor TO ,rimcnEns. THE Board of Directors of Dickinson t rict, Cumberland county, will meet at the house of Mr. V Shannon (Stone Tavern) on SATURDAY, the 30th of Atigust, inst., at 10 o'clock, A M, for the purpose of examining teachers to take chargcrof thirteen schools in said district, during the ensuims ..term The rchools be' expticted to commence before or about the middle of September By order AJ the board (eit6 3t) J LEFEVEu, Sec. TO TM.AVBIZIRS WANTED.--:-One male teacher' competent to take charge of the principal free school in the borough of Nowvilloi The-Board of Directors will mootat the school house in said borough, on Saturdey,'August 23d, to ()amino appli cant^. J. McCAN BUSH, Nowville aug 6-3 t Seery. MIAI'D'ERREOTYPES JACOB BATES respectfully announces to the citizens of Carlisle that he has taken rooms in the' house of Mr. Gutshall, on South Hano— ver street, nearly opposite the public house of Mr, Scott, for the Purpose of delineating the "human face divine" by means of the new and beautiful art of the Daguerreotype. flaying a thorough scientific and practical knowledge of this truly wonderful discovery, he feel's confi dent of producing.a style of pictures superior to any over before offered in this place. These truly beautiful mementoes of relatives and friends can now be obtained at an expense so trilling as to place them within the reach of all. 110 has just received from Now York and Phil adelphia a large stock_of—tho very hest Dewier: reotypo materialsji - trrchused at reduced prices, and is therefore enabled to offer truthful, life like, expressive and Iselin likenesses at _ex! ceedingly low prices. ttr An opportunity is now offered, sucli as may never agein occur' in this place, of obtain- Mg likenesses of parents, _children, or other dear friends, executed by nature's own pencil, and at on S once elegant and exact. ' PicttntiS also taken for rings, breast pins, medallions, &c., equally perfect as 1110E0 at a larger size. 'lnstructions given in the art on 1110Cittrilte terms. .4„ll are invited to call, er.amine apeci• mens, test our artistleal skill, and ice the Div guerrootyo of Jenny Lind ! - lf Oven from 8 o'clock, A. M., to o'clock P. M. f" rani; tint Real Estate at Pithtic Sale. On WEDNESDAY, the 17th, day pf September, WILL be sold at public sale on the premises the farm of Jacob Smith,dec'd., situate in Fair. view township, York county, about. One mile South-East of Haldeman's (now Boyar's) mill, and on the road leading from the mill to New. Cumberland, and bounded by lands of 'Solomon P.• Gorges, Samnel. Bitner and the' Yellow Breeches Creek; containing about. 244 ACRES. About 75 acres of the best quality of timber land, the balance being improVod—limeetone la' l and 'in a high state ,of ciiltivation. The improvements are a stone Bank •Barti, a 'two • . 'story LOG WEATHERBOAR CYaaa DWELLING. HOUSE, .. , 92); II stone Spring House, wrath house, I I .wagon'alietli corn cribs, Ste.— Also, a' -tenant liouso , and other bill dings, a well of good water at the door of tho house, and running water in all the fieldS„but one, and one of .tho,best orchards of selected fruit.. Locust is abundant' on this farm. Altogether his ono.of the meat desira— ble farms now.offered,'and situated in n.hcalthy part or the country. The same will be offered .41 parts or wholo to.suit'parchnscrs. 'VIM pro— perty.can be ,seen by, tailing. on the first named •exocotot, residing on the. form. Salo to com— mence at; • o'clock, on said•dity when terms Will be mad_ e.known by, SMITIJ, 3' 3 — SMITH, Ei-c'S. of J Smith, deed,. JOS.' MORSER - ,, Auctioneer. : taug(itspil ca-tanbaster Examinor,iiisert.fill cost and 'charge thiti,offico.;' ..•. t • A BNOLDS writing fluid, n,Very fl nnoripr kik tor elate ttil N•tV-:lo.bettiseincit#s. VAZELIVZ VOR SAME THE suhscriber offers for sale the Farm on which he now lives, situate in West Pennsboro township, adjoining lands of Natinn ‘Voods, Peter.Minnich mid others ? on the State Road one mile trovi Newville, containing 43 ACRES one third of which is limestone,and the remain , der 'tine meadow and good slate • land, and all of it is under good. M.• 1 ;,,r.. cultivation. The improvements " V."-• era a .1.00 HOUSE ',SL FRAME BARN, stone spring. house with naser failing water, and other outbuildings.— Also, a good Orchardovith all kinds of fruit. For further particulars call ori the premises, or addroff the subscriber at Newville, .Ctimbor , land county. . one gt 'MICHAEL GARVER, R .E S •T,.131 T E At Executor's Sale, , , TUESDAY, th e 16th of Beptpiber, 1851. AT the - late sresidence-of-John--Snavelic de; ceased, fir Hampden township, Cutriberland county, on the turnpike leading fronitiarrisburg to Carlisle; and about ono mile West of Sport ing Hill, will be sold the Mansion Farm, of the said deceased, containing • ACRES, of the best quality of limestone land, in a high state of cultivation and under good fence, being the mo del farm of CuMberland county. The improve •. mints era a double two story Vf^A. BRICK . 110 USE and ICITCH. EN, a large STONE BANK. , BARN, Wagon Shed, Corncribs and other necessary buildinge, io. gather mutt a well of never failing water at the door,. and. an orchard with - every -- variety -- of choice fruit. Also, at the same time and place a tract of clear land adjoining the said mansion farm, Lands of Moses C. Eberly, C. Whisler and the turnpike, containing 16 acres and some perch es. Also, a lot partly clearand the balance timber land, adjoining the said mansion farm, C. Snavely and others, containing 21 acres.— The improvements arc a two story log HOUSE and SHOP, Stable and other buildings, togeth• er with is well of never-failing water near the door. Also, a tract of woodland Silver Spring township, situate at the base of the Blue Mountain, adjoining lands of J. Miller, John Clendenin, Gootgo•Rupert, and heirs of Adam Longed- f ; containing five acres. Also, a tract of woodland in Rye town ship, Perry county, adjoining lands sof David Coble, louirs of Alatthew:lrvine, George Belti.• hoover and Peter Billow, containing about ten acres. Also, thp interest and claim of the de cCosed in fliicker's School House. Also, several shares of turnpike stocle., c_ ; -sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on held day. when terms will ha made known. 'Pintaindisputable. For fort he epartipulars en quo cof the subscriber, residing miles east :llerlianicsburg, on the l'tindle Spring Road, leading . to Op tc , e's point. JOHN It PP, aug o-t a. Rayroto” cf . John Snervely,dec'el. OSS I ZR, .4odioneer Aft=Uniori — of Philadeiphia, CORPORA.TED BY TIIE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANrA, For the Promotion of the Arts of Design in the United States. • I.:Nnv C. CAREY, President.; Wm D. Kr.r.i.Ey, Vice President; EDWARD P. M urciu:tr., Treasurer ; B. H. Buran, Recording , • • • ri • GI A IRGE W. DEWEY, Corresponding See dory.. • EVERY Member fur the year - 1851, will receive for each subscription of Five Dollars, if print of i lINTISGTON'S " WM/ST/ANA AND HER CHILDREN," engraved by Joseph Andrews, Boston, and the companion, n print of HUNTING. MER CY'S DREAM," engraved by A. 11. R,teliiq, New York, or.die choice of any two of the following lour splendid engravings, viz 1. John Knot's Interview with Mary Queen of &hits, painted .by Lentz, engraved_ by .Sartain. . 2. Ruth and Boaz, painted by Rothermal, en eraved by Sartain. 3 Mercy's Dream, painted by Huntington, en• graved by Ritchie. .1. Christiana ant/ her Children, painted by Huntington, engraved by Andrews. And a copy of the Philadelphia Art Elides Be• porter, n monthly pamphlet containing a report of ihe tramtections 0( site Institution, and informa tion on the subject of the Fine Arts., throughout thy yvhele The ART UNION of Philadelphia awards:prizes in its own Certificates, with which original'Amer can works of Art may be purchased in any pa r t of the United States, at the option and selection of the person whu may obtaih a priio at the Annual Distribution, which takes place on the evening of the not week day in every . year: The ExecutiVe COMMILIO of the Art-Union, when no requested, select works of Art, without charge or compensation - , from their Freo Gallery, 210 Chesnut Street, fur those persons in the coon. try, who may . - live remote front Galleries, or public etbitioris of the Fine Arts. subscriptions of Membership, $5,00 should be made as curly as practicable, so ns to entitle mem bcrs-to early numbers of the "Reporter," which will be forwarded, upon the receipt of the money to any part of the country. i* - Subscriptions received at this office, where the engravings and "Reporter" can be seen. July 30, 1451. Nine Teachers Wanted, THE School Directors of Monroe township ClurnLer'and county, will meet at Churchtown School Douse, on the 16th[ day of AUGUST, at ton o'clock, to . ,,A.xamino "tetushers and give out said Schoolietly order of See Board. july3otc JOHN BRA ND r, Secey.,. IiTTILITTION! praNcEttam LIGHT INFANTRY. Parade at the public 1101180 of Elias Eys ier, on the NValnut Bottom Road, on SATUR DAY the 9th day of AUGUST, next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., properly equipt fur drill. By order of the Captain. • joie3ntp J. Al. MeCULLOH, 0. S. N. B. At the some time and place an ad journed Court of Appeal will - bo held for said Company. J. M. M., 0. S. Big Spring Adamantine Guards. C Th%14N,1 -,) in n \R ADP at'the public liouso.._of C. HoIT. .tom man, in Centreville, on the - oth' of AUGUR I', at 10 o'clock, A. ill. precisely, properly equipr for drill. By order of the Captain. ' july3o D C I\IcCULLOOH, 0. S. A CARD To the Lattion:--WM M P t)IITER would respe'cttully inform tho Ladies that he 1109 fitted up the, robin recently occupied by Mite, Betsey Kernan, he'd door to the old stand ass' LADIES SHOE STOItE EXCLUSIVELY, where they will 4441 a well selected assortment of gaiters, futskins, ties, slipperA, front the bent !naituitetories ia 'Philadelphia, and 0140 0 4-his make, to which their attention in invite d. Cu' lisle, may 7 ' Eight. Teachers Wanted, THE _School Direetoral3f - SouthamPton tp. Cumberland county, will loom to the public 1101IRC of 101111 - Clark, in Shippensburg, on the day of AUGUST, to examine touch Ors rid give out said schonls. By order Or the Board, • Sect'y. ju1y16,18.51. •i Oamp-Dieetilig Notice. A CAMP-MEETING,, for.. Carlisle circuit, will be held on the laud of• Mr. I.,cWis [Welter, about 'miles East of Mechanicsburg. The Mooting ivill commence on the sth of Septem ber. Preachers and people front the surround ing stations and circuits arc respectfully and earnestly invited to attend with their tents. ju1v..28.'51--tem JAMES SAN P. E. Medicines ! IVlediinos I'S Fredlt. Medicines recently reecivcd at Rev. liar' old nand, next dour to the Post office, Main street, Carlislo, • . Dr. J. ITeCulloch, a graduate of the' Univer sity of Pennsylvania, is now a partner In.. this estAblislinient, and will give his -chpocial super vision to the 'nom - pounding of prescriptions.- All Mddicines warranted pure and gonnino, and, sold ai the lowest rates. ,Freels Pine o'4 constantly for ' May 28,'51... .11 M.RAWLINS. rausict ," 0, it came o'ar my ear hie the sweet 'South{ That braailies upon u bank of violets,. Stealing , „ • , - ..spiteial 'tundra{ .pmees, jitin . orecilOod from Lao di Walkeib, ohy prices. A liberal disebunt made io those who„• buy by. th quantity, Call at RAWL INS' nextdoor to di p, O. . ,• 21 . 1.'111111tIAL fratt L etaiataat#, kept ttn .. hand lIUPB, o Tt•D B Storo. r ,' • ,• " ‘;`" ; fiataiWAt . . %cal (Estate - at 12.11tctiott.' F elf ATILYNeI..I On, FRrpAY, the 121 h day of September, . THE subscribers, executors ol 'Oblate Da= vitl:ghaeffer, will offer at public sale, on' the preniises, at 10 O'clock'. A.7/11.., 'that' valuable limestone farm, situate in Dickinson Township, Cumberlnnd county, 'cOntainingt .134- Acres and 37 Perches, neat measure—all cleared except about five acres, which ore'well covered with timber • , . The' improvements' area.xwo . story FRAME' - PLASTERED HOUSE with a KITCHEN, a ',. Spring House; a Bank Barn, the lower story of which in steno, the upper frame, being. 20 feet long, wagon'shed,' corn crib, hog' pen, .blecksmith's shoo, and -a thtiVing young Orchard. The Yellow Breeches -Creek bounds the- farm; and there are.several -- springs of running water on it. • • The 'farm is in a high state of cultiVation, and iv very productive. having 40 acres in clo ver, and the residue in the usual crops.— The farm is convenient to the' market, being about Rine miles from-the—Baltimore turripike r and-- seven miles from Carlisle. ' The terms of sale will be one-half Of the • purchase money, which will embrace fifteen hundred dollars, to be paid on the Ist day of April, 1852, when possession will bo given and the deed delivered, and the balance in three equal'annual payments, without interest, to be secured by judgment bonds. Ten per cent. of the purchase money will be exacted on the day of sole. .HEINRY sHAEFPKR, - July3Ots JOEL SHAEFFER, Executors. Assignee's Sale of Land. Ott SJTURD AY, the 16th of avast, 1851: WILL be sold at public sale, at the house of the subscriber in Milltown, Lower Allen town. ship, Cumberland county,•m 2 o'clock, P. M., the undivided half part of a certain tract of lend, lying in Carroll county, Illinois, containing.a bout 100 ACRES, near the town of Mount Carroll, in said county and State, including the one half part of the Water Tower and water privileges on Plume River, known as - the West Point Water Power. Also. the interest of Daniel fleck in a due bill for $3OO for 'Amber delivered at' West Point for building purposes. Attendance will begiven and tering made known by the subscriber,-Assignee of -Daniel fleck. C. EBERLY. , July-30 ttpd. • VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. IN PURSUANCE of the last Will and Tee• tament of Matthew Thompson, sr., late of Mifflin township, Cumberland county, dec'd., will he 7. public sale- on EilllDAY,the. _ 26th of SEPTEMIIIEI4 18.51, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the premises, a tract of land situate in the aforesaid township of Mifflin and bound• ed by the Conodor„ninet Creek and lands of Jo-. seph Hershey and Samuel NVestlieffer, con taining 235 ACRES, of i which about fifty. acres _ are timber land and the residue cleared land in a good 'state of cultivation. 'Pile improvements are a large double two - story.'STO NE 11015 E I, and KITCHEN, a large BRICK rAr, BANK BARN, 100 feet long, a =4 , Wagcin Shed,.Corn Crib, a 'Spring House and Smoke House, a well of water con• vetiient tq, the demi and a good apple orchard. The above described land is gravel, with a considerable quantity of alluvial bottom of the best quality. It is within a mile of the lime. stone land. It is situated about Four miles west of Newville, and near the State Road from Carlisle to Roibury. The terms of sale will he $lOO to be paid by -tho-purchaser--when—the-property_is_ stricken down—one-half of the whole purchase money including the aforesaid $lOO, on the Ist of A dril, 1852, when possession will be given and a deed made to the purchaser, and the residue in three equal annual payments, without inter est, to be secured by judgment or mortgage, the landlord's share of the grain to go to the purchaser. The land is 'patented, and - art-indisputable title will be given clear of all incumbranees. _ Persons wishing to view tlio_ aforesaid ._farm can call on James Boyd, who reaides on the opposite side of the creek from said farni. . JAKES BOYD, MAT'I'IIEW THOMPSON, Adtn'r. de honis non with the will unmixed of Matthew Thompson, sr.,..deed. jtinell.tq Perry county "harms AT:PU,BLIC SALE , OnTHURSDAY, the 4th of Septemberi next, VVf ILL be offered at Public Sale at" 10 0' clock, A. M. ' on the premises, TAVO V,ER - Y — FINE LIMESI'ONE FARMS, sit., liked in Toboyne township, Perry county.— These are adjoining farms, one contains about 2:10 acres, and 275 acres is contained in I the other. They will be sold sepal' . tely or to. . - gather as will suit. purchasers. 'I ley are a bout 8 miles west of Landisburg, on It - main road leading up the valley. ()tic far i has a STONE MANSION HOUSE & , r,„ BANK BARN . on it. The other a ••••1!11 LOG and LOG AN.. Mill ,:.`, Rug . ... -, , I here a HOUSE re thriving- Orcha ß rds ß - on ..a.-.2—'" both of those places. They are sit. uated in the most fertile part of the county, • and offer many inducements to purchasers.— Persons wishing to see either of*the' above tracts, ban obtain information -from the tenants residing on the premiers, or either of the un. dersigned executors. Attendance will be given ttpd terms made known on day of sale by RICHAR I) PARKER, • R. C STERRETT, wjyttits , Eve's. of Thooas Urie, dec'd. **"Journal," Reading ; " Gazette," Lew istown ; " Examiner," Lancaster, tied " Free man," Bloomfield, insert till sale, murk cost, and scud bill to this office. • XNDXANA LAND. LOR SALE a ynluablo tract. °Claud iu Clin ton county, Indiana, lying 15 miles from the largo and flourishing city of Lafayette, and near the rail road from that city to the capital of the State, Cineinnattf and other eastern ci-. ties, containing 181 Acres. The Land is in a generally improved and.henithy section, and is well accommodated with-common roads, and within n few miles of two plank roads ~-.1 lending to important points on the Wabash nerd Erie Canal. Clinton county lies in the great valley- of the Wabash, nhd is celebrated for he fertility and Productiveness of its soil, it not being uneotninnn to produce three succes sive crops of wheat, of 30 to 10. bushels to the acre, from the same _Acid, and 80 and .100 bushels of corn - to the [tern, (or almost an un limited perind. That section of Indiana and particularly Clinton, ismostly settled by good and rubstantini humors front eumborlnnd and the adjoining counties in Pentisylvimin., and hero offered for sale is-of excellent quality and finely timbered, and lying as it dens in the vicinity of extensive prniries,,,the timber alone, is very valuable. The above described tract would be sold at n groat Intrghm for cash—or wouldhe exchang ed for improved real estate. A map, showing, the position of the land in relation to the vit. riots public improvements, towns, &c., nod the opinions and certificates of public Akers of the county, of the value and location, &c., can be soon liv application to M ATTIIEW ' MO OEM, Pa pcenram, Cumberland county, ea. of whom also terms of sale can be obtained.. July II; 1,851 Monioeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, Filbert Sireel above Eleventh, Philadelphia. ' • 115111.11 L'octurcs of tho regular course will I continence annually on the SECOND MONDAY of 'Creineer, and continue until the first of March ensiling.' . Ain't of fees fora full course of Lecpites $1000) Studenis who have attended .two , full • contact , at other schools .' 30 01, Nlntricnlatiun Feo,•paid only once Prne; lord A peony Graduation roe • Thu. Cununenaunent will talc° place early in March. FACULTY, WALTER WILLI/0,160N, M. D., Professor of 'Ma teria Medics and ,Therapeutics. WILLIAM S. LlELmirrti, M. D., Professor of ho moeopathic Institutes and :thu Practice -of'Mecli Fn . s.;nr.S . , M.l) , Professor of. Botany Medical Jurisprudenc e. • CuratrEsViEDILLAIID, M. D,, Professor et ',Cliiii• cal Modicino. • ' JosErn G. Looms, M. D..! Professor of Oh- stetricri nod the Diseases of Wetnen and Children. ALVAN E. ProfeSsor of Physiol ogy and Pathology. • . ' • - MATTIIEW SEMPLE. 51. D., Profesior Wry and Toxicology. bIIANCIS Slnrs, D., Prufessiir of Surgery. Wir,1464 ,A; Gmtnroxit, M. Professor of .1. .13. Pel•mtnn . rittiai, • Datrianstrator of Aaatooiy• '‘ GARDINER;i M. D, riaar l , - • • 903 Aroli Street, - June 18; 1851.—Gin. ~," • .„ G•zpen,a4d •Black Teas shire `MoserO: - Jookino of tho' best quoltiies, , Oids al. 4 / 4 0,freith, constantly; for solo by . ' :q!',.lot!o 2, 5 1,113 r. writ= ft tsorts. Doubling. GO WhittiSulphui.flprings . CUMBERLAND CO.UNTY4PA: • THE 'above betmtlfPlly. cued on the brow of 'the , rmiuntainos' ens 9 . -. cif access, and is. surrounded'with mant:desirable' places cf . ainusement and 'recreation: ~T'ereotie leaving' Hrirrisburg or .,Chairibbrabirrecau'reack Newville in the care, thence' by stage in hours travel, at a cost of el t ; 5O Croix either of :the two first named towns. '. '' • ' .No careprattention shall be wanting to Kan der a stay, at these Sprinsalplerisimt and'brinefi: Mal ' SCOTT COYLE, PrcP'r. Juno 4, 18.51:8w. , - • •' ; • • • 111 )" • tt era • '4O • THE Proprietor °Olds pleasant a nd delight ful Watering Plaint, feeling highly grstified with the success which has attended his manage meht of the above establishment-during the first season, has increased his efforts to tender the place and accommodations still more ,invting dad comfortable. • ' --The-Warm Springa.rire situated _in Perry cu.' . Pa., on the bank's of Sherman's‘Creek;une - of .he healthiest situations in the StatM• • These watel's are melt knewn for their excellent Med icinal qualities, and are the best for the pc:thin nest cure of Scrofula, Tetley, and all diseases of the skin that has over been ascertained.. • The Springs are Ale Central, Railroad to DUncannon.,.whercta coach will al ways belffreadinnss. arrivaLef, the cars from the East, to convey passengers. Who desire to visit the Spfingti,l4 miles W.'of Duncan non. Persons leaving Philadelphia in the morn ing train, of cars call arrive at the — SPritTgs early' the same evening. The coach will commence next, and ru e nningda c i o ly ntlu oiitino dories nd'after the 15th-day of -June , the' smtten; leaving the Springs every morning so as to reach the cars going east. All communications for the Warm Springs should be directed to Duncannon P O, and will then arrive nt the Springs daily. The terms for boarding will he moderato, and every attention paid to those who shall be pleas ed, to' pay !Mu a visit during the season.— Ample provision has been made for gymnastic exercise, and pnimtime nmusements,'while Sher man's Creek affords, delightful fishing. • itmert,im o H H . ETTER, Proprietor. CARLISLE SPRINGS. . . . T"Eproprietor respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, That ho has fitted up the establishment of the CARLISLE SPRIN,GS, for the accommodation comfortably ofa largo number of Visitors and ..P,S " ' r-5 ; • Boarders. The Springslare situ §rifiri , rued four miles north of Carlisle, 14. f.• 4-le* t in a fine, eel It at d romantic .P--ezkr.:-4:l•..c=;v place,where evp y_aceMnmodatiori for travellers and visitors may be relied—on.— Cold and warns batlis in good order, Visitors coming in the curs from any of the cities will be promptly attended to by any of the Livery men with their fins carriages, and con• voyed_to_the Springs the same day, if desired._ june2s,6t D. CORNMAN. .IVE It" GOODS. THE - undersigned - HS just-ienirned from-(lie city with a SECOND SUPPLY of Goods sunable for the-season, embracing Cloths, Cue simeres, Vestings, Summer Cloths Bareie de Laines, Silk 'Tissues, dress silks,.P t inek.Canton loths, bombazines, Amick's, ginghartis:lustres muslins, checks, tickings, pantaloon suffs. Also _ .0. BONNETS. A largo lot of Bonnets including all tho now anedesirable styles,•at greatly reduced prices. • ' BOOTS AND SHOES. ' A full asscirimeat of _Boots and Shoes of evely_ deecription,•from the most celebratea — manufac. I tories of Philadelphia. GROCERIES, such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Molasses, Spices, &c. Also, the best quality of Colored Carpet Chaim The public in general am invited till call f -Innsmuch ns I can assure my customers that my goods arc laid in nt such piices, as that I can offer great induOcnients to purchasor,.— Butter, Eggs, Rags and Dried Fruit taken at Inarimt prices.-_-- juno2t3 DI:tV WOODS, Agt.. - - "Sportsmen 'nice Notice!" JON ZEXCIDEIt, North-East Corner of Walnut and Second Streets, PHILADELPIIPA. !ETAS ON lIAND, JUST RECEIVED. a Iltit complete assortment of SH T GUNS Powder Flasks, Game Bags, d all other Sporting Apparatus of the byse. mast ap proved patterns. He has constantly on hand SPORTING POWDER of all, descriptions; Percussion Caps, Shut, Bullet and Blank Cartridges, and a general assortment of mate rials for Gun Makers, &o.! Also PERCUSSION CAPS of a superior quality,.dosigned An assortment of FISHING TACKLE el-. ways on hand. All the above, and any other articles in his line, the subscriber will sell aajow as any other establishment in tho United States. • In testimony of his skill as a manufacturer, the FRANK-LIN INSTITUTE, in the years 1840 and 1842, awardedlo:him TWO CERTI FICATES--and in the years 1844, 1846,1847, 1848 and 1850, FIVE SILVER .MEDALS, all which may bo seen at his place of busi ness. [jyl6-2ml. JOHN KRIDER. AGENTS WANTED: usiNEss MEN to lake tho exclusive Agency (for a County or Counties) for the Sale of the GERNIAN WASHING FLUID, being an article much cheaperand,casier to use titan soap, and is warranted to porfectly 'cleans° all kinds of clothing, containing no potash, Soda ! nsli, Spirits of Turpentine, Ammonia; Acids, or any article whatever that will gn an manner injure the finestfabric or the flesh. It is an article which, when,once introduced, con. slant. sales can be made with largo profits tit. the Agent. 'Per kill particulars regarding pri. ces, terms, &g., address (post paid) to I. P. HOYT & CO. julylG-2m No. 26 South Fifth St.,'Phila. Silver Medals Awarded To LET MCLAIN" for • Perfumery and Fancy Soaps, 1810 and 1850. .11 4 M'CLAIN continues to manuracture . his Celebrated First Premium Vegetri• ble Hair Oil, 'Patent. Magnetic Soa i i, Orris and Touberry 'Pooth Whitti, , &o., pre pared at 83 North 7th. atreet, above "Clieriv, 'Philadelphia. And sold -by S. W. IrA.VEIt- STICK, at his Drbg and ileolt Store, North Hanover street, Carlisle. , Bitly2,lBsl.Gm IVIXV.IS2IL, dt. CO., BALTITITORE, Md. riENERAL COMMISSION' AND FOR -1131 WARDING NIERC..:ITANTS North Street, opposite the Sukineltannah Rail Rood Depot, Baltimore. Keep eonstantly on hand for sale, Fish,"Salt; Guano, Plaisior, &e. Lib eral advances made on consignments. June 18,'51,. Om pd. Harrisburg Steam WoUrd — Turniug and Scroll Sawing Shop. WOOD TURNING is all its brunette , . SO city style anti at city Ever variety Cabinet and Carpenter work titiltand or turned to, order.' Bed Posts, Table Legs; 'Vests, :- Admires, Newell Posts, • Wagon Hubs, , —Palirrna, . .Colitatns, Slat aniVgiteirler Round or Octagon Chisel Handles; Oe.„ • ;.This a hop is in STRAWBERWV•ALLEY, near'lltird Street, and.ns,wO intend to please all our cui•otners who iistant•good work .done, It is hoped the trade give us neall. Ten- Pols and Ton—Pitt Balls • made to order or ro• turned. 6 JO 10 00 30 00 • VV. , O. HICKOK Harrisburg, April 3011 G 1851-Iy. " EDWiN L. l'Apli:Flt. E. L. PAAN=7... di, Co. S, E, CORNER OF CALVERT 81, LOMBARD STS • BALTIMORE.. • ' ..„ EALERS in 'I in Plate's; American, Eng lish, end Russia Shoot lion; 13eilor and ‘1? uo IrOnt Hoop nnd, Rod- Iron; Iroil Wire; 'Pinned Copper; Zinc; Spelter,• qp4 Bar Lead; Lead Pipe; Shoot Load; Block and Bar Tin- ' Brave Kettles ;' Tinner's Timis' and Ma oldnes; Simio- Trimmings; Aram:Mau 4iy'eta, all sizoa,.Tinnad,atid Blaolti, 40: Murch 26, 1851-Iypd.' - • • Now, and Popular golniollloOk. CIONIPREFIENSIVE SUMMARY of NIVERSAL.HISTORY;Iogetitor with n . II lOOR 11 PI I Y:of DISTINO'D I E D PERSONS; to wiiich i's oppolidoti on opitOrrio of..lianthon anturaliPlillosophy; qonarol Astronomy nod PhysiolO AduMcd iu the Schools:Or Plititi4ol - • E: 0 NES "dr.:JU Ltih S lV Cartier. okEourtit'arid'ititOU.sis ., :Phila. 30thaply, .' • Peaehers and , Schciol , Cbmtnittuee addressio lottori , to us .fcist:pithi,, , ,wW , ho:;fq/Olicd With dapitja . for=exumittattoo.• ". • t , A fun assoftment'ocllUoka;#nd:Staliouk (or.saloat ths Lit) Otares , f,r, I)pp.s. '1 Frish)Liressa; .711edicines' ' iNrAmery,FanOi ' • . Sotscles: F.k.• -- •., ,A : , ,-- r j'IDE subscriber has just received ' hit; Spring ' ~ supply of, DRUGS, 114 ED ICIN ES,'AlsiD LIDMICALS, among .which • cam be ;found 'every article used by Physicians • in dheir pre. scriptions; to the putting up of which, ho will give,particular attention. Also, ' ' '' Paints, 011s,Dye BUM, Perfumery, Soaps, rka.,' and a, variety of Fancy articles ;too num, oronl3 to mention, to ether with &superior lot of , TOBACCO. AND' CIGARS of various brands, all of which, having purchased in per.' son, upon the most favorable terms, he will guarantee as being of the best quality, and is, willing to sell, not exactly at City Prices, yet for a very small advance for CASH. Ho would fuspectiully invite the attention Of Physicians, Country Merchants and Pedlars, to Whom he will , make a liberal deduction.— Opposite the Rail Road Depot, corner of Pitt and High streets,,Carlisle, Pa. • marl 9 •.S A HUBBARD.. NEW GOODS: NEW GOODS! THE moot extensive assortment of SPRING OODS ever brought to Carliso, noW opening and offering by the subscriber on the most ac commodating terms and uncommonly cheap.— Among the lot will be found a mose - eplenaid assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, such as Chaim and'Foulard Silks, Silk and Li• nen Poplines, Mirage De Lainos, Fig'd Surg, Lawns, Barages, Tissues. Mareelines, Bril• liantinoi An immense stock of Bonnets, all qualities and prices. Also, Bonnet Ribbons and Flow ers in great variety and very beautiful. CARPETINGS & MAWINGS, A full assortment of all kinds Carpetings and Mattings. White and colored CLOTHS, CkSSIMERS, Some new and elegant French Cloths and Cassimores at reduced prices. Muslims, Tick ings,Cheeks, Hosiery,. Baggings, &c. The public are invited to call and examine this largo and splendid stock of new goods, and they will certainly be suited with the goods and prienO. Recollect the old stand East Main at., Carlisle. lap2] • C. OGILBY. ir./8W SIP MEM G 0 Oil S AT THE CHEAP STORE. ' , EVE have just returned from the city with —T-Y-- a-large and extensive assortment of CLOTHS, oAssEuEREs f VESTINGS, Linen and cotton pantaloon stuffs, for mon and boys wear, tweeds, black summer cloths, Ken tucky jeans,.&c., cheaper than ever. DRESS GOODS, Mons. de Lainei 4000 yds Chintzes, Barege de Laines, Dotted &discs, • Lawns, Plain Swisses, Gingham., Plain Jaconetz,• Alpachas Barrid „„„ do. Silk Poylines, Bombazines, Colored Bareges, BONNETS, A good assortment, frdni 50 cdnts' to $2,5 Palm Lettf,'Leghorn and Rough slid Ready Hats, &c. MUSLINS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, linen and cotton diapers, nankeens, and an ex• eellont stock of Muslins, that cant be beat for cheapness, Edgings,, Insertings, Gloves, Ho sieryrSuspenders, and a largo lot-of RIBBONS_ PARASOLS, which will sold. cheap. GROCERIES, SPICES, TEAS, &c.,Zwhich will bo sold at lower priceis than the same can be bought hero or elsewhere 16a1 STYPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES ! Call, and See . before Purchasiitg elsewhere ! T"-:subEcriber isiust- -receiving- and .oeng- Mg at- his Cheap Family Grocery and Qucensward Store in West Main street, Car lisle, a very large assortment of all the arti cles in his line of business. . . Rio Coffee from 12 tb 14 cents per pound, 'for good to a strictly prime article. Also, Brown Sugars of the best quality, from 7 tog cents per pound, Loverines best crushed and pulverized Sugars from 10 to 12 1.2 cents per Pound, N. 0. Sugar House snit Syrup - Mola - s• ecs of all grades from 32-to G2ti per gallon.— Also, a supply of fresh ground SPICES of all kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, Cas• tile,•Rozln and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pal. verized Sainratus, Indigo, Mould and Dipped Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale Oils. Also, a supply of fresh Nominy,vheose front the best Dairies always on. hand. Farley sewing, traveling, clothes and market Baskets, together with rt - general. assoriment of Chew ing and smoking Tobaccos, Spanish and half. Spanish Cigars, Common do., ropes, twines, and Brushes of all kinds. CEDAR W A R E.—Housekeepers, and others expecting soon to embark in the sante business,. please call and examihemy stook of Washtubs, Wash Rubbers, Churns, Cedar Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets, Brooms, &c., &c. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE.—The subscriber has just added to his already lergii stock a number of white Granite, Gold Figur ed, Blue, Marble, Flowing Blue and Mulber ry Tea Sets, of 48 pieces. Also. Plates and Dishes, Tumblers, Preserve 'Dishes, Syrfip Bottles, Ac. of every description and price so that he wl be able to meet the Wants and means of ill in the community who-may favor bun with a call mars .N.VUIT SPRING GOODS. THE. subscriber has just Ja. , ned a general assortment of Fancy and Sri, pre Dry Goods, suitable, to the season , among which may be found a most splendid assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS; such as Barego De Lnines, Baroges, Poplins, Silk Tissues, French and Scotch Lawns, Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins, Silk and Linen 1.,U5.. tree, Ginghams, English Chintzes, &o. A full assortment of Bonnet Ribbons, Lace Gloves and Mits. Kid, and Lislo Thread Gloves, Hand kerchiefs in great variety, Lined and Plain Par asuLt, Wide Silk TriininiagLaces, Worsted La .ces, Ribbon Bross Trimmings, Bonnet Cape and Putrings,,with a goneral assortment of Mil— linery Goods. May 21,'51. G. W.HIT N ER. N. B. - An experienced salesman wanted im• mediatcl:7; ATTEND TO YOUR. TEETH I Dr. J. C. NEVI?, Dentist, respectfully in— forms the ladies and genticinicO of Carlisle and vicinity, that he is prepared to porAirm all Olie• ratiehs'on the Teeth. and Gums holoqing to his profession, and will be happy to render his Servie6, to all who'thay require ' Dr: N: has recently returned from the city of Philadelphia, whore Ito has made himself la- Twisted with all the latest improvements in the art, and flatters himself that Ito will lie able to insert lull sets of teeth on the almontherie pressure principles, or with sprinesi equal to any made in that city. 0 VFICK its High st., 0110 door east of the Post Office. Persons wish• tog to see specimens of his workmanship, will please call at _his_ roome,_where_they.will. have an opportunity to see and judge for themselves. june4,lBsl-ty 'y ATEST AR It•I V A L t I ..,...- LI -FROM-CHINA !—The rfe - - ki — lovers of good TEA can ,Ito I„ EILESH supplied wiiliJoultin's&'Co's , ?•.q Ti pytporios . :Greys, nod •Black ~Zi c , 0, , in n ov irt oiteer loose or pot up ;fthalf or pound me , tonic packs to suit purchasers at pricesrangaig from 50 coats up to $1 per pound, by calling at the store of (mrsr .1. D. HALBERT. = SELLING OFF AT COST 1 TEIE subscriber.having purchased the ei.o . ek of Dry Goods, Groceries, dec., of A. C, Fetter,. at the corner of North. Ilanover. and .Louther streets, inforMs.the public that the whole of the large and elegant 'stock will• be Bold out.AT COST. Lookout for bargains. vjy7,'sltf. JACOB FETTER. CARLISLE FEMALE SEMINARY, .z Institution will cOmmonee its next term un the tat el September, under the care of Miss Phalle Paino.lassistod by competent teachers. Instructionin the languages and drawing . , no 'extra, charge. ' • , ' Music taught bY an bi - petienCed tettehor, at an axtru eltargo, (june;25,'51.,—i14 -- , FIRM di. 'WATER - PROOF. D LANA'S Elie and Waloi Pt;:iOf PAINT, 4..111,-whialk hoe been an wenerirelrused for the loot . six -yogro _With the utmotit ..suocoos,on the roefo,of Houses, 3 !eanitie'llßt ' 84°. 0 °t .. n single insigne° ki known whore it has ror Bale. by tat 121 _ SA X T . tItATE MAGIsiDSIA:- , =Ali ogre°. C 'stbld ancLmild"rerrigorarit acid 9r c* .by 11DRI3ARD. ••, [mak , _ . BONNETS, A .& W BEN'I'Z J. D tIALBEIRT TPA! TEA 1 TEA Notices. REGIF;STERIS NOTICE. -maO •ICE le tireby 'even' to all , persons in (created that the following accounts have been‘filed in this officti for examination by Lila Imeountante therein named, and will Ile Boland to thit% Orphan's' °Mitt of Cumberland counts, fur, confirmation and allowance' on FRIDAY, the 22d day of August, A. D.,1851, viz - 1. The account of-Jelin homer, Administra tor of Mary Unmet', late of Kingstown, deed. • 2.. Thu account ,or Wm. Clark, Ad'lnr. of Janice Cleric, late of .Soutlialmpton township, deemed. '• . • , 3. The account of Jeremiah' Bowers, Adrei. - of John R. Ebright, late of Silver Spring twp., dec'd. 4.-Thc-'account -of Jacob_ Zeigler, Ex'r. of Maria E. Zeigler, Tate of North Middleton (p., doc'd. 5. Tho necount of John B. Coover, Adm'r. of David Bear, late of Upper Allen, township, dco'd. TIM . account of' Wm. Maxwell• Kier. 0(- 13/Jorge Maxwell, late of Southampton township, decd. 7. The accounts of Benjamin Musser, guar. dian of Susannah and Mary Snavely. 8. The account of Wm. R. Gorgas and Pe ter Barnhart, Ex'rs. of Susanna Fahnestock, late of East Pennaboro township, dec'd.• 9..,The account of John Shopp, Adm'r. of George Rupp, jr. late of Allen township, deed, 10. The account of John Rupp, Ex'r. of John Snevely, late of Hampden township, &fed 11. The account of John Houser, Adm'r. of Henry Kimmel, late of the_ Borough of Me chanitsburg, dee'd. 12, The account of Reuben Starr, Adm'r. of Isaac Lloyd, late of Lower Allen tp. doe'd.. 13. The a unt of John Lchn, sr., one of the Atlin`rs. of Peter Lein, Into of North Mid dlstori township, deed., as settled by his Exec utor John Lehr], jr. 14. The account of David Forman, Adm'r. with the will -annexed-of-Peter--,Copeulato- of- Newton township, dec'd. 15. The account of David Fireman, Adm'r. of Mary Cope, late of Newton township, dec'd. 16. Tho account of Frederick. Wonderlich, Adm'r. of Peter Rookafellow, late_ of the_, Bo rough of Mechanicsburg, dee'd. 17. The account of Samuel Garber and Da vid Demuth, Ex'rs. of Charles Garber, late of Newton township, dec'd. 18. Tho account of John Sheets, Adin'r. of Jacob Kauffman, late of East Ponaboro. town ship, doc'd. 19. The account of.Jamos McCormick, Ear. of Georg° McCormick, into of' - Southampton township, deed. • 20. The account of John Lose, Adm'r. of Abraham Lose, Into of Silver Spring tinimahip, dec'd. 21.-The- account- of David Lehr], Adm'r.. with the will annexed of Conrad Emminger, late of Silver Spring township, dec'd. 22.. The account of.s.olumon Mohler and Jacob Molder, Exr's.4f Daniel Mohler, hitc of .Allen.township, 23. The account of John Fircovid, Adm'r. Isaac Biedleman, late of Silver Spring town ship, dec'd. 24. The account - of George Kosht, Adm'r. of Ausolom Thulim, late of North Middleton township, dec'd. 25. The account of Elizabeth Wise, Ex'r. of Jacob Wise, Into of Lower Allen township, dee' d. ' 26. The account of Samuel Wherry, Adin'r. of Robert ' e 01, ao of the Berenzli — af - Ship ,- pensburg, dec'd. - 27. The accounts of Robert C. - Sterrett and Richard Parker, Ea'ra. of Thomas Uric, late of' North Middleton teiwnship, dec'd. 28. The account of C. Titzel, Adni"r. of Jas. O'Brien. late of the Borough of Mechanicsburg dec'd. • 29. The account of Thomas Sibbet, Guar dian of Mary and Joseph Seim', minor children of ;Daniel Seirer, - dee'd. 30. The account of John Trimble, Adm'r. of Wm. Trimble, Into of Silver Spring township, 3.1. The account of David Grier, Adm.r. of Juno Moony, late of the borough of Carlisle, dec'd. _ • • • 32. The account of Thos. D. Bryson, GueU.- dian of James and Samuel Adanis. WM, GOULD, Register. Register's Utica, Darltslo, July,,22d; 1851. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the Honorable• FREDERICK Way-re, President Judge oldie several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cuinberlund, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylva nia, and. Justice of the several Courts of Oyer anti Terminer and General Jai' Delivery in said counties. and llon. John Stuart and John Clendonir., Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the - said county pf Cumberland, by theirpreeepts to me directed, dated the 14th of April, 1851, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and GerieralJail Delivery, tobe holden at Car lisle oni, the 4th MONDAY of August, next, (being - Vhe 25th day) at 10 o'clock in the fire noon, to continue ono weeli u . ' ' NOTICE is therefore herbbY given, to the Coroner, Justices'of the Peace and Constables ofthe said county oft umberland,that they are by the said precept commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrancesotodo those things which to theiroffices appertain to be dono,and all those that are bound by recognizancos, to prosecute (against the prisoners that arc orthen shall be ; in the Jail of said .county, are to be there to prosecute them as shall be just, \ DAVID SMITH, Sherd'. Carlisle, July'.9, 1851. .7 1 1 , otice. %,70TICE is hereby given that application will be made to the next Legislature, ogre ably to the Constitution and laws of this Com monwealth, for aft 'altoration in the Charter of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, so as to confer on said Bank the rights and . privileges of a Bank of issue, and to change. th i s+ name of slid Bank to "The Farmers C. Mechanics Bank of.Carlisle." Ely order of the Board of Directors, WM. M. ,BEETEM, Cashier. Car •Dap. Bank, ,May Uth, 1851—Gm. SPRING AND SUMMER . • VEIZ Y. BODY should emhrace his op v if! Lug CLUTHIN( I. fkle Men, :kwl Boys, at such pried; ne have never yet , won to thie Braough, az. 3T . EINEIL% CLOTHING ESTABLISH- - Al EN T, w - ev Jlfain 01, 'nal door to Durkholder's Hotel Entbrneing,(l ehoien or the hest, most:desire Liu and findlinnablo . .. • CAS HAI Ell ET T COATS,! ,t,, , r HABIT CLOTH do. " - ^ ,7 2 LINEN DIMLING.cIo."; ' . , TWEEDS, &c., &e. . Together, with- n great variety . of English, French and American'CLOTElS and Summer Fabrics, adapted to the.wants of Men and Hove, both for Dread and Businessparments. Particular 'care' has been taken to procure the new style SUMMER COATS, •• "1 , -- PANTALOONS, VESTS, &o. • To which he wouldmvite 'special attention.— FURNISH I N 0 0 0 1) S, consisting of Shirts, SMoks, Handkerchiefs, &c., • all of which are offered at the lowest possible cash prices, and as Cheap as- any other Clothing Store in the Union. Purdnia who desire Boys Clothing, are' earnestly invited to'oitamine tho stock.: : Country a ore ,keepers can be accom modated arvery IoW rates for-cash. -- --Nap p;ivoisztore-W.l4*Alikaftill A. NEW o supply . of fresh Coffees, White and Brown Sugars, Spates of all kinds, ground rind unground, with all tho.other varieties of a Gro• ceryEStere, Including Maui new supply of Ten kin's No. 1 Quality of FINE ,GREEN & BLACK TEAS, io unitalliepanks of qUarter, half r and pound !tankages frorn• 50 to $1.,50 per pouad,'as also n the bulk, AU just opened and lariat& at the store of [rats] J W EBY. , LTho_Universal_Refrigerator• 'The anima:U . l6hr would invite the citizana' , „iii examine the Universal Refrigerator witlOWti , ;. tar Filter attache dwhich may be soon at hie iosidefiCo, new, in. •operation, and can be fan Malted city•pricaa, thereby saving freiglit,_ May 2t,'51. • G w • ',aitocraxxis, • - `YOST 'ieceived'a fronll lot of GROCERIES whi c h'wjß.ba.abld Story' low at the; old. cheap Store, Edst. Main Stract ego -Mace lla none. FOR THE HOIMMAICS", Splendid Viiindir,"EleganS Gilt. Eloonsi; dm. Ace. • • . • IV. .1-IA.V.ERSTICK haallust ',!ieweivact 17a' froth the city and is now opening a spier, did display of FANCY •Goo.l34,:ebnoble, for the approaching liolydai : SedseMAO Which be desires, to cell me attention bl,.ltiCfriehtle And' the public-. }La assortment in this 'finticirsnot be surpassed in novelty and'elegSince4 and both in quality and price et ,the articles, cad - - riot fail to ploase purchasers. ••• I 6 would be:inb possible toonumertste hie • • • • • HOLIDAY F.A.N.CYfG GODS:, •. which comprise every variety of fancy idclas • of the moat novel. styles and exquisite' Shas such as Ladies' Fancy Baskets, 'Fancy Work. Buxom, with sewing inatrumrale - - Terracotta. Work (a recent•novelty,) • Paper Mache•Goods,. Elegant alabaster and porcelain , ink-sittinti and tralts,, Fancy ivory:, pearl and shalt card:eases,. ___Port_Monnmes,ut_everyyaricty, „ __ E; Gold pens-andipencile-,.. Fancyipopen weights, PapbtMies, with a. large variety Eol Wiest- r• ncy stationery,. ®Motto seals-and wafers,: • Sills and bead parses, ®Ladies' riding whips, elegantly , ffnished,. Ladies' line-cutlery). -X=-Perfume-baskets and bogs, e Brushes of every kind far the Roussel's parfutnes of the various kinds, instruments, of all ltindb• and at alli prices, together-with an innumerablovariety of . articles elegantly finished and suitable fur ho lyday presents,.to,which. ho.irwups. APccial; tention. . ,Also, an extensive-and• elegant collection of HOLIDAY GlF'r ROOKS, comprising the various English and. American. ANNUALS - for 1851, richly 'embellished and ' illustrated vouricA.L_ O.RIK 8, with CHILDREWS PLCTOR[AL. 13 0-0-K S, for children ot. all, ages, •than which. nothing can be more-appropriate — or pleasing as•holider gifts. Ills assortment — orSelicol. School Stationery is also- complete;. ands cam prises every -thing used in . College- and, the- Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular attoption of Families to his elegant display of • 14411EPS, ,GIRA - N,DOLES; Ste. from the' extensive estnblishments of Cornelius.. - Archer and others of Philadelphia, corn erisin every,stylte Piirlor; Chamber and Stud; Lamps; for burning either lard, sperm or ethe real oil, together with. Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. His assortment in this line is un equalled in the-borough. Alma,. • •••• FRUITS. FANCY j T ' G,O'NFECTI OAR Y— • NUS—PRESERVED FRUITS, die., ' t , in every variety and 'at-ail prices, all-of-whiclit - 'aro pure and fresh, such ate canhe confidently recommended to his friends amPtho little folks.. His stock embraces everything,in the line of Fancy Goods, with- many otherartidles useful' •i i to houselteepers,which the public -are especially invited to call, and sad - during - the -holidays.-- iteinembor, the ,Old Stand', rfiaarly opposite the Bank oniNorth Hanover street. deck S W. HA.VERSTICK._ _ $5/ - 1 F.ORFEIT.I2 _ll-. HUNTER WlLL forfeit 850, if failing to cure iisy case -et disease that may come under his care, no matter how-lung standing or afflicting. Either sex arc invited to this private room, 38 North SE VENTS.' Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by other- patients;. Strangers and others who have been unfortunate in the ' -.selection of a physician are invited , to• call.— Those whil have injured themselves by-solitary vice are aTeedavited. READ AND- It EFLECT:—The• afflicted • . hl-do-weil-to-reflect 7 before-trusting-. theix , health, happiness, and in many cases; their lives- • in the hands of physi'aimm,,ignorant of this class- - of maladiess It is certainly Impossible for one than to understand all the--ills the human4aittily• are subjett , to, Every respectable physician> has his peculiar - whlch‘heTii more she • cessfal than. hiebrother professers, and to that: • he devotes most of hie-time and study. YEA.R.S• 02'PRACTICE, exclusively de voted to the study and-treatment of diseases off • - the_sexuaiorgens,together•with-ulcera upon the • ' body. throat, nose, - orlegs,.painsinithe bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregular- hies, disease-arising from youthful excesses ox impurities of the blood; whereby the constitu tion has become enfeebled, enables the, doctor: to offer speedy relief to all who-may place them-- 0 sobies under-his care._ lune4L_ 1851i—School Tex Notice. THE duplicate Of School Taxee far the-pre sentschool year has been issued to the under, signed, 'rioasuror of the School. Maria. of the Borough of Carlisle- • Dollar Rate-on Occupation, • sion; mills, Property of every description, . 31. do. • The Treasurer will attend atdlie COUNTY COURT HOUSE, in said Borough on , FRI- • • D AX, the , 15th` .of AUGUST nex;, between, the hours of: 9 , and 12 and 2 and 5 o'Clock - or said day . , for the purpose of receiving tlie Scholar. taxes aforesaid.: in accordance with. thb - School. Law. An abatement of five per cent..willlie rpado: on all such. Taxes as may be paid on or, before , die said 1501:of August, next, and - of three-per: cent. on all that may bo paid.aftea said.deto and.: before the 15th of October next;. aftenwhich. no deductions will bo allowed:and for all un paid Taxes, a warrant to enforce the collection thereof, will thereafter be issued as directed 0 \ Law., . J.. Carlisle, July 16, 1851-3 w. - , , - - CHEAPER 'ITIAN 'EVER. • MBE subscriber having just returned from the East, oilers to the public a more am plo and complete' assortment of goods in his. line, than ever previously offered, and respect fully solicits dealers and others to give him a call, when he ivill show them.goods at aston-• ishingly lots prices - - . . To Builders, Carpettiers•gud ()Oars.. His stock comprises a full assortment of. Locke and Latches of every description, Hiii;• - • gee and Screws, Windcw.Springe and Bolts ot, various kinds, Window.' Glass, Putty, .Paints of all colors, Oils, Turpentine, Sze.,, Also, Mill, Cross -cut and Circular Saws, Hand` Pannol,lltipping and Back Sews,Augurs', Chi sels, Broad, Hand and Choppitig , Axds, Hatch ets, Planes,.and Phine Bills, Steel and Iron, Sonares, Files and Rasps,. Neil ~ .Bruils-andt Spikes of all sizes. I would invite attention to my. beautiful as-• sortment of waiters and''Prays, plain and Go thic style, knives andforks, Butcher Knives,. Scissors and Shears, Brittannia,German Silver,. and Silver Plate, Table and Tea• Spoons,. Brass and Emerald Preserving If:office, smooth, in; Irons, Hellow- ware,. alis,.. Buckets,. Churns, &e: Oils, Patois and. Dye Stuffs, Fire and Water,. Proof Pen.. oct3o . • HENRY SAXTON. LIGHT SIDDYIER READING, /ran; F(ILLOWING . are among the new and.elniap publications just, received at the • hook and Periodical Store of the iLIiit=,..4BIIi)JCIILIOr (late Martin's) on Maim Street. Harper's, the International, Corlay's,, Gra ham's and Sartain'a Magazines corinly7-05. colts each. David Copperlield, by Dickens, 50, tents. Bona—Mrs. Lee Hentz's now story-50 cis.. 'rho Heir of Wain Waylanditty,Maryllowitt,. 50 cents. The Mother-in-Lair', by Mre. Seuthwartl7,. 50 rents. How Douglass, or the Autobiography of a.: Clergyman's daughter, 59 cents.. The Daughter Of. Night-25' cents... Lord and.:Lady Hatcourt•by CaralineSinclair , 50 cents. • Thn• Denning' and- their Beaux, by Leslie. 25'conts, . J'ltc Duchess, or Woman'n..lioyAnd men's Hate, 50 cents. • The Widow Rugby's husband - 5o cents. Polly Pea Blossom • Wedding, 50 cents. Together with a largo variety of other now: 'works. All'the new, publications received as .soon as published, and sold at . publisher's prices.: A complete • assortment of 'Stationery, Bove- , tepee, dr.c..alivays on hand, with a large 7rarie ty of Books In every Department of Literature, 'Science, thoteryi-Biography, Tlatclegr, Tra vels, &c. Also, School; Books of every hind, in use, nt the lowest cash prices. , , July. 2, 1851 A. ,P.l. PIP,EIt, Agent: A New, Supply of FARINA, COFFEES, SUGARS; , TEAS,., RICE; SPICES, MOTIAESES, SYRUP, and airrho , ether, neliessary:varieties, just. re ceived by 600025) J . W EBY. :pArr,TT FUSE, rOR. BLA.,sTitsiG,.4ocics ';,4IIRDERS for the ahave atiicKidißeseel to to' the'undersignedi - nt,them Manuraciory 1113ar.D.fechanicaburg, Cumborland county; I'a4 ?,;will'meet with „prompt 'attettkism,iind'he'fillati at the lowest oaeltvicee:.' • , • • • ' LGttiV vrdO4:!4:ir.zit: , - PETER' 1 IN.GRICI4-. 23aplYitt' at.SA tnc.f •Gel tatolO r 'litierip ht`thei Wars 'house.,